w.oo 80.'X M.W 73 au t- ..', t... '.n, one yenr, ,o-fourh column, one year, jn fpiftr (10 lines) I Insertion Eery auoiini'i'" iiiwhiuii, rofessional and Btninesa wm ol Pmfaisional not more wiano itnw, ut-r j "r, 5.0 2.ro to ttlAll Aaa''t i and Assignee Notices, M T ' -.I . 1 nntiitAi hllf 1 1 1) (1 All transeient advertising less months 10 cents lino. All advertisement for shorter pe rlod than one year are payable nt the time thny are ordered, And il not paid h pomon ordering them will bo hold; sponsible for tho moner. Poetry Marry a fienllemal- Marry a gentleman, Qlrla, If you can, Minded and built On the generous plan, Though he may neither Have silver or gold, Title or fortune, " to have or to hold." Though he may labor With spade or with hoe, Though he may not Hut hie mother-tongue know, Though he may live under Hnolety's ban. Marry a gentleman, Girls, if you can. Marry a gentleman, Girls, If you ean, Gentle and tender Though no less a man, One who will treasure II Is child or hie wife, Scorning to rob them Of sweetness In life. One who will never The brute's part assume, Filling his household With sorrow and gloom, If on love's altar, The flame you would fan, Mary a gentleman, Girls, If you can, You will be happy And you will be glad Though he only I3e commonly elad. Pleasure is fleeting, And life but a spun Marry a gentleman, Girls, if you can. H e 1 e o t T n. 1 o THE RIDE OF MARION'S MEN. "We don't care for lie danger, Captain, We're too breve for that. 1 here ain't one of ns but tbnt hud rather risk bis life than tliut oi l Ury boald rob yon of your bride. She'a stanch patriot, too, and hatos the very ground tbnt a redcoat or tory walks on. We'll sava bur, dipt. from matioir Silse Hall, or all of as will die in the attempt. "apoKea like your own sotr, it bert, I folk tbnt I coold depend on yon and tbo rest of my meu, to belp me carry out my plaus. It is the only way there is to save ber. Her nncle, Amos Ilerlin, welches, her like a dragon, as does Situs I Ml, wbo det lares be will ranrry ber bo' ! fore two days are over, lie has jtnch influence with Tmleton that .be bss aent a half tcore of bis cut llhroBts to guard the houso. This I earned from Rose, who managed to go m nun tu iu uj tue uuuo ui i ip t - 4.. I n i i - ti : er servant. Her ancle is detor- ined to marry her to Hull, wbetb r she will or no and Parson Sabine s just the man to do the fond deed them. He would pronounce the Jeremony whether she was willing )r not Teere is but oae thing to jo, we mast steal her away from an id. tf it.. . 1 nd their tory friends." "And we will do it, Captain. f here never was a time yet, but that re ooald outwit them if we tried. t never was said, and I hope it net ' a r x win oe tnai Marlon s men were ot a match for the enemy. To light we will pay them a visit if yon y bo, and when we come back we Jill bring Rose Herlon with ns." I "That we will, Captain," echoed J the men cathered about him. "Thank you, boys. It is not of )u we fail, and I think we shall not this ease we roast not. If we 3 it will be too late, and all will be nt. Hose Herlia must be saved . I V a. ni m , r-uigu. one snows or wuat we .ean to do if the black boy, Pip I 1 1 t , , . a is uaca ail ngnt. ana 1 know no ason why be ahonld not Ae soon it ii dark we will eel ont, and a v astw rroviaonco ana oar own rong arm to help me." . 'A few words here by way of ex stBatioD, that the reader may bet r comprehend that which has al dy been partly revealed to ' Cfcptain Blika oommanded a com ny of bis own raising in the forces I Uen. XTarlon. A braver officer an be was sot in the command. Marion honored and trusted bim 3 ts u the idol of bia men. - 2t-y:-rsrt Kone Zerlia a- -r?;9J biide. .'