The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, June 23, 1881, Image 2
The Post Middleburg, Jans, 23 1881 i. C 3 3 U S E. Editor VProorelorT"" CoiinlyTlukul. Fir f)iirii-t .IwAo, J. MKKKIL LIXN, of!tirvT, ISekjeet t;4ltlaa u( the tliilrlel Confereel.) For ShcrilT, DAVID KKICllLEY, ol Centre, Tot Cminly Commissioners, John iu:irz. f Franklin ; JOHN f. MOYKIt, of Miilillelnirtf. For County Trcmnrcr, A A HON A HKI-FKICIC. of Heaver. Fur County Amtitors, PA5iKLi;ii:VKK.vcir, ol' iVnii, OEOltUE W. MERER, of Went Pony. Tliti K (public tn Cmvantijti at Cleveland renominated Clias. Foster for Governor Uy acclamation. Iloavy Frost tli I u a 1 work in n 01. y platus, on Monday ami Tuos. tiny iiiflits of lust week. Aiiottier of Vi'Onoi'a predictions as to Ilia tintlicr. fiilllilled. Mr. Iliown, Piosiddnt 41irll 1 I'm piivnto rertt lnty, in a cm ponlt-r and lie non of a carpenter. etmlicd IioiiIhiikI at nielli aftor putting iu llio day nt liiii trad". Tlia B'llilifru' orphans' schools ar to get ?72',0.0 for their miiiite t dtuirp tho next two year. 1 1 t ie ifl a pioviin in tlm dill that Hit He schools ate to bo cloioJ finally iu 18S5. A torribla eynUm in northwest fcrn Missouri on Suii.lty, severest in Audiewa count v. lulled about sixty persons, lioitius, liarns, cattlo an I tiverytuing else succumbing to tbo tirnuDts. A terrible fire devastated (jut-bee on Thursday uibt. Eiht hundred bouses aere buruoJ aud tbreo lives lout. The ou Is over two millions of dollars. Tweutytivo Intuited poisons are rendered homeless, and much Bu(Tirii;(f will ensuo. ForepaiiRb, the circus man, and Lnniae Montngiie, Lis alleged $10,. 01)0 beauty, have quarreled. Tbe manager ia anxious to tin rid of the noiiiau, but alio, womanlike, ia con trary, and persists in ataying with the show until her contract expires. During tbo fifty-Hoveii years of its Mitenc, the American Suud ty School Union has distributed 37, 250,000 worth of publications and frjaniznd seventy th imand .Suud ty Schools with five hundred thousand teachers and threa million schol ars. Affairs iu Ireland are assuming a very had shnpe. Instead of improv ing, Ibo condition at present la more del iona than at any previous timo. Conflicts between tho people and tbo military are bxcoming fnxpont and assuming more alarming proper ty r. a. Twa Toronto suitors af tbo same Rirl wanted to tnko her out for a liiroon the aims afternoon. They fought in tho stroma for paaesiion, and finally aei.f. 1 her, each pulling I er wiib all hit might toward his iwn ciniugo. Ilr clothing was I ally damaged before tbe victor bad seemed her. Two littlo bays, t'Uronen flroni and Willie I'owiny wreatlingin Pub. lin, Oa , fell on thtir aidjs, Willie Kot np leaving Cltrun'ie on tho gronud. Tim byat in uitivj I that ha did not, and approan'i' ing tbey f.innd ho Waa dxud. He dind without a nvi'tn, a alrngla or tiny other in lioition tVit anything waa lha matter with biiu. Tho Eoglinlj tnpit iliiU wli wnra only too glad to linliovo that tlm TniUtd States was going to fall to pieces, aud only too eager to invest in Coufodnrata bonds and thus help ou tho Confederal cause, havo been meeting to considf r what can be deno lo realize somothing on those liouds, They may consult and plan, but they way be sure that they will gt little sympathy and less monoy from this side of tlm sea. The Laoy boy of Madison, Wis., went to a menagerie and became fill ed with, tbe idea of starting a bos at show nf their own, nsiug mob ma terial as waa within reach. They puir.lod stripes on i whits pony for a sehra. sheared -the blud half of I iir Newfoundland dog for a lion, cut off tbe for legs of a calf for a kangaroo, and were about to make a fpilh-aacatby chopping when thair Mbcr disoovarsd Ibem. -- . The Cumberland Valley S. S. Assembly. This already noted gathering of Sunday-School people ia held annu ally on the Onkville Cm up Ground, located iu the very boaoai of tbe