The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, July 28, 1881, Image 1

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in a .
n L onlitmti nn rear. 900.00
Ona-half. column, one fear, " 80.00
One-fourth column, on year, 15.00
. One square (10 lines) insertion 79
ftrarv additional insertion, 60
' IVofossional and Business cards ol
' notmore than ft loir's, per year,
Auditor, Executor, Administrator
and Assignee Notices,
M1aI.iI nntirM nnr Hn.
All transient advertising less man
I months 10 cents a line.
All advertisement Tor a sliortor pe
riod than one year are payable at the
lime they are ordered, and it not paid
Ihe person ordering them will ue held;
4eanonsible for tho monev.
4auiv".i. r - -
' Song of the Brakeman.
Oh, listen to the brakeman; through
all the livelong day, ' '
As the rattle of the wheel Wars the
whirling train away i ;
How cheerily be bang the door when
anybody leaves, .
' How cheerfully Into the ditch the liity
tramp h"heaves
And when you reach the station In at
the door lie leans,
'Lone Knarf Is what he seems to
cream, but ' 'Logansport" he means.
The burning cinder In your eye awakes
you from your nap,
And "Cedar Rapids1' must be nigh;
you hear hi in shout, Ce-rnp!"
His merry shout flows on and on, and
near the break of day
You slow Into "liatavia," and hear
him shriek B'tnyl"
And when at noon ho hollers "K'loo!"
you think its some place new,
But when you reach the station its
only Kalumaioo.
Oh, the wasted English language th'it
he slays without a sigh!
Oil, the stations where you want to
stop, but where you're curried by I
'Dah!" he calls at "Oneida," and when
they hear his shout
The passengers for "Uuda" In haste
go scrambling out,
And then to the conductor, In accents
plain and clear,
From his stution at tho steps he shouts
distinctly, "All right here:"
Burlington littwkrye.
The Cash Subscriber.
A cah subscriber (umy hU tribe In
crease!) Awoke one night from deep dream of
And saw, within the moonlight of his
An angel writing In a book of gold.
Exceeding peace made the subscriber
And to the presence in the room he
"What writ'st thou?" The vision ruis
ed its head,
And with a look made of all sweet un
cord, Answered, The names of those who
love the Lord."
"And Is mine one T" The angel mild,
"Not so."
The cush subscriber, speuking then
more low,
But cheerily still, replied," "I pray
you then,
Write me at one who pay the printer
ITlie angel wrote and vanished. Tho
i next night
?lt came ogiilu with a great uwukeuing
) light,
?And showed the names whom love of
dxl had blent,
rnd lo! the subscriber's inline led ull
the rest.
An Emphatic Lesson.
It was a lesson which a poor labor'
ft mm gave to a gentleman Tor
bom bo sometimes worked.
i John had so unfortunst appetite
MOiome called it for strong driuk;
W"i iDongbt be never drank to io
pxicatioD. yet ho spont much money
r spirits which ought to baveboeo
Ipeoded forjtbo comfort of hU iatn-
'06 dST. whila Jnhn mam t
tho paraoDago, tb parson took oo-
linn Ia LI . li. t - - .
v vuiuu mill lor III US uu Ol
nltiog , Mi b, dij u r.tber dio.
mMj. Bsidhej-
'Ton ought t know belter, John,
ktowing bettor, voa ouibt to da
Iter. . I am anhnniAil nf nn
ir DOM ia fairl - hUa.nm.H .ilk
toddy you htva drank .
,Iudad, sir, and do you never
w yourself T' retorted John, ooq.
irablv nsttlnd
And If I do, what is that to you 7
klr .1 , ..
- juUr couaiuon, as compared
asa, mrtner, l do not
sot of myself." ,
leaven forbid that I .hnnU ...
Ik it sir. But, ' Toot rren
'ou tell me how it t.,.
IU of Jtrusulam I. .
. v an
til the time P
y minister wu obliged to von.
lis ignorance. ,
(, ir," said John, with a
olng ortbs lips, and a surges.
M "U was simply beoaise ev.
kp bis own door' wsy
)p: i! .;.. ?
d thai endid tbe lessoo. ' ,
I 1 r" LJ
JUebaby ltery ill, Charlie1 1
Vraid be will die' Well. If
X he won't gototbsbad plsbe."
Charlie, kn- .
( -ww van juq anow
Ob, I know he oan't mam-
ii do teelb to gossb."
JitUborg poor board gives
bat it win -
' '
VOL. 19.
The Farmor's Hirid.Man
'I'm kinder lookin' aronaJ tbe
market for a Isireil man," bo exclaim
ed as be stopped nt one of tbe
stand and nibbled at an onion. "I
kinder.need one, but yet I'kiodur
hope I shan't be able to find him."