-. IT?r parents ' r an t' It ' 0 ' " - ' . II.... .. . VOL. 18. the king and crown, and held in nt Icr dote'' "i those wbo were bat- tX'a3 n ,'saion and for the liberty of their country. Ooo thing if pos sible angered bini more than any o'ber. Roee, a membor of bis household and bis dead brother's child, was as sturdy a patriot as there was in the colonie. Ilia anger seemed to incrense day by day, nutil bis house became so nnoooifoi tablo that she felt that she could no longer abide beooalb its roof. Ho knew of ber engagement to Captain Make, andjie stoutly swore that there should bo an end to the matter forever. Over and over again bo declared that be had rather aho should die than wed with bim. A friend of bis, a tory like him self, and nearly as old, demanded ber of bim for a wife, and be roundly swore that he slioald have ber. If she would not of ber own ac cord, she would be forced to do as they wished, and to carry out this threat, the day was set for the wed- Tint, and to leave no avenues for her escape the would -be bridegroom, Silna Hall, bad procured some of Ta 1 ilou's mii.ions to guard tho home of Amos Horlio, ander the ploa'tbat it was danger of being robbed by the patriots, who'awore known to be Unking near at hand. Thiii was the conditio!) of alTiirs at tho time our story opens, and we now proceed to take up the thread of the narrative. twos tbo afternoon preceding the day in whicli Rose was to be forcod to become the wife of Silas Hall. In spite of her protestations ber nnclo did not alter i:i bis avowed pnrpoao." "Fevor. novor 1" cried Rose in desperation. Do not hopo for it t my lips shall oover speak the words that shall bind ine to that old vil -lain ; I will die first," ''You need not speak tbo word nnless you wish to. Peusen Sabine will not be puticuLir. Silunoo gives consont." The afternoon in question. Rose sat uIodo lua little upartment off from the drawing-room. She was thinking of tho coils that were clos ing aroond ber, aud ibe chances there wore for her to escape thorn. Tho Lluckboj, Pip had retained and the message he brought awoke a hope iu her heart. If it was possi ble to save her sho knew Captain liluke would do it She knew his heart well, and felt be would give bis own lifo freely, if noedbe. to save her. She was thinking of him, and hoping that it would not" be long ere she would be folded ouce more in bis arms, when ber thoughts were disturbed by a rap on the door. Tbiuking it might be ber maid or boy, Pip sho bade tui ap plicant enter. The dsor opened ana mucu to nor aisgast sue saw Silas Hall standing before ber. She arose from ber seat with the inteution of quitting the room. luo presence of her suitor was at all times distasteful to her and bis coming npon ber now was so doubly so. lie divined ber motives, and took a step forward as tbongb for the purpose of arresting ber step. "Rose do not be so cruel as to leave me." be said. "To-morrow is to be our wedding day, and thorn is muoh I would say to you." She made no answer to Ibe words of the man she abhorred, but with a stately mein moved as though sbe would leave the apartment Silus Hall ateppod forward and made a motion as though be would lay bis band npon ber shoulder. "Buok, villain I" sbe cried. "Leave the room, your presence is nnweioome here I "Why so oruel, Rose i what doea it matter f To mine. Ltt ns speak now of the happiness thore is in store for ns." lie laid his band npon ber arm and attempted to draw ber toward bim. ' She shook bim off as though bis touob polluted ber, and the nest in slant she had drawn a long slender dagger from ber boasoua, and held it towards bim in a menacing mau tier. i:f . -J l -:-, t out ' !i