The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, July 21, 1881, Image 3

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    THI3 POST.
Oiddleburg, July 21, 1831.
l.ocn.1 Newn, eJfcc.
a.rne (moTT CnnaT. Che Cnart ol
nr.ler coentr are eld th ' Moarfaye
Si frm-iurr. Met a t)epleibf, aad taooad
gokdey DeeeniW.
Alt communications, tiiisino. let
lera Ao.. for thia nlfloe,. to aecure
prompt attention annum uo nnrweeu
M foilowi! Tub PotT, Middlebiirir,
tMiyder County, Pa. Advertisements,
enmmunirationa Ac. must be hntided
n by Monday noon, to secure inser
Ion in nert issue
With Uile issue we enter upon the
fifteenth year of TUB Post under Its
present'inanageiueut. And, it is w hoi
1y becoming to ey to our put rone
that, we are truly thankful for their
steady support and resertfully re
quest a continuance. We have had
no occasion, nor was there at any
time a necessity, to employ trumpe
ters to herald our suect'M ; nor did
we sing praises unto ourselves, but
have steadly moved on in the "even
tonor" of our way taking no heed of
"the roaring lions seeking whom they
tnlght devour;" maintaining the right;
adhearing to truth; sustaining justice;
encouraging peace and harmony; ad
vocating sound policy, and honestly
striving to do all the public good in
our means and sphere. We wilt move
on with the world and the other ma
chinery that moves.
Hie picnic season is now alive its all
1 1 glory.
OaUhrirvest next the crop
will ,
For the bent Tnbaaco and Cigars cull
t (he Central Hotel.
The prediction is that there will be
ii immense chestnut rrop this year.
There are some girls in thia plnrei
who want to le crouni-aled very often
Jlam shocking.
TWri. Oulelins and two rMtitrin or
'nr(humberland, paid the editor's fam
ily a visit.
John Steininger brought to this office
an ohIs stock measuring six feet two
iucltet in length.
Hev. Doctor 'Wolf, of Gettytliiircr. dr.
livered an interesting sermon nn Sh.
Vnth eveninir lust in the Lutheran
cburch of thin place.
When a man is bitton lv a hornet
r "yellow Jacket" hn never tries to
deny it. On the contrary ho is ready
to mako oath tn it.
Judgment, for 2 rents has been ren
dered at Hanover, York enmity. ngitin-J
Levi n. Miller for tolls due. lie took
an anneal to Court..
LailweeV, Oil. William Turd'us.
returning from his farm to lii resi
dence, was attacked by a lane dog
and severely bitten in tho righ t arm
TheOol. dispatched the Iwutn.
The Grand i4rmy of the Republic of
tills olata will go into camp under
csnvas unon the hattl.fii.i nt n..
triburg forone wee, commencinii on T..1.. AO-J
Files are said to soon disappear from
. room containing rli nt v.. r..i.
owing mixture ! Jfalf a teasDoonfnl
f black pepper in powder, one of
rown sugar, and one of cream, mixed
Some of the young men of thia place
e got -the summer fever" in a very
ullgnant form, and It ia doubtful if a
rnianient cure will be eflWtd he(V
fow weather ieU in.
I . w-. ..W-W
An exchange says that the late com-
W. . -
was a boon for married nn All
hey 1WJ to ,aT when going home ,ftta
that they bad been gazing at the
DomaL It i ., . . .
f - ---- mma aiways mua mat man
ould com(i)t over confiding womon.
X LRelhl. District
kub-agenu sold fifty-seven Champion
"i" ana Mowers in Snyder county,
"is season, and if they could have
eo supplied by the comnanv nnarlv
) nftnjr'more would have been told
il may not be generally known that
raall spoonful of salt adJed lo the
Fm at eaeh skimming win
hat strong taste to frequent in cream
'ter being kept three or four daya.and
much tuperior to the usual custom
wiling the butter after hurning.
A-lt a1 common household n..L
nee to find the carta of rr..; ....
tlTOly screwed on that they cannot
removnd i ih i-
. si uioiu aip-
ro in hot water and annllMt imu
h"lde of the cap will cause it to ex
rn,1 when , it will come off without
lWetralflofeart on the Mor-
railroad la Mexico ran Into the
Jitodo tifr. 'at a nolnt nnn.
on aoeoiint (of
P giving way of . .tn- hLi.
r train waa ln&H I'itk .i.n '
U an adwtielng aga. ver
man who ia up to Iha timet lakes Care
that the world know It. A trade can
dle U not hidden nnder ft bushel
in I noes I found to increase In direct
rnlio to the amount of money Jitdl
rimialy expended in IrV.lng the public
know where you are and what you
have to tell
To take shelter from a thunder show
er nnder a tree, is to invite great risk
of being killed by lightning. Thia lias
been published so often that it is won
derful every person who can read
does not heed the warning. Still, ev
ery summer we have additional in
stances that tho danger remains tin
known, or that many people are heed
leas of their lives. Colter rik a thor
ough soaking than to seek such a fatal
A new law requiring practitioners of
medicine and eurgery to take their
diplomas to the prothonotaries of their
counties to be registered has been
signed by the Governor and has gone
into eflect. The ponality for refusing
to comply with this law is a fine of
one hundred dollars, one half to go to
the prosecutor and the other half to
the county, with imprisonment in the
county jail at the discretion of of the
court. Thia is one of the methods by
which il is proposed to weed out bogus
Last Friday several boys of Franklin
wore shooting mark and becoming
tired of the sport loaded the gun with
nn unusual quantity of powder and
afraid to discharge it they took il to
Mr. John Francis representing thnt it
was loaded lightly and requested hi u
to discharge it he did, but suttpec-t-ing
something wrong hold it in such a
manner as he supposed would be
harmless, but the thing htirstcd and
was blown into flue fragtnenliton piece
of which indicted a scvero and painful
cut in his arm -had he held to his
cboti'dt r he would hive lot hi life.
