t -.l,imn ono year. 0O.Ot) ne-hslf, column, on your, na-fourth column, one year, ns square (10 lines) I insertion I Brery additional insertion, L.1rml and Utisiness curds ol uditor, Executor, Administrator and Assignee Notice, . 8.50 80.00 lo.tK) 75 60 llll 10 than i;,rUl notice! nor line, All trenscient advertising ill 10 cents a line. advertisements for a shorter pe b4 than one year are payable at the Lj ther are ordered, and it not paid roerson oraenng mem win us noio; lur u luuuvri sensible I Poetry. THE POOR MAN 3 GRAVE. i table pall, no waving plume, i thousand torch lights to Illume t parting glanoe, no heavenly tear, I seen to fall upon the bier. bare If not one of kindred clay. ) watoh the eoffln ou it way ; mortal form, no human breast, Lres where the pauper's dust may rent. bt one deep mourner follows there, those grief outlive the funeral pray- ert does not elgh, he does not weep, nt will not leave the sodless heap. ii lie wno wMin poor muus mate, . 1 id made him.' more content with fates'' ' ' " i . . le BKMigret uog i mat snoreu nis crust, 'J- ' '' I that stands beside the duet. ' le passing gaze may coldly dwell k all that polished marbles tell j temple bollt ou church-yard I earth, . . ' , , elaimed . by. riches more- than worth. . ,' who would mark with Undlmmed eye, ... . . . ) mourning dog that starve and dlesT ho would hot ask, who would not I crave, love aud faith to guard hi l-KTavef ' . elect :rT ale ... WOUAirS VICTIM. Dramatlo Story of Real Life. London correspondent tolls dramatic story of real Iif. , omeiDto tba - Central criminal t for few mioates," said a le- Iriend of mine, as We were pass b locality of thii famous Lin lribnnal. "Yoa can easily auiuia senior a snort tuna while I i to Mr. Poland," b went io. The business was antly vory dull. Tba trial then on wa clearly not sensation There were only vsry few atore. The judite waa leaoiuv' with languid air. Mr. Jus Hawkins was tba Udje. Tiio were just beginning to consult tbeir vordict, Ia tba dock 1 a straight, well-built follow of five-and-tbirty. Ua was kan and pale, lia looked ans y aroand tba court for a tno at my friend began speukiug r Poland, tba conusor bo had conducting tba prosecution t tba prisoner. lord," suddenly said tba pria- JJ ould lika to say a few very earnest application, something peculiarly im- - At a m . . a lue tone oi tba man a . Tk mooa so that tba jury teased tbeir suppressed looked first at tba pris- at the judge. n oppofjanit of d- aurttha case ia now i tne"radge. : one question, my lord, )aid tba prisoner, )l order," answerea te A M" said Mr, Poland, ris-wonld got oflf. onse to ft glanoe from the f iara no objection what I . led counsel spoke as one ;'.. Ana that tba prisoner I Ither good nor barm, the ting5 already convictea p t wiah to appear nn .te.T: -V, Soar aoastion," aaii bV 'tie the polioaman to wh I t'Ht -Jut, 'WA m i VOL. 18. MIDDLEBURG, SNYDER COUNTY, PA, ( MARCH 31, ISSi. NO. 38 III. SIM letch BnllS f flu.. , Horn , ..IU. i to pat question," said tba pr! m :.i . i tl ... .. wiut aors oi airanger caiui would nave y, U If be bad a straggle witbwiowworkmai Seelfbafor oonoluding to address f court. The etldenco upon -ioh he was be oonvioted that of Polioaman, and the eantenoe waa se heavy, as ft previous conviction already been proved against ft preTioaa oonviotion for coin It waa for the offtnoe of coin. that be bow atood at the police tecccts which belong-d to 1 Scotland Yard and not to the pub lic There was