The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, March 10, 1881, Image 3

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    .. t
Cfidiebirg, Harcl 10,1831".
wrnsa imirn-TT CiaTS. fba Cnartt of
order Ceanty aa held on tat fonrth Itoadayj
Mtadayot Dooombor.
111 nnmtniintcaitiaiia. iHlsiltfMS lot
ler Ac.., t"r thii ""'. to secure
orotnpl attention shmild be Atlitressetl
m follow: Thb I'ost, m Kid lobar,
rJnydor Comity, T. Advertisements,
tjornniiinications Ao. must bsj handed Monday noon, to secure inser
- ton In next issna
loonl IV own, oVc.
Saturday, March 12th, JYs. .Vary J.
jliiritnd will unit horses, cow i, fur m
implement, tfcc. In Jfiddlocreek
Thursday. March! ft. Jnnoh Steinlnjjor,
A'tecntor of Henry Ranch, will
soil Cows, lioirs. Farm Implo
menls, Home hold good and Ac,
Thursday, March, 10, at Kisenharl's
Store. In Washington two'. .Viroitb
and Keiclienhitch will ecll Morses,
Ca.tlo. Farm mp'.emenls Ao. 4o.
Tuesday, MhVh 15, Abraham J. Has
singer will ll Horses Cows,
Farm mplemoi.'s. Ac. sl-nut hall
way between Beavei springs and
Thursday, March 17th Y. II. Warner
will anil Live Stock, Farm mple
inenU and Household goods at hit
residence near Kr.itzsrvillo.
Friday, March 13. swiohaol Etfg will
ell Household Omuls, Farm in
(dements, Live Slock, Ac, In ad
ui twp.
Saturday, March 19, Daniel .V. Snook
will full Pergonal pruDorly, in 4 J
amaburjr,. Tuesday, .Varch 22nd, George Kern
will nell Horses, Cows, farm iin
pliments Ao, In .tfid t'.elnirtf.
Wednesday, March Rnnjaniin
Kramer will sell Horses,
Farm Implement Ao., Ac. in Jul
dleureek twp,
Thursday, 1U arch 24, Wm. II. Lone
and J.ine H. Li i. Exoeiitotn of
J'laepli Long deo'd, will sell rWI
A'state and Vrsjiial 'roperty in
Heaver twp.
Thursday, March 21, Jamca Krirk will
eft pnraonal property in Weal
Ilu.iver iwp.
Friliy. Marnb SDiilin Ami will
ell Ifirses, Cows, Farm miile
iiienta, Franklin twp.
Paturdiy, Minio 19, EmnmH
. Siatxill sell person. il property
al the Fairniouut Vome in ("ran
Iin. Tuesday, March 20, SlieiilT will sell
Ileal Knuie at the Court otiso in
Mid lleburjr.
Saturday, March 13, J. V. Rimontnti
will noil Utilise and Lot in Centre-
Thursday; March 24, "ll'm. 'Tarding
Admr. utl). a. Milt, will ad:
jViiiilu in West I'orry twp.
We.liesd.iy, i.irch 15. A. S. Miilcv.
will soil Persona) IVoperiy in Mil
Wodnosdnv, Mirch 31, Mr". M. A.
Mitidinl willjU Property
In Xlld.llwrei-k twp.
Friday, March, Jaooh I Got, will
wll llornei. Cow-, Furiu implo-
liieuta, &j.,(n Wewt Houver twp.
Saturday, March 2(1, Frederick Arl
(('ixt und (inxtuviirt Arli.itsr. Ad'jM of tins ntnM of K -hvvi
K.i.'kln ntn, (ImiM, will h!1
Ileal Estate in Vatilii,rri.ui twi.
V . 1 ' ' .! !
Y.iz aro liii;!iii!n( in price, having
become plenlior. '
The deeprst snow of llio wittier fell
on Thursday aft rn ion hh niht.
When the hut annw Utnk has goim
Into liquidation winter will hu busied.
An tncreiuud iuturtMt ia lining taken
in oomnnlaorv education in all mirts
of the State. The opinion U thr l it la
at leant worth atrial.
Oaurt adjourned ovor to Monday
to fiuUh the trial of the Unie juined
l-etwcen M. JB. IMmau and Mary
lland Roth rock returned from Bal
timore College of Surgeons and riiy
ioiana on Wednesday last, with hi
Xa exchange taya the Pennnylvanla
Railroad Company baa issued an or
der to passonger conductors, brake
men and baiggafie masters, prohibiting
thorn, under penalty of suspension, for
allowing paaaengere to ride on the
platform ol paaaeuger oara. The com
pany is determined to break up this
dangerous practice, and it la hoped
passengers will choerfully comply, as
it will be seen the train men have no
discretionary power in the matter.
Tl) Lewialon GcaeUa says: It is
alleged that there is a spot on the
mountains down in the Narrows where
warm current of air is constantly
ascending out of the bowels of the
earth so warm that no matter how
cold your feet may be they can be
warmed in ft fow minutes. ' It is said
to be known to only one person resid
ing down there, and he keeps it a
orol under belief that aliuble min
erals CaUa Ilia n.hjl.llnn t.
nlo action is beginning to show luelf
In soeral parts of the United States,
notably u near as Virginia, may not
wisiawj supposed earthquake which
up the JiOllntnirners, Lewis.
uiei. tad others, have pritilualed in
or Shads Mountain! IX so,
M thouljl U some day burst forth
J.a yln fary, Ciluptb oarrows,
c-"l iZ-r'-Jmi convert all our
On i'nturday lt, before the rising
of the court, the following resolutions
were read and ordered to be made
part of the records of the court ;
WHlttltAa. it hm nlemed liln Pro
idence to remove- from cnir ini.Ni. b
death, our esteemed frieiid and fellotV
member or the liar of this County.
Samuel llloman Kiq. therefore,
Rrmltvit, That it la with feelings of
profound sorrow that we are called
iio;i to mourn over the death of fani
ticl Xlleman, one of the oldest and
most respected of our profession.
RrmltrJ, That in the death of fiam
uel Allnman the coinmiinity hai Inst a
good citixen, his family a kind hearted
parent and hnxliand and the CViurt and
and legal profession one of ita m st
energetic, esteemed and trusted mem
bers, IictmUrd, That In this hour of and
nes ami orrow.hy this hum tile tr b t
of respect to his memory, we hereby
tender our heartfelt sympathy to his
bereaved wita, who haa lost a kind
husband, and to his sons, who have
lost an atlectioimte father.
