HIJMUItUUH, They Carried It Too Far. Mr. H'lt rlck cailft I t.i eo rue) 1 1 1 o o' Imr l d v, nti'l In Iih C ' i) run ol the eonrriititiu lur eni.l : ''Tin g iiiif to in o. I can't t.tid thoo Tiioiipiin iii-xt Jour to n i a any 1'iocr. Tlirv'ro tho (twfulo I piMi) K t borrow i hi ru. tint I pvpr saw. 0 iTui", on I IniUt-r, mi l Migir, iiml flinr, ijori't miii'l en nmdi, :tlioiti when n w..inen Imriuwt: L i'li-n icml fusr mid Java cflou mi I Briiil. l ack kii I cliiik'iv, a in mi intuully lei1! mill. Hut lliu)'vo I'OrrnvrJ D'-nrly vfHryl liinir in 1 1).' Iii'iint. Firi it i i, lit tiling no (lu ll it is n lull ti.r, Inmi in. lining till liiifht t'mh etrutglit ukiif. ,Yiw t'iei'!i tLe iok' r A . ai-Tri p ce ol mu . tli'mcty thut youii llcuk anytmilv woulj K'i iirmuii no 1 buy, or. If tlify couldn't offuid it, inilit ime (etiee iniliu to sluku up tLo Cup, H it Mrs. l'lioni"on soonu io liutiki-r al ter cir pokur. S io b rrows it fil toeo or twonl) timet tlnr, nul, tin! ln.t Saturday t.1,6 uut lur it thirty, four tiim'. Slio yg a ly two dillar u wo'k to run ovi-r ni.il bor row thut )' kir, ami nils' iihui! it io much thut it s bout like a curksotew. "Now laku i-Lsir, fur intttunee. She iirki us tu IcuJ bur our i-Laits thre IUIIV1 il.iy, al i vory ineul, und tint liui rons l ho rocking-chair every timo i-liu WHiitn to put the buby to li'ii. A couple times alio bo (it over lor a i-olu, uii I when ibo boy chuv luck wi ll it besuiii Mr. Tbmuiii wu mill uh tliuuli r au I k (it i w l iD wo ml tlio biiinu all iny botmise theru in no cmIum on it, Lint M n tiny mIio b-ni iw I our w.vli-bMlur. ami wo l.ud to put tIF WRHhinj; till Tiiundiiy. uf iJnl lur prr-buiiing in il, and tha i'uiiv iu'iiet wag our rlolh wero lull nf pn'Hci vcl pfacli ". I've tf"l on mi umliT-sliiri now thut I'm nti.'hty dultlii il J.I1 tf r git it off, it' miuk ho tijiht. Eviry Dow ami thoo she ha company nn I v.t borrow our lured alrl mid al! the parlor lupiit'iri. 0.n., benn iio 1 wouhiu'i cany the piano over I'm licr auJ tuke Joan the chandelier, lie told our jp-l tint thuru wuro in mora nrouud tow u ibut I wad a ro. fonuod pirate. l'erfocily co.iilu.mii ! Tiny think aottiiu ol seudiug over for a ouuplo of lc Juto ids or tln entry cur. iet, aultbo ottmr day Thuupsoii Buy a to me : "IJuttorwick, does your pump Uj pull up ca-y " 'And wliio I sid I tbou-ht ran), bo it did, uo miH : "Well, woulJ like to borrow il for a few riajs till I Cuu grt ouo, f..r mioc'a all rotted away." "Theouly wonder to me m that I,.. d 'ln't try to burrow tU well ulonu with it." "Aud tboo on Thurduy Mi. Tlimnpgou M'Ht the boy over to know If Airs. Batterwink would Ud h( r o ir Iroot door. She uid theij nan way netting p iinto I, ao ls iid bIiu wa afraid tbo baby wuUld catch col l. Wuoq I aoked hiiu wbut be mippoed we were goluij lodj to kenp corufir tablo without uuy fn-nt door, bo giid Mra. TbonipsoQ hu'iJ obu lofkoued we niiiiht luck up a bi-d quilt or mue tbin?. Aud wheo I r tued. the boy aid Mra. Thinupmiu toll bun to auk ifi woul l i't con I over thu front door, to ask Ii. Kuttorwick to loud bur a pairofatripid .'.ockiu.-a an J a borae- liuir biutl.-, and to bono the cuuli cutile till Monday. WLut iu thu ouiiia ol ' Joa ii nhe i;inlj to tlo with a butle uud a foul scuttle I on coucuive. U a they're moi-t i-xJ rairdina -y pooplo. r,mt Fourth of I July was itf Vo, Ut Fourth of July tho boy eaino ovur uud ,. I Mrs. liuttoiwii-k thut Mid. Thomp son i.'o'jlt bo oiiiuh oldii'd il fliu'd loud her the twlus f.,r tew luinutm. Said Mr. Tbompanu wai.ted Vnj to iuok orf u n ii w hnttle-top, l ei'iiuaa it madu bor baby nick to t inta frab In dia rubber, Cbueky wasn't it f Hut thav'a bor way. She don't iniod it aay more. Why, e known fai r to lake off our Johnny panti whun L'b been pl'yiny ovor