r- "i ' ' ' 5 MIDDLEBUllG, the world yon wonld not harm yoar promised husband V "So, I would not barn him. He is not here. It is against yon blackhearted villiao, that I would defend mysolf. "This is foolish talk. Rose you know that iu a few boars yoa are to be my wife." "I koo v no such thing. Silas Hall I rather than be your wife, if I were forced to take ray clioiao, I would plunge this daggor into my heart f" Sbe turned tho point of tbo dag ger towards bor and raado a motion as though she was half miu le 1 to strike tho blow of which sbe bad just spoken. Evidently Silas Hall thought she meant to do what she said, and as her motions indicated, for ho took snolhcr step toward ber, ns though for the purpose of arresting ber band. "Leave the room, Silas Hall, nn less you wish me to do the deed," she said, holding the weapon mooao ingly, and tbo villian Boeing that she was thoroughly in earnest, slunk away, leaving ber alone. "I will koep my word," sho said to bereolf. "If Robert does not oomo to save me to-night I will die. I will never bo forced to this thing which I so much abhor. The grave is far better than lifo with that vil li 1" Sho pluaod the weapon ia its bid" ing pluco, and a few tuiuutes later sougui me privacy ol ber own upartmeut. The night came on apace a night filled with the deepest gloom. I'atk and threatening clouds rush ed athwart the sky, completely blottiug out the light of the stars. No rain whs falling, although at any moment it sporued that a new uoluge might be burled upou the earth Alone Rose waited tbo coming of ber patriot lovor. Midnight was near at hand, or unclo aud Silus Hull retired to rest So far as she kuew, ouly beieolf and trusty Pip were aw alto. 1'he latter had reported that the redcoats within were snugly eliolt ored, and that unless alarmed, they would not stirugaia that night. Tho tuoimut wis uo.ti' nt baud ou which so mnoli depoh Id I.. Thore was a low footfall without tho door a f poUtup whioii she re membered well. "Rose 1" The voico thrilled Lor to her iu mottt soul. She open the door, and tuo next moment the was clusped in the arms of dpt. lSluko. "My own," he whispered, "come with me There is a long dark ride to San toe, and to the camp of Mar ion, "I will go with to the end of the earth, Robert. She stole forth from the house unobserved. Sharp eyes indeed they niUBt have boon, that could have pierced the darkness that sur roauded them. A short distance from the mansion the Captain'e men and horses were ia wailing. To vault into the saddle was ooly ths woik of a minute i aud they dashod away on their long dark rido to the Santoe, and to the camp of Marion. Before morning dawned they reach ed it, and late that day the words were said that bound the lovers to gether while life should last. The tories discovered, whoa it was too late, that their bird bad flown. Their rage and dissappoint mont knew no bound but it was useless Love had triumphed ovor tyranny, as it is almost always sure to do. He knew if be was editing a news paper be would give the publio the "ins and out" of the goings on of pnblio men. a would open the eyes of the peoplo till they cried long and load for "reform." He tried it three days. Result t Five libel suits, (wo arrests for defama tion of oharacter, aeven times called a liar by a contemporary, challeng ed to a duel once, . horsewhipped three times, a daily reception of soreheads with . murder in their hearts, fire in their eyes aud mouths rectos wili rrctj'.y, aa i tba last nr eft trn f--..'to , - "1 r V 7'' SNYDER COUNTY, PA, APRIL "Don't Bartholomew." It is sad to tbiok ia bow few breasts are implanted good works. Littlo Johnny Ci lip otnht a large and singularly beautiful