The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, June 09, 1881, Image 3

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Eiddlebcrg, Jane 9, 1881.
Locnl News, &a.
. .
Karooa 4lnvTT OooaTa. fh Conrti of
Sjnyder County ar held a h foartk Moadayt
I February, 6Iey, and Spleoer, sad aad
Vonlar of Dombr.
1 - . . - 1 . . M .1 l J
AH communications, business let
ters Ac, for this office, to secure
prompt Attention ahould be addressed
follow: Thr Pout, Mi'Ulloburjt,
jnyder Cbunty, Pa. Advertisement,
communication Ac must be handed
In by Monday noon, to secure inscr
ion in next Issus)
Commlllee Men.
The following named gentlemen com
pose the standing committee of Sny
der county for the ensuing year :
Adams J. K. Fetterolf. J. J. Hlirnder.
llearer I. 1. t'onrad, H. J. (tuiulruiii.
Heaver W. Wllsou II. Ulsli. I. 11.
Centre Chae. E. Bnmpsel, Chas. W.
riirtpinaii J. K. Peek, O. B. Wiser Jr.
i'rnnklin Chnn. Hover. Lewis Miller.
Jarksnn H. Uross, It. Hon no.
Mlddlecreek J. P. Keeler.Harvy Bliol
Iv. MUldleburg O. A. Bchoch.N. Sedan,
Moiiroe-T. P. Hummel, J. P. Wg
Penna W. H. Hoyer. W. W. Row.
Perry J. H. Arboirnst, Ueo. Uroslu.
PerrvW S. 8. Zimmermen, J. (1.
BeliiiHrove A. W. GemberliriK, A.J.
Union J. N. Houser, R. M. Houser.
Woahlnirton P. H. Moyer, H. C
This ia the mouth of roaes.
Vennor has our entire confidence.
The Rand have built a now wagon.
Bait fountaina are raging in this fi
delity. There are ton normal school in Penn
"Mother may lea out to swim ?'' it
the song of the small boy.
Broken promises bring disrespect
and want of confidence
Corn plants are in as great demand
cabbage planta.
Jfondny evening. Juno 6th, was. cold
enough to call out the heavy coats.
James iiotlirock lias taken posses
sion of liia now house, in Franklin.
William . Snyder, Esq., ha mored
his 7naurance Oilire to Selitisgrove.
ifnny people think a bnby ia born
only to awollow medicine fur months
The snow ia fully throe feet deep yet
I n the revincs of the .Allegheny uioun
And now ice-water U enlJ bv some
physicians to produce Uiight'a disease
l me Kiuucya.
.Visa Miind vtrnnll returned frmn
Akron, Ohio, where alio was altending
We anw a fellow, the other day, with
a bundle on hi buck he was curry
ing a county.
The stabling belonging to the Wash
ington iiiisq has been removed to ad
joining lot.
The Industrious Men's .Association
will postpone nil Initiation until after
mis cold snap,
John .Viller 4 Gv, of 8nlinirovo,
Jroggen, raptured 2) dozen of the crit
ter up Middlec o lit.
William Kohler and wifa. of Purl
Royal, Juniata county, are visiting
MKicie turg relatives.
We hive often rend of "untellectunl
fenete", but never saw any mention of
tauer kraut being aerved.
John Wboh and wife. Phtlndelnta.
re visiting Albright Bwinefurd par
ticularly and friends generally.
Michael Bohoch and wife, two of our
oldest inhabitants, are very ill. Jfre.
8. is dangerously ill.
Now that the picnio sesson is here
onoe more, the attendance at Sabbath
schools is on the increase.
. . .
Never allow matches to lay round
unlssyou are anxious to have a gen
eral conflagration. No charge for this
Ilenry Reninger is about to remove
Ihe building occupied as Furniture
Booms to the corner of his lot fronting
.Vain Street, Franklin.
1oaquitoes havn't near so much
business on Kamit and, therefore, don't
present their billt so frequently this
June as other Junes.
Laborers' wagea in Mexloo, which
were 19 cents per day, have now, un
der the influence of the railway boom
reached the bigb rate of 43 cents a
day. .
bov Harrisburg the ague is called
the "Juniata jigs," at Jarrisbura- th.
"Susquehanna shakes," and down at
toe Haven tbe "West franco twitch
1,350 bushels of wheat was shipped
from tbe Packer UUnd farm one day
last week. This is the largest ship
ment or grain ever made from this
farm at one time.
Old Mrs. i)nnkleberger, of irry
county, has bought property near Llv
erpool. the
- - - . .l VO )UI
toy oremuma r.n iir - .
- - wuiuu is in
sured fait about 1400,000.
George Stellar'. l.,.,.. i.. j
In V. a uuien wauo
pavertowo IVely on Jfonday morn-
w-m- woauie fiighlened,
faoawa. fmd brought un lu u.
porrle' suowwiu4otvy -
rain Cradles for aale by Blinon-
tonUarber ft Co.
tmirny the caterpillars the earlier
The baby carriage now nionopoliiee
fie sidewalk.
