P OS t HWdlebars, April 14, 1881 J. CMUSG. Erfifor i Propretop. Mrs. Gira-I I. who pwi!i Freuult a J Ujrmtn .1 imM. is stij to be Ibe first Presi. tint's wifu able to Mil witU fotviu i1iiiimiU ia Ibe wort language of .'.nmpe. Her tinermn1 in nl-ti ar-oiuplibeJ in 0 ermea artit IV. nrb. 7a fUi'ioo to d uJe, fire A01 railroej eoci Ii-nt. o b tve a report Of terrible enrtlitttiako in tbe isle of Seio, w.tiVi Jedtroyol the lives of three thotmo I par m. Tiii Ut eabterrane to Mtattir'taatvi it roncb Dora Nftn than the one whiclt hook np tlx laid of Isobia last Booth both in th i bn of Ufa aad tbe deetrnctio'i of property. A yoriDg Csnatian eonple eloped tbe other day and were married. A few days previous the wooldbo gruota initioel a frien I to take a traok to the bjiso of the lady and aik permission to letve it there an til be could pneire n boarding place. When tbe frleod celled for tbe trunk th yoang lady Led filled it with ber clothing, and it wee beaded ovr to ber at t'je railroad atatioo. Wb'o Sin ilor Vo irhufs quoted the Philadelphia Evening leUgrnph, aa a Republican piipcr against 11a bone, Senator Mitchell interrupted him to say that ''if the paper refer red to were fapnOlicitn at all it was a Itepublioau pep-r wHU Denooratio teodetioittt, and iie ton leneies were more frmjimjtly I i u H-atio thto Republican." Oir now .Seoator bit the nail qnnralr ou be be!, e d eoibed the p-tpor i . tuition exact- Wbat'e in a name t At Felicity, Obit;, two men were slabbed by Fred Seine, all ou account of a color ad girl. Th nvtii tlitt pro I a a 1 tbis stabbing ia Felicity wm the jsaloasy of tlu lovir i t S d-ie. It will be interesting, wlieu this case comes to aee if the jury will reverse tbe asnal order and decline tbe murderer, -Fred. Seine. A innrdsr bat also been committed at Utopia, only seven aiilee from Felicity. EJere ie au instance whore Utopia might as well be a long distance from Fe licity. War between Greece and Turkey has beeu averted, the ambassadors having accepted the boundary line aagges-el by the sublime porte. Since the great powers bavo accept ed tbe Ottoman offer they will next proceed to reduce tbe Greeks to submission through diplitnilio in fluences. This will be muah easier tuen persuading the Turks to change tbeir plana. Tbe probability is that war will be averted, which is a great end attained, and aft er a time the Uelleoee may bo i i lioj 1 to accept the inevitable, take the territory ced ed and save the cost of a war. There seems little reason to doubt that Rus-tie aud Ojr many are eeri vnsly meditating a scheme to secure concerted action on the part of the Europe to government for the ap preheusion of political astss ins and malefactors. riieRiisiin ambsssa d rs at the principal foreign courts have all been sum u jo I to St Petersburg to rsceivu instructions, it is said, to lay . tbe matter before tbe governments to wiiio b tbey are accredited. There wjul 1 be litt le if any objwtim to t'n ili.ijr. of tringeut measures to eeojre this ob jtiot, bat for the fact that Russia's barbarous treatment of psrsous who re merely suspects i of ori ae hie projuliuel the entire oivili. I worlt ageiost ddliverio up p.litia.l re fugees to the tender mercies of ber at cret police. A horrible prtctica is reported as prevailing io .Wett Vir-,iui. where piapers are dispose I of by auction to tbe Iownst bidders. The man who agree to keep the pauper for the lowest amoaut fir i year be ojtnea the pnreWer. t is report ed that the aufoftitatt vioti os