I, "Nr-rrr- r"' - . - - - - : rr----------pp HBM aaal aaM BVJ V aOTBPB V aBS asaaasaaaaaaaaaaav-asaa-a- -I- III aa ... i.. ...... .. ii -;! , . . ' - - v -- . . , 1 ' " aaaaaaasaaaaa. - I . Oa column one year,'. " '; ' Iflrt.OO One-half, Column, one year, .- V0.00 One-fourth column, on yea. ;-f .lfl.no Otve square (10 Iiiim) 1 insertion 70 Bvery additional insertion, 60 IVofeaslcrnkI snd Business caid of . . nol more than 5 lines, per year, . 5.00 Auditor. Executor, Administrator - and Aeian Noticed, ' 8.60 Editorial notice per line, : . , 15 All trensoient advertising than t month! 10 cant tin. All edverttaentcnti. for shorter pe riod than on year are payable at the tlm they are ordered, and it not pnid lk person ordering them will tie held; jtapoiunuie ior mo munev. I Qetryi t A Fartwttl. . - ,,t . h: ' - ' Farewell, dysjuil months, and year Farewell, thought, nd hopes, and fear Farewell, old delight And wo i Farewell, self of long ago I In the old familiar place . Tltn sped On at ajower pace Pant recall ludeed you lie, Day, and ruontha, and year gone by. Shut u out forevertuoro. Farewell, hou no more our home 1 Other, In the year to come, Hither homeward will return Oa the hearth tliolr dree will burn ( Children that we not know Gather round the blithfoouie glow ; Other feet wl" tread the ntnir, Other gneete be welrotnnd tliore. W, who home it wnn lxforo, Shall be itrangore evermore I May be, In the year to come, Past the houfte our foet may roam Orer all a subtle cIuuikq Will have tolc n and made it utrango, And the bouoe we leave toilay Will have vanlxhed quite away. In thU boue'e joy and enre We ihallhave no lot nor nlinre ; And all our life herciu will seuin Like a half-forgotUn droain. We shall be a ghoHtit, that roatu Llug'rlng round their ancient home, If our feet pane evermore Near the old familiar door. Farewell, day, and montha, and yearn. Farewell, burled hopes and faarn I Whereaoe'er our footHtepH Htray, Whether long or brief our etay, Whatsoever (rood we find, Many graves we loave behind, So, farewell, old joy and pain, We shall never know again Farewell, All thingH that we leave 1 Burr I y life and warmth must cloave To the house when we ar gone, Can it empty aeeiu, and lono. When the echoes of the yearn, Hopes and Joys, and grief and fear Scarce have died from roof and wall T Surely ghostly HtepH will fall On the bare dismantled lloors, Gliding in at open doors, Flltlng up ami down the Ktalr, Wlllnot shadows wander there Shades more vague than shadows are. Or than ghotttsthat break death's bar? Sure our wraiths, when we are gone. Oft will haunt the chuinbers lonu Come to seek (ah I ne'er to find) All the years we leave behind. Farewell, house, forevennore t Farewell, old familiar door I Farewell, home yet no, not so Home goes with us whore we go I H e 1 o t Ta In . That OneJ)ollar Bill. How it did rain that November Bight None of yonr undecided bower, with hesitating intervals, ns it wore, between none of your mild, peraiateot pattorings on the roof, bat fBgalar tempest, a wild dolugo. nun of ngry drop and thunder of opening flood 1 , 8quir Tratlel beard the rattling up against the casements, aod drew hi snag easy chair to the Ore a great, open maa of glimmering an thracite, and,, gazed with a sort of lecpj, reflective satisfaction at the orimion moreen curtain, and gray eat foot asleep on the hearth and the canary bird rolled into a drowsy ball or yellow dowa upon it peroh. ' -This is song," quoth the Sqaire i -i n giea 1 ho4 the leaky spot in the bom fixed last week, I don't object tot stormy night once in a while when fellow's under cover, and there nothing particularly to be uone. "le." Mrs. Pratlel . .n.r,i 6h was flitting abont between the