I Ilf P P A Q t " U 4 " O t , Vti.ui "-:''r- -" - Uidllebur Jane, 33 28C1 J. CaO'JSE. litirA Prnore or. Connie' rriitoi. FT I if t ric-l Ji., J. MEIlim, MNN, f lfwinLnrK, (ab,t.iedeeitHni the Dn'rioi Cee'ereee ) DAVID KKlCMMiY, ol Centre, For Cntinly rnnttiiii'iintirr, JOHN KKITZ. if i'rniikliii ; JOMV M. MOYER, of Mit.lk'lnir). For (.'utility Tronnnrrr, AARON ; 'lIF.I.FUICK. of Rruver. Fur County Attilitnre, I'ANUXDIKFFKNH.VCII. f IVlltl, UEORfiH W.SIKRKR, )f Weit IVrrv. Out in Ohio t lie Oroonliivkors nominutod John Siolz for (fivnrnnr. will lie biiHton out of siht by Foster uext fall. Tramps in Keiitnrkv, when nr rented no I convicted, nre sol I at miction to tbo liiyhest bidder, who 1ms tbe one of their Kervit-es for tbo length of the sentence. It cist ii.'joj t end $.) om.ono in linllion from tbe Now York Ahm-iv Office to the Philu dolphin Jmt. There nro people, liotvcvur, who Would carry it off for uolLii. After a silenoo of one hundred i nnd tbirty-fivo duya the ulecpinj; I IlniiKnrmu at Hotblohcui his used Listouguo. ThrtVleipinif Hungari an, it will be remnmburod, is a mau and uunuturulizod. Tbe Cincinnati Commm-itl con tiiiuos to wiiso a bitter warfare ngniuHt the trade nnionists of that city, and especially tho striking iron workera, whom it alleges are trans foiring its iron trade to 1'ittKburg. A majority of tbe immigrants that Lave arrived in this country thin year are Swedes. Ovor 80,000 are fspooted. Whole villages nnd dis tricts in Swt-di n have been depopu lated by tbe exodus. Thero is a live baby out iu Sfic'ii gao that weighed oniy a pouml wbon born, and it is making mure noise iu the newspapers, and probably some whero else, thuu a borao rnoo or a builor explosion. M ormonisra, in Npito of its infor. nalism, mikes progress rapidly. Thero are uow fifteen Mormon n.-t-tlomonts in northern Arizoni, with an aggregnto population of 7,000. and they-are growing rapidly. Ninety-nine toni of gold snugly repose in the (iovornment Assuy OtticeinNew York City, nnd yet there are poor devil j in thnt city who would no4- have a c-ippnr t close their eyes with were tUoy to sliulHo off tbij mortal coil. The first annual oxamimtion of the pupils of tbo Iudiim Ti aii.ing (School of Carlisle, took pl.ico on Thursday of last woek. A snrpris ing progress wus sbowu by tbe In dian children. t is oflbiully stated that, by the fire in Quebec on the night of tbe Ktb inHlnnt. CAi bouses were des troyed, nu I 1121 familioi, cu i-ihting of GQ-i iudivi l.mU rendore l homo, las. Two-tbit.ii of tbe homeless have lost all thny poseencod. American borsos are now taking first honors in Europe. The vi c tory at Epsom has been followed by another at Taris j tbo American colt Foxhall," owned by J. It. Keene, Laving won the "Grand friza of Taris" on the 12tb inst The prize ia 100,000 franca. The locusts appeared iu Ken tucky aud Soutborn Illinois about throe weeks ago, and Lave increased alarmingly. They Lava begun ravaging tbe fruit trees and the cereal crops, and bid fair to do grout damage. The appearance of the pest has been followed by consider able illness. Tbo touts, horses and paraphernal lia of tbe "Great London Hbow," a circus, was seized by a deputy sLeriff from Chicago, at Dea Tlaioes, Illi nois oo Saturday afternoon jnst as a peiCuiiunnce was about to begin. The) siiuie was made on an attaoh . ineot for a debt uf tSOO. The cir. cu tostoiial vulsktu to I h:.e.o ou MoucUy. - ' ... ' Tliera has jnit l)t-pn lunncuu.1 nt Cbmbrttn, KiitflnnJ, lh.. most re. imri LiiMh n:nl ili-uJIv Veastjl of war w, oiir iiiMe I. Lh tii-nnl tlio i l'o!; pin num. nn I is of 2 til) tons .wcilil. BI..1 wiil with. ut ilotiul prove (liA tuoHt Pstrori1miry tthip of tvnr afloat, tbn in imvol ntxl io nuliar alike in form, structure, tit tilled and arrangement of armor protection, mid bor wonp in will ne cessitate new mode of nam! war. fure The appearance she will pro sent at nan will liA th it of a cylinder