The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, January 27, 1881, Image 3

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,Vj I
lb, L
.. "
e . 'eo V are B-,d t ! i
.tV- aeeke-oer,
ai Aeewasber.
All oommttntcatloris, business) let
ten Ac, lor this office), to cur
prompt attention should be MldreMfld
M follows: Tm Post, Middleburg,
rjriyder Omnty. P. Advertisement.
omitiitticAtiotw c. must be handed Monday noon, to secure- inser
lon la next Issue ,
V ialor,lny,Feb,i2 Fmuol Brer will
v I ' U Personal Property in Free
ft hiout.
tarJay, Feb. 12. Adam Smith Xl
tnlnistratorof Aiigoline 'Kxtnrrwk
l!inell valuable Uoiit Jiiiate m
iia W.irnor (I-
Fridny. Feb.Vr'of Tm(ln L,t. mill
.n!riXab w
Tuesday, March . " wiport.farni
will tall Uore.pwWl)m Goods,
Implement, lioucely
fce, u Weaver twp. . j. wj
Friday, March IS, Michael yArni tn..
ell lloueonoiti ""''Ao.1 AlJ
plimeitts, ...tve aioi"
tD)i twp.
VloulieD.ytfProuh,, ,
ThevenJur "W
0nAU;.;,doUarofthoJt.of 133S is
reU . perctibla Increase of
wCn,,t. '
Farmers are LyW ut lW" ,Un-
for spring work.
The snow VeeiU'e gr.iin Held i.
excellont cund""-
The'spri election" takes place
a wiie lamp ciu-nioy i
, will reUl'wloby blowing up.
eonte wli Imiullo money say there
iti cou ntcrfult dimes in circulation.
.'Washington's birthday, 2il of l eb
. rmiry, will be the next Irgiil bolidny.
l is said that thousand or (jiiiul
have perUhed in this Suite this winter.
The pavements are dangerously slip-
l,er'??,!i!i-,eWi rjcsoiia tulto to the
A number of tho public school pu
pils wero trjufori-od to higher grades
lust week.
Of course tho cold weather bns ru
bied the Delaware peach crop, m us
ual S
Amandiod In MiHersfown Terry
county last eok that had .1K:.0.K) iu
enrunce on I Is I fe. .
Xoverletyour K(1d reoiution he
. broken by tho attempts of others l
rltlloulo you.
Yirt Hauls Stahlneeker, Mi ll'iih irg
jion Co.. is visiting friomU nl litis
ace, bur former hoiiie.
Lvearly ev ry person that wants to do
-n spend liis evonini pluHsunily
X profitably at home.
o. Evans of Thnmpsontnwn, 3u ni-
o., Is visiting the H uvuri ut this
je. Ocori;e looks wull
is the timo to talk nbnut tho
log election. Do not (lol iv noun
Ions until tlto eloveiith hour.
Ir.J. 8. Ako, of W.Mvlberrv. Blair
Inly, last year raised 0,tl bushels
prn from fifty-one acrosof groiind.
your pot.vtocs lire froson soak
D you dosire to use in a pan of
water several hours before boiling,
over seed is likely to bo unusually
priced next year as the crop
ns to have been short nearly ev
ext comes Vennor's thaw, which is
Untinue, with flight interruptions,
t February I8th. So get ready for
withstanding the wnsnally se
winter, old weather prophets as
lint the ice next summer 'will be
JJftr than usual.
k Misses da and Annie Smith
iters of Jeremiah Smith of Ly
Dauphin Co., formerly of this
are visiting friends,
out a million copies of Webster's
,lng Book continue to be sold ai
jly, it Is said, but uo one would
'set It who reads the manuscript
j to a news-paper office,
yer'i Pills art the best of all pur
ives tor family use. They are
want, safe and sure, and excel all
Br Pills In healing and curative
llitles. - ' ' -
fbe Snyder County Medical soci
j" will meet In Regular Quarterly
iion on Wednesday, February 2,
, at 10 o'clock. A. M. at Centrevillo.
I V Becy.
lesson in Electrioily". By Prof.
TyndalU No. 18 of the HUM
XCR . Price 15 cenU. J Fits
i Co., PublUhers, H3 4th Vivo.,
York. i V
nel H. rwln, of Ul Creek. Vol-
New llexioo, says t If
rjutd quit work as she should
M31) she would live yearf j
entlott msjlo Influence V
' ' br-"-j out prlu:
'I 1r su
I v 1 t. J L 1
k'.s .e;ir
A Ciiaribefsbtirs; constable served a
warrant on a man at Sliippetisiutrg,
the other day, while he was standing
at tho grave with his mother, paying
the last sad rites to the memory of his
deoeascd father. Tli at constable ts thr
champion mean man, beyond Attib;
8. W. Frlsboe, of East To )A Ohio
says it afforded my son relief, and
dispelled all sis us of thjdread disease
which has afflicted fm since .child
homl. I chenrfitjy recommend the
"Only Lung Ta? to all Asthmatic suf-
crors. "SctAJv.
Coinrvwed for Jvtvenile audience,
the- Lrtsnns wilt please and Instruct
nlifcr readers as well. Tlioir author
roleiwor Tndall Is without a peer as
a popular writer on science. The
work is illintrntcd with sixty wood en
pravInK. Full flip of this "Library "
on sale by A. K. GIFT.
Now U the time to pitch Jnto lumi
nous in eameHt. The ronl IxiNincxs of
the yenr will be commonend during
the next three month. Xntv is the
lime to ailvpriiiio, cut down pricos, se'l
off the old stock at rcdurnd ratnu. nml
get ready to All tip with bran now
goods in the spring.
