The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, July 14, 1881, Image 3

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Uiddleburg, July 14, 1881,
locrtl lNevv. Ace.
Urmia Vovmtr rfltiBTi. fk Coorta el
fcsTtsT CotfatT ar kalil nn lha fnortk
M Fsbrsarr, Mar, snd rjaptsmbar, sad Sasokd
Basilar of PacaiBkat.
All communications, btrMtif lot
trs Ac. for this nflice, to secure
.mmnt attoiitlmt should be nddrpsspd
m follows: Tint Tout, Middlelitirjr,
Dnyder County, Fit. Advprtisptiients.
communication Ac. must lie hntiilcd
n by Monday noon, to secure iusor
lon in next issue
Mr. Marian Stahliiockur is in Myor
town. Ret. I. Irvino and wifo liiivo moved
to Berwick,
ohn W. Orwi Mod fiimily bare re
turned from Getty sutirg,
, -a-.
The cont of tiling a o(sgo itninp
ence it tbreo cents twice, -.
IVoitAe jrowling ; take your weather
it comet, and be thankful.
The fine for tresspassing on tnnd
Where notice are poalod up, is 10.
Cliarlet and Dora Ayro are at
borne will return to their wostron
Lome ihortly.
Appetite, Flesh, Color, Strength and
Vigor if you covet these, take Oyer's
fisrsspsrill, which will confer them
upon you in rapid succession.
Mist Amelia Alaenhower and Mia
Ella Bolender who a fow week ajro,
accompanied Will Ranch to Lebanon,
Ta., have returned home.
Conductor Furlong paid our office a
visit on the 2d inst.
It is pleasure to meet a gentleman
ofJr. Furlong's style he it genial,
intellgent and big-hearlod.
"Forced by my political connection
into public life, my iinering were in
tensiflcd by the comment of those who
saw my fcc and head covered with
scrofulous humor," said a contlemmi
recently cured by Cuticura Remedies.
July lm.
About the best and moat reliable
adilion of tho New TonUmonl i thai
published by the Henry ill TuMUli
log C. Norwich, Conn. Elegant pa
per, largo typo, with aide note, and
handsomely bound. It may be said to
be tho only uceumlr e lition.
John Moyer, tanner, of .4 Jam town-
nip, cradled, raked and bound wheat.
and although about a yoar a. ho vu
ttnclceii with paralysis ami is riihhi-
nro yean oj ay m id a full hand during
the present Inmost. Mr. Moyer Its
certainly boon a man of remarkable
phytical strongth and the owner of
jut at remarkable constitution.
Prof. Kurzenkna'jB's Coicerts.
Sjlinigrovo. Frills' evaiin;, J ily
lfilli and Sunbury, S.UunUy evening,
July Kith,
It is a "waste of tho raw material"
to si tempt to advertise tlipn concerts
in a newspaper article. The name of
Irorkurzonkiiabo ciinitoein.l with any
musical entertainment is the best re
commendation to be given and U good
anywherein thisbroud commonwealth.
lct everybody go.
JMidential Mutual Aid Society, of
America, principal ollice Harriaburg,
la., informs its friends, that they can
rest assured that this Society stand, all
right-wesay it boldly, superior in
Tnany other reaped to any other 80-
01 me icimi in the state-sound
no toiij to the core. Our business is
first-class , look at the figures.-during
lPliL We U,ued ncw Policies of almost
i.uuu.uuo j In May about $000,000, and
-"u.g juoe wo issued about the
me amount. In threo months' our
busioest will amount to over V000.
i u encouraging, and is
undeniable evidence of the unparalloll
d prosperity of the Society. You can
tim unbounded confidence in the
ununessortueSocieyt, and all it.
- "vi a lor iu imure suo
w with great energy, becau.e the
t J ' uc win be their own uo
otetrr. President:
That "Cyclopaedia War."
u.i particular, of this great literay
. t enewnere in thi. pa.
Pr. will Intereet every ouriou. reader
?ui ZT y "Z? ,eroher uw-'
ful knowledge. The lost Mm.r.i..
great 'Library of Universal Knowledge"
Waa m.4 I. a v - . "
vpe june zath an .1,.
eomplet work, in 15 octavo volume.
v w ueuvery 10 purchaser not 1st-
" wao July 10th. J -..-1
ai? '" ,u.U,,!i-' People
. - pan or the furnlaV.I..
eve, published In thi. oouni,. La
iernap better alani,i 1,. ' . .
in 1 r ""J omer
popu,uMi0ughti Md dubtjeM
&,nd. Into the home,
l.n M herelofo' been loaccessi
'leonaooouot of hlKh cosL Sni.i
Peeial reward U offered
her. to -i..u ""puo.
. lurwaratng
.v. ornoe, wWa eor.1.
-vy.op.dU can bet. .0. rT
Weft End Items.
Fanner are about closing thd liar
Teat, drain being much lodged and
tangled made harvesting troublesome.
Owing to the Intpness of the grain,
farmer are nearly All through making
nay, which was a large crop, although
not any too well cured, on account of
the cool weather at the time.
Amos Nnook lias closed his distillery,
for want of grain, until after harvest
T. 1). Collision who lately embarked
In the mercantile business at Flnlter'
Mill, and Watson & llrennon at Con-
grave Hall nlao engaged In the mer
cantile huxltips are meeting with iner
itpd sueeess.