uioDea and sitting room with a great Iae checkered apron tiod boat her waiet. "I am nearly ready w oome tn, now. WelL I w0n,w otto TOioe, "if that was a koook at weaoororjast little rash of the wina. Sbewtntto the door, neterthe. and a minute of two afterward M went to her bnaband'a nlmir. ,"Jo, dear, it's Luke nn.i;u.. bd, balf apprehensively. The -Hwe never looked np from his reading. . ' Tell bim be has made a mistake. nt tavern is on the second corner beyond." Bat he wants to know if yon will W" dollar," saict Mrs. Pr.t- "OplJWtyootellblm no, with- W il Wtely that I should lend a dol Mi Ts a cent, to Lake Rud- "yaratnr throw it obj yonder r4 , coals, No-of Mr. fra'ttlet hesitated. "He look no pinched and cold and wretched, Josiah. He says there e hobody in the world to lot bim have e,oont," An3'Hettt Tor him. if he did bnt kooMr a,'" Virply e-nunni'jted the old'Rqairv.' "If hdbadeo'rno to that half d rtwn year J parlup' it'e' wonirnot have bsen the rnisralle fsgfthonj he now is." ; "We nsed to ga to aohool toirath er," said Mrs, IVatlot. ffnhlly. ' He wa'lhe eraartost boy in the clnss " ' "Thai's probable enouli." aaid Ihe S inire, 'bat it don't niter the fuct. lie is a poor, drunken wretch nowT'' Send hitn a lttnt his business, ((ry, and if hia-timo i of any oon seqnef eo, just let him know be h 1 bettor not waste it coming hero after dollars-" . And the Pqiire laned back in his chair, after a positive fashion, na if the wholo mattor wa sottlo 1. . Mrs. Pratlet went back to tho 1:1.1 t T..L. I........ .:...., wuere -.ko n.uioi.oTO was .i..uiuK uin yuor uuKers ver lull blaze of the tire, bit tattero 1 gar raents eeeaming a if he waa a pillar of vapor. "Thon I'vo got to atnrvo like any other dog !" aid Lnka Kud lilovo, turning away. "Hit aftnr all. I don't snpposo it makes mtt.Oi difl'er ence if I nlmlTIo out of this world to-day or to-morrow." "Oh, Luke, no dilTeronce to yonr wifet" "She'd be bettor oTwitlnnt me," he said, down-beartodly. "Hut she ought not to bo " "Oiifht ond is aro two difT'irent things, Mrs. Trallot. flood n i 1 t . I ain't going to tho tavern althuh (ho Squire thought I was." "An.l isn't it natural ononrli, t!iat ho should think so, Luke t" "Yes, yo, Mary t I d m't eay but what it is," murmured L ilio. in tiio same dejected tone he uno l during tho in(ervio. S(op," Mrs. Prdtlet called to him, as his han 1 l-iy on Ihn d r latch in a vji ". 'IIr is dollar, Luke. Mr IVatlot givi it to mo for anoilelnth to go In front of tho parlor stove i but I will try and rr.ake. tho old one 1at a lit. tin longer. And Lnka, fir the sake of your poor wifo and little oil'.- nt home, for tho fiako of old tinioa, try nnd do bnt tor, Won't you ? ' Lnko Uuddilovo lookod vaeantly at the now batik hill in his hand, and then at tho blooming young natron who had planed it there. "Thank yon, Mary. I will, Ood bless yon." ho said, and crept ou t into tho storm that rek'nod without. Mrs. Pratlet stood looking into the kitchen fire. "Idnrosay I'vn done n foolish thing, but, indeed I could not help it. If be will take it home and not spend it at tho tavern, I ahull not mis my oilcloth." And there waa a consoioua flush on ber cheeks, as if she hud done something wrong when she joined her husband in the sitting-room. "Well," aujd Squire IVatlot. "has that unfortunate gone at hut 1" "Yes." "To the Stake's tavern, I Bnp. pose 1" 'I hope not, Josiah." 