The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, March 03, 1881, Image 2

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    The Post
-- ...
ZSiddleblirg, SilarCh 3, 1881.
J. CROUSE. Editor & Propretor.
Hon. John I. Mitchell the Man.
There was no change iu the sitna
lion at arrisbnrg nnfil last Thcrs
dsy, when it was agreed by both
factions that each aide select twelve
men who were to endeavor to corn
promise on some man for Senator,
who would be acceptable to botb
factions, Tbe committees were se
lected, an t on Friday night tbe
twenty-four mot and eontinned in
eaeioo ontil far in tbe night, bat
with no result. Several other cm
ferencea were bad and many ballots
taken, but the fluaver an 1 B yne
men were no noarer a solution of
the vexed question than when they
begao, notil Tuesday night, when
Beaver aud Hayne wore dropped,
and after a abort consultation by
tbe oommitteea, a solid VDte waa
cast for Hon. John I. .1itchell, of
Tioga county, and be was declared
the nominee of all the Republicans
for United Statea Senator. In joint
conveo tion yesterday tbe action of
tbe comm ittce of compromise was
ratified by the election of Mr. Mitch- I
ell to be United States Senator for
ix yeara from the 4th of March, to
succeed Senator Wallace. We are
glad that tbe protractel straggle ia
end ed, and that we have secured a
Senator of whom all speak so well.
Those who know Mr. Mitchell speak
highly of birn. He was a good
ol dier, a good lawyer, a good Leg"
islator and a good Congressman,
which fully justifies the belief that
he will make a good Senator. The
breaking of the dead lock is a source
of gratification to everybody, and
the aoleotionof Mr. Mitchell gives
universal satisfaction.
Tbe Republican membeia held a
love feast and general rejoicing over
the happy termination of the long
and bitter struggle. Following a ia
brief sketch of tbe career of the new
Senator :
Hon. John I. Mitchell is a mem
ber of the proa ent Congress. lie
resides ia Wellsboro, Tioga oun.y,
was born in Tiogt connty July
23, 183S. tie epent bis boyhood
upon bia father's furcn. lla receiv-
enl m uvuiiuoa U.t l4 tti'iti al
private instruction, and passed some
time at tbe Uuivers ity of Lewisburg.
Pa, in 1837 to 133'J, but did not
graduate, e taught souo 1 for a
while, and when the war broke out
be entered the service, serving first
as Lieuton ant aud afterward aa
Captain in tu e 13Gth Regiment, un
der Col. Tlios, M Baynn, and made
a record worthy of a soldier.
He was abuitted to the bir of hie
native cnuty ia 1801 and has since
been one o f its leediug members,
being interested in en out of the in.
portant Cites. He waa elected
District Attorney of the county ia
18(19. serving three yeiro, II i edit
ed the 7'ioga County Agitator dui
ing the year IS 70, He was a cnem
b6r of the State House of Repre
sentatives five years, from 1872 to
1370. inclusivo. served aa Cuairium
of the Judiciary General and W ay a
and Means Committees. His abili
ties m i la him tbe leader of tbe
House whilst be aervsl in that bot
Wboo he was electa 1 Distriot At
torney be succeed 1 if., Niles, an J
when he waa eloate 1 to the Leisla.
ture be also succeeded that geutlo
man. who is now among bia most
arJent supporters an I warraeat pnr
aonal aod political friends. During
bU drear in tiie Lifidi'.nri hi wai
promiaently name I for the Spiaker
ship, but modestly gave way for oth
ers. In 1870, when be was still in the
Legislature, and without any solicita
tion on bis part, be was elected to
Coogreas from hi district the Six
teeutb. He bad been put up by the
oitizans, irrospeotivo of pirty, aud
was electeJ without opposition. In
1873 he was unaoiinoulsy re-nominated,
and re eleotaJ, the void bein
11,13 J for bini agiinat 5.810 for
8mith,'a Democrat, and 9,9 H votes
for Davis, a Qreenbaokes. la 1390
bs wrote a letter; copied all over the
State, saying bs was too poor to
stand tbe expeaae of a third term,
and bis deolination was reluctantly
aoaepted so that bis membership
in the lower House oeases on March
8. ; He will now, all unsolicited by
bimaelf bs elevated to a higher
eat, aal will doubtless sustain as a
Senator the reoorl bs bis male ia
other positions.