Mrs. Walter was the owner of a pet
Leghorn rooittcr which "no money
could buy", nor was tho rooster soc-
ond in her affection. Anil nlthoitgh
belli in high favor emnni; the old-la-
ly-hens and quite a gallant among tho
pullela, he became inoroie sad got
an nbberratinn of ihe mind mid deter
mined on suicide he hanged himiclf
at a palo fence, but ft lad happening
by at the lime tnnk him down a day
or two after he inndo nn other elfurt
Mini succcedud -when discovered he
hud already hung loo long in the
broiling nun and waiii't fit fur the pot.
We nre called upon to reeor I the
deuth of one of Mlddlecreek tnwiihhip'M
niedcit7.otii, In the person of Michael
r.rdley wlm died on the 17th Inst.
Tiiy dec-eased was u mem'ier of the
Iteformed church lmnoriibl ill all hie
dealings, loved and rcspt-cted by all
who knew him. Mia remains were
interred in the Salem i'eumtery, fol
lowed by 11 laivce concourHH of relu
tlvea uml fi'leiuls. A very able nr
m in was preached by Kov. W. A.
Unix, from St. Luke 2o chapter nnd
3 1 verve. The deoenncd wan uged 75
years, 3 months and 0 days, lie
was the hiit of a family of six uhildren.
Kent in pence.
W. II. S., Hiileni.
JMctor I. G. Uarber has Just receivod
fresh vaccine matter and has fixed
Thursday and Friday botween the
hours of 10 and 12 a. m. and 4 and 7
p. rn. titer which time no win uo no
work of the kind, except in special
jJocior u. t,u. lusingor will as
It it lo be hoped that all will take
advantage, of the opportunity and
thus perhaps save us from the dread
ful scourge which tt dealing death
plentifully only a few miloi from us.
Let every body, old and young come
and be vaccinated.
From the Hub
There ia perhaps no tonio offered to
the people that posseset as much real
intrinsio value at the Hop Bit
ters. Just at this season of the year-
when the stomach needs an appctiter,
or the blond needt purifying, the
cheapest and best romody is Hop Bit
ters, A n ounce of prevention it worth
a pound of cure, don't wait until you
are prostrated by a disease that may
take months for you to recover iu
Button Otobe.
- i
Closing Out at Cost !
At Marx's Boot and Shoe Store, Con-.
ores Hall, Sellnigrove.
At the season la pretty fur advanced
and in order to make room for an
early Fall trade, I concluded to tell at
cost for the next 00 dayt. Xfo old
stock on hand. If you want to buy a
good article now is your time as I only
keep good good for the least money.
Boils, pimples on the face, tall
Rheu m, old aoree, and all cutaneous
eruptions disappear like magio when
-ur. Linutey s uioou searcner" it
. June lu 4w.
It will pay every body to examine
the Immense Stock of Furniture for
sale by the Popular Furniture man
W. II. FELIX Lewitlown Pa.
CNo better place for Boots & Shorts
tjian Marx's at Congress Hall, Sellns-
gfove. Nothing but first quality
71 it timply marvelous how quickly
constipation, ' biliousness and tick
are cured by "Sellers' Liver
flwvt- ft iu T r
J l urn. J rWQM. . . -
Juuelil, . ; w.
Io not tell man In Hot. It ii ul-
gnr. ony mat nit conversation suit
genie to your mind a summer resort
circular. Kir.
If your Jmir is coming out, or turn'
ing gray, do not murmur over a mi
fortune you can so easily avert. Ayer's
iair igor wiH remove the cause of
your grief by restoring your hair to its
natural color, and therewith your good
looks and good nature.
Th Illustrated Scientific New.
The July Uue of the Illustrated
8ciRNTiF-ic Xaws teems with Interest
ing illustrated articles, a fow of which
are as follows i The fahlear Tele.
phone , Glass Grinding Machine ; An
cient Tottery from Cyprus j Median-
teal Larynx ; Pleasure Car of the Dvs
of Lovis XIV; ilmatour Mechanics;
Tho remnrkuhlo 'nluiyra i"alm : Cu
rious Fiidios llusliatioiiN, explain
ing the bursting of Fly Wheels ; A
Velocipede Carriage. In addition to
the numerous engraving, there is a
Urge number of interesting, useful
and practical papers, relating lo va
rolii department tioDular
This is one of the most elegantly prill
ed and valuable, periodicals.
Sold by all newsdealers. Published
by Munn & Co., 37 Park Kow, Now
A Great Encyclopaedia.
The completion of the Rrcat "Libra
ry of Universal Knowledge" tho Hist
of July, will mark an epoch in the
lives of thousands of ambitious young
men and women, as it plncos a liberal
education easily within tho reach of
every one who chooses t aspire to it.
IVvery department of human knowl
edge is in largo measure hero laid op
en to tho understanding of the intelli gent
reader, yerctofore such a val
uable ami magnificent compendium of
kuowledgo has been inaccersible lo
ordinary people on account of ex
tremely high coi"t. This the largest
encyclopedia ever published in thin
country, in largo type, excellently
printed and bound, can be secured at
the trilling cost ofU, and evun bo
yond this, liberal discounts are allow,
ed to clubs of three, live, ton or more
persons, and during the months nl'
July an I August $kl,(MJ special re
ward olfcrcd to clu'i djonts. it is we'l
worth while sending at once to the
publishers for specimen paes and
particulars. Neo also their advertise
ment olsewhcio. Amcricin Il.iok .'
change, 'ublishers, New York.