How'e that t"
"Wall, there ain't no profit in a
hired man no more. No, sir, bus
no good any longer."
What's the reason t"
'Ob a dozen reasons, First
foremost, times have changed,
tho hired man baa changed
em. Abt air, it mnkos mo 81 when
I think of tho hired men wo Im t be
fore tbo war great Ug fullers, with
the strength of an ox and the vim
of a locomotivo- didn't li.ivo to
holler my lungs out to pet olio of
cm oat of bed at 3 o'clock in tbe
morning, and it wns all ( coal I do
to coax 'em to goto bad at 10 o'clock
at night. I'm ufruid that wo shan't
never seo uo more hired men wutli
keepiu' around for their board."
"That's sad."
l's sad, and more, too. Now.
as I said, 1 want a hi rod man. I'm
willing to pny $11 or $12 a month
for a smart one. S o ne farmers want
a man to work all d ty und all tiit;lit.
bnt that ain't mo. nover nskod
one to got out of bod before 3 o'ulock
never, I alius give toy man
three-qnni'ters of an hour at noon,
unless the hogs get out, or cattle
break In, or a shower is coming up.
After nnmn lias worked rijbt along
for nine hours bis system wants at
least half an hour to brace np in.
Tbey don't quit work ou sumo firmi
till 8 o'clock, but I'm no sucti 1 ivo
di iver. At half-past seven I tell
man to knock o.T. All ho has to do
after that is to fuu 1 tbo st jck, e it a
litllu wood, mow somo grnsi for the
horses, milk four cows, till up tbo
watering trough, start asm ilo in
tho smoke houso, aud pull a few
weeds in the garden. I never In I a
hired mau who didn't grow lul on
my v irk nil thoy .ill n loft, m i foul
ing that tbey budu't Lulf tbuir
lie ntoppel long onouli t)
a tear from Lis eye. uud then
on :
"And now look at tho hired
nfto-duy! Ho wears whito
and collars- Ho won't oat wi'.h a
knife. He wanti napkins whon he
eats, and if wodou't hang up a clean
towel once a week ho wipes on his
handkerchief. Call him at 3 ho gets
up at C. o wants a wholo hour at
noon, aud after suppor bo trots off
to siuging school or sits down to a
uewspapor. Fifteen years ago if a
man was sick for half a duy I could
dock Liui. If be died I could take
out a month's wagaa for the troublo.
lie was glad to got storo orders for
bis pay, and bo would wash ia the
ruiu barrel nud wipe on the clothes
line. There's boon a change, sir
on awful change, and if a reaction
don't set in pretty soon yoa will
witness tbe downfall of agriculture
in this country.
"Tbon yoa won't biro anoth
er ?"
"Wall, I can't jasteay. Work is
powerfully pressing i bat I'm going
slow. Before hire him I want (b
know whether he's a man who'll
pun his plate for more moat and
taters, and whether we've got to
use starch in doing np bis shirts.
Tbe last man I bad took me to task
for not holding family prayors twioe
a day, and after I bad dona- so for
three months I found it was only a
game of bis. to beat me out of half
an bour a day. He thought be bad
a pretty soft thing, aud be looked
mighty lonesome whon I cat Old
Hundred down to two linos and got
through with tbe Lord's Prayor in
forty econds." ,
Lessons In Love Making.
Don't love too much at once,
' Don't do your spooning in pub
lic. , ..
Oive your little brother taffy and
get him to bed before your chap
cornea. .
Itecolleot that a weddioor ring on
yonr fingor ia worth a good many of
tbera ia yonr mind.
1 Try to find out by some means
whether your iuteodod knows bow
to get decent liviug for two,
He reasonable) don't expect man
working for eight dollar a week to
furnish yoa with a reserve seat at
tbe opera every other uight.
Dou't be afraid to show tbe man
I of yonr choice that yoa love him
m '
lrmaodr or oourte, hj ioym yoa
i r t -. .
Love is a double sided sort of con
cern, and bolu have a port to
1'on't try to bring too many n tit-
. ... . ,
ore to your feet. I hoy havo foot as
.1 .
well as you have, and vmi inn
,,. .. .
Jlra?l!T.lT n"r
... . . ulllu u very
glad to rail back.
Keep your temper, if yon expeit
your other-half-in-law tJ kojp his.
If bo docsu't suit yon give him a
ticket-of-lenvo. Ifhodoossuit you
dou't expect bim to put up with your
TA-al carefully with bashful lov
ers i lead tlietn gradually to tint
point nf proposal of courso but
dou't let them suspect what yon
nio at, or they might faiut or got
crazy on tho spot.
