rjenm post Biddlebarg, June 30, 1881. lcrtl Nown, Acq. imvrrr Cos . f Court f VPSii4 ptwi'.r. sia ...a. AH communication, business let t,ni Ac, for th it office, to secure orompt Attention should b 1.1rm..wl follow'. Tut -Post. MiiUllftburR. SnvJer Cbunty, Pa. AdvertMwment ,m-runietlons 0, rawsl ,,e h"'M n by MomUy nooa, to secure luser lon in next lwiw jtcost live dollars to Vill young rbbit. The wheal field r dressing up In cld-gold colore. Town presents ft lively eppearnce in the evenings. Tlie early potato crop will be 1m mense. We have the promise of an abundant crop of grape. AJatn Shamory'e new house, In Franklin, I undar roof. The Snyder County murder caae will not be decided till next October. Calvin SchwenV, telegrapher, visited hit old home last week. Charles L Smith' little son, Homer Burns, fell off a fenco and broke hi collar-bone. Suletu will horeaflcr hare a direct morning mail from Scliiisgr-jve and return. A new U. B. church haa bcon built two mile south of Freoburg. and will It dedicated on Sunday, July 3,1. Oil. A. C. Simpson hat gone to Do Moines, Iowa, to visit hit daughter, lira- Dr. Triettly, who ia tick. Timet. Dr. C. C. Bower, of ristol, iiiliana, U visiting hi parent, relative und numerous friend at Middieburg. Pt. iolhrock romoved a tumor from George Sletlcr' forclicad, and (Jeorpe is about juat m if nothing had train rir"'j Th Cake walk and -ostivnl jricn by the I'liillisrmoiiic Society of Free bur on SaturJay evening last m a success. Fourth of July tho printer patriot icno "Past" hope our pmroii may Vave a good time celebrating, each in bis and her "peculiar titylo." J. S. Farm-worth, who ha been con fined to hi room at the Euglo hotel fur several day by a epcll of sickness, we are glad to see, ia out again. The Franklin industrial League Lave been compelled to initiate new gnieinher between shower on account of waning finances and au over-stork of dirty shirts. All (ort of queer institution and benevolent charities may bu found in ilarge citic. New York haa a hospiul for dogs, whi'o 'hiludulphiu rejoices in n asylum for cat. Will. Ranch, of Lebnuoii, i visiting '.liddleburg relative and pnyinu lomo attention to the "little school males" who are now weiring long ilresses and ain't ao little as they used to was, Advancing Medical Science Doctor jRlank ia making a thorough, critical piagnoHi with the view to forever set Sling the vexed questions: "Are map ig turtle tubject to bolly-acho, or Ui mo of the spine T" Ileavv rain vUltil till ttnn Monday and Tuesday evening last j lie recent rain have somewhat inter- red with our farmer friendt in e -Wring tholr grass crop. The most t them, hewever, are pretty well trough cutting their clovor. Next eek the grain harvest will com mence. . The Summer Term of the Freeburg .Vadomy commence July 5th. This course of eight week, com mencing July 6th, will be more partio- iany devoted to the Training of acucrs for our common Schools, but tudenU are not restricted to theie )udies alone. ! J. Frank Bilger, of Carlisle, an ex I Irt, respectfully Informs the citiiens of Snyder county, that he will beat . 3ddloburg about the first of July ful 'fpropared to Repair Sewing Ma line in the neatest, cheapest and tit manner and furnish Afachiue sun. es. Those residing in other parts of county having machines requiring fairs can address bim by postal. Weidler Roland bat received the Re- Jbiican nomination for Treasurer of pion county. .Weidler is a touare man hnn. pable, decidedly popular and will grJ jku wiiu a rusti. The nomination ucn men to All the publio office JPeak the purity, purpose and aim f" ptrty and go far In maintaining isupremaoy pt address of Col, JTcClnre, 'Take Bunny Bide," delivered before the 'mnl Association of Lehigh Unlveu . tt Bethlehem, Pa., June 22d, i on Uble and it well worth a o reful r I r iuj .xoelleno. of style, U lui -- iw rounded nerioila ., o. If tht rud Mnt naki i m- . wi a. rwu tia tub. !. v: The Sunbury Newt publiahed by A. N. Btice, I3q., It on our table, Tl I a neat 5-colmn paper devoted to lot ill, county and legal news. IU mechanical make-up I t xcel'ent, and Ibrre is