The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, June 23, 1881, Image 3

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Ciddleburg, June 23, 1881,
Tn'ntTr rooT.-f tft ot
BeVler County are held on th f.nrlh Mosdayj
fehruarr, Mt, ! Stpisiab', kid Sool
Moa.lay of pembr.
All communications, business Id
ler Ac, for thin olnce, to secure
orompt attention should be addressed
follow: Tim Post, Middleburjr,
Snyder County, Pa. Advertisements
,.v.tiiinioAtiona Ac. must be handed
In by Monday noon, to aocure insor-
Ion in next issuo
trr--: - - -rr-r v
See change of time of P. ami E. R.
Cherries are In market, next green
Our town U not afllictsd with many
I Privo your homes slowly during the
1 "h it sccording to the revised ?" is
Itlie Intent.
I Tlio music! mosquito is around
Jbirtking acquaintances.
Frontdoor stops are doing active
ervire these evening.
( is said cignretls produce ulcers
inJ cancers in the mouth.
J It is said that the abominable hoop
Wrts are coming into fashion again.
We are alwavs glnd to receive item
bf local news of publication. Send them
Work is the weapon of honor, and
lie who lacks that weapon never tri-
No two-cont piece have been coin
ed for ten years, which accounts for
Hlieir scarcity.
We don't think'th'.'ra will be anoth
er front thin summer, so you din plant
your advertising.
A man by the name of Dip pie foil
nto the Lowiitown dam, on Wednes
day, and was drownded.
Tho Central Pennsylvania Dontnl
Usociation will meet at Aintiiigdun.
fin the Sili of July.
The Juniata Valley Camp .Veelint.
t Newton Hiimilton, will begin on
Tucidsy, August ICth, 1881.
No, there isn't another circus prim
ing, but the goltinn moment for pick-
ng potato bu-s is lit hand.
"A stiuh In timo snips nine."
bis is true in gardening. Weeds out
e better pulled n?w than latter.
I Farmers commenced culling prnss
f lis week, and tho air will noon be
Med witlj the prefume of now buy.
The best preparation known in mnr-
et for restoring eary hair to it oriiri
lal color is full's Veetabli
Ifair Ronewer. Try it !
I .'t-fiov. Curtin ha been awarded
tl.&V) hs ditniMKP caused by tlio . &
JV. U. It. running through hi farm
car Chamhershurir.
ll.ibins have selected fence rornprs
n I hushes for their nests this season.
J'. ;h in aaid to poriu,l vinlont storin
I li thru' the comiitj; Simmier.
, The season ha snivel when old
,' Hid turtles with ancient ,htos curved
n their barks put In an ni.pnrunce
o furnish subjects for local items.
ii executors Sale of Real Estate in
, I'cst UViver towiiihi,) j ,ty 23, '81,
1 jcoiiieiiuiu;er executor or the laxt
E 1 aa:tt - r
I win oi iiiiiirv i c...
i ,a . avo
t .1118.
rh -
Coupling sticks are hein.r stinnliml
Iebrakqmon on the Pennsylvania
r; ", nun ii is expecieil that there
lillbe fowor accidents horosfler while
JoupliiiK is being done.
f. There lives in Bellefonte a man
,amcd, 83 years old. who
;,!f drummer boy in Napoleon's
;rmy and accompanied him on his
mous retreat to Moscow.
1 7t Is now unlawful to !! tn
ttnder sixteen years of see a..v ,l,n
Tn' Pwdor or oth eplive
aubstances an i a.., .
i . w euoci nav
Ingbeen p.,ea hy the hist . Legisla
tura and approved,,y the Governor.
To kill tl.e cnbba87w
Thf P,nnU a ,lrong .ol.uio.i of
.altpetro. This will not "only S 0y
Frow' p,M0've " ounce or saltpetre
n a gallon of water aa ap,,,y ;b
Ihe worms appenr.
I Tha crew of the eamer Centennial
fcapturedon St. Simon's Island head,
khuge turtle, weighing 610 pound..
W her nest, containing loo m,'
mon she was killed about hala
fcushel of soft eggs were taken fran
Jier, A large logger head lurtV
Keighlng abont five hundred pounilA
)wm caught on Tybee beach
pight and was brought to the city oi
ana steamer riant yesterday morning.
I Thenaxt annual meeting of the
Pennsylvania fillers' State ssocla
ion will be held in PitUbnrg during
he time of the State Fair In Septem
ber. ThaSUta Agricultural Society
will allot a apace of SO feet by 170 feet
with lint shafting and motive power
jres.for the display of machinery and
pill supplies. .This is the first timo in
)hls State that an opportunity has
Vn afforded to-millers o witness
)uoh display of milling machinery In
MHion, ana t is expeotad that there
pin oe a large number of miners pre'
. . .-., imr w nuiirr iiroa-;
" fron, fU, a other .States. . .
... ...v,r . musig acnooi. i u simpiy marvelous now qui
pear in our next nine, I
CITt front bargains In Carpets at S.
Well's, Helinsgrove.
The entire Senior Ola numbering
41 of the State Normal School of thl
Dint riot, at llloomsburg, Pa., was ex
amined last week and approved with
out exception. Thl Is the largest
data In history of school.
CA line linn of Bilk. Laces and
Fringe at 8. Weiss,
It Is projMr to Inform persons who
use the automatic pencil that the pur
ple load Is a deadly poison.- It I said
that apiece one-half the site of a pea
will canoe the death of a robiiHt man.
Do not touch the lead with yonr
tounire, and keep them out of the
hands of children.
Cf"Wool tnkitn in exchiinxo for
good ut 8. Wei', Heliusgrove.
Highest market price pnld for it.
And HainuileCliarles ha lout anoth
er hore, this lxiiig death No. 9 In the
family a total loss of between two
and three hundred dollars. Hut this
will hot rause him to economize In the
weight of hi ware ; In the meat line
bo always liil iiml always will nive
solid UowN Weight. MlFKLIXBUIUI
t". ---
FinKr On Holiday niKht lant a
dwelling houwe loeuted at Paxtonvllle
b'loiiglng to iwrge W. Smith was
totally destroyed by lire. The houxe
wa uuncpupleil and the fire luuxt
have been the work of an incendi
ary. - . .
