The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, March 03, 1881, Image 3

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mK iiiwurr rorT. 1 Cnrt of
Pnj ner coontj ar aet'i oa ne .norm aionueyr
l K.l.ruarr, May. ami septe'S'tor, ana eeooaa
Hotilil or Doeetaiier.
All communications, business let
ten Ac., for thin filHcn, to secure
' prompt Attention should be wlilressed
M follow : Tub Pout, MiiMloltunr,
rjn-rder Ownty, Pa.. Advertisement,
oomnnnicdlions Ac. must be hnnilod
in by MnmUy noon, to secure inser
lon in next issue
Jjocal IVovvh, Arc.
fiftturJuy, Msrrh , John M. Mover
will sell Horses, (V.srs, Farm I m-
J lenient. At., on (ha premised of
aIwI) Y. Moycr, In-Arlsm twp.
Jatomlur .March 7th, Jtcnb RtolTcn will
oil l.ive Stork, Farm Implement
and IfoiiHphold goods, at hi resi
dence 3 inilea tontli of Frceluir-f.
Tue'ilny, March 8, Simon and Morris
Knlicy Administrator of John
Krdloy, dee'd, will cell Live Stork
Farm Implement and Household
Wednadny, March 9. Wm. .irditi ,-,
Aft. for John Kroner, will toll
llouie and Lot in Fremont.
Saturday, Jfarrh 12th, Jlrs. .Vary J.
j4urand will tell horse, ens, firm
implements, Sc., In Jithllecreek
. township.
Tburnday. March 10, Jacob flteinintrer,
ji,'x:iitor of ilenry R.uioli, will
oil Cows, iin-r. Farm I-iiple-
Dienii, houso hoiu good ana Ao,
ru..,i t-.u in . cr.....i '
7-J.. .
store, in Washington twp. mimhii
and Keichenharh will sell r.rses,
Wile. Farm .np'ainmiU Ac. io.
tdUeidav.tak.-chl.. Abraham J. Una-'
linger win s:i uorses l own ,
Farm ninleinsi.'s, Ac. about bslf
way between liuve. spring and
Thursday, March 17th Y. If. Wner
will sell Livestock, Farm inple
inenta and Household (fooils at his Kriitzerville-
Friday, March 13. Michael Twir will j
ell Household U inds, Furtii m
plemenU, Live Mock, Ac, in Ad
am twp.
Saturday, March 19, Daniel . Snook
will sell Personal property, in Ad
amsburx. ruestlay, Vnreh 22nd. Oeorire Kern
will sell Horses, Cows, farm im
plimeni Ac, In .tfiddle'iurg.
Wednesday, March 21, nsnisinin
Kramer will sell Hor, f'ns
Farm Implements Ac., Ac. in .Wid
dlecrcek twp,
Thnrsdiiy, farch 21, James Krie.U will
sell personal property in West
' Beaver twp.
Tuesday, March 2 Philip Ami? will
sell Horses. Cows, Farm uiplo
Incuts, .to. in Franklin twp.
Frldiiv. March, 2-V Jacob I (ion, will
sell Horses, down, Farm l:it;lt
luents, tie., in West Beaver twp.
Saturday, March 21. Pre I 'rink Arbo
Kist and i'ist:ivis ,r! mt. A l
liilnlitriitors of the estate of Ui
Imcea K.ekle uilii. d-n'd, wilt ll
Ileal Estate In Washington twp.
. .n
Are yon joinij to flit ?
Time to-trim grapevine..
The mow h fast dis.ip-io irlnr.
Maple sugar tree will toon be tap
ped. Garden seed are in the market al
ready. The feathered songster will soon
.People are talking slaw! flittiii' al
ready. The tunchiue 1 bringing out the
corner statuary.
Jatnc tfrdloy had his foot mashed
by a log falling on it.
Court proceeding not near ao lively
at at former term.
The wheels of Justice were put in
motion on Monday morning.
A Blair county man had sixtoen
sheep killed recently by dog.
The merry jingle of the sleigh bell
U heard no lonjer in thi bailiwick.
Three hundred nnd ten thousand
impression were made on our jobber
In the sixty-day last past.
One hundred and thirty-seven per-1
son have applied for license to sell
liquor In Cambria county.
. The balmy, ipring-like day we have
had lately are a pleasant change from
the dreary dav of winter.
An infallible remedy for Fever and
gue is Oyer's AgHti Cure. 'Wholly
Vegetable and containing no quinine,
It is harmless and sure.
Tau. Rham
baoh of thia Borough, from Rep. 18. flO
to Feh. 14 '81 put on lftOO horse-thoes;
ironed 3 wagons, 8 sleds, beside a
large amount of other work. Who.
can "loat this T
WitBrfKitD. On Friday last, at Shin
del station, double header freight
broke four rail and wrecked a num
ber of coal car no body hurl only a
little cash out of the corner of the
pockets of the Tenna. II. R. Co.
The damp weather dampened the
ardor of the habitual attendant on
court a well a the litigant and hi
warm of witnesses, hence a slight at
tendance on Mondsv.
A JTarrUhnr-i man on a wager ate
two ntindred and thirty raw oysters,
t-1 en!jei!ttv bf-ne the "open.
r 'r ir-i r ; i h fiiiji to
A G.itUiii l rump, who gave hi
nsnitj as Tlioina IttrJinian.of Boston,
and aged 93 year, met with a sorioiii
accident at the Junction Tliurs.Uy
evening, e waa "bea'ing" hi way
on ft freight train wlii. l) w'w mivlnii at
the rate of twenty milt a i hoot-. II w.i
thrown under the wheel, one foot be
lug crti-hed oft. Dr. Slienffer am po
inted the injured limb above thn ankle
and the man I being cared for at the
county nlms-hnttao. Ir-tnVoun Demo
rnii and Srnliiu t.
Samuel C. Smith, aged IM, living on
the farm of hi father-in-law, )avid
Krape, near Cfefiler till, Centre coun
ty, lost hi life in a singular manner
on the 12th. lit had gone to the
stables to apply a remedy to a cow
having a sore rye, and it is supposed
that while ! was standing between
two cows, endeavoring to apply the
remedy, the row threw her head
around, striking him and knocking
him in a stunned condition under the
other cow, where he o trampled to
death. Life w:u extinct when be was
found by hi wife Uuiatuwn Drmarut
Cut His Lko Thi time John Long
docs his own cutting. He was cut
ting wood on Inst Tliursibiy and slash
ed the xo into hi riht teg at a
fearfuS rate. Our reader will remem
ber that sumo time axo Jake cut tho
old man' index linger nir then Mike
cut Jake' foot olF and then Sarah
cut the old woman' er (nenily) oil",
and we predicts, I that one or the oth
i.. ...i ...... 1. 1 i. ..... .1.-
. . . ...... v.. ...... ,.w "J
., . m ...
iniug gov Kiuii oi oiu oi gear ami me
Old man mutilates himself. .Since the
machine ha got out of tit we won't
predict anything beeauso ny kind of
. . . , .
vl s - i'"""" "" inuiu,
and we wont bo surprised if several
memberof the family are broiii;lit to;
tnvtii in iIia alii. nt luil..,.n,ia ..r
minee meat
i r .
a no iv'Mirnu'o oi ariPironnrny. uy
U. Kelley Miller. N.. 1SI of the UM-
hCKNCiV. Price l.j cents. J. Fit-
gerald A Co., 'ublishers, ltd llh Ae.