Siddkm )Kril Lust Friday eve
ning, July Hth, Mr. .laciib Klerk nrr,
who resided near Liiurellon, in Hut
ley twp., mounted "hi hor-o and ro h
over to I'enim Creek to set bis lish net,
expecting to return inn few hours
Is he did not get home that night, lii
wifo beoame uneasy, n:id went in
search of bini e.rly on .Saturday
morning, 7o was lound lying on the
bank of the creek entirely nuked, uml
almost del, in which cnnditio:i Ur
hud lain thero alone dm ing tlio wh ile
night. His hurso was tied near by ami
his clothes (which he ho taken oil' to
set tho net) were iiudist ii'hcd. When
found ho was still alive, but unable to
speak. Ha was carried to lh: house
of Lewis lladgcs, near by, where he
died within an hour, In In re tlio phy
sician arrived. It la supposed that
just as ho camo out of the water, after
having set his nut, and before he could
dress himself, bo hail an attack of apo
plexy or something of that nature.
Mr. k lock nor was aboul o." years of
ae. and was a much respected and
useful citi.on. He was buried Monday
iu ti.u kiester graveyard. Peace to
bis ache. I.cuitlmrfi Journal.
West Beaver Items. .
Mt:Cu UK, l'u., July 19, 18SI.
Mil. Elirroii : I'leuse permit me,
through the columns of your puper,
to Inform the public, and esiHjeiully
those who consider lurk-jaw .Incura
ble, that itcau be cured, and has been
cured, recently upon a young stallion
owned by Isaac W. Miitteru, now re
siding upon the farm with his father
J. J. Mattern, near Fisher's Mills, said
animal was castrated and soon after
jumped down and embankment and
sprained himself which finally brought
on an attack of lock-Jaw, bis Jaws
were so firmly locked for four days
that they could not be broken open
and of course he could not partake of
any kind of food or drink. During
thoM four days he lay an In death,
having hit legs and neck stretched
out, and Mr. Matteru hud nlreudy se
lected a place for his burial, but under
the skillful treatment of Hurry M.
Uluh an experienced veterinary tur
geou of name community, the horse
lias recovered, after seven weeks of
daily medical treatment. The ease re
flects great credit upon the veterinary
skill of Mr. Ulsli.
Mr. 11. M. Ulsh, the veterinary sur
geon of West Beaver it now engaged
In stocking with logs, the steam taw
mill of J. H.Stadon, near Adamsburg,
and hat bought a labor saving ma
chine, namely a Biding taw or cress
cut, with which h loborerof Mr. Ulsh't
named Daniel Tyreil, aged 60 years,
tierforiued an almost inoreditable duy't
work, but neverthelest correct. In
the space of 8 hours and 0 minutes, lie
made 71 outs averaging 14 Inches in
diameter. Who can beat Dan?
On last Friday evening as George
Snyder and wife and Reuben Felker
and wife were on their way to McCluie
upon a Spring wagon, the hindmost
teat upon which the ladies were tout
ed upset and ' they were violently
thrown to the ground receiving tome
bruises which might have proved se
John O. Gobk of Bannerville, lost a
valuable mare, one day last w eeki
while at Adamtbury.
"Forced by my political extineclions,
into public hfo, my tnHerlng! were in
lens i Hod by the comments ofoinae who
saw my face and head covered with
scrofulous humor," said a gsntleman
recently cured by Culicur Remedies.
July 1 ni '!
A New Treatment. .. ( .
The OolitmMixlrvf Lyft, womltrul sum
If you hsvs CoofumpiloB, aa4 . alil
know that ytir eoaclt osn h m loose
anil easy-IUsite Fesvtr anil nTghr wts
sbsektit 11 St honrs) IntUmmttlion laksn
on I ol l,n lift and air psoas i snot i
thai you esn n mail to to h
pounds of hfnlihy flab pr rk Jf you
have Catsrrh, PrspspsU, Plok Utt'lndie,
Hsart t)ise. Liter t'ompUInt, Ncrvmit
behlllly, Kminsl Wtaknsss er flprrms.
lorrhoes, los nf sftnsl pnwer In tlihr
x from any esnso if ton htf an;
form of nervous w kne, losiot Arab or
wasting away anl would know of an Im.
me. Ili relief nl etrlnln ours for msni
of the teeerest eases In a sliorl lime
a new msibod wlih new stent to fallen
every ho.ljr, Invltnrslt ami make strong
anil healthy Ihe most honelee oa. noil
ihisnnt nn I rill nnee for nartieiUr.
to U. 8 PISl'KNdAKV. Ilerrln "prngs.t
"'on- July 2i.'a.j.
eoatscTsn wssair ar
.1. W. Dreeaei
rotatoe de
' ' fin
10 Ic 12
4 lo ft
Iliiner per pound
Rat per Joten
Tailow perpouaJ
Hoeils'l Cherries
Dried Apples
7 to 8
HUUUvhurs illurket,
CiiaascTsu wi.t ar
Himonton, Ilarber Sc Co.
on a i. &6i:l'ds.
Wheal par bushel
' No. 2
Ry do
Cora do
Oai do
1 or,
1 10
R 1 t ,
9 B 19 4 UU
Cloteraee I per hnh
flierriee, pitied
t'hi'rrlra. unpilled
line I npid-
Spring t'hlckniit
Iliiner, priia
Ilnner, eeeond-elaat
l.iu I
Oak I'irs
Pen l'u I
''he-Hill rna.1
S3 10 fin
2 "o
II no
4 10
M AIMM i:i.