WA full line of Regular made Iiomp
for Ijidien, eliildreii and geiitleiuuii at
ti. Wels's, HclliiKurove.
Cake Walk and. Festival.
The Philliarmoiilo Society of Free
burg Pa. will hold a IVntival and
cake walk In Hover- Hull, Fnhnrg
on Baturday aftenuion mid evening
June 21. 1HS1. (J,Mxl munio, will he
furiiinhed fur the iicciihIdii.
Thepublio are cordially Invited.
Come and have n pleuxnnt time.
C"An ImmeiiKti variety of Luce
from theeheupent to tho best at S.
Wei' a, Hellnigrovi.
Dkath ok J. K. Davis. Ju.-Tlii
community wa nhorked this morning
to hpar of tho death of our youn
townauian, J. K. Davis, Jr. The sad
event took place at three o'clock, lie
hud been ill but a few day of conge
tion of the brain. Mr. Davl wa a
member of the Mar, but for Home year
was employed by Hon. N. P. Wolver-
ton as his osHbitaut. He wa OKcdl
about 3yeur. SfNUfUY DAILY, UUth
Ciinitcif Dkicatkin. St. JameK'
ehurell of Musber's Valley, Itev. D. M.
Htctler Paxtor, (iod willing will be
dedicated to the servieu of the Tri
una Hoil. on Sunday the third day of
July, A. D. ltwt. .
Clergymen form a dist mco will lit
proNent to oni.ilito serviiies hKiruiiiL?
anil uiiernoou.
Neighboring clergy and the public
in K'"eml are cordially Invited to be
CsTLure and well cloetod line of
Iawiim and Dros ( i iuluuiiH at S.
WeisV, SuliiiNgrove.
Thl inoruln.x alt mt U o'clock the
boiiHuofMr. Uiiley, in Cnketown,
wa entered by a trump while xlio
wa ut mark 't. II I in
gettiiit; awuy with about $JJ and
mime jewelry. II was a good i.ed
man, wore n c i;, a brown suit of
clothe uud hud a red luutiHtuulie. He
got into the house through a window,
und ulthough Keen by Home children,
succeeded in ruiiHUuklug the house
gettliijr away before they could jflve
the ulariu. Susiil'llY DAILY, June
Snyder County Census.
The following figure from tho ad
vanced Hheets of the Consu report for
1880, of our county will be found In
terHtlng and useful.
Adams township, including villugo
of Troxelville, 831
Troxelville villajre, 73
ISuaver township, Including the
following villuircH,
Adumsburfr village, i
lieavertowu villiige, 803
Centra township, Including vll
lugo of ('eutrevillo,
Ceutreville village, S50
Chapmiin township
Fruiikliu township. Including
the following village,
Franklin village, 180
Paxtonvllle village, 10 J
Jackson township, including
village of KratJierville,
Krutzervillu vl Mn ire OH
Mlddleb'irg borough.
middle ureek towuslilp, Includ
ing village of Kruiuer
Kramer villaire. ;n
Monroe towiisliln. Includlntr
village or Miainokln JJam,
Hliainoklll Dam villain. HOT
Penn township, including the fol
lowing pnwes, 1,878
nriiwiwwn, in
Salem villiiirn. Aft
Perry township, iiiuludinir the
following village,
FrHinimf. vlllinr.t mo
Selln's (irove borough,
l!nln4. li. i I ,1. .
xuiuil IOW OKI 1 1 II, IllCllUllllg
vniage oi irevortou,
w Travorto11 village 810
"ttsbliigtoii township, includ
ing village of Freeburg,
w"eb"ff village, 823
west Heaver township, includ
ing me rotiowlug villages,
"Hiinerville village, 03
t iVry township, '
iVi i " uraniea cheap ror cash hy
Y'Miiriin, Paxlonvillo, Hnydur Oi.,
LtVwitl ",'" mihle, tlio ol J
vsi U(i,tjS(
ALoilna Joke.
sabl ',,ent Pl'ylin of Pittsburgh
"iX?'f ,,0 My i""ini" win.
health 1 i"? "r oontiiiued ill
"trv A rf ,,U "nnWIHy to era her.
I. eyar,uL,M': 9
whiuh A. T Uid ,n
wiiioll l.bu i,, 1...I.I.
ioka bull i. Ht 11,0 0M'lar for Ills
i- olso well nlease l with
:, i, - " ma wen please I Willi
Wfl IV . PUont.s-ar.
Till nnlt tn.lilnlmn tar Lha .(.,,1.
of Vocal and nslurmental niuslo will
begin a session of six weeks on Mon.
day August 1st, '61.
June 23, '81 3w. Freeburg, Pa.
rETEnsos's ,VAOA7.t!a for July Is on
nurjuhlo, ahead of all others, a usual.
We have so often spoken of this lady's
book, as the cheapest and best,' that
all we can do now is to reiterate that
opinion. The present number is pu
culiarly rich in embellishments.
There aro some two score cuts of
fashions, work-table designs, etc.; be
sides a beautiful colored pattern for a
'holograph Frame, in daises on blank
velvet, alone worth tho price of the
number. Evpry lady ought to be n
subscriber for this maiiaino. The
term aro but two dollars a year, with
ureal reductions to clubs, and band
somo premiums to tho person getting
up tho club. Specimens are sent,
grail, if written for, to persons wish
ing to get up clubs. Address. 17AS.
J. FErKlbSON, 30ii Cheat out Street.
The followinj items we copy from
the lltonmfirU (Perry Co.) rioip of
last week,
John Finniele of Rye twp., had one
of his feet badly crushed by a logroll
ing on it a few days ago.
On the morning or tho Cth inst., the
mxlyorn man who proved to tic a '
boatman named Unrrcn Low, was
found in the canal lock near Ml. 'at
rick. The body was taken out and an
iiupipvt was held by S, .'. Iluck, Esq.