specimen of the beotle tribe last enmraer, and smuggled it along to church in the pocket of his roundabout. As thore was no one ia the paw in front when tho survicos began, Johnny loauod ovor and deposited his bug on its cushion as favorable for air exorcise. Johnny was one of those good sm.ill boys wbo can alwayi be trusted not to fidget and in iko a noise in church, from the roasou that they sleep peacefully through the entire service. Just after John ny had bogan dreaming of rad and grocu booties sis feet long, a young man aud bis "stualy company" were shown into the pow in front, a'i 1 the young lady sat down by tho in sect aforesaid. The minister bad barely got to thirdly, before the young lady, who was vory thiuly attired, it being ter ribly hot weather, began to blush and glance norvonsly at bor escort. Tbou sbo whispered : "Don't Bartholomew." Tho young man thought she meant to stop fanning, so ho did so, aud laid the fan on tho seat. The young lady suddenly began to blush redder than evor, aud to wriggle around a Utile, "Somebody '11 see you, Bartholo mew." "Well, wot of it," miirinnrol tho young man, in a surprised tone. "That's wot I'm here for." "Hut it won't do," nhe whisperod teudeily behind hor hymu-book : "This ain't a pionio ground." "What are you giving met" ro turued tho young man iu the S, V. society stylo of the peiiod. jiirir, nun, juu iu lib lb iiiiiii, . said tbo girl, tryiug to tuovo up sheep. Tiio owuer etuted to a News further iu tho comer. "If you tick- Ireporter thin morniug that ho eheai le me that way I'll bollor rijht out. !d his thoep horse regulurly in 1 can't staud it " 'I'nn't stati 1 what. T" "Now dun't, Hurty. If we are going to bo mariied, it is no reason for you to act this way. Ob, gra- ions me. Mr. ychormeihoro, I must retjuest you to desist," "Why, gie.it Scott, Amanda!" "Ouch ! oh, iimiov 1" and tlio o asperated young fonialo created a sensation by making a break for the don, llartholo new bn'ug iinui diato. ly fired out l-y the sextou for tli.-- LntbiiipMiii meelin.. .... r g o And meanwhile Johnnv, who b ail beeu awakened by the occurrence, concluded to chain up his beetle, keep a discreet silouoo, and sloop it out. He was a farxeoiiig boy. A Serpant't Casllo. A Canada paper describes n sin gular mountain rock cave, thirty miles northwest of Wiuuipog, Man itoba, where every wiutor tlio snakes of all sj ecies iu the surrounding country resort for their biberuul sleep. Last wjotor some of tho convicts of the penitentiary were sot to work to build a wall around the entrance to the cavo. When the time arrived for tba sun.es to soek their haunts they found their progress impeded, aud soon the strange gathering was increased by fresh arrivals from the interior, until m tny thoasauds of suakes were racing and wriggling around the eutrance, vainly seekiog an opening in the wall. Heads with small eyes and red tongues were projected in hundreds from every crevice in the rock, and a most un earthly hissing was kept np. What is a Christian. If you come to us and say you are a praying man, we answer we are glad i but we would like to ask your wife and children what your praying is doing for you t If you aay you daily road the Uible,- that is right, but let ua ask your partoor in buiness bow much of its teaching yoa pruatioo. It you say you are a member of the church, we are glad of that, if yoa are a worthy member, if not we are sorry for the church. But let ns go on to the street to seo whether the people you daily meet think yoa ought to be a church member. 