The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, April 21, 1881, Image 1

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0 1 colnm-l one year,
Ono-half, column, one year,
One-fourth column, one year,
Ona square (t( lines) 1 insertion
tf wry additional Insertion,
Professional and Hit tines cards ol
not more than 9 lines, per year,
Auditor, Executor, Administrator
and Asslgnoe Notice,
Editorial notloea per line,
All transciont advertising less
a months iu oenis a line.
All advertisement for a shorter pa
riod than one year are payable at the
Jme they are ordered, and it not paid
' he person ordering them will be hold;
eaponsible for the money.
We Love The Absent Beit.
Db, the absent are the dearest
To mother's loving heart ;
And the depth of our alTectlon
Is not known untill we part.
We may rlow oflr sleeping darlings
With ft watchful pride and care
And may breathe an earnest blessing
O'er each dusky head mid fair.
But If there remains. a pillow
Too uncrumpled, and toa whits ;
And the ohaira-nour the bedside
Hold no garments for the night
tf we in Iks the shoes and stockings,
A torn jacket, or a dress
If we miss a "Oa-jd-nlht, mother 1"
And a. dear one's warm caress
Thn our hearts yearn with aTsction
For the rover from our nest,
An I we feel of all ourdurllncpi
That we love the absent best.
Ah, the absent are the 'dearest
Mother hearts will answer yes !
The dear Hps by far the sweetest
Are the lips we cannot kiss I
Never Say Die.
Never say die never uy die ;
Life's worth the living, if only we try;
The hand and tho bruin
Were not given in vain,
We've a battle to gain,
And so never say die.
Never say die never say die.
If earnings below and if living be
high; -
'Tie reason th min
Net to faint or give o'er,
Better days are in store,
And 13 never say die.
Never say die never say dio .
When night is at darkest tho morning
is nigh j
Whether far off or near.
In God's time will appear
Some blessing to cheer.
And so never saddle.
Never say die never say die ;
The soul that Is steadfast in ty for
tune defy
In labor and art
Let the hand and the heart
Each do its own purt,
And so naver say die.
Never say die never say dio ;
When cowards despair, be this our
that's noble and human
In constant and true man,
In brave, patient woman,
Cries Never say dio.
Never say die never sav (11? i
Life is Glad's gift that w may ait lay
by t
Whatever befall,
Tis the duty of all
Till he gives the cull
To say never say die.
J. F. Walliih.
Heleot T'tvl
The au2er01d Man.
We kept a littlo variety shop, eia
ter Margie aod I, the profit of which
waa qoito as email as the warea we
sold, Bat. then, we bnl no rout to
pay t owning Ilia small, browu, old-
fashioned bouse in wliiali we lived,
sod wbiun looked Btrmigoly out of
place among tho stately -looking
modern dwellings that crowded up
against it on either, q lite put
tiug it out of tTiuuteunnoa by
their auperior height aud appear-,
Uraodfutber built it when the
place waa new, and he a yonng nmii,
nd when all that brick and m u ter
were verdant fields aud well-kept
gardena, dotted here and there by
bouses as low aud modest as bis
own. He owned large farm, and
waa considered ft wealthy man for
tboa days bat acre after noro had
been Bold autil nothing was left
except the house io which royfatb'ir
bad bean born, aa 1 which waa the
only iuherltuuoe of his ohildron.
Hut we made the most of it, Margie
aud I, aa yoa will sei.
I hardly tblnk wa should Lave
dared to do anoh ft thing while fath
er lived, who Would bsvo oousi hired
it ft tort of sacrilege but soon af
lr bla death we turoed the front
putt of tbo boase into ahop, with
show-wlndowa which opeuud out
upon, the atraet, In wltlalt to display
IhsaUiales we kept for U
Tul wm in tor of ntnstity
rti-r I':? 3 oliol-a, If Ulng all tlist
loo 'ltiti-stj And i could
t-l ' I' -' I'oor Margin
W ) I a 1(1x1 w, 1 m
VOL. 18.
very useful, too i lying nil day on
the lounge in her little silting-rnoiu,
her hands were never i lie, or irhet
injr tidies, mats, mittens aud edging,
and. doing various kinds of fancy
work, for wbio'i I found a tie in the
shop, and though the price aike 1
was only mo lomlely in mooss of the
cost of material, it helped us not a
Margie kept nil the accounts, too i
having a dearer h i 1 1 th it . m 1 n
knowledge, or rather intuition, of
character that was won lerf il, con-sidi-rin
r how sechi JuJ hor lifo bad
of iieocstity been. I novtT thought
of taking any step without consult
ing Margie.
Wo two lived very qniotlv, hav
ing few uc.j'i liot.uKtjs. mi I u neir
relative or fiioud except John.
