The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, February 10, 1881, Image 1

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    .; oU.wa. OTie year,
iMitlli c lnmn,ne rear, M.00
u.fnar I to liiKU .rtrtfon 7ft
fuklltbad avary Tbnradat tvtftCa
iaamiAH ohotjim, Ttrt
f . k t . . . t All
L.r a.Uilk)ital Insertion.
II traneolWt advertising aM tbaa
bnlhs Wcentea line.
ii aJvertieenaOntt for eaofter Wi-
I than r' payable at the
they art arder-4, and U jee)eyff
nMOTwrtcgUMHn win o neiaj
vtteible for the mo tie v.
I 1 1 y .
Tb LiMky HorattkM.
hh irHag with kit leaf
ike s kereeek' I tkt mJ,
sailee1 (Ifutl kit beta dtor,
l Lack taigki eewe epoa kin jUar,
vry MeeaUg kewa I Ufa
y ki kMix i ! in i r,
aeter tar He af kr
aJ apes kit grewleg feret.
.lira lll-fartae Ni begea
iiil Ike attaatitl rat. ,
eat deellaaj la la tkalr af ft
(bssea lemble free, Ika pfi,
rata dataarad I a fattaa lap
sera, that evf fellaJ befera,
led as reite aa ika teoj i
'greet reJaeee eee Ifaiy "
cat ill di4. ar acai astray
btrt, all a a Ika ereoka wy
srisg a greet irewtk beksi la sad
raaitai every paa ia bad
blast deolereJ they eeuU aal grew
ag at Nature aetiJ ta
a leal lotvata ra es Ibair kraal
arte tot Uk af Juloy faeJ
tiavet fr barr il tldaa weal aff
tkey ka4 Ika wkoeplag,eeag h,
aitblag af Ika eetful kind
Loil teg eibar fH laahaad
bort, It wat aa an la lr
all Ua laad wat ta a frjr.
mora Jtmorllltd wltk grUff
htrairr UiaerJ far ralltf ;
vrayad rlgkl baad la uadrntaaJ
iiibrfl aaa pMal bla Ual;
baaaa aad farm la alaart graa
ktaailad C ikainVCk" tbaa.
i tkmdli a .jil a'ar alUrt rx
Llisia akaaaa-J la tradgaalag.
oabiull. ilb iriajjd nri,
bU afalra vara la arrtara.
ptkat a datparaia nala af tblajta
lj.up airaaabaa taiaauaiaa aria.
..r..,.r....4 .aataibtau...
brMirbraabl ii low tIm j
iiaibaaU aiaar tiled bit baa I
ifbtj arigbl. auJ -ilokly aaU,
tatiUJ iba k'trntboa upilda da
ra II rauud, aad aoou jrvu II
u and Ftirtuo will agree,'
krmir luruad Ilia liareaeltoa- aauad;
fi4en Ugaa I' eli lb -ua I;
urblae Uunltrd aaivng bl grata,
l piled up Ibe iin;
HI bit liijr eauld berel beld,
ii lie di J ibejr vera laid
ill Irere are Ud tturdj proti
ibe gtlberln applr urupt I
nip an J peiaio Belda
hU all ra bj IbrlrUldi ;
Purer ruck aare vt aura
iekaliliag billb war boru j
Ira wie full of bamilug biu.
U preeeuied ulia wub Iwloe,
igbbor maretleJ mora and mere
Wliicrtaee la bla e'era.
w the ajbrrr farmer ilaga
I ar iw ar.y, f j0,- ,h)nii .
a"" iue a aui.
... . ...
tk kirn bat tb au-ir wl.'
V 7. tciU, in UiTitt J.Mriac'rw
et Tule
3d Life,
ra 0U tbiuktatt
L ka.L
a ootninji d to aa tbat
look on ny brotbar't fade
ft retmnJ from bit boapiul
I in m I axDacUd. n nnaa.
