The' Post irijjtV " t ; CliddleDUrg, July 14, 1881. J. CM'JSE. Editor & Propretor. ouni.v rriut. For PUtrict Juli:, J. M KURIL MNN, of J inliirt, i4bji:tadlito ,.f ib ll.ttr.ot Conferee.) For Shot i IT, !AVll UKK'fl-KV, ol (Viitre, Fur futility ('i)lilliii"intiPr, JOHN KKITZ. of Franklin : JOHN M. MOYKH, of Mi.l lli'l.ur. For I'oiinly Trp-irfr, A A HON . "lIKLKItl'K. of MVnvttr. For County Anlitor, HAM FX DIKFFK.N'ltACIf, I'f IVllll, UKOIiiiK V.SF.I!KI, f UVat IVrrv. Tha fttteuijito I ass ituin iti in of President UiuTiuld excited a sinu. Ittr fueling throughout the whole civilized world n innnifosled by Iho nninoroiM cnblu dixpi'olie fr i u t!m be li of foreign (lovprnuimits nod which would indicate, to. that tho l fiit'd StuloH are in friendly p. Inlion with nil. Whilst tho d.iftard )y. cowrdly net of Hie would bo ns euKhin bun nheiidy nu t with tho si- TeiOHt condiHuniition, we have boon i paint d to nee nu n in liinh place and editor of tho foremost journal n me country, wIm -lost thuii hudh"nnd would "stand a good cbaiieo" on tho plei of temporary in nnity, chnrgo thut.the uttempt on the l'ieident'8 lifu wnn tho remill of coii 'pirney, nu I iuH.nuatetliat C .uk liuil, Arthur nu 1 other pn o and eminent men were behind tho trag edy. We enn readily excuse tlronij lu a :(: when t-ilkiiitf or writing upon a subject matter which touched the benrU of forty inillioos of people, bat there is ft inadiinon or loni of mental equilibrium ubont I 1 biicu uuwurrniiiai:u rimren winco bow a fearful want of mental bal euce, or a degree of viciouxneaj, if Hot of the na mo order, equally an strong nn tlmt which moved tho an again, Uuitenu. GARFEDJ1T DOWN. Abont tiino o'cl ic! on Sa'urlny luoriliug Ju'y i, 1'ieaidnut G 11 lid. I wa nbot at tlm H.illimore nnd I'oto mM depot in Washington, by CIiuh. Ouitoau, of Freo;-rt, .', a di ip pointed oflice Becker. The Pi c-bi-deut, with Secretary lilaine. Sec'y Win bun. Secretary biucoln, CI. F. A. Uockwell n i I other, iutunde 1 to leave by tbo 9 3 o'clock train for Now Voi k, where they wire lo be joined by Mrs. (bit del d. Just a tboy entered the ladies' willing loom a Bhot was fired, the bull pas loj tbroJjh tbi Fresi lonl'u c ia! eloave doing no injury, auuthur sli l wan find, Ibo ball lodging iu the right ido of Ion back, between I.H hip and kidueya. The l'reaidnit fell, nnd Secret ary liluine, who utood a few foet awfty, ran to hii hhhU tauce, exel.iiming "My (Jol, what (Ioch all tlii mtnu ?" Iuhtuiilly the depot oflieiulx iloved the doom, und meieugtirM weie Bent fur the police and pbjaiciuna. Tho Pieaiih nt wna laid on tl'O flojr until the muUren could be procure. I, and II mi leiuorcd to a loom in tho Bucoud btry of the di) - pot. The "ool.bbe BbfcUbbio at li.nt Bttempled to run, but frmu boluo caiiee tutnodb.ick. when police offi cer evight him nnd took bim to pol co Li ad-ipiai Ibib. Tbe l'K-kidi iit waBaftemnida con Ttytd to the Executive Mansiou nn dor u atroug oacoi't of Me'iopolitan l'olico. MrB.QarGold nrrlved from Long El Mich ou buturduy ovoniug, and was immediately conveyed to tbe I'reaident' ft bedaide. Sbe evlibitod remnrkhblo uerve power when the fit at entered tbe room, wnliiog up to hi m tod kneeling ao ue ti ue with out speaking. The Presi loot at once recognized btr, aud spoke cheerfully. Telegram of the Proaideut'e Lenltb have been aeut at iulorvala ever aioca the terrible occurrence i od tbongb for tbe firat few day a (hey wereooowidered unfavorable at timaa. tboae received aince we are bappy to ataU, have been of a favor able nature, and tbe but report be fore going to preai of a cheering tendency, Tbia attempted awaaaaioation of tba PreeideDt wit a daatardly affair, and ia itceiviogtbeiueritedoondoin baiioa olall pnrtiea throughout tba cuuotrr as well aa tba world at larga, I -.1.1 ill. I k l.r... ll,. t l.t.l vuvtr-v " i" - "isetlla lDsjueuoo B4liarotorily. ldilj ; 0OU t restored. lltSTOIiY Of TUB A,AHI!. Clmrlca (Jnitcou wan born in Freo foil. Ill.,nr..l is .f French oxtrnc-.ijju,. stie j, ,,ow mmiioJ to a re- inn- Hu Im livej iu Uiir.iso, IH.'speclnblo man." Hi sister And turn ..invi.nie. i.mi. well Known in that citv its a "shyster" Imvyur, 1111. 