The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, June 30, 1881, Image 1

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    ktlvoVtlln Raton.
Oj column one yetr,
Oue-hulf, column, one year, JO.OO
One-fourth column, one year, lH.m
One square (10 linos) I Insertion 75
E?ery additional Insertion, 50
Professional and Business cards o!
Dot more tlinn 5 li nes, Pr year, 8.00
Auditor, Executor, Administrator
nd Assignee Notices, .Bn
Editorial notice per line, 15
All transient advertising less than
months 10 cent a line.
All sdvertisemcnta for shorter pe
riod than one year iro payable At the
(me they wo ordered, and it not paid
jjj person ordering tlmin will oe held;
jituiniblo for the tnoner.
1 o o t r y
Marriage of Sun tnd Moon.
Did you know that t. weddJutr had
happened on high.
And who were the parties united t
Twae the Sun and the Moon I In the
balls of theeky
They were joined ; and our continent
witnessed the tio i
o continent else was invited.
Their courtship was tedious , for ssl
doui they met,
Tete-a tete, whilst long centuries glid
ed, l)ut the warmth of hie love she could
hardly forget.
For, thoiiirh distant afar, be would
entile on her yet,
Save when earth the fond couple dl
. vldcd.
But why o prolix was till courtship !
and why
Bo long was postponed their connec
tion t
That the bridegroom woe anxious
twere vain to deny,
Blue the heat of hi passion pervad
ed the sky I
But the bride was renowned for re
flection. Besides, 'tis reported their friends
were alt vexed ;
The match was deemed somehow
unequal ;
And, when bid to the wedding, each
made ioiiio pretext
To decline, till the lovers, worn out
and perplexed.
Were compelled to elope lu the sequel,
liars and Jupiter never could such
business boar,
So they haughtily kept themselves
from It,
jrschell dwelt at sueh a distance he
couldn't be thero ;
Suturn sent with reluctance, bis Ring
to the fair.
By the hands of a trustworthy comet.
Only one dim, pale planet, of planets
the least,
Condescended these naptlals to hon
or, And that soomed like skulking away
to the Kast ;
Some anert it was Mercury, acting as
Priest ;
Some Venus, a peeping shame on
Earth In silence rejoiced, as the bride
groom and nettle
In their mutual embraces vould ling
er ;
Whilst careering through regions of
light at his side
Hhe displayed the bright rliig,-not "u
world too wide,"
For a conjugal pledge on tier finger.
Henceforth shall those Orbs, to all
husbands and wives,
Since as patterns of duly ieected ;
All her spleudor and glnry from him
she derives.
And i-he shows to the world, that the
kindness he gives,
Is faithfully prized ami reflected.
The Idyl of the Baogngo Man.
With many a curvo the trunks I pitch,
With many a shout and sally;
At station, siding, crossing, switch,
On mountain grade or valley.
I heave, I push, I tiling, I toss,
With vigorous endeavor.
And men may smile, and men grow
Ever! never!
I bust trunks forever.
The paper trunk from country town
I balances and dandles;
I turn It once or twice around
And pull out both the handles,
And grumhlo over traveling bags,
And uioiiKtroiiM sample cases;
But I can smash the maker's brags
Like planter Paris vases!
They holler, holler as I go,
But they can't stop It, never,
For they will learn just what I know,
A truuk won't last foreverl
Ever! never!
And In and out I wind uhout,
And here I siuokU a Wester,
1 turn a griiMMtek innide out
Tliree time, a day at lea-t, sir,
I tug, I Jerk; I ewear, I iweat,
I toss the light valine,
And what's too big to throw, you bet,
I'll Ore lt round In place,
They murmur, muriuer, everywhere.
But I will heed them never,
For women weep, and stron; men
wear, ,
I'll claw their trunks forever; '
Everl everl
I'll bust trunks forever. I
I've cowed the preacher with my
I scorn the Judge's ermine; .
I've spoiled both brief and sermon;
And books and socks and oards anl
Too numerous to mention)
And babies' clothes and woniau'i
Beyond my comprehension,
I've spilled, I've scattered, and I've
- slung,
As far as space could sever,
And scatter, scatter, old or young,
I U scatter things foreverl
Everl everl
Heatter things forever!
" " ' Bmlttyhn limit.
VOL. 18.
K p 1 c r 1 it 1
"It won't do," said ol.l Tibbetts,
shaking his bsd furiously. "I al
ways have haled thoso Partridge,
nuJ you shan't marry Fanny."
"A man's affections," began IIo
Monsenso" cried old Tibbetts.
"Yon tnlk liko a boarding reboot
girl. You uro of ago, l't know i bill
I Rive you warning, if you persist,
I'll take t tint clever little Johnson
into partnership instead of you und
... . . .i
you may beg or rvo ns yo'i please,
for the saki of a rod -haired gi'. l liki
Fanny Partridge "
Off trotted old Tibholls as be ut
tered these, last words.
Mcnuwhile Mrs. PArtridgo and
Fanny wore hard at It T.iuuy iu
tears ! Mrs Pin tiidjjo in fury.
"I'd rather sco yon iu your gravo.
Fanny," ctiod Mrs. Pni tridgo. "Old
Tibbult's iou. Why didu't yon
choose a chimney swei.p It was
Tibbotts that cheated your pa's
brothor out of that piece of property.
A bigger rascal never walked. No.