no doubt about the ability of Mr. Drice at an editor. The tchoof board of Penn township, th it county, were arrested recently on oatb of Vter Snyder, a tax-payer, charged with neglect of duty In failing to publish the annual report for the year 1879-80. The hearing came off before Squire J. W. Kahlor of Jughe villa, and the result of which wa, that the matter was settled by the Board paying the costs, and promising to at tend to their duties hereafter, accord ing to law. Mr. Snyder gave bis rea sons for taking this action, by stating "that he wanted to know how the motl ey of the school district had been ex pended. Willhtnuport llannrr. Chan9ofRailroaJ O.fblalj. Superintendent J. B. 7itchinson, iq., of the Sunbury and I.ewistown Division lake charge nf the Frederick Division, and W.M. Phillips, !'., lakes hi p1iici. Whilst we can only speak of the courtesy and gnntlomanly dome mor nf Supt. titchlnaon, the fact that ho continues in the employ of the 'citii- sylvauia Ruilroad Company and enjoys their entire confidence is a aulTLient evidence of hi capabilities as .Super intendent. We wish him plcaiunt social and business relation in bis new field of labor, and sincerely hope that tho geiilleniiiit who takes his place may in all respects till it as ha did, Mr. futchiuson w.u highly eUeouwi by the people along the road. J. KEMER DAVIS, ESQ. It wnitourptiinful privilege tonttend the funeral of J. Keuter Davis, Ksq., on Wednesday lut. He wiw the oldest son of our esteem ed eitiien, James K. Davis, of JsVlins- rove. He reeeiveil u lilieral eduea tion mid read law under the tuition of Hon. John li. I'uckerof Nunliury. For several years he remained In Mr. l'aelt er's odlee uud sulisequeiitly went into theofllee of the Hon. S. 1. Wolverton. He W41, it Is coueeiled, moro familiar with t lie several ollb'esof Nortliumber luud county than any member of that liar. He possessed a line legal mind and a remarkable memory. I'l" was a tfeiitleinan of culture- and refinement. He ifusesseil tht veryl st social qual ties wua hecoudllgty dinl!led,iitTalli. uiid approachable a geulaj coinpaii lon, a tli ni friend, Httuliously kind mid obliging We said it was our I'AI.NKI I, privilege-painful because of his youth lost private and professional servi ees lost to parents, brother, un'stl mnb! young wife and a darling child. The funeral was largely attended by gentlemen of the legal profession from adjoining comities; and notwithstand ing the busy season the citizens of isV HiiHgrove and 1'enti township seemed to be nil present to pay their last tri- butoof respect to tliedoad. ... l .IIUIIORI 41. WltKHICVM, It lias ilea.sed tlo l in his wisdom I.. id goodness to remove from our midst, by death, our blessed sister and christian co-laborer, Mrs. Kli.abeth Smith, mid whereas she bin been a faithful member and worker in the Miibhath Seliool for many years. Kksoi.vki), That while we humbly and sulimUsively bow to the will of Almighty lioil we ucKliowleilge Her removal from our ranks a i;reat loss to the (Muircli and Sulib.itli tSoliool. Uk.soi.vki, That though we inourii on iiceouiit of our loss of one so faith ful mid willing in nil her christian du ties, yet we rejoice ill tll't belief that our loss Is her eternal gain. HksoI.vkh, That we deeply sympa thize with her surviving husband and friends in their bereavement, and com mend them to the Father of all mer cies and the Hiverof all good, and that a copy of these resolutions be present ed to the surviving family; that they bo published in the various riewspa pers in the county, ami that they tie recorded in the minutes of our sab bath school. Adopted by the Adamsburg Reform ed School thlsSUtli day of June A. D. ltMl. HKNItT N. OuNimr.vi, Mart A. Nianui.kh, Mary A. Hiiikrt, Committee. I MClIOniAM. WHKRKAS, It pleased the Almighty to remove from our midst, by death, Miss Maudlu Fryburger, "A tender Lamb of the Flock," who was a mem ber of tho St. Peters Kvangelieal Lutheran Bunday Hchool, therefore Hksoi,vki, That it It with feelings of profound sorrow that we are called upon to mourn over the death of Mau die Fryburger. Hksolvkii, That in the