The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, February 10, 1881, Image 3

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    Mf vWrV'','m mm-mmm wmy m yWri .11-. . as.. 1 11 aa 1 mtmm
- s,? i' qt. inirr, CcTcrtri IrS, Sentenced.
rob.'ib , i88i.
,ffi "(."! c,iniaT4.-rh Cnnrte nt
a...t irr 1 vni.ii. m 'i-l I on the fourth Moa.lsve
nt f rurjsr,'. May, aa.l, aadseeonil
Aluml iv f ioinir.
All comniunlrntions, business lot-
tera Ac, for thin olliee, to secure
prompt attention should be artdrr-ssfld
m follows: Tim Post, Middloburu,
rSnydcir Omnty, Pft. Advertisement
eonmnnirRtioiis Ad must be bunded
In by Monday noon, to secure i user
Ion in next issue
locnl News, Ncc.
Friday, Fd. Urt, yldiim WtiRnr-r AA
ministrator of Tlllmnit I,i;br will
sell valuable Kcul ltftto in Ban
- nervllle.
Eaturdny, Feb, 21, jlbrnbam nrubaknr,
' Executor Ao of Moiimo Hunger
ilrc'd, will sell iVnl Estate in I'll
nion twp.
Tuossfiy, .Vnroli 1. fiiry 1.0ns will sell
lions hold goods in Milllobtir.
Tuesday, March 1, Samuel Winters
. will sell Horses Onus, flnii. Kami
Impli'mcnl., II umiliold Omuls,
Ac, in JfVnvrr twp.
Wediinaili.v, March 21. Hubert Plinth,
near Troxi'lvi lli, will sell orai's
(ivrs, ynnnj cmi'i., Ilrood sow,
Shout", Farm mplotiHiits and
Itoiisi.-liold poods.
ilondiiy .March 7i!i, .lueob HusTeti will
' soli l.ive ftoi-k, Kuril! Implements
and Household goods, n) j,,, rcsi
denco 3 miles smith of Frtiliiirtr.
Tuesday, March 8, Simon ami Morris
Krdley Adnitliatnilors of John
JOrdlpy , dee'd, will sell Live Stock,
Farm Implement nod Household
Tliuisiliy. March 10, Jacob Kt'einingpr,
.'xorutor of llonrv Ibiiirh, will
sell Cows, iio;;s. Farm Implii
monts, House hoht goo Is and Ac,
Tuesday, March 1, Ahriiti.1111 J. Has
sinner will sell Horses, Cows,
' 1.- t I- . I. - I...I.
j' 111 111 4iiiiiiiiiiitiiint txt;., ii'miti. n;iu
wny lietweeu Dcavcr Sfjirings mul
Thursday, March 17th Y. II. Wsqner
will cell l.ive stork, Farm "niil
inpiits mul I luii-n-hol 1 trotnl at his
rosiduii:o nuar rirnUi) rvilln.
Friday, March Is, Michael f'lvii will
' seil. lloiKi'hol.l (t.i 'U, Farm m
p'ruuvo, Livu Stuck, Ac, in Ad
imis twp.
Wednesday, March 21, niij-iniiii
Kramer- will fll HorsiM, I'o.vs
J ul 111 Iiiiplciiieiils Ao., Ac. i:l .Vi.l
(liei'i ci'l; l p.
SI.'a day next. '
Cloud Hlcii;hiii5 still C'iiiliint'"t.
IJveiti.iin,; is tint lifu of tra li.
tfoml o-i orders for ulentwa tickets.
A rii'i!lUj kitten is not a yuiji nnm
Tim hi jio of wl.-iter C )ii!iirari
Tha !;ati;i3 ,m lien 1 spoiled by tas
snow. 11. .u 11c.11:;,- pn at llio 1'mr
Tiio pieatPKl hi'iio iitlraotioti is 11
Wt!' irh loviiiij s nilrs.
The spriiv; lint onrytlun !s brcin
'0 ticl!e Ihii temnlii mind.
fmnv d.!f!i iificri fcl hi'i nr.
cotitnuci 011 Iho Al'epho're-i.
C. ml piles nr ynmi ii s 11 1! er by
ib';;icc and lie mtifiliy I..h.
The s nail -pox lias m i te If ? sppeai
ani'i! in many plaeaM in i'i! , -;i .1 1
The day urn rapidly lei.-ihcniin.
find we now bavo over ten lunim' siid.
Jacob O. S'tiiih, ofdio '.Va II.. Hume,
lias 011 linn I a full Una first e!a3.i To
bacco and !.i;.irs,
The pro in I -z sav 'n shaijoty ,
hum wo-ii u.i. ic Id Bluep fr six long
A western paper says that Jauiair
rum is made in 'hiladelphia, of old
boots. Tin't that liiuderoiis ?
For Colds. Con-hs, fionehitis and
oil affection oftho Lutifs, lake Ayer'
Cherry 1'octoriil.
A lar'e crop of wheat Is anticipated
noxt harvest, owing to the proteclinjf
nod cirectaof the winter'
This U an unusually severe winter
for railroading, and the men say that
tno cost of keeping the ron U open has
been double that of, any previous win
tor. 4
When yon drive a nail Into the wall 1
or clothes proas, drive it through a
pool no tijf.e , boud And you will
.Imve a peg which will not roud and
.'iActlons tpnak louder than words,"
nia blowing only sinks the blower deop.
ei)to the quick-sand and besmear
liint all over with the slime of decep.
Won Mid fu'lsohood.
Il i oossihln to 1l.1c1.ioa & I..
1 , . . )-
Ing, lophistry rtnd cunningly wrought
ontoncos against the true, leitimnte,
nnd only rational coucluHinns to bo de
duced from certain promise, but only
A few. and those not long. a
The Waffle Houaa Turk by. Last
week the proprietor of the Waflle
House served a turkey for hi guests
Which weighed, when dressed, 18
pound. Was'nt that a whopper T
Thou liesides that, we would wager
our last dime, Dulmonlco can't get one
up iu bolter style.
Familiar iv'ssnyt 011 Soientlfio Sub
ject, liy U. A. Proctor. No. 18 of
rOl'ULAU Tdco 15 cents
J. Fiigerald A Co., Publiahei-a, 1 4il,
Ave., New YorW.