beautiful and salubrious Cumber land Yalloy, under the auspices of an association of Christian geutlu men of various denomination, who receive no liuinoul benefit whatever from tbo enterprise, but have con tributed to it considerable of their time and means, their only objoct being to promote a higher standard of Snndiiy-t-'chool work iu the snr rounding territory by affording those engagod In this fluid tho bust possi ble opportunity to sjcuro normal advantages nt tho h ast posiiblo cost. This laudable undertaking speaks for itself, and tho encorag tmeut it has received from the pulpit, tbe press, au 1 llioso f r whom it is spa. cully dusigno l, exhibit agntifying appreciation of the efforts of its pro jeetors and supporters, Thoir pro mises to provide talent of tho bigli ordur for tho work of tha Assembly has in each instance- bcon fulfilled heretofore, and tho programme for the coming session ia beyond all that has ever before been announced. The exercises ar in gouuril, of a ttj fold character, embracing a Locture Course- nud a Course of Normal In struction, liuth or these are con Gneil strictly to topics boaiing upon Sunday-School. Work or Hiblu Study. Nothing foreign to tho pur pose of tlioorvinizatinn Is ndiuittud, aud everything of a suusiitional rath er than a practical type is excln 1 ed, whilj tint which ia d jj n ) I pr fitublo ia mnilo interesting and at tiartive by the employment of the best talent nnd fio expouditure of every mentis nud effort. The Session fur 1831 will be held nt O.iliullo, Pa., on the lino of the (y. V. H. It., about midway between Ilarrisbtirg and Chambersburg, July 1 J-'.!!), a full week, itistead of four day only as heretofore. The most thorough preparation is being inadu for the occasion. Tbr Lecture Courso will bo a lord ing attraction, Itwi.lbu iiitrjluo- od by a most appropriate thumo. "l)imger Signal," which the lecture, (lev, l II. Henson D. IK, tho lead ing platform 8eakor of the li.ipt.Lt denomination iu Amorica, facetious ly charaetuiizes. is "au fogy's protest agaiubl ceitaiu dangerous tenden cies in modern Sumbiy-SctiooU methods." Itev. A. L. Agnu v 0. I'., the well known l'leal yteiiau divine of rbiladelpliia, will follow, ou "Sab bath-Schools as Lifu-S.iving St:i lious," prepared especially for the occassion, and on the evening of the same day Lyman Abbott, l, D. editor of tho CltriHain Union, will discuss the tlieiu , '-Why I will Teach in Sunday-School." Ou the second day Dr. Agnew will lectin e ou "Moutal I'hilosophy as relato 1 to Sabbath School Teaehiug," also apecially pr pared for this Assembly; Dr. llensou will follow, on ''What Must Lie liack of Teaching." nud nt night I'r. J.i.nes Stroug, l'resideut of Drew Theologiual Seuiinary, who lias spent a large portiou of timo in persuual explorations of the Luut, will lecture on Oriental Lands, illus trating bia tubject by first-class sciopticon views taken by himself and patty. Ou the third day Dr. Abbott will review "The New Ver siou of tho New Testament"; Col. Hubert Cowdou, of CUlliou, O., who has a nation reputation us a success ful Sunday-school Superintendent, will probably occupy tho pUtforui, and Dr. Strong will givo another illurdintt d lecture It is designed i to make .Sunday a day holy inspira tion. There will bo sermons or ad dresses by euinout niiuistors, and in the nflomoou u Sunday School Sos biou, conducted by Col. Cowden. tho currtDt lesson of tho Iuturoatioual Series to beuso.l. Tbo remaining days of the sessiou me not fully ar ranged for as yet. but it is certain that Dr. Thomas Guard will diliver a biilliunt lecture, entirely Dew iu this region, entitled Vastu"i that Rev, J. Vance, ol Carlisle, Pa., who has inadu the woudorful career of Livingstone a study, will connect the Missionary feature of Sunday-school work with the A isembly by discours ing ou '"The Finger of God in -Ifri ea'i that Rev, A. . Studeraker, Pastor of tho First Lnthcru