John was my lover, and no girl over
had ono more kind uti I true, lie
was poor iu worldly goods, but oh !
so rich in goodness and manly
worth. IIo mig'it Imo ue 1
plain to t iojo wil l kne v Iimi not I
caunot tell how he looked to othir
eyes but tiiere was more tun
beiinty, to iu, in that fiutik, honest
luce, utid iu the bit, brown hands
i bat wera so strong aud help
ful. We lut 1 b ihh en,M i 1 ever since
us IS I ai H now aud no
in'ui er to being married, us I coul I
see, than we vteio five years before.
But kt ill no loved ou aud hoped oil
lohu hud u widowed nu I iufinu
uiuther, end I Margie, ami, though
she was anything but burditnsoiii to
me. I could not thiuk of adding any
fui her weight t the htn U Hut
were full enough already.
Tru.le ii it lining very liris! d'li--iug
the miiiiiiior, .Murgio and I do
cidud t eke out our eleti lor inc ) ue
bv renting tho room over tbo shop.
It was low, uti I tuo slaut of tho rojf
ou one sido iind bir chimney made
it full of uoolis and corners. 'I'ne
fui iiituru uhs old, being a huo thai
uiaudfather hud niiou he was marri-
ed, but wi h tho help of John, who
could npiire mo uu hour or two even-
ii;gn( I fuiu'shu.l it up so that i
looko.l very ell By dint of pio
inn uud t'outriviiiLf, I covoro I the
tioor with a neat carpi-t, tho bud and
windows were di'upnd with white,
some pretty prints hung npu tho
wall, uud ou the whole I as very
well suliiilicd with tho result of our
lion all was doue, loua wrote a
notice . "Iloom to lot Imjniio
within." But though I placed it in
tho shop window, where it could bo
plainly sueii from tho street, uoirly
three works passed and wo hid only
to applications f or the roo u, an I
from persous who only looked at it,
aud thou wont uw'uy.
One uuiuiug, as was dustiug
I he Conn er and pulling tho shop to
rights, 1 saw a queer-look iug, od -d
ly.dressod old man ataudiug in
frout of the windo -v, his eyes tlted
upou the uotico in it, au l his m
iug lips slowly syllabifying each
word, -lie wore shoos with big
buckles on tbum, and a snnlT-color.
ed coat, with short waist aud lug
skirls, mid which looked as if itmight
have boeu his grandfather's. But
the oldest thing about him was tho
long white Imir which fell upon bio
shoulders, uud tbo heavyv beard of
tho same color wtiioi touo ied his
breast. ui'o i l-bri a u I li tt o u
plotod his q'laiut, Q nkor-lilto atj
poarauae Tbo door being ajar, b. fore l had
time to lay aside toy duter bo w.ts
ut the coiiiiter. '
jsitroltt ai fir si no mi-
meuts without speaking, uud th'iu
poiutiug to tbo nottoo with biscuau,
suid t
"Will tboo let ma look at it 1"
uwardly hoping that this appli
cation wo ill not s.j no t n fito of
those that bad proceeded it, I led
the way up stairs. I'j my groat re
litif. our propeutiv lijgor, far from
objecting to the sloping roof ni l
old-fashioned fnruilnru, seemed to
regard tbem with foeliius of posi
tive iuUrust and adiuiralioii.
"It ia lika tbo chamber that I ne
ed to Bleep io boa I waa a boy.'' he
said, ita bo looked mound,' and
Rpesklng more tot huujlf tbsu
Ah I wauM Mar jia o blm
-Itl-'lbJ, U s Mu dawt.
Margie's clear aoft. pooetr tting
eyes we.a quut y reading tba face of
uu FimHHer. uni ana saw seemed
ealisfsotory, f r she no Idol ia ro-
ply to my quenliotiing look.
In pito of hi lliiflitdhare apparel,
ho looked a th ironghly rosivictiiblo
Hut I tins half ashaiuo l of tho puis.
tiOil that felt Oompelled to put I
I s ipposo ton bavo reference,
a r f"
' No i ull are dead who might
pcnk for mo if ih. y conld. You
will have t t i';e m i ou tr i t "
I looked at Margin again, who.
giving mo ii imt her mxl. said :
Perhaps tho guntlo-ui'i will mm.
ti l i whit no ful toll 1 1 p t '
The s Is I so, a I In r :
"I not po or an I c.tuuot py one
ponny more."
Tho siiiii iiaoin I, tho igli not lirgn,
ans mor.1 t'i i'i v i wjro into i liu 1 1
ask as I told him.
I ho ol I man frowno l nod shook '
bis I. end.