Mr. John Ross, who la known to
most of our neonle. and who runs an
engine on tho narrow 'guajre road at
Matilda Furnace had a very close shavo
from instant doath on Tuesday. He
was pushing two csrs when a whcol
under one broke ao I threw the ennie
nvorasluop embankment. The fire
man, named Winsky. jtimnel ncsitibt
some rocks and rebounded, striking
the locomotive and seriously initiriuc
biuisoir. Juhn muck to h dinkey
ami rolled down the embankment
with it, sustaining only slight injuries
Mc etfluttn J-mrnnU
"Misf .M-tin-M ivver c i n t alugly". ha
aain been verillml in our ancient
borough. Lieutenant Oittolius is tho
owner in feu of a shed in which
he keeps his Express wason, carriages
fie. Over the shod is a hay-m-jw and
the hay-inow bad n good deal of hay
in it, and the hay was too heavy and
both liny uml mow came down kn-
whullop smashing wagons, enrrittgr-s
Then, next in order, one of the ju
veniles toppled over the coal-oil lamp.
and the Liulcimut was severely burn
ed in exli.iKiiiyhing the flames, wlrrh,
in n few moments more, wonl.1 luive
been beyond control and tho result a
confiii jnilinn.
A grand Pennon. Itev. I). A. Sterner,
Theological rtudont ill tho. Mi-ioimry
liistititte, Kelinsgrnve, filled the ftp
poiiiliueiit of Uev. rvine who was
iibsont ussislio in tho celebration of
the r-nered Ouituiiici s, on t-und.iy
morning Inst. The text selccled from'
Luke 2, 42 to CD was decidedly a pro
liii.ite. The Speaker einji'oyel the
ehoieebt hiiiKtiae his scntencca were
eoneiiie, pointed and comprehensible
he dressed the tiosiel truths in the
very best SuivJay suit, it!vl althotis'.i
they hud ihcir sting, the easy, tintnrul,
eliiqucnt style of the rpenker smooth
ed their rnuved e(ij;cs. tuul parents,
son i uml il.'iiighters went homo to
n.erchaiiue m .t'ial plo lgcs to a line of
future conduct In scuoi-danoe with tho
teaching of Luke as expoa-idnd by his
enrncrt aud able advocate D. A. Ster
ner. ,
From Indiana.
Fd. Tost: The topio on which I
wish to write is "Lyceums." Although
some may'thiuk it ot little moment,
think any person that desires to sook
constantly after more knowlodge,
(which he should,) will bo ready to
commcud a good and peaceable Iv-
ceum, have never before been at
any place where are held as many ly
ceums as there are through this part
of the country, LaG range. There is a
lyceuni organized at almost every
school-house, and it is very seldom
that any thing like a quarrel arises at
any one for that would show a lack of
good judgment. There are generally
about fifty or more members belong
ing to each lyceutn, including the lit
tle scholars aa well older persons.
The exercises consist of select read
ings declamations, dialogues and songs
and lastly a debate. They generally
select such suhjecta that are well for
any-body to consider, such as ; "Re
solved, that ' as a nation wo) are
degenerating": "Resloved that capital
punishment should be abolished-"
"Resolved that the signs of tlinoa in
dicate an overthow of the government,''
and at a certain place they are going
to discuss the question, "Resolved that
intemperance is on the increase." I
hope the affirmative will not be able to
prove it, however, It is necessary that
we should pay considerable attention
to such an important question. How
should wo spond our long winter eve
nings T Of course not in a senseless
prattle, Some would tell us to spend
our evenings iu pursuing a good
course of reading. That is a good Idea
bu' if pupils would only study and not
recite they would make, very little
progress. Therefore, for those who
have no occasion to efercise tho pow-
I era of oratory in pub'ie tike ministers
- it -. i . y. .
nil lanj-vre iitv, ifva if )um VIVU
trrsl for therv ' J have a f'"
l r- " ' "
cl if
. on
.'-I whios, i.tih ''"i ,h
;ar.t ost f aroiuoil if snisr
prlslog t-.bllshrs ss5" ': J'f
fer fresdislrlbail'" " Pr "f
world. Tin sV,.1 eollMtloe Is wslt
erlk frtt0'"t. Dr. Aysv atwsys
irsats thytijaots of ksaltb anl dlisS
lasiru aal dlgntlUd miaisr, sail
tfon his rsdrs aHrgs amount of vV
Able information. UisCbtrry Pootortl
othor popular HmidlSS are oooildcre-l
standard prsparatlons, as difforont as
possible from lbs qoiok nostrums ibo
nsnss of whlota diaSgurs aaturai sooner
alt svsr ths eoantry.
' As Is enstomary at lbs beginning of tbo
ytsr, prophets of eoUstial dlsaiftsrs art
busy plsjlng thslr vooatlsn. Ttio thing
thai Is goin g te do tbs smashing In lHf1,
Is a a dreadful skyeoraplng oomet, Ihr
wbloli, according to aslronemlosl pro.
gramme, liilcaJe to bang hevt 6rl
sglol the sun, n I knock tail Impartial
lumlverv Into an etsrlsillng setup hp,
nd esiiso a hsat lh l will mk thlngi
eitile m fr as Ibo sun's Imlturisl do
oilnailnn r xten ts. If ibis l going lo
bippsn, we wonM ensoul tj ibo mnn
gers of ibe oi.uel to go on Ub theii
show t t It mtjhl sire a gret msnj
lonj cut! bills, an 1 ho a sonroe of eon-
Tfntence to our frmr trlio are shurt of
PH'il.l water. We wjuU wUb to re irk,
howsvrr, while on Ibe tujiot, ibv,
should the comet "baok' s,ilntthe sua
n the rookltm mvinor f.iriMul I, tbtt the
luflufnce ' upon our wel!beliv ti little
planet would he shout the sme ae If s
few sqrntre feet of gool, ortholoi fog
were lo oollhle with a I worn iie. Cu-n-
etsereeslbin n Ibe Demnorailo plat
form ; an t Ibe nsirer jrou view tbsin tbo
Ibinner Ibey spesr, Ex.