thero with the cbilJiTn, an I neii J him h uo bare I'-ifel to toll hiii mntl.or that the boi nwi'd tUem for a pattern. And ou Tliompnii'a birthday she said her b tuie waa too Bumll for a party, that if we'd lend her our' wo migbt corau in the evenlog aud dance whb the ooinpany, if we wnulJu't let oo thut be did u't Jie llere. Y, air, I'm niorf to moi. I'd rather liv next djor to a lumtio asy lum aud ha the inanjaos puur red b it ihbt orer iha fmoi every bear ot tbo day. Indeed I wouU. Tb world, without woojon, would bu a perfoot blank like a sbeut ol paper not seu ruled. An intareaiintr man bn riaa-und hie daughter Time and Tide, Suthuy will wait Cur no man, a A tana that keeps rlt hrs sod on j)aiLeu a of, I ike an a that cariM gold iUJ tali tb tlt. BROWN'S A TRUE A PERFECT STRENGTHENED. A SURE REVIVER IKON Itl I'TKKM are liililjr nsnimmrndcil for all diaeaaea requiring ft certain and rtli. icnt tonlo) esxs ially MigtMion, lhfprpmn, Intrrmxttent Frrwn, Want of Ai)rtilr,hin of filrenijlh. Intk of Knrrjy,fir. Enriehea the blood, etrenRthena tlie niiiscltaiul Rivea new life to tlie nerve. They act like a charm on thdiKtlveoiviin,rrmnnn9a(ysi(tayTnj(oirui,aiK'h a Tnrting tkf Food, llrifhini,HtUiaOieSi,muvh,lltitrilmrn,if. The only Iron Iroparfttlon that will not blacken thr tootli or tfve hriulAolin. Hold by all ilniKRlsts. Writ for lb A HO lt,k (.12 lip. nf nwnil and amuatnjr nad in) wurw. IIHOWN CIIKMICAL (X., nnltlmorn, Md. BoaUiMall Inn BIUnflis1-Hr BnnsnvrmiwTrt On anil hTmi Aiwdbmmmmppm. RKWARI OK IMITATION. W. H. FELIX'S Lewistown, Miflin county, Penn'a, Iurit ni'o of 12vr.v IviiwI, lu?loi OIhiiiiImm, Jillllillr Joiii, Hull, iiikI Ii.it Ikmi, to Niiit llit; iik'iiiim til cvi'ry )i'Mtn. l'ltinlod Cliiiiubvr Suits, from - $15 to $j.r. I'ui lor ISuita, from - - $ til up, all waluut, covered in liuir cloth, lii-pn, Haw Silk, and PIubIkki, of any rulor. Wnlnnt Chamber Suits, with Marble Top, from - - $S to $125 l!udnti niln from - - 1 to $0. Hiirp.iui, Standi, fjounae. Chiir, M ittroan of all kiuda. The woo- dorful Woven Wire MuUrom or Spring A li tfooil kept iu etock and on liund, ready tor Hale, nud at CASH PltlCK.S, that will oouviocn all. tbt ynu can hiivo raoripy by bnyitiij where you tut the bent, aud ul wave Kt w hat you buy. GooiU packed nnl deliv ered, with the bout of c.iro, to It. It, di'it. C ill an 1 boo the the imiuenae Stock. No lionblo to Hbow goodn, tll'lt M'tl'Ti): Oood lloodn, Low I'riceH, aud to please all. Ordora by until will rucuivu prompt uttuution ut all times. Yours KoKpcctfiillv. Jon. 27, 18-1. 1PET CARPETS Oil 53 eSoflhs The undersigned has opened a Carpet and Oil Cloths Store cne dcor below the National Hotel, Selinsgrove, A large assortment in Stock- Prices down to the bottom. Pleas3 call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. We guarantee satisfaction in qual ity and price. Respectfully, Great Reduction in would take this ,p3i'tnqity of aa uonncing to the public, that I still eoDliooe in ' the I'uruiture Uusineas BDd that mv atrmlr is full and com- plete, aud that I I Bureau Mutt OreMHliiQ- Ornate Mull n Call and oompare in (roods with thoe of othor dealers before pnr ebasing. Look for the Big Sign, on Cine PtreAt, Kaet of Uikbert's store. Heappptfnllv. LKVinillJ.UR,, July .0, O.lf. fcielii .ytcvf, TONIC It ittuni tlio boHt luada. 