Hemlifil, That our sympathy U here
by espneialy tendered to H. ytllenmn
haa., a son of our departed brother,
and a fellow member of this bar,
Mwwf, That theso resolutions and
the aciion taken thereon by this f.m
orahle Court bo entered on the inin
utcs of this Court, and a copy of these
resolutions be presented to the es
teemed family ol our departed brother
and that in respect to his memory the
court do now adjourn, alter the adop
tion of these resolutions.
lletolvttl. That a copy of these resolu
tion be sent to the county papers.
Several members of the liar and bis
Honor, Jndge Hucher eulogiied our
deceased brother in the law.
Conference AppointmanU.
The following is the report of the
stationing committeo of the L'uited
ftreihreu in Christ, February SI. 1 481.
Lebanon district II. II. Uelbach,
presKling elder.
Lebanon elation J. P. Smith.
Lebanon circuit.!. Hinkley.
Avon circuit.!. If. Lnwry.
Aayerstnwn circuit ; J. . Mark'
.luhiiHiowii circuit "t. Ktler.
Hellview circuit H. IC. Keek.
Cnnewsgo circuit I.. Fisher.
Union circuit . S. Lonenecker.
'inegrove circuit O. Shindler .
Valley View circuit J. SV'. Il ichter.
7arriitborg liitrict L. W. Crau-
iner, pretidiiw elder.
yaltituore, First chnrth, i4. kTranae.
(.tliiinitrrt. t'nird olmroli, J Li jltt.
iViddlatowii sutuu . IF. -i. n u jr-
farrishurR station -A. Oraul.
,1atielU station N. elliaiinoii.
I.ykeu ciri'uit-r.Iool l.ilit.
W illiauis Valley circuit -.1. Leh
rJutqiiehanna circuit U. Gambler.
Freen'irg circuit It A itrudt.
.'fiil lleliurj circuit C'iirist Miller.
Mouth Ualtiinore Jmsion -J. 0eik-
Keidin District S. M, liuinmel,
ireidina oldor.
HcHiliug stHlin--l) itolTman,
Allenl'iwii staliouJ rili'top.
Vliiliiilelpha, Fourth atrnct Fi it.,
'.irt Itichmoud Mislon-U. Myers.
Cannlmi Mitstmi F.- List.
Mlilelium MiKiou J. II. Millar.
Northaptnn Miimi-M. J. ebeily
l.ehigli MisxliiuW. II. Ciller.
nrl conniy circnit--J. H. Uner.
I nn l'iit;viil circuit J. m. !shir.
I wra ii 10 cirouit-C. Waltura.
.In exchange nlfsr the following
KUicxtiou whit'h are worthy the le
dectiona of all w ho are in the habit ol
decryim; the industries and enterprise
of tho town wherein they rcid.
I'ulk up your town, Ves, talk it up
and work for it. 1 ui't grumble if any
thing and everything is not up to your
idca-i, especially if you do nothing to
nmke the plmvt better. Inn 'l tell
strangers it is tho worst place yon
know, that it is worte than any other
town of the came sine. Encourage ev
ery Urtclnl nu t crcditablu enterprise in
your midst., fcr us sure as c licet follows
muse, sofuro will onterprisu or merit
repay every citizen. We cannot live
unto oursolvns and we cannot dis
courage a movement in behalf of a
place without indicting upon ourselves
a personal injury.
The Central Hotel, in this place, has
been purchased by Mr. Geo. Guy
er, of 6'eliusgrove, who will take pos
session on the first of 4pril. Mr.
Gnyer baa had considerable experience
as hotel keeper, and will no doubt
keep the Central up to ita present
high standing. Mr. . Haas retires
to private lite much to tho regret of
the traveling public, as well as his
numorous friends In this place, as be
kept one of the best public houses in
the State. Sunbury American.
C L, Smith, known all over this con
tinent as ''Dig Charley" delights in a
Joke, and he takus one pretty easy.
The other day some mischievous fol
low filled our porous, rolimilatod, hor-
ny-tissued, spioulnted, salt water spnn-
gia with water and Charles "sol" down
kerslap on it and ho raised up insmo
diatoly or a littlo quicker.
The Juniata Conference (Evangelical
Lutheran) of the Synod of Central
Pennsylvania, will meet at New liloom
field, Perry county. Pa., March 14th,
15th and 16th.
ASlatemusio teachers' association
will be held In tltoona on the 5th ol
April, and continue in session two or
three days.
The Indications are for ratn, and if It
should, ws will have a modern deluge,
as there are at least three feet of suow
on the mountains.
The Dtuiville Asylum burned to the
ground on Sunday Inst. The inmates
were all takou out syly. .
The VtXm Capitol of UlunasoU
J C:tt C:e ot5:r dy.
Court Proceedings.
Court convened, Monday, Feb. t
1881, Tresent : Hon. J. C. Buoher.
President Judge, Hons. Hiram O'Jieil
and 8. II. Yoder, Associates.
Tipstaves John Mohn, Itenjmnin
Mover, Henry ttarlck, John Dorn.
Is thk O urn a a' Cotivr.
The following accounts confirmed
C. V. mid John Swengle Executors
of John rjwengle, dee'd.
Win. U. Hoyer, Executor of Francis
A. Boyer, deo'd.
A. V. Baker and Joel Zceliumn Ex
ecutors of Frederick HollK. deo'd.
W. N. Helinhacli, Administrator
of F.iunnnel Welrlok, dee'd.
I). Wit men and J. J. Uine, Execu
tors of Philip llerrold, Deo'd.
Anoa Iteufer, Adiuinstrator of Dan
iel llenfer, deo'd.
J. W. Hheets, Guardian of BenJ.
Henry Moyer, GuordUn of M. U.
Catharine App, Executrix of Fred.
App, deo'd.
Joseph Gisli, Executor of Jaxob
Fryinoyer, dee'd.
I. C. Ihiriia, Guurdiiinof I. J. and He
beeea (lluAs,
H. M. and ('. M. 8troul Executors
of John Strnub, dee'd.