1 piDemi "Joitil beul." !! hits boon rcK'nrdoil nil of wonk iuin-1, nnl no ill lo worthless follow, genoritHy. -One ftrconnt Hinted that Lo in about 40 years oM, and that bin father L. W, Hiiiteau, livcJ until bin dentil, some to yearn nito, nt Freepoit, II. Charles is saiJ to hsvo been, for come time with the Oneiiln Coin tontiily, in New York. Ho aflrr wnrd lecture 1 on temperance, onl prcHently nppoArod ns n preacher of Socon I AilvoDtiion. Iu Cliiciigj bu liuiill.v in ok ns low a to bo forgotten by resectable people, Iu March, ho Ductus to have coiue to W milling ton, mid lie hit been pieit(tnlly tip plyitij; fr nu Appointment us consul to MurnuilluM or dine where. At one or lo boarding houses, whore bo stopped, ha did cot prty 1j it bills. It ii Hinted tlmt be sniil tjono of the polico ollkers.'IVturtiva MrE'.irpso, .is f (llowi : "I cju''ipUt 1 t li i - net ix weukit and intuu lud lo slioot the Preniilunt at that timo. I laid for him nt thedopot when the pur ty went to Ionltrnirli, but Mrs. lint field looked sj side I didn't have the liemt to alioot hi in. No accoio pliceH wi'ie iimoci itcd with mo. I did it nil iiijHelf." He wis entered on tho polico liooks n h fol!on : ( 'bni'leit l iuiteiin, limited nt P. 35 A. M., July for tdiix.titii; 1'renl- il.'lit lial'lielil : u,'i'il 'M, u liite, born ill I liitt'il MatfH iiml ii lnwver bv pro f-f-ioli ; vei;lit M I , i ; lia. iliirli brow li t lit j r. t bin whiter unci hallow! ." ;; " .iark Murt : uulil tlin'l mi : it'll I in I . i The MuuclieHter CmnHaii din. " it, ,o mo eimy n- ovo pioi- ,j,HH tl0 i,lt.a.0f political ed, Omteiit win Heaicl.ed uud plac Lry Ul 10 i;llifo,, ,S(nU,,,t Bluj . od iu ono of tho relit nt boa d.juar- -Atu. icaii politiciatu have not come tern. A number of pnpem wt'ro ,, iw, ,,f .,,1111h,,.:n., 'on n I upon tin) nnnnnaiii. Ainon them w.'im the following. It clcnrly hIiowr thai tho murdur wae proiuodi t.iloJ : J i i.V 2, 1SS1. To nut Wiinit Hi-.ri-K : The lrelilent'it Iniirie ileatli wan n ad v, but it will niiitf the !( ; t,,l,,l, l'.' 1 .If" ix a Hi pulibi'iiii parly ini'l Mivetli" Kcpublii'. lutle wlieii one goi'i. A liiiuiaii life N of mil ill rain . Hiiriiig the wur tlmii- in the estreino. It in enough to miiiiN of bruvi bovn whiiI ilown w ith-1 . ., , , , , , . out li Tour. I preinime the 1're-i. lent I'UaKo Hit' lilooil mil cold in uuiiizu va ii iiml that lie will ' iimnt at tho borriblo indiil'orouco lo In l li-r ill I' ! than In-re. It'., ,, ., w lie no worse for , i. I inr I . . ,.i.r i joul. To part Willi In-r 1 1 1 1 mi i.t 1 1 I thin way limn by luilniul tleatb. He if liable to no nt at I iy time, nnvway. I hint no ill-will towiiril the 1'rrsiuVnl. Ilin ili-iil li w,t a political iH'ei n-iil y. I amu litwyrr. II theolohtii, ulnl it' po litii'ian, 1 inn n Nnt I ni t of the Slat wr.rt. I wik witliiifiii-ral Urunt itinl :i::,;::;:ri zc::,, for the irei wliii h I hIkiII leave wf'b Hvroii Auilrewn it m I bin co-journal iM at No. l l.NNew Vrk Avenue. all tbe reporter can nee tliein. 1 mil siting to tbe jail. ClIAHI.KI liriTKAf. Notss on the Assassinatioi. 'I will live" wite .1. U ir,i't77. "llanj; tho asiasiin," every ono heara siysi, Wiutbor the I'reiidtot diet or not the usuuohiu ahoul 1 bo ipiurtered or Lung. A man enpnbli nf planning Oui tciu'M ciiiuu ia ust tvio to pay tho penalty. Tbo 1'ioni Innt'n wifa isnearet nn 1 IcHtcht to biui, nn I nlio im just been raided fro u a bod of daugoioiu illness. "Conceal nothing from mo: for remo nbor I am not afrai I to dio," were ahuoht tho fnt words of tho Freaidout to lr, Dliaa, A criminal who ia nana enough to! oommit no grivn n crime nbo.ild tiot bo nllowed to plead inaauity. Iu g ic'.i a eisu tbo plou would iu itself be n crime. Tho biatory of tbe ftmussio from hiH graudfat 'ier to hii otii d istir lly not wm written in full iu lei: than oixty houra from tbe time of tbo lir iugof the pistol. Telegrams have been sent in from nil poiuta in tbo woill