T Ij : e Post. Middlcbnrs, June 9, 1881 J. CR3USE. Editor A Propre'or. County rn;k;t. Fur llieliirt JiiiIk', J.HiERKILLIXX, of I-cevieluirK, IMsbJeet to.doeleloa or til District Confereee.) For Sheriff, DAVID KEICIILKY, ol Outre, Fur County CuinmiMioner, JOHN' RKITZ. of Friuiklin : John m. moykk, of MiJ.llfbtirK. For Comity Trcastirrr, AAItO.X .S IfKLKKlCK. of Denver. Fur County Auditors, PA N I KL DI KFFKN HACK, of IVnn, tiKoltr.K V. KlKUCit, 'jf Went Pony. Ti iui)li u C )j)ioHof tlia revisul Now TeHtarutit litl been sol J in J.tttflitnil n p to Sulur.luy nilit. A torrilla tlnta .lor storm passed over tli. mtrtliorn ptrt of Lebanon oom.ty luHt J'lifhlHV nfttmoon. .J . In. M, I.-:,.!, I...M - ""6 '" !-, irsonemry uovernor riuoulj com- sta.itly killu l by tlm liiiitti ing'nmti.l for bia remains nnv and over Wllllu Win Lin r in a I1..1 1 mmr I .n. j I .... - Own. Tho first cnto oMlujr'ii pum'toi left M KM1I nil 1 nil IV ni. flit .via Ho Southnn, Ia,,3 for Nw York, i11' UrRr,l rt!,i,0",, WUfilj tbo The .Top in fiat suction id fati,nat-8,,lJlnB I"iuciPle fcf Li" Mr'r olnt alu.tit (5'0:i() lim-Ut. Tho W ,H'l,1r " n,'"l. gowns trot nro LouItUy an 1 tli.j fmit U , fro,u tLe 0xfotJ "tudeutB, refusing jj110 to stmid uticoveiod in court, or du- i ii n iiMiW (.'lining to luiiehrad Limsolf before Tho iiu.v CV.tr of Umtsi is virtu- i Lii Admiral father tho Duke of Yoik, ally a pi in, tier iu his i,n shire or Mnjusty ilst-lf, ho Has alike op Bitrroutnled by gunrds, any ( tie of posed to tho trait mi-la of set forms whom nay at nny time prove trench- 'n'd tho ititok-raut foe of tyrannical t-rntia. To I e thus subjected to all ! intoJorance. Any peopla might be ninntx r of terrors and in daily ! pardoned for deisiripg to to stand dieud of melting with some tin-io ' K"ul J over tho handful of dust which end, is rather u dear pi ice to pay ; remaius of so conspicuous a figure fur tbe ciown which bo wears. We see it stated that the .Snpremt Court of tho United States, in tho Cs of Cnuiutck vs. Lewis, bas decided that parties hnying policies upon the lives of individuals ran only cluini the amount of money act ually duo to tbeiu out of the policy. nod any escess collected frcm a com.0f puny can oe rtcoverou in a conn ol , jaw vj iuo uciih oi i uo person in siired Tho I'oHt-OXice Department litis decidod thnt postal cards having writing or printing on the address side other than that uecessary for their proper direction, nro nn mailable. After June 1. 181, such posUl o irdi will bo rctut Ded to the senders. Such enrds may bo'treaU ed as "spoiled," and will be redeem eil by any postmaster on applicatiou of the holders. Ao in fun, child of William Slike, formerly of dnhannn, but at present residing in Union township, Dauph in county was suffocutod ou Tuesday of ImsI week, by a cot laying itself on tlie fitce of tbe bulie, as tbo rootlicr urTiust wbicb be protested all bis was temporal ilv absent in tbe gnrdjlif. IVnn never sbowed any par cn. Tbe cliild was but se ven weeks en'ul weakness for bis ou Penusvl oil, and must bnve snffered great VB,,itt- Q Li Cret v'Bit Lis Pa pain, as tbe blood was oozing fiotn Be"sion8 Le wmainptl two years, its ooho after swr.v. tbe cut wus tukrn No wotiilur tu'itry is cliodp, snys tbe I'bilndttlpliid Ledfftr, and tbat ruilmad Hnti rpriitus "of grent pitb an l tooiiieiit'' are bmog pusbod to rapid completion. 