.l il... ti .1 I
...... ...i, ,,....Vt ,,,.,v mi. ... i
ukii come lo iii iichiii hy iicciileiilul
drowning. ; was knocked into the
canal by the two lino. J la was a
sii-ancr, and without money or
friend and the boat (liptuin said be
bad no wages duo him, and did not
know where lie belonged
Burnlary In Newport.
On Friday nihl burglar filtered
the waif house of June Uro., in New-
port, ami alteliipteil to rod the sale.
. . . . i
l liey drilled a hole in the top and tlio
charge of powder they put in, blew the
outer s ifo door to pieces, and badly
damaged tho inner door. It is not
known whether they succeeded in cct
linn thu money out or nut. They
may have h.ul that open and
shut il iiain, breaking oil the knob
and deslroing llni eoniliioalion.
The noise, ol' the explosion b:i I been
.leadened by placiuit wt-l blttiiki-ts on
tlio safe mid piling bau's of clover sce.l
around il. Siiil the explosinii was
heard hy sevfral part if, n a (mat
lying by the. wart housii a man was
sleeping, who was awnkeiif d, Isit tliey
bad' taken the precaution to fasten
him in, n lie co'ii.l u ii )-et out 1 1 t-ivc
tho a'arai. Too c niliiontioii to Hie
nine r dour is s i!y d.i u ie.l
lliesaie will have. I be scut to the
maiiufactiirert lii-fnn the books or
contents can lie ijiit .it, or it will be
known whulocr tne.ui i.iey is there or
- -- - - -
The Cyoinpclia War."
The C clopfdi.i VV'ir and Ibo I.iler-
ary KevoltUiou lire win I: in;; woiuleiiiii
li ,. r . l ,
. ., . i r, i .1
....,.,., ,,,,,, n, i,n Mi-m rti,.-i a iiii.i ii'u".
I'bo treat ' l.ihr.wv of l.'uivi'isal
Ivnowledje." U aniiounced lo be
coiuplt'W l, ready for delivery to
chasers, thu early part of July. Il i
probably the largest and most impor
tant literary work this country and
the century have seen. 7l i based up
on Chambers' Kucyclopcdiii, thu hist
Loudon edition of which is reprinted
entire iu a portion of its enntuut, a
largo corps of American editors ami
writer adding thereto, a vast amount
of information upon about lo.tfi;) sub'
.jccls iu evciy department or human
knowledge. Cliaiubcis's Encycliipoa
dia, whose distinguished merit is uni
versally known, is the labori jus pro
duct or tlio ripest British and Kuropo
an scholarship, but being a work or
foreign production it has been natural
ly dcllcieut in ita adaptation to the
wants of American reader. In this
new fomt it I most thoroughly Amer
icanized, and become at onco the
largest and niMl comploto encyclope
dia in tho field, at a mere fraction of
the cost or any similar wjrks whicli
b.ive preceded it, containing about 10
mi m.illn. ll... A...1..l.,,'u
' (
r.iicvcionooia. ai less iiian oiie-uuu n
cost, and -i) per cent, moro tluiii
Johnson's Cyclopoilia at a liltlo mure
than ouo fourth its cost.
The superlative value and impor
tance, of this groat A'ucyulopcdl.i, how
ever, lies especially in the fact that il
is brought within tho reach of every
one who aspires after knowledge anil
culture. It is really a library of uni
versal knowledge, it brings a liberal
education easily within tho reaoli ol'
every plow-boy. Kvery farmer and
every mechanic owns it to himself and
to his children that such a cyclopedia
shall henceforward form a part of the
out Ik of his home. To the intelligent
man in every walk of lila a Cyclope
dia is indispensable. It is issued in
various styles, in 15 large beautiful
octavo volumes, varying in priou from
$15 for tho edition in cloih, to t' for
the edition in full library sheep bind
ing. Liberal discounts even .from
these extraordinary prices are allowed
lo clubs, and tho publishers, besides,
propose during the next two months
to distiibnto 110,000 cash In special re
wards to parsons who forward clubs of
rivo, ten, or more subscribers, The
inieri van Dunk Exchange, 704 Uroad
way, New York, are the publishers,
who will send sample pages and full
particulars fr on request. .
constipation, bllionsne and siek
.,,. . .
heailacho are cured by "Sellers' Liver
Pills." 2i cents.
June 10,
. E. Carpenter, Fiq , Hondereon,
N. Y., cured of Psoriasis or Leprosy,
of twenty years' standing, by the Ci t
!(TA 7fEsot.vr.HT Internally, and Cit
KTRA and f'lTKI BA Soap externally.
Tho most wonderful case on record. .
Juno 2, 1S81. 4w.
It will pay every body' to examine
the Immrnso Slock of Furniture for
ale by the Popular ' Furniture man
W. II. FELIX Lewlsiown Pa.
.7. W. I) v o e h o .
Pol l Of dn
lluiisr ffr pnuail
t'tt f rr Jaisa
Tsliasr psrpouud
10 tc 11
4 lo it
.Hssitrd Clierrles
nisikbsrrif s
Drinl Applss
7 to
33 id die bar;; Jlarkcl ,
r issKi ran MfksRi.r n r
i-' 1...I i
.Simonton, liarbev Ac Co.
UK II & S-.'A7V
, , ,
nhrsl psr huslisl J n.",
i i ii
l'ora da
list rl
('lovsrsssd pr hmh'
ii in 1 1 i
8 So to 4 On
' cimrriiia, plllnl
I'liarrlrs. uniiitJ
llrii' l fipilr
I'rsohra, niirr'l,
lliitlrr, firiins
lliilirr, rooDj-clsss
8 to in
1 r.n
03 in At.
2 in
a . i
I Ctn'nul pr binhel
lliili l irs
Pea Tost
'hfaliiu, enl
lll.icki h Ci-.l
li III!
4 I'll
Ai.vit icii:i.
Iteiiveriown. .nine imn. nv itev.