of this barbsroua plan are subjected to all aorta of hardship, the purchas er in many oases being character, lew parties whj eUrva the p tapir in order ,1 j tntke a pr 3t, an J force them to perform labor for which tbey are physically incapacitated. Oaeeise i aononnoel where an old ladv waa bid In bv a shirk, ami nrw.n , , r w- beeri. who had purobaaed ber she eoesti piteous! and aoon after rtxlt died of a brokee heart. "t:rUalighi disposition shown j t-list c!a of citlzse t 9 Tbe v!hU of a delegation of tbe Society tt Friends to Washington to coufer with tbe Administration on the Indian qnoation developei the important fact that Secretary Kirk wood agreed with bis predecos sor la the tnterijr DopurUient that where practicable lauds sUonld be divided among the ludians in sever alty. Tbe sngg-stbo of Dr. Rhode that tbe Indian schools of Hampton and Carlisle be broken np has noth ing to recommend it. Th aboli tion of these school i not at all neosssuy to th establishment of similar school in the Indian coun try if tt is so dfiired. ' The two In question at best cn care for but a few hundred Indian boys and girls at one time, wnerei thur are pro bably fifty thousand of the younger Indian who abonM be somewhere pat to school to lesrn English and to learn trade - That policy pur sued for a very few year will de finitely settle the Indian question. If it i cheaper, tp feed them than U fight them, ft is still cheaper to teach them to feed themselves in a country whore the buffalo and tbe deer can no longer be depended up on to furnish tbera tbeir daily food There is an advantage in having these experimental aboola in tbe East rather than the , West Tbey are snr rounded and supported here by a public sentiment which beartt- lp sympathizes with and approves the purposes of tbe school. This would not be the case on tbe fronti er. Here, too, tbe Indian children are brought into contact with tbe moet advanced civilization of tbe country and, what is of supreme im portance, doring tbeir school course they are, praotically. entirely exempt frotn any parental interference or unfavorable native influence.- I'h Uadelp ft ia J 'resi. Peaceful is not a word to be ex pected from or applied to bomb makers, mine diggers and other conspirators for assassination, yet th Nihilist implicated in the ru ur- der of the Cztr all claim to bo good, peaceful citizens, who were "reluc tantly obliged" to "terrorize" tbe Czar nut of existence. This they certainly did very effectually at last although the several previous at tempts with which they acknowledge their connection,' failed. They sill probably sooa leiro that tit for tat is the law in Russia and that terroris ing will be met by terrorizing a thing that is uhfortanate in itself, bat it can hardly be avoided until I at BV . ... doio iiuiiiHi aoti imperialist meet and make some' mutual concesnious for a settled state of affairs. Cer tainly no one can regret that these persoos will probably be condemned any more than it waa impossible not to regret tbe death of the Cur. Uothare tbe victims of a system. Perhaps it is an evidence of Sena tor Mitchell's independence that be npealts his opiuion whenever be has one, regaidless of tbe ideas of those who claim to have elected bim. a to what constitutes independence. In plain Auglo-Ssxon, eoator Jitcbell has the main ingredient of that quality known as independence. He has a miBd of his own. A child of Thomas Cummings, of Munclelod., awoke tbe otbsr morn ing to find its ear pinned to