'J be coiiDtiy soems to bo entering on season or tittusHinpIe 1 prosperity. We are Kiiii-iniK in Kwm Hum nuiuia i.j minims, and will probably sell tbis year two hundred ami eighty mill i'lua of products more tbttu we buy. U a are also g ttuurin we tltli produo ing tauscle in tbe thousands of well-to-d'i emigrant thut daily land on our shores. A s long as there are ttnlilleJ l.iti 1 iu the Mouth and West, to which these sturdy tnuu and women can go and beooiao at once elf- supporting, overy ublu-boJioJ migrant is a gain. kaaaaiaeknwawawakMaaBwaawaaj A prottiinont Washington divine is about to issue a challenge to Bob logersoll for discusoion ol following question i "Thut tbe Christian reli gion, as taught by Jesus Christ and bis apostles, is pel fectly adapted to the moral, intellectual and spiritual wants of munkio'', aud if maintained and practiced io its integrity will elevate and euooble the batnao ruoo," Juastnucb as logersoll basal ways refasod to acoopt preaching ohalleuges, this discussion is to bi ooudualej by letter. Tbe disting aisbed divius referred to will write a latter on this subject, logersoll to have to weeks to answer, and says Ibat tbe I tettirer m ist i it isr aooept this challenge or cease bis abuse of Perm's Remains. For Dearly t century and lliree qnsrters the mortal remains of Will ism IVnn bnve Sain at rest in the little Quaker liarblet of the doit I nrar Cbalfout St. Giles in Ducking liamaLire, After a stormy life upent in warring for the fullest religions liberity he baa slept over tiia first centennial, and is pushing bard oo to bia second iu the grave. Until very recent years the world has never thought to break his slumber. No it bus entered ioto the minds of men to d this thin?, and there ha opened a controversy which stirs two nations to tbeir depths. It is not a now thirty, this yearning after tbe honrs of a man of great icaik. The Old World is full of t!ie saenid relic s of its heroes, it marttra aud its saints. Of some of the tuont popular there are bones enough to fit tbe lamented together again !jvornl times over ; which on ly shows the great demand for His kind of thing ond the noble deter ntitmtion of entcrpriaiDg localities that whatever might come tbny would Dot bo left in these several particulars. This liberal spirit not only brought the sight-seeing t longer to the shrines, lot it thwarted tho designs of specnluting men by preventing frequent coruors in the bone market. The life work of the Founder and 1 i. . . , i ' honor Licit au.v blown nut-ration of his mourn. I'm ticulmly ongbt wo lVtitisjlvaiiinua to be gicntful titi'iiuou ho founded us on a basis of tn luo world s biHtory above all, the dwellers in the city wbicb be founded almost two tvcutful ctu luries ago. If there wore any aanurance that tbe Founder would desire the e- .....i .. i : . . ii ...... luuiaivi KD HBU J SI an tiazuru. tho t-'talo which bears bis name aud was the cradle of tbe rccond birth tut ioor,y wuio, , e pi octaiui d. wonlJ of ilHef fit Qut BU f,pedition to overcome at tho toyonet's point tho narrow, i usnler pr judice which now couHttrves with jealoas ciiroj what it has novor paid any special; attention to and which iu J'euu's own day cited biiu for treason, tried him for conspiracy, took away hia poi pritlary right and twice thiow him into tho Tower of gloomy mem or its. No spirit bos rime Lack from the other world to tell us that the firht Governor wishes Lis remains removed. lU-RsoniDg by analogy, we infer that be pit furs to remain in the grave with bis wife Ilunnub, hard by tho tomb of bis wife Gulielma Mnrin, We propose to reinter him with pomp aud circumstances, bought tbe ground for bis city like a man, made ilU tbe Indians tbe only treaty -'never hworo to and never broken," and sailed away to be gone Hoventecn years His se- cond vinit was shorter tban tbe first. Is it likely t hot be vrbo cared so lit tle to live bore would have a burning dosiro to be sprtdod np after all 'tboso years aud transported to a jan, pyuicii to bun never was a home We feel inspired