I. M. Sletler, Simon O. Kruler iili.l
.Miss Mury A. IJeneliel, liolli of Cent re
tiw nbip.
At the fume place and date, by the
snine, lowiil'd..l.ili.'s ninl Mism I'atli
urine liilliert, liotli or Viiliiiituii
tow n.whip.
inn", al 'liii-i-ove. Iiv Uev.
nil i.. i,, i i, ., . ... . : i
' , ,.! 1,' ;.' "J'1""" '' rick,
llll. I Jii'.H i. I lie 'Va;;'llsller. '
i i !:!.
.lu:ie l?th ill Seliiiiirrove,
Kaui'li, n'i'il ill i. ni t .ill years.
.Itllle l"itil ill I'lliull towlisllip, Addie
sou i if Jainen liiirns, it;;ei ulioiit 11
In Port Trevort, hi, Junn I lib. Ant
ill'in, sou of Killi.tii itotliel'iuel, ii.'il
iilioiit .1 y ears.
.1 line 111. lit Prei'liur. lli'Ui'v llimkle
blir"er, li:;ed lilinlll '.'."i years.
June 17. at It.viver Siniu ;. l'li.M-
''dh. wile oft ieor-e Smith, mereliiiul,
i.Ki'U liooui '-! veats.
June 1 1, in West Ili'iiver t iwnsbin.
j,, no sh a,red
and 13 days.
year 4 liionl Ii
.Mr. I'lsh was one or tiur oldest and
pitr-jiuost esteem..,! eili.en.i. He was a
mini of eni'ivy ninl (fo.Ml jiiiliriiieiii.
Ily Industry, economy mid iooil man
iieiiieiit be bil l iieiMinuiliited liinded
estate amount into hundreds of acres
and personally to IIioiisiukIs.
. A. 6.
201 South Clark St.. Chicago. III.
A ramilnr irailnal ol maaiolna, loniipr Incite!
In t'lilaun than any mlier aiia.'Uli-t. Ovsr
'iu yoara prnntli'. Hvplitl a. II in-orrh-s
fllrni, Nlrlolu-S. Orolillla, Huplur.
ami all I rlnary lil-asa. Mil Inxts nr Hla.1 ir. )
Hvplilllllo or Wcri-urlai aflrllna nf th
I ii rim I, us ib nr li .lira Uura.l Hsl.ljr, Prl.
ally, aiparmaliirrhrai, NrlMHI llrl.ll
If, raaultlnic rrum lf Abnar, Nniual Kt
eaaca nr nvr bralt work, prnilanloir ' sr. nua
a, a-mlnal aiulaaliiiit, ilahlliy, alia aaa nf
alulit. dalaoMv mainnry. piivatcal tly, enn-lu-lnn
nf Pleaa a nil liipolMi. y. rcs'larlqu
inarrlans impmnar, ar irrnantlr rnir.!
(lunaiiltatlnn at nlfln i.r by mill, l''rrr.
liulilr l llr illli, 'i itampa. aant
h mall or ripraar. I'urai (luaranl - I. In
eurnliln I'S'Sa nnt linilortaktin. ftpri'lnl at
tfiill .n In lll'aiaaanl Woman. Itallalil. I-V-mnlr
I'lil, 4.1 U.K. iO yaars or axten-lva
praotl. wltli erary Inrni an l arll nf th
slsivn claaa ol IlKaa'ri always un tar his rara,
ami Umlihtr wltli sw-ry inmlo ut Tr..lnianl
Inr tlialr llur. ba liaa iiaina.l au spi.rloiir
snil praetioal knowlala- lha.'. lha u.nerl
phyai.iUn caniint elitaln. I.s.llr riiilrlna
.lall.'at tratinnt with ri.lli-t hum, bnar.t ami
sura, oall nr writ. Ilubbur soil lin-
is.rimii elieuur hy inn, Gouti. A. u.
SOI Mouth Clark Hi., Cnlcaiio.
Jun in. 'm ly
l'.xeoutor'a titlo of
THE undersigned. Hicnentor nf tho Will anil T-alamaiit of Henry Hiuoh,
lal nl wait lisarar tnwnaiilp. invilar n nintv,
lnilea.l, will pua lo Hubllo Sale, at th
Hum. aland ol ! (jld daoaJaul, la IU lowu
lilp aiuraaalil, oa
Tuesday, July 28tb, 1881,
Th fnllowlss itMorllst Peal ratat. In wil:
I'll lOT Nu. I, Ulna- il.a llniuatea.l, a.l-ln-
Ina- lamlt ot .loaaph Kiln, A. It. Ulan. Mania-
in In KlliiKlsr, I O'la of Hi., wlilow anu tialri nf
Mlilliin Ockar, JUlip alSDlsjuk aud oilier,
Twenty Aoros,
ntorsnf Im. In blub ttal ol anlllratlin on.
dar ci'O.I lanoe QJ susraoa sreerovtoi fwj.
tury nam
Dwelling rionso, llarn
anil other outbull.llnul. wllh Sn Ornhsr.l nf
ehulc fruHi sno.l wtar. Th. prinliaa are
loeall aixiul s ml a .vnrlli oelt nl Ailawa.
bnra- nasr A. H Ulali'i H'nirlni AIIU.
TKAOT No. S.tltuatn In th tnaiiialiln. afnra.
aal.l. sill lnlnn ol .laaa Knpp, ,lnapb
Kiioe, aiuutu DiemiOKr sou oiurf, onqittlu-
Five Acres,
nnr or laaa, Una nmlly Woodland.
Til tor .Vi I. tltuai In Heaver town-hip,
bounded Nortu .in lan( tllialielh llllu. r,
Wa.tbf of lieorse Arbitiaal' 'llolrl,
South by of Li. U. llainei and Kaat uj
Arbog jat'a Haira, blii(
Limestone Lot.
eontalnllsi SI pr!bea mortor Ian. TbS aboy
iraeia win u auni in wuni or ia ysru se ai
b .tefti. ninat silvan! a-oui,
rial tusntuiuaneS at tan o'oloek A.M. of isl l
dy wbs leruia wl aal will b mail know by
. Jaa t),IHl. JSitBior.
lin.lslirHnn ttiii tts f
:i" nminm, ll ol Vttty twp , Xnf.lf
Jfd.h im r.Bi.-i t ih no.'tr.
rl.tnfttl. All Mniinl kflnwln thifitalviii In
ShlnillnaM mtli will nln mxks tnlifisill.
