-A li,.r.w i column ono yer, a-half, column, on ycnr, .fourth column, one year, , annaro ( b Unw) 1 losortioil ;?jry additional Insertion, pMimtnl n J B:l dries card ol wtmore thsnS lino, per rear, ditor, Executor, Administrator ind Ati)?ooe Notice, itorlal notices per line, (ill transcient aJveflisintiess in eonts lillfl. 80.00 75 60 6.00 a.co t5 tlintl Ill advertisements fdr A shorter pe 4 than on Kr arerwyWw at the be they ere ordered, anil It not paid knerson ordering thorn will be held; uioiuiui iu '""uon Poott-y Donl Let Mother Oo It. ughtrfr ; tlon't lot in otbir do It I o not let ber lave ana toll, lie you sit A useless idlo, Fearing your soft hand to coll i In't you tee the heavy bnrdene pally she Is wont to bear, jug the lines npon your forehead, iprlnkle silver In her hair T tighter ; don't let inotlmr do It I bo not h't her bake and broil lrooirh tlie long, brigtit ummer I hour ; lhare with her the heavy toll, e, her eye bat lost Its brightness, 'ailed from her cheek the glow, id the step that once was buoyant fow It feeble, tired and slow, tighter t don't let mother do It I Jhe baa eared for you so long, Ht right the weak and feoble Should be toiling for the strong t hken from your Untied languor leek her side to cheer and blent, 1 your grief will be 1dm bitter . When the toda above her press. lighter ; don't let mother do It I ou will never, never know kat were home without a msthnr rill that mother lleth low, U beneath the budding daisies, 'ree from earthly care and pain ; the home so sad without her, lever to return ag'iln. Three Naughty Kittens. fere once was three kittens who lived on a farm, a never were kittens who did so much harm I ky worried the chickens and snarl ed at the hen, B scratched at the pig through a hole In the pen ; - ly climbed on the sty and hung over the rail, I bit off the curl from a little plx's hall ; homes they soared, ami they Tightened the cwtti bricking out at tbeiu with dread- ul mooes ; worried the ducks, and they mhereU the geese, clawed at the ram until he . lost 11 his fleece ; frightened the bossy calf half In flte, spit at the doz till ho half lost his wits ; r knouked down ths turkey und roiiou nun about, rumpled his featlrrs an J pull- d them all out ; horrible faces they made at the I rake, ent straight an 1 drowned hbn- HfofTIn the hike : fought the old rooater upon his wn hill, Ul that was left was his spars and s bill drank up the milk and tinned rer the cream, avetho old parrot a horrible ream ; chewed np the tab-strings of audinother's cap, 'she, poor old lady, was taking !P5 . king the squoalln? thov mode their pride, Udren they ran, and the babv cried ; Iyed with the ineul and the miny bags. re them aU up Into Utters and limbed by their claws up the rmer's gooil clot hoi, Rocked his gold spectacles off Jn his nose leat in the pantry they stole Pin the hooks, hewed up the children's nice nnday tohool books. kittens left nothing at all to Wy the mice In the store closet elf. Vrmer's good wife bore It meekly id long, h telling them oft they were ughty and wrong gued and reasoned by day and night, pthing could make them be We as was right. UUnee, one morning was whol Jworn out, f they dlsoovered what she was out, pped them all three In a cover- tin pall, wried them straight to the great ntryjall. ;P9 they hive kept them to Very day, . I up la a cell where they can't I away. 1 eoiT a le", IZiriaxn. ' ij tweet voice tery I" ' 'a Iljyallt Mi with " tta, t:;a- one is ' iiiiiiiiiiiMttfuniii '.'