The P os t Uiddleburg, Feb.24, 18ai. J. CROUSE, Editor & Propretor. Commissioner Bentley. The aabjaot of this paragraph has been the target at wliich the Fention Bharki, hanging about tba Capital hata fired their anathemas and bil lingsgata for tba past two year, with about aa much annoyance to hlra aa Baa Ilatler'e 6j anoojeJ tbat peregrinating atateain to. Anl oo eaaionallr from within tba walla of tba nation' capitol a catvllinj, whote Toloe ia bailee from too tnnoh of tba "Bonny Jlluo Flag" wnoae bands ara discolored of tbo lata no pleasantness, and, who oar riea about Lim considerable of tba odor of tbat thing which Andrew Johnson said "onght to be made odious, " is beard clamoring against one of tba most iudustrioat, most untiring, 'energetics, faithful and ef ficient oUoials at Washington, Bentley le at the boa J of the most intricate, complicated, voluminous department of the Government t and be baa discharged its onerous duties with remarkable efficiency, alacrity and fidelity. Anathema and Lillings gate prove Botutog. If be baa beou guilty of official misconduct there are no dif- fioultiea in tbo w iy of a fair and itn. partial investigation. Bat tui ia not pretended. The cauie of all this cla 'nor about Bontley comes from the hark whom he will not permit to rob the mon who sacrillced home-conifort left their wives and children and offered their liej a p on the alUr of their ojitotry. edo not know Commissioner Bentloy, poraonally, but for two yeare past almost every daily mail baa brought to our tibia the filthy trash of tbo thurkt, and wa turned oar attention to fair inquiry into hie official maoagtueut from the mesne - at our command, and by correspond' enoe with fair-minded ropreseuta tives, tbua enabling as to form and ezpreaa a right judgment in the promisee i and our judgment, thus fortified, freo from Lias is. that Bentley is efficient and honest, and that it would be a policy not to retain him if he will oonsent to remain in the position be now occu pies. Stbanoi Sight. At Denver, Col., on Monday bight thousands of peo ple were on the street watching omovery unusual phenomena iu connection with the moon, Wben tbo moon rose there were streaks of light reflected from ita dilToreut aidea. In a abort time these streaks disappeared, wben four beautiful lunar dogs, followed by four lunar bo wa apparel, the latter on a line with the dogs. Later thab wsbe Came aimply a halo, with the moon and the dogs situate 1 nearly equal distances apart on the circle. The Lalo soon contracted, becoming close to the moon and leaving 'be dogsoutaidd t'n circle. Abo it 10 o'olok the bdi disappeared, the dogs sooa following. The wautuer ia intensely cold. Tbe suicides iu New York cit' last year were one bundled and hi- ty-two oo hundred and twenty one males and tbirty-oue female ; aeventyfour married, tbirtyfoiu f!ol and tclve widows I i Gor-ttS'-d -uty-four, United .States tbir-tj-fiv Ireland tweoty, Franco sev en, IVh .1, Sootla'id and Italy thru each ; dji aua of self destructioa ahootiug thirty nioe, drowning teotyeighL cutting twenty, leaps nine, gas two, poiam forty Paris green waa tba favorite , poiior, and opium next. Tba Ch eapo Tribune saya that "a coi ner in tba prorfaiou market is in progreas which dwarfs any pre vioas manipulation, aveq tba great one of last year. Within a week there have been purchased 25,000, 000 pounds of sbortriba, 21,000 barrels of pork and 10,003 tiaroee i f lard. "Tba parliea interested ara tnaiolytha onaa who .ran tba suo- eea Jul deal a year ago, ' and it if their intention topat prices far bore the present