I pMniant nlilU lknnhTlnllini lsl
Mi l silsts Witt prsMBl lhm lr Mikunsnl Is
LBWia MINI a'i,4,
Jans IS, ISM. asmiaistrsior.
in Me mnllrr nflhr atuitjn- I fit Hit ChuH
tit rrtnttnf O. . Fink, I of Cnminnn
an iniiotvrnt debtor. I'lnimif.Sim
I ii.r u;
NOTICE is riprnliTgivrn Hint F
K. Rotvrof Vliiiit'tmrr, ,nntr,
'., hat b'n ipnlntfil bf tii unM I'nnri,
Tru'lns under Hi Intultsnt l nl I'snnsr'.
v all ihi tfini. iinn,riy ami hi eti
rl unit .r.nnl. nf t . V. Kink, nf spm, sn ini.iltunt dtiilnr All ir-nn.liisr
lore. h sr iiilli(l in H.lil hn..ln ilshior,
or lm li'il I prn,Miru lislinm In hl n. m r.
Hiilrc I lo ir sml rtt-llTar all n,-h aiimn m
m.mer an.l ririr ilua ami t.almialna- in lha
sai l l'it,il,.,i i,.t,ir, in Ina il I I rum i n l
all prn llinra l lli ni l navnt am
liwlra.l In praaant thalr ri'ii'ntl as.vunta or
r. I:. IU I Willi,
Jus , ISM. 1 r u.i.a. r,
l Lstiars ol rmn,.trUn'i mi (l.s nlsla nl
I'nlliiMiis l.iah U-a nl W. Il'imr t. sndrl
IV l' , iirrM, Lata l'a.B laninl mil. nu iar
lana-l. All i-araona Itrn Iir n.rn aaltra In.
ilsl.lml in :. aalao wllli n at li.ntir.l
a n I'.yiiniil , thou b ins rl Imi
mi l will iirtil tha n lor artllamiiit In
W. II. I. ll.
June t. Ht. A'tmlntilninr.
I. W Si'iicitiloii, nf h frin of
Kttnnntnn, llarii.r a i"n. lernii tflvs i n,i.
i,i , iii-s li ail it nny r..n rn thai I Ii .. liil .I n
11 1 u ... . .
.1 . . "Mtsmlon mi-nn.r nf il,a fl-m or Mm.
nnluii, Il4rlmr H i 'n , Ii , Ina: ot .1 Ma
In - il I rlr n i.i v. , tiny ion. n..ii,' .
i nrnf tn 111 all ii ma rniarn in il a al
w. u m i. h,i..i, m-....i . ,.
Iiamla.ili iirm an. I itmi His iin.lrraians.l w il
roniiniis II a vn ami HIitciiMiI.- an. I rmnnila.
I "I'm Miliira., ,,t Ha I m..i m li.nk-
Hi', n. Iirm nam ami It via or M.u,.i.
ln. ILiriiar a I'n.
i ... , ii .i n it r. it a ijii.
I line J, ls .
14 tnnt fiisll a il ,ir inrn r I ,r i .i 'j.rn(
" llsininr I all I i,im .a i.i V . !. .'. .
211 rl vnl". l'.r I. .I"i ,? la a . . . ii
'. toaoa. V,. u'm,'.. .11 J iwn.sll.
o. tu.ioa.iky.iu .,..11,,
Mar I ' !
ii .... , ...- ... .. ' - - - '
TlTlTirin HIT 4 TT T XT ft
Ml II K 1 TI I ill IJL
11 U Ll LJaJ.'J 'XfA tiil-L ' i A
Tin., mi i,s var ..raii.difs" i,.
1 1 i I'lli'liplv llllil lil'iillilitlv .lone in I lie la -1
Is I anil Lest Mv!.. nliilui. n. tl... late.l
I iiMitoiiM, liolmaiis. Coats, Wrap-,
I'liili'rwear. e.
I iive me h call.
k AT r. A. in wnl.l',
l Apr. ll.Ilin. .Miildlfliurc I'u
I kvi KKPLr.i;,
aciary riiLiic siirycvcr, convcyarcrr
Vn Eslatc anil Insaraiifc Anciil.
Iift la. linnila an t M..rtni:r .if rnnrnyftfii'lnii attrmlo
lift la. linnila an t Mi.rtntr- i.rsi.iml an I a
: won notnia. una ai'i-nrrni't.
I ..S'.';!"1 """'n sjvrn I., liivlnif n".l rd!l
llil Kilnlo liaii-o In I'rri'im.tit, si.jil.-rl'n
!., I. il. A.liiroan, .Ml. I'loiiratit Mill-. mi,i
i n., I'onn'a. ,t:n h 'i,
liVXK'T I'Oll'S NOI ICIv -Lelters
I Viimnt:i iy i n id r-tsin .. V.ilnn
Una K nMi,, ila .l.l.iia nl wrat Cnivrr l.n-1. -1. 1, -f inly, en., suro itr-.m.- l it,n m
.Ur.ljnr l All ..t-..ii ki .in Iiik llinin-alira.
I' nailfl t aro.l ! ! .ip III ...p nialis liniu.'.
,,,,,.,,, ImiiiK .'liilm. nil
i-Kiiiit tiiem inr tuuicti. lit i
I-AH All hNlIT
I ata.'U'nra.
4 U'-i
In lJrostilCjJoodw, oursfopk Is very large, and of the latest andehoifl.
est material and styles, with all kind of trimming, such as Hut
ton. Milks, Sat ins, Ap. to limtcli.
lit J:irp(ts we have Hrilssels. Tapestry s. Ingrnin. llnlf Wool. Cotton,
Itag, Oil Clith. nnythln you limy viiint In Hie carpet line, ami
can gle j-nii price '. be round no where elsa.
