irertUlff little 1T, column, one yesr, 'mirth column, one year, 16.0J additional Insertion, 60 Lionel nd Business card of Joif than 5 li nee, por year . jW.Kxecutor, Administrator larial notices per line, 15 jimntctant advertising lew then onlhslOcenueline. rt advertisements for a shorter pe i than one year ere payable at the they ere ordered, aud If not paid oemon ordering them will oe held; ' Lt- . lha minRtf. Aon tryt my B3rnaoD a home BY "JBItSKT UtC." onder. where the iraoke curie up Lween the jrreen-topped trees, 1 the red-tiled chimneys Just peep thro' . hi overhanging leaves; r stand my own dear boyhooa home. 1 i.laln. and painted brown. hh here and there a shingle loot. 6r, maybe, tuiuiiliug uown; itUL a of yore, the rosea twine kronnd the easement sill peep lu the low, wide rooms, r clumber up at win; ,e honeysuckles trembling cling fo every loosened nail, Id banjf around the sloping roof rtieir blossom's perfumed trail. LMt memory paint my mother's form Will snlnnlnz at the door, mile summer snnHhlne Oiled the skies. Uud flocked the cottage floor, fhlle I, a little red-cheeked lad, Jin homespun garment neat, V childish Innocenoe and joy, jSat playing at her foet. here, way down by the singing stream. Where grasses thickly grow, he old red cow at eventide Sent forth hor plaintive lo, Lnd father, with the milking pail Made haste to reach hor side, Lnd brought it buck full to the brim. A rich and creamy tid e; and, oh, the supper nice aud sweet Of that milk and bread, n winter, jam for little folks, In summer, berries red. For appetite is good and strong Where hunqkh Is the sauce, lAndiNOKiKsrios is unknown Our "woitKisu-LAXi" aeroes- Thore tnthedistauce points the spire Of our old meeting house, (Where Sundays friend- and usiglib or ' went .To hear good Pur son Rouse, lere was no choir of pretty girls, No organ's rolling chord, softly-cunHlouud seat of ease On wliich to praise tbo Lord, it benches of the hardest wood, And one old deaoou's volee, ud yet weiuanaed tv survive, And In our church rejoloo. T hoyhood's home I I am nj more A merry little lad, forrow and time have scaled my faco, aim uiaue my spirit sad; 'ether and mother loved so well Sleep la the churchyard gvay, mosy tombstone marks the spot Where side by tide they lay. and now I near my other Lome JUeyondthe sunset -sky-come to my dear boyhood's home in tranquil rent to Din. Tbey toil and spiu and wash dish es, and yet all bis L-lorv. as not arrayej liko a Colored girl at uiess bau. Ajouog woman being asked by politioiaa which ptrtr she was most in favor pf, replied that ebo preferred a wedding party. "Bridget, I canuot allow too to reoeiveyoqr lover in the kitchen any longer." lt't very kind of yoo. ma'am, bat he's almost too bashful to oome in the parlor. tfofc and oold baths mav bo hn.l in almost every street in Puris at prices arying from ten to twenty cents. A poor e to ne is bettir than uoue at all. Wbenabovwaa MooQnt for Rolnir flsbinir on Snn. y( ho replied. "I know 1 do, bat then before tbe fish becin to bila 1 Iwaya whistle oat one of Uoody and Sankey'a tunes.'' The inUlligent printer cot it inta type that it wae a 'dumnatiou'' nar. ty, and the poor minister who bad been afflioted with t donation party dida'l kick a bit, or request any of bii sturdy congregation to go Voand nJ kill