The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, July 14, 1881, Image 1

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    .VclvortiHlnir Itatow.
V ntiimn Ana !. CiO.OO
CWl v. j , - rolnmn. one vnnr. iHUMI
k.fiiirth column, one year, l'VW
, iiquiu" (1') linos) 1 inanition, 7ft
livery addi'foiml insertion, 60
ofewlonal ami Hulnes card ol
not more than 5 lines, per year,. ,6.00
iditor, Executor, Administrator
nd Assignee Notices, 2.50
itorinl notices per line, u
Ml transciont advertising less than
nonihl 10enti lino,
in flvni-tiaAinriiLii for shorter r-
id than ouo yenr nre payable ntlhe
no they are ordered, ana il not paid
. 1 At !ll 1. .11.
I person oruonug mem win e mini;
picisiblo fur tho nionov.
Ill the Mo Week never (ro t
Jirk I the enrfeW rlitjrctti low j
to twlllirht ott ixt
din at lout th weary day
ice a(aiit the night is here,
re you thinking of mo, Di'tir f
I lay Ion if my heart ha heard
it one softly whispered word ;
pi day long your mime lint conn
tine through the busy hum ;
erywhero in hull and afreet.
Iiu have tarried with me. Nwect.
the fiuie of the crowd,
the cries that echo loud,
!1 throughout the hurrying throng,
I amid the strife of tongues,
othlng have 1 heard or seen
ve your voice, your face, my Queen.
ther women eonie and go,
(her voices whisper low,
her eyes grow dim or bright.
hml or veil their chatnrefiil liirlit !
vt I stand apart, alone,
lilting stilt for you, my own.
Ill that waiting. Do you feel,
hrling, m the slow days steal
lent, one by one, away,
,ow my heart must yearn and pray,
tor the touch of lips and haiult
ptrllng, do you understand?
the dally strife and stress,
lo you see the foes that press
ose and hard within, without?
I the dread and all the doubt,
1 the fears that elaxp and clintf,
1 the bitter questioning?
t, though with no clash of sword,
it her all those phantom hordes;
id my soul, as falls the night,
ems to loose her wonted might,
rinks before theditsky crew,
ays and longs ami yearns for you.
pst I always watch and wait,
Siled, famished, at your gate?
II you not lie brave and eonie
b tho pleading lips be dumb?
b within the Weary eyes
pc's lust glimmer fades and dies?
i dear heart, bostron.?, be true!
, a kingdom waits for you!
gh above till stain or scathe
ats Love's banner, rhlncs Love's
iter on your reign sen-net
me! myownl my love! myipieen!
JUtlTo.v MllKY
I Caldwell at Springfield.
Iro's the spots Look around yon.
Above on the height
f the Hessians encamped. Hy the
r.linrnli mi fliu rl.rl.t
Vl the gaunt Jersey farmer And
j ii-ru run u wail
may dig anywhere and you will
. turn up a bull.
Vilng more. (Jrnssc spring, wa
Iters run. Ilnwom hlnu
My muoh an they lid iilnety-th'ree
V '
ping uiorn did t say? Stay one
moment; you've heard
puldwell, tho parson, who oneo
preached the Word
fa at Bprlngneld! What? No?
pome, that's bail. Why lie hud
,th Jersey's aflame. And they
jrnve hint the name
to "rebel high priest." He stuck
i their gorge,
ie loved the Lord Ood-oud he
uted King George!
W cause, you might say, when
lie Heisiahi that day
Jhod up with Knypluvuson,' they
stopped on their way
"Farms," where hi wife, with
child in her arms, '
lono In the houno. Huw ithap
wiod none knew. i
aod-iuloneof thelilrollngerow.
Iflredthesliotl Enough! There
ho lay,
Caldwell, -the chuploJu, her lius
ejid away)
' preaoh-dld he pray? Think
- 'him, a you stand
old churoh tHlay; think of
' "d that bund
itaut plow-boys? floe the smoke
(ad the heat
llo reckless advance of that
Juggling retreat I
the ghost of that wife, foully
ln, hi your view
i what could you what should
pu, what would you dot
V Just what he did! They were
ft hi the lurch.
ant of moro wadding. He ran
the church,
tho dfor, stripped the pjws,
Jid ikwhed out In the road
his arms full 0f hymn books, and
irew down his load
er feet! Then above all the
touting and shots,
his voloe j "Put Watts Into 'em.
)ys; iflve 'em Wdli
ihy did. That Is alL Grasses
Wlniv M . .
uuwiri OlOW,
mooh as Uisy did ninety-three
aw ago;
y dig any where and you'll tarn
a ball,
ft always hero like th island
at's all. .....