'i'ra afarid it ' past hoping for," aid the Squire, ahrnging hi shoul ders. But Mrs. Pratlot kept her sooret in ber owu heart. It waa sis mouths of tor ward that the Squire came into tho dining room whore hi wife was proaor? i og great red apple into jolly. "Well, well," quoth he, "wonder will never cease. The Ruddilove bave gone away." "Where t" "I don't know ont West some where with a colony. And they say Luke's not drank a drop of whiokey for bis month. " am glad of that, r esponded M". P. ," . , ,.. "It wont last long," ba suggeot ed, despairingly. v , i "Why not t" , , "Ob, I don't know, t haven't anv ittitn in those sudden reforms," "Mrs. rrutlut was silent i she thought thankfully that, after all. Luke had not spent tbo dollar for liquor. 1 ' ' Sis month sis years i the tim e ped along ia tie day and weeks. almost before busy little Mr. Prat let knew it was gone. The Ruddl loves had returned to 8equoset. Luke bad made bis fortune, so the story jnt far off in Eldorado, ' "They do say," said Mrs. Back MIDDLE BUltG, ihgbam, that he ha brought that ore lot iowo oppos.te the co'irt- nonse, an.l be is going to build ench a bouse as never was " "Ho most have prosperod greatly obsorved Mr. Pratlot. "And his wife alio wnir a sillj Kown that will atand alone with it own ricbncsJ I I oan rem n'xr when nuddibve was nothing but a poor drunken creature." "All tho moro credit to him now," said Mrs. Vatlet, omplmtio illy. "Its to bo all of stone, with wbitn raanli-ls aud iulaid floors i and he haa put a lot of papers and things undor the corner-stone, liU they do in public bnildiugs." ''ell, that is tialurul enonKh." "I know, yd it seems kind o' (inner that ho should put a do'lar bill in with tho other thim;. Ho I must havo lots o money, to throw it vvny in that manner." Mrs. Pratlot felt her cheeks fliihh: lavoluntiirilv tin rr 1 .i nnn.l I 1 I ' " l 1111 '"""ni tlm j,t nQ uovl,r ,,. , ' aioiltld, .SIlO Wot Mr. i:, .,i,i,,v i. tllllfc nrtnt'ftn.in f.. - l. r.--t , . ...oiuiiiiu HI -L'IJ,OSH(jl LUUO y,u,,if .1 ... , . . niHcir. sate tunt tlm , inn f tompcrnnco had been rotniilutclv ,., , , i, . , .. 11 - crushed, and hi- hotter nature tri- ,,.. , ,, , , , . uiiiplimg ot last. Ho looked her brightly tu tho fuoj, and hull out his hand, baying but the ouo word : "Mary." TrmuuloiiKly alio rcplio l -I am glad to sooy.ln hero again." When Lnko had ovorcomo his emotion ho continued : "Do you remember that stormy night when you gave mo that dol lar bill an I bnggo.l iuj uot to go to tho tavoru V "Yes." "That night was (tin pivot on which my wholo destiny turned. You wero kind to ma when all oth ers gave tuo naught l ot tho col I shoulder. . . ion crttHiu l mo when all other facea wero averted. That night took a vow to myself to prove worthy of yonr ponti lene ., and l kept it. I treasurod it u;, and ilea run lias a,1 lei niigh'ily to my little store. I havo put the bill in tho corner-stone of eiv new limine. i , I it arose iilono from that doll ir ihiil "I won't offer to pay you back, f .r I am afrai l." ho sai l, smilingly, "I ho luck would g from ni ) with it H it lll toll you what I will ,l ; I'll giro motley and words of trust an I . n coiil'agemeiit to sum) other pur wretehes us you gavo 1 1 hid." Tho next day Mrs. Pratlet rei-iev-cd from tho delivery man at her door a buudlo which, whun sho ha l opunod it, revealed to her nvtonished gaze the most beautiful piece of oil cloth hor eyes had cvor beheld. This naturally uttraetod tho Squire's ut toutiou t and wh in Mrs. Pratlot told him all, he only replied, with sonio emotion s "You woro right, and I wrong." was The Unknown Future What ia boforo mo T What is bo- fore you I We do not know, nnd ' moro is no one of whom wo can ask tho question with hope of reply. There aro many things which wo dread, somo which we groatly fear . but we aro well aware that our hopes may nevor be roalizod, nnd that our fears may prove groundloss. That whioh wo nevor hoped may gladden ua i that which we novor dreadod may fall upon uh, after all. The babe in his cradlo yonder ia a riddlo not to be road even by his mother. She forma her plana for uira as she rooks tho cradle with her slender foot. He is to be a states man, or a clergymen, a merchant or a soldier. She plays with bar dreams of bis future just as sho blow bubbles in ber childhood, and as those bubbles burst, so may thoso bright fancies of burs. Or, happily. even greater things way be in store for bin than she has thought of i for though some one who was dos lined for the church by bis mother has, doubtless, diod u folon's death, another, whose parents only bopod that be should work at bis father's honest trado, bab oome to be ft ruler in the lanl.' Tbe great poets were not poets in tboir cradles. The wbole list of people whoae names sre known to tbe world gave no sign of future greatness in their cradles. Tbey oried for pap sod the moon just like all tho babes who lived and died without being or doing anything particular, SNYDEU COUNTY, PA, JlNK, lint, oh, the fto that mi? bo be. fore ant babe, before yon, boforo mo ! Oh. tlio bt whtness or tlm ilnrLnnaa 1 1 l.i i.i .. ueuinii mo curtain tint vmlw our future and that of those wn lovn Po Hie ainjoH know ull t It it writ ten or only to lo written T For one thin: let ns all bo thank ful i that Wu do n't kn.nv, an I that there is no moans of knowing lha life wo miy live, or the death we must die, or t!io fate that lies before I'io children for whom wo build our bonny air casllos. The Dng. Tho doj ii a digitiijrado carniver ons lUrtMiiual. This will bo news to most persons wlio h.i.l nlwuys sup posed that a dof was a d i. it na.i Di'eti iiruite.l nliout that (he dog is the bout friend of man among the brut, i creation. IIo pints after tho thief. When oucj ho gets hold of tiio thinfri pants, ho makes breaches. A lt,ltLi'l'r ,l,,.t n,iv., l.ll.ta . I. I !- -'" i unit in I '' wltmi lie begins to bilo he i slops ll .11 U I II ' C inversely a biting ,1.,,, i......... I.,..t .. I r :. ! . n '. u,ni, iiu i iui auiiii ir it'll- ; hoIIS. ti i t i ,. Tho hair of a dug will euro li s i,:,, Tl . b,,H- T'is is a curious sup rutilion I i . aro fast going ( o tho dogs. Pogs Hrn diinti its by profeshijn. Thev insert tooth with nit e!i I Tin. sen .l.vr !.... Ll I I , yon ever ano it d.g that didu't f letters statin T t ut i l l' V n v or Tho bark if a treo is unliko (h, M ll,'h ',r',fH 1 f,r bark of a dog. Hvt-u a dogwood w 1 " .verstowu. fri.u know this. which town ho ha I last written to Iogs aro not alwaya kind, though i h'H r"llliv H' 11 ' '''''l'"''" 1 H',"''!' there are inanv kin Is of d.."s. ' i11'"1 "n TI. urn, lay last received a Kverv do- has his .lav. ..lthon,.), dog days last but a fow'woeka in iiir"'"' ''''ll'''"'" lhaf unoth voar. er, lei' -ivi! I there, had heel", return There ni'M be a Sit-ins error hero !0'' l" tiul 0,1 '"'"h.v. after a vain The .lo'shtar is tho dog's planet. I'l I .. . n ... .... : i ..." I '"UK . nil tii.,b .11111 lliv-l llilllie . I ... ., ., , " wiiiiu inn Kiar i i in ine hkj. They do not foar.it. It is not a Skvo terrier. When a .l'ir enters a nilehod bat. ; tl,; he uses tho dog's tar. liniltis said : "I aonl.l i-ullie.- In. log an 1 bay the moon than s ic!i it lloiiriii." I lie had seen tho dogs roam in' ..ro !. I Hi.. I..,v J 1 hey novel-got oer Iiu bay. H..-1 '! , i A liwug d is n,i 1 to l.e l.-Mer i lliiua deal lion, i'tir.i's no I. in' about this, but a dul l di,;i-i.li ! g-itio bad. Aigs were tlie oi 'ginal Argnnauls. .They h tvii never i'ivt-n over their soareh for tlm (leas, j Tim bull dog is a -ltnbLi.ini fellow, , Iiu is not ea.