the editor. A rotor ned Australian found the baby he left at borne a miss of five umioore. One day be offooded her, "J aba fretfully exolaimed i "I wish joa bad never married into the Wittily," Tbe Elmire & PrtM sits the wonea of Michigan declare that tbey going to vote, and, to begin with iot'tt that every ballot shall have a botdsr and a Mttlnn .mnn.t !l "When I WJS a mnna mm" um Eill(n;s.; wt always in a burry to nol-ltLcjlcftheloif do tltl ! - , r nv I an cMsr, 1 HI VOL. 18. Boyi. Tbe original noise prodiioere and nerve destroyers of tbe time. Ao'l yet in themselves a most in teresting study. F'ritistanoe . Tbo best boy every mother owns htm, every father I prond of bim, tud yet it takes a great deal of tbe "corrective'' to keep him at Lis best. Tbe worst boy belongs to the next door neighbor every timei and is I be batefullost. tnennett, b'm1iast, ttucknpcst boy that evry stele a follow playmate's skates and broke the side roil from your own boy's led aud how ridiculously they'd diens tbat boy, ' The funny boy is always cullin up. some toi.tio to bring a laigb. lie turns bimsolf iusida out if be makes a bit he keeps at it until ho sinds up hie career ID the cirens ring retailing thousand year old jokes. The saucy boy calls bin mother a -'squint eyed liritlun,"' twis bis lingers on bis nose at bis father, in veots autouixliinjf uicknames for all tbe cranky pe ple in tbo nuihbjr hood, end with bin bauds in his pock u Is bluiuU on t!m a6raers and yelps Lin -Miihm" rilit in thu faoe of everybody ytt be nuvor sucins to i-eup his reward. 'J'uo wicked buy works on tbe dly. lie wanders fortl) after dark, breaking in all the skating pou Is, ipiiukling ashes ou tbe coasting , rounds, setting logs of wood iaiuat buck doors and liuging tbo belle K4uijtiully miuchievous, with a tinge of ugliuess, be bold the court will) a teign of terror, and every boy stands in fuur of ,iiui. But be is tbe sleekest, q iiot ust looking boy on tbe street. The scholarly boy porns over hubo il books wbeu bo oubt to be out getting suow builud. lie cor rects bis nijlber'e grrttuimtr, im proves tbe ttjln of bis fibber's con versation, and with an air of sup eriority kiudly allows bis parents to exint under l!o sa uo ro if with Lieu, aud be proud of his attainments, l'he chances sro that be till one day tt-ucb a district school at $12 a oiootb, and really think ba is mov ing the world. Tbe tough boy reads dirao nov elu, smokes a clay pipe, freqnt ul the "tiiggor heavuu" in tlia thd lUirx, steals front theopple stands on tbo ooiuor, is up nights, goes homo iu a boastlv stito of intoxication by the time ho is four teen, aud at tweuty stands on tbe corner in checked puuts, "loud" ul ster, plug hat aud, lo neck shirt, a living picture of dissipation. Uoys, don't think it smart to be tough. Tbe Neaboy Take one whiff of bim as be standi sixteen deep wait, inz to buy bia papere. Tbe world ovor tbe newsboy carries a distinc tive odor, reekiug with tobtojo smoke, onion soup and tu.j remits of a cbaugeluBs shirt. But be can give an intelligent answer to any question you ask bim, and is the lougest distanco from a fool of any of tbe boys, llo eats great quanti ties of tatTy, and delights ia ''giving it awey." Tbe boy in "gig la-nps" is eel dom met, but tbe uufoituoate little coot always looks like some minia