A.flverttlnff Unto. Oa column one year, ' IffWi. One-half, column, one year, 8J. One-fourth cnlnmh, mm year,i U.H) ne square (10 li))l insertion, n 7rt Every additfbnalluserlloii; 60 rnAssional and Bu4ne card o4 ' notirior than 5 lines, per year, 6.00 Auditor. Executor, Administrator and Assignee Notice,. 2.B0 Editorial notices per litis, 15 Alt transient advertising Iom than t months 10 cents a line. ; All sdvertinemcnU for a shorter pe riod than one your are payable fit the time they are ordered, aud it ,nwt paid the person ordering them .will ee held; . omihln for the mnnef 1 o t r y Sonsd Advice. Ton wih to be a lawyer, John well, I'd not cy b word Uelcs I felt quite certain that your longing are absurd; Idon't.wbih to riUcotirage you, but then I can't counetit To , board you n I'd hev to do, and pay your olllce rent. i . . - - "You've gotaset of luty llinlmund or- ' til nary head And you are meant by common toil to earn your dully bread; Jlut thriving farm and pteaant home ' vlicre nmn and wife agree Hear any wne-horse lawyer' office a far aa you can eee. r 'If you'd lieen born with talent, John, you'd long since hev shown That you had gift, by mealing uiT to "utody book alone; Ji'ow, if you ever read a book, I r'ally tlon't know when, Though come to think, I believe you do ling a somewhat legal pen. tfe wise my boy, the legal rank are rorw than crowded now, A ud half of t hone who ntarve therein were cnt out for the plow. Hut they mistook pureloziuex fortal- . eut, uuderHtaiul, An 1 help to fill a big supply where there wa no demand. "Are they, educated t Ye, but here let me explain, That seed that' nown in sh tt;y Soil bring forth but littlo gr.tln: And tlii hlghcrcilucttioii to mi ordi nary niiiitV Is like a pair yf big gold pec upon u man thut' liliml. ' There i no prouder pl.icetlmn 'twUt the bundle of a plow; (Though etiiniply lulid ha buiiililed 1 meat lime, Imuntallow) And a for buuian greatneN. I shuuld thhk I hid uiy h,ire. If I could take the prle for cow ut our next county fair. ' Jiint emulate your nire, my son, nnd Jnt as sure a fate You'll live to bo respected, though perhaps you won't be great; But enter law, and five nhort year will clean you out so bad You'll have no recollection of the bint square moid you had." Rowing Against tlia Tido. It I easy to glide with the ripple Adown tho Htrenm of time, To flow with the cour.su of the river, I.Ike tuiitili) to Home old rhyiif.; Hut ah! it take couru and patience AgulitNt it current to ride, And we nniHt huve ntreugilt from heaven, When rowing agalm-t the tide. We may flout on the river' fiirfiice While our our ncarco touch the Ktream, And viKion of curly glory On our dazzling siKht may gleam; We forget that on before u The dashing torrent roar, And while we are Idly dreaming, Its water will carry us o'er. Hut ty few fth, -would thero ere . ' many, Row up the "stream of life;" They struggle Hgnitist it surge, And mind neither toll nor trife. ThmigU weary and faint with labor, Kiiiglng,.triutnphant, they ride, For L'hriBt Is the hero's Captain When rowing againt the tide. For on through the hazy distance, Llkea iitlht on a distant shoro, They see the walls of ft city, With its banners floating o'er, . Been through a glass so darkly riiey almost mistake their way, But .faith throw light on their "labor, When darkness tihut out their day, And shall we be one of that number who nilnd no toll or pain T Bhall we mourn the loss of earthly Jos When we have a crown to gain t r shall we glide on with the river, With (lentil t th. ...i ... . . cm, ui our ride, Whlleour brother, with heaven before hbn, I rowing against the tide T "Pa, wb.t 1 the diff.ret.ee be", tween oirilixatioa end barbtrlsm f "Civlluatioo, my ion, is blowing Tour momj to pleoot with a bomb Ml t range or