III one of the most encouraging
alius of the time that literature of
this high grade should find aocepUnce
among the gonoral publisher of tha
"jtnboMt Library houlil receive the
..... , t c,t. jj flkVOf
" p
W give our rder tb full sad oor
rl Isngnag of Judg Duohsr I Em on.
jucl Ettlnger In proaouoclof lb seottoo
of lb It,
Tb Jaif toly foil bis uoplsaisnt
duty tnJ bis mtlooi ftrirsslsd and
oquslly inovsd tb Urgs asaembly eotlcot-
d to br tb death moIsdo. Ia soaibsr
Issue wo will bar somsthlng t iy a to
lbs aisnnsr od rrplirs of Ih prisoners
lb Court varied bis friendly admooliloos
to suit raeh pirtloulsr .
The indictment charghl you and
others with the wilful murder of Oretch-
en Kintzler. Yoit denied your guilt
and demanded a separate trial, which
was allowod. You placed yourself for
trial before ajury of the country. This
jury was in the main jf your osra so
lection, Il was composed of twelve
"soher.disoreot and j.i lici.mi porsons."
You were faithfully defendeJ by able
and icalon counsel, who were well
clad in a knowledge of the law. They
interposed every proper shield in
defence winch it was p nnblo fir hyal
acumen to Biii:-t. You had Iho ad
vantage of all the safeguards alforded
by the law to parties accused of crimo.
.'very doubt both of law and fct was
solved in your f.ivor. N'ot withstanding
nil this, the jury rendered a verdict of
guilty. This Hit ling was fully justified
by then! rutin chain of testimony wbiuh
the Commonwealth wove around you
It nas made clear t v the evidenco, that
you (together witli others) went to the
peaceful home of old )John Kiutzlur in
the silence of the night, invaded the
sanctity of his dwelling with violence
slew bii wife tlrulcheu in cold blood
and then applied the torch of tho iu
cendiary in ordor to conceit the beiu
ousness of youi oU'enc. It iiclesr from
the evidence, that you were the princi
pal actor iu tho bloody tragedy.
You d.iihtl s ippxs lf ttiit your dark
ini I'tli jr wo ill bs bil ha beussih lbs
l.liok sa l smo tin j ruins of tbs Ki Disler
tiihitmlon ; but alti .' f iryii it hn lissn
irni.le plain ss lus sua si oooii-.lsr. Il is
iinpitsilils to a mis npltts til unhipny 11 which yau hTo voluulorily
I'lsOfl yourself willioul of S'ir.
row. W Jo till jou ; bul w sr narr.
lemi 10 fuinivs. You are a Vtry young
man, of vig iroa bfulth, and rubnsi
a'rengili, just emerlng its it wore upan His
ilirt'KboM of man's minis. You were
o.ipslile of enriiln mi honjit livelili iil,
snd uf bt'O imin mrf j ma of snsi e.
ly. Youi C.eil ir bi.Mtsl y iu with
s.niii.l mind stiil plsond within your bo
sum a confo ciict ss a monilor, lo keep
y(ir feet Id the rij'ii wny an l lo iojucn
) 011 lo U i l a life of rerliimla 1 bul you
olillnl 1I1 in cur.oliine, se I0010 rein to
.viuir psssiiins until aluioe.l your
linn Jh nith tbs blood of lbs ii.nooent.
Your ini'piiiy has fjuui y i,i out. Y,m
re now lim nlit lo a realization of tbe
'mill lhl "lbs of tho ir.iii,rc.Dr
ieUir.1." I would iiol n.l I uus drop to
.our cup ot biit-niess which in it b l
uiiiy fill'. Lrl your unlitppy oXsmple
'ie s njluni, rnriiina to nil ; oi-pccitlly lo
lue jcui.p. It 1. 1 nk lo all srnun I, liie
amigpr ill il tie? ! ibiiMn who iltou tbe
iif of e Muoie io n u I boi'l the call of
Hi U-nipiyr. Il s I jh.iIih in nil Ih .1
nir only mOy ! lo a ii 1 Ike sppittune
"feiil, In fit's from lemplslio n lo con.
iiol our (m iune, prinMios tiruie Bud
irl.! A wililrp oliv iience to the plain
lijitleti of duiy. Tho lw dccltrrs tbsl
. oil shi psjr the pn illy ol y.vir grest
otl'enoe wiili a foifeiiuteof your yonujr
tto. U I'uU lid hour lot 'ma admonieb
Jim m pr.'puro fur llts impoit linj desib
Hist awiiti yuu. Vna sh iul l bit able
yourii'lf beTorn Oo l whom yon bsv of.
leu le I, and derotilly pmy for 111 mercy
snd fo'(t!vnM. Nothing remains e..
osjjI lo priino'tuoe lh ,lr4 ssnieno t
iLetaiv, Tbs eitiitna of lbs law Is thai
J on, Uman irl Kiun .r, bs lake t honit by
theSlicrilf sf lb County of tiny ler lo
the Jail of Slid' eounty wltonjo yoa esm
snd from thence lo tbe plso of eXeou-
lion wiihtn lb walls or yard of the eild
jnil, and ibil you bs btnj(sl by tli
neuk until you sre dead, and may God
bsv oicrcy on your soul.
- A New Treatment.
Tht Got ten Elixir of Life, won lerful ourei
If l"u h.iee Consiiintition. and would
know that yur onuli cso be made looee
sud eiKy-lleoiio Feaver and Nijbn S e. est
ohecke.l Ii 2 hours. luHsniiuslion taken
fin ol Lungs and air pannages at suae I
thai you on bs made lo gain 3 to 0
pounds of healthy flank per week i if you
has Catarrh, Oyipepsi. Hick llesdsob.
Ilesrl Pisesse, Lifer Com pi slot, Nervous
Debility, domical Weakness or Bnerui.
lorrhoea, loss of sexual power Iu either
sex from any osuse If you bav any
ut hi ui iierTuua wossness, losiof nsiti or
winning awsy, and would know or so Ira.
uiedime relief and certain our fur msnv
of lb severest oases iu a short lime
a uew method with new agenle to fstlsn
every body, invigorate aod make strong
and healthy tb moil hopeless essss, uou
ion out sua writ at niio fur partlotlars,
to D. 8' lUSPENtUKV, flerriu bprn(.,t
'on. . Julf Ti. tSa.lj.
EThrich Dros,, of ighlh A venue,
New York, uro out butimos with tbe
New Premium List of hrlcha' Fash.
ion Qnrterly for 1881 j and it is as
tonishing to see what amplo induce
ment they are able to offer canvassor.
Their system of combination subscrip
tions and subscription premium is
highly Ingenious, and renders it pos
sible for an energetic canvasser to ob
tain a handsome cash remuneration
for hi or her labor, .dmong the new
premium are ome very beautiful illu
minuUil Scripture .'ablets and Card
which will be appreciated by all Inter
ested iu Sunday School and Church
The two pamphlet can be obtained
by lending a postal oard with the ad
dress to ivhrlch Bros., 283 to 2Jj
Eighth Avenue, New York.
It will pay every body to examine
the immense Stock of furniture for
sale by tha Popular Furniture man
7". IT'! T2. 1 "nr.
W clip the following from oar
exchanges aa interesting- rending
matter for tha "anxious to live and
to karn" !
To act consistently, paster Lumbar d
will be obliged lo paste bis editorial
mouth shut about Jere. Crotiso ; "all
the best men are for blm."-Afi7tiit
bri7 Telegraph.
Lombard, of tbe Rolinsgrove TWtuue,
has stopped kicking nimt the ''ma
chine." He w.w aa avowod Grow
man, but he was mado a paster and
folder Jn the Legislature, and now ho
iuy i "No use to. oppose tha Cam-
erons, for they always win in tho end
anyhow, and have made up my mind
not to fight the dimerous anymore."
Joseph sold himself at A very atuall
prico. Sunbury Dnily.
It appears that there were three as
pirant for the appointment of Faster
and Foldei from (bis comity, Thomas
Hhellenborgsr, llenry Ilenfer and J. A.
Lombard. Mr. Shollenberger had the
appointment through ex -Heprescnta
live Miller during bis first term and
therefore could hardly ask A re-p
pointmetit, but between Messrs. Oil'
fer an I Lombard, Mr, Ilcnfcr should
have bad tbe appointment. It Mr.
Myers will take tho limn to compare
tho election roturns of November last
he will soon see that he is more under
'ihliualions to tho lleptiblirans of
Fianklin twp. than thoso of HeliiH
urove Borough, A comparison nfllte
two election districts indicates the fttl
low ill a result ; In Franklin township
(iarllcld received l'.'J votes and Mvcie
170, showinK that Myers was cut but
It) votes, n the ltoroti;h of Sclins
;rove Uiirlield received 173 and Myers
'.1.1, showing that Myers was cut "f
voles. Ho, nfier .Ifr. Myers had logical,
ly weighed the mailer, ho favors the
appointment of a mail in a district
where ho waa tho worst cot. 'rob
ably bo is fixing matters up fur re-election,
but then what will tho Franklin
folks say ? Vreeb'irij CotiriVr.
Guilty of Wrong.
Porno peoplo h. i fliln of oonfns
III rinellvat rowel" whb I lie (urge
in of "piiiout tti li"n, anil in ilii
tlier srs uilly of a wrun There itre
eonie ulTi'rii.e t reuie liei ly wnrlh all
tlisl is aekeil theni, nn I one SI Itsit
wo know of I Up littler. Th writer
lis lid oecselon to n-e the Hill ers In jitet
ui'h s cliuiiii e we hire ninl of ilin
yetr in llsy I'ilv. sn l hss ilwny found
ll.ein lo be freLnlsie snl reliable il"iii(
nil Ibil is claimed foe tliem l'mnrs.
rpiAL LIST-FfB. TERM 1381.
stills K, Rnlulit va. i.tiulS Ilijrer anil
.1. i Itinil i-uiit.
Oahriwl llesv.'r vs. I'ls..) Ilnsver snd J ilin N,
Sallie I), MeM msway vs. S. W. Wall roul.
Nil I II..1. II. Hlinil.,,
WIIIU'ii II rti'li v. Jo.ui'h l'l' lil and Hel. W .
Win. II. li'CiiK ins of Jsob C. Ar.iM ft.
J'.liil H. Hire
Jai'.ii it. Siiy lor vs. Mnti'mry ant l.ewlatuwu
II. H...
John M. Klne ve. rimiliory and I.l'WlsluWM It.
II. Va.
Kelts l.iititr. Ilmiol It'.lirer.
K. rt. Il.'rn.ll v. l .-! H. rti.ll.
Inss'i H.'sTfr -"i.'i '' a" v.. .I'.iitt 11. Tti.mlil.
Silf'S iliri.i" v. it.. 11. IJ.t Ii r
.1.1.0 M. II av.r s.'li'U i. re- Miclnil K
.h.t.'ti 'i I M. II. s.niiijii.
.I'llm 111 ltl7 t: K A. itiin-n! f"
SHii pil'.n . S'i'i wer v. . A. MaiLlry.
M. II. it it a l l v '. 1 irf llf rr . I.
riia i !M;r 't 'v. To. Win It'.vef el rvl -llarnWt
1!' "" vs. J. W.Uu ;lor a J, ).
Llrl.'h, Kxee'iiurs.
Mrs. r sh lriir vs. le.r,;o sud a W. A.
Fluie r. Aitiii'rs.
lUrnhar i H... .Ii r t. J. W. Oni"er.
Iisrc'nrt :e)ilir vs. .1 W. flima'.
Iiftiii'il S. IUier, Ae.-lgueo ao. vs Msry
Nooee r el hi
I'.llas Wall a, lin'r . va .l.!in S. Wolf.
J. K. irl.ikler vi. II. I'. Si p.
Kelt a Son oouur vs rayrr' t nl.
.1. Cltol'HF. P !,.
I'rnlliv'.nin-., M lil llciiurK leu. 1't,
'file sli.iV'i lisi'S ato at Issue nuil lur trial st
IVb, T. MM.
ilrawQ for lunn coinnioncing
lVibf.ii.y 2Sth, 1SH1.
Adsms James K Kline, l'eler Retgle.
Joseph richr. iner Adam Huiilh,
Heaver VSrei Jo-rpU N. Ilnines.
franklin John trocai, Ilobirl Ilutumel,
Kohert hinitli.
Middleburg Jo'in V. Hhlmlel;
Miildlccrerk John I.rlllel.
Monroe -Joreph lionet .
I'enna A.lsin , J. Kieber, Fr(t!crick H.
Terry I.evljKepIsr, Andrew Roni'g,
Perry West e.1 Fbellenherger.
Seliiisgriivc-.J. W. Uatigler, Alfiel Miir
Imrgsr. Union---CUrtsioplier Foi, Thomas llo'J
Wasbinglon'-Edwsrd Itassler, llavld
Onrmso, Frederick E. iiilbiab, tliss
ilfan for rojrulur torin ojioinouoin
February 23tU, 18.SI.
Adams I. Y. II. Moyer,
Betvor Iinnlel Alter, rlephires 0. f ieb-
insn, Koubeu UjUh, 8'SU1 Uun.
Beaver West IInry naksr, Kranklia V.
Ueoker, Charles O reeuho Oeorge
I.ftinliert, JobnC. Ol It, Onorg W.
Uoker, Charles . .S'.iiilh. John W.
Trotsl, T. A. Wagner.
Cenlre Juooh II, II unman, 8am no!
Kuuuse, rrsuk Mpangler.
Ch(.oisn I'striok Urowo, John C,
Frtnklin I'billp Amtg. AsspS Unwersnx,
Jacob W, K reobower, llvary Klein
ioger. .Vldilleliiirg llenry Csohsisn.
MidJIeoreck William ri. Ulokel, Ilenr;
K rouse, J. Hoberi Kseler,
I'enn VsUolin Bob;
I'rrry Kdward U. Moyer.
I'trry West Allen (Vrnyhill.
Hellnagrove (iiJeoa.Aiaig. II, F. Gregory.
Wells O. Uulmes, Julia llshn, ,1iles
iliiinoii'l, Joseph Lumbsrd, Wlllisui
II viot'srty, Joseph F, Parks, Jsooh
8 w arm. Juonb t) Wnguer
Uuion Ali'sham Onugir .If. B. Her-
told. William lloatrr,
Washington Jaoiib Dunk, Adam II. Glass,
Juim A. Ilitliish, Willi tin tl. Vlotr,
Johu T. Moye,
- . ! 1 -
A vtiltiiibla Ih'ick llolaU. locivttj 4 ' "
Franklin, oiioaiij tbe fi t nlniry nml
Luwislown U.iiruail tlrpot, i ollcinl
lor utile.
This I a substantial bniUlinK built
on lliu mobt inoilern style, adapted as
a ou lor privuto ilivellinir j, beauti
fully located i a well nf excclloiH water
in tbe Horntiiiir-liotisa ; und niii(ilo
stulilirtg, ico liouso ami otber out
bnjliliii)s, ' '
For l'lirlber nnVtienlars rail on or ad
Ure, D, V. KF'RSl KTTEH,
Miiiaiebui's, Ta, ,
ept, 0, '30. , ,
J'AICIlrrenr.d for SVwe by
4"H I""il)AC::3 XSu
Ttmim,tryfiprla. nierenrlnl disessi
es, scrnful and erneral flebihtr cured
a .... 4..-. ... .
it. fctnnsey a oua rcartner.
lid by (IrubRists. - V
Jan. 13. m, 4w.
runs i tTT il8TT . or
peobeletsr elf BlleroT, psys lb blub.
tti fries fur itaekr!, Kacoons, Ao, Ae,
Jsn. 27", w,
V iiir,i. .
(7snnsry 2'iib. lRoj
': , ' V af '"
!irouiht on by sever fold on1
Hi lutif. whleli ttiiKhl bsveM
Mheen enred hv anebniilt. nf Rivaa'l
a;viie of Tsa, Who Chssst and
J.IOASiiot SD if taken In time.
I've Irsvrlsd Cist, I've traveled Tesl
Through msnr a weary dsy
Put the one Ihiug Hist gets mebest ,
Is by lb hsns d.m'l la.
Klga, fiO Tents per doisn ''Ejobsnjs."
Ti v a rseksrsof . It. Itossar's I'ocltsv
fownsss, prepared hy Hlsss' Mr'o Co. of
Phil delpliU. Ps frale by alllali-ic
dnigila( sn I then If thee dou't lay, Ihrt
srs only fit lo "as to pot."
We bsv tested lb invibitble qnilities
of Rossst's Hos-s snd Cattls l,nivnss)
npnn ur own SI 'Ck, snd In .lusiics to our
fellow clllrer's. d 'sni II our duly lo reooin
mend the nine In nil owners of slock, not
only in n e ehers stock is sick, but
find It very I enrti.'inl tu new milch cows,
us well lo Ih' gruertl appesrsncs ol
Hie borer a and utber stoek ; It cusis nnlv
.t C-n's. sad giiarut'ee l lo elect a euro
if tie tn lime.
We notice Ibst a grest many peoprle
Isry niribriDe men, are advertising In
nob a manner, as lo lead Iho piiblio, snd
psiiiiiilsrly lh reisll druygisis In be
lieve ihel Ik sale nf their gn Is is an
iresi, Ibst unless llieir orders sre sent
in S il ly, Hiry will be uasldr in till them.
N hnvevir notice one pxcepibin lo this
rut in tbe ciiee of the Mtssa' .1i'u Co , "f
I'bilsilelpliis I'b bo are hone-t enough
to Hale, il sl nn metier how rsl lbs or
lers oume in lor 8isa Hvaer nf T, Wu.n
t'nsstv sud HiiAii"t'M tbry ebsll all le
Rlit'd Their eeles tn tills preparation
liely. ar w is lio'l II t h , lls ; their fucil
It ift. f, r nmklng si ptrsrnl srs t,"oii,niia
Imit'ies per iiDimm ; but let no drumiisi or
riistnmer tir altirinnl. thai tuere wii i ever
he a coiner in ftsss Tas, fur should the
'.rvl dunmnd Lollies Ihey csn
lie lied, kiiu from iir eXierience with il
.is ciiirh siid edd ri'ine ly. we huve no
loubi ilnl il aalcf will souil tench the
list named figures.
Sun I rtinrireo .Vctcs and lHnpuleh.
'A bone ! a bnt"e 1 my aingdum fur
bnre J ! ' ahen King H'i'hsrd epoke
live words nn lloewnrth fl"ld, he nil
douli'odly ni' snl a horsn whieh ha I been
u-ing ItniiKHT 1'ki.ksssthii IIoiiss I'kw
I'Viia, ss nooth-r uniimil would Intve con.
vi-je I linn in a S'lTe pin" in iho i'ii.!kett
pii.eible lituv. 1'i'ii u C'linla euld ev
t ber".
V art iiiL-ee bnvri Innressed -In rjer rent
elili?e oui'g men have learned of the!
nuiiir men l.nve l.mrnej or I he
..t . Mt ii . ' . .
Dsn if oil kci T a I'i'tile mi liaiid so
en, ei gen
lhin' lo
, inn sie isle In tirni)-iiig
.7 . W. DvouhOi
Onions rer hi -bel
Votiil'ies so
Hufrr- e-p '
Fpys per J i"'n
'I nl'i.n pei''iii,d
I ir l
.Si'tdid Cherries
lUnok'.e. nvs
Ita In'i ries
I'r'ed Apples
I'lird faouss psrsl
... older
15 to .'J
4 io t
I'.innacTsii suttit nv
Simontoti, ll trbov fe Co.
Wheal per buabel
' No. I
Ry do
I'ora do
tints ' do
1 (!
t'lnverssed per huebel
l iuiolhyeed d
lliiokwliral do
flaxseed da
Put alnes
apples priire
Cherries, piliel
Cherries, uiipilted
Ilia, kherrii't
brit'd api'les
Penalite, paired,
duller, prnoe
IIiiIiit, svooud-olas
Chesltiul per btisltel
Walnuts lie
8 do to 4 ii'
30 lo 4 '
i ,
1 '
I .e
40 to M
1 v
.1 (l
a o.
4 a.s
lk t'te
CO.l I.
IVa CoaT
I'heaiaiii eoal
UUvki h Ci.t
!MA1M( n:i.
Jan, It.niva, b I K. O, I'
King, ,1les Nno F.mory. of New Ci.lum
bus. I uiern e'.iiuly, lo Mr. Jan ea ..
Forreeler, uf Helinstrove, Snyder emintf.
fan. 121 b ih Its J. F, Wamnv'e
Mies Marv !l iii.lal.'n W.iohlef to Mr II
Kreleili'h Peuli, b oh of I'ery twp,
-..Ian. Do. hv tbe It-. II. W. Zlmmermaa,
Mies M U Uoonef, lo K A. Ito iili. b
nt I'bsi'maii lap
Jan. IK ,t:'isrl4 lrrt to Mis IUibsr
.lrii,-l . tli of S.'liii.f rove.
Feb. l.fkv Rev. fl. It. flelmer, Welling
..a II ti'iCrth f Msso'i Clif, 111.
iss Mill D.itH, uf " I'Zr.ivs.
Fib fi. In t lata plao Csrn'
daneliler ol J ioeb sud Ad llilbeil. se'
I ysr, & luonliis sud T dsys
Fib, I. in H.basrv Bipblv, it
Pmiiii.I tttatiller, gud lioiii Oil )cai.
' Jsn (I, i Heilutg ove, fur .in li uaa
sever a.itlrrer, llshseoa, mU of Hear., ' tu ar 4 let year.
Jan to. In Ttrrv istp., Uebee His
aged la yasri. '4 moa U aa 1 di .
Jso. Hi. ia Ws'itvgtoa lap. f dipa i
eils. I.l i si, ds.ubls f Paiauei ant
Ketab lUokkarl, a 1 jftav, t aaaik
siioi "l rueui ui ni i.e t hi., .. i i.i' - " .., hi 'I o'i'I.i. k, a VI
IT ! lloAflim an. urnn Iml ies. Young!,. I l! I. Co-
IIMS I I.. II. , . J .fill , Jj'.
If yon wnl to ei rid tfjpleipleo, bolls,
i"r, o., nee "I.lndset'e ulosd frcbl
,r. ' oota ry an ay an amigist.
..M... .a. ...
'1r Hsllsr's Coiifk flfrnp" I 0nr
tu a tood a'tiif. r..i. it is tb hs.i
ennub oieiloise la IL msrkel. Prlo 24
ITesdscbe enred fur ? pent tiv P'l,
DYsfBI'SM ILIA liitcCTjcriiia.
fell. S,4w. j
Wa-itkd. Th" ramp and address "f
every enmrade of the 4.1th Ue.fl. Vn
vols, also till address of thiwa who
have died, send name and ud.lici, on
Postal Card
Committee for rinyder Co.
icaverlowti 1'u,
Give your Chil.lron a start in Life.
The IT. 11. (eneficlnl Hneielv pays
Children a majority Ccncfit of one two
nnd three hundred ibdlars when Ihev
arrive at the nye of ill yrnrs ; also a
funeral benefit if they dio belore rencli
inir snid aire-
This Inslittitinn offers alt pnreiii nn
oppi.rtuiiii v of irivinsj their Cbiblren
a start in life, I'nrenis tin tint full tn
avail yourselves of Its protection ami
For further rTlinl irs snd fir'-u-lars
n I dres m.NUV It KIK.iL;. Al
Middlehtirir, fil.
I Jeflimniti y nn
no ncrs -.Liiter.
Knneb .'le.l.ltle i.rW'eat llenv.r ti"rn-lil.
Mnyilef eo'intf. I'm , were K'enl.a '. fl." mi.
tler.lfc.fie. I . ,M .er..n tutne-l'i? tlie-Mlro
ll ilelile.1 I.. 111.1 elne wilt flr'A- mike lfiirr
.tl.le l.tymont, witile tiHiite tiAvlna elnlni. will
prMotit itiem l.r eriii.,nint tn
felt, lo, lsl. lete-nlnr.
pi:curiit- Norn'K r,
I J le.tmnentsr on the S"tils of Miry
it. t.ver, leie nt ellll.trllvs iierMiitfii
Nny.lor l.'onnff rtneM huehibi been nmni
e.1 to lle utiaeMtined, nil eions knowiru
llietneiree inl.'iiteii tn enta e.tHte are re'ne.i
e.1 Ie miilie linitieiltete pnvmont, ersifle ttm-e
rmrlnir elelnia will p-e.enl them lull autlientl
eteil foreettletiient ti.
lUoitilr SI'IINRK,
Vth. n, issi. Ktei ntore.
Audi! or'n Not ico-
In Ih' rttitte nf fl, I In the Orphanf C-mrt
I Illhuh ilii il. of Sumter eiiuiil-i
ll K nn I.r.iif or 1 AnliMr niiiiui ne I b
IhCeatd f our I to iliatriliuie the funis
ill Hie linn l o' .1. A an 1 Kin. ill.isit I and cm !siiird iv on' v . I . . 1 a H.lip.'u
.diniiiitrilirs Ac, will sil fur ihe llluriilng. Ie tvo . 4o 1 1 ,' d lily, '-
iir n.e of his npp ilnlnviil at Ihe of i crpl S'liidav, ti.'o. 7..I". I i. - i s. in.. - " i
A. ('. Himps'in iiiSeliia.'rnV'.on TL'K.SII V 'p. m ; daily, eXcepl S.iurliv nnd Sun
Keb. 'U. I-1! at In o'plui'k a ni. nt hi -h I ' ". n. I u p. ni snl on8nurd.iy iin'.y.
nine sn I plure nil persun bavins; nlai us
are reiiuested tn present theni duly nil'
ibetilicaii'd nr lie delrtrre I from cuniiiit
iu on asid fund.
Fe b. 1, M. An lii..r
in tnt mnttrr nf (he
In th V.,7 nf
I'm ni no ii r .
. ; . , , . ,
1 h- 1111 !rii 'iiia Vl 1 t ir ui nrf t tin t'i-.
e-. I ' I fll I I l I 'l ' . I I I il f I. t , It, VHT
A "-ti'i i, i , nn t f I'l'i ttr v I'll i r v n
An It. .r t.i .11 .rff.iit.f li- f'i :i t I i it i' i )'( -
I In "l I ) Tff- ituHi.f I'lMt I it 1 1 1 y r i 1 1 1 ' ''il
i In ll.e
"n win -it f -r t i p irn ! ..I iii
i jiiirji . -n nt lil . .i n
I 'ininnini. si i nj . .
" 1 , I . III ' I II 1 1 .111.
l.ll..l.... I'd .... II'LIIV.'JIIII' L'L'... .....
, nt will n tlmo
nd '
"I are re .e-n. I
1 ' ""n O" lr ' Ulim. ..r i e .ii imp i tr im
i.ii.ImIii.Hi.. la II.. .Hal, I ....... .11
It II i"t.!ll. 111 I tl 1 1 - f r 1 1 II I ulira 1 .
I h r . 'pt Inn tin l.r 'tl mit't tr h .4 i :i I ''t
fiio t-v ttill lw tJtriLii( l oa n.o tlty
ril AH. H')W Kit. An Htap. at
Mark Down
T 1 1 i iiriti ii illcl'i'l ulV'tr is m i lo nn
tliM fi Howii'tr (.'inula for lin il.iy :
Ovt a'coals,
Dvcicoat at
' '
I.i,. nl
1-' :m
5 11:1
- -
8 .'ui
1 Wl 1
S -'.)
C'onta at
K no
m r . i
i rn'
ll i in
.ri 7.-1
.. I )
1 tit .skirts ut
2 "J
l . -.
bliuwiH at
7 (lit
1.0 I
Ti .7
Jan. C, 131
Of V!lilUlll4
rPllK uiuli'riiirjuiiil I'flVr at pri vat
fil) Aero
nl Isrrl situate In Centre I . nh! ', l J-r I'n ,
'. pes''e i'hur.'h, Lerc.' r e .eie I e
Va4 I H A M I.
Im'lln!i; Il.nisH, l;' n'; r.arti
nil nlhre iiiil'i.ill.llns. A 'i! nr.'Mr.l of
ell ere..tsl nr.i eli-a vaneit.a .1 I n i.
Nerrr t , illa lrr si I "s .1 ' .
VK iY vav rt.K'ia iu b i il. l.i
t .ir tml.isr parlU'iiliri ea'l oa r
l.ii A:.a 'i a m.i ;V
V is. lasi ' i rs-
(A MsHUrlsMN a Uriak.)
litim, Pinn1, m aiit akih
AnaSajftri-nftnv iit
tias.'V iu, oiess l. i tsss.
TIU'.Y CU1113
At) Mt4isMe lirlt(Wfll. IVw, rttvd,
tisr. K tn.. . V imsiij'iss
XUUMlk'ati'. v " i 4)rVVlJ
I MattVlV V VM'lan "
kl ALS Vt lttfl" .Mirs, fM iiAjtHiviasl
Ui in isUimk
Aftdf inirtui t9 Als-Tfk nitupv t4 trf
UW Wl" v MiyV Vtak J tjHWr
pl f I an Kai. Ht4 trtt f4Mt (Vty
praHiawi wsss, sssrift trap vassnat
A JM smM tss 4
. TwSsttsV Wv
! J I I f
. Philad6lchl3. tllld RGSLfJiD
i.j ,
hail Road.
I n U.I II M'l II f
. .
! Arrangement cf 1'itssonscr Tralni
JUT, WfJIh, 1M(.
TV'ifas s irs .irnji'mr- nl fn.Vnw
Tor .New Vor, via Allnrtnwn,
(Ml m.. and l.t'i r. In.
For ( Sew YmV, vi l'l.llsil,.'iibla and .
..lln....l li...b II...,. ' ii.. u r. . i
Slid l.t'l p, m.
Fur I'hili lelphis. n.o. 8 0 i .(through
rsr), ll.CU a. m.. snd 4.00, and D.ii
p. m,
Kor Itesillng, fl.O" PcS. 9 5o a. m., I.4.
t.oo end 8. on p, m,
for Pottstllle,,' rVn.'i, 9 f"t . m.,
snd 4,oo p. m.. and vis Hchuylkilt At, Rus
pivhsnna brunch at 2.4 p. m. tor Au
burn, ft. In a. m.
K( r Allentnwnj (l.oo sn l 8')f, 0 6n a.m
l.t.'i an t 4.oo p. m.
The K.o'i a. m., and 1.1" p. m
'rslns have Ihruugh cars fur New Yotk.
'i Allenii si,
Fir Allcnlown sn I Way Hlalions,', fl.oo
s, tn,
for Itesdm. Pliilil-lj.lilt. and Way
"0'itlnns, l. l', p. i.
7V is far um'.'-lir7 Omr aifnlh'r ;
best New YnrV, via Allmtown, H.l.'i
. m.. t.oo mtd i. o'l p. tn.
I.esve Sew V"iV, vii 'l'otntd Vrn'ili
Itouie' nnd I'hll.t li'lpiiin, 7. l-'i n. ni., I. -to
.lid o. Ho p. ni., sriivini nt II in i t'Liiry
I .li.i, H-.'-i ri, in., mi l l .l..'ri. nt,
l.esin I'lil.i lolplu i, O.l.i am. III
nd 7 4 r. pi.
I. cure 1'oU-ville. 7. no, !' 1 O S. ui , nnd
l.l" p in.
I.i'itve r.nadlng. 4,. VI. 8 oo, 11. So a. nt.,
I, 'to, r.lfl, nn I bi :l't p in,
l.esve I'oltsville, v 1 1 SiMitiylkiK Sii"
(iifliimna llrntn'ii, H. a. in.
I, l ive .MUniiiwn, il.JS '.'.o i 1 )
t.'lu, and '.l.oj p. in.
I.enve New Y'ork i.!io p in. I'liilln le
phis. 7 I t p. m.
I rsv It ii l i n g, 8. no s m. and lo,'l"i p in
Loire Alleiilown nl '.i.o'i p. nt. i nn i'ii.
l.esve lltirrlall'll'ir f ir I'lisinn. I.o-
cbl -I, and .siei'lloti duly. I'Xecpl Hundiv
i l'i'. lo. 1' 4 i a. in.. 2.0 i p. m. : daily.
c.V'ep! .'nlnr Ii v mil Sun tiv Ft I i p. m
' lo, li.oo, U.uu p tn.
(Icn'l Miu.iiet.
H. It Wt'tll'k',
tii'n'1 l'.i-'r.V licket Aj:t.
"I' i 4 ll n 4".
n'-' "ll win1. T r inif!m
2 n'll. rime tt th i-'fri ,-.' nf Cm i"i l.-r.
I" t- m rl r.uttc I. i
' ' I ' I hi . I l Iv 1 1 it .!( . C II Wl.l t' 1 ill-
'i-r1 ui .irlin i 1 n,
IHIM l!( I'M I" If",
Jn. 0, I -s 1. It uiti'-i ',!, t I. i i v I'..
.elier, nt n.l m I n I -t i .1 1 1 ii nn ll:o e tale M
I. A Kiifulil Uln nl I hi .n t
.!"-. I..H
cti 1 1 t t. tti- lit- it
flu'T'fi.l . i i I 'f - t Ii ) Vi IniW I Ml tt,
"! ! i I I I t w I! I 1 - r in
i'i v "if ii t i ii 1 1 1 1 1. iti' i, iv 1 1 1 l i . ti
npiitt w ill irt.-eiu (ua 1 f -r i-i-m 1
Jl'lIN V. KM' i i f.
A In ii.l-inii r.
Jan. . '41 .
lMIMTlt.'Mi:.S mm ici: -
( fu . .'rr I .... I iH'i-. i -i 1 In v.- '.a-i- ,:m nl. ! t.i
thr tin trr.i; P, . A II l efi'.h- lin Imj I ;
t h r I li 'It I e 1 I i . til (: nt. hi p. , - r it. . -
j Im " eiit 1 1 i - . tin- i.l m Iii i' t I.i i it u n
'I i-l sn.l l rt tu will j-r'arut tLVLu iijr
It U'll. Ut to
MVIPN H l.1r;.
Jtn. 0, AJ
N'OTU'K m li. i. liv t;:vct. tlmt nn I
f ' ,-f i ni f. r Mir.''' I'1 -..'l.T 1 i AnIi-!
. .f if II... l-.v. -1..W11 -It it i .st I' i r- tn-i'.i.rt
I '..ti, pa i.j "1 It. s v.rl ' ti. is, i:i l I.. I i st
t.i. ..ill... . I tl... I ' i. i . ...11 i,, I',., ,11
SM I' UI'AV, .1 V M A I! V . 'I.. 1-1.
II.- Ii.mra nl I u I j P. t. .-n I In, I
N. A. Wl. 1 l.l.. I'r. ..
A. II I " S .-. !' . . '.'-y. I
uministi: tmi:s uTifK
I eit. rs -'I . linlnl.' -a'l .n nn t 'ie . .1 1 'e n'
I ri j.sstiy i., I..te -l '.Ve.l I'errv I l' . Mil 'it
l ' I'a.. tie ' '.. i .1. e I . . .'i- I l.i t . nr. ti-r
, t.el. All .t s . In i'.. ii..,,,' .
. I.lrl'.i.tll.'.'iteeilli.. ...r. el
i He i si Tr.ct w:il!e ii
. 1' S" "'ii. . . il l
-Si J .--I'llft will rr.e- t t l.e"i I . r 1 1 'I. - Ii t !
I il 1. 1 ; t i - . , i.
Jum I'll 1 1 K ; I. .
A l in. n i.t 1 1. 1
Pre. il. I
J. 0, KEiI?FK,
fm t'Oiii.Y nt:t,r:s;
lot i i in: in u
.1 .Jiiii'sbti! S'ny.lcr ronnty,
.luly ;.', .do.
tsiLOOK TO YOUR Eiilim:.
F.veev man or vrnnan ".I'l buy 0 and.
vi r (,v 011 I ' ti I i, 1 . 10 11 '
i 1 1 1 b .;nn n t it r 1 tie bfl 4 1 ,i '
1 Uf !.( w.inr j
that i- i 1 1 enr Mo:i..aii I il'.unailt
-. out s lis: f I 'i. m
HAU'.'VV I'.V.
cr.nC' 1 . I ; 1 ,;a.
r 1 mi . s i v. 11 irr t.
I ft VT't- t s I ' FISt-N.-.!.
T. 'ii in-. 1 iN" 1 ir. ; 1 .(-.
tin' M: M !l l l!.l! --. N VII.
!.IS S I 1 I., ll' 11 . l i''' I l.l!.
siKr Fi'.-i s. t. M-r. s I'i'ic'ai
wirsKi! ixiv; r.ri;,: sn f.m
i i 1 sk. .11 im 1 .: :i
I'l It C. l I ON .r l.i .. 1 I I
linn, Tin: vi s;-
I''! INK. so.
TliV IT.
' repp-'fii!!y s nf 1' e ol' liens r( ?m
"v.l r o.iunt) ft-lisre "f tl'.ir a i i -T
-vin p iroh.- I n.l C. ... I- ItiM-!! I
. ..1 able in a. 11 . v.-ry I." II I' ll I .
I'.niit'ii Villi e .'.'. -I 1.1 I'r, i....e
lur Ite-i .O'UiI't,
rl..,,!l.. l.lii'""l, Teirj 1 .1 , t'.
1 irr.xsr.
l J herei 1 f 1". 11 II 1
NOTIOi:.--V.lV.a is
I si
I .. .1. .1 - il.. HI..' Mi 1 re,
ii.. 1 1 r 1. 11. t, lira.
1 1 e r.le. li.elr I if Ti I ih.i n;,
l.s 1 l' W n n. rl". -e-.ton- nl m l. t . 1 , ,
1 il.v e ttiie t. I'l im. n e '.ie er s,.i.i .1
v. Ih rlit .'i "i '.. r.-.l
t. a'i, I ' I ill, ?'. . ii I or.'-r. I
' .1 ihe I'lertot 11 - r si.titit tft'be it''.'..
i.ih ntV.iern l.' rs li.ei'i,.r se. i
I -It ! I'r: s.S at u.'r tl I..!' .-! , I
I ad VM. ll ' S')'leslil still' i'-
e .! tattt.ia aliens .i.u si'inhi . ..x
a a-l r-a er..isrt. ssr it- im..i. .
. sil l.m tits e..nvtv lr..r i las l r
i UlrV U.ftl .I. .te-i-s.
iwi i.i. i-ias.' i . .i a .u.tiw-rr
. F.II,3YLVAIJIA U. Ii. . v
Tralni lest t.eet.lowa Josello flni
VI AIM I.I.VB-WKHIWAI t I:mssi Ijeia.m.'
l -.'lllii I.T.reia s U . at.
W 1 1 I'acsi.sor loin, m.
. ell 4 p. n.
f a-l hit. a p. a,,
I: akt w a no.
Pselfto Ktprssl I01 as.
'in- a it o. in.
I'm s.lel.M Kr
.oiinet.iww I . 'l"- 11 IS .. n.
if- II is a. di.
1 lie Ksl l.ln. Wv Pa.ssoaer n,l i. fsell
to upTo we?i, anil Ilia 1'acliie and Atiautls
r.M'r. e-i run lsiljr.
Kbv trsmi lol stsilnns la Mifflin tonDtf
isr luii'm s 1
Pa'nee Mail. Kgta,
p. en.
, ill
' 4 t
4 43
t ft .
t a
T is
M misynnk
I' etsi.l
N. It million
a. in. p. m. . s. ni,
lino 4 is
li:s 47
in it
lu l
In m
lu it
lu iS
0 n
1 M
S 1
1141 4.'.t
lit) 4 .V I
l. I HI
iinniitiiiiidijn t'i I
t 30
r il
T vo
1 yniiie is
linen. I
I'lc.turj s Co
Tha I'selflt Kvnrsss went ean Ii Rsggcl st
VtuVeiiuwostStl a.m.
I.r . en s.Asrie si'f.. wnsiWAiin,
lll,lla. mi. Stu.d Mull
' it .1.1 S. s in. J ", 1n va,Rl )' i: .
a v . ii :iii III 10 in S -
t:l!jlJfrH V VI 'l , W ,
ii i.T : t.i t ii ii is
ii ...i f T r.u J ,M irn - 4 )
A riiner r . I. i'l u 'l VS 40
1'Tin'. a it f VI r i.j 4 I
' Hi:'.. K, : S :iy I : t 4 I'S .
i.n .! tt'ns s 'T e a S 7
I! -.i.'r' II l.l 4 l'4 SIS IU
II I I r I . f 4 '.7 T M ?r
!'l ' il li'm I' s 4 ' I t 'V V
M"i. . I . ' I. ' I 1 S'l S Vlt
hr.i.i. r I . is :s j it s is
I S-. ill. i I . 9 Mi7 I I J I I 4
-i l.i.., .... n I S"i H' il
h it. .in . u .i) t ie
.nil n r in hi S til 4 . I ;o ,
i I s
B II I' rr-IU N li V. Supl.
11 1 " I s'l. r N .r
i.t I will
. !; trains ou tills
i. I. A V 1. Mill Til IV Ml l
I.'".r : i. i" i. rn M.Miia Ft
t M'. I l.ii .
MnrtY'.ik nt l.v i ii m s ;, s rs
I' ll.'iiii i.i' sin 11 4fiaM
V , ... ,",iii ,- IT i in M l; . M
I! iIMn- -r.i V 1 ' 1 1 m 7 1 s. in 11 .lam
II..' i- -irtf I.: ij (.0 s iii I.HAf.m
He ! . ri t ' ii s in ,. , 6." i (. nt
.! i.T-ivi, f ' in r. :!u ni
'li'.llrv f V - B III 1 "2 fill. 4...-H tu
.V r'Vi'ii'" t'aiiil e.4 - a in li..'." i m e.0 p m
A'fi..' ni :
w il" ,'.,. rt sunn t '! f in T"pm
I -i ii-a I.'.." rn, lo.ii! p m
H ii'.l j a ,.i . in c in , in a oij e m
Krii T.4" i in
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