.Inly r.l'.i. liy l.-v. W. A. Mum, MU
fnrriii Trutt.'aiid Alli'ii Stmlcr, both
nf .Minimi tn iii-liii.
ii i:i.
.linn1 ','Ttli, In Mm 1 uiiii ri liiwiishii,
Mrs. .Miiry Slirnwdi-r, ui-d 70 yenre, I
month nnd I I days.
.Inn !", in V'.iiliiii,'tiiii t-nvu-liip,
of coiihiiiiiiI'...., Diuiicl S. SlinlTur, n
i'tl 50 yi'iiif. 1.' ..lunthH uml it ilnyn.
.Inly 2, in Vct lVrry towiliip,
JiiIiii lint, uni'd 07 yciire, 'i iiioiiIiih
mid ill (Iii) h.
Jlllll1 211. ill I'lllllll t(llllil, .IilllM
Aiiiiinii, uKcd 45 years, 4 months und
H days.
.Inly 2, In IV1111 tiiwiiship, of diph
theria, KiiiuIh, ilnn-litcr of Mr. mid
Mm. Ijit HtiriiH, npul U years, 7
limiitliH mid 4 tlavH.
Ncnr ScllnhifriivH, Jnlv 2nd, Murv
Klizalicth, child iif.luliii t-'iln'r,i!,'Hi'l
ii yriii-M, 11 moiiiiiH miu w iiayn,
111 t'llinil lowilhllip, HOIIIM tiillH IllfU.
Sainiiel Ilcrrold, nnd irolalilv in liin
O.itli year.
In ( haiitnnii towtiHiilp, n Khort time
niro. old Mr. Kini-iiliiirt. father of ox
SlierilT Diuiicl Kihcnlmrt, well Hilvnnc-
oil Hi years.
4,ni intrSOBflSStM
f pnlillo fur over tweutl ir
year, anel I tha beet
preparal Ian rirr tu
veatad fur lil.AtOUlSo
cit.iv n to lr
As saj or
V(l Til I I I. COLrtlt
and i.irn. J
Ittappllee lb nala-
.of Van.
ai tWd aual ela k the
mond it
' ta
in msdi
ina, hatr lasda wltheat
ataluiiia the aklo. ItwIU
InoTeaaa arid Ihlckea lb
rawlli mt Iha hair, pra
vent IU blanching- and
ralllaa on", and Ibas
Jl cures H.-blug, B.rup
Uons and uandruITt Am
la vary dealrabie, giving
Iha balr a ellkan tonueea
jblch all adanlra. It
beeps Ui beaut al
irntl aad healthy,
m a fill ..
vll Chans' th bean la) m, ItltOWK
r BLACK at discretion. )luln In
on preparation It la awslljr apiillrd,
cut produces a permanent coiui
thai will not wash aO.
MtIICM!n)t.lti(ii. ,
Hat Wn In $:' ..
m.tat.t u tf tTi litdM
TB. Mart la telling his Hoots and
Shoes at cost. Call, see and convince
yourself. July 14, tf.
f PUB nn 1er??no 1, Agont for Jacob
X Meeitio, will oflir at I'aeile Hsie, oa lb-
premies, oa
. fatnrdar, Angnst 13th. 18H1,
T'.e (n)lnwtns ileeerlbeil Heat rust llnt In
Wublnir'ua (swntblp, Hn;dr eeaal .. Te.
' Forty Aoiea,
moeeorleee.heaaitwl br Uo l ft Peter We
l -r, Jo.l) Weller Abraham W.itt sail it ie
wueruoa are ereote I a
Dwelling House, 8(al'e.
nd other nn'osll lln vd orehaiil of e' olsi
rrult-i.r., i,nn , rl k or enir trer ih .
il'H.r. Ai.nat it Aorea Olo.r nn ler an.1,1 (euro
'I la a higu titi cunivatiaa. iu balance
Timber Laod.
Hiletnaommeno' el I o'elvii p. M n' .al.t
'le vbei, ,iu elteailanee Mill bo gltee auu
teirae l ila uiaUe kautvu i.v
, , WM. UAHDINil.
Joly lull, lt, aat.
Ihi ciitor'a "ulo of
'Plin nndcrsiirned r.tecntor t f the
1 eaiate n(ilerae HollU-f late f Mnnrne
luwa-hl.. .tuniaia A.,uniy, Pa., rfuni-a. . aid
etK.e-in I'ablle iele. no Ilia preini.e.. In alil
i'.iiin, aifiiul oae learth nil buum liuia
Kirbnai.l, oa
Tbnraday, Angn t l?lli, im,
Ihe fulluwlns; dreerlbed Heal K,tle, to wit :
TKli'T Nn. I-Sltuai In Monr tnwnaiili,
attrN.l. aiiout nne-luurih otilo euih trum
Klohu .l.lleualaluinl
.'!'. Acres
anil Si Pen-Ue, a. ore or Irn, where in r ere,
led a ki.h!
1'iaine otise, Hank Barn, Pummor
II use. Spring llousn,
- . i-Mivr ,u,,i,iii,,iMa. n-v-r ininnic water al
,i,B.i....r , 'n llr 1 n 1 'II l l .if Af.nln.
j Tear, I'earh.l'herrf al l .:; Ai'il Rs I'l.l ,ll
un mr mi i- noeitinl in bigli Ham 1.1 rulilia.
linn, al. dminc Inn la viirsun 1 1.0 1
""I, Vi'th br .laoiib "Oiciiv, ;aii by .MIIo
Hon. I nl ii utu by fill. II.' K l,
1 HAC l Mo. U-l'uiiUlnhiic
II Acna
n.t I M-che. m ire ur le.ii. hei-iij evil. TIM
MKIl I.a.NIi, a lj ilnlnlna 011 ll.n N ,rth an.l
Wen Ian I ol !lila. Iluo.l, Lan au-1 auuiu
Ian I. n' u-i 111 MUrall.