describing the univerBil aorrow nu 1 nnxiuty of tho tho pojpbi eauii I by tbo at Uck upon tho I'leiti lout'e life. l'residont J irfloM'a splon liJ con atitutiou ia standing bim in good itoad, and dospite bia extremely critical couditiou t'jo belief ia bold out that ba may rojov cr. The last lelterthePreaidont wrote on Saturday moruiug before hie na auaaiuation was to General Ilanaock nccording to bia request to promote Col. Mitchell of bu staff. Quitaau was so "very sorry in deed" to bear of tba President snf faring that ba regretted be bad not "pat another ball into him." A less hardened villiaa would have felt re morse. Dootors often disagree about in sanity la thaoaaa of Guiteaa tba aorest way of finding out is to opoo lils bead and tska bis brains out and ,e if tue- ,re diasased. That will .. .... .. lihilv. i'rttt - A sinter lo Ooituan bits : ".Iff l brother's wiftl B divorce from i,rothor know what a low scouotlrcl the man ii. "We nil fetd nu if'n pnmonal wron ha l been done to un n if be viura bono of onr;bono nud( flenh of our HuhIi that wan basely "nsnnulted in WnBhitigton," snya tbo Iticlimond Ditji'tlrh. Judo Jordan's definition of mal ice applios with trenondoiH force to Ouitoau i "M iliue douotoa a wfck ednenn of heart an ldinpoiition. and it miii l.cooly bout on roveugo and deBtructio'ir" From Kdeolon. N. C i A blind nnd wounded ex-Confederate Boldier tender bin cougrntulation on your improrod condition. May Uod rnisn you to prnxervo tho peace and digt.ity of tbo Nation 1" Albany ournnl t The Bympathe tic heart of tho Amoricm poople, which never wail more deeply touch ed, goes out in tomlorost ayrapnthy to tho mother, the wife, nudtlio children of tbo Prenidunt.'' Tho Vice PreRident was prompt with hi condolence, and-no ono can doubt that bin heart went with bis meB.igo. Ilia thoughtful remem brance of tho bereaved wife is tbo subject of grutilied comment. A notable font n 10 of tbo nnivernnl expiexsiou of Bymp itby for I 'reui dent OarlielJ and of iiMioricnco of tho crime cornea from the Koutb. Wo hope we tuny kooii bnvo no i , .! nn S'on I li mi,l II. n ovn. , , .... ... imtuy a..,, goo,, w... may u i .... ..,...L U... ... ., , , Heeuia tplito Biillicienlly mado out that (Inileau wun uothing more or ltH.i tha i a dinipp Aula 1 o filcu-sook- I v." Tho annniii CI lilei t w lit to rea l tho uewnpaporH, und is hin t be cause be ia not nllovod to do bo. 'Tbo rool audacity of thm murderoi'a ru juoBi m allocking nuj nbliorrout luu icsutia 01 uim eruuo, An intelligent Southernor Bnya that tho Sj .l!inru poople udo in tho I'runident ''it gum-ro H follow, op posed to nuy lociiuiiu iting legist tion, yet Irrnribly i:i fivor of s tbo logic of tbo war ; nnd that di ', . ,. . . ; . . i .. . . i t0,",,l",lwn H D1 l",ut "T"'n"'i'' to a great mi:iy ni m iu tli j S.) u!i "Tho peoplo of tho Sonth," the Wilmington St-tr wiy. "will join with tho poop'o of tbi N jitb iu fo vetit nislies and rnrncHt prnyeia that t'roHiduut (I irfinl 1 may livo in npitu of tho UBHiidiu'o bullet, nnd that he may serve bia lour years with credit nu 1 honor to himself nnd with begs ing to his couutry nnd the world." 'Mall it l era are the best 'Itinera.1" "Tliey promote sleep and allay nerv niiHiieKK." "ct Liver nnd Kidney medicine sold," "They knock the 'chills' every time." ' ol tiling lor nursing mothers to bp hud." July lm. "I Don't Want That Stuff." Is wbnt it buly of Mohton ttiiiil to her husband when be brought borne Home inetlii'iiie To cure tier of hieli headache ami neuralgia wltd-h bad initde her nil ir t ilt f i fiif";i yiir. A the lirht titttu k thereitfler. It wn mt iiilnihtev,'i to her with t-ui h good re Biiltn that hhe contliiiied Itn m until en red, and was ho eutliusliuitie in ita pruift, tlutt hhe Imlueeil twenty-two of the best families In her circle to ndopt it iih their regular family itietli cine. That "rtufT" la Hop llillera. stamiaiui. A New Treatment. 