Fanny, yon shad walk over my dead
body before yon go to church with
Fanny was seventeen an d very
submissive. Horatio, although live
and twenty; siihiuixsive likewiiie.
Parental authority prevailed. One
meetiog was allowed in which the
twomightbid good-bye to each oth
er. Fanny wept. Horatio hul l her
handsin both of his, au J kissed thorn
very fondly.
"They may yiol I in tirao," snid
Horatio, "or something may happen
to niter things, lo true to mo for
a little while. I shall never love
any one but you."
"My heart is brokon." said Fanny,
believing it sincerely. ' But I sha!
bo true to ou all my lifo."
Immediately ho kissoj her. lie
never forgot how hurd it wits to tuku
his lips from hoi's t and their anus
encircled each othur. And it was
really a wonder llut tlie twj yonug
lovers did uot die then and thcro.
Old Tibbotlfl rowntd-i I bin son by
muking Lint partner iu I'.te p'o.pri -ouh
liria of TiliboUs & (.'.., foith
with, while Mstuiua Partridge laini
ed Fannie away to the north u!
Horatio di I nit firnl eisily. It
had heuu tiio eheriHlin I pi 41 of hi
to marry Fanny, lie had a nnuil
that wite proue to dwi'll upon detail.
All his fundus about tuo future had
been porfuctly tinislicd pictures.
It wiin liurd to boitove that tho lit
tle ronnd tei-t-ihlo would nover he
set with puiiitod clii'if) 1 that Fiiuny,
as Mis. Tihbutts, would not sit be
side him in the third puw fr.irn tlie
froutoti S'Uliy 111 iruini ; tint ho
would not go with li'ir to chooso the
color of the drawing-room furniture;
and thoy would never h'ive their por
traits puintu l to Imu on o.iuli side
of the parlor ui lullu-piuo i.
Fannie wushis or gonor
al idea ithiittuoy iuiht htvo walked
togother for years in the moon-light
was, perhaps, strongest ffitu her.
But had ho been tho most perfect
hero of romance she could uot have
placed him on a higher po. lost it.
The match certainly would havo
been a happy oue had fate willed it
to be a match at all. Thoy loved
each other too well to seek comfort
in new lovers.
Zoratio seemed very steady, and
shunood ladios society 1 and Fanny,
after refusing au English baronet
and a German baron, deoliued going
into society any more, and settled
down with her mother in a little
town npon the Contiuent, where four
or Ave English families dwelling
thero exchanged whist parties, aud
there were no young English people
whatever. There, at thirty, she was
still living, and then tt was that
there came to tbe place an Edglish
traveler who called apon her. He
was a friend of Mr. Horatio Tibbetts,
and bad been commissioned to baud
ber a small parcel, and be was to
tell Mr. Tibbetts bow she lookod
and was 1 and that be was very well,
quite bald for his years and uuuiar
ried. And then the traveler went
The gift was a dainty work-box,
w pth a great deal of mouey, and iu
tb.ktlle bos where the thimble lay
wskAjso ring. Its motto was "Din
ua f'Tfiet."
forget." "
n9Wbowed this girt to
bit iuW bat tbe wore tbe ring
MIDDLEMIUG, uer he-art ntuler her dress,
row hope crept into her soul ,
and when a fni vnnr. ifi., . i
. .. K""",
nni fur 111 n -.11 1 1 '
.,...,vl wii.-re.i nil Wind.
WPr iiere.i in hand.
with n genuine loto in tl
10 li'krL'lliii, :
remsoi witliout lir.s tint ion .
lfi('( f imver 1 n,i fr(, 1.
en. iii.m-o yrs p.Hi-,1. l..r, ,,f
.. n least, an.j 1 no winory of the ;
"in iiiinuy leil I at ill in 1.0
linsom of tho old iiii.iiitu Af .!1T 1:..
thea-e of oiM,.. Mm. P.,,tiid,;o T!nf ..rerjrrown woiasn, ;U lo!
died 1 nnd Fauny, ,,11 u1.10 j,, w,;.t (ltl( f,,,,,,,. y
had always ro.uii .o 1 ,1 tr.n-e Ivid, j N, iil.r "wo il 1 be!ietu ; but it
r. 11 11.. 11. 1 .
i 1. iiiin"i:iiiiv ,nn.ii ii,,. 1 ,ii 1 I. . I
drP.irlfil frifm.1i ern f.i r
1 1 h 1 1 1
ix en her mother s win,i t j remniti in
France ; now her lu iut ilict itud n 10
tnm hnmn. The fu iiMmii; p.,.
per she oprned there told Imr of (lie
denth of Mr. Tibi.elts, se l 1) )
'IV ponoi- dropiid foriu I'n siny 'h
hand, and ulie n it iini'ii ni iti iu
ih J-
for morn tin., t v-n!v mi.i it..H .
Then she bi.'!in f.i ery very b.ifily,
and t.iok tho ring f.o'n her Docket !
and looko 1 a' it.
"lhtniii forget," she sobbed. "I
inn Mine I; ii Inn not forgotten."