It is said lover's q'larro's always
end with kisses. This is pirtly
true; but if yoa nre not c ireful
these little spats youiu lulgo in any
enliu tho kissos yoa cjvut beiu
given to some other girl.
If it is possible, try to suit your
sisters, cousin, aunts, grandfathers,
neighbors, and friends, and acquain
tances when yon full in love. If you
can't suit them all, dou't worry, it
has never beeu dolio yet-
If you use powder, don't givo
yourself away. For instiinco, it
would bo well to spread u handker
chief over hia shoulder bef uo you
lean thorcou. Ho will bo too grocn,
depend on it, to suspect tho reason.
If his moustache looks a lil tlo pow
dery there aro several whvs iu which
it could be brushed oil.
Pou't iiuagino Hi it a huVnn 1 cm
live as a lovor on kisses 'it 1 m n
light. Ilo will come to l.i.s in wis us
hungry ns a bear, mid any know
lodge of cookery you can pick lip
during courtship is about the bo st
provision you can make for future
Fair Play out W:sl.
Thoy gavo a man a ehtneo onl
West. Iu l'cadwood. Cunter, or any
of thoso now Western towns the
spirit of fair piny crops to tho sur
face oven in judiciul lu'neeudiiis.
In Jirch liiht a Micliigan nun wh i
kee ps an eating house tit (iiinnisou,
was over-particular ubout tailing a
counterfeit half dollar, and iu the
row which resulted ho was consider-1
ably battered. He tborcfuro called ;
upon the JiiHtieu of tin) Peace and j
statod his cuso uu 1 uskod for u
"I guers I wouldn't make a fuss
over it," replied tho olllcml.
"Hut ho iiieaut to kill iuo.''
"Y'es, I presume so, but he'll lenvo
town und that will cud it."
"But he's a dangerous mau."
Yes, they say bo, but no ono is
afraid of him,"
"Judge, do you know what he ssid
about you when I told him I'd havo
him arrested-''
"Well, ho said you wore a blamed
grasshopper eater."
"Yes, but be didn't mean it."
"An he called you a reptile."
"Well, he was mad. I suppose."
"Yes, and he was mad when he
said yon didn't know enough to
write your own name, and therefore
couldn't issue a warrant f"
"Did he say that 1"
"He did."
"Then I'll issue on bim like a ton
ton avalanche on a yaller mule !
The mau who sneezes at my larnia'
must have a oontempt for the judi
Tho warrant was Usuod. the party
arrested and tried, and .the verdict
of tho oourt was i
"GuDnison William, the verliot of
tho oonrt is that you are guilty, and
tbe sentence is a fine of $33 in cash.
This oourt can't got over the fuot
that you villifiod its mental calibre.
It is also aware of the fact that you
haven't got a rod to pay your Hue
with. Now, then, if yoa will meet
this court I nek of this building on
the level, it will either got away
with you in six and a half minutes
or remit the fine, I want to prove
it to the citizens of Gunnison that
in eleotiog mo to tbe judiciary tbey
have cast their votes for a man who
can spit on bis bund ia eix different
languages and get away with a bog
pen full of roughs without having
an ear scratched. Prisoner at the
bar, have you anything to say"
Tb prisoner decided to go to
. It '
This country has 271,111 piofcfi
iooal teachers.
Thompson' Failure.
Fnrwell Thompson was the first
pi isonor to answer to tho call of the
11.. i.. 1 1 -.... 1 1
v iinii uia tuitfc null TPflfc Ull
1 1
I rm' " 1 Lo t onoe prococdod to
loosorve .
Jl'. 1 want Ih.
tn(ln W)0 cMn tUnl.Un
in there a
cooler ! Cooler 1 Why. sir, it is
hotter than six old-fashioned Dutch
ovens rolled into one I I buliove I
havo lost ten pounds of llosh since
dark last night, nti I I uovcr blent n
wink until after daylight."
"Yon shouldn't havo got thoro,"
was the reply.
"Was I to blame "
"I presnmo so. Von nro down on
tho records us being dua l drunk.
You conl ln't havo reached that con
dition without knowing nil ubout it."
"Judge, I want t explain. I am
an espenuioutalist.