I . 4 . . '
knea aim off io U!k aboat
oj whloa h tt.rtioaUrW
M him ontha
okad up wttb a tmila io , bii
UIiba4yo bad
.wmaaaoto my dull talk
l quMi sod mop o dotti
a -
Sail, beftr. inJoaoUj.
w I woald miMh prafar to
UU tJxmtWha joa baa
ngiaroob lo day thtn
Kit I mi only
aWMavbt yon'J iy
tiuptorik, t wiU tall
rjaraa who oana
lw bag ooa of lha a tab
"mm il baa arar ba my
(P Bd Sail ia lura with
MiwaraJ pmaaly, aad
tock br-aay
l '"
J aT-rt t oepMirtJotta
j r, r
k more than A Ii nea, per year,
jtor, Etecuior, Administrator
4 Assignee HoiM,
UriaJ notices Mr ltd.
vol. is.
tMIOtMt WITto oheew awey tb
.K.. Li c ..
- ..-. uw urerr. "is
rary baaatifal P
M bara aaen ctaoy wbo ooatd
claim mora perfeot faalnrs, but
Ihara ia a aomethiajrabontber which
tella of ondkUal nobility of tool, and
alto oi bar baaing raaohad a baigbt
far abora that atlaioad by ordioary
I bona yon will beoo'oa wail
aaojgb acqnitotij t aak hor hara
boma tiroa, Neil," I aaid, aothntiaa
tieally. "Sba matt be lorely. in.
deed, to have made attoh au iiapraai
ion upon yon."
It bad bean Neila diatom to
throw upaa bit boate and apaoioaa
frooida two or tbraa timea darinir
the aammer for tb aalorUiuuteut of
tba boapiul employee, lint it waa
ow midwioUr, ao tbnt uoleea Nail
departed from bia aeoel rontiaa
thera woald be email obanoa of my
aaeing tba oaw nitree.
"CoulJo't you bare a Cbrietmaa
party or a New Tear'a fete, or
thiog V I coutioued,
"Ferbape ao," ba abaentlv.
u iue. ouoe ia my mioii, waa
rary apt to aUy aad bear frail ia
utae i aua befora tba winter bad
paaaod by I bad iaditced Neil to car
ry out my aoggeetion.
la tbat way I beoama aoiaiiote 1
with Kaelya Beaacbamp,
lo know ber waa to lure bar. It
waa long tefora I could peaetraU
beaaatb tba apparent calm to which
that hijjh, para Datura bad attained
and win tar oonfidaoca. But at laat
dad and aba told ma bar
aad atory. 1 will give it ia bar own
worn i
I am a marriod woman My
baabaod'a name ia, or waa (for I
kno not if bo be atill numbered
among tba living), Looia Beaa
cbamp, nu orphan pupil at
Jfudutoo Dapret'e tckool. Without
a living relative in tba world, to my
kuole.ffe, I wus bappy aud con
teoted iu tl love of my acbool
maiaa,and in tue ateaJy light of
oiiidauie'a kinJnesa, aatil I met my
fete iu aa iutroduction j tba baol-
aouiayoun stria ir wb-jee roman
i . ' i i .
wj pruiaea uan uue't cuautel iu my
eare by ray oouipauioos lonif before
La I ever teoo btia. At the first
glauceof bit gl.iario drk eyet iuy
deetiuy waa aeulud. .Madame we
well pleaaed at Iba match, and our
uuriicd lifj nrumiHed verv fair
Uut Irout the firat, bappy aa I won,
I would be couaoiooe of a atrauge.
abivering eensatiou when tometiinee
I would look np Hiidduoly to fiud my
buaband'e eyet tlied upou me with
a dittrrrtfui, bttf a.tvte expreaaitin
io Ibem, aa though bo were trying
A a a.
to roan my very noui. il waa es
plaiued hea I learned to know
biiu better. Uy Louie, whom I
loved ao dearly aa not to have a
thought for another, waa jealout 1
Oooe, at a oonoert, ba aaw a lorgnette
leveled at iaj face, it waa In tba
baudt of a total stranger, but L ui.
