The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, February 24, 1881, Image 1

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    I'"'J.' JUJ I I '
1.3.1 W
....K H t. " '0 '"
fjur'tlt !.Iviiii,K'
it.Arv (t t:i"--i) 1 nueriiuii
.rv J'IUI.I insertion,
.unnrt titan 5 li m. -vor' -,,
wr. Kxeoutor, Adiun.ratov
,1 iiiiiiw :. '? '
i lfr.ii nor line. lb
jMMtwoient advertising loss than
hntiiH l' cent line. .
II advertisements for a shorter po-
1 than on year nro ,.,., . ....
I tlmr are ordered, oiul il n( paid
fponou ordering thorn will oe hold;
tunsible for tin mo tier. 1
JL o o t r y
Tht Wintor Snow.'
la lit trnM. now I tb If,-
new ir ibiwr throws ou lb
L line wlill bleeeom Bang from tb
fit kieaiag our bk a oaward II
upward burg o tb wltd lmpel'
N i Billing In lb air lib foam 00 a
i awelliog tb U.I of tad orrelil
kbat nawo I tb tbat flawatb
L wratblag II wbtt anl bnutiful
Arouol lb bir brow of tb urg-''
bealee rook.
Um ruling wkil on a mounuioou
Now dleoolviag la dew on lb oseaa'
win breaet,
Lw tailing (ton oo a 11 g I ' bol-,
Now blinding tb ooura of lb moln-
tr' trok,
Hi .
VOL. 18.
4p m
mid lior blitpntof pyes swam full of of tight ou 1 Leut iujj of tLa rot of
T . r .
-Now," nai l the till Rontloraito,
confront! me. "I'll iutro.lnou my
elf. I am O.iptiia li iy
(on. This ol! gpotloinun i my fath
er, Jila ISoytoa ly you kuo it"
love and swHotimss. Uor nond was
itnall and atrniglit, nnd alia bud junt
lb prettiest dimple amoD the
bhiflhoa on vither ohcok. And then
snoh a.rootith. Wlmt rod lips
teuth of puarl il:iabii) botween the
roses. Hor forehand smojlh
and broad, and the nock i si, nt
tho far rupa dropiial lo.r npoa Hio
shouldr( was white as nlalmfiter
and amoolh as in irhla. To briof, 1
did not hear a word of tha looturo.
A month p.Hssd witjoiit my sae-
tha boiiiUfal ntrariur. Mat
about that time received an invitn-
ti.tu to viiit my fiiu-id Mrs. Syr,
in M . Slw is a wi.l j of fofty,
and is tho mother of a So;;nr.l,
fuiulliarly C'lllol t'lura, I know
Mrs. Se,jurd lin 1 trio I v,tj brin
about 1 ai4n i:i3 lu t voi'ii Clara und
myself, nu I I ' bvlioro I aa not
"Woll, roilly." I r.tpli 1 1 v n lr
ij wh tt wis o uin noxt I don't
know tnoro nliont y jh th.ta
you'ojiist told uia"
"itU !" a iid tha Captain. List
ing in my cur, "I a.u Cany lijyton'a
btothor l"'
"And la a Lor f.tthor," growlod
Johu li.yton.
"Ah, really, dij you aay no t" 1
could not liolp auiilin, t'.io affair
seemed so liidieroiis. "Uive my re
gards to Currio."
''II ! you 1 m'h ut villain I"
ciiud tho Caplnin. "hook here,"
I ho tiaid. lowetin? his Toicu to a hul-
was. good i.I, everybody said , - Wk at t
very pretty biauotle. with fla.1.inS V '0,,k ' f,,r 1,0 ,,ltl,,rura
black eyes and h lir. hut her ,nn jP oMita otorcmt a Landno,,...
was hort. thick and dowdiah. ad.". u" """" ' ' "'"I""'1
L l..vlag lb. .kirt. of a t.poroa., mi0 , LnJoice form quite ft,ia 1"" 'uouut0d daelijg pia
Now foiling lb rth la a beautiful
low milling la dw on folr a l Ij'i lip.
Now aiping wlir a lomr tr.n
bl to oip.
jw olping It bands aro ioj bor bright
Now watting a ourl on bor lorbeal to
t unoWj m.i, aptrklia no,
Jlrtl lut lul or, bua('i' -i I ,
I attnf a wr.ioa, 11114 1 in
Mj pliljw bio hl 44 til l p.Li!tM
Big 1
li ibt aiiUrring b.'ggtr 011 balf in
L street
Ka iuka tby mnll bi OJl I nrlnJ-
init ibool ;
1 uivroy, oh
Il4 m.rrr on thus
wbr to go,
iy, if a.iy 'i lb wbilo niltei
lAnJ Ji on lb bototu of brautiful
bright piirkliij
who b ir 11 .1
J.IIIS 3cott.
v m. Hiei k r. aim.
l.t (
on tb;hlll uf gnro', lu iuodoI
On lilil li fft ici f ir n.
no ai In hil Ij at ii.y ii'.la koty
Ing ,
A Iriof jour' rooorJ, b'i li.o in
1 keaiin(
ljtn (fjrn tb t I ti ui iro 'a .'