a brief discussion npon this point, and the judge over ruled tbe objection. "May I put tbe question in anoth er shape f" asked tbe plrsoner. "It may save time." "Put it," said tbe judge. "Was it a woman who gave you tba information upon which you ar rested me f" Again counsel objected. Scot land Vard bad its own methods of bunting down criminals, and how tbe police obtain information as to tbe movements of persons like tbe prisoner. was not necessarily of im portance to tbe court or tho public, should not be called upon to et- poso the deteotive sooruts of the force, Tbe prisoner bad boon tak en with spurious mouey ia his pos session, and had been previously convicted of coining, and had un dergone seven year's penal servitude for tbe offense. Released from pri son, he had gone back to his former criminal habits t it was an old story, and ao on. But again tbe judge rul ed that be should permit the ques tion to be put. "Was it a woman who gave you the information 1" Tbe policeman hesitntod, ' "Answer," commanded tbe judge. "It was," said tbe offioor. . "Do yon see her in court T" asked the prisoner. The officer looked about vaguely. " Is that the woman T" asked the prisoner, pointing to a ratbor show. ilydressod woman with handsome features but a cold, disdainful ex pression of face. "It is," replied tbe oflloor. "My Lord," said tbe prisoner, with a slight tremor iu bis voice, "that woman is my wife 1" A buzz of surprise followed tbe announcement, nod tbe womau turned her bead away from tbe dock. "I wonld like to eny a few words my lord," cootiunod tba prisoner. "I have no objection, your lord ship." said Mr. Polaod. Tbe court will hear you," said Mr. Jostice Hawkins. "Tlauk you, my .lord," said the prisoner, no longer betraying any emotion, bat speaking in clear, firm tones- "1 have served sovou years on a similar charge to that now pre ferred against me. li l am again convicted you will give me at least one and twenty years, and that will end my life. Before yon do so I would lika vou to know tbe whole truth of this affair. I married young. My wife unexpectedly showed extravagant tastes and very expensive habits. I was very fou d of her, and did all I could to content ber. Honestly I could not keep pace with her desires, and we took to coining. She waa with me in all my operations, aided .in tbe work, assisted in passing the money, When we were taken the evidonoe was just as strong against ber as against me. Ia answer to questions 1 pnt to my counsel, 1 was told that if I pleaded guilty and said I bad compelled her to help me, she J did so, and she s acquitted I was sentenced to -in years' penal servitude. served my fall time, and came so'Vo London, determined to lead an how )jfa ttD 0 restore my wife to an fest home, h wae some time bee I found her bat I had obtained'WL. at 30s. a week. I bed only U wj8hto make a new home foe V. miu K.entnall I found bVno WM fama another HHia name ia Foster. Shetoldmeahe Da4 ob. Mge4 to acoepa. gUn,,, or ih. Foster was a mine. 1 waa than any other man in the world, and would never have left yon of my own iree will i bold this until I coma back i J will only baa few mlontes." J waited, and almost im mediately a policeman came and took me into custody. I did not know what tba packet contained j it turned out to bo false silvor coin ge 1" e paused and there was consid erable sensation in court, everybody 1 - .1 . .1 . wuYiui-eu oi iue iruiu or tue man a aiaiomooi, aud Impressed by its simple