Tier s'sre few el'i in ibo Vultod
Stsles, orlls Csns.lis, which bvo not
several wh II known rel'lrnts, who bsve
boon niaterielly benefitted by Ibe use of
Area's ilsia Viooa. The origi o l youth
ful color das relumed to falel anil
Mi ache 1 locks bul l epste bao besn re-cuvi-red
, or brushy, dry in I wire hair
hoe been brought lo a smooth gloul.
lift I the ful'.itwtng plaiu stateoicnl,
atery word of which i true I
Mre. Oi.ivtn 1) wkspoiit, of Williams.
town, Vt snJ ') yetrs oil, loU bt-r
hir :l!l ye:rs ego, by n disrate of Itu
C'li', prcKiunthly, a she bad no sick
niss. For US years she tiltJ inany
re'lorcrs," io., with nn efecl. A yesr
agu lout Mny, enmin dy rbsnce, In
piissrsslun of a part of a buttle of "Aycr's
Iksir Vigor," she spplio-i it so J a downy
growth of hitir in oor-r her liei'l.
81. e bas siooe used thrro bolib-s atH ah.iiii
a Imlf, suj at this tiuis her bir I
twelve Inches In Irn!! Iirnn in oulor(
not al all gruy, an I rovi-ritiff bsr hcil.
with 'lie -Xo-pliim of a spot on lop. and
lias a downy jrvoivin Hurling n . o :.
which she thinks a pemisUnt uso of Ihc
Vigor will bnuj out lu lime like I l,r
OjI. 22, IS?o.
The panlcnlars cf llili cae e-in l-
vTin"l by the )'ot:uai'r and u'
Ii oi.ilisvut cii'-ns ; l , by the rjiloi
of the I, Vi Nu,
Tb. i II ik Viuur s pre an-.l tiy I'r. J
C. Aver & V,a , Liw!l, M is., au 1 b
dru jjiais lu i!o lonu.
'I'm drawing a eouclusion' r-'inirki-l
Anilnl'lah as ho pulle I the el's let HI
I. Apami .- nn I --I'm bmirj; ihe Irict-u'
rrin-irki"! Ami's wife, si she took a il-"
of Sink-' fcvnci' ir Tn, ll'u.ii CiiiRiv
A Ml) lloAUtloi'Kb fr hi-r CiHig'l. A 'i i
oebl llotils il.ius tho buins - l'or Site
tiy all llriin'giiv,
OU .' why ftioiiM Ihs'splrit of nurlal
bel'ioil'' Wo gie it up but n u-i.
we tee a man ilritlnna "Proud Spiriii-.!'
leiou we unboil-iiiig! r-ium k -1 bat omn
usos M. II Ilotiur's IIor, I'oxt unu 25
Csuts at all Drug blores.
It you out, buro. or bruise ynursnlf,
there is noili'uj that will so iiikl,v ami
efTcotu-illy giro you relief, ae oua nppli.
eailun of M. It. iloiisuT's Emiirocii.).i
II duriug Hie extreme cold weaibrt - you
Uue frojtn your feel or biin ls aad siici
using sooor lititf 10 Jlrsoilona one half
boiilo of I'.NUHoctTiuM .and are not en
i8cd that it is worth leu limes what it
oust you, by son-lius yuur nume and ad
dress lo Ibe Kinm' Mr'u Co. ot I'biladsl
pbia ibey will piy yon $I,UJ for ibe
remaiudur. For tills by all Druggists,
I5 aud lo Cents.
There is no use Ulklng, no uss talking,
'Tie so now every where t
To oure your Cougb or Cold
(Without uiuob trouble or extraordinary
Vou must uss Bins' Starr or Tar
Wild Ciisrbv and IIoasuousii.
Some may bo inclined to oriilciss our
metro, but tbs ide ws want te Impress
upon your unud U, that dissi' Tab 4o.,
will oure suy Throat aud Lung atfeaiiou
quicker, than any other Cough remedy,
old la tbs Uultod Stales or Canada,
The olner day, as two friends were
talkiog together In lbs etreet, a dunk ey
organ lo bray and wherxe and oough In a
diairesslng mauuer. What a oold thai
donkey has I said oue of the men. "And
by the way, thai puts me in uilJo how
Is your sough t" I may not be quits as
much of a donkey ae you tbink I am my
oough Is all right and my knowledge
thalHissa' Bieur or Tan. Wild Ciubby
amd I1oabuound lo lbs beat Cough or
Cold Uemedy kuown Is Ihe eeune. li
you bad bsen aa wise, yon would not
now bs a widowsr moral uss Bii' Tar
Mrs. Drown What ars your Eggs a
; Hire. Scbemmerborn 45 Cents, madam
Mrs. Brown 4b Cents I Why bow ts
that t
Mrs. Bchemmerborn Sosroity SoaroU
ty arolty.
Mrs- Brown Mow Is It Ibsl you bring
in suoh a uloe lot of freeb ones every
day. j '
Afre. Snbemmerborn I glvo 'my fowl
M, I). Rosasi's Pouitsi Powosas three
Hues a week.
Give your Children a start in life-
The U. B. Deirefioial Society pays
Children a majority Mm el! I uf one two
and three hundred dollars wluctt they
arrive at the age of 21 years) also
funeral be tie til if they die bchlre reach
ing said age.
This Institution offers all prtrents an
opportunity of giving their Clitlilreri
a start in life. Fur.-nis' do mH fail to
o-'l yelve cf lU pr(wct'i"i pml
! t w. j ! f I ...
. A' tt Lc.tirgrets, pays the high-s-
price for Knkrate, USiioona, &, Ao,
Jan. 27. S. .
Jssu. We gave ike scoonnt nf the
Creon eeoldenl just ae ae received It from,
what ws sMpposed, a relitble eo-iros. And
ws ars pleseod lo slats to our readers that
the wound Is not nearly eo serious se sur
aooounl of last week.
E tery next n e'.l ni n lehlida party
ous rm stettle gall nnT ce nraa bams and
siaeba eo feel fuse e ess de unoer ttaibt
ben, don grlc'd dar Cunstfcvler blmens.