John I Aucker, Executor of Peter
Aucker dec'L
Jere Ilogur, Guardiau of Alice D.
Howard M. Troxel, Adinlnlstrator
of Ma'uiiel M. Trotel, dea'd.
Widows' Appraisements:
Anna Huyder, widow of HenJ. Sny
der dee'd
H.ihilliilleiiitzlemau, ldow of 1).
U. llelntlemiin dee'd.
Loviua Weurick, widow of John II.
Wenrlck, dee'd.
Petitions fur onl'TS of sale and re
turn to, awarded nod continued.
QtTMlTKIl Skhhiom.
The only case. In this court, of pub-
lie, Interest was thi prosecution
ttraiust the County ('omuiisHlonerH fur
not repairing approaches to public
llri lie in S Unsr.ive. Th" faats are:
some years atfn a bridge was ereoted
over thi Pennsereek In Helinsrove of
hut a fin if lt span, and as hooii us the
water rises In theereek it flows around
the abut merit of th bridge, on the
canal side, iVid washes nway the n-
proaeh there hIioiiIiI have been mi
other span of at leat !') feet and the
matter would have never appeared in
court, but It has been returned by the
liorouxh constable every term of
eourt for several rs the defen
liiUs were found guilty but th-
uiiuutes of the court w.mM ludicat
that the w III uot end here.
In tiik Common Pi.kas :
Ga'uiel Heaver VKiisX' JohuS.
Heaver Issuo to try Validity of
Juilgiuent No. 1T0 Fel. T. 1S7J. Ver
dict for Plaintiff.
Sallie E. Kulht vnrtsra Daniel S.
Hoyer, nnd J. J. Gunilrum Insue
joined to try bow much U due on
judgment No. 1U5 Rep. T. lsTi ver
dict for itfcinluiits.
Jf. H. Ilohiiuti vrnst a Mary Her
K lVlglietl Issue Verdict for de
fendant. IHvorcrt. S.ira'i C. Miller divorced
from Jeremiah S. Mille.r
Mnry Ann Ili!ilti from Thomas J.
Kute Uh ldi from f. l. I'lrick.
Houd and Ilrido views se:irce.
The Illustrated Scientific News.
Olio ofthn liand:'omest (f imbllcatioii
is the ll.l.l'HTHAI KI Hciic.ntikk: Nkwh
pulilished by Munu i "o., New York.
Every number coutlus thirty two
pat?es, full of eiiRroviitH of novelties
in science and the useful Jirts. Orna
mental wood work, pottery, voaes and
objects of modern niul ancient art are
llnely hhowu.
The March number contains, anions
various other subjects Illustrated, n
full description of the manufacture of
paper hangings, with enravlns ;
liow the deceptive curve la produced
in casting the ball by the baseball
pitcher, bis uttltude, bow he holds
und handles tho ball, all fully illustra
ted. The number before us also con
tains engravings of ('apt. Ends' pro
posed ship railway across the Isthmus
und a novel hydraulic railway locomo
tive. Iu addition to all this it con
tains many valuable recipes for ar
tisans ami housekeepers.
This publication will bo found in
structive and entertaining to all class
en, but will tie Wbt appreciated by the
most Intelligent. Published by Muuu
A: Co., 87 Park Row, New York, at
$1. 60 a year, and sold by all news
We have roelved from Suoltleld's
Muslo Store, H3U Hroadway, New York
something In the way of a "Ten-Cent
Library of Music," that fairly tftkes
our breath away. It la a ullicntton
that this enterprising house Ima de
cided to Issue every mouth, (Mubscrip-
tion price, $1.00 a year, single num
bers, 10 eta. each,) which la gotten up
In the same style and shape aa any
other muslo, no matter how high pric
ed, and yet containing sixteen Mge
of the moat popular muslo for 10 eta.
It la certainly astonishing. The first
uutubcr which has Just come to band
contains Waldtenfel'a Immensely xp-
ular "Tres Jolie Witltsea," the Uauti
ful little ballad, "In the I, lemming,"
and two other pieces. Other numlrera
oontaln the jsipular IUeiiel Walta,
Miss Thurvby's Twickenham Perry,
ItoeeatH'lo Marelu lArdy lah, whilst
the last number Issued la said to con
tain a complete PotKnrl of "The
Pirates of IVMitanen," which ordinari
ly retails for 11.00 alone whilst in this
ease it contains two other places be
stdis. Catalogues mailed on receipt of a
three cent stamp by the publishers.
Potatoes art a drag injtbe mark
eta of the northern count. ' '
Frank- Rattt U smashing all the
girls' hearts with those Whip-Poor
CI000 pounds 8-ply Carpet chain for
sale by Hhuonton, HurbexA Co,, at 25
cents per pound.
C-TDrfnot fall toe'oiOtf ansd examine
thwe celebrated Cotilslht Wagons at
Nliuoriton, Barber and Co's' before
buying. .
The. Beavertown Mutual Fire In-
sufauce Company has been doleg bns.
iicss abottt Queen months nnd have
insured half a million of property and
bold l'reinluni Notes for thirty-five
thousand dollars. The luunngemeiil
of the company Is unexceptionable,
and none but honest, eapuiile and In
telligent agents are ' employed.
None but country properties are In
sured In this company ; and the great
est rare la exercised so that valueless
properties are not Insured ; nor are
any properties Insured beyond their
value, as tunny companies have done
and lire still dolug, thus removinu
the Kssibility of A('( lliKNTAL fires.
The Company's very active and clev
er Bgent. A. A. Ulsh, is jiow caiivua-
slng the county encourage your
borne hist it ut Ions and avoid wild-cat
Institutions and lawsuits.
The Younger Brothers and Frank and
Usse James.
The Historical Publishing Co., of St.
Iou'is, Mo., has just issued a complete
history of the noied Youuter Brothers
sod Frank and Jesse James, bringing
the events in the lives of these airy
gentlraion of the highway down to the
present time. It is a volume of over
100 pages, containing more than 4l
illustrations, and printed and bound in
good style. Jfr. J. W. Btiel, the au-
I thor, has been engaged during the last
three years in collecting and preparing
his materials, and recently visited the
youngest in the Jtfiiiaesita peniten
tiary for the purpose of rvorifyiug cer
tain portions of his work. A is said to
he of the most exciting and thrilling
character, and its selling qualities are
indicated by the fact that more than
10,1)1 h) copies were ordered In advance
of publication. See advetrisement
Sick Headache, Nervous Headache
Headache from sour stoiuah, are all
Price 25 eU.