And hIio begin to wonder what he
looko I like uovv. Ho must have al
tered. Per Imps he wm portly, liko
his fiithor. Well, sho w w rathr
flout heim If. Ouo eon! I not Im a
Hli udnr yoiitli forever ; an 1 he had
probably net rink of gny in bin dark
hair. Nothiug could cliiingu liis
tyt-s, however. Or, if he was alto,
guther altere 1, she would love him
still. Why not. muich it was heart
that l ived, and o jt tho lloi'.i au 1
blood f
Aud sho so mmngc! that tho
nows should reaeli him inn few
days' time sho w.w tln-ro. I0
had heard it, nmlm lm 1 meant he
should. He !iad bsun nil uloi... and
vory lonely. IIo h.vl !o..-n mi obndi-
eiitson and an i.'V.:eti .ato one, and
had loved tho t.,-f v.. 1.1 m.u dv.riv.
Hut uo.v he t'.i n 'lit. il, would harm
no ouo if ho fdiotiU try lo realize
his youthful dr. hum.
He signed mid looked out of the
wiudow wulked t the lire-place
and stwod llieio. ..uurelentiug t
liiighteiit .1 up mi 1 bognti to nml;i
one of it is nl 1 fancy picture of
I'.iuiiy at ti;u uii.. r bido of the
"ohc'Il bo older, of eonrso," he
said. " l'liin perhaps fru:i!d and
worn j Ji ll", to i. S'j ttntt-'r; it'
Funny, at. 1 shu'U bo bo 411ttf.1l to
And lie wi-uto Imr a letter o 1 th- 1
spot, iu shicli l.oevt 1, he ouly tol I j
bur ho was coining to huo her. j
A11 elderly la ly tins wnikitig iuii1
greuu lane ui-nr llonscy, with tw i '
children, and a poo il.t which wax
her own, tiiu childi'uii her laud :i.l
.ho was it very li ly, with f.niv
c'.iiiH aud a red f.e.'e, tiud no ivuiH
As sho wulkod, thero cuiuo up tho
l.auo a weary old goutlo n in, with a
largo green uiubrclla nn dor his arm.
His uo.-io 1111 1 chin met. Iii3 head
was as smooth as an egg, except
juiitiitthe nape of the neck, where,
six hairs still clung. IIn 0 irs st 10 1
out on otich side of his fnu, largo,
yello. nnd with frosty blue eyes,
aud a wart on his foro lioad. .hi 'it
the kind of au old man the stout la
dy hated.
"A frizzly old crotlnro," ho
thought ; und just thou poodle and
children, all tiud toguthor with blue
libbou, taugled themselves about
his logs and uearly oversut hiiu,
'C'omo here, my dears 1 don't run
iigniust the gentleman iu that way,"
said tho fat lady iu a faint voice.
''People should teach their grand
children uud their dogs better, man
ners," said the old guutlotuuu, tosti-
''3tf grandchildren T" pantod the
old lady ; "what impudence I t beg
you'll not kick that dog, sir. Cruel
ty to animals is forbidden by law,
thauk heaven I''
"It this dog is mad, as be sooms
to be, 1 will have him .shot," said
the old gentleman,
"Come here, I'i do, darling,'' cried
the elderly lady, "Jly dears, run
home to your m 11."
And just then out stepped the
landlady. To her the old gontleman
addressed himself.
"I bog pardon, ma'am. Can you
tell toe in which of these bouses I
can find a lady of the name uf Par
tridge Mies Fanny Partridge 7"
'tV'hy, this is the houso, sir," said
tbe landludy "aud bero is Miss
Partridge herself."
& i&vJC '1 wsj Sr4Y tiiw
j the old gentleman, looking ently
around for Miss IWtiiege. ai l Lev-!
'........ ....
er luinsing oi uin stott lilir,
. - . . . 1
"lliiriV in 1,1m JI Hiu I .1 11a I v '
"Here, I'lulnlUI v
prOHdllt ill' I ho curd to th'it indiiiln. 1
11I. "Tlml. t,ii . Mi I'm t ri I ,..
j TS.u imnie upon I'm md was !
;"IIom'io J il-1, tts' Tli-if hi to.v
litflo ol.l umu. liko iv wnsol. with
, a..m.. . 4 - . 1.
h". . Hiiimun. nil 1 11 r ll.lll,
n i
....... .... 1 .... ... .. . 1
..n 11 u dn 11110 n: I -n i:i. il r : I
time, nnd change, and nil tun rrt
uf it.
They Fat uii ti e lior .e h;iii 1
sol.i, iu thi pn-ior, an f trie I t 1 t l'.. , ,i',ke,l thn co.
and a thsy !i 1 so, thf y dii rovei e 1 J t . ei e rn imhh mi the milk.
Hint I'anny aud llonti i w'10 I .v.-1 j ,, SiitnrLiy enoiin,. mtiw m in
ie!i other wero both (le i 1 - :is if th-3 vV i sli.rtni i.ut lo ruu I the evi ii
sod W'jre ov?r t.i-ir pur intrU .' jit,... l,o wif,. -,.inu;.ed :
Ha l they m.irrie 1 y;-ir l.-f-n-. ! "Y.-u ii.iski foine Lome i"it! .-, 1.0
!,ri,,J',,,'y !" woul I h i.-M luen nlil;
'Ui'n' l" ,Ml'" p-M-'niit t
"l""1 ,Ill'il" ,u""-vl ' ""
!ng as sti.iugeis they ivpnl.-ied j
"If he slioiil I presume on out- c !.l Ab-int two oVIo- k.