flonltntf on its sir1j, tbe top of tlio eilnnlur lining out funr foot nix in ches above tbe water liao, Tne eu tiro bull is roverml vitb ateel ar mor of im manse thickness, Tbo molivn power of the vessel is 5,oT)0 Imrse power, nuJ tbe onljr weapons he i to carry is a poworfjl ram nnd tbo d ndly WbitohettT torpedo. Tbo vessel is notv out experiment ing on bor ntrorijt!i. l'ittpburtf lii-.uitch : "Tlio firs! pvtrler of OurRold'M first year in Ibr l'iTfi lciitiiil chair win concliidud on fiitiirdny. nnd it would bo hnrd to And llireo months in tbo career of iiuy I'rchi lent in wliicb more hut linen accomplished. Hi seorotiry of Ircnnury hns Ritvud millious to tbo country. His p utonttur, (fnntr.il linn saved it million. OiUcMiil swind lers hnvo been piHlio 1 to tbo wall. Mrtchiiie politic buvo liPHii eivon a dentil blow. Tbo penplo will beiin to think thnt thny have Noiiiotbin to say iu tbo govciuiuuot of tbe country. ThoCanatas have lost 120.0!i0 inhiibitatits by emigration to tlio i'hitod states, during the last year, and now there is an i-ffort m iking to induce the trinlt people, who nro determined to tleo from the op- (prt'Hsions iullictol upou them liy tlio Knglish lun.ll .rdu, to locate ou Can-, a. linn soil. To this eud, Sir John Mol oimld, who is uovv iu London, is tnruing his persuaaive powers, lie hopes to reach tbo car of the Irish peupiuitry, nnd socuru a favorable coutudcrutiou maiuly through the iollueuce of tbo Catholic priont l.ood, Tbo Te'nperanco party is out in a call for a State Temporaucj Confer ence, to bo ln'1 1 iu Alt join, on Wed nesilay, July 13, to conhist of two delegates from oacb State uud coun ty Temperance organization in I'enn sytvonia, Tlio purpose is to more ffoctually organize tbo Temperance furces and unite them on a common plnlfui iu "lioviiijj for its obj at the n'titnnte overthrow of tbo liquor traffic." A body which i i at n nt beyond ilouM thutjof T. Howard Teterson, of rhiladelphia, who mysteriously iliHappearod from bis lictol at Atlantic (,'ity on February Ctli laat, wa thrown np by tho waves a day or two fig ou Tatham's beach, about twolvd miles ubjvo Cai3 M iy. The discovery wai made by boys at play. 1'he body was badly dtcomposod. wmwmmimmmmKwmammtmmmmmq State Treasurer Uutlur would not pay more than Jl'lOi) and mileage to tho members of the Slato Legis lature. Tbo a 1 litioual S'0; which tl.ey had voted thuiudelves fur their tlra eervioe, beyond the regular sfriH'.oo of one bnudred days, is, thoreforo. in dispute and tho courts wilHo obliged to decide whether they shall receive it or not. Twenty-live Indian girls and boys from tho Cnrlido Training bchoij left on Saturday morning for the Delaware Valley, U'IoIh county, to be placed on farms, mostly among the Friend, during vacation. Twen ty more left for summer bouaos and farm work near lilootusburg. Oili er tiud plauos iu the Cumberland Vulley. Reports from tho Cherokee Na tion, Indian Territory, state that a reign of terror exists. Tba Indians are driving out the white settlers, killing their oaltle and burning their housea. Tbo udians wore to meet at theCouucil House on Wednesday for general muster. Much blood abed is expected, It was anuounced in the New York Legislature yesterday that the De mocrats intend to carry the State next fall under any circumstances. There is scarcely any doubt of the fact that that party oomtemplatea a heavy purchase of mules, aud it is oei tnio that the Itepublicau party oan now supply them with a few. Tba beirs of a man aix months dead, iu North Attleboro. Mass, unable to find tbe papers containing the records of his property, dug op his body and found them and 160 in money iu the pocket of tbe mould- j"in coat iu which he bad been .buried, I : ... A woman in TeuDoMee has juHi jziven i,imu uneven cniwrnn. . . . .Tlio whrnt crop wss badly dnmnRed by the rftina. ....mere is a strike nmon tiie coal uiiuers of Wnnhiugtou county, ....Seil f,PP in a virulent