New York.
The Romance of Astronomy I The
title sounds like a contradiction in
terms, yet it accurately describe the
fascinating little volume before us.
In truth the srieuco which fathom
the infinite an-l rei'kons up the eleri'ia ,
which pierce the abysse of space,
grasps the orb which we sue now by
the lit'ht that left it eighty thousand
years go the science which utvo.n
plishe such m.irvel a these, must
furnish many themes nnd' contain
many episodes of a character as won
derful and a truly ronia.itio as we can
lind within the airy realm ol fiction or
of poetry. Complete sets of the Libra
ry uio for !e by A. K. OAFT.
The Yoaijer Sroltors aij Frai't an I
Jjsjj James.
The istorical l'ohliahin Co.. of St.
Louis, Mo., has just issued a coinpl.t'o
Uistnry nl the iio'b I Viiui.,.er llr.ilher I James, biinein.-1
the events in the lives of these nirv i
t!eiillemn of the highway tlotvn to tho
present time. It is a volume of over
en -a e,.,,i..l,.i.. r ,i i ,
-' " " '
ill'iotrations, nnd printed and bound in
good style. .Vr. J. V. Huel, the au thor,
has been unbailed ttiirin-; the last
three years in collecting and prep u im;
his materials, nu I recently visited the
youngest in the .Vi.ioe.sotn peniteu-
tisry for the pnrposo of veril'yiiitr cer
. a : , r i i. . - .
of publication. .S'co advetrisemunt
Ddtnajinj Flro-
On Thursday inoriiln-r last, ut nn
early hour, 11 lire occurred in the res
idence of John Killer, at Atkinson's
Mills, the particulars of which lire !
thus (riven to the Lewistown ti a.kttk:
The kitchen In the basement and its
contents were entirely destroyed. Tho
Are cuiitfht from sparks which dropped I
on wood kept In the lire plane ut the
bottom of the chimney, burniiiir the
doorsofthe lire place, then Iuitin j
the lloor ami carpets of Uie kitohen.
...... ,...r......s o, ...swoik. ii isMitiii to Allemati, Kstj. of S,-lliis,;rove.
be of the most cxcitiitR and lhrillinK Mr. Allem.iu w.isii nutive of D.n
chiinictcr.and it sclhnjc tptiililic are pbin eouoty. Jle was nir .rded n lib
indicated by the fact that more th in'enil uciideiiilu edueution. Was pi-j.
1 ,i dk' copies were ordered in advance' vaU secretary to (lovein.r I'orter
The door and whitlow next fell a,two other call both of whloli were ro-
prey to the (lames, which then reach-
ed the mljoiiilii-f room mid the cellar.
Apples ami potatoes were badly roast-
ed and nil the canned fruit was lost,
The family were sleeping up stairs,
And when discovered the lire wns Just'
Kettiu-r throutch the celling and lloor
into the parlor above the kitchen.
The carpet was ruined, The house is
a substantial stone structure had it
been frame, or had the (Ire been dis
covered a few minutes later, the
whole would no doubt have been laid
iu ashes. The Are ma do such havoo
of the store of meat, fruit, bread, veg
etables etc., in kitchen and oellar,
that the family were obliged to break
fast at the house of a neighbor Los
about $300, fully Insured Mr. K.
ha all his property insured iu the
Farmers' Mutnal of Danville, and his
policy contains the unusual provision
of kitchen furniture, wearing apparel,
ete., so that outside of the annoyance
the loss will be small. '
Z .ai
Futlior It netting Well.
Mv daughters say, "How much bet
ter father is since lie used Hop Hit
ters. " He is jrettinir well after his
lomr sufTerlnir from a disease declared
Incurable, and we are so triad that he
nsed your Hitter. A lady of lloohes
ter N. Y. Utioa Hkiiaui.
-aaa- ...
Elok Headaithe, Nervous Headache,
I!a!J'-be foin sour stoumh. am n '
. "r.n"""V T' " W
Tri'jj'.a Of Respect '
At a meeting of Di. J. R. siniPI.B
Bible Claw, at tlm U..f,,r.oe,l 1,k .
Sahool of Newport, on Sunday, Feb
ruary 80, 1881, the following preamble
anil resolutions were unuiii.nouily
adopted l
AVhkiika-1, fod, In the illspen-atlon
of Hi rrovidenee, bus removed, by
iiisiM ii, irom our nil. it, nr. .1. p. Minc
er, our beloved tfiii'itcr ; therefore,
while we tuotirii tho Iom of our tudi
er. yet we litinilily liow to Mini who nil tlilup well , therefore, be it
Kkmolvku, 1'liiit our rlitxn room be
dniMHl ji niournintr for thirty .liivs.
in token of the l.s-s of our beloved
Kkioi.vki), That we ten lerthe txn
ily our sympathy, in thi their sail
bereavement, commeudiM;- them to
the cure of our Heavenly Filth"-.
Kl'rioi.VKi., That a ropy of these
resolution lie pri'-M-nteil to'tlie family
of tln ileeeaneil, mid that they lie
published in the paper of our town.
M. H. tlnnov,
.1. K. Hrcit)i:nrt,
I. A.vimit-io.N,
M:H. Si WAN I'li'KK-a.
Was. 11 An v Hiisskiimax,
The member of the I'erry County
Mmlieal Sordety, present, nt the funer
al of the lute tr. J. K. Singer, of New
port, Pa., adopt e t the foil iwin rou
liltlons, relative to bin death:
WiiKKKA. Dr. J. I'.. Slnifer. one of
the founder of the IVrry bounty
Meilieal St. Iety. mid no iietive, uce
ful ami liil!:i" nieiiitier tliroiih'li
out his life, lias be.Mi eulled
"To Join
The Innumerable earnvati that in -ives'
To the pale realm of shade, where
each shall take
His chamber In the silent halls of
KK-fiLVKii, That In liii death, Mm
,,1I1.11,11.I,.. . .,.,,. ...
., IM- 1, , in,n
a ihh1 rit Uen. s,.ri, -ty n.. ornament,
I his ehnreh nu net ive. useful nod ,-.
Wln'",, 'rU" Wt-lun of ,e.l-
llilVM of his JI'tiVi 1ll.lllllrllli firi.l
I, ,.. ,.l UU I. .ft... ..I.. f..t. . I . i .
- .... o " l
Vto,.7fcH.., tl V'r "V ' ." "r"1, 'I'liat tills S'ietv m-
t 'n.l to the
i-ii.i i.i ine oerenveil widow and
I .. -" lr "" eoiiunieoee i:i
tliisftllieti.m. and tliiet lli'in tn tliii
Isoitreeof eo,frt. It was oilv ..f.'.V " ,'";"H "av,.