Ill CJlotllin. our Sioek I pomplete. We have nobby little Suit ror
finite small children, or stylMi suits fur buys of larger growth,
ami we pan tdmw yon Just what you want, from the
working materials up to the Uint ilress Suits.
Qluvow. 1 Io.-iory. Lack. IIvm-h iki l'.i,iMm, I'litMii;, Ac, wo
bnvea cmnplpte line. 'l illSl'.TS nil prices.
We cordially Invite l'vi:n vnlv In Snyder County to nio u a call,
pei'i.d elT irts will li mu le to meet nly our wants mid give you t!i best
nods for tile lowest po-iMe price.
We will take pleasure fit seinlin.; 'MlM.Ksninl will give you lln a!m prl
cesasif jou w ere in our Si m e in piT-on.
April 14, '! .I n.
Ml, II (Ml soi.n.
Till: A
I I. lU.'anaa l( la an ra. l v r.,.lnl' I. -., .r.
lli.irl.,t v..r-lnn nl IV. II. I I ..I,-.-. I'a i-I I n n.
sml u.i l.v II... . .:'.., 1 1, k ili.ilin'iii-lii.. 111 li- il
, i,. ,.,.,. ., , ,,, , , ,,,i,., ,,
lat.irv ni "I'l.- i. F iio.-i i I.- . m.-'l ,-liifm a l i
.illt f all.- .IIiiiimiv nr It II m ill lil.a , "III ur .. lanrs In curl lf Inn In Ita ,'.-nra.
rr' l i-mimUv. m, -...,1 . n ,-..., i. , s.,.-.l-. t.
,.,, ,,, N. v.: .., 'n,i, i n.. . V : .'. . K isii m i , i. i . i:, .,,,.
, , ,..,, . ri-i.i.t -I.I' Ns.s.s. .. n , I.I. I N. , -
! i.T lin'l, .mi, ur ..llli llr. N. niiiif-Wat. T .iiisk. II H.N.V.' 'I l..-lis.a II I.. I... , . i, , I
, I IMS K. Iikkm-, 11,11. N. V " "II la a nuri.'l ,. Aui. ll.-aii .it, r.ri... Hi v. T. A,
, K II r--i i:n. iit. kl. ii "
I hm-ih -In. l...,k. "IIii.ii.hV"-I1I.,i. et.Vli Aral.. ..I'l... SI Oil.
fleih. iai.'.i' V.n l.s.. Ut.. u'Ui ...l o., an. so.
I ' I'1 S nil l.l l ,l l.r l. It .- Inn. I... n.t-ill.
! CO.CGO AGFNT3 WAHTijJD .:!.v::!;!,,;:'i'.r;;.,V,,'?a ::i
I "'" a 'l "U" r w.,,1... r.n ,.i, iblnj l ., r ,.. U. inlll..,i. ,inul
! "'tL.VW':, lor 'v" "" A '" "".'"' :'
SS.x.. ..Hi t, .:'i na s ,inin II. la l.ui...r'lnl
ins llir.T lili ji. rinllii nlll.-i a .lli.l i-lijil I, li'l' ll.
VI i; I -llll IMdt IIM l.t, A Mill'
R i n.
Irslnalpnvn l.ctfM'iwn .Inri'ilnn a lullnwt
l A I N I.I N K- W I.S r W A II II
IMIIal.iiruli Kv.ruM -J i'i a In.
I I It a- l..rraa I. is .1 . in.
w.iv I ', or In m s. m.
Hall 4 I' ni.
I'spllle Kturs.a
ln.l?V m.
l'l.l a.ltl.iU t:timaa
if fii,',' m!
ii i'iv"i..'n i .r
i in. l-'uai Lin..
II 1J - in
Wil ISaanifar an.! III- V iii'll
ml llin I'.H'lll.' iin.l AlmiilU'
li' I s wr.l,
r.a.i.- ns-i run .uiiiy.
W it v la.iva -la-lina In Mtrtlln e.niiilf
ai lull i :
I'aa-'j.T .Mill. tiXIT.-aa. Mill.
a id. p. in. a. in. i. in.
An tarv.'tt'R n no 4 i's i h-i :-s.
tl'Vav'.in llll 4 .'ii In .1 ft l.i i
M'lliS)lliik IMS 4-7 l"'-'i li't
Vli rv ir.l II .O 4 l In I'l 4 fi .
N. Iiioiiiltnn n u 4 v; iii ii 4 M
Ml. I' ii II VI 4 M In iiil I 41
lliiti.rfiK.liin IV 1- 5 -in '.i;li 4 1 .'
I'yn'i.n I s :ii ) ;i
a I'. ...i.a I u ; i'l t IA 2 u I
I'li ai iir a liii I Id 7 lu
I'ti I'anlftt Kx.iriiaa treat ean l I1.ik'I st
.M niiimn stu il .i. in.
llu tn l all r N.iv. Iu:li, f-TS, I rlln uuthla
r.iuil sill nut aa li lit s a
l.l'IAVP Milt I'll WAItll.
l.rava : Nnrlli'-ril M nfsra KaM
I i. I.i'. I.. n.
Has Y.irk a.!' I' m 4 '.'. in a.'.', a hi
r.iil'i. Il ri pm 7.'iiain I; 4'. .iiii
W .-i.lni:lin ;.iTiin Ii'.i: n,
II .1' en. .rs M If p iu 7 1im.hi II. '.-J s in
II ii ll-lilirif 4. II i ah' lll.ft'lnni .'..'' in
I e .1 .'In .a 11 b f.'J a til fV'll i in
s..ii.irnva 0. l'i a in ft 'a . m
s.n.i.uiy ni a hi -.'.;i6eii, ftnipiii
N.irlli'iiniir-ilaii.l S4 am IU ft" e mi .'"J i m
A rfivi, nl :
Will! t , n Sift i n I n. p in T 51 pin
l.iimr.i 1' :ii . m Ii l.a i in In.'. l - in
H 'l'. . I s :.i . in e. hi i.i s on a in
l.rlu : i . m
t.l A U MM' I II W A It II
ll.iy Mall Snill'i'lll
I.Si. Hp.
