Vdvertlwlnsc IXatOM. Oj column one year, l0.00 One-half, column, one year, 8O.00 One-fourth column, one year, 15.00 One mmw (W ') Infertioa 76 Kery additional Insertion, M rrofcionl and Business cards ol not more than 5 line, per year, 5.00 Auditor, Executor, Administrator and Assignee Notions, 2.60 editorial notices per line, 16 All transient advertising less than month! 10 cents a line. All advertisement lor a shorter pe riod than one year are payable at the time they are ordered, and if not paid the pe"on ordering them will im held; Sponsible for the money. Poetry Somebody's Lovers. DT PHORDR CAItT. Too meek by half WM him who eft!n8 A wooing me one morn, For he thought eo little of himself I learned to share his scorn. At night I had a suitor, vain As the vainest in the land ; Almost he seemed to condescend In the offer of his hand. la one who pressed his suit I missed Courage and manly pride j And how oould I think of such a one As a leader or a guide T And then there came a worshipper With such undoubtlng trust. That when he kneeled he seemed not worth Uprising from the dust. The next was never in the wrong, Was not too smooth nor roug h So faultless and eo Rood was he, That that was fault enough. But one, the last of all that came, I know not how to point ; 'o angel do I eeem to him He scarcely calls ino suint I He hath euch sins and weaknesses As mortal me befall ; He lutth a thousand faults, and yet I love htm with them all. He never asked me yea or nay, Nor knelt to me one hour ; But he took my heart and holds tny heart With a lover's tender power. And I bow, as needs I must, and say, In proud humility, Love's night Is right, and I yield at last To manhood's royalty. No Time for Hating. BY A. t. H. DUGA5.NK. Begone with feud I away with strife ; Our human hearts unmntlng I Let us bo friends again I This life Is all too short for hating I Bo dull the day, so dim the way, Borough the road we're faring Far better weal with fuitliful friend, Than stalk alone uncaring 1 The barren fig, the withered vine, Are tyies of selll-h living 1 But souls that gave, like thine and mine, Renew their life by giving. While cypress waveso'er early graves, On all the way we're going, Far better plant, where seed is scant, Thau tread on fruit that's growing. Away with seorn 1 Since die we munt, And rest on one low pillow I There are no rivals in the dunt "o foes beneath tho willow. So dry the bowers, so few the flowers. Our earthly way discloses, Far better stoop where daisies droop Than tramp o'er broken roses I Of what are all the Joys we hold Compared to Joys above us I And what the rank, and power and goiu, . Compared to hearts that love us f So fleet our years, so full of team, So closely death is waiting ; God gives us space for loviug graoe, But leaves no time for hating. Gabriel Mercer. ' Marion Hastings was the only daughter of a wealthy countryman, ana st the age of eighteen ahe mar tied agreeably to the wishes on ber father, Captain Gabriel Mreoer. It was not ft love matoh, of Mari an's part, at least, for all her ' heart belonged to Lieutenant Oeorge St John. Bt John was poor, bat his faml ly was one of the best la the coun try. His dalles called him. with bis regiment, to India. Bat before he went he met Mar ion (a the gardens of ber father's es. tale, and by the light of a waning J one moon their parting took place. And it was snob a parting as on ly lovers mad with agony and dee pair ean know. Marian was an obedient daoghter she bad been brought np la that tern old way which teaohes that to the will of a parent a child mast sacrifice) everything, and though young Bt John would fain bftve taught ber rebellion, and made ber bis bride before be left ber, she re volted la horror from the idea of disobeying ber father, . .Bo they parted, ; - A little afterward she read his . name among the killed la one of the klrmlsbee wjtb the. rebel Bepoye and, never doubting that the ballet ta was eon-eot, she loot, ta It were, tsr lei J on life, ai became inert Sit 9 VOL. 18. and sad and hopeless. At this time it wae that Oabriol Mercer urged his suit Her father commanded her to marry him. After his own dark and terrible fashion Oabriol lovod thsyonng girl, hat if she felt for him any eeotiment at all it was one of qniot disgust1 Still she married him, and from that time forth she wae bis slate. lie had only to corainan J her and she obeyod. . Bat shortly after marriage ho sold bis commission, and his wife learned with bsrror tint he bad lost all his estate by gambling. However be managod to get a Government position. It was not a vory important sitn tion, but it yielded him a dooeot in come, and it placed in his hands at times large suras of the publio mon 7- One night late in the winter he brought home five thousand pounds, and deposited the pocket in the iron chest Aa he turned the key in the pon derous lock, he rornarked to bis wife : "Thore are five thensand pounds and deposited the paukot in the iron chest. As be tamed the key in the pond erous look, he remarked to bis wife t "There are five thousand ponnds of the country 'e money. I have to go away to-morrow, and I shall rido as far as 0 to-night. I mnst leave the money bore till I come back. It will be safe for nobody knows anything about it." "Oh 1" cried bis wife, "do not go aatil yoa have disposed of it whero it belongs." 'Nonsense I" exolairaed her hus band impatiently. ' It'll be all right, and I shall be back in three days." His patient faded wife said no jre, and at about 9 o'clock in the eveniug he rode off in the direction of Q . Marion was too nervous to go to bed. And she and her one servant sat np in the kitchen. Nettie was soon fust asleep in hor choir, but Mariau's eyes were bright and feverish, and ber checks burned with a vivid crimson, which brought back soma of the old beauty to hor face, Her eyes seem fascinated to rest on the brass key which hung ovor the fire place the key which fitted tho iron chest She was a strictly conscientious woman, and she felt it hor duty to guard this mouoy entruatod to her keeping as she would have guarded ber life. It was past one o'clock, when the latening Jworaan heard the tramp of horses on the gravel road before the door, and peeping through tho cur tains she saw three mounted men. They rapped loudly at the door. asking for admittance, but Marian denied their request. They beat the door from its hinges. 1 bey were three stalwart fellows with masks over their faces. Marian was brave, but she had nothing with which to defend her self. The loader of the band demanded the money which her husband bad left in the house. She kept an indigent silence. They told her they would ahoot both herself and servant and burn the boose over their dead bodies if she persisted in ber obstinacy. The oold muzzle of a pistol press ed against her temple did not daunt her, for she indignantly refused to ahow them where the money they ought was hidden. It was only a moment before they pounced upon the key above the fire place, and directly the iron chest was unlocked and the money stowed about the persons of the robbers. Then they ordered ber to prepare them eome sapper. rJhe went aboat it with a des perate scheme rushing in ber brain. A day or two before ber husband bad brought borne a large quantity of etryohnine for poisoning the rats, and this deadly drag ebe put into the coffee she presented to the guests.' They sat down to the table in high glee, cracking their coarse Jok es, and having their loaded pistole beside their plates. , . i . "Their , masks they , did not re move, MIDDLEBTJltG, Fortunately for tho auooess of I Marian's plan, the men were thirsty. and drank'greedily. "Jay God forgive me 1" ahe cried to herself. "He knows I am aotiog woolly from a sense of dutj." 1 be meal was not half over before one of the men was seized with vio lent convulsions, and rolled on tho floor in agony j and in a fow mo menta the three lay together in the agonios of death. At last the foarful stillncsn and rigidity of death crept ovor thorn, and Marian rushed out of tho bouse to call assistance, 2?ot far from hor door she mot a mounted offioor. She told her slory in a few die jointed words, and the officer leaped from his horse at tho sound of hor voice, and hastened to give her a supporting arm. "Marion, said he. "do you not koow me f" She altered a piorcing cry, and sank sonsoless at bis feet. Lieutenant St John, for it was nooe othor thun hor old lover, lifted hor up. ifo carried hor in his arms to ber house, and laid ber on a lonnge, while the aorvanta busied thomsolvos in restoring her to consciousness. She eat np at Inst and saw that it was iadeod St. John, alive and well, who stood before her. Assistance having bcon called, the officers of justice took the stolon money from the bodies of the rob hers, and then stripped the masks from the faces. Tho last monk tboy removed, ox poxed to view the diatortod, black ened countunnucu of Oabriol Mur- cor. Marian saw through tho wholo thing at ouco. Her husband's oovotousnnns bail become arousod by tho possession of moony, and be bad taken this method of stealing it , doubtless flattering himself that (he cunning fraud would never bo discovered. Of courso Marian .Vurce r was hor rified whoa she knew that ahe had brought hor tnisorable husband to bis death. St John took upon bimsolf the buainoss of cariug for Mariau. Us gave her iuto the bund of his mother, who nursed bur through hor long and dangerous illnum, aud won her love and gratitude. .lnd whoa ag.iin alio rosj to hoalth an I strength, St. Jo'm led hor to the altar, and by loving loud ness rendered her the hvpoiijjt of ber sex. The Coat Tbo goat is a nativo of vacant lots about the city, and there are lota of them. Tho goat is obnivorous. ne will goat anything that ho sees and will seize anything that be may goat Ilia prinoipal food however, is play bills. He is vory found of let tors. Let ns honor him for his love of bill letters. The gentleman goat is callod Bil ly, bnt be is a billy that no police man can handle. The lady goats are callod Nanny. This is their own-Naony-mous name. The yonog goata are called kids. Kids are on hand the year round. The goat Is generous to a fault. He presonts a couple.of horns to ev erybody be seos. In the matter of mere cash, the Cashmere goat is the moat famous. Goats are fond of the outskirts of large cities i also hoop-skirts. The goat wears a beard. It is called a goatee, though not confined to the goat. The goat is noted for his banting. bnt be never flags. The goat is one of the signs of the sodiao, signifying that be bass pro pensity to knook things sky-high. He never gete high himself. That is to say, never gats over the ba-a-a. Sbakapear underatood the sponta neity of the goat when be said, "Stand not upon the order of your going but goat ouco." The goat is a wide-awake animal He is never 'caught napping, not withstanding the many oaaea of kid nappiLg yoa may have read about. For many years the goat was the only bntter known. Gloats love to get on a high rook and son themselves. Give them a obanoe and they will always seek a sunny climb. The good Pan was a sort of half goat All goats do not pan oat as well as be did, i B-aa-a! oo Iranteripl SNYDEU COUNTY, l'A, JUNE MEDICAL SCIENCE. The domain of science is extend' ing, and every fact ostablishoil by tho investigations of nature's laws is a stimulus to new discoveries. So tho true studoot never grows weary or discouraged by reason of tho wide rango of studies buforo him. On tho contrary, ovory firm step betakes gives increased strength for the noxt, and firos tho soul with love for tho unfolding chariiH of scientific truths. This is especially trno of the natural sciences. For na ture is the daughter of God, and onr lawful mother, tt is not straogo. then, that her nlT-pring should love her, trust hor, interrogate hor in ro gard to all the phenomena addreaaod to the senses. Hut na a lifetime is too short for perfecting one's self in every department of learoiug, a se lection must be made. Specialties soorn to be the order of tho day i nud if enriched by largo ac quisitions of collators! knowledge, thoy sorve to extend diaoovorioa, por- fcet wunt is still incomploto, and diHtiugish the devotoo of a favorite thomo or pursuit, lint tho danger is, that men in their adhorence to specialty, will nogloct even kiudrod subjects, which alono give length breadth, and fluish to every investi gation. A mon of one idea, in a little man, or a littlo )trt of a man, stioted, big oted, and a laugbiug stock anion;; men of n generous culture Too many are contout to troad a narrow, beaten tmtb. unmindful of the laurel foundatinn for ominonce in tho mul ienl probation. Medical students generally are guilty of a great neg- hct of some of tho iminediato branchos of therapeutics, and wofitl ly ignorant of general liteiaturo and Hciouco. It tuny bo said that ono has not got tho time or means for securing a liberal education ; and when n pro- fesaionis chosen, studies must bo ;,W8 aml ,,bouoiuoniiB delignt I ho pursued with direct reforenco toj (, ,,t viuiizi!li matter. mat proiession. iiouco a low n.cis in iu ovor.vr.ying organic forma and of modicino aro hurried t'rrutlir. j tUwic vitttl mut.a.uor.loinjii. uhalleng and a run is inado into the practice- thf) lliJ,ll,Ht ft,lmiration. With of physic. Now this is all wrong, t)0 k)ifl) microcopo, nn 1 chemic i!s. nor uooa urn am no at me ..oor o. the student so much aa at tlio doors of the educators. Tho student is . Ill 1 .l . I loiauy iguoran. oi wiiut no ougni to. know, nud of what branches of learning he ought to pursue. It is llwi liiidinnja nt flu. n fa.imliili 1 r L.tlil him in the way he ought to go. ilel should urgo tho necessity of laying n fnn.i.,i;r.n Tim mmiiu fif want of timo or means, is not valid. Tho moans of a liberal education, oven, are within tho rench of every young man who bns force and fire iu him He bns only to extend the timo a littlo, to work his own way up. The first two or throe yonra in the profession aro of no account, com pared with the vnluo of that time devotod to generous culture. For ho who starts a quack, will novor be more than a quack. "Well begun, is half done;" and ho who turt in hie profossion with a well disciplined mind, and an ample stock of knowl edge, ia already far advancod on the road to eminence, The most ignor ant aro always tho most zealous to find the shortest cut to the posses sion of a diploma. And be who tbiuku that the iii'in boiuun, is past all hope, and must go forth to stultify himsolf, and impose on the ignorant and superstitious. But there are many honest young mon, who are anxious to be thoroughly furnished, for their work, who mistake tho most auocosaful means of secur ing the end. "Thore is no royal road to geometry," said the father of that science t nor can medicine bo reach' ed by eteam or rail. It ie not, indeed, the shortest way to gain a knowledge of medioioo, to restrict investigation to therapntics alone. Three years' atudy of these branobes cannot compensate for a want of knowledge of orthography or for a murderout us of one'e mo ther tongue. Nay more,. be who baa no knowledge of Latin and Greek, mask prosecute bis medioal studios hampered and crippled, and with a snail paoe. lie must stop to learn a thousand tbiogs by the way, which he should have known before he oommeneed, or leave much nnmasa tsred and unlearned. Nearly the ill i medical vocabulary is classic, and classic learning facilitates every stop in tho study of medicine. So much so, that tho student will acquire moro knowledizo of his profession, in three years, by dovoting ono-half of his time to tho etndy'of these bnsc mont languages, thau by giving hi whole timo to tho circumscribed studies of the profession, And the advantage of this literary culture will bo folt through life, giving great er range of thought, greater accur acy in medical literature, and greater facility iu future ac.piireni"ils. Met tor educated doctors aro wniitnd, to sava tho public on the one hand from umpcriciam, on tho other from fogy i 1 1 ii . The call is loud for men whom soiuuee has divoated of bigotry, for mon imbued with the progressive spirit of the ago, for such tho inqui ry cornea to na from nil parts of the bind. The demand exceeds the sup ply. Scarcoly a town or village cau bo found in which a woll-road repre sentative of a progreaaivo school would not bo wolcomod by tho peo ple, and made tho leading phyaician of the place. Yoiinif men of integri ty, of geuorous culture, and of largo t.aturul caliber, have inducements to the study of medicine scarcely equal led in any other profession. In a pecuniary point of view, what profession olTers more f Hut, lay ing nsido all profenaioiial money con siduratioua, every men would liud in finite advantages ina few courses of mo licul lectures. Tbo lawyer, iniu- rugc'l flesh is heir to. These renultn fetter aspirations for high attain tairimonts in nny pursuit, knock t j iiioecs many a well concoctu 1 plan, aud crush nnny a bright Iiojio, thua robbing the world of m my btri los of progress, and many sourcci ,f happiuoss. To tho lover of ecioucc, medicine alT-ii'ds an agreeable and profitable iniHtimo. Inert muttcr.it lhu BttllKll)t nnv HUll Mil111 for 1U Igeuins iu exploring tlu coutituii in, .structure, dcvelopniuiit, nn 1 fuiuv - , .,. . lb t, . varieties of pi. tuts and auiiuuls wliioli I I.. From the knowledge thus treaanr - e,l bo may establish tlio great. prinei - Dais or orjraiuo and piiysiokuicai 'iw, the ennsos ..r p.ittrological con- unions ana cu iiigei. an i r- irn mo I uaturo nn I applicatiou of remediea hidden in tho earth, or growing in oceau .loplits, hy gurglin; stroiins. or ou mountain tops. Aud while he batiks in thoso Intuit im of nature in his leisure- hours, he will in his labor reup a richer reward iu diirusiug light to those iu dukne4s, in p.iiut ing tlio weak to tho laws ot strength, in healing tho sick, in wrdsti.i vic tims from the j is of death, an 1 in a consciousness of his piworau 1 wilt to bluss aud sorve his brother raw. H. It. Middluburg. ZEAL A man may be iadiistiioua, tern perato, prudent, honest, and reliable, and wiu the good reputation which those qualities justly confer, yet if ha lacks in seal in the proseculi-in of hia business, he will fail to make tho most of bis opportunities, or to wield tint inflneaoa iu the commu nity end among hia associates to which thoso excellent traits fairly eu tilled him. The world Ill's heartiness and earnestness. These will often com pensate for the lack of soma other compensate for the lack of ao.ne oth er atorling qnaliliea of mind and heart. Zeal ia iufeclious. When a foreman of a factory moves about among hie men with spirit, and drops a quick, earnest word here and there. tho workmen about him nnconscious ly become imbued with like earnest oese, and be will by the mere force of example, secure better results from bie employees. How often has T Irnrt.n a farmer In th. ai.Ia., lima, hafora machine J 1 "A." , :. invented, to get nearly doable the amout ot work out of the same gang of men, by starting out at the A 4 9, 1881 NO. 48 bend of tho swath with cheery words and a gnmey air, bidding tho boys to oomo on and on and see if tliev conitt Rerp up witu mm. I1" thoroughly interest-id In your jocenpaiion. However unniiun, an.i you will, if there is a spark of grn ius in you, givo it a respectable sir, and command tlio respect for your self that secures promotion. A menial waiter, by untiring naaidnity, becomes hend-wnitor, then steward, and llually boy rises to a clerkabip, and tlio earnest nnd spirited d!a charge of his duties in that position secures a parlncraliip. The pialoi who drouea through a prosey and pointleaa sermon, mumbles to a thin and half aaleep congregation t while the preacher who is tired with a zeal born of iuwnrd conviction, and Inula words that burn, aiming fcarluasly at current ovila and those who perpe trate tlioui, talks t't crowded audi encos anil sets influences at work that result iu reform. Zeal is tho nninspring of moat of the great hiisiuoss nnd commercial uiiterpriaes oi tne day i ami n yon find that you are not keeping ubmiat ol your fellows in the stnig-L glo of lib, makes a careful aelf-iu- apectioii, and ra if you l.n.A mil uae noi omitte 1 to iuluso thia important in gredient into your daily endeavors I'liiin Talk, lit I'll r mi ii J Wvrltt. Pastimes LOnn Aari. much of our l:fo is raado up Si trntw trm nnl nniwira ll.nr mr nan an oM rmok, printed in l.ill, givt tlio following specimens : (i Who was Adam's mother T A. Tlio earth. Q. How many calvea' tails would it take to reach from tbo earth to the sky j A, One, if it wore long enough. (j What is it tLat never was nnd never will be ? I A. A mouae's ntst in a cat's ear. j Why dj men make au oven iu i a town t A. Ilccause they cannot make a town in nn oven. (J. What is it that never froeis '. A. Hoiling water. J V hioh was t!i fiist, tlio ben or the eg A. The lien, at the creation. i). How m-iny atras g) to ma'.c . : gocse's pest I v...- i i ii. . :'; ".v- j U- m.i.m .... .nrn, pari oi nil Ilia rtA.ittl.i in Hi.. u...i-l,l 1 : i A. t'ain. wlien Ii killn I Ab-d. WhatFrcsli Air Will lb. I will Mow all tb cobvv 'In out . l .. i : t i. . i. . . i lie I'raui nn ruiiks i our iiunic i,t, cleriiil strong. 1,-ih mu-,-i me umi iiomi uif he.it .....I make ad tl,i...-look ttrigl.t. It will t,ke a laee ,ellew ami wrinkled und pniut it an fre-b s a roe, t, .. :n ........ it... ..... r . i. It W.d pay your doctor i h'.d by , ,, secpuii; yu wen. It Will ItUM'D expense liV mn -l , ... , ", ... you a gooi appelils that a nl renu plain food. It will cure nervdi hJcfct!. It will uskti your plant prow. It will make you j til). It will keep yon awake in church. Then indulga freely In tUia luxury an J ruj y the result. St II in Favor ol Hugging. Tho account of the Iowa girl who is said to have been hugged to death by her lover baa caused "quite a sensation" among tlia young ladiea ofU'estneld, N. Y who recently held a meeting to devise waya and inenoa to prevent another case of destb from buggiug. Tbey unani mously passed the following pream ble and resoul tion : WiiKRCt, It is rr)rttl that an Iowa girl died recently iu ber lover's arms while being hugged t and WiURBaS, Judging from experi ence, we believed such an event to be ntlorly iaapoeaibla therefore, Kcnolii, That, notwithstanding aaid report, we are alill in favor of hogging. VT prefer to ran all risk of death ratbtr than have Ibe beau- Uo-ely, delightful piWUy ale- ' cosiom aooiiahej. JittoltHii, That a vry of these i olutiona bateal ta oawepipax ii.f, vi . scarcely imagino wnui people iini in a, ihysically, and the old I times before they had nny f I 0 II lows still lesa 'Rllcli things. It i said, however, I I - l ""A ij lorauco is con-1 1 lint they spent a po.nl deal of their j 11 V U or puo'icanort. TUB I'OHT. fuhllahed every Thuradav Evening JBRKMIAH GROUSB, Prop Terms of Subscription, TWO IX)l.f.ARS l'ER ANNUM. Pay able vithin i months, or t-'.oO if not paid within the year. No paper dis continued until all arrearages era paid unlexs at the option of the pub llaher. Pulmeriptioiia outside of the county PAYAHI.R IN AMVANCK. SPeraona lifting and uaintf papers addressed Vo ntliera become subscribers anil are liable forlho price of the psper (jitieiira Itching Humor, fiend Jnnnft Howl Humor, fprtilii, yrrina n'nV'f 'tmt cciinomicilif enrtA irhcn fiii'icitttit unit all othtr mrtuil f (tiled.' r(lrltra llrlnlrrnl, th fl-w Mlt'vt Pnt. n-r. Internally. I'i tin ,i, Me lli'lntl .Isllr, A-alMM hy tlkft IITh I Rl .M I: inn - I. Ain I'm i -T Hi,., , ettftrn-lly, h -rl'fmi th mt itiirifiiliiii r ur.i ol ifitliii. mlv sn1 tir"iMiui lluiuirR vir r-urli id mfrlloal i. Mini. ECZEIYH ROOENT. - II. Ilmkr, Ka., tiftnt for Hrff ftn1 Hri'tiirr, Prir. it, Mivb , i n st'hiMnaj, (t'itiitit of tit "Mt ( f'tit Htnlarit), Wlil.'h h) tfn trstntn't ty eindattl1v nf plifil rlnrt withtir inehl, h-l wlitab ii IU)i )llt 1 to Hit tutlrn-ft rniiM, SALT RHEUM Will Mrni.nM,Yialartitiril lr..M'l,k rn, vrntHuily riniwriliieej riif nf lt KhsMttn on titM.I, rpk. inni nl lf, !r pVfnttn jsmre! nut ! t wIK rft-ptnf l.nle nl hrc r fnf iii8 )tif: nt AUlst In bttnsfll lor rltdt trtl hun trelnt rtn. litt: ,t'M i.trn ironMinj I hi i t' h tjmlMii ifrniftfieiiily ir1 t'tflt'utl ar K Hot, ringworm. . V. Hi-i.wn. 4- Mnt--l.mll ,trol. t'm Mon K. I. c-irii l hy Mtli"'ir Hin l. ..f I hinK-nr.n II ii nir. vt l hri..r. M'-ll pfr0'l ftil t vr-r hi er. hen sni is. ni ii rrii.i u kimum trtuitni. SKIN DISEASE. ul'niv. J;j r.V'Sir'.STfiM."';. M"! i.orio'inoil m w.in!riui riri I t iti. an.l of my ,.,.,... , ('(-lint ll,n-illr af r"lH" 1 WsiK a Hi'i ini, i'hmin kD l lriiulii, W,h InLton t., Ii.i'i,,, Nbl are lor fis tiv ll I'rtiK.trt. I'll'- if re(-nriv, ll.eltial Jnll). rtnnll .",ev. V' ct-rit. Hrtf Ixiii-.,!!, i .rr iMHI.a. I'utlmir V ll.-io.l 1 illl S p ;vr i. .m.-ur m.i oin,i .-unn ,ir.. MB.i . , iii.,ri.j ir.u iu ffcU. A grand combination of Blood, Brain and Nerve Foods. 1-lt HHirr- ftfrl ltilr -onltrlol I.tr. Stiilalnlnic l'ri..rti iri MALT, tb-ir qui n.nn n 11 -I p-I'mid tln 1 jit j- n- t".ia Hol'S, .iirlr term I l-inie mui r--r- r.iiMrw Cnw.r. (rim -I tli r Hlo 1- Nsurlshlf.it I'rln ipi-. Iro IU' iN. wilci r l ir "I it.s u-s Ill ..vl-i-.i, I fr so I I. I--f r at n l.lf iren-f f f : U-'I I ' ps ms-ll'-lDS (,r itr-ti- i'i .l'. N-i-ftfrf Mtiriir.. a l -ImlT ( till inn Mali Uitlrn srs lu. r-ui. Kul.lsvsri shsr. Mall llllfrra ConttlSfl), llo-fnn, Mass. COLLIN'S I Ins I 'i.t ;.i r' 'ol.T ia I i u if i .'L.--I:. i- WAJCS5UCra.!rV:. r;l". lr l.r ru. t n'tisr sis- til' at r.-('llnrf t f l rs 11 s i hi. '.I'. I r.-T ln,ts-t 1v l',i. l.i.ffi'vr.p .Im.M ,in frisr an I Alius, at.. K'ti. art I'rlnsrv l'l'M-..i,Ul' an I in I i r 0 :ilrr 11. I'lt'.f II .tinuarh. -r u. hi I s. i' sfty ale-tsj t'.ll. I'll.-. .". n --'i ! X-T, W k i--.. I'. -. : i.ii. II .,t..n. MM. f.KT- wiirt ii-'n r.y. i.i.t W. fi: M;i'v I tl '-j-nl Sm"tsf f-rs. lrrr. M. I. II hS. m Misi, Errors of Youth. I ii .t lit II I I.I I '. . I'll K t TI'K K Ii 1 Aill N I ! rr...i ill: Nil. I 4. s.iu;rr--i r"in l V sr.' nil ll.se ! i t i-.ullil.i in lt-rrs- lii-n, ill lir I lis inks tf ,unsr:nv nutQsn it, , h i. i Its i.i ul I ii i f I it I 'is ri.-l, s an I II 'rtrllun l"f i i n k I r. Ids ntni-'s r-rrs'') ' M,-h i.s .. rurs I. u'.-st -i,.. na t - l-f ' t KT nf .1 -ii- in i rr s i r. i.l ii J.i ii.K 1.N. I. 1 itt .!.. f, ftU ji.i r. .(. I'1111'I..-.S. j , , ,,,,,,,,, rt.r, lnt tilmK-s, ,Vm m';. h' r!.' V, lu.'.'.Vttr's ) WWrSX ''' "',.'" ' . ! us m . ! . v . I Its afxrnr-r. ha ' rn- l r' 1 1. t .lrs i .In rir.it r-ie -fvm.TifpT 'f i .mi) rttrr lj' . u fitt.tat ti ir..) knn tt I mh ,lr.tr it. l, si I l..n I a f,l .il lt,l.r- s.-rirll..fi u.sl. -is-c! rl.r-.- i lit Jt.a .'.-rw. u,.n, iof r-., .ns an i a-m tus .. skim Li fell' fu :rsrf r un of t I til II. SV llt:i-l a . II .'I Rl l.if A.IRlt, H.(-NiTl-. ap. Parus, tutl , tlis p-snTirrtl-.fi. SIM r ,S .l.lrs., list, I A !LI., 11-4 PriiB M, W l.t.Oi...u-l. S. . EORiiU B, TLNHia. kj Count V Purveyor Kratzcnille. Sny icr County Pcnn'a. 5urTf-isf atiil Contst arioir j .fr.ft! fi t k 1 1 : f i ; '. : r Mlrr..lf i in A sLar tt ih puti'tc' j i roasts ar'.icitra. July a-iifc, ;!, t "MARRIAGE C.oldr i .r Hoi SCXCS, far th n-trrlr," si. Ihnsc r..n. mi'lalu.. ii.ni.agr ' a tr.:liart. Ksrt liltihl b.H.1. stY.iit srl.i4 lot thr million oi. tlaa lb. Oisrass.ann it I'livsi. al iafi-ol ttaraiiil Womasi pars laiiptK.-s. am. ssrkwsss i.tosirtsas rwrrshrrr I'll. n. t0 CODtS, kj lr H l, 41. IN, 1tr r'rt..-i Mtr.isul I- m Nonl.arst. h.IU p4, aftOO kit rvsr rsaa ol prla'r a rhronir d'-raM-.4 rut sr sr hs (inssrfakrs at4 ruiiatnrur r--nS ti slam4 fca s Cuirli to il P.lls, SS s..is diir.i. .'.Ml- Heaitn. Rxiism roenal k Boa. A iiii-t iioutr i .i M..li rVn.-mr. i. RubOr COO.S si' loalar t4 tniiioruuil ibiu. tuauos. i.j a, -s-s. CO Cnt8 Dr. A. C OLIN, Ksatsckr Itlftfk. ni Clark Ml.. Ckirats. III. finlllfl I a-rsk.sr aatsr rarr4 Hk I I U 1 1 1 l-sla a, ts.stI . f-4 U rl U ii lr; rXKryzzz, isaac iu:avi:k, Surgeon Dentist ! Middlehurg, Snydtr County. Pa. Ornra is rsaLi as. a s ! lretrythirtg bflrtrc-ine to tba pT. I -I Ssitaa - IK si isaskss. 4lltrrt ,rftS4 Vsr., BMWSaraM. itt si- alta4 S SMlHM M t smtiiis, WsssMjt.a. tsas ts 4-4aMr u( Ckarssstik. I,l.w. f w-sssirasfsjar "Vrtrfr-s. ,. y, ,. t y'SM.-r "isaiJal.ii. s jsa - --"-riaf 'S-'1-.,