The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, March 03, 1881, Image 1

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    ".. I
e In. no, one jr
.rfrth iwlumn, one year,
fioiwre (10 line) I insertion
?nry additional insertion,
nWioimlaiid Baime wards 01
k.rt more than 5 lines, per year.
Editor, Exscutor, Administrator
Ind Anixnee .Notices,
litorial notices per line,
-ll irenscient edvertiiinf less Ihsn
nonlhf Woe in line.
Ill savertisamcntji for a shorter po
A than one year erf payable at the
ke Ihey ere ordered, Ami it mt paid
person ordering thein will oe helilfc
bmible for the monev.
. The Bridal of Sighs.
'Drowned I drown'd !" llAMLBT.
One more Unfortunate,
Weary of breath,
ltashly Importunate,
(June to her death I
Tke her up tenderly,
Mft lier with care ;
Fashioned so slenderly,
Young, and so fair I
Look at lier garments
Clinging like cerements ;
. While the wave constantly
Drliis from her clothing ;
Take her up Instantly,
Loving not loathing.
Touch her not scornfully 5
Think of her mournfully,
Gently and humanly i
Not of the stains of hir,
AH that reuialue of hr
Now la pure womanly.
Make no deep scrutiny
Into her mutiny
Haxhand iindiitlful;
Paat all dishonor,
Death has left on her
Only the beautiful.
till, for all slips of her,
One of Eve's family
Wipe these poor lip of hers
Oozing ho clammily.
Loop up her t reuses
KM-uped from the comb,
i Her fii'T auburn tresses ;
I Whilst wonderment gnomon
Where wtu her home T
I Who was her father ?
I Who woe her mother t
Hud she a sinter T
Iliad she a brother T
r was there a dearer on-
I till, audit nearer nu-i
Yet, thuit all othe. f
Al.isl for the rarity
if ChrlHtiaii charity
ruler the sun 1
h I it was pit if id I
Nerur a whole city full,
lome she hud none.
Ilstrly, brothei ly,
Fatherly, motherly
eliiiKC had ehitniced;
Live, by hiiritli evidence.
liruwu from its eminence;
Even (tail's pro tdenee
'eeming estranged.
There the lumps quiver
far hi the river,
A'nli imtiiy a lllit
rout window uiul piisciuotit,
rom irtrret to baxnmeiiti
Jl.esto'vl with Hiiia.'.eiu.'iit,
I outvies by niht.
he 1 leak wind of March
iiile her tremble uud r-hiver
liit not the dark arch,
Jr the black How In; river;
lad from life's history,
lad to doitth's mystery,
Wirt to be hurl'd
piy where, any where
lit of the w rld t
she plunged boldlyi
p matter how coldly
ie rough river ran,-"
Irer the brink of It,
rture It think It,
kwolute Man I
ve In it, drink of It
en, if you can.
her np tenderly;
t her with care! -
hlou'd 80 slenderly)
mng, and so fair.
her limbs frigidly
en too rigidly, ' '
elitly, kindly,
th, and compose them!
I her eyes, close them,
mg so blindly I
lfully staring
'muddy impurity,
hen with the darinir
look of desiHtlrinir
d on futurity.
fhlng gloomily.
rr'd by oontumely,
Ing Insanity,
her rest.
her hands humbly,
praying dumbly,
her breast I
ng her weakness,
pvu behavior,
"avlng, with meekness,
ts to her Saviour I
MKT lli
V with troubles
leath must deliver,
nore Ufa bubbles
to the river.
r t frrve-
ill I line ffli"
VOL. 18.
Throw the earth oveV her.
Victim of tuunler Inhumanly done
With gravel and sod,
Hide, lille her from (ol.
And the light of the sun T
Mftfk Twa m' Trtlihg Experiences.
