ir J.t. J inoe 1552. Turk'. ;i tt ! I i H 1 e t ' i allbej ' ' to-; !. P", t I' . .i II ' Uittj . The Post Hiddlebarg, March 10, 1881. I. CROUSE. Editor A Propretor. Presidant Garfbld t Ina-iaural. President OtrSeM'a inaugural al dress admirably raatchsstbe ehariM terand qaatity of the roan, h is pitohed in the blgbest key of palri Otlo and enlightened statesmanship. Ik it candid io tons, elevated in view, pbilosophio in thought, positive in policy, chaste in etyln, lofty in it Standard aad broalin it boritoa. It it conceived in the wisest aad worthiest spirt, aad spoken witti the dignity befitting tbe chosso ruler of fifty million of pejplo. Xf r. Lia oola'a aJ lresos were mora terse, opigremmatio and pictitreaqie. Oeoeral Orant'a word were few aad pointod, sometimes homely and of tea vivid aad sententious. This opening utterance of President Gar field marks the man of broader cul ture who comes to his high duty with as much insight, with the training of longer experience and with the accomplishments of deeper tody. Tbe address begins with a snc- cinct and comprehensive review of tbe foundation of tbe Republic, of its trials and triumphs and of its growth aud greatness. Passing to tba expression of tbe recent election, it recognizes the duty of tbe Exe cutive to enforce tbe registered will of tbe people. Their first and high est doclaration was tbe supremacy of tbe nation and of its laws. This does not infringe upon the right of local self-government, but it does make tbe nation paramount, and does establinh its supreme authority throughout the land. The elevation of tbe blacks to citizenship is re cognized as the most important po litical change since tbe organization of tbe Government, ts great ad vantages are clearly portrayed and, on the other band, the diiSjulsies end duties grotfioj oat of it are frankly sttteJ aad bovaly nut. No plea otn palliate the denial of eqaal suffrage, and the highest ptib lio obligation is to maintain tbe freedom and sanctity of the ballot Its violation is a crime wbicb, if per isted in, will destroy tUe attio i it elf. On this subject of protecting all citizens in tbe right of free suf frage, the President speaks with an arneitnesa and emphasis which in dicate a stalwart and vigorous ad ministration. At the sain ti i o be perceives tbe dangers of ignoranoa in the voter and the evils of pervert ed local gorvenment While they do not justify tbe suppression of the ballot tbey do demand every effort to correct them. Tbe remedy for these evils is universal education which shall establish intelligence and virtue as tbe pillars of the Re public, There is a burst ofeloqienoe in the President's forvid appeal to drop our controversies, leave bo bind the battle-fields of deadMiasaes and move forward together in the ' great werk for the moral and mate r ial well-being of the nation. On the financial and industrial questions President Oar field repeats his well-known views in pointed terms. lie is for honest money in tbe broadest and highest sense. Recognizing gold and silver as tbe only safe foundation for a monetary system, be orges that tbey should be made eqnvialent, and objects to the present compulsory coinage of silver wbicb is repugaant to this principle. With admirablo precis ion of statement he holds that anch an adjustment shoulJ be made that tbe purchasing power of every coined dollar will be exactly equal to tbe debt-paying power in all tbe markets of tbe world- Tbe green backs are useful, bnt their value should depan 1 opoa their prompt redemption ir, coin and not upon their legal-tender quality. On tbe