..; .;'iJ "L.:"':T'J- l.;y.JMriiii iiirasrii. iiisauiji ml , m m VOL;-18. aocei bat while ha wsitetl Ouptain Mnyol! lUtene l li Hie will street ballaJ wtrblsl by a fresh, xi'iisiti. ly true yoanj voioj, ta the fitful ao noiDpanitnont of a orajkaJ 111. die. A litltj orovl hil fptharel srounJ the ooraer. Tito llio.l oil llJJier, ia his UUjrel velreteea coat and picturesque white benrJ pssiej his ht aroun 1, oiJ thi aiai- or, with ber faoa hilf-voila l by tho folds of the black shawl, whioh pass ed over boil n 1 full in onjt n in like fold j about ber slight person, stooJhoMio the violin. As her Urtfe liquid eyos full oj Mi jell be advanced, and helding out a silver coin spake some luiiiiiu s ntenco in the mtisio&l molul uiou of tho Italian language. She took the money with a m urea ire 1 word of thanks i bat tho sby, scu pristid look donoted that she had njt uu Jor stood hiai. ''So they are not IUlisoi aftsr all," said Mayell to himself, an be sprang on board the car. ' I was snre that ol've-okin, and those-deep, molting eyes, oonld only have catibt their glow nnder the skios of Italy. Wol' it only shows ho.v eny it is to beraistakon. At ell events, it was a fair, (limi'lod little f.tcj and ( bopo her grizzle-bearded old frion I will renp au ample harvest of pounios " And, iu soarching for the abid ing-place of hie old frieud, .Vr. Castlotou, the decayed artist, b oomplotoly forgot the little iuoideut of tho evening. "No, 4l-so court, he said to himself- 'Voa, this must be the plaae. And yet," glancing np at tho mildewed brick walls and iu.les oribable shabbioess of the old ton einent-hoase, "who would htvo ex pected to fltil Ward Castloton, bero War.lo CwtlBtoa, t'M djs aondant of a bng line of aoooutry wsrJj Ca:tljtjn, whom can ro member as the mister of Cutle Hull 1 I&td ' maoagemont, extrava gant living, mad inventm.iats thi is what tliay have brought him to Poor follow 1 ouo cia s;wojly oTir churity to Lim i and jet whut io to bo done !" And groping his wy into tho hall, whoro a s rt of C'liuieriuu d.trkno-m reigued, he manigod t j in. lir.i hit wrj to tho fljjr whore Me. Oiilloton livud. The roajoetio old artint came for ward to receive bun, in a tattered Ire-sing gown which ha t ouce been ruby velvet, a cap of the enno rait erial on his bead, and a mahldtick in his hand. Ab, Slay oil. ray old f trend I" he cried, goaspiug tho hind of the uu expeotod guost "or rather tho yoaog friend of my old days you are welaome I You fiad ms ralhor indiUdrently situated i bnt we all know that genius is, at times, under a cloud Walk in walk in I Here is Mrs, Castloton, and Beatrix, eldest daaghter. But where is Miriam T little Miriam, the boauty and runaway of the flock. Caliber, Trix ; Toll ber to get us some sup per. She will be her directly." Mrs. Castleton, a little old lady io a lace cap, who has lost the use of her Hint s, sat knitting in a wheeled chair, by the sadly insufficient fire. Her poor nose was blue,, aud the band wbioh she bold out to Clarence Msyeil was cold as an icicle. Beatrix, a pale young woman of twenty, drew an old soreen before the table, on which was a plate of oold mush and a pitober of thin tea. and made baste to adjust the easel so as to bide the oot bed in the eor ner. Mr. Castleton pointed to the easel with a Grande eoignour flourishing