Zimmerman & Heocher have closed
the prop business at Kauh's Station
and have gone to Centre county to en
gage In the suiiio business. It.
Marx Is selling his Hoots and
Shoes at cost. Cull, see and convince
yourself. jiy
For Til K Post.
Killed by a Vicious Bull.
McCli kk, July 11, issi.
FniKND Ciioi'sk: I take; this nipth
od of inforinlug the readers of your
paper, and more u.Mcluly the friends
and relatives, of the sad dttuth of our
beloved and highly esteemed cousin
Joseph J. Frietlley of Heueca county,
Ohio. The deceased came to his death
in the following maimer :
On the 24th day of Junelast he went
to his bam early hi the morning to
attend to his stock, and as he went in
to the stall to feed a vicious bull, the
animal made a plunge at him, caught
him on his horns and threw him near
ly to the joist. His son bearing the
noise went to his father's assistance,
caught the bull by the ring In his nose
and held him until his father was re
leased. Immediately after he wus
hurt he said he nould not recover.
The best medical aid was procured,
but of 110 avail, he continued to sink
rapidly from the time he was injured
until the 80th at S o'clock I. M., when
his spirit took its Might, we hope, to a
better land where sorrow, nor deuth
can never reach us.
The deceased was a son of I, ud wig
and Hebeuea Frledley, (the latter a
sister of the late Ner Middlcswarth,
deceased;. His parents removed to
.Seneca county when Joseph was a
mere lad. He was abundantly blest
with this world's goods, being the
owner of sewral of the tlnest farms in
Heneea Co. He was a member of the
Presbyterian church anil h christian
gentleman, beloved and respected by
all who knew him.
In November last himself and wife
visited his Snyder county friends for
the third and last time; when deleft
for his homo hu assured his friends
that If his lift was spared he would
again repeat his visit. He loved and
cherished the home and nativity of his
long departed parents.
Tim bereaved family have the syiu
p.ithyof all their relatives und friends
of Snyder county. A. K. M.
WNo better place for Hoots Si Shoes
than Marx's at ('jugress H ill, S dins
grove. Nothing bat llrst quality
The Game Lnws.
The amendmenU to the g.imo and
lisli laws, which we publish lo-dny,
permit I ho hunting of deer from Ooto
her 1ft to December Itlst ; prohibit
trout Ipsa than livo inches in length to
be taken, and limit rabbit hunting from
ISovemher lit to January 1st. H iss
pike, Sc., can now only bo takou in
making outline fishing for them il
legal, llio other parts of tho act of
1878 remain in force. The laws relat
ing to gamo now stand as follows :
Deer, except spotted fawns, mav ho
killed from October Is, to December
31st. yVnalty 10. Dogs running deer
may te Killed 1v anv nerson. pxrent In
tho counties where such hunting is
permitted by special acts.
Souirrels may bo killod from Sep.
lumber 1st to January 1st. 'oualty f
for each squirrel:
Rabbits can be taken from Novenv
ber 1st to January 1st. 1'
Wild Turkeys can be tnken from Oc
tober loth to January 1st. .Penalty $5.
No wild fowl, which include ducks,
geese, pigeons, etc, can be killod be.
tweou Jay and 6'eptenibur 1st, under
a penalty of f 10.
Woodcock mny be killed from July
4th to January 1st, and upland or grass
plover from July 15th to January 1st.
Penalty flu in each case.
Partridges may be killed from Octo
ber 15th to January 1st. Penalty flO.
rhessants may be killed from Octo
ber 1st to January 1st. Penalty 110,
Rail or reed bird are to be killed
only during the month of September,
October and November. Penalty .
Nets, traps, snare or torchlight are
prohibited to be used in killing wild
turkey, partridges, woodcock, rail or
reed birds, under a penally of $10, and
any person may destroy audi nets,
trap, etc., wherever found,
Sunday hunting or fishing Is prohib
ited under a penalty of 25.
One half the penalty goe to the In
former. Bloomiburj Normal School.
On Tuesday evening, June 28th, rrof.
Wm. Noetling waa very agreeably .ur
prid, when he returned to hi. room
from chapel, in finding that the mem
ber. of Senior CI as assembled there.
They presented to him a very hand
omo book-case, ooating .eventy-fivo
dollar., aa sincere and grateful tri
bute for hi. untiring energy manifested
hi behalf of the olast. The fine quali
ty of tbi. elegant token Droves hi ar.
duoua and careful labor to be highly
"inirouiaiea oy ail.
We have lust received from the Pnl-
U-bera, Thb Hour Glaoa, an eight
paged sixteen eolumn weekly, devoted
to "nothing bat new." lo, general sU.
ence, Tjttias SO eenta a year. AaV
dreM EverttW. Fish & Cv, 17. La
dalla 8t, PJityW, .
Just from
Minnt.Knt RO, July 0, '81
Vn Tt.cfta f 1. a I ... a I I .11 . I
:" : V. '""i""11 m 'r,,w
relative to rne natter ng state of Kan-
.uoovmuimtriKiniHiia w a
representative of some: rail road cor
poration, or considered as misrepre
senting ny way of exaggerating any
thing that I may bring before the
public, fin-the purpose of encouraging
people to emigrate to our beautiful
stHte of Kansas. In conversation
with some of my old ncquniutancs, 1
was prevnled upon to give a letter for
publication, something which might
tie of Interest to many who nre some
what Inclined to change their base
and seek a western home. I will there
fore state true facts in my letter t
"The Post" and let the render Ignore
or draw his ov-11 conclusion.
Hie readers of the Post nre no
doubt somewhat familiar with the oft-
repeated description of the railroad
routes, such as the great Santa l'e.
through Kansas and Colorado and
the Central Kruncli through North
east Kansas. The CM. extension Is
now graded six miles west of Logan,
which Is over two hundred miles west
of Atc hison, and a new station w ill be
opened in a few days. Work on the
second ten miles of track has been
commenced, and the company pro
poses to push things until the whole Is
completed to the west line of the state.
Kdiuond, Norton county June 2-tli
voted bounds to the amount of ftO.ii'K)
to aid in the construction of the ('. It,
& U. P. It. It. west. I spek of Norton
county and the surrounding country
more especially on account of the re
cent change.
And while Norton was unfortunate
last year, being aftlicted with a severe
drought, resulting in the loss of about
two thousand ,,r her population, there
has been a gradual Increase tbisy;ar,
until to-day the county hasfully Hindu
up the loss of those who left on ac
count of the partial failure of crops.
It would require too much tiuienml
space to give agricultural statistics,
and consequently I will only give the
most Important requisites. Ooveru
incut land can be obtained, although
the choice laud has all been taken
either by entry or purchase, some
tracts of land still lay vacant waiting
settlers. A man of small means can
do well, beiiigitble to purchase cheap
er than he can mike improvements.
The parties who wish to sell neither
dislike or nre ilissatislled with the
country, but lire possessed with lli"Hy
ever restless desire to "go west," or ' I'oro
know H111111 iitlini ti-i.i.t ..f ti-lil.'li tl..i-! Hsis
can get possession. Improved fiirms
are occasionally helling at prices rang
ing from i torfl,.V). l'oruuiin
proved claims, or tracts and lauds not
yet deeded, many are otTerv I at aston
ishing low prices.
And owing to the prospe.-t of hav
ing the K. It. completed to this point,
ami the Mattering outlook for a large
crop, which was never more favorable,
lands are increasing very rapidly, ami
will soon be on an equality with 1 lie
lands in Kastcrn and Southern po
tions of Kansas.
In Atchison and adjoining eoiii'M
the crops never looked any better.
Wheat, like In every other i
short, owing to the severity of the
winter. Prospects for corn is very
good. Flux Is raised extensively, u.i-1
is a sure crop. Corn sells troin :)Ue. to
'i'tc, per bushel. Wheat and II. i
range from ft. INI to if 1.10 per bushel.
Wood Improved farms along the C,
H. It. It. twenty live and thirty miles
from Atchison and within three and
four miles of other marketing towns
oil this It. K, sell forf.'I.OU und f M.IM
per acre. Not lunch vacant land in
these eastern counties anywhere.--Another
Hooni in thecity of Atchison.
An important event in the history of
our city is the Street Railway recent
ly put hi operation. Thirty-six thou
sand dollars have thus far been ex
pended on the construction of t he
road, ami when completed, there will
be four miles of track. This city af
fords a llrst-class market, and the
progress is simply Immense. Atchison
has the only Street Railway hi Kansas,
the only Union Depot, the only oil
mill and the only canning factory und
Is the only city hi the State using tho
Kluctrle light.
Atchison's elevators have a greater
storage capacity than all others hi tho
Statu combined.
Atchison has more railways than
any other three cities In Kansas.
Atchison has the largest foundry
and machine shops In tho State, und
the largest planing mill.
Atchison has the largest and the
most elegant retail dry goods houses
in the State, and the finest
business j
block of bullilhiKs. Inshort, Atchison
is the Commercial Metropolis ami
UuUwtty centre of the State.
About one day's continuous travel
without accident or delay of any kind
from this city will take you to Harvey,
Harvey county. our llrst impres
sion on reaching this locality Is that
you have by some mistake dropped
down into a colony of Pennsylvania
folks, Snyder county belnjr well repre
sented, P. D. Benfer, Adam Boworeoi,
II. Dreese, John Preese, Slurry Lupfer
anduiauy others are fllllnn their sta
tions with cretlit to themselves In this
locality, and like all other that eml
tcrate to Kansait, no Inducement could
lie held out to them that would cause
them to come back attain to stay.
Closing Out at Cost !
At Marx's Boot and Shoe Store, Con
grats Hall, Selinigrovo.
Aa the season Is pretty far ad van ceil
and in order to make room for an
early Fall trade, I concluded to sell at
ooat for the nett M day. No old
took on baud. If you want to buv a
good article now la your time as I only
lraA4to4 good for tti least money.
"Wamon Never Think."
If theerablwd old Imctietur who tit-
tered this sentiment emild witness the
i intense thought, deep study and thor-
,VPHtl)rnt(n of WOInPn ,,,
iil., l. ,..I,.V.. ,
families well, and would note their an-
gaclty and wisdom In selecting Hop
Hitters as the best, and demonstrating
it by keeping their families hi perpet
ual health, at a mere nominal expense,
he Would bo forced to acknowledge that
such sentiments are baseless and false.
Muslo School.
This noted Institution for the study
of Vocal and nslurmcutul music w ill
begin n session of six weeks on Mon
day August 1st, 'XI.
Add its
June 2.1, VI I'reclmrg.
( is simply marvelous how qnicklv
constipulion, l.iliouncs- nnd sick
heiiditehe nre cured by "Scllcis' I.ivci
Pills." cents.
June lo, 4w,
It will puv every body to ex;in!nc
the imineiisp Nock cf Furniture fot
s:ilo by the Popular Furniture man
W. II. I'KUX l.cwistown I s.
Roils, pimples on the face, salt
Rlieu m, old soies, and all cutaneous
eruptions disappear liko iniigic w hen
'Dr. I.indscy's Itlood Searcher" is
Juno li,
oossacrsii wiasi.T sv
tT . V. DftjcMo,
Pnlstnaa ln
lliuifr par pnunj .b'tfll
Tallow parpouuj
10 li'
8;eJil t'hfrrlat
PrioJ Apple
i 10 r.
7 to H
illiddloburr .llui'lict.
Simontoti, Ilni'lior c Co.
an is s w.
Wheat par luishel
l n.-,
No. 2
l ui ;
rinterscfd par huana' 3 Cu lot On 1
riiarri"-. .lllil 141
I'hrril'a. uiiiiill it !
Illaiklirrre-a nl
It u-.'i -1 1 1 e -a ill I
Una I si :t 1
I'rnulira. psirrj, 1
lii'l-airrl, A
Hu'Ca-r. pntiit p
lluiirr, trcun J-cla.'t lo
Kitir IV
iinem T'l
Ihim I'.'j
s";ioiild"r lo!
liar, ill nSI
I.m I ftol"
I'sllnW e'i
''licinnl par liualnl 1
nll l ira 3"i la fi"
IVi Doit 2fi
riiiiei rosl M '1
I'l i -Ui i Co i '1 el
.g I'M
A K it 1 1:1 .
June 'JL'il.l, lit 'l. John's l)iscopal
Chinch, in .' ; i 1 1 I , K!klnirt Co.,
by Hie Kcctor, liev. M, A'osevclt, I 'I, us
('. Hower of Ihistnl. ml., formerly 1 fi
Mnl'llclium, I'n., ami Miss Kitty Ham
ilton of Lawrence, Miss.
July inili. by Kcv. nine, Tbenph
ilus rloril mil Miss Nellie Sony,
hull 1 of l'liilailcli'liia.
it! t:i.
In M iilillclnir. July, 7, infant son of
(iiibiii l n 1 it 7h 1 rit't 1'i aver.
June 'St. in llciivcr township, IM
win Francis, son of John ami
(iilhcrl, ancil 1 year und iTi ilays.
Near Ciinnlmi, I'd., on Sun. lay even
inii, Juno L'.illi, C iit. I". 1). Kousti,
agml r7 years anil li inoiillis.
Captain Housh it will be roni i mlicr
pil coinniaiiilail a company of gullani
fellows who were ipiarloreil in this
placo for a few ilays prior to their ilo
pai tuio for the front in 1S1. He wne
a cool, brave, ilnrim; soMier nml an
csteciucil ami accomplished olllccr.
fit the matter of Ihr mMt of Aivui Shu'
(li t, lccV.Wi'i.
THE nndersiKnod Auditor appoint
ail ha tua Oourl lu illairlliula I ha (unila la
Ilia Uau.l. ol John H. as.l Harry M.
II a I in A.l.nlnl.lPKli.r. i t Anns h I. .,! ,lu .1
mil mtal ilia tvrllaa la Inlarnl at lila urn fa id
Allilillal.urs, on wa.laaw'ar, A us. 1.1. si V
uVlork A. li , si arlilon lituaan-l liUa all ar.
aoas liavlntf olalma ara raqiiattal to praaaot
lltamiluly aulhanilaia-l, or ba Uaiiarra I Iroia
ouuiIds la oo (aid luoJ.
Juna SO, 1MI. AuJIlor.
Til R nndersirne.t has ovenel a
Furniture Store, near the Middle
hurir Depot, and keeps constantly on
hand a Inrireaud well selected stock of
Chamber HuitH,
Htilst tmls,
CnnpaHenlotl OltnlrM,
Wood.Nuat Oliult'M
i r i.i :
I'siAl riiniuii -K. irifin .
nd svsrytrilnn 1m I't In a flrtlss
ruruuura uiorr.
H. H. ROilNSEft
.. rowr
Ar-, 14,6n. MUldlvb
I Tru-ai . IN of 1-.
In Ihf nmiirr nfth-ifl.,,,- I In the Qwrll
I,i rMatr tifit V. f 'iitk,
nil imtulif ul ilrblor.
1 if (inn mint
ilmnnHny '
NOTICE In l.erpbv Riven that F.
r.. Rnasref Ml.t.iMmrtj, sayrtar e.-nntr.
'a., hat h-SB tMH'InnsI ly Oi I t I'niirt,
'I rmtaa amUr lira Insolvent !- ol I'annsv'.
v Mils, nl all Ins H- la. itojx.n ttel rllrsta,
fl ami l-armnsl, nf i. I', r'fna. nf iltn
srnr, an InNnhr-nt riaMnr. All p'r'nnMhara.
Inra. who ars linlito-l to ndl lnulait tiMir.
or aho hoM pro.iartjr Wlonslns to him. sra ra-
" in t anl il-ller all auch mini nl
isnnar anil rn ariy rtna an1 latonalnf to Ida
asM Itifflvntl ilrlfter. lo tna nalil Trnara; an I
all rrs.llii nl lh ani l InxiWrnt lMr ara
ilaalral 10 rsaaat tl.alr rttparlos a,unl ur
dam a ml .
T. t. UtIWKH.
Juna 0, t, '1 ruttaa, a.-,
W. Simontnn. of the firm of
I Mm
Minnnton. Harlaf ft Do. te rai-v altn sn.
lira It all It mav fnnrarn Ihsl I tiata 1 1. In Ut
ntit i Vt. I Mni titon all my r la hi an I in
lartai la ttlil Orin, Ihlt I'.h U of iilai A. I.
.1. W. limnfitoo maiin,ir nf II. a Arm nf film.
onloo, HariMr On , tiivio a.i . hit Iniar.l
In iM nt ulo '. I. MtUoNI'oN. N.,iio .
haraiy alvan lo all li mav a-emnrn liul a i .
W. I. MlMeeilon la Ihladat ra-a'n. ,1, nti-in-
iaro an . itrtn nnl thai ilia milrri-nl a-.ll
nnnnua n a arnarai , in. i.m ma.
al'.n iMi-lnnaa, , ., ! 11 a l I iio:.l In Iratik
Hu, in ilfr t'.a Htm nauia nil I ntvla ofMmon
tun. II rlrr s I o.
Ihlt l-IU.In nl Mi A li, la t .
S1MH. l u.N, InitllKK a Dil.
.tdnr 9, t-ai .
111 nil Its variou liratiches neat v.
chenply and pr iinptly done In the lust
and best st vies 11111! up to tlielulest
Fashions, holmaus. Coats, Wraps,
I'nderwear, Ac.
(live lue 1 call.
Apr. U Hni. Mid.llet.11rg, I'a
l.ptiartnt siinlnltrallin on Ilia satata
in l.a.ihar.l lata nl 1'i rrv tn. Mi v dor
i n , !',, tltxM. knv0htifiiirftnteirii the umlr
Hittii1. All ii!r.n hiiuwlnu t i,rttinUr I tiil.
1 to lift 1. 1 ttlA will iihpi in-ak ttim.'!
pt itifni w in if" 1 ri nnr iTtai i'iiim Mmilti! itt
ltt will ire)iii litn I r fetllrttuMit In
(i I.HHH p. t.i I'M I ,
Mar 1
" c T
W a.
M a
M 2.
M 7
as '
r 0
p o
r H
h3 W
i 7. 5
at LcwnFigiires.
P L. BUFFINQTUX, of I'rank-
lia Us, taaalns aarnreil lha sasuer lur iba
loluwlu.i algula Hooka ll cutasnanaa al
uaoa la oasa aa n,ilar euuslj. Tua i'amilata
l))..llTIC HIHIsi:,
aamsf las prnmlnasl faatnraa al hl.-h ars
liialura otall Kalinloui lianvalnalliisa ; lluiaj.
raphlM of 111 lna)iloKl WrIUri i ilallary ul
lllualralad rv-rlplura iBi-ldaaia t lia sraai
auiu bar ot llluiirailnsa i a Harlor 1'rpos
rai b, i lu fcoaulsistais Umaias sail Haaauss
lla fries.
TUB Mmmt or He?
an Atrloss Eapl .farf b . T Haallai,
tbsisixi brilliant SaiurlpiU Aaiknr Isaaiar
lia. MINULtV'S
s ai'laailij tuluoia af Uu psgaa Idog lllmirs
lhaa sratba moH hlihlf lalaraallaa eabll
eatlona aga vilaraU lbs Asians sublic as)
tba line bsf aaa au aa la bring
Ibtia wlibia Iba aiiaai of Iba aiaa.aa. ami
, a 1 1 1 a 1 w UuiHnnim. la aul.l.-l m. ..
- .;' b: ,7":,. -I1"VT.-",t
wiy iwi. vi. m w,
J.J lauiaasai.tof as Us aatals at CATH
rkaya-aa Tp-
'p.. SaSar aaa alt, i'aas .
srastadla lb adar.laa.l, all
las lbaaaalai Uoaklxl to a. i.i
aaiies aaaa
yarausa b aw
MUM rs tanaa'al lo aba laimxllaia par I
lavasi. yailla Ikaaa bsilag alslaia ul .raa,,('
Jkasi 4l sslkaatloat! lr aillxaaal la .
III l.)rOrH fl'Otl.-, our stock la very large, ami of the latest ntidrhoje
est limtcriala nnd styles, w ith ell kinds of ti immius, such as Mut
tons. Silks, Satins, Ac. to match.
ltt Oarpotrs' we have Hrilssels. Ta pest rys, IngiaiiiS. linlf Wool, i 'otton,
Rag, (lil Cloths, anything you may want in the carpet line, and
can give you prices to be found no where else.
Ill Clothing, our Stock I complete. We have nobby little Suits for
quite small children, or Mj lisli suits for hoys of birrer growth,
timl we can Kbow you just what von want, from the Coarsest
Working materials up to the tlnest ilress Sin:.