Nervous Henda"he,PerliMllcal Ilead-
n-h". Neuralgic, llea la'he,nre cure,! Iv
DYSPEPSA PILLS. Price 35 cts.
It will pay every body', to .fxsmins
the limnenni) Htm k of Fiirniliire 'or
sle by the I'iu1ar Fun.iture man
W. If. FELIX LcwUiowii l"a.
Feb. 3,
A NewTrcalnriiiit.
Thefiotitrii F.liiifnf Lift, wi irfttl rurn
If foil b'xtc t'otj-nnll jd. sal woitia
kiinx ihi y.'ur c hi. i ! ma I ln..
sii'l rsay-Mi-nie Itr mij Nlflns 8wit
rhfrkf l Ii 'it Imam j IbllsDiiualiua Inksn
mil ol Lung Slid sir rsssi' ourt ;
Ihtl you can bo m l in gsin S In 4
I nun la of hrtllliy tlesh per w.rk j if ;u
h t'surr'.i. Sirk llrlchi.,
Ilesri llisassf. ,ir I'.iaiplslut, Utrfout
Prliililf, Somintl Weskness or rteerms.
lerrlinrs, loss of so'iul pitwr la eil Iter
srx Irom any ci i If ymt hs tot
form of norfiiin wkii, lonoi (lh or
wssiinc twsj nn! would know of en Ira
nir limr rrlitf so I ctrmia our for nM)
of Iht rrrr-l eis in a atiurl li no
s new moibnil wiik &fw Msnsw to filn
very lui'lr, Intinorno ui mates sironf
sn l bosllliy lit mini uoprlrM e'ss, uou
his out an t anient nnoe for psriieilsrs,
la 0. 8- Uldl't.N.SAUV, Iterrin Pprns,l
Mick. - Julr JJ.'tto.b.
Feb. 27. by the Rev. J. F. Waiu
pole, MiseSitrnh C. Motlger, of Frank
lin twp., to Wilson Aruogiist, ol l'erry
Feb. 20, hv John K. ' Hnglien, Eso.
Miss Mary J. Hoyer, to John Annum,
both of Jliibllccrci'k twp.;
Feb. 10, by Philip Uoiish. Em)., Mis.
Emma Kaney, of Washington twp,, to
Churles luke, of Middleereek twp.
Feb. 13, by the Rev. I. M,' Stetler,
M iss Mary E. Felker, of West. Heaver,
to Heorge E. Heck, of Adamsjjiirg.
In Millerslmrtr, Feb. 21, lloruee J.
Forney end Miss Iila F. Kniin, Uth
of Millerslmrg. Miss ,'IVaiu la a
iliuiirlitcr f John C. Frnin and irranil-
(luu-btcr of M r. P. Frnin ol Middle-1
At the M. E. P.irstmnge. bvltev. J. vr
Huckley, Feb. 27. John 'Winter of
Whitely ('o., Indiiuio, and Mtna Uuda
C. llerrold of Seliusgrove, Pa.
In Miildlehurir, Tuesday Hth, Inst.
Mary F.lijibctb, little daughter of
Aaron and lovlua HtahlnecUcr, aired
it years 1 month und a thtya. -
In PcnntwK.. Feb. 20. Ueuten Hen
dricks, aged 63 years, 1 mouth niul
in oiiys. , '
In Penn twp., Fell. 23, Clara Ara
bellm (laughter of Lucy and Henry
Hosterumn, aged 8 yours, 0 mouths
and i days. ,
At Helinsgrove, Feb. 2 Mrs. Mar
garet Ntuck, ' aged 70 years and 10
months. , . v - '.. i x i
Feb. 17, In Franklin fwrv'Oeorge
Adam, aged 10 years anditf day on
February 24, Allen Lewis, turad'l year
K months and 22 days. The above
were children of Jerinliih and Susana
waiter and died of diphtheria,
Feb. 93, near Ninlthgrove, of pnen
luouia, Edwin Forrest, infant child of
William and Alioe llouslt, atfod 1 year,
1 month and 91 days.
Feb. 17, near Adamaburff, of scarlet
fever, James Wilmer, sun of teo,
and Catharlnatirove, agatlSi) years, 3
months and IT days.
In l'anklln twp.. ou Marnh, S, of
Typhoid fever, Barith Catharine, wtfa
of Alfred l'nimbach, aged 8 yearn,
months to dya,
I-i- - -w ftn h w
, , I
U-1.H"' 1 ' ss"".tJ
Paint brush s'.lngers, whitewash ar
tists and paper-bangers are anxious
for spring to come.
A valuable Brick Hotel, located .in
Franklin, opposite the Snnlnirv aiid
Le wistown Itairoad depot, is offered
for sale.
This is a substantial building built
on tho most modern style, adapted s
a fotel or iirivitto dwcl'ingj liciu:i-
rully locateil j a well of excellent waier
in the summer-house ! nnd anmle
stabling, ice bouse and other out
For further particulars call on or ad
dress, D. F. KER.HTETTEK.
Middleburg, Pa.
P X RCI TT I X, X OTI t .R. - Le 1 1 er
I i totnisi.tiT on ths tt of ,ATll
'himii Twp., SliTilsr rotin'tf. I'sna'S.
nf mi mtn Kranivu 10 in ttfitlrltf nii.l, nil
partnns knoalnit thntlf1 ln.lrila In hi
lt r rfii'irl In mslilniiii'li ii W h 1 1 A lhnl.kk.1. al.ln. 111 . :.
thsin dulf sulbsnilrsua lor Mlrmsnt to
MsrekSIMI, ' tt'seeirls.
!lntv Mi'vsr. lain nl .tnrkn: l.n . ln.lM
. I'S.. lls.'J. hitv 1M.AI1 Hf inlpj In Ida ir.l
'ln.l All xr..n khDolnit thm.'lp in.
ahtiln .ii will nis i' n no l.n ,m.l I
IS pr.n it wlill- lima h ivlnic nlil'n itnl
ii ai( win irni innn l-ir -ti l"iitnl In
ba.iii l.l. nuv l,l(.