.. ii . . - l;n t i ni a .i.ii. ii .f iti-.M. L i ... wh...
nrn mi'i rijw I r
, 1 W'" ' l" 'l
:f tbf perturbed pr.' rttlls nil I
sleeps ;
ter the Mime upon their regular lulu
JilS. SWAI'.T.
. UK' tncit,
-I vs. II. Kiiv.
Newport I'll. Feh. t'.M.s-ll. ( 'i.mmittee.
At thn roiilur m- -tin j ,f t'Jt. ;rM-
. .. j t.t ..... . . 11.. . 1. 1-
... , 1 "i""'.
I'll., oil Wedii"sdav. 1 ebriiarv L'.l. 1 si
the foiiowi,, preiituM.. ,.,, re,..!,.
1 ii Hi's vers iiiiittinu ei-.iv mioiite.i
WlIKIlKt.4. It his ..I........ I VI ,il ri.-
'J ul, in His iiiilnite wi-1.ii.. t.. re- storms breulbe soft US Jine'1' w o.i..Uir. of their county n.:,'l I .all ot-,r. of .i,,rt. ...... Vr...t . -1 -ti ; a. t-t r. t r.
1.I....1 the turf paper nnd th.ts liel;. to injnte them, ""'j .'" V T ,, ' ' ' V "k "
iiptui nit Iiirt. ' .1 !,,,,l h v, lie 1..-I1. 1 al I . r. iV ,,.'a P0ri, pi Ml -1 tltt'ti' i w 4 0-J..,
And l.ll-e out bl..sH.,. " A geutle'irni Wr,!es in tlut I,h,, ,, Kfn.-r,! u ir ... -a o' tUaa3ip 111 Ail 1 at3lai H
h..''i.vk,.. Tiiut it copv of tw r.m!ei,hl'.Ti,,uer,!',,r..t,,,lt """r '"k "r ""'-I Hail Imi,
resolutions b- sent the widow, nud nl- V '1 . ' r , ' 'i- ' '"T ' ' "n"l " ' """"" 1 ' " 1
sot Im ililT f .., e ......... dollars lor the J,m ,' l.n'. We repeat t Ultra in n int. , , .
v i.ert,,!:m,... H.u,,i X 'I'"1 l ! ......niiers1 j ' j Arran3cn,cnt u Passenger Trams ,
move tr im uuf on l-t our rr-ii l.-n' - ' P,','ii '"''i, I t no- y,ti it a I ne, ii ; ,.,r l lr.. nl i n-iii ar
He. J. ll. Siii fi'r - I 'ins it-'J.'-i ,i:i - ih of p-l'ron.i J. II .-.'r ;i.ii.'l niy knV'i,i ii.ii.ihi I in hi tin .'.r
1 .1" Old ol ii i ..-y v irt iv in ..l.i -r. n, 1
tha it'jmmiitiity'of ii ci-i.-n i,f t ! u - i -
! !'l"?.t "i'"l'-' ,,f '"an ; therefore,
j l-.l,vt::), 'J'liit, its a of Di -
-v'' " ive I called to . i
'''" !,'r "'!',,"p. who w:n
cl'Ii'dv nliil Voo'iir b.f.!. f.i!'.'."' "
Kn-soi.vm.. Tn it tlw S to.rv of,
"!" !'";.v r "s'iiit n f t h.-e res-
!7'"'i."!,s "'" I'-r-iv-l wile, nod I
'" 'I "S I !' II Oil I l toil i I h .
Lkii'.kh nud Nhw.i.
Ja". H. I, hi n y.
1'. It.. UllWHT.
Samuel A:le;nitt.
It ss our painful duty to cin'onie.. t!,
le.iui oi our p.-.r.'1'ine.l citizen .Natiiiit-l
He came to Snvtl-r eouiuv so u nf-
ter Union was divide I. h rvo t
one term us County Superintendent of
.'.million H. 'bonis uei-L-ptiilily, and rep
resented thi county one term in the
lloiiso of Representatives.
He was a p.o.l nufo counsilor but not
Hn advocate ho wns a ipiiet, iino.teu-
tatlouscltUeii ;i warm frlond undu.
Kuiilul ooiiipunion.
I'lSAl'foiNrKli.-ln ( W do'jor last Til't
IJva Is, of Lewisb irj, entered
ll,tu ttl arraneiinmt with the Mlddl.i-
',1,rt? 'ornet Hand to aei'omp.iny them
t lnaiuerHtlon. The Hand had
Jeeted, becuusethey never iro baek on
tlu''r ''oiitritets. They hud effeeted a
jeoiupletH reorganization, iiuifuruied
j t,,e whole Hand in the neatest style,
; aml "".nipped and drilled their Drum
UuJor to perfection. The Hoys-In-
Blue at no time, in anywlne. emireMnetl
a doubt about their irolu-j, nor was
tho Hand Informed of their intention
not to go until the evening of ton 1-t.
They should at once rUo and enolain,
or they may, In tho future, be, them
selves, diiiitioliited.
On Thursday moruln-r a fourteen
year old son of Tunis Vo.tbur, of Port
Royal, attempted to iret on a passiii-t
freight train. His feet cautfht and he
was thrown down between the oars,
which passed over his Inidy, complete
ly severing it hi twain. Jumata
A man in Mifflin county him graft
ed a tail that was taken from a beef
ho had bliumhtered to a eow which
had lost that appendage. The parts
are slowly ifrowlu-r to-fether. Patiu
OT. Wicomico county's nonul itlnn. t..
Tle1iwiira Iu 111 n.A U.1....1. n uiu
,.ilw. an o mZ ZZ nZ'Tl !
7 ., -- i"-i"'
........ vl uiurr Dun.iiy in mo coun
try is so evenly dlvidod between the
-Manr teachers are now iialmr tlia
newspaper Iii sohool for tlm d.tuble
- rt i-t....i.. ti.- a........
j Mr. Jacob Erh.-of Franklin twp.
fe" down the stairs sustalnln,- severe
, ,nJun.
tlno. S. from I'liwhvllle, on the 1 tilt
of Feb. reeelvetl alout 3'l valentine- all
More sewlntr nmehiiies are sold In
I'eiuisylvntila than In any State in the
Union except New Yin-lc.
A bill has been introduced In the
Indiana logl-lvure providing that nine
out ofa Jury of twelve can bi'ina
It Is fenred that the freezing of so
inimy rreeks nud stnall strea'tis In the
mountain region has entirely il-.troy-e
I the trout.
Hi Mvitikfut yon sre poor ; you will
mt have i.e trouble of erawling eit
from 11:1 er a heavy titoimment on
the resurree;inn morn itiij.
. .
Xervons Uend'lidie.lVrlo le1 Head
aehe, N'eurulle llmi t i"he,iirc eue I 'iv
DYSPKI'SA 1 ,m. ivi,.,. 2-1 rts.
The CM i'nVrViri e vid.i'il. wh
tirre-ted a imoi wblb'he was in nfteii-
d in-" at the funeral of his father, h i
been removed from ofTlre. Nerved
him rltfit.