I got into the cars am! took scat
in juxtaposition to a female. That
femalo'e face is a perfect insurance
company it insured ber against
ever galling married to any body
except a blind mao, her month look
ed like a crack ia a dried lotnoo, and
there was no more expression in her
f too than there is ia a cup of old
custard. She oppjarol as if sho
bad been through otio fvuiue and
bad got abont to-tbirJs through
another. She was old enough tube
Ifreat-gratid-raotber to .Vary that
had tho littlo litnh. S ia wis chew
ing prize popcorn, and carried in ber
hand a yellow rose, while a bandit x
tnd cotton timlnella nestled sweetly
by h'jr aide. 1 conlJn't gneis
wlietbor aim was on. a mission of
charily, or going West to acirt a
aw mill nud I was full of curiosity
to hear her speak, so said. "The
exigencies of the time require great
circumspectiou iu a person bo is
AVhatf' Puys she.
"The orb of day sliiuns rcplond
ent in tho vnult above." Says f.
She hitched about nnensy like
then sho ruitiod ber nmbrella aud
said, I don't want any of your
sass get out'1 aud I got out.
Tbi'U I took a seat alongside a
male fallow, who looke I li!e a
ahost of tl'Viilot lutif tinned oat.
Ho was a stately cuss, aud ha wa
Mister, did yon ever soe a came-
lopurd ' I aid camt lopar I, be
'tiiMt it i t u piou4 animal, uud oev
r eitt4 grille witb iiit golliug divii
on Ida U'lees lie sti I he h tl'i't
seen a cn nt.lni itd. Thun said I,
l.i yoH chew t"
Then I said, "IIow sweet is na
ture r
yii took this for a conundrum,
and "ni l be didn't know. Then be
said hu wiih deeply iutorosted iu the
hiHtory of great uio'i "A is 1" be
uxclainicd, "we aie but it few."
I told him knew one : "Tbo
man that made roy cooking stove
was a great man."
Tlieu ho asked, " VouU
read "
What lave yon gotl"
lie replied. "Watt'e ytr.ns."
"Ituverice by Moonlight." nud -iliw
to Kpeud tho Sabbuth."
"Nono of tliu ti f it inn ib." s.tid
r, but If ho bad an unabridged b'ini
ubss directoiy of ?ew York city, I
would lake a little road.
'Young man look at . those gray
I til I him I sav then, and wbn
a mou got to be as old as be waa he
ought to die, "You nnedn't think
these hairs are any eign of wisdom.
it's only a sign tbut our syste m
licks iron i and I advise yon to g
home and awsllow a crowbar
He took this for iro oy, and what
littie entente o rdiiU there was be
tweou us wis spilled. It turned
out that be was tbtj ohaplaia of a
baseball club.
When we got to Roches ter I call-
el for a bowl of soup. I send' yon
the reoeipt for making it. fake a
lot of water, wash it well i and boil
it nntil it is brown on both sidoa,
then very carefully ponr noe bean
in it and let it simmer. Wben the
bean begins to get restless,, sweeten
it with salt, then pnt it in air tight
cans, hitch each can to" a brick and
ehnck them oer board i and the syr
np is done "
Tbe above receipt originated with
a man in Iowa. who. got np snppeVs
on odd occasions for O Id Fellows.
Ha bad a receipt for oyster aonp
leaving ont tbe salt -
Speaking' of lows) reminds roe of
the way t iot my money to pay for
my ticket and pay for tbtt fello 'a
eipper. let a ( How a doll i a fa it I
eould tell blin bow much water to a
oj'iart went under tbe railrml
bridge or tbe Misjissipl at Duba
ona in a year. 1 woo tbe bet, but
after all the supper was grj awful
indie. '
r. ::- Is eMobratel tit i na
1 n t' r'r Ji 1 r!
Impirtant Events l.i hi History of the
United State.
Pale of Washington's commisjon,
Juoe 19, l7?5.
Wssliington takes com unnd of the
Army July 3, 1775.
The Hiitioh evacuate Boston in
March lift.
Hultle of Long Island, Ang. $7,
H'irrooder of Durgoyno, Oot. 17,
Hsltle of White Mains, Oct. Xt.
Passuge of tbe Delaware, Do. 25,
lUttle of Drandywioo, Sept 11,
Tbe Utttle of (ermantown was
fongbt Oct. 4, 1777.