in violent terma, acoueed ma of hav
ing triad to attract bia attention
in vain protested agaioat tba io
jastioa. Ua rose at oaoe aa I mo
tiooed ire to follow. Wbon within
onr own buaee a eoeoe followed
which beggara detcriptiod. Louie
draw f(6io bia pocket a auttli piatol,
without which ba never IravaUft.
and pdinUn to a eertaia artiole.
aaid t
u 'I am going to aand a charge
through that dee bow ey it w.ll
ba to follow II with ooa through
your treaoherotta heart "
"For momenta wbiob eeeineJ aee
bakapt ma epoo tba rack. Than
bia mood changed, and, al ajat with
taara ba beggal my pardoi. grovel
iog ia bit humility, at my verv
"This waa the firat of many equal
ly fearful eoeues. Bo that at laat I
became absolnt-ly afraid to f i iuti
tba) etreet laat nme ouriona atraoir
r aboold torn to lake a second look
at iba face whose tfatal beauty bad
worked ma snob" coffering. That
il wanton for two or threw rears
Tbaa money became astro. After a
time I learned that Louie visited tba
gaming labia, and, when I remon
strated with Mm, ha Uugbed jaer.
ittgly aad told ma that all our lux
ury and splendor were but tba ffnlta
cfctaooa. After toitaritigava thus
fry a kV1 er-Uioed Cut kt bad
' T r jttbi'imandi eaael of AM
! M C'-l t'i I 't tad
laHtlUul.t -II I.:...- Lf .I '"."'"V
i :. ":-" - wnwo mine
l Ihm hiring r..-.IL I-
aio- Al
laat a time came wba
Botbinir waal
wpno(i ma bare walla of
ur noiiae aod Uie baadaoma aad
coettydreeaea ha hit brought for
me afUr odr mtrriaga ' All of our
poaeeeeiooa bad disappeared una af.
ter another, staked, aa 1 too well
kaaw, at iVi gn.uiua table, in a vain
cbanoo to lure kick hia rnrr.
"a wutuve
Once oh, that tba memory of tb tt
bour could ba burned from ma
heartbaoamainaulaludied me
from bead to foot. Iu a f,,tj, eo
deavor to please bi.n fand put 0u
a dress which bad been a favorite
with bint in tba aarly days of our
bappiovse. (I bad now crown to ba
a pitiful coward, aod dreaded the
tery sound of bis footsteps.)
-Fine feathers for a p.iuDer 1' he
aaid at last, soeeringly. want
al. n .
uom. u put ou your roeaneati
di-ese, and look for a aervaut'a pUoa.
I waul no mora of your aaiveling.
've enough to do to take cara of
"With these words be tamed and
left the room.
"scarcely conscious of what t
waa doing. I change.! my dress and
went out aa I had been bidden, It
was grow iug dark, tlooked about
me io a dull, dusy trance of horror.
r . ....
it wee ao terrible to feel myself a
bomolw-a waoderer ia the streets of
the great, lueroiljee eitr I t rtUid
mut prayer to tba God of the
fatberleea for tracoor. It waa ao
swsred. Ia that erowciag hour of
my sorrow, a g wi anal direotol
me toward tba steps of a sister of
the benevolent order to wbiob I now
belong. I told ber my atory, and
aba took tba poor, atriokea one
borne to the fold. From that time
to this 1 have been aa though dead
to that buabaud who, while as
beautiful aa the angel Luoifer beiore
be full from heaven, waa atee crnul
beyond the power of mortal to cou
It ia now two years since I
l'velyu s harrowing atoy
flint li.nm f I. . . f . I I
u..v u,T, uui uihiu see i lior,
tbongh I kuow whore aba is, aa 1
Unit io bur beuHticent work auioug
the tick and au&iriog she muat at.