Deer krnt annnner bussa und drioka nnd
hrlcbl ken so'n fuss Msoha. Now boa
und maid, lol doa gaounk sis.
A valuable Ilriek Hotel, located lu
Franklin, opposite the Ktinbury and
l.f istow ii liuti oud depot, is offered
for sale.
1 'l'liisis a I.imI.I;
on the most nuxlern styl, it-tn plot as
a olel or privnte dwelling j iieatili
fully located ; a well of rxuellent watet
iu tho SOIMIIll-r-liilllan ami siiii.Iu
slnliling, ice hoiiso ami other out-
I-or further particulars mil on or ad
dress, I). F. Kl'.KSTKI TKK.
Middleburg, l'u.
feept, 0, 'Srt.
A New Treatment.
77 CoUi-n Lliiiro Uf; twi-fnii enrrs
If you have Consumptlpn, and would
know that yrur eouU em bs nia-te loose
an-l ea-y-llpctlo Fearer and Sights Swcutt
oheoke-l Ii '21 hours j I iirlmm nml l.m taken
nil nl Lungs and air pa'sngea at anas t
that you can ho made tn gnln 8 to G
pounds of healthy lleh per wpek If yon
have Catarrh, lrpepsla. Sick lleadsche.
Heart IMssase, Liter INimplalnl, Nervuue
Debility, Seminnl Wenkness or Pperma
lorrhora, loss of sexual power In either
eex from any eause ; If you have any
form of nervous weakness, losing tlsab or
wai-ting away and would know of an tin
nieitiaie relief and certuin oure for many
of tho severest cass In a short lime,
a new method lih new agents to fallrn
every body. Invigorate and make strong
and healthy the moit hnneleas ea-ea. cut
this out nu I write nt nuoo fur particulars
to II. 8- DlSl'tSSAUY, Uerrln rioring..
Mich. July
Tumnr, mtxitvli. nierenriiil disias
es, Hi-rofiilii nml ei-t ernl dt-lii'ity cured
hv "Ir. Liiiibev's i'iood Muuri-lier.'
out oy iirii.('isis.
Jan. 13. 4w.
A tlHirr.ii(.'i and safe remedy is II U
hYSl'KI'Sl.V 1'II.I.S. Sold by nil
Diuygt.itH. 1'rice - cents.
I.Fi.twe Touts aud Dolmans selling now
t an I below oost at S. M cia's Seliu-grove.
fall ani see. ow,
- .... .
ltn i-nh, n t fVl -.
i.mi, lllrvi., li, ,, v.ll l llflim III
S. Wi'iv's VeiinsKrove.
H w ajaaare -Java
Nothing so jtooil fir Ili'ii-lii-lio nnd
Ihi-peiiii as J)l. M.'l J' l',"r(
:l).Vt'E yiNI) DVSl'ft'
11I.I.S -l'lit-c i") eents. All Dm -;n
-n-ll ilirni.
piiserri st irKi.r nv
.7. W. I ) V O O H o .
Onions pel lu!u-l
fj!..l-n-S O"
;uii-r p- r -i--iod
!"' Jicr do-en
Ti.llow el I ciiu J
SHi'ld t'hernes
It lu-rrii-s
lliied Apt-los
Pr i. -I l'iuiii pared
ti 1
A ... -.
Fi 3 5 il I v li 11 v .t il 3 ;a r 2ic J .
roiuisi TKii wirsi r nv
Simouton, Uai-bor tte Co.
Wheal por hitsliel 1 0(1
Kye do ;a
Coin do -fi
tints do 31
Cloverioe l per bushel 8 60 lo 4 UU
Tiuintlivsred do
Hiiokwheat do '
t'iaiaeed do
Potatoes 35
Applas prims 80 to 4'
Cherries, pilled 14
(Iherrles, unpitttd 8
llsdkberrivs 0
Riiapherriet 25
lried applet o;i
Peaohes, paired, 1 )
unpaired, 6
Duller, prime 22
Duller, teoond-olass In
Eggs Ti
Onions 7.S
Chiokens 6
Turkeys 7
rork C
Ham 10
Shoulder o
Daoon oH
Lard 08
Tallow ot
(-heatnul per bushel 1 60
Waluuts da 811
Ous l'irs 40 to 65
Pea Coal . 2 Go
Chestnut eoal 8 60
Dlaok i ll Cual Don
Kg 25
Jan. 22, James Franklin Thomas, of
Brunklln Twp., aged 3 years, 4 mouths
and 11 days.
V a" "S-w-a-aaaiSsaswaaaeassaaaaamaaawawaawaaaM
Wliloii renders 11 rat a burden and fi
nally latmys II, la permanently eured
liy lilts rainetlyi BlIOT and awiillan
Jolnta are) laaloraxt to Utair HatunU
A eirurte api'ilustinn nlvea roller. Caav
ea of Ilia towjeaal BlameUM? am lamuaV
nauUy ourad ly a atngl U tils.
tn every oaaa. Miiiiey rsfumlad to
imiv one ni l n llev.t aflr a s-ir Irtal.
lot amis Ky ati bl ilaua driAxMn,
rue 1 c Ksrra.
f;::;."Tiir- Yt
r . i ui. ..e liaote and ail-lrexs of
every comrade of tho 4:Hh Rer, Tn.
vols, also the address of those who
have died, send name and adilrei-s, oil
rootal Card
Committee fr Snyder Co.
(esvertiwn l's.
I TCJSNSK NO I'lCK. Notice is
A.J lir'.y ulrrn Ihsl .
.lroha. Hul'l., Mld tl-l.-VS,
Dsvlil V. KcMi. ll-r, FrsiiK li-,
have ntsiltiieir petitions tor Tavrn license olili
Ihe Olwrk of ltn-irterHponoi hiir-tere'oinr.
anil thessme will bs prsMtnie-t lor Muiorsl ou
Moo-lay, IhsMtb itaf nl nsxi.