Ibrougli loiijr, hum ilnya l'ro .ilcl.l
ilia . re adW.r
eruat liaur by nu noiur brarte ml.v
Pr walolicd tba luiib.jmii ou tb u.Kr-
bl qnlr J
uj, 'uinb tb itarllgM, and a ruatituf:
Tb nigit windi (wteplug round it I
bat beard.
Ij baby t Ko, ab, bo I My grar I ly
la a far Und wbero I no aior may
weet bopee Bed fast witb bitter, blank
Tblt surl Iblt rlbbuo wbli thee
lower djring
ke tlory of tbatdumb despair may tell.
Tel ry tbal pain, tbat su l lea sbarp
fj beart goo forlb, la tear, to mi
ber on.
Tbat unknown mother whereioe'er abid-,
I; band ek here, at grief still, tub
tie guiding.
Mj eoul road ber upon tbat carves
ton v
Springfield ( 17.) JlriiuLlican.
N e 1 o o t Tale
I ana to ardent admirer of female
VvoliDesa. I ought to have beeo an
hist or a sculptor, bat Ian neither.
was the book-keeper for Hiowd &
wholesale dealer in bides and
How. Henry Dowor, a yoou
aQ of a lively disposition, was etn
ojed in 'tba same offioe. We
arded and roomed togethr,
Ou night Qeury and I attendod
of tha lyoeuro lectures at W .
bad hardly been in lbs ball five
iinuUs before tuy attention was
-d upon one of tba ladies npon
' front aeat Khe was a little to
rifUof ma, but at she was talk
J U'j r to lie ' lady tiest
" 1 r , tr-r?l toward
. r -i In I
much as handsome f.ices. milit
hava uiairiud her I really think
should, but for a little ufTiir which
happened at U -.
The morning I atartd for M .
.nry Iloweis accompanied mo to
th d.'pot. While I was btiiii my
lick;t, I uolicud uuothur goulieiuau
conn iuto tho diMiot Jy
thought was t'liat it v.i-) my hbu lo.v
that I bi bcfor.i me. Jlo nan
about my hoii.t, hud a li'ht coii
ploxiou li'ta minn and eyes uf khz-
izly gr.iy. and onj of tlieui tumc I i:i
j't-t li!te una of txiiuo. e ha 1 a
!itll nilk hat, tipped on ono sido on
his bandy lock", just so did I. Fur
iln-.)'. imru, lio carrii d in his band a
small em u:t.-l.R. nil'i a Ing m ill;
"1 -J. Mc',." ti!.l to tha stamps.
And ho did T.
I luu!;t l ut l.i'n, and he icturui-d
tho ; .inp!iiuuit.
'I say, Kir." k-ai 1 tho stranr,
looking down at llio farpet ba.i 1
held and ex i-iif.iiiijf l!ie ta , "are
a MUolvi or vn 1 ?'
"Jy uaiu.) h lc iJu'.i
t'i ply.
li.ipo V'iu aro an honcot nian,''
11 I hi), "i.'i yi 0 hi 0 it you hho.ihl ;
fob a bufik, j) ck a poriet, fiivna, or cit 0 'iiifliody'M j'la'thir, I
j.orhupi, uii,'ht huo to euflVr for
'1 fun tivavou rtfcruDca as
ch.itm'te:," ntiMwerud. .
"Vt-a. th-il'a vary gold. Bj', Sir.
AJt-DoUj-al, which, way hio juu tic
ing t"
'Down. I havo bought my lick
l ' '
"Thon, I'm going np. I don't
think we'd b'at travel togethar.
There is tho.tiniu starting' cow.
t!'od-hye- 1 wish you mtceena, ,tr.
McAingal, and for my naUo duu't
fpoil your eharaolur "
To get to ?J .which ia a rather
out of tho way piano, a small one.
horse town; with ono tavern, ' two
churches and a' pool bouse, I bad
to leave the cars at T and tuke
a private conveyance to SI ,fivo
tuilos distaut, I could have gone
by tho stage, but that only leaves
T -once a day, at fivo o'clock
iu the luoruing. '
So, when the cars stopped at
T ' ,1 took toy carpet-bag in my
baud and got out on the platlorm.
There was a lurge number of peo
ple at station, but I took no notice
of any of them except a tall, brawny
roan, in a browu oer out uud a
slouched bat who started for me as
soon as 1 steppud oil the ours.
I was about to move away, when
the slouched bat Lid his baud heavi
ly upon my shoulder.
i'oa're a villaia I"
" repeat ityou're a villain I''
"A miserable ucaoip 1" said a cor
pnlent gentleman, coining forward
and soowliuff flercelyt '
Now, I felt that I was a match for
the latter, but as fur the other one
I didu't donbt but what be oould
work mo np into shoe strings iu
three iniuntes.
Will you explain yourselves, gen
tlomeu !' I - asked, trying to
mile. '
. '"Yes, I will,'1 answered . tba big
on, putting great stress on the
"will." . . ,
"Certainly," growled the eoj-pulent
' r ' a a grim aniile.
' 1'ako your ch )ino."
A c il I tieuior ran lhron;;h
Was 1 to bo liiurdered f
"Choot ipt'L'lf," n it 1 th J Captain.
'.'!ir,'' s.iid 1, in a troniul nu
voi::e, llio cold pm hplf slan l-
iug 011 tuy lonhoa I, "lliero mut bo
. .... 1... 1 1. I. 1. . ...
Ill' 't i JU-UOOpiT
, for Ino !c C j., do.ilurs in aiJ.n
and tnilow. Sly r.tlliur w:n .Mr.
Norlou llcl'011 ;al, my 111 ith;r wih
Mary SInDjiiul, uiy grao If.ithtir
iv .is ."
"lloofmnd your grandfather!
Humor cl tns Pi'es.
Tottjh W ttMr, bit ooiM.iTtfVr
I'o'ijScr Ytrni about li.
F.iMier marry ray alitor as you
promiHud n .it!i 1 ; , .' ti'j 000
of theKo pintol.i, and "
"Oh, help 1"
"Dry tip, yoi wh. !; 1" ail th
Cip'.iiii e! ippod Lis bi'ja i h.iu 1 ovsr
rny month.
"Chooso ptiek, y n fitor," o tid
Jcl.n i:nl( 11.
"I wou'l fi'ht." I ci id.
'Then many my aiNtnr. or tv.j'il
dreg y-.n t'.ir to ;h Ihu'milU,!.!:) 1."
It whs n-t !i to rti.iion-t: .lin. I
0 ml 1 u it c 1 1 1 v ; m '11 t'.i; eiu:i,r'.l ft" hf i
huh Ifint 1 w n u t t'io vi'iiiin
Mo'.'..) ni, 1 iljfo 1 not cry lor
Lid p.
What (Ij'irtld 1 do ? Marry a wo
mun whom I nnv.r n.v lufno,
hom I know a iihi i, a'j 1 it t ( In I
g U'tl tituo to c inti 1-ir. Lifa wast
ewoi-t to me, a Jncl.iiig wui
git fable, him) na to n di.t l, I cer
luiiily should huvo bcrn u duad liiau
at tho ti rut fhot.
"Choc said the Captain, giviug
me n kic!; witb a boot.
I'll mar marry her.''
"All right." '
'Ait i tho Captain pn' S'niled, as
ho returned tho pistol to its caau.
The elder -Vr. Uoytou weut after
Ilia can iage j but befofe I ceased to
treuihlo he rutnrned.
Tha Captain helped mo in, und
seatad bttvai'i lai c'liva'rio fatlur
and sun I rode away. 1 was warned
not to, if I . kuaw what was
healthly for mo.
Wo roda at a smart trot for about
two miles, I should think t au 1 then
the Cuptuiu drew reiu before n large
two-story white bouse, that stood
near tha road, hurronudud by a high
white fence, A gravel walk ran up
to the front daar mil several largo
cherry trees stood in (he frout
"Here we are," said the Captain,
golliug down and motioning tne to
The door opened jnat as wa readi
ed it, and who should fall into my'
arms but the identical young . lady
who had made snoh a strong iui
piession oupiy heart ou the night of
tho lecture in W .
"Oh, Johu, I know that you would
be fl ue," she cried, and the Captaiu
snickered us he led the way into the
But onco there t succeeded in
convincing Miss Boyton that I was
not MoDolan, Her father apologiz.
ed aod'so did tho Captain, and the
upbhot of it all was thai 1 consent,
ed to remain over eight with thum.
aud I aia happy to state that I pass
ed a very pleasauteveoing indued
I learned, too, that this John Mo
Polsn for v.booi I had been taken,
was a gentleman of wealth and lei
sure with only one fault, and that
was promising to marry every pret
ty voro an wi'.b whom be beoamo to
.. . ... : j, rrr. ...
In McDolau's shoes. And, well, my
deir ret lor, t did about a m tt't af
terward. We had a great wedding,
and Clura Sogard was ono of tha
bridesmaids, and Harry Dowor was
groomsman. And I am very well that iVct)olan took tho up
Irani instead of the do vo.
Thj Taxi.
A pious old ladv. who wat too tin
well to attend meeting, ui 1 to sou l
her thit'kilA.lded bUKbaud t ) cllitl c'.l
to find out tho test lite pr.'KiliDr s i
lectod as the fuuii 1 tlioii of his di
oonido. Tho poor d.rniti win rarely
fortunaln enough to rnno nlier tho
wotdauf the teit or even t'.i ) e!upU
r atid vnrau whore they could bo
found, but 0110 Sabbath ho ran home
in hot Im-iIh, and i.ifor uol hi-t wif.i
that he could repeat every woi 1,
without luiasing a syllable. Tho
winds wore as follows : "'An angel
camu down from heaven an 1 took
livo coal from the niter,''
"I know every word," sai l tho
'I uin anxious to hear il," coutiu
nod the wife.
,'l'hoyara nice wird.," observed
the Inlsb 111 1,
" am gl 1 1 your nijniiry ia i'U
proving. b it don't k mp uu i 1 sm
peiiNii my dear'nlio said.
"lust yon get llio iig JiUio, nu t 0f ihii earth, y n know. It wis
I will eay tho words, for 1 Luu.v ., laili o.iii' Una wiv.
them byltoait, I rop -ato I t'i) 11 n tl,-a wasn't as c il 1 in tho winter of'
Litudrol limrn on my way homo." That a.-aaon oiu uuiuvd in
"Wi.ll, let's be.r them." I.S,.pte ob.-r, an I tao unr.vtr,- .li 1 a't I
Aliouil sai.l uo. cloann,qf Ins a .l.f;n h t.ll SI. v. 1) m't you '
.....n .m U.UIU 11. .m -'iHv jreiueiuber lio.v wo me I to breathu
aveu anl 1 1 )k 1 a l.vo a ilM.y tho m, l0t jt, cut a hole in it
tail and jo.ko 1 him of tho hiN !... i(1 (.. ,.,.- f V(J,. L .
.; n Brooklyn E tj?:,
"iVo'ro hiviu' sjuo protty wint
rinh wjithir," sii 1 old Di lly U'ctth
rp :i t U.ial 1 S 1 u 1 il 1 li viil,
as t'n t v'.i gj 1 1 u 11 in it nu.' In
City u ill van r 1 1. !ii it f n' ar 1
weather for tho scaa .ti.''
"Jist so, jiat ao," c ao i 1.) I Uuel
Simmy. -'ItMii 1 It .11 1 of tin fil
uNSU. It c 11. u u m I '1 1 ; tho
forepirt of Kovumb .r anl t, ,
etiilf till M.ire'u. 0 10.I. smart e do
er, t . I fj a 10'ier 1 1 it it w n i t
0 '1 1 iu Ci'totlyi 1 1 it , S iv rn'ni'
that biliu' water fro.a over a hoi
Paddy Wclhorspoon looked at
hi 11 and braoe I biunelf. "Voa, ye,"
a.ti I he, "1 mind it ell Ta il's the
tall lliat tun milk tro.e 111 tin c nu.
Unl the cold s.nt iu was iu ISJ7.
It coiiiuioiiee l iu ton mid lie uf Oc
tober an 1 t a:i t'lfotl (1 1 1 pril. All
tho oil froze iu the la.npa and wo
di.ln't havo a light until spriaL set
"Ay, ny P responded Uncle Hani-
my, growing rigid "It's put likoj
VUHtet'dlVto 1110 I walliol a'
lull) lied und forty tulliM due
uit-tffjiii Siilrtiook, ou llio i.v.',
Co.mmn Saisj i.i Advorlialna
A Hindu! advcrtii-init.t ia der'gn
a 1 Ij ft ilisfy t'ta r tti 0 1 il dommd of
a pro'oablo cmto'inr ti know what
yon have got to soil- Tho success
full alvertiaer, therefiro, obs.irvus
three rnlei : First, ho aims to fur
nih tho inform.. lion which the pub
llo Wants t second, ho ninins to roach
that part of I ho public whoso w.iiiIh
'10 ii prepared t j satisfy ; and third,
ho 011 I.i.iv.ii'h to tn ike I. is in folio 1
'i iu naes-tyof ne-j li-iilio.i by tho
.l.l'liiO 118 pOU' iblo.
Tin i;a u ).i.ii ant hril'ctt
thing in the Ariit-rican family is the
nr ws-p ip-ii', and a nearly nil hhop
;iin prcieit-li fio n the family
from it ii 'ed. its iuliKionco. its
la-it.n, its fa !i'.i:is it fallows that
t!.n t'i i i;a'f il and s'lee 'si.f tl adver
liner appi'o-i"hoa the f iinily by thin
inoitlH. lie ilues tn't w.iAo his in lotling I111 a lverti-iing g'lii
and shooting it uiT skyward in the
Ktrent-i, at all ere a'i n, on t ,u c!i nine
t hat sotiio willing c isloaier 111 ly be
; .in.; that way, an I may b i bra 1 ;ht
1 own j 011 tho c mtr-iry. he taket ao
count of the alvertisiug a-n u. tui
tion wliie'i ho has 0:1 h m l. an I loids
and point hi gun, thr u,'h the
, polo tins i.f s mho Hint iblo neapii
1 1 -er, at tho game ho wants to bit.
U.r l"
A Prcsociojj Youlh.
A boy iiVi'U fourteen jeais of
IJJO W.IU BUI (ki:l 4 oig II III) t'i I si ,;pi
t t!ity Il dl Ihia iiioruiii,. heu 11 li-iltu I hjf jro ill. a s ti 1 :
Mil 4 1 1.14 I.' l I A'I l t I ' I it. fl.l.V 111 L'WV. ' I
and slid baek,.i.V'U' too to convexity I ., , 1 , , ,'
' J , n,.ii 11,.. I, t. ini i.i ,r ., I (tiit-l 'ui .1 t
riu 1 h j.v I 1 pie'. 1 tt tho li it. 11 1 vs.
1 paper lor hl.s I irpoKe, the HileeeHs.
I'ol a I orti-i ir filly ,iop-t-ci itm tin
i.up it'l vieo of poiwnto'it ulvurlis
in. .Mr. Iirvant med to say that
ho great in '1 inneo of the pr -sa de-
j p'ui l-i, f r 011.1 thing, up iu its p j v
jor of itor.iti m. 1 V.n m' iug tin
jsi-ii 1 a loj.ut iu 111 1:1 y ll-
' .. .11.. .,.. .,,,.1 ..,.....:,...,..
. ... .. , , ., 1 lit., hum in.11.1u ivu ..'in .1. 1 n.uini 111 l'.
"Not 1, and Ua lly W.itherspoou,! , , , ,
J ' 1 l a 1 1 iu th Ji'o.i l an 1 Sir t uu .t
rr Ilia 10;J.
Published every Thurdav Evefcj(
s Tirtrt9 of Subsonptiori,
TWO POI.b.UlS Pr.H ANNTM. ftf.
ahlo tithinfix innttlhs, or f.'.'iOif imj
paid within tii your. Ko paper dis
Coniiinil 111, til all amunuren nra -nnld at the option of tiis pub
buljscrlrtlons eutxlde .of the county
t-.J-dVrmuis lifllnjf mid usina; papers
Addressed 'f oth-rs liecomerul-seril ers
and lire liable for the i.rij e ol'thepnper
Jones thinks a man is fortunate .
who has bis will contested aftor
death only. Ila says his will hn
boon conteste 1 ever sluae be mar
ried Sirs. Joues.
.In ordiniry w mo' waiwt it1
thirty iuo'ni ar.j t i 1 Ai ordinw
nil' jar. n ia a'nat thirty iuohes
lo:i', Ij al uirible ara thy warki,
oa n o 1
A'i olltn', wh 1 wis tall fnt his
1 1st irtiilo w is in oloi aa in 1 1, Slid:
Well, Fait ovorj tha graoa I, any
I'u'u wirll wit'nit w nii--liT?
ly woman --would bo like a blank;
ahaat of papor it it aval rub) 1.
Battle ere', Ifiictilgon,
Wt-u rAOTciir.u. or the ohlt oski.kb
Traction nnd PlftM ttnglnes
ond Morso-Howors.
Mt 0.rlrUTIi..rrI'arlarx I Estnhttahsd
I WF S C J(J tro-wH.ff-tf-,-i..fMfl.t.
I lEptlr.O '., -..III"..! rl.m.tfn nl t'Nu.n.
I'm. 1 4fi ,i-M, i.f 1 . - I f.i " tftrk .j ' IA.
.'AV -v. ,
X-1; , 't. -. '. V'-VV'
cu't forgotten toat V
after a b'uort pausa
lilt's the
winter w i u io I ti eiv t'n hirsm
M l . mi 1:1 ;, nil ;..'.'i n 11 it lire
l i 1 -r V i) a 1 iu wmi.I 1 i't 1; w bi'i till
ie w iv, a Ivarli liu,; n 1! 1 u n of till
11 vp rief are iiii'-onrni a-i
t.-tliti r I'n n t'lli w' t ti. li I114 t 1 n,l
II, ...,,. I' 1 . .... Ilit 1 ! 1 . .oil' 1
"aoy.daya.raiU.i.vattyMar, ,;.;.; h) , ()f . . a', the c!,,rk hit, 1 the eomitor an.
1 ' ' '(mill i tli ti v'. ). .1 It; 1: viii ? i ... - 1 1
'.-. t-ii...i. r.i . 1 r...a . ; . O'tiuo li ix i:u 11 j t'iini .
t'i t'i 1 .'.li .1 i ' j . U wn I ) c il 1 li!
f'lllltl'"f i .'Hril :f f ' '-"an , -ni'i'ie.
t Titi" 1. li iviit'i .! .'iKi'i iniiiu?
Tt f -') (u I.i li l-.-.t ,,
A null's.'' i ' , i. ' tu.Ts dit'f (:rot,trit')
fr l"f.t' r V ttti , -t-t-r .''.( 'i. 1 th fettorne.
linn n' t v t'rr. t t .in r.'H 'l itf 1 1 I. T lunV.-rf,
1'iMir of ti iitiii'V, (n a O 14 kormo
Cftt ant V, t-r f-mi .-r fi r.r tr.
nf hvt f hfliTifH l.ftrtl't
f fUUtVfUvl (,.. in th'P' V yo.iNmr- Ut -
rMi(.inttv on hniT, It-urn lil' !i m ruut Uiu lu
txuuitcruliln itix-U-wui k oi cut UivcU'oMjry,
uw. b. 10. IJ liui-Mi lomr.
ii Juu a .n I hie
' 1 hUr, w h oa a o it, " vn tin ri
p!y. "Ji lt don't you k'low that y-: 'i;.i
lili.'tg v our vctu.a ii till p .ia-.u f"
' We!! y a .ir, T-iat (M'tr e Vi
lnius mi in 'i hie itiau t j kiil :i cat "
I'm 11 o eat."
"1 liilOlV. Ii, d.n-ll't kill you Ml 1
dulily, li i po:aou.a the bl jod h:i I
a )VH the Sim I of fell lit:is.i Yil
;.o 11,11 iV ...i i', 11 1 1 1 X ji t e uiipe.l in
Hit ij hoiine, Vo'l f.: U Ml'i l' t!l-u!
sen n of l-ili Toii'i t'n wiutjr
j ao v, 01c in h.r ail U of f..n pjpir;
; to l.. "-;i ii; 1 1 f. i ;i i ) 1 " I
The iirevig,, weiiii of an udu't
Hi ill in I I ) . Hind- I) ?..
I lie live)-1 y. ilit of it )'-t )l)
1 in
may iliup dju.l 011 y.jtir way houiu." ' 1 .
. . . - 1 1 ii u -i
.,...-....:.' 1 ... 1
1 ';.. .o,.,e. wiutor?"
"U IiIIh.,,.. vnth h,.:ror to soaa iIow H., r (io...and .1 Di l ly
lal of yjar ago luti'oyio r 1, -I h UVetlit.ip..on. btea.hiu bard,
soul and body, iliy, l outroat you "H,,niu' around your ieoln n i
t-J throw away that vile cigar." I to tin 1 where yon g it ia. It
"Idaau't. Soma one elso would j lVml a.vf., H.,n tli au.-li. llo.v
picii 11 up ana oe pi7, ii)e 1.
"Throw it away and I'll buy you
tho npples,"
"Dou't like' cm'
"Or a qurt of paanuts."
"Say." said the b y ai ho fnlly
regarded the iuoli of uslios at tho
end of the cigar. T bet a boy tho
cigars this morning that bo c ml 1 i t
terb his tongue to a la. up -post an. 1
thou sing 'Sally Waters.' 11a tonhs
ed 1 thoro's a crowd up thorn now
tryiu' to thaw him loose, ain't
very scart about bJu' pizenad, an 1 I
dou't keor mnoli (or fatherly advico,
but if you've g it any spare tbna y 0 1
might go Rp there aud tell that 'ero
boy that a chunk of uaturul philoso
phy is worth a hull of experiments."
I " eli. I sliu'lld i.V 1 did," rel li t- i-i sin. ill 1 I .oihi1h.
I I d Unci. 1. 11 ny. H hut. ! remem-1 A'-miber i.i l.oi en 2 10,
' t nr It!7! iJ.u I I d. Til it an 1 ho i-Ueb ten ii.i-.ih.iIi m one inel
the il". '1 li(i)il tj..k a hKi.iiii 'e-n. liiau ill) bright ul I lie livin
I !
, HI i.i l.-itouo fo.U lllS t I li''.t, II lljllll.
.ly, ay 1 li it do you lin i v The averaj-i' weight of tint brain of
cioiljita'de waiui iu tut ii ma. i is:l pumJ-i; el a wnman, 2
p. uu N 11 oe.
The l.r.i.ii ul a imi'i rxeveds Ia'vc
l ! ut ol iii y otl'i t nuiinal
The average beiijiit ol' an I' .glisli
ui in is) leet '. inches ; ef a l'
uiaii 5 tee'; 1 iucliea, an I ot a JJ IJa i
long dit it bnt Fro u Aa ,'-nt ti.l i.'ilret C inches.
the ;JOUi of Jauef Igil .es you're Tl o averi(;e aoibt of uu I'liiibb
riht. lint you mind tho snu,) of ; matt in I ' i poa nl ', of a Fr iic'ihi in,
1.313, dau't yo a ' h a nn ueae j I on j 's I "J p ninJ, and of u B. ia", 110
the 1st of July aud went ur mud and ; pounds.
Fnnnrr nn-l ' n l-.T)tr-1 to
a..sii.-tti.,i,, ...a... -iin.jijjK-uuKrv.
Cucuim..:iH!.. A'l ii. .
tuttio Crock, r.Tuhiican.
VZjjt Li
A full lino of DRl.'QS audi
croiuixa at
DKtjS TOjiE,
"Isn't it awful cold 1" queried
Smith as he mot Jonn es otho oar
tha other day.
"Terrible terrible." .
"Any your water pipos freeze npV
"Worse than that."
'UowP ' ,
ad three barrels of potatoes
frozon as hard as stones. I'll loan
every one of thorn."
"OU, no, you won't. Just head
'em np and snud 'orn to some charit
able iusttuatiou, and no one will.
know but what they froze while en
route, tft a golden opportunity
you ohould nit negleot." ,
A lady who lived in Cuba used to
observe some grand ladies driving
out every afternoon with flowers in
their hair, diamonds on their neok.
aod the voluute full of the flounoos
of thoir profusely triiuinol silks.
One day the vohiua ripsot and spill
ed Che pi-eat ladies, when It was dis
covered that tbd great ladies bad on
itW kUr 1 t'i f':'fkings. .
'""' ' ' ' ' t -'"ierU
lapped over a week. This) year tho
Hiuoko froze in the . ehiuiunys, and
vo ha 1 to blast it out with dyna
mite. think' that was tie
worst wo ever h 1 1. All the clvka
froze up s i we di I a't kuovu I'.n
time f r i year, aud when men used
to Hot tire to i li iii' b til ling' Has to
tuine the root. Ye.s, iu lead, I got
three tliona tu 1 dollars u mouth for
The average uu tuber tif tool Ii is 32.
A iinin br. all)'' about -) ti.u.'s iu
S in i it ii ti. or l.-'UU li) a le.i.r,
A inati bim'h.-a ubmit IS pints nl
air lu a uiinut ', "i up.rarJs, uf 7 l.o
nIiou'U in a .ley.
A lli.itl give i.'JT -I DS per cent,
ci'.rleuiic L,'us "f t'io air he rosjiirj,
repires 10,Co(J cab e leet of cir ion'o
in id gus in'.ur h'Uii s, en-
four b ii uiu' buildings. There was 10,C!7 cubic fiiet el' oxygon ie
a heap uf su.Teriu' that winter, be
c inae wo livo 1 ou alcohol and phos
phorus, till tho ale ih j1 froze, anl
then wo ate the bi imstouo en Ij of
matches anl jlupel aro lal till
they caught fire- Say you"
But Oa I ly Veatherapo on Ii id II ) 1.
The statibtics were too tuucti for
1 '
Au Oaio oditor has a ua shirt
dollar presented him, aud he is bow
waiting for rome oue to give him a
J ones says he used to havo red
cheeks but had u bad ool 1 soma
years ogo, avhtn bo blew all tho col
or into bis uose.
Womankind is like cider swee
when first squeezed, but growing
more vinegir-lika after lyiug around
for a few years,
A California ymog man of 23 yeurs
has receutly tnarriod a widow of 72.
We dou't kno v the pu lia-i, but aro
willing to bet tbit t'je biila hal
property. , .
- A elergyman at an afternoon sar-
vice was asked toJread a uotica for a
Woinso s laigbta lecture, which be
did ia this wise t "At half past six
o'clock, at tLir sohool hoti, fa tho
twenty-lour hoar', e piul to 125 ouhi'
iu.'lie ol cetu.i.on uir.
A man aanually eotitribut.'S to
vege'a ion lit poaiiU of on hoi.
Tim average ol the puis -iii in'.i .
cy ii 12') per minute, in inauh..ol, Sa
ut (!l years, 81, The pu!o of I'd-
ui ilo is tu 're frequent tbuo thut ut
The woight nf t'io cireul.'ilinj
blond ill about twenty eiht pen u -is.
Tha boiirt beu'a soventy-livo tiaie
ia u iniii iKi, semis nearly t.'ii poundi
of bio ..I ttiroiigh tho veins and ur-
tenes each lieut, rjiik" four beat
whit.) ws bresthe once,
510, or tola boiCNhoad, one
and one quarter pint of bl 'ul p.s
threiigh the Lent in ono hour.
12,030 pounds, or 21 hogatioals,
tour nullum, of 1),72J pints pa
through ths, beait ia twcuty-lour
SIrti's and Yonth'a .Suits,
SI 50 to flS.OJ.
Undeicl ithiii'r. suits. Sl.Ofl
to 3!.7".
Paper Collars 1" and I'j els
a How
i i.irn' it 01 iii. to
ut lonent t'ASII
Ca'ii an 1 ix.uiiiiio our Ktoci
and priee i b foie pu: cl,iiKiii
ulaewbei e,
B. S. H'.P.VEY.
Kur, Sl.,'i0.(ui.
a r--
Oul.lo f .rlwiU tCXf?, f'r tli n.-rrti-fl and'
thui.i. i'.hii.-iiii'I.i. .1. ; ii.ii.uu .i :i I'r'lttiinr. fnarl
li eink! b..iK. .i'...n , . ..r li.r it: a ml illi. ii nr. llcMllh,
lii-ci'. ... mi. 1 1 -u I it-. ol l.iK ul Man aii'l Wummi;
I'.r. In an. I cn.i'ii'..a l.y rby.icuaie
-v -rvwlirre. I'lli-t., bO cents, by Dr. A. O.
til IN, li... ul. :tl l-i'.. .nl i.. I In. tii.tllmo.t,
Hh.iu'l) i".iv ff3CO 1' uii'ry cn.a ut ii.lvdte tie
rtir.H.I.. ili-i iiM- ..I . iile.r iui t,o iif.ttt-:iaki' .i.J
ffli- It, i r..' tu. Hfc.;ti. lur CuictO t-Y
Health. n-inl!rt J om-Jlo Pills, $5
a f.tox. I' 'i'....i ii.'iiit. I. ii I...I.I'. dun ii); cuu
l.iiyih.'. t. fc wi tl lj- Ctttfl8 ui'tt I licillMr uf
Ju)jiir!Altt lulu.iiuUuli, l.y t).rt."ii, 00 Cents.
A dull old la ly being told that a
enrttia lawyer tyi ''lyioji at lbs point
ot death," exclabncd, 'My gracious
won't ovui) doatb stop thai tnuu's
bing r. '
"Us ws a' goo;! pii'cnt, a good
oil inn, se t had thro lin'r-io. that
coaid bent l?:3 t,"ieji'ii-lds'-nt a'joui
RfntuckT Utock,
Ur. A. G. OLIN,
S. CU'k Mt., Chlcow), 111.
l p.inil l rihlnf catt-ri fnrrl with
MMit Tui.i tijr (lii'-s)taci. h rtd
ttrii r.i t iu'ilVf
BYf pprbna.'r.t DuW fc. I
F-j 'Lv H Uu. Vou eun m
IP II U-UT ut work Ii
iJW-tf A tti ntMn tl.
bnain-i-i iiuvr telur Ih pub'
I. t. raiiititl
m rB - ii 1 1 rt , V' will Hurt you. I2 ft tlav
urn- u(t4r'U nitttlsj n( U'tutu ty tu Imlu-trluui.
men, wuinun, uuyt unn irip( wdii tiTtrj to w irk for hi. Now Ii tb ttiiit. Vou
on ! vt your whut tliua to work, or o-
ly yuitr ipftrsi tnnmonli- lo tilbftr tnlbr
will r you iiarly at wM. Nitot- II llnic to
work cud lull to irtAlc -tiui uinm yy hf Dkf
liikf tat ono.. Co- lly Outfit tul urmi Ir,
tiruHt opiiortiiDUy for uiukltiir inoiiay mhII
hu hnnortalily. jttltlrtil Hi U O . A.'
natnt rnrntuheS frre, with fall ts.
iirutuii.Q. lur aun.iuoinnr ihe noil
iirnhtaUJ. bu'ln.' Itiai enyune o.u
xuanueln. 1 lie tiu.luene I- an .hit
lu l.'.rn, an(l uur luatruetluue ar to eluiila
aud uUln. Oit any on ean meke yrent irtitta
Irum ihe rery atari. oo ran (all who la
IUIun, to wurk. Wno-anaiaae auouaa.tul a
man. Hnra .kJ (IrU oa earn Urea ajiraa.
Many bar. lustte al ll'a bualnmi c-or on Sua
tli.d dollar. In a tlu' o-.k. Kuihlnu lies
II r kuuwu baler. All whu annagr ar eur-i-l.tilal
th . anil railt)lly ink wtilnti
uy ar siila lo maa nuii.w. Vou -an a- 2
jane lo t'.la ku.liii M during Tour ir ta a (
rati proSl. Vim Ju aol baea to !'-' '
i . ' it j t f ltl t wa las ail ta r s ' t ' i
right thiu fit a obituary iuu-r s
- ,t