I -&mli ttAntit;
VOL. 18.
t: t
rV it 1 (i
The Tragedy of the Cliff
We were enmpoil on a spnr of tho
Rocky Mountains, near tho brink of
an awful prooipico. Hitting in a
row, on a fallen pine, wera Charley
Androwi. who was a Yuokoo, tall
and jonng-, myself, and a durk-fucod
strnngor. On a flat rook on tho op
posite si1e of Hie carap-firo, but in
sncb n position tint tho nmolto did
not obscure his view of the company,
snt Abraham Low is, a stout old trap
We have come logothor necidout
ally. J started out from Virginia
City alono, on a prospecting tour.
On tho after noon in question I hud
oncountored Lewis and Androws,
"pnrds of long stauding, who invit
ed mo to camp out with thnm. While
wo were making a fire tho strangor
appeared, and being anko.l to stay
by trappers, immediately ilroppod
his prospector's kit ar.d bogan to
about tbo Gro. 7e was ft supplu
jointed, black-wbiskorod man of tin
certain ago, whom any one who had
trarolod in tho West Would tiko to
be a gambler aud out-throat of tho
worst typo.
Wo had now eaton oar supper of
beat's meat and Kulmon, and woio
discnsHing gold and gulcheH all but
Aba Lowis, who PinoUed his big pipe
ill tho sileneo of deep thought, is
young ''pat'iV whispered that a yarn
would toon bo forthcoming, mid I
for one was ready ami willing to
drop all other topics whonovor ho
dcignod to begin.
It was an autumn evening, junt
glowing dusty and cool enough to
bring out tbo comfort of u camp-
fire. Suddonly, tho Irnppor looked
up, took out his pipo, blew forth a
big cloud of smoke, and said, as if
his bearors wero uccpiaiuted moro or
less with the facts of tho cuso .
"George ftwood was as Kpiaro a
young chap as ever lived, and tlia'.
makes it a good deal wuss. 1 he
in nn that murdered Litu is tho mean
est skuuk '
Tho Irappnr paused, nod I fauciod
bis keen bluo eyos wore fixed on me
alono i but ho soon withdrow hi
gno to tho gambler, who roturuod it
with cool iudilTereiice.
"Toll tho story," I uaid, impatient
"Oh, I'll go on with it full fast
enough fur ye," ho replied, a littlo
testily, as ho eyed iuo again. "I'm
goin' to atuto all tho facta jimt,
'uauso that's eoino horo what tlou't
know about it,"
Tbiu might imply that I know
somnthing about it, but did not.
With a Btrango light in hid eyes, an
oxpresuiou I could not understand,
tbo old hunter kopt all tho whilo
looking at mo or at utrangor, or at
both as ho wont on .'
' George caroo to lkavor Ridgo
doad broke, and I took him under
my wing, I helped him stako out
a claim adjoining niiuo. It turned
oat to bo tho host one in tho place.
Goorgo worked in the guloh
alongside of mo all suminor, aud
somo days he mado as Ligh as twen
ty dollars.
"In tbo forepart of September my
cluim got playod ont, and I pushed
on to Moutanu. Soon oftor I left, ft
gang of sharps lit down on tho Ilidgo
and bogaa to boat tho boys out of
their gold. Thar war five in tho
gang, and they brought koorda, aud
dioo, and evoryotbor blumod con
trivanoot Ouo on 'out sturtod a bank,
another a saloon and the rest ropod
in tho viatims. Thoy soon owned
half tho dust, id Uoavor Ilidgo.
Bat that didn't satisfy W Thoy
wanted to clean oat every man in
town, especially thorn as buug back
and influenced others to koop out of
their place,
"George A I woo J didn't take no
stock in 'eat and wasn't afraid to say
so, They beard bow Ooorgo had
traok it rich, and went for him with
thoir palarver. Ono of tbo gang,
who called himself Jim Cortland
kept follerln' George up every night,
aud tryin' to git him to gamble with
'em. Hut he oouldu't make it Work.
George woe too smart for him at
that game, and so be tried another
One morning George was found out
side the camp with bie throat out
form ear to ear, Hit two thousand
do'lais in gold waa gone ont of bit
shanty, Tbsy counted ' noses, and
fottod Sim Cortland, bad lit out the
nlgbt before.
. "George lad A good many friends,
aud in a short time a big crowd
started after Jim. 1 1 in former
pards jinod in with tbo rest, aud
sworo they'd shoot him on sight for
disgraeiu'W The boys tracked
him pretty close for two days, and
had Just got sight ou him, whon a
big baud of redskins rushed onto
'em ont of a patch of woodland on
tho right. They got drovo back to
tho Ilidgo a littlo faslor'n they loft
it, aud Jim Cortland oscapod."
Tho old huntor piHO I, but still
kept his fiereo eyes bnnt on mo au I
on tho gimhler. The firelight eh jne
in hisfnoe, nn I bi I k,i 1 a-i thon r'i
he wanted to tosr tho murderor from
limb to limb.
Wo had remainod sitting on tho
log, I in tho middle, tho black
whiskered man on my right, tho (all
Yaukoe on my loft, whon tho latter
rose up and approached tho tiro.