"IVe shouldn't hive told mo
that, l'v i half a moid ti givj t'lu
no inore,"
Tlioa counting o it up i i t'la tihln
the uiiiouiil ho hud elated, be pushed
it toward mo adding :
t . ... .... -
y lliiuni s lomas. II
hero torn uro'V m lrtiiug with all my
Tho traps m ."itioiia 1 c intito 1 of
an old-f ishioiiH I buir-trunk and a
largo chest, tho litter being mainly
tilled with books Wo were not long
in finding out that our lodger wat
very odd. th nigh his o l lilies wern
if tho most innocent mid Intrude is
uu tuie. lie asked tun to Bilhstitiitu
a patchwork quilt for tho white
coiinterptuo mi Iih bo I. an I spent
l who In day ruui uaiiiK auction
rooms to fi l l somo old-fushioiii'd
chintz to take the pi icu of th.i pret
ty mii-tliu ciirtsiris on 'wliiult 1 b tl
spent 80 uincii t'uiio un 1 labor. I
had taken a rocker for him fro n the
sittiiiy'.'o nu. 1'iit, spyil , ono dty,
an ol I, I at i ir-1 1 .r, i u I 1 1 1
tn it h 1.1 b,tl iiio I 1 1 ii y ,' " i lft"'i
or, ho itsko I mo to excningo with
bin'. w!iie!i I was I to d i.
Xoi long after, a cliast of draA-ers,
that was my giait'irather's found its
v iv bi 'k to tho ol 1 pi ico. together
ttith thu j i tint, lii'nss n i i i o 1 mil
r ir that al'tnva lung ovjr it s so
that, ut In1, thu roiiii lii'iil v irv
m.ijl. ua it did bo'oto wo ro-atisiig- !lMt' "l"vu'lJtf otuw .lay wo shad
ed it wita so much c.ito aud la!"11"1"
John nn 1 I hal quite a laugh ov
or it, but, si I ing us it suited ti e
prosout occupant, wo del u it mini,
it. id it sooiuod 1 1 Hiiit hi n co.nplnto
Iy. IIo spent miieli of his time
reading. Noono c alio 1 ti sou hiiu,
or wrote to bi n, tli mii In rotoivo I
qnatititios of pipers aud maga
zines. It was Margie that first snggOHtod
that wo invito him to take tea with
us one day wheu we bad some nu
ll -mil dolioaoy oirly.strit-vborrios,
"'IIo mint ba vory lonely, poor
man 1" said my gentle'lieui'tod sis
ter. ''Perhaps be dosou't have
enough to eat. lie spoke about be
iug poor you kuow."
After this ho dropped in occasion
ally, brioging some new magazine
or pnpor, mid reading to us as we sat
at work. Fiuully, it became uu est
tablished custom with liim to tuko
tea with us twice, .uud soinetiuies
throe li nes a week fteipiontly in
viting himself though wa always
know wheu bo was ootuiug by the
advent of Iho market biy with a
liberal supply of provision.), ull of
tbo bust quality.
This troubled Margie's totidor
conscience, and she io noitstratod
with bim one day,
' It is wrong." be sii 1, with a
graceful shako of the bind. "I'm
poor uiao uu I ought to be more
Hut be oonlintiod on the same
way, and we Dually got so nsod to
his oddities of speech aod uotioo aa
1 1 thiuk littlo of tbem.
Ho uud John wore apparent'y on
the best ol I huh, and yet ba wa
always finding fault witu bin to
To think of his tt'iiug satire
chai'ico of his mother, wheu an has
ullur eluldiee, ud sending inousv
(o bis uiMtuer't wi to f bini to " U.i j
j -With thy pretty fare and y.
ihea ought t , dj bolter. Unth." lie
lesnmed, when paused for want of
brenlh. "Not but what John is
good, but lie ia poor, 'vo heard
1 hut thro refused Mr. I Tilt, who is
worth !? 1. 000.000. What ea1o It. e
do such ft foolish thing as that
child r
"lUcvun I did i't lovo d. II irt
anil I do lovo lohu."
Tho silenco that foll'wol undo
me gl nC'i up at my ompiiii ii, who
had t ut tit) I toward the d or. t
was glowing dnk. mid tim f ton
whs partly averted, but was ii
most sure that the eyes vro full of
Mr. Thomas generally nsnl the
plain language, nloiont invariublv so
when speikitig to mo or lirte,
and. un'il I saw that he was a tegu
lar attendant at St. Luke's, 1 sop
P'Hftd him to bo n Quaker. When I
iilludod to this iiuprnnhi.jn, be
said :
" wa brought up to th it faith s
nnd it comes back to mo now that I
I hid crowing old. aul tlio en 1 is
It was nearer than I thought .
Itu liu.l I, nun f.w.1,1.. nil ..,,,1...'