80 it comes to pass that a bundle of Christian duties may be dry and useless, or they may be the evidence - of a Christian life. Whether i rasa la a Christian or Dot - ' iNwir-" w t' d!,v i I t' a! '11 1 I" Vv' - 'a Sheep or Hor so. On the west sido of 19th street, just below Master, in a stable that sets back about seventy-five feet from the street, is one of tho strang est freaks of nature that has ever been been in Philudolphia, aud one which ia exciting great interest among tbo physiologists whoso at tention bus btinu directed to it. The wonder is what may bo culled sheep-horso. In other word it is an animal that has many of the characteristics of a fi'io borne and many of those of a sheep. On looking at tho animal for the first timo the spectator ia piudj I to decide whotber to consider the ani mal a borso or an overgrowu sheep. Staud iu front and look at l:i n be undonbtodly resembles a gray horse of a rather moek nature, a littlo on the stylo of the one which is (aid to havo drawn the famous "one bos shay." Turn bim around, however, and look at bim from the ro:ir and the spectator would be equally sure he was an overgrown sheep just i cool whou they striko the water, nl wailing to tako a gambol ovor the though the swift concussion malies llot.lj Tlin nnniiul Ima a fin a I tiii.k I I . coat of cenuine wool, which is bh' water wiw boiling fuimiiHly. J be i ' i. ii i heavy ns that which crows udou tbo thot miHt full 111 water. Tor w they , J . ..... Iii,.i , . ' ord.nnrv h men. lis skull is nil- I should strike aiJV firm snbHtanco ....... . .I.i i ii i , &i".nl m.iii l-r lim-tratatl trait o t doubto lly thi skull of a sheep, nnd.thev would bo llattcued uu.l knocked i shm." c ti.iiunmi. inn i r.n.i..kNi.iii itti two projections cun bo f.ilt on top out of slripo lo get tho little ,oM e of it, where it seems as if ram pe.Ioti p'Miedlv dry niter tuny hive wbi,Ksk I'Oiii.u, tinunii ud liroi- horns bad hturtt.d to grow i no'-liilsare long and slender as sheep's nostrils : tho tail is (he , tl,o short stubby tail of the sheep. Tho fore hoofa of tho auiinal have au denture iu tho mi l. lie, which show that they cumo very clone to being cloven, and tho huofti of the hind foot nro iiIho luaiked in tlio same way, although not ipiite so strongly. The bide, where it uau bo seen by reason of the hitii Leing worn olf bv the bulter, is the s jft, oily bide of u Uheep-bhoaring huiihou and always gets a good crop of wool oil' it, llosiidtli.it lie, has a lobe made leoiu Ibis woul, whicli be iiho-i when tiding about iu ell weathi r uml u B-Jod sizjd cap ui.ulo lioiu tUo eaiun ... . luati-rial. 'ery little is known of th'.s sliaiige eoiubinatiou of slieep uiijhoii-o 11 caught in Dakota territory b tli0 'o"cut oner, who ia a deulei i borsos. In puis.ut of his j L.ninc tbo gei.tli.iu in was one day ri ling along Uear tbo liuiTtlo lu.inu- . I..;.u u ill. U. ...... f ,ll.li..l.U L. !,.... 11 1 u a lbia nj.uu kuiuj'.iuiuun, n vii 1 ,1 .... :.. . .1.1 ..r .. 1. t .. .1 1 lliujr i;i, utl III piilb UI It lliil'f UI null horse 1 chu.iu immediately giv en, aud after a short pursuit the sheep hoi'Ku war singled out of the herd by ile uiubliug g:ile mid Htnuige appearance. As it rau it threw iu hind legs out like a sheep when ruu uiug iu tlio liold. Tuo pursuers also uoticed, evuu ul a loug distance, the strungu uoat which eovurud it, and stiuugely formed head, and they Hlurted to run it dowL. '1'Uij, bow- ever, was no easy uiidui taking, us tboauiiuul luu easily, and kepi it up. At length, bowevur, it was luasooed and taken iuto the geutluuiau's tjuur tors. Fur a long timo it was very fractious, uud it took timo aud pa tience lo tame it. When, however, it began to get used to stable-yard treatment, it became docile, uud eusily taught maoy little tricks. J I nature proved to be iu muny respects tliut of