'Pitfinlh u IXUirof ,, wonderful turn If run litr Cnnatnnplinn, nnl woulj know lliti your coui(li enn l' mail loon anl raay-lleoilo Faatmran'l NiglilSel cliirkcl 1 1 'Jl hour lutbiminiilion taken oul nl l.unj ami air ptjiuiiget at anoi : that you onn n mi le lo gin3 lo 0 pouoilt of limlihjr flaali par wrvk if you hat Calnrr'j, I'ytpcpal, Hick llrl.tobo, lloarl llitaaie, ,itnr I'ompUinl, Nervnur Debilii f. Seminal Weakoaaa or Hpartiia tnrrlioaa. lull of teual power lo tillier ten from any oaua If you baft any forut of uervout waakneta, loainf Hath or waning away, and would know of an tin. nipiliatt relief and certain our for many of (It (ftcratt catat lo a tbort limt new mtbod wilb uw agtnla to fallen very body, Inrlgorai and uiakt tlrong and btallby lb moil hoptleat caaca, ttcu I bia out and writaal ono for pariloilart, lo D. 8' UlSl'tNSAKy, Urrrio Hprnfi.l Miob. Julf 22,'bo.lj. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In the mailer of the KMnle of George Schnet, deed. flHE nndersigoed Auditor appoint V a hf lb l)iil lo dlairlhm tha famta I tba kendo of William HarJIiif ait Philip rU'linaa, ailniliifalratora of tir i 0I1110, SaoM will ait fur tba purpose of bkt appoloU .ao! al Hi olB of T. J. Huillh, K.q , In MMdb-lMri, oa Toaailar. Aoa. Imi, at o'elia-k . nt., t wkteh llMiatiS plaoa all paranne barlatielalaia ara raoiwatl lo prKnl Ikaia idult aolliaHlloaUS !M iu,Mufia or o aeoarrso troi ouv m uu iiiiura'w JsssM, 'it. AkttllUw. Evcntor'a Sale of Tlnnl nnrl Tlnnnnrinl Tinnnnnlrr iluul tlJlll 1 UiUllillll X 1 Ullui Ijf ' JVllV nndorwVnud Exeonlor of tba X Mtt of lon H'tllicr. lntinlMoaml tnwrn.tiln. .Innlai uamf. Ho.. doa.Mil: will lipwaw runiio lPI. oa lli prlllli, I fld ..wnhln. itoii ooc fourlk nil Houtli Iron l(lehniii, o Thnraday, Aagat 18th, 1891, lh fallowing dnerllMHl ! EUt. to wit TRACT No. l-Slto.U I Mnnrlowhlp lorciitM, ahnul nnn-luirlk tail clout a Iron HlcLhnll,ev(juliiln 89 Acrea n1 W Pt rehti, mor or ln, wktroos r nt9 to I a good Frame oubo, Hank Ham, Bammer IIoubo, hpnog House, nil alhitr oathnllillnKPi ntr follln wlor ol thoiloor ilrnail OHOHAIIII r Api.lo. I'r, Poorh.l'liorrF- sbonlST ACHES 1)1. c A K Irnrooni In hlnh orcolll. llo, limin Inn.l) ol Aiml ho Irtt oa tho Wool, Nurlh hj Jurnh Nhflly, Koit lr Mll Hnn.l nl nnuth lf Hui.llo Hood. XHAOr No. 2 UonUlnliiK 11 Acre oil norrhof, mnt or Ion. bfn ohtle Tl IlKal.vN O, .Ij.ilnlnlnai on tho N .rib on Wo.l lnl nl Mllon 1.00,1. m,l Kamh Ufi'ii or .lito. ii HUroll. TK ACT No. a- L me Kiln nnd Quarry, "ntlnlii v Cerjhea, o l lnln I001I4 of Um uol oiw-h ilifor on tli Wait, N.irta on I icmi h ht ln l 11I A. Ilenntr ml fmt ,j Mninual hhi-lliiniiormtr, llii obout ooo lialf mil W ol Hlcliliol I. Almi ot Ihtctmo limn oml tili lh follow. In p'-r l .roj.urty will bvilitrd t puiillo rlo, lo wit: One Cow. Six Sheep, I.CT HUM.THY, (lplmnl, i:ntk. n1 no.l lift'liUnm, Sol leu. Mini T'il. Momi and pip. Win.) hi,, itj., .,t c.,riat. t liori pnw. r IIIHKsiiiniI .MAimlNK, Itraln Ura.lla, 0k.IIoi, llarralu, Uoarili,, (Uy, Mala lo enramn nl In nV lock A. M. of al t .1) whan 1I11 aitanlnr will l Klran anil lanui ul Ml ma la known lT j.i.n a nt an iiorriiiKH, Juljra, mil. KiMutor. Kxecutor'a Rulo of REAL ESTATE ! fp'IF, nndernignod, Kxncntor of tho I t.n.t Will nnl Ti'iamanl nf llonrjr Hnili, Ml nl Wmi tiaavrr towtpiilp, "tiirjur Oiurttv, l'ilcif l, win mk to Piihlli; Kal. at th'a llo'm lrml nl nl m-IJ dacailant. lo o. i,.. pbip ioroai. on Tncnday, July 28th, 1881, Tli folliwlnic nWrlii'! Ttnal rtala, to wit : 1 It li ' I Nu. I. Iialnir Ilia llomeaisi.l, a.lMln Inn UtnK nl .Iciaaiiii K Una. A. li. I'lmi. Hani. niln KllnKl'r. Iin l of tl. wl.l.iw an. I hMra ol neilun I'l'kar, I'hlilii .lUnlork and uihon. Twenty Acron, tnoraorlMt, In dluh tin nl eulilritlin on- orr w o i la on i wueraon r ora lj.l r lur t laiu Dwelling llnnsn. Ham i "nil nipor n'ltotiiv jrhuip iron: mm.i tlir mitlinl'illnut. with an Orihar1 of 9 Irtlll: himxI w.lar. l'lti. tr. mraipii niioiii .i mi a. Mirlli-want nl AiJatua. niirir n-nr n. 11. i'iii' Klmtrlnk' .MID. I HAI'T No. 2,liut.. m ilia I'l-rnrhlp, nfnro klil. mil .Inln ol .lof Knrpp, Jniioph Kllnr, KtiuUou Malo.niior out. otUera, contain liitf Five Acicb. mnr