An l now, .lmin-rr I'll', ts r, II la eriloml
thst the rierlriif ihs court li-nsi-t In the uill
culliis nfTatrru l.tneiiaps hsrsartor a aotl-io
that ill I,Ic,im araoio i by tlia tl .urt out l
nml u-l volil. nnlena li e spill-int aiitll lift
the mine within nrtesn ! a tier tho auras
ahsll hare bscn irrsiiie-l. hjr ihe pro luoilon ot s
receipt froiolha e-uoty rrf i-iiror to the tlli-rk
at esl.l Uoart, thai tu Lloei-ae l- h-is hrao
paid. I'lRl't
i. CllOU.1t;, t iers U.rt.
Onlds for both PCXFS, for Iho marrM and
tn. r'iolm l.illi. iiM.rtl..-o i hr-Hlnni, faacl
Uilhie; ImkiIs. a i nm ft-tln- irlill.inon lii allb. I'hjal- si 1 1 -f Vmaml H i ui-ui;
ram In laugiM--, unit eiol-irav-l or phiatrlmia
?v.rn.wh'r- l'r'1''' e cents, by or a. h.
HI. IN, th nliirai Hpix-laiiri iu tliu N.inliwr-i,
nh-iwlll par $300 lorevi-rr ra.e of prlriue in
c'in.iilu ili- Hr.- in iilp-r si-x ho niiitrri-ihi-p suit
fill-lo euro. Ri-ihI iw.i inui4 rr CiJirle to
Heril'h. RMilobto Csm.-Mi) Hull. 5-5
R BOX. A I l.m.a dnrit:,; roil-
l.m-imi. t. Kuhbt,-r CootlM si ll Inular i.l
tinooriaut, i.jr -j-ic-, 60 CC.ltO.
Cr. A. c. cu;i,
Erntncky Itlock. 901 B. t'tark ttt., I hicairi, 111.
a m l K-r hin(-ntprrsr,Siilt!i.
b L'l 1 -w-
jsj -ut rsln br It.iiia,-T. K- kJ
SI tSl ''S'"!1 '"r pa,Ui,
ar ill i.
: Nio lli ILriMie ht., u'ia ).
Mark Down
sfflosioy m & co.
Tliia nnp-irallolml ofTur in m.tdo on
the fullowit.i; j001!" for ."10 days :
Overtoil Is.
15.00 Ovoic-mts at ln.Oi.i
It.t") " IJTiH
1 ." " 8 Ml
H.2-") fi 7-"i
COO 5 oil
li-iilii' Coals.
10.00 Coats tit
H L'l .
7r, i
1. 50
1. 2.-
l'olt .Skirts ut
i ;:
l 2-
tL;iuh ut
7 on
X 7.".
2. ;'ii
1 H (10
17. t'i)
I ')(
1 ::5
Jntl. C, 1'-?1.
I ii : V -i 'J' ' r npisie ant
1 ' 4 v I Vui'eiii-o lin-nr-i 01 li.c
Stanley ia Africa.
Tbe itarelop r.ent, t.y atanlry In the fisrk I
I 'Ol-t Il.elll 1,1,!. -.1
1 1." ... . ..''."" .. '
- , , mi--" ,,l 1110 I nif.l
1 !;!'. Mimilira Il-ip-.,t.. an-l i'.t -ra -ta. nul 1-1
1 Ilia M-..-I illllu-iiii an-l thrlllln iltuxll i-a.
itrl-- lll.itilii Willi IV . llai.t. i
1 1 ra A iiil Mira.o. i,a no i'I-i I In tho nn
, "' M',"t"tl -,i.a. It la moia la,-lullnii
1I-.-I-", Handover .00 4;-e, iii,l
in my atrll.lii lllnairstlona.
aiul lur dl-eu'ara an t termaa-nl ae. ure
lerrimry at oni'-. l-ir thia, il.a niuit liitore.i.
Inn aim u-uUr i k the lay.
W Al. ILl.M,
PUIVATi: H, . I ..IS
i viiltmlilo
ae ,,uu,t;'i:ui' ffors nt ptivnto
O Aprei
of Unit situate In Ontre tnwnaMp, 8tiyd-r Co.,
' 'Ti' fhureb, ahareoo aie e.-ectoj a
kuod r it A M fel
J)vvellin MotiHo, Hittik Ham
and other out), nil, II no A icon I orchard of
wall ,rle..ts. drl olio vsrleil.e ul trull,
Nerar f ill nar wster :it the d--r.
KiiY LASV ltun-i will be glveotlie
ur lui llier parilcul ire est on or a,,lr-,
li-Kl'.l. HI IM1.1Y.
Nov. IS, lbio, ilMdiehurg. I'a.
Every man or wiman will buy floods
where they oan do Ihe beet. Il ie natural.
It ia human naturs, Tuo beel goods 'tor
lbs least mono
That ie jn-l our Moitv'aud If jrou a ant It
aeoure Uargatne ia
CROCi:itl.S, UKL'tia.
l.HMII KB, 8IIOK riNIH.Ni.19.
rtoKSK AND Ml'LA'ttllliK.-i. NML
Rtlim. 8TEKL, HlKMC rOWOKIt.
8AFTY FC8B B, T. ei'IT8 I'l'KK KYK
I K II OALLON rrl.ta l t d
IK 1 HANK, 4o.
I fespeet fully ask of llect'litoi ef Fsy
Sojrder eounly Sahara nt Ihelr patronage
Having purobaad mj Oao-U for CASH I
am abls IS sell ai very LO H' IMUCEV
CbmuVjr Product take in ijcAuitye Jb
Tears Baepaaitally,
Fob J.'S. Llvarat ul, Parry ih.. fa.
b 1
Auetonter Qaorg II. Uacket
burjr, of MiUJlocretk, V. O.. would an
uounc to the nr-opl of 6ii.viet cutut
that ho ul cry sslee I'-r res) an!
Arrangement ct Paturcor Trains
OCT, nT7i, iwo.