9 3- m 0iD conSi S. WEIS. selling all my good at theVEUY LOW. EST PRICK, in fact cheaper than the same grade of goods can be pur chased anywhere in Snyder Co. Bee the following prices i ttO and Upward. Iff no txnd Upward. aDierMYB ii its allriss. The "WHITE" stands acknowledged Kng of all Sewng1 Ma chines. taporiaal and Caationary Notics to all intjuiliiiz nrn ot -scwinz Kacuincs. Ofloa WI1ITB flKWIVit MACIItNG Oo. CtvtAmi, O, Mf -27,MSSO. Wa partlutarlr aall ratir attantla to tha fact that wa itamp a aumbar la plalo, rtUUnal Baurai ob the bank hatlle-raoe nil t of oak maeblaa' and k-apa raooM of tuah namhira Wbo iM, a WaaTT ma Five TaAaa Ii (Irao lo tha purobmsr. Thla warraot baari Iba aama of tha aaaat who parohantA tha ma ohlna (rem as, at alio tha data ot fiarehaie and a natnbar eurranpoaillnc lo tha tll'lt sonibar Tha warrant It ilieot l bjr ut, tod hat tha orri ri L tatt of our eompauv ttampad apio It. All other warrantt In our name art tpuMoui, and partial lloillna the anna Ktmnaa mi tIl atao oa iFA'ti, and ao warranty to aorra tpond wlthtbaabora datcrlptlon, nar know at nnoa fiat aonntr or latar tha uwnar will ba lomltad to trouble, with no one ta fall back upoa. Thtnasnaa Whlta" It to-Wr tlia moit popalar maihlat opon tha inarkat, tha cuaap il, ao.l tha btt to own or fit. A large nam. btr nf the "Whlti" have btsn mt'la and t .l l tinea thty wtrt plaerd upia tha roirktl.l than any olh-r mukt In tha tvne lanKth of tluit tint-Saving Mtchlnat ware Inva it-d. Thtlr ItKhtpttt, ap-'d, tpara, betuijr, qnltoo-tt, do rablll'r. and prlra. combine to niaha thttn tha inachlnn thtl ararv finllj datlrtt to own, and thoroughly tatliUtd whtu once tlity pottaat tht-'Whlla." Tiie axon n trTimni7an ntM.tn roe Hnriltrtndndinliilnaaountlas.lt O. O. HKK IldLU MbJillediira- H.,n.wt advlta Initu.l InR purchaser! to pstronlta Dona other, anil thereby aat the venuloe White'' WH1TE8EWINII MAUHINKt'O. WATCHES,; Cloeka, IN.ivol tin. Co. band lor prl.w Mat. AOKN T In all pirn nf t ht t'.H and daiia- wnifi. ii. ii. iiuim.kc mi., iinn.iri ert an. I l mulaoturert, Utrrlaa Brluat, Mich July li.'H IT. $66 A WF.RK tn vnur own town. Outfit rra. No rUk. l(-.l.r. I ut want a bii.ln... at which Ui.rMii.l Hinar o m nr-il ..y .i ti.e ton" thr " irk, rllt for r tcul.rt tu H. IULLLU roriinnii Juue U, 'bU.lv. Maine. DTTPTITDP! WM Trns ! wtiAt von otnff. I'ht iri.tA.t Invantlnn tl.i.uaf Sr i.iir a n;iilt tut . Haul no. J V Ml IN. HKilti.tbura, N. Y. Jti iilrHol 'J. t ..i- A si - a.i ) tjMinti sJasi 'jonujl.i jol r0,V !(' -ItaJll 1't i"HV .'liO.IWI U KKMt 'lllllt'lrt IKe.U'riM Hll.M,lll. ( I' 1 A..MMV j0 nn.ii on p-iu .1MnN P"" AV7IH4 ,aiiriitil.f ti 'tii4i.t.i.ijH)K 'If V H 1fc ,nl "'l '"1 l"IUlalM u )IIIUp Q 0O( ini,mniBl1 aiu I'll .mii inti'jniini .11, IH i, ilt.ll l Olllfl w l.iW -l If. ?(M(HIM IOAV -liU It) II l(t I ,Ml uMM'i tvtl xuif OOG ifjti 1f.tjt jiiujC a a tw jtaii 1 1( rltj. a-.i Jrt fM )J-J iHO "t i IH'I ail lllll ilVMIIIflf J.1 ll'f M'H thill U.M l(llflll it JQ USH t j.i,rr,ipai(t1ini j 'I JitijtM jwnntn ot BUtIOI 'Vtt-II)S 'HMIIJ W1 "IftUVKjilV tUt lib -oi .., jo iiuju iiatimi JoaistaiaMlot .JVllJfJ l SMIIMJlll.tMI.UllU !( tt-l liunnusiio Jir)JfJ IMfJM T"T pa)tr AiffMit sMVeUtniMI HIJfiri saaVaasaxBiBBBW9 '"""w Vnt.miar fin' rmjr HW 0 U I II 9 JA)i ,itujnd poo a j)tj..jfl t.l4111 J-Mi fl jil Jti Mill III AAtlJn m tKMS )u"imi am n iinuoiipuua pulUJp Ayer's IlairVigor, FOR RESTOniNO GRAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL VITALITY AND COLOR. It It a most agreeable dressing, which It At once liumilusi and effectual, for preserving tlie hair. It restores, with the glues and freshness of youth, faded or gray, light, and red hair, to a rloh brown, or deep black, as may be desired. By IU use thiu lntlr Is thickened, and tmldneas often though not always cured. It checks fulling of the hair Immediately, and causes a new growth In all cases where the glands are not decayed ; while to brasby, weak, or otherwise diseased hrtlr, It Imparts vitality aud strength, and renders It pliable. The Vioon cleanses the scalp, cures and prevent the formation of daudrufl; and, by it cooling, stimulating, and soothing properties, It heals most if not all of the humors and diseases peculiar to the