"Ye." .their prices. They pay micli high ; with a true lovn's knot around his
I'l set ont yesterday morning to 'salaries t) their clerks that they niomsMvo fon.lieu 1 ; a hhiit of tub
experiment ou the hiiJi iu systuin. forced to sell their goods nt uu i.-tit rlirtli, Mill billions up
It was a re 1 hot day. and 1 want" I 1 thousand per cent, above cost in or- bclnu I his b.iily , rist steel llmiton
to seo what particular di ink wouhl ! 'I01 to make any money fjr them- ,.,) gloves, wiih uir-t'ght vei.ti!at us
soonest cool tho blood. I first took I selves, ,,it tl,,i joints- und iu -eiit
plain whiskey. Thoa-ands of men I Tliut tho mail.i t is ovnlnu h-iied c!ieese-he i Ld, pluui pud ling walk
diink whisk y in winter to lie.ui ' vith sjiiing poetry. T.m w.istu b is. mg-cune, with iuiti ils '!). I." n,
warm, nud in summer to keep cool
Its un iiifcruul snide. In ten minu
tes uftor Inking whisky, twelve do-
grecs h id been a 1 led to tho heat of
my Hystoui. 1 thou tried brandy,
gin, t iger, wiuo, uu I io n uu I ler-
ry. but none of llieiu ha 1 u co iliiiu
ellcct, Whilo tho thormoiuuler
stoo l at '.I I degroos in tho sha In, I
stool 1 2"i, an 1 dirk I sue
ciinbed, .Judge, dou't you driuk
spirits on ii hot day if" a ivi low wears woo Is to
"'iVhs that tho on l of your oxpoii- catch n huiln.i 1. Siu wo il I ritii
ments !" jcrcatcha mau wliiid not a hus-
"Yes, for th it day. I was intend band,
ing to start out to day and try lem- '''' lt "ilvor wil.di will tell the
ouado, ginger ale, sola water, root time jnit m wed as a gill ono.
beer, p ip.h ilf an I half and Congress ' -V gol I w it ;li M ill tull tao li u i I in
water, mi. I on tho next day I would I'ai'i- to ii silver watch's once, an i
b? able to givo lo the world tho ben- 1)0 tx fr,M''J lls oval'
elit of my nxpei ieniM." I '"''at shopkoep "rs never in ;r!;
'I sometimes try lifllo expeii- their goods below cost. They fre
metitH here," reaiarke 1 his Honor, l:eutly in i:k them down much bo
as he g izu 1 thirstily ut tho water- j low what tho goods rout tho pur
eoolcr. "I'd liko 1 1 seo what ell'net chaser, ospeci illy if ho boa putic
thiily days in t'uo woikhouso would ; l',r li'iend, you knmv.
Iiiivo ou your system,
' 1 believe it would kill me, sir.
I'uct is. ull physicians havo warnu 1
mo to keep out in tho open air."
"Wi ll, 'in going toput vou there,
and I think you'll bo tiitouished ut
tho lieiu results
"JJul I cun t go."
"But you'll have to." I
lie mi I he'd die right I hero und
then, hut ho didn't. In live minutes
had finished Hindis lunch, uu I was
feeling in buppy spirits, Ihl.-oit
Vt'C V'vus.
"" 1 1,11 1
Twenty Reasons.
A great many people en lot uu-
derstiind why tho fuinalo p irtion of
tho comuitiuity prefur sober meu.
Tho matter is simple enough.
1. Wives liko sober husbands be-Iter
cause they can rcusou with a sober
2. The soboriuau is moro compuu-!
3. Sobor mcu havo pri lo, und
prido is a woman's main hold.
4. Sobriety tniaus a oomfjrtablo
5. Good clothes for mother and
G. A houso of yonr own.
7. Kvouiugs ut homo instoal of iu
a barrootn.
8. Bettor health aud enjoyment of !
i. An clovatod view of lifo and a
bodho of your responsibility.
10. You aro n credit to your wife
and childron,
11. IVople that onoe despised you
will now bloss you.
12. Your word will be guaged us
you resist tbo tempter.
13. Young mou will pattern after
,11. You will bo an ornament to
society and the wbolo town iu which
you live.
. 15, Tbe whole community will
take pride in you and wish thoy bad
more like yon.
10, Your family and friends will
appreciate you.
17. Your enemies will admire yonr
path of sobriety.
18. Scoffers will be disarmed by
your works.
19. Your manly qualities will grow
with your years
20. God will bless you. .
Out of 103 cases of sunstroke nt
Dayton. 0 within tbo lust few days
thirty have proved fatal,
Popular Delusion i W.iis'i Have Coon
That milk is compound of wale,
chalk and sheep's s.bmach. Milk al
ways comos from tho vow a great
nsy from the cow,
Tliitbriss band music is unpleas
ant lo the car. Wo know of a ru !
who lived f'r years next, d ir to a
baud-room "d has never ntteie 1
ono 0 )'ii)l lint iu ull that ti uj. He
m .1.... f n,l. !