Do not hitch your horses to the
shade trees.
Chambersburg has numerous boot-'
blacks making frara 75 cents to $1 a
WDo not fall to call and see the
elegant stock of lawns just opened by
Slmonton, Uarber & Co.
Advertising Is like fishing the
more lines you put out the more Osh
you eateh.
We are progressing as a nation.
The wheelbarrow is now called the
Another lot of those elegant Mack
erel end Lake Herring just received
by Biuionton, Harber k Co.
Hoys who Jump p i moving trains
continue to be ground up on the rail
roads at the rate of three or four a
The oldest inhabitant can't rernem
ber a year when vimiiiit were so de
structive to the corn as this year
fouce-inice, red ants, cut-worms, black
bird, crows and various other var
mints too numerous to mention I
Ayer's 4guo Cure has saved thous
and of live in the malarial districts
of this and other countries. It is war
ranted a certain and speedy remedy,
and free from all harmful ingredients.
8omi Worm. There is no doubt but
Mr, Jesse Clouser of this place feels
relieved. Il is natural that be should,
for Dr. Strh kler on Saturday eucct'edrd
in taking from him a tape worm over
twenty-nine feet in length. The worm
was alive when it came out, and lived
over an hour. Bloomfichl Tinui.
The Renvertowu Mutual Fire In
surance Company Insured more than
100,000, worth of property during the
mouth of May.
No local company In the state, or
elsewhere, with no greater territory
can show a healthier condition.
The plans of the company are wise
and Bound the officers are men of
business qualifications and integrity,
and its ugent, A. A. Ulhh Is particular
ly adapted and qualified for the busi
ness. Liohtmno in Miirox. The Mil'
Ton IAN says : During the storm of
Tuesday evening, the lightning struck
tho house of Thomas Hrookn, uu Lin
coln street, Uper Milton. The el
ectric fluid went In at u window, run
along the floor to u stove, and then
tore through the floor, setting fire to
tbe same before going to the cellar
The lihue was extlnnl-lieil, und no
further damage done, although one of
Mr. Hrooks' children was sitting close
to the stove when the lightning
Always keep n lamp full of oil. Nev
er allow it to get more than half empty
ns the space above fill with gas,
which is easily ignited, especially If
the oil i not thoroughly rectified.
Turn the flamo dnwn by hand as far as
you can, then give a quick, strong
pulfiloivn the chimney, instantly ex.
titiguishing tho small remainder of tho
flame. Novcr blow a full flume down
ihe chimney, as it may be blown
amongst the gas in the lamp and
cause an explosion.
viow of current theories concerning
atom, ape., and men. Iiy Rev. S.
Wainwrigbt, D. D. No. '22 of the
Price 15 cenU. J Fitztrerald & Co..
Publisher, 113 4th Avo., N. Y.
This work will commend itself both
to the skeptical scientist and to the
Arm believer in Divine Revelation to
Ihe former by the eminent! fairness
with winch the doctrines of tie mod.
em scientific philosophers are weih.
ed before they are condemned t to the
latter by the forcefuloes of the eriil.
cism to which it subjoct the general
izations of rationalistic 8cience, and
the vast wealth of learning with which
the auther maintains bis positions.
The work is the latest, as it is also the
strongest defense of itevealed Religiou
against the assaults of Agnosticism.
File of tho Library for sale by A. K.
Always New.
Ehrichs' Fiuhion Quarterly is one of
those publications of which tbe ladies
(Heaven bless them 1) never tire.
8eason after aeason it comes to tell lu
readers in which direction the weather
vane of Fashion points what slufls
ana patterns are likely to be most in
vogue what styles are likely to worn
vand what prices are rutins in the
great Metropolitan retail marts. Iu
practical utility is unquestionable.
Most Fashion periodical areaimnlv
promoters of extravagance ; but the
ratnton quarterly , suggests economy
oil every page, natead of the usual
reprints of the designs of Parisian cot-
tumes, ll gives Its readers illustrations
of solid, serviceable articles of wear for
every day use, drawn from aotual ear.
menls of American make, with a d.
orlption of the materials of each, and
a statement or the prices at which
they can be furnished.
Theummer number, iust reoelvnd
ably sustains the record of iU prede-,
Briefly, we heartily commend the
Futhlim Quarterly to our ladv readers.
Its price is only 60 cent a year, or 13
cent a cony, and its DiihlUhuH -
tfbrieh Orothers, Eighth Avouue, New
I ad
Editor Post .
One of thy neighbors
called my attention to an article In the
last issue of the Belinsgrove Times In
timating that yon had paid me for ad
vertising the Mercantile Appraisers
List In your paper. Now, do not
know who that lunatio is that wrote
that correspondence but am told that
he also signs "Green Boy" occaesion-
ally, e must be either "green" or
a downright fool having for bis sole
object the eking out of an inward Ire
against you. deem It but just in
your behalf as one of my best friend
to refute any such chargers, as for
myself pass it with the considera
tion of the source of its origin, if sus
picion proves well founded.