but drainatio force. M Iearued afterward," said he. "ttiat whoa sue loft mo with that paexot in ray hand she wsut np to the first policeman she met. told bira wbere I stood, that I was a return aa convict, a comer of a power of bad inouoy she knew it, sbo said, because bad tried to pass eon-o of it upon her. That is my story, my lord r Vou could have hoard a pin drop while tbe prisoner wus making . bis statement. The court listened wit i almost braathlJss iulerost. When he bad fiuinheJ, a sort of half-con trolled expression of wonJor and indignatiou went round, aud tho jury looked np at tho judge in a be- wilJerod nnd puzzled way. -To- liccraan,'' said tbe judgo. "My lord," respoudoJ tbe offloer. "Did this woman speak to you, as the prisoner says T" "Yos, my lord." "And gave you the information as described T" "Yes, my lord." "Was tbopackot of spurious sil ver in bis h ta la. ai ho .ys 1" "It was, ray lord." Upou the direction of the juJe the prisoner was acquitted, aud my friend started a subscription for him. Wa have raised aljnt seventy pounds for him, and h p-j to see him get ovor his troubles. His story has been verified iu every detail. Such was the story nurrstud to me by a friond yesterday iu re sponse to a casual remark of miue that a great deal of interesting cur rent history of Londou is never re ported in the Loudon papers. Tbe story is quite true i tho case formed part of the criminal court ; and the viol itn of loving not wisely but too well bus tbiu week beon iutrnduccd iuto rospecUblu aud purmuuout em ployment. In Ye Olden Times. Young folks in the olJun timos bad to behave themselves in church, as is proved by this extract from tho Ipswich, Mass., Iowa records, dated December 20, 1700 ; "To preveut the Young from pro phanipg ye Sabbath & tbeir Disord ering themselves iu times of Qods Worshipp It is Ordored They shall sit together in the two back side Seats of eaob front Gallery, which are ya seata appointed for thorn and that ya Tything men & orthers deeired with them Shall tuke Turn by two in a Day, to Sit with tbeni to inspect them, and such as will not be reclaimed by stid perious Discountenancing of tbeir 111 man ners shall be complained of to tbe Justices aud proceeded with by tbera as tba Law Direots unless said J us tioes shall Instead of fioeiog of them Imperison such inoorigible persons or give them Corporal punishment.'' The Cauios of Lameness. A correspondent writes to an English exouaoge t It is from not changing the shoes often enough that almost all tbe ovils of cjrns, fjot-fojnJjr and foot -lameness arise. From tbe momont that a shoe is nailed on a horse's foot a double ao tioo begins. 1. The horse's hoofs grow down, and presses amount the shoe. 2. The shoe is bent forcibly up ward, aud presses against the hoof. It is this double aud daily in croasing prossure that is tho muio cause of foot-lameness and fever in tho feet Of course violent bam moriug along bard roads, particu larly with uoscisonod horses, will, iu timo, knock most horsos' foot and logs to pieces i but evon here thn double action of tho heel and shoe pressure is tho moans by which the i- "7 a, ctziJ forward," said tltlzzt; into - ---Ti'r.