K.b.lM issl. A.lmmlnrntor.
Jssusry 2')ih. H
"Miifht on tiy setpr fold nn
us iun(s. wnirli might tinti-
rtn enrei nnnhntiln of Sim.
rtvr of T. Wn I'mhrh nn I
losiloi nii irinkpn In limn.
f0 irnrsleJ Ensl, I've iravnUJ Vt'rrl,
Tlirounh nmn a wrsry iln ;
Hill llie nno i Ii in tr ihsi'jsl mshrst ,
Is why lbs bens ilun't ly.
t'tirs. fin Tents per ilnzen 'Csohsnrc "
Try psrkszoof M. U. RorsktV I'oi ltst
I'owiirik, prepsrS'l by Hisr Mr'o t'o. of
Phlls'lslphis. I's firails by 1I tet,tirti;
ilrnriti'ls, sn l itien If tliry ilun't lsy, Ibrr
sro on'y fll los to pot."
Ws ' trt. ih InT.ilushls q'illli
nf ttnsssT's lln nj Cattls I'nwiiRH'
ipnn nnr nwn smnk, n I in j union lo our
fellow pilir.sns, Atrm il our ilniy lo reooin
mrml Iho stino lo nil owners nf nock, not
only In f s whsro mnok is sick, hut
Hml il rjf bsnrtb'inl In nw mtlck cows,
ss well as lo Hit (enrrsl appsnrsnco nf
iht hoMet sn I oibrr nock : il rti't only
"( t'rnts, anil gu.ranletd lo tffrel s curt
ifgitts in lime.
Wo ntiiet thtl a rrt msny prnprie
Isrt nieticin men. srt sarrliin( in
lich s ilisunrr, ss lu lrl Iht puhllc, sn I
psrlloulsrly lb reisil Jrugsihis to he
Iirt lliti llit salt of Ihtir poo'lt is so
grrsi, Ihsl unless tbeir nnlrrs srs senl
:n tiily, Ihry will t,t unable lo fiH Ihem,
Wt bnwertr uolire on ricnpiion lo Una
rule in Ihr Stet nf Hit Sisss' tfr'o Co., of
I'hilt Iclp'iit, l' hn sre hnnt'l pnmi(h
la eisit. ibnl so msiierbow fust lb or.
ltr oine in fur Hiss Surf nf Ts, Wild
t'HtssT t IIimshoi'nii Ihry shsll M r
l,lJ Their so'ti en Ih fref,r"lnn
ll Tsr wasi'ioj Shiille ; llieir finl-
iiirs for skiny nl pirsetl sre 1,000,001
holllrs prr sr.uiim ; hill lei nn Jru,-it'-t nr
raslnsier be sUruieJ. li st ihrrt will err
! eortr in imi Tnt for shoul I H i
r le tn.iinS 'J.nnt.onj ihey en
ho ha4, Kiol I rim nur rxprnt'iee wnb it
us n oiiii(li in.l eo I reme lv. we he no
lieohi Ik. 1' us s'llrt will loon rtscli Ih
I mn.r I fiitsir.
6' i a rViianV j .V.-in ni'f Dinpatch.
' A hnr ! s liot ! my sing lorn for
bume J ! ' when Kin KiclisrJ rpnke
ihee wor.l- . tt wf .ir Ii ti-l l. he iin-loiibie-lly
tn V't hnr-0 whinli hi been
u-isf K011111T rLnnril llosss I'vw
nrss, ns no I'thre tniimil wuuM 1st eon .
rttl I' 1 in 10 s iUr in ihn ) ti ckt-l
pnroihl limt. I'rict -b Ctois suit rr
trjr where.
Mnrrlnges hs Inrrrner I 4a per ceni
loco funis, uien be litrnel nf the
tooihil c ctleei of Sink Th, Wild Tiiss
st snl IIi4miiiii,mi upon hvhirs Young
nan if vou keep hunt nn 1ms J for n
emergen ir, you srt f la bringing
things lo rlini4X.
costscrsn wtigt.y sr
7. W. L) r o o h e .
Onions ptr boabel
Potatott d
Buiier per pound
t'-tt f"r J"S
Tallow ptrpousd
il .
14 tc
41 it 6
8eelet Chtrrltt
UrieJ App'tt
III ltd Ttaobtt partil
Si Jet
If l.l.llnli.iHie ll.aaalmS
iiaiilill. Sflllpa .IBill lit t ,
c.isiscrsn wstst.f sr
Simonton, Harber Co.
Wheat per huabtl
os Is 4 si
" Nt. S
Ryi ds
Cora ds
Oali ds
t'lortrattl per buaht'
TimolhyrttJ Js
lluckwheat ds
Flasstid ds
rot al oca
Appltt prim
tO la (ri
Chtrriaa, pilieJ
Chtrrtea, jinpiutJ
thtd applet
rtaobst, pairtil,
Itutltr, prlMt
Hutitr, tttssJclaas
CasMavil sr batltti
WshstMS dS
. .
. T
5 nnderalgneil, Hlffb RhetitTof
ho tonntf of anxlsr. hf lrn of writ
ofVtnH. T,t l-ol nut el Ik-Ooitrknf linn,
won Plena ol aalil ennntf and It me OiraauS
Will bttlpnatd lu Pabllo Halt, ta
Tuesday, March I.OU1. I8l,
tMSo'eleet A. M tht Utsri Uosit, Is
MUJIaUmg, trerlalt
Trncl of Land
alinalstn rrmklin ami perry invniiiliM, ny
r "i"l. Ka , .,. 11 Km b Uo I4 of
llsrntao, Hmih an i I iw lin li warrantnd
In iu saint nt Aflrtw Kmcnif, nouih hf
Unit wsrrtniod In JwiU Wei I oar, tosisinlBg
Four Hniidred Acres,
mors ortta. htlng ssetnallsn I.
r)i IiihI laktn In rteoultnn snl I bs Sol t st
iht prnptrir of i.'hiMta Ho,rir.
li.Miil.r.NHr n. Shanf.
"httlN'l Odlct, Middlrkarci .lr t, 1911.
IXFCllTORS' XOTIl'K -Loiters
I J lelamentary nn Iht telsit of Mar?
(. !.', latt o htttMriirnvo tlnriiHn
"(nyi'tr i.'oamy 1eM Sarin hean gram.
al lu !t nn'ler.lantd, all eiafina kniwiM
thtniiiotvea tn1eitte1 In aahl a.att aia rn,uaal
e.l tt raakt lintneUntt pavmerl. wlillt ihn
hsrlnr elalms will pretant iham iluly amhoatl.
tttil for naltltmrnt lu
J A Mb K. U.lVls.
Fab, 10, 1M. Kieratnrs.
rp'!K nndcrsiijnod, administrator
I nliht r'.mte nf K.iSt'nun la't nf
ha tnnhlp nr Viitnyt'Mi, iietitl. hf
Irtua uf a OMer Irmiet n t nf th (lrtniM,'
I'nurl ol snvaer eoitnty will tiMi.t 10 pub
lit Halt, en tha p'em ih-,on
Sitnrdi.r March 2 tSUI
Ihs fntl iwlhg la-rlil Hail Foala, In wit -THACT
Nn, I Ih-11 HI vil -. half Intere.i'
In inena or lri-l of I imt " In
I'iin Iwp., Nnyilor 0 nnlf. Pa, ian. i
Nurh hjr lanila ir- Mlhnhim sni .ithtrp,
lit ltnl fif linili l,ft.l Siitlt'i ,y
UnHa if l.nry llurnrnnw Mer and lhra
ant Wtal li luilaol .laeoh Limlla. coottio.
3") Acres,
ana nreie. Al-ntnn mllrlial hitf In
lera t In ri tain mrn iKi a id ir t t nl land
lMate in iowniii,i, eoumy and Hittt thiraatd
T H ACT No. a, hniin,l. V i-tn hy lm la nf
.TaenliVlller: fi't hy Inula nf liii l.tidl 1
Snutli hf Iin la .if n , ml Wt.lbf laodaof
JoUu Htnglt runts'nlnit
fi Acres,
with Ihn apnnrtenaneea.
Strut other unllvi lel half lnterat will
lit Mid, at Ih- aa no an that iho curi'haatr or
puri-h krera will i tub-1 tht wh ilt
Salt tn enrnmanna at o n'el -k . it. whan
tar ml uf sole win m 1 in k 1 r 1 ir
Vn KIlKIMllK IDHmmt,
III tsriVIS ABHOHHT. A. .tor..
Philadelphia and heading
Rail Road.
Arrangement of Passenger Trains
ocT,y."tii, iNMo.
7Vnia Irnve lirrihurq nl fnliw :
for Ntw Vork, tia Allnttown,
a 0 a m and l.t'i p. ta.
Kor New York, fia l'hila lel.hia aa I
"llouml Bronk It unit,' 0,oo, M o& a. ra.
Ami 1.4i p. m.
For I'hilaJtlphia, A.oo. HaQi (ihrnngh
car). 9 50 a. ro . l.l'iao l 4.00, anl 8.00
p. m.
For lte.linga 8.oo lc5, 9 So a. m., H' and 8 on p. m.
For Pmttf ills, fi . co. S oli, tl 60 a. ra.
anl 4,oo p. m , an I fia Mrhujlkill tL fua
iiithann tlrsncb al 'i. It p. For Au
burn, 6. I0 a. m.
For Atlruiownt ft. os ant 8 15, 9 5a a.m ,
I 4"i anl 4. on p. in.
I Tht a.n1! a. m , an l I.4"i p m.
jiraina have through cart for Ntw Yotk,
I fia Allrali wo.
Ftr Allentowo sol Way Sitiiona, C.00
a, m.
For Healing. riiilaJelphia, ni War
Sminna, 1. 1 p. ro.
7Vni if fi,r It'trHihurq Imrt nt :
ttift New Tnrk, i Al ruiown, 8.4b
a. m,, I. no an I Y:)il p. in.
I.tire New York, ia "'lliunt lirook
R.iuie an l rbiladelphia. 7.4 a. m.. I. 'to
an l A K.i p n., arriving at llarrithurg
I tin, S.Jo p . m.. an I t'J .'ii a tn,
t.eart I'hia lelplna, 'J.4 am. I I
tn I 7 4j p. m.
I.eart I'oil-tille, T.oo, 9. Ill s. , an
'4.4''p in.
l.eare Ilea. liny. 4. VI. M 00, ll.ioa. ra..
I. no, ii.t). ant Ij.I) p.m.
Leate I'uit-rille, tia Schuylkill Ik 8ut
luelnnn't llranch, S :io a. m.
I. cave AUtninwo, .J5 ' a m 12 o
I. to, sn 1 v'.oj p. m.
Ltart New York S.3u p m. Tkil'sJt-
pbia. 7 4-i p. m.
Lrata Rra Jing, 8.00 a.m. ao t lo.Hj p. 01
l.cart Alletiiown at ti.ol p. m.
Rti.itn i nntun
Leart llilrrlablirg; tr raitnn. T.o
ehiel, nu I aieelion J iily. eXeepl riiin.lir.
5. J 1. tl 4u, '.' 4 a. m., 'i. 01 p: m. : Jailr .
eXcept fnliir lay an l Sunlar 6 4 p. m
and on faiur.liy only, 4.i"i, ti.lo. ! 3a p m
Heluroing. Ua.a hilrellori daily, fX
fept Sun lav, rt.'o. ".on s, m 2 .Pt
p 11 ; tlaiiy, tXcept S,iurlar aaJ fua
day, ii. In p. in., ami 00 Saturday otlj,
5 lo, ti.3o, 9. 60 p ra
Oenl Mat.ascr.
Oen l IW'r.k Tiikel Acl.
Tat ';. fii a 4.
rPiTE imJiaiirtie.l, of the
: latt ol 11. t ti.wM.iilp ol het
. de ae.1, )
I iriut l aa t H.ier Iae4 eat ol Ittiiriraal
1 IV.uri .. Nuy.lar eo laiy at I tira ry I er. i.t
: .l. Will el,HMt la roulio Salt, tt ikt prajii.
ThiirsUf, March 21th. 1SSI,
IH I 41 twin (rl'td Ktal 1'atata ttltate ra
Hearer low c.ul, e.iyat, cvauaiaiaa
Fiv Acrra,
rt tr leaa, heanda-l .vrih hy lands at S, I
nwiel, e-a-t r la I. at Uau a. M.inat.