scalp, keeping it cool, clean, and oft, under which condition disease of the scalp aud hair are impossible. As a Dressing for Ladles' Heir, The Vioon Is Incomparable It Is color, less, contain neither oil nor dye, and will not coil whit cambric. It Impart an agraeablo and lasting perfume, and a an article for the toilet It I economi cal aud unsurpassed In It excellence, fBtrtUtD sr Dr. J. C. ATER & CO., Lovcll, Mass., I'raolloal and Aaaljrtleal Chamlat. sou. av au. Dauauiere anavwaaas. W'if ketv on han J all kiuh oj T " Blank $ucA at Note$, Sum bjkw laimjaBLaw a- .si-.4i ...c .... ". ar. Warrant l.eattt, nubpo- . !. .. tbc. I , . . A - - ' UstUin Creole, rYi.hlDBn, aiUMixcrvtua vi ..lult stssiTB Traotlon and Plain Engines and Horse-Powers. a CWplurWrr.krrrtrtMT 1 1 ttll hlllhad taltaWaMi i I FA S A A VlTa OO " wHvm4mn4m9ml twt. J 'I ILArtO-M. withi.lil Cb.l'to nl tj fiinTiii-nH.'ni, or Nvnllon, "W j"ia i trviM MrnM. fi-M, mom Mr ft r5- rmH Trnrilon FisaTtuen "1 rlmlai Lnir 9ft swn In ihn AnwnuftU mwliB. for imLinarHhr ith wsrHor fHtlttU 11 rmrf Htm mm it nutfritU w X siiiatirtHlm IjriOi'r ntkfrn. Knur airi of Hrrmiiini, from O to 14 kmrwm ftltfltY, rr tnm nra nwrf. ennfitantlr nn bnI( from whl h t tnnll tii Itv tKnntisumuw viiuu-irurK tn our uisacuiiiry. TRACTION ENGINES IHmnjfl, PMf dm raht. rtvtal aJR. .tnt r Ot AVi a uvno rtwsn Ynrmrr rfd Thrrtlmnnl art ItirltM to Bivftiimta thi. wni'ki '1 hrcniujia tlat-luiirrr. Vuvulan t A.t tn-ai NICHOLS, 8HIPARD CO. Battlw Crewk, Mlchlann, YOU WILL BE SORRY f Jon Tfipla-B that nil P tim p With ft new 00 bit du nt Ant carefully lamlut tb Buckeyo Force Pump, fhst Helir In tlit vary latat lmnromol InFuiup. Il ti C Miatriifjtiiil with ir-chnibrt wlilAM hiaho it vry -af m npstrai . im rmn t t ktfiii'liftl lo th iluokor Pump, Riirt wttr ran h thrown Hlti nr hiill-Un In rn of flr. You rn wnti.r font tritio wt 1 ard, whd Wluduwi. wub 13 a lot, d1 bftve wri If o i yn ir own pfi tilsM M uo aiiro eot tMniti OrJl0ry pUtD.it It Cannot Freeze In eotd wttlh.r. llur.Ult bcTon.l t donl.l. Tht virypnntB fir iletu wrllt. Tni wurklHM Vtrlt are l".thr tuollniit fid vatvea wlthlu a rct lain ileal oUtuiUur. Nothiu lo linear auoui 11 mo Iron Turbine Wind Engine la tl.oa ar.tt Imnrortioaiit la Wlnl Kntlnta r.n tn.i Mt til.. imui. Iu oprttlwn, or for particular! auiirttt W. 0, HRATTOW, lwl.tiiwn, (Kt.sn isn.tr, Mimin roomy. P. JOHN F. ZKCIIMAN, UNDERTAKER, Trojerfoillt, .Si'tihr county, ra. t'n.lartaklav In all lit braaoh.a prnmpttr at timloJ to. Mrjb U,' 7. J. (TebSpfek,- Wlil Hi 1113 A8Jt: for rtiiif.Y iitrti.Kx m:i.i mi s ii it:. i u ii; lt()OK.S. .1 biniHlniri, .STny iler county, rci.u'n .July a.'sotia. HSPflPEBE twsi'4i'Mi Aivi nntiim Iiuhbau (10 pni'-o SEL1IISGB0VE MARB1EW0SKS. The noiltrtlKnt'l karlnv purolitieJ tht St- in'vmve inrum nurnt, aa it now luuy rt liartd to lutnulaolura. MoDuniiiits A d il Hcais'.oncs. Milt tummar at rrlto. inuah lowtr than hereto fore, aou lower tlian bat aver btto ilout lo the oounty. Harlnalntt rtotlrtil a larae lot of naalant. of all tlia iata.t ttylot of Monumtnlt A htad. .lonet, 1 am able to alva tHtltfftotlon In ttyltt and rrlOM, to all that wl.b to daoorate tba tiravai of a dortrted frland with a iicul, clitap 1 bava alto inada arralnaemanl.. .o at Ia ha able to furnltb on abort noiloa, Marble, Namt ttone, or an. r'her kind ol dnor and Window Sl"i, at irlcat to toll I La purclit.tr. Perrone In need of any of the abore articles will tate money b calllim at tba titlln.arote Otarble Work, bafora puroba.lua el.owhara. I a 1.0 katn Kaek't I'ntinKlitlvaiiliad lirare (laardi for tale. I'lre dllfaraat tiylti. Dome and tee. ItajrMr. J, H, Long, of AJamthurf , I asent for tha underalgned where all o Uera'will receive prompt alfcnlinn. MiT,'re-tf. V.UIANTNI'R BESTS bntlnr.t now