- .... v
Jhoilah it aenmed moro liko the
Kindutil loss of strength thin actual
dismise. In tho eai Iy npi ing ho us
1 1 , .
miocKeii oowu ny ft runaway borne, 1
sustatuiiig somo
fioiu which lie
intelliHl irijury
Dover l(C ivetcd
.lohu nnd I took turns iu nursing
Inm j it was pleiniiiit, nfteruiil. lo
remember that ho wauled for iiolh.
John. Margie nod wero there.
ISo hi I oeoo lyin i'i a stupir for
some boms ; iiow bo 1'iiiiHiid hitnu-lf
mid bcc'in lo till!:, slarlling us not
iilitlleby bis strange expi es-oons
mid nlliuiioiis.
"I was born in this room." bo
said. Klancing around ; au l I iU:i!I
die heie 1"
Thinking bis inin.1 was wonder
it:g. I I lid my hand gently on his.
n . :i i i i i.
"Tbee hast thv luolher'o iiame.
j Kuth, mid her kind heart as well. ,tliat not lung is lout. V. S:.-'n! n.
: but thy eyes urn liko tliy father's.! J"""1"" 1 "
'lie hilt been lieio llmnLin,' mo
f,,,.; Married Tccplo Would be Happier,
providing for his orphan yitls. Tbisi i' home trials w tie never told t
was our room when iv were b its neig'ib u'h.
tl.i'H knows. I 'cur oil Jon .' b"fmo
John and I looked at. each other portini.e l to receipt-. , a :. j'-.-r d.v.;ou v.f wik.
in wondering awo. Two years l e-l If they trie 1 to by us 11 reeallo m. m-l m-itbrr iMeiiVit-or ei"!..'. iuU-i-fore
I stood nt my fiihu's dyinj- iu com thln'p days, iiunci.-v.nh 10.1t tui; ! vv. .,.
bed 1 v.iis i, tho same mysterious j If each would Vry t i bo it snppoi I Keep tlow :i i;k-u-.i . out d-u't I.
shadow that made their faces look mid comfoi t to tho oilier. pcbiii ioiw.
so straiignly 11 aliko f I If each romniu'iHro I tho utiier was; M.ike fiuDdt but duu't i'n '.--
The dying man continued :
''Thy father mid I were- brothers,
i'i 1 1:0 ever spouit 10 nice 01 111s
brother Tom, who f orsuok lionjo uud
country because ti girl. falo us fair,
broke her troth to wo 1 a richer
suitor f You buvo beeu kind to the
poor old man who came to you as a
stranger. I have not forgotten it
us tlio ptpirs in my doik wid
An ex tuiin iti-jii of tho pipers ill
ludod to uot only proved that my
poor lliiclo spoko tiiliy, but tbut ho' If there were fewer silks mi l vcl
deid iu the possession of bonds mid vet street eoKtuiues uud iiloie plain
stock to the utuoiuil of 20,tK)0 ijtidy hoiisii dresses,
"to bo divided oq lilly so bo- If there were fewer "pleuse darl
twean his two nieces, Unth uud Jur
giiret Oiuy."
Of 0 in ise, John and I mm lied.
His mother and dargio livo with 11s,
aud u happier homo it would be
hard to fiud.
Progress of the Telegraph.
In IS II 1I1 ore were 40 inilos of
line end an vibes.
u IS 13 there wm 2,00) mi In- of
lino nnd H.OOU miles of wirr,
7u 1853 there wera 11,075 10'ilos
ol linn mi 1 22,01.'! miles uf wire.
Iu I80J Ihero were 17.58.' miles
nt line and 20 375 miles of wire.
Iu 13G0 ihoro wore 211.413 niil'-s ef
lino an I 5 ),'!) I miles of wire.
In 1370 thors wars 51,1 Jl mile
ofll'io and 107,21) in ibis ol viro.
In 1S77 th ro ureio lll.di mil"'
of hue sud 237.07 1 uil'oi of wire.
Iu 18S l there w-r Uj3t milt.
f Hue aa 1 3.. 1 OH ailf f wire
Tb - Br t Uuo of isUt.iri.pS U t'i
fjtiitsd SU'ta was ttibl sbvd b.
VfIA Uallltuor Bttd VSBUttfle i
int. TkU U Ut fWa,
' V r - '..( iikt . ' I
M M n t t S. "
A Bird I Wing.
Oil you ever Ink at a bird's
wing cnvfnllr, an 1 y t fin I
Iron it, t'i'i ' i in vhi I i'l.'