-1 Ung tobliev boift,d ticlveber. " bittar atrng. glfbutJdid ltV , gofces "r- ooold not come immediately. Id UtitfeiMli to break oQ Foster bat she w iald do it. -Hed, and every week ae I raoe". I trek to ber end A D8r that :.ir: vs mos r rj. " 1 r ' "lout oak M,tsha ep- Few men learn to smoke. For men tba process of learning is too revolting ana the effect on those who have learned is too injudioou and demoralising. It is the boys who take np tba habit, and ills gen erally that tbey may be bo-beys not gentlemen. For this great dis tinction tbay are willing te vomit and be "sick unto death." Few woman learn to smoke. To sea on a make even an awkward attempt is a disgusting sight for which no ex ouso can atone. Whether In men, women or boys, it is a degenerating and expensive habit. Few addiotel to it will advise others to learn, es pecially their own sons and daugh ters Said a, father to me the other day,who was a habitual smoker ; "I wcild Co a boy of mine whom I caogli s-r Tiug.' At that very time tj at f (.' Nd x'r-Tk t I't - i ikyr ?: :t l - Attempts Upon the Lives of Rulars. The following is a list of the at tempts on the lives of royal person, ages and rulers during tho last thir ty years. The Duke of Modtina, alt tuked iu 1813. The Crwn Prince of 7'russia (now Emperor William), at Mindea in Juue, lt. Tbe late Kiug of i'rUntfU, iu 1 ) 52. iueen Victoria (by an ox Lieu teuuut), in 1852. Au iufernal mucbino dincovered nt Marseilles ou A'upuleou Ill's viitil iu 13.V2. Kuiperor of AuHtrin, slightly wounded by Libunyez (a uiigariuii) iu !! 5:). Iltack on King Victor Kin-uanuat iu 185:). Un Napoleon II-, opposite the ! Opera Coinino, in 18') J. Diike of I'uruia mortally slulibud in 101. Napoleon III, fired at I'lanori in lie Chaiups lily wees iu H.'iJ, Attack on (juouu Isabella of Spain by Fueutes iu 1850. Kiug l-'eidiuaud wf Naples slabbed by Miluuo, a soldier, iu 1850. '1 bo other rni;ut a apirit of ex tiavsgance oveitook a on onr wa home, and we bought a dozen bot tlis of beer and pluced thorn iu our refritfowtor. Our wife, who Ii lee totally apposod to auj tliiog of tbi. kiud, atikcd tin wLut thu bottles coii taiued. Wo replied, "Cider." A few days Inter the sharer of onraf. factions and j illow-caio, prod.irod soiuo liouiii-tiia I1) iiiinoo pies, and reinarkeil t!mt alio knew they wer-i-plmitlid. Sh'j hud ii vi.lciilly fipitKil linrsolf on thtm. Wo not n uioulh fii!. and t'.iou wont out t ) i-oi-' a num. Sliu h.i l U!,i'ii our word about thn eiiler, and tho null b.irrul had to utv tho re:it of tho pinx. We kuchs it got drunk, for it disappeared that tiijilit. greatest injury is workeJ, I adopted, many years a,p, the plan of changing thn shoos once ev ery fortnight. A'ew shoes are often not wantod. All that is ueedo.1 is to beat out tbo shoos in the fire, and to niako a now boil pit ou tho horse's fiint Tflliiaiilsn lui i.l.tittn.l shape of the shoe, tho number of1 spirwy against NepoU-on III -h llm.g y..n Ii m-ad a d..ct..r within nails, the maimer in which the foot! Ul'un- .u lb.I. liftein luii.nteH, and Til s.md fur xiie vihiiii pioi iigumst .upoieoii nun, iio ujaiici' wi.ui ilo lo.k The other d ly a man took home a book cont.iinioir Hcanl nucedoten showing the power of imnginatioii, and after reading them to his wif.i Iio tenderly naid "Now Angelina, you may im ii(ino that y.iu liu ir ian kishing Miidikline in the other lomu, aud you Nee how wicked it w.iuld Im to accuse me of such a tbi '' "Julius John," she replied, iu n biimiitli voice, if over iiiiiiino uuuli is prepared for shoeing, are of mi uor importance. Tho foot will have a chance every four toon days of ex panding into its natural form, the pressure which causes foot-lumcness will not occur, and the horsemen will find that few ordinary s niths canuot