question of funding the President clearly indicates bis fall agreement with those ho resisted and defeated the recent mischievous Democratic! bill. He insists that it should be accomplished without striking at tbe national banks and disturbing j the business of tbe country. Our agricultural interests should receive more enconrsgemsot. Our indust rial independence should be promot ed. A broad policy of commercial development is indicated.' The Jormon blot should be wiped out And with reference to tbe civil ser tie tbe President proposes to ask' the action of Gngreee on the emi nently aoaod principle of a fixed tsonre and oo removal during tbe term except for prescribed and ad qoate reasons. The address as a woele will meet t e highest expectation of tbeeoao I y. tie firm ia matoUioiog tbe ipremaey of tbe nation , it nnitee p oteetiocj for the bUcka with g so- erosi'y toward tbe Sooth i it aeek r- r'-'.l tui l--ooy on ti '1'" " "'""j!-"'"t?iV est standard of publio credit and security j it sustains the broalest industrial and commercial advance' mentt and it proposes pr.tctioal civil service 'reform. In every pr t it brosthes tbe spirit of tbe high minded patriot and atatesnoio, and oonQrms the confidnnce with wbicb tbe country looks forward t a wine, honest, progressive Administration in full sympathy with tbe best pop nlar impulses. '.WtfyjAa Prut. The Legislature of Delaware cole brated tbe 4th of March by adopt ing resolutions denonncing ''the fraud of 1376," and roquestsd tbe Oovernor of the State to transmit a copy of tbo same, "duly attested by tbe Speaker and Clerks of both liousos of the General Assembly, to tbe Hon. Samuel J. Tilden who was legally elected President of tbe Unit ed States in 1S76." The lion, Sam uel J . Tildon celebrated the 4th of March by being sued for having, as is charged, defrauded bis copartners in a certain mining transaction'. Mr. Rutherford U. Hayts celebrated the day by going out of the high office be baa bold for four years with the respect of a vast majority of bis lellow-citizons and the reward of fc good cons oience. The Pennsylvania Railroad shops at tltoona are building a locomo tive of tbe "Class K" pattern, with driving wheels 78 inches in diame ter and cylinders 18 by 24 inches. The boiler has 201 flues of 1 Inches outside diameter and a fire box 40 inches wide and 3CJ inches high. The length of tbe boiler and 8 re bi is 297 iucbes. It is believed this locomotive will make tbe trip from Philadelphia to New York in JX minutes. The shop now has an or der for ten new "Class H" engines with a drivi ng wheel G8 inches in diameter. This is as large e driving wheel as Las heretofore travelled on tbe road. An old clock weight with a pln in it attraete 1 tba attention of O fl eer Cooper aa be exitninsd tbe pre mises of Addison Rowland, tbe mis er who died recently in Meadville. Upon knookiog it oat $61 in silver pieces, of dates from 75 to I'iO years ago, rolled out, A dirty paper that bore the marks of many feet when picked np was found to sonUin 510 in greenbacks. More than 8H..1M) in all basben found upon tbe pre mises aod in every inoonoeivable utensil and pl.wo. Tbe ooius b tve additional value through their as and rarity. Tbe prophecy falsely imputed to .Mothsr Sbiptoo, tint tho wirll will come to n ni this yen, wh firmly believed by K it o Vao ldr smucker, of Hjclos. Ojio, au I it made her insane. She went to re ligious meetings, an 1 elojnsatly ex horted tba people to preptre for the great event, Hhe moved btr bear ers greatly, and in one uigbt twenty of them bxc ne converts t 0 irist- ianity. Father