People nu i ills siipp He, i"i 'i llii'
bild IlitH bnrnlis I ii, is lighter tlnin
air, like it balloon, or that it r vk
itelf nlong as a b'mt is imvi.l
throng'! the water. Neither tf I hew
suppositions i tril". A bud in ii"t
buhier llin'i the air. nor does it il in'
for when a bird ii nil t on tlm win::
it falls to tho groin I n ipii'uv a
the sq'liirid. On tho conti itt, a
bird Hies on its own cil.l, mi l
could not llv at nil if it were hoi
In-avii'r than (he air.
Lok at a qnill featln'r. mi l ym
will sen tlmt on en'h t-i le of lli
cciit t :il shaft "f tpiill lh"Mi ii n
broad, thin poili t, wlinrli i' c.ilie I
vane. The vane on one side of tin
shaft is (piile blond mi l Ib-xihli-while
that ou tho utli-r ti In is n it
row and . t i tT ; and by looking nt a
wing with the feathers ill I hen
l ices, yon will I'm 1 III it they nte
placed h.i that lhy overlap 11 I'll!...
li!(.i tlm 1.I.1U mi win l.w bin. I
Kadi br oad vano 1 f tho feather bn-
;,! j. .,, ,i;lfi wi. n,d wj. jM
I 1 ....!. 1 .1 .
ui.ivu 1 iijnunm 1, i- i'."i itt'itni-rH
loeHKe I no 11 "uimt tint m iIi' murou
1 1 n
vano of tho ono h.!i Ii it. mil tlie
j whole w in f t'orniH 11 Holi I m leet li'tn
I .... .
a blind ith tho si ites el in-1 Af
ter the down stroke is linitht:.! hi, 1
; tlio nn hlroke beititH, the iiresiauro i
taken off thu lower Mirfaco of the
will',', mid b-gius tia 't in lli up.
per nm Tipk an 1 to pit hh !m f..,,i h-j
j erti tlow mv.ii I in-teal of upwnr 1.
1 Tho broad vines no v have iiotnin.,'
to hiippoit tlietn, and I hoy ben I
down an 1 iil.o v t'l i uir t i p i--
thni'igo 'ho wi g. wl.n'li it no v l.kt
a bind with the hJit open.
IheKotwo roiiti iviinres the sh ipi
of tho wing, and the sh ipo and nr. i
r'iniiijiit i f tho feathers ll.ei HOA lo Succeed-
j wing resints Ihe tilt on its stroke nu 1 ( j)olj-t 0,r. or.T0r'w.
raisea tbo bird n It'.llo at each flip. , Kt-p a bvb vitality. ,!
jbut at each n .trkf mMo vi t Is i uii ;,.,lt w,.jt y i r.
i.. -i: r. ..iy .i . : i .... i . . '
'"" ,J r"
i lhroiit-1. b -tw i the mrs. t, i
If tiny kiised slid mi lo up ft.'t. i
. ver (piair.-i.
! ,f I'"1""1"'!' piio were pr
ia lm 11 111 being. 11 it an angel,
j II' women wi re nu kin I tj their
nuHDati ls us ttn-y were to tlicir lov -
' v H,
If fuel mi l provi-ions were laid iu
during the high tido of sumtuei books of on-iiml entry. In i.ti
Vii'v' it-atiuil they tuo reli liiie et .dvuoo ;
If both parties remembered that ,..,)piH sie not
they uiarried for worso us well as f ir
1 ......
If ui-m wero as th-nghtfnl for their
wives us they weio for their awett -
' hearts.
iugH," iii public, un 1 moro couimou
milliners iu privule,
f wives uud huslninds wmild take
some pleasure as they go ulong and
not iKgeiiei'ittu into men toiling
machines. I'.ecreatiori is necessary
to keep tho Lem t iu its place, mid to
Kt-t ulong wilhoul it is a big mis
take. If men would remember that it
woinuu can't bo always smiling who
has to cook the dinner, answer tbo
door-bell half a dozen times, and
uud get rid of a neighbor wbo bun
dropped iu, tend to a Hick baby
lie up the cut fiuger of a two-year-old,
gather up the playthings of a
foor-your old, tie up the head of a
six-year-old, ou skate, uud get an
fight-yeur-old ready for Bohml, to
say nothing of svoopin. cUtuiug,
etc A woninu with all this to) cm
tend with may claim it as privi.
lego to look and f.-ol littlo ir- I
sometimes, aud a word of aympnthy
would uot ba too much to sxpoot
from tha tuun, who during th hoo
sytuoon wouKVt let hor f u ry as
luuea. as a suubdo, ii.iJjfu'j; uUti
t. 1
21, 1881. NO. 41
Wlial's a Printer.