or t.M,tHntr mn-tljf Wnoitlanil. T.I Kit' N i 1. nlime In lfivr tnwn-liln, linoi .lnl Nnrt'i lan.lapil Kllnlwih llini-r, Wot li Uinta of Ij.jorn Arlfniant Halm, ioiiiii . Un l of I,. H. iimnaa uuj kr ArbiKiut'. I loir-, tia.nK LimcHtono Lot, i'O Itlnllnc nt porHiaa mnraor !ot. Th alior iritKta will 1 aoi.i in "hoio or m piria at in 'lainil inn, I ailrar.titaoiia, Nala toiitninno-a at t-n ,C.iPi-W A.M. of aM iloy ivhen lanui ol aula will li- m 1 1 known nt JACO.I .Sltl.N'lN'IKU, Jun'Ji,.M. fc.xoculor. A DM I. VIST It TOi;s' NOTICE. . l- l.atntia of ail nlnlnrntlonon thoralatool .lunna I l-nliart, lilo .f I'lmtoinn tnwn-lilp. Mrt.lo- C.i. I'll. ,1.-0 .l hao l.tinn .r.m.l 11.- un'lnriinaj. All por-i'iia knowing thm-o'vaa ni'lalitoil in ful l aattt will pleiKa inak lin. ini-illuia payinant whlia tlio'a havlmr rinlma anHlnat 4,o o.ittt will rrcant thaut lur aaltl KAMKI. KISKHfil AKT. July II, isst. Ailaiinlrtratur. Brian's C.iriin ?im Plaster. X i Kfim'Iv more WLIiOy or Vari-ritlilv Known II la runl l In ro'lavln i.ijlat in curl u, K ir l.tii-o lianiiill. it. KPInar Aflaol.ona, not -' o I nin generally, It la tua tin- rWjIlel CUilCliRA Permanently Cures Hu mors of t;iu Sca'p and Skin. I'tilli-ii' ramilla ara fir ala li all i!rni iai.. Hrl.-a nl Din. tut t. a Mfllolnul jelly, ainall Imta'.kl I kr.i Into., tl. 1nriei't llKm Ilia n III. oil I'o-iUnr, tl par l.ililo (i riMi,, Mliiri-.AI.Tnil.tT Siiai V. t'lTIIIB .MmmiNM. Nhavixu HoaP. is !ln lura (or Inrliera anil lara ounauiurrt. 5i o. l'rlriiM'iil iiapit. WKKKSai I'orTKR. Ilotlon. Mnai. ar t II diullvil (rta un racalpl of prloti. .1oo- A(1KM'I' tvamrd to aril lh l.lfo ol President Garfield. I r'ollnn a full anivirat aeoount of ti la lirli-f ion o.ei.lfiil ailniliilatratlun 1 the r-at oorrl nt won Hie Ktalwaiuk" h-a.lal l.r ConkllOi : tli ilia bollfal atlentut to n ite nun. niiM.ioal ireatutent to. Th Inlanaa intoroat ooiiail cauaaa ibouaanila to ilaair lull pirtl.'Ultra, liana title bunk m jit t-ll Itn- inaiiaaiy, luriu. linaral. Ilulllt 600. Olrctll irt Iraa. AiMrera III iiuaho Hiiut., fuot. . lit Cbaatnut Ml , Hb.ia. ' 1 vr- a. a o -nil 'T..Tt wtw. ..-' -iiwr- . . i,ib . iiirw 1 ?;.Ai -" avTleiA- IIOIINU lot Itont. fPIIB IIouho and Lot belonging to A. Henry Zerkman. located In th llnroutih ol MHill.iliurar. now onoupleil by Her. I Irrln la ollere.' al a low r. nt. Will u yacant by Ike mib ol July nu t or pari.oulara apiily to 1. IKVIMK 1. IHV June Ji, eM. M.dd.abur:, Pa. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In ti e mailer of tin etlale of Daniel May er, deceiwd, tTMlE niidnrsiirnod Auditor appoint- 1 d by lh t'ourt to illatrli.uta lh (un it In Hit baoile ol s. A. U'alial, ailuilDl-t rator ul lha attat of liaaiel Mover, deo'd, will ait for the purp .aa nl bia appolntin-nt at hla olfloa In 1liM!eliiirii, on I liuraday, Aaf.ttb, Utl, at loo'olm t A.M. at whloti Urn an.l place all priaont baylna alaltnt are re'i'ieaied lo piatent Ib'm dnly antbetiilnatad, orb debarred Irom ooui.BH la oa ta.d luod. JOHN II. AHNOI.n. Junt 10, IMI. Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE- In the matter of the estate of Itaac Smith, deceueed, THE nndorsigned Auditorappoint d by lb Court lo dletrlbat tba fuoda Is th lucla ol Samuel Wllleiiayr tie ulorol tbe Ijat Will and Taatamaot of laaat Huill b, ile'd, will til for tb purp.iaa or bia appoint ment at Ihaomee of T. J. Hin.tb, toj., I lb llorouKh ol Mlildlebur. oa Moaday, A as. tat, latl, at 10 'louk A. at. al wblak lliua aad tlaoa all parentis paring-elalial art raqoaelad 1 proarnl tbai duly autbanlleaud, or ba de barred 'to.s votla' lacs said load. A. W. 1'OTTER, Jao o, IMI, Aaiitur, I I CCD PI AX. r-Uat-aaatawailriBMrarae In "wa a 1 a-aa iair. wf Miul, Wl.t v,i.llliwlai.u.-i. M. Ir-iiruyiaa. Waa i-ivtalawo w lwlaaaa.ia at 1, aat l.nail., l-:l. a .aaao..v. .jii. ia.a. - .1. - art, USC1 tA, ts IX wl aiian, w k! "j - - aaV-r .aaaass I '.il it SSI 1 1 II1 IS a' S 1 1 a iwi -aarw v w ar w. m a iwarwa Atlovneifs-At-tMiv. yM. K. llUt'SWEUTII, ATIORNEY-AT LAV, ' 8KI,INr(lflOVK, PA., roltwtlinii -! all thr !! bnaln orinpl- ! If lln.l0 to. OoniulUlluul la KaulUk ol . uvrnn Junit lei. II. DILL, ATrORNEYAT-LAW. Ltviakurff, Pftin'a. Alt bnInf tktriMleJ 0 bit ear will b promptly uenJJ to, Spl, 80, ISPo. U "oTd"e ITRIofi, 'ATTOtlSEfAr.UW. Mixrkrt SI., Siliiuirrvvd. Pa. All profMlonl duiinari prnmpllr nt'aadtd I. Uonillt.oni la Hoxlltk ml Harman t'eb. ia.'o. J It. WUNDEKLY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. MiililMmrrf, Snylrr C , T Ca ooiIUd la KnKllfk orrnan. Jan. 11,'w, N. MYEHS, A tlorne u-At'La w. oilililUbwr;, Panw'n. 1 1 All prodmlnnal hiMinaa itraat t kl( ear will raclra prompt attantinn. Uuniuiut.on In tncllik ami Uarnian. tkt. 10,'TI. JACOB GILliEUT, AttornovAt-Ijaw, MIDUI.KIIUKD, I'A. Allbaln ntratil to hit etr will rolf rowpt atlantlon. Jul; li.'T". p E. LOWE H, AriORNEYAT-LAW, MiWehnrrf, Pa. (ODe la oOlc of J. P. Dmnmiilar, CnUarttoni nail. Oonrullatloni In F.nMh J una la, ';.ir. nJ (Irritian. M. L. KCH'JCH, ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW, New Berlin, Penn'a. Profpaalorat Imiilnaa antrnaloil 'n Ma onra will roraiva prompt attention. Jtitia S0,B7B, QIIAS P ULUIC1J, Attorney 4 0oans11or-At-Law, Office In App't H til'lln one dooi North .ol KttVHTIIIK. IIothl. NclliiMKrovo, I'o 11 it'll. t1olleitlona anil all otber prlaalonat linal naaa I. anllliad an I will raculra raroiul ao 1 prompt attention. Apr. II, 'IMI. T P. CP.OXMILLni:, AT10 UN EV AT LA W, Mifilinburg, Pa., OITort tilt protraalona rTlcc loth pith Ho. Colleqliona and H ollirr profcssinnol buniueat enlrttafod lo bia core will rrri'itr prompt allcnliun. f Jan 8, 'tl'if TJ. SMITH. ATTORNEY AT LAW. MIDIiI.KIlL'U'l, SN VklllK Utl., PA rre hit Profeatlonal Serrlcea to th pobll Oooault ttloot la KnK.lth and (itruian. J. R. ZELLER, ATTOhSEWAT-LAW Mifjlinburrj, Union County, Pa All boalneat rnlruated to hit ear will well an.l lii.ililnlly alien Inl in. Will prai-tlc at t.e aarerii. ouurta o Hnyilor an.l ailpiliilna o.mtiaa. HanbKcouaulta tlie Until. h 01 llortnau lananaRe, 'Tail CHARLES IIOWEK, ATTOHNE V AT r.AW, Kclinsgt'ovs, Pa. ilrTera hie profeialnnal aerricea 10 lit pub lis Col led ion and alt nl I'er profcaniiinit buainaa enlriiaiel 10 bit care will re 9eire prompt attention. Olhoe two door tottih of I be Normal School, f J 11 6, 'li JM.LINX, ATTORN EV AT LAW. T.wlabtir. Pa illTett hi profcaaionnl aerrioes lo Die public. Collections and all nlber pro fcaaional biiainee animated to bis car will roceiyeproutpl aiteation. Sept. St), 1S8D. a ti 0 n .V" r.v a t i, a w. 8olin8Srovo, Pa , OTcr I It fir prot't'saiotiHl strvioea to the publie. Alllefrnl biiinaiilriiaiil lo llieir ear will reoeite rrompl atlculion. Olfiot tl his bomaon Maiu Hired. July, 4tb '72. taaoat. autaia, antttii alli 3. ALLEMAN & SON. ATTORNEYS AT L A If. Holiiiw?r-, lo.. AH professional biialnot atnl eolleotlng ealrutieil to their jar will h promptly aliened to. Can bt consulted in Kngliab or OertnitD. Ollioe, Mark'. Sijuare. II. It. Grimm. Wm. II. Dill Grit I MM te Attorneys&jCouncellors AT-LAW, Ofllce Nonr tbo Post Office. Frecliurr. Pciui'u. Contiillalioo la holb Engliah and Oerman LangtiaKet. Deo, I '7lf. JOHN II. ARNOLD, A.ttoricjy ttt Ijrt', MlDULtllUUO, I'A Professional buslnets entrusted lo hi ear w.1:.' b promptly atlanded lo. f Feb f THOMPSON BAKER, f a Attorno.v-at-Tiawe Lewisburg, Unlos Co., Pa tk9-0an b conaulted lo th English ao German language. 1$tt OKKICK Market Street, oppotlls Walla Stnilh A Co's Store f) 4Sy WM. VAN CKZEK, ATTOUNEY AT tAW, Lowisbnrg Pa. OITors his professional serrioe to hs pub lie. Collaollons ami all olber I'lofossinn si business entrusted lo bis ear will r ooly prompt atteotios. g T. PARKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 3BLINP0UOVK, SNVDKIl COUNTY, Pa 'riepl.15, '07tl AC. SIMPSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Seliusgrove. Pa. iiffsrs his profttloDlsryics ts tb pub do. All business satrustvol Is hi 'ears sill b promptly aUatld lo. fJaa. 17. '6711 kAMUEL U. ORWIQ, ATTQRNEYAT LAW, MlflHlnbisrg. VnIn I'm.. Pis: Oika si dir tit Tlarph I'llslla tt U.1.W.UII.II. , , ' , Pifsicians, iSr. DR. .1. V.SntNDKL, SUitGKUM AND I'll VfllCtAt, Middlcbur?, Ps Offer bit nrofotnlonnl icrvtsa to lb oil as of MiJdlrburj and vicinity; March 21. 