Uiu. at laat, to tue reward which ie
promised to whomsoever eball give
even a cup of oolj watur iu Olirint's
Keiii a sf oay.
How etntogely link fiU within
liuk in the subtle interests of life's
wonderful enilo f Yeator lay, as
with one of the keepers I m t Io the
usual roauda of tba Lonatio Asylum,
ray guide ptused at t ie autranoa of
the corridor leading to the cells
where the dangeruos patienU are
H 'We have a new case, sir i and,
long aa I've been bore, he beats any
one I've had to deal with. Soma of
the tiire. barring tba lnrking devil
in bis eye, he's aa fine and soft
spokouas the biest gentle nia
out. Then again hia curses would
chill your marrow but bera we
"If a unlocks 1 tba dojr and an
tared tba room. I waa about to
follow, but ba motioned ma back, ao
I remained aUnding ouUide.
''The intnaU of the cell rose and
fastened hie eyea intently npoti the
keeper aa be sal f pleasantly j
M Well my frimd, bow bra yon
The answer came low, but die.
tinot t
I inn tell yoit better when I
know if you bava kept yoor work
Haot you fount Kt for me f If
not. bow dara yon coma near mo t
Ah ' with risiug passion, -yod
baveo'i I I aua it ia ' vour eyes I I
tell yoa I've kills 1 ny maa before
now, and I'll hive nu tridi ij I D you
bear f Dead men tell tto Ules, they
eay( bat it ie false I Ie etau la (bare
now I (hi away I an I tba miutman
aaokdowu npoo the door in abject
terror, a aaw with bia disorder
ad vision eigbte not visible to Ua. '
SudJeuly bia rot obauge I. and
beatartad dp eagerly.
ti.y d aee eif pMtv lavelva,
whom I drove out into tba aiglii
Ab. she waa muti in a bird if prav,
add be ior her bappluaee ioW thrads
jvst u I aria null ? lit from
to rue i 'ant baa
.trrror, doctor lk .
"But . that nant liata.l..4
. '
"".' trait, of theoahk In
brain that aia eat the b-eper
wor da. "
"It wia titii , Baauohsan. At
last I held the k.;v ! the mist-ry
wbioh ha I bbghtaJ ti it young wife's
bnpplnoaa. lie a-afi anloubtadly
mad even a that eajly periol.
"I tail ilirotio.i with I ia kapar
ia taferaplt at oao t ee if any
tuiog ouourad u in his fr,iv, a t
tlonbt, eome feanul soina woull
veutually oa anaoWIT
"Th u;n none oaini ry aaoo.
The nobippy umi h, indielal ful
injuries upon himself, and was fail
is rapi.lly.
I went at rtdoa t ) h mU an I
sttd the facta a briefly as pni.
bla. 8botarod very wliite. b-i t
aba Hid nt faiol.
Take me to him !' ebe mi I, ai
Soon as hur pl i,m eouli Vra aa
tba word.
"Wa Wfra toon en oar , i t
rraciied tba a.ylum is time for hat
to t s him alive
"What paaaod beiwese tba hut
bau'l and wife will oevei b rivalel.
but, at a law lieuia lat'-r I too I and
looked up.n his dead laoa, I kiM-
by tna patoa wbleb reetad nom ita
wores linaamnta ' ifiat nia tonurai
enul bad bean aoetbed and atreogth
anad ia Iu journey roie tba aose-a
world by ibe loviag pity aed uobt
itaiiin: furegiveewea of the womao be
had ao d pl lajerad."
A Ripinortar.
"I'm a r tario ripanorter from a
boorab camp, and I can't ba step
ped on." remarked ft tbiokeet, white
eyed man . with a lower jaw like the
cow-catcher of a locomotive, aa ba
awaggered into ft 0 street saloon
and thumped the bar with hia fist
until tba glasses jiogUd. The bar
keeper ctught a wbiitcy bjttle th it
was just tumbling ufTtbe bar and
told tho stringer thit be noelut
make so much toiso about it as no-
boby wanted to step on him, You
K... .l.nO m
foil t. I'm
an anol from Tarndise V alloy, aud
a bad oue, too, aud when I flop ray
wioge tbere'e a tornado loose.