four mlloi. Jjar. tr..m U knocking bis braiat out st length witli- brutal clnb. Our. UangS; 0f,en anj4 t9 PitUburgh's gUf taV," and "iroo koldlog-BMiiDg.. - An Iron "innstbea "aoliii" oltixen, bnt houldu'i-: think glasi men Wi snoceed lo builoeu. Il'd '"V. too easily. . . of ,Z er8 worasn is oomposed ! lone! 109 muscles, 22 old MIpert snd 210 bebvplne. Birds or .t t . i . . . I lav l -euoty ia toe moro loJWtbeJr lHtlbilU.r,.ll M fa:: vol: id, A DfTECTiVE'S STRATEGY. Lad of lale fieqnontly lieanl ex tolled the beauty of a woman bear ing the tagq oame of Lola, wbo wai inger of bull ids at s v irioty tbeatrn, Ilupponin t did tlia theatre one eveuiO)f I droplet in just prior to the tu jmont of her ap pearance. Truljr hor bnautjr had not been spoken of in term of ex aggeration. She wan, indued, very beintiful. At Ilia conclusion of her songs large bouquet w.ta flunff on theelngo. It carce from ft piivalo box,' in which wne eeated an elderly imin, whoso dree and ftpponranee bet ikonod hi wealth. She wn recalled an I sang again, and I w her ftmilo an ac knowledgment toward Hie box. A fancy elruck tim to sou what Lola looked like when otFtlio efn 'o. and I mado my wy to the U;jo entrance. I uoticod a ctrri.io drawn op noar by and it struck mo that it bolonud tu tha go itlo inn in tho box. Ifouudtho etugo en trance guarded by a dooruiiti. I was, howevor well acquaiutud itli him, and be penmuittud iuo to on. tor and I poNted mvHclf in n position whine who miiHl pass nuur mo in o ing out. 1 bud not buou there lin. when I heard fuotntcp M.iivly diav ing no.ir, and voico in Ijiv cdaior Hutiou. ..W..II ...!.. 1 . ti tu, .iniii. io jon nay, jurry l "Von :iy lie him piopoHod." ' j "Ho i rich? Ihoro iu't uuy douM 1 about it t" I "No."' ..T)c ho p.inso.1 m.lkilv.-- .,, , , , " ut "a. even , ii-r a wolu. Lut 1 suppose Vni d host many bim, though. They ty h's got the beartdieae and you'll boa rich young widow bufore a groat while." "And then it will bo plain Railing for us,'' said ibo woman. "I'd loll him 'yos,' thou.'' And wiih a parting Ic Isb be bung buck allowing L du to pass out nlong whore she was met by Jamo Ib i. tol. a wealthy ret. rod diy-oo l merchant. instantly I comprehended the situation. Bristol bad booomo enu moiod of L d. and wisliud t j marry iier, baviug no stipioion of bor true chatiictor, or that this man, Harry ICvaim, wits bor lovor. I saw her outer Urn carriage t ) bo driven to her homo. Thinking it all over that cvoning in the privacy of my room, I w ou dorod whether I'd bottor attempt tj eulighten Hrislol, "shaw ! I'd bo a fool to try it." 1 at last decided. "She'd swear it wanti't so, and tho old fool would boliove hor in profuronco to mo.'' I thought no moro of the matter un til one duy several wouka Inter, when I saw their niarringo announced in the papors. Tboy had boon marriod the day following tho con clusion of her engugemout. Those circumstance, with the lapse of time, bud noatly boon obli terated from mymomory, whon tbey were reoullod one day, about a year later, by seeing a notice of the death of James Hriutol." 7obal died of "hoart-diseaaa," the announcomont stated. It would be impossible for mo to ssy why I to far iutorsted myself in the matter as to take tho trouble to ascertain tho prociue ciroumtanoos of bis death. I bad avaguo douiro to know that was all tho iocontivo I ever know. I loarood tbat Bristol bad bought aa elogaut hoasa and grouaJs on the boulo-vard, near Fort Wab ington. Ho bad been found (load in a small gummer-bouse on the grounds by the coaohiuaa stricken down with hoartdiseasQ. Wsndoring about the . grouuds, I finally approached the stablos aud struck np a oonvorsation with the coachman. 