form prevails it 1'urt ll iyat, Juniatn eotinly, ....Many people in Reading dtiuk beer at mesls instead of ton or coffee. .... The tobaco crop of Delaware county is being destroyed by the cut worm. ...Jnniata and Contra have more boise thieves tli'iu any olhor two countios in the slnte, . . . .iloVeytown bits recruited a full company for thj Nuttinul (luurd of Peuosylvatiin. ... .The Schuylkill valley crenm ery nt Itrideport, coniumus 7,5.38 ipiarts of milk prr riuy. ,., .Two rat terrier pnps owned in Wnnhinjjtoo borough, a weok old, wc'i(rh together cine ounces. . . . . JelTorson Adums, a horse Ibiif. made bis oscupn from the Juniatu cunuty jitil ou lust Tbursdny nk'lit. There nre one hundred and sixty hands i-mptojed nt tbo French ., . . . i.rccK irou oie minus in Chester county .... Louis Iloupt. a Herman diny man, of Schuylkill Aiven, had bis nojio badly bitten by a vicious horse last Saturday. .... Tho police force of. J.Yading havebreo furnished with lubber revel siblo sergo coats nad bats for scrvico in luiuy weather. .. . .Tlio piymonts of the I'enn vylvania railroad coinp.iny to em ployes in Hlair and Cmubria coun ties amount to over a hundred thou sand dollars monthly. ....A bcocb tree on Mr. Gnait'HiT,H'i undersigned Auditor appoint , , .. tarm, along tlio Schuylkill rivor, ,, ., . 1 a,,, near 1 ottnlowii, hoarsen elder liush ., ,. r . , ,, . Shout live trot from tho croillld. Tho fctalk in its odd position has borne elderberries for tho lust two years. .... An Arkansas man had seven I..... I...t. .i l. . . I!. I .1 ouohmioi niiieu iioin ins iienn, lino i leinarked that piite a load was tiff hia mind. "We,Kissed Rrnrnlb tho Moon light," ia the title of a now song Hcckiess creatures t don't you kuu ; "The hoavcus are telling t" . . . .Tbo manufacture of oil from American cotton seed has beirnn in Italy on a large ncalo. It is mixed with olive oil, and sold for Ubtu is not pop.ilar in England, ''ol'ii 1 lillll Will have Ills t'l lllillilu ovor llll- proveiueuls, even if they uro iu tbo t , lilblO. . 1 man in Ita'?inr, Wis, 3."' years of age, was introduced by friends to a Ulooming country gii l I,.. I... 1 r....... i . I tlx? ,ii, ,iii,i,i n,t(-u lil'ltrit-, the 5th inst., and iu three hours had married her. She wnj decorating her room with pictures, and she piuvho I his photo up on the topmost unit i then she sat down t admire tier woik, nnd remnikud cjuii tly, "No-.v every thing is lovely, auJ the goooo hau.i high!" .... When tho English oflici t's in a colony got tired of luiuou t lo an 1 lawn tennis they gut no aauareaboat some dark colored king iuteu1ing to cross the border. Thou they Bend for troopa, shoot a lot of natives, de mand tribute and feel better. . .. .Dos Moines has a praying band of women who hoi 1 services every Sunday in the jail. A mem ber became infatuated with a baud some young horso thief, nnd planned to help him escape by disguising him iu woman's clothes as ono of tbo baud, but sho fail ed. ... .Severe thunder storms and tornadoes nee to to be everyday oc currences in the West. ....The peosion list this year will amount to $70,000,000, aud it is estimated that $100,000,000 will be requited for the next year for pay meut on tbe list. . . . .There are 1G.0G3 Cigar Mann factories in this country. New York leads the list with 4.405 i followed by Pennsylvania with 3,f)00. Wy oming territory, Montana and New Jexico each have ono. , , . .Joseph Peters, the prinoipal witness against tbe Rubor murder ers, has been taken to the Lebao on county almshouse, together with bis wife and child. Tba ''blue-eyed six" were convicted mainly by his evidence. , ...The Pennsylvania railroad has informed the Commisxiooer of Highways of Philadelphia that they will entirely abaudou tba city tracks on Market street after July 1st, biloging all their freight juto the oity by their tew elevattd, railrsatU j "5 Don't Want That Stuff." I, whi.t a Udy of 1! uton kiM to