That railroads aro intended for
the beuclit of corp iiMli m. They
are iiileu led for too l mi nit of lh
peoplii tho pnoplo who hold tho
majority of stock,
That a small hoy hair nu over
coat, lie lovos it so well
dislikes to wi'ir it nut.
that be
1 nut whistling is disagree ildo II
! i nlways ngrei able t ) tho whistler.
1 hat diuggists aro eUoYtionat.i in
.ket captures s.i much id it that but;
very little of it comes on tho m irket.
that liny lool can write poetry.
It is only a fool hero uu l til jr j woo
can do it.
1 ual women go to ciiuivli to sen
other wuuieu's bonmils. Thev
meiely go to slio.v their own.
Tint boy tiiinks ho kuoivs mine
than his father. Ilo only piidus
him-elf ou his sujiDii ir intelligence.
iii.u I'm sell -coiiceite.i man
, thinks everybody is u fool. ,7o
'Iocs not inel ilo one person in tho
citegmy, niunly. myself.
i That peoplo leil i to bo lauglm I
at. l.ooU at the low come ban. for
illhlllUCO. I! 1.7 til 'I'i' M.K'Vyif.
Freckles and Sunburn.
A Now York paper h is tho follow
1 u'1" u" ll,5"u " m"'" ,U,)M'' 1
ing cures for liieHu so much di,jide I
'".''uU of hot wcaliior uud
warm Minds :
1. r.niso und then s piee.o the
Juico out of tho comm ou ehiekiv.-u I
sud to this juico ad I three ti.-mis the
1 quantity of soft water. Hathu the
Jskiu with this for live or ten minutes
i uud wash afterward with clean ivn.
uight aud morning.
a, KKlor Uowhih hImuM 1o tioiihM I
und applied exactly in tho sain.i man
nr. When llowers aro not to bu b id i
tho distilled water from ( which imiv
bo procured from un druggist ) will
uuswer the purpose.
II. Ilnuey, oiie ounce, mixed with
onupiut of 1 uke '.variu water ; when
cold it forms a good lotion. This is
commonly called honey wash.
i. 'lho carbon. do of pitash, t'.veii-
ty grains ; milk of iilmou ls, tliruo
joun ;os i oil of sassafras, three drops.
Mix aud tipply Uoor three ti.uus a
Ha LIvoJ Tiiure.
"Are you tbo tax collector for this
ward 1" ho usked as they ro lo t
gut her ou tho platform of tho car,
"Assessor f"
"Waterworks mun !''
"Anything to do with tho census!"
"Nothing of tho sort. Why do
you ask "
"Why, saw you eomiug out of a
house ou Sprout atreot tho other
day with two chairs, a broom and an
ottoman Hying after you, aud I said
to myself that you were an offloiul or
agent of some sort, und had nuintou
tiouully offended tho woman,"
"No, I'm no official or agent,"
replied the mau, In a looesorao voice
"1 live there and that woman is my
wife. Savey 1""
"Yoa bet 1" was the sympathotio
respoose, and tbey kept closer to-
glhr aud took a chow from the
some box. Detroit Free fruit.
'28, 1 881.
$100 Reward.
Mi-ising, alall, slout-complosion-ed
gi'iiti'iui in, llvo f.nt sit in''h's of
a:e, 'JS jca; sin height, pin's hair,
green ryes, m itive eyi brows II i
In I on wh' ii lat seen, a pair of
swal'nw-l'iili'd tron-.ers, Willi sau
sage Mi i-ii-d sli eVts, fashioiial'le mill
lou-cutlel, wit li cast irou
tiioiuiiiis mi. I knitti'l iiiiilioauf
l ',;s, a doii'.ile b n 1'ided fioek coal
a itli trii' c ill ir mi 1 1 ib ii'i; lining'.
I loino I wiili Ihron ll nini-i's ; witer
igllt I'.lliV.H boots, wit'i p ! I tin
iojih l.ic.) I n;i at tho Kidos ; niil.'li-
box hat, low-ciowticd, trimmed
: k,u:h u r mnd tlio e lgus w ithout the
i li.ip i a pair of giecu und white
stockings.with potato heclsiilid sides:
U Tarlai iau necktie, rather down ut
1 1, ,,.,.H n, I mad of belief, tied
lel'.rrs. This l-ii.'
'geiillem iu was b. ru aft. r his vmiii" -
r brother. Ins being ubaciit
ou caidi oceasi
' , ,
Snvul hy Cl.risllan Patience.
l.,owver ran into (ho house
'' I lit ' I'scile I an I r I in the
fl'''- " 1 her hubiad askud h.;t
, rtii wroi.g.
I a u a
iiristi in," sho replied.