tbe qnilt by a fish hook,' which had been dropped somehow into tbe bed. The book bad passed entirely through the ear, aud had to be cut in two be fore it could be removed. Ooe of the most profitable indus tries of Australia is tbe cooking and canning of .rabbit. These animals are so numirefts-that whole crops sre sometime destroyed bv them. During the last season, which lasted twenty-five weeks, one firm canned 675.0J0 of th rodents. Fred. D juglass will not be reap pointed marshal of tbe District of Columbia. ' Capt. 0. E. Ueory, of Cleveland, Ohio, will be appointed marshal of the District, and Mr. Noughts will bo giveu another posi tion. ...They have soma fast, people in tbe Heat and Northwest A young man of twenty-six, living in Madison, Wisoonsin, ha just marri ed tbe divorced seooad wife of his grandfather. 'A contemporary believe that an Iowa old maid, who bo oot sp keu an audible word for three year. could be effectually cared by lev ing her ia a room five mioute wit b a mouse. The public dtt statement for frea, show a redaction during the .... Lord Hescooefield' health is still in a precarlone condition. . A railroad exploring party in Africa has been almost exterminated by tbe native. .... A war between Greece and Tuikry i still imminent, and ought to be preventod by force by tbe Knropean powers. . . . .In a railway collision in Mia nesota on rndny, one man was burned to death and six otbere were injurtd. several awioonlv. . . . .John McClelland, a raftsman from Potter township, JaTerson oounty, was instantly killed by bis raft colliding with another at the mouth of Pioe Creek. Tbe nob bing poet broke striking bim over th head, breaking his skull. . . . .There has not been a licenaed hotel in Potter ooonty for twenty year. ....'Oil Ab" the famous war eagle of tbe 8th Wisoonsin regimeot ia dead. ....In many part of the Stat there is a dogpoisooiug fever, hund reds of dog being killed by but ton. ... .In .Missouri the House of Re presentativd be paased a bill making it a felony to demand or re ceive illegal fees. ... .Oo its death bed, the Corry Daily exclaimed t "You might as well try to drive a railroad epike with a tack hammer as to run a non pareil newspaper in a small pica town. . John Shorman was out of of flee on March 3, for tbe first time io 36 years. I la was a private citi zen from the afternoon of that day until midnight of the next, when Senator Tborman'a term expired. .... Cnrrio, tbe murderer of the actor, i'orter, in Texas, recently ac quitted on tbe ground of insanity, has been ahot dead at Los Vegas, New Aexioo, while on a drunken spree in abich be tbreuteued to kill several persons. ... A m iciiine has been invented which can make 100,0 )0 cigarettes a day. The o insumption of cigar-J ettes in 1840 amounted to 408,000, 003. aud it iseitimated that 1,000, 000,000 will be required to supply the demand for 18S1. . . . .Information has been receiv ed of a terrific cyclone in Raudolph ooun'y, -I la., which destroyed the home and killed theeutire family of Mr. John Bmbry. coonitiug of him self, wife and two cliildreo, while jtbey were asleep. ...Only four States now remain as Otitobir Sutm Cljorgit. Iowa. Ohio, nod U'tst Virginia. Michig-in and Rhode Inland vote in April, Oregon in Juue, Al ibima in Angu t Arkansas. .lino and Vermont in September. The others, twonty seven in nn nber, aud all the Terri tories, vote io Nova nbor. ....The most miserable beings iu Pennsylvania are certain rocuutly-nr-rived ungarians, who are now liv