IK AC f -
l.imo Ki!u nntl itwrry.
eontalntnii V I'artiie.. adpilnln land, nf Sam
uel Obarli'ilt we nn lite Wnt, North and 1.1111 h
i.e tin I. nt A. Haiuier an I I a-i bgr eamtiei
xu-llrnirfiror, ljlu alimt una half wile Aa.t
01 lii-Uhel 1
! A Im at th aama time and pla.-e Ih (..How
In,, rna priii.rly will red at pu iile
Hun Cow. Six Sliccp, I'tit i.TiiV,
Mititnaf, Settle '
fi hi 1 1 nn, .-.i.ivti. and
,,, ',11 1, 1., i.ii , ,p .i, 1 n r-e i.iiw
arUIIIKslllN') MAlMIISK, Hr.1.11 t'rtdie.
;!. lime., lUrrel-, Uoar.lj, MhliKlrt, ll.
an. an '
( Nl ni einti-nena al 10 u'.-ln-k A. M ill -all
"ay "ii'ii due aimu lan.-e will be Khu n an i
I rill, i.i ...In i.iv.l.. I..... . I.
. Jul; 3,
A iMiNisTH.Ti:sxoTicr..-
Letter ol ndiiiliilnt'ntlim nn ihe emle
Wilibeim l.enninl Into m I'. rrvtwn sm.iar
I'o., ., dJ.I. b-iiebnan aranled 10 tbe lili.ler.
laeed. All per.. ma kii..ii. tlii.ui.rli . In.lcl.t.
ed I" "ni. I a, into will plea.o mime lnni
p-iviiiiinl wbllr th-e li ina eliilm, uanlnut
wMle ill .ro(oul It.nei Inr etllein.-nt i,
IILOItltK W Ull'UUr.
Mar It. '"I. Aduilnlitrater.
9 :
m ft
., , v"'r ' . .i ini,
The Cyclopaedia War.
The month of tulv. w.'Tif
1 t'.c
literary worn tin cuunity am:
V Mi: 1. c-f.'tff
Knowledge, lurce type e iiilun. In n 'a..
matter man Ap.ietii s t. i-;jti.i.i. , ; ; t j 1 o-.e ,...n ,:-t cc ,t, miu ao .cr cent tnure
than Johnson's I'yclopnbn, nt 0 linlc nmrt iiau onr.f.mrih ila r irt. ,
Clmmliers's linryclopxilis, rhi' li furms :i. U-tii of t! c I.iUrar'y rf L'idvertal Knowl'
edge (the last l.iimlm eilition cf I leinj i-."itt:.l ve:b-r.;-1 a a portion of Its con
tents), la Ihe laborious prn.!.it Wtf!,;. I l!.e ripest liritiah and Euro
pean scholarship. It ha devil- jj C fcC a V riT'' ,!,rrnlh century of Cy.
clopndUi makitif;: In varloui Jt e iititinn ha ing been many lionee
revised, in siircessive years, ti I It cotln; t i lc ui;.ve: -i y recof,nUed, by those com
petent to JikIc, as sundini; at tlie ve frivit .f ctes-t r .Trjf itions of knowledire, and
better adapted than any o-.Vr Cyi'lopc.-i'.: t ( t popular u-.e. Jt tonUuis such full and
Important information a llie ordinary rr.i.'.rr, c r Ihe ir.n-ti't st'tilent, It likely lo seek,
upon aliout as.'ns) r.uiij.iit It every d cf h-unati knowleilne. Chambers'
tncychipsMlia, however, is a foreira t
market, and coul.l nut lie ex
H For
it-ri a I '.-i!
nence to Ametii a i to-iiot
sire. To supply these an
of American euilots an.l wtii-n n I
covering the entire field uf human l.P' V
one alphabetical arrangement lo p1h,i:1
and the Library rf t nveral l.nmvV
Encyclop.iHlia in the field, nt a mura frac.ioi
preceded Iu
Dp! AO 'J volume'., fomj:e, li r'-v
library sheep, marbled edRe, ;;.oo.
The superlative Value and iu.n rc
fact that it ii brought wiiuiti the reuia ' (
culture. It iarci.V a lihra- e.
edKe. It brinm a liberal .f
reach even f c verv t aV Wi Wl i.HV H , ,,llt,, , ,.' , "T
and apprenlice boy of i!ie cily. I'.vcr.' farmer an ! n-eiv in Hanic in the land owe it to
himjelf and t hii chililn-n r.n !i n'Cyi !;.: n'-ill h ::n lurivar-l form a part Tf Ihe
outfit of hi hnme. To fie pr.'fi- isi-nl i;ia:i, n-..l cm : 1 erJu:i nl intelligence in every
Walk of life, a Cvclnpxdi lit.; ..'..t...-. -
Of course His ., nnd -.ility p.:t ': :.rn hv-' frr.ft tch (it (t taiil that the
Applcton have ma.l? n profit f ne..r y t.i tni' ii -i d-.'.Ij-i 011 '.:cir t v Inprrdia) from Ihe
sale of their li;h-ptice,l -u'.iii at inn nre n- t p'.imv I t'-v Hi-r iv..niiK,lic are broken and
their power overthrown, t if rur-;c ll.e b.i'; cv-i-' ti n- I I o t -rlVrn who have lieen used
to getting from 40 t.j to fr cent comitiisiiiim 1 r M-.lii hiph prlceil book are
SI 0.000 Reward r.':;.r;l,vUr:
" 1 1 5 r rent tommiion,
though tlioic who are n-t i:linrt-sii;!nrd ili-.rnvcr tl: t t! -:r run inleresta, after all, are
identical with Ihe Inirre ;t t f '-, 1,1, .1 ,t r .1 p. i 1 tl 1? end. are increased,
by the linmens sale whi Ii r 1 1' t fi ;. t.'iii if I'-f 1 n.-in The mni,,riianf
1 11 1
uinr.icurin, iniwver, r.rt- lu-r.i-r n :i
Standard and im-ot' I - j.n. -.