Had len say that, knowing the girl's luntcy, be w is in doubt wbat to do, b'lt conclu 1j I to let her go on, and a treumeulous revival is the ooosoquenco. Tui Next State Fair Tbe com- uiittee on location of the Pennsyl vania Agricultural Society has fin ally accepted tbe offer made by tbe Pittsburg Kxpi.sition Corapmy, which is a very advantageous one and similar in many rsspect to that given by the Permanent Exposition Building, Philadelphia, for ssvoral years past. Tbe terms offered by tbe Pittsburg patty will enable tbe Society to give $25,000 in premiums tbe coming year, and make tbo fair more attractive turn ever It will be held from September 5th to 17th inclusive, Notwithstanding the unfavorable weather tbe pageaot acd the pomp of circumsUnoe which oa Friliy at tended the iat'igir.Uiou of Pre-ti dent James A. Ura&al 1 exseelit! anything ever bufore witnesjjj in Washington. Feaosylvini bire herself proa 11 v on tbe oeotoa an 1 her citizen soldiery as well as civie organizations are entitled to the highest oredit. It appears that with out Pennsylvania aod Philadelphia the parade would have been like the play of namlst witb Hamlet omitted from tbe cast of characters. A as inveotion is reported from Torio. It consiats in tbe applicat ion of littht-giving materials to printing iuk, by which print Leoorae Inuioons io tbe dark, ao that in fotnr it will be possible to read at niht, in bed or daring a joaroey, without tbe assistance of candle or lamp. A oew daily, io wbicb this Joouinorts materiel will be used. Is, it is aaid, aboot to be poblishsd is Torio, Two feeoators and six Coogres bmo were found by too poliee ia a u- r-x: 7 ....... . ... ill the furnaces la Arantrja county are in blast- ; . ...Mio'itsl Boyle was killed, by cars near Catasanqua Webnesbsy morning. ....Adsms express charged ID2 for bringiog a corpse from St Louie to Chester. .... In some of tbe ravines between Bedford and Johnstown tbe snow is fifteen feet deep, Census statistics show ten tbo ns and more females in Pennsylvania than there are males. . . . .Robins have been so tbiek la Georgia that parties have been oatcuing them with fish Looks. ....Fred Sohirnstolter wis is stan tly killsd at Erie on Saturday by tbe breakiog of o oraoe. . . . .Ten thousand dollars' worth of lumber were lost by Middletown in tbe big fiood. ....Henry J. Packer was killed in the mines at Dickson City, Lack awanna eonoty, on Monday. . . . .John 8. Ritenour, of Kris, ac cidentally shot and killed himself while out hunting on Saturday. . ..Robert Colemao, the million aire of Lebanoo county, is making experiments with looomotivss. .... t is discovered that tbe sev erity of tbe wiuter Las bad a terri ble effdet on the lungs of horses. . . . .Owing to the continuous cov ering of snow, the grass in all part a of the state Las remained green. ....Patrick Heely was killed Vedneaday in tbe Pennsylvania eol coiapany's No. 6 shaft sear Pittston. ....4 number of graves in tbe old Union burying ground at Johns town were robbed by dogs a few days ago. . . . ,Tlioiss (3. Boyle w knock ed insensible aad roblxtd of all bis mouey by four ruifiaua at Bradford on Sunday night. ....A earl J wf John Sogers, liv ing at litfobtidiville, M uttg imory county, ass eceidoutally scalded to death ou Saturday. .... A steer, fee property of Geo Gardner, living in 1'uoiuahoriing township, Souiursut oounty, weighs 2,13 puuuls. .... A di-er that bad Uoen exbaiibt- ed by ruuuiiig was o;tai' d by two gills at Barree Forge, Henttngdou county, on Saturday. At Yatesville, Schuylkill county, on MoU'Uy. Cornelius O' uuij, wu .njuiav, vyuruenun