"Git back thar, Charly," siid
Lewis. ''When I talk, I want to faoo
tho whole crowd."
Tho two "pardi" exchangod glano
Tho yonng man rnluriie l lo tho
log but, instead of going to bin
former placo, ho sat dowu at tho
gnmbhu'H right hind.
"A fow mouths after tho murder,"
continued tho trapper, weut back
to Hoavor Ilidgo to git a bag of gold
that I'd left thar, and I fuuu.l out
ull aliout it. Tho boys described
Jim Cortland to mo, aud 1 yo bueu
hiiutiu' for that mau ever since."
Thoro wan a short silence, duriii;'
which the tr ipper nnvir oii.u remov
ed his cyos from his threo compan
ions. "And you mean to wipe out that
man T" said the gambler, coolly.
"You'll Hud out I do, slrungor."
"How do you know it was Jim
that murderod tho young ma-i ?
There's no proof. Many an iuuo
cont mau h:i4 been hung on strong
circumstantial evidence," uuid tho
"And many a guilty man has hern
shot." rejoined Lnwii, d 'folly
"I'm going to shoot tho man that
walked over Goorgo Atwood, and
pitch his body 1ju over thin blull
What could tho old (nipper ineauT
Was tho murderer ovoii then ltnkiug
in tliu vicinity V or wh tho Ualk
stranger Jiiu ('ortlan I I
If this wero thu case, tho net ion
of the trapper's young "pard," in
seating himself at tho gambler's
right baud, might bo part of a pro
couoertod pluu to "wipe out thu
Not being a fighting mau myself,
( naturally bo;u to Ijj'c about for
Homo place of rcfugo. None oll'ered
unless I went down tho htccp dob'
cent of the looso rocks, near ut baud,
uud that looked liko a Uuugerouu
Hut tho gambler did not appear
to understand tho significant worJs
and dark looks of Abo Lowis auy
bettor than I did."
"Whero is this Jim Cortland ?" ho
"You boo that strip of pino ?" said
Lowis, without moving his oyos from
us threo, bat with one hand point
ing across tho ennyou rumbling at
tho foot of tho precipioo, two thous
and foot below, to wboro tho uhad
ows wero darkening over a long
stretch of piuos. "Well, Jim Cort
laud oome up the river, this uftor
noon, on tho outside of thorn wooJd.
I come up ou tho iusido,"
Itoro I met the steady gnzo of tho
trappor, and I was struck by a sud
dun fear, J had oome up tho river
along tho edge of tho pino forest.
Could ho suspect mo of being the
murderer f
Hut on a second thought t full
easior. Tho other strangar might
have come up whorj I did, ao l I
could easily provo au alibi at the
time of tbemurdorbymy friends in
Virginia City.
All this passod rapidly in my
miud whilo tho gambler was saying:
"Are you euro yoa'vo spotted tho
right man ! Yoa novor saw bim.
All you, ve got to go by is tho des
cription given by tho Hoavor ItiJgo
men 1"
"I know the man I'm aftor," as
serted Lowbt. J'Zo's about your
sUo," closely watohiug tbo gambler,
who never ohangod a muscle a be
gazed into tho firo. "Under ths
saroumsUncea, I kin desoribo bim
pretty close; He'a got black bair,
blaok beard and suaro shoulders,
Hie fooe is a littlo tawny, and his
dom peaked. Ue'e a tougb-lookiu'
cuss, but be won't kill auothor mau,
uuUw be glU over un, I'm oa bie
trail, end ono or t'olhor of us'll have
to kick tho bucket."
I answered to this Ioobo dc.ncrip
tion, n'i 1 so did tho gnuMer, but
thero vns no other poiut of resem
blance between nn.
"If you aro certain ni to the mau,"
said tho stranger, with a cool glance
at Lewis, let's all go for him How
f ir ahead is ho n ny, do you think T
Come, old mau, givo us ' a h m I in
tho game."
"I'll dn that, stranger. Hut the
murderer ain't ahead of this crowd
not much ho ain't."
"Oh, then you've passed him yoij
aro on tho lay for him T' su 1 the
ganihlnr, looking uneasily down the
ruggnd, darkeiiitig wlopo which wo
had ascended,
"llouiu't behind neither," said
Abu Lowi4.
"What Thon it must bo this
And tho gambler siozedmy should
er with ono hand, whilo tho other
rested on his revolver, anil his oyon
woro fixed, not on mo, but on Alio
J?ufoi o I could m iko a movo the
old trapper cleared inn of tho charge,
':N'o, sir," vocifuralod Lowis, lit
ho Hiiino iiirttaut dnuving his ruvol
Jim Cortland whipped out his
weapon, an 1 both men fixed.
Tho (.vimhlei's revolver ll ih1k 1, but tho ball pped hiiiiiilorfHly
oviir tho heal of tho trapper.
Young An Ir.i vs lul knocked up
tho villuiu's arm at thu right mo
ment. Tho shot firo 1 by Lewis look ef
fect in tho murderer's brain, end ho
fell backward over the log d'ad.