death of Muudie the Sunday School has lost a faithful and Interesting member. ItKBOLVKD, That in this hour of sad ness and sorrow by this humble, Tri bute ot Hespeet to her memory we hereby tender our heartfelt sympathy to her bereaved parents w ho have lost a faithful and obedient child. Rksoi.vkd, That these resolutions be placed on theminute of the Sunday (School of which she was a member and a copy of the same be sent to the bereaved family of our departed sister. Rkholvku, That a eopy of these resolutions be sent, for publication, to ma uuuuiy papers. J. C. Spkcht, Kl.l, A B. WKIDMAN, W. U. XOUNOMAN, Committee. "Womtn Never Think." If the crabbed old bachelor who ut tered this sentiment could witness the intense thought, deep study and thor ough Investigation of women in deter mining the best medicines to keep their families well, and would note their i gaolty and wisdom in selecting Hop Bitters at the best, and demonstrating It by keeping their famllleu In perpet ual health, at a mere nominal expense. he would be forced to acknowledge that ualt ftMitituenta art baswlM and taito. PstATCjra. For "The Post." "W. ol Indiana. Several weeks since an article bead ed 'From udiana," appearod In your paper, ic writer rind fault with some of my work as Superintendent of Snyder count. What prompt him to do so, I do not know, 7,i donlly, however, he has some object in view,' and if his purpose I a worthy oiio amUie ia oompetcut to pass judg ment upon the points be refers to, he cannot object to being asked to prove hi assertion. In order that he may not mitundorsUud what I dosire him to do, I will emrner.uo tho poiul upon which should like t have delluite information ; 1. Whore did the mothod that some folk thought originated in Scliusgrove from the sagacity of Prof. Noetllng," originate? 'J. hat degree of intelligence doe it mamtcst on the p,.rt of the teacher to roquire hi pupil to spell thou sand of words which they will never use after leaving s cliool ? Superinten dent Harrington, of Now lledl'ord, .lass,, atk. "Can greulor perversion ami greater wasto of school opportuni ties bo imagined 7" 3. That a teacher may have tbo time to do all bis work iu tlio best possiblit maimer, lio.v ma ny classes should bo hue? Il'ncn most t':a hn- llnd tho 8joou I U jader too "lougli," why should pupil usu the h mirth 1 4. Name the teacher who hail his pupil work interest problums, next common I'ru.moin, nod then propoilioii ? .", ,4 only multiplc.vtion ! rules 1 . ..J ooiiid ami division (of the fundamental aro reipiiiud in proportion, how itiiils solve the latter without under- stauUmg the former 7 b. How can a problem bo explained by rauct-lhilinii' W hut is iiiviitit by, "1'ho work was somewhat uiiiystemalieal." 8. What has given the schools tlio Ingu slund" ing they have attained tvhciuvcr tbity aro known 1 '.. Wliy is it Unit when Snyder county teacliors go elsewhere to tcich.tlieir wora is highly upprcci" atud by the ii)ieriulendcnLs of the couniict 1 1 which they go 1 I Her "W." li.n mis. vei'u.l ho abovo lucstions, would rvspeclfiiily cull liis attention to the grammar and hetoric of his lorni'ir article. I.et bim examine the lirnt senleiice, tlien tlio second, an so on to (lie end. am surprised (but bo dud not tind fault with the leaching of biig uugo or grammar now .r.icti. e. in the county, lor, j idiiu Itom his kiiowledijo of tin cnuliili l.nii;ii.i. , ho Would be just us t'oiiin iciu. u criticise the teiicbiliu of Kiaiiiuiar us lie is liint ol's)tulling nadiug, mnl ntlln mutic. Win. .NOKll .i. Bloomsburg, l'a. June 1H, lss. An EvlJjnca of Prosperity. 