printer, necor ling Io n pmininp
(tell ingi. i l'ii iiinai rmi-'im In in
I' -in II- Ml I' h Mi' m I'HIil," I'
ipii' lo" m il l.i I be ninth ti irt-lt
h ive ' mimII nips' mill lu iihi-r if
ior ehildri'ii Others m iy run f in'
no gels nloiig swifter by "selling
Tnl. Me uiiiy be m-tliii.g ' iiiipr-
inns" ttilhonl I'lmpii'iiee i limy nu
tho "iye" wilhoiit i f', odii-g, D'm
i ill ti-ii lli ti nl!i ; ulid-i ii!Iii-ii
'inn t ulaud ;lMym I. he (
-vl h'.ixti " an 1 do both ut III.
hid: Iri.e ; m iy h.iva t o inn 'f iiiii-
I'llM. ' mi I yt h ivo III ibw.'lilll'J
only inase mid put aaiiv "pi" nin
never S'-e n i i', lunch ! .h pit it dm
iug bin wli. lif-j i bn a liiini in bi
in uud a "i il'' at the .aini! ( nun
"pit ' it g ood dcul, snd hot itsk )
f ivnr; in iy liiimlle n "hhonliii
iron' un I I
i v ti'ttii!" nb 'lit il ili
. . , ,
noli, k"in or pit I : he may iimvi
,, ., . . ., 11 I
I tin lu'V.-i to it m tvi'S tlm hoi I I,1
I , .1
Vet lie s 1 l ir Ii o-ii tlit nnlnuu'
; ulnbe un a lio' npuli a liiolo loll ; ;
j .r.M.d nlieem n!,.,t j,,.. 1, i
h'.unf.wif, ; be inu In In- f .101 ;i. 1
ma I
' I'd" ad I
M-t bo obliged Io
r i lie in 1 V ll-e ti.e
I -!- p "ti Hie il
I ,1m
I ,l,..... 1 " mil, ..til i,. l,i..
1 ' 'o
111I lio n the t-ilth umv l.iu ll-
""tars l,e 111 1 lm of a nil.t,,'
' dit-po-m m. an I hti.l innr iKfi.i
! . .
' ' 11 'v''' : "'i ' n h ive a
j foot un 1 never bo del :r nc I ; n-.tet
witb-iut a "ct-f" .in I kno.vt iiotl.iu.'
' it I w ur il. v-i.- ; I t ..! . , t- , .
j ' ot'ing u, 1 1 1 o-." an I b., tr.,wii'
"i - t-v-. ry , n ; .,i. vuiltr io. -,'
' '!'J "'' evai oniig m i i, m
i.isi tin a n ni.ti., : ,
.f -i
! i. ii.
t. Illle
i t t-
It t
: f.o in l.icne I up." un I
it ti..
V l i- I
ti ne li t f n ,,
. ,t , .,i , ,
n i ii- j i
ii e n
t'i p .1, i - l HI
liu a t'u. i-;i n
' M:ek to Jmil C,,..,'UpiM
: ,Ult to yo,ir . u.-fe i m, to.,.1..
; 1 ' ttellt Jill Mui.l lie jiutillgs
i au l be suto t" deii-Iop ll.eiu.
lie wary u! dealUigs null UUSUC
: f.tfil! IU. U,
i iie cauituus ; i.i;!. n i., n ton iia'-.e
a bargain, iuij it ,:t,v:.v uu J bu.d-
I'i'ii'i the ii-.! 1 t.j b:-.i '.
. .... .
i f. Vol lies.
P. , , . ,
oil I tuko lii'.th lltKS to retiicve
: vo,,.- Idhss.
i ' . f
lU tl.'.-ni u'.l
Look after vonr l,ntto utid
I t it lilt ter f il- i.Mi- el 111 l.i m.l
pone p.lMiient s,j iiulv tinin t pit-
j ,Hlil ,a ,,f JjlcJ
1 ..i,.,,, 1
I A system of feu brii out
I bills aud st iteuieijts is uim e t AVetlvo
MlUll hp'4NOIO'lic dllliuiug.
liter your rhaiges wheu
00. U aio sold, l'ou'l wait.
.1ike plaiis for u little way iiht-sd.
but doii'l cust ilium iu iiou.
lKiu'l tell what you aregoiog to
do till you huvo done it.
If Ar ksii-sss, is Aikat tLva
SHS H(l ft us, is sif-nafi .
A dull clergyicao sid tj tti tty-
in the gallery, dont iuii so luach
noise, for you ;! , your j.-.twut't
.1 blind nun bat it; a sarn for
1.; ifu ... l..!.l , . .1 .
.,...,..-..... -4..
rose. I doubt it uot. mdwd k for
1 'vol the tliurusdiiy.