Tho trapper immediately ap
proached thu body of his victim, and
lifting it up as if it wero a moro
child's, he boro it to tho brink of tho
precipice and hulled il dowu uver
thu looso rock.
Several big utoiies accompanied it
in it - downward course, mil it wis
soon hw illowe 1 up in the gloom that
was deepening over the v tuyoii.
"I couldn't bury him to better ad
vantage among IheHo rocks, "If he
comes to lifn, ho't climb out of
that hole," Haid Alio Luwis, coolly
resuming his pipe before thu lire.
Hut tho chances of any spark of
life te n lining in tho body of the
murderer of poor Goorgo Atwood.
after tho well directed shot from old
Abe's rovolvorhad reached it mark,
was very small indeed i and so, with
out further thought on tho subject,
wo wrappud ourselves in our blank
ets, and "turned iu" for tho night.
Wo wero roused from our slumber
early next in iniin r by A he, who
had prepared our morning meal, uU
tor pailiikiug of which, as our path.s
lay in dill'erout direction being
ou my way to joiu my old "panlner"
in tho mountains, and Abo and his
young Yaukeo friend being ougage l
in their regular business of trapping,
wo parted company.
Thus, after long years of patient
search, bad Abo Lowis avenged the
murdor of hid old partner Goorgo
Atwood and with a consciousness
that ho bad done his duty by his
dead friend, wo scpuratcd as we
took ono hist look over tho yawuiug
prooipico where I bad that day bueu
au oyo-wituoes to "Tho Tragedy uf
tho Cliff."
A Strong Dunning Lctlor.
The following was recently snen
upon a postal card aJJt'OMoi to a
delinipicut debtor t
No draft yet.
"What taith tbo Scripture 1"
Uoiu., iv. 3,
"Tims to receive money." Kin 's,
"I'rotulsoJ to givo money." Murk,
liv, 11.
"I oallodupoo hlin, but thors was
no answer,
"Cant,, r, (J.
wait 1 for ?" rnluis,
ixxix, 7
"Iheuooey was not brought , 2
King', iviii, Id,
"Thero was no voico, nor any
that onsworod," 1 Kings, xviii, 17.
'Either ha Is talk'tiir, or ha is pur
suing, or ho is oo a juurnoy, or per.
adventure ho sloopotb and mii't bo
iwakonod." 1 King, xviii, 27,
"We grouo wilhiu ounoIvob, wait
iag." Horn., tiii, 23.
"All the days will I wait till my
change come." Job, xlv, 11,
"uve you not read tho Scrip-
ture 1" Mark, ill, 10.
' Now therefore send quickly," 2
8am., xvii, 1(3, .
ThU appeal brought the mooey.
IP :pI f
A Rciii.UHnlilo Soldier.
Tom Kelley, a privale iu the Sec.
ond Mielii ;m infantry, wo n rc
in'iik:il)lo in in. lie ha I arms a fn'l
hand longer than any mi in who
could be f inn 1, He had no more
backbone than n snake, and civil I al- inin to ad in -dalim n:;ent nl I m -inoHt
tie hitn-ielf iu a kit it. icmll cunsvillo, m thu Allegheny iiioiii-
tell the d it-i ona silvi r ipinili r lu l l j
up twenty fe it aw iv, mid he coul 1 j
hear every word of i conversation I
ill a r minion lone of v liej !wr.n
an ordinary street. 1 1 cool 1 run n
half mile ns fast ns nuv h irso could '
rnllop. mid thcio wasn tau ling of- "Tiiero was a vonin,' man me I ..
for of !?!( lo any man who cmld . cI.m k foi nm ut Col unl.i i th it would
li'iM him down. On a bet of a bow 'suit you hr-t .nil",' replied Mr
of siirdinei he once pasn i I :i'k h'h. jt liven.
liuets within an hour. On unit'-er! "Whit's his name "' ir.I.e Mn;;i
occasion ho ontcred thu cohiiiel' ' neer Th une-m, .
lent, and brought nay that o.Vi .i's
When Toin'.i romaika'ilo q'Mlill-
cations Were diseovete I, hi) W H di "j Mr. Thompson w is .siltni:; li"l d iv
tailed ns n Hco'il mid py, mil ,n in his oMi -n in 1 1 in i-.lnn -g, when in
changed from one depai tinetil lo nn- walked a vjiut. n' who was a picture
other. Ill tho capiiei'y of Hpy, he of in inly be ant y end h bore nlwul
cnteied Itiehuioiid three times. He him siieli a btee.v nir of in Ii pen
etilercd Vicksburg and pretchelit denco as pi linly in 1 u-1 1 I thilc ir
sermon to the soldier a week bo por.ilion cliiefi iim Iu 1 n terrors
lore the siirrenlr. Hewn in New 1 f,,r him. His .mg yellow hiiii
Orleans live days lioforo that city sti'4g::lo I over his .s'i i il l o i A
was taken, llo wn a ill r.i lint ' wide briorii" I -.1 i.-'i hit vum perch -lirinly
believe 1 that lm foul 1 not. be .) ,M th.) hick of his le-il, his pints
killed by nn ci.eiiiy. an I ho govern-' wero tucked in hi hoof mid his
ed his movements iKCordingly. Inn Is were explorin- the iy depths
While tin ler tho oi-.len of !eti. "f Iom p ick, tn.