ture book ageui with sore eyes. The fannjr's boy wears the big gest boots he oan persuado to stay unhie fiat, hi) . stur ly raji I little framo, burd muscles, lots of red blood in his face, oan raoe over tbo fields, ride a wild colt, drive a boss cow and snare more rabbi te than the best sportsman, IU says "go-ib." oooasiouully and looks with ou lorioir eyes at everythiu town .bred. Uut be is tbe boy who works bis way to tbe city aud replenishes ta dissipated life with bis physical vigor aud qiiik perooptioua. au I is tbo motive power tbat moves the buiuesa of the world, e inbalos the spi rit of progress iq the air be brua thus npon tbe old farm. Boys, y es boya' We were al' boyn ouoe, with exouptiunt in favor or girls, of gourso. and don't let us Orgnt it. Let us reuiwuibcr that tbe world wai once a distant jwe oi't - '1 r'T l c r K is t by i- ' " I''- (-? MIDDLEBURG, Words of Wis dom. One has ouly to die to bo praised. Handsome apples are sometimes soar. It is easier to blame than to be better. I is not enough to arm you must bit. Would yoo be strong, conqnor yonrteir. Little and often makes a heap in time. Tbcro is no good in preaching to tbe hungry, tfpeak little, speak truth spend lii tie, pay cash, Better free ia a foroigu 1 thvi a slave at home. Charity gives itself riches, bntcov- etousucss boards itself poor. Everybody knows a good counsel except bim that hath need of it Tbe men tbat hope little are the lueu that go ou working. There is no sanctuary of virtue like home. Tbn scenes of childhood are the members of future years. Idleness watites a man no seusibly as industry iiupiuves bim. Tbe idle should uot be classod among the living ; tbey are a sort of duud liitu that can't be buried. A great part of our vxislvuce serves no otiier iui puu than tbat of ena bling us to elijoy the rust. Intelligent tests tguoranco aud wisdom lebts follies. But alio are the lululiigeut aud wuj are wise 1 The applicatiou of coiumou seube iu matter of belief or bunufs is al uaye our best guide and mouilor. Don't covet tLeV'"''''"''01"' of any umu until you aiu u tiling to py for Ilium the j. rice wuicu h't psul ; tuuu yuU will uot teud to covet t.ioiu, for oa csu go aud ge; taum fur yout eclf. Huppinets ie evident to as in this life by duliveieuce lioui evil. "Hup py is he who sets tbe day 1" ha id a blind (but a man who sees i-luarly dos not y bo. ' "Unj (y ii be who is btallby 1" aid an invalid WIr-u bo if well lie does uot ftbl tbo buppiuoea f health. vt ... , .... ixo man ougui to complain W the WOild lutasuies bim Hh he measures territory now kuowu as leuuessee, ... ... ,., . . . v .i i. iiiieiB. iu luunsuru uue tn u Uls i ,.a, , w.l.l ...... I... 1...! ...I ,1 I. vnu . u. tun, uv linm, wilt lit ! , No person cau be so feeble or so pour tbat be bss ut a duty t j per form which, bciu performed, makes bim one with the highest and (greatest. To prunounco a man buppy mere ly because bo is rich, is just as ab surd as to call a man beultby merely because be baa euoogb to eat. Ignorance and deceit are two of tbe worst qualities to combat. It is easier to dispute with u etatesmau that a block-bund. Nature baa written a letter of ore dit on some men's faces which ia bouured wherever it ia presented. Poverty may excuse a shabby coat, but it is no eicu.o for shabby mor als. A S