Jmr btiHbnnd wtien ti br-iu;bt Ikiiup nni ""'"''"' "re her of nlok ln-ftl.i. h and iK'iirnlxlii which had innde bor mNrtSI. f.r firtin year. A jtbc flrxtnttnek thereafter. It. wn ad llniHered to lier with Wloh Kowl re Kults tlmt li9 contlnned its lino until cured, and wua so enthiiHlaxtlo In Its prhise, that Mie Induced twenty-two of the hext fii'iillles in her circle to adopt it in their regular family tneili- clno. Ttmt'Vtuir' Is Hop Hitters. Stanoahd. A Now Treatment. The Q.A'leii hUUir nf t,if, wnntUrfiJ turn If yon bf CoomimjMloo, und woiil.l know ihst yeur 8uli on hi m l toot nl r-IITilo Fittrsnd Nl(thnflu obecheii It 21 bourn j Inllnmnmlloo lnkn rut ol Ltingi ami sir raigs at no i that you cm t mulo lo alt 8 to ti fionn J of hritlthy flaib prr merk j if you Iists ('nliirr)i, Propxpolt. Sink lltvloli, llsri l)l"p. I.itrr lomplilnt, Noryoin Drliilliy, Snilnil Wiknciii or Pprrms. lorrbnr. loia of tcxusl powiir in tilher nex from soy ciie ; If you bars sny form of ner? otn wcitkntx, loln B'ti or wticiiiiK y nn l woiil 1 know of sn lio nirJmic relief nn. I nrrtsin euro for mtny nf lh urtprmt in glmrt llmo nw muliol wii'j now agents lo full en rvtry ho lr, inTiunrtto ami mnUe urong sn I heillliy ilip nioi tinpolrft cc, ucu out mi I write nt no for psrliniUm, to II. 8- bldl'eNdAKV, llrrrin 8pin..,t Mich. Jnlr SJ.'Hu. ,. IIoiihi lr ItcMit. i rr'IK House and Lot belonnincf to I Han., 'r. I. . m l.t.J I . L. . ., . . I. m M.iioi.iir'. now neuiii.i tt. I Irvine lFn?,.i i ..w r.nl. III l.e rcnl by tba i i-ib July n-it. Cur rllounr m i lt iu June Si, Im-i. . i m n r, tlM.lluburic. F. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. fit tlti tnutlrr nf . I'.ilitl rj Groryr Mi lire, i'f'd. flflK undei'Nigued Auditornppoint- :, XZZ! VW, 'uZ'i men nt tli , Ifl of T. J Hmllli, . In M l.l.ll. l.iiru, mi I'.i. Auk J, ltd, t o ft'd'H-k fu.,t wl,l,-li llii,etnl im-l p-rHoiiN Iminj l lni ern rrutiiiel 11 pve.nl Itiin iliilv nth.-iiti.-i-1, or be tUbarrt-.l fro u onu li'K In on iIJ liuiil. J ACUU 1 1 1 1. II K f I T. June 30, 't. Au.litor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. fit the tunlti r tf lit? til ilf o A mi l SA;i 11. lUciim A. I 'l lr Hie (lourt In ill-tribute the fiiniln In tna hn,i or .i..im n. iri-r aud fi-rrr i. 1 "elm Adinlnlflrntnre of Ann Hhadel. Am' it, win inei in .rtio. in ininr. nt iiukoiu,.. m I Allddlei.iiru, on We.uai,,ar, ui. 3.1, at V ioVLwu a. l ,al win -U t ineanl plfa all nir. Uon- l,nvl:,n cilal'utf ar ri-q.ie.te I ti iriiotii iivinuiiiy auuieriii,.a'eii, or ue U4iiirru I Irani coiolon in 00 Iliad I. B. Wt'SllEni.KV. June SO. IM. Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. ,ir..r . . . .. .. in me iiuuiir or inr iti ire uj iKinul Jim- IT, ill ', ,( ., fPIIH nndrrsigrut'd Auditor appoint 1 d l, Ihs I'.iii-t In ilNtrli ill- I Im I.inlel the Inn. I- r.l s. A. lArir-l, , . ailnitnl-irxlor : ittu .'.i-iiu hi it,n,i .Motor, nito',1, Will till lr ti,.. .ori . ol lil. i,i.Mntin mat hlfotlt In M LI I i i irif, on I'liur.li,, A .14. tin. 11,1, al 1,;;;r:.;t,ai;eraSor.r:;r1.::;M! rii ' lii-iii ilulv atilij-i,tltt'iifl., ur tie dclmriud Iruui c-ui,n 111 on nMt tuud. JOHN II. AliMil.n, June 3 ', ttn. Audliur. AL'ailORS NOTICE. I t Ihi- mutter of the i flute ot f.i me Smith, ill ertui'.t. iPITIC nnf1i'ii;r.ii1 Autlitnrnppr.int- 1,lh':-r,ll'y.ll, nV'S.'.rrSiit i .nt- nan hi 9 nui 1 if 1 i 1 1 (otiny'T r. M u mntt iheo'iu-ol T. .1. MuCIi, In tliw Uttroiih ,d witldtet.urit. on M'.n-'ay. , a. m. m iiioi l l .i'ii nil ,toi, IkvIiik i'll n a e 1 re. i,t tli-111 duly aun,eiillta'e.. n 'ay. Ann. II, IllUll tllll't Nil. I ti i'IC:dvt oi l jo ue- barrid tro.ii ooUilu lnt.ii ti.l I lun-i a. w. I'orrKt!, June 3". IhiI, Au.litor TRUSTEE S PEREMTCRY SALE. Estate of William Mdredilh, tlec'd, TlMM.vs & Sox. Auctioneers. Valuable Tracts of I HON AND TIM It Kit LA :i,SrW." ACJ'ON, Pine, Oak, Chestnut aid tlomlock SNYDEUCOl'yt'Y, 1A Three inil.'H frtj:n C unity Neat. TUESDAY, JULT 1215, Ol. at Vi o'rlock noun. In arrordeure with the terrain! the Deed or irurt, win lie uiii at t'uoiiti salo, IUiu.it renerie, at the P 1 1 1 L A D B L 1 1 1 1 A K X C ! I A N i K, All the IWUte, Ittu'lit. Title and tntnr-fct nf the Iru-iaeitlo t'i loll.iin uediirluel l'rot ol l.aud iu Snytler t.'ouoty, l'a.: TH AC T No. I.