H.iaik ty l.n.l- f 1 Haaaaal, aaJ,
taeai ky Ua.ta tl Ml. tat Ixvly, Miug
Tiiulier Lautl.
A lao al tkt la. tint tad plena will m U
a I 4 ed 1 are mi 1 I'retrl.
halt lo emawaaet al It Vbva A. M.ef aal.1
day vata aa.e win m a.a it kataa M
VI ll.l.lA k K tAIMU.
Jiau li, UiM,
Mareh l tai. ardara.
HlIR on 'arstgft)
1 M IkS Matt r4 I). I
H Mm. UuaJ .m
larry laaakliv i4r taaau. l-a.
a , I -r 'in.. - 1 wa, iw an nail
.al tkt urpaaaa' ad twig aaaatr, till al
l a r-Mie aala. tx tkt retataaaa aa
ToUtvdAt, Xlaifh ilth, 1SSI,
iva Ptikawlatl HMTlla4 Meal raiaia aliaaia Ic
aal rvrry iea.kip a HM, kMag aaeaa
iaiatllaikar Iaai4, taiaiaia
190 Acdt.
Bart at tats aeaaaaA Bats Waal aa tSnrah
hy KhaAa Atewauta aad Mai ht tta4
8 , Jawaikaa aMrtSia taxarar AbiO
t Acdtta,
I stars tr lata, wharaaa
k tjftjtlal OOUB
'l . v.-. aa.u
hW.lls SkaarU, S Sa4 WaaS V
laa.w al laa k.iaaiiaMaf, a4 a
'- ,'sr-eU:W
TtalM immw t.aalilitaa jMantla aa l.tlAt
I MH 1,1 N (W taT W A K r ,
Plttahnrnn Kapraat lll'ft.ka.
faeine Kipreaa a II a.m.
War Ptaatugtr IIHi. m.
sit 4 p. m.
Ka-lt.lot Staw.a.
Paetnt Kinraii Itllt. ta,
Mail el-pa.
I'hl adetrhla rtiTeta Itien ta.
Johnatnaa Mpr. at
Ta 'a l.'na. Wat Plaaaagnr tad lh raeft
In I ipreaa wem, a ail Ibt l'lllt and Allautlt
Cpre-a tat rtt Satly,
Way traliu leartalt'lrat IB MlflllS toaatf
tr lulli.wt :
1 . t -s
Wlltlllt, llltf ltDi
Fao'iier Mall. Ctpreaa, Mall,
a. m, p. m. a. m. p. m.
Andnrann't 1100 4 01 It II If
.M'Vevmwa 111! 4 t ei I l
Manayunk II IS 4 if I07S tot
Vbeyird II ! lolf 4M
N. Hamilton tl 4 11 It II 4 11
Ml. I'm. .n 1110 N 10 04
llnn.iilng.loa U la :io VI) Sir
Tfmnt I II 4 si III Iff
Ii...... a IS t to S II 1 H
Pltiabnrg lao 1; 41 T 40
Tht I'actrU 't nrtaa wtal Its ht RtggtS si
Al.V mown nil 11 a.m.
LE?rie,TOWii DivisiOK.
srstrar a ttwiaTowH iik4. a
!. l.-iwo,
ITAIKix Mali. A..nm
.'laln.l.7 ?A f ' p.ra
r a 1, f li
Salltand r 1 U
'Intrr t l
II lel Hl
Vaantr I . "l
Soi'lnre 4 IT
S'a llil't K.S il S S
II Mrd 'ii a 41
n-i.f. r r. s H
.Miiidi.i.'m 1 m
M..i..- r. 11
Kmnirr r. t It
I'awllnv V. t IT
He!lnairnre f .'14
H II. .lun. 41
uburjr 10 00
On and aflr Mnr. i nn, l;l. Iralnt 00 tblt
toad Will rtiu aa f illown
l.bAVK son tiivs inn,
Leave 1
s 11 1 m
II 46 1 10
1f.IT t IB
II Main
4 "5 p m
I 10 p m
ft. so p rn
SuS t m
4 VI v m
ll.r.j p 111
lit 1 in
Hi p tn
I.&. a ii
I bi) a m
in a 111
I 31 a m
1 1' a in
4 Vi a m
7 .H a tu
7 l1' a. in a in
w York
II '.1 p Ul
I' . an
Arrivr at :
Willi. uiirt
i. 111 an
l'J.M . m
f on pro Tllpra
l.l.'i p ui 10. M p ia
I.10 a in S (10 a
a. .',1 p in
l i p at
I.raVK noi'TltW AtlU.
Lean fur mo li.y Mall Bnnlbara
111.. Lip. lip.
Niagara Fal.l 4 00am l.ilpa
Mnn.iln 4.3J am 2 10 a nt
Waiklna I Want li yatn l.alpm
I rln tn ,
l.nct Itaran S.40 a m "lApin
W.....t. T.ra m U n . m II "f. , 10 I2.34tm
N irtli'd lllla ..'! p n. 11.11 a ni
snnhiirr w.ioani 1.11 p m 12 la m 1.O0 a a
s-iinairrnre l3 0 m p ni f!.o. a m
Hermli.n to na a m n is n m l.ain
UenrHetn'n lu.20 a m II. 14 p in 1 .'il a in
Arrive at:
tlarrlaiitirg II M a ro 4,10pm tllara S. Slant
r .ila. I lopni 7.1pm T.' a ra T to era
i.a Yirl o.i p in 10 Oi p in o 11 ara 10.11 a m
Haulm. .re 4 i p ni 7.s p m 7 1) aro Una
Waaiiiniitonl.o; ptu s.oT p hi f.oi a ia o.ot t aa
Thuta mt'ked r efnp nn'r when flan.eS.
A. J. tn. v.auatar.
Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Division.
tn a1 after arxDAY, Ntlf, Tib, 1M0. tht
tr..n..,nlli- Pi llar. hia fc Erie Kail hoad
lltrialna will run aa follnaa :
rUlE MAIL ira.r. pi.iiadelt I, I a
' llartial.urr
" ' Willlaiu-amrt
.1-rafT Shnrt
1. k Haeu
II lip.
a 40 a. aa
40 a. n
II 01a. aa
T 44 p. n
t 00 . a
11 II a. at
are al
MA'IAKA LXP. leave. Phllalel'a
" " Harn-hnra'
" trr. It Wlllla-iiai.'l tlSli.
wbt raao.