Church of arrisburg, Pa., will treat some practical thomo or.d that Rev; C. H, Dullleld, Pastor of tho Suuond Presbyterian Churoh of Altoonn, IV, will present "Christ, the Representa tive uman Redeemer, in tbe Light of Modern Science'' while it is pro bable Risbop Warreo Pr. MoCanley, and other prominent divines will partiepate . MMMMMMMnaa The Chicago flitc$ Is of Uie opin ion that Jeff Davis' book sHovrs tbe mistake of not hanging bitn at Che close of war. 1 That book Willi, kill biooi daad.eooogb with bis Ute;asso- cits. e. X- ' Tbe recent Legislature appropriat ed abont eight million dollars. Gov. Hoy I has signed tbe bill pass ed by tbo receut Legislature re tir ing the registration ofall practition ers of medicine and surgery, iu the I'rolbonotary's otlico of tho connty in which they reside. ... .Cut worms havo made their appearance in the tobacco patches of Cuesler ootinty. .... An unknown disease is killing thousands of chickens iu HIair and uotingdou counties. a recent storm in Wash ington county, sixty nine sheep in one flock wuio killed by lightning. ....At no timo within the past ten years have mechanics had as much work as they uow have iu this state. ... .Old fishermen nt Milton say tbe river ha not within their mem ory swarmed with as many fish as now. .... A NYelsh choir of 12,003 voi ces is suggested as ono of the feat' urcs of tho bicentennial celebration. .... Doss bricklayers of West Chester have advanced tho wages of journeymen dfty cautu a day, makiug it $2, GO. ....The Asa Facker estate has been sued for $2,000,000 by the Xo bio and Harnett estates, of l'biladeb phia, for a settlement. . . . .Two lira lford nnglors iu less than two days caught 4.00J trout along tho banks. ol tho streams at Cross Forks, Potter county. ... .Soven years in tin peniten tiary is the sontenco John Hrown re ceived nt Sinelbport for chaining ties ou u railroad track near Brad ford. ....A littlo girl nt Arduoro, .Montgomery county, died au agoniz ing death ou Friday from the effects of eating sour grass uud other plants glowing in the yard. . . . .Henry Nagle, aged fifty, re ftiding at York Haven, York county while nalkiug on tho railroad track near Hainbridge on Friday, was struck by tho locomotive of a freight train uud very seriously injured. . . ..If llrady keeps on lopping o.T Star routo ex'ravag'inces tho put ollice department will soon bo self sustaining, which will bo a ','roit event iu the hiatoiy of tho govern ment. . . . .Toy pistols are very danger our and should be suppressed on tln I'ourth of July. Compared with tin in the tiiociueker is iuuocent, . , . .Sinco tho existence of West Point it has turned out IflX grad uates, of which l.-r3 are btill ulive. and 1)1)1 are iu tho army. ... .Smallpox is no roppfltor of pernor. ( h is t u:k o 1 th i H upo or of Chiun and thn (Ylcbti il monarch is r portud very ill. ....Fp to tho 18th inst. 10,200 immigrants bnd been lauded at Cas tle (j.irdmi, New York. . . . .Thn anthracite conl trado is exceedingly dull at present. . . . .The grain crops are reported to be promising iu iniuy sectious of the State. . . . .Rev. Tailings is fierce on the revised Now Testament. He pro nounces it a mutilation, a profana tion, a religious outrage, etc, . . . .Three thousand acres of laud havo been purchased in Huntingdon eouuty by a Washington county man, on which bo iuleuds raining and hording sheep. ... .Slight shocks of earthqunlio at Mount Vouviiis have been follow od by an eruption. Ou tho 2ud broad and active streams of lava were flowing dowu the northeast side. ....AGcrmttn ragpicker named J. Pranch, aged CO years was ejected iu HntTulo, N. Y.. from the uttio of a tenement house, where he had been living iu object squalor, and two bags, containing over 4,030 in gold and silver cuius, wero found in his possession, . . . .There is now building in the llaldwin works, Philadelphia, a lo comotive designed to be the fastest in the