"lltl l I don't like to ijnatTf!, but that
Mrs. Jenkins is jmt too much."
... ..
"U hy, wh it s tho in itter f
-So., iii. ,11,.,1 ;,. i
: . . (
"Ihil S.IO ? And "hut did JOU say
'bliek ?"
1 .. , , ,
". t n wor I, I just lnM her she
was :t mean, t ittliug, goo i f ir-uoth-
, , . , , ,
lllg, tloless. Ii.y, hloiicliy. slovelily.
cm eless, gi, si lly, gabbling, gos-
thirg, nud nil the iieiglmts
l.iii. w it, aud in. In, l v likud her, und I
wouldn't speak to In r if she didn't
belong to our church, mi l then I
c line wny. I kuow if I had uot con-
. "'ll my toiupcr Id huvu suid
I something to make her mad, audi
joii.;htu't to do that "
' 'l'h"U shu tlippal do vn into a
cu ur, un..i her iiuninu i smile I in a
ipienr sort of way. uud her face gut
r.'dder than ever, uud only her
I 'urist i in pnU'MiCj a ivuj hui Suit
fniii'i'it' lit r i' f.
1 V-'"U Lcienee.
, At the crn-cti mal tribunal of the
Si ine, u ,pi ie i.i bt o'i;;;it in. iiccuh-
' "'": 1 ig'i'lty of n i.ui-
Kl""-'" I'.v ih u.; i crowd, un I ob-
! wtriK-lin. tho Tout N nf, Tho .Mag
i t"v..j dennui i. :
i "Thou Hcauip ! How is it thou
''! -ves'. such a cro.v I ubo it thue.
liUl Htfllnst H ) Ill'lM tif ii) V n(!!jiiV:.''
i ... "
"wuour I is .1 ym ki-ow
i,,inv m,,"' p'pln ciusa tho lVut
u,,t "' u'1 ''our.
How sho d I I !"
"JI nv ui my dj yon think, M-
Jngo!" ;
"I tell tlua I don't kti ).' '
"Wull, then, M. lo Jilge, let Us'
say ton thousand. Noiv, how many ,
. r n...- . .1 . i.:. I : .
... ...v"U juu I.IH01 hiu itmui
nlloil 'li tn in in ivlmn il i iiimf" I
oiionnio iu wuou u laillSf
"Oil ousts' PeiliunA Iiiiii.Iim.I "
v.i. pusis . 1 1 iiiajis u iiuiiiiie.i,
"It is too in .nv ! Ii il T 1 ,1 p n lii.! ii
11 IS 10 1 llluy j U.Hl li IVO 1110.11
to you, nud take tho nine thousand ,
Iniiin hundred. Thoso iirumv cus-
(oiuers, .i, io J uge. Lan I help it
if G jd undo thom fool f"
The Boar ; the E!iio-3otllo and
. ' Musquito.
There is familiar Western nt ory
of a tame hear, which, seeing a blue
bottle on its sleeping mantel's nose,
tried to bout it oil' with a blow of its
paw, but iu tho attempt damaged
his frieud's nasal organ. A similar
tale is told iu tbo ".Mukasa-jutaku."
Iu this birth tho Kodhisat wus a
tindesmuo who went from village to
villuga to dispose of wai os. Ono day,
when tt tho bojjo of a carpenter
Mboso head wus liko a copper por
ringer, a mosrjuito alighted thereon,
und tbo carpenter called to his son,
who was near, to drive it awuy.
The eon, taking a sharp axo for tbe
purpose, aimed a blow at tho imeot,
but split bis father's bead in two,
and killed bim On seeing what
was done tho Bodbisat said that a
wise enemy wus better than a fool
ish rotative or friend.- The Von
temporary Heckle.
I" 11 IS l0!ST.
I'uMished very Thiirsdav Evenlnsj
Terms of Subscription,
bMo vilhin six inniilhs. or '-'.oOifnnt
psid williin iheyrnr; No tisper dis
roiitiiiucd until all srrenrnires are
paid unices at tho option of the pub
lisher Sulwi ilpiiotis nut-ido of the conn(.r
Syl'rrsiins lifting nnd uning papers
addressed .o others liccoinc suiwchliers
slid sre linhle fnrthe priro of the paper
'7if fi7 Si-iiti ri.ttitr, tin
morn ' Ifo- 'i'.yi on l Skin
ltl(;Xl OHM
il..i. W. Hr..wn. I. .r,,l , frorl.liei s,
II. I . rur. il I r u I ir IU -iinliM d Kin.
Tm II ni-.r not si t1!" Inrii-r .. whtoh priii1
all i'Vr lil nr.. n- k ni l f. e. noil lur III
ycaia r l t . .1 nil kli .! i.l I'oil.minl.