-oly eo.v. l. I A great many staries ali rit dm jdog havo olitainn l (iirrency. The 1 . .1 . A. . a . .... man woo n-ii a part, oi ins ctotinng with tho dog has a current. See Puppies mo born blind. They are . uot son dogs thou. There nro many typei of d )gs, in cluding doguorrootypes. Hut perhaps wo had better paws bore. Howl this do for tho dog tJh' ton Trnicr!t Ho had proposed lo bur, and now with fear aud trembling waiting for hor answer- 'Only ono word," ho said, ''if but to keep alivo tho fires of hope within my bosom.'' 8 ho lookoaiiit him touderly nay, loving ly anMior lips moved in accents that wont to tho depth of bis soul .Sbartiud askod him how much ho earnod a week, , A farmer living in il oik ham twp., twenty miles from Toronto, Cana l i, has disco void. J a piloon.hit farm oon- tninlng 500 bkulls nnd flvo times as many leus and tirni bones. Dr. Wilson, of the university ia of the opinion (hat the remains bave been under ground 200 years. Mrs. l'urtingtou hat boon reading tbo bca'tb officer's weekly renort and says she thinks total must be an awful boligoant H incase, since as ma ny die of it us all the rout put to got bar. Fnecnor trains on tbe Somerset and Cumbria railroad will not bo run forioiua months as (bo oompany have all tbey can do to attend lo the ftclgbt business nf that road, A man of decision a judge. A moving eceoe dog in full cbaso of a est. Bad soats to ocoapy conoeit snd! deceit. Tho doctor arrives at tlm hospital lo make hi daily visit of inspection and reeeivnM Lliu lii'lixt nf naur n i . I . .. ... htiont, wtncii read, "., mumcntu in IjOerman band i pulm.inary connt.np. tion.' Ho proceeds to tlio pjtieiil'a bed side, suirouinltd by his admiring ,'l",, U'..tl . I f I! ... - v " H'"1 .. o-, j on oioo.i, .ton t Von . "Yes. doetor. I" ''" That'll dn i wo know all alun! it. And you havo coll ee.tt t.t nih'., di '." sir, snd' "h ! 1 limey now (hat by o.w., patiou ) on rare a i.in;i.c,.ni V" "Yes, I lay" "I!o silent 1 You belong (o 1 nrass mm l ai',1 you liavn ov.ir-exerl- 1 1 yourneif have fairly blown jouri lungs away pi.Vi.ig into y.iiii- instiu ( uienls. Ifiith in.in, your percuivo i 1 that sickness has no secrets for m-i- enen. What initrunout j you' '..I.. . .. .1 I " i'i,.,-, o'j (jui'ii man i "Tho cymbals, sir !" ifivrawvi-nTimn-urs , ,. ., . .I...M. w.u.tr I , , . ' , fill" I.L.II.I, f . II 1,1 ,1,1 it ll-IU lllllllt ll.lull .i. , ... . . ai i'l, -,i I i iniuier s nolel, .UO'lfll .'OV. i i f ., i ., ft' received w ir I of t!io daith of his , , , liner, k in w.u vvtvtlllie ,i.iiwi,i, . . .. . living on (he confines of S.vit. "I land. tiei-m my an I I'V i-i vi. i l-'rilav ,110 rceeiv.'.l :l Urall .r M.;-' . Wl! I 1 a draft for Sl.-'l' ,,r :lU f"r 1 f I'1" ' '''"" i :"M'-"Pt ; all nils. (o He ili-i'ovtr his where started n atnrlav I r,n- Ion f,,.,,,,.r I,,,,,,,, l,,,l u ill ,...ii, ' ' '"'"".v. His fathe i'm ihlnlej I Vllued ut fI'Mi.titH). and hn is the: ' '"' Lv 'l'ild, He U ft I.. n.e ul.eu lie W,M tv - u" J""" of" thirty. and l.e id There is a man ia (ialvHtnn nam ed ,1 is. jili W. Met 'Lilian, who is ev- erl.nti.i.'Iv 1 1!! ir with rtt savin: anything. The other ""' hiei, "I iv Mm , n,l-v -v"" 1 '"" 1 il iy ( ! ilo i i!y do you know f a liver .''' ; M an tle.iihl llieie wis a eonipli i ni nl. in s or,, for him. an I t'i:ese l that it was because some Inn g s;, n k litig e fin- oil of his iim;il! ui! lie, tim i. --N ,t j u i ..." . n. ni l l ;,i ; ho ily, "y ) i r. niin I in i ,,f a riv,-r, 'bee ill-ill y ilf In l it'i is bigger l!ll i yonr In a 1. W...!WWn i:i:.r t r et .V;i.:;m- If t .von- I'll. Iv Veil inehes of mi o.v gives t u I ine'ies of wa'er. how in l ''t mili; will l giv ti cow yield. wliJit fed oil tin - '"P" k'r.