An exehau'.'e s-iys : Children should
be continually warned against iis-ne-ntitnr
with bad eoiiipiuiy. This would
save them when older from io!n to
the Veniisylvati'ii legislature.
i... i ... 1- .
"'"' -- "-ri-u- ill io tuww.
"' ''"V "; """" ""7- l;i
i lll.lftl llll.eill.llllv I. l'i
tb-ii she must have dr.iu'ii a eonider-
Th l"'". In the Centreville
eommuiiiiMtlnti In ln-t isxiie, ma le
Piivid to Diniiel K 'ielilev
... ' . '.' .. .
-j " -..t. mr .-hit
Cou tty f.o.vsp.ipor.
Hip foil. nviii-! is what the ("inc'n-
; "" " " r' ".' cotuty . lier
1 " " " ii iv .i. i ii i. wm i i.
or ll It is nut it is his laillt. It' the
enmity paper ia properly eo-u n I,
it mav he relied iii'.in fir t.if .rui i"iiei
of more value t . the pt' iple i;i n l,,..,.
iiileri.l. it i. i..,.. I il. I... r I
jin HiHiMfy .4(mmi in i-,..
Mstea. . in can a I iid 1. 1 lie ivit'i.
I r,.,,,.,.r n. .i ,:. ,-. i
; ter.i.e,,..,,,, ..r is .......ily, ,,.,:.
in,irrn in n-.i nt
!,,,,'l inlellf.'eil.'e.
lilt-ii. r is po.i-
the tieottii :ir
inort'.il It lit I'll I Hie
ptp'T muv I.e. il m a tv i v il n : I n
' tha-i i! eosl lo t e, .ird m i: i"
iilf.irs of the , v."
' "' :"P"' I'V'tc Iv in crs
I. e nuni n M i : or I- ii iiil :ip i. r
Pa'e l-v tl.u r,.; in..ii
: - H. I'TI.I X i-tott n 1 a.
I'i ''. ",
d'r SolUr's l'il.;S My rti j.' wi'l tn-liro
, von il m. '. I nlo n ra.l I i. .1..
ron uli uirJiciuo in the umikoi
r.'ivs Je
Wavtmi. -T'.ii it initt :mi. h Mr.
fvrry 'hiii .i Lt i.f inn it.-;t. I'.i
Vimh, iU4 lti( ti .n;."M of lllifiti Willi
' ZtM&i-l i,,Ur0'
n ru i'.i. r.trKKi. !
Com nitlte fir Snyder Co.
te.iv. rloMii I'.i.
Tumnn, r-i'Mt'o i'.m, diaei
e, scrofula mid 'ji-neral denililv cured
by "Dr. laudaey's H',o d acirclicr. '
i Id I.y ilru-i-'iat.
Jan. 11. J SSI. liv.
Fl'U3 FUIW I I'L'IH ! I 9. O,.
. r.lirln.f r nf Hrllnh-trovi-, ps t Hie l.ih.
est tir,ct far Maikriti, Ittuoiia, io, &o,
Jan. 27, 5sr,
A viilttiihle llriclc Ifotnl. loea'c tl in
r riiiiiiiiu, oiiiHiie tn.) Miuimry iiu.l
l.i-wiai.nvu Usir ond depot, is ullercil
for Hale.
Thia-is a suhrittiutial bui'diiv built
nn the most mo lern stylu, adapted ni
ii old or private .Iwullim; ; beauti
fully located ; ti well of excellent water
in tho ; and ample
stiihliii't, ico homo and other out
buildings. For further pnrtieulnra call on or tid-
dien, d. v.
Miililn-l.iiiL', l'a.
ept, 9, '80.
A Ne.v Treatment
77ir CIMm KLriruf Life, m h-rfitl cum
It fun bum Conaiimiiiinii, aa l mini. I
know lllal your .j,n;i r4n he ma l." looao
snd ssay-lleoii.1 Kt ivar an. I Nlntiia Swo.ia
ehfolifil 1 1 Ut li j 1 u f I rt hi in t I i o rt Itikou
am nl Lumi and sir rajai(a ai auoi :
I hat jf nu an lis in .la in iiluS- l.i'i
lioui.ilanfliaa.lili U.,.l. par warli if y.i l
lima Cul irrll, l'ai.iia.. S , n ' lli-i l .oho.
llmr! Diaaaae, l.iver lln npUlnl, Nii .i.i
Uel.ilily, Km in in l IVenktisat or dp-rnm.
torrliiiu, loa of axt.l tl p.iar In ai.liar
ao Irom uy o.nanj If jfun hit uuv
form jf uerT.iua, l iain rlaali or
wan in away an I I kiioaa of au liu-nn-.lin'r
relitf n I con im oufti for m iny
of lit anarirfal o.oa In thurl li no
uw n.ei .ol wlii nT aftnta In falinn
very ho If, Llli j iril i. ,uakt (irons
an. I healthy III -..nal hit ml. enaaa, urn
Ihit mil it . l wriu l una for psriioilara.
i B. 8 UldfclN.i.VllV, llerrin H,.rn,l
Mlob. - July 2'.','Hj.y.
M.VIMf u:i.
On 84th ult. bv Rev. I. Irvine H.
Morris Nbotver. and Mis Havllla NVal-
ier, uolli or Uentrevillo Snyder Co. P.u
ji i:d.
In MoliiiKfrove, Feb. 15, nt tho re.l-
dene of her daughter M
MBhoen, Mrs. HrUht. widow of Jacob
hHgbt, ntfod iu her UM year.
"rryi-- VJuJn Konro. twu. Feb. 19. Peter
' 1 r y ' --,
j ShellaDil pooie arc now raised iu:
,Te-M. I
glass eye,
Tbo Now Yori oookt liovo n tiows
ptpor uig i:i.
i . ......
7011 wm m 111 nr pimi lr. fin i.
tsilrr. A., lis 'l,in,i.t. .., ;.,
Ttiie Thsimias ; r 1 ! a l ,vk Mua
is. is on our lti!. Ii mn l.lj
Issid. ofMJ fhft file I lih Linr
srjr snl Hrilnloaa rntrrtbimnt for nt.l
sn.l younir. Ii U Ihr felluwui ilep-trl-nirnn
1 Mlernry l or Hi 'Jirls ; Cur.
rsspnii.lsnes 1 My.tlo Circle j Knr ilir
Mill ll'r Ours t ll ini.ira.ii not Him I tT
. , , . "" r","u
u . rranti, nrT. I-. lilt I I'l , ft
jiairniitiKt of rXi.rii-noi.,i t lie K limr. nn l
Miss Linnn PcngVr, As-o.-ins Klii..r
Wi. toco iiniciel lli lxiiiiii. I.i rmrj fun
ily wli.j his s .U, Irs to plies in lli I1.111 1
ot ihs r yputh a pure liiernnir. Ii .
pnl.llird Kl 1 I f riirrn.r'.y low prir ,,'
CO t'cnis j rr )..r. Lil rml !..,; ,
ollir. to I ivn.r aril i,l..crl'.. r.
n.f,l ',.plf nr ni fr lo t ,,
sill Miei il.i-ir . Ur.'.ii i, t'.ir 1'iildi-lisr.