4 'nl a I.I.'. p in
4.:r, i i mm a iii
8-I'U il iii II i; i i ft.'Ki p III
t'.Vna in
Mlulfira l-'nlia
I.o.-k Haven a.inn m
V. iii-pt. 7ftm IV I.i i. in 1 1 i. ii in s in
IS'.M 1 l.'.l ll.'JH HI '.'.US n n, I i '.', I III
stiiii.iirr s. in a in 'i.ift i in I'i.lfta in 'i.Dn a in
s..ii.ur.ivi' 0 ft't s in is.' 'I i in il.ii ' a it
Il.'rml'iii In ns in ti l'i p III l.lam
Il.-l'llli'll'll IU..U s hi II. Iii p III 1 .Si's III
Arrlvn nl!
Ilirrlaliuirf II ftl a in 4,n p m 'i Ift am Snftani
I'll I It. :t .40 . in 7..'U p iu ",11'iai.i 7. in a in
N'.'w.irk i. l.i pni l i. il'. p in ti :ift sin In.iih a m
II itllin.ire l 'I' p in 7. .Ift Ii in 7 40am 7 41 a in u u; , m li 07 pin ll.ujam ''.till a rat
Tti'iMi. inarki'.l 'T aiiip nntf .vli.-n fiai: i-..
A. .1. I. ASH I' I', (ten. .M inaner.
f1 It K lilidersiirned bus opened n
1 I'lirniture Stnrt', near the Middle
Inirif llepnt, and keeps constantly on
bund a htrtrennd wt'lUch't'tctl stuckof
Jhaiiilvt HtittH,
Cuilo-M fntc'l ("linirH.
'lKii t ClinlrH
13xt'laHiOle 'rilbU'H,
end everything else kept in a first -clsss
I'liriiitiirti Ml ore.
near the llcpot,
Apr. 11, (liii. Iilid Uebuig, I'a.
altrra of a linlnlatrttl..D on th aatata
nf .In al'.ao, 1st nf l.'eniralwp.
Hnv.iar , Pa., uea -.l bare hen iranld In
th un.leralunad All parinna knnwlna tl.ein
va Indented tn aal I eat.l.. Ill plaia ma k
liH'n.llt payment while tliui l.avinif slul ma
annl.i-t li eatle will pranl lUeui fur ael-
iiriuui io
May I.', RI. .
I ii J M s'J It A 1 ( RS NOTirrJ -
rtlen i.f ilii.liilillne nn Ihae'tataO
U'llllia'm Leonard 1st nf I'-nv lea Hoy.ier
Co.. ra.. ileo.l. havebeon uranted In lb toi-tea.
slunwil. A II paraom knnwln j theinaetv ln.ll.t
ad In aal.l eilale will ploai mak Home hale
nav.neat whlUthea havlnu olattoa aualuataa.d
etlat will preaanl ll.em lor .elt:nr nl In
OEOiKlE tr, I S.HT.
1. i:MsTovx. Pa,
Vfil II.IMUlH l la llir p.,.iilar t:.l'll..n f Ihn
I llii" sni.l. Iit, tT Itnr, aij.. t n isii of Vim au
V I- i!ii..r.n.t I In a I. ' aa. .,. .i.,0 ti I'
h,,u,a-l i. II. rirKAlv. li. Ii. 1. 1, li. Till. a. t
of tlila Ureal It. InIoii M.iirmi't.l. anfi-a bir
t. ni 11.
Wlihuiil kM.irr.-
II l-t .rv .1 ll llr -il I,',.. ...i, M.,vamanl. ItaT
- a ,1 w-.rk ! iy kil l in'it.
I' l.l.n.m I IH'll '.S I'l I! U Kl .U.
rii.I.u'c'pliia & Eric R- R Division.
XUMMKU 77.1; TAllL.
On sii.l afirr il'1 HAY. .1 1 ' N I I li, H'l. ths
lr.ln .... ,1... II:.. i. ... . h. ...... .J... u
I iii, M .,,.. ...ii...
I W 1X1 W A lill.
- l.l!tl: M All. lanvra I'Mla.l. Ii lila
II ft p, m
I 2.1 a. in
a 4 i a . lit
C "V a. in
0 40 a. m
11 u.'ia. ni.
7 4'i i. in
S iiil a. in
ti is i in
I ' li irilal.iii,.
' " Wil'lsi.-li nl
"' " .l r- i M...ia
'' I. k IU1..U
" ' II i
" arr. at I-: in
M Ail A II Kl'. I.'ai. I'l.usl.ra
' ' ll.iriaiinr
" arr. at won i nai 'i
" '' I. . a ll.iv .n 4 i'l p. in.
.1 'CI r.
Ilun.ivn ft il'i p in.
" " Kana In tis , m.
KAST I.I N tl Irnvi-a I'lill.i l.., li la la ,,. ,,
" ' 111 rl-l.nri; 4 .si p. ni,
arr. al Wil -p rl 7 ftft p. m,
" " I. '.'k lUian is m.
I:as1 W Alll).
I'AUiri.' KXI. Inn.. l.o. k ll.asn 7 "ft a. m
" ! Mi 'H. 7 17 . in
' ' Williaiiiap.iri . ni
11 arr. al ll.irrlal.uiu l-eftl, in
" I'l.iiaii.iphi a .u ),. in
" ' km... aim ...
PAV tXI Ira'ra lUlm. .
" " I. f II ivan
" " U'
M air, al ll.,,,
" " I'lil a Inl II,
1 1 lift I
I' 'il
i a. in.
I;' Sft i. in.
a io p. in
I . .. in
il :ift a
Sim p. m,
I ' ni p. ni,
H p. in
imi a. in
7 Sft a. in
li 13 a in,
s Ift a. ill.