of the band. "Voa see, Mavell," said be, - "that I still cling to tho old habits. My hand is soaroely as steady now as I oonld wish, bat it seems neoesesry to sell a picture now aud. Trix. where ia jour sister f Why dose not Miriam come in t W have some wealthy acquaintances, Msyeil,'' the old man continued, "who decline to bay my pictures, and who contrive systematically k ignore us. But I am told that Miriam frequently goes to then. Well, well I cannot wond er thai "lh sroooar. and this" f r wound the MIDDLEBITRG, is young she is very younj that is all. As was saying. Mayell, I sell a picture now and then, and so wo manage to keep alive. Just let me show yon some of the ideas I have sketched ou canvas," And while Cuptaiu Msyeil turned over the old man's portfolio, and voiiitatod within himself bow be might best off r to buy a picture without hurting the seosilive pride of the artist, the silent Beatrix put moreoosl on the dying fire, sprsad a clean cloth on the table aud sot forth a meal which bad evidontly been purchased in baste from the shelves of the nearest cheap restaur ant half of a skiony, cold duck, a littlo dob or muddy currant jolly, a a pilo of brsad and a potatoe sal ad. And when tho nnappotizing meal was over, and they sat shivering by the firo, the door oponod and in glided a Blight, small tiguro. liko a shadow. "It's Miriam." said Sir. Casleton . my youngest girl. Come in, pat, and spook to Captain .l.iyell 1" Miriam stoppad abruptly in the do:ray, and turned firnt red. then pale, before she advanced and held out an nnwilling hand. Mayell rose, aud bowed ovor it t but as their eyes met ho smiled a little. "Miss Castleton." said he ,lI am very gUd to meot you 1" And Miriam hid liorself away be hind hor mother's obair, oloso to Heart rix. and. d what Ciptain Mayell would be ooul 1 not eucoee 1 in drawiug her iuto the conven tion. "I will make hor Ink up." hesii 1 to himself, a littlo clugrino I at the steadfaHtoeei with which tho dark eyes were bunt tojr.tr 1 tun tiro. Ttirniug to the artist hj as'xcd, carolessly i Doas your daughter sing t "A little, iu a Wild vy, I ke a niihtifjg:0," eaid .Mr. GiHtMon. "she lia I a guitar onoe, but it it lost or brokou or eoinutliin. Oao't you siug f.r us, dnig'itor f ' fue ruse was siu'cus-jfu!. Mirtm ! looked np in a fnghtone I wiy. hor eyes glit taring, ber choeu.s glowing in red spots. I I cannot sing to-night," sho ssid huni.l!y. "rioaio. uin. lou't ask ms !" Bat when Csptain Mavell Lnd taken loavtt ffir Ihn niirlit nn.l irr,t las IU wav down tlm ati. ! " ' , suddenly nnd unexpectedly confrout 1 by .Mirii-n horsilf wr iooil ia tho black shawl, Muttrix at her side. Captain Mayell," asid B'litrix, in a low voice, "hat must yon think f For our own s Vies, wo owa you no explanation." 'Hush, Trix I" orin 1 Jiriaui, ex citedly." "All this preamblo is quite unnecessary. I will tell him all about it. j'upa doesn't know that I sing with Brtimeo iu the streets but mama does, and Trix. Tbey know that Bartiuieo takes excellent carejof ni ; mi 1 I woar his d iugh terVylress, and and we canuot let poor papa starve'' And," sjborly added Trix, l,we give papa the mon-jy, an I he thinks ol i Burtimeo has sold a piature for him to some of the Italian dealors d i va town. Poor papa 1 an 1 it mikes him so happy And, indeed, no one epoaks to Miriam except in tho greatest courtesy and kialuoas. And we hop yon will not