world, and intended to do eighty miles nn hour without taking iu water. It will be tukeu to Eu rope, and tested on the railroads of Englund and the Contiucur. ... .All of ua who bnve not been there expect some day to go to Eu rope, and this always makes any item about the expense of a trip to Europe a matter of interest. A Detroiter, who bas "been there" several times, shows ho a threo months tour of the continent can be made for $171 Here is Lis esti mate I Passage, second cabin, CIO j Liverpool to London, $1 1 Loodoo to Paris to Vienna, f 11, total 159 i retaro 959 , which tuakos $11' paid for travelling. Two months' board be estimates at $50, which makes a grand Mai of $111 for a bout of a Utj interesting portion t ,Ka rcpe. . - ; ....A iroskalouge was picked npl tiena in mis river, wis., tiiat wis 4 feet pounds. 4 feel 4 inches long, bo J weighed 43 A Brooklyn woman bas just re covered a thousand dollars from a tavernkeeper by way of damages for the leg of her husband, broke while the worse for liquor. If every wife whoso bosband is maimed by mm would, whenever the law permits, pursue a similar course, the cause of tomperance would be greatly helped. The man who will sell liquor to a drnoken customer ought to be made to bear the consequences. Nearly new Sweep Stakes Separator with mounted 7orso powor eoni plete for sale cheap by J. F. Keihl. Boils, pimples on the face, salt Illicit ni, old sores, and all cutaneous eruptions (lisnppeiir liko mnie wlien Dr. LiniUey's Blood Searcher" is used. June M, 4w. Advertising Cheats. It lias Income so common lo write the lieuinninc of an elcvant, interest1 niff article anil then run it into some advertisement that we avoid all such clients nnd simply cnll attention tn the merits of Hop itillers in us plain lion est terms ns possilile, to induce people to (jive them one trial, as no one w ho knows their value will over tiso any thing else. 1'fotlih-iwe Adnrlisrr, "When publicly testified thnt I hud heen cured of a terrililo skin hu mor hy the Ciiticura Remedies, I did so that others miht bo cured, and do mil recret the time itiven lo snsweritij; inquiries. Hun. William Taylor, Bos ton. Juno L Is I. iv. A New Treatment. TlirOMi a I'Auiruf (,!,; wnndi'rul eum Ifvonhnie CniKinnnllbn. nut won hi know ihsi your couli cm h mat liiunr snil m-v-llcciio Knnvtr ami Nighl Hocals ch-cke.l li 21 hnnr-j I urlnni nml Ion Inken phi ot Lungs nj sir rs'usKf nt onoi : llisl ton cno ho inu la lo i iln A lo & imiinili of lirnlilijr fl-li per wrrk i if ynn lisvs Culnrrh. Ivsn-(1i. Hmk llt-licbi. Henri nnp,ie, uuer I'oinpltunl, Nerv.iua I'riilliiy, teinliisl Wcikneii or Hrcrimt lorrliors, lota of aoxml poivar in eillirr cx from any ciiih- If you bsvo nny form of nt-rvona wf .kiif... lo-iin tlmli or ws-iiiii iny snl wouhl knox of nn tin- nixiliaif relief nii'l crri nn our for mnnv of lha eror-t ui in a alioit ilmo ns mtilioJ wli'i new n)inls lo f illen rvery ho ly, ini(nrai ami nutka sironjt an. I lir ilihy Hie mail lioeoleaa oa-ra. inn lliitoMi mi l wriioni ones for pnrlintl irs, l.i II. 8 Lldri;.N.SAUV, llerrin H,,rn,,l Mitfh. July L'J.'Co. Iv. TRUSTEE S PEREMT03Y SALE. Estate of William .Meredith, doe'd, Thomas & Sons, Auctioneers. V.iluuble Tracts of I RUN AND Tiiimnt Pino, 0a!i, CiCilnut a id !l2'i)Io3''.. sxvDicitcou.vrv, TIipv iiiil.-s from (!iuiit- S-at. nt I'i o'ehi" I; noun. slili ll.e tcniMol th tl.l of I irui.1. him ua il'i hi ru .lie ..., .tin,.. .it la.rrva, nt llio PillLADKLl'SIIA ivCi'il.VNilK. All tl Kslitt, 1(1 I llio I Inlorx-i ..f Hia I r.i-ioo. In I in I at inn i .ia.jri al t'roi ot l.nuil in bny.lo.' t:ii.nt.v, C: Tit Xt'i' No. I. . In warrnnl im.iirivii'. mm naai.iri, in i rnutfiiu iKMUnklu, cuoimIuIiim 4(fj arr. a aii'l alIo'iiii-i. I II AIM' No. 1. In wrrinieo n-i.a nt chrla. Inilicr liarrliMai, In Kruikln l..n-ul,i. coo taililciK 4 m anren, ou .r..'ui in 1 ailua una. i itAiir No. a. in wAiraiuoa n.iioai. k.-um- I Youiu.ln r'ntiiltili low..uii, jouIuIiik iuj acrnf. n r B x .m l lM'ii:,oi I II AO i No. 4 l-i rriuiiea nama oUir,re Wolf In Krunlill'i t iKii-ltip vouislulnj 4U urea, mj parolH a and allow u. :o. T II ,f V No. J. in witrri'it'D n una of Kr 1 1 . ola lllioilo. In Kr.iuLliu io;..iilp. uj.,i,iu 4oo ai r. . oil i n l.a. ami u.; . I HA' I No, 4 -In w.urolua uaioeot Uo.erl dray, in r'i4iikiln iool.ii, coulaml.u 4 .J aor. a, to iiorcuca mi I ulloitii io . 'I KAt;l' .No. t In irrul"n'oa of llanrr nnoaralio , In l rank no lowmlilp OouUiuIuh .7 aeia, l '.'4 porohar aoil allowopr. TIlAi I No a In wsiranii s uamo or Alartln hluilrick. In lli svar loonrtilp oouululuj 4 n.-rea 0-J oereuoa auJ atiow meo. 1'KALT Mo. l lo warrant a namsof f' KliiKlr, lo llcsiar lown-liip, uuuuluiug io So pareiiei unit ul uuo., I'llaOT No. lo lowarr t .tio ninia of Vn. rla II Luila. Jr., In II. avar tnwimhip, o oialnliu 4oo aorit-. Ml pa oliaa ao l alluwanta. ill tiaul-In llio uuuii a ol WHilain llewart ml I'lnlal 0 hrr I'mimar ar Olm.ol s uillaa ami llui luOa liuui aliouivliiirs, tlia oouuiy a4i 'I n.ji'ir vuiiiy. aii iuu io roaii irom Mlil illalur In r rtojiint run, iluao Inioc Tli a liacu In Ilia liumci of l rnucia Ororsa Wull, Sa.nual Voum a nl ll-ury Van-' ilrralioo mo about 4 milca illilaot l.uia tint, illoouru, a oil v. mllaa Iroin llavtrluwn auil I'iiatonvlllo. Tlio imiiiIio r I 111 fioio til.ioial,ir to lUoAlli-iarvills ruua wl lliln 'ioo roila ul iiii iraoi in lha uauio ul t ram-la HUoili', Jr. All Ua trail. avar..ia 11' uillaa f.oio the Lawiiiown luvUlonof ilia evunalaiiu Hill, rvail rilialiaol Irou listo boan opano.l on tua .' Illlam Dowari iraot; soil at lallant oi,uloa, eliattuut a oil hiniiM4 suoti iJ uu a. I lia tiaeia. TtKMS.-Tha tra.ili will bo pot npaaparst. Il, auil 4M roiulrail to bopalil by tua puioua .r l eaub tram ai lb ilmo u( a.Oa, o liarl.a iba Irael to ba at ouea put up aiiit lor aale; tlio bilaocoultbo purubao iQonav to ba pahl Iu caaii ou lUa ilollvirf ol lli ilaaj, wllbln vt Uaya allrr tlio la. .'- A ooooaotail rlrafi, or map of territory. x. labilluii In Ian ili upwarila of li lulita, ami Iu brtaSili upwan'aol J uillat, propari'il by Aaron K. Uitt. t.i , Hurray. r ul koiuar IJouoiy, iiowlus Ibo Iraou u'larait loraala. ilia looull io of lbs rallroaa, lUlililiaoura-. f nxt'Hivlllo, -tar lo u anil .ilaui.buiKi'bo upai.lnita anil oof oropaof lroo or velna, tua atraaiua, la fco.. iiuy Ua aa-1 ai tua oulca ol lb lUJi 1 J S-ttli-. r urthar Informal loo way bt bail by apolyl ns In iwrnoo, or by lellar, lu tua aubanribur, at Ko. ;io Wall ut HblU.lalpliia, or A A HON K olr'l', Kni., AllJoi.burn. BALK AbOI,Ul . Wot. M. MKHEU1TU, Trualaa. M. THOMAS 6i Kt)N8, Au.livuacr loyua Ul 6outb Fourth Strt. l'bll , Juuo . last. THE nndersiiine l. Administrators -L oftbeeatat or Mlcbi, (loarllo late of the towuabli ul Centre. djj"al, by rlrina uf ollnlr laaud oui ol tit Oii.hani" I'ourl uf jinr coumy, win puao to Ibt preiulaet lu (aid tutr townablp. Ou Tuesday, June 28th, 1881, the followlns detorliMd Kal Ratal, to wit i Tit ACT No. I. coualatlnif ol tbr eontlsuoii tola ul ursund altunta at aloraaal I, biumlel Nunb by t'bxlnui aireei, Kut by lot of llaory Kuilib, Ue.t by Publlo Uoad and Soma by an Alley, containing . i Three fourths of an Aere, more or !, on whloh are ereotad a IW KM,. 1NO HOUStl.a. Altu TKtCl' No. V, altn. ale In lb lowuablp alor. il l, bono 11 North by woodland of liaors Stliie, tl4l an t Houlh by Publl Hoad and WM by Uud of Hnury kaook, eoatalulus ( . , , bis lores, Are or lata. ' Hule t euntmeeee at 1 o'olook P. If. efaald ul wees terui ul taio will b . ISAIAH OnKHUN. aduiiaMnW ut(,IM.' JlttoninS-At-Lnw. I ; Y "uiawi-iitiu, ATI03NEY-AT LAW, Sici.msottovK, Pa., (lollcatlnna tnl f o' W lel banln e.-.nspi. U stitnilca to. Cojiillillop la tutlltli al l Uiriasa. .Ian t, ll. II. DILL, ATI0RNEYAT-LAW, fatritburg, Penn'a. All tolnts siruiil to hit ears will bt promptly stlenJsJ to, Stpl, 8H, 188o. IjTdkitricil Arroii.'VKV.Ar.Lr. il&rbi SI. , St liniyrove, Pa. All rrflfaritnnsl l ot proini.llf utitn txl w. viudiuiihuudi in r-OHinu uu unn in r.b.m.'o, J li. WUNDERLY, - ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. Miilillrburtf, S,iyU r C , Pa rn b i"vnolti-t In Knsllah nr(r -Proiouln sltlmi lur inltn, .t N. MYERS, A llomtip .1 f- tmr. llilillrbnra. Ptnn'a. . r Alt profaailonal liMinaa4 ontruatol to his ear will r-lv prompt sttautinn. UkimulUtloot In KohIIib sail Oarman. (Jet. 10,'T". JACOB GILBERT, Attorney A t-Tjnw, MIUDLKIIUHO, PA. All Imalncaa anTu.iad to bli oara will rcelT roinpt atlaollon. Julf 211,'Ts. iLOWEII, AflORNEY-AT-LAW, Mibllr.hnrrf, Pa. (UlBes la olTlot of I. V. UronmiiUr, !q.) 'nt!artlona mad. Uoniultstlnna In Knall-h ao l Uarman. J una 13, 'Tn. if. M. L. XCIIUUll, ATT0 RUE Y-AT-LA W, New Berlin, Penn'a. Profaaatnnat bnalnaaa rntruat! o hla oara will rorela prompt allnntloo. Juna M.'IH. ! tHAS I J P ULKICil, Attorney fc Oonnssllor-At-Law, OlBca In Apii'a IMlMlnv nn rlool Norlb ,ol KsvaToNK ItorSL- K-iliiNr c, I'euu'n. itolloottona anil it oibar pro'raaloAat hual na.a la anllolta.l ami will racolr earaiiil an I prompt attention. Aiir.ll.'JMI. uuonmillku, ATTOKNEV AT LAW, .Millliuburg, Pit , Dflera hla prolraslona scrrice to I he putt lie. OillMtlon anil all olhrr profpaaionnl hnsinraa rniniatr.l to Ills care will rrcnivr prompt nitrntion. f Jnn 8. 'li'if .1. SMITH. L vrTonVKV AT LAW. Miiinr.turirt, sn YeiH du., pa Oram hla l'ruro"lniil Saralrea to th' pnbll !onulliitloria la l.nullrh ami llsruan. p. J. It. ZELLEU, ttorsi:y.ati.a ir Jfifjtiiifiwy, L'nlon Coniify, Pn All diilruti to hi ear will well an. I I. III. lolly aUon.l. il l.i. Will prm tlr At it. novorHl ooutta o Nr.y ler anil aittoiolnv il.iruiHti Ini unaKn Oct. ... 'JJtl .' nine", i-un eooau tail In lur r.pii h ni pn avi les iiowiir;, ATTOHNEV AT LAW, Kclinsgrove, Pa :lflra lil profeKniminl ierri(io io ihe pub ho (.'iillooliotia nml nil oil r iiriifex-ioii i tiuaineas nil ruiii. lo hla o n o will re jt'ivn prompt allfinion. Oiluir I w o iloor -oiiili of I lie .N' Solinol. fj in 0, 'li JM.LINN, ATTOUSEt AT L V, f.ewUlmrz. TM tlTrr bia prorcs'louiil arrviort in Ilia puhlio. Pullri'linna nml nil oilier pro frijoiinl ruiainesa riiruaird lo h' car will roucirrprouipt aileniiou. Sept. il l, 188). "j-wn:"rri5:ti" : 1 a ' 0 fi YC )'.V AT LAW. Solinsrovo. Pa, fllTrr llieir profeanioiml arrviurt lo Ilia puhlic. Allleiinl hiiaiuaiilriialoil lo tlirir oar will rooeive jrotnpl atleiilioo. Ollio nl hit bmnenn M.tin Street. July, lib '7li. 4 AM est. ALLSMAM. ROBAUB ALIBVAB S. ALLEMAN & SON. AT TORS E '8 A T LA W. Nellumjv-rove, All profraalonnl buaiiiers nuJ oolleullns will be prorspllyl aliened io. din D oonsulled In tnnliau or Ucriiiun. Oitloe, Murke'. Hijiiitre. II. II. tiiinim. Win. If. Dill CJUIMM&DILL. Attorneys &iConncellors A T-h.l If, OITlee Near tho Post Office. I'rt-chiiitr. !iiii,ii. Conaiillslioa la bulb Eogliah and tlermtn Langungei. ; Ueo.l '7Jlf. JOIInTi. ARNOLD, MIUUM'.IIUUO, P. Profetaional business entriMteil to hlsearr w::: be promptly aiiaoded lo. Feb T THOM PSON BAKER,,v, tewlsburg, Union Co., Ps HarOnn bt oonsulled Id tbs Englltb an Orrman lsngusti't.'j OKr'ICK Murkrl Utrett, oppoiHe Wall- jiaiib & C'o's tilort 8 WM. VAN fiEZRR, ATT0UNKY AT LAW, , Lowiahurg Pu. Offer t his prnfeaaional tervios lo le pub Its. Colluotlnnt and all other I'lofoatioa I bualnraa entrualrd lo bis ears will re eeiv prompt at tentioa. B. T. PARKS ATTORNEY AT LAW. 8BL1NSQR0VE. H.V VUKR ,CO0STY. Ps apl.l6, '11711 A 0. SIMPSON, ATTOItSEV AT LAW, Sal: ns(f rove. Pa. Jfferf bit profettlonslsorvioesto lbs pub .to. All biuiues eutrtiairj to bis oar ill bs promptly alteuded lo. , Nan. 17.'B7lf CJAMUKL II. ORWIO, ' ATTORmiYATLAW, illKllstltlirsT. tVlelsiH to.. tn: , . - . L , : i lalT M --r-. -.- mmwm D':. .1. Y.