Personally, bs ia said to bs a man
of very bigh character, and one
whose social relations are of tbs
happiest nature. Huntingdon
C "1 Great has unexpectedly
Tbey havs fair bunting ia Cali
fornia. A cartv of bnntors ia
fWrampnto county ia a single day,
!oo one sheep ranche. with fonrgood
foxhounds, succeeded in killing sev-
en enormoos wildcat, fire foxes and
an caste
Ity the destruction of Congress,
roan Firrce's splendid bottl in Huff
alo by fire, that city loses one of its
moat attractive ornaments, and the
liberal doctor and lawmaker a large
anm of money
In Nobraaka, at the late election,
a Winnebago Indian waa refused the
right to vote. Tbe Indian baa put
in a claim for $0,000 deranges, and
the state coorta will now have to
determine whether, under Ihe four
teenth amendment, Iudians hate
tbe right to vote or rot.
Ingorsoll baa been paying his re
apecta to Delaware apropos of the
recent proposition to indict biro for
blasphemy. lie says that oysters
were originally made with lege and
that Providence took them off know
ins; that the people of Delaware
would starve to death before they
would run to catch anything.
General (lanoock'a acceptance of
the invitation to be present at the
coming inauguration bas recalled the
fo that when Lincoln was first in.
,guratec. his defeated rival, Steph
en A, Douglas, not only attended
the ceremooy, but escorted Mrs
Lincoln to the grsnd ball in the even
ing. One million five hundred thousand
feet of logs, which escaped from the
boom at Williaraaport during the
recent flood, have been recovered be
tween that city an 1 HarriKhurg, It
is estimated that 30J,000,0!)0 feet of
pine and hemlock logs will bn float
ed into the boom this spring for
manufacturing purposes.
Two brothers died under rather
peculiar circumstances, in this coun
ty, last week. It seems there hal
been a disagreement between them
respecting some property, an 1 they
had not bean on speaking terms for
a long time. Tho older brother,
lately eiprenHnd a wish to aoo the
younger. The latter on being re
quested to call ou his brother, re
plied that ''be would see him in h 1
first. The elder one was buried last
rrlday, an J the younger die. J on I lie
day of tho fuuoral. Waa it judg
ment t H t't'ity X.J. Pii'nni'tU.
William , Vjuddrbilt receives
fonr times per au iu n elite's f r
ClTti.OX) interest on tho United
Status bonds be holds (enough to
keep a man from want), and Jet it i
bnt a tithe of bia enormous wealth.
It ia certain that he ia the richest
roan now living, aud it ia probable
that be ia worth more th'to any two
men w ho ever lived, the most of it
made within pant twouty-fivo years.
He is believed to od more thun
jIJJ,0) ,DJ) of nilml ssMriii.ii,
bexidea bia QjVMrnment bu la piv
io;; biin $1,814 00 per annum.
Tbo losses ocattle-iuiwt-rs in Ne
bl anks 0 ilora li, Dakota, KnsH,
Idaho, Mautano aud Ot'e in, an 1 in
northeastern New .Vnioj, oiu to
the eeverity of tha wiuter and the
duep sn jws, are boliure I to be very
large, but the estimates in the var
ious districts range all the way from
10 to 75 per cent. It will not be
poaaible to get actual fignrea nntil
tho enows have all ilisnopeared.
One cattle ruisur in Nebraska, Wil
liam Part in, eetimatea his loss of
cattle at to 7000 head, valued
at over $100,000 t another, J. N.
JoShane, estimates bis loss at 10,-
000 bead. Both gentlemen are
member of the Nebraska Legiala-
The iudictmeut of Brigham
Young's son by a Salt Lake City
garud jury npou a charge of bigamy
will gratify those who fotd that
something ought to be done for the
auppression of the revolting pruo
tices of Mormonixra, and there will
be a hope that Young will be con
victed and punished- But tha pun
ishment of tLis one individual,
though be is a representutive Mor-
moo, w ill not be enough. lie will
simply be regarded by bis followers
aa a martyr, and bis fate will not
have a large influence in deterring
other Mormons from marrying more
than once. Polygamy in Utah will
be suppressed only when there is
relentless application of .the penal-
lies to every offender i and Ibis pro
mises to be a task of very formidat
bia proportions. It is, ' however, a
task that should be undertaken by
ens means or another. Tbe Mor
mon power is growlug rapidly It
is already Dearly supreme iu Utah,
and it is msuaoing two or three of
tbe adjacent stales seriously. If It
hr-trr L'l r-v fLv -1 cf
,.. I-UJI 'i
W. H.
Popular Fiisraitw
Lewistown, Miflin county, Penn'a,
Fiiritnro of livery Iviiul, I'nrlor, Clmmler
Dinning lloom. Halt, find Ii. itchcii, to
milt tlit) inomiM of o very perNUii. ,
Tainted Chamber Suits, from $25 to fj
I'arlor Suits, from . . . $10 up,
all walnut, covered in Hair cloth, Rope, Raw Silk, and Plashes, of
anv color.