4 "I fancy didn't love bim any too will," said the Impiacious follow. "He worshipped bor though. There's a younger and bottor-looking man wbo comes sometiines that she likes a heap better. " , Instantly my thoughts rovnrtel to her old lover, the variety eotor Uarry bvaas. . "Oh well," loareleasly said, "that's not anything. , There's many a wo man wbo thinks mora of another man than her husband. Dot it doesn't follow that I bote's anything wrongr -. . i ' ' ; c i i a MIDDLE Btf ltG, o, be anwcred. and tben winked knowingly, a nincb as to "Hut in this case it's differ ent." : . "Did yoa ever see any' him? out of way f "Kol wyat lf. l?t yon must know tbat the cook and niu'a ngoin' to be marriod, and she can be kind of free you kuow, jn tolling me what goo on in Ibo boiiflo i and tht says shu'e oen the same follow about thu Iiouho wbou ho shouldn't boeu i tbt'all," Now, all this nmonntod to noth ing. Hud .1 net overboard that Rboi t cou vernation in the theatre, I ebould not have givon this idle guv sip a sccon I toulit. lint tho trilling nutter of overbearing tlmt hIioi t. diH0HM'ou was dentine 1 to bo tin uniiupoi laiit ciicuiilstuiici on which wn'M,jr fiauers.woro lo umgo. I ilelei uiiiidl to obtain a look at tho body of Mr. Ibistol, and tin tin out wbo hi iindeitiikf r wiih, I gain- ed adiiiisHion with biiu to tho hoii.se. Awl 1 twtt-i im,;r, Lens than a week after tho burial of Mr. LiiHtol, I saw an ndvortimi- mont in tho paper for a man a fiiitl.il.mAn mi.l I.Ij nIT.. .. . . .1. : " iu toriod by tho young widow. it. i r ... ...i ... ... "' ' " no icritiiiiiii mm, n:iO e lieiiM lliein kl cnell olllor. f ) tl . 1 wiHhedtogitridof her old servant! when weenlr.d the r.-m m ldcnly. and take iiow une, who have no Lbe va'w'(ling l.esid,, him. In nnu io.-a w.nai na oce iire.J. i.u minuiesiaier l was at my ,....,., !' " "V'T o'lcnsNion wiui our; cook, Kato, an iidolligcut 7, ia i ;i.l. Dressed ;ip in l:er best, and I nt tired in a very Ion I teiif, wo pre- iNclited ouiHclvert lit the ri sl lctico of M,m P.. ;-.(.. 1 A ..... aii. iivoi. .1 11 11 is. l.iistol. A., wo ctiitirod hor pre.senco, I t!i iilli!; "I'bcro's no great sorrow in her face, anyhow. f-lio bad an album iu her lap look tug over sumo jiietnrt h. ' a !" h!io said, claneing up ;' von vo cuiiin in uiiHWer to tho ad vel tismoiit " "If you pi izo miiu." I answwr-.id atud atoMUg. I pretnndnd to pick up from lLo lloor a man's glove, which I iwten led to her as uid .' "M.ijbo n bow yon know the I.- ..1 , faith, but It stained With 1 .. ., 1 , .. ,.. ; ....!... in I :.t.t.. "uu " l,,u ,uvu 'l""'.V from myband, glanced at it, mid then leeoveiing her Composure, J toHsed il ciroliieasly on tho table be. side her. Hut sav she uovor took I.. - t - i. " 01 rocomtuenjiiiions we wero eu gugod. I found that tho cook nnd couch man wore already gone nnd Katy settled down iu tho kitcheu and I asiunod my position in the stables at ouco. Whon my work wa liu- isbod for the day I sat with in tho kitchen, pretending to road, but in reality with my oars wi lo open to bear what transpired about mo. The door boll rang. Coming into the kitchen after wards the waiting maid sid it was madam's cousin. "Her lovor." I thought but said nothing. I began to furtively eye tbe ffirl. It would bo next to impossible to take up tho espionage I proposed without bor being aware of it ; and yet I hardly liked to take bor into my confidence. Ilnppily she lovod the problem fortbe pteseut by declaring herself very tired. "If you will go to tbe door in o.ibo anybody rings, I'll 30 to bod," sho said to Katy, who glauaing at me, and oorroctly interpreting my look, answered ia tlio ulllrmulivo Onae she was fairly out of tho way. I took oil' my shoos and softly went up stairs. Tbey. Lota and hor cousin wore in tho sitting-room whore I had soon bor. I mauugod to got near enough to hoar what was said, even though tboy convorsod in very low tones. "Vou've gut your now holp 1" "Yes." 