Buttle of Mou.uouth, r'ub. 28,
Naval viotofy by John P411I JoneC,
Sept. 23, 177J.
The wonderful Uiirk Day, May 19.
Capture of M tj. Audio and tre.t
son of Arnold Kept. 23, 1780,
Surreudor of Cotuwallis, Oct, 27,
Geo Washington took leave of
bin officers at New York, Pec 4,
1783 1 resigued bis commission,
Tues liy. Djo t7S I.
Jobii Aditum th'st, iritiiHter to
fi'nglind, appointed Fob. 17.).
Shay's lUibilli'io in Mass. 178G.
ulugates met May 1 1. 1787, to
form Constitution of tbe United
Sttitos. ll ia completed Sept. 17,
fortyfivd i tilegatee being preseut.l
It is ratiliud by uino States during
tbe summer of 1798,
Washington lkat elected 1'icbi.
dent iu 179.
lie waa inaugurated Thursday.
April, 3l, 178 J, at New York.
Inveutiuu of the Cotton Oiu by
Eli Whitney ut tbo boubo of Jen.
(Jreeu, iu iii. in 17'JJ.
U'liihkey liobelliou in l'eun. 1791
War with tbj Utrb.try dutea in
Livj1 between Airoo Burr nud
Alexander Hamilton, July II. ISOt.
aud l'ONultiug ia the Joatu of toe
Conspiracy aud tritl of Aaron
'imr fortroavju in 18i(i.
Fult ju's ste tuib i:tt lirst wuut up
tbo Hudsou, Aug. 4. IK 7.
A. great oartbipiako ut tbe Wot
Visit of Lafayette to the Uuite I
States iu 1SJ1.
Duel bat ween Henry Clay and
Johu lUudolpb, Saturday, April 8,
Tbe ' j reat Debate botwoen Web-
bier uud I lay ues in tho U. S. Sunulo,
Tuesday, Juii. 2d, l8:)d.
luveiiiiou of tbe Kluctrio Tele
graph by 1'iuf, Muiso iu 18J.5.
Struggle for the right of l'etitiou
iu CongteHS iu lS i(J.
ncovory of the Inhalation of
Ether ns a preventative of paiu iu
Invention of Sewing Machiuos by
Hunt betweuu 18Ji-31, aud b
Howe in 18G4.
Gold discovered at Sutter's Jill,
Cul., l eb. 2, 1848.
Two Aj-abs, eittiog down to djn
uor were ucooeted by a third, wbo
desired to join their party, Ue
suid that be had 00 provUiou of bia
own, bat that if the two would per
mit him to take an eq tal p u t witU
them, he would pay for it One of
the Arabs bad five loaves, and tbe
other bad throe. Tbe straoger,
having eateu bis third part of tbe
eight loaveH, paid eight pieoes of
money. 7uw were they divided be
tween tbe two men t
A youugster at our elbow sug
gests thai the biggest Arab took
the pile. Hut this a jIuuou w ill uot
do. It is ouithar untu u-uioal uor
Arabic, but pitrelyjouug Americau.
A eo' rcepoud ut asks ue what i
the rela'ion ol a uniformly 10 un ir
'liesry e iHee. It is a sep lather.
A iten'laiUA ''1 ' "t'ler veiiug eb.
jefvd 10 pUyii'g curds with a lady,
hecanie, b' "Sid, -lie bat hu b -amltuiya;
ibmi her.
T"-r i a denrtb o suVarf ay
iuarf ni child en in tlis uewepsper 4
Is His eiau a bo see l to inliufao
tore them dead.
A twf sukkI Iu rn "fa tfp
if sudry. .prlli Da- out tbe ig'i a f'l
" i !'" l- iea-t'ia, d-r-j.rj
Thl.iga Wort i Knowi.lg.
Frozen foeL Bathe la altttn dl-
solved id water, warra n it in by
the fire.
For a common conga, hop and
bonesut Candy drone ate excoll-
- -
Applos eafea bofjre brei fist. if
well mustioate L are aa aid tj di
gostive orgaos.
To Adam, para list wis h tne
Tothigiol anon bi e ddionnl
ants, b line is p ra.lisa . '
Pt'on 1 ll.islt mty bionrel by ap
plying pnlvuri'.e 1 lotf a iir, an 1 it
is a p tiniest re tied v.
Tuin't brou I soloi for tho shoex
ire niw iu or lur. Dry, warm f.iut
will save many a d mtor's bill.
Turclied o iru to id, boilud in ki n
milk, it g od f ir u n n ir li-trr i ni
iu obillron, or dysontery in a 1 ilts
CUt r oil ia a lubric tint for nil
kind of lunhinery. For light
hugius, wag in gro.j, ect., it otn
not bo excelled.
To woarlltnnel during the entire
hot sean it a preventive of di'tr
i bie t t by night aa well aa by day
should be adhered to.
Soap suds are a valuable fertilizer
for floftcrs, and especially for tbo
veibena. It is good for viuei.
fruit trees and currant bushes.
It'ieii'o ili'u m ty bi enrol by
btthing the atTjcte 1 ptrta iu wttor
iu whieli p itato -s n iv b ton b hU I,
as hot aa can be borne, jnst before
going to bud,
Very smill, rol antt will u t
crawl over wool c trpet or coursx
11 inuel, so a piece of either under
the safe or on the shelves, will bo a
sure porleclion fiom them.
lhe Jinfj'i.ig Bells.
Ho v m my boys an I gir's knuv
bow tho jingling bells nre inado !iH" "' "'"n ,""'rfr"Trt
o do you think the little iron ball iUl,t ' 1,1,8 li V!!t "M wor 1
lm-Ib iiihidu tb bill! It ia tor. biff .'ustlh-u there cuno a lie ivy
be nut thronuh tbo hobs in tho IveH -
and it is ibhido. How did it get
1 ;t ; 11...., .1:1 ;t
there ?
Tim little iron ball in eallel "the
Iji'glet," When yon slia'to th"
jsioigh bells it ji'tstlns. Wl on the
hoi'Ke trots tlioli'lU jingle jingle.
! jingle. In u.tlking tin) bell tlii-
jingh t is pnt inxidii a litilu ball id
mnd, jUNt the hbapo imi 1 1 of tho
bell, I'tii mu 1 ball with the jinglet
iui le ia placed iu the mold id th:
oi-.taido, aid the melted metal y
poured in, which tills up tho mol 1.
When tho mold is taken off. yon
see a fleigh bell, but it would not
ring, us it is f ill of dirt. The hot
metal dr es the dirt that tbe bad is
mad 1) of, so it can be all shaken out
of the boles iu tbe bi ll, the little
irou jinglet will s'lll be iu tbe bell.
and it will ring all right
It took a good many yours to
think out how to make a sleig h bell.
Thoy wero sitting together in the
hoi'de car. "do hate people that
are forever bilking about their neigh
bora." "So do I '' coincided ber
companiou iu the cahmera fcha vl
"There 'e Mrs. Green," coutinued
Peaked Hat, "oontiuiially a carryin'
things back aud forth. Tbiuk she'd
better look to borne. 0odnees
knows she aud ber busbnod Uvea
reg'lar catnnd-dog life." "Yea in
deed," said Cashmere, "and her
daughter Sarah ixu't balf cared for
I us telliu' Mis. Jones only yesler
day tbe way Mrs. Green neglected
that girl was a cryiu' ebme. Ob I
by tbe way, did yon hear that story
about Tilda Smith !" "No. What is
it" exclaimed Peaked Hat, turuing
balf aronnd in ber eagerness, bei
eyes sparkling in anticipation ot
tbe coming treat. But gentle rea
der, never mind wabt it was
Neither yon nor I care anything
abont it We hate tattling just a
bad aa l eaked Hat aud Canbmei
did Jhtton Tranterijit.
Tne umo wbo oma aont id-ly
to k II time should ooiiflne bimeil
Htnotly o bis own tiuitf.
A youoVter steps np to a gentle
man ia lbs prk t "Sir, wi.'l )ou
l'l a e g 1 alter my boat wbioh is g
mg to f II Into the se'siml" Pn
ido yon wish me t throw mv If Inie
be water, child I" "O i, Ye j ms
ma a id ask thai -niIeaia6 be '0 k
fo, I ai"Uh la do it.n v
Dr. niaok, a Huntingdon dentist,
left his hnc;' fw dy ago and
dl J Jaa'i 0it.
Old f oj 4li ler w it ku rvn far vi 1
wide in tie little vill teof L. a an
incurable b ta'ter. ad 1 then not
an exploit that hoi I the le-wt oil tuae
of die laying hi nsulf at tin hurj
that be would not In ing 'mth ftom
i.ud afterwards diapbty himself with
II the gutto for which the colored
race Is so well ipul to.
N' v one evening a p.trly of httf
grown boys sttrniin I the tire in the
rude littlo cabin wuere old loe lav
el alone since the 'death of Aunt
I'.tdy, hii wife, who hid died to
years before, after living for many
yuaia a toiling, cheerful life, and
tbete vero fovv wbodid not romeni"
ber the jolly fat uli iny f ic) that car
ried home and brought bac'i the
week's wash in many a family.
Often wben Joe wat ditlin; rath
er too strongly in a i:ue advuntni'e
in which he b re tho prominefiii p trt
Ju ly's warning voioe woal 1 intui
p ise.
"Now, yott Joe, dar don't yon
think do good Lord hub ears nnd
oves. ami von'd better cut downdat
or be may call you to 'count."
On her death hod Judy hal mu le
bi ni pomiso to try to reform fi'uu
his habit, aud to d liim justice Joej"' ''e miy have a -nt bicli (le
diltryfor awhile, but yeirs m I him the whip, uud ho goes for a
bedded it ton deeply for it to be uas ,lnil ur two i tlum, all of a snd Inn,
di oveic iniD, aud it waauot long bo-1 be siN down in tho road. After a
' ah bi pro ni-ei to liU ri-st h get up snd ata: t ng tin. but
good 'M wife, nnd I nui afraid
boas' o I worse than ever.
T .-niilit ho was in hia irlorv. tell-
ing bow bo 'iitd played a prominent York who m tko a biisiiieas of sell
part in a night's a Iventuro where i ing such hories Aftnr tbu sale
ghosts figured quito extensively, they have their agents slyly follow
One miscbieveoiM youngster said. the buyer an 1. w'nii tlin li nl
" loo, if Judy would come back
ehe would say lb it you wore tolliug
' Now, mars T iank, dis darkey
ncber tol a truer story, nnd if Ju l
t'xiU on toe door, nud a shrill voice
called out, "J ie, Joe, reul"uib
your promise.
There was silence in the room for
a fov inin itea, whil 1 .) i..h eyes fair-
ty nilli.1 i:i t'aeir soctets.
tn. I'irdv, who can it bo V be
xdaiui 'd, while tbe s weat poured
down bia faco.
Then the latch waa lifted and a
llgnrti which was robed in while and
looueii tearniiiy largo 111 1110 iiiui
lire li'iit i-t ioil iu tun d.ior May uud
poinlid louaiils Joe's cowering
lorm. The face '"0 conceale I b
bands of tvbitn, tliongh eiiou rli waa
disclosed to show tbn black skin an I
heavy lip of a darkey.
SI iwly a Ivuin'e I until it aim ht
touched Joe's sbriukiug form.
With a but 11 1 Joo xpraug to bia feet
and 111 iving btnk'Varl, wit 1 ey"
that seemed ready to priu from
their sockets, be reached a c nuer
of the r uw, aud sinking 00 bis
knees ne ciied out.
"Ob, Judy, if . vou forgib dis dar
key dis timo i ll promise dat 'II
nuber, Leber, speak auvthing but de
I re f from dis time fomrd.
"Hold np your band, Joe," said
the spiri , "and proiuiao tb tt when
fiber yo 1 feel like de ole habit ia on
you you will say ''so bdp tin Lor I."
Joe did us be was told and when
he bad done, tbu spirit bhok its
linger soleiuiily ut buu sn l hloaly
letreuted towards tbe Tllen-
t 1 11 tned aud said,
"I shall Cnuio Imck to hautit Ji ll
f you bmak tbe solemn promise yon
hab made "
Then it vnuisbed
Tbe b ye b I all mu off. appi
rentlv aa much liighteued da uM
loe, but a smothered lioit-e that
sonuded very m ich like laughter
might have been heard not far fr u
the boose when the spirit after d-
veiling itself of sheet, padding
bandages and false faces dinolosed
the merry rollioking face of Tom
Brown, nue of tbe vill tge wags.
From that time Joe's exploits wer.
uot eo plenty, and if tl ol I habi'
rn ped out as i' would s nu-'tiaui-
e bony visage would take tin ssh
fie. and with a (lightened look h
onld exclaim, ''Dat waa a slip
Jnlv pon ray wild it wa, so he'i
me Lrrd," and reu n bU a ory
Ota naiiti aid" and with 10
ppoaranoe of relief.
"We wish, ssvs a Tt-xss n wspe.
per. "that a few of onr cit liens
onlj b peraifttetl to live till they
dlad a r-''l isath. in as It show
tricks of Jockeys.
A wViler or llatptr't HV:(7.y has
b;tnn having w talk witli Mr Itisliop.
j well lc i i v t n u-j in New
V rV oitir. ail tn fdli.vii is
put of ,v tit the l.tiloi t l I ,ii u :
' I rictu f" l' torn ii.,'t a iv e i 1 if
' n. If v 1 1 vt it t b tv i t -...
d 'n't b-'lievti your own brother
IVke no man's word for it. Your
eye is your mniket. IV.n't buy h
h.irso in harness, L'nhileh him rnd
l.i e every lliiti olT but tho h'tlter.
iu I Idt I 'ii n t - t in I. If ll ) b i4 i
i n or U ntiir. or h is nuy other fail
ing yiu ran see it. Let him go In
In ih i.I a lit 1 1 v tyi an I if no -i iv a
rilit into anytniug y n nny kiviw
tie's H'.inu bliu I. N tuit'er In
clear aud bright his eyes are, hi
can't tie any moro tbad A bat.
I'ack him up. too. Soiuo Lorse
sliow their we ikiies or tricks that
way when they dou't in any 4(her.
'Uiit bo aa Hiuart its yon can, and
you'll get caught Hotuctiuies. Fveii
an expert gela struck
A li iis j hi y
go it mile a
l1,k 'v"r " 'i"e, and
minute, and yet have fits, lor in
Htitucii. Thero iiu't a live ot to
c mid tell it till so'iiMIti ig lupjieu.
be hoou sits down for good, and
In ithiu ( but i djnio'i c i ii l mm I
''" l'li"i-e are h i ir.iar-i in N" -nv
bieakd mo comes, thev step up, nnd.
after exprossing their symti ithy for
him, buy ib horso buck agiin for
a mere song, only to cell him ngaiu
at ll faucv figure to tlio next green-
jhoru who may 0111110 along. Kvmi a
horso with tbo ho tvea m tv bo doe-
tore 1 up so you cant tell himj
I he.v feed bim i-u wet grain
for a
while, nud then, when tbu show off,
j liive bin s s-nirtly that you ctu'i
jseij thorn's anything r in .
j yon know wh it a lu nmy is 1
j mi l .11 1 r ueii. iiiteiiyoii. ties;
a ImrsH that don't know anything. ;
1 1 is brain has gone wrong. A dark j
: ntall iin.1 over feeding liavo mined
bis digestion, uti I lb it has utl'erted
ln brain. Prite him out a ways, 1
niei pretty soon ue wm jei k his ueui
uroiiud and pull li,'ht stiai.'lit on
i one hue. You i-in't hoi I hi u ; it's
do use to try. The first you know
be has dumped you in a ditch or
HiuiiJ-b d you np against a lamp post.
I'm bim in n stable, uud he'd back
np till be breaks every halter you
'put on bim.
Stretch a r pe across
the cud af tbn stall s i bu cin,t back
out an I lie II ch u't u,i tU j wad.
'Ml tvba y M d 1 i'i bdlievj it, but
it's so. 1 have seen one go clear
llliHtuil'S I and OliCO I saw OIIH il Ollt
' .
01 11 hoc. in 1 siny win 1 j.v, an 1 an
other alk oil' a dook iuto tbe river
Wit eh biiu ivIimii hu'rf Pitin.f nnd:
unit 11 iiiui lien uus e.iuu0, ana 1
v.iu'll oflHti khm Imn to s!e. n with
-- -0
tbe U'ed in Ii 1 3 mouth. He isxiesu I
know h'i'a juH a fo d. I b night
o 1 e 1 1 tlit e idicts wlnti I nns just
a beginuer In thu luuiu 'Hs ;Ie
broke everythiUJ Hi the etabl uud'aaai ir.. 10 .11 h umi n ii, r,-i .. n 1 .11
rwilun lor mskln ih. annul rrmlf i.y abli-b
then went up t'le wall like a lunatic ii.a..cur.,i, sU'i.rr ium n com i,
Afterward otio of tbo b'vs that
kii-oouied bim fur the man I brougiit
bun of admitted that lhe animal was
'jn-l a 1-e-e-tlo bit dumb,' 1 Can
ii-ll one u iw the mmnto sea him
lie steps unc nuiiiduly high, In
iui't-t Cases be you seo a horse do
that, tie sure he Is a dummy.
"W hat d 1 we do with the horses we
get stuck on f" send th tu to the
and ion, bere buyers take all tbe
risks. No reputable dealer evr
noIU a bad oue in any other way. It
doexu'l piy lodo it,
I oonld talk all day about these
thinuH, only your paper is full no,
,neSH, and I'll stop. Hut dou't you
ever buy a horse, young man. uuless
yu know ho ti do it."
Ouu of the ino-t provoking epi
Mies is for a mail to meet a lady,
aud iu eudeavorii g to raisa I is s. ft
list by the ciowu I 01 ho baa ou bis
Heiby, and law a I 0 er the t p of
it be,'oi ncalliiiit tbe change id
uead gear, In tbe mean time the
young 1 toy gbdea by, wouderiog
wbat the mischief ie tbe matter and
if be ia Kmiug wbat little wiud be
once possessed.
V.'by ia aa tlephant like a w"""t t
" " ""-f' f-t"" -
'I'll 12 l'ON'k.
Puhllnhed every Thuradav Evening
Tcrtns of Subscnption,
sdle vithin six mmitlis. or $2.',0ifnnt
paid within the year. No nsper dis
continued until all srroaraes are
fi.iid unlees at the option of the pub
Isher Subscriptions outside of the county
rersons lilliiiff snd sin papers
addressed '.o oilers I'cei'tiieliiil'K riders
and are liable fortbe price rtrthehnpr-r
Battlo Creek. Mlohlsan.
Traction nnd Plain Engine
and Horee-Powere.
lCmiM.TIimhv rMUfy I tstabllshai
tntkvW.rU. I B4S
VIA DO tmnnnwom ewxf twiful
I fcHHw Me, HlMnt rhftlttret vi
ituitMnniwtit, ur N'sinm.iv-'H'iii
-Mast stssffTtiiA; firm sm aA emr g iste.
tret til li.
C omplrie Ntrttm Out flt i''iui.ifiiin
Trvctloo l.neTtBr-ati.1 PleftJallknaislM
rr mrn tn ib Aim rnui tuetrkreL
ftT 1l.tiVf)tli T V ih t'frtlir vjs'ifi's in ewnssrvw.
iim ! matrtinh n- drHnM H ItyoUVT tUKkerev
Four trlzrsi ,.f m rUim, fnm O Iu IU ltr
Css"ai'ltv, ' 'rrm t A" ('".
1'w.isiyWof ' M..nnl ,l'' ll raMVnni.
700 fsO A Prrciee l.amttr
fJUU.UUU (,,i;,refir..rwr
eTitmtlv vn hvil, fr.m t.ti-h 1 tmlit tii lu
ouuinrmble wiaixiii;rk of our mewiiimiry
Pnrmers una Thrp.herinen r InritM to
Hi,.-!...!- iln. wuai.u i hnxaii lUctuncrr.
Cuvuin 'ia r-& A l lrv.
Battlo Creek, Mlohlsan,
A full liuo of I'RI'GS aud
mWl Fi.
Men's nnd Youth's
$1 Jit) to jflS.OO.
Undcj d. 'wing, suits,
to ei.75.
Paper Col'nis 15 aud lfi cl
u Hox.
A hit ue stock of (iF.'JTS
low-i.i t'AH
Cill und cxniiiiiie our Htecl-
aud prices before purcl.Bfiii
Ilespect fully,
Nor. 2i,'M.!m
Risley'3 Witch Hazel.
t'lirr. H.k.taeli.. liurn.. Sprain. Cull,
Wuun.lM, H't.ullir. I'm. lo fhft'-b.,,
tr . r'r I ..j iul in Uu ll tu DV
U.. I.. HI b -ll 111. el,
et. liutit. :!, riot 11 iit
Hut your 'nivulai or ter llli h 11
Oo'll el I IIUII.IS t. lilM.U a
nt In
hnlri.t. Iiu,,(ti, 1 1 Cgrtiiinat Sir. t. V.
lurtLiir. jo, iu, .am.
Wlfk K,.,T , u.. ,iui.t. Uiin.a..
..A M- b HHN.J N....U sirwi,
I m. i ur. ,
Errors of Youth.
AH K.N I I.I H wh l alt-rik ( .r T.r. Irnra
..r,nu IlKHII.irV, I'M Ml A IT UK UK
( AV n l .11 II,. iflrfli ol ti.lhlul luill-r.-II,
. K. III lor Ilia ak. l lU'.r:.. human, l
' ' pr. i j hin h. o-
UfcM, ii CJar M.. N 0'U.
J0. r, 'all!
I will mttl ( r) th r. ip -if tirft
VfitaT Mai m tLt l t r t Y N,
KKKi. Klr.i, I'lMHi.r.S wi.ii IV Nt ,
l ftvinn tho vkin li, eiir nt (.ut.iu ; mi
lnt ruiUlun fur t t.viuoif lumnnt tA.wt
f htr in tteill hoa l ur mmioit. Ur J.
ilr-!, iDtt'o-inn a. tiup. HhN. AM ur
CO.,) UeVklUkU M . N. V.
Th avrttar. bti, ha. iinnrally
our. ri II..I ar.i t .luwa... t'u.ffu u aiu. iv
,liail. r.inrl'. la ml u M ui .1, kii t
ta I.II..V .M..rr Ilia iil.,. ul Cir. T, all
Ito arlr. It. t. wt I ..t I C :-f el Ilia rr.
-rlell ul. i lra ul Nra ) llb lh. l,r.--ttun.
Ir '.ri anl S-ln l( a'U.. art,,
Hi. y sill a -a at si: vmt lot Cvaai srrwN,
A.THKA lis itHITIa,
H.rllra viaiil.n lb. I .aarlulton, will rl' ... U.T, K. A. WILSON, IM I'.U SU,
Wllli.uO'Uril, S.I.
acuNsanuvcBNTUER vo.,ri
Kccly tfc Yrngiic.r'
liiimber Ileiur9
aor, Boor Ksxr. Wledewi, Skalter
window Bexrs, VUuits, Sash, titalr
ruins. NnJ Kalllspi. Uracil,
eu. Mosldlui. lleertBK. .
fihluftlee. Lata, 4.O., Uo.
0r4rs sslislttii s4 1114 ltl rsip
Ml sail dipstk. rWsss Mil ssal SISSX
iar tda afra aresis Ua
'tcT ' ' rt r' e trc-faa.