Hooker, Kelley proved n levdiil "Yoiiilif iii in. what A i yon w.tnt ;"
eceasi oiih that he could m e fuit'.ier ii"piii'e I r.ii:;itiecr '', .ui; .on, look
with the linked cyo than any ofli.vr ( in-; iiroiin l mid );a '.in ; on tiii-' pie
i'oiild with ii li'l. glass. Ifhefouhl tnve.
Igeta place of coi.iviilmi nt within
' liffy feel of a picket, ho could catch
th iiintersigu. I In viHitnd L n.k- , clear but resperllul (one, but with
out Moiudain. iliti tiding lo epil.c r..,"' "PI"' "' '"' ' "f "'iiliarras iineht.
many of the Vnfcdcriito guns usj "What .is your n mi" f"
possible. His disguise wus that ofi "Thomas A. Ncot I.."
a farmer who had b i .lrivin front j V "I t'" mm V.liiv
homo by the I i.ion forces. The'" 'ei iiik-ii l". i '
e licmy n:iiielnnv vt suspicious, of; " 'S, hir.
him, uud he was placi d in the guard j Thu t'liL-T I'mri'iocr. after a 1 n;;:
hoiiHo for Ihe nigld. 'I hero wan an 1 ctnicl hci utiny d the Ion,;
sentinel at Ihe door, nnd fibers near '"air, Ihe boot i-ncasod pants mi l
by hlan ling guard over guns and pocket-hid l-n h:m l.i, ni I Huddenly
stores, but il wiia nil tho name to an 1 brus pudy, "l .but think you
Uilley. With nn eld fin plain for! ill suit in...''
ll rli.vil lid km p I f 1 1. in wi.l! "That doesn't nnko a dune. I bit
out lit the buck end of tho building. "r dill'erenfe." iepli,lthn fair yi
mid walked up to two pieces of r. ,1m" with the golden lockn, not on,
t illcrry tit.1 spiked both before any ! w,,il ' "P '.V mind
lihiriu waa laised. When the senli-" """ ,iV" "'r ".vv and hy lu.roiri ut liim In . M o I 1 J' 'H f'T It IIIOll t ll , 1111 d i f likldvoll
of camp, but In fore ho wan clear of
it bo h id been lire! ou fifty times.
K t lli y wns oneo cnptiircd when
nslcrti bv Missouri l.'in ri illas. When
ho opened hihoy l, wuh snrroun .
ed by live or ,,ix men on foot mid
others in the na. bile. It was under
a treo iu an open field, and lie h i 1
been tiaeke I by a dog. As ho lose
up at their cumin md, ho loi.ii til t
hia won! na n gymnavt.
Hy dodging mid twisting, and jump
ho got out ol tho crowd, n
mau oil' his saddle, mi l would have
oscapod had not tint do;; f.v.tti"l ti
his leg. Ho waa then put under
guard in a log huttso with only one
room. Two HcntincU Rat nt the
door " ith revolver., in (heir haiid.i,
and ki pt wiitrh of bin every move
ment. After an hour or t.vo Kelley
approached as if to oiler lliciu tobac
co, mid jumped clear over their
houds liko ii doer, lie had half a
mild of open field to from, uud be
cr oxtcd it Ulider the li:u of a hcoiu
ufmunkota mid levulvtis without
bo lug Lit,
Huring bin threo years and a half
iu the service Kelley capture. I fifty
two Confederates uud turned them
ov cr ns prisoncifl. llo Liuinelf was
oapturod uud escaped live times.
As a ppy Lo entered moro than
thirty Confederate camps aud furls,
own fired Hp ju at leant una thou
siiii'l timos, and yet was nover
woundud. llo hill said that ho
would uover die by thu baud of an
onomy, and his pioph ccy caino true.
In tho lust your of tho war, while
bringing a cnpturoil Confederate
scout itito camp both wero killcal
within foi ly rods of tho Uuiou Hues
by a bolt of lightuiug.
A tight fit a ilritukfld ouo.
Awdontists plug inspootor f
A bad bfeakfaut toll Out of bod.
Au otr trun talo tho acouuut of a
bout ruoo.
Tbo aallur nt tho misthoaJ a tip
top follow.
Star ictromei ire uofr nUajM heav
enly bodiri.
Youdj moa unjr b too Treati, but
It. I.8SI. NO,
fdipr Thrn,33i't Viibr.