KHIK M All. h avi. K .m.vs
I. .1, IUv.mi
" ' Willi. ii, an ,rl
11 arr. al tla.iTl't.uiu
" ' I'l.. in 4
I AT LINK l.-i.i'a Uiliiam-pnrl
" S'r. al llnl-bi.ri(
. " " 11. II i ii li. lila
7 a.
l,i I. fttalla.i.l 'ii.t .i,, V..mI and fti.l'l
tl'.pr. aa I 'taf tn ike ,-I,m-. , mine -It. ti- ai
Il,.i.iil..rlan. ir.lli I., a II. II. H. Ira. HI fur
W II'.. -1'i.iri' iiii.I S. raiiliin.
I.. M;i l VV.-l. Nir.ari Kspreas W.-I ami
l a. 1 1. In.. iVi-ai in,:., ,'.... , ,i., ii. i n. .ii at Wit-
lamalHirl 'tlt'l V. !. I(. IV Ir.ilna I, .. Ill
Niairar K'.pr. Wnl and Hiv r.Tpr'aa Ks-t
V l" ii' 11 "'" ' "" ' k " ''"" "u a
l.i I.. Vi.lll tr.iali.,, W...I .'.iniir.'l al Frle Willi
Irons mi I,, s. a M. S: II. It, : al It.irrv wllli II.
I'.ftt.W. II ... .1 l.ii.,,, , in, p.N , M
I'. It. II., ami at lli lfi I mil, A V. It It.
I'.r'ni- o.ra will run lM ti.ii I' lll-i'l. I hia
mi I W illlaiii-p nt ...i M.iB ,ra a Wrai and
liav l-:.r..-. t.a.l. noa . all lllslil
WM. A. IU t.l" WIN.
.N.iv. v, lM. tl, neral sup't.
snani'iir a lswikhihh rah.
I.Ktvu kasTH'snn. wsais Ann,
irATItlN'S. Mill. A.'.'nm Mi.. Mall
" lain .1.7 si a.m. 'i "ft p. in In 'ift a, iu ft Pp. ,ni
4' '-'. an 7 jn
ilaltlunii V 7 13
'alnl. r T M
Ihlnili.l I' 7 ftu
A'atnier F. s nl
Snl'lnre 17
R'a tlilt F.N .'ft
Adaliiai.iiru f :ift
li..iieri..'n S41
I tin f. r F. stir
.Ml.t.llal.'iy V .
Mi-lao,' F. U Ift
Hr-iui r F. ti It)
l'.e Him F. ST
H..lnai.irive 0 11
H II. ,lun. S46
.iiiliury luoii
III Iu i.i 6 uft
II VI I ft'.i 4 f.'J
941 V l'i 4 4.1
tftl HI 111
it ft.1 v yi 4 no
S7.1 'U 4 IS
s n . ft . 4 1 a
!l ft7 S J ft?
4 04 k 11 S fti)
4 V7 7 au III
iii ? :ft I :
4 61 7 50 M fit
4 .'. Ill SIS
1 117 7 ' a iji-
l)''I S43 I ft?
sift e :o ltd
Din ft 4ft fa
i I l.i" l rr. ut n il it In let . a ( I,, n ,,n the ealate of
smutd Mover, bit nl llrniro Tnwnaiilp.
Snyder I'uuntv, decM, hnvlnic been sraat
ad tn lu un.lrr.l.i.e.l, all penunt kn.iwln(
tbaiuaelves Indelaed tnial.l eatataar riiieat
ed In make linine.llai payment, whll thnis
havlnir I'lulina wlllprraaDI ttiui duly sulbtbll
led lot leltloweut lu
Z M tl AIM AS H'tit FK
Ullli.lil. I h I.I.N F,
May l'i, I ft" I. Ai'i'iluiatratnra.
A a. It un til will be held al It, Lit tail.
truce ut ,;o'J un Salur lat . Jun. I, IH-t.
Xr.crTIIIX, Nn:K:i',"rottera
Uin,.,.liry on lb tat of f'ATII
HUM; Wl.l.SFH, ileraNie.l. lute ol
1'liapii.nn 'I 'p., Hnydar r.-unty. I end a.
bavitiK been s rented lo tl un.l-lined, ail
jirraoiia knualntf themaelvr ln.let.tcd lo Mill
eatuts ar reiue-te.l to make linuie. Hats pay
meut. whll llnue l avliiv rlnlnia will tireaenft
thatu duly sullicuili'sted Inr aetllenieoi to
l-.U.Ull tttTMSMt
llaiehl issi, tnourls.
altera nf diulDlitrali. Biin lbflleol
.lobn Kylvrrter Sfhnuro. Isle nl hallnaa-rtiva.
Krydaa t:.i. I'a. d.o'd have been irrautcd In lbs
undermined. All perei na knuwlti.r thinalvs
lu.lliteU lornld eaial will filoaie loak Im
mfdlst piyment wlilUithoi bavins slalnitf
atiklnat asld ealat wlllpreaent tbtin lor Mills-
uienl to
UEOltllP. RrllMt'E.
April 11, 1H1. Admlulalrslur.
C l.ellerl nf nn Ilia ealalen
.InSatban tteiiel lat ul ,laeb..s T wn-lilp,
Snydar ll iniity, Fa. da d have bes I'rai (.(
to lb usderal )ined. All pftraona bo"wmaj
(l;iurlve in lei.tid t.'tsl.l r-t n win pi'
uisko tuiiiiW'ttwta pavmeul wbl ih .as li'vlng
rlalina aicvi'f t abl saiats will trMV lliem
luritiloit:it H
SAMI Fl. wr.TZFl.,
PAVll Wri'iZfcU
Day t,'d Adiululal. '))'
0r3 Pl.fH. f-nW-lta l.w.tia"al-
aaiiUHlm.naa..ui. I.I. I.A.a-Mt.e. S4aS Ht'r S. a '
.lanai.wl II. 14 .uaa. t watai, wli'i 1. I.
, Star II, 'S. A1slllrtr.
k.'.A.t v ., 14 e i..nij .'ke
' - i '' '
...U'i ' a " '