'Have you done well T" "Splendidly, 1 think," she replied. "Tbey are both as dumb as can be, though tbey understand tboir work, and wouldn't tumble if a bouse fell on them." "By the way, I have lost one of my gloves. Have yoa teen it t"v Yes, here it Is 1111 uo.uii,ui K tumoacii.tuo towaiM me open win low, an, I I ut- to curry it away again. torod few words to my conipun- She quest ioned Katy and myself ions. at soiuii length. I tun do myself p. Tliey slarled towards him. pear exceedingly stupid, aud Katy is face took on a desperate look, did the same. Sho evidently want- ho suitohed out l.i ruvoboi.nid fired ed around her people who were not to shot point blank at tho olll ton briL'ht. nnd t 1 ia un tl.n Ul.,. .' ... I....1 r.ll.... .-. ...11., j SNYDER COUNT Y , I'A, JULY I pcopod through the orack of the partially open door and saw him take it engorly, and a look of roliof crovsed bis faoe. "I didn't know what had becomo of it. Little things like tho lowing of this glove, might do in much damage. Hallo here' a spot on it. I Mlood ! I didn't think ho spillud a drop. There was none soon on hunt" be said anxio nly. "No,' she aiiBworod, lly (be way Harry, did you got thai now crochut needle V "No, but I'll ilt so to morrow. Where's the handle V "la tho .vorkbox in my room." I wailed for no more. My opi ino w i of euortor dii.. nit inn limn I In I r en -ion to expect. Ijc-iving tho honio I hurried to jthn nearettt telegrapli often and sent a dinpatcli to liciid.piiirters. I In mid boor four ollicors were at niy i I . I a 1 nitto I thorn to tho houn aud led t!io way lothosittiug- 'rojni. 1'hey di 1 not bear u i, nnd were talking tn tho most loving strain ! l! fairly chilled my blood t Ihink that it wu posHiblo f .r them to tall; I ... ...I .1. - . I t. I fl mm urn nni. iney na i mm Mer- ichoate I j.lsl c. bv p .iioiiin the n- ;ed was bur.lly c 1 1 in bin giaveJH, . ... .! ' about bi.r wuist. Thev tai l,.,l Hit! I " ; ,U our ii.trnneo nnd both luriu.l nue. ".Tobn," sai 1 Mr.t. Drisl angrily, epeiikin.g lo me. "Ulial doc-j tins 'ii'"" ' "Si .Holy mi lam, that .you an I thi mini In re are prifotiei." ".v ? Wliut for" she hiid in f.il-tni.oii in to tho Ii.hh i in t!i i c't fi- 'fling tuiie. tcr of ii iMa.-hman, led ai you wi! 1 For 1-nir.leriug your b'in!mnd :".i o. to tho diseovoi v of a mot hi I 1 1 sternly said. "For murdering the ikiiiil ohl man wiiii rescued you fi-oin a lift) of ini-i.-rv and shtnio. mil mado you hi wife. uinvoithv u - - -- - Jon were. Willi a shriek she fell back tho sofa. ,t,,d lay thero iiuiv,i .ng nn-1 m.iitiiiig. ' - nairv J-..ms nt iI'kI lanjli, I . i - Hcorntuiiv nn. I Heetueil li-.po-.nl to I bravo it out : but a bo heard my',.:tr pks nl-. ) npprovingly of e ilinlv i-ii i.ji 11 woiM. mi l ret ie.l 1 1 ... sun'io ou'v wlint ... i,, s,io.,o im.y wuui i.iiet 10 ,l...ll.etM.II.,ael,aUgoto.,l phi ...in : ti 1 1 - 1 1 p .-.1... .u never in . il,;:!! in 100 wo- 'man now j be only thought of bim- sc'.f -of how bo could ff:lpe tl.f penally of hit awful crime. I miw him glanco about him. nnd .... . . . . ' V.7 . K T v,M,,UuU,i,i,m e.pmie.y on bim, driving the breath from bis I. .. 1 .. I ..!..!.. I- . 1.. OOO.V, ., p. teing ni.u w,r " comrnf. till the hunduufls 011 through the frontdoor, and into tho .... . , sittnifr.ronni nnnin. uhein nnn nl i in . "" ; two other oflleon was engaged in pi.u,iiui.iiiiir; tiv iu ut v uuitJ I ono of Evans' bullets bad enterod bis eonipauiou's shoulder. "1'ou't give yourself away !" said Hvan's to tho guilty woman. "Tboy can't provo nothing against it." 