BlVcetioii I" llumght Fil'lllV, "siu-li u 1 jm w;f,, t -rit:rk--l di-tinc!!,.-very
dtsiigreeabhi old livm !" j mi-. I want y )'i to
' If she should expoct mu t l re- 1 pllM,"
ine.iilmr thu past, llii-i dn idfili -T.v,) piir hi --no good."
moiinUiu of ll.-t.1i I" tho.ijht Horn-1 -i'.,,,, W.,M ,,,,.,. ,,t. "
I no, an l tiieii lie to!4 li.,r ho was
jglnd ti see ber looking ho well an l1,
hoped tluiy would be neighlmrs,
.Sim thought unlikely ; tho
pluci) did nut agree with her.
Eie'.i dodgod tho t ,-t, tot gucsi
ing how glal lie other was lo dodge'
it also, and thoy r.irtod forever, pa-j
r - .
plely hoping tl tnoet very soon.
I'liut night two pillows wjrj w 't
with ti.iirn. Funny wept for tlie
;yo,,,llf'' 1 ,v,'r of whose deat'i she I
'A '"ve heard that day, and I
lli ' r 11 ,08t l'"""'' no,v i
'u ,,K"noi'y. Hut tlmr.i was no
I'"-"- '"-'" "r
I1:,l"!'oi un on Him. iu-y
1110 01 i 11 i n .
did liotcv .'n wUh to meet ngiiill.
Thero was acrtniu in that
meeting not to b-. forgotten.
They never mot more ; but when
Funny d.jl, yLius after, tho ring
with its inottj of "Diuna forget"
tho ling which no power could have
j placed over her liii ;i.'r hung by i
iU ribbon over her heart, und lloia-j
, tio h id bai iu I with him 11 lock of,
I hair servcrcd from I'linns le ad in 1
1 Iho Ion ag), wiiuu it w.h g 1 l .i.i. j
I Kieli heart wai young nnd true;!
leit, forly yoar.4 of c niiforluUe, Wwll
j L'l-.l lifo h 1 1 b th v. try cruel to
'lie u li i li.'tt -to tlioir viijoi to
Ill.Tir 111 lllllel's.
"Do you hiippo ;e tbi.t Rotue'.i he! e
I'ey.nid the 1 tars tltey hiviiiuet 11 11 I ;
are lovers a 'nin !" 1 hope t-o ; for in i
thdirO'Vii way lliey suil'i .red i;ro,.t!
hero for 110 fault uf tin ir
Tiii i 1 wn.r, Ncvm I'm:. Tin
stars " ill grow ilitu. tint sun w iil
pulo I. is glory, but truth will be over j
young. Integrity, uprightness, liou
esty. love, goo IiieMH, tliey me nil im
perishublu. No grave can ever en
tomb tlidHO itlliuni till pl iileipli.i.s.
They have been in prison, but they
havo been floor tint 11 before. Thoho
ho have enshriued tlieui iu their
hun ts Luvo betu burned nt the Make,
but out of their unites other witness
es have 111 ieou. No sen ran drown,
no titoiiii can wreck, no abyss can
swallow up tho everlasting truth.
Yon cannot kill goodness, and integ
rity, and righlvousueNS. Tuo way
that is consistent with these must be
a way evei lusting.
State Suporiutoudout lligboo, iu a
recent speech before a Sunday school
convention, had the courage to use
tho following language .
"Many teachers iu our public
schools are unfit to tench children.
They are lucking in character. The
directors should see to it that no
sncb pcrsous are employod. Tho
tuncbor should be good, holiest, up
right, and should possess bruius suf
ficient to tench what tie knows. As
between character and brains, 1
would prefer character."
A Cincinnati girl spent ill her
1 i-nro time for throe years io learn
ing to boi, and then whon she got
married aoj wanted to fijlit her lius
hand, she pulled hair an l scratched
tho same asaoy other woman weulJ,
You can't make over haman'oature.
T 5 -
Drummeri never have-to servs aa
approotiosship. As soon as they en
ter epos their business, tliv bocomo
Making Buttor.
A mnn who resides in Ihe snhorhs
ntO t'tv rer.-nl v imiel.iisi' I s unc
'..l If..V.I,.'iL ,ll,..i
1.1 ..f..... 1... I. .!.,.!..,. it Tl. .1 m 1 I..
.1 1 if ...,. it ,1; I
.u j, f Unit; r n't 1 fiea I'm I
,;1It ((,.,, lt I,.,.tn:u.ri'e.
Well, iie ..:- th:i l.e v .:;M he
... . :
, il I. 'I 111.11 -V 11 1 ( '. I , 1
deei ivid li lli ilt 'Vj morn. 1,
Ho WOlll.I lll 'l 0 l il IUVI1 l -ll l.M
11" von! I iii:'.'." Ins own lnit'i;r.
Ho l'l'l'llt a cvo,
H" 1 1 1 : 1 ' 1 the en v.
Tin. I i I 1 h iv. hi "if !, !, lift
tu 111 und 'u urn as onu, 111 le ilit
'ns to I'l't
Up i-ii !y in th" i:"iriii;'
! rimn,, ll 'iv ;-oi :i
to eli uei,.
1!. mi I l i won! !.
IU-ciinu h .mn n.rl iu !
ii ,.;, i ., ,t tin, form i!.f v
,.,,, vj,, , bj, tn.
She Mils in 1 1.
He Willi hlmyy.
ll. in ' in. i I t-li1 elririi 1 1 loo lit-
ltr d it w.,v. ,.avii'' the bill
u.r m 1( j,, the ehuin.