-How did you Cod your uucle,
Johouy r
I I fcl' . 1 4
ow's tbia"
"Tart aud crusty,
"I'll bate ao tiioia of your lip T
ia tsliat the disvoidod lover remsi ltd
to bis angry Yanktrs
Abot ia aovsrao Lsppy aa whc
Vh fumily is (itsAyUig. aud tv eat
wsdk tbtMia tb etiyHjta to tk4 a-
-fcu.i4J: e tilr oVskat t
II 1-2 lOK'Ji'a
Punished every Thursdav Evffiina
Terms of Subscription,
nvo ix)Lf.Ait3 ri:n asm.'m. pay-
nb! vithiu six months, or fc.'.SOifijfd
paid within tha ypHr. No paper l a
con tltml until sll srrenrsees sre
tmid tintesn nt tho option of the pub
lisher. Huliscriptions nutxlda of tlift OOTWty
9"tVr'iin lifting and tiling pnperfl
tdilri'Ked jn oth?rn ln'roiiipniilcril'Orl
md iri liable fur the rice of the paper
Soircth na r.tlntenM bi every Mun,
Woman find CMd.
la -nir nion.1 ImfiHt Bl 'OS'lH I'S
It I'UI Oil l -ffolil'l ?
m v.Mir iitiin tf-t i f Art ISroaRB IS
lncur rtr-r ur h'.tr 1 r.,rrM llh 1'vLIH Blf
I- I .i-',m:i ,iurr I
ltt'ii-t l, liflbfJ wilt t'S
ln','1' I rtipl'-n-f IO -nl.(- I
)nni llnlr I ll r.l ltjf. I
l' n i.ut. fl'l s ,. c, nt I ii It-i !:r I
I. tit- -1.1-t in "ur l.tfiS. Red
I'tt-'M I r T --1 . I
I. ) I Ml-I ('i--lll 'If ol'h Sftnfulntlt
ll'itti' . t.iir-'it-t it-. 'r!
S IIm . Ml" il won i-rlil ht4 ofnf
- U- ,.f --Wm li it -i t i
It t!,n (,.. l.'iiMn miti'-r o fl Iv,
t-t-ii tbr-illjr li.1 t'i'i "iil-'itli ri4ti tli
itiiiii : I..4- i. t''iu I-t,'" ir,, rtor
li II Or nt. I ca --i t.l 11 litfK,
-ill, net HT.-t i..'l II 'tic ft "' tl' - Il ir ., u
' IO !
tb II ll'lli HK. I.IIII.-"
I V.'tll-('ti4
I ( .i. ut nt. il r t Sliltil.'iir. Vsrll
.rlnnlL'T nt-r-'t iii-tit-ti. .l-t- 1-S-BA'
I' at, M-r K.t ir.. lfit !''rr a ft 't
...( it o-. ' t. I l'iii iir.1
it 'nu ! '. I III . I .I'.i. 'u "t.- eii.
l i .i
3. tun. i.n it..t't'n. Tli np.
-'i"l II I ! I I'.f. Mil Ki.f-ri t"t I f,
:r.t.. ttiiii . n. 1 ii- 1. . f ! f til t.i.
It.K I Ii ...Ilf... l... .- f - l I Pt.rl -
im.k. i-. 1 .,,.,, ..,,,,. 1 -Kn. n t.iionit
' ",'Vlil,,''ri'.'".il.oi.M'i'' C r H! .!
L';:,'?.-;: cui',: t'.Z' ?Wflli:'7.
' '.-r"" t '' "'""' r.j
I I ' r fit 'f .rm
el iti l. tit a t..l i tt l-nri -t-, Ajtpf.
It . I '. 1 1," t . . Ill it. llmi.triil IMtrl. I. J
tti.ij .i" it t u " I'ty c( ij'iiM.i.
It 4 -'! -n I I'M-'- I - t -1.1
lt'Hlir M't.1,1 lltr.-t ml I- 'If'MI
I'i.;i.-it I'I!. !' f uul.f U'i I ..t.
"i i i.'F - ft ' r iiii .
Sr.l.l t4l.., ( f "li . r.llt- 1.4) II (
. t." i ni I i-K I , e i'i1" I )--.., ! im t4t .
t ...1.
r U ICMf Iii'IiJ.'I iu lM :!. 4. -. a-lk'l
IT llTtr lt4 4f- i --i.-' tl
V. 1. 1, iv a I till Li;, i kta't't ,e Itf4-.l-t-.
.- w,. 'i-.4jt-tt.ti n -I .a. Vei.
tyt' nr l.'r.ii.ili. tn. lit.l ir trt af
I'l.Tii' Ot. t !
Tie Grsil uloaa ii'roiucer,
Strsngl.! Crcaljr.
A'iO HL'LTH e5iiT0-?.