bvfiire the p jb lie. Von oaa roabanuntj htttr at wurk fur ut tbaa at aoviblna alte. canlitl uui rai)iurt.i. a will tiari na. an a dui tud upward, made at h.ttnt by lu Induatrlnut. Man, woman, buy. and h Irll, wantad eor Kbi'rt tu w.irk tor ut. Now lithe Mint. You oaa devotn yoar whole time to tut work, or oa ly your tpara uiuiuenli. No otbtr bu.lntai will pay yu uttrly at will. No oat willing to wort ouo lull to uitk- enoruiuui pty by anaa' Ins al one. . C'o.tly llutitt and taruii Irta, A uratt opportunity for luitklna; uiuuay aatlly and honorably. Addretl TUUKA Oil., Aueui. ta, Mtlut. Jeue'il, 'HJ.ly gm Outfit furol.ht.l fri-e, with full In. A A fl 1 ttruotlont for aonduelluy Iba uio.t I I I proftitbl bu.lna.1 thai anyone e.u Mr 1 Winmiii lo. Tba butmawl.au ea.y to l-irn, and our In.tructlout are to ilmiilt and plain, ibat any out oaa make uratt profit, rout the vary ttari. No una can UII who It willing to wo rk. Wouionareai lueoa.afiil a. nun. Hoyi tad ai'l. taa eara large .uutt. Altnv htva mtdt at tha bualntat over one bun dred dollar! In a tingle wttk. Notblna Ilka ii eror tnowu utn,ra. au wuo engagt are aur- riatu i ma aa.e enn rtpiuuy wun wama bty are able to make money. Voa can an gene In thlt bulura. during your. part time at great pronu Yu do not aare to lovnt aap lit Iu It. Wetakeall tba rl.k Tboat who nrad read mooay,ihoald write torn at onee. All lurnl.b.d (re Addrata Taua a Co., Au. gu.ta, Maine. uai, ii. iuu, Risley's Witch Hazel. Ourti Haedaahe, Uurat, Bpralai. (Juti, Wounda. Mheumail.m. Tnothaeba. Earaobe. ate., ete. Warraaud equal In quality to any made, al half Ilia price. ui. lloltlat tie. Plot II tilt Mo. Uta.Sl. Hare yonr drugultt order. If he: has sot la tlKck ol t'HAirCta P. K1BLKY A CO., W boltttlt bruggliu, btiUorllandi Mrret, New York City. Jo, SO.'tl.Jm. "Merit Must Hare Its Just Rcwari." Of Iba many Catarrh and H.y Paver rtmt diet we kep Iu atrok there It none ol wbltk our euatnman iptak mora highly ibanof tly'i trtoua Mim. jt vouirttivaiy new oiaoot try bel ooe wbld, from tbe maay raporta aad er IU.nxtioreur.lpriduoiJ.il doitlntd to be a I. tiling article. We bate saver htadlad a Mined y which kaa laerettad at raoldlv In ttlta r that kit given auoli unlvtr.nl tatltftolloa. "lot, toaia. u. H.uuiCI ENTUN, III ru.tua Hii.ti, New York. TART LI NO DIGCOVERYI ' LOST - MANHOOD RESTORED. A viiitm at yon tni ul Improdenai omuetug Prama. mirt Dm, Ktrvuua Dtbilliy, Lott llaubuod. etb. kavtsg trkd In vain evory kaowa muady, bat dm eovtcul a timnlt atlf euxt. wblcb he trill tend Para ... ii. r-ti-. - aa a u a. "VI - - - - lSlctbaAitVtnS. V. j baneh'j it fjo $ Ai irUmiti .f. Evaporating Frmt- Br.siT rRKR.-.TrMilwsii I nprsivH Wet a oda. Tublat. vltbl. pri.-tt. ir .fltt an1 atotrat tUlltllnt. AHCHljA.t DalKit UO. Chfo- keribara-. Pa rncvurn wf.w tkst w kjitb i Muntr.nl. Ub.ape.t an J it. B.ilt at tlaht. ii.h.wv9 rtminotif Tjiorro i skw iiuiumnii iiiuiifio Aaana aotl. A. J. uilLkAft a UJ. I'bllaila. S.' 1 M W 4,t (,.in TuiViie rl. onlf SM. A'lilrata DAM KU . BEATrV natninatoD, it. j. Have You Ever Known Abt iroa lo ha terioe.t. Ill wlthant a weak loin.ch or Inaptlra IW.r or klJnty.t An. I whtn thmwiiratnt tre In ood tnu.ntlot l ton B'l flnil ihtlr KiuM.ir anjnrina a "oil health t I'trk.ri. lnr Toxle alwaya ranlatai tht.t Importaat nraant, and atf.r fall, to maht tht Iflood rlth tn.l iar. and tn tiranath.a aarf ptrt ol ilia ty.ttia. II hit onrt.1 kamirait or d.tualrlat la.alida. A.k jour n.ia.ioor .mui 11. Mil MEOAt AWAIDti thst Aut bor A nawanrl imat Hi4 arJ Wvk.W!srTnUdltmlaalaDd chfaptt, intliarMwablAto owarf ma.ntiLUd "tha Hciamof i.tf cr.Srif t'raatyfratW Hfnnd tn BnaH Krvttrh mtiBltn. awtv aaml, full ailt JUtviUir l-Maatiful Ul ntmairm. 