Milrd Va'l
IS Uit.lM ll .
Ill 10 it to:.
fii in in
IM S 11 IH
t Ml fll I So
a tot 4 it
:.r 3 1:
4 ns an 1 iu
4 If I ft i i
t . J 14 a
4 li T 0 J
I :.a til 1 is
1 11? 7 OS I OH
lot 4 11 t if
4 11 4 10 1 40
4 1 ) Hi I H
" ' l.irl HlTrS I'Mn.a.
FAST LI M E Ir a tea Phtiadriphla II So a. ai.
" " II .rrllnr.; 4aip. aa.
trr. al Wilii'i-i.aar.ri t 41 p. aa.
" Lkllaeu Slip. ta.
PACIFIC I IP. jratre I o, k Keren t !J t. aa
" " J.y hbcr. I 77 a. nt
" 111. an ajori Ifna.aa
" trr. tt Martial nr Up.
" PMIa l.l, bla 4p. m
PAT tXP. Iraxea l,-ek Hea 1114 a, id.
" " Williamap.irt l.' Jtp. aa,
M arr. at Harriet. nr I 40 p. m
" PhilaleiJhlt la.aa
F.RIK MAIL Ira Tea tOup.aa,
" l.vk H.t.a l"tfp. aa.
" " WiHIiiun. .rt,
" are. at Harrtai a-a l'a.aa.
" " l'..iialrl.i.ia Tola. as.
FAST LI KE leaea w 1:,, o.;.nrt li II a ai.
' arr. at llarri.k' r( Ilia aa.
" " Phlla i. ?v!"a 7 4 a. a.,
E-le Mall W-el ae.1 li.t ttrrraa fael auakt
"la- ffli'ia at N.-ritLi-nl-rlann wnk L. ti
H M. R Ira tie fur Wilir.har: and Krratitoa.
Lri- Mail IV ...t. Nia4ra l-lprt-.a Weal anS
Ka-t l.lnr. Weal n..- rn..jartina ai Wil
ia i.apnrt Itu N. K W. ti.ina evtk
S'airara Kaprea We-t at d ' I Ipr-.a Ftal
V1!! ti" C"':'' ' k lt'e a lib h, K
F-ri- Mall Laal and W.t r-intH at Trie all
treiue ml. s 1 f : n, H, : ,1 , rrt auk n.
. fe A. V. H. K : .1 .tn e. T4. Y. k
P K. IU and al llrift. . ,1 a Mb A V. K. R.
P.rior ewra wnt rna htra Pmiadei,btt
ard W ot, !.(, lprraa eel a 4
I'at Eiireaa Laat. a eri ln rata r.a all alkl
Nor. r, 1171. a-itral?ay't.
a. a. lettert of admit!. tretiae ea ikteetataal
I'r.T.H. I ea.-e.laia fl w a-klrat..a tap.
enault, I'a. J't'd kara kea ara rrd la tfct ani l. All i-eie. na aaeatrc tiitaiaelTaw
In.ieHtd to raid t.tate win t en till lt
ail!ele pat meet wllletk... tatlt. elalart
aca't.t aalJ aeiais wlllprtetal Ikata lor eetliw
aienl tt
MMri. irtK
tab. f. Ml. AJaiiauiraiar.
1 iiataaeala ry f tie aaiata al Hear
Kaaik rfaieet t' fnaattia
M.J.t Mian. la. wart ararted t Ibaaal
.'ermae-l .all twre. aa I nl.i tl em-e-Uw-Ii
,t. le-l t . .a l.i a-la't will haa lww
dieie parairat. w h.le Tti iaiiaf r.amtaill
.ratat itaai t. r eeniea-..i.i ta
J A, tit. 1 tlM' )t.
1 ah. 10, lavl, Letarater,
a Uurn ef adrait-t-attaa na ike uta at
lat A Knlakt lata et I al.itra Mi,r
I . Pa., .1ee.i ka.a i-eea araeie I le Ht law
ae,l ail et-.itai kaeaina 11 evira tatarav
ad leaa.lda.lale will ylre Iwiaaewliata
paiataal wkiietkr.-akaTir.a riatwaaaaiaetaweS
ariaia aillpraeaat .tent t,-r aruiew-ei te
tons . kM.tor,
Jts. S"SI. Adslautratar.
a iMrrrt ef a-TtalaletrMi a aa Ike aetata
lAhfakaat Marm. lata nl y '.Mm.4 la
aw 1, P,. aaeraeed kaie i"-. rtawiet la
Ina aa.-attna4. AM tawenae Aa. ala taaar-t-I.t
la.aaiad le aaad aei.ia ai 11 p etaa araia
laiwaMiaia ra aai akin t knee l ee.. aiat
aralai eaidaeiaia im 1 1 ii tl Ita ; aaa
Utaatai HhtOK R(.4f4K,
Jan. IMt.pA. Awaaaarau-atay .
rGTO I For Border Out-
WAMLBIlaWS nt Mriu
Vtw, Sathetila.' aaS TAr.ll.a HHteiry aflat
Uvea aa.t aMWrfal Aaaaua.wa aa Aeaart.a
raad ItaUawx
rti Toarjfer Intb(-a,
FrMk J Jsspa JarMaa,
AS iaatrVafSt at herktrayataa Aaara ta ftai,
llnakarea mart at. a aa Ha aaaalnaa wvra.
lata fNtrteaHa al awa fttaaetyan kaiax aaaa. aara
eaaeln rraaa Jaeae. w !. MatOaKaA,
awdll rial ll.ul.4 H ri- ATK Uatr
tiaaraatMl Wltata Seeai 1ea takwt-Man
kaat TWalHe A a aewal k4 )iaaS S iaav -k
IMweS aih l o av iax aaa kaaaw-a
4 a waaet4l ta.e.w ktaa) arwtea V .- ''
, aa-r a al.taakad aaaaa n.einos) k a T---
t - 4aantal. t a a 4
art 1 l4" 4 ,aJa. ,
n V-4 - I ' -w " "
f. av.iata w-i amai I e4eV tr, SI Mt'
l'-xrh Cv., dor
a a