'Can't they T" I remarkeJ. "Well, wa'll son." Tbo body of Mr, lli ist ol wn ox h 11 mod, and a coroner's jury emui n' oiled. And there, while tho entity pair s tood by, I sprung tbo miae, and unravelled the history of tboir guilty crime. "Harry livana was at your house, Mrs. Ui istol, the day of your bus bunds' death. Yoa surreptitiously ad miuistorod a small quantity of opium to your husband, llo 0 ompLiuod of fjnling sloipy' so in afior, an 1 you snggostod fresh air. 7e eat in tho summer house and thero full asleep. v Here I bold up a handle of a oroobot neodle, made of gold, ' and bearing tbe words : "Lola 1 from your husband.1 ' "Gentleman, you observe that tho needle has beon broken. Bee ifj you can fiud it in Mt. Dristol's j toad." Instantly tbe defiant manner of Evans vanished, Ha aaw that the game was up, With a pair of pincers , tbo miss ing piece of tha oroohet needlo was drawn from tb4 old muu's bead. Tbe present tha token of love Le bad given UrUad bean , wadetbtfniui010PV fond ,la -814 ,n ib .' instrument of bis death. Mont per sons know that the sknll i not ouo solid bono, but is dividod in three parts. A pin, properly diroctod through tho p!;eo of j i-icturo, pit n et rating the brain, Will crxiiHO inntaut death. While Mr. Hrit(d was sleeping heavily iu tho sitininer-houso. Kvnn had plunged tho nnn llo into bin briins, nnd then bn.kn it nIT Tin fractnio at tho point of breaking wn peniliar tbero conl bo no doubt that needlj and h-indlu belongo 1 to eio!i other. lleidi'M, there was Li glove, had found it not. alien I handed it to tho woman lint, unverid day le I :..!.... i .. .. I !', Ml uiu K'l'll'll M .'I IO-li .l l.:ie I : It- IS in uncut uf puncturing tho braiMa!1'' milHt bavo bon nta l nil'iin a Linglo drop of l'loo I had p:irtc A j upon it. The gtovo vn proven to bi hi very eauily. It a a brand ol 1 by A. T. Stewart & Co , nn I tho ale- man r. inemberud Hi lling (hi pair (,, van. The evi l. ne,i could not bo g.i!n waved, and I bey were committed t mner tho charge of murder, nl i tllll!'h Ill'f.llO till! .lilV I.T 111..! II..... . . 1 Thin von ree 1 1 l!,.,t a Hmall t!iin:! 1 .;v. it r-ilt. iO'.v it ia vciiii. lio.net iiif In III ( I 1 Immi ill r I'.,. ... .-..ro .1 : ... I'.. I .- 11 I I I'll niht i the i'Mtr... no I eo-.l-v- l ,,f I,,i.. .......... ......... 'gaining eiihnn uit i fio un 1 lul.i r, win-n the i o a-cilent of touching tho b-tlofthu ! i I man; "U'e-I," re;'t -.1 .M ; and piieliin, my !i-i ;..-. ,r.,v.i ni..'l.,;t ri.. .1-., i-touoi the clue, afterward in gaining al I: r .-I . v 1 . . in if in , mm crime. , M i:i:i5rint: n o w'iI-'i Ihn R.iukini n! tlm R hla iK riinl t w .j u ... I t() n lir, , ,,,, u, , ,,.,-(,, of t'l i Hibln IC.-v Dr. Ilvlan of St. M irl;' j oUlc,, Nw Vi)r,, ni(r ,.,.,,., f , L.wjujj it..resiii;rHlat..m.-iil .up .i.t ;., . ,i... ... . i iii hiiiimiiiii- iviif, iiriiii.i-uni hi ih.i ,w TcHl.iment. Tho learno I H, 1 :.. . .1... .1... "-' ":" . "ii "1 1 i-ui ii i in" iiiiai, 1111 . . . (,Vision wa neee.ary 111 order that ,:,,. .... 1 1 I ....... ...I ,.,;.,, ,ln,r ..1M,l v.,,i .... ,vhat ffoni,,! ih. v stoo l M1M1..1!,. ;t J,,,,, t tt,.M;;lit tlmt ov. ty w... f t, ,,;,.. v.o-,i,,n of ll.o ltil.l,. wim iusjiiied ; I hi belief in pasting w,iy n peoplo l., ",ime ...IiumIcI nnd iUow tl, ,t no work of a translator m bo abtol itely p-.rfect. Thu an-- jlogrnpbs of tlio Apotl--i ,.IVe !,, ;,. a.i .limtppeare I , I A), ,u, ,lllV0 , ,,,,.,., n fl)1. trniisliition nro copie. ancionf ver-' 1 . . . ' . ' miohs, trainiiatioiis, and tho on oil- l,y f"',l' "flmtru t.u.M rlllt.,.,. T.0 ,,.,.!,,, f ,,. ; New Testaments are of two kinds ,, ..m.,,,), , ol,l,.t elat of manu uer ! tits, u r II I. .11 111 on nil ..1.1 o .i.l ...il 1. . ' nmmi,.nt. n...i f,., ,i.ir i.,..i - - - . . . . .. nig wriiiou in a running lian. I that lngm ta ,J(, so,, Ul tll(J t()llt 1 ri't .1 til 1 wnttou Odtwooti tlio fourth mil t'i:th centurio, tbo others after t'no Until con tury. Of tho old Ihoro nro ID in exi. tonco, of tho now about 1,5 H). The very ol I and very v iloaMo m tuu- scripts nro only fivo. Of Iheso the ' Alexandrian Codex was originally discovered ut Alexandria, and wa sent to King Charles I., in l'i. '8. It is now iu tbe Uritlh Museitni. Nothing is known of thu origin of this, but it I usually assigned to the middle of the fifth century, tti much uiultilitted, twenty-four chap tors of the first (lospi l, two of the fourth, and oigbt of ono of tho Kpia lies being missing. Tho uet is the Vatican muuusuript, supp ed to have been written ia thu fourth oen. tury- A copy of Ibis was uovor mado till (803, when a facsimile was issu ed. Tbo oouditiou of this i much more porfoct. Thu third manuscript is that in the National library ut Paris, wbitbor it was brought by Catharine do' Medici. This bad beon overwritten thut is parchment had beeu used for other writings 1 but, spite of that, the original had boen dooiphorod. 7t is asaignod to tha early part of the fifth century. Tbo fourth raauuaonpt is that now at Cambridge, This is the least val uable, as It Is much mutilated, It belongs to the sixth' centnry, the 4 21, 18SL NO, 1, Co u vent of St. Cnlbarino on Slonul Sinni by TiHchondorf, and copied by him in 185'.), i the mont valuablo of the five, a it. contains tho Now To t iinent complete. This is nppoed to have been wiitlen in tho fourth century. None of tho inot valuable authorities were coutultnl in a'iv of I bo L'nglihh Vereiou of tho Mible, Avon in u: ikin j tint of Iv in Jamo' liino Tin Latin Viitato, the p!on tifnl cniMivo in iniixcript, and the truiielalions were 8ed. I'rrors like tho Dix.ilo ry at tho en I of the Lord's Prayer bai crept, into tin traiiHlition, even into thcSyrim, which Wn n old a tlio Bicmivl ecu tury. Th. i Latin Vulgato u pro bubly mi excnliMit Irmxliitiou, a ' ":y vcars oi Hie ileal ii ol M. .lolin J I'lio ilmnge (hat havo junt been I made have only been ma lo ben the 'weight of authority left no doubt of j Ibeir iieei-Hity. Tho text i not h 'plo-l ion of t asto. of like or ilihlil.o, ! but of hiMloiie testimony. I expect do see tho c irroclod verioti win il ' WAV i',t, 'I'1' ' !ili leneo and linpoi't of thl L:)g!ish vpelkin f penplo. TjU Aji'O?-. 1 1 3 Pij.ir Fori J.s ''Y-- !" cxcLiini" I lr. M n: uii , .n !';. piiiae I t 'i ! i i " en I In . I l I i." mi, I M ti!.., iI.umi , p t le a '. I" ovi- I 'i- r.-ar Ic n.'e wi, . Ii r n.'i.Mi 'I, Mn. I'.m il:ar. ' My lni bmlii h iiuI. c ii ot i at, li'iihe, I lie ljim ' o'll in iMicicIv In V very i dii. N nv, w!i)'. my Ihim- kind lit, u i.-cr i 1 I 11; I! 1 1 -i ll ir, ii.ilft.it) tn tl'cii ul an ' ii'is.w, -ii..os0 hccau-.u ' to you no " -' ,t ,., - i..i,,p..,I b'i'a pt Mr. M.. Im's ne pi iinte I wiih me." Well, lu-caiae Ik'k r. little I '"lit," . ..,.i..,l t,j it .. v -..mm... t ... i.. n , ( n. .-I , ! iil M , j "He-niisi' ho uses o nincli oil ?" I "V-l ' ' vet," repliu 1 Mrs. M., j wilb -milfl. j ' it isn't t i-c no be g..t. f.i'l, is il?" wi!, " ..v.. I ;......) w... m . .n . ,.i 1111- p-'",ntly. Y'l'l'lt) H iV til I Hl'lpld 1 g 1 yo.i'll have to H.'h .nornin V1I1 m,. " ,.i 11 ,1 1 "Mill, Hn 11. I r !" ( j icnhited it ! I'esene Mr- W by i l,e lik- "Well. n h ncv T hliillcH vnm l. ...., ,m," n, 'liuo walked oil wiUt Jr-. Mm mi air ol ti l.iih-i-liiski't I'tei-n- and l'io "... '"l" " ';:" '"- r-'pair.l to ' '"k over age I alnna tc. il.at she :M "veU with Irr neigblnr m to iiiorr.. r. - F St :, . . )is Mj,,sly. The .dh.-r ui-.'.t a ,. ilie.,,, an ob " ' uli 1111 p ilionin in oU N 1 . man liaunin.' around th'i en i in av.iimo hotel iu inner u t of wav. an 1 ho usk. ,.,l lmn if In. l.,.t ..,, 1 1., 11 .!.... t'nen in notion upstair. The man ..1 - 1 . 1 .1 11 . . ... , ..... 1 11 ' 11 w:iy ii-iii v Vll'l IT'i lill . ' ' Well, I was thiukiii" 0f jt "lltven't boeu exiiellod. have "Oh. no." "Aren't afraid of auybody 1" "No." 