alway looked lo lie:''; In l (::
liMiked In vain, n.1 iar wit" ll.a:i
one million volume pii'Vel I i.t
year (ihi y .r l.-t-s .j i u tc i-. I
to probaMv mor" tin i n-o tni'liu:i')
dirrclly fini Us, and I i.:iiui
at fiilliiws:
A dtv.itl"! nf p r r,,
C7el nwi.ii.ii an.l a UiKiiuui
-I ' n't
t iJ i' c t i.: ii
A a sperlal In l-.i e-t-fnt 1 1 1 -.-.r f.
e'i', eai h dnitii; I.e 11 f .r l'u- di
to dittibutc io,.xaj in f; n..ui.nii
to club:
t I. ilittu
$5,000 Howard
I r
ni ipm fun iwimt in im
n'tMriiHr1 vti, ti 1. ti tiM. i.t 1,
The rtiimfwt.f .. f i-t-,i fi-'t-t t'i .
tfUmt-! an i--l f -1 n r-n i Hv ui t'i t-
prxitictlv on s '.t in. 1, ni ,,f ( , (, r
re--eiv. il I. rn. ii. tin I ih il.t t- -,m
milM le 1- tUllt I'Uli h,l t..l (l.fll-l.ltr.lf It 1
DlC tetwih- IU A HP ftlii lll Im. ltd 1 , m , 1 , .ti-irtitK rul ' mM
itTl..f hlM'lhiL', .i li.v- ii ; ..:.t f., it..
1 or.lir ..1 in. 1, r...-, 1 . ,,.
St'lni,.i i- i.r 1 ... " I il.p-, ... I'ul.
eatabv r i.itr I tr. .. 1. li.i...ui r li. il....
tw-'k i..ik Imr and l i- mil.. 1.1 .1. .1.1 1. I
najvlvnil b-lt.-r. m l.v t.i. -i.. 'i..i 1. in...
J0EN U. ALDEN, .Manmu h. V0I i:roaila, New York.
r'Olt S NOTICK-T.nltcra
1 Viat.un
tninetit .1 1 v
n il.e eflale til .tnhn
tin 11I Wrnt liravrr I wt...ti
h, Sr., ,1... d. i
Mi d. r e. unty. I'a.. amr K'unli'd I i the una
.l-r.litn I All vr. .. kinmlnK in 1
ll dal.ted t., n,le..i.i will .e l.r III ah- Hi m. .
ill.nn ni.. ni, w.nir t 1.1.1, liavlnn elalum al l
prn eat Ibaiii lur leillem. nl 1.1 .
JiIIN t'l.sit, I
.turn :m, 1 .1. lone. utnr.
I'MiNisriiA lou.s noth'k
,t f - n' tii'irtfiiotiHtl'-M llip ft it t ft nf
"'timiir-l Mnyrr, .t n( (Vntro itit-hlp,
wtiy.ti'r ( Kn mi v, i1",i, ;ivtiiit ln urnnt
! u ft, a uniiri!i'iirl, nil ni nnit knowlnt
1 linn ,'lvn tint' ' toil I ceil I v 1 1 .1 ir nrfi ripir-t-ml
(! mn(i lni'ii- tl:)li (ivnirnt. wlill t I10M9
Militif i'l .lin(tltn-ptu UiOtii .lull nutlteat,.
-titotl luTucitleiiicin
MT 12, isti. A il-iiprntipf.
A.-II riit nt wl't I- lid. I nt Id lit rrl
Ivnin ni iier'il 011 S ir iav. Jun 1, .
iMiisrii.Toi:sof km:.
'.elte-e ..( dn,lnUt r ill ie nn the euMta of
Mb'l.iiel Mlntiitn, l.iin nl IVr.v ip, Snydor
O... I'., iletCil.lmve len tir .nte.l in Il.e tinker.
-I.ird. All atmifflnir Ihmn.elvef In.
.I.l.i-1 1,1 rai I ,..,1, nll ili.e mane Im me. II
le pi 7 innnt while tlm.e Im Ihit el aim au'iilii.t
el 1 e'lat will nru.oi.t it.etn "iileinent tu
l.h'.VIS WIM II' II.
.lime 11 Is-l, ir. j
I.ettrrfi uf n1ii)lnhtr:it1-n nn ttm mteilft
f .tomtli.nn ItoWiTnu-, Ul ) (nir8twji,
Snt'inr I'd , P uco lttv li-'e t yrunta.t in
tin tin lorf Ibttir 1. AM ri fm knnwln.i t rn
n Un Iii-litite-1 t i i I fittitt will t'l- m Id
Inline. Hub infill w ttlli- (lip vlntr culm
nif.ii 'ft nilt, o-tfcvlo will iTfnent ttiein Iar lut
ihiutnt iu
May 1.1M. A)u. lulu rn tor .