5,..j : sleepv he di I not, noti -u her.
lii.f.nii leiniier for e'lineli t-lie :n-
...1 ll. ..i.Ui l.n.f ll.ii eliiiin. eotH-eil.
;,,d i. but ter an I left tlie h iltoi milU
111 ill eli'.ti'il.
lie 8ai 1 :
) 1 d -a-h'er churn."
It was it di'lur cliiiiu,
feared his wile us all good tiu ii
do. und eoiiitniiiiei.'d . huMiing.
Hi-eointiii iiced ut '.) o'rloci..
Al '.:'', ) liu locked to tt:o if it wan
It. did not iii'i nir to l.n.
At U).;j lm it.ti.i'.l u tit).
., ... t .:
i'LSlllI, Ui IUBeeviou UOI uil.:jur -
'r. e0.
At l; I'I, pert-piling freely, h
happened to tuuil; of tlm bottlo ni
brail. ly kept in tho hoiit-o for
I'lll pill'poser-.
The buttrr wea not "coinin j"
Uei! ill r M :IH lli.-i Wife.
lint the blun I;' was forthcoming,
llo di ml; Iu ivny.
At H i ) hu t-t, ,ped iigaiu und
liiildo llle dl. el e l.l.ileltlo'.i.
K' suit h'.u U us lo wiiit'iuit iiiiothir
Hi' w i'i g tlitig uei 1.
At IJ.'t ' lm Inoli a lunoh lltul C in
t i II II. ' I . hill illllg.
At l:ld lm Ik lo. I toitit if his ui:c
IV:. H e. luil.g.
i V.iu w.-.s not -nor lhol"i!'or.
A'. ;;'0 ho colli, I t-.tau i it no long
. r.
A:?.l therefore tool- miotli' di -ink.
Tin 11 ho churned live minutes.
Then Hworo a few ininutes.
And ntxt ho took his gun nu 1
loud.' 1 it.
At a::il) dropped down completely
'i'.ui miuuluH later ho h i ldumol
i.ihod tho eliiu u with tho lint. 'in t,
aud was just goiug out to shoot tho
cow wheu his wifo cumo iu iilmost
bieuthless nnd put him to bed.
Avoin Si.xi'::u. N ouo of m are
iorl'ccf, uud we liava no nVht Hirre-
l iro to expect perlccti 11 in oilers. S '
d'yo'i t.ieuli well -f your
neighbors, do not spoak of thrui ut
nil. A ei'jrs iieiishb'tr niiy bi! m.i do
a tiud one by kind tuutineut. The
way to bo happy i to unku others
happy. To Jj gaod i a luxury.
If you are not wiser and hotter at
the end of the day, that day U lout.
'notion kiiiducsn, oven it it he hat
to speik uno word. 11 ii'it Sidnto
he what yen are not. Iarn to con
trol your tuiuper and yoir wjr Is.
Say notbiuc beliin t one's bai'k tlmt
you would not itty to hi Uo - This
habit of reticcnce.beKldosbeio 4 a kind-)
oue, is safe. Many a hsUer Irirvcs'
lias boon roipel from tliought'o.
words of censure.
A Brooklyn father rebuked his
ngly daughter for being lather for
ward, He suid ;
"You ought to be nshamed to be
always running after young men."
"It is not my fault," she responded
"Whoso fault is it t"
."It i their tault. It thej wouM
8taoatiUIsivouU uot lv6torun;jllHl;tirfut(m.AlJJia'lUe bjul -t; k
f. .1 .... ' 1 .
Fl tS f
:!0. IS8L. NO, f.1
"J he foot go..s when the
, lo .ms.
I!,. .1 .i nn 1 nnt. inn . hut
! not (in 11 u.ilf I t lili !. ii.m '
.'If ttie uh it ir.vilr I In
; diu-j it Is nui t'.i'.t ho iu.y i:ui,v Hi
'.Vo.ii for tl.y rhurvter nut ,
1 . .. .1 ...11 .... .1, I ..
1 I'ii 11. v., 1 1 1 11 I, . o in 10
, I I IO.I..II'
; mil aiiilii.iiMs
" ! lie w 'to in t i 1
iloi'J no i' IiHi; l. l s
bund l ' Ivwi'efi:
i "It is l!i ' i i i. r !.;!:::. !' wVi !i ei
! hist lllH !!.," - i 1 l--i '.'I SJ'i'i'l. III'! o!
' I'nii'i ttil i e.lM'.'t .! i f r I in m i, Ivr'.
what tli' l . H i do ( iv i 1 in i h
"Wlul Hi" l opp is I, 111'
', Iff I Iho ill lie bin!) 1'i.vo eiileli ' J
' mini s ilnt iiiin'oi tui.e.s in v.-r cotiu-:
'sing'y. ;
lie v flit to tile s'.-a an 1 f it j
i!t " - iiieiins th it ii iiiwirdiv man
' ill ii! i ;.i h fiiii iii liis 1 1 ii li i'TiKi o,'.;. ;
"Ills loi'tuiiii lull lililiu 1 Hit, i
! ii nl-i a.i I t.ti ;i" r. feis to u prodi" ;
j i
j "l!iN t'.i fi i t of t:i pi'i'nid '
' uai I . n, mid m t iiiTiiiilH I i'i iitnvi,. j
: t : .-. " r . f r-i to i ic itito In. I
I "III" I T , ::. 'H'lll l,l 4 ll'lt tll'll;n !