In ISI7, when J. I'dg-ir Thompson
was cliief Knginoer of the Vnnsyl
vania l!,ii!i i"i I, he vv 11 l:ill,in one
d iv with I'r. Hiv.n, fornii r ('ollre
t 0 of Tolls at ('nlu.'i)lii i, mi 1 ticked
nun ii ne c mi i I i iMiiiii.etui io j i r ii n
(aim. then lh western lei minus of
ihe roa 1. Tim si ition n;en. wa to
have c!nr;i uf the lrvnfr of p h
senders an I frel ;!it belwccd thecal
of too l'etiH"l v ni Itnilio I I t'otn-
l,ll:'.v 1 thosmif the Slate road.
"1'honi n A Ne-i.ll "
"I will Send Hold n lii-ii."
An I ho di I. by t.dejriph. loo.
"I hev,i yd Idegiaphel Tor
"as the r..s-. inse, iu lively
to "lav an 1 if I didn't I would nii;'li
ly h ion tell yon so
: I to 1 -d iv,
"III! I oil thorn," filled out Chief
Thomp mii, ,n ll.o young man was
,l:,lll"'' u'n 1,10 H"i-, prolmbly
I .'iiu ins! r it I.l ; in tin .plicklie I of de
ti rntii; iti ni I h tt: h i ev ir ul L r . :i r I
di ipl i; cd, "Cici. i li'ick .,. ; 1
"i.iis I vi!l i-y ii fo- a m or h,"
at. 1 l.o ti i I hi 'i f ir in my y n s uf
l ill1 !-t.
"Spell c. rut," the tdiihil- riitd
unto the boy up In id,
"I'-o-r-t," ho (hot it out.
"Next," dharply then Hhesai I,
"Court, co ti-r-t, couit," jillcd
"I'elliin Iho word, now, ph ase.''
"D line, what's that f"
"Why, fell mo what court means,
you littlo (case.''
"it means that wIkii tho feller
comes Iii! motions his head, und
says ; Jemima, em't you Heed that
littlo imp to bj I f "
''I think, d:art the dew has com
menced falling," ho said in his Boll"
estaccenls. "Yes nho yawned, "I
have been Imping to hear adieu ful
some, time, llo ai Un I Cull th
boxt ovenilig.
Whiskey is Iho liveliest "mill" horu
child on recur J.
A petrified body iodleatcg that the
man is rt"iio dead.
A clock pciijiiliitn Is baiind In
keep liino, il it has tn iu;j fur It,
W hen you piiri'liu-io PhIi hy the
pound, thi scales nro always 'thrown
Ai a rulo th fl iwer of tho family
docs nothing towur.l provl bo the
duily bread.
They botL rce toctlier, nho said
'twin no juico, they would nover
mako a jlcitr, for ho wan 'too nappy
to bo popular wtih tho ul l folks.
A Hill boy wm n"keJ, reocutly, If
I14 know whoro tho wickd Anally
want fo. He Buswerod i "they
practice law horotipoll aJ Ikon goto
th cfl.latiirp," Ik w a painful
npei ration for that boy t tit down
for a fow Jdye."
I'lil'll.-lied ever.' '1!hu ! m- J-,v,iiug
Telins of Snli-e; I'd ion,
TWO Dol.LA IIS ITU A.NM'.'I. I'ny -utile
vitlii'i oif iiH'i'lliK, it i , i'iii not
paid vviitiin tl. vc i:-. l'.' er dis
cnlitimieii m.f i nil ni! !:! m,i
paid unless nl the plnm i.l II. i' puli-li-hcr.
hul vcr'iti"i'-"it-ido ut the cortily
1" V A lll.K IN AIVAM.K.
M.Vl'1'rsiiiis li.'lmi illid (isiin; fPH'iS
Ailili'c.Ked i olh 'in ln'C'iliiesol'eriliri
snd ire liable I'm llie price ol tlii-1 er
llrh'ltj llll'l S ''' 'Hi'.H.'l, 111!
Hioi't f t!f S;ilp it. ut S-'.lii
l'i n:i I i nil. i 'in, I
iti(;ll oitil
ii.. ,, 1 ll- in. n ! ,11 .( . I'rntl Ir-n
i;. I , (nt, a I y i (iii, .,r , l; .., .i ..i lo,,..
-t , 1 1 ten r t l l I in 'nr'.-f 1 IIS . fir ,.l
ill n - p I: l . r (r nn. U it'i 1 Ia (-. ..i I I i Ml
V" i f-.", ! nil I, I .1 . ..I In. 1 1... .I'll .
r. ii. it i uc r i .. (! rr ii -r .p i r ,
I" -frill. Al I 'i , v i , n-tii.'-'-ltii itri-ntiot
. . I li I- (! ! n-'i-o.l I filrnll, 1. 1,' ll, I Iced
ri!".l l.y ;l i-.n.-il .'I ii i.l .'i . -I ,i(, nil i
mil i.tincni. in I iii.i.'ii . r Mi) 1 1 1 1,, i .i t',
i 'i i ni i. I; t " .i t i I nit pt-. ii v nn I I 'i i
i V -in I I l i i it a -i.(i' ,. t-i in i v ,
si tMr cm:
ii. .. ii Km hi !. ii ie ! r w i ,v ii i: ,
lll'c.n. MIL. el f s.- 0 I lli I .1
Mini n I r' t , ,,l ii() I., t ' ( I ' t I Mir , II rinpil i .