I eilA.f nl HilitiifihlrAtKiunfi Hit) nut it of
ithfrhi6 l.tmii It' n W, llMHvtir two nvlM
i'o. IN., .lor-,), 1 a vii 1 ( n pf-iT.le. in ihn un-lr
1khv1, AH irn k o luit tlirnelv Jn
Iuit0'l t HHltf Ai'ttit will i-inn uml. inmilu
to ptvmniil while tVe Imv Inu rl tm HKitlniit
mil. I ''U(o will irretCbt tUoui tr netttoiieot tt
luRi r.t. A.lmlDl-tritor.
ettera nr An tha entatenl
.Tnnalban weitel lit nl .laeha. n T .wii.,1i.
inyder It innty. P deo'd have been vranted
! th und-r-lrieil. All permus knna-intf
Ihetnralr. in lehtiil In taid emi will pleaa
niake Itninedlat- t'ftrtne'.il wblia Ih-iea havli.s
elnlin. .aainiit (aid e.late will preatnt thetn
nr e'.iieiueni to
Mtf 6,'M Adtnlnial.atiiri.
Notary Pctiic Snrrcycr, Cj-rcyarccr
Ppal Estate ' and Insnraiicc Anent.
DeeiH. ttonili ahd Miirtiriaea
liropared and a
oil te i.romnllit
kind fjf eimarnetnt attrndoi
llh neatne.a and anourra'v.
hpenlal atlenlioii Kin to I uylng ami lelllr.
Real Katat. Olttce In, M..lerl'n
t a.. . A iuraii, jii. i iaaaani nine,
uo., fBU'a. Auk
T?XlXi;TaiX, NOTICE.-T.ellert
1 J la.tamei.ta-v nn the litltl or I ATII
AKlNK WVaSKK. demaaod. lata nl
IMiaiiman Twp., , Snyder ouunty. I'enn'a.
aaemic neen xraniedtii n t underrlaned, alt
pen. in, knmelaa- Iheniaalvel Indebted tn eald
e.Ute ar reueMel tn make Immediate ray
menl. while tbne bailna elaline will urereat
them duly autheaitcn'ed Inr eatllainent It,
1.11 i.wr.mi.K
March I im, tlecutrlx.
In kc mutter i)f thr rulnle nf .litiut Sha
lift, ilcccniieii.
THE nndefslinerl Atnlitor nppoiiit
e.l hv lb Unurt to dl.trll.ute tlie Intidt I
the hand or Juhn S. and Perry M.
Helm AdejlDHitraliiri or Anna Hhadel, tWe'd,
will meet the l.arlle. In Internet alhleofttct In
Mldillabnra, nn , We lnai.'ay, am, Id, al
uVtuok A. M , at whlok time an t rl.iee all par
m haelna- elalin, am rnett I tn nrenent
ihemdulr aulhentlratail, or t doiiarrel Iroul
eumlos la oa laid Hod.
I. D.Wl NUtrtl.KY.
JuaeeO, IMI, Auditor.
fVuthn nf adiulBUiratiuaoa Ikseatataol
lonai kl.enhart, t.tenf i:t; mwa-ktn,
(!'' l.'.i. I'a, daoM bat baen aramet la the
ne.tereliined. All paraun, koowlna llita.e!re,
Indebted loealil aaiala will pleaie ua I turn-.!
I it payment whlletho kaelan elalint
aaalnat ,iu ettal will preaeal lke fur leltle
ttietit to
July 11, lftl, r AdatluUtiaUr.
mtr ia fritnfl 1
B'e ei
kawwaraa Aneiarineii
neianaieii H
Hl'nuu (It SpliH-e
rireai,, wnare aaurt-
ami. enatiaete
t iiio Im
t.if.i;.;i!fKi of t!ie hrr;M rn I noit Impottsnt
1. .i i i-n. It 1 t ie T.ibrarv uf Un reraal
'. .iu-i, fiii'i.lni.'n toper cent mer
roiliiriion. rditri uml t ubli-lied for a fore lira
I r.pnrt.wt rtt
I"-rir. in Rive at much promi
American readers mi(ht d
t v r elic icn it s a large corps ritr'n u;in almut 15,000 topics.
Use. I t.ii' r ; r.i- w!i!e rnmber ( litlet under
i. Tlinl' jn i i thornuchly Americanized,
I er- r i t ii- l'ii? I..trt and niott cnmolet
t 11 nt )' tiuiiUr wuik which has
tlmllnT, $15.00. In half
1, t- (12.50, In full
'. t'.li r;r'at leyr:..-v
evn- t v. ii.i ns;ni
a '
5 ! I T I! M
ilia lie rapecially In ihe
iter knowleili
e and
( UniverHal kn
1 tit atiotl raailv withlrt
l i i . .- .-' f . ,-i i i ir,,'tiii uml (,iif numerous other
d p:t' I -m. I -tit I' I 'terary Kevolution hat
-r- !.- it f r i. .arin.ii;e, mid it lias never
To Club Agents.
, ' . . ...-j 7
. I.--.I cm ..r.ui ihe Cyclopredla
! fri .: l.j .1 i..:i tourc club rates
V : r r- p-.-. p-reenetiMHwaetsflf ike)
. t...i 1 1.. ru. 11, u ur mure eat alone)
i I ' r 1 t i r o;I; f 1 "iVand rigt
l 1. hit- ..1 '.Mm h-dtfe, c propoae
i.i i.ii'.iiin!! the icgular discount
.!..., . 1.1, ... , ianl,n wnd na oliiM
in. r.i'
11 1: Pl.t-, ni-
i.ll- r Jill,.- 1:1b and U-liire a..n.
Il-. II I Ihe Hnetnhair-nfi
ni.- I. ,-. i' i.'.r q ifia.'rlhrre,
i. - i .i.-i-nl.-T in tl.t-H hule number uf
..1. 1 f.
. e.
i n . .. I-.-"' mil ! .11.1n1.ut1
' l-ln'. d, mill tl.i. am.niiita
In ' 111.:." f i Hi. 111. hiil.-rlt-r
.. 1.1 1. 1 .it ii Mi.i.ia und.-r IlUa uAvr, aail
.1 ;yf ir tt.. ,. .1. -ii theearlnni
i.-ri: ..h..i.. In tmlt Itiila, aprliikl..