-In warrantee name of Will. Inn Uewart. In I'raiikliu townalilp, oouulnlnx 406 anrtia ami allutvanca. I KAtlT No. .-lu warrantee na-ne ul Chrli lo.her liurrlnKer, In i r inkilu iowintil, oou Uinliiv '' aortu, oo iritli, and 4l.iw4uiie. l Uaill' No. in warraiitee n-iueid taDiu el Yuuim.lu Kraukil'i tuwmhip, eoulululnn loo acre, oj u.t bn aud allow 11.04 Tit Atl I' No. 4 Iu warrantee name ofdoorun WoU. In Krankllu l"n-hi(i coulttloln 40J arret, 00 iart'U a and allow moe. 1 K At. 1' No. i In warrant e nioa of r'ran. ele llboile, Iu Franklin towuniilp, ooutaluluii too aort a, 00 pt-nhet and ailowanud. 'I K At j No, a In warrantee utiiue of Kol ert (Iray, In r'rankllu mvi,thpt uuutainlug 4AI aer. t, eo perobe an 1 allowance . IKAOi' .No. J In warrautoe name of llenrr Vantiermloo, In Franklin townithlp eoutaiuiuK 37r aure. r.'4 perulieaud all.iwauue. TUAt 1' No a. In wai rani, e ua.ne of Martin Klntlrittk. In II. aver lowovlilp, ountaluluj 4u0 at.-re ou iterohoa aud iliow.4tu.e. Tit ACI' N. -lu warrant-enamenf Krin-m rtbode, In lltaver t ,wn-lilp, eoutaluiUK 4J0 au'ev, 00 l entbee anil aliowon.', TUAl. r No, IU In warr.itee ntiueol Fran ell llliutle, Jr., In lit atar t iwnnbip, e..nulolua 400 aoia, 00 petuhea anil allowance. 'I be tract- Iu the Duime ol William llnwart and rbilmopher Hrrmaer are ilUl.nl t uillse and lit' rod. Iroiu XlbliJlal.urH, theoouiiiy ie,t 1. 1 rin)tltr county. Tiie pub. 10 road Iroui Mid dleltura- to Fieuiuut ruaa turouxli tbaee trnou Vhe triiei- In Ihe name or Fraucle HUup, OtorKe Wolf, Namiiel Younn nod ll. ury Vau deralloe nre about 4 rullea ,lltant Itoui SI a. illaburit. and 1 lullaa Iroio li averlown auu Ha ton villa. Tbe putdto road fiotu AtUuiibura to MoAllitierirllle rum wltblu oo rod v( the tract In the nemo ol I rant It Kb it. All the trarta aver-no ullee from tbo I,ewiiown llll4lauof llm t-ennaylvault Hill road rbMttol Irou bal beau uneueJ ou tba rt' llllam llewarl traot; aud enoelleut oak ,plue, tdiaeiouv nnd heujioon nbju ide ua a.l the traoli, l tilMS The trane will be put npteparnte ly, aud retulred lo be paid iy tbe puruhat r ol each Iraoi at the lime ol a-le, oiberwlie ibe traul lo be at uuoe put up again for -el. the b.laoueol tbe purobaaa laio-y to be paid In eaeli on the deluury (,tbe deed, wlthlu St) day! alter tbe aalo. Aeonueuted draft, or nap of territorr. ei UndlnK Iu loniilb upward of it tulle, and In breadik upw-n't ol i utile 1, pr. par. d by Aaron K. Illlt. t.ttl , Kurtey.r of buyder IJouniy, iltowiuK the Iraoit ollored loreala. the looatlon ullhe rallroatl. ftll.ldieburii, fextonvlhe. Ilea variuNu and Adwbuif ,iue openluit and out. vropa ol Iron ore vein, tbe itreaina, ruoa, roa.lt ke.. may be aa nt theodloe of Hit AliOt'lON fctK. rurtbar InforraatlonAvikf be bad by pplylog la p rtoo, or by letter, Iu tbe tubtariber, al No. 710 Walnut ueet. Hilu.itji.uu. or AAKo.VK oIKT.-rjtj., Mlddleburtt. ' w M. w i EnsniTII, Truiiee. M. THOMAHtV HONS. . ; Au. liooetre I. a tud 141 South r'osrtk Street, Mint ,,. r . f , m im 1 Attorn n;s-At- T.n to. yM. H. HOLSWEKTII, ATTOilNEY-AT LAW, KKI.IKStHtOVK, Pa., Collftlnn n, TI oilier ll b'iln nrnnn. If elien'lej to. CourulUllone In Kaiilub ! uerraao. June), Kl. II. DILL, ATTORMEYATLA. LfirMmrri, Vrnn'n. All tinlnc eniriKteil tu his ore will he promptly alien leil In, Sept. 80, 1Ho. j G. "DEIT RICII, AT'rOR't'-A r.i.air. H:rkrt St., Silintgnvf. 'u. All profenlnoal l.uiineni promptly attended to. OonaaltatloDt la tanllm jud ilrm in M. U.