trante Preacher. There was ouce a mi muter of the gospel who uever built a church. W ho never preached in one. Who never proposed a church fair to buy tbe church a new carpet. bo never founded a new sect. Who never belougcd to auy sect, ho frequented pnblio bouses and drauk wiue with siuueis. Who never received a salary. Who never asked for one. bo never wore a black suit er a white ueoktie. Who never nsod a prayer book. Or a hymn book. Or wrote a sermon. Who never-hired a ooruet soloist to draw souls to bear tho "Word." Who nover advertised bis ar none. - Wbo uover even took a text for bis sermons. Wbo uever went through a oonree of theological study, Was o-jver ordained. Wbo was uever uvon "converted." Wbo never ett to conforeuce, Wbo was be I CbrUt. ' r : r,, I rv - tfa ar' . ttwV MVi . - JVC- .' iv- - SNYDER COUNTY, PA, MARCH 24, 1881. NO. 37 Hickory nuts and Muilo. ''John all, yon were very drunk last night," said bis honor as a send off. "I think Dot, sir," ''Well, you have a right to differ. Officer, was this man drunk 1" 1 tie was sir," "How drunk" "Well, be fell down fonr times in crossing the road, and the last time be settled down for a rap." "That's oni case. Mr. Hall. Hve yon any dufenke T" 'I l ave, sir. I bad not tsfd any liquor of any sort all day long. Just before met tbe officer I gut choked, and tl at was what ailod me wbun be picked ine up." "Choked T What with 1" "With an apple." "sve jou got it'' "Yes, sir. Wbeu Mi offijer sh'iok me, he shook the apple oiit of my gnllet, and I put it in my pocket tj bring to show you," He thereupon pulled from bis coat tail pocket a frozjn greening, larger than a coffee cup, and laid it ou tue dusk. "Do you mean to tall mo that you bad tbat apple iu your mouth f" "Yes, Sir. 1 was going to take a bite when it slipped dou iulo my gullet, itnd if the ullicur hadn't giv eu me a shukuu 1 uugUt .have su:f i- cated.'' "You can't et that tipple into your mouth. No sucb a story will go down hero '' ".See here. Judge," and ho opuued a mouth big enough to tako in a bowl, tubsod in tb applo, aattin I it aronnd, aud dropped it into hi buud again with a niuilu uf triu.npb. "You may go,,' said ins Honor, after n long bilunce. "With Mich a tnuutu us iiiat you II est woio iiimu prison, lako your hozcu appUand t;ooiu wy " "Thank you. I'd like to bin my orotbbr iu some d ,y, una let you sue his month, lie a tu hold a pint of hickory nuts aul si.ij a sou at tbe same time." HawCni:ci'$ Wcro Cnca Paid. It is not a tenor ii known h:lori-1 csl (act tint fr.u 177 to 17-14 ttit 1 I I oruiwn uni oi .imiu i.iuiiu, r ... 'i 1 u ., u . I ' ,uv u u w v t, .... .-. I. . i i -,i .i a. I , ,l 71i I 'I .,l.r,J..uJ,.U becoming di.4ti-ij bid w.tu tuoir lijVarumeut. tiruanizcd a State ifov- ernmeiit under the name of "Frank- lju," which was maintaiuud for eiiie.R"" "n cfnu M' '0R'; jsurs. Ti. .,...i,,..i..n fi..r.v,.i,i a u u v fci " hh tv "is ( disbauded. and I'urritorivl Tuauusuo wae auiu auuexod to North Caro lina. . The following is among thu laws pause 1 by tho loislature of the State of . 