ing from band to mouth at day la bor in the various oou) districts. A few days ago two of them who have been working near tiaston dug np a calf that bad been buried because it bad died of disease snd made meals from it, ....While a carpenter wa at work at a third-story window in Lancaster oo Tuesday, a batnhet fell to tbe ground, almost severing Al bert Hoffman's leg oo the wsy. Mr. HoJf.nao was sitting on the front step of the building. Tbe hatchet struck bis leg, cntting a gaab two inches in length and peuetrating the flesh to the bone. . . . .Two facts, according to the Trlhune, "stand out prominantly in the recent appointment of Presi dent Oarflold, He dots not pro scribe nor make war npoo any clans of Republican ; but be remombors that th people intrusted t him. and not to anybody else, the resp on sibilities of tbe Executive offloe, and be ioteods to be President him self." . . . .Chicago now boasts tbe fioest railway depot in America,' coasting 2,000,000. There are three main bnildings of Philadelphia pressed brick, and the entire trackage is roof ed with iron and glass, under which twenty trains can arrive and depart at tbe aaroe time. Tbe pasaengor building ia finished in marble aod biaoK wamui an i me ceiling are finely frescoed. ...."A Burning discovery was made io Hobo ken N, J. in the post mortem examination of the I ody of Mrs. Adolpb Boohois, of 21! Wash ington street It was found that she bad been literally eaten alive by triohinaj. from the effucte f which he died on Buoday evening. .Zfrr hitcbcnd i now t'i trl'S t":f-i: A GRAND WORK. J. ItiiMtll Manning, it.. P., V. B for twenty-five yeras a practical Stock Raiser and Veterinary Buroon, ' him written book called the ' ItLL'STRA ftto Stock Docroit ajid Lifb Btook KMCYCLOPKD1A," and we learn that It Is attracting special attention. He has treated tbe subject with a mast erly hnnd, and any person. -interested lu Hones, Cows, Sheep, Bwine 'and Poultry, would do well to otitaln a copy at once. It tells ' bow to buy, sell, breed, shelter, train, etc., bow to know and cure disease, and in Ian gunge all can understand. Th Pub lishers have rendered It objrct TKAcmsa, by illustrating It with over 400 fine engravings. It is by far the most complete and valuable book ivteiy issued oy siiDscnption, and 'we do not wonder that agents make money rapidly selling It Published by the well-known firm of HUBBARD BROTHERS, of Philadelphia. A thnrnnea and safe remedy Is PR Mrrmrrs hkazmchJ and DYSPEPSIA PI I.I A Sold by all Druggists. Trice 25 cents. Nothing sD food frr Headache and Dyspepsia - as ' 'K. MfflTAUit'd AAADACf E AND: DYSPKPSM PI 1,1-5- Prce 25 cents. All Druggists son mem. ' bait Rheum for. seventeen years Helpless for eight years. Unabl to walk. Oot about on bands and knees. 7ead, face, neck, arms and legs cover ed. Cured by Oitioura Remedies. Will 3cDonald, 2542 Dearborn street Chicago. w 9 Shrewdness and Ability. Hop Witters so freely advertised In all the papers, secular nd religious, are having a large sale, and are sup planting all other medicines. There is no denying the virtues of the Hop plant, and the proprietors of these Witters have shown great shrewdness snd ability in compounding a Bitters, whose virtues are so palpable to every one s observation Ezaintiitr and Chronicle AGENTS WANTED QUICK to take or- iUn for tht sbMp-n, B4I Soaplst anil so. urstt fellllon nl Ik Revised New Testament And Full History of iti Revision. New ready for Amn. Mit .l.lrbl oiuion low prle.t. i ntd