1 Ja pruaonp. arm, nr on tt aani by mail; flliMtrasNiaWfnpl,6rnti kataxl A -' ' l'Mtwl ua. WOW l I OIUjI . K ItH, Mx 4 Hnlhmet, aa, tkwLums TAS5ITE (far Hnw-llinifs, Fiaitiurlrai. auI ninrblnr HhaiMa . rirratara. aiar iTniTivfTpm ORUDINO MACMIMVtl Voiirmi v.. pW THE RELISH OF THE WOHLO 1 HALFROD SAUCE ! SOU) HY ALL DRUtitilSTS. TlrTV I n tall I'rult and Orn.nitattl Traaa HA.rj. lrrK-t,!4hran.. Roaa, at. No .t. Dnitri.o t r.quirt.l. B.larraol ei- LK'nUtf lltltl. J. '. LaOM'KE Rxehatter W. Y. s s s J .'7. 51 8 ? Hai m ""' &3 HSi 15 Hill PMi!sBe'fa tir Make Home Beautiful, .. U . I . . ....... . . . ... biiHiMTiiiKv. ;uniro .nnjori.. Lowaat print., tttnd fur Catalogue and prlne ' " i' i i.i) iwir.,,, t. i, M(i:i HIIY Alio., PhlladrlpMa. Fa. OR ft A WCt 10 " ""I sa Mora V.AVlJlIl O HUnn. 9tn up Haptr free AdilrettliANlkL. '. HfcATY, Wa.blngton ENRT A. WOLFLEY, Saddler and IIarne3 Maker Ccntrcvtle. Snyder County, Penna Krepion hand, and ntak-a tn order all kinitt of llarnaaa. Sml.tla.. u.iiiin vvi.i. .,ni... An, Ao. All work auaraniet.l for o'na yaar .... mui inm ao pr"vi irat u. ndtrtttndi ui. butlnaii. Sot iu,i, gold.; (treat rbanra lo maki nmnty. We nttd a p-r ton In every t iwo lo itkr .ui..i-rintiiin. fur i I n gtrt. rhtu.tMt and l..-t Jllu.iralt.l lanillr pub ,M .no ..inn. iiiviiria i,in uti'init a .urpnr-iiii aeoi. mj elcn.nl wurkt ol an vu iroi io .uuanriir.. I li prli't Ij lo I mai im li evr mmy .uha. ril.it. One aunnt report! tnklnjj l.u aui.anrllKra In a day, A l.i 'J uciit rrporta maklpg nvr jii plt.ir n tit In irniltv. All "do tnmaa innbe moi ry N.i i uhv.iii ii..iiin an piiir unit io ibt mi. man. or only y.iir.p.ro Hint you i ttd not n away from hrnat nvtr uight. you em dolt t ell a. oii.tr.. Kullilircoilnii.tt.il term. lie. r.itgnt tn l rtptn.lva llulflt Ire-. If yuu wm prnittabla work tend ua vonr nildre.t nt nnoa. it co.t. n. IMna lo try tht l.u.lnt.i. No u,i won vi.v-.us. ihii. io iiiakt g tat ii. y A il.l.a.I . 1 LVlUll V I u. .u . .... .. . . j lij ii. j unimau. ;o.,i'iriit. r ."aloe, Juut 24,'lu.ly MARBLE WORK LiswiMiurta, PA. ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE MONUMENTS, Tombritonea, StHtuoB, Urns, Vases LAM IIH fnr PlillilrnnV n... Pout; Linlelt, Tablftop. Marble ' and outre MtlHIflt, AC. S II thoie who deilre topnrchete Vimhitonn anything elae nianulartured at tha above men 1 1 . i n . I m.rl.l. w n L-. .k. I ..... . . ... algned agent, before purshaalng alaewhere. July ll'76 tf.l M l.ld Itburg, Boy der Co.P HELP Yonr.tl.tt by n a k I a money when a golden rbtnoe It nft.rtd. Ihtrth. alwnvt ktanlni. mvm.,v Iroui your dour. Th.ni who al.in ik Ttniaga ofibe good ebaneoi for maklug money that are ofTared, gtntrally b-omna wealthy, while Ihoit who do not Improve fnoa ebtarei rtmalu In poverty. We want many man, wom an, boy. to I glrla lo work ( r ui rlglit In tbtlr own lostlltlta. Tbe bualaeaa will pay more than tan tlmei ordinary wagei. We furnlth en exitnilve outnt and all tb.t you need, fret. No ont who enntgti Itllt to uiike monty very rapidly, You ran dtvote your whola lima to the work, er only your .pare momenta. Full InlorroHlim and all that It nieded ttnt frte. Addrert Stikhok A Ou., Purtland. Maine, Ool, -21, 1 .80.1 y. ' $5!: Outfit sent fro to llioan who with to engage la tht mntt nltt.snt &n.i liri.nt .blK buimtti kuuwn. SttmiiiinK new. tlnp tnl not rtuuirtl. Wt will lumi.k vou tvtrytblag. tlo a ! tmt ,n.....i. i wnnil, uin.iv w 1 1 l.uu, in t IVIT l.