-eO. J It. WUNDEULY, ATTOHNEY-AT-LAVV, Miil.iitbttrg, Siiy.lrr G ,'! ran tioinolt,d In Knllh order nan. rf roeeeutrs elaliae lor I'emloiif, . JS. lu.'MI, A ttoriiei - A - Lmn. Miailli'liui'a, Penn'a, Alt rrfMittntt hii.iue, oitrutel to hli ere will rei-etve proui,t atteiition. voniuiiaiiuna iu 1.04110 aiia Herman. IX. 19,1. JACOB GIL11EKT, Att.ornov-At-Tj!v, Mibuwiituto, PA. Altbiialneii tnrut I to bit eare will rerelre roniit tloiitloo. Julf a.",'Ji. "eTiTo'vveii, ' ArrORNEY-AT-LAW, Ml J.V, hunt, '. (UHre In fiftlce of J. P. tJronnililer, Ken. ) Cnt'eetlnne made. Coniultatlr-na In RniitUh and (leriiio. June la. 7H.if. L. SCIIOCll, ATTOailET-AT-LA, New Berlin, Penn'a. ProfrMianal nlllnaa enlruated 'o hi rn will reriv ir. niit atti ntlnn. June 30,'"". qiias r t'LuicirT" Att-iney ft Oanimelbr-At-Law, Otfloe In Apiii lliiitdlnit one 1I001 North i,l KavaTiiNK IIotw.. 8rlluiroi c, tv.iu'a. 'olleetlone and all nttmr jiflf Innal buil n, ...licit-I an I will reoolve rarnlul an I mroiit aitemlon. A pr.ll .' T P. CltONMILLEU, t'e ATTURNEl' AT I. W, Miillinbiirg, Ph., Oltera hie prolelnn acrrlftre tolhepiib Uo. Collect loiiw ami all olhrr prnfrnaionul hiiHlurea oiiiruiic l to liie care will rocvWi prompt nlli'iuinn. Jnn il, MiTif ''P J. smith J. ATTollVr-r AT I, A W. MtliliLHiril 1, s.NVr.lili On., PA ler lil l'Mre".lon.il Snrrl,-j to Die rnl ll Obnmluttoni la KiKltrlt and ileruian J. 11 XELLEIl, ,1 TTOh'i:'.A T-f. l ir Jfi'Jlltibiiri, L'ltiiHi Vomit it Pa Alt bu-lniM rntru 1st to lit ,-are will wall k',.1 I On. lull) ultun l-d to. Will ,r.n Ho t Ide Hoverol c.iurlt o Stiy..r an l it.lnti:u, .oiiitiA. fan i, eonattlied Iu tor l:txll-li 01 li.truinu lanii'iiijf, Dot.Ji,, 'J'tl pUAttLKM IIOWHII, At lM.iSKV A 1' LW, SjlilHLriYIVC, P;. llTera hi prnfo'floiiHl earvlin in the puh f ,a . 4;"11u' '-"?' " 'Pr..f.'.-i-a hiMinea eniru-irl lo lit care will re noiro troiitt allvntinn. (ilhi:e inn tloor mull nf I he Normul Mc Intnl. f.ljn fi,'H t M.LINN, ATTdltXIil- AT tfiV, Le ll.iirT. Vn ' rT 1 lit iirofdnaioiiiil ecrvitee lo tin I'lihliit. Cuttcciiniin nml hH nilu-r pvu Ir t.iijii:,! l.uaiiii aa en iriirl rtl Iu li'e cu' h ill I'tcivU'roujit ttltuin inn. f.-ttt. so, tmo. "NV.'p.rrrE't, ' .iriOK.YKVS .1 T I. I W. fiolinarovo. Pn , Hlfttr llifir prolo jriiiiintl avrviiiee lo llie pulilie. All 1 fr h I litittitif e(iuiriiHio'' lo llifir our will roceire frompt eticutiuu. Oilier nt hie liomn on Mnu direot. July, lib '72. 4AMUUL A LLHM A V, HIinAl'l A I.LKM A M 3. ALLEItlAlI & mil A T TO It l'S AT LA W. Holiiiwyrrovo, Ml proffKionul tiiiB!iieite ntij oullecling nilruriie l to lliolr jam will he pi'tiiitllv allencillo. Cin bi eonNitlirtl In Kngliitb or tioriiuin. l);!ioe, Murk a'. 8,iiore. II. If. liriiniu. Win. II. Dill Attorney3&4Councollors AT-LA W, Offleo iar tlio Post OTleo. I'trctiiir. I't'inrii, Cnneiillnliou ia bolb Englieh nnj flnrmnn Lanimuoi. Deo, I '7Jlf. JOHN II. ARNOLD, A.ttornoy nt Law, iuDLi:uuua, pa Profenlonnl buelnpieeiitruntiij to tilecarr .'!.' bs promptlr ttleotlcl to. f Koh f THOMPSON UAICER, " e Attornoy-at.Tjaw, Lewintiurg, Union Co., Pa erOn bs oonsulted lo lbs Engllab an ijer.nan lnnguiifea.-i( OFFICE Mnrket Street, oppoelle Wsll, imUU k Co's Store b 40y WSI- VAN GRZEU, ATl'OH.NliY AT LAW, Lowisbni'ir Pa. IfTere hie prnfoealonal eerrioe to he pulj !lo. Culluollone and all other Pioloteioa I buainese entriielrit lo bis ears will re oeive prompt attvatioD. B. T. PARKS, ATTOKNKY AT LAW, SliLINSOKOVK, HNYDKIl COUNTY. Pn sepl.la, 'U7U AO. SIMPSON, ATTOIINBV AT LAW, Soliuflff rovo. Pa. JTete bis profeaeionul eurriuee lo Ihe pub lo. All bueiuees eutruaieJ 10 bis oe ill bs promptly alteuded lo. I Jan. 17, '67tf GJUIUELH. ORWIO, " ATTORNEY. AT LAW.. ' Rl I III I II till I IX. I'll lull f'o.. I'll rhijsicinn, fir. DW. J. Y. SfllNDEL, BUUUKU.M AMU HIIVSIPIA't, ' Middltbiirr, Pi Offer Ma prnfomlo-inl aerrioee lo Hie eii Kill of MiiUleburg auJ vlrinily. f March 21. '07 fjn JIAU4ND ItOTUItOCK, Fror.int, Sty tor county, Pa. llrailnaient l;ltl:n.r it ,ll- ot ritTlilne nd Surcoii. "i1er hl prorn.