1'Vauklyo. We uopy a found ia a spuucli by Dj.iiid Vob stor on tbe currency in 1SJS : "Ue iw enacted by tbe (ieuural As sumbly of the Stato of Fiauklyn, aud it is hereby euactod by the au thority of the same : Tbat from tiio liret day of Jauuary, 177i tbe alaiies of tbe olli:oi-s of thii Goal- mouwoalth be as lollosrs, t i-wit "liis Excelluucy tbe (ioveauor pur aunum, l.U'JO dour bkius t "Ui llouor tbe Ctiief Justioo, o)0 der bkius i or 500 raccoon bkius ; "The Treasurer of tbe Citato, 431) raccoon ukius i "ICaoh County Clerk, 300 beaver skins i "Clerk of tbe House of Commons. 200 raccoon skius i "Member of Assembly, per diem, three raccoon skin i 'Justice' feo for signing a war rant, one muskrat in i "To tbe Conslublo for serviog a warrant, oue tuiult skiu ; "Kuterod iuto a law tbe lth dny of October, 1 770, under tbe great seal of tbe State Sorvaut girl quostion t Matildy a ejllored sorvant. ou beioz told t i pack up and leave, blubbered dread fully and refused to be comforted l'he lady of the bouse tried to com fort ber by telling hor not to give way so i tbat she miht o i'l iu on Snudav and see the family: ' Taint dat ar. . I joss can't bulp bolloriu' I always bo' lore wheu I quit a nlaoe. I bus worked for some of a Che I iwest down, meanest folkea on C Weston slaud, but wboo comes i 'j a'.!er beVra nd U ti' - h I b"era il r ! ft Wmmi 4 KiiO. - cSii A Remarkable Man. Rev. Allen Tibbits, who now livo in Col lwater, Miali., an I 77 yotrs, makes this remarkable ntVometit. uevor swore au oitu, or tajk chew of tob tcco, or em iko 1 a whole cigar. I never sold a drink of brsudy or whisky f ir mynolf. In a travel of ovor 10!) OJ) imlot by pub- lie couvryancrs I never met with an accident, or was a moment too late when it depended upon my own exertion. I never sang a son or played a game of checkers, biilinrds r croqnet, or any game of cardi. never skated a rod or struck a ma'i n blow ttilh my fist, I cm repent more of the Bible than any mnn liv ing of whom I have any knowledge. have uiven nwav r.iorn reel estate to this city (Cold water) than nil its other inhabitants. I prewhud for ovor fifteen year and travelod mop than fi;)0 miles attending funerals, and all tbn sul try I ever recnivttd was a pound of tea, worth eevtntylive cents. A promising youth recently sopris ed bis father by asking : Father do von like mother 7" "Why. yes. of coursu " "And she likes yon V "Ofcourso she does." "Did she ever nay so ?'' "Many a lime, my son." "lhd shu marry you 'cause she b.ved you t" "Cirlsinlv sliO did." Thu boy can fully scrutinized his parent, mid, lifter u long pause, ask ed, "Well, was she as uear-sighted then us she is now ?" i in. i i ii i A Story comes from Bostou thut a woman who tirougbt her p vil to bo filled at a soup bouse in that city wss H'ked bow n nnv i-he bad in her (,;iy and replio I : ' Six my !JIMi,n t. m;e f. tw i dnaa un 1 ! two cats, and plenso don't put so ; tu tTolt pepper in the soap, tho do-s !.j't io it A Xmim r.n.,!n.l m.liil' Ml!nl . on one of bis d-srons, with whom i bottom of it. snd on the top of tho bo wus at vaiianc and. nith nir ofiRlr,,w l,,,'.v put ioiuo m-hes nnd Kret solemnity, s.iid : "I'-rolher, it jlo(,cl,u'1 ""'",- Mr"- WbinKton isasl.ainlhattbis.i.i trrel of onra;"1 h,'r 'onl' " U reedy nnd should briiiK scan.Ul npon the " li !'" was tilled 1 -1... 1. I I. . awn 1 .ii.ini.sM n f il . LMiidanco iu the miliar; and have ... , . Imii. mi Willi nit liupslill n .niA 1,1 Him Pi.liillnaliill that VOll;S0l" ou' HU nil lll'r Skill - - ; .... .11 ;iniut M0 in, I:if I 0:Uit)Ot. A Oerinan who b id list a boy my noy, un i von i iim ror nun find bill) si! till x O'l dfl ClU'lU ID". I till bim ooiiio hi;no ; he sty hi vo if. Ho liiok nt mi ; I loik at bin. I bejin to cy ; be hoia to cry. llo feel vory bad t I (eel very hi I. I told him to stool up, and ho t il up. I put my nr ns arouu' bis neck, uud, by jimiuity, it v isn't him." WIMMMMMianM Some aritbmetienl chap bis figur ed out that Vaudcrbilts lucoms wonld ullow bim to 8,000 cir. ense. ent 10.000 piuts of puanuts, aud d it. k 15,000 lassos of I j u u 1 1 every day iu tbe your. Hut he .Ijjs n't do it. Thus it can be suen that wealth is givou (o those who dou't know bow to enj'iy it. Carving isq't fun. A young mnu was invited to carvo n turkey at din ner recently, and before the kuifo was finally taken from him he bad npsjt a glass Tf water, wrou Mio i his shoulder, abut tho bird aoross tbe table into a ladj'e lop, and near ly jablK'd n moo's eyo out, au l ft ivasu't a tough bird cither What did Cain say when tbo Lord asked bim where bis brother Able waa V aeked a Oalvostou Suu-day-school teacher of bia class. None of the children spoke up. but little Jimmy snapped bis finger and Maid i "I forgot what Cain said, but he sussed tbo Lord back." Tbe roan who was spprnacbed from tbo roar by g ist and weut ovor a six foot wall and routed up the ground for tbroo ro la, un being revived told the doctor that be bsdu't, at tbe time of tbe accidout, Ibe slightest idea that be was stand iug on a railroad track. There i a firmer in tbe east ern aud of Lancaster oonuty eighty one yf-i nt . who baa always 1 ir- M 'v' .'i trtt visits An Erg t.ttr VJo iitotk.a'Slcnftl A well-known rrgioeor on the Union I'ucific who Las a slight im pediment in bis speech, bod an in terview a fe days since with bis di vision superintendent, tbe nature of which gradually leaked out and I.e. runi j n ouiro of considerable ',fur fir the boys. The story goes that 'iu a recent ran bis engine bad a colli .ion ilb a cow, resulting 1is 'istronslr ti t io aui n al in question lr a rule of tbo ruins I Co in inn y such a?ei lent ini it tin rep irti I by the fiiiii'!r nnd conductor in writ ing. an I fiJsi.M mi 1 1 the en giu ier forgot bis duty n this o cni in, nntil bo was suuimoood - be fore the t iilroal mngnutu for,private invostigution. " ," siiid Ibe soperititstid ent. "bnw is it y i:l f.iilu I t re port th-. killing of a cow ou your owo r in of snub a data "I d-d-1-d-I i't reinu:nbnr am . , . . i . SU-8'Stlcll a?i!l I.Jilt, riplltll til knight of tbo font board, BcralcbinM bis bead thoughtfully. "Wo'l, yo't crtainly must have killnd a cov on Unit rim, for it msh .1. I I.. 1. .... I , I "I "" 'U' I'IMII lilt' t.'ll- ductor," int-ir.tud the supei inton lent. ''.Vn-n.nn, I d-d-d-dtdn't," said tho engiiiber. "Now jiut think a littln nnd see if you em't i mmnlicr it," raid the pi'tsisteiit in lurri :t r. 'Xo. I can't remt uiber killing any cow. I do rcmetubur stiikin one. . but I looked out of tho window and Miw her lyin ou ber buck, by thu tiark, moving her foot," (motioiiin with bis hundt) "to fjn iihead, nnd I took it to tucuu that hho nss all light " .i was wurno.l nut to bo too 6iire of such signals iu tbo 'uturo. .lii i)oi:i of (Scnru Wiibbinton's birtb-d.iy, tho tomiirido (Muss.) ''rifiunt. leintes tbo fulloiviui' : , Mrs. Washington, tbn uiolbur of Oonru, was Koin to muko sonp t'torgci Hint his father nrrHiijrd a lalL'O Cltsk With nme BllHW in the I , i,,,:;:,. , :M 11,0 pro-ist oi soap uoi.iu is nit'l tun I'l 'I'l I II ill V'lll I U II L Htlt't " Willi nil ber skill she could nut mulco tbe soup come. On iiivostigitbiii it was discovered Hint nhuio of tliM ashes nsu I w.ira from tho wood of tbo cherry trim Clenrg" down, and no lio could I o pro JdiiOrt.l from Ikem. This slios tbo jpswer of truthfulness. I'no, uflor a wiek's fpnee, wppt homo late ouoniht sitii;ini 'Tliere's no place btto b i me !" lie thinks bo ynt 1 tits wife itrcircd bim wit li torritbi warmth. Sha rprcud bim liter In 111. ''iIm nfati.ii 4 iln-li. I lli.i ovei 10 iu. us 01 siain. niwi iuo Mini.iii t nntrv iiriiit witli him snu'in i uoor enirj enrpei linn. .iT.niin 1 tli ,1.1 ir .if fli..ii li,.1. r.tiiitt opono.1 tue Hon oi iiieir nta loom with h.s bead, jsmnud b.m ii.-iw.fu two dressing ciu1, w i i'i I hi u around a bed poi-t, perfonuod othei nets indioitive of ber reat delight upon bis return. He is eonfidint be will not bo cold Hgnin this winter. It t!M r.nm lit i li.utllin.lur lor lirowdnoH. When tho weslber; is cold uud ibfl school haus e is ioipi r .cctly boa-sd. hop,., tbo b,al .,. ., .... Ilia ii- uu.iiviii vno , ll'.-. lurii i'l the scliuhir wnr! li k j h!uln to rank hiU in thior stu -lies. Love, faitli, patiuuee tbe three essentials to a buppy lifo, Ouo maxim is, "a ponud of pluck is woith a tou of luck." Nothing keeps a man from knowl edge and wisdom bku tbiukuig be lias both. The buie drum player innkos more uoiso tiiiu auyhily eUu, doesu't lead tbo baud. Tbugbiss of s and tbo looking Kins ivseiublee tsch other. You isn boo tho soda tits in oue, aud our un titt in tbe other. We rea l reoently tint tbiity per bona iu a small were poisoued tOWII IU JlulllCtlU liy eating east's. . ,' , Hit comes from laaviutr bias col isrs on doijs. . nl ru. h. i . i.. i4M.n rin Health. Railable rmT ;, 1 I What i the differenoe between 'fcASY .VUV.'w brktua a window and bteakiu aul1'"4 Wu"M u V i..,i.... ..i. ... . VT':0-' '.. iullibd every Tburnlav Unrnng JiCASKIA.II OltOUSK, (rx Terms of SubsanpUon, VWO DOLL4 M VEH ASKITS. Pef ahle viihln ix munib, StfJMlfotH paid within Ui tear. Jfo pajier )ia eonliauod ur.lil nil rrejutt mm- fisid unlea at the opttosj of Ui iue isher. , tiubsoHptlon ontnida of the eonsity PAVABLS IN ADYANT. I-Persons liiliii and asing Topers sdd ressed 'jo other become sut soril tr and tro liable forlho price of tbepnper ADMINISTRATOR'S SiLE! TrTR nndnrsinnd. Administrator nr It Mtl nf rt. H. Mill, laltnf Wait l'.rT l"Blllp. SSfilff enttStf , Pi.. l,.MMl, I'T rl'i or , AM,, (iri-f ol s,i, i ( th Hrtin.' (1 urt i.r lit unnir, "III 1 !M in I'. i i.iic !, iis lh i rin.-i ua Tliursday, March 21th, 1881. Hi fallowing rt Tl- 1 H.1 KlUta illit'ds it ivrri ionnii (..! ,ll, bels aim. tlu, ttuilisr Ual. ejntttnlU4 ISO Acre. mnrsnr ' Hnsn'l4 t.t'l, W,i at if.rlli ly h.i,.1a Mi.'inl tin at.l Smua by Ia4i T Juamka abli .brsor I.0 2 Acies, aisrs sr !, Urio U roll a O'loO .sw Mil!, hminnl Notth. Siilh. Ki-t sol Wnt if Un i of Io.iikii SN-ilaaKrcr, n tli In Hi t.ion.'ilii far. ill 1. l- in rum-,, -upf l nitltri P, M. offlnlil 1.y wlivi .In- nunl.n witlbtgl'SB s tvrmi ul f l m.J Sutfws ljr Wif. II UMTH, Mrt i, mi. A lminitrir. EXECUTOR'S SALE fPUR nndersi'jni'd, Hswcntar of tbo 1 li.l Will nn l Tfl'l, urnl ol tt ol ttia ii,n, nl it4, r. 'I-.-nMit, f I -n ir'l-r l.-il-l nit 1,1 lh lrr;i,,' i I'u.iri m siiT'if i 'nti i Kura-rv r ul.i. i '.t. will i. lj fd iil) 4lt, un in tiicai. ' ,.,.. ,ull ! lilla1n ilr.nrl'i.! Itl Kla( tltiiti. fl Htr iuwiipuI,', oijuiit ,h.r.4iil. oiiaisiuiiif Five Acres, m ir nr Miuniie i s fiii n? iiii nr n. ' ,F,, ,,,( y ,, ,, ,,,., rtll'KK Hill I'T Un U nf 'Yatt-r II ii-m ,i... d. Wil bj tin It ul Mkh.el l,i'lf, Ming Tiilihrr Lund. Aln nt li m-i II n i nil it't III lit til I s I 'i of cr, in' rr.iirv, r In inn jiic .1 ii'nlni'k A. 11. nf 1,11 ility l.n lr,ut if t'i will ii- iti4 I iiaiwa l.r IV 1 1,1,1 II II. I. )N' JMl.rt II, I, UN I. Mkreh in, ll. Ei"-uior. A full line of DKt;03 and, CLOTHING nt B.S.HAEEY'SL DRUG STORE, FA. T Men's and Yonlb's Suits $4 oi) to t'13.00. L'nderclolhirp. suits. 81.00 to 8l.7o. I'll per Collars 1! uud 10 cts a l'ox. A l.nce stock of (iiV'ITS I' UliMSHlNO GOODS ut i'AS II i'iiH'i:s. full and examine our slocl nnd pi'irra befote pnrebssiiip len brie. r.espr el fully, 'b. s. iiahvey. Ht. rf,-M.fn. PftV. M i'l a wmii. hm I pirlotnianl. SAtni ltt fir. A'Mrma, U. N'c Vurii, !! K.N. J .Vi-B eirMl, Errors of Youth. 1 A OKM I.I M IN h .u"r.. ..r r-i . ..., i,i.;,,i,.i rv. i-uk i a i r it k nr. 1 v n'' " "' ' "u'iiuo in.ll-n- ,.B Mm ,.,,,,.,, ,uP,,lr, i.uirn,i,. Irp In .1 1 n ti. .,(-I it l.' rrplr 1 ill f ,1im ) r n k(n h l(. .mr,,y , ,T t v,T.':irr,7r:;,-r"e?;:i",,::2 v. y;.;. 'Iir-aina In irr-i loir JulIN II. O l il:N, tC.UrSI Xtm York. Jts ST, III. K'n.PEJsS,. t trill mnll (ifti li rw'v lofntimf VViiiiikii Iiaiv i t-tit nil if n in TIN, I I.I I I. I.IK, I IMI'l. IN trit lll.lllCIIKK, l.tT'nv Itii' .kin H. if r tr.l ikiiuiiihi : lii-Oiirlt'til l'ir I'T -liiclnn lutsrlanl ro IS ilrt'. inc'o.m -nt'n r.b.N. vaNutLr a Co.. Hirknita bu . v. - 1 . Wf WW I U'l W LW XJ VUi.UUlU Tli 'lvtrilir. htrlr. h! t'tTinally I curt-l rl IS4t .1rfil il1,49. l'ont ii;illoii. Of ' tltiii I rinnfly. It mli'iit tu nitk boo t I h lrMi ttifvrtrt li. m4nt of ir. Ti ll I ra ilrtlr-II. b li ttnl eiirt of Ik sr. i ,irll'll.i ut I. i nK nl rrir4- ) lll I b, Sir-. II .rt lur p figirlmt in I vlu t ) , ( ' n.r aiu B"'l if si 111:4 lor imitmui, 1 A.T111A, liii"i-ioti-.. b-. I mil,. -.Kill H III- i'rtTtvtti"l, IU P't .:.!... . K.T.I. A '.V;i.MI, M ttO l llliin.i lii. N . . Aii 1 vt iv ai to r? n . Cbnpses 01 Tbo COMING WORLD ! Il l tn h.ll M urn, f b'l'lit Tf iO't III Hlti. tlllil H't. 'I lb Alwl-bly l.f .ulll' ilimn ol lli ilmi'i nil. ( l-fi I.Mf 4n l Mr'llrl m. 1 11. til l. salbSTl ' mii'l f al, tMhs .l ti I t MarillMg ' Ritbi fi'l r.til'lti irtn.i'tttt IHH IkmiK Ul' I II K AUt In sl 1'. ! rt lb l l:r. In II 1 llni l 11 .l. A,r) n. 1, ,,.M I ..l,ni. ar .11. '.Ti ll I'l ' 4 laisih situ I ! I- W k iiTL'T.'"'! l.iW" ' . WAHlbu A ii iaant h.ikt MARRIAGE .fetohAtti KtXES.Sv h r-Mr!r4 tvuiliniilalii.j bunil.t-, W' 111 -HI. It u iKjt.k 4 rt.-ii , -i..r A ih- milium At. 11 I blMMti,sll l"bl' SI t !.. 4r: ief m Uiiii.t. 4 tn,iK,l bt rhiml-rt , .. I'rbxs tv cnt, b lsr. a n. U l.lN, 111 o' l. M SrUIIM li. V. N.lktt, - , t.'n Vi y noo bi.r rt.' ai i.u,. . irkhihin .1 . I . .. l.s. , A ,. -k- A o N ie rts I 'i .IV IU Hill IIHUiJ JUM K.t f.T4T PlMi.. JJ1 , VI- tV, O , . tl t iiii V - rv; " tar i' j in