I t Zt M I
' ll 'ti w '. I'm l it II .-n. Vi" , .cnn if r
. Iy c iitc 1 'f it l.'i:i."P nl t l.o 1 1 nn I -i-l
(. fOII'll I'HI . I I l.'t ! IP. del MM ll l 1 1 V
.r I ctvp f (( l'i- i" inv el lit'i-in' I. "si
' lo- I I tlli tl .1 I ll." tt t,,,, . ppn i., i ., nn ,(( 1
I rt. I .drill'". in i.-l'i ( l;ii...
! nn.u fti i'
I v.. iMiirt.. ) . i I nl ..rt (.1, I'in.-li tiiti,
.pt-ni, - i-i ;.,i- c :,(r' . I, e I, n ...i i .'tir .1 i
I ii'.IH .-r" t I.l. :i ff I Ip I .ill thi 'li.-i l..p.'
J t t ir T'- i. n ( lie. I i nl! '.', ' ., Oil n I i- iil'l
lul hr i. "I h .it .
J i'he.i.i k; J !..
I I 'f if l( , . II in. !' mi I I. f I n.!(i.. II '
; .il. v. it . up' I .'I li .1. t" I i '.r I it I I l'i I. i
I l' l'i',' i t I'll! II ' .1 . . I I It '.Ull tllf All 1
l'i I I i I, A ltd! ( i I K ; t; t Si - , ! f ITIinll . .
, wl.l'li i-.iniilt'it i tfi r. I hi. In'r nil
MM ll" H.illl I I ... II.
I 'I I... tn ( I. (.;.... I i.inl.1 1 1 A". l ;,lli ll
1 1. 1 it, in::.. I i'i .Imi Inrl. whi-ii i.t I mi-ik y
j "'ii r. li 1 1 r.ttrt-r .I lit . ii lt wITi .i lo tint,
H'l.irl f ni nn In. 'i I i lltlt-li nu-.;. i-.irtj I l. ll.
i inli-'ir t lotii- i e .
I ft 1. I l ltl I'.
1 tin rr i ii rit i Tur i rm -1 i,'ti:.i In Iiu
i',c"nr-l n.'jil nix i'i rii'i '. Kk-.ii r.h r. Ii.d
i ;i.,tv 111. i.'l i-ttr-l " . ini'l o.c itt'c-nil n-i .i
I'll e III! snl I'' in I l'i "'... tl.d lire It
i I- Iii riiri"1.
I m: s.'Mi.-.'.rn, 'I ii .1'"I 'I (M-v J.d ti;i, i r,
mill' n'l i iiil.'in I' Mf i. I. Hi mil
i nr. rri e t -t. Ii if It It . I. !! I id a II iw
IT C l -r lltl.l tl'lllllli; l.ilMi.l:..
' I Til I (I i
ll-i.i li i nn. f .r it., l.y ill .Ir ! I'ri'.i
i t.r l'i i it ( It I. A ."M "ll. lunl i l' . ,t til t.tio",
' .'.i ; I ill I -,.(, I . I l T i . i ill II .',iti i , r.
j On. In- v I'.l 1 I'te I". (. fl ift- l.i'lll.-, Cl ft ( ii I
' ' I (' I 1.0 -l"!!'''!! . .1 liif I It' lti I ATI 1 l.'.'ttl " .t ),
-'-. I'I IK' II il K 111 t I r. A I. SilMlflU S(ir.
is.-. r.,i. ,.ii .i,
t i K s . i n I i i u. iiii.otii, vinMt
. All (i, nil.. I In ft mi fpi i -!t ..f rl. ",
MTt I fV'PM M -r ( .t.(:i.(,.... tnl
CDI1-.IS ,,..,.r',.l ft .. UL .t ..
I PLAT-xd ....: i.. ..; !
ii. i.l... l'ii.jitfi ri.i"l)r
! nn I .'t rir n.. f.'r 11 n n 1- 1 .nUi.e 1.1 Hut
. I. nn, l.o-, Ki.Iii. .' ftt. l I'm .- ti:ntH,'. Mft'ioiir ,t ' r., y ,
1 ' ... r ...t I n rt n'i. I '. nt.i i-'.i.p.