-tm lOtll ovarnlgbt. No rl.k abalevtr. Many ntw ..r..r waatrd at nnot. Many are making forluntt at tbe bullae.!. I.aliai mka a. much al mm, ami young boyt and girl, make gr at pay. No on. who It willing to work fullt io nmi mora monty avert day than ean be mode In a week al any ordinary employment. Thoee who engage at onoe will ami a abort ro.l in f.irtuii. AddreJi d, :HLiaTT AU rll i a I, M tine. SlOot. SI, tata.Iy. FREE BY MAIL Wonderful Cures HOPELESS CASES OF CONSUMPTION Hronebllla, A.thma, Oatarrh, Dytptpila, D.bll. ly aud All Ukmulo blatataa. SO y.art rf area! tip.rl.uct. S.uuO UnptUta eaatt cared. At- lo.i.ining iiiawivtry or new treatment to quickly fall. ii. make blood and build up Ibt ayiM.ro. Invalid! eauttd lo tat and dlgett tnnrinoualy aud gain S to S pou ml. per wttk. Villi and liralli.g font It r.plilly tad powerfully iiwretat d. Nw life and vigor Imptrltd tha Brat f. w dtya. Btvoieat etttiof (Joiitumplloa, bail ft.t end glveu up tndle, cured la lot mouth.. In. fltmintllnn In Ibt Luuu, removed Hrotia Ptvtr aud Night Hwetia, end laugb made looar, aud etty, er chrcttd Iu SO b.inr.. Tbe lrt.tLU.-iit tibllar aire, eialtt, arom.ee all orgaua Into healthy tad vigoroi.i opertlloa. Il la aim Hit groataat curt on eanb for Ltver, Klduer, H.att Htad, lllood, Mkle, Ptaiile aod Nur.out Iileetee., U.mlnel Wtatiie.., all dl.aa.ra of rhlldrrn.and l hi Opium Habit, Wa art ion. til in our nnrr, loo earn.tly Invite y i lo writ, or cnaie b.foro II la too lata, ao iillr wlml yonr d I ., evra If thtndonr by lUa al .7.i.R.lin w,i,.irMn, i ru. not i .liuiuiah. A 1 .1 - I u,l., ..,., ... ro.illLla.t . vrth 41 to 44 ai'iil by bjiV In tU ... wnt at me ntnita tuw ana ewi Slolrd Ik Ihtlr vicinity end n ernl potiae sr. n. iiicrrnHA ---slit a t Philadelphia dttir Rail Road.. Arrangement of Passenger Trains RIAYSlth, TVifns tnw. fltrruhitra ae foltnmt l trtt t n y.b 1IIH. and l.4 i rr iw y. ia hlladele'iU tni ai I tlrnnk n mie." S y a. n , an I I I ) i fo, Phlltilsluhlk 111 .IV.U.m ...... .or.m. ' " " . Z? K.-?',"- .. I et,.ll l.H, i.f, and a.no . m Vnr ninrii. a i a ni.a ii vn .an'.n m ad tit 8rhuylkttl A ".nu-htnoe Braath. ' am a 111 at eati B'na aHL.o For All.iilowo, ,,! OK AM a, tn , t.Mtad W. m Tht tos a ra. anl l4Jn. m.-tralnthtrs throuik eara for New Vori. yia Allenioe-a. Sunday Tnt Allenfnwn and Wae tatl'mi, S.tl. wt. for Haadlna. fkllaitalnhln. ul w Au. tlnnt. I.Up. m. 7V( a for H'trrlnhuri lrnvt n Mlot Iiim Tnrk.rla Alltelowa, S 4Je.ni.. t.e and in p. m. New York, tit "Hound Brook Rnnt." aa d I'b llad.lphla. T 41 a. m., I .DO. 4 on ind i.an p. ai arriving at Harrlibar I Hi, SSI. ,p. m.. and lllii.m, r ItTt I bliidtlphla, .4 im., 4 on, and 7.41p.m. I.a.e Pnlttvilit, .,. 10 a. ra .and 4 4" pm l.etre Rnadlna. 4.vi, f .so, It.M a. 1 io. S.IS, T.to, tn.no M p.m. ' ' l.aara foila.lllt, rla h nylklll Afa.qna. hanna llrani'h, a il a. m. and 4 4 p. m, It Allaiitowa, too e.ee i.e. m., lltO.AM sad S.O p. ta. Suml att Iiti New York, 6,30 p. m .-rhllattphla, T,46 p. m. I.rare Rtadtnr T.M a. m. and iO.BS p. m. Laete Alltutowa aiv.oi p. m. Itil.lMVIt lIRAXril. I.eate lUril.hnrg Tor Ptllon, lyx-hlel, ind Butlt.m d.ily. airtptaea lay. l.l'S. e n, Hit. u,., w y. h. wmiij, rr,., r. aillfUKJ BOO l.lin dty , 1.16 p. mH aud oa Saturday only, 4.44, e.lo. t.so p. ra. Re mrnlng, laare Bterlton itallr. etrtpt Bua day, S.. T .i-o, iti.oti t. m., s.sn p.m i dally ti. rtpt hiturday and Numlav, a.lo. p. m., and oo Hat arday only, 6.10, s io, w.6.1 p, m. J.E WOO TTEN, Qen'l Marinpor. C. O. HANCOCK, Jon'l I Ails r A Ticket Act. Feb trt.Tlln 44. CHOICE EABiM at LowFigures. T? Ti. nilFIINaroN, ofFrank Iln, b.Tlog ieonrd the aatney lor Ilia following Ttlutble Hooka will rnmmtno t at once tn otnrta Mnydar oounty. The Oomp Itte noiiii:Tic lUKu;, among tbe prominent feature! ol whteh are HlKtory of all Rcliglout lunnnilnatlona t lliog. raphti-i of tba Inspired Wrlttrt Uallary c.f lllu.trted Scripture Inddtnti lit grtat number of llluair.tloni t Its Nuparlor Typng. rtpby i iu Kmbleuiatie lilnding and Ktaaoaa. bit Price. Tlie Aclniieits of My an oilier African Kipl mra by J. T-ll.a.llty, tha mo.t brllll .nt dtaorlutlre Author la Amer ica. lUNOl.KY'ii ANIMAL KINGDOM, a.pleadld yulume ef liw pagti luoo lllunri. tloni. l liaaa are the moat highly lntert.tlnKpul.il rtllont now i.lltrtl tbe Amerlo.n puiilli- aid theprlott bate Into re.lu.