Walnnt Chamber Snits, with Marble
Itadstoads from 1 to $.VJ.
Koreans, Stands. Lounges, Cha'rs, Mattress of all kinds. The v. on
derful Woven Wire Mattress or Spring Dotto-n tint b-et made.
All good kepi in stock anil on hand, readv for sale, and at CASH
PRICKS, that will convince all, that you can save mont by buying where
you got the best, and always get w hat you buy. floods pocked un I deliv
ered, with the best of otre, to 11. It. depot. Call an I see ttio the inimmae
Stock. No trouble to show Roods OUHMOI TO: flood flood. Low
Prices, and to please all. Ordure by mall will recoive prompt attention
at all times.
Yonri Re-peclfully,
Jan. 27,1881. "V. II. IHlIX.
. . . .Special sermons to young wo
men are preached by Altooua dl.
.... A company is to be organized
in Huston to manufacture pl.ito 1
. . . .The losses to the M.tnaynnk
mills by the freshet will reach near
ly J200.000.
...A man is svd to havi bean .
killed a few days ago at Pennfiold
by a panther.
. . . .Owls in tho northern parts of
the state are proving very dentruc
live to poultry.
. . . . Phil I.ilphii brick m tkera
bavj more orders to he filled dur
ing the summer than thy cau sup
ply. . . . .John Fergus, of A'ushiu gton
county, has lived on tho Mine farm
continuously for eighty two years.
....For twenty.flovnn-years Je
Smuller, Ks , Imh bo:i prmileut
of the nationtl bank at Mi I llt n.
. . . .An Orwigdnrg tailor kept
a fire in his shop btove for l'uirleu
yeara without lotting it go out once.
lames Wilson, of tWtnville,
aged ninety yctrs, cut Ida lliroat
with a knife. He li ncro 1 to dtiyn
and thou liol.
....Tho Ptnnnlvanli railroal
compuny has established over
ngoncies In R-irnpe fir tha salo of
emigrant tic!;t over their line
. . . . Mil s Srnli A'luiijlit s t fcnn
ingyo'ing lilt of I'.ilm; li n brteii
Hiusttd cl aimed i;b lol.bjng the
couti ibuti m b,x of a ch)rcj.
... .Store ki,ier in (ho i il re
gone run hen x'uih i-u liaitu our ciit-uiit' l d lily. H-i-iy !imii (j.-ii-awi'iktoanl
fiom the i-nal dia. s.iui.-d u m ia- i v.' it ai,.i!i. I'm
tricta for thu beui.lit of their cus- !l ti-t i.n' lo t p. ivliot . t.i 1 1
tomirs. I of tiii-i incuinb'u ii.o' t onco i i v.r .
.... A rrsidt'Ut of Dilncirlhtown, j u'n J1 - 'l'lH.v ti'pi-:r n I tirt tlin
Chhter c uiut y, it thu owner of one j 11,0 c'" ttt aril" vi 1 rt-lt ii.
of the first coins cti-r ihHUod at the iu "i'' l hr n: the noi ih iru i -a'
PhiladulnhLi mint. It bears .Int.. uf
It bears data of
Cir woiki of
. . . .The Stern ton
Betblubem employing 173 rami, are
rnuuinjj to their full capacity an d
turn out eistueu cars every twenty
four hoars,
. ..During tho year ISOSimnel
and Abraham -tllman, of Mont
gomery county, killed and 1 over
oOO bond of cattle, bji l-tlirge num
bers of calves, sheep aud bogs,
....Wbilo catching diift wood
- , . , . .
fliiriMv I ta fw..i t V.l, a.....
. .,,11
liwjo, lll'UIJT IIIUJU ttll'l ist IU OIIU-
mens, caught a root which ILey lais-
took for sweet myrrh aud ate.
Two home after they both died from
the eflVcta.
. . Jaraea Thomps'in, a brake
man on ths Li-hih Valley railroad,
.ii i . . . , ,
was Willed on Satnrdinr Uut nmr
.:ii. -i. i i . ..
tt ii annum i uj Ut9llip Bl.rilCI( OQ lue
head by a te'egrupb pole which waa
le miug out of position.
Mrs. Boyer.of Mieersville, Solmyl
kill couuty, gave biith the other
day to a child weighing 20 (oinids.
Mrs. Boyer herself wt-iglis fully four
hundred pounds, aud is said to bo
the Urgent woman in SUuylkid
. ...i'aul Boyton, tbe celebrated
swin uier and invnitc r of the rub.
ber life-preserving suit is believed
to have fallen a victim iu the war
between Tern and Chili. Last fall
he entered inio a contract with the
government of Peru to superinteud
a torpedo survino, for which he re
ceived a ronguiQoeut remuneration.
Nothing has been heard from bim
since Christmas, although previous
to that time ha wrote weekly to an
intimate friend in Pittsburgh. In
bia last letter bo enclosed bis will
and ststed that ths euemy were ad
vancing and that ba believed bs
would not ssrvivs ths impending
Tb. J( ,iUoo hl-;u
t.. 1 r ... r, r- ;,
Tops, from - fat to $125
. , A m w "limp dn iso has brok
en ont iu York and a Ijoiuiug coun
. . . .The jury in tho cue of Ocar
Eixonhart, who was on trial nr. Sun
tmry for tha murder of Patrick
O'Brien, at Kxcoliior, on the 1st
nit , rendt red a verdict of not guil-
ly on cHiuroiiy. r.iennart, nrio
Nation agent at Excelsior,
attacked ty U Urien, when he shot
bim iu self defense. Kiserihart had
tho sympathy of the com uuiiity,
and the verdict w is roooivo l with
great favor.
....Notwithstanding the most
pointed exhaustive ciiaign by Jiu1'h
.Meyers on tho a ibject of lyuching,
the graul jury of Northamptu
ccunty lrn-t aeik concluded it- bnai-
Ui'RS WllliOlll paying tho tilliilcMl
attention to ihe lyncbin cf .Vnydfr,
tho Oocyte raiiidiri-r, 1 tie law rs
pluiidy a I btifore I'm ; irora, b i t
they Nii..d tosej tin na.Ht:ty of
. ,. . , . . .
ihhii p sny sirps. a Jiilor HalfiJ
that the matter was not im ntintid
licfole tiiu jurors ibuiu their pii
vste dfliheration . Illnaiiot lcii
suppo.,. from thu lirst t'ut tiid
lyiichcia avnM evi-r bo iu lii'tcd.
At Lin xviilo, P., the l.lnik hi
tr. a dint arc s fatal as ll) t!lw
teer, I e bu k' U r.tit I
Vt is tn;Hl!y rrr.fiurd to (lu
teal iyi,n,n. Iu J.'tH tht lii.ii'k
li m l bi con lu I d iU fwiiinl a,(.k
in Ihtt i'uhI piiu:liy, cs iu'nr ml
lui dttdtt of p(..t-l, nmotii; liiin
tuaiiy pnuiim nt iui-u an l uoiiii-u,
KuuilliuS of li'it ttu 1 ten writ'
Blmlii-ii (1 i vii, i.ii I iij llu arualiuiil
t iwus fi'otu livj ti te i iii'u men c
r,'tf!',,' ' 1 physioivn a-ill Si.
t ieir . ff n ta f. o ire it u-i jv dliu .
r Jac-'tb B I. -. of'ur.
r.'giou. an 1 ti.e p!iya;JiVH a-il! Si j I
P;,'kd t u lh atroett uf t!i
: ":,' pocket book ivi.tiiiiiiii: out
Iiuii.litid uu I Hijcly d.iiinrn iu in m.y
aud soitie val.tahle piini-4. He re
turt.ed the bojk and ouutt-nti to ita
owner, end tl.i.t gititnus soul gavu
bim fifty ct ula.
A mnlutto. giving bis tin run
Walkur Anns, aud Lis boiue as
Ffanifbnig, l'a., wheio 1 e sas bis
a vaxs Ii 'ir Ulin
uiiiutr iivch, iius t'een arrested in
i Bicbmoud, I lid., charged with kid
napping two small bojM, which he
intmide 1 bringing tj II ii-riabur f it
his mother to raise. The fellow will
n it bi likely to tro iMi llnis iirj
so n. He i4 described as a light-o.-Iored
mulatto, very tll an 1 ulna.
i ...itni vi a i i v uu'miY tire
I . . ' '
U. I, .. TI ...
; infested with orauizul bauds of
Several ttoneri?t in Wayne conn
ty have been compellt-d to suspend
for waut of biitk. The supply ia be
coming exbauuled'
A Cauadiun has applied to the
Quoboo Qoverumcnt fir aid in sup
porting hisfa uilr, pleadin; that he
has twenty ohildieu, aix couples of
whom are twiua.
A Are at Boston, on Saturday,
destroyed Rockwell & Churchill's
printing establiihinent. Lous
000, principilly on type, presses and
ptper. Fully ioxured.
h was despicable in Ilnpe to shoot
i' uiier. so tiioustit ttie peop'e of
lomiinson, Ark., for Fuller waa at
tho moment profiting bis baud in
token of bia desire to be fiieudly.
A mob murdered the mnrderer.
Senator Fair is popular with tbe
Aniwar This.
Did you ever know any person to I
on ui, wiuioiu uirit-iion or tilts ttoiiiach,
Ill-Mr ftp LLlii-v- m .11. 1 ...... i i
one wlio wti well wheu elliar v oh
--' t r- ' ' : f ' - .
A MoruM:.!?,' Lata.
Lemtburg, I'enn'a.
All tutnrM fs'riilS'l lo bis care will
b tonii I tjr iiudetl tu.
Kept, 80, 18a.
Mm Lit SI., Minngnttf. Pa.
All mrwlool I vn dim iirnrai'tl xODiltJ
t. UuotBIt illun la Kanliau aua iltriaa
Sliltll burg, S,iyiti r V , I'u
run btPaflli4 Is fcnllti er lltr u m.
e-PrMii in fiiiin,
Jn. Ii,'i,
N. MYLiwi
Attorney. U- Lav,
.lt.Ml.kara;, PaX
All pnlltnil hi..n til'iiitl IJ bit
t.r will f'if )ro(ii(ii uttwntiwi,. .
U"iuil .tla. la t,Hllk bi il 0r'as.
Attorney- A t-Lnvr,
Mlllt.KIIUKU. t'.V.
A H buli la kit tut IU rlT
3t;Hrritr:7. r
(I) Is tiile of i. f. Uroniiilr, iu )
rnl'ort'osi msds. t!o1lt1i" In F.nallih
'I Ur, mil. Jan It, 'l.if.
Afir Hriin, l.'iiitni Co.
will rfriT tircmp fttitioo. Jurif 9, it.
Attorney 4 Counsellor-A t-Law,
oSlta la Api.t If u : I'l Inic on iluoi Murtli ul ilorai,.
KfllllMi-l '. ICIIM1.
r.ii,,.lt in m I ail otl,r pr .' Minnal HmI
n... . .,,hii., an I "lil raJol rtfatat tn I
lryit aiiaailjn. Aiir.ll, ! it.
i r. ouoN'Mii.r.r.i:,
' t AlTOll.NfcV . r Lff,
Mifflinli-iry, Pa ,
Oflr his proliilon ssrtSrv lelUrruti
illv. rul,liiinii an.l all cllitr urnf.ii,bl
' hun'incut nirnii I to hit enrs r.l r;it
f.r.iuif.l nilehlinn
l, i.7 if
.sill Til.
rr'iiN:r at i. a '
Mini'!.t:iui Hit, HYMm 0
rartiiin ppinitinni K.ii-t i iii aai'ii
JniiilUlliai la Knll.-u n. '.riuan.
M'ljlihlniry, I'h'hm t'i,n,ly, fit
.Ml Ii.i-1ii.-ii, ntru-tff-i . bit ar atal
x'li.'il I.HMiiIIi aitta l. . Mm .f tlj
t It -t.trl ri a Nfiy.lrr a.i i,..ii::.iii
"Ot.ll t. Iliiu li eupkl.ltt.t III I'.r Kl'ktli'li
iK.ruiu tu. iiMk ii(l. J' . 'T ii
n i h. ! vi:rj,
v Arr )i;rti:v v lwv,
i-i t i r-vf "1 vt.
lfir hit jirifi---itiia'i. '! . i-i f-
.l t
U3 ( oll.-i 1 ioiih iiU'l .l il jroi -iiTn
; i ti it cnli'u'ir l la Un n n f I tt
iitt ir i'nil 11 la'ii !.. tlhi i-t I to ili.r.i
4'Hiih ! the .Sniiu't! a'. I Ja &, 'f
J l, 1.1 NX,
ATToKSKf VT I. V V. t.- tiOntrf. V ,
ilTrM bti ir..i'ftiniii! rti?t tt i
I ul'lio. I'.illtrti.iriH a..i at. nlhtr f&
ii'Uiiii1 .Illll.tll) Ii. llVi'
aill rtciii ruin 1 ttitun-i'i.
S. i'Jfl'iiil,
' A ,'' ! O .V V J'.'V ' I. A T.
ilrflii'ir'v . F'a ,
tlirrr t'ltir fiii.i-,i.i:ii -rrtii't. in 'I..
p i li it . All I - n I hui-iii. f r ii. i iti f' ' nir
t-ara anil rtttitt r-nnpi micntlJii. I.'i3.-t
ti lua bo.i.t oo rjl.
July, lib '7..
Al tu i ta.
NUKil.'l A i.i.aH A
3 A t X '7.1
a ? V n jr n it , ry -s .
A T t o II S ? )'.S A I I A
S.UsiNjra', 1
Vt biitini-a niil ij.i!Ut'iiii:
tlrii!t,l u ilivir ).,r will lit promtu't
iiii-iieil lo. Cita bj eontiilitil in Knxi'.
ii- ilirm id. tHfl iu, Mitrhtr. & iii.
It; H. Orinitn. Wm. II. Uill
(J-LUMMfe Dlr.
Attorneys Couaceibrs
AT-LA It',
OTn-e Xoir t!e Pont Ofico.
Cnntiill'itioa iu tiulb tiigiiHli'nii I (itriu n.
Lang u'tiftt. l'-o,l 'T.'if.
1 0 Ii N II. AKNoT r
MiL'tii.Ma ua,. pa
Profetnlonul biltlnett fiiH imlr d lo lua carr
!!.' bs promptly iiuidJ tn. Krh
Vttoinvn.t-T jt w,
Lewlitiirg, I'ulim Cn., l'a
-0tii ba ounmilieil id tbe UukI lull no
0 tra lnn(t u igi'i,.-yrJ
Ui JTa'K Mtrkrt Htreal, o'ppoalir Wall
Smiiu .t Co' 8ior - tt 4:y
. Lowisburg I'u.
iltfart lilt priifcttionnl trrtiue to ia pub
(to. ColluoHoiie ami all iilhtr l'io'itiun
tt buaiiirat cnlrutltil lo bin cr will r
oeivs prmopl allpiiiiou.
(it pi. I. 1, 'tiTll ,
Sel:ungrove, Pa.
Jifata bia profataioual tortiott to lha pub
.lo. All biuiuata iitriiaini lo bia ourt
ill bs pruuiplly eUouK-il m.
fJan. IT. I7n
MIIIIIiiImuu. I'i.Ioii f u.. fit.
Olti. t am it.nir w Ttlanratib Prlallaa wUlcs
twv. tv, ,aii., i
- 1 P
- j ' '
Phsicianf. Ac.
Physician & Surgeon,
t'rtmoiit, Snivtrf Omntv, Pa.
ife V smfKMlnaitl Mrvlsrs to the rlll
Odlca Mala llrwl, Juna Ii 9..
jyih J. O. WAGNER,
I'lijstclMii and Snrycon,
OTrta til. prf.-ionl 'Tlea In hi e't't'-n,
if A-liii.W.irn aa l-lnllr. u. 1,'kuir.
f pjifieiile. Nii(lr t't., I
I'Jwra liia prufaaniuaal avrticv t thr
J. ECliitiiUT,
t-t KiiMi r m.noK,
tirliiiyrmr, I'tnn'a.
I'f jfrwUnal k'lllaaM urjuiitlf mta1al t,
. Mi .a, 'it.
Iiarlns locnifj at MI1PLV.IC:1. T...
oltiff a f' 'tiiira V. of Hit fiiii Ibomt.
iu lirtr' llrirk Imii Jmn. olltr liii pro
V..inl ifr,icM in lit 'ulili. 11
tk Kngliali auj Unruiau
KritU'fiille, ,Vii '( (Vi,r .
(Iflart hl (i'ftl inl -iaa In IK l list
ol K.riiorrllls an I tldlif. t . .,'
riiYswiAX An srnn.Kos
lili-ra bi .rnl,.ioaHl t.rir la I it ciii
n of 'Uniiliiir n.t ioioiiy. Sep V, 7.1
tTr-rv".N lltKtUK! .
i it
.f ltd KM La Mfli'H N1CAL tRNTIf)
tlii'slic s of the reave.
Jtf i -r 'ri, Snifitrr Cn.,
AU ! l Mln i , kin ir .atir.f II in t aril
ttrn'rifilly alia., l I l. 4iuili:tl'i aa I ral-
i.t t. ir imiitli
S1 11 l."7
Jiiii!nnriif I'iir.
Siij.11, S-Lr County Penu'a
A U P.!l.r.;oi;a
prmuplly iiiade.
aud reiijiU-n'i s'i tr.
J-.AC hew?: ft.
Gonrrai O llettr .
MiUlp'Mit h..t roitnly. ?.
ill J'i? trit h mi I
Mir. H'U f.
sr i waini'".k. r,M.,..
t jr-irirs or f s rr.M:..
.1 .li i. i Town '-nyiltr ' V i'v,
itl'l .iM.i. l n cl l :uir.i--. .,lrna t l !i
i drt vn IS L".-i rt.i .it h
l , Mr.rj.-i fi. '&'
jy.vTiTrt. HtioT.i.r.
aJiiot "f ilii'l'pnce,
. Ml itH-nii n ul hunx.' lit r.i-i r ! t.'
ni. i'.i 'i" in .I i ,. i-ih!.. iri,.
I". . iiJilrti. iintiJ.irf. fna-ltr i't . V I. 'M'l.
ii. UAitm w,
.irarirr. or rat:
tV 1 ?! V'J-.'J! UtMi',
t'KN 1 1-t riV I I.i.l.. .: tt r Ci.ii i'. I'.t
i'..'lti'.rt -mil ill i,n.nftii f rltinlnw in ' !
..l'i. i f.!. i it -r. n( (Lo -,ll ij t.i. fi.H ii i
t V'irt it -if :-a i r JT'In
I ti -ti i 'tiai, "iitl-p C'fnit.ij, H i.
4'-ll.t -aWI.4, ('."flV-til.l-l.,.!, 4t. nil utli-Tlni-i.(lliil:u
I-. ilt "'Vn ti Wilt r'M'l I
jti,'Otmi, I'feirft'tiLcs 4MriJ-: No M. rliu, I
.jiii.t, I, A'M l '. l'l.
j"itix k ; ii c) i s," k-V,".,
jii.-'Tict; or TiiK pr.ACR,
Peittt 'IVp., f?nylt-r Ce. l'a
luttiue ot llie Pcuco & Cunvcyanctr,
Tr ixleville, Snyder Co. I'u.
W:I att(-nil prum;itlv tu all mnnntr l butl
tivt- ,nrl.iliiiiia tu lliotii e. OullortluliH ni'i lo, wrlttau, (Jul v -J,'1 J-tl.
.ii ri i: or Tin: un r.
V CJttl VU.VIlllfla
ltKMtl.i r. riu'lor ouiinl)-, Pa.
t'ollat'll'iiit aa.lal btimniitt rtrt.t1nltiM la tl.a
uftttti.f .1 utli't ul tbt I'ati-'a will lit Mill. ii I tu
at uli'irt nutu-a, Apr. V"ii.
Justico of tho Peace,
. Hit'ivertown, .Sutfrr t o., l a.
All kimla of onlleuliunt mailt- n liberal
lerint. I'miiipily alleoiJ to all hutinrat
InirtiHiel lo hi care. (June lit), '7!li
MoC'ure City.Bnjdei- Co., Pii.
(-allwilKpt ami all hiiplntta iarttlrilnir to the
elnoa nl Jmilnt ol Ilia Peace will I f nlmn.lo.l id
at iburt uuil.t. Jul Ui.';ttf.
Harrr TonnnKln.HnMltr nouiitv. F.
OulUoHt-t tJtmviiuoiUK, mid nit otLor tin
b' twit,,! mtf w turn nmoo win ii prouii(i
n toil u, O Uoi or rrouluincirtiu
Mil I'ff Mkll 5llltlt
- im "
Middleburg. Snyiar County, Pa.
Ornrs is Kittaibis a t I'ei-nT
Cci iter 10 ti. " I-roa '.
HV.1 YC-? (.
Vniilt. sr II. ,.. I 1 1.. n-.. I r.
it .-rlfii t?! (tittlrn iMsjr, utt't mm iih .,
f itrl lhat,1 ait at it it a.f ja All A fa- A .
OBMI IU.' :. 9lVtt iQt fH fjSI la. ta (hj a.
i.tfNi, in iii city . h km T n'si7r Kit I
iltat sn iSre m' fun tlttcial ll.a M I vth wt l'i I
Avfiu tr I- It, H corn iivl tMl n.r.F.
i ni i inn i w t r tm-aH ftMVa'nini.f si 11 . . i
IttMo si I ptriai f tli ijiiy. H fitm Hh I or.
ps r ' v iMviii rsiui ior latunifsi til u.raa. I
uoui yisrsiaa.
Anc IS.' f KuraivTui.
-m- - V
'hm ri lltt Un tut mal9 ! iif.tptr ,iT,m
nir l il t l tlliitt aja l rll inl.T tr t
(riatn Mi r At ' itii 11 tr im 1 nt t fti t.
r. D h'.m nit, lllirll tat 11 mu ftisj ilv-
-;w. l J. Fn-itrivt
1 It M T. T M H V II T P i
T'iaabfi pipuUr Hortl hat bae.1 r,rii.
r-i rcr.trn-nA'i ia tua ijc tiyi. ii.4(..m
l...-nt..n mu'i It onunlont fur
t-iii i .rmn ifi i -n lUn at I'miri
uthtn n ra . m 1 1 . I t" M li.l!iiiurir. Ii.
I In l y n.i p).!!.! with Hit ( In lli 5 1
k M Hit it tr t, lih ko 'l liniinf t anil ih. i.. J
atti-il. bf ara.'ull bottltrt. Ttrwt iat(,u
iru , mi,
V (Lata Mrt. Waatar't.l
t.'atiiarrlla Suyiiar C'n., Pa
PETLR MAKT.M AN, frairlait .
Tilt.' IntK ttat'.Irlitil not) well krn,nl .(
ia. "n inM'banrtt vy u, Ub:c :4;riit ,
tl?lt a hr ul tka imuitc mt r. i.-n
PK'I t II Ali i -VA1
lyrtt, a, iti i.
- KKAk run nee,;
JiiijLKHt;nc, tA.,
nitfiiliL M A'k ; . I li.Url
Ibia Imli-titiu iiUm imlirliv In
liiii nil lia li.ifly lio rthiiili
'.u'l'i. iv in i'i.iiiu.u.ii.ivi.i' mt im:..
ii).f li'l tub n.p Htm lb amrkti ii.
i.iu lnr.M iii"Itrt. .
spr'1 '
T1 1 4 K A TI ' i S I 1 - I 'I'F'
- - - - - -
mi i.t v-rj it 91 ri-. p r-.f trtvtMti
1 1 if HA9 4:UvfMi;,.fl.t, lift LOW itt.t
! ('.tiu 'H.fSI .t,l Wf l;i'rlK'iiu.
j ltrA li'ifi'jw UtiniirM iric nii --t
-"Xfcr. a-aVSB8SJBJSalttJ
.uea'cSiriRt. BSouv
.4 i:s -i ir
iOKTH T.'Ifil' ftTKKhT.
-l-a M)V l:.V
Jit; N UiT :t'.iiUN.
W. (MltV, -lrrl.
HKwrnwiajax itn.rnt. wil
Vhitiiiit h hi.i. dor '.
Yt i?jT7D nr. i n a r-
Tii'y i rv r t n ts i '
Impoi U rn i.J
kin: tete Fiivr-isrirs a-;-:-
T. V. Itlt't,
. c. it
I.'ltl. ,1 -:.
r. it.
r. i
1 1
f 1 liAYKILL S i .,
I ".4 V. ,l,'il,i(li f.K Jlf.i.lX'
)il Clmli., ;mi,,w br..t.-v.. I ron-
iru )t t' .n l.irt, ijr.-i
'ni, ttm-lit't, TWi-. V. i , u .
in. tin r.rn-t, I'll, .i-' I
r rl.
i won i. i: i i :(:-: i. a. r
" wrjci.KsAi.v. iit vi.f n
iall i l-.l!il;i .;
W M. M A H S
ilcnkTccJc Mnkcv 3:
tiDior, una i3 loam-;
V IloU'Mlllo aSc la'tM l
Ko 529 ivlarket Street
l'i,ninutite.-a. One I'rlce $
Price Marked On AU (Jooih
jit' it. '
Apr. 18-"2.
Miniiifacliireaor A Wholpaalt Da!nl
(illl, Malineiiiij, Wiilniit mid K"1
ricturo &, i'botcf rapliio I'-
Xot. 8.50 mid SS9 Arth Strict
I:iulii(Jiililiis l a.
Frnmes Rtpnlreil In the t"' 1
Uo, Itniiililiiijt In all lis branclitl
Glimpses 01 Ihe
It la an exhauttli tt iiiIih- nf i Lrlil
an a im iji nl tlie mapuua il Hit Al!"' u
-ul.iia iinan ul tlit ti unalio -it 01 1
ami M Tu- aniira tt'.ltl't'
nuii'aia millin ol nt lie ttarll"
irtiil. nnil ruiifliii.i.ff ieafiur.10"
I1IKIK tIF THE A11K in mtot tM "
Ilia I'liur. h tn tint lima uf n. au. , ,.
In avurt molil. Hta.i
m il to I lanut. altu i
i!(i';o .int and t. u..- t--rri'f i
VI;. MAM rlil NT rwj
nm IM Ban Its M Ef
4H lti in r
r.y rt rrb -n.l II y Tttl
our ru-ii.t.iim i U mut Itltc1! ,B
llr.iiiii llnlin. A fl .mi. a i.l I . mi V
I.., ....a ul.L.k - ....... tsnlirtl
hn. A o ml n iBttveiy it
I iltiiti-a, uf iiiir pr uluua I. it -ui l,njl
I itimuy hl.b Ii4 lueiaatad atraul"
i Biiiur tr i iri-, wo rinvti
a r r ii l u ti'tii tunli unl'triti
rrir. uieit. a. n.iiurrriiNi'ON.1''
ihi.wt, Nea Xfitk.
Auct"'. ('
'ir-r, ' f .
U. i'
O., v
'7 r-