-V,.!lml t, ..,l,... f number of snow. Unices l.y Ihe number iif bans ou the cow's tail, divido the pr. duet by the juice of n dry turnip, n i l t quotient the sunt ,y tho hydraut. . ,, , . , A gentleman having engaged a .... " . . ... ui,,j ti, lining n,mi ie.ll S III his cellar, ordered tho itln to bo re moved boforo the luicklaycr com menced work. "Oh, I am not afraid of a bnrrol of ale, sir,"' sai 1 tho man. "I proBiimo not," sai I tho gentle man, "but I think a barrel of alo would runat your approach." It was terribly confusing to tho small Chicago boy, during tho Knight Templars' conclave, to sen sixty brass bunds going in difl'.iretit directions nud have to ducido in-i stuutly which one to follow. "In what condition wus (he IV (riitrch Job at the end of his lifo t" asked a Hrooklyu Sunday school teachor of a quiet-looking boy at the foot of the class. 'Dead," Cidmly ro plicd tho quiot-looking boy. The kiug of tho Sandwich Islands is allowed 80,000 per year for "sta tionery." Last year ha bought $I, 000 worth of California lager and ci gars from tho fuud, and some of bis subjects aie mad about it. nm itm in health may be a solace, but s solo uco isu't worth mucu whon tho other fellow holds three of thuui Three poriod of life t Youth, mumps i middle aga, bumps i old age, dumps. To raise onions take bold of the (tops snd pull. I l(i 1SS1 'J NO. 4 Thoug'it Hb H.i'J 'cm Again. Suililes br'oiiK'it hii wo wenks' spree to a vlim on Saturday ni Ha l y on a lounge i'l the pral r. feeling ns moan as sour I 'or, when H(im:tliiiiK in tho corner of tlin roi m alriii-lel his attention 1J ti-i n;r (., . rlUow hn Rnod stoadilj at il. I lliil'liin tii eves, ho sfiivtn.l nonin I 'and iw he stared Iim tirmr t's'lin j his wife ha uV) 1 hoar i'- ly : 'M inn ly, win! i th i' '" ''tVliat i; win!. L.ke'v ." Si.il'li'M ti i. in wni Five.ir n, in. I jluswrle ei::.'l , u l. l r ,f r ' i r-1. ," 'ill 1 sweet, -U'ov, t'ii - Hiil I! in (l,e I eoriier," n li I (lie fri:'lit ii'. 1 lean, a , poiiitiii ; at it. with ii haii I fliiil.lii 1 1 a ji .lit ui in. '-l.ikey. de ir. I sen nothing,' .;i,,l ih wo,ni-i. "Wil li '. .y m doti'l cej it V t" In shi-iel;" I. "No." i. .. . . ... "liieri ve got. em. W.i, leavens I bring mr. I i,,. bil.l... M ir an lvlu .,. ';i ..: i. i n i , .it qun-1; I Ib-r , here, on tins naeie I iHM'ir.,..v,.. i,..i,,,a , I' ! of Whiskev. . - I 1 1 l iii ean in y v,uv may inv light. Inn 1 f-le,',i t) tho to if of I ., , ,, ' '"' "louth, all 1 , ... . I ' in I leave i in ; 1 1 in I leave vour .... . I.ikev, nie 1, liiirvinj Inn face in I.e. I mi I folds of her dress he Kol.tu nioa-ie 1 himself intj tro'lble I sleep. 'I lien his wife stole) geii'lv ( 1 (:.e corner, pn-ked up the toy Mi.il.e, ati l tiir uw it into tlie stove. MTIWHWI 1 -T------T-f-----Mra Co.t'i Jonlial- I 'I hn other m wuin r w'i ei Mr. .tones enlere I his family drug slorj to have a prescription put np he found a now eleik in alien. lauee. Mr. l ones has ei.ii-.i.l, ra!ihi curiosiily, and while ho wiitul he b.igau. "Iteeil here long !" ''Only two .lays." "tioitig to stay 1" "1 think ho. " ' )1 1 elelli gono for go 1 1 !" "Yes "I'onm fi o-.t New York ?" ' No. I canto fiom St. 1. mis." "I'i lil t like the toll, I hllpposo 7" "Oil. faiily." tl it a butter ol'er hero, sniim ?" I pro- "W( 11, tint nineli betler." "I.-Uggist lel.u I t y i n?" "Nn." ' (I iiu to ninny his daughter ?' "!l iven't thought of it. There was a bri, f le t until tho -l. rkh.il llnishel his labors, nnd tl,. n he Ii. ekoim Mr, .loims into the !i ie!.- r an 1 s tid : i "Yo ,.,; h;,., a pns ,n who rm . ,1 ,1., I ,, i an I I II I..1I v.ei ,-,,iili i i,e,i wh v I e.m.,. her .. ( I I.n I :,f l.o-iis, and I li t 1 good wages, liat I li imieiinl to k II thr.m or f,.,i. pei'so' h I v p-n ting np r ing lire. wrong pro set iitioiM if i, I I th night a chniigo of .I ,.,ii,,u w , il l relii ve my sorrow, ' l.i , is on tho s par,., yon kuov. nn.l nothing is to be mill unless I j lay out two or llnvo of yonr hading citizens, in which . no I shall give ,,, , . . ,, , ' up the .Uug business altogether nnd igo s iiliug un ii sand-barge,'' I .loues went out feeling of his left enriuii nn i.ing in l.i vnetn.