TenUm lrv lfurrlnbura a fofowi
fur tin Voik, vU Alluotowti,
8 e a ami l.4 p, m.
Cor . Not Toik, via Philadelphia and
Pound Brook t'outo,' t'.oo, 8 o& a. in,
and l.-M p, m. ,
For Phil lelp'ita. (I.eo, (t.O(ihrengh
ear), 9.00 a. ni 1.43 and 4.U0, sud S.oo
p. to.
For Iteai1ing( fl.ooj Sc5, 0 So a. tn., 1 . J
l.oo and tt.oo p, m.
For IVtieville, B.eo, a o5. 9 fio a. m.f
and 4,oo p. m., and via Schuylkill h Pus
(tiehanna branch at U.4e p. ra Tor Au
burn, tV-o a. m.
K'r Allentown, 6.04 and 810, 9 Co a.m.(
t.45 and 4 oo p. m. ,
The 8,o. a. m., and 1.45 p. m.
rales have through rare for ew Yolk,
via Allentc wn.
Fer Allentown and Way Station. ,.fl on
a. m.
For Ilca-bnit. Phil il.lphla, and Ws
Statlnns, I.4A p. n.
Win" is for llrtm'tburq teavt a follow t
Leave New Turk, via Alleutown, 8.4.')
a, m l.on an I fi . S ' p, to.
l.eaee New Vi-ik, via ''Hound P.roi-V
Rolll', riiiln-lelpbla, ." a. m l..1n
and 6 R p. ra,, nrrirmg al llarrisbuig
I h i, t-'Jo p. m., and li.l'i a m,
. I.nas PhU-le'phln, .V a tn. i ll
and 4 i p. m.
Leave l'oilsvillc, 7,oo, 0.10 a. in., and
4. pip m.
l.eavi- Iten lior, 4,M. 8 on, 11. So a. tn.,
I. to, 0,1), ami p. in.
Leave I'oilat ills, via Soliiiytklll & Sus
quehanna llraiich, H.P.o n. m.
Leave AUenlown, 0.23 I'.vo a.m . 12. o
l.8v, and U.o5 p. m.
flZtifff i
brave New Yolk &.8u . m. Phlllade
phla, 7 11 p. m.
Leavn Ri a lirg, 8 eo a.m. and lo,33 p.m
Leave Allentown at tl.o-'i p. iu.
it i.nivi nit it ti.
Le-ive ll.lri labliri fur I'axli-n, I,o
clilel, an-l .iii-i-liun daily, eXocpi ilund:iy,
'Jj, O.lo, W 4 a. m 2.oi p: in. i daily,
eXci-pl r-atur.l iy and Hun l'iyf B l't p. in
and on Saturlny only, 4.4N,, It p ni
I'.eiurnliig. Usto Ml oo 1 1 Oil daily, e.
crpt Sunday, li, to, 7.oo( loJo a. in., 'i .00
p. 111 ; dmty, eXot-pl S ihirlny an-l Hun--Iny,
II. 1 0 p. ni., aud on Haturdy only,
6. lo, O.oo, li.&o p. in. WOOTTKN,
Uen'l Miitagor.
0. Ci. H.-wcori",
tien'l I'ltis'r.t Tioknt At.
Tab I'-t.iiu if,
A S'lnat. nil white. 7 or fi months
J. V olil. r ime to too preintnoaor the umler-lno-l
lii Mi-i lioavor l'ioliin it, anwnor
la rfc--iieaiai t-i eimie lorwar-l, iruve iiroparty,
lay ciurL.u. ao I l.kii It aw, ur It will ba ill.
lo e,t ut socoriluu i-t lsr.
r;i.rr:u Pr.TKR,
6, IstL,, 1 1 yjur Co. l a
A I'M i.visTU runs no nci:.-
1 l.ettera 01 a t oliil-trallon on the estate ot
l.oul-n A. Kiilnlii Uta 01 I nl in two. snvler
Co rn., ,lac,l. liavehaena-rsote,l lo ll,a nn.i.,-.
lane, I. All erona knowlnic thum-oKe, lo-liti-l-sit
In i 1-1 et tin will 1 lmo make liniiia-liate
payin-ni iMiein-.i.-liinnu olsllua alnal paiiij
namio am l-raieai ILOin l,,r aattlcin nt to
Jan. , 'SI. Ailmlulitratar.
a i.ettrri.if a luilnl-trfitl ,n nn the eatate
ot I11 in Kara-.-, Uie l Mi-i ilaora-ik ts ,
Mi.ierl..i , l'., ,le a.,I hire iwau crania I to
li,a un taralKnel. All -ar,io kno Ins tueiu
a I - lo-lste-l to 11, 1 aataln pla o.aua
lu," e Halo j.. ) n,nt wliha I ti barlos ciaiina
cislu-i aal-l ini it lii i,rsiaal Itiam lur eel
tuu,eultu blllU.V Itt.ltUK,
Jan. , issi A-luilo,.traior.
Kloction Ilotico
"XrOTICI. in lit-rt'liy (jivi-ii tint nn
Xv l.iei-ll, 01 fur lhr Hire, t ire an-l one A11I1-
r- fil.i- H-av-ri ,-i Muioal Kir-' nmnratieo
t'oni) in.y i-r lleavei l-.wu, I'a., aa. 1 1 1 Im h, J al
li'l- HI,-- ,,f tlu-Cnii,,,,,, t.-4t-rl,,aru, ou
tA'll'lil.Y. JAM'.IKY WJili. li-l, betwaau
Ihc Uoiua ui laAU I j P. ,l. ul a , I -I ,v.
. ,. S. A. VKT.i:L, Pre,.
A. It. ItOWIUAIIX , Se,-. Ilec. iJ.'sO.
1 1 V, I X I T 1 1 A TO i I S N )T 1 c 1 : .
l.ii r f .i,lrulril'r ill in on the enuta of
I'ei 1 Miy-ler, Ut,i V.-.i i-rrry i,., env-ler
i,,. I'.i., iii-o'd. have hvuu Kriuia.1 to the uu lor
.sno,l. All iHr.,ipi itiMAiorf Itiuiuelvaa lu.
lai,le I to t f e.- no wilt ti,i.i4.i lu iae t,u,iie II
le ij uio..t wulla 1 ho. htvin 0, iliul a. li,.t
al-leil-lte Sill ,re.o-it ttiein I ,r likinent lu
I Hltl-il I NN Y 'Kit,
Jostflt IIKA Villi. I..
DeO. SI, IBM), A,
I J trutamnntary on the e(.ita of A-taln
Waii-ar, late ol e-l Heaver IiibIiIi.
Sn,lcr C'uuntv dao'it fa a ' 1 11 k been ra:n
e,l t-i ti.e uixlarMtned, all ei tun t,nwnia
thoiniolvei lnlel,ir I to al-l uiate are ra,Ua.i
ed te luske tiuiiietlata pavuu-Dt, while tho.-'e
liiivln- iiuiuis w ill piaieui tue.u dull autuoutl.
eated turai-ttleireiii iu
Ab.lM WA'JNLR, Kiq.
Dee. S, )3 Lx.cutori.
Outfit lurr lshe-l fr. with fn'l In
truotini lor e-intiuctiutf ilt uin-t
irinttil!t butfit tt anron dan
efiKaiif In. lb lLiiti; ! t
10 ieru, n i mr mtrui tiont ure $t ffmpi
nn-1 jitiitp, ittt ii uite rati make trreit r riit
troin Ih vrry tnr. So on vmn tktm
eTllliuic to wurk. W union r ttooiul h
men. Ilyi arJ ultU cn Arn Wrua um.
.Mn h-itf mn.lo ml tt tii'ln. rr on buti
1r1 .J .lUrn In 1okU wvefe. NulbtDn Ilk
11 vr hnwn bloro. All Uvi okW r ur
VrUeJ nl ih ttnil rattiity .:rj muicU
thr ar al'la tn rnint atnev. Hu i-n n
irMtf in li l lulbi-ft lurtDn fyarir ttuit
t'rMi i-ront. u duett hat a tu lut.-n ,
litvl In it. Wat all ttia rink 1d
in M rtilv oi) .. ni-'ul l ri ii nt i our.
All lumtL-.1 frca. AJira i ut ot Ah
K!a, Malna,
Oct., vi. IwJy,
TravGliiia nl lu Agent,
for l MII.T lllltl.KO. liri.lU
J.litnul tirp, Snyder county, Tuna
July i.'.'H'.eai.
JJtiiitiiett-ulor'a Sale of
rnriB nndsrelgnrd, Adminlatrator of
.1. Ihe relate of Tillman Lehr, late of
Mel Uraver townehip Snider ooubij.
I'a , ile-es.J, by virlue'uf an eider lamed
out of Ihe Urpbana faurl of Snyder Ca,.
will expose l I'uMie Sale, at tho late ra
idaaceufeatd deceased, In ISaaaertille,
ceuuty aforesaid, en
Friday, Fvbrnartr 25th, 18S1,
he fol'ewlng deacribej Real Fa-ate elm
aie lu I nanervitle. eouaiy and elate afore
aald, bounded Kasl by lol ofgalnaoa
6tvininger, eguih by Vublis Ri-a l, Nnh
by an Al'ey, oaaialulsg T'-Ttl Tv MX
LOTS whertoa ars ereUei a SaStevv
Fratt'c) Uoass SUl-lo,
PLACKSMITU 8IIOP. and elhat saibnlld
liage choies fruit trees a .atver failing
well of water la kaek yard.
Ales FOLK TtlWN LOTS, adjoluteg tho
above, aad Marked No. T, R, i aad 10 tn
ths town plui of Baaaerrl'.le, noataiaina
ova Acre, .
Aels la tawaneaoeai ( s'leh A, II. af
ealet day when terae sf ! wtU a aaads
lietaa ty .
" Jt-I-LUieira'er
ST T a-,iai.a,a
PZAaaj'lLVAIalJl Li . i
Trains leave" Jeaetloa aiS)i..a
Pltt'l-niali K,le llfll ajl
fjclre l.nvri'i Ua.u.
Wat faaaet-ger 10 ti s. s
"all 4 p. 10, ,
Fal t.lns SaSu.aS.
Psetrte riiprets in 91 a. ni
Mail t '. p. mi
Phi a-tnl.l,la r,ree llisaim,
Johkatoa a I iraa II 11 a. si.
TUe Kst 1,1ns. Way Peeaaager ss-1 Ih- raell ,
lo .,rea !. ami Ike faeine anrt atiaatls
Krere-a east run ilaity.
Way train, Wvatioai la btimin eolBlf '
, . 1 - .
wra-rwanD. assTWABD.
Psaa'sat Mall, tteraaa, Mali,
a. m, p, ai, a. m. p. ra.
AmVraon'S II 00 so lots ys
M'Veyii'wa lilt 4(0 1041 , IJ
Xansyank Ills 4 IT lev '!-
li.eyaril nil 4 ti lot 4 M
N. Itsintltnn II 41 4 1 loll IM
Ml, l'..o Mao H lucS 441
iiiinii'ingiioa mis no 111 sir
Tyron III gal l Sir
U'onr, I II t ) fit (to
fittahar im III) T to
Tho I'aelSt e:nraa wast sen bs flagged St
M. a) town t s 11 a. ra. ,
si-snrtiT a tawisTowa bail boam,
Miiad tlall
10 m.n.i tup. ,ra
IIAIIIINS. Mat), Arcom.
j at-rli ai, f Si til le IB I OS
Salllaul F 1 ' I IS 4 IS
aliror T M tit 0 45 4 4S
th:ti-lil f 1 'it 0 34 4 II
Vauuer r. I ut tU9 no las
oii.,r,. tit SIS 4 It
A' Mll'a r.a-.'l ID IM 4 OS
A-lainai-urs s a I AT Ml 1 17
iti-aviTi ,-n a 41 4 ns sis I
lt.-nr.-r r. sir 4 IT TM I w
UMill.-liVg i-S 4 311 f SI l
M.-l.-.- K. fi 4 li T W S OT
Kramer K. I 19 IM Til I If
l'alnv V. VT UT TI'S t-1
M.-llo-i-rioa SI fCft (41 IT
li l. .tun. 9 41 II I .-0 1 w
anbury 10 ov 140 1 41 til
i. M. UUTflHMAOff .flapl.