-l o ,1 arrloe to ihe p 10II0. .,7i -kl r.nifOiu ami Jer uao. M ruh, IT, tf. J J. SMITH, Physlchin & Surrjeon, IIITore hf firnfe.rtnnal eerTleel In tb ) ttlll om.e on Slain etreot. June 111 ;,. J. O. WAONEIt, Pli)lrlnn nnrt Sarreore, OTere til. prof inn I e-rleee to th eltl-ae of A'latn.biirn and rli-lullr. AuD. e.'aoir. J. P. KAVAVi;ii PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Ontrellle. Havlcr JoM rn i 111 ere bie rofeeeionnl eervioee lo Ihe public 0-,lStf J J. ECICBKKT, SURGEON DENTIST. lOlKIII-'.ltT'.a III.OCK, iV7iii.trroir, I'nm'a. I'rolptilonnl buttneet promptly attitude I to, May ,!. ) U. I. OUIEU nAHBEK, PHYSIC1AM AND SURGEON. hating lorali-.l nt MlIiDt.F.nURO, PA., nflii'M ft ffiMT Honr Wsjat nt thm I !mir I limitiai In IK..r'. Uriel, buil.1..,, ofl-r. Ui. fro- fi't-iunttl eerriree In lh pultlio. He up ok Cnglieb aud (Jorro in Ocl.17,'78. pEItClVAL HERMANN, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, JCralzerrille, Snyiter Co., Pit. (Ifter hit protet-l nal irvoee to tho rltlina ol Kratiervllle 411 1 trHlnllf. A u 1. D.'l QR. A. M. SMITH, PfVSlVfAX AX!) SURG VOX (Tore tile prnfitnalonnl ecrncra lo lh otll- trna or Adnnieburs an. I vicinity. .Hep I, 78 K. VAN UU.SKIKK, Uliai0Ab a MErjtANICAL DENTIST SeliiHgrtive, 11-11 11 'a. Justices of the Peace. DAM SMITH, Justice of t!ic Puaco & Conveyancer lieneerSiri hijh, Siiiiler Co., l'a. All'n'llolnl hntln-it -laklnic depotltlcneand prontptly atten lel lo. Coilootlon and remit, lam e promptly luado. Aluy lo,'. 15711 yiLLIAM II. SN1DKR. Jiistlre of Ibe t'riifo. Sal Jul, Snydjr County Penn'a All Cnlleetioiis ainl romitaucef. promptly tuaJo. Ko. SI, 'T tr. pJAAO HK.WER, ,1 US'l'lCE OF THE PEACE ntnl 'jronernl OollooLor. MitMlelmrir, Suyt't-r County, P Piiti-il mtiiuion p'li I lo colli "tione nf all kitiU. Itniniii.ineeii will he uiul piiniipilv for nM tiol!euiionj mit.l. Altir. .'im ih,! ir. V H WAtlNtiTl, I e .li;rti:K OF Til K I'UACr!. .1 ifku 1 Tiiwnxliip.SnyJort'o. Pu., Will tttleii'l to nil t-ii.sini-ne vnlriislcJ lo 'tin Oiiro an.l on the umsl rettiiin:iiile tfrma. Mttrub Vi, 'OMi f Q VI1) S. tillOLLvT JiiiticG of tho l'oaco. Lnion'Towniihiji, Uniili f Co., I'u. Will alteiul In all liuninetia rnlriieletl lo hi. enrti 011 111. ml r.'-iniuulil't u-rma. 1', O. uJlieaM, UuuJari', fnytlt-r Co., Pu. Mnr. 1, 'M. J H. IIARTMAN, -'ji'NTicn p tiik iTiti:. Ai (J?OllV4.V(lll!CIs CliN IKEVlLLi:, BnyiUr County, Ta. rrolleftlnne and nil biitlnett parlalnlnir lo the ollloe ol . I untitle ol tbe Feace will be att-mled 10 nt thurt untloe ApriU'lt gE'i'll MITCHELL, Juwtii'o of tlio Ponce h Convnyanccr, J.rktton Towuthlp, Huyder Connly, l'a. tlollttotloiit, IToiivi.yaucliiK, and all olbitrhu elntiH. pertalllluu to II10 olHt e.l rt-i-itlvtt prompt alti-iiiloii, I'o.t uU.ct.atUr.it.: New K-rlln, l'ni-n cuuuly.Fa. Auk. lit, 1M7. JOHN K. UDGIIES, Eaq., JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Penn Twp., SoyJcr Co. P JAMES MIDDLESWARTII, Justice of the Peace & Conveyancer, Troxlovillo, Snyilor Co. Pa. Will attend promptly to all manner ol hot! nett partatiitnir to tbeorriite. Oullontlcne uiaje, Uue.lt, Artloletae., wrltteu. (July Ht.'lft-tl. y.M. II. IIARDINO, JI STK U Ol'TllC lJAf:E aic Convivancei', FULliMONT, Snyder oounly, Pa. Oolleitllnna and el btielueaa perlalnlns lo the imtieor Juallne of ihePuaue will be tltt-mlnl In at abort uulloe. Apr. 7IS, a. Vktzicl, Justice of the :Peacef bmoertomn, Suyjtr . Co., l'a. All kinds of oolleolloni made on liberal lenue. Promptly ntleude 10 all bueineet luirualnd to bis eare. (June 2U, 7K' TER B. M I D D LES Y A RTII, JUdTlCKOFTUE TEACB Al CONVEVANCEIt, MoClurs City, Snyder Co., Ta. OelleeiloDi nnd all butlneit pnrtalnlnvlo the omueoi jutnoeol tat feaoe will Je attention td at inort notice, July iw.'ikti, A O llOltNBKKUETi, i Vt JUSTICE OF THE PEAqK te" Tnwhli,SrTt1ertinnoly, Wa tlslla. Obi, Ut ntat auoma. end ntne i.ti,e nettuet l.lulne io tue olitoa will ! oiovtia.i eneuM. -uoige uear iruutuineriiie. J. UOWKUSOX, Juture of the Tease A Convttno Pcnnscreck, Snyder Co., Pa. rntiertione at,. I a-mlttanraa rrowintle mad. I onttfan. Inn neatly nod eheaidr eecutl. I,iiiiain .a.. Apr" ' '' Corner 50 St. 4- llroadway, NEW Y0RX. On both American A A'uropean plans: rrontln on P-trX,'ri7' the rtmnd lltiole. ard, Itma lway and Fifir.Nlntt, tat it.i. u..i ?r"l''t"lh nUn "intre, end watbnllltD. o.ono. 11 te mi Inetid In the eiiy haa e pataane-r Kb-ea- .... . iitiMt.ru lutproTemenf, anil 1 within one ei.iar. o ihe ,-p .It or lh SUrh and Klhlh Ai-ne Kleai-dK. K cm and atlll no.r'rtw the llr.itdwe? rtn onrenleut a td et'rtlhl frran all paru ol the city. H.tm with boar J, (a owut Jaavwii10'1 ''' end perma. ' IT . E- HASKELL. " M.'KMr. TsormnToa. BOARDINGHOUSE. rpilR Cn ler.ljnel woulJ retpeolfnlly In Lrormlhe lrarllin puhlio. buaineae m n.wllneee and Jtirora In attendanre at on Jioiirta il.at hn h rua i atnnl- pr-pantlona for h-lr ac-o.o otl.ll.tti anl will xnloiror loan, l-rnin hie patraiit Iu Kod alyle al Ihe nn rea. .natile rale., II ur.lliig lJUte n few door uft uf the Ccurt Itjute. - o,. . UA URIEL, nEATF.rt. Apr.81'7. Iy. Froprlutor. WASHINGTON HODSE! lillloliircr JOHN LI MJJ K It T, Propri etor Thoatmra poptilar Hotel hat bean r fitted and rrfurnlthed in the beat etyle. Itaeentral looatlon make It ennrenlent for bnalnete V Tbe de It alwayt I l. with the boi In the mar ant the liar with aool ll i.ion and Ihe viable """' ' ity eirerull bottler. Term mj derate rjUNTUKVILI.T? HOTEL, ll.ate mrt. Wearer'.) i eniorriie Snyder Co., Pa. TETER 1IAHTMAW, Froprtelr) , Title Innarettabllthed and well known hnle barlnit been puronaeed by the underelancd. en Holla a tbare ol tbe piiltllo pat ronatte. Arr..,..!.,,. I'ETtK UAKTMAlf fjlHE NATIONAL HOTEL. JOHN B. l'OCKI-EIt, Prop'r. Holinsiy;rovo, Pa. Title Hotel le pleaaanfy located In the ".qnare an.l ia a eeryde.lraltle pl.re for travrlera loatop l!h" ",;T"' aoc..iiiin..,lr.Moi,a at lowraLe. l-tr aoheal.rpliiH mire will be lure to call anala. Tbe hr.t of liquor lu the bar -" the lloiol. 11 , n,ri"0', ""lAttranllnconnertlfinwl Apr.lD.ve. IcrcliaEit House, NORTH THIRD STREET, PHIL'A TA Terms'..l.CO per dny. HENRY SPAHN, Prop'r. CW.SI'AII V. t Urk Apr.1,'76. PUilcviclpltiii Cards. J. S. FAENSW0RTII. WITU JONES, HOAR & Co. Importers ot Htoy, Nations, WDitc Gcoils, Eiutrci derics GciitoFuriiisiiiiie Goods Xc. -No. 511 M:irUt StrMnt, nilLADELPHTA. T. It Fonni, Wi H- shelbley. i&?.iri4. T....U..ob,e.. M. L. WACENEl.KIt, WITH p RAVBILL & Co., Wiioi.neAls DiALRse 11 'VOOD AND WILLOW WARE Ml Clnllie, Wi.i.lowflbntlee. Hronme, Mnl.' :iriihcM C.iion i.sps, Ornin tinge, t'.j Sela, ilunketa, Twlnee, Wickn. e. Vo. 4'Jn Jarket tflreet, Pbiladelphla Keb. 7, '07 I U. SliLU EI.MER ' e OKALF.n IN HARDWARE Iron, Nails, Steel, Leather, Paints, Oils, Coach & Saddler Ware AND MAN'JFACTUHIR OF Cloves & ThnvaiCo MARKET BTBEET. r o....: Nmtemhur 2, 1H7I-1? l'enn'o, WM. MANN. Blank Book Maker Sta. Uoncr, and Steam Power PRINTER, liolownle Ac Itotnil No 629 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. I'romytnesa. One Price Belt'ril Price Narked On AH Good In Fi guree. Apr. 18.T2. QAVID WILLIAMS, Mnnufaotnreeof ft WboleialeDealf r In Gilt, Miiluiesnr, Waluat and Bosr wood lOOIirNia GLASS Pioture it Photographic) Friuiicg N01. 230 and m Arrb Street I'biladeltibia Pa. Frames Repaired la Ibe best manuo Ales, ItegilJiug la all (Is branobes. L71 u NI0N PIANINO MILL EELINSaBOVE.aNTDEB CO., HA ficcly & Wagner liuiubci' Healers amu HAsiirAovi'aaa or Doom, Door Boxes, Windows, Sumter window Doses, Blinds, Bash, Sltilr 1 Fixings, Hand UuIIIiiki, Brack vis, ltoutuinrs, rioorlnr. r. HOLLBAWINU k UAB1NKT THH M1NCI BniQgioa, Aatht tto., &o. Orders soliollet) and tiled wltk promp njeatuil deepateb. Fletie eall ai.tl cmui lueo'ir aioo berore puroaais oleewu V' Vt' let-p luiiul all kiitls vj " Illmikt each a Kotei, i"M tnoutti, Wuiraute, Lt(U$, Svlyut- fHUi,CCu tto,