1 Al i(i it ', ru. t 01 di I . "i . l'i I ft II i-rftt.
I 1 1 1 ii-ii .1 ' t e '
Wic.i-s !' 1 . . ., II ft .11,
I (.I1. U M".'I -"(.p fn jr. 11,1:'
W .rll. l.i, ly ' ''!'.!.'. ,1. il., n.l,.
f ei. A,i,iri".i, Al. It in l(.t,., ,i- Hit liaffi,
I Errors of Yoaih.
i A 1 1 s I I.t: i s w:i 1 HtMt i ) t r fr ,t
1 Xi ' - I'I l: I.l 1 . , 11; l. M 1 t 1. 1. pi.
Ai. HP'I ill II. -M..iI-i nl toiil'iiitt I fi.l t-'r.t
I tl 'tt, lit I r I In 1 mi I - ll 1 t tit; 1. 11 11 Hi
tiil iron t" II vh. i.i-k.I 1' t In i ii It-ri .1 u.) ,11
ri'.-t l"fl I' r nm I It! I i'' : 'i 'n 1 ' l v t I I -li
tut tn i. fiifi'l, il f or 1. I !ili'! Ii Tolit !f
li o 11 l rri itr '. r 1 ' n-t n .! . t I n
'lrt'-ini III I ilf.l f.'lfl .I'MIM II.
I will mill ( t'f to iti.. rcfuo f nmniiiin
(i(.lit( lliis It... I l, f-ti'ri,4 i M
lui' i'iiiri.i" hiii 111.. mill.:!,
1. 11. : 11 ir ii... .ulii f.ii, .1. ir Mi I If it 11 nil : ! i
In 1 r-u- t"ii 3 ii-r i.r. lu-iii.: !n.iirliit nrnwiii
ut l.nlr 1.11 a toll liitiel nr i, i,t,tft. A.I
uif... in.. ..-inn ...t .imi., Ill.N. A.NI'l ,b
1 1(1,3 II. . kin ill M . N .
'I lir n lvnrllT. tiiivln Irn prlliiift(it If
ritrn.l ( r I I'iii .It. 4 I tlint... -t, 1 Vm rn,.l rui, lif 4
tr,l I-, renin I. , i . titiil tit t.t iMi it, liiitttiri In
I.I.. i.'ll.t't ft 1. tT. rwr I ... iiiu'iiiF nl it irn. 1' 1 ftll
Hli't ttft-lru ll. lift will ...ill a c.t(v rf tl;ft r
it 'rl..iii ii.ti t. irn nl t lit r," ) h lilt Hi. tllr. i'
11 (.- I"f I'H'I Arl'14 III 1 t-lll4 -ilttlti. wlltl'lt
Oil' lil I' Hi II ft I ' I i II lei 1 1 . r I'1 IN iti f I' I luN ,
A . I'll M V, lilt tM 11 1 ri ,t.
I'lirluiit wlil'.K Uhi I'rttt.'rlut l"T1, tVtll p'AA.d
n Mr. . Hi , ! V 1 1..SI .-, 1H I'Min Ml. 1
W l.l.nuiai.ur.1, .N.i.
Kralzervillc, Snylor County Penn'a.
Pntvylnj; nn.1 CuiKpysnninR firomfiliy
mil f'.illliilly in left let In. A .liar (
I lif ut.liu' ( 'IT iii'iko miliuilc J.
July .'illi, '7S, 1 I
lii!.1,i -Lfttl. 6SXE8, fr tW :,, tai
llniMi 'iii'licii.j m.iiim -I'-i I.r 11 1 nui , (j.a-
11 1 tl "u I I. n rt. 111 .elm l.n em 111 1! Oult i1 llrnllh,
lli-cju'.iiii.i 1 1 . i'iii. 1. ui .,f, ,i Mm, unil w ..iiin
pilln in l.nifiln -ft. nt-tl l-i'S tr-fttl t liliygtclMli
,.f.'rjrl,t'ir.. In 60 cents, l.y l)r. A. U.
Ol. I!., ii.ft nl.t- -t -.ii,-. itJi.i 1,. 'iho Ni.nli.p.l,!l imv SCC'O f"f nturjr rM uf prlttiu u(
clirtililt- I t il ' r in lm iilidl-rukr. i il
full. In niro s. iiili. imiiii fiif Culdl to
Honlth. Rollriblt PemMa TVn, $9
n Box. a 'I'.'fi .. 1 r a.tiinj tim
nut 11, tini. Rubbxr CftO' sfrt I'irrulsr ul
tinioiii:nl liiKiiiuaiiuu, itjr ii, i'., bo ontH.
Dr. A. O. OLIN,
Kcnlurkjr BIikIc. ei 8. click hi.. cIiIchuj, lit.
S nail M(irihlaf .ntcr. (-arrt oltlif
.ml I .In k IhwifliN, i.(.4
mi i.t-.tri' nt r.Ht.
,taiirir lt.illrul.r.lic.nlkj
mKin 1 arvav ni., 1 bi
TACOIIU. n I I'.c 1 I'M. A CO.r ,
No. :i:i:i Mnrk.i Ht
llillu lilihlO. '
ii wwm SON CURE.