betray our seoret to poor papa, as he would never, never forgive us all 1" "Pray," oriel Mayell, genuinely touched, "do not itnagiu that I oonld be guilty of such a dishonorable thing: Believe me. Miss Castle. ton" Miriam, very white and oold was lookiug at biui witu eyes that dish ed lightuiug. "uere is tue wretauea ooiu yon gave me," said she. "Take it biok!' "Because have you I" she an swered abrup'.ly, soiziug her sister's arm. "Come, frix, let as go." Hut be posted hi nself direotly across her pith, ditor oiuel uot thus to part ; "But why do you bate me 7" said be. "Because respect your cou rage and sense, and honor your filial duty t" " Because you despise me I" she retortod. "."svsrP he cried, taklosr ber -' l "fj xri Vztn SNYDElt COUNTY, PA, MAY And olio answered shyly i Yes." Hut she woot ont singin n.i more. Mini Hartinioj end bis violin ere nnneoorupuniod now. Wards CWIeton died the next summer, oo tirely nnsw tr of the docoptiou Uivt had boon praaXined upno Lim, St Cap. tain J.iyell nskod pretty Slirimu to be bis wifo. "Do you know, darling," be enid, 7 have loved you evor since first saw you singing ou the pavement in that pirtnri'sqne Italian coninms." And among her -we Ming nift was a diamond studied gold locket, iu which was sot the tiny silver coin which he Lad ftiveti to hir ou tlmt blosk November afternoon when tho twilight was verging iuto dusk. Caro ol an Orjm. TtiOke who own a parlor organ m Ay llu l in tuj f ill loin.; extract from tho Score a hint ns it care which will mi vo thon trouble and expense : M.ist people tako fair caro of the 'cn or l,,t',r ,nlrnra"nbJ. but the iuierior is a fearful masg of dust and dirt. A gentleman ealloJ on ns in rolatiou t j an organ p iroJi u.t 1 throa yoars since, and said it was "all out of tuno," and "souotiiiog rattl od." But being in tho bibit of receiv ing the information that uu organ is "nil out of tune," when there is a small pice of dirt stopping one rood, wo seut a frieml to louk at it. lie reported that it was "o itrsg") oUHly" out of tuoo. t was sont to our rcpniriiig man, oud, on opouing the top lid, tho whole interior ww lonnd filled with imtuinso cobi webs. From underneath the kevs was t.ikon i mans of dirt, in which wol ' fo,,nJ " ,"flrPi"- noodles nnd eleven pins, while from out of the lead culls wo remove 1 thirty, two load Hies, and on oac'i rood point was n cs'te ot il 1st, whilo Iho ton ffno vibrated between two thick walls of dot ! tho duat on tin ton gue altciin r tin; pilch, au 1 tho dirt mi ti c Mm It rbunging the tone, Alu t eland ig the dirt from the roods, and lopl tning lhm hi the ci'Hh, every one wan found to bo in perfi ct tt: i.o. Nw, this orgiu In 1 boi 'V ' tlin two.n.1 the stopi left drawn. Had thorn homi it ) hous i. d iu at i ',ir I i.i'c. h iro I 'lorto1' stops to hold theavel!s;.pui. lernt how t sptill.pl y ti j, tt:, 1 wir tlin dirt would have remained com - ry tho skool niann. parativoly harmless on the outer board. But lieing left open, together with tho other stops, the dust and insocts bad access to the mo:U do lieuto parts of tho organ, and tho oonsequoiiPo was dissatisfaction with the organ, wUon tba organ was not ia fault. Shut With Water. Amusing incidents soinotiraos oc cur duriug the heat of an eriiai'o- uient, which cause even the fightors to pause and emilu. Durinir the ngiu ooiweon tue uoniederato rani Albemarle and the Union vessels, the following