4 n instection of the c.it .ildi ' liuifn t of Messrs, D.Mfii y ,t Co. cut t fail to iuiirrss nnu with the vnsiut si of tlicjic. piircineuts neeessnry to meet the do mantis of bust. less men of till chine. who biivu learned ihn value of mm e luincr ailverlisiiiir. PliH linn hnviii'i out grown the limits ol 'the ollic, il.cy , uivu iicctiiiuil many years at tin) cor uer of Fulton and Cliuccb stni'iH, have recently removed to '7 'ink ilace, corner of Church street, whi le they occupy an entile tl mr, extend- ioe tliroO"li lltn lil. ii L- I,, '..a l .,,.1 tiy 'Md foot. Their olliccs are coiifois Jo plete in every detail. About .10 feel .I'loTi-rses.l per lmh.t or the Turk 7'laco front is inuliiionid ' i'KOHLX i:. .i . .. ... it lu-rriss, illlol oil tor tlm Counting Kooui und l'ltvite ci,,.rrlf imniitsd Ollice, whiuii lire haiiiUjitiely and sub- stantially lilted up. ycyond the ' Counting Kooni tho walls on both sides are covered from lloor to ceiling with pigeon holes for files of iiewsi.a-1 pers, and on ouosido of tiiu room are a number of alcoves, extending 10 or Ufcet, covered on both sides with j pigeon-holes, furnishing place fur I about 8,tHh) files. The intermediate spaco is filled with desks and tables . used by tho cxaminiiig and recording clcrli. llio .Hurray itreet Irout is I given up to tlio Shi)i)img Ucpiirtmeiil, Messrs. Daithy &, Co. being also manufacturers and dealer iu )iriu tors' supplies of every kind. N'iui i'uik Daily Tribune. A $10,00 B.b!ical Prize. JlutleJyr' Monthly for July is on tho tablo and we find it a bright, interest' ing liltlo Magazine. Yts publishers offer the following easy way fur some one, to make $10,00 : To the person tolling us which is tho shortest chapter in tho lMo by July 10th, 1881, we will give 10,00 in gold as a prize. Tho moiioy will be forwarded to the winner July loth, 1881. Those who try Tor the pri.u must send 10 cents with their answer, for which they will receive the A .must nnmberoflho .lot'Wi, an Mcellent Magazine or 'A'i pages, in which will ho published the name and address or tho winner or the prize, with tho corroi t answer therotn. Address, IIi'TI.kuuk I'uni.isuiNU Company, Kaston, Pa. The summer Term or tho Freeburg tcademy will commeuco July !, to coutinuo 8 weeks. This torm will bo more particularly devoted to the train ing or teachers for our common School. The County superintendent will deliver lecture to the clan once a weok. Doard from $l,7"i lo$J,0'J per week. Tuition $7,H) for tpe term. An exam ination will bs held at the end of the term. 1UNIKL 8 DOVER, W1IXUM . DILL rriniipal. When you feel a cough or bronchial alleotion creeping on tlio Jung, lake Oyer's Cherry Tectorial, and cure it bvfon It Ucotuci Incurable, litbllc Hale. There w ill be disposed nf at public snlo, iu Middieburg, Pa., by tlio under signed, on SATURDAY, Jl'LY 2d, 13SI, the following pcrsomil property, to wit: ONK DRIVING HOUSE, Top Buggy, sot of Single Harness and Fly-nets, lot of 'oultry, Cook Stove. Vlor Stove, Tabic, Wash Stand. Harrol Cider Vine gar, Crock, Jnrs ic, Ac. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock P. M. I. IKVINK. Music School. This noted Institution for tho study of Vocal and insturmcntal music will begin a session nf six weeks oil Moil. Jay August lit, 'fl. Address MIV-ICAL COLLEGE, June 5M, 'St Freeburg. .GraiiwCrailles cheap for e.nh bv I. II. Martin, P,ixtonvil!o, Hiiyib r Co.. Pa, Tbo best cradle made, the old Leidy with iron braces. CT( ) rent tinriialn in Carpets at H. Wi'ls's, Hi'liiiHgrove. T ilii' lit of Silk Laos mil Fringes at S. Weis's, Sn""iVoo tiik-in in exelian' for goods nt S. Weis's, Scliusgrove. Highest market pric -s paid for it. C-i.V full line of Regul ir ni:t.l.' hose for Ladl"s, children and g iit Icineii at - Weiss. Selins-rove. , , , CirAu Immensii variety of lwes from thechenitest to the bust lit S. , Weis s, H..oi-.grnve. !TLare mid well aelmMe l till" of l.nwns anil lresH Uinliiuns tit S. Weis's, Mi'linsgrove. ( is simply inai vi loiw how qnicklv coniiiati'in, biliousness no. I sick hendiicbe are cured by ".Sullen' I.iver Pills." 'Jo cents. June Pi, -liv. It will pay every body to raniine the immense Stork of Kniniinie for sale by the l'oiular I'm nilurc i.i.iii W. H.' 1KI.IX l.e isioan Pa. Pi.i's, in ) lcs on lb" face, salt Itlii'll 111, nl.I ."ii"., and all t iilani .cm eriiilious iliii.'i'.ir like in. i..'ic n licit 'lr. I.ilid.-ii liliidd Si.iiilnl" Is Used. .bine 1'!, liv. UllUJbbUJii J 1 luJUUou 1'iitii O'.r.i u.'i ni ti i..i;i.y st J. W. I i' t c m o . I'liltilitps il" Halter (a-r poiia I . 