Slil III MOtt
K. II. I ritkp. i:- nn: for 'I -(..t h HnK.,
Iinlrolt, Mi h., iftw. nti n-tonl-lihM nr-rount
"I M e imp p loi.i v r ,.lnt), wlilcii lit I Imoa
Irpif.. I l.v h 01 .-.! .i) f r'lvl'lm. ltn.
' mil t'lK-n'. no t w I'-h h). niii. jl i.i-.i i i,
I'l ti. im Hi ...i v.m Hid rnnllv iinJ Ol Ti.
j -
. nn I 'i ri. mi mmi. ptnrmi Iv,
i.t ni:ti
l II. A. I(i)in n-1. ,n ill ir K. W.. .1 Nil.
li kiin, .Mill.. ,!. I r I f Hi-nl.l lli-K.I ol
nine ye. ir' iliir.itlin iv r n I'liilrur llin'ln
lion Wm. Tv:--r. II- !. ., trmsat
t.r riirpil of a Itiitoor of Ilia ft,. ntol .i,p
l reui4) liiii hit Loan Ir- .il I unuenMnf.illf
lortrtp0 Ji'i l.f hi inv nf Itt.ton'l M-l
'.0 I in- ill I in ..I n il I it.t l.tll-tn, wall
I iir.i,.iii ,tt, ol'lc'.
!' .. '. .
,,r"- l'"r.. I in I'ltMon Sf
-o t U - ol liio- n i.tnr'li . Ml.l, win, wn rnr.ol of
in II k iTti-t w It 1 i'Ii ri'"l-lB I nil r inn. Il't.i lor Inn
i-ur. N w n Hits. Ittiillh) Lo), with n.lnM.
i u I l.uti .1 o li nr.
r ti.i.i.-vt; ii tin.
I'r.i U A. II un. Mo uu r lo In 'In- , II
ton, rt i . iirr.t of noli t'.'iK.or I illm,; ol the hir
1) i o I 'i n. r it V Hi. -"i v. m In'tirnll7 (inl
ri ru i i.i m. I i'i ii. i hi St. at rxtrrniitlT.
whl h i"hiii I. : o!y rivt r. I lil luir slien ill
Mil. I li" n, ol I I It.
1 .. I, r, :.;.i l rnnkl r I Ave, M.Mk.IsI.
II. n til l.'f n I m , I 1. .1.. ...I. ..If .hliiti I... I.'.nl,
ynir h.i 1 r .vor .1 l.l l llli p iiIkh n.
,""rl' r:"f n '"' h "' iuiWu " b ,b
1 1'ullf ir Hoiiio ll .
- .
!'rm:ir.i i:r.
i Tlie r i it ri: i Tin irm:T t-:n;o In ths
I. lemul ii... ol ilm i re i :n I(.!-.ii.vknt. tl.s
i linv llloo I i-'irillrti-. Sli'l tlio vi Pinnl u-e of
'I'lTiiinv no. I i'i lit in .Mir, III Ureal
j "'' m'.T" ' kln nut i:r.
TM ' ill SiMl'. an xnillmln lollri, Inlh unl
ur, ,. ,. .11... lnur .,,1 m, .loll.'luu. ..
( mlnr. n l l. kIIhk IhImihi-.
I 1 1 I It i
llttiii- l... nt-.t i r
or i'i rii'i im. n M'
!.i ; lui '. Itoifn, t
III.' II.' V I'.l " ' I I'm'
it., l.v i .Im::.' un. I'rlrs
.In null i. lly, un n l liiiicri,
I I'i in i n x It j..-f ii, -r-w t,
r. t' I'.T l'oll... I'I lit I HA
StOAT (III.) ii0l)il ol loO ll.'l-l .1 Itlol lollei,
'.'fiO. ( I nt I ll .1lKlliriH.ll. hllAVIMl UAI'
U'. I'rlii.' il.. l,
lis i urn a ii..-i , Mnu.
AS. A 'i mail' I ii. f oi' r . - ,.i ..r iti.'h.
f I Ism.
I.- 1 ,, ,i ,. . ,,r .i
i hi;- II. ... mil l.M..ry
iioio. . I o. y Nil- a l-utoT
nn.l .. rt'iiu i ir.-'or I'tn An I IV. Aknt'-M f lliil
l.nni', I, ii-r, Ki.lii..),, aim llrliotry HrcAlw,
Kl.t'tinihtifiii, fSo'iniVm, Mi. i. Tit, K.'.illli
u. .!,.i..., Nti-ii.iii. l imit uo I Wo I'jiio. trt,,
.11 Aiarln, I I . i. r AH I A. ii' . I'll, e '4.1
-i.'M I lllj I" I.I t
W..I u it Ik I' i 1 1 .i. II .1 n. Mam.
a .i. it
. a Work
III'. A.lllu
,1iiw ,.r.t ,
H'',Ti:i) -"ir
i.l,' 1 nn l. n:
I-. M. it II l I..N, .