bo truetud to shoo Ihoir hors es with safety and succoss. My experience tells mo tit a t if a lursois thoroughly well treated his hoofs will ofton last longer than his teeth. Mome timo after tliov are thirty years old the latter will ofteu i become i very iuiporfoct that the animal cannot nourish himself ou the best ordinary food. I'orhaps on mashod and strumed food he miu lit go ou tj some time longer, or, if in Fraueo, ho roiht bo so fo l for tha horse mout niarkot, I Imve uijBolf had several favorito hoi S'is that Iih 1 never beou laiun l io their lives dur- ng many years of hard work, but that failed io tho teeth at hint. J beliuvo that porsons who thoe their horses ouco a month will ox- I 111. Ill 1 80S. H) King of I'rtiimia twice fneil at, but uot hit, by thu tttuJt lit, liukur, ul Baden, iu l85S. tileuu of tit t oco hhot ut by btuderut HiuhIus ill l8tjj, 1 Another conspiracy uaiuht Na-: poleou 111. by lureo lUluus ia lb- .eNprcHhiuu a'liong 02. l'resideut Liucoln aHsassiuatud iu 18G5. The Czar attacked at St, I'uIpih buiir iu lSlili aud iu i'uiu iu H 07. 1'iiueo Michel ofiSvrvia iibsaBsiu ated in 1801 Attempt ou tho Viceroy of Kgypt iu lSO-i." Assusniuatiou of Uouerul 1'iim in Madrid iu 1S70. Attempt ou 8euor Zorill i, lull Miuitturof l'u'olio Works, iu 18 71. Atsaftiualion of the Chief Justice of India, iu 1872. Of the Karl of M.tyo. Governor Out of a di.'fi-rtice to Col Iner soli, probably the wold ' lltll" Las the; beou elimiuiiti'il from tho revised edition of t lie New Testament. It will titill con I in 11 to be a favorite disappointed stuteHiuen and others who put their money on tbo wrong curd, "llules" will do very well for pulpit nse iu tho prom 1100 of ladies, but will Dov er till the vocabulary of thn man who trips on a banana peel. An inebriated individual fell dowu a flight of htairs thu other iii'bt, and a paHHeiby. fearing him serioiih ly injured, ran to pick him np. lint the innn uiaii Htieu'ly sta.t'.Torad to Snail- ,r,'t''' n'"' ,',,I10U,H' '10 r,('' ' 1 ! . 1 : 1 1 .. . V- - 11 ieo ni l, roiireii ouv ; .ii jou jeht let 'lone. Wun' no slobbi-rin' round 1110. I alius come dowu stair that wav." I'll 12 romr. I'tiMMn'.l every 11updvv Iviiit JSUBiMIAtl CUOUSrl, lTr Terms of .Siitiscrtitiin, rwo yoA.k m vr.n a.i n l'm. rr - able riililn six ntiHiths, nr t2.'A) il'm.t psld within thJyonr. "No dhv. conlinund uMii nil srriiirna sis paid untos at the option of the pub libber. Hulisnrlption outntde of the eormtff PAVABLK IM ADVASCI. iVron lifllnjj ami using papers iiMre.tJipd ') olb?tw bcmniesiiMcribers ud urn liable for t lie price of tbe paper Tho wife mskos the home, id thu homo mnkes thn man. Deception ono cannot see through A glims eye. Visitors that '.always rorr.o on foot Corns. 0'S 1IAL1 EOKET OF HOREfiODSD & TAK FOR THE CURE OP CouQhi, CoMi, Influcnu, HoarMnn, Dlfflcult DrMthina, and all Airocllona or Iht Throal, ronchlal Tubfi, and tungi, leading Io Comumpllon. TliU InfiViil.le nmoly is eompO'H of tile IfoNKV of the pl.llit llnrrliouml, is chemical union with Tar-Hai M, rxlracleil from I lie I.llR 1'KiNCIl't.K of die forrkt trcr Aiiiks IIaI.samfa, or P.ilmi f Cilrail. The I Inner of llorclmund looTlirs AND 5i iri RH nil irritniiona oml Inflamma liniM, ami the Tar-Halm cl.t anrfs and Iikai.1 the tl.ioit niul nir-pa.nnpct lrn.linij Io Hie lull);. 