1 U 1 j : Ktfa (rr .bPtl I;, l'allun itruuu4 i, I. sr I '.. t'hsrriiis n. Soi'itsl IMtrrrirt lilncklia.'rivs h Hilerric I'.'i Urinl Al''U i S,.ap 4 tu I'i II. on l: A tiler fiile 7toS J J IUI St'lHJ i'tf iTSariti'l , CUltltCITKII WKSKI.T II T rSimoiiton, llitrln'f .vc Co ; i:ix Whrnl por Inisliol 1 o:, 1 in ss 11 li " No tlo 3 &. Iliacklii'iTi" "i'l'1"'"'''' )!,, iiri.l, toa uire.l, llaitor. riuim Hull it, scion J-cluMi Ei IVlis iimons I I ""m n'Tlii ' VI 1 . 0" 8to I'' ni 1 C j In '" 2 flu a r, i ti un -I i'l' l.anl I's-ln .Tv r ' (OIL. I'i.. Coal I'hvHlntli cnl lllacki hCoul Kg MAIMMKD. .June lllth, by I'ev, M'. ,. lii.ler, Henry I'. Kielibsof Middlei'tvek, utld Miss Supliiii kueppof Kuiiucrville, June lilt 1 1 , by the suine, Charles P. I'iss of Troxelvllle, and Miss sSallio.J. Middli'swartli of Middlecreek. .Iitne Pith, by Uev. H A. Ilais, Hen ry . I. VVairucr f J'enn township and Miss laniiia C fcitoover of Millnrs- burg. jii:i. In Adamsburg, June 2'Jnd, of Scar let Fever, Maudio l-'ryburger, ngeil 7 years, II months. Iu Harrisbttrir, June 30th, of Con sumption, Hiiruh C. Weiiiirek. sister of ). 1. Rhodes of tills place, uu'eil Jl years, 1 month und I'i days. Innn lilt It. Mahala llcachcl, widow of Andrew lieaehel, deceased, ng.ai 77 years until) days. June tilth, Henry Alexander, son of I'.dwurd ami Abby K. Ilertch. uged 1 year, 4 months und 0 days. Mnv at it. in Monroe township, Pbll- iiiHtronie, luod Hi years, 0 mouths and 4 days. June ?"th, In Heaver township, John li. Smith. Uyrod tl years, il moid lis and 17 days. rl). - it'- il -- aeKi.. rin'- . " s r "-J.. A -," tto zrfcTF! :.ar rJViito 1SHm. liithtmtitlrroflhrwHuin. I lit Ihr Ouirf ri( rut'ile of (I. I', l ink, 1 of Miuimou, an intolivnt Jililor. I'lrnnn'Snij th r ( 1. NOTICE is brribvpivdi Hint V. K. l'or of VliMlflinro, Mr,).tnr fi linlT, I'., Iks l-n ni Ininl l.f tl .M I'mirl, Trum umlrr tb Inaol.unt nl l ny "I all ihf r"'P"r'T ""'I n. eta rl sml r.9"l, ol i. I. t lnk. orfrinn rnT'. imnhrnl dvi'lnr. All r-"in.ll,t. lur. bt sit lniltitl lni Ini.lvsnt liiiinr, or n hnlil trujrlr bslnnnlDir to litm, aro rs. qlri o l f ami Hrllror all o-h nnn ol tsioer kni proerlf dtia smt lisliiinlntr to fits sslil liifulv.ini ilrbtnr. In inaxM Tr,,,! n i sll era lliom of ih mi l ln.ulvnt ilaieic aro ls.lr. io (irMtnt lUalr rri'ctlv ao, uunu or lUinsnlt. r. K. HOW Wl, Jui, ttl. Irumca, , inoticji:. I.I, W Simnntnn, of Ihn firm of Mmnntnn, Ilirlmf h tin . h. ro'i ihoi no- I'l-s li all II iui son 'si-n Hi o I li en llil .1 y nl, unio W I SI . i nt m ill hi; Hulo an t I .. t.f.t la mill nnu, i!il lit i li ol .iUy A. i. iiii. JlMlf W. NlM'IMllV, ,t . W . Mmontnn mi ni.ir or n , in or (Om otitiei, It.rn.-r i'o , liiviit .i;, i,ti Iioit.-.i in ml I nr it II v. I, SI HON 10. N..tl". . Imrs' y lfn In tl It mi 'inoorn tit .1 h o I A' . I Mninntiin h 1hl iUy rn-.mii. I a a m - n liar nl piil I nrni an I ttmi ilitt itnili-riuiis l tv il . 1'iii.sna II a krui-nl jlnriM I - a:t I i. nn.iii. lot lalnix, Mi ., al II ) nil rl UkI In Ilti, tt'iilrr 11,1 linn niiua ami Hlt ui Si:!;iii tun. l,rlT I'll. I lilt lui, iliy nl M.iy A. II, 1st. ni u'iNTiM, ii vuii!::t h . ,tin. ;, iiii. DRESB-IAKma ill nil lis viiii. .mh lir.m 'In s u. itly, ehe:!ily ami pri ntip; ! y d im. i:i t I.. -i Mil l lllKt Stll' nil. l,l til t!.l l:lti' I I'.i-bi his. h.ilin.i.i ., ( i,,l. Wi.i; rndi'i'we.ir. -. i ilve me a mil. KATE . 'K'Viil.'r Apr. 1 l.:lm. Mi.ld:.lni,-.r, I n t MM I I v'l'l! 1 1 ll;M i I I'K f . i.,m,..l ..t,..lM... th. ,...,-.. I wiiiit.im i.,.. ,ft I,.., i .,. ' I'" . tn., .In,.,i. i.air i iiHriitttf I i,i ihn mi. Hi-1 ,,,,.,, , ,,jr Ul, ,,.,,,...,..,.,,,., ,,.,,, i !"' '" "" ' s o t-tviiiirt MtiliM.r tin v ill i'l tin. i iiiil i.i. il Uita ;;! ;.t.i.t i'i-im ir hh. t .. il I. Oli I. W t. I Mi I May r: A ,.i. Oil -1 1 1 1 nr. i - ! fJ rs iii t '4 p CI 8 o k-a " z aa fs 7 A a ' , i M H H si f ' 3 o W ' .A L M I. M ' 7. LA O ' ' . CO r P O & - .in 8 u i i I. p p a. J - d w s -a . in 1: 8 O i a. v 13 S O T. 1 a t? P p V 1 ' CI - r r I I? 3 '4 'A 14 ml i. o t- c t ri LI o 11 1 n o 71 ' i'i - 5 c M V K RHEUMWIa ALC! A. HEW R JkZ&3 CURE. RHEUMATISM, Wlitrli rnniturs life Intnlim tout fl uiilly ilnHiioys II, la iifriitiiiii'iilly cnri'tt Ity this rcini'tly. hlltt unit at wail li'it liilnts nru iuniiiie4 to tliuir uutuiul cuutlmuu, NEURALGIA. K amnio appl tent ion uclvos relief, rus t's of His iiiitfrmt afioiiiiiif in u isa'iiiu uuully cniisl by aalnulu Is.lilc. CURES GUARANTEED in pvery ciise. Miniey r.-fiimli-il to nil v una unl ri llcvcl nftnr it liur Irlal. Vut aulu ity sll Hint cluwt ttruggUU. I'UIt'K AO fKNTS. RHEUMATIC REMEDY CO. I'lTTslUJliOU, I'A. VITfinrt fltr elslanisnl nf rurt STARTLING DJCCOVERYI LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A viollin n( vmtiliitil iiiiiriitli'liuii latmltis 1'r. iua. I S.:n lie av. imiMia Pi-tnijiy, lut a'ai'timiil. at -M kTiofflriiu ii viln avi'ry kintwu ri un-ily. Ita. U .rj'.lat:r"...ea"lfjura, itliwli lio mill anil nil IS In Mi Wlow ttfr. ri-ra wl'lnna J, I!. l'..Lt,'; , 43 CiiiJl.i IN. a. THREE LARGE ROOMS FILLED WITH DRY AND CLOTHING. I U ifoH ( JoO(ls, our stuck Is very largi. an I of the latest tin lcholi est umtcrinl mid styles, w ith nil kinds of 1 1 ioit:ilie;:i, sueli as But tons, (Silks, Satins, ic. to Innteh. Ill JJilflxjI s' i. It'ive llrns 'Is, Tup I'strys, In.'iniiis, II n!l Wiml. Cotton, K'lir. ' 'il Cloths, (inytliiinr you m.iy wnut In l b.' cn, j,i;t liin?, uiid can (five you prices to be found lio v. bei til ( Jl.t llitlC- our Slock Is coinj let". We Imv le.!liy li'tle S lit fur i i i : siiiall cliildiiii, or i-tyii-li Miim f,ir bu;ol I. m- -r ioh.i, mnl w.i e:ni fbiiw you jnl what : I v:.n:, fi i tin; n. -!, , I v. orl.iiig uintcriiils u tu the tiie'ft dn . ii:,it 01VO.-. 1 losi'M'.V. I-Ait:s. MMi:if.ii I "in i i i ; - I.: c .1 i i iiiii te line. OUMI'I S -..V. 1 1, .... Vi'e cor invit E : t it . ! . v In (I Mrl' C.1..I I -. ill If III t.l III. 'i t a! , .-mis fur t! " !..'A. -: . : iji. ). jc... Will I : v.i 'i'-i-'i:'" i'i i'i i. ! 'Mr :n i.t:r . i- iu t i :i i A i :i 1 1, Vi :l.n. fim-ww. til ww i j.i raj im mm wpgan .10, (Kill 'IH.O. Till' (; f ?T I f P ST P. YWJ TT V "V P FiTMT 3 t til M 'l ') ' It JH . U fa f,4 Z 1:1 C I n S II fik.f-.i'La' I'.Jlt C I ..P L i"i EVJ L I d r. ' vi ii .f C-. V Si n ( a a t k U 6'5' N?:5,S TES?: E',.;v.'E'T, I I II it ! a-. . X ..-I ii t n I. r ii I ' ii I mi . . !.... I'i II " '"1' ' -' I.. ... .1 I .. i..l it I. II . .1 1 1 III. II " : I el. I I. ii el . i l- -.1. I.. . . i II i...i I ..I ii . r.t. I i. tl .1,. I. !.. ! i ... i i i .... i in. at t.. . : lit 'I'l' I ill' II l t llin Ii I li ! I i ll II ! . . I' i ..":.., ' . I ' - ii I ... I "I II .1 IT I IK. I . t , V .1 .l-.li s r ! r. i .i I., i. i i .. i. I .' . in- . i I . .. i.i.'i. . i . .1 i. .. .. - O Ii I il I . I . O.f. N. V ' "lux r r . '. i ii v.. I' ( . ! K il. . .i i i, i i ii : I lil i I ' -I .'.': 'It Ml .iltl "-I".. I,. i l n. li- .'.. . i i I . ii i ii .... ....i.e. I . l..tl. ' I !.; i h until. .1 ti i i 1 1 I i. j i I. . ii it. t . . I,.. ,. .l ..-,. .PA fiO.n A 4 ;-; vvr- .o 'T 1 r". p r I vr .i -,. i. i..i..-, am ' W J 2aJi.iUl V X). t.)..l) ."I. i ,. i. ... .iill.i. ' I .'i'i. i , .. I'cui.iii ill . 1. ' i I i'l '.t (. r i.l, ,4 in. !l i.k i.m.1 tl... ...k. Ii III - .'.!' . . In... .. I A il.li ... II I '' i I. i . , i',, ..,.: , . :;i i ;, . M.I M . I !..' . . ' I. . t-a.Vi I'., i ..I i. .- f . !.i li I)... I'i,i".rl ml li . t "-v ! t i : , ., i ;. 1. 1 i, 1. . i,,f It j II S I 'i I . I 1 1 ' t i .III . '. I . . I. I. '.. rl, . .,' . . It .1.1 II'. I i.l hi. j III.. INillll' I'lHI lll'I.V tfIC I' le. mil I'l'lt I'l.e. . I AT-ia-aian.,, .c-.t j..v a-.tyi 4i-va..N.i.Mlmj,wlM rf..U' wuawi mi. 8. GUI, 231 S-Kt'J. CIkk si., riiiov'n. ill. ti" ' . I n r i-frtltt iti' I .. J ti " .l ti n no. . .' . r -i ' r 1 ... I I ; it 1 1 or I.'. I 'II I r i i ! I: I I. .1 ly. l .i . .1 .1 I I.. i I ' I I . r ft . t ! ! 1 I II l. lit '1 I:. I 1 l, . t.,Ui' IH'-" , . .. 1 . .Ml 1 mi i l 1 1 1 ii :i I i '! -.r It, ) 'I. !' I 1. 1. lil. ! 11. Nil. : r i'p; .. 1, ),. H ., ,lt I' . it U i r i , . - mm" i i I it - ' i i- i M . t . n. t ill (! i l ;.!, ,." ':l ill 1 11 1 ;lni,io,.'. ., . . tt .ti... 1, - .111. ll. a'ltl..ll. l IK I l'ir 1.1 l't.l III) I I I r lil' , t UTi l t .1 II nl -r"1 . -i 1 ti O ui' i'." i'l i .4i 1 1 1 i" i . .i i:)i uuhT lil - .uro. i h ii. t I in. I 1 1 : li r v r y m . in i 'l i . nl :n.nt ; t .r H "'ir ' 'il Ic li -; rin.r.l uii r i ti't ' 'ui fii'l Oil. IticMili'io tl'H' 1 I't'M'inl , I -I I in ii i r I i ti I. Mitt r. iilriii4 l ' I tklO I t P itUH'Mt I' I, i iMti', It" I r I II i-I I ii "i r n. i tl l mi h r l . Iiii.il. r mi t mill lit1- I I "ft .1 1 1 ' iM.it. ir ): r tiii in, :.( , A . u. ,PJ1N. W. I. 5 I ut!. lark M , IJ.vi-'). 1 .Innn V: l 1 v. REAL ESTATE ! 'V'W. tit. 1. r-i ml- I. i:-; en' ,r of It,.! i I l.'ft Will itl.'t ' i nltpiit i.l .1 nr.- ll.ct.Ct ! lis .i .1..I I. I'twr t ..'. .., -....It . tu", I'ii,. . I. ! .-. i. w I : I i- t . I'ul.'l :. nt 11 I it-II -li'.ll ..I ,. ..Ol ,.j.N. I, i,;, ,n il,. -I,,,,. n.i,i k'..ii -.i I. nt I T "..'s.l'i.v. .Inly -.Slll. I :. I I'i I..11..II I IIIX ill.'.'f C I'll 17. Ill I'.'uti., .w I I I. I. I -V . I , I ." I ;i tho ll.'ilii.'i.'i.i. it ! . , i,v I, ii .1. i.l .1 ,. i I, : . It. I I-: , II i. II III I lllll'I'T. I I' i. "I Ii... tv i.l.. tv ui..i I.. .. . i .it'll. ii. ii. Ujr, I I i i. Lo,i.itU :i nt t j .'.iiilaliilli,: ' Tuclll ' Aci'CM, hi. en .r 1 if II 1 I f ' :! I I.T Will '.. ' II'. I .. ! 1, J . it. ff I initio ..I t 'lllv.it! .n in i: J .r.. t . I a 1' ,t i I 1 !'.V..!ri' II HIS l. 1 1 It'll ' -I- I . II -r i. -ill-iil-'Iiij.. All: , r,i. 1 i.l I .ili'.i I."'"' : I li" . 'I.i 1 1 ii, I . i,r , I t - I ui.. ..i .: j ... :. to. n'-i ..i .. u.,,.. li tu n nr I II. I'l- i' I'l.. i, rlit M I'l . t I. 1 . ' I N. . ii. t in tl . I . . , ,, .. it: ,r. . .i l ;t.i leu I ti.. I. ..I I, ... , . I i ' l-.llii. , l.ittli,. Miam.i:. HI. i .ill.uib. ..'l.u.'.ii ,1.. I I'i .C I I M. ft" IS t'T I. 1 l"K ll.t.'ll W'im. II .1 n -I . 1 l.;i'l v.. :. i fi if in Ii r i.'ivn Mi., b.ii.l.t ,N..ri'. ion. I : ,,ii...', l'd t. I -V t i.V : . I ." l...,rtHJ Ail. KI..I'-! I. r, I i'i i it ' it...!-. .1 I., tt. Il.ni..(i ati.l l.u.-i I; I Alt' .,;...-i'- llull'., imli.t I Hi t l"i l c I ad. ii.t liti'l nil v it.'!'.' inn -ii . i- .. t Thi1 ' ' r.ll- : ll t.i ' o . "I 1 I I 'I .."III ..I 1,1 .V-' '"" " "" ,u .i...i. t .ii . r it. , i-.t..tf .i S li: I. ' III 11 I: ! It I II l n v tt ii on liTiti nl . .i l n t i I ...ti.. .tv J.t ill I I.l.. I 1 ...' llllC ', U"t. I H .U'.'.l'. JKVl Ki.i I.I.K. I 1. 1 1 i . i in ii. i F.p3l EsJals ciHl I.:.,'i.:'::: I::- . , ., . , 7T7 . . ! I M 'ti I" unil llnr'u in' iirsn i : n I to,, ft tu -r . i it. tly lil, nni'ii..-ii mi. tu''i'rr:n . I O tl 1 1 .' I' 1 i I, 1. 1 1 I'L I . I ll l it i I"' If I 'It IN'l I I.l ..In. Hill. t ll; I I'i'l. I I. .-:).' tin r.,r. ii I'l. Ii. ... .Mt. I'l. .-i.t i I., n , !.. 1 1 n.t''i. i. v ' - . ... ... .. I r'XK'.T hi.i noi ! "M- -1 c 'ti i ; I a tr I i nr "tu t y ill f ' i" I t ( . t .. ' i, line Krt.-:Mi tlo- .1 i n tl i i ut t; . 1 ji . iHli-tMl.''''. il t I " i'i--tt '. I i't i- -i i i jfr.n.tt ,t (, s I t i'W Hist tut lii-t'K 11 ll ( . '' l i' II I' f 111 tl.' Iii.it' i '. t n'. m . ,..li' t I. ii.n liriaint tltum i.T nullum, nt in , ,. I AM Ai'M: tAI. a II 1. " i I'l' A fi II i-, t l. I mo 'iti i ra. 4 ilJ X l.iet injIN'i I I' A K'l'.S M) I ff ml Mi.l.ir, I. H' i.l I mil.) 1 iiii-lil.. .iny.lt't' liniiiil, .li''i, IttViiiti i'i in tii i'ii a I t.i il a ur-.ll-rit::;'i l, till i I :"-us U Ii.t w l: k lla ll .i.l i ui- ln.'.liil In t 'till r.t a la His ri"ti." t tul t.i tniil.it taiiiuilli.'ii ..i i ii.ttlt t , nliltH t:.ia tiuvtia I'littn will trfFii.t tbaui ilnly aul .i :.;1- illlUtl lurbwlllltll.l:lll tu .M'IAHIA8 VHYI U IIMn.i.l'. I K I.I 'm , 11 ism. a. 'i. I ..'rai.tra Ault i ui in all' I." lil. I nl tna l.ia la. I- .taiii-u t.i . nt ii nti tur tu . i utto t, i t. , A I I IaI I MM ii A I ll. h At I I II I'. .till Intel Mli.ntui, Uiii nl l'r ii. sni .Inr , Co. I a., ilnCil.li.iia Ifl'n il inlcl l.i li t utii'i r- -ki.nl. All i.ir-titta kiii.ln ilioin-c I n In. iliililt'il l.t tt.tl.l c.l ila will iln..j i.i ii.il't'il iio.ll tla .lt.u ,1 l,llu I li I i.l.tu rl .1 . aj.l, .1 j ti.1.1 ..una mil ,.ru..i.il .i.". I..;, ...tll"..V.t lo , .Inn 10 1M1. ! ;-:T;"w;.fs:;,r.-rja -:.'