Give mo suns of your meanest whis
ky, and a lot of it somethin that
tastes like bumble-bee stings pi ckl
ed in vitriol.". A dyspeptic br
eUoder with abulgiog brow remark
ed significantly thut tnoril wvnraeg
was superior to phy sicol force aod
Mustor, and added. 'awo will not
drink with yoa." "Not It'd be
cheaper for yer to crawl int' a
prospect bole aod pull a tombatone
over yer bead. I kin liak this whole
town from hell to breakfast, and I
believe f 'll etart in on thie dead fall.
In about two minutes tbebeveUbead
ed adm irer f moral courage waa
dilapidiUd pie co of bric-a-brac, tba
big man called Cill waa aopping cold
waUr oa his eye io the bock room
and tba rent of the crowd aoattered
about the place in variooa aUgea of
discouragement while the angol of
Paradise was standing on a billiard
tible en I all nuioj : ' Whirl's the
rest of yor p op tl ttiou T Trot out
yer coborta and tetch on the m ob.
t m an angel irora if era dine, and a
holy terror when I flop my wings
( awallere I a cyclone for breakfast
and a powder-mill f r In nob, and I
haven't - bajnu to cough yet
Where 'a the populace of tbis brok
eo-d iwu ohiitke'i ranch f I'm not
myaolf to-nigbi, and eierciae."
Virginia City ( Afe. ) CAronielt
It tht Devil A Hog.
"ilamraa," aaid youogsUr, "ia
tba bol mau ft hog f,
"What do yod mean, my eon '
'I mean SaUa U be bog l'1
"Well, no i bo ia generally apok ao
f aa a serpent by Christian, but b
ia popularly tupp iae l to ba without
definite form, that (a, Capable . of
eaenmiug any thape tbtt may iuit
bia purpoaa. Bat why do yon
BitMUsa when t aa dowit town
yeeterday, pap got right red id the
face add . toll aootber' man ''if be
didn't whip Tom Trotter tb devil's
"Uo turned
"And di ld I B do it " lelnired
tba attKiofla parent
ia. ti ' .Tit tti fen d d la
. mwn unt.
la tke Reeard it bVel al the ftnnVa
" .
"io yuanm I do . ton e-var
print any art iUma in your paper
aekaila ratber seedy-lookiag mm
with long hair. al iuob bat., a id
piiu on lb ongera, a fllv Qdgiiig
into the Poit' inner eaootuut tbe
other day.
riie m n tg 114; a lit ir glues I aav
agely op from bia noonday tind-
bicb. aid after evidently r3pret
tng a desire to add tbe long liairud
party to his viand4, replio I id t'ie
affirm ative
Joii-ul" continued the young
man, aoiwling critically at a cheap
chroaio on the "all, "because I
th t't i vo can I M Moor I tba pr
greeaof reel lost hetn art oilura it
tbiscoi't you miht too I your art
culture OU t'tit 0 itat y 1 1 uiiitmiul
your art or.tia aro iu 1 1 o r at i Ii
to take ao ue uoies."
4igat i f en I ui alitiri be
tween cbuws.
"If es, air. Tor instance, there 'a a
ma a moth winter-Ntonn laotleoane
V in... .
I've jott fiuiehei for Mr. Mudd, tbolRP of "
bonauza kioir. It e called "A Uail
wruu iu inriiuiii, tu I .t
visit' ait I. vi -i i if it tbe
other d iv ct ij it a s ire tar jt in
less tbaa fifteen ni itea. Tbe ill
asioas s ao perfect yo i ua lerstaa I.
Why, 1 bit to put ia finiabiug
tonebeo with my ulster and Arotic
overshoot on.