incident bappouod, which illustrates the power of the imagination i The ram hn 1 fired a shot, whio'r ricocheted aaross our deak, carrying with it a stream of the cold water of tho sound. An otlljjr oomtniading n diviuion beird the repirt, the whistle of the shot, standiug with bis back to tho ram. The water with coo siderable ferce, itrack the gentle man oo the baak of the nock, runs ning aod trickliog d iwn bis back. With a yell hn threw up .his bands, marmured, "dy Ood I I'm shot I" and fainted doad away. The Cleveland Ueraid having pub lished some versos entitled "Why Do I Sing I" aod written by a young woman, theQhicago Tribune rejoius that it is probably because hor fath er paid about $500 to a mnslo teooh r for spoiling a good stouking-d at ner. A little throe-year-old, while ber mother was trying to get ber to sleep, became interested ia some outside noise. She was told tbat it was canned by cricket, whon aba sagely observed i Mvauia, ibiak trecr?-' WiHfc"-." WW r 4 Josh Billincs' Philosophy. Josa Tsrenvixws Ilivtsxt.r. m bat iz ynro favourite piece of ckulpturr, Mr. Hillings t ATho mile stone nearest homo. Q Who do you kottsider tho wis est raw tliat haz evor lived f A The one that knows the lesl about hiz iiabors, and tbo most about hi'osclf, Q What do yn konsidir the highest-priced things in this world ? A Tliozi tilings we buy, unl psy for, with repnntmise. Q Do yu buleave iu tho diviuitv ov the Kible T A I do and b.lanse I kan'tj prove it, and uu living, nor ded man, Lsz ever bui-n uble to disprove it yet. (2 Whit iz yure ideal of fo:ualo buty f A That kind which yo kan't ex nctly duttuo, and which uever under- bikes to define itself, ii Will yu di'fuio a hipokrit f A Ouo who preys to Heaven fer- vently, and then just oz fervcntlv preys on niz naUor. i ttr i. a . t s I - " ""' nr. r inn itsui mm u ,,,, ,,, ,mT . 4o u.io wnio.i no nirtucn inr tiimsou ono which ho km t inhorit. nor kan't transmit. i Who it ynro favourito matlio- matioian ? A Ho who in summing np the good ho hudono. nnd eubstraktiuir from it tho evil ho linz committed kao honestly sho that ho i. suui thing nhe 1 in the uri thm'.til;. Q Will yu phaze to dvtiuo Lib erty ? A Liberty iz a kompruliensivo terra, under which wo k!a;m very much, and possess very littlo Q ;Vbo are y.iro favourite tors f pilll- A Temperance and in luntrv t thoy puiut living portrait! ov Udt'i Ith hii I lit: 'tin-.li. l Are th iro inenny things in ! this world t)iat tuonov won't buv ? j A leu, eir, lots ev then it ; won't ovou buy tho wag ov a d ig'n ... - tain. (J Wliitch d ) yn konsidnr the most viscijtis ov nil the p islnns t A Liizyness i it eats a man up hi inr'ins, aud ujver givi bk a iiiouthfiill. Q -Wlnt z ynro favorito picco of ftikitckturn f A Tim littlo rel mints 1 s't vil ti What ii ynro privi'o npinynn ova republik'in form ov govern ment T A Possessing all tho eleirmtits ov strength the weakest kin I ov till governments. Q Who iz ynre favorite inven tor T A The mm who invented tho fust tin whissell and established the price nt a ponny. Q Wbitclido yu konsilor the most sterling ipinlity iu Man t A ilonusty t and yet it it nin't lawful! tonder, on tho streets, for a loaf ov bread. Q Ploaze tell me tho dfferouco between modesty ant bashful miss T -I One it all silver, nnd the oth er only the plating ou the spoon, wliitoh soon wears off, and slio vs the brass, Q Would yu like to liv ynre life