' ' i" 1 I 1 .. r ' . .1 I ! . Miu. 1 in. nun. l
hi. 1 .1.1 1 . .. 1 1.1, .a b. ina nu.i ui ui
' llt-'ll fi'niiMt
" t. .1. -I I ... 1.1 1 .1. 1't l diai rll.tna
' ) t' ill-
irnn, niuuv uruuii
at Low Fieures.
- - (
lin. Ii.vlntr i"n-. il th nnr tr liA
(tltliu li t.Mij will riuiiiiitrn nt
(.n tu 1' ltnf ,1 Sn.lrr t .iituy. Tim 'tnnpit 1
no.ii:.vrsi: isicsij:,
nmnn the .r unlnent f-attiret id til.l. lii r
lli-t..rv i-l alt If .-itk .-u . -tu. r,;h, 11:1. ,n- t liii.a.
tHit- nr hn lii'.-ml IVrli- j; llnllely n
lllii-lr vied s.-ilidtirn In.-ld-nt. lin ariiKt
iiniiiliiir "I lllun r itl.iii' 1 I11 .u;ertnr l.iu.
rn.ii- : 11. 0 lUblinx abd l(fj...iia
no l it.-c.
! 1 nil H r. .mrc
n ntber Alrlenn K-iil .rir. I v I. T- ll idley,
tlieniii.i i r'ili.nt .j,v.ii.ii, Auiuur tn Atnor.
la. 'i
a .lndid Tolmiie ul t;i i .iko In v llturtra.
1 ben nrn Hie pi.irt IiIlIiIv Inixrestlnx rul ll
eailnne iinw nl'eiel t'm .ltiieil.-n .iibll.- ami
Ihaprleei tii been i. itit. rd .i a In In Inat
ti.-tn within ti.n a-i-an ,.i t. ,..(,... and i.
euiee nr Itunitminn la rnl.itul
and ehully rmtunlo.
In nur rauui
lift. S, 'iK.
Til K iiiidiTMLrtit'd him oj',niil a
l-'iirtiitiiri' Sttire. m-nr tln Midtllt'
hnrir Ot'iint, nnd l.i.i pi. i'.iiiiiinily oil
lutliil 11 lnr'c nnd wvll Ki-ltfti-tl st-iflivf
Cluinlr Multw,
1 ll'lleattMKlM.
Cniio-won t '! Olinli-w,
V4lw4Ilt CIlIllfM
ICxtoiiwifin Tahli'H,
Nt itnilf-
I ..01llt"4
nnd I'Vi-rytUiivniilaa koj.l In n flrrt-el
I'tiriiitiiro rnuiv.
H. H. RENiNCEft.
tn'iir till' Di'pnt,
Apr. I l.ttm. Mlilill.'h'irt:. Viu
1 11U 1 1 11U J1 UlUll
In.t tmhllth I, a new e tlilnn nr HH. tUll,-
t II w Kl.t.'S (iKi mmTin ra, an lea
radiral sure oT Hi ermalorrti. en ur 8. ili al
W,.m1 ii-i Ir.eiiinniarv eminal Lnmiee. iu e
truer .Mantkl d I'kyairnl ueapaene. I
Vi'dinie: In tu H, a.4., lit.i t-i-uupti'iii ,.
tlepur .n I I'll t Induce I by 3. IMw)lieuoi
or eeaii.l exu-avnaaee, kn.
TI.- re let. r ted anh .r, in It. la admirable :.
rev. rrer.rly dcunnitraias liua a thirty yeara
I'ueoeMtn I pra. n -e, mat ike el.rml. j vn-a-rjueni'eaot
'eil-abu.e ru.v tie ratllnahy eured I
..di.tln nut a nti.d- .1 eur at e .ee eu. lal i ai it
(te-iul, by w1 i.-h e. ry -nll-rer. a-, matter
olitt hi eri.dltlea may be, may enre Llia.air
ekaaply,, a i i .Ult elly.
v bla re I ii re aboulil Ic In Ih haaill o(
ery )oulk end . very man in lb la n I.
Sam. uu l er real, la a plain eavel.ipe, loany
a.i.iren, uu ri-celpt ef ,la cent, vi lau .ol
We bae alee a lure eur tit Ti Worul.
TIIBrpt.VKRWIll.l.wimii'AI. tKl ,
41 Ann Hi., Ne York, N. K i -ui Orkc
Ilea, -. . .
VMir.e re, by ia a k I n it
uuueyahen a olte
riiebee laon-r-d, ll-ereby
aliaava aaai.ltii. ..r,.itf
irnni yuur niMir, in-.e ai,a eiweva ui
vantaa 01 f lie) eonit elienee for makliia- money
Ihetar uilereil, a-nerily k-eu ue weal hi,
whtl thiiee whii dn hnl iniprnv fneh ehnnree
remain In paverlv, W waul many men, wnni.
en, h-iya and alrta work f ir ue n-'it Iu ihtr
own li.ralltle.. Th huaine-e will ty mine
than leh lime ordinary aes- " final't,
an en reuve i.eilll a B.I all that nu ner.t, lie..,
N uu a ki-en-eeee fatla to aaak itiraee eery
re plitly. Von raa S rule y ur Imia tt
II, wee. ar mile yar .par ui. uirntn, l a I
lefi rm.itl n and i II ihai la Mee.ieii ..! It-,
A'liiic-tii-na a. O., riillabd. .llatnu
Oft.p'l. lvi.
J(' I.
V" ".'.'a .,