bt th.monrf. htr. Mr ea.oe lor mn or lull. Io mk lannof (art, PtrtieuUrt rr. Uutnt 0 en't. A-t.Ulk. Aitlr-U ll'JRHAItll IIHO TH KU4 TU L'B(.Bttt UlrMl, PklUtUlybla. Apr.M.lv. NEW FflilTURfi ROMS ! TH E unilerli;nel hns opennl a Furniture Store, near the Middle hurg P.'pot. and keeps constantly on hand a lures and well selected stock of CJlmmbot Hititss, 1 lolt onli, Cniifl-Nonted Olinirw, Wool-Meut CJIutlrn, lxtoriNioii TnbtaN, HtnriclK, . LonngOri, and everything else kept In a flrt-class Furniture Store. H. H. RENINCER, near the Depot, Apr. 14,6m. Middleburg, l'a. FARMERS ARE MAKING $25 to $50 lr wk wiling- Manning's Illustrated Stock Book B'fwM Tr j rrm r sntusllf It. Tt I lb L,tnt soil mott Oonipl! work vr li S la Aiurla troatlnv or Hor, C'atil, rh, t. iblr lrla. brMcllnn, Iralnlnn, osttMs of tfls', aiuptoiD and rm.it, iwa pM 4wi llluatratlnnn llUhlf nlurMil bf .,t-n vniiDam auiuoriiia a IB- t-rmat, VlfaPfi ,aad ho. of Pa, Oo.Im of V-u. riaarr normrf. una. J. w. Ud do, and oth Ira. If dlr nroRtabl work, load na for Fall parllenlars. IIUIIHAUD UMOd T23 t'baitaot St., Pklladalubla. fa. ipr. H,4. NOTICE is hereby ivn that I hava thla daf btatfbt fra-a Joha J. lU bla P barton wbb'kbabad Itft In tba poasawlon f JokB H. Focklar. I hjarUT StWr all Bar. anna thai 1 kata Dlaaad tba a-ld kh.ibin la in ear and poaaataloa of Juba I. Voaklar. at aar piaaaura, aaa all paraona ara barabf eaatoaad aaaluat latarfarlag er waaUllna with tba aaiaa. I SAHAU SI1H, Ballsira, April I. lull, - AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In tht vutilrr oftht-oA-tigitnl jYaVtie of A braluxm Ktoium In th, Cburl of Otminou Plftu of Sitybr Co. TH K nndersifrned Auditor appoint ad b Iba aatd (Icart Lullilrlhnti, ik lumM In tba baada ol llnrr Kraaa Aailsnaa for tba bausht of (raditura ofAbrabaia Krouaa, will alt rr Ibapurpoa or hi appolutnaal at tba olll oa of r. J. Miaiih. Ka.i . la tha it. of Mlddlabar. on 8.VT0HDAV, A PHIL Ulrd , imi, at a'etoob A. M., at wbloh lima aad plaaa ail Parana kava eialiaa ar requaiad tu praxant Ibaia dulf aatbaoiloated, or ba da barred Irvut aiialia Is aa al I f iad. n. .... JACOB UlLBEBT. AprPT, IML AaJltor. AgenU Wanted to Sell FALSE GODS By r. a. U Mbs, let r Yokohama, Japan. A aaw work of matcbleaa utraat, daaorlblaa: tbe atra saanparaltiiw of Haathaa Natlusi la all parts lead bk of tbe world. Tbe on If volano erer laaaad rorroa tkla sraat aakjaat. CwbUIb tbaaaaod fast atraaaar Ikaa Sctlaa tba wild laaa-'satliiat of Id dalor eoaaara. las IIbitV aad ikit. Ike liaarisr o Ma a. wltkall Ike (tr.Ba ballala, laa-aadi, eaatoma, wna , worauik, 'empia, sunn, aaoriaoaa, ta.. oaaeiad Ibaraalik la llluaLid J aaaad la aalnua tirl. A truly woadarlul bnvk. twwiiwHii lajuiaaaafr l-ria. alo. eddien UVB1IARU UO., m Ubaataot HI, rsusas. Apr. uiw. attsaWavMa Sintiu4wMna wt.Mwiw . , . Jak. m m A Ho rnrs-dt' La w. H. DILI- ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LewUlurff, VtiN'd. All tiilstarM rilrtiptd Is his ears will b preruplly stlsJl Io, pt, SO, 181. JL O. DKlTRICn, ATTOItET-Ar.LA W . , SInrkM St., Srtinngrove, Pa. All prof1oaat siaM promnttv altaad I. Ooaaalialloai la Kaalltk aud raa rub. ll.'K). J U. WUNDERLT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, MitUIrburff, Siipisr C fas baaentall la IOrPrMuw alalau Kaallah r)raa. ror pfioa, aw jsa. i,du. L.N MYER4, i. Attorney At- Lav, SllrMIHMM-g, Pnal, .., ' O All pwl'iiil ba,ia aitraaud I hit ar will rwtr prompt ailntion. Uostaiutlaai la KaIUb aid Uarataa. (K'i, IS.TS. JACOB OILBEKT, Attorney A t-Law, MIDULKIIUKQ, PA. All btlnM rainiaUd t bk) ara will rmln roaipt atuolloa. July ai.'T. E. BOWER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, iiiUtlrbur(j. Pa. P.UroomliUr, n). ua isarj. Ootlartl! Uaataltatlnnt Is Eoallik J ana IS, 'TS.tf. aad ()ruian. JJ L. SCHUOU, ATTOSIET-AT-LAW, Mlddlcburg, Penn't. PnfsMlaaal bnilnma nlrald o bli r will rslT prowpt aiuntloo. Jaa to,'7S. ruiAS P ULRICU, Attorner 4 0oanellor-At-Law, 0B la App'i BaildlBS on doat Nortb l B.BTBTOBB riOTBI.. SelluBtrrov-, t'snn'a. Ootlastlnnt aod all tbr Dr"'tlool boal- SM la aolleltl asd will racal careful aad prowpt aiwailoa. Apr.ll,'Tr).tl. T P. CRONMILLKR, Ma ATTORNEY AT LAW. Mifflinburg, Pa., OtTsrtblsproteatiooa sarvlees teths pub He. Collaoitont snot all other professional buslaass salrusfsd to bis ear will raotlv prompt sitentloa. fjaa S, 'fiVtf TJ. 8MITII. ATTORWET AT LAW. MIDDLEHUKt), S.t TCUSUll., PA Offtra hli Proraatloaal aarl to tb pabll Uonaultatloai la Caallak aad Qaruiaa. F. J. K. ZELLER, A TTORNEY'A TLA W Nfflinbirg, I'nion County, Pa All bnalnari antraatad to bit nsr will wall aad f.ebfallr attaadd to. Will practla atibavralarto a roylr aad adlulnlDa rountlaa. Daa ba aouultal In tba Knxllah or (laraiaa lananata Oot.., T3tl CIIARLKS UOWKR, AITUIINEY AT LAW. Selinserove, Pa. UlTrs bis prefefslanalssrvloaa io lb pub 10. Uollaellont and all oltiar prorfssion builntas alruHtsl to bla ear will r oiv prompt altanilon. Oltio two door aoulb of Ibo Normal Me boal. Js a 6, '0 J M.MNX, ATTORNEV AT LAW, Lcwiihurg, Tt OITars hla prufaasional sarvio to lb pablio. CulUstions snd sll other pro rsionl business sslriisitu I Bsesr will roivproaipl atlut ion. Htpt. HO. IHHO, A. w. porrtJtt, ATTORNEYS A T LA TP. 8elinsgrore, Pa , Offer Ibrir profraaional seriioea io lb pulilio. Alllrtai bulnnlriial to Iheir car will raoair ronipl atlaution. Otflos at hi bom on Mate SirU Jul, fib '72. tosf. anaMAB. aoaaos aliswas S. ALLEMAN & S0K. A TTORSE 8 A 1 LA W. MeliriHirrovo, l'n.. AU profaisional buain sad oolttotin tntrustad to their vara will bo promptly aliened lo. Can bi consulted ia Engtiib or Oarnaaa. OiBec. Mark'. Huuara. 11. II. Grimm. Wm. II, Dill GRIMM & DIL.L. Attorneys& Councellors AT-LAW, OIBoe Near tbe Post Office. Freeburs;, Peuu's. Conaultalioo ia bolb English and Oerroan Languages. Uao.l 'Hit. John ii. armuld, Attorney nt. IrvM-, MIDDLBIIUUO, PA Profassionsl bustaalrustd to bis ear : bs promptly attended to. Fab J THOMPSON BAKER, Attorne.vat-Law, LtwliTiurg, Union Co., Pa MsT Oea bs soasullod is lbs Eacltsh aa vermes tangiiagea. OrKICB Mark! Street, oppoill Walls milk Jk Co's Stors ft WM. VAN GKZKK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, " Lewisbnrff Pa. Offer bis professional (err tee to is pub- US. Collselions sad sll other Piororsios- si busiasia sntrusled to bis ear will rs- esivs prompt atlealioa. g T. PARK 8, ATTORMET AT LAW, S'lLIHSOROVK, SNYDER COUNTY, Pa r)pt.l6, '6711 A C.SIMPSON, i ATTORNEY AT LAW, -Selinsrove, Pa. Jffsvs bis profsioaai srvios to lbs pub o. an Business sairusisti le at sars will be prompilv attoadsd to. fJaa. 17, '6711 tAUUKL U. OltWIO. ATTORNEY.AT LAW, rlTlNlsiira. I'mIois Pan: 0 u d-rr t Tj;r rr.atlas Ja risioiani. $ c. jptl MARA.ND RUT BROCK, Fremjnt, Snyd8r eounly, pa. Urdoarot nltlmnrUollor PbrfinUs ad rtaraxin. (rr;M- pfoiMiloail tarTlt I lb publla. epb( Kogiwa aaS OaraiaB. larch, H, IS-t. if. . ". H, J. 8MITH, Pbyiiolan A Surgeon, frtnumt, 5njrfrr County, Pa. OSrBprofalonalrVIM talk ill omt a Mala urMt. , J an !,. D R. J. O. WAGNER, rtiyslclsin NNd Sargcwn, UVor bl proflnl rld to lb H(ta f AdoirgaadlrlallF. , Aa(.,'Mr. D R. J. r. KANAWKIi PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Tcsitreiliie, NnyAer Jw., Vm OfTr bis prohssioaal ssvvis t lbs penile. - i 6 38lf J. ECKKERT.t , SURGEON DENTIST, ' BtCKDSCnTW S)L40K, Selinngrovt, 1'enn'a. rrofloeel baalaaat proSjptlv attaadad io, I. .Mrts.TB, J)R. L GRIEJR BARBER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, baring loeated at MId'dLEDORO. PA, Itln a fw doors Ws! of lb Courlboue. ia Dearer' Driok'buildlas, oiler bis pro fessional service to the pablis. Bs sptsks English snd Usrmsa pERCIVAL HERMANN, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, KrutterviUt, Snydrr Co., Pa. Otters hi professional aerrlee le lb ell In I Kraieerrllle aad rbilnltf. I a-. I,7 D R. A. M. SMITH, PHYSICIAN AND SURQEON Offers bi profeaelenal servine Is lbs oltl tensof Adamsburg and vloinlty. 8rp4, 73 J K. VAN BU3KIRK, 1UR0ICAL & MECHANICAL DENTIST Seliii!urove, Peun'a. - Justices of the Peace. DAM SMITH, Jnstlcsofttie Peace ft Conrerancer Beaver Spri ng$, Snyder Co., Pa. AI1Anilll 1.1. . J. ...i. I... Iirenptlv attended to. Uolleolloo aad realti es -aa proiniilr mad. . . Maf l..l79 "yiLLIAM H. SNYDER. JJuatree) of the Ppmc-. Salem, Snyder. County Penn'a. All Collections and remitanccs proniutlv made. , HaT.ti.'r tr. ISAAC PEAVER, r, JUSTICE OF tltE PEACE and Ooneral Ooll&otor . Middleburg, floydrr'Oountr, Pa. Pprolal sitentioa. paid to eollrotlsns of sll kinds. Reiaitlaooa will b jinade promptly for all eol'.ution ma le. Mar. 2iT IQ7S ir. ' H. WAUNKK, Esq., o JUSTICE OP THE PEACE. Jaoksoe Township, SoyderCo. Pa., Will attend to all business entrusted 10 his ears and oa tbo , most rasnnnhl terms. ' March l, 'CHtf D WID S. SIIOLLT, Justice of tbe I'ence, Uniun,Toietuhip, Snyder Co., l'a. Will atiredlo all business entrusted to bis ears on most reasooabls terms. P, O. address, Duadvre, SoyderCo., Pa, ' Mar. 4, '80. H. IIARTMAN. jimncR or the PE.irn. 8c CDnveynnoer, lw.zi rttKVll.i.ti, onyaer county, re. Colleetlons snd all hnalaeet nartelnlna to the elBee ot Justin ol lb Peno will b attended t at abort notlo Ap r trie s El U MITCHELL, Jnstiee of tbe Peace & Conveyancer, jeeaeoa rowaaoip, nayaer ennntx, re. Uflllaolloaa, tlnavaysaalna. and all other ba. alniMa pertain In a tit th onVawlll reeelre prompt aitonllnn. Poet erSee address: Haw Harlln, Unloa ooauty, Pa. ..-...( . Aug. le, IsTT. JOHN K. HUGHES, Esq., JUSTICE QF, THE PEACE, l , .. Penn Tvf p., 8nvder Co. Ps JAME3 MIDDLESW ARTH, Justice of the Pesoe & Conveyancer, Troxleville, Sgyder Co. . Pa. Will attend nraninttv.ta all aiaanaral beat. seaapartalnlnkto Ikeolflea. (ivlleetlons male, 1Is. Artlelesaa., arUtea. (Jalf V7e-tl. TyM. H. HARDING, justice or TUB I.ArE site Conveyancer, rueEMNT Usrd.r oounty, fa. Collcrtlons andal bnalaeea Bertelalas to th eflflraof Jiwllseof ibePeae will beatuudedto at sauri Boiiea. . u Apr.ir-i. A. WKTZEL, Justice of the Peace, Beavertoteti, Snyder Co., l'a. All kinds sf oollfolions mad oa liberal tare.. Prompt! alUad is all buslosso iatrusud to bis sars. bis sars.' (Jus IS. '78 If ER B. MIDDLESW ARTH, JUSTICE OP THE PACI ASD CONVET ANCER, ttooinre Oity, Snyder oo., vm. Oellaellasi aad all baalnssa aartslalaa te Ike efSeeef Jueileeofths Pea will b attended t at sanra avuee. aiy aa.'PH. Q UORNBfiRQKR, JVSTWR OF THE PEACE yam ewBahia.ewdertaat.fa. Oaluns, Ovav nna -a, - a n ib hs f- - ..if TMI . V l ,, a M. I- . t , J. BOWKRSOX, Justice Of tht Pta it Conveyance, Pfnr.icrtek, Snyder Co, Pa. - ' Collertlniti and rmlHnee rroeipllr mad. Ooaaaclns aeatif aad ekaaj.lr aieenteit. April T, -SL Hotels. MMM-ML : Coiner t9St. Broad wa. NEW YORK. On botb American A Airopean plans: ' rrnnita- on Oeatr.l Wart, the Orand Isnata. orrama in eaiire sqasra, and waahnllland fnrnlshed at aa eipeaee of arar SW,n. It I --" niiwn vivf " well as atln IBS fla set loested la the all? t hae a paeeana-r Blnra. tor and all wmdara Iraprwviiatants, aad Is wMhln one ernar of tl dep.e of Ibe mi-ibead Klahtn AfenneKlerata4a.lt aara and all II aeorar Io lh Uhi.il mm ' . A 1L : from all parte of the ettr. Room with boar J, SS pvrvaj. rpww, rwiea ior lamiiiao ana aanaa aaat f aasta. . t. HASKELL. Aag- t.'l0.ly. Paorairros. BOABDfflG HOUSE. THE Undersigned would rspeotfuity to- ' form lb travelling pablio. business tt-n. wltneseee Bod lnmral,t(Mila.M.i.H - Uourta Ibslke hss madeampla preparalloae far lislr SfworaaodMlon aad will endeavor la aa. pairona nl aom mi J It at IRB Wtnat - T raaxmama raiaa, noaniing Hone a few doora weetef theOcarl Uonae. . OABRItL BEAVER. Apr.MTS. If. ProprUler. lTronrxTnnini irnnon i JOHN LIU BERT, Proprietor. The alter popalar Hotel ha been reSttew and rernrnfabed In the beat eijle. lu eeatral looatloa makae It eoaranlent for baxlnes mee i i ar-ons la atuadanaa ki iu.pi n Others wba are oalla.1 to Mlddlebara. Tb I Ma la .I.... .....II.J . k .... . . . - z '"r w," ia in aaar , hat tbe Her with good llqanrs aad tha ntskl attended br earefufl boaturt. Terms edernts April a, UTS, CENTREVILLE IIOTEL, (Late Mrs. Wearer's.) Cenlerrlle Harder Co., Pa. PETER HAKTMAW, Ptoprlal , This tonsestabllsked and wall baawa kete harlns; bma pa re a a sad by tbe andersUned.es) Helta a share f th pa bile pat ronsss ' Apr I.T1. PETtB UAHTMAIT NATIONAL HOTEL. JUUN Is. FOCKLER, Prop'r. Sellnwijrrove. Pa. St ITaVatakt I. a. . . and Is a rarj desirable pleoe for tnreleraoMoo lb BBSTof aueommodstlons at Law rsu. Per eone aloppina once will be aara to sail aaala. Tbe brstnfllqnor In tbsbai ..T. ""aiaa Baeuarani taeoaaeclloa wl the Hotel. Apr.l.'T. itlcrclinnts9 House, NORTH THIRD STREET, PIIIL'A PA. Terms'--$1.50 per day. HENRY SPAHN, Prop'r. C.W. SfAHlV, Clark Apr. 1,'ti. PhiladelphUi Cards. J. S. FARNSW0RTH. WITH JONES, HOAR &C9 Importers ot Haisery, Notious, VH!te GooflS, Emliroi icrics Gents Farnisbins Goods ti, No. 6H Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. T. n. (ones, A. R. Hoar. I Mar. 13 '74. W. H. sihelbley. i . ti. ueioDtel. I h. WAOKNELER, WITH GRATDILL A Co., WOOISSALS DSALSS IW WOOD AND WILLOW WARS Oil Clotbs, Window ahades, Broims, Mats Brush Colloa taps, Grain Dags, V.J Nets, Buokets, Twiaes, Wloks, A. No. 420 .Vsrkst 8lrl, Philsdalpbl J B. 3KLHEIMEK , DEALEB ltf HARDWARE Iron, Nails, Steel, leather. Faints, Oils. CoacH & Saddler Ware AND MANUFACTURER Of Stoves & Tinware MARKET STREET, Ijewisiiown. Penn'Be N.remher ii, I87l-tf wm. i.unn. Blank Book tlaker Star tioner, and Steam-: " " Power . PR in TER, V iiuieastxie aK Hetall No 529 Harket Street, PHILADELPHIA. Protnvtnet. One Prift 8elll9 Prlct Marked On All Goodt In fi ffttret. Apr.lB'-'a. QAVID WILLIAMS, Maaufeetarssof A WkoUsalsOsalsvIe (lilt. Mshegaay, Walaat aad Roseweew LOOr NC3 GLASS Pioture a Pltotosrapbio Frajnes Kes. SM an U$ Area Street Pblladalpkia l'a. Pram Repslrtd la tk best nsase Also, Rgitdisg la all lis brsaskss. 11 JJNION PIANINO MILL . ELiMsaaovK.eiiTnEi oo.,r Cicely cTi rv7r::or ST -- " - ... ( 'tr'! f-