over again 1 A Yes, if could commence whare J am now, and liv it bik wards, and at labt be a boy again, (J Iu konklushuu, Mr. Billings, kao yu tell me at what time ov life a man iz the most phoolisli t A I giv it up. but if 1 ever do find out, I will send yu a postal kard. The lute Archbinhop of Dublin onee inquired of a physioian, "Why does tho operation of hanging kill a man f" "Because inspiration is checked, Circulation stopped, and the blood suffuses and cougosts the brain." BobIi t" replied bis grace, "it ia becanso the rope is uot long enough to let bia feet toooli the ground.' - ? Ja the Lehigh ootiuty almshouse they have a Hungarian named Oyumbera, who has been asleep for seventy days, A oi sts tor a farmer's wife A. I 118S1 NO. 41 Cur Wall. We onlertain proat doubt whothnr persons whi) hv,i to consider tli lijcora'.ioii nf rooms su;ll.iinutly re gard the nnc!i )i)iof walls. A wall rniiHt, generally spoaking, bn a liicic background, an I thon-f iro it must be decorated, as far ns possible, in such s way as to Miri v u, tin fore ground. In soinn sense pictures must bo c ni lered ns part of th foKt'ound. snd tbf ref ire, where the owner of a uoiisn p isshssms picture worth l inking nf, the object of t ! decorxt ir kIio lid ns far ns possi ble, to t.iku the tvall so negative in rharapter not to nttra"t llio eye. but to nllow it to bo httirrli d by the pirtnrcs, tie cm nit Is nnd lie jenple. Hnce. where tlirro are pictures, tnrge pnltarned pupors. or papers of nny kind, nro nndesirable. and a wall painted of distempered green, buff or ray, in such hIhhIoh ns may be best suited t.) the nicta tion of the hous', is to bo preferred. Klabjr.kt-i pitturni brokun by pio tines brinj the rcversu of harmjuy iuto a room. f is Stomach. i . A let roil nrffn..n , ....n . j liml.n . nil. nnln.l i.. l.i (1m(.n. ..h,, ) K.!i,,..t httniignr sho wn followed by n dug. With out nny fooling mound, ho began i "IVictor, I havu tho dyspepsia." "Yes, sit-," 'H.il it twenty six years." "Yea sir." "Yon can't euro it." "No, sir." "Hut yo i cm make an oxfhango of stomachs butweeu me an I mv W ' "I believe it cnul I be done, nn.l ; both live." "Will yon giiaranlen that I won't have a liaiikerin)r for old holies, if I trade ttouiuclis I" "No, Rir," "Will want Io chase rats ?" "Very likely." " And snap at tramps 1" "Quito probable." ' Doctor, this it business." 'Yes. sir," "And the exchange of stomach;) is di'clarnd olf" "Very well." ".nd I bid you jrool-diy." "O.iol-day, nir J" An 1 the man wistle 1 1 1 bis dog nnd walked out, without looking to tho light or left. a rti;h r.ri. A monnf icturer nml m l vcndei of rpiick niO'licines wrote to nfiirit l Inr n Mreng recommendation of his (tlin iMieulsi tnrcr'iO "ililsi n." fa a f w ilnye lie irecived the I'nllow inir which wo cnli pretty gTon j l)KAa Sin : The Ion, I roniposing this I uf in bi hitherto been so poor Iu a Scotch ni iti ceil I not net a living off it, and so stny that wo ba I to elice oar potamos snJ pUnt ede wiy ; but Louring of your bal sam I put s line nn a corner nf ten sere II I I snrro'iniitj by a rail futl'-'fl, an I in tho to unin,' I f m i 1 tba' the rock hnd entirely ds.ippiared. s neit sieua wall tis l encircle 1 the rmM nJ lim rsilt were njilit into flio wiod and pihnl up vurn tt I "illy in my tiftolc v irii 1 n it li ill' ii n nun m : nao yirn, i p,u nun un ounce in the ...nlille of a h'.ckleberry sw.tnp in