.le ol I ,.i. 1 1 ii ll.t laMi-aMr tinilliiniiit la ra.luaul in nut n'luil liurjf, ol' Mi.lillicii i 1., I'. l wi.ultl nif j .. noillii'P lu llTe i ci'ltlti ol Si'.yili l cinii . i -V"!'!! fflKySTI v '""' v. llml U. wil! ny sales '... ,.t, h tliD f'rtU EVu' ..'i ici'sminl ironii'tv, nt slim t no'ii'c nnu' r i run anvtaiu an l-'.'.uuii no rint. '".""i '";-"!-'" ;"-. . ' rr-.rc.V Mrv'l VT.P-K uiiiitutt'cs nilibl.it iiun. I.M.t.'.lo ,H u ki-sa la. . mL-iwJ HCJlBlXa GOODS, CARPETS J I ItiM.I.S, it .1 -r ('.cm!, t it- .i an' i .in 1 i. ive v : : i I (li. V Mi'i i;. :.i, I i. ; :'. ,:i , .u ! i;.nn j j . J n. l ie i ' i .:.')::, l.' i--...v. v. nmnvf I . 'Mil 11 " I I. ii i. it . 1 y it f. I.l... . Ii i n-. ' r i.:i..i-. I, V i .'" " I ii 1 i i . a . n i t It : ' I' I. ! .S I i. 'I I' ll I''. I.l. I'.' ., I 1 1 I' . . . i. ii ... . I .I-, t.l il l i, ' -llltl. W. l.1(l A -, i . . i mi mmmmi I f n-j-v-'!,fu K;. --r mtm..'' : .-i-.li- Ti'. I.'i:'' He Ii.tinl .i buy C 'let iiilu't' Suit ftm I $ J i ( '!!, '.I III'--l'tl I 't I'Hil'N, WooiUscii i :itiiiiM 1 1 I t'Ms.ioil 'Jltl!i, Kf iint!s, rriiiM. I -1 1 ' I il. I) ! i i Hi I : a" 1 1 1 1 II' f.lnl l.i J I ill II ill 't cli ,-S 'i: ii rc'j'cTR, II" : I 'c I li'p .t. .'.! I'Vc'n.v .". I'n. I'i: ItMis N.i; ic;; I i ; i : ' r 1 1 1 it M : t ,..i t .' . r . 1 On , I i Mil..' I'i , .it ' n i .-. i lio.il l.t ! I t . I . - ... .nw I " i"H ..'.' .1 in t t it .i, ' 1,1 . I . I .'! MM .;( , .. '.. t ... I.l .f Aj'r. It.t'.Mi. 4 II ill N I ' ; r. ,,, r . i-.i-l, . i.i i .. M i y I. . I'. I. 1 II i t ;."t . In. I' t-lrrtl.it t I'M IN! I .( 'it!! i r:cr. it 1 1 i.t tin ..f VI-' . ' . I'l'f I V I I".-. , .. ..!!.. I I " 1 1 I . i i i ' i 'i 'i in.' I. ..'i i.t . . i v . 1 ;. t . . f. , .ii- ii, ! .ni I.. i. ., . ill a I' I rl . I, . ., I. It ti 1 1 tt. i i t n Ir. I. I ':, I "1 i ' , : , .' , I ' 1 1 ,. . i I In !... I 'It. ,. 1 liil.lll A : I' - til . I, ti.' l.i' li It I i.t.ili..t f .!! y.-t tt.- it ; ii- o i.t I '...ni I'.i- -ri 1 1, -it k. t It M il I. -Ii. .l'tt.t) -V 1- I. A '.i: i ,, . tr .1 r. I I'll I . Nullt If' I. IU I ' V T 1 1 I I? 1 1 111 I .: Ir. i t.i.ti', I i'.'-ii'i. . '. i i . ', .ill I I. I.'. .1 II. Hi I.t ! ,- . '. - I . Ki i: VV t In! ..'. h-i t" . ll 1 '!'., il ,f it t A V I H '1 yfil'tot ti- f ! I' I i r i f i I, ui.. ihu i d.'Mi -.-i . it fl HO lit' I i'n til I., t: ii'ic, 'I'niio 1 1" ..' i. tv i i . ; , it, . t,,,, ri.'nt tluiii ii. il; ti ui. ci. I ." if r - i'1. i- t tu i. M i a i v i in i it Mute It 3 li.l, l-.t 'tt'ilx. A I'Mini-"; : . ici.s yri in:. . ' ' ' -,'- Vrv't" i ... I u, ' .- : '. .- f i.i b i.. i i.. ti HI liHH"!.!!.!.! -ll 't" , ' ' .Ml.,' I I ..l. i It ft tit:, 'n; ic i'ii c-t "i'l ' -ii ii. ..lii- Int. ii '.! in . .i 1. 1 1!- r I ti i'ii I ! i in".. it.....i:- .'. ii Jl ,ii- i- i.i rt,t i.. t, r pctl a- L.t i.t t.i . l. Ii.ii -i 'l I'i:. ii 1 1 ,. . '-'i.i-iru' , I . I . i : ' . i . . ! i ' ) II' J - -- i i I,-1 - - ..( ."ni ... i 'i i i it... ,..ti, tn..' t .. ..... ., . , ... ... , . ... .... I .i t ' r- cr ir1 dl J I I ' I r It III I f 1 af I .'t- , ll i tot. cy t tt It. - lm I '4 v ii. pi i i.i t; e n , , I.IM... it.lt I :n - V., '!.. wa. ritiiU.lt flit I'l i 1 1 I . l I . A I .nt- .1 H. l .1 4' al liv: lie Vtrcs. - 1 1 it. ;-i 1 1 1 n .; i in, ri i iMnii- J h i i ir ii"i nt to tiii orv ti.r tt "il.i-ilt. Vd'i. t .ti.'U r t 1 1 i. i..ii. i-m til ii- u t on :i v .- . y lur 'Uiif ) . 'I liit i : -iii.ri runup:! tin I r 'iiilii! ' II -l .iv .-I 1:4:"' r'M n 1" I in ln'ii .v 1 u r nl M.'lt ra 1 i'i. 1 ui ti. 1 1 ii'ii' ; liH-si ' riii'i p ; i tmlt i .. 1 i.i -) r iri Ni ri . ti u It. h 1 1, ii. : ii k" I 1 i 1. ii .-IT 01 t iiii't rr 11.111 ; 1 ' -n: rri.ir 1 j" -4 . r.i-l- : lis hiiil'luiu-tlic li.li tii 4 mwl Iinuui4 i'i.- I'll. r. Ateisistf Fil-y 'tin nf ar .MiI.mii :iiI ' " ' 1 t :i 1 1 - , ...i icon on lit Hi -s : KK 'I I. a. vcTYtT 'S T TV'T flL'T lit iii.i iXli XL i.1 OTlUiila , ,. . , ii,.. . - "I'lamllU t.iluilta nl IIJJ SHSI-IU ll tllll.tl. '; ... ,..,,,,,. It. t lu al.ltiti Hut iitcioni nl It1. lu i.a-. ni ti I... I'. I." I i. ' :- . I . IC .1 .'l .-ii.-. .-:. :'. I.. ..I l! . .'.'-.I.'!. ai'.i t i' -i . 1 1 ' 1 1 i ' nod vc'li...! clcl Mo.-l. '.f