, . .
I'll' 'lil it -el i, . I iiiil t-llilli I lint I
. , , ,
tlie worlf uf one n.11,1 c. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 pi j llieio
1 v,'r 11 ' " '-
! "A w. U-me i ! I
Ion iH bfttel
b r i I" tiir it, h
i ,!""' n lo (1. e'.e.l
til it II woman i4 conn t lilies
. ' 11 "i:"-
' iVIiiit nee.le-il th "!, iti'tgnili" tilt
mu- ' -uiilv it ilinmi.i'it lm.'." t-i;'
iiiii.-s tli it, if y on me rich fooUwil'
ui ike tun '!i of y 01.
' Mo c.iiinot ' iv l.i i burlier for his
beard, nu. 1 lie utit 4 uili.(vHeH lor
j tlm Ci re'iio-iy of his maliiugo" re-
fell ton In ill !.o. n.r!rr luivit:g been
joiice milled, tiiis to l. eoiiiitieiiee
I bai 'ICS 1111 a large seal".
"lie is 1 ni!;ing for bin thread nnd
III id li', ni.iiur in,..,. I.i n l.,,..l l...-"
, - " '.jo.. .... r... . r,
) li lets to a 11) 111 Willi llui
fnilii'g into a Inoivn htn ly.
I .'oit ,.f
....... .
l "j wuiiled tu kiss liis wife, mid
lie put her eyes i.iil" means that
il is niore ofteii iieeouii li-Iied than
toil With the best iliti litions,
A N.'I8'.V Uiii COW.
I uey 1V1
I'.i 11 ! 1 I V nl ! hit 11 1 11 1.1. u
" 1 J I
''O.' Oo I' oil ll
'...I.. San
Fl.IIICIt-.CO, Uli.l t'".' (lot-
tlest, gul ol t i.' g'ls'ioti
Muitiit d':.:uu!;'iiis aud a.ud :
"On. that I:, Olid, l.ol'li.l In Ml'l
ii. in : i.i d t:. i.i'.'.-t in,'!.:;',,! I
V 'll'.lll o
ti."ie luht Miinii.i r you
I Vi 1' lo i:d lif. I. h II Woll.ler lli.l
j ti;;if dot'i'l till .1 while."
I " .Villi'. '"I f l! t !l ll.W it 1 ' c'jOI'llM
r.l til .. r .
j "''',' c! I, volt tee, f I'.nS mi ll'lf'.'
r.iili a pin-i'e pie-111. I'i'i.v, iri 1 I
I IV ill, lei e I
' t I
IllV- iil, ii'oo ll II
1,; .1 I'VelH. Af'ei" ilvlliliu
I Hilt diiA il to I t, j:j it 1 iijolv e in -
VOll. Illl'l IVi'l 'IO ion r I IH'ILI a
und befo: 0 lore.; 1 he it. I ;i ,
'l'lL"r r "'
ling h iii'i t 1:1 h. ini'i bulli
es riglit I'elilii'l lil". I Knew 111 1
oiiee, somehoiV, that it was a gri.-1
"liro'it .'colt !" nnd you it'I ui me!" her escort.
'Not a soul w tln 11 a mile of mo
lnsjut.t puts j zed Willi
1 didn't .1 lie to t-tir, but in it minute.
I heard tl.e beast coining to.uird me
through tuo thicket."
"Oh, if I'd only been there," said 11
young m m breathing very hard.
"I knew it wss no ut-e to try and
run, and I had heard somewhere
that bears uovei touch dead people.
So 1 just shut my eyes aud held my
' (ir ieious !"
''reity soon Iho groat brute
walked op close und beguu suitling
me all over. Oh, it was just leiii
ble 1"
"Should have thought you would
havo faiut ed. '
"On, I didu't diri tj," Biil tho
"Just then, supp ibo, tho party
rushod up aud resound yon," ssid
tho nppailed nudieuco.
No, they didn't. l'retty soon I
felt the great beast nulling ut tbe
(lowers in my hut, so 1 jiml gut up
and shootod the horrid thing away,
"What, tho 1"
1 t)li I it waau't a It w.m
a imsty cost. Hut jjst tuppose it
had a 1" tlio nudieuce refused t ) "suit.
pose," and tho p uly lo"Ue, like a
I ",.... '.. hi,:.'.) 1 i-i go d for il 1.
I rut', i-ii. :ii .1. . 11. I. nr i,.--1
1 " tf ' ' . 1 1 1. .. .;r 1. ' o .Irllv
" In;'.!, .)', 1 i . ,!,;:.'. u. , r'ti!.. m-.nti
. , , , . I . . I it '! ii1' i . . . i i I'. I'.. ",.. niil
'' - ic ii . : I" i ii. :, ,.,.. i . i. ii.m. i.i.i
i . uii i .
I.i il v. ir mi i'.i- ,r
'j'lii: portT,
ruli'ix'if.1 e ery 'Ihiirsdev Kvrnii(
Tonus of Si1seripf;rn,
two i.i,ns rr.n anncm: Piv-
nl !f. ri'liln six moi.tliH, ur ?i,."i'iriii'tt
pitiii ill, ill tl. 3 your. N' t..iie
C)::' u'.t-i nil iir.e.tiMfi-n me
I'lii l 1111V1.1 at tl.e ojitiiii. of iliu pull-
Sll'xi '',.,t, lMlt"tlo of tl.C OOl'Iltf
l1 VV r.i.i: IN AI'VAM'K.