two days was it cleared off, plant ed with oorn ant puidpkiu an i a row of pe tali tre-is in full blossom through the middle. Is eviileoce of its tre'oondous strongth I would say that it drow a striking likeness of my oldest s n outi-f a mill potd i drew a bllstorall ov.ir his st n nil i drew a load of potatoes four miles to market aod eventually drew a prize of :i7 in a lottery. E.vr. Knvy lends men to tell lies about those with whom they thoy cannot compote in business. Knvy induces the publishers of mod ical journals to try to injure the re putation bf those with whom they hnvo neitbor tbo enpnoity nor the enterprise to compete. Knvy indu ces professors in medical ooltegos to desparsge the rbarnctor and stsnd ing of flvn! schools. Envy will canse editors to prostitute their journals to the publication of blan doroua and seditious articles against those wboao position and inflntnoe tbey envy, Uut envy, when left to work oot its own way, will work tbe ruio of tha envious, so we will let tbo bvloue serenely alo?. ' r.-..-3r. -v I -r-y j f r - , 'S.WSBJ Published ev7 Thurs.liiv ICvrnwr JB1BMIAU OnotJ3B, Tttt Terras of .Subsonption, IWO tOLUKS Vr.R ANNl'M. Psj shlo vithin six moiitli ort:'.V)fnot paid wiiliin ths year. Aopnjor (lis continued ut.tii nil nrrCHrniea fmld utile- nt the o Ikm of lb pub isfier. v -Subscriptions nittiide of (hncortit IMTAIII.B IX AI.VASi.K. MffPersons liflin nml iixing pnpers Sililiessei) ' (ithir become siilrrili. mil nro linblo forthe iiriee nrihenam r ffoii.t llmiioro, l.'r,r, Sortn ami Mtrcurlal Mhriiuno curt.t fit! I. Tltrr I, nn liu niin nmry in tn rll 'T. irrmsnriilK unl rrnnmn r.lir nlrin( h io..,l, , ,r II, l'm lr,l., ., (, .,,, si.sir nnl ,.r,iml u. tl a .. , f ti mJ,S r'l' ' ' ' i nnrr li.mn.IIM .ii-ihIms nf I'ull. uri. n,n trail Hkln urs. ( ,p l, 11,11, ,,l Ni.r.ir j.b.mt.. ,. ( ,,.ar lln.tnt,(b fkiu Hu inrs. Milk Crust, do. SVin IIii.-.i..Mi. H. Y. Whipple. !.. irii ..i ,r in,ntw. ii.i i-i.Vfrnl iih !. n ni Muiioml lour, tul .n.i Irlfl r.ry.hii,K. I'crio. ntntly sur il ky rullriir HrnritiPt. ' Mil't i'rn..-Mf.. H,r. Kl Clinton !l , l.lni'lininil, p,k ! hr -l.i.r'. ciil.l wUn riir.il .,f lite ni-i, willed -iiin .11 ,,,. mIH n.nw.i v..Hri n.iw n,r, he I till tu,, nun biiiltu bni.l ul u ir. T.tirr 01 tl.r ll,l..K,i,,i'i, Nnnni,., I.UtlMiMI. V II tl.a,kl,.l, .r, (,. ,,,',. cur ! im-'Ir. fr i,rlcr , Ktiloh tiHil teii.vtel thtui ulmurt iiailv.a , btr. Scald Head. AJopua a. Elo. tv"rV'!,,,'S',,.7" . r P. W.. .1. .H M. II.. .1 1. ki ,n ,ii.H . , nf .f.l l o e Jc,r.. aurkiln by tl.. c. tttnM H"lll0illutf. NI. 11 I III! Kniiltl" . II ntns. . ?..,',l V.l .V.' laltfiiLI ol Hi It -l t-... L , .ii crii.r lOliiis .! i' , ,ir i.v iim 11. 111,.,. Ilomn III-, whl -li n i.l.i!v ni.t..-! 1.1. 1. .1. wlirnsllrnMli.niiiililiii.jp, l.i..l ,,,r -ri... 1.,.. VrnW..r , Se. rMln..f. tiin. nrtili-in.! .1 1 -h li-h l"f twtililv vulr. I. ml f..i 1.1- -i'J ji-uint 17 ih vmicMf 1 u.uitii,.. ""i Willi li-nll. iii.h 111,1. 1..- t.i ... !-.. .- .. P I HI Irtifs lt.'i.l.M,. r r'"f-. hT Whkm I'l.rinim liemHia kn,i irujuli., .