v ,, ., ' 11. Doonell, au old tnatl, ouoksl to death while eating e piece l r meat . .. .George Iilb was srr-lel at Pottsville on 8u:ur Uy night obtrg ed with robbing tle vault erf County Clork O. J. Arejjjl of 12i in gold. ....A fireman on tho Danvilln, Lackawanna sod ilket-barre rail road was fatally injured asar lireat Uend Wednesday by falling o.T his togios. . . . . TXuntci in the wilds of Pot ter county recently came across the trozeu body of J itn Jacobs, a well known Indian hunter of the Seneca tribe. . . . .Thousands of barrels of ap ples are bring moved from the north ero part of the state, where they were delayed in eoosetjauuco of tbe recent intense old. ....The Pennsylvania railroad company's experiiuomt witb paper wheels on locomotives having proved entirely ancceasful more of them will be introduced, ....The Rev. Daniel Eogle, 91 years of ago. one of tbe oldest aad ruont influential mininters of the unkard denomination, died at Humuii lktowQ, Dauphin county, on Tuesday. .... A four-pronged buck pursued by a dog leaped from a bdge of rocks above tbe station boase at Kittaoning Point to the railroad track, a distance of one hundred aud seventy feet, and was iubtautly kill ed. . ...Dennie Fenton, a mm ol gigautio eUtirre au 1 proportions, recently was committed to the t'hsmbersbnrg jail. He became in sane and set fiie to hie cell. Water sub luel tbe fla na. b it ooolda't subdue Fenton. II n removed from tbe cell after three hours of hard word and coaxing. Addison Riwland, an ecoen. trio citiiea o' Meadville, died re cently. He bad lived alone, and after bis death money was found in very conceivable place abont tbe bousj. Old boots yielding np gold aod ailver, and baskets and boies contained money and jewelry. Among tbe effects were beck bills amounting to $J,C1J gold coin, $126 ailver aad oickels, over 12,. 000 1 26 ailver watches, 6 gold watches, 12 revolvers, 150 pounds of smell eo(o, a box containing St pes krlvf, kr; boa': ttevzztj ct '.-') r- --j r :. Tjta JlTmcMa Smt, Anm. An aiteiind is again being . made to press a 'vl t'irongh the Legislature, for a claim for indemnification for tbe losset sustained by tbe labor riots in ilehany county in 1877. Tbe bill propjsos . that the State shall band over to Allegheny connly the sum of 12,500,000 iu annual in stalments of $250,OOJ. Tbe mea sure was introduced in tbe House on Thursday-bnt maots 'with 1 ittle favor. It wiH hardly reaeive tbi rty votes in the House. TbeRebraska Legislature passed a high liconss law. , taxing,, saloon keeper's in cities of over 10,000 in habitants 81,000 snd $300 in towns less aizs, making it a misdemeanor to treat or give away liquor, forb.d iog tbe nee of acreee, Ac, a prohibi tory law, prohibiting both tbe mTg and sale of intoxicating liquors was defeated by only two votes. The anti railroad law, an I womeus' suf frage bill were also passed aad then the legislature adjunred, Aa appalling catnstrophe, resulting in the death of seventeen children, fourteen boys and three girls, occur red oo Sand ty night at St. rat rink's Orphan Asylum, Hyde Perk, a eubarb of Scran ton. by the bnraing of the Aaylum. Tbe building wee occupied by a ooiubr of Siaier of Charity, and no lor tbiir obarge were forty obtldroa, wboeo ages ranged from sit to twle years. All were rescued but tbe 17 above Mentioned. - The New .Tork World concedes that "Mr. Hayes has at least done nothing to checs. she prosperity of the eounlry, which Las iuoreaeed from tbe beginning to tbe end of bis term, and il it be praise to say of a President tkat our ansa'n con- taia tbe'rrtbYd 'of ao1 Administra tion on the whole more hardies than bis, that praise may be fairly accorded so Lim " Matthew 7ele Cs pe Her, Uuito 1 SUlf s Sec-tor from Wiscoosiu diel at bis rettidenoo in Wivhingtot, lixt Thursday morning, aged 57 y. srx. Mr. Cnrpntr w u a coiwnuieVu .lawyer, a brillitut orator, au pulitician. a bold leader, aud a gsai al hnmoiist. ylt Hlooiuiuton, III., Siittr, Win. Dowvry, a yonnff mm, ;pliv fully pointy 1 an 'M.notv" p'. l at u.a ninier .qury. pui.e I .rrrer. an I . . . . . -hut Iter fl the nok. aevei'in the . . . . , . , nwn ,l' ltwal!iiai bis torr blo miHta.e he at- tttnpted to slmot liimnelf, bnt Wds quickly eil by a lj)Uulr, Niitwillisl'tn linij sll tbo prolieiin sry tak, only $I4,(Klfr h ta b)cn ri ed in !e York for th prp sad atsluo of d'errge Washington on Well Street, snd of this amount one third ass enntiibutcd by Congress man Chittt-cden. Scarlet -f tver prevjil.t at Vilkina- burg. a s-n til tou nar Pittslnrj. to an alaimitig extent. . Thtre are nearly 10J )iraous e Jring from the disease now, tu 1 t'mrs were ov -r twenty fatal cases lt week. Forepsuh b is rsoeived '23 pho tographs iu arts r t) his ofTjr of 111.0)0 for tha ban lsomest lily io the ln 1. . Thuif ir a yung v man of Bradford, Pa., is the favor ite. Wanhington being unable to pre?- vide for tbe tnnterial wants of the throngs of inauguration sijbt seors, thousands availed tbemxlves of Hultimore hotel accomiuodations. Qen. OarflL-ld baa received about ten thousand letters since the Chica go Cooveotidn', acoording' to the count of the poa-tinaster at Mautor. Harriaburg' TAojnpk In 1831 Pennsylvania sent tbe first troops to Washington io 1331 she eends the best." A stone pitoher nsed by John Brown during his imprisonment io Charlestowo, Ve., waa sold at suc tion in Daltiraore recently for S3. ' Whit will th t Dirmorats d i mvf Tbey can't yH fraud at the Presi deot after totlay. The Senate of Arkansas has pass ed a joint resolution, doolariog that .tbe name of .bat Btate shall be pro. ooooced Arkanws. v The amountof oro on bin l In tbe central part of tbe State excoeds tbat in store for maty years, . Cenator Carpenter leaves an es t ate valoed at over 1 100,000, U bad 150,000 insurance oo bia life. Tbe Mechaaicsburg Journal re pofte the meeting of a brother aod eister after slxtyelght years' separs- eJvIatfjvsrKsr-uasI tio Wil , i. - Ailorncs-Al-Law. Jl H. DILL, ATI03NY-AT-LAW, LtvUburg, Ptnn'a. All balnM sirunteJ tskis esrs will b promptly ailtsUtJ lo, ?cpi;80, 1!8t. TlT DKlTRICir, 'aTTOUvEV 4T.U IT. iliirkii St., Stlinnyrovt. Pt. All ffMlont I imwi promtr sticadtd rtk.ia.'M. U. WUN DEALT, ATT0R.EY-AT-LAW. MHdicburg, Snydrr C . Pa ra U raialrS la Ktlth or ilr a aa ae-rrMuM aialaia lor ,ira, t N. MIKRi, A Homey A t- Lait, MidilUkaraj, Alt BfnrMtlaaal bana-M antroitai ta all r iU fil uraiayl aliaaiinu. itci. ia,TS. JACOB OILBEltT, Attorney-At-T4.iiw, MIPULiBlaO, r A. Alttiaatnau aatraitxJ la Sla tara w 111 raealT nmv (MDU-a. Jaif w.'Ta. . BOWER, AfTORNEYAT-LAW, MiddUkurij, Pa. (Ufflea Is aOVoa tf i. t. Uronoiiilar, rnl'actiaai aiaSa. Daaallallv Is aal tfarman. Juu is, ' yj L. SCHUCH, ATT0B5ET-AT-LAW, Kidilebur, Penn'a. FmfMlnt hnln. ntratta4 a kit ra HI taraiva prompt aUnatloo. Juut V,itf, QHA3 "p I'LIUCU, AUomer & Counsellor-At-Iaw, ()S)aa Is App'a MulMlntf ona taoi north of Kavaroaa HuraL. Sl-llalsjirot f, I'OIIW'M. Cnll(ttlon An4 all prn.Mlnal kaal saw I. rpiinlttil aaU will tiglxp'ltl.i. proaipl anaatlua. Af.ll,' Tr. CrtONMII.T.KR, - AIIOHNEf AT LAW, Mifflinburfi, Pa , Offarshia prnlrantona aaralass la tba pub lis. Cnllaqtlna anJ all otkar prufmnionnl bn-ina-a oiriiil lo hia eara will raorWf prompt attastion. Jna S, 'ti7tf T SMITH. ATTORIvrr AT LAW. MinbT.Ull'KO.HMVCOMtlii., SA orr. M ITir.lul Harlf to tha put II Ouonaiuilont la fcallo ami liaruiaa. P J. It. KELLEU. ATTOHSEl'.AT.LAW Mifjl'mfiurrj, Union I'ouh!, Pa All blor" -btru-'nl tn tits car will oil an'l Uiililiill)' altctMlrd la. Will ii-tle ai Ilia -ori f 'Uii. a Styior ail.m.ia to i:ttia. ilan be aonoutia-l In tu KuabUU or (lru:-i lai oina Oai. M . '1M piiAKLKS riOWKII, A TTOltSKT At LAW, Selinnjjmve, IV If... 1. 1 . ! 1 i . . . .1 . v ho t:,!l.(iou and a.11 ait-or prof....,o.i il , . .-.r !b - ilnnn autrui-ial 10 bia our iit ra ei pronipt aiuniicu. db.ia twa ..far .-b of tba Sor.u.1 J. . s. - .- -- ; JeM.LWN, ATTORN Kf AT LAW. Lawiahurj, P4 Ofara bia prof Unl aarvicas ta I In. pulilin. Oullamiaoa ami all nlkor pra (paaitaal liiiaii.iaa airuiirJl b'acr .will receitrproiiiptaltatiiion. Hapt. 3D, H J. A. w. pjrrmt, a no n YZ K.V .IT LAW. lielintrove. fa. OTrr thai pruiaaainnal aartiirra lo Ilia puliliai. Aill'ftal l)in-ioaaaaiiirni'iniiii-:.'li ear will ranoia f nnupt atteoiiua. O'.t.c at hia born on Maia siraiit. July, 4th ittvtl luiain, noaiii ai.issaa S. ALLEJUAV & SON. A T TO ttS K YS A 1 LA V. Hl?llllN)ri,tV, i'll. All pr.ifi'ailoiial biininaa au I onllauiini ''"- paruiutua i i antruaiad to (laa-ir Mr will ba r'sWiSuXTp.'j ig, i,,q n I onuitilliaa inj a)il(iau or flnnaan. Olim, Mark'. d.itara. II. It. Orimni. Win. tl. Dill CI IUMM&DILL. Attorno7a& Councellors A 'V'LA W, 0:Ts N'eir the Pont Office. rreeUui-K. t'eau's, f onaultatluo ia holb EngllaU aud Oarioau Laoguagaa. tleo.l '7ilf. JOHN II. AltMOLD, A.ttrie,y nt Lnw, MlttLILKUUIIU, PA rrofaaalonal bulnaa rolruntaJ Ia bia ear !:.' ba prompilr atianJadto. Fab J THOMPSON HAKKK, Atturneyantalitiw, Uawlatiurg, Union ('., Pa w-Oao ba eooaultail ia Iba Knarllab as Or bra language. Di W .-;k Market Hlreat, oppoail Walla .Smith & Oo'a Hlora 8 4 lit WM. VAN CiKZKIt, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lowinbtirff Pa. Offer hi prnfeaalonnl earaice lo ia pub lie, Collaoilnna and all othar Pio'ioo al buaiuaaa antruaifit labia eara wlllr aaiva prompt alUnlion. g T. PARKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. SBLIN90HOVB, fl)K". COUNTY. Pa lrtk,, '0711 A C. 81.MPHON, t-a ATTOIINEY AT LAW, MelinagvtMre, Pa. Jffra bis profeaetooal aarrieaa ta lbs pub la. Alt buaioaaa aniruair4 la bia ,eere ill ha promptly aurJd to. fJaa. 17, '6711 tAUUKLII. OltWIQ, A TTORWEY-A T LA W, Sliniliihurir. I'Hltais l o, ln. OSIaa aaat door ta Talaajrapk Prlatlsa asiaa roo aw, ' Physicians, fto. 1It. J. Y. Hit IN Did,, v auaui UNQSON ANDPUrHICUN. CiCISaburr, Pel CarsHaa'o"'-" mi a, f Phsicians, ;ff cv JJ J. SMITH, . ' Physician & Surrccn, Frrmonl, Snyder County, Pa. irTara ka prnfaxlnaal aarvla tatba OBIca oa Mala atraat. JaaalS';a J. O. WAQNER, rtirslclan nnd aarreon, tit r tin pmrlont t-rtlaoa ka 'ha attu-aa of Aitam.anrf and tIi-I nllr. Au. t,'mjir. "QU. J. P. KAMAWKL ( " PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Cenlrrllle. nnrrier Co., Pa tim iiia profaaaioaal aar?lta la tba puhllo. S 38lf J J. ECKUERT, SURGEON DENTIST, lM'ia.H:ilT'S HI.OOK, Srlintgrort, J'enn'a. Prafraalanal kaalaaaa prompily aitaaitatl to. Mat -."i, '71. )R. t. ORIEU BARBER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, barlnj Ineatad at MIDDLCDURtl. PA., oltica a f iloora Wnal of tba Onurthouaa. is Baatrr'a Brick building, oflrra bis pro fravioaat saralaaa to I Da publio. II a apaaba English aoj Oaroaaa ' Oel.lT.'TS. pEKCIVAL HER1IANN, PHYSICIAN 4 SURGEON. Kratzfrvtlle, Snydir Ve.. Pa. ' 'aaalnnal artaaa ta tha It tret , OSara hla profai o(kira:irrlll an I aiiinlty A a. ',') QR. A. II. SMITH, physician and scrnacoN ORtra bia prola.aloaal aaratara la tba olil- troa or AJmhuft aud alomiiy. Srpt, 7S r. VAN BU3K1RK, URQICAL k Mr.OIFXNICAL DKNTI37 elitiairrov, rn tin's. Juttio of th e Veace. DAM 811ITH, Jostles of tie Pac3 JCflBTcyaacif iJeaoerSpri nj.i, Snyder Co., Pa. Allanirlal h ialaa-a .t-alna dannaltLia a and protapllf atiaadai in. Oollaatloix aad ramlt taa. aa prooiptlx aaada. Mat 14.' I a; a yiLLIAM H. SNIDER. Justle f I be Pears?. Sale.n, Snyder County Penn'a All Collections and remitanceb promptly made.'r tf. pAAC HEATER. JUSTICE OF THE PEACK end O-cmornl Collector . Mill Itrhnra:. Hnvdar fouaiv. Pa. 9peil ailaanoa pai l lo oollartlon of all kiu'la. Ilaunilaiioaa will ba b a J fioiaoila f.r aj'l ejllaailuna malr. yir. .'tat iffjp ir. r H. WAOSKK, Ran... Aa JUSTIt'f. OF Tilt TEAClt. .lark 101 Townikin ."sviicrtJa P " ? " " ya"-,e. r., WiUanaad la all biiimtna eniruataJ to ;'h ir. Mareh ti. Mtr Jarlfoi TowniHip.Vsydert'e. Pm., jy.VlDS. SIIOI.LY, Ju.-ticff of tho I'onfc, l. 'uioii TtuxiuMp, tiiiydrr Vo., VIVA atian'1 lo 'l biiKlni anini'ia l lo b c va ii iuo.i rt'inikl, .rim, V. (). ad Iraaa, Uuu Jara, Pnf der 'o , Pa, lr. i, ''). T II. HAl.TMAX. " a ifHt'icr op tiik rstfc. Coil VO.VUUOOr, CK.S TMKVILI.B. f.iyler Comitf. Pa I'lillecllnn" and all hutluaai partatntoa; tn tha vlltr i,f Juailca o( tba i'aaea will u -tilrnJn.l ,t ataiiort notlo au'r'.t'Ti) CTni MITCHELL, .1 untie of llio Pcaoo ft Conrevancnr, If Laou Totrti.lilii, Hnrdar Cmim?', Ha. tl'il!iton, iJ'iuMainiuitf. and all oihr bu- iiim o.di'iiw i.i r-i-tilvr -rou:'l addronai a Murltti, linlon A-iy. H. Ii-H. JOHN iv. HlHlHKsl, Kfj., JJUSTICK Of THE VKACK, Penn Twp., Snyder Ce. P JAMKS M I DDLE.i W A UTH, Justice of tho Peace & Conveyancer,. Troxleville, Snyder Co. Pa. Will attand promptly to all manner nl buel naaprllnlnn to Ibaulftra. Dullaallona ma ia, liaaila. Arllolaake., arltton. (Jul! M.'lo-ll. yyM.'H. HARDINO, Jl'nTICKOPTIIGfliirK aSc CJon veyancoi, rUELMOJIT, eo;ar oounly, Pa. Ontlartlftra and a I bnaltiaae nartalnlna lo Ilia uNli-aiif .liiaitraof tbafeaca will ba allmidnl to al abort notlvo. Apr. 11 'T. A. WKTZHL, Justice of the Peace, Heaortoion, Suydvr Co., Pa. All kluJ of oolleolione made ou liberal lanna. Prompll allauda to all bnalneea iiiirualad ta bia eara. (June 2U. '7lt MEIl B. M 1 DOLES W A1.TH, JUdTICK OP TUB PEACK ASP CONYETANCEU, MoC'ure City, Snyder Co, Pm, i OellMtloaa aad all baalneaa nartalalaa ta tba olfli-aol luaile al tba Paao III liaaltan.l.d to ai anon annua. . juia u.'ittl. . O UOUNUKllOKR, '.JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Parrv Towaahlp.Mamlar tlounlr. Ha. llollaoiluna, Cloaaraoriaai, and all olkar baa aeieperi.iivinii to ana omoa win ve promuii, an.ladui. tiiSaa aaar Trualiaaarllle ISAAC DEAV i:ilt burgeon Doutiht ! Wltfdlsburg, Snyder County, Pi. Owns is PaAsMLts Sa.a vss Ussov JNsrvthli belonv"T tn trs rro - Motel'.-' .. Gfaii Boaarl Comer 19 t. $ Jroadiv, NEW YORK. On both American A A'urtipaau j ! i' ; 1 PraDMna on Untitnl Pur, tha .nrmn-l n..-i!a. rrl, Hnv.jwraad Klflj-Nlnth tUI'il. Ku',1 acriir-ia tha ontlro aqmra, and wan Imlli ,U4 fnraMii-4 at aa aip-nva .f i.var iiio.Oi. It . oaanfih "i I alrv.ntaa wall aa a-lna tha nD. l I'k'llrd lit IIm cltr baa a paaaraar Elrv. t-ir an I all mod-rn lintiromant-, and la ariikla otia an'iar- o tba dia f ilia math anil Kiukik A traiia KlavalnlR. M ara and allll aaarar lo lb Broad a; r ira anrtilnt a'id acMilii trmu all r"a of lh alia. with koar4, M nrdar. Prwclai ral.a fof faaillla au4 aatia. aaulaaaata. E. HASKELL, Aaf M.'' PaorairroS. BOARDINGHOUSE. TUG Undrraigosd would r-pact fully In. form tha lraIUot; pnhllo. bualoaaa mra. allnMMta and Jnroraln aitvhrtatir -t tJonrta that ha hu made ampli if-r-ratliiiia for h-lr ai-no'um I itl irt and will vu iasmr la aa. Uruln hla p.lron. In m alrl at tha ntoai r,.oihl ril., lonllua II ' a faw Soar BMIuftliaCcarl Huaa. OAUKIKL BKATCH. Apr, tl TS. I y. Proprlttar. Ivlititllcbitro, lti a JOHN L I M B E II T, Proprietor. Tha abava DAnalnr ltotl boa hn a-atta aad rfiirnlah-l ia Iba boat aijl. lia aniri loratloa tnaa-a It eonvaolent far man i in attnilanna al Oourt and all oiliarawbo raoll. to Mldilll,nra;. Ida la ' r an pnliwl wiib tba tMt In t ko mar katlha Ktr with aood Minora anil lha Mai.ia "i'.V,?'' ''.T,"''1"4 boatlara. Tarma laadarata April 4, mi, CENTUEVILLE HOTEL, (Lata Mra. Waarar'a.) Canirll Snydr C., Pa. PETKR HARTMAW, froprlata . Thla lonitaataMUtail and wall knewa bata k Inf baaa purouaaail l.r tha UD.IaralanaU m Halt a tnaraultba public t.t rcno. ' April, ..!.. "Tl-BAsmif L'AlR.MOUNf HOl.'src. A NtAk THV DEPOT, Jf 1 DDL t'U Ult G, JPA Cll.M'KL 11 A1Z. I roprlrler. Tbia houaaU ta nlaaa proiitulitio lbs Japot anJ ba Ulala bean rebuilt and ra. tiiiad. HonDia oonnuodiouatba labia wcl) auppliml wiib tba boat lha tuarkat aflarda a.J Uriaa uioJarala. pr4i' 'o. rlHK NATIONAL HOTEL. JOII.1 B. FOOKI.KIt, Prop'r. SellTiMgrove, la. Thla notal la rli-aaaotijr incatrd In tba 'Vonir. and iaa varrdaalralda pl.o for traTalora tn.vo'p tba aaorcr aui'uinuiotiallona at low rat... fa, aoiiaatoppinajouco will bo aura to rail again. Tba brat nfl.tiior In Ilia Imi Uralolaaa HaaUnrant Inronr.artlnawiib tba liuiol. A.r.l!i,;. Jlcrclmntv SJoasc, -tin ki& NOUTH THIR1 HTRKKT. PHIL'A PA. Torrns$l.f0 per day. HKNUY SPAHN, 1'iop'r. C.W.SHAIIM. U,h A,.lT. Pliilfuivllih'm Cards. J. s. faints voiaTii. WITH ' 10NE8,-H0AR'C; Importers ct Hoiseri , KoL'sns, Vfiito Gootls, Ecirci ilsrics Gents FDrnisMnz Gjoss k. No. .Ut M4t''Ht Strnot, rillLAni'If.lMK.t W. U. Mhalblaf. T. H. Ilaluhui. T n. Miaa, A. M. lr. I Mai. Ii'7. M. 1- V'AGr SEJ.lp,, WITH G.RYltlLL 1 r'u.. aAiana' ts 'VOOi) AND WILLOW WAHB Oil Ploiha, Window Muadi'roitaa, Mais tlruahaa Citon L a, Ijiain r.aa, F!y StiH, liimliolM. Twin, Wicka, e. St.. J .Varkei. tflreei. I'LIUJalplla Pah. 7. '; ... . r 1 AUOB II. KIKUKI. A CO.. ' . VUOI.K!ALR DKAl.tKM IN FOSEION & DOMESTIC I'tilliv lotpUla ln. WM. MANN. Clank Book folder Sfcsu tioiur, aad Steaai- Power PRIN TE B, fcl . VJ a a, T - - il4IOasni a.V Jt9tUll Uo 529 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. Prouuhtena. Ont llc$ Selling Print Marked On All Goodt In Pi ynree. Ar. 18-"3. . QAVID WILLIAMS, Miiaufaeturesof A Wboletala Dealer la Gilt, Mahneaiiy. Walnut and Reseweetl iUtJrSirs4CJ GLASS Pioture & FhototrrapbTo Frame Not. 230 and H'J irrh b'lrect PbilaUelpkla i'a. Frames Repaired la Iba heal atasae Also, KejllJinj to alt Us brasobaa. (7 JJNION PIANINO MILL V BKLINSOROYK, 8NYOKR UO..P Kccly fc Wagner liiimbcr Dealers AMD HASVrOTlS OP Deors, Door Boies. Windows, Bbsttep window Boxes, HlluUs, nab. Malr ' - miiw. Uaiid UuIIIiiks, Kracka . els, jMOHlrtliigt, lioorlng, SOKUI.I.HAWIN(aii;AmMI!TTUHItllia taulnglea. Lath, abo., to. - OrJri (ollellad and llllad wlik pranp saaaaait deepatib. Plaaaa sail ssd ma laaaurstoak bofura purahaalsg elaoerb ' - ' -Jli....1. ' 1.H.J-J JJ Auclonssr. Georgre II. Hackeo' burn, of .Miililleureek, P, O., would an noiiiiee io tne people or Boyuer oun' ty, lliat he will cry sslss lor ifiij en i n irdimai rrnpaa. ri a-nri tintii h miiu ia ' t t i . tiirs. I