fcoe u 6.2. T,rt .ra no.? rrifrtfl r; J iji' a . I' : M I ' i , , l I I , 4 ; j T II 01 0 do lo, i ";. W. i , r . US I'd Car, A Chapter on Bald Heada. A bald headed man U rer) sad, tod alwajs shows lii skull furo. It hat nef or teen drcidrd wbai esrj'es bald heads, ' but rjidt poo pit think It it i1nJ rouli. A fori no'el for bill beaut to read "The Lost U ir.' Wbafdcma bilJ-Uoa lol man aaj to hit comb Wt taint to part no mors. if t to for a bald head Bart and fnrbare. Uowtrer bitch a pwitioo a bald oaaaad man holds, be will nvei comb-dowt In tha world. Tha baM-he lod mo nevar dyer, A1vie to bald .hea lers Jio tha laditot wba are tha only eaoowesful bair-raisers. What dots every b.ill-liadd man pot opoo bit head f Hit hat. Yon oorer saw a biU headed man With a low forehead, Sualteapearo saya. There it a divioity that shapes oar end. Bald men are tbu coolest hoajjd moo io the world. Soma hald rrifo bare belr. A boiom liien 1 X ohost proteo tor. Who Is the grratnut liar t He who ipeuks rnont of hiiuaolf. Qioi rmoluiioos jhmilJ bo mark' cd 'handle with care." A wouitu who goft (o cburch to aho-v nir sail tiki it eto.iia ia sac qne-religiuus, . ... . .... uti yonr who a nice light snow shovel. Odtrrinburj Tdegraph What a aeuiiblo MUggontlon. m. .... . luisii tun soasnu of Iho year when veaorulito lietu tiiitoijttioir sea oad oliildliO'd ttiid aro broiled fur spring ehickons. TboJNo Organs Pieuiunt thinks it mast bo bodtinae ia army tirolo, beeaiuo all the old,offiovr aro roilr lag. 'It would be a bad jko on Garfield if the world should (vine to no end before March 4. JIoiLor Sbittuu ' forgot to give the month. t Queoo Lllzibotli oooo asked Sir awra uuko, "What dues a nmu think of whoa he thiukn of nothiog f "VI woiutu t prj.iiMtfs, wjs the prompt rejoiodor. , A rod beaJrd rano recently attend ed a mamjuerudo wrapped Irom his neck to bis Uiels in a brown cloth, and witb bis head bare, lie rep resoQied a lightud oiur. Extract from a letter from Anpoli- oa : "Dear Heory, you aBk If I re tnro your love. Yes, Henry, I have do use for it, and roturo It witb oiuny thonke.. By-by, Iluory," An omoer id battle happening to bow, a caoooo ball passed over bii lioad an I to k off that of the aoldiur who Htood buhiud hin. "Y 4 soo," Mid he, "tUdta lu m oover loses by politeness." A itoes undorcro-s examination, woo thad ben toit'irod by a lawyer for ternralhotirH, at luxt a-kod lir a K'ae of water. "There," said tb judge, '"I thluk you'd better lot the wiiiics i ;go n iw, as you b o pump ed bniidry." Iidy to doaf batcher i "Well, M r Sniullbonoa, bow do you find your- el: .iluy t ' Kmallbonot : 'Well. I 'a reity Kv rib'B ( well osod up, mum. i fc'ono, they've almost tore ma to pieces lor my shoulder, and I never bud suoh t run on my leg." lie was talking buBiuesn. . "Johnny, you mut never uso tr- bnoeo," euid a food mother to ber young bopuful, "the hogs eveu duu't do that." f "I know they don't donr ronmmn - anlhojiJdou't to heaveo, either. ' And Johnny wtnl oiitund bid two cigar ttumpa under the door t p. a man wit loijuigmg la the very lateliQiiail ueo ip I'.ion of Hui-kinji raw ngn andj rerliuK a newspjpnr. Uy a niie intchio be' ooutrived to bolt a live chicken. The poor bird ohimtpi l n,itjwnt down IU thrnut. When liojvery ouolly said : "Dy th powers, my