Allow me, therefore, to sny, through
Ihe colutnns of your paper, to your
readers that all the conversation that
ever occurred between us In refer
ence to this matter was your asking
me for the printing, whereupon re
plied, "you shall have it and would
have given it to you if you had not
asked for il." My reison for this is
simply bernuse you bavo always ex
tended to me the open hand of chari
ty when stood most in need of help,
and I would Consider myself very un
grateful if would not remember you
whom I have tried, and regard us one
of my firmest frioiuls. If "occasional"
has nothing better to say of his neigh
bors be had bettor lay down his pen
and attend to the cultivation of bis
I lid which was bought from money
received from employment furnished
by you. It my inquiry as to who that
correspondent is has led to the prop
er person, and I think it Is pretty
notr the mark, it is not to bo wonder
ed at why be finds fault with what I
have done, his own ungratefulness to
you leads him to think Hint every
body else should stoop ns low and be
come as small as he has shown him
self. Whon I say in the oufstart that
my neighbors informed me of tliii,
it may at oiive be in? r od that I am
not a subscriber to the Tiim$, nor
have been, since the editor of that
paper treated my old friend Jack Cum-
tilings like "occasional" treats you,
FiiBKuritu, June 0, 1SS1.
Tho following articles we copy from
the Perry county AlivocATK Si Pkkhs.
Hl'DDKN Dkatii. vWe are sorry to
learn of tbe death of Mr. William S.
Mitchell, a prominent citizen of Oliver
township, which occurred on last Mon
day forenoon about 11 o'clock. Mr.
Mitchell was helping at his shad fish
ery, und was standing on the shore
holding one of the ropes of the seine,
when he suddenly dropped to the
i-rouud and died lu u few minutes.
The cause of his death was pronounc
ed heart diseiute. lie wax about SO
year of nge.
Anotiiku Hi dpkn Dkatii. We are
sorry to record the sudden death of
Mr. Adam Small, a well known and
highly respected citi.eii of Centre
to iifhlp, which occurred about one
o'clock on last Monday. Mr. Hinull
and a man named Klinepeter were in
the saw and chopping mill. Some
corn and outs had been placed in the
hopper, ami Mr. Small started to go
down the steps quickly to adjust the
burrs, when It Is supposed ho was
seized with vertigo and fell down the
steps. When f)it picked up he was
insensible, but recovered enough to
unswcrit couple of questions. He was
taken to the bouse and lr. Ktriekler
sent for, who soon saw that the old
gentleman was beyond help. The an
cident occurred about 10 o'clock and
Mr. Small continued to sink until 1
o'clock, when death cauio to bis relief.
He was in the 711th year of his age.
That luoriiiug be sent money with a
neighbor to pay for the colli n of his
wife, who died about two weeks before
A Tkuiuiii.k Accident. A most
terrible accident occurred on last
Thursday afternoon at the raising of
foot log at Hriuer's (or Morrow's) ford
lug across BherniHii's Creek lu Tyrone
township, resulting In tbe almost In-
siaut death of John V. Woniiley.
About 83 men were engaged lu push
ing up a large log forty-live feet in
length, and when the log was up and
ready to drop in its place on the frame
work, the men at one end, among
whom was Mr. Wormley, suggested
that their end of the lug should be
fastened, as they foresaw the danger,
but In the usual hurry and excitement
Incident on such occasions, the log
was Immediately thrown on the frame
and being too short It In some way
rolled off and fell book among the
men who. were standing In the water
below. In its full it struck the unfor
tunate man on the head and neck.
crushing him down under the water.
The men went quickly to his aid, and
found the log lying aerosa his breast.
When taken out from under the water
It was found that bis side and breast
was terribly bruised, beside the Injury
on hi head and neck. He was taken
home and lived until about S o'clock
about 2 J hours after the accident.
Bad as the accident was the great won
der Is that there were not more per
sons hurt, as the log ooiiilng down so
unexpectedly and the water being
knee-deep there was but little chance
and less time to get out of the way.
This should be a warning to those en
gaged in such dangerous work, as
most such accidents occur through
excitement of the men regardless of
the danger of tbe work.
H, E. Carpenter. Esq.. Henderson.
N. Y., cored of Psoriasis or LeDrov.
of twenty years' standing, by tbe Ct'T
ICVRA JfKsoi.VKHT Internally, and Cut
iccba and CuTictrn Soap esternallv.
The most wonderful cose ou record.
June 2,1881. 4r.
Tbe Fourth Of July occurs on Mon-
day this year.
Boiue one stole J. W. Orwlg's cab
bage plants.