to say thnt l'otin doesn't want to couao here. Ho wants to be let alone, tie is content with the status quo and would fuel a good deal cut np if it wer disturbed. Mr. Littluboy and the other gen tlemen who are standing guard over the boues of contention may be sole ly saltish, but tbey are in possession, and we can but admire the sul lenly aroused alacrity with which tbey place themselves in position to de fend what all at onoe becomes a prize of groat Value. Tbey know Ibat onr want ia snored relios, and tbey are resolved tbat tbe competition be tween the mother country and tbe lusty scion shall be made no sharper. If we will let tbe matter rest we may gain oar point in time for tbe TrUCenteoDial. Fhila. Preia, Tbe oldest rose-bush in tbo world is said to be one whiob is trained upon oue side of tbe Cathedral at Ilildesheiui, ia Germany. Its age is unknown, bat documents exist wbicb prove tbat a Bishop Hazello, nearly a thoasaod years ago, pro tat.ri it hw too roof, whiob i, ....There are 0,000 producing oil wells la MoKsan county. .... There is a restanraut in l'ottsville called the Graveyard. ....Lieutenant Powell, a York policeman, bas fifteen children. ... .At Harrisburg tbey call tbe ague tbe "Sasquohaona sh-kos," ....It costs Hlooitfiul 1, Terry connty, $35 a year to light its street lamps. ..There is more smallpox in, Schuylkill than ia any county iu the state. ....Tho Gsh pirates at Columbia aie bolder than ever this season in violating the law. ....A reform moveraont in favor of selling eggs by weight bas been begun in Reading. ... .There is considerable excite msnt at Littleatown, York county, about discovery of gold mines. . . . .Seventeen and a balf pounds of wool were clippjd from one Cots wold sheop ia Juniata o mnty, ....There are a numbur of suits pending thronghout the state against preachert for marrying minors. . . . .Daniel lleisor, of Lewiutowo,lias been appointed mail agont on the Lewiaburg and Tyrone railroad. . . . .Mr. James Zero, of Carroll ton, Cambria county, shot a blacksnake on Wednesday last that wus sixteen feet lon. .... Kigbt (lioiisdand dollars were subset ibud on Sunday in Uol- lidaysbiug by the Methodists to erect a now bouse of worship. .... A thirteen year old son of a butcher named Whiteside, iu Lan caster, bad bis left bond torn off by a chopping machine on Wednesday. .... I'lUord Itell. sold a New York fii in C'o.OOO pounds of blotters last week uanufuctured by tbe Chemical pulp company at Kxperi luunt Hills, iu Jonroe county. .... Attacks by dogs on children aretiiuoiig the common affairs in ru ral towns, tbo iucrssso of useless canines being such us to render them a tiuisuuce und a duugvr to biiuiuu life. . ...CKn. Cameron iuforms a cor respondent of tLe I'bilndclpbia 1'rtnt that all tbo tulk about (Jun, Crant being a cuudidute for the Presidency iu 1884, is mere chip trup. Us says thut Grubt is out of put lio lifo aLd will stay out, aud atteud strict ly to busings hereafter. ....A dii-patch from Copenhagen sins : The Swedioh Government ij becoming alarmed, und CJUteuiplates legislation iu view of tho emigration ... I -., wbtcU is iissuiiuiirf tbo- proportions of Oil fcXOilus. Suveiul cotiulius are practicullv denuuid of able bodioil inbabitants. Mrs. GlllfleM, Vfboso serious, illness bus for porno weeks been a mutter of anxious solicitude through out the country, is now pronounced by her pbysiciuns out of danger, aud her progress towards recovery is con eiuored satisfactory, ... .A son of tbe lato Secrotary of Wur Stanton has lately married the daughter of Mrs. Phillips, the wom an whom Gen. Butler sent to Ship nlund for iustilting I'niou soldiers iu New Orleans. ....Small-pox is raging in Lon clou, Eugland. There are 1,000 cas es in the hospital, as bigh as 100 cases having beeu admitted ia a sin gle day. ....Twenty thousand emigrants arrived at New York lust wetk. ....General Kilpatrick will sail for Chili in about one month to re lieve Mr. Usburn as United States Minister there. . . . .General Grant receives J 10,- 000 a year snlury as President of the lTnited States Nutional Bauk, New York. At is also a partner iu bis sous business bouse ol Urantdt Wurd, aud bus iutoro6t there of $o0,- 000. . . . .The Americans have now bea ten the British on tbe water, tbe ball field, and the tutf, and it is prob able that I'oha Bull's opinion of bis transatlantic cousin bas risen con siderably of late. . ...Yeonor's wet June came to band on time. , . , . During the last fifteen years of slavery tbe South raised 10 675,- 991 bales of oottoo, During the tit st fifteen years under freedom, that is, from 1865 up to 1880, the number of bales produced was 50, 438, 335. . . . .Tbe LebanoD Courier asserts tbat ''there are thousands upon tboussuds of dollars voted away by every Legislature that meets in oar State as appropriations to objects without merit, and then tbo legisla tor turns around to seek for some thing mora to tas to raise mors rev enue, we wam mors "level Heads' in tba Legislature," .... EiFreeidoot John wo's estate is valued at f 100.000, and bia beira era v Uw over tba distribution of tbe If Mr, Jefferson D ivis is. still ia Canada be would do well to stay there. The book creates no demand for bia return. Tbey say that tbe President isn't fretting his life away over it. Eis withers are intact The bush of Australia is so over fed by tbe multiplying of wtfd borses that they have to be shot down in common with rabbits and kangaroos. In one district ao Arab stallion got away thirty years ago, and was nev er rooaptured. He was a chestnut, and took a o ouple of thorough-bred colts with him, and it baa been re marked that a large proportien of tbe wild horses of tbe district are of bis color. Horses believed to be very old are occasionally seen far away ia thj distant ranges. One man bas shot 3,000 borses in two years. A watchmaker ia Newcastle, Pa. , has completed a set of gold studs, ia one of which is a natch that keeps excellent time, tbe dial being about three-eighths of an inch in diameter. The three studs are connected by a strip of silver inside the shirt bosom, and tbe watch contained in the mid' die one is wound up by turn ing the stud above, and the bauds are set by turning the one below. The lilipu- tiun machine works with a pendulum which will act with ease and accur acy in w hatovnr pjiitioa tuo titua. piece is placed, even if it be turuad u psido down. "When publicly icul'ified that I had been cured of a terrible skin liu -mor by the Cuticura Hemutlies, I did o that others milil be cured, and do not regret the time given to answering liKmiries. lluu. William Taylor, Hot tun. Juno 2, 4w. Given up by Doctors. "h it puddle Unit Mr. Godfrey is up and ut work, and cured by so sim pie a remedy 7" "I assure you it is truo that he is en' 1 1 rely cured, und with nothing but Mop Hitters ; and only tun days ago his doctors gave him up and s.iid he noift die !" "Well-u-dny ! That is reinarkahle ! I will go tliU day and get some for my poor Oeorno I know hops are good." Hittriit J'uM. A New Treatment. ThrGollrH Klijcinif Lift, uiomlt tfnl cures If you bar Conaumption, atvl woul.l know that your eniifh onn b mail Ions an 'I rnyH"s Fonrer an l Nlglils 8eala elircknl I i 21 boura; luflumuinlioD Inkan Mil til l.unga anj air pn(i'a at aoot ; 1 1ml you onn h mail lo Klin i lo G I'ounila of htalllijr flrab per wrrk ( if yon liava (,'iilarrb, lr"pri. Siok llradinha. Henri llianinr, l.itrr t.'oiupUint, Nervuua llrliilily, Seminal Wtaknea or Sprrin. lorrli'ira, loas of aexunl puwer In either IIUlll HJ OllllHV - II Willi I1MVO RUV f0rn, of wk',0tini, b 0'r wasting away, and would know of an Ira. nieitiaiv rclier aud cerium our for many of Hi eererett oiteee iu a short lima a new method with new agents to fattun evrv huiltf. Inainrulo aiii.l niaka al funix aud iiiliby tho umit hopeleea caaee, nou t bi out nn I writ at once for partioilare, Mich. Jiilv ri.'o.tj. 7ulftlio ills of hitiiiiiti life proceed fwini a torpid ami diiordered liver. .Submit to tliem no longer while ".Sel ler" Liver Pills" will cure you q uiek ly. 'rice ll'di. May, 'SI. ll WITE undersigned. Administrators X nftheeatate of Mlehael oberlta. tat of the townahtp of Centre, doeae'l, br virtue of an Order' famed out ol the Orphan!'! Onurt of s tdar count, will etpoao lu ruMlo Sale, oa I me premiae in earn ceuir towoeuip. on Tuesday, June 28th, 1831, the fnllowlni; deeerlbed Real E.tato, to wit; 'I'll ACT No. 1, ouoalitlng ol three ountlRuuue ma oi iirouna euuaie ae aioraein, imuquou Nurtb br t heatnui gtroat. rJatt tie tut of Henri Htolih, Waal bf Publlo Kuad aod South tif au Aliaj, eoutainina 'J'bree fourths of an Acre, more or leer, nn which ar created a DWELT.. 1NU HOUSE, ho. AlaoTKAcr No. a. eltu. le In tbe townahlp aforahl, hunoded North br woodland ot lleune Ntlue. tan aod South b Publlo Knad and Weal b laud of lienrf bnoua, (ontaiuiug Sis Acres, mor or leea. Hale to eummence at i o'otook P. M. of eat d day wuea tur.ua ol lata will be made known br ;haiah oberlin, JOHN Ml III N, Juoet, lui. Adialnlitralore. NASBT 10 EUROPE. Mar 14th Mr. n. ft. Locke. (Rev. Petroleum ciintrlbutlna a aarlaa of Lattera to tha Tiilbiio v. Nsitivi aauen fur Eiinma, i ir tna oueoaiaul Hlaub. Thaae lattera will eovar a period or eU inuatha, ouumeoolos .laae l-t. Tber will oe wrlitrn In r. Nubfi peculiar vln,nd will be ai Ural a hoaauaa tUta The Toledo Weekly Blade le the I, Attn EST Political and ramllf paper la in unitau naiee nun in naumon 10 tnia leature, oontaloe dnaea othere, knowa to and Pliroved by a majorlir ol th Uuilllee la r. II Btl aau lerritorf. Termn : For Three Months, post Paid, SOcts For Six Months, ." " SI. 00 Nasby Portrait Free Evrf ubaerlhr to th BLaoa, durlnf th Jioblleatlo of Mr. Looke'e Kumiatan l.ettere, ur either throe or els muattu, will reoelr Ire I cnars a apieauia PORTRAIT OF MR. LOCKE, In (tie aad Irleelnllar to th on of Pral. deut Oartteld whick w laeued I ait euiumr. Tula portrait la tha plotur elorea eel I for eO aol . It will aot b put pa th market at all, and esa oolf k kad ki eubeorlbor io the Hladb. Tbuee dealrloa thea lattera Muiplat aad tb portrait, will d i wall lo aad their ordare able lo aaad baok uambere, kat th aupplr will w euau priua vstro auiiiun, a do doubtlete beibaaatd laaaioath. bead bead four ordare Immediately, loliMei CoitlM of th BL4DS mailed I uf audreee apoa appltcatloa. Mead foar eueaaTiuaMia) a vava. ain BLADE OO.. ToUde.O (ut it Hh, tni"nM uaw.i. lAna.atwawa.ykaMi'iwri ai aaa H e tkaaa. ar, a r. At torncijS'At- fsttu. y.M. K. HOUSWEP.TH. ATTORNEY-AT LAW, Hkm3.4or.ovk, Pa., LOotlMtl ml and ftllotW lcl baln intpl. rlT sttnlMl to. iluDtaltatloiit In LsvlKk nU Utiass. J as t, lML H. DILL, ATTORNEYAT-LAW, Lfwuburg, JVnn'a. All (main's tatrusisd to kli ear will b promptly attsdil to, 8t, 80, 188. jj o. deTtrich, ATTOIlSIET-A r.1.4 W. Mrkrt SI. , 8rliniirov. Td. All pnfMntoatl .mnM promptly ttad4 to. UoaMilMMuai Is KoglUS tad (laran rk.ia.M. J Ii. WUNDERLY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Mul'tlrburg, Snydrr C , Ta cs b enniaius la arPruaaautaa aialoia KnulUh or Oar a a lor yaaalnan, a .jh Jan. IV"1. N. MYERS, A ttomey At- Law, Nldrtltkara, Pann'a. Alt profaxlanal kuainMt antraitail I hla ar will raoalva prompt attantlon. UunaalUtluna la konlUk and Utrnn. tct. W.TS. JACOB GILDEUT, Attorney At-Law, MIUDLKIIURO, PA. Allbaaliiana antrnatail to hli r will ratalv roiapt altaatloo. Julf 14,'T. E. BOVER AfTORNEY-AT-LAW, MitVlhburrf, Pa. (Offloa In offlca of J. P. Uronniilor, Ea.) Cotlartlona mad. Uonanllntlnna In Knallah J una it, 'la.if. nil Oannati. L. SCHOCll, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, New Berlin, Penn'a. Pnifetatnnal bnelnia animated o hla er III raoolna prompl nllanltOQ. Joaa 0,'78. QlfAS ULRIChT Attorney a Counsellor-At-Law, OlBea la App'a Huildlns on doot North ,of KKtMTUNK IIOTUL. Nclliiagrotc. I'enn'a. ('olletlnnn and all other pm'-Mlooal banl nee l aollvlted and will recle orlnl o 1 prompt niMallon. Apr.ll.'Tc.tl. f P. CRON MILLER, l' ATTOHNEV AT LAW, -MilHinburjr, pa., Offer hi prnfeaaiona servloe to the pub He. t'olleollone and all other professional business nirusil to hi ear will reoeive prompt atteatioa. fJan 8, Ml" if TJ. SMITH. .TTORWFT ATI.AW. UIDDLtllUKd. HN VtOK OU., IA Ofara hl Prnfeailonal Staralnea to tta pntll Uooaultktlona la CoulUh and Uariann. F. J. R. ZELLER, ATTOhSFA'.AT.LAW Mlfflluhurg, Union Count, Pi. All bnatnaaa animated to hie ear will well and faithfully nttandi d to. Will prar.tlc at the aovcral enurta o hnyder end aillninioK e.i.intiee. tUn be oooaulle I Iu tha EngllKh or trmu laiisi!ia Oot. at. '1311 CtlAKLKS IIO WUR, ATTOllNEY AT LAW. Selinairo7e, Pn. Mere bia prnfeeeionalaervlo to th pub io Collection and all oihar profeeaionn buaineas animated lo hia car will re i prompt attention. Other two door south of th Normal ttobosl. rju6, '0 J M.LINN, ATTORN KIT AT LAW, Lewlahitrx, T Offer bie profeaalonnl eerrlo lo tb public Collection and all other pro reaeional buaines entrusted to bt car will roivcprouipt attention. Sept. 3d, 180, V. POTTER, ATI OK NE YS AT LA TF. SollnsgroTe. Pa , Offer their profeseional services lo the publio. All legal buaineeseiilruatod to llieir car will reoelre frorapt atteatioa. Olfio at hi bom on Main Street. July, 4tb '72. lAMCBl ALLaitAS. SOBAOB AtL S. ALLEMAN & SON. ATTORNEYS A 1 L A W. HelinMg-rove, lt. tnt rutted lo their gar will b promptly aliened to. Can be conattlted ia Euglieh or Uermao. Otfio. Mark. Bquar. II. H. (irinim. Wm. 11. Dill aniMM & Diisis. Attorneys&.Councellors A I'liA W, Office Near the Post Office, rreebtira-, Penn'a. Coneitltatioo la both. Enflieb and German Languag. Deo, I 'Tilt. JOHN II. ARNOLD, Attorney fit I aw, MIDDLEUOBQ, PA Profeeelonat buelneieeotrueted to liiiokrr be promptly atteaded lo. - Feb J THOMPSON BAKER, iViiornoynt.ijaw, Lewleburg, Union Co., Pa tssT0aa b coneulted la tb Eoclleb an Oermea lnguagek.'0 orriCK Mart Btrsst. spaosit Wall Smith A Go's Stors - 8 4vv WM. VAN GEZER, ATTOHNEV AT LAW, Lewisburg Pa. Offer his professional rvio to h pub lic Colleollon and all other Pto reaeion al bualneee entrneted to bis ears will r lv prompt atieniioa. T. PARKS, ATTORNRV AT LAW SBLtosaUOVK. UNVUKR OOUNTT, Pi 8ept.lft, '0711 A O. 8IMP80M, ATTOHNEV AT LAW, . Selinsgrove, Pa. tfer at profauioaal service le tba cub .le. All buelaea cntruaied le hi ear sill as promptly attended to. fJea, 17, '67ir tAMUELH.OBWIQ, A TTOBNEY-A T.LA VT. ' niniabursj. vum Co.. fm: Physicians, fin DIL J. Y.SI1INDKL, BUiidKOM and riirniciAif, Mlddlcbnrjr, l Oder t blk profstoaa1 rvio I lb cli ras of MMJIaourf aud violnily: slareb ZI.'BT Tjn UAHAND rotuuock, Fremont, Snyder county, Pa. tru!aat of nattlianr (Istlava f fhvaiulK aad Humana, oflari kl prnraMloaal aarr la U iha puull.g!4paka,Liiallah sad uarst. Msrah, IT, I Ml. tr. H. J. SMITH, Physician & Surgeon, frtmont, Snydfr County, Pa. Offere bia profeaalonal irvtt ttk ratll OlBca a Mala etreat. Jane 11 D R. J. O. WAGNER, Pliyslclnn nnd 8arg-ean, t)Tra bia pmflonl arleaa to iha altltaaa or AitaaaMra MS airinllir. An(. t.'avtr. D R. J. F. KANAWEL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Crntreliie. Snvrter Co.. Pn Offer bis profeaeioaal rrloa to the publlo. dtr J-j J. ECKUERT, SURGEON DENTIST. SM'Kuit r-a bi.ook, Sfliiugrovt, I'enn'a. rrofaaalooal bnalnw pruioptlr atteadad to, Mav n,r. JJR. I. ORIER BARBER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, having located at MIDDLEBURG, PA., otfio a few door Weal of th Ceurlhoua. in Heaver's Brick buildinft, oiler bia pro feaeional serrioea lo th public. II peaka Engliab aaj Gertnan ' Ocl.lT.'TS. pERCIVAL HERMANN, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Kratzrrrillr, Sayifer Co., Pti. Oftere hla profaaalnomt ervloea to tha eltttna oIKrataorrlllaand veilaltr. A nx. Su,'7 D R. A. M. SMITH, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Offcre bia prulfaaional services lo lb eill ten of Adameburg and vicinity. Srp4, 73 K. VAN UU3KIKK, 9URQICAL & MECfl AN'ICAL PENTIS7 SolinMrove, Penn'a. Just i css of the J'eace. Jl DAM SMITH, Justice of tut? Peace - Conrcyanccr VeuuerSpri ngit, Snyder Co., Pa. Atrnmtalal bxalnaaa -taktna denneltlnneead promptly attandel to. Colkotlon" and remit tance promptly m.vl. May lo.'.UTe yiLUAM II. SNYDER. Justice of I lift lenre. . Salem, Snyder County Penn'a. All Collections and reinitances promptly in ado. Hot. 91, T tf. TSAAC HEAVER, J USTICE OF THE rEACti mi Oonex-al Collector . Miildlehiirg, Snyder County, Pa. Ppcoial aitentton paid to collection of all kinds. Krniiltanocs will be uiade promptly for all ool!eulioaa toad. Mar. .let isif tr. V YL. WAONEU, F.an., e JUSTICE OF TUB PEACa. Jackson Townnliin-Suyder Co. Pa., Will atlead to all bueineee atrmled lo hi oar and oa tb moil reasonable term. March it, 'Oolf D AVID S. SUOLLY, Justice of tho Peace, L'HioiiJ'owimhii), Snyder Co., Pa. Will attend to all bueinee entrusted to bia ear on moat reasonable terms. P. O. addreee, Uuadore, Snyder Co., Pa. Mar. 4, '80. J H. IIARTMAN, JI'aJTICE OF TIIR PEACE. Sc Cnviyancer, UCNTKCVILLE, Boydsr County, Pa. rtolleetlons aad all bualneal parlslnlna to tha oSIr of J uatloa of tb f eaoe will b attended to at ehorl nolle Ap r vt'l gETIl MITCUELL, Justice of tho Peaoe & Conveyancer, Jachaon Townahlp, Snyder C'ooaty, Pa. Oollaoltune. Onnvayauotna. aud all other bn atBraa partalutusto tha otAoewtll reoalve prompt altantlon. PoataOlceaddraaei Maw Berlin. Uulnn couuly, Pa. Aus. 1". IIT. JOHN K. HUGHES, Esq., JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Peon Twp., Snyder Co. P JAMES MIDDLESWARTH, Justice ol tho Peace & Conveyancer, Troxleville, Snyder Co. Pa. Will stteod nromntlr to all manner ol boat naaipartalnlnf to taeoltloo. Uolleotlone mate, ueue, artioiese., written. tdaif tn,i-ii. yM. II. HARDING, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE & Conveyancer, 7EEEM0NT, Snyder oounty, P. Collsotlone and el bualneee pertain Ins to the stBcwof Joalleaof Ibefeaoe will betttendedlo at ehorl aolloe. Apr. I7'TI, g A. WETZEL, " Justice of the 'Peace, Beavertoten, Suyder Co., Pa. All kinds ofcollection mad oa liberal trm. Promptly attad lo all bueineee iotrueltd to bis earsi (Jun 2tf, 'lit JER B. MIDDLESWARTH, JUBT1CE OI THE PEACI '-- "C0NVITA5CB, MoOlura City, 8b jder Co., Pn. deltMtloa aad all bailneee aarlalalBs I tb Sla of J sat lee of th Peae will b attended le m, a" avMaai. , rfviiy sa.'ieti, A "5 I10RNBKRQER, JUSTICE Or THE PEACE Perrv Twahti,,sderOiT,r, - Ai-0 BOMTERSOX, Justice of ths'Petc & Convtyw Penntoreek, Snyder Co , Pa. , Pptleettone and aaaiiiMM Minti m a. ContaraaelDn Boatlf and ka,plv iimiiIii, aprn i, -i. 1. Corner SO St. $ J3roadw.ni. NEW YORK. On both American A JSuropeaa plnn,; Tmnllne oo Oaatrat Par, lb Orand Bvit.. vard, Hralwr ad nnr-Nlnth m.. Ihl. H . orenplaalhaanllra aqnara, aod waa hulli . .1 fnrnlh-d at an ainnaa of orar Stuo.ono. f t oof ih mM eral a wall a bin th n-i. at lonatad In tha oil haa a paaaanur it..v ,. tor an all mny.rn tmprav-inanta. and la wit i , una aqnara at the depute of Iha Hlx'h and Bin , H ATrnna fclatd R. R cam and atlll n-ar-r i , Iha Hruadwar fara aonTanlaot and armaiii a fmna all parla of the ellr. Raon with bnarl .1 Prdar. Spsoial ralaa for famillaa aud oar.ui. naol guaata. E. HASKELL. A an. n.'sa ly. PaoraiBTon. boardinghouse; TIIR Cndaralftied would reaped fully i. form the travelling public, buiin. man, wltneaaee and Jnrora In attendance at... , thmna that ha haa made ample prepare! I nni t ... heir aeaommodallon and will andeaTnr to. ,, tertaln hla patron. In ood alrle at tha nit ra..nable rata., lloar lluj Hone a hw diwra waatoftbeOonrt Hjuae. UAURIBL BEATEH. Apr. II I r. Prop,t,u,f. JMijlcllebiii'tj, Xa. JOHN LIMBER T, Proprietor Theabova popular Hotel has been rentttl and rerurnlahed lo tbe beat etyl. Iu canlr .i Inoatlon maltae It convenient for bo.lnt.i men t iMraona ia attadana at Ooart and ill otherawbnaraallat lo Ml,l,llahur. The la ble la alwajra anpiillad with the beat In the mr kat th liar with ood Miuora aad th Ktahla attenileii hjr oarelufl huatlara. Triae uuderaia April 4, 1ST", ' CKNTREVILLE HOTEL, (LataMre. Weaver'a.l Cenlerrlle Snjdar Co., Pa. PETEK HARTMAW, Proprlete . Tkla Ia. ....kll.i.. . A ,, . h a -1 r. m I... n..V ,J, L . I i. . J U,nnWB tM tolls a ihar ot the public pat ronaKe. ' April, I, Iiri. ITIIE NATIONAL HOTEL. JOHN B. FOCKLER, Prop r. BeljniHgrove, Pn. Thle Hotel le Plaaaantly loootad In tha "aonara and la a Yarydealrablo place for trav.lera ton, a the siaTof aucommodktlona at low rataa p., annaatopptna ones will be euro to call again. TLe brat oflMimr lu tba bat tha Hutai. Ti . "r"0,aae naatanrani Inconnertton wl Apr.ie.'7t. illcrcliants9 House. 4i:iaV41S NORTH THIRD STREET. PIIIL'A PA. Terms:--$1.50 per day. HENRY SPAHN, Prop-r. C.W. BHAHtV. Clerk Apr.i.it. PUladelphia Cards. J. S. Fa&RNSWORTH. WITH JONES, HOAR & Co. Importers ot Huiscry, Notions. Wnite Goods, Emtal ilcries Gents FnrnisUinii Goods Sc. Bio. 514 Market Stroet, PIIILADELPHIV. T. It. fonai, W. H. Shelbley. a. n. Hoar. (Mm. I a V4. T. it. ueicutfi. M, L. WAGENELER, WITH GRAVDILL ft Co., WllOLBSALB DllLtll IS WOOD AND WILLOW WARK Oil Cloths, Window Sbad, Brooms, Man Rruabos Cotton Laps, Grain Begi,, t.j .ris, uucsets. Twines, Wicke, Ac. No. 4u .Warket Strict, Pbiladelpbi ftb. 7. '87 J B. SKLUBIMER DEALKB IN HARDWARE Iron. Nails, Steel, Leather, Faints, Oils, Coach & Saddler Ware AND MAKCf ACTURLR OF Stoves & Tinware, MARKET STREET. Lewisjiowna l'enn'n. Noreuiber 2, J87J-lf WM. MANN. Blank Book Maker Sta- tioner, and S team Power PRIN TER, Vi lioleNulo & IfotnU No 529 market Street, PHILADELPHIA. Promytneea. One Price Selli'9 Price Marked On All Goods In Fi guret. Apr. 18-T3. jTJAVID WILLIAMS, Uanafaetnree of k. Waalaaala Dealer la Clll. MaUoitany, Walosl and Rss'sosd t-CJOrSirsiQ GLASS , Plotur tt PhotofrapElo Framaw Hot. SM an. US ires Street Philadelphia l's. Frames Repaired ia th beet , Also, glldlB( la all its brtacbe. (.71 JJNION PLANING MILL ELIN80BOTB,8NTPEB OO..PA Keely & Wagner Lumber Dealers ABO aUSPVitOTtlBBB OV ' sort, Boor loses, Windows, Bbatttf Window Bows, Blinds, Bash, BUlr rixlags, BandBajllaa Brark , : OtS, KonlwittXS, l..Z".St UIULI.0A WIM9 kit A r "V TCBUl Aaliw:o( L, k Lo. Ordtrs ssl!Uss s4 tXltl wilk ftt . . .-4 f .-v - .-J "