1'lVK ad iitionnl in(eitient-t-p the organ root, nmint, anil in health, ful action. Let no pn-jnli e keep you from trying this friat medkine of s famom fliKtnr, i.'ho liai anvcl tlmunndt of lives I) it in hit In t'c private practice. N. 11. The Tar Lalm liaa no BAD TASTB or micll. I'RICES 50 CF.NTS AND f I rrS BOTTUt. Crem uvinf to buy Urge tua. "I'lke s Teelliacho Drops' Core In 1 Minute. Sold by all IlriipiMiH. C. X. CmTEXTOX. Trom pgyg perieuce great dilTimilty in finding a 'Ooceial of Iudia, in 1S72. good shoeing saii'li. Tbosi who Attempt npju the Milkado of Ja cliaDge the fchocs a foi tuiht will pan iu la 1 i. seldom meet with a bad oua. The rbiladelpoia linlhiin very truly remarks that what sum Mr, Hayes may have saved out of bis salary wbilo he was in the Presi dency ought not to be ft matter of concern to anybody but himself. The money be roceivod was his money and it is really nobody's basinets bother ho spent tbe whole of it or saved a part of it. But as sooio of tbo Democratic editors have circul ated reports to the effect that be spent only about half of his salary and have endeavored to prove that he ia a kind of a skinflint, a plain statement respecting the matter has beon put forward. The salary for the four years amounted to $200, 000. Of this sum tbe President consumed $131,000 iu his ordinary expenses, lie spent 14,000 also iu defraying the cost of the commis sion which be aent to Louisiana. Tbns he had left over $06,000. Hut when he beoaose President he was in debt to the exteot of $90,000 on acconnt of bequests charged npon the Uurchard estate. Of this sum he bad paid 100,000, and he went ont of the white bouse, therefore, with ft fragment of bis salary amounting to IG.000. Now that the exaot facts are known, it ia to be hoped that tbe Paul Pry a of the county will rest easier. 'Where were you when tbe first shot was fired V asked ft Galveston lawyer. 'I waa lying down on the sofa." Wbere was your husband f" "lie was lying down on tbe back gallery." . "And your children where were tbey r "They were lybj down 00 the ' ? if your (- ..lUcuipt on King Amadous of Spain, iu 1H72. Ueuerul Jelarijo, I'ictator of, Bolivia, ia 1S71. Prcbblout IV.ta, of Peru, iu 18 72. Attempt upon the life of the Dm- poror of Uoiiinny while visiting St. j Petersburg, iu 1S73. Attempt upou President Pardo of Peru, in 1875. Prosidout of Kcnador, iu 1875. President Gill, of Paraguay, in 13 77. Attempts of llodel and Nobelling npon the life of the Emperor of Ger many, iu 178. King of Spain, Oct. 21, 1878. Kiug of Illay, Nov. 13, H7S A Boy's Wat or Stati.no TuiNns. A boy's way of stating things, though ofton inelegant, is genearlly raervous. Kxample . A lad at Hust on, Pennsylvania, eutered a drug store, bottle in band, and said he wauted ten cents' worth of "srma kymooy." The drugger told him to repeat the word, aud said, "Dou't you moan arnica, or ammonia " "1 douno," was the reply. "What ia it for t ' asks druggist. "Can't tell," said boy, starling slowly ont. Wheu near the door a bright idea illiumined him, and be turned and asked druggist t "If your wife hit you on the head with a chair leg, which of them medicines would you git to take the ewelliu' down f" "Arnica" 'Then fill her in ten cents' worth," replied tbe boy 1 and be gazed lov ingly at a big at'.ck of licorice aa thu arnioa was being bottled. Harper' iluyaiiiie A Clergyman observing ft poor man by the roaddide, breaking stouee, aoJ kneeling, to get at his work batter, made tbe remark : 'Ah. Juhi, I wish I could break ci r'--- I -- 'i f ry y tt A full lino of DRUGS nud CLOTIUNO at B. S.HARVEY'S DRUG STORE, "Yon see," said Uncle Job, "my wife's a curious woman. Slut fccrimped uul saved, nnd nlmobt starved all of ns to get tho parlor fill iiinlicil idee, an 1 nov sbo won't lot oup of 114 go iulo it, nud hain't uveu had tho window biindd of it open for a mouth She is a curious woman.'' i n. 