I".?'!'' 1 "!.( lifting and 1 1-iii vi pnjfii
il'li' -i. n uili !' ii(iii(xiil.i.,'ri')ers
itid ve linhle fori he ofilie pnper
l'llT PI, til l' I.'.'
..n . I.i-..
I HI I-, Ii. I .- i
I I. j ..r ii li n.
. i t fii. I i iM.t :
"l f -I- !
III. 4- i..f'' I.M It-re I In-.
' v I .1 I I.
r. .' lit tic i . i i . -Il
. iMt-. in ... . ,i i i ,. . i..n,i Iji
ml m i.i- i-i 1 1 . i Tio-ii i
S l.klli le. I .. i . 1-1,1,. i.
Il III .V 1 1. I' I 'I " I II -I. I I III
I I I- . II li- if lil I M-ili", Mil I I,
I'i - if . .- It 'I V I if fir , I.
III ,. I
i',l r. li Hi - ,
I l K ' II II i. Kl I
IM ' I . .
. I I If,
mi II II I'I
I ii i i n, i I r n. i'
w ,11 ni-i'.ir.l I tri-.-in-ii
III! I ll III f
n. il i.'n "
I .11 1, it rii II--i-i. .ill. nr .iii t.) l,f V irirn
K I'll i i:. I I .-ii. , i i, I t (',. , i-i , .... , . i,
In I. .n in., i . -I .... ni.-l nt . .i- iln l-v nil
lui'i l-l I'm. ! I ,,.,.;l.,i, n -.0
f). , it ' ri.l" 1 1 r j I....... l.
ie I. I I-.. I I I'. in I.I ,, I I loinrr.
; I'I '"ill I I 'I. ' 1,-ur ,lr .1 j; ,, .,,).
I- I'l'l'-til '.i-l "1:1,1
I , .'. no ; In 1 1 I t i. . r'l.-r- it- I r.. . "n. mi .
f A I 'iiill'l l'- 'li rr..i.H i-
i-rii I I r Ilii-iim.) in-iii-a ..n ib
v i n .
il rand combination
of Blood, Brain and
Hit 7 3 V))i
: "nil Ititt.- a .IrrlK :,rlr .ti,rfiil l..f.
Sii.uinliiu rreii.rtii.rf ir ii'i M A I. r. tho.f ., h
,i-l. He ft'i l si.i,..'- in. 1, 11, rf Inlli'tir (...ii
In 1 l'-i. vlr ut .11, I I .iri'ij ,ti. V. v r , t IpMlli,
l " l- I ImI.I-.A1A. t.i llis 1 Hl'.l
I M-Il'l'lilni! ITId , I., ir. 11 IN. ..l..l,.r.
,r 1.1 Mm 1 iln.T II' ... I-I'rnil ir-r mi I I. Ir.
' ei '''it 'fx l'iiiiiiinif nvi-r it.illril n Mti moil.i'in
, r lui,,..,lo .
N liri'I M.ltlivrl. Anil
I' I lill If 11 .l.ill III. lira mi) nui ri'iu.
ul.l crory Mr liro.
..liilt llltli .4 Cultipun) , lliMlnu, Mlnliit.
I Mil. I'.
' IN.' V.'l.l AlU
I'I .MI.I. nitfl.
, vniTce '''fLr-TKS "'"" '" 'r "ui'e-
uur.l. kjy,,1-1 ln,t r,,,, t.i r...rjr mlifr uloi.
ii Af-rrXt tii'l ni.ii..n,e l.i.,rs
h. ,,.,.. i.),,,..,,,!,,, 1.1 ,ri' i' .In:, -.t il 0I4
I I mi I mi". ..i .i h'i.,.') ar t rrinr
, ii:i.-.iiiif.. ii. lm w.iro ti.ei' it.e I'll uf
I t I'i
I'm '"I' I'O' .'.T 111O k 10 ui! -. ut ntlV unit' IK
Jiall. I'll.-
1 '.'.. i' nl .. . 'i-i . . t w li-r
M'n;::xr 1 1 101. II .t 'It , Mud.
(.I'M IVIMI.II-'im I'll). Mttlit
i.m w 1 ik. S'pii iv 1 ii,,l.. iii.-i.i . Sane im
. 1 rii. A 1 Ifi' -1. It. 1.111 it . ,jl.i Nn"i.ail Midi,
i '. - .,
,l 1 1 I. N I I.I I 1 V 1 I 1 ii :. ii..I I r I . r. from
Nu, 1 1 111 1.1 1 . , 1 li 1. it . ri k ;. i.i:.
' .l .o .l II 0 Il.'.'ln i l l .i.n.lill III II-.-itj-
li'l., 11 lil I fllii r.illl' nl oe 1 1 llii l.llli:iuil,,
i'i I in 11 t 1 .1 1 1. 1 i'i I II I'.I' li" lr l' l ill-r-
.'I I "I, I ir !. 1 1, li-j ill.- iiiii.lf 1 , l.y vlo.-h
I, ' A.' f 11 1 I'.I . .'!,, .11... ,'-l ,li t '"tlf I f
II. f 11 1 1 i-ti l-rr , .. 1 " 1 1 .'ii .' 11 .-..ii ii.. t 1 I y nil.
. 1' p.t, ut ' t i-.'iiii irni'it. J.-ll.i ,. o.i.
iiK.N, 4. tl' l.l r M.. .Noujl ..III.