a sheep. It was playful, aud baa rurely oviuced anything like vi ciousuess. At tue present lime 11 kuows bow to perform twenty four tiicks, which the owner has taught it. Iu traveling ou tho road it cau go at a fair trot, but the pica it ex cels iu is running, baviug already ruu, its owner states, a mile iu less tbua two minutes. It is uow 7 years old aud stauds 111 binds high. Ii was Ciiu9'hl wheu three years old, sud has siuce that time been kept wool of the Mississippi up to three months ago, wheu it was brought to this city. It has uot yet been shod, and probably will uot be as its hoofs bear the wear and tear uf travel very well aud ita owuer proposes to put it into the circus ring as a trick borse and curiosity. The owner takes pleasure iu show ing bis cutinsity to saleutifie persona, aud quite a number have called to examiue it. They have as yet, bow ever, arrived at 00 definite conclu sion aa to the parentage of the queer animal, Even Spain is trying to organise a t"s about American pork. The ' t r ? V ' a Itcts vrko trat- 7, 1881. NO. 39 H3W THEY DIUPS.W Th Baltimore American Ihns doseiiber one of the ponns of making shot iu one of tbo lowers in that city I One of the "Focrcts" of the manu Uctnro ia the mixing of tbo lead with:t OJi tiln pr ip lrf.i oii o f a com bination of minor d ii'U nces called "I jiu per." Tiio "temper " is fusid with the lea 1, aud gives the milieu motat t'tit c.ntistoncy whie h makes it drop. If it w ire not for the temper'' tho lead would bo mould ed by tbo sieve, and would form lit tle ponod-t i-Htu I of ro'i 1 1 s'i t. When "IJIJ" shot, f r iu stance, is biu m i 1. tli le i I it po.iro 1 into a pan perforated with holes corres ponding t t'ut ni.so. Tlio little pellets romo pouring down in a conliuuouu s!ioter, and fall into a tank fillu 1 with water on the ground floor. In their do:s'.)t of 'IU foot, they hecn-ne perfect spheres, firm and iler.se, and they are tolerably tllll tiink 1.11111 nll.l htlliblu ns if tliol i been in tho "".veil" is tho moht diN,"'" nno w.M.mmnn-M.. lln.tin. M.i.. 1 licit and troubles, me pn-cs of W' - the wl.i lo iiint.Mriictiti o. An !r-! v.itor with sni ill buckets, very much iu-!like tlioso n-eil in il mr milN, cur lies tiio shot np ns fast at tl.py reach ibe bottom uf tho "well" nnd depot its them in a box sixty feit uliovo the tlts fioor. Tho witter diipi fr-nii the buckets ft they go up. and not uiin-li is p-uired iido the receiver ah ivn, although it in intend ed to I u a so.t of dripping machine. From this re 'eivnr tho s'lot run down a ipout into a diving pun, which greatly risemblcs n gignnliu shoo ma It of sheet iron The pan rests ut an nnglo whieli poriuiU the shot to roll slowlv d iwn to tlio chamber b.dow, nod the pellets be come put foetly dry as tliey pan ovor tho w inn sheet iron. Wliat !3 iVi'.cr For. Wnler is so common we hardly think of ir. T-ibgiu wil'i, wi'or was (bid's builder of the woild, ns wo see it. I he rocks were mud nn I s.in.1 miidii I'V water nud laid down by it, 01. e kind i n tho top of anoth er. L'o'il. 1111. In of plants, wai cov ered np by a, iter, so th it the rot ting plants were kept tliele nnd changed into coil. Veins iif h ad. copper, gold, silver, crystal, iveio ci nek i iu the locki, tillu I with w i- ter tlmt bad thctio ieci-Hu Ihiiis tliHolvt-d iu it. And water, ns ice (L'hieiirsi ciouii.l up locUa , !l ii.l.i earth, in which plants can froM-, tho sea uiitl Mrcutns bt lpiii to ill) the woik Wuti r builds pl in's nud uniiuals, too. Tbreeouarteis of what they nro made of is water. When yon pay twenty cbiita foi' n peek of poluloes you ure really pajiti tif teen of the cents for water ia tho potatoes. .1 boy who weighs eigh ty