yoii'igfriend, y u spoke too late." A littto Ryegate boy the o'ber Sun lay ropeatudhi vre In San doy'oaho j anJ'ihe teacher, to illus trata the principle involved, axkod bin what be unjill think if be boalj sea a mun in tb Kfoet drank, ooisy and qulrrelsoaie "i ahouI J think ho was a oinoi-rat," responded tha Utile fil'ow. A woman havinut uilrn Into a nv. . r, hr husband woot to look for her, proeaadlog np iba strain from the phtoa where aba fell io. The bystan. '-' rtoaoottrated and asked him if "'d gone mad that the could ' i geno ajaioat lb ttream. 1 'i held aaJly, aod ald i '-ste and contrary la -lt il WMtia r t - e- r T r - r r . w - - r ' ULi ULiZ-"u ill': Natnra tola the eiamole to be nd woman recognizee this as a Divine witb noble thoughts and clothes of the vbo oiler ollor the beet assortment, at the lit) Waf .riUuiSs. are bone factore, for they add to the charm of life , S. WEIS' DRY GOODS AND NOTION STORE, SELIASGK IVE, Snyder County, InM ia the fonntain spring of great bargains ia BLACK AND COLORED CASHMERS WATERPROOF Flannels1 Ladies Prints, Gingams, general line of Pry Goodo. and i Ladies Coals in lurge variotios and at BOTTOM TKICKS. Klnnkcts, Quilts and Countcriiniics, LADIES AIID CHILDREHS UNDERWEAR. The Urgent assortment of CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, Complete Line of Germantown Wool & Zephyrs. coiiHirrs yvrsi) ivii glovi:s aspcciaity. iiuni'JKV, erul line 1 IN (J I rienso call nnd too fcr youiBolf sell it A CURE GUARANTEED25 CENTS BY USING mm DR.METTAUR'fl HEADACHE PILLS tnr mnrt woofcrfiillr In Us Trr.UortUiulxlh SICK "' NERVOU! uig um jum uc J0 H I A full alio box of theaa valuable) PILLS, with faiMi. I iitna fur A nnmn Atfl riirH. Um.itHl Ui nnv a.lilnu nil nviitt .if nine 3-cont Poataccs boim i - 33 RUPTURE iusrti :fif ir ht tou went. The -rott Inronllon of the en I tiee our ruruiitilet . Font Iree. .1. i ta.VN, (l.leimiiudi, N. Y. .luir en.iv SELUI30EOVE MAPHT.T! WrniTTS Tko ani1erilvnel herlnir nnrhneil these Iniirrore M.irble Worm, Le la now lull; no jareu q menuieaiure. Ifniinmnnto t X Tlnnf.n 1UUUIIU1UUI.) U U U UDUUMUl thli euiiinier et i rlrn oivcli luwer tur. I crem fore, end luwer tkuo liei ever tioen iluae In u.e ooiioiv. iierinKinu rereivea leree lot or iiemirnii of ell the Utet nvloi or Monument! kLr.nl toner, I eia eble ! ulve atlnrHetlon la rtylcr ml prlner, to all tliet wlrli to ileo.irele the irreirea ot ejileiinrteil (rluml with neat, rliieu piuninNPiii, ninunr leniiRioiie, here elo lumle errelairementr. o e la be euie lurnwu on nuttri nitfe, i.eriite. Minn, tone, or eoy K'ter klml ot ilu..r m Wlnluw m:.3, at pruee co iuu il ixtrohnrer. i-ormne in ueeu oi nv or tue Uove erilsiee will it money hr elllni el I lie SnlliUKrove naruie worki before iiurohtiinK elrewliere. aim keeu Henk! I'uleut ilKlwttnlteil llmve Ounli for le. l ire UlUoront rijlei. Come no eee. j)TMr. J. n, I-oni, of AJitmrburc. U igout for the unJemlgneil where all or n, will roooire prompt aitrnllon. ay, -tl. V. I.. KANTNKR Cathartic Pills Combine tha cliolcent natliartic principles In luoUtclue, in proportion uorurutnly ailjuetod to wnure activity, cvrtuinty, anil tiniformlty ol effect. Tliey are tho result of year of cureful etudy and practical ex perhnvnt, and are the nnmt etfoctual rem. eily yet diacoverud (ortlleeanca, canned lir dvranirenient of the stomach, liver. id tiowela, which recpilre prompt and effectu al treatment. A vkk are iecilly appl if ahle to thi clunn of dlaeuMea. TUcy act directly on the digestive aud aiuiin. ilatlve prooejwej, and reatore refruhir Iiealthy action. Their exteunivo use hy phyvician in their practice, and by all civilized nation, ia one of the many proof of their value aa a aafe, aure, aud perfectly reliable purgutlve uiedlcina. lieiug compounded of the concentrated virtue of purely vegetable auhatancea, they are poeltively free from calomel, or any injurious properties, and can be ad. miniatured to children with perfect safety. Avkb's Pn.14 are an effectual 'cure for Constipation or Coatlveue, Indiae. tlon, l)ypepila, Iu of Appetite, Koul Stomach and llreatb,DiZKlneat ' Headache, Los of Bleinory, Numb, neea, lillloueiie, Jaundice, It heum tlem, Kriiptlona anil 8klo Uleeaaes, lropy. Tumor, Worm, NeuraU Ilia, Colic, Uripea, Dlarrhuea, lyen tury, (iout, l'llea, Ilortler of the lAnvt, and all other disease resulting from a disordered state ot the digestive apparatus. As a Dinner Pill they have no equal. 'While geutl In their action, these ?'ilm or the in out thorough and search. ' is calhartiu that can be omployed, and never give pain unlee the bowels are inrtained, aod then their intluen.ee 1 heat ing. They Stiinulate tbe appetite and lietiva onransi tliey operate to purify and enrich th blood, and itunart renewed health and vigor to tha wbols ayatew. Prtiaral ky Cr. L C Ayar 4 C$H Lrw'l, f '. f If '! k - '." ". Bcandfol. and evert enliehtcned fmnn Command, and adorne bis or beisolf latest stylos t and tlinee Merohantt IN ALIBCOLORS. Canton Flannels. Cloth Shirtings and Dolmans tMVJ';is nml n tron- lOINN unci wbnt we sell and at wbnt prices we H.WPJH. K "l NERVOUS HEADACHE while t'-m. rllvo DYSPEPSIA ni Ha noraiiitrmii, clwnt oi bUe, producing nKUiu iicftlUi aclloo of Uio bowel. 1 stamps. rorMiekjaiiunisguia. KurKiarona, Tho "WHITS- stands acknowledged Kins of all Sewing Ma chines. Iiaponaal w Cautionary Nolici to all intcodine purcliascrs ot scuriDi MacMncs. OfflD WHITK SKW'IXU M ACIIIrtE Co. Ct.BVKtAnn, 0, Iter il, lw. W pertlenltrly cell your attention to the feet that w itsmp number In plain, dl.tlnet lliiuroioii tha bsok huttlo-rao ill le or itoh maeUlns' and keeps reeorl or inch umnbTi, Wheo aolJ, a Whunt rou i'tva Tkar Is Kivea-iotu purobsner. Tblr warrant besra the neme of tlie sicoot who puroline l th un ohinefrom ui, aa alao the date ol pu-ehaacand number corresponding to tu alld Dumber Tli warrant Is alvaed hy u, sud haa tb orvi ciai ami. of our eowpany ataaiisd upon It. All other warrant In our nam are sourloua. aod partlea Do'llnv th suns ri annus hutIl- aikook imrAcso, sad no warranty to oorre spond with th sbor description, may know atoue that loonar or later th owner will be lorolved in trouble, with n on to fall bsek upoo. IheoiNom "Wblte" la to-iUy th moat popular mejhlne upon tb market, th cheap, t, aai tbabsil tn own or 11. a lror sum. ber of tb" White" bar been mad aod soil elnoathey were placed upoa tl market,, than any olhar make In tb ante lenisth of tiro aloseaewlsg MssUioea wer lorenWd. Their llhlne, ped, apart, beauty, qtilteoia, du rability, and prls, combine to niskt them the resoblne thatrry family duairaa to own, aod VhorooKhly aatlaSsd wbaa ooo tbey poaaeei tue "While." Th Baai'Laa ADTUoaiZxn osataa voa HnyderandadJolnlnssountlM, la U. 0. 