-.d to at to bring Hi. in within the mtnm of tbe maaea, and it. Iittt ,tlr. Hutllnglun li rttldaut In ourcnumy and wholly mUuli. Oot. , 'IK. A Great Ginse!'of Enien Misery In the I.omb ol . A l. elnrp o" Hie Naiore, Treatmtnl, i! and raillian I.. . . . . , ... l . ... . ' . - - ."vhi.oi r. uiiii.i nrinir. fSrs g er BpeiBiatnrrli.-ea. Imltirtd l.y Ki lf- tan. Ahi.an. Involllniarw kinii.inr.,. Ira. .ptimry Nerrnni liihllity. and lmiedinieiilt .. : itl'g' i-rnerally i t'onaunipllnn, Krl.iy and KU I Menial ei ii l-hyli tl inrnptcliv, An. -Ily hoMMIT .1. I I I.VrlHtt PtLi, M. !., nuilmr c.f Ui.. 'Ori-en Honk Ao. The nriil.rn. reil tuil.nr.ln thla AdmlnVe I. clnrt. c vtrly prove from l.l! own . j .r. huiie thai tbe nwtul Vnnciirneii ol Mlf Aiuatiiinr It rllci-tually irniovtd will. ml lnng..rnii. turglotl ntieratlotii, hnugli lu.tru inti.ir, ring., or ror.llt It ; pointing out a mode ol rum al ot. re rertaln and efteetuHl, by wl.lru ev, ry .ullrrnr, o'. milter what hit eoii.lliln may be, inny cure liimiulf cheaply, privately uu.l railloally. Thin I.e1urr will prove a 'oort lo IhouiunuU unit Ihoummls, riant, uner real, In a ptaln eavet. pe, to try a.lilreit.on rroulpt of tlx cenli, or two po.t age a initipt. We haveal.oa lareSeure for Tape Woria. Addiaa Til E Of I.VE II WELL MEDIUA I. C , 41 Ann St., New York, N, Y.i Poit Offlte Uox, 4M0. JOHN LAUDENSLAOlClt, BUGGY MAKER. 8EI.IN8O ROVE, 8NYIIP.R OO., PA. Having purchased lb well knows atanl Id BelioegroTe, formerly owned be I'uilip Oleoker, I am prepared lo aocommodaie all wbo may-elealre anthlng in mj I'ne, and warrant latiafaolion ia allot ir I ketp oonrtanlly on hand, and am prepated I manu.'aotur at tbe ehorteat nolioe, UUUUIK3, SULKIES, SLEIOn.S,4o. lioinc eiprrienced in tbe builnem, I flat ier niyitlf Ibat I am fully prepared to rural tbe wanta of my eutlomtri. Tbe banJ employed art among Ibe best mechanic! ia the county, and their work will not fail It give universal satiafaeilon. BdrBpeoial attention paid to repairing in all Its branoliea.-ifei Hhop on Market at reel, a few doors soul of the German Reformed Church. JOHN LAUDKNaLAQER. Hellmgrove, April 7, '70-lf SoiAi New Fur AE. DANIEL 0. BCROfiTRE88KR dtilnl lo ouuiiretoftll lutctrostDil, That sine tba tlM si.lutluu of tho Firm of Uttrgstrrtscr It tllrlrboa tbo Ut of April, no bu opeuod 'Iu Ills djw U ti tid ing Iu Helios Orovn.ou Waltir trest.aboTS rtii. ot posits J. H llounlu stors, Leather Store and Fin ishinsr Shop. hire will be found al til timet tn aatarlminte all klndi of Plnlthtd btook, oontltllng of liar ut... Bolt, Upper, Kip tnd (Jilf Skim, Morroe oo'., Llulagi, Topping. Ac, of dID.r.ulqualltl.t end prlctt. The atteutlon ol Mbo.mia.ri. nruv tri.inaaiieinereie luviltd, btlora pBrcbaiius tltewhtrt. Thlrly-Bviyiiriii a practical Tanner tJuallSa him to uda Ibt qnalltiai of Slock. Uldtaiakta In aackauk'e for Ltttbtr. U, O. BtHUBTIlEHMEK, J ana T-'TSJ ajtllatgrovi, Baydtr Co., PS ISAAC HIMVEK, Surgeon Dentist ! Mlddleburg, Snyder County, Pa. Orrioa i PaasaLia aaaa tbs Dare Every thin or belonging to tbs pro ft'iiou done Iu the btat meaner. Altwork warranted. Tertai moderate. He will alto attend to bu.lotii eviry twe wetkl ( Ucnlievlllt, Treielvllle, Vaayer toon Adaibarg aad railtarilVt. . I.e. - Auctoneer--Oetirira H. HckeD Imie, of Miiltlleort'i'k. P. O.. would so iioudco to tlie itpup Is nf Bnyder coun ty, that he will cry sale for" real so ar (uuu- rel Bfi atiep sod erms. Ur.l5.Tl. leraonai jiropcri.v, in suorinouov .in Ihn inrML im.nii.Mi farm. KuaiBMtctM uticf:'jB. (UtU.lS.7ii
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers