Alvetlln Hate Ai flntiimn on rear. ffiO.OO One-half, column, one year, One-fourth column, one year, One square (10 lines) 1 insertion K'cry additional insertion, ti.r.1nnl ami Husines cards ol mwm ---- 30.00 15.00 75 50 not more than 5 lines, per year, 5.00 Auditor Executor, Administrator and Assignee Notices, . 2.50 Editorial notioee per li" 15 All transoient advertising lest than I months 10 cents a line. All advertisement for it shorter pe riod than one year are payable at the tiipv are ordered, and it not naid the person ordering them will ue held; 4CpinsiOIO lur mo hiuiist. l'ootry The Water thathai Patted. LUten to the water-mill, Throngh the live long day. How the clanking of the wheels Wears the hours away I languidly the autumn wind Stirs the greenwood leaves ( From the field the reapers ring, IHndlng up the sheaves, And a proverb haunts my lulud, As a spell is east : 'The mill will never irrlnd With the water that has passed." Take the lesson to thyself, Living heart and true : (lolden years are fleeting by, Youth Is positing, too t Learn to make the most of life, Low no happy day ; Time will never bring thee back Chances swept away ; Leave no tender word unsaid ; ' Love while life shall hint- "The mill will never grind With the water that hue panned." Work while yet the daylight shines, Man of strength and will; Tfever does the streamlet glide Useless by the uillL Wait not until to-morrow's sun Beams upon the way; All thut thou canst cull thy own Lies In thine to-day. Tower, Intellect and health May not, cannot lout; "The mill will never grind With the water that has passed." Oh. the wanted hours of life That Uave drifted by; Oh, the good we might have done, Lost without a sigh; Love that we might once have saved l)y a single wordi Thoughts conceived but never penned, PeriHlilng unheard. Take the proverb to thine heart, Take, oh I hold it fust I "The mill will never grind With the water that has panned." Into Mischief. Dancliur feet and busy fingers, Never still the whole day through. For the little bruin from dreamland Hrln'H them work enough to do, ltueing through the gorgeous purlor, Hoinpiiig on the winding stair, Tearing books unci breaking vuees Into mUcliief every where. IMrks the cukes and tastes the jelly, KreukHthe window, slums the door. Throws the statues from their brackets, Scatters playthings on the door, Tearing little coats and trowsern, Rumpling up his curly hair Husy, nuiighty little linger, Into mirichief everywhere. Spilling ink upon the carpet, Dualling pictures from the wall; Breaking mirrors, singing, shouting, In the aticuud the hull; Tracking mud ucross the entries, Turning over desk and chair, Cutting up the morning paper Into inisohlef everywhere. But no look of hate or malice Darkens o'er those laughing eyes; Not a thought of harm or sinning In his little bosom lies. For his soul Is pure and guileless, Whate'r harm thelhiger do Though the little feet are straying Into mischief all day through. H e 1 e o t T n, 1 e Saved By Accident A Detective's Story. "Ingety, I've got a Job for yon one, that mast be attended to iiu meuiateiy. Are you ready to travel ? mi ... mia was tue salutation I recived from my chief one afternoon, aa I eaterea headquarters after a bird day's work. "At a moment's notice." I replied "or at least as soon as I can pnt on a disguise, should that ba ne cessary. "Good r said tho chief, "for that all the lima I am able to give yon. 1 bare fast received information that Sam Wolfe ia in this town, and tbat ie la to leave today by tbe 0. and B. Bailroad. I think we bate now an opportunity of tracking bin to bia beedqoarters, and I want yon to do the job." "I should like nothing better." "Very well then start at onoe for tbe railroad depot. I, don't know what train be is going on bnt yoa ean wait until yoo see bim. Yon are sure yoa cannot mistake bim 1 "I abonld know bim in any dis gujse," I replied, as 1 left tbe room. ' fta.m Wlfu ...., .( - onppery Bam," aa be was generally called, was, at tha time of which I write, one of tbe moat dangerous counterfeiters in , - wuuiry ana tue chief of Urge SM. - W bad for .l0Dg tiua been Si VOL. 18. in search of bia headquarters, but without success. We ery seldom bad a chance to "shadow" one of the ... gang, and when we did they always managed to put us oft the track be. fore we traced them to thoir lair. It would be a "big thing" for me if I unearthed their den i and I felt that the ohief paid me a high compliment relecling me, and me alone, to do tbe job. I hastened to my lodging, and quickly but carefully "made myself np" as a well-to-d farmer. My reputation is at stako." I mut tered tomysolf, a I strode towird the depot, "and by Jove, I'm bound not too lose it." I thought it very probable tint I should have a long wait for my man. but in this I was agroeibly disap pointed, for, on arriving at the do pot almost the first man I behold was Slippery Sum. He bad just en tered and was ranking bis way to ward the tickot ofTluo. I followed bim, and saw that be bought a tick- et for Watkin's Junction, a small village about Gfty milos out. I purchased a ticket for tbe same place and followed Wolfe into tho car, just as the train started Throughout the journey I kept him iu sight. Hoglnnrod at mo sovoral times bnt showod no signs of re cognition, and I was confl lont that my disguiso was porfect, Sam and I had mot more than once in the course of my professional caroor, so I hail beon more than usually dire ful in my "make up," and wss cer tain tbt it was effective. In some thing lees than two hours the train reached Watkin's Junction, and soveral passongers alighted, among them 8am Wolfo and myself. Tim counterfeiter started up the roal. ami I stopped up to tho dopot mas tor and asked . "Can you tell me who that man is f" pointing to Wolfe. "I don't know bis oatne," was the reply, "but bis face is familiur enough. Ue iftops up at Rorko's place." ''And where and what is Rorke's place 7" I asked. You're a stranger in theso parts or you wouldn't ask that." said tho depot uiastor. Itjrke'i pl ica in u public house about a mile up the road, kopt by ono Jim Koike though bow be manages to keep it going 1 dou't kuow, fir everybidy iu those parts steers clear of it they know bim too well." "His reputation is not good, eh ?" I asked. 'He's ad d rased," s.ti I tho do pot mastor, "that's what bo is." Having ascertained tbe exact loca tion of the public house iu question. I started up the road, determined to make sure that I had retlly found the counterfeiter's headquarters. It was eight o'clock and very dark when I paused iu frout of a miaser- able looking hovel, over the door of which was written the name James Rorke. From. the inside I board souuds of revelry, and glauoiog into the half open window I saw four men standing beside a bar drinking. Sam. Wolfe was not among thorn, but I doubted not that I bad discov ered tbe boadquai ters of the gang. Now nothing remained to do but to prooure assistance and make a des cent on tbe place i and 1 was about turning away with the intention of doing this wbeu I was seized from behind, thrown to the ground and in a twinkling bound band aud foot. "Aha I" cried tbe voioe of Sam Wolfe. "You will follow mo from tbe city, eh, you cursed spy 1 Fool I did you think I didu't know you from tbe first .t" ' lie lifted me into his arms and bore me into the room. 'Ilere'a a spy, boys," be cried, let's take bim, down stairs aod deoide what to do with bim. An ordinary death will not do for a d--d police spy and I have an idea to suggest on this point. I was carried through a long winding hallway and down a flight of steps.' "Strike a light," ordered Wolfe. His command was obeyed, and a moment later I saw I waa in the cellar of tbe building aud in tbe counterfeiter's deo. Appaiatus for the manufacture of spurious money surrounded me on every side. Now men," said Wolfe, address ing bis four companions, "nothing remains but to settle tbe "mole of his death i and aa I soppose none of you will objeot to letting me bave tuj own way m tnis matter, i now decide tbat ba shall ba tied ' to , tbe 1 MIDDLE BURG, Irailro.d track aod left t ih .U. of the Ainrnaa ahint. ...... i . I. "r " " 1U BOOUI half an hour." My blood ran cold as those words foil npon my ear, but I remained silent. The two men woro warm in thoir approval of thoir captain's fiendish plan. "Well, boys, fm gla 1 yon like the idea." said Wolfe, -but let us waste no more time. It is several min atoe walk to the track i so oft with him." Twj of the men lifted mo on thoir shoulders, and bore me up the stairs, out of the bouse and along tho lone ly road, Sam Wolfe lollowing. l rosontly thoy paused. "Hero we are," said one of the mon, "now then, cup., nothing re mains but to lie bim dowu." "dug bim first," directed Wolfe, tr -i u wus uuoyen anil mon 1 was fastened socurely to tho track. "Ha I" exclaimed Wolfo, "I bear the whistle of tho train. ' Tis loss thau two miles cIT, Now, cursed i spy. say your prayers, for your time I ' , i- short I Hoys," be added, turning I.. " inP'- Vf H.H0ro to his companions, "von m, ,ln,ilbo hlU Mul tl,,ubI,! Sl4fur bi" tnilmh.,n- I -ill ,.:. i that the job is effectually dono." "All right, cap," and tho men de parted. I will not attempt to doscriho ray feeliogsas the moments flow by, and the rumble of the exnrosa train grow louder and louder. 1 had not tho slightest hopo of eaeapo from the torriblo death that meuacod mo, and I endeavored to compose my foelings in some dogreo, and pre pare for tho inevitable. Xearor c 'U9 the train, the shrill whistle soundod in my ears, tho terrible ruiubl-, rum ble grow loudur and louder, till it soundod like thunder. "Ha-ha !" laughed Woiro in fiondisb gloo, "iu half a minute more you'll bo sufo iu kinljin come !" Tho noiso of tho train became denfeuing and the headlight Ihsbod along tho track. The engine was almost upon mo. I closed my oye and waited (or the end. Suddenly cime a succession of short shrill whittles, I kuo thoy mount "down brukes." Tho speod of the benn to slacknu. A wihl hopo sprain' np in my ureaat.-hlowor and slower ean.oi,,,,,,,,,,,! times, and rolled over once iuo u...a. woiiki it stop in iimo I ..ii i in . ... ...... ii ii cxciuiuieil u e. "it wi not do to leavo you hero UursoH on tho luck t" Ho begau untying tho knots which bound mo. lint be had hard ly comineuo"d wbon the train stop ped within six feet of the spot where I lay. It was too litu for Wolfo to remove mo. "You shall not have a cbnnco to Rive mo away, you d d spy !" hiss ed tho villain, between bis teeth, us he drew bis knife and raisod it in tbe air preparatory to strike the fat al blow. At tbat momor.t a matt leaped from tho engine. "Ha I what is this.!" be exuluiuiod, rushing towards us. With an oath Wolfo dropped bis knife and fled. Hut tho strauuor pursued and in a few minutes cap. tured bim and led bim back. In the uiuautiiue I bad boon released by some of the employees of the road. In as few words as possible I gave an account of my adventures to the group of pavsongers wbicb assombl. ed around mo, a number of whom at once voiunteored to assist me in making a descoct upon tbo counter feitorsden. I gladly accepted tbe offer, and in less thao fifteen minu tes tbe bouse and coutonts wore in my possession . It was tbe most oom plete aud best appointed place of the kind I evor saw. We took five prisoners beside Wolfe, and sue ceeded in conveying them all to tbe city early tbe next morning. They were soon tried aud sentenced, and are now serving out tbeir term at Sing Sing, la closing, I will state tbat tbe traiu stopped on account of a slight defeot in tbe engine which bad to be repaired before it could go furth er. Had this little fuult been dis covered one short minute later I should bave been a dead man, fco was really saved by aocident. Tbe golden sovereign makes less noise in tbe contribution box than a penny piece, principally for the rea son tbat it is never put in exoept by editors, and tbey are not very punc tual attendants. SNYDER COUNTY, PA, JUNE Joth. Billings on "Dispepshv.'' I have been a practical dispeptik for 27 years and four months, and it would have boon munny in my pocket, if I had beon born without any stummuck. I have prayed upward of one thousand times to bo on tho iuside like au ostrich, or a traveling col. porter, . I have soon traveling colporters who could eat as much as a gooso. I have soon a gooso eat till it oouldu't staml up any more, and then sot down and eat sum aud then roll ovor and ea, sum more. I have triod living on filtered walor and going birofooto I for the dispopHhy, and that didu't hit the spot. 1 have soaked myself at a water cure establishment until I waz so limbor that I koul In't get myself bak again inside ov my Bald win npparel. I bought a Raddlo horse onco, who was got up cxpresly t i kuro tho die pepshy iu IK) days or kill the horse. Iln WilJ ttr.kf ritlitii.t . n.ll l...a. 1.- , than euny other boss on tho foot stool. I rodo tho boss uu(il I was ov a jelly, and thon sold him bridle and all for sixty-eight dollars, and got sued by tho purchaser, and bad to pay him ninoty dollars and some sents damago, becauso tho borso "Nimsbys,'' a disease I knu nothing about. Tho boss aud fixings cost mo 9150 in gold. I kontraktod for eleven kords ol bioory wood krossed grained, find as phnll of wrinkles as nn old cow's horn, and sawed away three months j 8(,m" families, ond is handed dowu on it, and the pile seemed to growl'1""1" f"tiir to sou. Mr. Hummer. Iiiirrml. Avnrn DOOr M' till. U'llil linj Iiikiii m. I.k.i.r a....- I finally nave away tho saw and what wood thero was left, to savo my life, and sat dow u discouraged, a square victim to tho dispepshy. I have lived at tho smisido. and gnmboled at tho saliao Hood until I waz nz u uuinber ono salt mackrol. I havo walked two miles before breakfast, and (lieu olt a sack of dry to'ist, und half tho yelk of a pullet's en, aud felt all the time a, weak ez a kitten that huz just como out of a fitt. I hav laid down morn tlmn lain tl ,I)innit i(1 r1 fli ,t , n und Rt and .... n. :.. 1 like a corp-o. their ill. In t nothin seem to ail mu j "I think II u ry must bo goiii-r to enny whero in particular, ipieposo t me." "Why .-, niv d ing'i- I havo rend whole librays on the ter T" (irriod tlio ni l l i ly, luy stummuek and liver, and wheu I got j ing down her spocuclos, whilo her thru, I knu a great deal less what , face houtiKd liko tint muon in its wss tho matter ov ine than when I lourii euth ni-lit. "Well, he oked began. 1 havo drank whiskoo with roots iu it onulr to carry ou . ny bridge or sawmill iu the country. I have worked on a farm for rcy vittles and hoard, and dieted on fried pork and ii bread until I was oz thin az tho sermon ov a 7 day Hup. tint preacher. I havo dun theso things and 10 thousaud other things just as ri liki Ins, aud hav got the old dispepshy yet, just as natural and as thik nz mo pimples on a Tour year old gooso. If you got a good bolt of tbo dis pepshy onco you can't nover loose it entirely ; it will oonie arouud once in a while like a ghost, and if it uon t scare yu so much as it did once, and make yu think yu aro co ing to die to-morrow it will make yu fool tust nz sorry. A light afl'air A lump, Tbe railroad frog can't swim. A young fellow pressing bis own suit frequently wrinkles tbe girl's. He who does not strive to render others bappy, does not deserve hap piness. An Iowa paper speaks of a conple who were separated by a cold cloud of realism. This la a new name for tbe old man'a boot. Owing to tbe trichina prevailing in American pork, railway eatioir bouses are using sole leather in manufacturing saudwiobos. A great mauy people's morality resembles sign posts at tbe corners of country roads. Thoy poiot in the right direction, but tbey don't budge aa inob themselves. A well cooked breakfast will do mora toward preserving peace ia tbe family than will seven mottoes on tba wall, even though tbey be fram ed in tbo most elaborate of cilt luouldiog. flit Sound Proverbs. In the company of strangers si lence is safe. Good deeds remsiu i all things else perish. , He is a slave that cannot command himself. A nun's best fortuno, or bis worst, is a wife. Chooso a wife rathur by your bar than your evo. 1 kuow of uubjdy tint wishes to die this year. Ho that falls to-day may bo up again to-morro v. Houcst men's words arc as good as their bonds. Ho thut grasps at too much bol.U uothiug fast. A good causo makes a stout heart anl a strong arm. (Miildruu nro certaiu cares but un certain comforts. As love thinks no evil, s ) envy speaks no good. Severity broods fears, but rough ness cngondors lmto. Discreet wives liuvo nl times nei ther eyes or curs. To suo what is right aud not to do it is waut of courage. I'rowns Might your cbildrou us frosty nights blight your pluuts. Hurke suid : "Mover despair ; und. if you do, work in despair." I Tho bust riches is ooutoutuiout tho worst of poverty, low spirits. Hkiikiutaiiv Diskask. "As to be ing iullictod with gout," Said Mrs. 1'ui tington, looking very wisely ad sho stirred her toa, "high docsu t always bring it on, defend upon it, though it generally does. sometiiiics. It is incoherent iu ""' ineoborita it from his ttif" M Krund father," a very ipiuur i transmitted gout, in t t Tho people of a Nov Jursev town jnre so fum fully lay that wheu tho wife of a minister who had j tint set' tied in that town asked a proiiiinou t citizen i' tho inhabitants generally respected tho Sabbuth and refraiuud J from biiriiuutis, ho replied .' ' C'ciu- found it, ma'am, they don't doj - --r-:;u wu.i n tlio whole weok to break tho SubbaU if it was all done on that day. "Motiior," rimurkod a h.ilath irirl, ino tliis evening II I wasn't, liro l of living with such it cienaerio as ymi and dud.' m Thirteen years iil'o Mr-. Henry Josephs, of 'inn ISIuT. Alk ; m;iI lo wo J u iioo. lie, nl lift Tliur.Mlii.v it wns piekol ont nf a sawlo iu liny City . Mich. W n do uol pietend to ai'uounl Cor it ; it is all wo c m do to give tlm fuct. Why is a speudthrift's purse liko a thuuder cloud T liocanao it is contiuually light'iiin. A Loudon cubmun culled out after a smart, dapper little gentleman who affects a particularly litiv'o hat. "Coino out of that lint, will yer T I knows yer iu it, 'cos I sous your feet." A woman in oastern Pennsylvania became crazy ou Booing her husbaud kiss soother woman. The husband was a rascal. No truo husbaud will ever kiss another wouiau whuo bis wife rs looking, A new potato masher is made of (ndia rubber, and the ladies can now welcome thoir husbands home from the lodge without incurring a doctor bill. Our government land, "costs one dollar per acre on an average, and champagne two dollars per bottle. How many a man dies landless, who during bis life has swallowed a fer tile township, trees and all I" A captain of a privateer, who bad been in an engagement, wrote to bia ownera that be bad received bnt little damage, huviup; only one of bis hau ls woauded in tbj flood. "Never milk while tbe' cow is eat ing." is the advice or a buoolio con temporary. Judging from tbe char, aoter of much of tbe mflk that comes to market, it would be mora to tbe point never to milk while tha oow is drinking. I 23, 1881. NO 60, Dings Dot May Look Drue. Iiightuing is dor most cowardly weapon dot der is used. Der des truction comes first und der wai uffig afterwards. A cowurd will pntronize n gun smith, but a her j liint seeks bis tormontor. Virtue vns somo li i like a slull iw spring you don't want to fool mil it much to keep it pule, I hover S'Mi two vo ii I I 4 I) it 1 it i pity some uddur voiuuus wjt ain't del e. Dor ambititn of a hont y-heo is tvorlli oiii'ii'ttiiiii, but v.iue.Vir ' you hold a foiODiililii argu mm I nut it bo sure aud look biui square iu ilvi face. "I'osidively no Print" was gun- oruble hanging up in efory store as a gm vu-st ono dot prcputilitUs doad faith. Hope iu midf jrliino. h po in s r. H .... i. .. :. ll . -i row, tiopd iu l ilotlom, UjjiO III love, but veu lounging iu dorl-ip of luxury wo forgot ad about id, fir hopo is a Htrangur to cui tuiiity uud munt. A man can't 1 jvo moro us ono voiuaus at a time, bih'ailne, if ho at tuiuptud id, somu voiuaus will (,'et uegluctud uud do mull got despised. 1 uevtir dinks any lutu is scluuardor tlau I vas, but I am often compelled to belief dot doy try Laid er to hIiovv id. How It Pays To Tako A Newspaper. Kotno papers aro not of much aa- ,. . , u . I..J vu, Vllk a III-. II 1 living ,i .i.ii nili.,iif .mil ll,,.! .li.l ..... ifntiiit uu I.. .IIIUIII..II.II.I l.t.t r . i. ....... W..U I,,., 11 1.1 i II1U, III some way, moi'u th in I paid for it. Ouo tiiuo uu old friend started a little pnper away dowu iu South- woriteru (ieorgi.'i, and sent it to me, it i i . . nun i Hiiurtcrinua jmi to (incoiiiagi) ! l'il"',U,",.!"'.ufU,i ul,i!.it VnM a uotioo that uu adniiiiMtiutor hud on order to sell several lots at pub-1 lie outcry, and ouo of tho lots was in my county. So I inquired about tlio lot, uud wrote to my friend to , , intend tllO S ill) and ItlU It to llfty i ii II i- i i i i a. ..v.i, vii i no, huh iim oil lllu I,. , i - . , ,, . . lot to IIIO at til 1 1 ty dollars, and I . i i , . . ,, . HUlil 11 in II tllollttl to a mail It joined f I .. 1 I i , lol a Mill. lie. I, an. I HO 1 luado Silly. eight dollars clear by taking that paper. My father told inn thut when ho was a young man ho saw a iiotco in a paper that a school toucher was wauled away off iu u distant county, uud hu went tliei-n and got tho situation, und u little girl seat 1 1 him, uud after invliilo h!io Krrew up mighty H'Aett and pretty, and ho fell iu love with bur aud married her. Now, if ho i I hudu't tukou that paper, what dol you recKon woui'i linvo boeoiuj of ... . ie i i r i . me f Wolll.lllt 1 OH SOIUO olhel' fellow, or liny not bo nt ull T I'.x 1'oiTi.A'i Kiuioiis. To tliii.k tho moro a man eats, tho fitter thai mul tho strongur ho will becoiuo. To bcliuvo thut tlm moro hours chil hou study, tLe fusttr they will learn. , io conclude that if exerc so !h .... Kuou, mo moro vioieui it is iiie more good is dono, To iiuagiuo that every hour taken from sleep is ono hour gained. To act ii pou tho proHtimptiou tbat the smallest room' iu tho hoiiso is largo enough to sleep iu. loarguo thut whatever remedy causes ouo to feel immediately but ter is good for tho systom, without regard to moro ulterior uffucts. To eat without aa appetite, or to continue to out after it has boon sut islied, merely to gratify Iho tusto. To eut a hearty supper for the pleasure experienced during the brief time it is passing down tho throut, at tho expense of a whole uight of disturbed bleep and of weary wuking io the morning. "What," asked a Gulveston Sun day School teacher, "is that invisi ble power tha. prevents the wicked mac from sleeping and cuusos bim to toss about npon bis pillow, and what should be do to enjoy thai peace that passeth understanding T" "Sew up the bolo in the ruomiuito bar," was the prompt auswer from the bad boy a't the foot of the class. When a young mau wants to pro tect a young lsdy be naturally put bis armor round ber. Loud and boisterous talking, or Isngbiog, should always be avoided. Nothiog Ja'so lady dike as a low and well-modulated voioe. - . .A I'lIK I'OHT. - - Published every Thursday Evening JEREMIAH CBOUSK, PrcpT Terms of Subscription, TWO DOLLAR PER ANNUM. Pay shin villiin six months, or .'.50ifnot pnid witliin the year. No paper dis continued until all srrenrnges are paid iinlc nt the option of the pub lisher. HiiIihi riplinns ont.-iilo of the COUOtf PWAIII.B IN ADVANCE. MarPrrsons lining and using papers addressed i other become siilsi-rilrs and re liable fortho price of the paper Ifi'ilni Humor, Smfi llnmom, liUutil llmiwr, Kptriliti, ftrrmti tn'nthf it a 'I e;iifmiri(!ti curat tr,'.( finn'i'iitnt and nil other tni thoU tnllnl. ftil'rtirn tlr.nt.rnt. 1 1 Stf Hlno-l Purl. 11 r. InliTiinliy. i'itkihi.i Mli-lnl .Ullr, ''" 'v ('in i n, ki.i.ii.i. nun Iwit Ni,f ixlrrn illy, Unit r..rm". ih. nin-t mlri ..'i i ir.. nt lic.ln, silr n I ! riMini.iu. Hun or. T.'t runll in uiUoi niinulii. ECZEMA ROOENT. t . II I .. . aariil f.r ttrrr nn.t I'ftlnT. Iirir II. Mh-h .! n a.i.nnhini llc-niihl ..I 1,1. m.r I rV.r. II.. .!.,. iirrn l l.r rxn.'iltttlon of tiiij.l- rl.n. it I,. Mil l.rtlrlll, nn.l lilvl, , n, ,., ,, ! Iu IU Cutloura KrinnlKM, SALT RHEUM Will VrD.mnM j ,l2 llr.rl.nrn I'M. I"1"", iir.trliilly .I'knoKlxilK.. rum ol Mult lii.rnin ..n iir.t.l. nrk, lr, Br in. m i ,t, ,.r nrrrnlcrn in"' Ml walk ,.. i nn IihimI. Anil In,,-.. I. r o'io riir: n.n iti,i i ,i, liiin.rll ii.r lni,l vrnr-: trim Inm lr l i,l rrn. ; cmi-j i-.-...rii .riiiiiun' l nl i-iii. Itoimlrt.t l nii.iioiiliy e,ir. I... u,.-uti ur Koiunlls.. ringworm. tiro. W. Ilinnn, 4- V ir.lmll ilrnrt. I'm. '" H I O'lml li iilln ir Unnr li-r ,. HlvK...,r.n II mi ,r. not at the Inrl.c r . whl.-li r.rr...i 1 1 v..r hi. r., ni"H n. im.i. .nu lor M )oar . kluiliul traaiuiaot. SKIN DISEASE. . A. rrlr, K..f , I IWV ., Ill.a.f. : . will .y IIkiI Ii turn I ii..i inlliiir. lUinmli. I In Imiriiil Mils, nl h.i slvrnniiail ! "f "Vr liatmic miy rrlml. i h.t li. irrlnrtiir. wiiminrliii Pure l ir nil, an I il my imn Ire will ainl accunl I rvouiuuiriiil tliaiu." ( till, urn llrmnilira rr ptrpaml hy Waica h I'm i in, ( i.rnilM. ami I'nuKi.l.. ii Wa-le In . iu St., in. m in, an. arn lur i all liriiBI-l. 1'ilri ul I'uili'ura, Mallrliitl irlly. mull ln, Mi -r lit. : lur. i,m... ii, I'litli'iiria Ko.nhriil. tln naa III imI I urln.r, i .rr oil a. t'ulli-iira Ma ll. lnl lotlnl S .itii as rant. I uilnira Mnlu ln.i .siiatlna- oi, l.'iranl-; In iar. lur hartmr. ami i.riia riintmu. ar.. 1 ' rant All mall. I iroa n rai-aint .r l-rirr. mn. .-rn.l lur Illu.traiail Iraallra n Ilia A g rand combination of Elcod, Erain and i ...... ........ iifiriTV iiirir wnn'inriiii i.iin. I r-uulnlni( rmiartlsa Ir nil MAI. r, tbair MI. aii'tj iH'i'.'r..iiiiiiliiK Intl'i'tiiM Imtu Mill Hill. r. ilnrlva tlielr wnnlarful Mm. He ir sum I I .inn. ami rar. r.iiaiiini I'""" Ini.ii l ll.liOA. ami tlia.r 111 I- Naurlrlilns I'rlni-li In. Ir.. . IKuX. wiiluii ra , 1'iiir ul thr Kir.noit III i.Ml-l'ri. I iran ami I. I . r- aimit I.Ioiikmm. r. r u iltail I one inr ll.-lna l-nr Ho ii I ii Ki-iii iln", Nnr.Um Miluora. ami Klrklyl till Irru Mall nutria art luirsuia. .'u....i,i).i..m .llalt lllllrra f niiiian)-, llnalnn, Maaa. OLLfrVe Vih.taio CyU fl.KI Tim I'H.TKK, CIM. VOLTAIC 'SStELXCTRQ '"' !;' """ ir ui. PlSCTrlW 1 '"' npi' l'lr ,7a-, Hit pin. II.'. I n. y In. lain IV ri llev . li-i. ii.a, l.l.rri'i.iiin'.liii. vi.iarla 1 ! "".!" nX A""' "" " I rinary l'llll"illlla nil I Hint ha mirn mar II.. .. ir tlie kl.liiavil. up .nr all.. i.l itl. JtIuii an n. nt. niii.i . rnrvwliar.. WKkKH 4 IVrimt, II run. Mans. i.i:v rs Wurk. AV WTKll -Iiik ry. Mkht I In I.I..V mniit. H.m..l.. ii-". rt.niraii., . I,. Ill ,pj Mraal, niw 1 ura . Errors of Youth. 1 A or.M l.tM n im .utt.r i i .r vr.ri I'om 11 rmiir hMlll.irv, I'llllU A IT'KK liK. 1 ' V '"' U H" nnta i.l in.iurra- i.'.ii. ill ilia .aka ul ruilrrllia liillliatnly, an I Irrn 1.1 .11 wii , t aa l it tha rn-la an I ill-rri-llnti H.ukliiK tliamiii.a r.'llli' ly l.y IiMi l-a a.. iMira.l. Miimri nimimii l-i erulii l.y tlie'a ai. rlrn.-a r,m .i I y a f. .La-mim In rr o"t i'.inll.lania. JollM II. II.). lil.N, a Co lar Ml., Nani jtk. Jud J7, '10m. rn.n.s.s. i k-iii m ill (I r.e: Hi. ronpo i.,r a imp's, ahib Hah, tl Bl ll triiima l S f IIM'KI.I'.M, 1'HIFI.KS an.l lll.,irt'liCN, I. avinii lli .l.ln i'lnr ami tna.uiiui : aim i.i-.n 1-iiiin. pr .ini.ini a ar.i.tli Tf a. i.i-h.i or ..,o.ii, i... il"'.-, lnniii.iim ;i. .t.,, nt,M, A.Nitt,ti i. TO COMMTIVES I h .t vortlmr, Imvliiu I, run .atmanutly eurii.l i r tlini lira I ili-a, tLimniiuptl in, liy a ..ini'la, In annl.iii. tn in.ika known la M a irll.i .inn. ram tin, mom. ol enrn. 'I'.i all tm .lo.lra n, 1,0 l I au. ii o.ii. y nf Hi. ,r. i rlptl.m uo.. , ira-ul i-liar.i I Willi ih. illr.i. tlmn i...arlii all I u.D His raina. wlilau lliay will tin. I a pi'iik i'chs lur I'lisai'MprutN, A.TIIS , llllilNi-lllTIM. .., I'urllo. wlnlil K tha HraaKrliitlon, will plraia William. i, ur. N. y. lut fauD Mt., Q.i:tltOK u, UEXFKU. County Surveyor Kratzcrvillo, Snyder County Ponn'a. Hiirvaylnjf nj t'onrryanolnd prnmpltj anil akilirull; in. A absrs of ib pulillo'i (lalrunag lulioilvd. July 'J'lih, '7H, pj MARRIAGE flulda for both SEXES, ror tha m.rrlrrt ana IUii.ii r..ntrniplini.. ii.uiriit.a-a lirllium, fu.c" initliiil 1i.nk. roiiiiarlur fur tlie mtllluu I ralin. Dl.oaiu.iiinl tho l'b..i. .1 1.1 1.. ..r u... pura In JniiKiiaira, anrl aiidnraua liy i hit i'vr,,i rc. I'rl-ii, BO osnts. hi Tlr A U ahrw-,,!"" l 'li.y NorUiwalt hi will nav annn fur .V. r. r... nl ...1..... Z rhriiiilo dl.i-.iii-in ,-nhar .r ba and f.ilU tu ruro. SliiU two ilaniii. f, r,,i Health. Reliable Femila Srri.raX r?ni I BOX, a iini'i lor ludiua diiriuic'i ou. limnuiil. Rubber Cn.H. ....I i .... .., luiuorlaut I .Miv.uia.tuu. hi I 1'ipioaa, BO oenta. Or. A. O. OLIN, Clark St, Cblcagu, Ul. Kantncky Block, S0 8 tad Snraklar rulrn rarta wltk. 'at .ala bj lhrai.rl.ra. M.-a4 .iamiror II Surth tkruva SI., I klraxa. I I M I I I IL"J " '-.-l,r.. N,.4 w a swiii TACOUB. RIKG1IL& CO., U WHUl.tSALH iiKai.rnii i POUEIQN & DOMESTib DRY GOODS. No. 333 IMarlcet Mt. I'jiiiiitioiputtt. in; Ai3ooriaN.c I. ..!. ... t. INaaU.lptMwar.'taauM! H ir.l. l-.rr-l.wi.av.kMai "-' 'Ir.a.aawr.i i. Mak a..lkiM t irralM, al.k I. i a.-aaxc.a v , n ua4 auva, k laia. , i: V V i.......... ( t i .w, - .
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