pounds, if perfectly dried up. would woi,''i only t.v ei'y poiiuaa. And thero could be nn potato iior boy withuiit water, t must dis solve things to uiuko tin to over in to new tbiogs and it cariies them where they are wanted to build the things. It softens food, and then as wutery blood cariies the food to every pirt of the body to wako new Hush and b i uj, th it wj may j;row aud hive streuijtli. It oarries the plant's food, also, up into lu plant. And w iter oirrics oiri aud good in bouts, and, us steam, drives bis eai s. it makes tue wueeis go in uis factories. It is agio it worker, and we coul l not get along without it. And it in ikon luuoli of tbo beauty iu the world. Ask your friu ode bow it Iocs that VunyregntlonalUl. A Gulvoston darkey rushod into s 4 doctoi's ofllae aud breathlessly ex claimed i ' Oomo on. doctor, right otT I'ar ia some'oo ly in my bousj who is iu an awful fit laid up in bed a-grouiu' aud a-gronio." "Wbo is it 1" "It's me. You see, boss. 1 didn't bab anybody to send, bo 1 come myself." 'Hut Freddy, bow could yoa think of calling auntie stnpid Go lo ber and tell immediately that yoa are sorry.' riediiy goes to auntie t-1 -- "ifn'.'il ri tsrrj j--- Til 12 POHT. Publisho 1 every Thursday EvfntRg JEnEMIAU CR0U3E, Prcr , . . - - ' Terms of Subscription, TWO DOLLARS TKR ANNUM. Tsy able within si months, nr 2i0 If not paid within Ihe year. No paper tlis coiillimed until all sriearnucs are paid unless at the option of the publisher. Huhscrlptlnns nntslde of the county PAVA1ILK IN ADVANCB. figrlVrsims lifting and using papers idilrcssed ') others liecomesiii'Serilieis nd are liable forthe price oftliepi.or Somoll.lnfl of Interest to every Men, Woma.1 and Child. ! rnnr (lloml tie (in J lotdfd with ti- li). nn nl HTnfnm ! y mir I. lit S.rriih noting out through ia Inr nrM 1'lri.f nr f 1 I. our km r,rrl (lib llchlns Bclf il "rroftil'uii II umfr I ! j ii"i-Ciiiiiir.ini iiflirur'l with t'o 'Ulilly :rn fit lbP r Ill-"in1- I ia yimr llnlr ihln. ill- f st4 firMly U I l.R nut. snil H.-alei"'l with Mcala t Hi en nur llsnilf l.vt.gl- K'l. I'fvli 1 nr HI "I. Mi I l )our I, II, I r""lnt up with Hcrofttlnut litimiT Lur-Mi.i4 Irui.i r.nry ,ral i. n.iiiv nPiinxi iiii ciil iitnd or atW Hnili ur Milll Hun nr I Ii , ilmn i. n liiiKinn pni"t D 0 l It, tffriiinniinlly ami of,ntiuili'4lly rlHu iho Ii I ,1 . lri h I'iiiiii lei'in nJ Miin, rPliro ll.a llnlr ami cmo -mtf trirt i It-1 In nr. Ni-nly nll,l XT'il.i lou II mi" la ill 11.0 l"ln.H."M nml i.i,..l, iho JL lli'l ht-vltlUf S, cwu.lntlnu nl I. I iiiiiihii. Il.l flint Nklnt nr, Ml lnl .liliy orir.in ,11 ', .il.j. I Il iioui-" tl.in, Itrl.iiiii nml Initiil ii,. hl I ri"f mii nrm, i4t. NWHy l)nl tkln nl VUn nl rt't.nx Iho II. Ir vim iirilrntoil by tteaiy llUHMillllll.il Itl-ttld p.itiuu. I'no- j cool, i.-ttgn ImiI f l ,0i. t. I iilinirM ,1ffl!i-lili-l Titl!et S.i.i", on ,iut Itn 'l',ill... Ititli -n,l Nuranrr Hool. i lUKtmil wttb ,lalli"l.,iM ll-ii. ml'.fii u'l brnl I Ii. ttil.mn, -nitan.. lii'Mia.r .rlio nt"! titia- lihr th t'l ln.li"Slnfi ml -kin. I'liO 0 Cbl . 1 ipnir. il tor livtti!j. 1 j t.ontfl. .1. tiill.irm Kr.ulvrlil II. r llnni I'.irlt1-r, "lrn...rl II. I Iimi.I ll rniiK 111 l.lrr Klil.H j 1. Ilinl nil Msln .,(! n.ll"iil . 9T trpi, ill Si lolllliitlp lllltlldl or l!rl-Jllry 1 IB I ullil.innii.ll'iMlillrn Mp Ut- m;mihi ruii.nn. i'i.po yi.i u. iii-IIi ti'l the Ci'l.iunt l(, aoirrnl lulerollf w iwiuo y ,ur.- ,cry n om ui uuur. ' ''" 'i'n 1 I'l'iiple I" hi" f .l.i U. I ii-iiih 'i irn-m m your irKni'. Ulsl.t hrre Iii UilnMim -.iaioy Bn4 siduoe '-l ll.vir uitrr.ulrurn The Great Dlooa Producer, Slrongih CrcatDr. ' a:;o hehlth restorer. riifiriiirlilMl Mh, lloi ('lUnynlnntl In.n. s i n lli-lii Ilka it f"r lb limud, llrnln, rv .