'And you haven't lost your in terest ?" "I might us well toll you," bind (lie man after beating around a while 'longer. "1 went down to Tide do a few day ago, aud somehow tbe story eatuo back that I was drowned My lodge theroupou passed resolutions to tho etVuct that I was buuet, up right and liberal aud a shining orna ment, aud that what wa its loss wus my gain. 1 wasn't drowuod, us yon sort, but I kin 1 o' bate to walk iu ou 'em and bast tho -10 resolution. I've triud it three times, and I can't gel higher up than tho tiflh stair bufore I woukon." th trait Free. I'rvss. It was tbo Burlington ruilroud train, and polities bad givon way to theology, and tha young man with tho turban bat lull tbo ibor, aud was denouncing the old- fmbiouod idea of boll. "I toll you," ha cried, "man was never Intended for . anuU a fiendish ptiuUbuiout. Nature never made 1110 for kindling wood.'' "lleckou not," said the old parson, back near tbo stovo 1 "too groou." He didn't go and elaborate aud ax plan what he meant, but somehow or other everybody aoemod to Under ataud bim, and the eoversatieo gra dually drifted back into polities. ,. , 'n 113 , I'OMTtf PiiblWicd every Tlmrsdnr Evening JKRSMIAH OROUSrProp . Torms of Snbsnnption, TWO DOLLAR PER ANNUM, rsy able vithin sis uionlh. or $2A9iftwt puid within (ti i roar. No paper 4ls contiiruoil uatll all srrcnUefe 'are riaid unlc at the option of the pub iKhcr. (Subscription out'dde of the eoontt I'AVAMt.K 15 ADVASCB. Wr-PerHon lifting snd lining papers ddrccd ') oiIit lircomestiHicribers ml re liable fortbe price oftbepspcr Attorn THE CUE WSDH COBB . Itchiny awl St'iil; lUt(ie, I hi morn i'' the Sui!p uwl $kin i'friwtiunll'j Cured. i.m. W. Mrnwn. M rh 1 1 St., PtnvMort'4. H. l .nuf. il l.jt I'tiil. iira H .i.llt .0 Bin. "fii Horn .mot m I'm lur'nf whli-li piml Mil nvr liU rc, iii.-S lln.l f, n1 lot $ IS Vr rroiii'l nil klniU ul troitmtnt. ui ijmioii Y. tl lriit, K. i -onl f ir llirp.r a limn., Iiplri.lt. Ml h., me nn nnlonl'litnx cr.nril I hi. ( (r. r-i.in r.'.lrni), niocii h ,1 ian lrtnl. il l o n.iiCi.M"n ol .liy.llnii with, out lirnr-ni. n I wMi'h ) r.0 1 1 y , til.li UIU I'itiii ii a Hk-mii vkv r Ililrrr.KlIf uni t'Cfi. ecu nn I l'i tii rn suac ruiotn ly, sftl.il 111:111. II. A. H.iin"ii., An HIT r. w.. t. a a n.n., .It.-knn, Ml h.. i fi'p.l if HcnM IU11I at uiu jr' durittlun bf tl " t'nilrur llmitl 1:11:111. 1 l.n. w m. Taylor, li. t..o. Ms" , parmBl ly rtirr.l of liiet.or l III tie-n mil rnlp l crinn) lliat Ii el l.'.nn ir-4ta.l un t(ett .1 1 ft lirtnft nr 1. 1 inmiy ol ll..ic.ira I'loul- Inii- uu.l in.."! nnl.'il a.v -lallria, will i iir ier 111 ...ilh ol lin Tlll.K 4 HI sr. Mn. r.m tj. 11 1 rllPi.n -ril. .,1 l.r-r - .,lr'. . -1. 1 T -1 . milk . rit.l 10. 'i 11. It.i I ;ill SI , rinrlnnnti, ' .1 i i-iir. il of r inn leu lor i v.iit". A . a III i". lit-IM l.ot , on k WriUtl. (ul lii-i t 01 I, nr. I tl t nu (I !! I'l.nk.X. II un. '.l.-.t'ii t'l'i 1 ii.'n- f, II pa ton. w.ia t nruil o( H"l i-i'l.i of lalHiM i.l III hair n o .: '. .i i it iu-"!. . .i i. trn.kliy tn t II l' i i i. aiel I'll" i ha li'U' -Mi.riiitllri ..lil ll i'inili!i'la v ri-'i rS SI. l.-ilr wUtn nil nil. I ti wi ul I I II. a Iiiiiim.. I,, f. .'iln Irnnlir ri An., I'! Ila-lr-l 1 1. 1.i. a till. -Ir I w .1 ti .1 .in.l r ii .1. w hloh l,,r t ivani i voiira Im.l cui-r .l 1,1. a alH Ith a. ulna one. iinirl-1 ol itn In- Ii In tliUk ilea, o rJ bj tti t'ntlinrii Hinn,IUa. IliB 1-fTI' III lllKI ll T l"l.l In t ti 4 Inter:!! ua ul tli Ht'Tli-i Hhmum-h r. Hi '"'w 1 i",r ,,cr. H"'1 r ,nl t t -ii ii I-ii a nuii iii Te i ha miiaI', tti (Irett Mhln fiin". I- "r Mtn'iiirn, T,m mi. I lia Kktn na l.'rr. 'I' II V Si'M', Kit I .Ulai tollol, balll sill niirfy a in ol o. Ira4ra.nl with ,lelliiliu Sow. ir o.lura and u.-ioln lilaaiua. (inn it a Homo l.- ara Mr aalo !- all ilrilul.la. I'flr ofl'i inriiA, M-ileiial .Ml., tu.ail lino,, full Utk'" l.-Ora, !l, lllilil Kk.itt.Vu.a r. Ho. im r ll"0 I I'liriiL-r. fl n-r Uiiil.-, iIitiiM'iia SiiaI- ('llA i lfe-i nl me luminal aul lulltt ania), .do. lii.ni Mmiiuhal Niiaviii t-uar, 11,-. rrtii.-ilial iIpjoi!, l--.HH S . I'll I I t-.lt. Iloal.m, Hlswu l I 'h.iiI' .1 iron on r.-lit of .rii-i. C0LLflVs Moro r .iitlnnoiia on. I 11. mt. tint iii--irt.'i.l a. 11, -ii VlCAir t"" ri rrTwn i ' On- -I Ir-nn I'm 1 - k ayvsa""w t .0 t aii Ki K. rtiiN l'i Am- 1 ..UN 11, an any liallry l,i.i l,-. III,., ari a r-iilr aihI i-i I imii ,-iri- I ,r I'aln t w. akoa.a i.r Hi ' l.'lhi;.. l.iv.-r, Kol'--a, an, I t'rinary lliuliiii, I III'. Ill, 11I1. 1. . Ii iii!.i., .,.i, I' niaU w-'.il.li,-f, Nllrvooa lulna ulol WnloiVaaa , M.ilana. an I t , i.raii.l A ia. l'rl '4.1 t-rui j NulU 1 1 1 v I., u" I Wl.KK k I'. TTItll, II i.t .n , Milan. .iM- wwii-11.. m .,T i,Btl Moik. sim,i 1 nioii.v maul. Saiai.laa lr A l.lraaa, Al. li.N, J .a.An Mrrai. Noar Von Errors of Youth. ' A ns 1 ,,K.M N 1 ,r ,ri,"i ; l. ar.oiia HKIUI.I rf, I'Kt.a l I K), .- I , Hlol nil llirrllaola ol yotiltilul llnll-oro-j ll -ii, .Mil lor II, raaa nl tmitrin Iniiiian.lT. I i-oii 1 Iron ,i all W,.. i.aa.l t r.M-, an, I ill 1 ri i-iliin I t iiiaklna iimauiiila n msily i "lili-h l.nai. i'lirn.1. !siMrtira MiatmiK t-l Hutll !, ilia it,lvi-riii.ur'a flApr-rli-ni-a r.m it,, o.i I r ait. 0 .-- 1 ii a Hi 1 t-r .--i conn nm-, joll.M II. IHI. I)l.., ii t.a.litr hl ..aw, 1 oik. Jan 17, 'Hm: ri.Mi'.Jx I will mall 1 tr)' tha r.-i, lor aalmnia, iMOTAiait Ii.im u,at m iru.oia I V HiKiKl.K-, I I vll'l, KS a III lll.llll'HKS, I. hviiik On- .kin .-M. , laar an. I boaiuiiui i alio, In-iru.-llouM tor tir.Hiuoliiir a luiariint armaan Iriia. Inel.i-lnil 110. .tanil 1. air on a n.o.i ha a or amnion lm-. Ail. V AM I'Kl.U a iu, i ll.i km. 11 St., M. TO CO?SUM'TIVES Ititi R.lvuntKDr, hatviiiK wu i-tnuftnonlly fiiru.l tf tli i 1 .Iron 1 I.MiLf. f. ni.u -oi. I Ion In, - a.iin le rtfuimly, la anii',iH to uijba i.. m 1,1 . .mi--.u,ii, ,i iiia-fnair 'ir. T i all wlin ilanlra it, Iib will aun.t a ct-f ul tli rra-H,-rlitlon iiQ,, 1 irM ol lOiaro ) wltb iht illro iIoiib lor iirirlii ami u.lntf tlia tame, wtiii.lt lliay Will tl'i.l fl'KH ft IIS nr I'llKal HI-TloM, AKTIIHA, IIHIIM UITIH. we, l'.irlla wl'klnil On i'len.'f llitl m, a.l,lr,, llsf , 1.. a WlltbO.V, 14 ar II t ulvav fua bto WllliaiuJi.uin, N. V. QKOHGE II, HENKKfl. Oountv Hut'vovor Kratzcrvillc, Snyder County Penn'd. SurvcTlnit 1111J Cnnrryanoinit prompilf in I rkilirully giiriiilfj In. A bar of .lit. j 1 1 1 I i . ' "ilron iK Aol'iiilr.l. July i -.ill, '7, pj f.ulilo forhoth 5LV.E8, f.w ttir tnirHmt i 4 IIiiimi rum. Iliiiil.n . i .ii-i.hk.i ,i ItiNihiiI. fa.'l. loitniK li.Mik. c ! -.i 'i.i ilHoiillliouoii liralih. Ill-i-iiao, mill iiiv l liin, ,-i i ,. Manatnl W uiiitini inrn la liiunao, ami i-ii.'-irNo liv .ia,.i ita ...rrh,-ii. l'i ftO CO.lfB, l.'r lir. A. o. OI.IN. i,n niil, .t Ki,aiiifL i., Uiu Nntihwi-ai, Kloiwill in tfiQO I. r !. i i .ra el iilv.ili. or I'liroiili-. di. i-u.-. of iIUht an li.i "mli tiBka auj f ilia tn i-iiru si-mi I mi at.i.ai," ft, Cuidu to Henltrt. Reliable Fema Pill, $8 Bo. iioi l liunio lor ir.ili.a ii i.., iuii. ii'"" i. Rtibber Coorle an t Ii -niar n liiiiurunl inloiu.al.on, li t ajutra, Bf) oentS, Or. A. G. OLIN, Kcttuclrjr niork, l 8. C'nuk St., Cbloaitu, 111. OPIUM 4 lloraalai-ularatwr with. nut lain lit Itiaiuarliaa. N,-ail .ianii r,w uai tlaulara.Hr.HAl Ka I i Sm th I krtiuit St., I hiran.. IAC0U H. IIIK(1KI. CO.. (I - WIIOI.fcHAl.tf IIEALES IS I'OltlilUN A UUHUSTIO DRY GOOI) IVo. dtta .MurUet Hf, IMilht lolphln. l,t
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