prevaililg rater" Venoor, tbe weather prophet, i daaeribed aa "a red-beaded man of IV" -t 85 yesr weather-boatan f " who baa baas irreyiog and f ' Mi Cr-J t!2?i,ir;5." " ' !hr-rt. ....Wolvea infest Spring mouj tain near iiszlotoo, .... Fhiladelphia conanmes 1,000, 000 tone of ico annually. ....A man In Reading wears I bat made from the hair of a dog. . ...Smallpoi is becoming dan- gerously promiuent in Columbia county. , . . . Large nambora of sheep have been frozen to death in the north ern coouties, ....The Baldwin locomotive worka have just increase! the nuin ber of employes te 2.700, ...."James P. Zuston, of Wash mgion county, nae a lull growo chicken without winge. ... .Hundreds of bushels of com lies nnhusked under thj enow in Franklin county QelJs. ...A catamount weighing thirty ponnds was killed a few days ago in Cambria oouoty. . .Kmrna Gordon, of I'ittBbnrg, took laudanum recently to relieve pain and died from IbetfTevtn, ....A man in Delaware county owns a dog twenty-four years old and a horse ten ye in ot I jr. . ...William Long, of Dauphin county, slaughtered a steer recent ly that weighed 1,9 Jo p un U. . . . .The nail worka at Bri 1 n'loro last month manufactured 20,237 kegs of the "Anchor" brand of nails. Seven cowa were killed bv a train on the Perkiomen railroad near Mcfceuu's atution ago. ....Benjamin Seidel, of Slioe mnlieraville, bureted ao artery while coughing and died ulmoat instantly, . . . .Sumo of the rouds in KIk and Potter couutiea have been iinpinsi ble from the enow for three mouths. . . . .Ou Wedueaditc Nat two da Do ing waatera in Pbilu lylphia. waltzed for histecn consecutive hours on a wagt-r. ... .Over 3 000 cars of liraeetono were shipped from Loganaport. Armstrong onnty, lint year, the freight on which was 8 19.821. ....Joseph Herman fell dead in Lancaster on Suturday of excitement induced by witnetaiog au encounter in which pietole were drawn but cot used. . . . . F. B. CVed of Ftoneliabtirg. lies in hi poasenaion a eloelc enli- tnated to be two hunilrod rears ol 1. It keeps (rood time and aeldoin geta out of repair. . ,. .One thotiRiind cars ara beincf made at the Harriabufg shops for the New York Central raMroa l, an 1 f.500 more are to be built aa soon a those are (minimi. ,., Fully one fourth of the pri- aVtners in the Rantern nenitenliiirv are euCVring from pnlraonnry con sumption, canaed by the dntnpoeaa and ill ventilation of their colla. On Friday lat during a qnnr- rel between two pages of tho loc;m. lut lire at Anrrishur, the una stub bed tho other with an al in the leg. Tho awl h i I to be remored by a phyaicinn, . . . . There ia in Juniata county nn orchard cnntiining 15.00!) poach trees, 13,0'JO fjuincu traea and 0,003 Sibnriun crab treea. It was plant e l in 1875 by Mr. U. Bradford, of Connecticut. .. .A roan employed on a mill in Clearfiold county foil from a trestle and broke bis neck, but the rpinal cord was not broken, and tlie phy aiejans are usiog n regular block ud te';!a to It p his bead in I position for tl ' o irpoao of iaviu? his life. ....Tr- i.ehigh car, whcol and axle wjrke, at Fullerton, have secur ed contracts to build 1,000 coal cars for the Lohigh Valley r tilroa 1, 310 gondolita for the New York, Penn sylvania and Ohio company, nod 2'0 box cars for the Commercial Kxpress company ....Thomas Loorais, living near Coateaville, was ont uleighing on Sutard ly night, whon the horae got tbe better of his driver aud ran away. Loom is jumped ont, aud the horse, a fine llamblelonian colt, ran into tbe Pecneylvania railroad bridge and full between tbe aleepera, and waa cut literally in two by a train, which came along a minute or two later. . . . .Puch exhibitions a that made in Chicago a few days ago, when a number of women hal a regular battle in a court room, will impress the ateruer aex with tbe idea tbat tba weaker veaaela are rapidly quali fying themselves for political du ties. , . . ...Vennor ahoold arrange to give na good weather on inangnra- lion day, if h wishes to make him self popnlar in the United gtater . ...Calhws lathe oaxecf a rr-r - f-. .... . . W. H. Lewistown, Miflin Furituro of 12ver.y Itlind, I'trrlor, Chamber, jniiiiMsr Jfoim, Hull, mill Kitchen, to milt I ho mentis ofevory pernon. Fainted Chamber fuits, from n . $25 to $55, I'urlor Stiita, from . $io npi all walnut, covered in Haircloth. Reps, Raw 8ilk,and Plushes, of' ii. . i any color. ainn. i imrouer a a its, with .Marble Loiraui noui . . . Hitof.VI. Bureaus, Stand. Lounges, Chairs, Mnttreas of all kind. Tbo wou detiul Woven Wire MattMns or Spring Bottom the beat roadn. All Kotida kpl. in Moctr and on hand, f,ir ... I .1 niutl PRICES, that will convince all. tbat you can save money by buying where you get the bent, and ahvave gai what you bur. O.iod packed ant deliv ere.l, with that bent of care, to It. It. depot. Call and see tho the immt-noe "onoie loeuow Koo,Ia 1 rices, and to please all. Orders by at all timos. Yours Respectfully, Jau. 27, 1831. Fernando Wood Dead, The Hon. Fernando Wood, mem ber of Coiigrwm from York, died atllotpiioga, Aikunitus, on Mtiudny morning. Mr. Woo I waa boru of Quaker pareutnge in tho city of Philadelphia, June I t, 1412, but with bin father lomoved to New I Voik in 1820. where he ha. since re- a fow duys:,'t'uJ In hie youth Le was a cigar- maker, but uhiD 19 jturs of age en tered in the shipping business, iu which he was tbtiicly successful, re til ing with au ample foi tune iu 1850. He was three times ulcctod mayor of New i'ork. Horvin ( iu thatolUoe dur ing the yonra 1 855-50-57-G1 aod 62. He waa elected to Congress iu 1S10 aud took his mat iu 1811. He serv ed iu the 27lh. 38tb. 40th, 4let, 43d, 4lh, 4.ib, oiul in the pi incut 4(ith CongitHK, niiil was leeioutud to tho 47(h. At the bit nkiugout of the ro tielliou heeidud with the South, uud after boHtilitius had beg.m waa cumplicalod in au attempt tj ehip at iuh from tbe city of .Vv York to soue point iu the South. Ho I e iiiigrd to the Tatntuatiy wing of tho OemoerHcy, aud w,ts a ukillfiil and able puliticiun. lie was a uicubr of the preeent Cougrei, uud wna chairman of tie Committee nn Ways aud Mnaiis. IIj w tho f ith. tr of what i knywn ua tho Wool laiilT bill. Tuo Ltat eOTirt of Lit lif, iu Cuiigreaa wa to eecure the panai age of th fuudiug bill. A fmv weeki ago he left Washington fjr Hot spriiig-, .Irk., to try thn vittuoa of tho waters nn Lis etifi-ebled befiuli Ou Sutmday his aihrn n. toi.k u Herions t.inr and reau ted iu bin i death. Ho waa a Duniucrat of tuo Old K'llOl l F. A. M'Clitiu, tin o upljyea of Huberts' tipndo comp.toy, at Brad ford, IV, was driving ulong the highway ou .Mond ty moruing in a fltih cootuiuing two hundred pounds of nilioglyceriiu, whon the buries bccauio fritrliteuu 1 an, i,m nguiiibt a bouldud, causing au explo. ion. d'Claiu was torn to atoms both horaea were killed. There waa not a trace of the elcigh left. The young man's parents ure eaid to le. sidu at Heaver Fulla, Pa, 1'Leie ure sixteen caeo of small pox in i'alleope, a little villngo in Sioux county, Iowa. liufus Stono, publisher of the Eioux county Jiuh- pendent, died laat .Saturduy of stttull. pox and lemaina nnburied, the fear of contagion being so great that no onu fl.n Iia noivoil...! I .-..ww. iu i'iiij him, V... I u. U11 uuou oUciod for liursis in vuin. l'ha liursis in vuin. (npply of fuel aud provisions baa giveu out Labi Suturday evening three yonui,' tneu were locked in the dome of the Capital, ut llarriaburg, while they were viewing the latuhcapo therefrom. O .e of them climbed down over the icuf to the liberay, and thence by a soulTold in the rear of the jhho, after wbioh be liberat ed hie compuiiious. IN id, in jail at Brockville. Canada, for cou tempt of court, fell into a prolonged sleep, fioru wLub he Drver aole. Iia Hlebt etiyjtv fonr lmnra hia nnl I... ..(;.. ..I . ii- i .V. boatiu legulai ly, and his breathing coolioniug aa at first. Small pox has beoo na eplJemio at C'tba, III, aod oilizens ara leav ing that region. On aououat of a case in the conveot at 8 treat or, 111,, the city authoritea forbade tervioee in tba adjoiuing ehurub, Antwer This. . Did you ever know any peraon to be ill, without inaction of the atoinanli, liver or kiuneya, or did you ever know one who waa well when el! her w uh at rtiotvd or I ' v;r I i t y FELIX'S county, Penn'a, Tops, from $4! to $125 OUK MOI'TOs Good noda. Uw mail will roceive prompt attention "V. II. F'KIL.IX. COURT PROCLAMATION. Wbereae tlie linn. J. C. Uticher dent Judge of the Judicial litnlrtx compoaed of (be onutitira of Snyder, Union nil Mifflin anil It intra O'Nell and ftm'!. II Vcifr Esq. AnaooUt Jn.l(tps In ami for 8nylnr oouniy bavt lmiil I heir preocpl bititrinK, dm lh Vl'h ilr of I'm. A. D. 1HSO, to me dirrotej fur Die holding of an Orpuaoa' court, a court of Common t'leaa, court of Ojror nj Tor- niiurrnnil ucneral court of Quarter Pet- :r:.:r V.V.V " l"a!te.''r .Vh! nK iua inin uav or Tdb. ISA.) and ontuinuc one week. Nolit t ia therefore hrrehy en to the Cormier. JiiKticea of the l'cnae ami I ooaia blea in and for tbe county of rfndar, to ap pear iu their proper prrnon ariib tbeirrolla recorua, luiiiiiKiiiona, ranuiinaiiona and otbor reiuemhraucea to do lus tbiiiita which of their ollioea and In Ihnir brhall pertain to liedoua and wilneaae on I per aona prorecmiug in behalf of I lie Common wenlih ngainut any peraon or pereona are required to he then aud thare attending and not dvpnrting 11 hunt leata at their peril. Justices ara rrquextad In be punoi unl in thvir atfo'idanra at tbe appoiuiad t lino grceMy to notice. Oiea under my bnud anl aent at the SheriU'e ulhce ia Middiehurn, Ihe'.'Oib J i tf .Inn. X D one thousand eight bundled I bd righ'y-one. U.lMtL MJU.Sin-lt. 8in iff. 1HUSTEE ACC0UM rpTTE ncciuot of Thilip Hilbish, a Tru.tra hi Ilr. II. I. II ntpii.totn baa lin lllrd In thu iilU'-c hi ll.e Prut i:i itary In .ml Iff tin. county ol tii'H'-i a'l l:i naiua will t-i-ii-Itrit.w.l l-jf .the t'.'iirl at rnru oy lunu ui1mi tauaa bu abowu t .Utf couutmry. .i.t'r.'iit.'!r:, J.u.r, l?)l. I r.rii n.ouif . F.xeculort f-a'a of Valuatlo Real Estate. TPiie uixl.'r-igned harciitur of II. a Hat J. V : i uU'l Trainmen I if Mi-mio Ki !t t-r roi'-.- l. I.y iriuetif an'r 1-nn. U mil T i lit- Oi,lin-' tiourt of nij J -r t'u. . will u f jt lu 'ui-iiu dule, tu lu prsibiara, n Suturday, Fib. 20lb. 1SS1, the fiili.itig ieai;i'ilir I Ildl Kxt tie, til lime In I I i. li Hv... hi.j (l.i c. i.niy, , hI" in a in i lea Irom Pull Trririuu, eon. milling J 2 Acres, more or 1a( n r!tnirid nn'r ?'ol fnoe au l in n high aiiiln ct I'liii.tttiiin, Imun I ilvd NVrili hy Inn U of )aid airl J;ii,ili ahiilly, Weat t y landa of llavid a holly, t'ili.1 ty hinda nf .larnh alinitT-f Hnt aoilllt l liimla of mi. Iii I lliuhaki-r, nbereou arc tittuJ n g o) J.timy D. veiling .'oiisil, lHItN, an I n'her nn:lniit li.ia..-a never linliu weil of wkr t the duur. An Orchard nf . arlaclrd fruil trnea in haarlnt. Thia ia a deairiihl I'l-oprty I io ilpil hi a ft-nilo rr(ion-c.ineiiieul In M:irkw, euhol and Chnrclica, aala lo eomnrno at In o'nlick a.m. of hi Id ilny when dnii aiicndmja will be (lirto and tnrma ol a ila nn I- knnavn hy AllltAuAa llltUilAKKII, Feb. lei, I8M. KSU Ul'.ilt. AUDITORS NaTlCE. Ia lliffhtatt fJ.troh Krtbbt teo'ii. I t orj.hnvt Gittrt of Sittihr TIIK undersigned Auditor 'appoint ad liy tLa aaid (Vinri t,i rllaiv fur.. run i. lrMffiSTtX Pr.o,i.fl1..,,IH,lni..iM.tat iiiaii,Vaol Alia- mail a nau in iiio iMrouitb of Mnllna (IroTa ' trU Huh. Innl at In o'ni -li A.M.. at tt KB tlluainl f ttlt a II rr.l liB Una elaiiiia ate rutitilrit topniaeni tbuiu ilniy aintwiiilouta.t or ho tiapakacrail Jrniu cutaluu n. ou aaid una. O. 8. Helnafiir-I laaSOIrai Auditor Asptlqrneo Accounts. NOTH.'B-ia hereby riven that Ihe fol. Inwina Aaelgneea Aocounia hata been filed in lue othce of 'he prolhonolary of lha Court of O. P. of Snyder county and will be p'reacntett to the neit court for eon firm at ion, and unleaa ritlKoitnt cauae ha ahnwa !) lbs contrary the aaina will ha eiHifiriued v ' Account ol H. E. Millar Aaalnee Sorter Co. Bauk. Aeconat nf Henry Kronta, aa.liruaa of Abra. bam aud Dlaua Krouaa, hi- wt'r. t. tuiuUHK, proth'r. Prothy'i Offlea, Jn., 'at. UTOTIOR of Wi.lnwa Appraisement 'uniler the S-'JOO Law. .Noiies la hereby rlfen tbat the following widow ' appraiaenieula bate baea fllad with lha Clerk of IbtOrphana' Court f8nyderfn. f, eonBr.natloii ou Monday, tbas.l, Jay of Pab. next. Apitralaamant nf Anna Raydar Iflow oft Apiiraiaamant nf lyialaa Wanrlok widow of l".ia I. aurira, nao'a. Ai.raliiiani ofHIblla lflnlle m WI4n of aauiuni R. Uatuialaiiian ln'a. eb.t7.iaii. att. AUEWTS wanted ran Glimpses Of Th comno WORLD ! Il la aa aibanatlaaa aalna of Ohrtatlan Truth! aa a' .f J ol ua waapnaa il Ua a ia lhir (or puiiiaaavaavi ana etraaeno'qe or e Maentlal.ia. 'I -a aaLir auaidif ara a.k I at I a 11. DILU ' attOrney at-law, Lrwitburg, Penn'a. All fcatnrae enlrmiad to kls ears will b promptly alleodad to, '' Sept, 80, 188o. ' jr TiTinrmciL " ' ' 'aTTORX Elf -A r.Liw, Mark ft SI., Srlingrov, Pa. All rofeiloal l uao pronptty attended w. uvhiiwuuh in B.MHUa aua ttruiin .l. IS.'0. I. B. WUNDEHLY, ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Miilillthurif, Snytlff O , I'u Cin txnornalt'd la Knll-b ortUran. Sa-froiMutaa auioia lur ltoil"u, Jan. I.i,'tw, Attorney At- Law, .tlltt.lHbiire;, Pnna. All p'ifilml an.ine.4 aitr.Mtad to kla c.r mil roraive ininit (tttentino. CuBiuiutlotii In Kallih uil Oirnia. xt. Ii), TS. IACOB CHLUEKT. Attorney- A tLaw, MtUULKIIUKU, 1A. Atllini M Bir.tU tobla aarawltl recalre rouit alUnllua. Juif u,'7b. 1. E. BOWEI1. AlIOflNEY-AT-LAW, Mithlhhnrtf, Pa. (UrSea la oOloa of J. P. Urooialiler, Kt.) Cnl'ei-ttoni made. l'ontal(atlt In Rnetlub and Merman. Juue 13, 'la.if. L. SCHUCll, . ATTOENEY-AT-LAV, Arm Heriin, Union Co. Pa. Pmrrlalaual tmdnna entrualat "o hla .r will reaaiva iromp( atlantlou. June to,;a. c 1IIA3 P ULRICH, Attjrney & Oonnsellor-At-Law, f)(Boa lo A)ii' lluildlna one doot NortB ol KavatuN Hutul KpIIiihiii-v'. I'eun'll. Ilnltentlnna ant all oilier proir aalonal liul nan la .olli'lle.l and will recal.a raraltil and pruinit aiianil m. Air.ll,'I( T P. CROXMILLEU, t'a ATTORNEir AT LAW, MilUinhurjr, Pu , (lllerahla prnloaalona aervtrea tolhrpuh lie. Collecilnna and all other prnlraalonnl huaineaa eniruaied to liie enre wilt receiye prompt allcntioo. f.lan 8, 'liiif rp J. SMITH. L ATTOHXrr AT LAW. Mllitil.lMlUIUr. MN Yf.UK Ou., pa orart Ilia IToTo-rlnnal Service, to tba tiabll Oontultatlnoa la Kuullrh and Uarman. V. J. It. KELLER, ATTCMXF.Y.A TLA IP M'tfl'tnbnrij, I'nion (.'ounfi. Pa All hii-lnpaa ntrn-ted to tila car will wall an'l Inltlilnlly atienilnl to. Win lie at I'm -e'rral cm la o SnTiUr and a.l.niiiiiv aini.aa. (inn li eunaulied In lli Kimhi.'i nt iKtumu Innitnak.' Oct.. '7.111 p.lAULKH HOWlill, AlTiSKV A r LAW, Si'li'iMgrviTc, Pu. ) Wa hia prnfoaalonaUoi-yioaii in the jmh Im CiilU.-iiona aud all otl'or firiitt-xainnn o uinaaa eniruaiud lo hia cure w ill i, ifiu pro iii allnoilun. OIlioi-I wn il ini uuili of the Nurnial ioiionl. f.l.i n 6, 'ti J. M.LINN, attounki at lw, i,;', ra Offeia Uia profoaiounl aprrice In Hi piiMio. Oollei-iioua and nil oiln-r pro.. feKpionnl huaineaa anlrualrdtu hi ar will rcceivi'proiiiplaiiuiu inn. Papt. AX HiO. , w. pjrr;5;t, L .1 '7 o n .v;-: vs a t l a t. 6olto8;;roro, fa-, (HfiT their prnlVaaional aervicea In Hi, i,ililio. All I'U il huliieaarulrnKie'l to l.a-it our will raoeive tronii atliiutiun. Ulliur i hia home ot '! na direct. July, -till 'Ti. lAUDBL ALIKK1H. BOKAC Al.i.KMA 3. ALLSHAIT tSs SOU. a t roiese ys a t l a w. HolIllMK-t'O Va J'jl. All profraahinal bualiicxa nud at!leliiii eniruaied lo t hell- lure will he prompt1) .liienedlo. Can bl oonaiilled ia Unlirh or Ourumu. Odiua, Mitrke. t) iiarr. II. II. Giiniin. Win. H. Dill ClItlMM&DITLa. Attorneys & Councellors A T'ltA It', OJlce Near the Ptrnt OHloo. I'riM'Utua', I'eun'ti. CiinHiillaliou lo bulb Kugliah and Oerman Laugunuea. Ieo.l 7'if. jbllX II. AltXOLDj Attorney n t I jtiw, MlUULtHUIKl, i Profoealnnal bnatoeaa enlruated lo hla care w;:: be promptly aliunde! lo. frVb T THOMPSON BAKER, " a Attorney-at-Tjaw, Lewlahurg, Union Co., Ta IW"0an be oonaulted ia tba Kucllah an Oa ma i langugi.-k.feii Ol JlUB Market Hlraat, eppoallc Walla SmiiU Uo'a fllora 8 4t)y WM. VAN GKZKR, ATTOKNEY AT LAW, Lowiaburg Tti. Ilfora bla prnfeaalonal aervtoa to ta pub lic Cotlvolione and all other riofeaainn al bualneaa eotruated lo bis eara will re' eaivt prompt attention. 3 T. PARKS, ATTORNttY AT LAW. 8BLIS8(JI10VK, UNVUBa COUNT?. Pa IS. pi. 16, 'U7tl A O. SIMPSON, CV. ATTOUNBT AT LAW, Selinarove, Pa. ' Jlfera bia profeaalonal aarricea la tba nub lo. All buaioaaa amruaied ta bis oars ill us promptly attended to. Jan. 17. '07tl GAMUKLH. OUW1G, ATTORNEY ATLAW, MICIIiiUuieT. I'iiImm ;.. Pa OAaa aait dnnr to Tele-raik frlaUsal oiflaa JJ J. SMITH, Physician & Surgeon, Frrmont, Snyder Comity, Pa. fiffere hla pnfaaatnnal aarvtsra IMM mill uirioe oa Mala itraat. J ana 12 JR. J. O. WAGNER, . Pliyalclan and Surgeon, Olfara bla prnf..aalnaal aarvleaa to h 'la. a ol AilamahnrK ana alrlnlly. Anit. a.'aoif, D n. J. P KAXAWKL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. rnlrelli, i.irler Ua.. Pa Olfera hia profaeaioaal aerrkcae le the punno. e-d)ir He j. KCKumtr, SURGEON DEVTIST, KlKBKlt r'l II LOCK, , tb'Uiugrove, J'mn'a. rrnfaealotal kaalaaai proiaptty attainted lo, Alar ft, M. J)U. I. OniEIt I3AKBER, PHYSICIAN AN0 SURGtON, halii Inrated al MIDDLERCHO. PA., nttioe a few duora Waal of tba tlonr ihouar. in Ui-atrr'a llrick buiidinf. Altera bia pro-fia-lnnal aereioea la l'ia publio. Ha peka Engliah and Oarmaa Oct. 1773. p E11C1VAL HERMANN, PHYSICIAN & SUHGE0N KrnlfrrWf, Unytlrr Co., Pa. Offara hta nrnfeailnna-t aarataaa to thaalttana ol Kraltorcllle ai l rlalnltf . Aa. H,7 D R. A. JI. SMITH, PHYSICIAN AND StUJlOEOS Ollors hia protraalnnal femora to tbo oltl aena of Adamahurji and vicinity. 8ep4, 73 Jj K. VAN UU3KIUK. L'KHICAL & MKCft NMCAL DENTIST Soliniixruve, Ponn'a. Jti sf ic '.y of the J 'care. DAM SMITH, Ja.U53ort!i3 Ptuce i CaarcyaBSjf HcqecrSpri nyn, Snyder Co., Pit. All nffilalnl hnlnr.a -l.tVIn dapoaltlnn lard proini'tlt ait.ndad i. Doileotlona an.l remit- (iromtiilji tatda. May li ' la; "YyiLLlAM H. SNIDiCH. Jualtcp of the Pence. Salem. Snyder County Pcnn'a All Culled iuns and reinilancot. promptly niaJe. Ko.n,T tr. J PA AO HEWER, JUSTICE OF THE PKACP. nt) I Ooneral Qollootot . M!ddl.hi.g, Sii,.l..r roiinly. Ta. Pprnitil nllet.iin 'pai I lo oil led lima of a'l kimla. It-inniUnrei will be made f rnmptlf for U fdilo'illioa mad. SI ir. -'lat 171 if. Y H. WAON'IMc, Ehi,., - a JUSTU'K OK I'll K PKAMrl. .1 ii'lt-n.i Tnwn-liip.Snyilcrl 'n. Ph., iVill iliand to all t-utiiieie nltiiHird 10 ia nara and on tba lunal reuainiHlila l -riTia, M ircb 12, til I VIU S. SIDLLY. Jnti.-rt of tho Pence, l'ii.tiii't'J'uwiu'i!)t, tinyilrr Co., t't Will alien I In all liualiiaaa rntruated li. hlariie i uinat rika.iiiiibltt irm. I', t). nddreaa, Uiiiidme, Snydr do , Pa. Mar. d. i. I 11. IIARTAIASt, " a . jraTicu ok tiir pc ten. fe Oinv(t.vniior, UI M I KEVlLl.r;. Hnylar t'oniity. Ta. ('illc'lin, and all bn.lnaaa nartelnln to tbe a .it ?urtuevltbe Paaaa will na .iti-nia.i ir at ab'irt thitli'a ajrr Jf'Ti s 'Etll MUCIIELL, of t'no Pence it Conveyut!ir, .la.'IT4tiu Tnwiiatiip, Miiydar t.'nuiity, Pa. II ill .tii,u., 4 !.ii v.v.ti.Ti 1114. and all otbfirbn. alur. pnrtliiliitf t't Ilia a a.'v will ri-"'ilv. yriiuf.l ail-nlluM. P.Mludioeaddraaa: Mew HaMin, I'nlnii ctfunl, Pa, Auj. lil, Ian. JOHN K. IIUiJlIES, Eh.,., ju'hti'-i; or the rcACE, Penn Twp., Pnyrtcr Ce. Ta JAMES MI DDLE.i W ARTII, Justice of tho Peace & Conveyancer, Troxlevillo, SnyJor Co. Pa. Will attend promptly to all maimer ol buat Ba.a j arlnliilim 10 tbeoi!ti-e. Oolleatlona ma le, lieaua,, written. tJulr 73-11 yM. H. HARDING, Jrnrire nkVTiin ruit i: aSc CJon V.V'1'31, MtKKMii.1T. aoy.ler couoly, Pa. Colle.'Mma andal bualneaa parlaluina to Ilia 'otllcauf Ju.Haa of tba Peace will be a!Uiirtd to alaWl uulka. kvt.1'1. A. WETZEL, - Justice of the Tcaco, Heaeertown, Snyder Co., Pa. All kluda of cnlleollona made ou liberal larma. Promptly allaoda lo all bualneaa lotruaiea 10 bia eara. (June 2tl, "7H JEU 13. Ml DOLES WARTII, JUSTICE Of THE PEACE AUD CONVEYANCER, MoO?ur City, Snyder Co., Fa. Oelleatlnneead all bin I neat partalnlnata tba effii-eof .Inailra of tba Peaoe will beattandad to at euun aotioa. Julf ra.'76tl. 1 O iJORNBEIMJKa, e JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Parrr Towaiblr. Harder llountr. Pa. Oollaotlona, Ouaiayaoelna, and all otbar boa aeaepertitiiiine; to tua omoa win oa prompti aw ai, uav, Mr ir.iuiav.Tiiia ISAAC, Curf;oou Catoutitt ! ;. liliiJ L. j.if'ili lit UJiii. w av v aaV ta aV .III Corner ID it. $ firoauivj, New Yr.Kk. On both Amcrioarj, A A'iii -ieun ! t, TmnUnf no (Vntnl Park, lha rtrai- I 11. ,'a, ncrnplna lha mllra aqltare, and a. Imiii and fiimialird at aa Tnn 1 iar aii.u a. Ii a nhni)l th iniwl .1. t, . L aal nrat...l lo Ilia clif haa a paaaonmr r I. a-. l'ia a-i.t H mniiprn liuprnvemanf a, and la wlihla nnwaq mia nt lha rtrp. l. of lha (tlx'b and tlehtb Avaima hi' att-d M. K eara and atlll naarar la ihe UMailwar mra wi.inilant and aca-alble fr.fil all parlanf Ilia ally. Knuin wllu latarl, J pard.T. Hpaclal ratae for famlllaa aud uoruM. aaal gvaata. E, HASKELL, Ana, to, 'to.lf . l-aormiToa. BOARDINGHOUSE. rpilR L'ndaralgnad would reapeolfully In J rorm lb trarellina; publio, boalneia man, wltoaaaM and Jnrora In altendani-a al one (lourta that La haa made ampin vraparatlmif fna balr ai-io a ai'lllon and a. II rtalli hla patrooa In a nod atria al lha r.i.., n.,.r iiDf nnaao a raw daora waatoftbaucuri Umaa. . ..... , OABItlcu DC AVRK. Apr. SI It. I t. Proprlatof. WASHINGTON HOUSE! 3liuclIoliirir ltt. JOHN LIMBER T, Proprietor. The above Dnnnlaa Hm.l a. a h... ami rilurnl.ha l la tba beat alyle. Ita eantral Incatlon m.k.l It aonranlant for bualnera man t uaraona la atanail.n... .1 l!.n,i . h otliartwiio ara called tn Mlilillebure;. Tba ta kla la aUaya tninilied wltb the beat In tba mar a at tie iur with ao ad Minora and tba Ma Me attended by earelull bottlera. Terioe ajederats nrii a, inia, CEMTREVILI.13 HOTEL, (Lata Mn. Wearnr'a.) Caolarrlla Mnjdar to.,' Pa. "T1.K UAhTMAN, Kroprleta , Thla lnn..l.l.ll.i..j . . ...... ...... Muu w.i, anown wata licltaaabaraol tba publiepat rntieae. April, Mill,' '"l"n " IAIUMOUNT MOUSE, A- NKAK THE DEPOT. Ml DDL EIS Ult ('. 1'A.. riM.Mr.L I'lrtifcfffr. Tbia hoiiaaia In oleaa proilmllylo lha npot and haa Uih1 I.... ..K..11. lilted, ltoi.nn ooininodioua tbe table well aitpplind with the heal lha markal afforJa aprlif '8o. HE NATIONAL HOTEL. JOHN B. FOCKLKR, PropV. HeliriMjjrrove, Pa. Tbta TTutal la nti..a.i.ttv 1.1. ... ,. . . ... -,n.,r, ' an.l la a vnrvdealralil. ,..i.u . tba RKATof aueoininoduiloua at ui rat.a. atn.aan.piniiK imii, a 111 tia an'a to call a.ain. TJia 1 at u'l .,i..r lu thabai "-A bialolaaa Koalanrint In eooiiavllnn w'tb tboJi.iMl." ' v-'' airBwvainNaraaawraaaaaaaaaaMaMawatHja 1!2clc!aJtas, House. Vor.TII TIIIKD HTHKKT. rtllL'A PA. Terms: 5$ 1.50 per lny HENRY SPAHX. IV.1.1V c. tv. bi.i, . . ....t : ' C-Jitaaxjiiavatvajnai an aaaa iiiiaaiawaw J Inltuielphiti Cants. - WITH JONES, HOAR & Co. GiilsciT.Kiilion!, WjiitcGcaas, EiaSnl urn licnisnnnsiiiiii G3oas &c. Ao. .ill II n!;ot, Stroft, PHILA OET.PHI:. T. n, fnn-i. W. M. Stinihlay. A II. ilnar. .Mal.U'-4. i. n. ueiauwi. V AGIMU.KH, Willi p KAY BILL & Ti... t-T WllliLKStf.n tlALRa m TOOT) AND WILLOW WARE I'll Hiitl, a. Winder .Shadaa. Ilrnnm. M.I. Ilrualiea C'Hion Laim, firnln tlaita. F!v Noia, Oiickxta, Trtinea, Wicka, Ao. if. iHt ldrkal tilrcet, f hiladclplila r'fb. 7. IACOIHS. It I EO F.I, & CO , ' WIIOI.LSAI.Ii nci.rna iur. FOHIilUN h DOMESTIC . IVo. Will ."Miifltot 8t. Iltln..'IJHls WM. MANN. UanlcIcckMaker Sta tioaer. and Steam- Power PRINTER. Vv holftHtile Ilottail No 629 iflarket Street, PHILADELPHIA. Promylnent. Ont Pric Sellina Price Marked On Alt Good Jn JFi yure. Apr. 18-'T2. y V1D WILLIAMS, Manufacture! of k Whnl.aal. r..t.. I. (Ill, MnbOKany, Walnut and Rasewoou Plotura Photograpiao Frame Sot. 230 and m Art h Slreot Philadelphia J'a. Pramaa Ranalead la Ik. t,..! a...M. Alao, lleitlldiog la all Its brancbaa. 7T ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. I.ettart of edmlnlatratl.a ua ia. ..ta- of Al AM IJAKUAN. dacaatad. lata at Waahtnaiua Twu., Harder ooaaly, fana's.. barlna been ranted tu tbo annar.lBad, all ..rffii. .MHwina tueiuaaiaaa laneniao ta aaio eatata are rauaated to make Immediate pay o.ani, while Iboaa bavin elaloae will praaaat Ibeia duly satbeatlnaled lor aetllemebt to ... WlblalAM HA Kill NO, flcp, I.1M0, Aaailal.uawrr ALIAS SUBIOENA IN BIVOECE. Tlie Lbmmomvealth Penntylvania, to lrrf Dingaman. (JneaTiao t " wbraaa Mallla M. Blaaaaaai by bar Beit frleud o.,ka. oa tbe 171b day al Deo, lee, pialerrd bar uatliloa to tba Judna of our Do art or tiiimcfoa Plaia Im tba a iaoty of Border, pre) in lor tba thai ale eat lurib thai ae ailb bo sbaalutala luoraad Iruaa tbe Imaila tit uiatriiaoiiy ant. rail lo o a yua Parry atiaaaiaan, thai aattiie; a a r v na f U. o ea aod ad a a ', y..a b aat a- r . , , J 'O.J ,. . i f i