-.no vv..h. In. inn M., H...I ,.,, . ,r ,lr Ilf fl'il'J' ."ir:n I'''' "', ,' v..H,.n.l 'i-lly. amlt l,.iv.n, i-k-chi-; im,,, i,.,.,. ,. iu iriiTii ,(.,!,.,. ,. PW ,..,, lriou r. rutiimri ini-i,t in,t s.wn r l. I iitlivna Mloi, l,in, .' I.i'm-: In tr lur lisrimr- sn.l i.ira ..nnu,ii. orn. mt e-.lt, M mull-l lr. on pi im. f.or, fr I lln.tr in I I'rc4ils ..u 11.. t nr. 4..,iloia4. Sat. wMt In tir,t whon tlttia'itW, An.l nitrrMy sii'l tiollnn (.tll luipUun usw ttruUK'K 1 1 mi"! I'i ! I .Malt Ulittra. Wlit, whn lti n'rrwnrkeil, wniry brsIS lUo: sni) rol xn 'i.ti'li (b-iitral'i, llrluftt 11 Io vlorum tlin' stf nn I MM iiliiam, An, whl. nhn tl'tet (l!' tipr'i trlf A'l.ll, liii lir mill ii rl Will iilv now vlui mi. I I'lnrn to 1 1 f Mslt lliiur. Mall Killi r Co'iipsny, H-imon, Slau, courts- rllZKrZ wcRtLtcTBwrrv:; :v:r; ':,!..; -.r: rlAcrTVA I 'Ii-"! nppliinra Imf.ira "rflaifc-k ii.ii 1,111,11,, 1 1,. i.i.. ly rrllavu i-ln , l... r CninpUInt, v.u4rl Knvar an I Asiii, ami K i lnt-y an,l I'rlntry till".titlii hii I hi iv ho wiiru uver Ilia pit nf ttia Nt'n iclt iar Itia ai l vii, n. .ny aSoottil part. I'rlo,- li o.-nl -. M., i.) rtTVtti.ar, WunKa I' .i i en. iJ.ntiin, Mam. (iKTS Work. u-;ikiu vr. ,f(, atei.lv I llii.V.v -.licnt. Hamnlaa A,t.lroi,. il. 1.. llYh.N.Nn .San-ail .-Kraal. Pt Vork. Errc:3 cf Youth. It O y N 1 1.K M N w h i .iiltrM ! JLi. nou HKIIII.I I I', I'llKll r yaara Imm trim ih.i CAV ami ll Ilia di'tt r yutniii' liiili.nra lie ii, will lur tha aaaa nt nuilarln: hmnaniiy, anl trca tu .ill a h i naait It (!ia ra-lpa i. raniion lur makltiu tliai:itiiln rrma ly y whtat lia wa. ourrj, rsud-am wliiina ti prurtl ly ttia a tvnril. ar'a axp. rlanca aan hi I y aX ilir'.iiiK In taria.'l ci'iirnlaui'a JOHN II. Oil: 1I-.N, lica urttl., NaaJoik. Jan. 37, fUtn. t Ill mull ft-'rial( ttia racattia lap a alm,.-l VauklMK IIami lliat will i.mmi '1-aV H(l:i.Kl.i;s, pimI'I.ks an I HMMI'IIRS, Wavlns ilia kln nitt. rl-ar aul kaanlilul i al9 ln-ir,iiiiin fur pr,,il,i-liiii a luiartaat ir r 1 1 :ai nair on a nam ucan ur fmliutli Inra. Ail i ilra, innlo-lnif no. uniii, IlLN. VANuKLH 4, Vtl., i lli-rkniao St., N. Y. 1 ha a.lrerti.ir. r.arlnt lcn iiarmanantly cure I i f thai ilrau l ill-fi-a, OimU'di.tliMl. by a . mrln rauiaity. la atKlmii tii uiaka kuoan la j ,,,. , t. ,in, 0, 0J. to ail jlffi" - :!.'': who iianira It. ba will taan'l a ropy of ttia pr. nl nharu .) with ilia illra- Itmii tor pranarlns anil u.ltiif lha ama. wblnlt lhay will tin, I a ii an i:ru Mr LYiaeuMrTiaat AnTIIWA, HllONetllTIH, lia. I Will I'arllm lrl.ln lha Prfirlntton, will plaaiS W'llliamluurg. N. V. nirf-v-, in,, K, a. WIUfllJAi W r , II I. ....... i v ' faun b.( QKOIIUi; U, UfcNr'EK. CounEv Surveyor' Kratiorvllle, Snyrtor County Ponn'i 8iirvvln( anil Conaeysnclng prompt it ml akilTulla eilrnjail In. A lir lb piiblin'w patranaja tollc'.lad. Jul lliib, '78, pU or MARRIAGE nutria fnrlKiih BEXCS. for tha marrlH aaj tiauiiK book. aci'iii.K-li.r In homlniyiion li'.aiihj itiuaa ciiiiiamiilailun iui, hL-fa tir.lllant. I.,i. iiuij iiihi, mrr- iir.lllant. fin lllaan,anUlho I'uyalra! Ml. I MaiiautlWuiriaiii par in lancnmia, anil ciiiIih. rt ,, rhtaiclaua avi.rywbcri(. I'rUa. BO Oents, t-y lr. A. 4i. OI.IN, Ilia o'!i"i bpwiaiiat iu H,a urihustl, who will pay $500 ' ei nt prlal or climule Siaeaaeuf clthtr iti ho nu '-n,k ' and f.illa in rnrg Kiid iimi atampt for ('iilde IO Health. Rellabto Pumal Pi", 8 UuHi(lant fului inalluu, ueuuiiiL. yur,Hnr Caode anil (irci.'ir ol , to iiia, oo ew'tta. Or. A. fi. AfclM- leotocky iltotk. r, 8. Chek 81 Chicago, IU. A n 1 1 1 H S'Tplilaa falara ranS wltkf 1 1 U 1 1 1 g rait i-fclii at tUrwiMliaa. St4 Isaac lUiAYim Ourgeoa Dentist ! fcliilciurj, t nydur Cmiy, Pa. Orvtca is ?si asaa vv tot Cuticura I - h 1 11