'H? QHMARANO KOTIIUOCK, Fremont, Snydor county, Pa. (trai1ntot lltltlmor l)olla of Phvilelaaa ami Mnrajaon. oiTara bit prural iol aarrle to in piiune.3!ipat cagiiaa od oeriaa. Mareh, It, IS4I. tf. J J. 8MITIJ, Physician & Surgeon, fremont, Snyder Lnunly, Pa. ItfTert b't pmtaaatnoal trvln totfe OITtc Mala meet. Jlnt IS ; J)U. J. O. WAONEIt, Physician and Stirirron, Offare hit prof.iaaionl aarrlcea to the oitltaQe nf Ailatnabor and rirlollf. A 04. t.'aott. J. P. KANAWluL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OnirHlle. iti!rtler Co., Pa Oftrr bl profetilonal ttrrlce to lh e-4Hir II. J. KCKUKRT, SURGEON DENTIST. KC'KIIKHT") IILUOH, Scinarroi, Penn'a. Profetilonal builneti promptly itld to. Mar Vi,'T. JTJR. 1. ORIER DARDER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, bavins losaleil at MIDDt.EIlUUO, PA., ortioe a few door Waal of lb Conrlhotia. in Heater's Brick bnildini, offer his pro fosaional arrticee lo th public. II speaks English anj Uarnian 'Ocl.17.'78. piiRClVAL HERMANN, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, KrtiUerrllle, Snyder Co., Pa. OBert hit profeatlonal aorrloot to thtelttipl ot Krattorrlll aod A OH. DR. A. M. SMITH, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Offers bis profeatlonal serrtcct la lb clll- teos of Adamsburg anil vioinily. Sep!, ' K. VAN RUSKIRK, SURGICAL 4 MECHANICAL DENTIST Sulinxrove, Penn'a. Justices nf th e Peace. jDAM SMITH, Mice of tic PuacB & Conveyancer HeiuerSjiriuffs, Snyder Co., Pa. AM'omlelat htalne.t -taking; ilapotltlon a and promptly stranded 10. Oullaot.ont and rainlt-tent-e. promptly luad. May IV', It's "yyiLLIAM II. SNIDER. Justice of Hi Pent??. Salem, Snydor County Penn'a. All Collections and rernitancob promptly made. Kor. 31, '7 tf. SAAC HEAVER, justice oFtiie peace nnd Ooneml Oolloctor. Mid llrliurd, Snvi'er County, Ps Ppeolnl attention paid 10 eolltTiloni of all kinds. ltniniilnucet will lis made promptly for all co'leiiliuus luade. Mar. Jlal 1H78 If. YH. WAG N Ell, Emo., JUSTICE OK TUB PBACK, Jackson Town-lii, Snyder Co. Pa., iVillalleud lo all business entrusted to hi eare aud on th mnsl reasonable terms. Mareb VI, 'tirtif JVID S. S HOLLY, J ustlce of tho lenco, Union'J'oH'nitMo, Snyder Co., Pa. Will attend to all bualoest entrusted lo bis ear on most reasonable isrius. P. 0. address, Uuudore, BnydcrCo., Pa. Mar. 4, '80. T U- ) e HAHT.MAN, JI 8TICR OF THE PEACE. efc CJoilVW.'y'lXllOOl', CENTRE VlliUK, 8uyder County. P. Onlleettont and all botlntat nartalntn lo Ik omc of.luatlo o( tb faaoe will kaattomled 10 at abort ool.o Ap r 37-70 gETH MITCHELL, J netine of tho Peace & ConTeyancer, Jtekaon Townahlp, Bnydar Cnnnty, Fa. tlollaittlotta, lliinveyancloii, and all olberbu alueaa pertalltln to tha otttre trill reealve prompt allanilon. Poatottcoaddreeai Near Hirllu, Unloo oouuty, Fa. Aug. lit, 1ST!. JOHN K. UUailES, E1-, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Peon Twp., Soydcr Co. P JAMES MIDDLES WARTH, Justice of the Peace & Conveyancer, Troxlovillo, Snydor Co. Ta. Will attend promptly to all manner nl bail Beeepertainin 10 tn othca, tloliartlone ma i, Udt, Artlc.aalie., wrlllao IJOiy si, i-ii. yyM. II. HARDING, JI'STICE OF THE PLACE Sc Convoyancort FREKMONT. Snyder oounty, Ts. I'ollerllona tndsl bitstnaes parlalnlns loth omeoof J nailne of lb Fo trill be atlenilad to ttaliorl notlie. Apr. 17'tS, g A. WETZEL, Justice of the 'Peace, .Beauerlown, Suyder Co., J'a. All kinds of collections msds on lihtral Itrut. Promptly alltnd to all busines. Intrusted lo bis earsi (Juns iitt, '7811 Elt B. MIDDLESWARTH, JUSTICE OF TUB PEACE SID CONVEYANCER, MoOlure City, Snydor Co., Pn. flallMllaes and all kaaloaea oarlalalne la tka Ota of J ustlo o( th Faae wit. b atlandad to 1 aaort none. July ss.'itu. A , O HOUNBERQlill, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Pery Twaeklp,aydrOotity, Pa. L'llaloea,l..era;aatns,nilal. atlier