8 RE MOLD Mlddledurs I'a., and we adrlao Inteinl Ins purohaaara to patroula none other, aod thareby et th geouloe "Whit'1 a WHITE BEWINQ MAOHIKRCO. WATCHES. Clocks, Novel- ties. Eto. bond lor a pnae lltt. AUENT8 la all part or tb U.S. and Oana daa wanted, t). t). lU HI..K r k OO., lioiiort ra aud Monfaturr, tierrl Surlsa, Mluh Jaly ili,ia.iv. S66 A WEEK In i yonr own towa. ft No rl.k. Heeder, If uutnt tr.e, yoa want a tiaelne. at wh e Lperaona ol eltKsr sea eea eaake reai iy an in time iney w r, writ for par. ... imww Mala. to it. lUILkvrr 4 )., Portlaod. JanaM.tee.lf. Ke. YOUTH and MIDDLE-t (JED: Woald voa k reatnred lalOVkO fort's VjJ mm WM i sti d yea wl'le.t to .W- en , J If.: v mm -- LV JL Jxv A new and elegant Tassortment oi the Lates Styles CHEVIOT, CASSIMER and all other kinds of Suits I tnke plonanre r. annonnoing t my patrons and to the pnblio geoorally that I have just returned from th i EasUrn Oitiesdwith a very large and toil eioca oi L T for iien and Doys, wbicb in styles Ovefcoals. Overcoats. For Men, Youths and Hoys. Ovorconts as low as $2.75. ITJVD Bit GLi O TH B N G in iramonie vnriotv. lower llinn anboJy clso enn afford to sell thorn kinds of l-'LANNtttj SlllltTS. HATS I UATSS MATl I mako a specially, and am safe in Having that I lmvo the largest ftssort inunt in the county. A full lino of ULOYE.I of all grudus, TRUNKS AND V ALICES of all kinds. UXfBRKt.LAS, NKCKTIES, nnd a full stock of furuibbicg goodn goiifrally. (ent!emen( come along, give ua a call and yon will bo netouiehed at the low pricee, Thnnkiug you for past favors continuation of the eaine is respectful ly eclicited. S. 0PPEHII2I5ISR, Sept. 21, lS8f. Bo'.inngrove, Tn. Great III tvonld tnkti this opportunity of no uoiincing to tho public, that I set ill continue in tbe Furniture Humih'Hh mm aud that my stock 1 1' m'ILoi 1 ". i ' lull ari l cutn plfte, and that I I JtllMMUl Stlif H Cull and cotnpnre uiy fooda with ciiut-iiitr. hook for tbu Uig tign, m 31 tf-:LZlr licbiiectfniiv, July 10,'70.tf. tSi'linnjrritvn, I'a. aBBaBeaeanaBaaBeeicawaaMeTaBBTnwwjnaeaei CUREiBACK ACHE And all dlraasoa ofth Kidneys, Bladdjrsn l Urluery Urnsui by wearies th Improved Exco'sior Kidney Pad It Is a MAR VCL of U E AL1NU sod RIUEF Sluile, Seiialble, Direct, Pain less, Powerful. It rrrtR wher all le falla, A KKVEI. A TIO.N aud It UVUI.H I'lO.M In Medlolne. Ab orpilon or direct appltcatlna, aa oppo.ed to uaietl.laotnry Intcruel raedlnlnee. Head for our treatli oa Kldnev troublva. sent free, field hy DriiKKlata, or aeat by wall, oa receipt VI price. This U tii Original and Oeunlnt Kidney Pad. Aak for It ud take oo other. AdUrer The "Ouly"' Lv.ns Fad. Oo. wiiusm Block, Oot. ,'."ra. Dekolt, Mich t HELP Your.elve. by uiaklsa oiouea when a o I d a chauue le ottered, thereby alweva kaeiilnif i.uin your uiH.r, oHie woo eiwe)a take a.l. raniaiie ol the aood obsucea fur oiakln' money that are oil a red, a-eor.iily b.iooiue weliby, while theae wbo do not liupruv uch cuauoee raiuelu Itiporerlr. W waut many man, wom an, boya end alrle to work f ir oa rlicht la their own louslltlM. Th boaloo-i will pay wore than ten times ar.lliiary aeaaa. We futol.h en expen.lreouttit and all that yot need, Ireo. No on hoOiiNea fall, to uiake money eery rapidly. You raa di-ot your wkol time to the work, or only your .pare momenta. Full lulormetlon and all that (a needed aeiit free. ,Atilree 8Tieoa fe Oo- I'orUaod, Main. Oot, SI, IktMMy. $5! 'Outfit aent free to those who lalak to enee In the noe pleeaeetend rprotltabl. buaiaeaa kuoen. Ererrthlna sew. Depitel not required. W will lurol.h yoa arerythlua;. lu a day and upward la nelly aaade without awylna away (r-rni kome erer aiaot. wo rua eaaie.er. Many aew worker wasted at usee. Aieay are aaklos iurtaoa at tke bnalneae. l-ellea aik. aa nac aa ia. aud youov boya and t'ia aask arret i vey. no ene wao le wiinna; to wora ran l i ka30T aveaer frv da tkaa aea aa a reu It a wee at aoy eroiaair . ya-t. a wa oa4e t . -e I i -i . y -.tef.,!- -o. Ad,,, . fc.. , k . N fHI 0 nnalily and price cannot bo excelled All Reduction in N I T IU E E ! Bclliiig nil my good at thoVEUV LOW- ksi rnicE, iii T T il -H- r.- "'CiPrfi M' 80,00 R''nil ' .1 . T'.. , -li:int'd arn whoro in Spy dor Co. Kco tho following prices HMO find IJnw et;t nnd lJivni-l. thono of other ilo-iWs before pnr1 I'ino Street, Kast of E- kbert'a nloro, pwiaw.aeeiweMaeeegaaawi Cureaby AIlisOIIP'l'ION Nature's way.) All a i a i. . i into vr ii.i:sf:i; MII' ll Ill'fJ 3 .711 I'llOI'BM,!' ariile. It nillVKt IMTH the ayateia euratlre agante and beallnir oiedlclnea. It DlltWFTnil th dUaaaad. parta Ike polaooa that oaui delh. Thoueanda Te.tliy ta Its Virtue. YmCaaBiEimil&teif; lion't deapalr until yoo hare tried thleSen.l ble, Kaally Spoiled and UllltULLV ivlA V'lCt't'L Al. fiaiuedy Kold by Drusal'ts, or sent by aaall oa reoolpt orPrtc. ti Neml for Teattmoslalt and our book, "Three Mllllona a Year." rivntlra. Addrtaa, Tha "Oulv" Lnax Pad Co. Wllllama lllock, Detroit, Mick. YOO WILL - BH SORRY f fit riloa that oil Pj'on wlti a new on ad do not drat iiarernlly etaialae tb Buckoyo Force Pump, ri Bunker le tbe r li.teat lainrovement tDl'oiup., Il ta conatmalod with alr-ebauibera wlucii make It very ee.y to operate . lioee can t atlaolied to the Uuukeye Cmop, aud water can nciurown uuoa auy uuiiiitue in ceee or ore. Voa cea water tronr Uerdaa aud Yard, Wtab w inuow, w aak uuyslea, aas hare a FIRE ENGINE rer reedy oa your owa premie at no stort ot tliaa aa ordinary pump. II Cannot Freezo in cold weather. Uaralile beyond a doubt. The eiy pain fur deep wella. Tue working parte are leataer aaetlon and valvo wltbtu a poroe teiuiiaeaeaemoar. Hotiuag to a.y about It aa Iron Turt'-rt Wni :!ni I aleea e-reet liaae-aat la Wie. T'-'eea. t a la ,m,, M i f an ' iifM rntrieie i v mplam.n, t 7 4 s bo ni tier, nenn inr n' r V.M M' -'J CU.. Roekeetw, M ft t- T.aat lf. onto, Oat, Improved Farms la lava, KeatM, Ntiiraaka sail M FOR SALE! Irt horrMi.r to r'llinvn (linM.rnrli " nm fnrcnKM. ntnaef. Interwl per el Herllet lnln.in tii West, in.l fi llll Hliiie loiU In w.loh l l rrl..if.l. j. a. o. nubiiwwju, U6 ilrj,i.jr. N Tore. Cheapest Bo61iStoro t'iV tnrifnn Jurenlu Rii 1 .eh timie. .! r, "",n'"l"ri iroii tioi. LKtifeAT IIHOS., I Helioin St.,opp, Pott tlrfloe, New Ymk. III b a nontel eeMon wbleh to rn4 toar iMreM enl recl iree bjr moll en rlyhir-MK b" k nn "The hirer, II IH-e an I iutf Trie I merit" lnnltnlln .teandice, Kliloniiiene , llilirli, (JmtlreneM, HevUehe ha. AilUreee lm. HAeroHU, (ti Uroitilwav. W. Y. C. ml G. COOPER & CO., m r. vi:no, omo. - ARETUE nT.IIF-tr AXO L.VnOBST JU'lLllKUM or PortaWe aai Traclinn ENGINES aM PAW MILLS In tit la Country. Stti tot Lirgt lllctrt1 clrcalar. Ail.lrei UJ.lVXXlil O riit tut op. Pner rre A.l.lre.. liANItL. K. 1IBATY, WarblhsK.o N. 4, XrTfiTV.n To core a eere if i1ATA1:nit VV In ejrh iivivhbirhnori with lr. Knrmrr'e Hen O'tT. M Inlro lore It, beiai'l free. Oi.1; 1 1 L,i(.)iv, riiuourx, r. WANTED W&ZrNm Europe and America. 24 vr eni orloiine In Hi i;ort Nerrlce nt eiebtnte.l liertrullvM, In ell itrt ol tbe wnrlil. so m toro iie, to (oil oiro enirriir. Irjt. Al-o in i rr two new lllmor ite,! Ili.ole rtr li ilo-.rnrnHollor rl. for leriur hir"i .1. II. HI KK fc t!U., Ilertturd, Ol. or Uhlreso, THERE IS A Balra in Gilead ! "he fliirM wliti h hut mnrkrul ihm 'tutrndnf. Ilftti ol 'rin tlm, CtitArrn rTitrtv. rnnr r.l l.jf H.V .urttn, N Y., In lnie. tnrel iiir. Mnnv iMrn In Pit "ton nnl ! rluli y Mr u'lrv it witti n.tl ttt('ift iilm, A li-ty ilov?o t two 1- re. t.virloz rrti of iiipII, wh.h -lliii tl not iiif ft ,,f fMtci n yiir tliruU itio u Ut.n lhn. Ma nln hi lr mm l etiriM., Mr. Hur. I'fr, th t(ni'Kl'i Ln itnutl It In U'i f i'iiMv ul otiiiiiunl It ?rv hlhttiir. In nn'htr n n a ynnriK Tiinhlinnt'k Ihwt-t. knitwn to h.iinr f nur r'u'lfri, Mvtiftoi thiit tii w tii- I of pari 11 1tiifntM, It In ftprmfnly t rury eflipp. rlni i-f. in .!-. i'lajTH-. (J AIKTTK, Auir.1A.IK.il, Xrw einl nl)' Alli'MPIIv l'.-ely. lln PF.ST fARrT R rAnt'UI dkiHN! IN TUB tv'.;i.l win. nar nt I.IkI lcll"tlor'l..n .1 rvruv itDKIT WilMltia Ktlltll I ION fftlt AMJ TlllhTKK VKARA. J'rlnia, eftt. .", EAinJSiVSrt t-it SIom, to ;mi ami iiierrt. fT fn"ot. e-i.:M a oinrtrr Irnn ni.w.ir'1. iTnatt-. ir a. MASON at llAMI.l.X (KUAN Li'Trtlli; CI'., lil Trtmiml Hi., tto'ton t 4" ('..i.t 141 'i St.. (Miiloo -'i.iire.l mm York I I IV UkI h-Ii Ati une, I'iiKitkO, rrtnriuireanil AS Tlrt MOO r.r oi'Miiii. iitirloir In il .ui Vi.r. tor rnootv, : ti.r.etit, .it tt .Alo.til Iti-'trmftM iri w,ii roll t,Nftril rn'. ft.l.l'r... it uln.'!", .1 11. Met fi nvt t.'w.. I'hll. I.,l l.ll, Pi. I i li. AiUtiil. V., fn!ill,!.-r ..f K t-i.,'1 ailrrriitioo r."..k. i iva .'p.ilr -o,. t.t. ! nt tn A'rhtaaod ell M-rVltti; a rh.ou:.- i l.iulo..... lilo.'n'rd rir.'olri ,f 1N.-W II. '!. lent r t I .at fl.w ior iu HiHi la iuikIo, a- nt on "'""1 ;:;:,jGoid !A, m WANTED oti new frfn.H ! Iil 1H !) )!HH'i the IO hv UoiuilHlna. Ite.prlt.f . Ik.w arol.l tn I iii.iit I and it.lfii'd x how iiilnlne: co optn ef ar - ( .no 'tl rt ar'-nt -nrtoi.n oie le. (). a ariin1!. bla. i t'irv "f ritri.ui. tiue-tvirte of a il I an t r-Uvrr. . e'le'lily iii".e Nt. iy mt.ie In i.i tv,lie. i IU irk iillla n I 1 ii.r l in i; 'in'rr. 1 1 rlllt . i" iiea of rHOip-life enioiiK nln--ra t IricK of rhtirpi-ra exi.'el, .ei. .or tjvnte e'lilre.'., it L UM.l II u llllll.t., iv.i MII'.kUi ni., run. RsafJJntjnl neciladcnsl Efsa'Jon! litlj n!m It nn!ffni wl'h th K-r. tta l r.-il'.i '.!.- HL'iMit-it 5?.Vt.t-rt l'.nmfi!ltrit d !( I'r a r wii.tttai If.tl.iry, tkmfii Tlu..,i l-'Vpfc rtir.3i qt.lmfnU(l tru. H-liV Ik- k-art.ia. tkrajry tn,f ) pe-ik. fit ,, miular i.l rrn J ' HtM4-bkat t W it! rCfir). nflflalM fJ'.t tll V ..;. C -t.riK.l.ainl (nil I .t-,f l irl.ui. frlZ "ilorit East Bars Its Just RcwaiJ." Ofihaj mauj Ctirrh nt Hf Kevr rtn Altn kt) i In titraH tlicr uon ol ml.Ivt. our ouloineiii itrftuli more Utajl.lv thtinof Kir' ilrnam liniin. A iiirimriill vtiy etw itiaoovery bttt one w til frofti tn tu-ti'y r?rKrU tatt ar tlinfA)r oiira piMiunt, U (lulinil fubM v Tib way r.ttr naniiiV'i remrily whli-b haa Incre i.ed auranMly In euloa rr that hea sleep eunli untver'al aail.laetiub. I'rlce, ft eta. O. h. CltiriLiN ION, Ilk r uilou Ktieat, New York. Have You Ever Known Any perann to be earloaaly lit without a weak etoineoh or luartlve liver or kl'lneya f And hen the.eora.na r In good coolitloa d not nnd tu!r iiue.e.ror eatoylns; tfxid health I'nrkur'a tluer Ttlolo alweya reuulate the.e liopnrunt orKeae, and oer.r fella to niak Tb bl.i'id rloh ant pure, ant To a iri-naTUen eeery parv of Th ayar m. It baa cured bandreila or de.pAlrlus Invalid. Aak your balahbor elHiUT IT. J"1'"1 1 . .. .. Jl IEVI KEPLEB, Kotary PDSiic Snireyor, CcnFcyaaccr Rpal Estate aj himn Aicnt Deed a. Bond and Mortgage preo. redaad a btoda or conreyanclD; attenderl to prunjptliy with naaloeaa and acnurrsoy. Hii'ii attaoiino niven to buying sea acllln Keel ltete. oittc In t'reeninnt, PDyiler t o fa., r. t. Aoure.a, all. I-Iaaaai Mills Do., fapn'a. Ana , H.) d ..'' JNIOX PIANINO MILL BELINSaROVE.SNYDEB OQ.,rA Kccly & Wagner .laaiuiici ilea it rs aso aanuraoTtisia or Doors, Door Boies, Window's, Bli otter Window Boxes, Blinds, Hash, Blitlr ruing. Baud Rallli?, Braiit els. atouldliiKS floorloe, SOBOI.L 8A WINO) fc CI A BIN ET TUKIflNQ stbloglaa, Aaatii, Vo., tm. Oram solioiltd and Sllstl wltfc proapl n,s sail dcupatah. Pleuaa oall and saasa loo atr stock hrr ptircu&alsi; lwar rt 1 ' ' I il i ke.- I'M. - J ikJKI e.JJ , attht pr.l ("i ttke , whlek ere t non. rrlIIMi'.i(nl -nletlc ; Jtlo. , rt.BiM M tee Ianplred Writer Oellery M ' tliuret4 hfrlrlure laniilente i 1 1 mrm.t . eemeer of lllaitretioix i 1M Sunerlnr Trp.!. ' rersr i lie Eiabloamie Uln.llng at XtMoae. Wo Krtoe. 1J nii'r AI'Hn Kiiilwert lit J. T- llexltee. iheuimt brtlllmt dserlpllre Aetna lnamer itTa. jil til I. I.lk I n ANIMAL KINOD0I.I, rplemliS roUieeof 1IW neiee lono lllnnre. tl'iKO. Three kr the mnet hlehlv Interenllne1 publl' "itli-fiT now nfrerel tb Ainorlrun 'Wlfc ! the i-rlrre here been mliiceil tn to bn,.1 thm within the raeene nf the mux., end le rhlet Mr. linlllndon le retlilent In onrconnlf tan wno:iy re leule. Oct. , ''j. UowLosMIow Restored ltn Juki piihlinhrr), a new eililion of SKM,TIr. 'iil'ruirN'(' ... llMMiir on the ra.,,-" f,r' (wiilio.i mrilioine) of Sfsnr c,lr or Hrrolifli Wrekneo, Inrol.ir T"oa nnl l.neeee, lnr-irraiirT. M,h Ur' f''",,' ioal lnepMiv,InipM' ' 'I Thy lo. aim., toner n "' ,0 Mirrlee, Iitb. In.locm i.? n T.V?H; '-'iint-ev eaj al iniv.isnoe,. Jr,l"lu,l800 or The celrhrel. " i.tt Kon, o1e'. author, In Ihta a.fmtM Ihlrl; yrW iur.,.r 'I'monelralce. from tlurmliiK Boneq.l1"ru, P' V ih r. that Hi h raillrnll m.wroc ot c'f "''lie mnj of e'ir M rtii'oi al-B"'"'" "' ""! inn!, by ntcnm nf i,.J,rl,,I,i ef't mlir whet hie cnii.lVf ' '"Ae"", na cure liin.rrlf cbgniily i'"-r mf kAuirn.T. ratoljr, and n't 9 . I Jl ' f ' "i' f n tti k t r.ri..iin.i..r., ,l. In k pUI MrHo. to wvri "fin. ntl fa. .,i.a evitm fr two poM.ajp,. at'sv,!, - AMrfn tha Piiili.KrH X Fop'- 7. ls,(. 1 jr. JOHN lai;di:..si.ai IUJOGYMAKri v. MEMNsowovr, nyt)kh tin'.i Ilnrinii ptirchMeei die well knnwnV . in Belina'Tove, fot nierly cwtieil hvu rl, U'fdkrT. 1 am prepnrr'l In nronoiinoilvo fv who miiy da!r anything In r.lv. I tir, niiif v warrant mliefuctian in allot I Vf'p cniiFinMily nn bnnl, an I n n t rt-par ! to matiur.VMUtc at toe nnorie' iono, Cmdvr SULK I FA JittirfJt si.mk; IIS. Ao. l'eins eiprrirnccd in the ImaineM, I Hit lar rivnolf that I am fnllv iiretiare l lit mt iIim k'rilIu er niv pi,tfitioi'i- Tk. H k 1 employed nrt nin.in? Il.r. hrxt mcbtnio n the ooiiiur, ami iiieir uorK wilt not fail in Ifivo llliirersnl siitisfiiRiltiti. IWVSpeclal alUMiilou paid to repairing in oil Iim biencbee. -fj Kliop on Markol aireet, a few ilonrasoiitb of the liei omn Hi formul rimtch. JtlMN LMJIIKSSbAOEa. Hellnirrore, April 7. '70-tf PiissM Jul. iii. All. A NIFli . Bi:HlSTill-:rtsi:n ilttilrVi Io id lnMoii t f tit Klrtai f It- r!" r X Vlrtvti on t!tt Itt 11 A.jri', lir hn i- t-iiu.l ii, inn tvm ti'i'td tm: .it H.'hu- tl'nv, on 'nftr st.(;f,uhof I'hin, Q',.QiHt J . aS, HMIlHtilaJ, tjflM , f, Leather Store and Fin- ishing: Shop, t'-r will In ft-n inl m .ill MiurrtMu normfit ill kill 'aj III fl It o,r.a1 h lll.'h, i I Nl 1 1 B t. In r Hi". fa'-.li', l'n p, iCljk ajii-t '! Skfti, Mrr Itlnli):-, I' 'j-i hiii' "t lirtrf i.tfjnaHlltot ini jji if j. 'I iu a'tfi.i ru f t -ati nittitrt j-imi rr, itil U othi'ft. U luviV) 'iL-liTt p"r ikiiif .-Im" lltTf . Thlriy.na.y.ri am n rt-,'1 leu l'inmr qim llUnS I) Mil it, ii.Iajh Hie qtinl Ittat. n SUi It. DMa-Mlalkua 111 llw)IJff flir le.latllll i, c. i;t noKTuri:n, .Iuu T-TflJ 8'lliiar"a?,fiijrdPrCoM Pt. 1 If. ill LliWlnHUnO, I'A. ITALIAN AfJD AMERICAN MARBL6 EI0N17JSEEHT3. . j roiulietoiu-H, .Stitncs, Urns, Vases LA MRS. for CliiMi-ou's Crnvoa, Pt, L'hIih, V'nti'ioM, ' ilurble and ifi'te JniW, A'fi. " lit Mint who tie. Ire fooiri-lia.r t tnl-atubee anytlilOM cUa ina'.Hlei'tuioit tit Hie aiieve uies tonal nierote Ho-k., .hnuM rol.ritlt U.e uudsr nlsiicl aaeut, beloro viirrlinalry cluwuei. BAM CU. lil)A' t s July 15'". if.) .MM.IIahara. Snyder Ce.P J. u. stautti.WKii nEALEn lit oarhmtas:e Iron, Nails, Steel, Leather, e -"a f- tkte W Ba ( i Coach & Saddler Ware; . AND MANUFACTUH11 ' I Slovcs & Tinware MARKKT STnEET. Necail,cr ii, IP" CJoiiTt;v narvoror Kratzcrvilltr Snytlcr County PennV Burveylns ' Conyeyaiiolns promp' ad kilifuify ail,ndcil la. A sbars tb publle',T""r0u"f solloltd. July VZih. '7 Pd Orat ehaao to ma utouay. We oed a pi aun lu every town to a.i .uh.orlntlona for the l ataud hot llluatrated leuillr p4 ua woriii. .AiiyoB eaa tiae-ici- aireal. hi al.'iat work of - li aubacrllHira. lue ailc H.ol at erer vlio.lv auuorili.Oaraiii r...i. Iikln l-D aubecoe.ia a day. A U Kot rer""1 "'t "" tiOO clear prodi ! I IradayaJ "' aaa aisk nui.ry fa Vouo.'o 'o"r tiui to th bualtioe or only '" Pr tlm- Vou need not wey fiy" bout orer alght. yoa aa d ' wella.1'1,11- k'atl direetlona aai lerui.l kleaen4 Pu.le t;utSI Ire. If i wanl u'Hltalil work aend na your addroa. ODOa jt aoau nothin to try th buaiaeaa M me1! A" aueaea litlla to oiaaa areel ( Ad.rf'aiiEJKiiblrt tiNaoVl)(.,r'orU.i ijaii.; .aaV.ly. A. W0LTL1J, 7 - - I GOLD real, obeill1 oi. Inn li uoeo. f" .1... nee h&l .Ir 1 -.f i ... u: