, i I, mm,, Oi column onn your, fP.O.nii Ono-islf, column, one year, One-fourth column, one Jt, On square (10 linen) 1 Insertion firry additional insertion, ffofcsHional and Business cards ol not more than 5 lino, per year, Auditor, Executor, Adminielrator arid AMiRm Notices, Ilitorial notice por line, - All transr.ient advertising lost 30.00 1".(K) 76 60 5.00 2.no n than month 10 cents a lute. All advertisements for a shorter pe riod than one year are payable at the ime they are ordered, and it not paid lh person ordering thorn will oe held; sponsible for the muuev. 1 oeti' .v MY DREAM. PY KLI.A P. CIIArMAX. As I l'pt. I dream-d a dream ! I was floating down a stream 01itenlng In the sunsets gleam. Flowers gleamed ulong the tide, And nn angel was my irnlde, As I drifted down the tide. And my heart was free from pain, For I was a child again In the sunshine's golden rain. Soft and low, soft and low, Come the rippling water's (low ; And the nails were white as snow. . And I saw full many a boat On the widening waves afloat Heard full many a tuneful note. But I saw, as on they sped, Home, no more the angels led, Only hovered overhead. Some were bright with lntighin glee As they waved their hands to me, Other weeping mornfully. And I asked the angel p hite: 'AVill my bout, go frail and light, Anchor me in regions bright? Whither does this river flow? For I know not where I go Will it wider and wider grow!" Bweetly spake my angel guide: "Thou art drifting with the tide O'er an ocean deep and wide, Full of weary rare and ctrife, And they call this oceun Life." Thy Mother. Lead thy mother tenderly Down life's steep decline, Once her arm was thy support, Now she leans on thine. See upon her loving faee Those deep Hues of cure; Think it wus her t jII for thee Left that record there. Jie'er forget that tireless wuteh Kept by day and night; Taking from her step the grace From her eyes the light. Cherish well the faithful heart Which through weary years Eehoed with its sympathy Smiles and tender tears. Cherish then thy mother's love, Guard the priceless boon; For the bitter parting ho.ir Cometh all to soon. When thy grateful tenderness looses power to save, Earth will hold no dearer spot Than thy mother's grave. Nolo c; t 'V a 1 . Our Santa Claus Papa. A California mining town, away Bp araid tho sno-clad, rocky bound peaks of the Sierra Nevada uioua tains. Tbetowa was irregularly laid out, and was scattered, along a creek which emptied into the Consumuios river several miles bolow. Both the dwellings sad business houses or more properly speaking, cabins were construe ted of an be w a pine logs, the orevioes between the tiaa beri being "chinked" and plastered witn mad. The town contained at least a dozen saloons, or saloons and gambling houses combined, and in these hells ranch of the hard-earned money of the miner parted com pany with him, to take up its tem porary abode in the saloon till or the pocket of the professional gamblor. The dwellings of the town were scat tered along the creek or built on the side of the mountain, the majority of the them being rough "baobolor dens," for women were scaree ia the Mely discovered diggings. In small cabin in the upper end of the town sat a woman in widow's weeds, holding upon her knee a bright eyed, sunny-faoed little girl about five years old, while a little cherub of a boy lay upon a boar skin Wore the open fire place. It was Christmas Eve, and the woman sat gazing abstractly into the fire. She m yet jooog, and as the glowing flmss lit up her sad fooe they in Tested, it with wierd beauty. Vary Btewart was the widow of Aleck Stewart, and but two years Wore had lived comfortably and hppy In a camp on the Amerioan river. Aleck was a brawny miner, but the prematura explosion of a blast In an underground tuunel had blotted out his life in an instant, leaving bis-family without a protect or, and in straightened oironui taooes. ia dally wages had been their sole support, tod now that be bad gont what oould they dot . With br Lt'Js family Mrs. Ktewart S?1'""-1 " V P in "hie. rj " " X 1 r:'.-:a ale: - w It H VOL. 18. towns are called camps), and there! earned a precarious livelihood bv washing clothes for the miners, er's was a bard lot, but she toiled Min, cheeraa by the taonaht that her daily labors stood botween her darl ing little ones and the gaunt wolf of starvation. There clothos worn patched and shabby, and their food plain, and sometimeo scant, jot they ware never reduced to absolute suf fering Jack Dawson, a strong, honest miner, was passing the cabin this Christinas Kve, whon the voice of the little girl within attracted his attention. Jack possosso 1 an in ordinate love for children, and al though bis manly spirit would abhor the sneaking practice of eavesdrop ping, he could not resist the tempta tion to steal up to the window just a moment to listen to the swoot, prat tliug voico. The Cist words he caught were t 'Before papa died we al ays bad Christmas, didn't we, mamma ?'' "Yes, Totty darling; but papa earned money enough to nll'ord to niuke his little pets huppy at least ouce a year. You must remombor, Tolty, that we are very poor, and although mamma works very, very hard, she can scarcely earn money enough to supply us with food and clothes." Litllo bright-faced ISe.nny raised his curly hoad fro.n iU s jfl nest on the bear skin aud cheerily said : "Due' wait till I dit to bo a nun, mamma, an' 'oo won't have to wort. I'so doin' to bo a drout bid miner 'ike papa was, dit 'oo evor so much money i but J won't do noar 'urn hateful blustiu' lings an' did tillud i ke papa did." (Jack Dawson still lingered upou tho outsido. Ho could not leave, al though he fult ush lined of bimsulf or listening.) "Why. bless my littlo una, wlut a brave future ho Inn planned 1 1 d hope and pray, darling, that you will grow up a strong and a good uian, aud one who will bo a blessing nn 1 a comfort to mamma whon she got old." "We hung up our stockings last Christmas, didn't we, mamma? ijuos tioned the littlo girl. "Yes, Totty, but we were poor then, and .Sunta Clans nover notim real poor people. Ho gavo you it littlo candy then, just because you woro such good childruu," ' Is wo poiror now mamma f" "Oh, yeH, much poorer. He woild never notice us at all now." Jack Dawson ditto cted a tremor of siduess in tho widow's voice a aha uttered the last words, an 1 wiped a suspicious uampuoss from lii j eyes. 'Where's our clean stockings, mamma I I'm goiug to bang mine up anyhow i maybe he will come like he did before, just beoause we try to bo good children," said Totty. "It will be no use, darling, I am sure he will not come," and tears gathered in the mother's eyes, as she thought of her empty purse. 'I don't care Vox going to try anyhow. Ploase got one of my stockings, mamma," ploadod the lit tle girl. "Your oloan stockings are on the liue outaido, and I aunnot go out and hunt for them this bitter cold night. You may bang up your old oues i but, oh, darling, I fear you will be so terribly iJisap pointed in the morning. 1'loase let it go till next Christmas, and then we may be richer, "No, mamma 1 1 am going to try anyhow." Jack Dawson's groat generous heart swelled until it seemed break ing from hi s bosom, Jlo heard the patter of littlo bare feet ou the cab in floor as Totty ran about bunting bor'saud Denny's stookings, and, after she bad haug theia up, beard ber sweet voice again as she won dered over and over if foots Claus would really forget them, lie beard the mother, in a oboping voice, tell her treasures to get ready for bed i beard them lisp their childish pray era, the little girl concluding i "And, oh, Lord, p lease tell good Sunta Clsus that we are very poor, but that we love him as rich child ren do, for dear J esus'e sake. Amsn" After they were in bed, through a small rent in the plain white curtain he saw the widow sitting before the fire, bar. face buried in ber ksnls end weeping bitterly. On , ) ever the lire place, httoj MIDDLE BUHG, inga, and thon he oould stand it no longor. V7e softly moved away from the window to the rear of the cabin, where some ohjeots ll,iU.ring io the wind mot his eyes Among (hosi ho searched until he fjurid a littlo bluo slocking, which he removed from the lino, foldo 1 ton 1 rrly and placed in bis ovorooat pocket, au 1 then set out for ths tuaiu Btreot of tho camp. lie entered Harry Hawk's gamb ling hell, the largest in tho place, where a host of miners an 1 g.tmb lcrs woro at play. Jnek was well known in the camp, an 1 when he got upon a chair and caUe 1 for at trillion, the hum of voices and the clicking of ivory check sulKmlyi ceased. Then, in an earliest voic. he told wlmt ho bad seen and heard, ! repeating evoiy word of the conver sation bulwoon tho mother an 1 her children. In conclusion hn s ii 1 "Boys, I think I l;u ,v yon, every ono of you, and know wh it kin 1 o' metal yer mala of. I vj an i !. that t.anta Clnus knoivs just whar that ciihiii is sitiwated, nu' I'vo an ideo hell find it nfore iriornm'. Myars one of tho littlo gal's slock- ius that I hooked.off'n the line where v.. n.miur way hiio i uung 'em with tho washiu' Tho dal ly of them littlo tins was a goo I, har I working minei, nnd ho nrodsed tho range in the hue o' ilut.y, jn-t as auy or us is liable to do in our danger- ! groat crystal le ns ch;iiu0' each oth ousbnsiuews Hynr goes a twotity- k-r lo vn his face, dollar piece right dowu in too toe, I Mm family nroso from their knees and hynr I lay tho stockiu on this and began to move tlm stoles into cnr.l tnblo now chip iu much or lit- tie, as yer kin afford. " "Hold them chocks of ndno on tho nco-jack," siij Itrocky Carle, a giMiibler, iiuil, leaving tho f.iro ta'tle, ho picked tho littlo at Hiking up carefully, looked at it tenderly, aud when he laid it down another I won - ty ua I g iiioiuto the too, t koon company with tho ono placod thore by I U Anson. Auothor an I an other c.i-uo up. un til tho fo it of tho stocking w is ell filled, nud i htm c.uuo tho cry from tho gambling tables : "l'.ms hor iirouii I, Jack." At tho word ho lifted it from t'.io tnblo nuil Mtitrtod arouu 1 tho hull. lleforo ha had di o ilat 1 1 it nt h lif a dozen tiibles it showed signs of burnt ing henoath tho wuijlit of nold and silver coins, mid a strong coin bag, such nn is iijd for sending tieiiMUitt by cxprt.se, w is praciire I, mid tho stocking placod iiioido of it. Tho round of tho hall wan m.ilo s nud in tho moantiiua too story had spiea lull over tho camp. From various saloons camo mes sungors sayiug : "Houd tho stocking around the camp i tho boys are a-wiitm' for it.' With a party at bis bools Jack went from saloon to suloou. Unities ccused, aud tiplurs loft the bin s as they entered each placo, au 1 tumors, gamblers, speculators, everybody, crowded up to tondor thoir Christ mas gift to tho miner's wid tw aud orphuns. Any ono who has lived iu ! tho far western camps aud is ac quainted with the gnnorosity of the j western men, will feel no surpriso or doubt my truthfulness whon I say that after the round ha 1 bean made tho litllo blue stocking and the hea vy canvas bag contained over eight thousauj dollars iu gold mil silver coin. Horses were procure 1 and a party despatched to a large town dowu on tho Cousummes. from which they returned near duy-brenk with toys, olothiug, provisions, etc, iu almost endless variety. Arranging their gifts iu tho proper shnpo, and se' curely tying tho mouth of the bag of coin, the party noiselessly repair ed to tho widow's buinbla cabin The bug was first laid on the step, ami the other articles piled up iu a heap over it. On the top was laid the lid of a pasteboard box, ou which was written with a piece of chnr ooul I "Sunta Claus doesn't always Give poor fokes The shuke in this camp," Christmas morning dawned bright end beautiful. The night bad been a stinging cold oue. and whon the rising suu peeped over the obuiu of monutnius to the east, and shot its beams upou tho western range, the sparkling frost flushed from the snow-clad peaks . ns , though their towering beads were sprinkled with pure dismouds. Mrs. Steward arose, and a shade of pain crossed , her handsome faoe, II lis sac ply Utils stovkiaa 4ugU SNYDER COUNTY, PA, MAY her maternal eye. Sho cait a hur ried glanoe towards the bed where her dialings lay sleeping, aud whisp ered t "Oh, God I how dreadful is pov. orty I" Siho built n glowing rtro, nn 1 sot about preparing tho fiugal broukfast. When it was almost rea ly shn ap proached the be 1, kifisnd tho littlo ones until they wnro wido aaku,and then lifted thmii to tho ll ir. With eng.ir Imsto Totty ran t the stick ing, only to turn away, sobbing ns though her heart would break. Tears blindu 1 the mother's eyes, and cluHpinji her littlo girl to her heart. IhIio said in a eholiiug voico ; Never min I, my darling ; next !n,i ;-,..,.- 1 am suio mamma will lie richer, and thou S mil t'la'is wi'.i brinjj us lots of nice things." "Oh I mamma !"' Thisfxelnmatiou camo from little liouiiy. who had oneue I t!,.. door! un i .1 ,n l,,. ( i i ,.i.:. 1 n,, the gifts thrro displ ived. M,.H. tuw,u t sprang to his side !( Hpeeehloss nstonihliment. She jrpil,j i:iu tf.u,i ftn1 thl.n .,..,,,,,;;, .r ilt0 l(1108 t,, kll)!l, .j,,,.,, with ,.,. j(i I tho open doorway, sho pour., 1 out , her soul in ii torrent of pmiso ami thanksgiving to ( , 1. duck liiwnson's burlv form m ivod from bbhin I a treo a nhoit distance away, nnd sueake I oil' up tho gulch. tho cabin. 'I'huru were several sacks of ll inr, hams, canno.l fruits, pounds Iin 1 poiiu ls of coffin, tea nn 1 eu.ir. new dress goods aud a Inn It cue warm woolen shawl for ib i wi 1 iw i shoes, stockings, lints, mittens nnd clothing for the children ; n big va 'doll that would cry an I move its 'eVes, for Tott. an I a benu'if,tl .... i i "Ic 1 for H -iinv. Alt were c trne 1 iiisido, iitui l itltct iiiUo Inilghs mid i-l "Uiing tlio sad. of suit, Totl'-.an 1 that i-j all." siid thn inothor ! not (io I goo 1 to us " " can't lift, it, mamma ; it's frazo lo the t(;p."- T.i-nioth.-r .i pid an 1 1 lud.l I of it and lif'-e I lur 1 ir nn 1 bar l. r, until sho riito I it from tii.j stop, ! Uir clioek blautrio.l as sho n tin 1 its ! great weight, an 1 slm carried it in Ins. J in I lnl it on the ta'jlu Will.; Yon i.i t d t ot revet nn ie j t-.i is : trei.ibliug lingers she loose the,.ri( a , Vf.tmtt nil. it uni il'v n.sls jstruig au I emp'.io I tho cont-uts n;i. ,,t in idlmm ; but iiel i-try. I ! I on tho table. Gild mil silver '0!, jnhei uis plin-and wis.t dcssi i-.s. tnoro than who had ever thought i f ,Vili mere one all oli ..... st in her uildcst dremus of ivo.f .rt. 1 1;, n mi li.'eti t in I n. I uiri i-K. l.e 1 ""d almost huiicd in the pile of trentiuro lay Tolly's littiu blao stock ing. We will not iutru le lou 'er on su.-! bappiuess, but leave tho joyous fa n ly h.ouii ling their prni.se t j Leaven nn I S mta Claun, The whole story soon reached Mrs. Stewart's cars. She knew Jack I.iwsou by sight, and when she next met him, although the houcot f.,llit'.v I rili. I liitr.l I i it. tut, li li.. uli.,1 ........i. I ..r ..: a, .... i ... I ....;.. t.o.J , .111 in. Ullll ooiu- pulled him to stand aud listen to brr tutu ful tb.iuks. Thetoirs shed wore not all hers, for when Jack moved away there were drops of liquid crystal hanging to his ruddy cb 'us. Four mouths from that "Merry CL'istmus" Mrs. Muwnrt became Mm, Jack Dawson, mi l ovory even ing, when thn harly miner returns from bis daily labor to bis comfort able aud hnppy homo, Totty and Keuny wilt climb upou bis strong knees, and almost smother bim with kisses while they lovingly address him m ' Our Sauta Claus pipa." READING MEDICINE ContintwJ from Ititl teal: And after a young man has be. oome and 31. D. be must not f ir oue iiuiueut harbor the idea tin t his wo k is fluisbed, bis business hoDcofjith must bo the study of the laws ol life, aud lbs regulation ol fuuoticnal action, be should address liiuisuli to Ibis work, and he caunot fad of suooeis, if bj bis a due nmouut of self-reliance and industry. He may as well tuako up bis iniul no as imor, to skull bis o vn craft agaiuet tCud aaJ tid. If hs lioks to other Si row bim, be bad better put ou UJrau-bags or ho will go down.- fbiuk out to bu oo the coat tails sf those before you to b dragged to eiuiuencs, uot watt for dead B Vl sbotM. "iud a way, or Bk ixVk need jou oure tVf st'-iilso., I you are to grow 0 '0)1,' t f by what Jon compier. I'vory tii umph over an ohstaeh) will augment power, nn 1 develope stront't. A well to do, liiieked by untiling in ddtry, tiuudt in help from ntliei t. "I'ociHiou is tlin f'.ilerum of tlm men. till powers" the point niM'tn l which the loveis ot thought move, giving pnieliusj to iiiighly roUC'-phi'iin, l liuro is no ono eluiuant of i i a r i - tel so tceentntl t succesi Hi this, Vueillaliuu ii-jvnr rotps any thing but disaster. "ruodoublo-niiii lo lj man it uiihtable in all liu v tys. ' Hut beiu in min 1 th it tluro are t.vo kind I of decision. One is au,ieivil. ions, llippant, an I ui'IiIhIi, t.i i nil spring of a feeble intellect, and t i I'etltl'lUpt lf all H.'IIMOIU hloll. I ll other is hiliuliie, uupreteli ling, it ti 1 union-, inn hi iiiiw.ivii nig an eierii u .. ii. i . . ; . i iliilil, nec.i.iH.i ii original. ri um infill invent ig.ttioli ( f fli'ts nil I nuu-.i.nm.a, I 'Uairow pii'ju bees mi' I iln.-ral vu "",'"r" , luio. 'I'tiis I i-t kin I of l s:. will injure puwl.o eonli lenee. I'oi , ! ,l wlmt ,tl"' "" 5 "here you nro to-day, an I what i'l l.u your prob.iblo po..iti u t ;ii .r- r. An I a lolmbl.! character even ! ""'" 1 ; 1"' 't. an I t hu.!:i pay .le.ui.ige. Ii il to .veil I u ni t 1 pi i Ii. and t.i lited de.'isi in-, in I i -.tr is ! 111 all-iiup tit.i it alhriitt. Wil l ' l'lHi '" ' 1 V pisititn cm li ' reached. You nim.ot trust lo g oi- ins for hiicci ns ; f r it is d uilitfiil , ,, . , . i lietlier you, or niiy ito.ly tlse( m M, I.ll rttrilllg.) hieiilty of le.itliltlg il. . . . i.i i liecoiiiing pr - ! found wiliiout relleetiuli, of leap, j "'e.' ,lrtl" "'" ' I-t to the oni- ' l''"'1" Rt no '"""d. Too s )-c illo 1 guiinse. iu n .) of "omark ab'.o industry men whoso 1 "'""tios, h ither fow or iinny. nro jlklw',.VH intensely active. Tin . g...i- i ' '",r" "f ' 1 1 I' ' ' ' 1 it . nothing valuable u nrt or -let which ha not In en j r t t ; 1 1 v mil iiil'i-t i i 1 . tlit'o ratu I. Hup j 1) oh It's Cos in os wis tic IV lit of the '''iimu! atinns of long y. ir of ns- :d'toiis obswrvatioii ml r, s ir m. , It in. yi i ti nn 1 pi i a vci ing iu 1 is- t y Ihatgivo fonu and p.,ruia:'o:i',y t ll jjini.d. ni.'U c tn.'t'i.t.o .-s of l! plni 'l nu 1 M c:i u l i;g'.! . witii tiul inc.'--i'ir et.l.ir. th -o c i - ci ci ;i ii ti e ' terns sit t i;'.d i t t r I nvi- 1 . v. 1 i br t ntLing luulLlo nud nlowii , cau- i kIi ill s'ai I ivt ire Kiu,'-." I'...'fi- tioa it a 11 1'. i.' ii s.'iiM-i of directed diligence. If a mm Wishes tti tumid I f li.Uht ilo it by iLCa- cut iuuilstrv. The nntu. e of a m m's oh is iu pro- fession deminls this, for as a si'ioueo aud an art, it if progressive, I' very yer OuW di-coveriee are tu i le of tho evils of s 'ino io liomes iu us... mil tin. iUv .ia I tili.'ieucy I I l ,j. ., R t Chemistry nn I physiology nro jtiirowiug ne.v I gl.t ou tho . lo.uctit- of n'.l bo l.es. u-i l t'4-j li vt wn.." i ivern their gr.niia, rci tvi.t tn. m l decay, by thiJ itgiit. li.-.v di-.' .vcr. lorsof t'.u 01.U.M. intir.', au I cure .if dieui-. me to be mil.'. l'l:t me licnl prof, bsion. iu si. Us length audbroil;h, ta'a -s i i i pi.:, it lest. ofal piofesson nn I all brauciio of lvni.vl.ltf.. f'f it UH til. il.ll i, .i . ... . i . . i ....... an tun c.:s - u. t i an . loustAiI t list lvu.ivloJgo tt'.l U -lull reach out uod grasp all t.io fi.'U anllavsof orginiiijn, wiil r tptiro nn ia 1 itry tail niwr tn-as. Vud ti leu i. I t i r-'ia i ius of m a I to that org mis u lao d'f .cts of min I r Hiil in r fi" i u l.ffii of tie iustruuwiit thro I i Ui.'.i it a.'ts. and the ell'eots of t a J pnsi ii mi I e.uoti ins .hi 1 1 it lostr I a n art. in . ". ,i ir t u ba tivliaiiai.id and rt'lV lit t.l I I ' ill I l I . ' . ipiirios never sat'jects tv steruost and m st p -rs latent iiivoti gatiou. Thn wor k is lenl i but UUbliai IB I II liaiil, .a ,aa aa aaaai'aai . . , , , . . ., , a," e mi i i.lioii.b! vlalrtuia- thouisttlvo to it with a ti liti of . ... a . , , , tio'.i. uuilKvl w.ia dcv.tva of chars?-' purpose to m iWo themsolves master i ol luo.I.eni scieuce, au.i euiiuani iu the boiling art, au I are diligent in the execution of that purpose. Mj lives for effirt certainly are not wanting, if emineuce aud bappiuee ere desirable, for these cau bo soenr ed ouly by au industrious pursuit of the useful aud true. Idlors ouly breath not live, Uut bappiuees ... if.- . aii.iug from personal distintiou aud :..t..M.,..t...l UK... .1 ..... breatb not live, But haupioee luwuwiuav .aana aaauajaj, vauii'ii aa collets. , 'or ' s-lMov. is ths 4 , 1.881 NO. 40 moving cause, and (Jod w or 1 lin ed that the highest imjoynienls of this lifo shall bo found in t!iu i,'fait est gin 1 o Mifdrre 1 on n'lnn, V 1 1 I : man. y.cir sjih.ii'4 of muf jlu-i.44 i i ii.i'i'i Tim. na I c ms 1 1 rvitly y nr uieins of this hig'ier nnj ivm int are one pi illo I, your kn vln lgo n-id kill lit you t confer the largnid lib-esin ra oii vo'ir kin I. Yni will tmi.l up ti di b.ittln fjr them ,,giinsld.i -niaii 1 d -ath,t'ii) greitost foes of una To y l't tliev will lo ik ti u tiugl y um 1 I'.iuli litiglv- wIihii all j.ith.ir help fuU ; mil v!i.n rulief '.imo - , you will j y wit i l!i mi, an I ho hel I by th ii in v rlnliu re- m'i'iiUerani'o. J y c inf irr. 1, i I Ml'oln j oy re'-i i v.i I. IS f. !i i w'io liken iil.il oil o i'l mi'li'iii'i on!l' fr line iloll.tr UM I cents Wlue'.l Ills .. ... . ..... ,.....; l-'fl brings him, Iris no true (Miieepiion of tin fire -s of Ii ippi- ii i. tlmn, t v 'ir woi k i iior,.uglv in-.ii- I with a I ivj of ei mic-) an 1 art. nn 1 inh 1 1 1 witli a benevohm-M a!llo vmg with wurmih (f r.ti V.,- ak.tr of il i Is uuv,rsil ,,v, an I you c in u it f ul t nu!u , 1V,.S H ibhun. S i,h hoivouly imp il-e Will mt -n iify all y iw J,t. t'iro stn iv iiuko you enuneiit in prnetieil wi I ii. nn 1 Din l y.i i wi!a uuc'ianging I -v. ttion to tlio interests of v ir pi'i'tifs. v i v,!l t.i i britirf Hamiiine an 1 j y to families in I in livi.l lis, lllll tllO belledl'.'ll.itiS of 1 1.0 , , i .. s.t itue I uu 1 iv: 1 iu every wheie , ,, , , fall .oil yU A mere pl'tft-Jsioiial , , I ttoi' is a s trrv . lu, I r Illy itv is lililij 1 with the ii v 'i.''h r, nrt I there m.. n s 1 1 l!-l, .gs in l., a- ! veo. In- tu- tli-- t is no nei 1 of uti. if i,., I, IV.. u otner ipti;nKi- timi than me l.-d sai.I, ho will tin ! no euiplovm. nt ti. i e. Put if ho be i.i.;..-!:. in . i.tl.v i.tl rs I y In, t 1 1 an 1 I ive ! i m i-i :f his mini ..,!. . n m lj 1 ml. .., :i v, nu l !,'. oil urue I m ii .i n ivciiK tii e, w n. n in. Ii til.js e;!' tins ui.rt.il coil Le -oari ijs all his g . t Is w ;tii him." and is prep ire 1 for a highr spl.ei.j nf Mus, w'u. re h.t in ; r- i- n deep lo'i sent, f it ir,. an I tu t p is .. T) a pr f-i m of iu i--'i n li ippi-n n I su.-'i p f.i'.nu-, hjch 'os;-;:s. we IS ul I till I -i 'i ins w ..e i n j vol. n 1 in th-' proa.....,itj.)ti ,.f hi noble a wi'ii o.ir LiuuoJjtijus sLiiil fill on y )!. li. U. M. I l-l.;ir l'a. Arab Hjrsj Vaxitns. I.." y ur c 'it lo I m.-tcit 1 a-l I ilV.J,to Vol ! T -ill ilia I !l i T' llge. it'.i h-!l :i lo'lo he w ;i li- -i u ', lo . f. f i iel'il uaj marcl tj L ,r 1 fb'.'t a a I l'a; iguo. I' n il ti at v fjr L ra- n 'r ; etk tJ them in 4 lo ! 1 t'Hio i t' v. j e ; do n .t 't a ury remove f ii .-: r it'i 1 1- a, !ir k in i y lsu't ; t ii e v wil' ,1 i b-'. -r t ier..i!ter, f r tfioy uu ler-ua I the 1 lan ig-of in iu au I I'.i.ir meau in.:. lty "i Iiit l'tc Ja j 'Uroer i'ff t y o. apart j cur liue at the ; t ; l.-i tn-ii wiik to reov.r hi , , W tl I. I uri i i tiis uutl I.i his ..i -i't 1 i'i I drio I th e t- u s, au I v ,., . IV , h lU wt,'er t m picas-. i. siii uot, Icsvj v iu in J.Ji 11. 1 V 0.i-er.v y ir Ikt wUf he i jnu0u . t"4 lrvk- I; ia liripi..n. ,0va u in hea I hs r, iu i . s ..pur... w t u. l,tu ila. Ul, ,,,uSi .t.r quA . , l tf h , : ? , ( v 4r., ,,t ,; , . .Oy. j .0,lt. tbiagsbJ mist biv!. t.reii.1- 1 . . i ot. chc.t. Uiu uul l!:u'o lour things long ac'. cheat, f re arm nd er.'up ; f.mr tl.iis hort p.. ! tcro. lut-ii. rar sad tail. To Yorvi Mix. IK'a't rs'y upou, frieud. iVo'l re!v uik'u the eai , of your aui.ajtor. Tho4u U hita? ! pa-ot the prim of life iu lb fa n I. ...... f ,1, 4JJ . .. aU . i-. ... 1 I in.- v liiwaa a uviu luri v.t ll irvui; aud t4ouao.U hv starve! bvu ' Ih cotvl nam bia.h is uiJ bv tr.tnr .vurtl atmairli.iBaj a I ftutr thAl l'lier 1UU 111 taal llteu I TV'U ma On a 01 lain ladway the fK.winj:, after, when traiae moving iu aavp- pa.iita iWUou are approachiatf each ether, ou aepraaU line, nva- duclor aud eoiiiAakr will bat re quired io briug their lpan-tia 0 ltf th rotet 1 iraius w aiaieai naaat aaavHal uw Xl6a o( xing, and be. wy cxrWat I . . . . . )fc lirxKXaM f U4 fKV (a.i Aaa4 iMMil Uow ai, V iai, friiia i'oht. Published every Thursday Evening JEREMIAH OROU8B, Prot Terms of Snbscnplion, t'WO IHH.LA US I'KU ANNFM. Tay shln vithin six months, or t-.50 if not paid within thyesr. No pnprr dis continued until all arrearages are paid unlrs at tho option of the pub lisher. tnilmcription ouMide of the county PAVA HI.K 1 AbVANCB. SirIVrsniis lirtiiiff and using patters iddrced i olli"i liei'oniesnlcril)iS md sre liiihlc forthe price ofthe paptr (Qiticuira I ! 'ii it; nntt Si'titif Sfmf--lifoim lltininr.1, I'lrm, ()( bor fini Mirruri'il Aflrrtioni fHrttt iri tH flfur huiutit aytnriei f'lil. Th-rr U nn hnmn mittnty 4fi tpMiU ly, irirAnprlliriirMl vo.muu.iriillr i-l-nn.t th4 Mt t. e.t if Ih- 'irtll,'ir ftii.i Mlln, -itnri ili limr nn.l rnr m-r .iii i,r H'liitiK, .ly na S.'f.tlnl u lluiimra ..f Hi Miiti, S.nl. afi'l III., I t Iht yliiitr llrm'li, (.ih.i.'itii 'ii 1'iiM.iiri, iii-Kr-it skin rur. nOi-iit S.n. nn -'i.i r.ill-', Mmli n4 Niir-rrv H,nit;ti. ml I'ntieiir Keiul -tulAU tir 1 imh) I i,rlo.r. Skin Humorj. V.iU Crust, Etc Hkln llin.t Mr. H. K Wh'ppl llri. lur. tll.-ii . wrll. tlit tir l.fn. h .i-i tnl n-t '"' ' ' ' i..i - I'll an.i iri-1 .rrvo.inic. ivriuaumii cur- "i illliiri Hn-li . Milk 'rn.i Mm Hi. r, U'. I Mnic'n Ml., ,. Prf. ,,f , iik . ru-i . hiM, ..!. I ;i r-m- it:, a Ii-.'iiI'mI l.f.l . ! hiir inr iwii i.r.; now nn. ntaliliT Ivtti r i.l Itir ll.ii'U.-l.lltl'-'U Itili-itlnf. ti. N II . II ai.kl'.ltf rj.r tli. ( ill. cira l( nt.'llr. f,.r a r.ira "f fuller ef f lia ' ar'll hl"li h.l I iru rtt. iLrui aliii't-t it. m t , he-. ScM.1 Hoad. Alo;i3c .1. Etc trai l It. ., I -II A fUti, .0 1. aillll.'r V V , .1 M !. K. M .tika.n. Ill r cil .il . mi 1 l. I'l "I nli a )er.' turatl n i ) tu t j. U" ir K i ia ln-c . K-H'eii t i'ir ll..lr-1'rank a. I'-an. St. a-n I'ira I.Pa-ni rt, II ,.)..n ail. , tirr.l "f .la n-t "Ma. ir 1 . 1 1 1 ii 4 -f t"ia h iir lit lha a ' t - ia r li-h.a'llo., ta .i i,i.. 'I'l-faif ra.lt'al tnabalr M l.-u all aal.l Ir Niril I .,- -, It.. ii. I-inr -Th i a. I ... 1 :a Frai kt a'' . Il.ila.!r'.iita. a'tlftal a It I, lan'Iril'T. " ' "ii I 'T t - - I. t V If lia'l r fa I l.l- ai-aip aal 1 1, .'-ali-a "i a 'I4 t r "I an li'h It tnltki.aa., a'a I t-y in. ' uu:ir. Knnr'liea, , .. I tttlt tira H-Hi - tlra ar Ji'in-a Iit Wais i'"orii.n.M.i."kiiiiiMim,!iw l'riia-l-l- I' l' a "f t ' ie l-ura. a t'a.ii.'inil '-I1V .H..II (..... a..MK... 1... I. - Al. I'l l'H'l,ll...i..t (', uaat II I 1 I li'ltiar . ' art-lit a- I nil in Ma II n.i 1 .UM -.ap ; t iti't'i i-i -n.ai -oa m a.. l "an!-: In l f I. r ,f r. I .if,, f ". rr.. ..... t. Al in.i.l iraa ..n raaipt of i.in t .-a. rru'i I r iih .ira'.a-i I ra niaa o lam I It. .O .11. Ml- ar alii IO'i' a!.D !i ut !!, Ai. l a'.araf ao I a-tlen Ul ; ln. UI..J i.i. tlraoa'ii t . ln-l t!.a tlla I ,i;a I lu t-M cf ''!. ati.au t' a i'r -r.a ' - j br.a 11 a a an I ral . taa na.-n ta i, brioa;. II t' l'.i.-'ii t..n . m in 1 . .It t-i'.'cra. Ar. ! aVit. atiia'i S fa .mr r'a airil A - O' CI lira 4 til o " ' a. Will ,ir j oa a iu an I i4- u t.i Ilia I M i.i It itara Halt lliltria I oailiaa, 11 ,'. M aaa. 'y rrii t 4. f 'iu nv,lnr FtfVSJ nl a St I. k'.l'jaiy I ft!lf I i , '. i n 1 u ri i tii i ll f I'.tl' i f ' r. i I '.r n He tsl'l Lrt. t' . i ." - j v' n '. . I r.st.wr vv r U .t. n. M. ft l.K xv I'KU ' n( ' . -.i-i.. s.-rn- b"l K.N !..-., A ' .'. '1. N tfa. Errors of Youth. I an iit.r.'! l . ,.ii.ia KHII.T,. I'hl.'l IT! nt UK- .T.'.J. 1' i an I ! tuo a )..! n: tf iil , ii.li. a- ti.n.'aiill'-fLa a .:.4-a,'a !iiu.ni;y. aan 1 la-a t-i all as naa-t it f"a ra.t a al I e rf -i in l r n iA'ca: lna.;ni .a -'oa-lf ? attacti ua fj-a -i'a afa -tau n I.' pfu.!'. fir la 'i.rM.-f l aa,"rii a eaa ' a- I f . " ...inja-'af 11 C"ti a ua J'tia B. ' I l.fc.N. i. icar aa;jra j r. :si. PiiirLiaS. ! - rm ! "r-ej j 'n rv m lor a utaifi, V a. ' l s H s t a i m . . ; ir X v ..t,.",'. . 'i V .Z; ai tut nan in.irj-i'iia:.rnr.iiii.4.4vii-iiiar''aji U I I. V.IHIL1 -.. n.? ia.n .ta..ip. ftb. -a I II . i aiOaa M.. . Y . TO CONSUM'TIVES I ia ataarOaar. iaaiB baia araaaaaalla; i'!.! I tiat Iraa . I'.Maa. ' iti t n 'i.i.l r a .. -i. -ia -ani-..'v. ta au.it. -a to tiaaa aioal L 'ii a '.r '. tii-aaar. I na.nt ji fi'a. Ti a. I t..ra ir. uaar.lt aan I a awi-r mi aa fraa. ari.Kl .n a-a.1. -raw ; a'lj it- I'raa. 1 1. a t"P iira' Arma Q I ',...14 Ilia aasia, a,eaj tairai.Iiltulka'aa iai .r.i.aa.airriv..a, .l.oai, ,ae v it' T' a. a I. f.fua. aiul"4 t.ia l-a.-'t:iti-ei. ''! p.aaaaa a l ..... in, t. l iL"'i'. l'a fan a -u, v i'l a ua. ai ! ' U, CENFSi. Coutitr Surveyor l.ratimi)le. Sttnur County Pen. i s. J'.rt'ial-i 1 I'juaaa . If toMTiplla u 1 il : I'l ! U'lifS a. aOars ff a l' t? j p aot, j. ;i'J. MARRIAGE ;,,-'u" 1 1 " '" !.",ar". ' "ui'.M . : -.a.i.aia ' lJ ' i ha Wil.aal, ' - ? $sO r m,.,., ot 'ifij Xv - .v, t At m !!'.uti ., f ,j il re a u . MMiat. Cil ara' VM.a D7I. t a4 'aa ' . . . i-..... r. P . - a-ru If U frOatf- CatfSa a. i'H" Jl aari. Or. A. C 0ltt. Ka.aXa StW.' 1 . Oa ., Cttia ..-v. IU. .'.OPIDMI aaai Sa.fpfc.a aalaaa awa4 - taa. laia a ilaaalin, V . 4 -. a tr aa Uraaaar.aa. ft.k I k. I araaaaa M. I al.aaaaa. att't. It t fUrOOU llOlltlt ! MiJultWr Snjiiw Ctiinly, Psv ta,-, . IM , i v w .... 1 janaiataJ Vaaittfiaif U tb pro- a Ji j. ,a.a Uaaat-awta, I u4 W auaaS b aahM aa"a a rr; 0 .Wtw-,-- 1 'aa. .A 41., ..st, aw. ..... I . aatM ,a.f