bill 'aapr'.Hlnlni ta-lhs ofSe trill k proasplll sddw. Otl r TfOltrl.l r J. BOWKRSOX," Jutiivt of the Peace A Coniiyi lt. Penmcreek, Snyder Co , Pa. Colltollont and emlltaft prontptla ... Oonratanclai aeatl; aai haplr tokia;i ' M BaM Hotel. Currier CD St. Broadwau NEW YORK. On both Amsrlcan&ftiropeaii pl.naj rronllnu oa Wr, ar lb Orand tlmi. rar.1, Hroa.lwa. anil rifly.Vlolli t..tiut hI'S nrrnpiaa the entire aqnar. od waa hall" ,.1 fnrnlahed al an eipanea of oror 100 0110 1, i oaeorthamoatelearaniea wtll aa iMinaiha a. eat located In Hie oil? htt psteanaor KU,!l lr and all mo.Wo Improramenta, and la wiim one eqitare of lha depute of Die KlUh and nik l Avnn R. tare and anil ,,,; Ilia HroaJwer rare eonrenKnt and acreaaii,. Hoom wnk boerl 1 perrtaj. Npaclal rate for fa ml Ilea and neut f neat. r-rwe. E. HASKELL. An. M.' PoraiTo BOARDlMHOUSg THE Undralgnd wouM repct fully form lb Irarrllinir, puhlio, butit,,! men, wllneaaat and Jnrora In alli-n.Unaat, ' I'onrta Dial ha hie meile ample preparatl'im heir ao. il.l inn and will emUarnr le., lertatnhla patrona In nort atria at the n .1 ra,intble rataa, lloar llo ll iua fa jT'1 wetloflhaCctirt Uouao. Apr. St V. I f. l-roprfci;,. ! lMlllleliirrr, la. JOHN LlilBERT, Proprietor i Theabora tmpolar Hotel hat bean re Attn and rer,irnlalie. in th beat Hf. Itt etntru location ntakea It eootaolent for boalnaal men 1 narenna I attanilanna at (Viirt ... 7r. olbertwboareall1 to MMillebura;. Tbe t. uia aiwaja aiipiineii won Ilia bait in the m k at -I lie liar with loot llqoort and tbe ai.w, attamleil by careful, botllvrt. Ttrtnt miotr.ia April 4, 1H78, PJENTREVILI.E HOTEL, (Uata Mra. Wearer's. ) Centerrlle Nnyiler 0., Pa. PETkR UARTMAN, froprltle . Thlt lonr eataMl.hK.l .ail s.11 1.. . harln bean puronaaeU by th undertime? 1 Holts a sbarsoltk public pat rnnair. Apni.S.I.TI. FLTLK HAKTMAR rjHE NATIONAL HOTEL. JOHNB. FOCKI.ER, Prop'r. BollnHgroyo, pa Tills lintel Is Pleaaantly loeatril la lha aiin.f.i and la a eryde.lral,le place fur IrtreUr. ,0' tlie naaTof auroinmiiilat.iini tl Low rati a t' arnia at.ippina; once will be aur to call aHiia. Tie beat of liquor in the bat " ,.fT . Oralclaa KoeUnranl Inconneeltnnwl ;j. ill cretin nts' House, 'ii:icViiff N01TTII THIRD 8TREF.T, PHIL'A fJL TermH'-.&l-GO per da-. HENRY SPAHX I'm,,'. C.W.ltl. Merit Anr.l . .' UaMinsMMHsltHMsM Philadelphia Cards. J. S. FARNSWORTH. JONES, HOAR & Co. Importers ot Buiscry, Notions, TCte Goods. EmM ' dories Gents FarnislliuK Goods k JNo. 511 Murkot Rtreot, PHILADELPIII1 T. n. Innet, A. II. Iliiar. I.'ilnl. 13 ',-4. w, 11. sbtitii.r. T. II. lleiolilrl. GRAYHILL h Co.. WiinLai.a liALm tl WOOD AND WILLOW WABB Oil Cloths, Window Shndes, llrooms, Man llrualies Cotton Lap, drain Dint, I N'et. Iluoketa, Twlues, Wick, &e. No. e'.'O Utrktt Btrt, Pbiladelrtit Fob. 7, '07 ' J B. 3ULHQ1MER OEALP.B IU IBAROWARE Iron, Nails, Steel, Leather. Faints. Oils. Coach & Saddler Ware AND MANUFACTURER OF Stoves & Tinware, MARKET STREET. LowlNloM'ti, X'enn'ne Nerember 2, 1871-tf WM. MANN. Blank Book Maker Sta tioner, and Steam Power PRINTER, V lioleHnlo Sc. ITetail ho 629 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. Prountueee. One Price SeUht Price Marked On All Goodt Infi gurea. Apr. Ifl-. QAV1D WILLIAMS, " Manufaclnresnf A Whnlaaala Dealer In Gilt, Stnlinsanr. Walnut and Kotcsooi I CJCJ rxl rsj Ca GLAsH Pioture & Photographio Frsmei N01. 230 and IM Arch Street Pbiladelpbi )'a. Frsm Rpalrd In lh best Alio, Hegllding la sll Us braocbts. I'' JNION PIANINO MILL BELINSaSOVE.SNTDLB C0.,Fi Kccly fc Wagner Liiiubcr Dealer and tiasvrai'TiisBB or Ooors, Duor Boies, Windows. BlinU" window Boies, llllnds, Bash, Blair riilims. Hand Kslilnpi, Hrat et. MouldliiKS. FloorluK. . URULLHAWINU fe CABINET THkNll" Shingles, Lath, &o., ttO. Ordsr sollolUd and Allsd with provf af and dsspatoh . l'ls sail sod laso'trstook bsfors sarshssisg ! WJC keep on hand all 1W uuh j.t Nniet. 80"" I ... r mmMm kuiiVt fIO, IKfl ri tllH, Leattt, 01" na. .fui.. J-a tS,lW., UrO.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers