jtr5S; rcCe Or-hair, column, on year, 6UO0 niMhfoHrth column.one roar, 14.10 (10 linen) 1 Insertion 74 a)erv additional insertion, 40 VWion1 Mid Uttsiums cards of not more than ft lines, pr ysar, 1.00 Auditor. Executor. Aduuuhurator n.1 Assigns Notice. 1.40 frkiorkri nottoes per line, 14 All tranacisat sdvertUiag lee than t notilh 10 wnti line. All advertisement for hotter ne Ul than nnt vear are Durable at ths Vns they are ordered, and it not paid .ki pen n ordering them will oe beM; anoniiole far the tuaner. ILJ-U i'JlL.L- ' I o e t r .v What Li' Hath. ' ' Life hatlt It barren years, When blossom fa'l untimely lown, When ripened fruitage foil to crown The summer toll, when Nature's frown Looks only on our tear. Life hath Its faithless day, Ths illn prjinttu of the morn. That seomsd .for light and gladness born Meant only noontMe wreck anil sorn, Hushed harp Instead of praise Life hath lt valleys too, Where we must walk v-lth Valu re gret, With mourning clothed, with wild rata wet, Toward sunlight hope that oon toast et, AU qtionohed In pitying daw. Life hath It harvest moons, It taiseWd eorti and purple-weighted vine i It gathered sheaves of grain, the blessed Igti Of plenteous ripening, bread and pure rich wine. Full heart for harvest tune. Life hath It hope fulfilled ; Iti glvl fruition, It blurt autwerod prayer, Swoeter for waiting long, whoe holy air, Indrawn to silent souls, breathes forth Ita rare Urand speech by Joy distilled. Life hath It Tabor height ; It lofty mount of heavenly rendi tion Whose im veiled glories flash to earth munition Of love aud truth and clear Intuition, Hill I m.Mi it of all djliit. H e 1 o c t Tnl Tho Be3cue at 3aa. Twenty years ao one of the Here at tuiapaiu swept the Atl tutie -board. Ooaimjueiu ia the tropics it circled the N jrth dtl lotio. I f.i lo Jay rave 1 m t tly, scattering do vaiUtiju an I disorder u it track lo the height of tuis tarribia torn pest the C'uutral America fo iud-i -ed. 'til liia ' pi,n.M fir d.)ka after tee iu I nvitu ai.lU of ttie u irr jlo.u empi of ao tt,to( tin. pasa.iger a.id era. Amoug ber p.iaiuugar was a ilra. Berry aud bsrliul i jti 1 1.) Inta? U.t i.Jjr. goldsn-buireJ he.itHy, a great favor iU wit'i ail on burl. . Mr. Berry, u quiet, resolute, Iii t!e woman of 8. or iheie.tboiitN, was the wifo f ..t ciptrtiu. traj. lug beUeuu Ne York, 6 m Farncii-o- and Ouino. -is i:p hi I uu lev gaoa oUi isivi r.iptir-i el.fj'. m . before at 8an tfV i ii .0 , an I ,. Berry ha I oo i on t ie e to oujjy tliu aooiety of her buebanil, After Li ship bad a tiled. Mr Uurry ha I lingered on the PjoiQiooiit t en joy the dulitfluful climate uo J agree able raanaur of the po jple there. She waa now returoio to ,Vev Vjrk in the Cuutral Anaerioo, to in net her boabaod. who bad tailed from Uulua and wa about due ia New York. The plttiidi I ateiner L l f.ill e.itnpleiuuQt of oabiu au I ateerae paateogoraoduiauy tbomaud Jj. Jar iu treaanre. Har buiaaa freiut were lookiug forward to a apeidy twmioaiioo of tbe Toyae, od ou the aom of tua dy my at try on meooea the good ahin waa apeediag r-viui; wur iug umuwt. sue MM following tbe Onlf Stream, aud wa omewbereoff the Curoliua coast, where tbe wiod veered to tbe east, ward an I oomuiaaoe 1 to iaoreaae iu tioleooe. Aa 'tbe afternoon wore way tbe ship labored and planned in tUe big waves tbat lomatiuiee flooded ber forward deck. During tbe night the engine were lowed, the hip a tda a tug, aad tda oeaal meaoi adopted to enaare tbe ufety of tbe teaiuer. By daybreak tbe gale waa a regular bo Uag bur. rieaoe,lbe wiud bad shifted north, nd now rored throoh tbe rigifiog with tbat peculiar aound that baffle deaubptioo, "Ayligbt ibowed a Had eooJitioa ofaira oa board tba aUamtr. woken t"lwaik, tieclaukirj auund ftlir' - rtr ifu-Jt:;t tL. .mm $ VOL. 18. ward bound veMet would eo ne to their aid. The dy elowly roared away, an 1 all b.ip of reni van ihed The aon at hit auak ia a dark, gloomy looking cload tbat lar along the weatera horitoo. Tb win 1 had ahifte I iato the north wet in faot waa going around the cotj puna aa it alwaya doe ia hurricane and t' i i ti i f . u q r about in tin t rlet. waa ft hret't uitf np Orett bora 1 billowa were anrging put tbe doomed abip, and .ill around, aa far aa tbe eye could reach liiyapread out a toeaing wild urnosa of water. " At I -at the firemen wtra drivea from their post, and the Urea weut out and the engi.ie at laxt atopped . Some of tbem triod to lay ber to with a storm opiail, but it was blown oatofthebilt roce, wita a report likeacinnoo. Tbeo tUe drat andaeoiil otun ma.t a ni.nnj.,i(!nna mmntmm On 1 the gillowa, juxt over the quarter deck were aeenred two flue uiulallio hfuboata. Tueorat oifiuer i'leral one of them away, aud aucceeded in awinging it over to leeward, (feud, iug two eeatnen into it t keep it from being diiahed againat the ahip'a aide, be turned lo tho crjd of punio stricken piougur, an I, taking Mr. Barry, doptait! ber in the bottom of the lifeboat anfelv. Aa Mrs. Berry full iototbe boat, tbe steamer rolled heavily to port, wbeu she mIIo J back ag tiu lira. Bjrry e d luhter wta dropped iut i ber lap. Jntt forward of. the lifobwt the third oifiuer waa lowering a hre lunch, and aa tbe mate dropped Mr BerryV child, the ship wtmg betvi. I.V to port, nud at tbe same time pitched violontly forward. Tbe heavy Inncb awang hick- ward and came in contact with the lifeboat, and the shock tumbled the t o seaman overboard. Ia confua iou a blmi luring lubbjr oa deck cist off tbe liue that beld the life- bout, and thu next pinning wtve fpt Mr. Berry eight fathoms to lejurd. As the b at roao nn the creet of a m inster wave the wout.in was seen ttu ling with disheveled hair and o il etreiched arms, wil ily appeal.. iiM for ui 1. i J nt ul ia I abe was be youd all but her Ueavenly father's ail. For a fei? innments tho slender wo uan in the lot wa prey to the wil lust o'uoMoin, but iu tbine few uoinuuie tiie b mt ha I drifted from under the hel'erf tho stea uer, aud im it waa agtia horns up on the ciohI oT a tuwering wave the fierce blrtst of tli- huraicfie Ar.f the iu.it bt'oadaide on. an I almot tilled it witd uier. Her little girl clung lo her feet with oiinvuUive euerfy, sud looked up at ber with white face and eyes open wi la with burror, an I tlieu the boat nli I don, down into tbe black aby t'i it Homud peopled with tbe horror uf tin gnve, , Before the but m mated another wave, the eight of tba child' de. pairing f nit. ires fire I the hraia of the m ither, and she intiootively grasped the m l lr an 1 turn id tbs boat's bend arontld. Hour after hour tho boat drove before tbe hue billowe that raved aud hissed behind it, and duriug that time wh i cm jit le the h irrors 01 uei sitnation i Arouua tier a broad expand of tossing water, aud above bur the black threateuiug sky, where tbe blinding lightniag played aud tba deep thunder crashed, and yet, witu bated breath' aud horror striok iu f wj, aha sat at the r 1 1 lir aud g.iidel the b.)tt ovar the f iom llaoked billow. Mrs. Berry bad aoqnired in fie oolety of ber husbna I a anffioieut kaowledgeof oautioal matters to know what to do now. and iu ber fee ble way aho did tba best she ooul I have d ma 4 ia kept tba boat ba fore tbs wiol aad sea. expecting every moment lo be swallowed op by tbe wavos. . v ( will uow eb iog the saa ie ti the eodteru 1ge of the (J ilf, an I iu board a trim Brittsu ft (gate that waa nugly lying to. aud waiting for moderate weather to mke ber des tiiia'.ioo, which waa oua of tba porta ia tL Ker:tit(!a iolea. MIDDLEBUltG, track of tbe Wan In Ii traders, and the Brtrma las lay under his Ise. eo he peered aaxioinly to the wind'rd. Mi Isnly prolonged and blinding flash lit op tbe ee. aad as the thunder rolled and or whs 1 over head, a hoirss voice shoated i " Jfy 0 oil, there's a boat goiog by, aud two womeo ia it." The oaptaiu, Mauling on the horseblock, qls.i s-t-t t ie bo it as it surged pit tlir q nrter. an I he dis tended from bis place of observation and joined the olBoer of the dock. "Mr. Hisley' said the captain, "tbere'a a coat just gone by to the leeward, aid I want you to aend two of your clever! fellows to look nnt for it. 'm going to pay off, and pick the wmen np if I can. tt'e never can lower a boat in this sea, aud I waut you to rig wliipa well out ou tbe lee yard, and bear band. No tLen. lay aft there, the watch, and the old r-aptaiu took the trumpet from hie officer, aud thnu dored to the hel oi o m tJ pit the wheel bard op. ".Square tbe fore aud runic yard! Haul dowu the firt p u nt at iy sail. Now teeu I steady l" 'All staaly with tin iiipi," screamed tba fore aa I us iia top men. "Very woll o i.v tiiau. Mr. isley bend on a light line to tbe bowlines, and detail three of y i-ir in-it -a in to go into the bowlines aud be rt-adv t-t jump into tbe b iat when wa over Laid It. The croisiack vard whin ill stand by ahoiil I the othera uiiwn tbe b.Mit. Are von all read If" Aje. aye, .ir." Very, well, ataud by thoss whips, all of you " ' Boat dead ahead, sir,' came how tbe prt cathead. "Steady at the whoel, sternly, my man. make uo mistake now." "Hore tbey come! St in I by!' sbonted tbe man forward, and at tbe same moment the indiatioct form of tbe boat drifted by the lee cathead. The captain, standing oa the ham mock nettinga, and clutching a rat. liue ir. the forward shron Is, leaned out to catch night of the comimr boat, and aa it drifted past the oat beadn, bis voice rung out high above tbe tempest : "Now, my men, jump !" Just thou the boat sank away in to a huge oavern, and tbe frigate rolled bnavily to windward. As she awung slowly back the paining sat bore up tbe boat, and tho two sea men jumped and landed ou all four in tbe boat. A dazzling chain of lightuing shot across the aby, and revealed the men in the boat, eaoh with a woman clasped ia his aruia. A wild hurrah from the men ou deck, aad ia aa in stall t tbe seamen and the prociou bnrdeua were awinging in tbe air sud hauled safely on duuk. A a soon aa the lady ou deck found bereelf iu aafety she faulted away, but she waa carried to a stateroom, sod tbe surgeon administnred res toratives aad soon succeeded in bringing her bick t life. Hur clothing waa drenched with flyiug spray, but both the little girl and hor mother were wrapped ia warm blankets until their clothes were driid. Tbe next day the gale moderated, aud Mrs. Hurry aad ber daughter made tlieir appearauce oa deck, aud witu tears tilling ber eyes she tUauk ed the captain aud blessed uiia aud his uoble crew. The captain was auxiom to learu ber stoiy, and wbeu she told hiui under what oiroumstauoe aho waa et afloat in the boat, ba immediate, ly iuad i sad iu tue direuti in of the disabled steamer i but tba hmjrf water bad olosod over many of uer craw and passengers, aud. a lew boors after Mrs. llerry was set adrift, the oobl steamer hi t gnu tj tua bottom. Bat little more regain to be tol 1 Tbn next day tbe ioauowur ranxferred be- rescued psseengera to tbe Havana aleamor goiug uoitu for Now York, aud tbey arrived there to meat u n i:i I au I fttber whMa auip U 1 a. rivjd jitt before tis Umpest, A irgui2(Mnt r I, with nit I1.'! ri-f'.on. wr iu due time "' i i i i i in ,i i TT-ninr mi 11 ini'tnamttcaM! SNYDER COUNTY, PA. MARCH 17, 1881 NO. 3G Can You Answer Them T Tbe following are the questions propounded to tb pnpils of tbe Leb anon grammar school tbe othor day i 1 . 8inc all the riven flow into (be sea why does it nnt overflow f 2. What and where ia the oldest city in the world f 3. What is a politician f 4. Wbere are tho Saddleback Monntaiua f 6. What State was firmed from tbe tori itory of another t 6 What President aervod one day longer than his term f 7. W at ia tbe latitude and longi tude of Lebanon t 8. What ia the area of Pennsylva nia t Ita extreme length T Width T 0. What is the popnlnti in an t bow many square miles in this country t lo. What ia tbe motto of mr Stale 11 How many counties ia this Slate T 12. a what ward, borough, com ty an 1 State do yon reside ? 13. What ia tba capital of Went Virginia f 14. What causes tbe "GLilf Stream t" 15. Why do hailstorms never oc cur in tbe mottling t 1G. low many days was CjIu u- bns iu crossing the Atlantic t 17. What Vice iVesi laut toik t le oath of office in Cuba t Is 1 be chicken is a native of wimt country T 19. Why does a bluck slate Puucil make a white mark f 20. Who eigued the Declaration f Independence tirst t 21. s a negro a colored man ? 22. ow many pounds iu a ton of gold T 23.' Which way does tbe seed in tbe apple point f 24, What is tbe distance to the moon. so. uy cannot brass he weldo 1 T u. wnere are th t illent mau tu the world found t 27. Which is the heavier a pound of lead or a pound of gold 28. Which ia tbe Cootenuial State f 29. IIow do you know the eaitb is ronnd f 30 Wby do yon "blow" soup to make it cool, and our bands to make tbem warm f , 31, What animal bas no eyo- brows T 32. A man bought a horse for 00 and sold bira for 8100 i he thnu bought another for $93 and aold him for $100 How mucli did ba make oo. rroai wuat mountain rango can you see iato eeveu Stales 34. At what towa ia Europe is the sun seen ia summer uutil mid night t US. Wby do boys scratch their heads wbeu puzzled f 30. A pole 100 feet bigb breaks so tbat the top bangs down aud louche tho ground 30 feet from tho baae i what is tba height to the break f It is Hard to U iderstaid. Wby an eodle- procession of drinkers from a public dipper will, without excepliou dnuk olosa to the handle. Why people will g j into sooiety to get bore I wbeu they cau gat bored just aa well at borne. Why a aomitu will make excuses for ber bread a beu she knows it is the best aha ever made, aud kuows ber oouipauy kuows it. Wby we are so inuob augrier agaiust biji who sh m our error lUuu him who leads oa therein. Vuy people will get married wbeo courting ia so sweet. Wby a man who claim to have fouud m uriige a delu-iou will agaiu embrace that doluaioo opou tbe first couve .ieui oppoi tuuity. W by cold weather cornea during tbe stouoo beu it is least agree able. Wby it is o much easier to be po lite to people who n we aboil pro bably uevsr mo agaiu than to those whose good opinion we have every Backwards and Forwards with Sense. Equal The clsver "Puzzle Editor" of London Truth cxoroines immsoein gennity in providing entortainnon' fo bis readers. He offered a priz for "sentences making sense whe'li. er read backwards or forwards'' ere are several sent in i Dies slowly fading day ; winds mournful sigh i Drlght stars are waking i Flip owlet, hooting, bul ling rvil high. Nightly silence holding. Solomon bad vast treasures sil ver and gold things precious Happy aud rich and wise was lit Faithfully served he God. She sits lamenting sally, olten too much ntocie. Dear Hurry Devotedly yours re main . tlave you forgotten pound cheqie T Uiplf iauil.tnl please, nud hau l to yours --Ut'ao.i Darling. .Van iiaiMu ill gnirin oftan. but somelimos vain and cowardly. Carefully boiled egg are g iol and palatable Love ia hnaveu aud heaven is love, youth says. All beware ! suvs age. Trying is poverty an t fleet ing is love. Kadly governed and fearfully troubled now is Ireland. Adieu, darliug I Time flics fa. sails are set, boats are ready. 1'ara well 1 Kxcrclse take, excess bewure ; Hihe early nud breathe fresh air ; Kat slowly ; trouble drive away ; IVi-t warmish keep blend work with play. .Witter and raiud are mysteries. Never miud. What is matter? Mu ter is never mind. What is miud t Mind is uever matter. Houeety and truth are good and admirable qualities, aa symptby aud love are end wating traits. Politics aud religion avoid argu ing iu. Hero is good aud sound advice. 8cand i!ons societr and life make ;ff0t.eips frantic Another Duel Averted. "The man who itale that A I'll" is liar, ami I can whip dim !'' angrily rxi'laiiiiod i man from Fn'irclie iiiuun' isiu. approaahniu a body of moi. and rrgnriling, tliem cm i.m-ly. I cmua to town this iiioriiiu' un' some Id iom's stole my HMIe. The mau whst done it ii u liur. " Wlnl sort of a liJ Ilo was it t", asked n man wliiise skin loolel as' thiiugh he huJ just rcturucd Inni awau.p lever. "Wby, it as a fiift-class iulru- nient w ith fiiK rutllumiake rattle ou;audll U. Iluyos not quite fifty five th inside." "Wbere did you get it f" "I bought it Iroui an l'l uirni, Biir ley. lie ms'lu ii, un'any muu who stole it is a liar, au' J cu whij him." 'Si-e lier, mister, maybe the man that stole it is not a liar, and maybe you ciiu i whip biui." " Ye-, he l-a litti, uu I van whip sny iiiun what would sluul a tidd e ol i bat muki','' "Now. yu are putliu' it loo bios.l; my Utbor st i n i li I Hi b o n ol I m m Bigley tea years ugo. Do you moau to say thut my father is a iiur, and tbat jou cuu whip him I" "Ale you certaiu thut he stole a fiddle fiuui the old mau t" Ves." "Then, w but I suy goes." Just tbeu a mau weighing about two bundled poiiuda pulled of his coat aud said I "I'm your futbur, ain't , Jobnt' "Vee." Joliu leplied. "I stole tbat fiddle. I never told a lie iu my life, au' I don't recol lect tbat anybody ever whipped me." He looked at the mau whose fiddle bud beta stolen, and asked, ' Am I a liar i "Now, hete, you felleis have mis understood me So you stole a fid dle from i he old mat, did yon f" Yea." '-Well, I'd be much obleeged to you if you'd book me one " Thus, you aea, a bio idy rkausas duel waa averted. ( i i Impudent rausio tesoher i There ia ouo boy io gal vest on who will nev r 19 a masioiao. Ilia teacher was Cut ed and Keep. If yorr coal fire is low throw oi a table-poon fnl of aalt, and it wil help it very numb, A little gingi put into sausage meat improves, tl flaor. In icing rakes, dip tl knife frcqui-ntly into cold watu In boiling meat for soup, use ci 1 water to pxtrnct the juice. If II. moat is wanted for itself slum plnnge in boiling water at once Yi ran get a buttle or tarrd of oil I any carpet and woolen stuff by b phingdry buckwheat plentifully am faithfully. Never put water lo sue a grease spot, or liquid of sny kiu Broil steak without salting. Hh) draws the juices in cookingi it is d. sirable to keep these io if posibl Cook overa hot fire tnraiog froquen ly, scaring on both sides. Plaoe on a pluttur i silt and pepper to taste Beef having teudeiicy to be tDngl. can ba mada very palatabtu by stow ing gently for two hours pepper am salt, taking out. about a piut of th liquid wheii btlf d me. and leltiiM tbe rest boil into tbe meat. Hro the meat io the pot. After taking up. make a gravy of the piut of li quid saved A small piece of char coal ia tba pot with boiling cubhags removes tbe smoll. Clean oilcloth witb milk and water . a brmh and soap will ruin them. Tumblers that liav.i ha I milk iu them should never bo pu in hot water. A spootifull of stewed tomatoes in the gravy of either mauled or fried meats is an improvement. Tba skin of a boiled e.rg is the most efficaci ous rome ly that can bo applied to a boil. Peel it carefully, et aod ap ply it to the part affected. It will draw oil mo matter and relieve tbe soreness io a few hours. Ages of Presidents. President-elect (inrfiVld was forty nino years old tho I9tli of Novem ber. Since he he has tnkoo bis seat in tho White House, he ia the third youngest President tbe Itepnblic bas ever bad. Oraut wai tba youngest, having lacked one month of forty si veu when inaugurated. Franklin I'icreo was four days yotmuer than Oai field. Two other Presidents w,'r in their fiftieth year when in- augnrnted James K flk and Mil- lard Filmoro but the one was sev enteen diivs nn. I the other five montbs older limn tJaifield. The next youngest was John Tyler, wh . was over fifty-one when l m,tnn.,0A od to Harrison a barely begun term of office. Abriham Lincoln was fifty-two years old, and M-irtin Van iinreo Androw .Inclcson lacked oight mouths of beiog fifty-apven. and George Wnslnngtou bad passed that age lin inaugurated. Oddly enough. the four consecutive Presidents Tin inns Jefferson, Jntucs Madison James Monroe and John Qnincy Ad ama wbere each in their fifty, eighth yesi when limiigu rated. Zuchiiry Taylor and Tippncnnoe iriison were sixly five aud sixty eight respectively when tbey took the outh of offico,nod neither lived to fill ont his term. Iu point of age James Ducanau cure between tbe wo.being in bis sixty sixth year when inangutated. The average age of ('residents at inangurutiou bus been fifty-seven years. A recent trip of tbe steamer Cily, of Chester, of tbe In mau Lino, from New York to Liverpool, wa eoltven- e.l by tbe wit of a Wah ingtun girl, wbo was the favorite passenger. In the same steamer was a young Eog lieh snob, who wore a suit of clothes of very large plui.l. witb a futigue, cap to Disiib single eje-glags thick voted boots, spotted shirt, aud loud necktie, (le Lad tbat exaa perating drawl peculiar to Kuglieb siiobs, "Aw, yua." said he, iu con varolii in witb the Wasliiugtoo girl "I have seen consider wable of your country. I bava been to Ne Yawk, Chioiigo, Omabaw and other places, and it is a gwate country, bnt yoa dou't stea to have suy gentry io Aroeaica," "What do yoa eel! gentry I" said the h ly. ".V, why. people, you know, who doaut have to do anything, jou kuow people Published every Thursdav Et JUaXStlAH CBX)t78E, ftcf Terms of Snhsonpbofi, rwo dolla m n:R axxum. rws- shle vltliln six months or (vJ.'jOlfiml paid within thf year. No r) daw onntiauoil until all arrearngrHi art nald unlsM at Uis option of the pub llsher SubsoripUoos outside of tlis oonntf PAYAUI.H IN AUTAXCt. OPeraons lifting nd using fnci-s sdilressed y otlirsl.ecnniosiilcriliera and are liable forth rrice oftl.spnper Battla Oroek. Mlohlwan. AorTVBaa or na on trmra Traction and Plain fenglne and Horse-Powwra. aOtnmUriiiMMWi ha lb, WvrlA. I IBU St , punnint. or lorathn. "kri " Iki omfslrtr MtvaiiM iiutttmf vUfklm uHtt. irMaTrrila) I;jrl-ftnr1 Flaia Emim m Otttflts) art I ass l-ltiavltaaksi A mutrthul of wr-iixl vWwrat sssmC Iu till Anivrii'Aii iiittrksst. lMl.lnrrlnr Wtttl fM.risw f'H'.ris in 9m aviuT material n4 lrmH f hj oils? njajtrrsa. Four Hkm raf Hinitnr, frtta W 19 karat) VM'Mity, fit Htum or Airsw s.r, 7 Two atrlra of Mount H rsaswTiiwUlft. tOUlUUU ( VSl thr to Hw a)r.rsJ nnnUnllr no haw I, fr. ru whlrh la mU taVa la Muamrsvbt amod-wock ut our aichixmry. TRACTION ENGINES Mi 10 AS iiTM raw. NICHOU. MKSARO CO. Batoa CrMh, KSlotilsart. A full line of DRl'GS and CLOTH INQ at B.S. HARVEY'S DRUG STORE, BEAVETGWK, PA. T Mens and Youths Soils. $150 to $18.00. LHI Underclothing, suits. 11.00 to f 1.75. rnper Collars 15 and 16 els liox. lareo stock of OENTS' FUKXISUING GOODS at lowest ('ASU PIUCES. 0 Call and examine onr atocV and pricea before pnrcbosioi: elsewlete. Respectfully, B. S. HARVEY. Hot, ,. bi. OKIVTS 1VTRU.-ni,r py. l.dht ' Wnrk. SImiIt I mi Ir.ymml. Samnlat irr. A.l.lrti., U. L.UVUN.4V Ksmsb trt, NVork, Errors of Youth. AOF.NH.rW N mho annvrc t-r VMrt Nn Xirvoun nrnn.iTv, i-hkm atijkk hk. :V nn.l nil Hi fSnoU nl ti.ulhlal liuUxr II'. n, III (or lbs Mli nlfuSrrlna hmpumiT. rn.l fr to ll wh" "I it th rrrlv .11 rxitlnn lor .( kln tho.mi.l rm1jr l r vhlrh lis rur.), -iaitrr kUbisk t ' proflt bf lb clTerllr'l xiu-rlrno mh So mi an. .-in In .t e.mn iik JOHN B. LKjh I'EN. liCar bl., hw otk. Jsa. V, 'llta. t will mall (Fr) tb rilp- lor a Haani VrnkTAM Ui Hint a h rrirar T N. FIKc:Kl.rN, HfillloH anil IU.oiHKk! Irarma Hi- ,kla roll. Hear ! Uaui ial alaa In-iruotlonr lor lr.larln a laiarlaai araoik r balr s a Iml.l taa.1 or rmnuib f. A. 1r.-, ino o-ina . .lamp, llbfc. VaMiEU OU., Union. bl., h. V. TO CONSUM'TIVES Tba a lrariu.r, barinc haa w.ntadr rnrl is tl.at lrad Oun.u.a-oioa. r a lioi l rainc.lt, la antlou. to anaka ki..i t b" lallo auiTarara t'i. maaaa ol a ir. Tt .11 h lra it. ba will aan l a ctT of ihrf r. rl.tl..n u.. irraaoleharna ) lib tb SlrM. Hoik or nraparlev '! u-lnic Ma aama. vb.ah lhay wlllfcn.i a ruaa nvsa lor, Cusararriva. A-TBWA, llHONCRITIK, a, rarilai within tba er.wrlpllon. will plaar a.lor..., H., . A. WILSON, IN fas. fcu. Wllllannburg, N. Y. AOtKT WANTED lOtt Climpses Of The COMING WORLD ! It I an aiha.otlraa rnlna ..rrbrntia Trrnba an arn.,ri of Ilia w-apnu. jf thn AlaiUkir to rulilnv down ol th M.onaho ! ol tnnaalli anl Kaiilel-m. Tb antira ra'll..aa .. ms' Hf r aalbuiaS al Hi aunliaa aria. nDl anil eullr niHiiiirt TH 1I(KIIFTHK AlltC Io ... t", wU lbt'bur.'b In ihn tlma of a.tPIT.,'"vr,,:V',,, rr ri,. mriiSis V v,,u ' M " -r WiNTrno",n,'1 i t-rr i ar al ata. WnHltUwiua a at flint r altaTpkll. f eflt Host Hare lis Jc:t Ecwaii Slaa w ks la airak laara I .( ,kMh liraaai Halia. A ..woarallaai Ma uar .l uaa wtioa. f, il, mm,t 1 MS iV WauMvrsiv(riSHa.l, la 4awl t. ha hailla jrooU. W. k... ..., k.. .J" fwaaily wblb kat lsorM.I aarkai- . ," iW -- tl c-'.iivata i i-ocld r'i r " - t' v - i; - ; to est kits f)y the rigbt wdo live wltbout work." "Oh. ye Lr-rL-sH. o. w.curr. . , '. f lf 'Hi I'll "JToa must kave such fs ' "''"' ) n t ' Vr