-y. un. n . . ' sore throat got sell without tlm help of tho gargle. Detroit free I n. in. A Gentleman. If you cannot I'm 1 a gontlo imi to marry, girls, do uot marry at nil. Hy that term wo'do not mean a man who is above tho neod of work ; he may bo anything but a (jeutleatau but a man who knows how to work, who hits s t-lf-rcspect enough to keep him from lowhab.ts both of speech and action i who is courteous and honorable i who is not af.aid of soil ing his bunds ; tho farmer, the black smith, the carpenter, any man may bo a geutleiuitu under dust and soot snd chips, but if ho is not, girls, do not marry hint at all 1 There is enough trouble iu life without in creasing it iu any way. Do not subjoct yourself to the mortilieation that would bo euro to oome with a husband Abo would continually cause you to blush for bis law lens actions, for his coarsouos aud rough uuss. for his slippery dealiugs or for uis Hypocritical polish, it is not sufficient that a man looks and dresses well i bo must not aud live well beside. It sounds very tiaby to alludo to s naip nf frnkr.,1 .l.lau - I.,., -f speckled beauties. rm: Pul.l!iile l ever Thursdsv Erefttr JEHEM1AU CnOU8B, Fixr Term of Sntmcnptirm, TWO Dol.LA IH PKR ASNUM. Vay al.le rithin sil numths, r .') if not psid within the year. No pKprr di continued until nil srrearHge are paid iin'es at the option of the mb liher. Kulr riptiotm nutsido of the connty IMVAIII.K IN AMVASrB. plVr-ons hilia and itxim; paper .!ili(Mne. o Oth' h; I:roniesiihrril'ra and nie linl.le fortlip rviee ofthepnper T f l!r,;) Uu-nnrn, Ifumom, li'.iwJ uiir., tnriVIt, nnn niit';( mi I rr '! i . rtrei i i.iift ir;nf till nthtt lut th'i.U lrtirif, r(',ii'r,i.n ,.. iho ri- ntnM Pari. ti r. Iii'r...;v. I'Ti'-i . MH.li,al .tallT, K'ltfl lv ., I I r. IK. ItV.I.-lM ir, I".'... "r frit,ifi, l. Imrii l-rfrrni il thU ii . .1 it, ni. .... i to. . ni t . imi, hr. l, an t r. ...il. ,ii, a.in . ml . nrlrtt ID ui.IUl II l.l-HH, IC2CMA R03CNT. . it IHni.., l-n.. iiff. nl I, r IU'f,f nA -. .... I,c ,, it , , .i, . tfi vi- nn . n i -hit l -.ll't ..I I,,- o. - , Ivrr..,, , lioltrtl), WU,' I. I, 1. 1 l.,--n .full. I Ir .1 P'i--"iltfl Iv, ,,r p,,f-. ,o i.nii. rn,l whirl, ri, a , 1 1 1 v yl.l.l ' I t il. c t i.u.Mi n r. ;ii lii., SALT RHfUM 'T !..,. ,1,1. .p,t, ,,a S'ro-, ,,(. irilr'.n'i ,!,,. ..-). .1,... , ,ir ni Ni.lt l.i .in .ni . ..ni. ti. ,'. I ni- a,. .,.P , t i v' l..r, ,(.,,r.. H..ln ti ir.lH ri. . i.n I hii I- .ii.l hi,.,... r.r i ,i ."flu ni' ni. I- .i liv.t I ',"!! i f t i.,. I, l i-i,-.i l, Ir l hun Iip l i rr,i. ' I ' ' 'f .r ill. .tin I l, e l,,,f.,,t I ,' in.. 1 1 j ,- ,t -I i.t I',., u'l ur liHiiiaiio., nnwoir.i. Km. . tii T.i .i. I- -.'r.'mlt ,lr' , f r If, -. I, I I I., I .it I.-or U..r1,- r . u . . .r., II n, r, 1 .1 IV., tor . t". wlil'-H -l rr- i.l it I vi. r l.i. r-. iiitS ii nit I .-, nn,l l.ir ilx j.,,.ri, i. -i-ii '. nil ,.... ,, ii.i,.iiiiut. -,:;i'i PISF.ASE. i .., . I'Hi-ili.,. Ill , ..ti f I ,1't'l ' tillPii-.. liPMi-.t r-- 1 il", 1.11 I In. I glvrn III. Kl I ,4 riiv ft lii-l. 'I I,-, h.n-,ii- pii... I r in, mi. I ,, ii, f ,.,,t, I i rp....tii.,i, p I tlir in ' I'l -VI I I I'. I I., il nil I ... I . I. II. I Ir , .. .1 . , I.. i r,.- Hn. 1 :, v i,.. ,,Wi In-U H 111 i.l,. I, I i.ll, HI 4 ll.-il. .11,.. nr- .,r: -r- l l.f WsKKS l-.M i II, l-eil-t- l. iT'liKI-)., W ...l. In !- I , ,,, 1 1. I nr.- I r ., I. , I'.ik-I'I" I' I I i ii l.