QIOVCW. lIofiM'V. l.Ai I S, lUvm ltd F.iu.l.M,
l.nvp a comdi te line. CI 'l(s;TS all prices.
We co r.lia'ly Invite F. I : It V II0I1V In Snyder C unity
pe 'Lit e;T u-ts will li. made to in.'ct aly our wan'.s 11:1 I
'imiiIs for the lowest p..;..j!.i. price.
We w l!l take pt.-fi-nre In sending s V
ecs as if you W ei e iu our Stoi-n i:i person.
April 1 1. 'S.:tni.
.111,111111 SOI. .
it sicllm tibi:
J til. Mrt II ( t Sr.'-I r f.r iltirHiti .ir1 fnr i
j lit r 1 ml Vfri'ti "f ' .in' r I - . I cnr. i- w
! "tii'i '' 1 y ti.- r"li"titm .t-if) -,,,,,., iiit.t. uitt
I 1. II II m 1, 1 i.i': It. mi I. u iiv, it. t.
I v t. H"-""t' ft P M'ti- 11 . , ni li tt ln'.rr fif
I (-II.ll''f.1 k I. 1. H nf l,tt .Mint), , 1 t li ",r.-.l llf
ail Icr l r ta ) ttt nit ft I Irit II 11 4 ill t lilt
- . I tn-rftn- li , pr .irW itt I hi (I it v. It M
Ml ft! H, l. I . N. .; J.. I't 111,1 t
m .i nit fr 1 i i A itiM in.-rif tti -i it i n-
'"f l'l'IV . '(., 11 f w t. N. Wl't (t, w M I -i m
, r -I fit' M I'lrys, li,. v ..t la
: K Hk--i Kit, Ur '
I kick 1 1,' in "llitironv" iM"'h.
I ( I .tli. rf I ii -m, tl.iHt 1 . n-iin'i l tr 1. 1 11. itill
I iipt mirIIhI mi f e-t-r ltt til ft I i .'irrt
fWVtVUU UUAil AM IV ilil .,-1... ; , (l
1 fc . A fr f Hit ill 1 la
I thiM work. ihiihiA Ant i
1 nut m . 1 hiii ii ht .
lllll it 1
Nu Int. !! )''. Allr -
nv. ..iiii-r tt 1 -inn "intfi Hi la lniift:.l
iUit Hit. f luriJ- riitlliii( ('Hire ii. flwtil h h lvrn
ifThe OycSopaedsa War.
' The monlli r f Jiiiv, I -.-I, wi;m ,i -, t.,i
literary woik ti.ih i.n:ntrv r.n.l i!...- i
Knowledge, l.irc.o I;. ; c i.litit.ii, ia J ;, I.r
matter tli.iu A p -!-i. ..i's ( y. i . i, ..!
than Johnson'-: 1'v a.i. ' . in i
1 Ch.uiihcrs's I a. v -p t ;..i. !. - i ; . -.
edije (the Lis? I ei i- a: - : t
tents), is tin- 1 .!.-: i t". '
pcan scholarship. 1'. h.i i!
clop.T'lia l:t ..ri
revised, In a;irrcsivc '. , f
relent 1 1 ju h:-'. n I -.!: '..
lietter ail.ipti I l'' ii i..; t. .i-'!:.:.e:i .. : ; . ;
lljsill llliollt Jj.'aI sj , : i
I.nryi ln .Tiii.i, h Ac . :. :i ;-.
maikct, ami ca'.l t . t t cc
nencc to Amciiiaii t ii.s as
sire. To mpply tlese n il
vf Ar.ieiii'an c.liioi l ni l vr:. rs h.-.v f
covering the entiie lid 1 ( Jiama i Ln
one aiph.ilr'i .i' ai i.: i:,in: t . : t
and the I.ihr..iy ( l Krun.Ii .1 lli-.' 1..; !, ut :i I; .re I.,
prrrt.lcl u.
; l .c I V-
!: i i, : ; r. I .
library i-I.i-c;i, m....;. I
'1 he v.ip- r. ii.w.'
f.ii-t that it li hrnii ;iil
Culture. It i i :.'. j- a I.!
cU'c. It L:in;:s a L .
the roah nc.i I i .
nn 1 appri-n;:- t y . i ,, '-. r I i
hiill it an I t i ..s chi' :. -. : .i ' i-Ti' . '
CUUil i f t:.s l. ii;-.-. I ; i
, auik (, .1 I'yceT t.; .'"
I f ci.urs ; ll!o ! ; r. 1 ' . ; i
. Appletmis h i vp r.:v'e n ;.:...'.t : i i
sale -f their Li. V ;-ii. '.' j ' ii . '. : '.
their power (-. .li' r ' i t'l. . ... ,
lo K'Hi"K lrt.;i ) ti i j. .- it.l . iii:i..-i a '. r
;$ 1 0,000 Rovci.'-:!
thouch these ln ;,rs r. t t'. -r: c -rr 1 i'i.ri. r t'
i.leillK'.'ll ivllll l-ie ;.-.?-! ,
by the i:nr.icr:s: . .;. t n : .
bonlcsellcrt, li., ar" ! ar ri.-.. .; i.-' '
always looked to i .'