'You cannot keep mo down," shouted a somewhat windy orator at a public uio.titig t "though l may be pressed below the waves, I risn agaiu ; you will find tint come to ho titirface, gentlemen." "Yes," said an old whaler in tho nn lience. "you conie to the surface to blow." li is said that broad-heeled shoes will pooti bit the fashiou for ladies. No one will regret tho departure of Ihoso Elizabethan hih-stepping 1 toking heels which ruaka a ..lovely womau look like a beu on a hot griddlo. "1 on old vulture, you. ue ex claimed when be hinted that five bonnets a year was enough for any ordiuary woman. Next day when ho relented and told her to order a sixth it would have made an angol smile to hear her call birn "Hirdie " Jsnnaay sneery 1 February freezy; March, breeey 1 April, wbeory 1 May, showrey 1 Juno, lowery 1 July, bowery j August, flowery i Septetuer blowey 1 October, flow ey 1 November, snowy 1 December, glowey. m m mi 1 m 1 1 1 The weight of tho bell of Moscow, the biggest bell ever made, is esti mated to be 353.77 pounds, its height ia 19 feet, and it measures around tbe rim 61 feet. Men's and Youth's Suits. $1 50 to $18.00. Underclothiiirr, suits. CI. Oil to 61.7.. Paper Collars 15 nod 15 els a 1'ox. A Inrue stock of fiF.STS FUUNI.-IIINO GOODS at Ji.wef-l t'A-ill PlilCEri. Cull nnd examino our stock and prices before purchssiug; elsewhere. Respectfully, 8. S. HARVEY. Kar.'U.'lO.ha. 4, T w irM, llreH, Nan York, li. FUailjr I uirln maht. 8ni.IM M. li. ll li.N..lu Naaaa bul, A German lately married says : '-It vas joost so easy as ft needle could valk ont mil ft camel's eye as to get de behindt word mit wo man." Female economr bnyinjf ft half :or -r" -iffv Errors.of Youth. All KM I.FM ih on.rM for raara Nervnui lil llll.U V, PKKM ATl'KK litr I V ami all thaailaeu of joLltlul liull.er tl..n, will Inr tba uU ol tuflarlns kumaaitv. ftfi Iraa to all wb i II. tUa rl, B4 ill riwllua lr maklnic tliatim.la nnia.lr j olitch lie a. eur4, burlarara althlns H pront kf Ilia aiverilfar'a asp-rlrnoa ean S.i ao r al lr,,inii la i rfKt eunn lanoa JoHN H. mi. I1L.N, u taaar bt., haa.Yvrk. Jaa t7, tuoi. t will mail (Pr ailtha rwaip InrCa alnpla V0TAHL ItAtK lhl Hill ItH'OV I.IX, HOULta, IIMPl.t'-S a ail IHl.tm-Uk., I. avlns th aals aiili.i Irar anil ttaautilul : aiao In.irucilnni li.r rroluiiK a luiartaat aromh at hair i a bll liaa.1 r aii.MilU Ufa. Ait. Ira-, IDOInirir ae. atamp, I' K.N, VAMitLf a.C'1., Uwkoiaa 6t.N. Y. TO CONSDM'TIVES 11 Tti avarttaa. riavlp Thaaa larMu.-, l aarl rj that ilratil dlaaaaa, (luMam iima, tit 1 oi ratradr. Ii antloua la ni savi't kba fallnv iudirrt ISa anaKt r aura. Tm a't haitnaira It. kawlU aras r r tka ara arrlillo aaad. irraa utthttm .) ltk Ut dlna- iinirir i.irf asda.ias lliHai,ati thaj win Bns a at aa et as fcir Coaamrrua. i.raat, liaitacHiTi. a, fartua al.kli.a- iba ra-rlBtkiB. will alaaaa ' Wllliamabarc. M. V. Pni at,. MARRIAGE Ou!4 tor both fCVE. tot tha marrlail aa4 Utuaa KMHKil.llu KumiLfa tir lllam. fear. BaUu aok. aruui.aalur(lrlBamllllwiMi Ha Ilk. IMaewaa.aadu -aal.l i.Ui"CMaau4 Www IHlr im iBBtfUW. uld ar.iknrM.Al k ute a nnalma, 1'ilm a 1 a 1 A. . 1.1K. tka ..! -V i "aHaa mhaarlU ) i In aa a clival S Bar k a a iter i II.' ) ? : i '"ti A