-iir... imiii-inil , i.. MI..I' l...... .M,-ri... Inrn. ..i.i.,f, " I tl' '.I l,.. i.r. III . I urlM-r. I' i i o " 'iii. . "' I n .i I .it.it M.. .. "I- " i'l .11 11.. I.-In il .-I, .v,', i,n.i,, 1 ' o- t-'l I r- .., ,.,ri r,,n.,ii. 'I- I m ill 1. 1 Irr. on r-i-l;il of I ' M-1,1 I r l.i -ii. el irunn-a u ll, Lin. A fjraad co.'nbinatioa ot Blood, Train and IJervo Foods. I Vll lllli... .iftiva tl,..r -ni lurliil I.lfn. ,-lnll,l t'r,..,rtln- Ir tin l t I, I', !!iir iu. 'In.- i.,i."n... it .in .t tnjt loll in,-.- fr.in II u s. .,,. ir ain.i i i,,. m i ,.,,,r i.,,ips r.n.r. I I,-,, f.l.l-tt.. ,... ,. r Ul.i.1,1. Nmn-lilmr l'rlii-, ii ir i lll,i. wi,l,-h r I , ,r ..i i t- i, in . , i. Cm I .'ir a,.. I " nt ii i n i-v r ,i,.' I , .ma mcll'lna I i.r I i,i. i, r. ii, , I,.., -i -1 r, M.elior.. nn, sl.-klv l.ll r i, a.ill lilurr. km (iltrriu. Nul I rvcr hIiwio. .Mnll llltlcn li..nni , lln.lnil, ln... fc, ' i r l.i e, Of ,i'l,r F'LAll'TfCi ' "ll'l"oi,' iei..r " " I"" '"' " '""V ln.in.it I ly r. II". . n, .. i, l.i . rr i ,1,,,, m .Un j--''- nn I As i. . nl I,,, .v an I I'rlnnrr I,,. ; -.in., in, I ii... i-,., ,,,, ,n 0f l..t....:s'i rlloK,l,..- in jiiy t tt ..rl. I il '., . , in .. - . I . v-rvw.irr. j Wi,.:,i.f i 1 1:, Ii .i,i, M,,,. i;l-. r w"r. "I'i. Iv t iui,., iii-iil. Kaiin laa I"',-. . Irr., II. I. III UN...J Nu.-au .M;.l, Errcra of Youth. All IN I I.' M u I, i i.n- I , t,. ,r. tmrn m ...,. i I I. L I , I i V, I'm; v I Tl UK II K. ' n "ill II I.. ! i.l i.e.llilul li:.ll.,-r. ll .i . ill I t il i, .uiicriim liunianiif. "l 'r" I i . 1 1 ,i, i-I n ii,- rn.r an l ,l ri.,.,.n r il,h,.. II, r. iii -I- r. nn. I. ,. -O.I..I. low,, lie. n i "I. ..trl.-mr- !-.: .in ti i.rntit i,v iir'..'r' .. r'-ii.e cn ., l y . I. , i"-'. '-'' m.. No; i urs. ' J no IT. 'ilflm. riis.'Lsx t tM neill iff..,;; it.. r--p. tor tmi' I Ano-i.iii: ii-i ii m win rrinii. i KliMM.I, ii,is a. i I HI. ii i-e m I. 'ivlnn il... iMn ...li, .--r a-i I lanl.lnl i al, Iii-hii. II n- l .r .'...,..n a iu tol . ,1 r i Hi n li .Ir i.n h I..I I l-el ,,r .., 1 1. I, A.I- Ir..... ni' ..-in., .,, -i!,.,,,,, i.,. VA.M.t.Lti l fit. II... kman M ., X. V. TO COMMUVES II,' n IvrrOr. I.a. lns l.rnn l firman-titiy " , , i oe.i .'r,. i ,n.. f ..ii.,i,ii1,..,n. ,,r , " I" ri.,i- lf . I. I'.f .,.i I.. mm kn.mn I 1,1 "U ' ' ' "". t i...n ..i u na. t .ii - .i..-i,w u. no wi i ..en l i. p...f nl ll, tir. a rl.ll .n ii-l. irn- ,n oinrj- ollli O,, Jlr,. " I"f ,,i'Hrlnil an I ii-Ii.s li.s -aii.a, nhipli thi'V llli... , un i i ua i,,r (.SII .rT I'arlln. i.ui . tlm frra Tlntl m, will ! i.ir.. iiov. r. a wii.miV, ia j.tn M W llliaru.. urtf, N . . "ir.tntiic ii. r.f,SFKU ' Couutv Sui'VDvor. Kralzcrvllln, Snyder County Penn'a. HurT'itn nn 1 t'.u.f yanclnf rrnmpilv an I akil.f.illv ntlomlrrl lo. A thsrs of ib nl.!io'a pHir.iii.ig lnilin. July '.'".ih, "i", rt- I ,1 M , , in ex. I , TH. j.,-, MARRIAGE rn!,l,. 'rl,n,l, SEXES, tor th marrlH ani Hi,..,. in.,.liioi iiuriwii-j lir.lllant, fa.cl-ti-ttlt.K 1 1 . h i . i i.ii .. lorli.i Un-minimum linlih, lli..H.n.i I'l,,.!,.! nr.... I Man l,d Woman! T'lrn In li.n.1 ami n.il.ir.ml i.hnitl.in r.V!X'",.'.'rf" "'BO cents, l.y W a u. lm III .v $800 f-r.-r ,'a.. of prl.a.f or rt.r, .. .1 ., ., ,, i , i. -.-r ... Ii. m,il..,ijii.i-a ai.d 11 ISOK. A . ..... l Ijiiiiit- i .r IaiI... diir.i.n i-uii-.,.,...'..1. Rubber Code nd Iniiiar liuporuiut li.luriiu.uon, I.) n, -th., BO cents. hntncky riofk. l 8. dark St . Chlci!o, 111. likiar Mm rarf4f.Hk- laaaiarlira. ta4 artlrl..-..lr.Silli. krv St., kl. m. TACOIIU. RIFOKI.& CO., WIlOLKdALiEfUKaLKRS IN FOREIGN St DOMKSTIO DHY GOODS. rs. .Muricot Nt. L'halntlol plain. A00PlN. tv-aMi-1.l4. U 4. . ... .k...,.,, . niiaa-MM-.ai. Uiaw, ,-M.ia.ai..i ... i . t uM . . ''"aNl tf , ri Si H rw Ml " S -B. t, f'Mk.kaM map av ( a) 3- ajaala.fr 1