I. siked in vain, ... r r.
one million v ; r:-
yesr (thi yi .ir 1 i
to proli.iMy m tc l! . ; i i
directly (rum us, ir. I I i.v
as follows:
' A ilU- nnf rf V x r
rrl-'lmsiL ; uli4 a ii.,....,! ..i
I As .1 special l.;iena,.;-,
- y
. 1 .-v...
t I e'.r i.
! i a",
- a:.,
ida.i ai
Ouilv, each doin.r v.h u li i.ia
to distribute f lo,ou ia fp..v..
to clubs:
$5,000 Rcwax'1
jr I'..:
II I li sa
f. -ii r
$5,000 Reward
tint iitan ii h tn"-. i'i ..m.t'if i. i .r
ula'rtlm whl-'li f-vh f tv ' ith . . , .
' Thp n,im-t i.f the tii.Ti, rs ifiiti lu ,. f ..
tr1hut't u 4tti'ii1rH tu rnpl.liv ,. ri. un r - r' r ivr
Rmmj'tly tti. lt. Th n w .f it..- i t-.t. nrdvin ;
sN-tTtsl h An t I '' l. t svil I" .ill !(! -ii1' .IU' ! l s '
mutt tw rwtfswl, imn-tlilVoi irul 1 1 ftt.i r . , i.t u.UK- .
bui ntBftiu-m (ir ami tn , . M(i
IVl-fritt tn mt.'. lil.1
1 f.. l "f
iTirtiix mrvithtf. utvliil it
m. n.l $ . f,r tliH .l'i
prmp4it. wliiitn oiirnbll
. ill
HfwiiMfll nf if " lr.ripv I'nlvorx : K'l
Mtftl-uu'' tf imr .tnti- list .-f . ..lit tr.; j',.i ..-H't : - w i
huoh ntAkln ana I) if ritti w t,y at-.i-ii ni!i l, . t
i lallAaU li!, tw l - atiim-M. J rHi'lt-.i ft tut
, JOHN U. A1.DK', Uaoi:h. 704 itroiulwuy. New York.
M AT KUl'-S N Oill'K -I.i Iters
taaumanlarr ia ll.a aalala nf John
Ian, Sir., lata ol Wot Haaaar I wnbl
Snil-r enuntr. fa., wara s 'a r t. i.i iba una
Uaraixnail. All l-arfana knoalna thairaalaaa
I. ilai-lad I . (aMaata'a aalll i laaa. maka Una.
illaia paTUii-BI, aunt titnaa hating alaloia al I
irataiu luais lur tauiauit 01 in
JUUN l l.MII. i
Jam an, lsi. lataoatnr. I
Ahmimstkators .notik.
l-it ara or SitttilnUlrslloB oa iba talaia of
Hamsal Mtir, lata of t'asirs Townablp,
E-uYuvr vvamiv, uaw , aavias ana iraat
l.saal. all paTao.. kao.",
aJlo asM uis ar.
llaia raymaal, hll. ih.saa
au o aaa v.aarii
au i.i leaks liBaallata
baalur alalaiolllBraMal Ikaaa ilalf aalkaall
aiaa far iaitlaaiaat to
UtUKll t I, kl.l.Na,
Ua? It. last. A.'uiluiairaior.
A.tlllaiul alll ka kaM si Iba lata raal
Uauaa ul uaa'il aa tiBtWoiai. Jaaa t, laai.
a uattarauiauuilalairalluB aa Iks aalala af
Mu-baat biimu.. i... oi i-w .,d
Ilo. I'a.. Oae's bava baa a arastad la tba aasiaa.
Uaau. All l-trauoi kaovlus tkaaaaalnaa lat
vlabiao lo I.I aalala alll vlaaaa aiaka liauiaall
ala lauiaul aklla Ibuaa kaalns tlalnii asalaak
aalil aalala Bill praaaut ihaia lur Millaauaal la
LkVata. NIMa' .n,
Jaaaltalaal. aauiaialraior.
a.luilalairaikia aa ika aaiaii
at Joaatbaa Boaaraus. laia ol Caairaivv..
BBoaf Co a r.,uaa-aaaJ karabaaiiaraaiail lo
.i. i r.. il
laajs UJabtaJ ao
All paraoas kavalaa ii.aai
aalal aaaaaa alll alaaaa taa a
" "!""', F'm
asalo - l s.U saisia
HB-aaaiiai paj Blast aklla Iboaa kat laa alalaa.
alll at-aaal Waaa. lot aal-
r. . NraMAt.
AUaalawralat .
I'lllNol-- -1. Ac.,
to irie us a
;iv yott the
I l,-st
M I'l.l- s an. I w ill i;ivi y 011 t he same in i-
I.Kwt.sTow x, P.-
1 III) AMil.O. MMIII 1 N . II,. I' .,..,h. I .la-..,, , f ,1,.
I. SB T,T.
I, lb fr Itrii-, f a j ft itf ..f ( -it
't,,i. . .1 I.t 1 ) r-li.M.- 1 : ii' I a' Ij ti .
. II. Tirrtt it. t. , 1 1. 11 , M,ila
IhI-mu Mitm ttt, ninl i-a li u
1 " A ULc l 'i-Mf IP
In ve t ' B t ! i-;i
, . U "im
I . k m t
1K. It I ' , N . . '
"'I f llif I 1 tj Hi rtifa .
i' it s. t k,
l It . I'm;. " . . ....