-HiUXDRL, BOIIQBO.' A.NU PIIVSICtAS, Middlebnrir, Ps OITor s bia prnfaasinBal itrvloss la lbs ell tens or Miil'lljur( tud vloinilj. .. r March 2t. '07 )I1 MAUAXD KOTHUOCK, Fremont, Snyder county, Pa. Uraitnattol naltlmor U'tll of PhyainU nt ml Muramn. nltara hla proKMl n il aarrl to ibo pnbllo. "Mpiaai tujllia anil Oaruia. Morrh, IT, IMI. If. J. SMITH, Physician & Surgeon, fremiti, Sninln County, Pa. fTn bt prnfraalnnal ttrvlort tth l,l Offlc on Main trt. Jnn IS '79,, J)R. J. O. WAGNER, I'lirslclmi nnd Nnra-eon, tKara M prnfnaalonat aarvlc to ha mtn.ii of Ailara.boru anil rielulty. Auk. t.'notf. J. V. KANAWIiL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. rtMiirelll, Kurrier :., in OlTrr bit profetaional strvlovs te tho puhlic. fl-3Rlf J J. KCKHKRT, SURGEON DENTIST. KlKUKHT'll III.OUK, Srlinayrovr, Vnn'a. I'rofrMlonnl builOMt promptly aitni1l to, May n.'lt. )R. I. OHIElt BAUBEU, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, havlnc lortlrrl si MIDDt.KDURfl. PA.. ollio a few iloors Wast of Hi t'ourthoiiae, in U.svrr-s l.rick bullilia.. oflrr. bis prn- fraalonal srrrioet In the pnhlio. 111 apetlis Cnsliab anj German Oct.n.'TS. pERCIVAL HERMANN, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Kr-tltrrrillf, Sivdfr Co., Pa. Oflrra ht4 nr-ofaf.tonnl aarvlno to i the eltlint'h ol aratMrriil and vlnlnily. DR. A. M. SMITH, PHYSICIAN AND SUnn RON Ullors his profeaalnnal armors to the c 1 1 1 -tent of Ailatnahiirg anil vlolnlly. Srp-i, 7s He K. VAN UU3 KIRK, A MUCH NlCAt DENTISI i Selinsgrove, Penn'a. Justices of the Peace. DAM SMITH, Jnsticc cf th3 Pu3ct! & Coavcyaucif HeiitterHjiri nf.i, Snyder Co., I'a. AiroAllrlnl b.ialna.a -tuliln ilapilllnn a and proTiilly atlemlol tn. Colleotlona and ramlt- tinea, promptly iu.nle. Moy li.' Ikis YyTILLlA.M II. SNYDER. Just Ire of I he I'ortce. Salem, Snyder Counly Penn'a. All Collecliona ami remitunces promptly uiado. aor. ii, ! tr. JMAAU HEAVER, , USTICE OF THE PEACE ami Gonernl O Uootop . MM.IUhtirir, Snvi'rr Conniv, Pa Ppeei il ititrr.uon piti l lo oolleniiunt nf ill liiti-la. Ilroiiilnnta ill be in Ir pio-npttv for n'l ol'.eiittonn ina le. Mar. Jll IH78 If. II W A (J NIC If. Eur,., I ii-lcn.i Township, Snyder t'o. Pa., IVill nlli'ml tn all Im a! ne mi euiriiHirl lo 'ia osro nuJ on the iiiohI rrnaouiilil t-rnis, March I-. 'iMt f ) VID S. S HOLLY, Justice of the Pence, L'iuuu,Tuivnhip, .Sitykr Vu., Pa. Will nlirnl In all limiueaa rnlriiHlrd lo III-oara nn moil raitannahle Irrina. 1', O. aJJrcat, Dundure, SnyJerCo , P. Msr. I, 'HO. J. IIARTMAX, JI'STim OF Till! PRifR. Si. 0n vnvniicer, Cb'N TttliVILLE, Snydor Count j. Pa. I'olln-tlnna and all bualn narlalnlna tn ll.a omeeofduiitlr ul tbe rac will be allrnilail lo at tbort notice A u'r 17 'J gETH MITCHELL, Justice of tho Poaos & Conveyancer, .lackaon Tnwnalilp, Hnydar County, I'a. Oollaetlou, Oiinvayaliotns, and all ulllar till eionaN parlalulns to Ilia oiAi- will rraalv proiKfl etlenlion. I'oatuffloaeddra: NMr Hrrlln, Cnloo county, (. Aug. HI, IRT1. JOHN K. HUGHES, Esq., JUSTICE OP THE PEACE, Penn Twp., Soyder Co. P JAMES MIDDLESWAUTH, Justice of the Peace & Conveyancer, Troxleville, Suyder Co. Pa. Will attend nromnttr to all mannar at baal nepa iiariainins to lueomce. Ueeda. Article fct., wrltlee uttloe. Dollectlon male. (July 'il, '74-11. yM. H. HARDING, JUSTICE OF TUB i;Arr Sc Conveyniicer. FRKEMOMT, Snyder oounty, Pa. CollarltoM tndal bnaluaaa ptrtalnlns lo the oWiaof Jnallneof ihePeaue will be eltemlrd to at abort notice. Apr. 7'Tt, A. WETZEL, Justice of the Teace, heaoertoion, Suyder Co., i'a. All kloilt of oolleollont mad an liberal term. Promptly alltodt lo all butineei lulruated to bit oare. - (Juns 2tt, '7811 IER B. MIDDLESWARTH, JUSTICK Or THE PEACE .- CONVEYANCER, MoOlure City, Snyder Co., Pn. flollaetlnni and all butlnett partalnlns to the oSlreof luailoaef tbe Peas will bealiended le at tbort Botlo. July Si 'lHI, O IJORNUERQER, 'jusTiois drrin peace : i Prv ToVabiB.sBv4rllMBt.Pa. . -up, uunnita- , f Vl2tlt ,w. - v,m' - 1 U i t I , , J. BOWKRSOX, - -, Juttice oftht Peace f Contyvuv Penascreek, Snyder Co ; Px, " rnProtlont ami namltianesa promitttf md. Doaruolo easily aaa tbaply taruia.i. TwaaMaHaaawawaawaBwaawaBwaaaaawaaiBalaBlaailL HtW.i. Gffll MM Ml Corner SO St Broadwau, NEW YORK. On both American A European plans: varl, Hm.iway aa.1 Pinr-Nlnth St., thl. Hoi.l mrnpia tlia amlra aijuaro, ami waahnlltaml fnriilaiiafl at an atpana .if nrr It la osaofiha mi-l aWmtaa wall aa k.i,.4 th An. . . I0"?".'! '" K" "" Pwm-r ! Inr an I all mlrn lmproamnta. ana la wltlu ot.a anj'iara nt II.. rtp .la or lha nih and Elshia A.rnn r.lvaie.lH. H o.raaml .till noar.r t. th Hroailwar r.r-onraoliit a .it acmaalhl rnmi all paru of th cliy. Room wllli boar I, J rr Sa.Hcal rat for famlllaa aoi paruta- . """"" E. HASKELL. An. W.'W.y. PaoraisTos. BOARDMHOUSE. rpiIR Umtrraltne.l woaM rrpetful!y In Xformlh iravrllinx piihllo, buaioeai mm, wlinaaaa anit Jnrnr In atlamlane at onr lionrla dial lia haa mail amnl. irprtloua for hair aoivooimnliiinn and will n.lTor loan, tartalu hla fiatrnna Iu snod atria at lha moat raa..nabla riloa, lloinllus Houa a few door wcatuflliaOcurl llouaa. OAHRISLBK.WItH. Apr. 81 ;t. I y. Proprietor. WASDIHGTON HOUSE ! MitrlrilelMirsr, ln.. JOHN LIMB E R T, Proprietor The ahor nonntaa II nt a ha., miii.j and rafnrnlahad in the Nut iyl. Ita antral Inrallon mak.i It innrnlot for kaln other wlio are "T. "..'tli W la alwaya .im.ll..l with ti.aha.i i ih. Z.1Z ! "t the liar with oo t liquor and tbe st bia ........... .., oaraiuu uuauar. teruil inoderal April 4, 117, CENTRE VI LLE HOTEL, (Late Mra. Weaver'!.) Centarvlle Hnyder Co., Pa. PETER HA HTM AN, Proprleto , ' V" kote "Pl.t. I . ... i Holt, a tbarVof tb.-publlo' i.J Zg' M a .il . .... rcie PETtK UART1IAN fJHE NATIONAL HOTEL. JOHN B. FOCKLER, Prop'r. HeHnHjgrove, Pa. Thlt Tfolel I nlaaaantly loratrd In tha ".nnara fl?. .,V,rT ,l,"'l'lr 'r trarrlar. lo aln'p Ilia BKKTof aoconiiuoilallniia at low raU par aoi.a l..p.lnK one. will b ur to call asaln. Tbe TiS. n,r,los Kuturantlneonnetlonwt Ill llotal. Air-IV.'7. a-Mwiai T5cc!l;li(s, House, -11M At -llf. NORTIt THIRD BTREKT. PIIIL'A PA. Terms $L-fiO per dny. HENRY SPAHN, Pron'r.'v, rirrk Apr.l.'tt. rUihviclphia Cards. J. S. FARNS WORTH. W1TM JONES, HOAR & Co. Importers ol Hoiscry, Notions, WHitc Goods, Eratoi Series Gouts Farnisbius Goods k. No. 5H Market Street. PHILADELPHIA. T. tl. fon, A. II. Hoar. I Mar. I J ';4 W. H. Mhalhlay, 1. il. ueicutrl. M. J-. WAGENE1.ER, WITH Pi RAVUILL & Co. VT WllOLSSAf.S DSAIIS IS VOOD AND WILLOW WARS ;)il fMnilin, Window Simile, Rroims, Mnl Itrnalie tlutloo Lnps, Ornin Ban, F'.y N'ris, Ituckpls, Twines, Wioks, So. 4l'u lnrltel Hlreet, Philsdelplila Peb. 7. 'ti7 J. dELHEl.MEU UEALUn I IT E!A St 3) W A EiE Iron, Nails, Steel, Leather, Faints, Oils, Coach & Saddler Ware AND MANUFACTURER OF Stoves iV Tinware, MARKET BTBKET, f l'enn'Oi November 51. 1871-if WM. MANN. Blank Book Maker Sta tioner, and Steam Power PRINTER, Yt IioIomoJo Ac lTotail Uo 529 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. I'rotnytneu. One lrice Selling Price Marked On All Ooode In Fi guree. Apr.l8."3. JJAVID WILLIAMS, Manufsoliiretor A Wbolrtalt Dealer In Qllt, Malioeany, Malnut and Koseaood oLOOrxlNQ GLASS Picture St, Photographlo Frames Kos. .30 and tit Arch Street Philadelphia I'a. Frames Repaired In lbs bett manne Alto, Regllding ia all Its braaobtt. 71 JJNI0N"PiiANIN0 MILL 8ELINSQBOTE, BNTDEB CO., PA Kcely 4& Wagner liiiuihcr Dealers AMD MASVrAOTIiSIB 0 Ooon, Door Uoxet, Windows, abutter Window Boxes, Bilnus, Hash, Blair rixlngt, llaHd UallliiM, Brack els. Ilouldlnns, FieorlBK, SOBCM- 8AWINO It UA BIN ET TUBN1NO Blilngles, Lath, too., too. Ordtrs toliolltd aad flllsd lls prop Otis aad Jimt7b. rises eallBnd iusoiireiook belort purohaalng elttwh WJt keep on hand all Istnde.oJ blank JtfctA ae Note; Swi ionue,A!arranl4, ' least, Bubpof 1 ' f - . . i r ! vills i ' - . l