1'sv. p, a n . r a 1 1 r, Pa
r i
.Inmnry 'J'lli. I t-J -I'll
INK S I'Oi'KliKl.b,
Mi.roujrlii on hy arfi-rn col I onji
i'l.s lutifa. nbl.'li ni'vlii .vi.i4
a. ..
iji'.pf n piirp.t tiv o'h- Iii.i Ho of Sisr.'
lire of Tm. Wm, I'liMinTmil
mum. . i mi it 1 1 1. nl in ii ,, I jj
I'fs trsi-h'. V.
t, !' Irirolf 1 V...t
Tlirienili manv .i fiir . v ;
I'rit I'lf oiio llting l, ,, m pli,at .
. " """v " "" 1 ' iy.
Tty a t or M. II. RmtR p,,, ,.,,
' ' ' r "'" '" ' ' "?'
Pwr..s. I i,y Mr-(J
ti.ii. I.I..I.:. ii. . . ...
i ii-imih. i Mrn- vf -1.1 I i
Impiri-N, uti I il ir tl,. v I . ii'i Uy. ihrv
ir. nn!y til lu"j.t, ,n."
arc i.n:v ni to " i.i i
I l ililif a
Wo liao lo.if l th iiivi! ii'
of itoioor-a ii.k,,.i ,..,
nrnn nur nivn vnc't. nu I in in.ii.t. ...
" n-u "i ii pr.-. many rropr.o.
i j " r ",r ......,',, 4 ,,.
"n,ii .inninff, a ... l- i I H,o puliii,', ate I
r 'r. iivilm I.v lli n i.iil .Imi-ia i l.o.
1118 "f "'"ir I '"I" i" "
', lh unl-s tl..-ir irrr irf win
"i r.ily, ihav .ll l.o ii.i.i lr M fi'l i'i.-ii
w ..t i-
ir i'Xi-i.pll.,11 In I lj i m
roU in I Ii i? . if I ,o ?-! n . 7.', i I'n , ,.f
iu1..i.i. r. .... I........ .1.
.V,::;'. w..".
. .. I il.....,...fv,, ...... .1..11 .ii i..
j:,r,,;f ,,,,, ,-, .,,.,
, . . . ... ,. ,, ,., , t ,i,l . ,., . l,,.:l.
' 11 0
'- or
riian,n,.i (., ,,:atn.r. ilmt ilirro iMorr
Ir : m mm. I in f.r .V..i!l I .
Tl'lo il.ilM'nl '.',iuio,,i.,.i l .-I'laa ili'V P'tll
l-r h-i.i. i.i' I ll ..:o t.-ti" i i..i r ' 1 ia, i i
ia a t i-,,ii h-1. -i r. t'."in-lv. ( I. . at v nt.
,tn 'lui n
I ii n i" I ti .' sra,
I., s-i.ia
r-' ..! Ill
.Vfi'M -a t !i
.. ,. , . -,nr. . mr K it-I..m for n
!,-,.;:' i.o.i Ki ' n i, .r I
il,- 1. - ll llM,ni, vi -l I . I, a .,-
ili.iii.i-- I . i:l,' ml a, ll ll -.1 lY'ii -'I 1 I l,a..
tiiiiii! II. 'io ii i i- I'l i.imii a i -sit II 'ii".i I'm
tons n- in niliiT .u,i:r, il nl. i li.ivo ii.i .
, VlM I'll ll HI ',l 4 lt'( I.I il I I (l it 'S)
' V'- ii i.f. Vt ic -J tcui-noi rv
Mnrrinr 1 n v InrrifitI In inr rrnr
' i tl c V'miii infi linvf li'iini" I nf
! v.Hilhii.i rlli pi of Sim: Th. -Vh.ii I'urn -
li V huh lliMi'iti.iM., iii:i. i.iiii.-a. l.i...'4
D.ID if toll ltd .1 a t.i.ltlo on li.iti.l I ir an
r.ig,.,nv, me mil. In l,r.i.,
I l.lili'ia lo fll.lli.x.
middlcsuIij mm:z markbp.
CoHrrriKit wrkki.y i.t
.7. W. Droono
Oiilnst I'cr Imaliol
I'olKinvK do
llulier pr poiinj
Tfrfltt .pr ,lo'ta
Tallow per.ountl
15 IC '"
8, clirrri
lirie-l Applre
lliie l I'tuutiet pur I
lUia Jor
ClSRSCTI',11 tvsrKl.T SY
Simontori, I Jat-bor Sc -"o
f7; i.v.t s. ';,';) I'.
VVIiaal per hnahel
" Nu. 'J
Ily Jo
Coin 'lo
Out Jo
1 nn
4 On t.i 4 i.i.
I'loreraee I per hoalial
Tlmoiliyaee l J
ii'iok tar lintl "lo
i'lsiaeej do
Applet prime
Clierriea, pilla.l
I'livrrlra, nap lied
Prie I npple
l'..iiciie, palrril,
Unitrr, prime
duller, teogn l-ol
Kir He
1 lam
Shouliler ,
riioa v
('heaiuilt ptr bushel
Waluuie da
tlsk Tie
Ten Co. .
niiMlii real .
Iiltaki- t Oj.I .
'"v ' -
IU lo t .
1 1
nH ,
rt -
, i
1 6
Jit . ll
4" 10 UJ .
i 4!06
ft tkA
, t . DUO
J '" V:.' ", XH" ' of rATtt
Wf.lSKH, ilsOMff. Ill nl
.r...n tin. e, ii.,rc., n.ii.t Pr iB'i.t
woiw ih""'"i m mss imniMisi ir
n.rm, hil Hi Mivinit rlnlirt mil
tlifin iluljt ullitsirit I lor ii'l-mn to
Msreh I 1MI, ..niil.
. . .
f i S S 'fil' HlrHnl flixf.
ii i.d 1 till I Ivi vv ,i nr t. w. nttr:t..
f. Plli.-nlir n. Tl.v.I'lMtt 111 I.. Mrl.M
t.l- is I Wji. iori,! jv Ututitrsi ol Aiu rl.-a's
Kfent lMtls,
I'ho Younger Urolicru,
I'rnn!. and .Terso .Times.
Ami llirlr Lnr I. nt M r'litiTm.'S A o 1. t
I'.itilalii. in r Ih .it 4 illn Ir Olnna ien r'..
Li's 1'nrlmlia Il.i-.-. .. il rlmrii.'l.ra. In.
flti 1'mi . ,1 .?..f.. n ,rr i .loo. p. it. .' i
t.l U Kin 4 IM.AII-.-l Inter
''"'" i I 'tfru iro n i',. v..nn ..r-Min.
.11" ll'vk mill fi-s.. r sol linn !r. ,
in nu r wii-i I-"tnl thin a t l rtfl li.u I.-oV
r. r (.iiMl.ticI : m.. , .,riii t in i. r nmn. s
(ft Oil.. Ill 'l-..lll M.H. I kl Hill
li" I ',i u or Ir ii I In a h nu N..tMi I . k ..
! In it K mi. ll.ln t ll..r J" . flr
tl A"M' i nnvS'nl-1' n.t It'. ' r. nt.
WI s l-riii-llairlv .,r i. ill .rlli..iliir m
iiismiin-ai. i'l m.MuiMi :.. hi. i.i.ui..
iiui;i!,;iJiitl!ji.) iOtliJ,
rP'T IMi 1-r.',rin 1, n 1 n niwlfn
I i I I'm t . i'n of . .r ( K.'lif 'in.ii
.1. ...
n.n .-., .. I,, i i.-.., .. ., I.,
Jrln .il nr ;,,r ...i . I ,, ,t .,' n,.. ( , ,,,, ,,, ,i
lie s ilo
'i ' i i' " T il' I run I in i,. I,.
n It. I i"f n a nrl
M l''ir l IV Mii-e'i 'J", 1
thn .,ll .IH ,l,r. f., t!e it Ke In .
1'IIM I' ' i. I-I'll I l. . I ,ir in'nrr.t
lis trel ,i .t. n vVn -!i-l
'1't..o IW... Srivl.'r r ii'i'v. I'l, Ii in i. ,
v..rl.!.f l,i... M iiiiiii n an I otLora,
.in i.y linl.i.r I i ..ii l.i.l a, i,,.
I.ti-i.'.l It orv M .tirr n..r n.ivr- n I ni'i...-,
"n.l Wert i.v I .i..t. .it .!... ... i.... ii. -...
! In .......-
r, Ait,.,,
sn.l 1ir.e,(.a. i.iti, ii,,u-it Inlf In
l.-r t In a ..f tin n -. i . , , t . I r i I ,i ,n
ll o.. in l.i .in i t i. HI ily in I t ,n a Lira 1 1 1
I f Iii
I I II V'T Vo. ' 1. 1 1 . Ivi V,.,, i,. I, -i. ...
., .. .... Miiirr : i !! ..y I in , v.,i,
Mllllt.V l.i, , .,., I VjtU ll.lll.ll
I .liii.ii ):i,Kie i ntiia n'n
'i Aeret.
'wICl I'.. ai..nrniii.ina-
t-T I'lm .llli.r , II. I.I ), ,f Infarn.l wl I
I." ...I I. It II... a i .n . i tl,t , T.r.. ,-nr or
llfll will i ml . , j , .,, ,
- i la t . ,. i n o . i n ii i ' .( , i( . I. ,,,an
tf rma r mi . in , , , , i .,,,,,
L,t:!!!'.'h! .' ht.
Mar,h :,. Mi. " ' ,S
rt'niiiiii'.rn ir,
! A IM I T I''! T. I IS V ) ' I 1 1'.
ll.fl r. ,1 . Iiilnl-ri'l ,., ,,n ,1,, ..,( nr
nriev ll.ivfr. III,. ,, l.;,,., t I'll , n.iv lr
'' 'I'"' I ' l " '.i -n r en., ., 1 1, a , r.
':;,..v:,r;:;;'.::;1i'nv;:,,::;;,;il ;;..!;
ate t. .m . . . tirt ..--.. .1 ................ .
v hi 1 1. mmvi:
OCT, .! !i. INNO.
7V. '! t'w .ii'r.'n'i 's rWv .
for New oik, vi . Ailiuloii.
if' i oi., i .. I I . i i p. in.
for Now Vnk, ii I' el.ljlii.i nn I ,
, , . . '
for ' 'i 1 1 I i t. S . t -it. s.l)'i ( 1 1. r.-.i s-S
eir), '.I ,Vi ii. in. I.I "i in I i "t.t, mil h.u.i
r "t.
f.if It-i tlnt '..11.11 s...",, ;i , . ir, , 1. 4',
I. 'i, i p n I S , , ii. -ii.
I' ,r l'..'l .i ill., ii r i . M-, o . ,
so I l.o i ii -ii.. ao I v . .-'i-tini Iki'l i.irt
... , . . ,. .
-i-,i in.i-l I.r III- I HI I j p. Ill -(ir .III.
!"!' M, i to i, in,
Kl r tHi HUltl 0 O.l I H I'l. '.. :") i J in
1 I'l 10 I I 'll l. .,),
I ii.. H .i i n. in , a-i 1 I'i p. ni
ifii.ia Ii iv. H,i-,ui.;ii i-.nafoi "...-, Vuik
lis i!"i.K wii,
Vcr AlV'ilu n in I VV.tjr ni.ina, (i.oo
'i. '".
I-'.t !o.ili-i., I' i il 'i . -! .li i mi l W iy
11 " . '"-. 1 . I ' ('. HI.
',,( i: f,,r ll irriihi', .; I m'" .i. ," , . .
j N,w T.,rtl. V14 u.-.l.-va. I.i
a 1 ' .
' u.;v,' ,.w V-ik. vi4 cm :ri!,
' H n m 1 i l.ipti t, Tl'. i. m., I.;..
itnl "i.;ti i in., nrrivin' ui II in i-t'in
I ""-'' p. mi., mi. IJ l.'i ii. in,
I I. I'-'n i litliiiun, . h hi. I ll
ii'i. i i lip. "i I
! 1 .1' IV. t'nll vi ! Ii'. T.O... 11.1,1 11. til . mil!
... - - .
I.I ' f
I.f it- 1,.-. I1..2, I. i I. o.l, 1 1,1 i ll. in ,
' I. 'I.i. il. I'i. sol 1.1 :i p in,
I.r IV- ..ll.aillH, Vl-l Si! Ta! ', .1"
, . .
1 1 1 1 'i i ii ii i i.i-.iii-'i. S .1 i . hi.
I,, - n o '. 1 en ' .v ii . t'.'3 '-I..JJ ,t ill 1 i
. i i "
' " " U J 1''
Suit hllH
l..j N-w Votli 5.:iu ii hi
1 Ullla ll'
' .iii ..71. p. ui.
le-iivn Ui .1 IiiIl", M no n.lll. unl t .: p
. I'O'IVO Mll'lll.liVt. I.I '.I. .11 e. iu
iii.t.t - si'tivt r
I.tivi' (;iri'ai!ii-. tor I'ltxlnti. f.o-
Itl.i.-I. HI t .!."
'i , . i
ll it. illlW. OA.'I'pt iln.liv
i i . -i i.i. .t i i ; 'li . .'! : "i. ; iu y t
' H rl.y -...Iy. 1. 1 .. i.!!-.. :.!. P ...
Ki'l III II" II If. t.'il V !i I 1 I 1.1 tl .ItiU' H.
'I .-em Sun 1.1,'. I', n 7,.., I.i-'.m
-I p. it. ; 'I .ily, p. s'.iur l iv no I S ni
I lo li ,,v, li I i p. to.. . 1 1 on S iiar hiy onlj,
u lo, U.o.i, J.oo p. ui
J. K V()i)TT HN,
(loii'l Muiiaj-or.
v. (I. II VNtwiric.
tien'l l'n'ri I ickct Aitt.
' t ' u n I-..
Kill l h vtlii
Wliloii rrnili-.a Ufa liunlon sn.l
It, ia ..oi niuiii-iilly i-nrrHl
iiy ttila, l-.itr mul awi.tli-n
j'.lnta nre icatineil lu their uuiuiul
A eln-tle spplliHiii... idvea rrllaf. Cna-J
... ine iiiifr-f ar.iNitiiif tun asriuiv
ueully run.l I y a enisle U.ulo.
. every cxae. Mmivv refii...t.rt tn
oily unit ll. a ii-tl.-tK after a fun- trial,
i-ur bale hy all nmli-lnaa ilru.'i'tat.
l'Kit'K ao niNTH,
I'lTTsnrnuu, pa.
tVHrnA ftrtateaitit of rnnai.
A v dim of out hi.. I ti'inrtJeocit caMDitiii l'rU'4V
tm !; v. N. ntwi IVIujiiv. .iiliutL etc..
l)itiTi t (i l-i vatu rviry kmu r-mttly, hu 1'
rj4T .ifttiRiiiiaiM'if enrtf. wlurta It til . n I t'Ul H
I-' I. !lo.i,..fl-a-w. Mw 4. U. UWI t.
4 J 1 iiuilmui hi., X. V.
Aft W,r'fc tffsvWnll "A W'
V M l""wiH.ti ,'-. io. fe.a-itwi.i'tsV i-iMiMit,.iUit
n '"' u" ' ("t --".
Wf-.l.wlr4v ll.JWI-wWAiJa.liSJk tWalMk.
HwiM r-sthHTu 4".y . - . . . , - ,
i. ''r(w I w is ii, Ws i nji . . i
Tr,B ! I.liln Janetlnn lot)
naiis l.lilnij WAHK
; Pltiatisrsn l-:.rt Iji'tn.mi
l'aiIIM r.ll.rfra
1. irs.i
Wuv rajaaur
f a-l I. In
H4 . m,
4 p. m.
V p n.
r ins i:.rtn ins:, m,
v'l . i: i. w,
I'M S 'flolils Kpf(Sa 1 i,, t
.i.'Hi.i.m n t i.r lilt a. m.
Il.o Kal l.lno. Wt f'K rrr S I tti- Prll
If I A),'ra tf., Hi Ksnliic anil iktisntl
l.aprs.a ra.l run .laily.
Wti irmtii laatt aia lf nl In Mimta eoOLtf
r lulluaa i
, - i -
ito, HAaTS-aan.
fa..', r Mel. K ..". Malt,
s tn, f . m. . iii. p. m.
An.trr-nr's liio tn lif lt
M Vr-..irn II II t SO lo ll
.li.iiiiitnk It :s t T I'.'.' t4
! f l rit.l j;, t i,, ,j i h
N. lli'Ollton t'l t '.t 10 i t tl
VI. I i,l,, r;i 4 - t i (. 4 4
Hun .'lniloa I'i 1 t .in vai ir
Tf"' I I". i I'l "f
' !'."'. ..j a ;i) IU f .,)
I'll ri.ori .l 1. hi j 4,1
'lin Pi.'!",! Ku rr-aa wnat fsn I. flsmitil tl
H i s il ,i. in.
ftspi'liv A I.RffiaTitWS SAIf. Re in.
I t l.i 'i tvaiiti. ii ni-Tsr asn.
I A I .UN S. Mil!. A ,-.M0 Mil.. I Mill
r ' t, .1. - a in. '.' p. in 1.' 2.1 a. m t I M. .r
. , ,in Tii in in in t 'it
I i '!m. V l:l Si 114 4 H
'"'r T.'l J.4I tit
l"i . I I' T ll 11 t 4 a
I l eTi K.S'I 3 VI y ss t to
t. ' a :7 ft n u.t 1 1
,1'a Mil'. 1". a ft s : t .i 4 oi
I en 1 ll'i a : J J f. nt ) r
11-1 M"t 'n k n 4 i a a n mi
!' ' r k. s ; is; in ) :
M i.!.-l.'r I' S 4 vi t .It 'il
tl.t-... K. ''It 4 f.-l t M 21
i rui,. r i . it lit 4 a T I s I'l
I' et lltii- I'. 17 (. !; 7 i'l J i s
. v,.li,-.,. .,ir v .!S .. f. 41 t 'T
I s ii. ,iun. v it sit ti.o a .i X ' I " 4 ' t l.i 1
. ii. iniriMiissiiM.Mu,,!,
iiii i-t il'. r Nor. Iii .;s, Irilm mi thi.
f .ia I a il I .-in . . '
l.t.A V K M'lt TM W ! tl.
I..avf : .S.. re,, i n Nt,i..ia I'.i-t
f " I !. I. Ilia.
I.'ff t ill S In 1 .. a tn a . . ...
rim. II i-- miii ;. :.i a in i;.4a.n
V' " I n ," . in fi.17 am
J( " V !' i. ii 7 1' i. in II Mi in
II t -rit 4V a n lii.Mlaui t:trtttui
ll. ,r ..... i ii I, ..-l a in 6.0 n in
s I . e, t f I 111 .... t:.0iul
'""I v V a in I j in t.'
.r,!,,,, ,l,,.:., a.i ;, , u.5.1 p in e.i.0 p m
Ai-'l... ' !
" ll'i ii rt
rt -''.in
Vi.. in
71' . n
2 'vt i iu T 7ft p tn
f,. I .'i .ii to.'. i m
0. lit a in f to) a id
II .'111. i
lit to
I.r t: r; i uv uu.
I' "ii'' (' .'.'nil R iiMirrt
. i v i ' . rM,.
rti-Mri K.l". im I "ipm
I i l si . i a t ii v.ln a i'i
H'ukhn M . i i'i It-;. tn H ; , . n
! I'.'.'1 . i:l
I.i 1; lliviui f.Cli m ! :s p ;n t
v ''. mi V. I' n, I ii'. j r;atW
N"f I ".';' i mi :..r. .... ; 'i't in
Sii-'Ii tv ti iii . tn I . ir m in S.'toiitt
s 1 1 . rvi' .' :i t 'I. 3.'"- "i I! .ii m
H -It I H I'l I i Ml 'V . II) 1 I .", !,
i . m ..i.t'i, ii) jii Ui p l)t ) t m m t
!1 ii rn II f t. m !,!" i m 2 15 i m S.Ui tm
imhIi. .i.4 i I- in : . n mi a tn 7 4) a in
V. w Y'fk i'.' mi !..' n 'ii n ti hi :i hi
H i in i- w ft m r.:-i? n m l.i'i m 7.4'' a m
V.i'i in. ii'h tf.u; j. m v. 7 , ! 1'. t, hi 'i.ui m
Tin-'' itmr'nfl 'f" -t-m im'f u ...ri flii'tvil,
A. .1. 1 I i'. iio 1. Utifliitr,
Pl.i!'h't &. Erii ft. R. Division.
U LTi:i; TIME T.1BL.
tin at, I afi.-r ".I'VI. V, vt.v, nl,, 1 aco. tti
'' 'i'n' I'.ll ' lea a Kria Kali ll.iai
I i.v in ,,i; a ill run ,- f. ',!.. a :
Wr-iTtV Nil.
I'ltlK At All. .-air. f i i-:t 10a 11 f,tp, ra
'' " II r. lai. -r,: 4 -.'i a. iu
' W.I.I i - n.iri a,,i,. ,
' " -I- ' S'i . lil.o . nl
'' I, k-U IWvi-ii ll l l a. iM.
' 11 It i.o. a 1 1 nt i. iu'
" ". Iii- T 4t o. in
M A'l A II Ha IV l.avo I'll 'll 1 ,'a ) ol i. i.i
" II -.-'. r II It a. in
" arr. ol Will 'i il it i. ,.i
i.. . . . J'.. " ' " "' t .'i .. ii.
r 1.1 N K l. lv..a l!.l' ..!,.;,i i liji ,i. ni.
" '' U ''' l-'i-lr r I .hi p. hi.
to r. at '.Viliei ,. r' 7 o. in
" " I.'. - I VIU, in,
l:-tTW Mill.
PAi'il l ' i:xt'. . i..-s mk.Ii ,.,
" ' .-V Miora 7:7a. I.I
" " V. I I'.iu.-i ,.rl ' a. o.
rr. nt i in i i-i o. ,; fj ui m
' P'illt 3i.; . ni
it.w i:xi' i.-i... . i. it .v n ti -j, j, ..
Willi..!,-:. ..rt
" at--, al n :. -i .
' " I". UI llit.i
VAi I K MAIL I.v,.. i;.,. ,i ,
" "I. ..-a It ,v,-n
" " W I'.rl
" -r. at lli-i' ,'nt, ;
" ' I' .11 1 ..! . la
I l. Ill
.', :ij ,,. ii.
W ' l p. Ill,
I'i "l e. m.
II :lil p. m.
S' I a. ro.
7 i t i. in.
-' It a. ui.
II It a. in.
111 1.1 V. I
' urr. at ll ,r
" " 1 ' I
Irl Mill ll',.. ...,l ll... 1-..-..- . . . J
t i.t a. in.
.., , n, . N . , , ;,'.'..,, '
i t II. II. ii i i.. I ,r tVi:.,r.:,, r . an I
N" ' l-i.ii - W,-.t an'l
, . , . ., ' , , v' "7. ..,"', '" " ",' "
i I t ,v ' It . ' , li . A . I 1 1 :i, n-ir :i.
s-, ,,.,, i;v:,r,.i iv... i ,,i iii. ;,,., n
tn .i . i ... . ,.,,, i, , 4t i ll. io.i a uli U, K
I I'- If.
In- Hall l-.aat ,.n I W
-' -I it t'rla Mrl-h
I trie, nn . s, 'I. s: .:. ll, ; , i ! ,rrv will,
i .Ai A. V. li. H. r ,t l, .,, i, .-, v. V. 1
.. I .1 I ... .
I i-l.ll A. V. It. II.
I. l'.,l!..l..l..hl.
I'.r',,r r r. wl.l r i
I. I V iri.,l-,,..t ,., M -...i.r.... IV...I .r.A
li.iv i:-irt-a La.t. S o (.tat cat on all Dluht
li nrral Silp't.
N' a . J'. IH.'.J.
. i.t.... . .t. ..
' 1 1 i' I i ",,,,,n"-"HTip on (bflrntftls0
i n. i n r,minni h H'filn j. t'li ltsl H..N lr
! iVtd,.:!' "'SViV"!:
tn-i.tttl ll il' in ant -mI-iI.. (I,.. ... I ..i..i,
airali... aal.l eaiate r. in , ra.iulilie.u Ijt iallle-
toll. 17, t-HI. A.luilnl.trnli.r.
LVVK'IT TOil S XOI'l. '-Letter
I le- uii-nta iy on lie .'In ol llonrf
l.liil-ii ,, -.1,1 tie or -trt lla.urr l-tnl.!i.
Mi ll r P, l-i... Hare Itr m.r.l In l .aiua
.ler'iinal. til porma k na-lna- tLam-alra.
I. -itnlite I I I UHl.l r,l,.o ar 111 I, te l.. in.,,.. I ,,..
-II -ie pa) in -tit, w ilia l ',. Ii .i-ina; ilaiuii sill
i pit.r-ei.1 ll.a-u (..r -aiiif-m. tlt tn
I -Vt-.llil S t 1.1NIN ! KB,
I l.. IU, laal. t..iuliir.
A I'MiNiTvroKsN-onci:"'
! i I .t 'era nr. i.t ..In Intra! Wo on l ia e'tate o
I...UI-4 A. K nl , lit l i'o of 111 .n iH.i. Sny.1r
In l'a , .ri-.l. l,ai-....--i :ranl-, to llienula-a
.ILT.-.1. Ml ii -r-.nis ,, nun Il.."ii.t1vr. In ii I.t
i-.l lo . .1.1 -t ile irlll ilci.a mahe ... lua llite
p i mr ti i a i.lia I ti-.-r lit vl ,il ii.iii :u ulna taa J
o.l.ite Mill pra.oiit tunin l-.. 1 1 loiti-nt lit
, juiim tv. k n tun r,
Jan. . 'l. A.tuiiuiriralar.
A lM I N IS 11,' Kills NOTICK.-
I etirra r n ltuliilatr-i. I n nn ll.eeata'e
oli 4i,.,u ll-r.v. I .to . r ll I lla-rj Li,,".,
S'i....; I',,, I-... ,tu,-,-i I, iva u-u'i iauto-1 is
. a un l. .I.-.I-I. All i-ri mi k l-ialii , t .a o-
l In i '..I iii mi l e.t,i .in ,,l,.,o mats
In.'i'o luia . ni:- lii.. e ulmt
a; al i-l il i i Tale siil pr'-aanl l.'iou. for avi.
il u.e. I lo
tSlMOX lif:i K.
A.luilu'airalir .
Jaa. 0, ttil.p l.
K'.NKI'UrOlW OTKM;--Lt.tvrs
t J iciHnicntitr on ., eatate of Mury
it. Mar, l o. .1 : .:ii,iuruve I'or. una ,
tanyilor Couinv .lM u vlo lie en wraii.
..I to lua uiirttr,lnoil. ai. linoatliiit . ,'
ll .maelvea lnilol.ia.1 to aal.l a. are re i.wt
e.l te unite l.ii.n.-iliila pnnimi,.. aiui. iima j
baulijr will p, ri.ul Ibeiu ilnlx aaluooil. , In j
lifi'ltdK Bi'HVI. H.
ttb. to. mi. to. .(
N OTIC K la l,-mtii tl.e follow- '
lot ariielea bnie puiclia-al by 'i
the (in lerl-lifil and lolt lo llie (loect-eaioii
of Jneob Killman of Uraaar lo-i, ti-nj.r
l-'u. P , durln bi p raiur'e; All j-ei. t
o s ar enmioui'il u-1 lo uifil.He or W.irf.
It wiib ibe aitj.e : Ouo I'.-nal.le tit.
c w Mill, d Heal ..f II r era a,
I Og t'btin. to., on Umi--?, re
Curt, outlet Halite