-i.it l.iii.m Nw llli lur lum tl--n w4li f l iiy .I.B'inn. .lolilll y iml) iltMp-'l-n. I'ittliv ruin tnr nmlnrl. I,vr K i lti. y unit l r.i i.ry illilt u It !. 1' Mnfnrt n,l Mrnt.Kih I. if I li-tit I'. iiiul4 Bini Nurrtnic Mntliir. Vrrmi.l Hi I'urol, uml hn. m ii.li-ikl sii,l l el uii .ll.'liin. e.il a 'I.IOvri .siiitl a,rynlire, Mnll lliiiti C'onin-, IIiiaiiiii, MniMi. I I Sia v"" onntlnnnua and Qyui-lfio pnprl.il iloctil-l i'.'A'rrCS 1 'H111 I 1. a -'it: 11 than " via I any 1 li.ttnry mail Tlty ..r,- .,t,-.l- an I rortaln rjr I t I'ain ar..l e.ilinup ,tt Hi l.unan. I.lnr, Kdiniyv, ai..l I rltmry tiru.ii,-. Klii-iiiiitl:ii,Ninrralcli. llMinrl.,. Iiu4 wal,ii. Nirv-'U4 I'alia an,l W ..kiio". ulariu, Vi-r aliil AS'i. l'rii- i: j 1 nti. , I.I vrr)iii-r. Unkia I'llllt-I illllllll llll.rt. I a . i: r- vri:i.-!in Pay. l.li.t ,a Wnrk. htmiiiy I inpl.-t n.niii. Hiui.lao trre. A,l'lrr, M. 1 alt Yurli, 111 ll.N,.ei .Nau Miaai, Errors "of Ycutlu A OUN'P.IM N nh.'iaiHlWiril l..rrrtr mn I. KM A I I'li I. UK. VV Hfil I'll th it'i il i.ifilttl Imtlorr lln, u ill lr lim nli if uiuril.ii litliiiHnttT fi'ii I Irff i t nil .- i te l It tli rr, o nti-1 ill rrrttnn l"f n iiklntf lliuuiiile n tnu.ljf y n l.l -h if wnk rurf.l, mi irtmr lPiiint( t r.nt f ,'1 ilvriHrr' w t-nr-ej vttit it t t y i,, im M him jao i. -..oio. I will mull i emo tli rc-Min- Inf n :niri'o iVmnrit.lK Hai.m thut ll if. mil TN, ' 1'KKI KI.I.S, 11.11 I I, IS .! tl,.ll'llKN, ' 1 avlns tli- kln ntt, Imir ami iMiaut.lul i alio i ln.irui-ili.na .r r.ri.itii.iiia; a lukurlani aiuatti I hnlr nn o li.l. I LohI nr ini ouil. .. Ail IrM-, inn n.tna M. -laini, llbN, VlNul. I.f I a I'll., i II , kiuju ht., N. Y. Th a1vrttr, liavlrt; ten . tiiui-autly re,t rt It.at ilr.i. ill-4nn. l!,mu itiitlno, I'V a ue I ruirily, U ana.iu to mak knnuB la h'la ti-lln uiirra Hi., nin nl rur. Ti o'l who iti.r it, bawlll fen.l o nn v uf In r. Bi-rl.t in u.l. (fro nl rhiri.'' ) uliti ilia illr, tlnna tnr ti.arlua- anil u-lna: lli aioo. wk ti limy will Itml a at its i'I'hs lur Ihi ii-tium, AnTliMA, HltiiN'rlllTIH, on, I'arllaa IUI. s Ik Hrrafrlpllnn, will plrai a.l.lr. H. K. A. Vt'll.MlN, M 1 LU til.. WlOiauill.u.n. N. Y. MARRIAGE Culdo forant'li SrXPS. for tho mnrrtnl anil thnv cniin iiipl iiTti mnu iihh .1 lriIUiti. thfoi II itlll'4 UiMit. Hdillt r.'itr f.i Ui ml 1 Ii-ti oil I U :t t. hUr-anD.uinl tno I'h)al. al l.td'nl Man ai d U'uiiiii puro In htniiL'r, uimI tiidircU liy jiliit.t.ii tryfprc. I'rlrts 00 Cent by l)r. A. it, Oi lS, iho oMrs-t Ki.H.ktil Iu ' l o Noriliuuil, wlio.viU 1'ity $5Q0 "r'ry t-iwu of piiKtu nr iMtntnic (l.-i-aff i nthor bh ha ti.iUrik- mmi f illu In turo H'iid two manii' furCunltttO Hcntth. Reliable Fenialo Pillit. 5tJ f BOX) A n'i il liinmi tn .ull.,N uttriiil vol;. iiiHii.oiii, Rubber Co Otis anl 4 luiVlar u imi'oriitut iuiuiuiu: ou. t) vxrutt CO cents Dr. A. C. OUN, Kentucky Block, 0)1 3. Clark HI., Chleitu, 111. liptl M.ti .i-tfrforfd wlti timm1r rrt Imltri.Or.IlAlK. I It f urlh 'ihrioy HI., I hlrtfo. ccroPUN. (i. u tai .i ikVuaiiiMiiia ul I.i i I u.aw-4 I if-riiur. v (Li IVi allHul talIMIt.l-' kl. I-.!" - tt "tl t lit . Mn I'lV Tt tBl Il4aiiisii do dr m Mta ' 'Uattrtfa ' jl iree LoViUNil A VJ., I li-Mai trvS ar i iKCUTOn$'NOTIin:-.Lcttre lj tMtaoiaotai-y oa In oalat of Maty O, Kyr, Ulo uf hlli.riirwv Doruoyft Moyilar County ilar-il hatrlow ba oraiii 4 to Ik nilrMi(iiil, all potaoDt knuarlnf luvnaolvo Itnlaliiad to aaln iimio i rott l I oaaa liumcllat pay at ant, obll taua bavlur olalmi wlllprtiaol tuawiloll smliaBU 11 fraUliDl to IttOHItK huh n it E( JAMa k. UAVIM. rb, to, 111. Uxo-stor. WOOD i.a. M ii,, msaiHl Oae hs jbI sH futiciira BITTER D F1DC vG) T'