I.I. I'.l- . , 1 t
' 0 M I ' ) J ' t
tj t.-I.t.v. T. ,
a f I "1 A fi"! 1, an . i.t
l.ntii r. . !,., 91 im
. il
Itn nit mptutt
R' t vn la 'l.
1 11 r Ht li A'tlt l
- - i 111 II It A l li H It' t-
ri-. mini
l'i i.i la ti 1 p, ;
Iltt rr f I1i- fr at ;.
I.VM'I ft M'-itihla llir
at .rk A tv mi I inl
i I - 1-i ;r-; r.nd mwl Important
i- iif bibrary i.t I'tnvervil
i ait uni r.; I i i-r cent more
': i, and - pi r tent more
:..i i. . ..t.
: : 1 . i.iry of t'niversai Knciwl
i '. us ,-, portion i f its con
i i :i;.. .i M-;:h tnd Puro-
i -I li.;-i..:!i n t- :itnry of c'y.
i ..t. . ! ... im- In n many timis
r ' .' i ' " i.ii d, I y those com-
i ' -i I t-N"W ledije. und
i : 1- 1 Mains nah full ami
: i in!, is l.kclv to set-k.
.'1 I..:
! I-
It lc. C lumbers
' .i 1 I I- r a foreign
t i ..u' ps inuch ronii-
I n .i'iii'i in:t;lit dc
i i.cicr- i.-s a l.irce corns
.I: n
I, poll (.bo; t J S.(., tuple.
hole numb, r of title under
a IhoroiutMy Anirricanited,
'' I '-r-t ami most complete
- : v.urk hisb baa
' I
ciit to
In half
'. 5 . In full
"' Psrecially In the
.i r knowledge and
i f universal knnwl
i a t.isi'y within
' . v f the country
i l i: l..nd cms it t.
! i a j .at of the
i ..i ..:, n. e i.i every
' U tr.-1 that tie
. v, ..- ;.,) from the
.v.. ar l.n 'ken and
l.o li.,ve Uen used
i p-. ;. i 1 !k k ara
ir '
l'.-.- I i
I ' is-d t sell the
I..'. : -. 1 Kcialedm
i :t n nimissioD,
r-.- t . r.f:i r all, ara
rr. d. are increased.
t t'
i -
i l t
v .icts 'I lie irsjorily oi
!. I ur ( rou ether
I i:- r.jy Ivciulution ha
i ,c, nnd it hoa never
i " : , ihe C'yclopxdia
)-J - I aciure ciuLi rale
: ; - -. V -i e
I ' -.s. nr a of lllS
t'.w oiula MUtlUM
I p
i ..
vrlc -..4.V.ini tijfi
I Ik-H v .t U", v.-tf priposa
u i i..c rt Utwuunt
't . t iftua)
- ..' . 'ii bi,. ifiii-j bapttrm
it r j. nlnu.i
it tat ti.e w Ut.u bumtwr vi
t f" r innnitti will N .11
. Ik w til tat- illatrOniltHl
i tr. .ii. itr, ihi itm'tii4
'ii r rtrH-iti Hult'nira
.m! t u...r tlm t4Tir, u4
' i t tl. !, In ih TnHrvaia)
'i I .ir hni. apnnktr!
. I lt tta with tt- utiu4
- nl r Lrtniisi OiitfU la Umj
t.-.s f -.n
i I ,i- r tn-.i f t. i ail.
H i i lariat uriafi, ntotbfjr imAM
l-l li t: ,'r.ila I -m M.-l l..-rlr.tnd
I 'o.a ol a lrainH-!l "i - n la olila !
t'ai'.itinalatn ta-aoi Va" . bi4varip -nr-ir
IV I , iat '0. t aa be. o vriBitil 10 Ua an tar
almost .VII fsira.thf krio a lag I lir t al vea In
iUbla.1 In -alil aatais i li ioaa i4ka Itiimedi
ala ivinaiit viola tlio-a b.v n rl.lmt asiai- a
aald aalala ill praf-akl Ihasa lur aattlaiaant l-
W. II. I,.sil.
Jubs t 1. AjDilSlair-lur.
at l.aiiar of .1at"ot-ll"a aa Ifia aetata at
J -aalkan wauai s
':""'.'; '
ft ";?
Jt?" '?'?''?
ilSs'il S'S baas arai ll
.1. All i araoni kao-aiatf
iflaaald -'ia lll plaa
asaba lias a-liat-parwaai abl Idas kf. s
alaiaaa -sa'aai aakl aalala alll praasl Ikaua
bar MUlaaiaat ui
Mm ri, wr I'xei.,
Mar (.tt Ailasialaiiatirs.
v.a.o nl - ..
bj ari fCD C fiarTETHF. LDETCiair IT
m Estate annoscniicc iicnt.
Paaila. BuaJl aal Morlsasaa nrapsrait ai a
kiaJa of aoaisraaalaa allaaUaal Is aroHMh
allk aaaiaaaa sail arourracw.
Siocial ailaal.oa si'aa lo bala sad : allla
Raal l.atata uitica I I'raaaibSi. s.'-r
I. A'luraaa. m. riaaaaat ui,av4
Ua-trsaa'a. Aaa. I. "a
Msraraa Ao.aiaTaamu lloautaa il Hara
trr. urut vnnxi