-Don't aiy f '
"Faot air t aud there 'a little act-
mal ge.n I did for 0meral Ulerkios
the other dty portrait of hie
Sooctb terrier. Snap. The morn
ing it waa done a oat got into the
atudio, aod tbe mi onto it aaw that
picture it went through the window
sash like a ten-inch obeli'"
. "Did, abl - -
"Xaa, and the oddat thing abodl
it waa that when I next looked at
the canvas the doge hair was sUod-
ing ap all along hia back like a por-
cnpioe. now, bow do you account
for tbat P
t jnst beitt ran. Wiieit the
Governor examined tba orlt ho In -sisUdou
my p tinting a pist with
the dog cbiined to it Said he
didn't know what might happen.
"(Jood scheme," growled tbe
preident' maker,
'I dou't do muob in the animal
line, though," continued tho artist
thoughtfully ; "that ia, not since
laat summer. I painted ft California
polecat for ao Eaglish tonrint from
tbe skin of one be killed by mistake
fori gritzly np iu tba foothills
Aod if you'll Uke my word for it
tbe day I finished itt business end
the health officers came down, fu
migated the place and arretted mo
for mainUining nuisance. "
Did, eb V
"Absurd, wasn't it? I did a Bet
ter doir for the same man t and
shipped it to him at Liverpool.
But it stems tho flaaa got into tbe
box and bit ao many holes ia tbe
bos add bit ao many boles iu tho
canvass thai ho threw il book on
my bands."
Too bad."
"Wasn't it thuuhf Mv best
bold, however, is water vUw
Too koow George Bromley, and
hov abstract! ha ia aoraetimes.
Well. George dr ppit iu ont d rd
ing aod brought rtp bof ro an 8x1
view of the San J ) iiu river, wit'i
a boat tied to the bok ia the fore
ground. I'm bleMsud if Ueorgf
didn't ebsen'-iniudedly Uke off bi
coat aud sUp clear through the can
vaaa trying to jqmp lot the boat
tbongbtba'd go out rowing, you
r3V'lklqg about tbe picture re
minds we of meau triok that waa
played ou ma by Oobber, whose
studio-It right oast to taine. U
wat to envious of dy large ordera
that tho nU lit before that paint ng
wat to h dtjIiVire l( bo eli.ufoud ot ir
tbe trauao'U and luiearel odt tb
ropt that anoborel tba Ixtat apeak
of li tba shore. Tbe next nVtrnln
tbe skiff wa gode-tloited down
atreaitt, ym ae. ' . . '
"I do-atln f '
"tt took mo fo ir .lays td blink it
id. again j lea l loaa, you tee i al
though believe tba pnrcbaaer did
. oeyioo with tba e aall-pot f" sal
lh l,llof wlalilig at tba foreman,
; who hi I oo ni it j nt tuit 1 1 awatr
j for copy.
"iati'-DJ(T l hit renin It ai
oi t rati alio hialoiioal eniject I'm
I on now, entitled Tb
IHla-min ICifvnt f I...I
-f ' f .
pletd I f.irtr of tba priodipat figures
whuu, laat I uealay. the janitor, who
alenpo in tbe uett room, waa taken
out to the boapiul with the moat
pr uiouuce I case of laproary you eve
. . --T "...
av, and tbio morning tbe boy who
mixes tbe paints bigao to scale off
like a sl.ite rwf. really don
koow KUetb. r to kfcbp on with tbe
w oik or nut. Ilow does it strike
you t"
"It si rikos mo that yod had better
nlide." tays tbe anaesthetic molder
of public opinion, Kfufllr.
UoU t care to send the reporter
rouod. then f
".H i, air. '
"Wouldu t hEe to give an order
for a lifeeite 'Outtouberg Discov
ering tba Printiug I'resa, eb
"Nary order."
"Don't wtnt a seven by-nine
in oil or
crayon 1"
"No," satd the litor. as be agaiu
lowered buusillf iuto tbe duptbe of
leader on the Koamauian imbroglio,
"but if you oarw to touch op two
window frames, some dek-les and
tbe figbtlnrf editor'o black aye for
four biU and ft lot of comic ex.
chaogea, you Can sail in."
Ifa wboclc,-' promptly hjacniat-
cb tbo disciple of aestbetto culture,
and, borrowing a cigarette from tbe
dramatio critic on aocount ha drift
ed off after hie brushes San
Franeiico FotU
1831 d - out rese nble a pa ir bf
lovera on a sofa, because there ia
doe at aaob end.
. A wag got bold of an editnr'a
biaky bottle an 1 labelled it "Ta
be continue 1 in our necks.''
Simeb dy eaya tbit a mule's bin I
feet are built on tlio plan of an o a t
ic you cao't keep 'em down.
Damaged bv wstor--Tbe life ln
aurance o impmy wueii ortit of itt
p dicyhol lert is drowcel.
"Half a loaf U bettor than t.U,"
ae the corner Io tfer am' I to tile p
lloemau when told to move oo.
....The smallest doiitity io tblt
Hlsteis rbiladelphia with ao area
of 60,0 10 acres i Montour in next
with an area of 94,102.
....It ia proposed toeslabIish
several new bummer resorts along
tba Pennsylvania Railroad oa tbo
eastern elope of tbo Allditheoies.
. . , i Mr. PeUr Meller. of dmerstt
county, hot lost seven of a family of
nine children from the dread disease
diptbnrla recently
....The magnificent obelisk of
Alexandria waa placed in position at
tba Central 'ark of Na-v York on
Saturday at ooon. .Secretary of
Slate Kvarts and Secretary of tbe
Navy Goffa aud Mayor Grace and
Uo tbittHau l spectators were pre.
bbt on tbe occasion,
. . . i Peter Dollar, barkeepor io
Pittsburg, die i iu great army on
Saturday from exoesslve nsd of li
qtior. Ho waa at One time Chief
clerk in tbo Prothanotary'e office
and an instructor in Latin iu the
High School.
..lOotonel Mobert Ibicraoll wsa
to hive delivered an oration oVer
the remains of bie deoeaied sister at
Erie, recently, but be broke down
completely. 7e ia said to hrtVe
tfrowd ted yoara older ainoe ber
Ujf3at lovera fleet dovef lie
pair There are foarand-twentv
boitrs In a duy( and not a momint
i tia tw intf-f iur id wbioh wo
man may odt change her mind.
In weather liko tbil Von have vour
choice of two situations. Ton can
sUy out of doors and freeie to deatb.
or yon can ciid Ho about the blove
aod roast. Thel I aeemt Io b no
happy medium, '
I ait t't it tHa hurt oft
man weight shoot nine onnosa, that
of a woman out eight Aa ae In.
creesei a ilan'i bear! growa heavier
and a wlmaa'a llghttr. Aim girls
loaa tUoita at alrteed. while Ottiert
bava tittle) dr boba) to lodft.
Whit hive yoit baad diirtkintf or
abaa) sltkla eU n nbtfty mtZ&ifrU
paid within tba rear. ITo paper Alt
oontlnued natii ail arraaraa-aa aft
pald.enleaa at tb opiiem of U pw'
eutianlhllon oMlh of lib Mlbaty
Bv-lVranna linimr ami ;
aildresaed 'jo others becomb bubacrlbere
and are liable forthe pritMi of the paper
attto) twa, Mtohllftt
Trftotlen Bmd rtalrt inclnftl
hnd Heraa iajeeie.
30 T CARS 2dJ aCIl'cilSri if ilmL
tnm4 ii ill i rmm m&tm n it.
.rnuM.hiwiht ntfittTsss wi
CfHpljMe KlMM AlllMUMaM
J anarfaXHatio mf rwfiaeM
wrw uni.n
Wli.lnMm .lib prWtk,liKaLMn.
.MMh.ii -irMnneil nf vOtf r anna
'Vt J iuiVrm toll ban
SDoetMitlr ni hanHfirran " 131 TwjlnaMl
aitiabla wonl-wvrt vfour tntckUmrr
Cbaalan anil i n. Ad,1r m '
moMOLa, aHaea0 ft do.
Crwae, twteabjtn
A foil line of DRUGS aodi ffz
Drug stobE,
Moo't and Yonth's Koits
$150 to $18.00.
derclothihg. stilu. tl.nd
to 11.75.
aper Collars i.1 and ifi ctb
a liox.
largo block of GENTS
at lowest I'ASU
Call aod examine our stock
and pricea before porcbasin
kliT. St'tO.tB
Galtt Ibr hath I
both SbtXtS.ftlf tba married end"
mpleiltij nun iii-e brilliant, Utt
. emi i.fclc.r fut tbemllllulioD lieallkt
tho,e toblemii
inn o,io. acoHiieviiir nir iBemiiiiunoa llealiai
liMtee, and la I'hrili al l.lfti of M an end Wumta I
para la Uiigiimn, anil endnrawl y uTynclani
00 oei
tiLIN. the IV'Icni s
ante, ij-i" . ui
iu ma nunnweiu
win par 9i
clirotilc dlaavui
Pr (SOO '"' evury cava of prime tif
lle,eurllher Ml h. tmrftHabf ilna
rim. to cure nriia i '-mil, nw CUtue t
Health. Reliable Femal
II klOXj. A tnnel tviu titr Im1I
in riiiti
4HI, SurlllH
fJtO'lll and ircular l
b, by ail roii 00 oentat
uaporiaot (uiuiBiatiuti, b
Dr. A. 0. OLIN.
Kentlltky Block, 1M S. Clark St., Chleaxo, 111.
ad Marphlar eaten rarrt with.
Tkrao St., tklcaaet
bj iRweeiree. nea
bnilaru saw brnifk till SSb
He, Voa eas nakaatahef
filter at a.irs mr Me thai
at aatlhlha kli. Capital
no. reiulre.. Wa Kill ll.rt you. (II a aay
nn upwerne aiaaa ai aoin oy lue lanuRiriuai.
Ilea, women, auye and sine, aanlad Start-
here ta aurk lar ai, Now Ie the lime. Vet
tea detou r ahoia tlina to tli worh, or on
If jour rark mi.inania. No other koiiaeil
elllpatyna nearly ae well. No ! wllhna td
aorl can I. II to m.k. ennraioui pay by haau.
mi 11 ddw. toiiiy unini inu
hreat tttiDottaallf fr metlna tttnher
aad honorably. Adtlreii Thllva I'D . Aas
a, Maine.
Jtthhti. fcHly
The Sflflbary Daily,
A 'matt Sleet bt a Pmall Frlca,
an - 1
ouly V) o per AnHdUi.
1.40 (or al tkiuntha.
t lor tltreo montli
All tho ObUoty news in foil.
Aod the general newt Ita n eon
odntcd form.
8ubril)b for it. It reichri Ml
dlebdrg every eveotug.
Mo pobUga tU (bid ly ILb bub
riuera, - .
U& IMMmMll. I knlh. " ai -
tintnt fhrbiihtd ttrei Alik fall ta.-
iutieil'.Ht ruraaa.iaeilnatna wh
pruaiaal hklit.t thai h eaa
aaamealai Thk kaiinali I. au
iau teat attreaa a.d
htaiibali Leo aal?
to I. arn, aad uar ll)IUSellan arh ea il
aad plain, thai any ua eaa aiake great prafl U
irew lha very riaH. she eaa rail aka la
itusata ars, woajaa ara ea toav v.iul as
a M
aae. .way eaa tine
la aaa a-a I.
,aii ... a.
h aaf, thada al the I
d t 4 a lea -le
F; e
agra tt piy e v aiv-uvn . i ut t.'a
oat ng f' etCkiued hia' wife ra ha
, a