There is a man In Tunton, Mass., to
whom bis life has been pretty much
like going through a threshing ma
chine. He has been shipwrecked, was
shot In the neck at (lettlsburg, nar
rowly escaped being burned to death
In a railroad accident, was confined In
Llbby prison, fell overboard from a
whaler and had two of his fingers bit
ten off by a shark before he was res
cued, was twice drafted hi the army,
hod hla arm broken in two places,
had a baiter around hla neck, and
came near being hanged hi Alabama
at the beginning of the war, was
crushed by a falling building In Cali
fornia and had nothing to eat or drink
fo r fifty hours, and once came very
near being lynched through mistake.
If that man isn't a little careful he'll
get hurt yet before he is done with It.
- - 4a - -
The Greatest Blessing.
A simple, pure, harmless remedy,
that cures every time, and prevents
dirense by keeping the blood pure,
stomach regular, kidney and liver ac
tive, is the greatest blessing ever con
ferred upon man. Hop Jitters is thai
remedy, and its proprietors arc being
blessed by thousand who have been
saved and cured by it. Will you try
it Sec another column. Kujle,
Nearly new Sweep Slakes Separator
with mounted Worse power com
plete for sale cheap by J. F. Reihl.
J. W. Dreene,
Potato do
fluiter pr pouad
Ejtc r,r 'l,n
Talloar ptr pound
.lnl t'borrlos
Oriel Apple
10 to -'o
Miririlt'lHiTK Market.
coaaat'TBu wiisi.t sv
Himonton, Harbor S& Co.
Whtat pr bushel
" No. 2
Ry do
Cora do
(lata do
Cloiorod por hiiah! s 60
Cherries, plttrd
( hrrlf. unpiutd
hrird appl'
1'eaolivs, I'HirsJ,
unpairtd, ft
iliillsr, prim 14
llulirr, teooJ-elK In
Kks 10
tlnioni 7S
IIshi 1.'
niiiiiiMtr In
Itaonn oH
l.ard PtoKl
Chrsfaut ptr bimhol 1 fto
llk l ire 35 10 M
Ts Coal 2 tio
''htKioil' final 8 fii)
lUicki H C.i.l 0 1x1
Kg s CO
M.VIMtl 131 .
May '-"Jill by ihe Hcv. J. !'. Wampole,
.Vis dlice .V (lougler, to Mr. David
. Shaller, both of Wrry township.
May ii. by '. M. Teats Kt., Mi-s
.Ifitry Keistetier, to .Mr. I.isiah Tres
slcr, both of CluiDiiiiiu township.
J. mo 2, in .VelinsRrove.hy It " ,- K. II.
I.eisenring, George C. ' Wiigcnscllcr
and .Visa Lulio, eldest daughter of I'.
J. Shocli.
At the M. K. Parsonaire.Selinsgrove,
May ifttlli. by Kov. J. W. Buckley, J. Snyder, of Mt. Carmel, Pa., lo
Miss Miry K. liomberling, of Sclius
grove. May 2nJ, by W. A. Orr, F.s.j., ft
raol Sanders, of Wagner, Millhn Co.,
to Mr. .Vary Ilaius, of llunnui ville
Snyder Co.
jii:i. " 9
May 2J, in Sulinsgrove, M. O. Hrei
micr, aged 40 years, 11 months, and 8
Near Centreville, May 21. 18S1, fen
ry Allen A'uook, aged 23 years, 11
monins ana J day.
Near Middlohurg May Z't, lssi, Mrs.
Salome Frock, aged 81 years, 2 mouth
and V days.
Middlucrcek township, June 3rd,
1881, Henrietta Loose, aged M year,
0 month, 9 day,
TruNtoo INotieo.
In the matter oftheamttn- I Jih the Court
ed entitle of il. P. Fink, I of Cum mon
an insolvent debtor. I rleatqHnu
I tUr Co.
NOTICE in hereby giveo that F.
E. Bosorof MliMtfttmr! Sarlr eoantr,
Fa., h.i bra pixOnl.l by lb olil IJourt,
Truiu umUf tb laolnt U el tnnsyl.
wi ola, of all lb sum, iiroprrif aad rfl-ai.
rssl and porton!, of (. V. I'lnk. of Molina
rora, ao iosnltaot Sablor. All paraooa.lliar.
fur. bo aro lndaiitaJ toaalil luauliranl daliior.
or vuo bold prouartr bloni(lna; lo him, ar ra.
quiran 10 pay inn nanvr ail
I auob iuiua uf
inony and proprty duo aod
balnnaloa Ui lha
aalil lnol.nt dablor, to In ll Trualoai an. I
all oroilliori 01 in aald Imolvant dabior ar
daalrad lopronul tUalr raapootlv aaoouala vr
Juaa (, 11. Truat, ao,
Leitonof sdmlnMratloooa tbo attato of
Dalbatlna W. alaarar lp. soydar
Do. fa., dao'd, bavo bea raoial lo tbo uolar
lal. All paraoaa haowlaa Ibomaalfaa la.
dabla.1 to aald sataM will piaaa maka I in mad
aU niaiil abll tbof bavlaa olalms aalut
aald ulal wlU proaoat tboia lor aolllauiaot
Jaot,lani, Admlautrator.
I J. W. SirooDtoD, of the firm of
I aimootoa. Barbor fc Do., ta.reby glD so.
Ho tiall It Biay eoooarn tbat I hafo tbla day
aold aaio W. I. aimcolon all my rlahl aud lu
taraal la aald Orm, Ula Mib day of May A. D.
J. W. RlmoDloa Bjombor or tbo arm of 81m
odIod. Barlwr fe Ua.. bavlua-auid Lia li.i.....
la aald Srui W W. I, HIUIJN'ION. Nolle la
ti,.b?.. ',B w ' oaora tbal said
W. I. Bliaonioo la tbla day rosaivad a a Biais.
bor of oald Brui aad tbat ibo nodoralanad will
aauerai naioaaiu aod Comaila-
bualnaaa. aa ai tha Mil u.nil i- l.i..
II a, aiidar tbo Sraa saw sad tul 0 alaioa
too. Barber a Uo.
Tkl 1U day of If ay An, llal.
Vil - ' 1
It you have pimples, boils, salt
rheum, rough skin, Ac, take ''Line
dry's Blood Searcher." Bold by all
May, l'J.'Sl.
arTlie ifissee Horn would respect
fully inform the puhlio that they hive
in store the best selected stock of
Millinery floods, are prepared to do all
kinds of work neatly, cheaply, expedi
tiously and in good stylo. (Jive them
a call.
May 10, '81, 3w.
It will pay every body to examine
tho immense Block of Furniture for
sale by tho Popular Furniture man
W. II. FKIJX Lewistown l'a.
The hens are preparing for Raster
laying for it, so to speak. SoMKll
KT The only objection we
we have to them Is tbev do not meet
itsqnrely. They go at it hi a kind of
round (about) wav ; but we are of
the opinion that this could be reined
led to a certain extent bv tbe use of
M. H. Robert's Pol LTHT I'owliKU.
for it makes the bens act "on the
square" by laying double yolked egs.
She went to the play of "Olivette,"
And near an open w indow slie s"t,
And by so diiinit she there met
The fate of nil who rashly get
So Imprudent.
She saw a notice In th weekly Sru.
it" ure a l old L se Ni.k SVHI'I'
So she went to her druggist, and then
lino mere
In vented with a single quarter
In the article.
Now if yon only have occasion to see,
How earnest and Vehement nhe be
when telling Jiow quickly and en
tirely She was'etired of the cold, caught on
said settee
'Twill surprise you.
iiis sai. I unit mere la only one
thinir in the world that is sure, iiaiue
ly -death. We can now add another
sure thinir-SNKf Svltfl of Ta It
Its sure to cure a Vugli or (.'old.
. .
n promising youiltf norsit lias lieetl
lliLlueil 111. Tjiiiii..r In li..i...H il... ii
jwiii miiKe nun rat. - - KXUI anhk.
d to 1 j That might do for some horses; but
12 we had rafhertake our chance one
lit'iHU'kiiKii of M. H. Kohic T'h Hoiisk
7 to t 1'owiiKlis, as they iriiarautee ahealthv
nnd vigorous roust it utioii, which I'm
essential for any horses rpced and
"t f all sad words of tongue or pen
Tbe saddest are these, "it Illicit
buve been."
The above ouchIIoii Was forcibly
I brought to mind the other diiv bv
1 0.1 hearing a young ladv remark Unit h'e
110 would not now be dying with t'on
7ft sumption, if nhc bail taken Ni.nh
4H SVKI ! oKTaK, Ciikv ami
4tlj lluKII'ii Mi, ill November last and
lo t 00 cured her cold, us a friend of hers
14 I we unilerHt.tiid that all the farmers'
3 horses in this section that are given
I'M. II. KmiKitTs' I'owpkks are
2(1 able to plough from one third to one
0-1 half more acreH per day than those
1)' that are given iinv other, owing to
their laxative, tonic, and purifying
qualities. Wen.lviM' all those that
have not iiceil t hem to do hi. Thev
are not adulterated with bran or cake
meal ami sold by the po'ind, but are
put up in le-at packages from pun
ilrngs and sold for i t cents bvull ill
5 0
C3 C2
Ill lJroSMjf3ootl, our stock Is very large, nud of the latest and choic
est innterlals and styles, w ith ell kinds of trimmings, audi aa liut
tons, Hilks, Satins, &c, to inntch.
lit JJariOtH' we have Hrussels, Tapestrys, IngTiiifis, Half Wool, Cotton,
Hag, (ill Clotbs, nii.vthiiig you may want in the earet line, and
can give you prices to Imi found no where i-lne.
In OlothillK- "p Work la complete. We have nobby little Units for
quite niiiall children, or stylish suits for boy nf larger growth,
aud we can show you Just what you want, from the coarsest
working materials tip to the finest dress Suits.
OloveH. Honiory. Laiks, IIamhihu Kikhnom, rmnns, &c, we
have a complete line. t'( KnKTN all prices.
We ronllalty Invite KvKnTlioDV In Snyder Comity to t:vo us a rail,
pi'cial elTorts will be made to meet nlyojr wants mid give you the licst
goods for the lowest possible price.
We wdl take plciixiirciii sendimr sIMI'l.r.s aud will give you the same pri
ces us if J on weie In our More In pernou.
April 11, 'SI. .1m.
TralDl laaro t.oarlaiown Jiini-Hnn follow
Pltt'tiurxn r .raia
VKini Kpra
Way Faaiiisr
Kal Lloa
U a. m.
15. I
loin a. iu. I
A -II M '
- I'.
l anino Kipraaa lo n a. m.
Mail 6 IT t. m,
I'htiadslplila Kipraaa II i ni.
jutitiMown sapr-aa iiiaa.m.
I he Kl I. In-. Way I'aaaanxar an 1 tti Parll
Ik Kipraaa waal, and th I'acllle and Allaiitle
Lipraaa eaai run nany.
way traina laar atailraa la Mlltlla eouni;
at luii'jati i
wtaTwaao, 'aaaTWauu.
Paa'Kr Mall. Elrri-aa, Mill,
a. m. p. m. a. m. p.m.
Arlrr.on'i 1100 lui lo fl saa
M'r'"B Mil 4 to ion IU
Manayonlt 1121 4 J7 In 2 e4
Vll eyanl IIM 4 4.1 lu PI 4 ft'
N. Ilamlltua 1141 IM 10 II 4 l
Ml. ('til. ii, II m 4 It I 10 4 4i
linn itlnK'lon 'l Is Iw oat 4 17
Ttrun I It ;ll M S .T
llnon I M 1211 (It 1 10
Plllaliur eO 1: 6 7 10
Th I'aKlflc Cmraaa waat oan bo fUmced at
M - aluwn at t U a. in.
On mi tl No, lutti, ih;s, lriui uuttilt
ruti will run followa
I.rava : Nnli-ru Maitare
a ftl a iu
1 1 4.1 a iu
I LIT a ia
II. W a in
:i n.i p in
6 .ii I p in
a )u p in
6. Ml p ui
.iiO p m
rv. y.n..
H.'ifi p in 4. '.'A a in
ll.hfr p in 7.yo a in
'.47 p lu
V.lumu Tina, ul
4.11 n 10.60 a III
Kl a lu
a' a in 12 3ft p in
4.1 1 I lu p in
Ufa VnrS
Arrii al :
IU.:" p in
t nil p ni T.Jft p in
6.1ft p hi n.s& p it,
O.lo a in a uo a in
S Vi) p III
7.4o p in
Nianiira Kali I
Lni k Haven s.iua m
4 .mi a in 1.4.1 p in
4-3.1 i III lo a iu
ll '4 a lu 6.3.'iiu
ll.20k lu
U.lii p III
Wiu-vt. ytftaul IJ.4II p iu I1.H6 pin l.'.6aui
N'oriiiM v.lba in '.'.lift p in 12 i: i in
Suiiimry o.4iiatn 2.11 p in l'i.4.'.a m 'J.uoaui
Si'llnaiirnvi- o.ft:i a in ri.iii p m !.ii.' a iu
H riot ni Iii.ih a iu 12 I2p ui l.lftam
(i oietu'u lo. .0 a iu 2 uJ p iu 1.26 a iu
Arrlvn at:
Marrlalnir ll.ftft a in 4.10pm 316am n 35 a ni
Plilla, 9 40 pm 7..'0piu T.onam 7.40 am
Nw Ynrk s. i.i p iu i).ni p in i, 1 a in lo. :i6 a lu
ll.lrliiiitrv J.I p ni 7.. 1.1 p 111 7 4n a in 7 4 I a in
WaaliliiKinu 0.07 p in V.u7 p in O.oie ni o.oa a m
Thoae luarki'd "f at-p onTv ulii'ii Ma.-iiit.
A. J. C'ASSvrr. Hen. TiUnacar.
TP II F. uiiuVrnli'iif'il lins npniiml a
1 Furniture Hi urn, ni'iir tin1 M iilU
liurir ltxit, mill keeps pnnstiintly on
liiilid ll lur'i'iunl well select eil sttifkiif
Cliambof HiiitM,
CaiiPwHontod Clmlrs,
'otl-w?nt Clmlrn
niiil every! Iiiiiif cist) kept ilia flrst-flsss
Furniture Htoiv.
lienr the Depot.
Apr. 14,11m. Mlilillelmrg, l'ii.
AD M I N 1ST II A Tl) US NOT I C H . -I.ettrra
of adtnlnlatrullnn nn tlio eatata
of donatliaa llowaraux, lata nf l entietwp..
Mnyner Co , Fa., aeeeaaed liaeebeeu uraote l to
th undrifuiiif. All iriiiua knnwlny them
va Indebted lo laid eauta will pleaae ma h
nn inornate paynent wone tune l.arina elal ln
aiialiit aald eaute will preianl tliam lo r ei
llruiant to
I-'. U. 11 KM AN.
May I:, IMI. Admlnlatrator .
I.ettra or admlnlitratlnn on tbe eatata o
Wlllbelui Leonard lets of IVrry twp. finr.lar
Co.. f.. deed, bare been ranted to tb under-
iKned.AII peraona knowlu tbeniaelvea lodebt.
ed to tald tat will pleaae maka luitnodlei
payment wniltlienavlne eiatuia asalnitiaid
lata win praaeui inem mr iaitiemtint to
Haylt,tl. AduilDlstrater
Nut It I berebt elven lo all narenna tbat
tby ahall aot trade or nartar for a J ailaiaeol
not for ernty0y dollara lreo by o lu
Wlillao) Hepner now la lb baada of Jobn
Manner. 1 will aok nav aalo not nna h.vina
ra. airrd el for tbe aauia, uuleat comue Hod
10 d eoby due ooaraaof law.
Hay 12, 'It.
III ull it various hrauuhea imutlv
.)..... till un.l iimiiiiiiIIu .4.....!.. l I.....
nnu best at ilea mid nu to tlia. I.tre
rasniuiiH. jxiliuuna, touts, Wraps,
UiHlorwttar, tin.
Ulvs imi a null.
amwatlaKr iMMYtnm lll.Ul.l
I '
Philndclpliia & Erio R- R. Oivi.i 0
n lti:ji time taiil.
un ainl afirr st'NIiA Y. Mlf. Tih. ta ibo, ih- li,llt.'r!..l,i. h trK Hill lUal
Oivialtiu a ill run aa fnlinas :
r.K IK MAIL lra r"MI.IH 1. 1 II l p. m
" " llartlahiirK 4 21. a. m
i " '' Wiliau.port S 4o a. ui
,iir.rr Mior a a. m
' li-k lluwu s ! a- ni
' " M'Min II "fta ra.
" err. at Krlf 46 p. in
NIA'IAN A KXI'. Irav. PMU Ii-l'a ll a. ni
" ' Har.l.PnrK 12 Id a m
" trr. at IViilliiuiai.M :iip m
" ' l.-rk Itavan 4 2J p. m
FAST I.I N' I'. Iar Plot ..l. '. I. la IJ)n a. ni.
' IlirrUl.nrir 4 in t. m.
" err. at Willi"-. .p. rt 7 61 p. ai.
" ' !.' Ha. li V 10 p lu.
I'AI'IH'' i xp. ii avra t m-k lltrrn .t oi a. ta
.l-.y Sliura 7:?a.M
" " Wii!ianapuri ii i.m
' arr. al INril.l.ury 13 OA p. ra
' Hlilla lrlphla 9 46 p. ui
DAT EX I', loava. !... H .n i ;i , m.
" W llllaiuriurt l.'2p. id.
" arr, il llnrr lal.uru 4" .. ra
" " 1-lola.lKldlila 1 p. in
ERIK MAILIeavaa Itnuva ooop. ni,
" l.rk Ifavi.n 1i iu p. m
" Wll1litiat..rt IIXlp. m
M arr. at lUrrial.uis I'Oo.m
" " I'l.iia.ii lpiiia Tla. m
t AST LINE Iratra W llllamatmrl 12 16 a in.
" arr. al lliirrl-borc
" " i' lp' 7 U6 a
I-Ma Mall Waal ati.l l f.tprraa ran mat
rlnar. in n e. li. n. al V .rll I.rlaii Willi I., a
II It. H Ira'i.a f .r Wlltatliarra and Hi-ranlon.
Kiln Mall Wual, Nianaia Klprnaa Waal and
r a-l I. In Woat m, rl . rnini.-lliin al Wll.
Ia'niuil tar I Hi N. (I. U. w. Iralua norlh.
Maitara Kprca Wil and liar Knpraat Eaal I ..I, .j.,e. lioii al l..ic H.u alia S, L
t . H . II .
Hrli- Halt haal and Waal i-nnuarl al Kris with
Iran. no I., s M. : u, (, . (;rr, ,m, o.
t'.H V. H. H. I al Enipnrle Willi P.M. .
r. K. II., and al llrlfla l. llliA V. II .
I'lrlor dra will rim .u.,n P I. Ilaitnlph I
and M' illlii,i..,rl i.n Slum l lpn aa Wi-el and
l'a l; l.i.i.a K..I. Hlrai.lnit iaia in all e lull I
WM. A. lu i.n WIS.
IW. SM.:. ilm.aral sup't.
si'mu hv a lawiaTowa sail, auin.
I.rava Kasth aim. wtuntno.
ITA1HINS. Mall. Ar-i-nin Mifrd Mall
.i'm iri ii ,i,7 7 a.m. 2 r
In Cja.ui.6 lu.. .ea
lo lu 6 ni
(69 4 6
ii 4 a
M 4 16
21 4 SO
6 'II 4 1
61i 4 l
HI 67
1:1 I 40
7 M J7
T 51 J !rt
t 14 a i
T ":i 3 os
43 3 t
. 0 3 60
6 4ft 26
MINION, nnpt.
a an T .Ml 3l
d .III, nd y 1 11 2 -i.
fitln'.-r 7 M 3 tl
i.llidid I' 7 ' 3 'I
A'at:i:ar I', a l. 8 VI
ScCliir.. N IT I
A'a ll ma K.a .6 ss .
Adain.l aru Rlfi a 17
II. iiw.r i-'n a 4 4 ua
lli lin r V. 67 4 V?
M' l.ll. l.'rii 0 ii iu
M-lii.,' V. II 4 62
Kr r I'. Il II 4 ia
r.wllliii V. 77 6 1.7
Sxllnai 14 (nt
H II. .Iuii. V 16 e IA
ontiiry luoo 4o
J II. 11 11
1 I. nit a.!u nn Il.a raialr uf
ianiuei tinier,
Snv.lar (.'mini v.
lale nf Centre T"wn.hl.
itei'M. havluu linri araitt.
l tu II. e un.l
umleralaneil, all pro "Mia Utmwli a:
tliOiuaulveH t
r.l .i make linnintlate
aai i aatato arp re.ur-l-
Imvmhnl m I. IIk ik..ia
bavler I'lalira w ill prrtent tliein dulj ulheotU
ealed foriettleuient to
AI'lMIUAw kliiVtK
tiKMiin: l,
Way H. Ial.1. Ai'ii.lnl.traliir.
A a.ll.aii.ini will h.. held at l lie late real,
denee til Ore'd uu Kalur la , J una I, I iM .
I?XEC!UTm.. NOTKT..-Ui7r
I J l..loiu' t'Y nn lb aalale of f'ATU
AlIiNK W KIM.ll. depcaicd, let n
I Ti, Nnvdar enmity. I'etiO'a.
list line Peen iiranled In ti un.ler.lvned, all
perxni.a knuwloa- tliemaetrrt Imiehiinl tn aald
e.iat ar to oiak Itoinaillate pay
inent, while llmae harlnii rlalma win preaant
Ibeoi duly autbeotli-aied lor aeitlrwiant to
.. . li-HMA I..WI.ISKU
Marebdwt, Kxaeu'tlx.
l.eiti ra nf administration nn the .itale nt
r.naai e'u nmver, laio nt i anlre p.. so rrtnr
i". I0., deo'd, liave been ranled In .Inlin
Mnyr. AU per.ona knowing; tliemaelrea In.
dented to tald aalale will pleaae make Home. II.
ele a inant while tlioae harm: elalma eualnat
aald utate will pre.ent them lor ti lenient to
l etters nr dtnltlatratriaoa tbeaatatent
.Tobn Sylvi-rter Nrhourn, late or St lllierot.
Nrrder t'o, l, dre'd hare been tiremed lo tli
Un.leralnned. A!l peraeni knowlnu thetuaelvei
ludelitad In laid eaial will pleaa aiak lu.
tni-iilat navnient wblle thnae iiaini. niatma
aaaniii aaiu e
I estate wlllpreaeat Ibota fur 4olt:-
nieol lo
April 31, 1 mil.
Letters of adaliilatratliin on th oatatanf
.tonatlian Waitel tat of .lack eon T"wn.lilp,
Hoyder Oounty, F.drd bay been iirai ta.i
t' tb umleralined. All perenni kno.inu
thetuaelvea ln.lel.tatl Inlaid tle will aleaae
make lmuiillate payment wbli tbnm havlov
elalinaaKamatiald aUt will prant tUeia
lor rotileojenl to
., ... UAVIll WKTZIiL,
ay A. "I administrator.
ltaataiaaataiy on th. hi.ii of Velen
tin Kaopp. dacd.lai of Waat Uearer townablu
nrd.r i.unly, fa., were raniad to tb nn
deralaoed. All ieranni kunwlna tbera.el.e..
Indelited to ildeta will pleaae aaaka lioeja.
dime patmenl. wuil thuae havloa olelinl all
praaeut Ibeia for ttlemmi to
AliAbl WAfItF ,
Amlltaiaai SARAH KN:PP
April IS, laSl. taieeutorl.
lVo. a.ni1 Market Nt.
1'litlitclolpUIiv Ptii
IVA' keep on huuJ all kUuf i;
Blnnkt $weh an NoUt. Stt i'm
moe$, Warranty Lau, ai(V
itat:i'frr.rrrT.'''.': .
w.r'TTrj4;a- tr -
. ... ---.i