J.m I", 'ifm.
I'I ,1 1 I r. . I',- r., -.. ...
I. r n 4!itit'i..
t'l ..I'll' (." t',,1 rill f, ll 1 IV
I iiviiiu : li 1,111 11 . I..'ii . 1 li ifii.' ; nl..i
i'i.ii,,, ll .li. , .r 1,1 .il,i i,..i 1 liitnrl 11.1 .r.i.iN
1 ::h hl.i - 1 1 .1 01 1 ,, ,1 11 1 . 1 1 . t, ,:
. n i".li . n a i. 1 1 luiut ''. u-v 4 1.
n il.,. :. ' .ti.1,.1., IH..S, A.HI-r.l.H
, I'll., j I." hinti! M., It. 1 .
1 i fl ,vfMi-r. .4tt!tf It'PIl ('t If
Cufr ! ilr .ri l ili-ei"), I "iin-n uptl m , M
Mil t IK' I- H' t'i III t o kli 'v-n tft
1.1 IfUo itilfirv! t'.i lunithr til 1' "II
n i 1 .Ifirv li. ,o wi atii 1 11 r-'t y ti t,tpr
fTiit iii ti-o I, . 'r ol el: HIV-- ) with th lh.i.
tl !! I r i r; ttit n n l u tu ttit !', n l.lcii
Hie ill nu I u.i 1 t iiK lor iVA. i m r huh ,
A r r n m , Ki'.i'M tin i. i
I'ltriles ttit I'rt'f.Tli'tl n.wt.l i : t
H'lite", Ht'k.i. a. WllsNtrv, iv Icim m,
W lllinii.rf'-urn. .V. .
County Survovor
KraUervillc, Snyder County Perm's.
HiirTtyiii7 nt ('(tii,ynni,ing prnmpil?
;ill.( fit :i;inlly HHtMliliMl In. A kllftlt of
ilia tih!ic't I'Hlrt.nrift tftiiiriteil.
Julj 'J iih, '7f, V't
l!.' i.iiciii t'lul 1 Ut; jitiii fiii 'O - 1 hr.iliHi 1, f ifcl-
luitil.. lm iU. tt riiiH'r.'li'i It T ntillili oti linltil,
liioch' .iii I tr.t I'liyfi n) I Hi ui Man Rial A i'in:i;
H'.r In 'miii'f, nut irt-oti lir Ud
ftvul.itt Prifu, IVOcencv. tv I'f- A O.
4: l, tt i.t.-t hp.- ,ft, in m NoitliwMl,
wli i will jt f5C0 li,r t'lcr) ri nf prh; f
ohii'iiii" (lirn friitifr lit ui d'M'tf.kvp imil
ftii tt rum Si i u vuiiip (i Culde
Health, Roll, bt Frrr.alo Pill. S3
A 'i(i fl . i:i lur iliiru. iou
Or. A. C. CLIN,
Kuiittirky TAm k, 3M P C. k bt . i'Uit m;t, UU
ui W'trplilii nurt rrt with
Ht nl:i ll T t'r'UiSflltHi. h-mA
iittiiiifur pti u lur. ftr. ft A I K
Hunk iiirutMt ru. mirfttfu
fAL'GH U. Ill r.UKI. fi CO..
IV o. Mnrlcet HU
lhlliitltlplili Iji
fO'D Fl A--. r-"il I rVl'
I fit t a fsti b.m 1 tiir Mistai4-' 1
kVkitllWl RiseSMHn Ml. 1 K" JUVl tHi t!1 isffal.ii I
ii.vwlu.. ait ttl 1 .ii it I tl aL I .rllar. villi I
In nil 1 f1 I
j V',;, o I'm an t, .Si'iiy Jttmnrt,
j fi'iit-l ii h'ij .f, sj'K rh'y, t'lririit
I 1' 'I .it'' il 1 I 1 in xm'.M ' if rtirnf
j i"'m 1 ' i' irmua trn ail o '.
tt:?ev. itrtrT.
i 1.11 ! . . I .., . l-.ltl I,' f tt-f "
Nl I il t ho J 1 ' ' i-r In if ! , i I. i-ir,. nit .tii.hiril
, . I . I . ! II- . ; I Ii -H . 'ii t
Ii ' tlllS 1 li T-.',. lt , ,.,v!nll, l i',i.
!......: ,.,.,, ,... '
XI ill 'I. It.,.. O ! '..rn vc-wl. I'M.
.'I'll . .' i Hi K.., ... .. i-rt ..( l
I' i in . n , i. n . 1 1 ... k in. oi i r
-r v i T I ! ' . , . . f , ' fl 'I illT . V t l
I'll! hi I I f ....... . t : Ii. I. 1 1, 1 - I I,, p
I "l' I i'l. T I " 1 1 ' I 1 1' I il -i ' - r.. .. .
. -'I-, i- I 1 ' - I -I l,. IDI.I
ll.i- I. I UI4 It. -li-
Will you baud ber this 1" aid'jouroeynjsni - 'I
iter tuuiu. . jtj, HUSH.
-t" '-W all r-n if'tr Jitif ft W-!M v.) i Ih4 t