I'ny. I. In hi
lil. SMi!).rt
NAi.uu NliAAl,
Error i of Youth.
A ti I..N I I.K m i hiplHic.i r fl tr Imtn
a min lI.MI 11 l V, I'l KM All lit-, im:.
I V Itll't .all tl,r l llr 't" t V'.l.tJlltll lflilt-1'fn-
II -n, tv ill lif Ilm fiiNu i( MHirfiiiH liiiinnniiy,
"ri I trio In ill whu nnrj.1 t t:(n r 1 1 tin t ill
rfi'itun lr nutUUm tt ts ttni.t r mi'ly I y wt ii'l.
i w I vurv , Su im on u liitnt t rotl hy
I t r-r:ii lu i r:t-'t r I it 'ntn-ti JultN li. Ot).
! I'K.V. I.lcuv.m.. Nti urk.
: Mn st. 'kico,.
I will mill (i r a) II.- rn. iii.' lor a,
I Ull I OIK II.IMI 11,111 Wi Mli.t.lf. 1 ., x
' I lil.l K I.I.n, l l.lll'l.ljs iu. I lll..ill'lil!S,
u I- a ' Hi" Aln oil, .'lt'.ir All.l Int not Jul : A 1-11
j l';-iruitlonii lor iir.nlurinrf a lumrlvtl iirutli
vi Inlr on ii lul l loot. I or ml. In.' A.I.
' .lrf-, Uir nn ... niuii.i, IILN, VA.rl:u
it ru., : lii.kiiiao St., r. v.
i.n ,i,iii.- ., i.hvIi .. I fi.ii .-.i,.Aiionllr
ciiro.l rf o.iu .r I .lli-..d. i'.iii.t.ii,. t.r a I. riunl, I. tii,.u in in i t kunoii l
lil iillii mi"r tut' iiii'-lK ol o ire. Ti all
,w ,.lre Ue Bl , hl,ll( t ro u lllB
. ri.ilon ii.. oru- ui rlmriin ) with ilin illr.n.
,.1'rireimrlltf ! lug tl.A aui. wlili'h
""" ' ' "K lor ,'",,, """,i
A - r H M A. It Ilo MM I Til., ki".
I i'"ftiwifi,i K ii" t'"'
- ' in, I. ti . , .1.1,., ,
M'llluimii''UiK. N
Q KOIUiB U, UKM'tll.
Oountv Sni'vcvot''
KraLcrviMc, Sny.'cr County Pcnn'a.
riin ti'j'liij uu I ('iitivrj'Micitiir i roinfillr
Anl Hlii'llully nilrn lei In. A vf
I hr pulilii'' jmiroii'iyo o 1 i c i I e .1 .
Jul; 'J ilii, '7rl, nl
Cluldr for hoih SEATS, for Ilm hiurrlcl ad4
I" i ii'mpl.itln . ii. i. n o" .1 ,r ijiniu. f . i hi; IiihiIi. AC.iiit.ii'..t i.' lho itillUiiiioii IIa1:Ii,
liieuM-.aiiil I'hj-li nl I, of M.nmnil Winiaii;
pure In lAiiunifu, aihI tin.ii.i vd hv .iau.biia
fwrvwlifif., 0O ocnii, Hr. A. U.
OI.IN, tit,, ol ! ri rot uili.i tu li Vorihwrti,
Trim will ittv 55QO lor I'fr rru..' uf priviuc ur
Clminic di-CAft' til tilltiur at-v lio lit ItTlnkitK Kli4
full! to cum. S 'hJ ih., -iiiiniiH lor Cuidfl to
Henlth. Reliable Fbmale pills, S5
a B3i(, A qiiit i lioi.i.' lor K.iliuM uiiro.j tun
iliuii.oi i. Rubber Qooda nd i Ir :? ir nl
idijiui '.tuit luiiouiui.on, l.v niro., so cents.
Dr. A. Q. OLIN,
Kontnrltjr Mlnck, (111 B. Clark bl , ClilcAgu. Ill,
N.irililAc Altr rHrtS sllh.
rain b th-aintl,,. H-Ad
l n in li lor jiill.Alr..llr.lUlr',
auriH ii.vsp M,, . NiCAlfw.
o Mnrliet Ht.
lailuilollUlu lu.