I .' V;t. Ila,4 l !?; m4
Ir. 11. s- .ili'i-t a t 1 f i-. t '.l.
P-I i.. It'ttt lis I. a Bt 44t f'f I't '
v I me.'!'' 1 t I'iJJ'Slr'
a: .-, tt .-- -4 4-. , !.:tr
K J IM I i( ' T 'i.' 4 1' "nl-'l
..',( . Et; 'ri I' tn-.' fc' I itr-iB4T
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1 1,. u. cM4i4ayt
tilIM. l4).
al I H'Aa v itiiTt a I
V'-, . JPSM'. r l.i 1 " " - ! m
v -JXS -" t . , ".' I.'ttn: Il
st5Tfc- t -i - Ltry ...
T ' - 43 --.--.4 I .- l.-.4rt
: 1 -V 4I4-, . I.:i4.. I. .4-. '!,
41 T a . , tn .. : : . ii 1 . N pn itfU,
l,.i:-.4 i.fc4i4i4- ei.'ii f.11 it-i
.v 4. ,.... V..-;.. Iitf s t 444-T.
Ir;-t .. tju. i-rl44tr. t t4
i'wit-r il.lai '1 4 4-4
(.t:rs v. iti:i."
. v. 4 f .4 -1 ; 1-.
- .. A ! -.-t4 W. 4. 4.1 K.
(4 I f..
s m j .
4)tl S..-44 ,
Errors cf Youth.
An n t i.i -t . . .i--." t-nf, vt!
f r.. u. 1 1 1. II I :.i . . . I' .:' r? k ft.
1 iv
il U f .---t
. t O. -
lint" -r.
t F4." 4) it I 'I-
It ... II! I f !. 4444
t-r.' i . -.11 .- .
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.i... -.4 1 M4)
"' t -4) 4-J't 't ' J 4-I-
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j jo r.
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4..1 net.. 1-4) r S
1 ri :,. is
I .i . .l.t..s. -KPl.l
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f l4:r - 4 t.l''l U4.ll IP l"hll IH'. I.
:r. 44 t.t.j.t. I: 4.S. 11 41. SLA
I - 1 . ) 44-4)4 U..1 SC.. . t .
1-4 4 '4t..'iutr. l.t-ir 'i.ttrj t4r4ttttttiriy
t!'..' !- M kt . IS! kl llH4, ClflMI 'l(tt.)MU. tilt 4
4 v P4!tt4tJ;. :it ts.tinu, ' .-( Aaeltlt
II 4 : iiftr4f. . '. tirt'.ii.. sii uur4. r. 41 1
t?- ..4K. H4 41 I -rill 4 "t i t14 Vr4-4-tH'l.i.l
dMVl, Nn .11 l-4-1 , 4 It ' Q4 Jl 4
ll'U., '"4 .4). 4-.-14 4'l i ''llwi IU4 Vtt4. 4 O.
Ol ... 41:1 Jil 41 II I. 44 It'P kut,l.4"rUi
lrjtl. I4;tl4i ft.
K-ll-tlS. 4 Mil 4 Ult f-444'tUl.!..l. 4)'ll 4 44)
Of-. U. k : L'.t K tit. Inn .-I,
14 I.i 44iti 4)
Ootttxtr surrfvci
Katr,',!ii, Siylj, CautTf fw-V.
s f 4-.M Ult till CiU.illl t Pl"'
n i .'! t't'.'j, ni li 1 . .1 'kT (
'S.i'. ' lli'tsiti.14.1 UiKi.
j t i . ' r"v t-i
rw,Ji( .fV)i $iXtS. - x-tt,4
' " ".! - -t-f - -...4-t-.t.4.
b ,t'VJ JK-4.-4. 4 .yu..44r.. c i,v It", 4a e 4.44
l'lWtlJ J4 lf.-- 4 'H n 4tUl v' I
i'US. IS. j.hfl v. ' Wt Htarrsu
I '-l W .tIJ Xiv- 'Si "-ttlt4 un Cvt'4f
BOS A .4 4. 4.grs' 54 iiullU4 S'-'l4 -1(
viu'u..-. 4. RuMW C43l -'t -'''- w
l4U, gC l4t 'bl. 44W J 4-1..-4-44. B4 -Jk,
c?. v c c.i at.
K4l4CVr l4'k. Vt 9- .'' 4k4H. 44, f.
- S'l4 444rvS'M
44Mt44tt4r4 4..4.1L
Sl4.tMrV S t C 44
V-ttdW 4 4, -44V44v.
FsV. Wtni- tflr !(
. H-4M,. . H .V.-Sk..!.,-- . t -Wl Vl
i r tfMS. tx, tv v.,,," tSI 4-sk
ai t min 17, I
' it ' j