(i-isn-1 attar Nov. 1Mb, lt;i, trains oa tble
UAd ill run aa fulliiwa
t.eave 1
a ll a m
lit.1T a 1a
II liosm
I si pm
I.01 p IU
I ii p m
I. Mi p aa
S.00 p m
a.31 p m
11. II p ni
I.4T p in
S.lo i m
4.51 n
I Mi m
S l-'i s in
1.4 1 a m
l:i M.
it a m a ui
T 1" a. m a ui
Now York
f te-ireloa a
Arriva at t
IJ Jlp iu
li.Hi p m
S.I3 ait
ti.'iii p m
1 00 p m T.tSpm p m p nt
;e.40 am S uu a a
s -J p ni
T.40 p m
LP A V E Htlt-TIIW Allli.
Leave 1'ariho Hay Halt Somharn
hip. Lii-. i:p.
Nlasara Fall! 4.00 am 1.49 pm
Hoit'lo 4 as a 10 t.loam
Wnlklue I.Waiu ll.v-aiu 1.31pm
Irla 11.90a m
.-irk llarao S.lo a 111
Wii-i-t. T.Msin It 40 p in 11 us p m IS.Miia
N.-ri li'-l v.j.l a in t.uip u la.s-i a ui
Suul-ory 9 40 am i.Dpmllilin t.o,ia
s. liii.Kroe g.-S-t a m fi nop m (l.o.- a m ,
lli-rmloii lu.ns a m ra t-Jn m 1.16 am
(Ii-oii-ei 'n 10. iO a ui t.lipui Ijtlaui
Arrtra at:
llarrlaiiurg II M a tn 4.10pm tllam S tlam
Phlla, 40 p m ;..epm T.on a m T.4uam
New York s.l.t p ,0 lo 01 p 111 1 em lo.gta m
llnlilinoro A 20 p m 7. aft p in t.toiu T.l'iam
Wa-hliiuii-u v.u; p in t.ul p m Wi m o.utaav
Thoae marke t "f" at-ip onl whiMi flamail.
A. J. CASS ATT. ien. .Manaeer.
Pltiliidclphla & Erie R- R. Division.
tin and after ai'NDAY. SUV. Tlh, Isan, th
rama.,11 tha Hl.lla Jet -hia Utile Kelt Hoad
llivialun will run aa f-.llna, i
F.UIK MAIL leareaVlilla,lelhli 11 II n, B
" " llarrlabiira- llli.B,
" Willatii.p.irt eiua.n
' .t.-r-ey Shore oea. ra-
' l.-K Hacu s 10 a. in
' " )iei:ova 1104 a.m.
" err. at li y 4 p, m.
Nl AlJ AHA tXP. Phltalel'a ouoa. ra.
" " Harrl.hurs
" srr. at V.'iiliaiiia,'i iiij.. ni.
' l.,-rk llavea 4 '40 p. ol.
FAST LINE leaiee Philadelphia i:i, m.
Hirrlaburi: 4 IK) p. n,
' srr. at Wlllin,i,.pirt 1 11 p. tu.
" ' Leu I Itavau Slwpia.
PACIFIC TXP. Kavra lo,k llavea
" ' J- ai, ) Mira 7 If a. as
M Wlllian ort laVa.m
" srr. at Harr.H ur 1'J ,4 l tu
" ' fill., teli Ll 1 41 1 in
PAY EXP. leavaa I.oel Harcn II 25 a in
" " vi;ii4.i,...rt l.'xip oi.
" srr, si liarrialiiuir llui- iu
" riiila.laUhla sj, ,u
ERI K M AIL IrsTas Keiima o) , ui,
" " I.K k llavea li 10 t Ui.
" " Willi, nm... rt 113U iu. '
" err. at llarrlal or SI0a.-.
" " I'nlla.ii 1 el a . -
FAST LINE leave, W illianj, orl II II a iu.
" arr. at llarri.b-irs- III ia
., " " I'hltad. I-his T Ul a ut,
Krla Mall West and tiay txpreas Fast i k.J
rl-ae ruiia.-1li.Da al N-rthaiulwrlail1 with I..
li. K. It. train fr l Hkeel-aria and herai ' -r--
trie Vtall Weal, Niagara Exprwaa Waal a id
ra-ll.ll Weal nia.a cloa) connectluu at W.I-laiu-i-,irt
-illi N. f. K. W. traiua o-irlb.
Niagara EKpreaa W'.t and liar Exprea Ka't
m.,-.-!.,aartijectiun al Ll tiavea Kill, h, li
It. It.
l.i Ie Mail l:,-and Wat MBom-t at Erl--:'h
ir.ii.s .i- I., s. h M. ; ti, I:, j ,1 ttrry aiia (.
'. x A. V. II. K. : at .u,iM aitu V. N, V . a
P. K. I;., and at l)elfl..ia allh A. V. U. R
P.r'or wi, r ill l Nrn Ptalladl hia
and t iMlaM--,rl vi .Mina Klprvaa Wral ,lu
liay Ktpiiua Laat. b,a-;-iiij caia va all t'.l I
WM. A. DAl.tiWlS,
No. r. !:. U.-ueral Sap'L
A DMINISTK vrons'NOTici:.-
a. i.anar, or m tbeealaiaet
lilluitu l-ehr Isle of Weal tp.Bjja'
o.,anii. i a. ucl hara kaaa (rai itd to the
uuiiamaoed. All pimgi ka jaiae lueaaelies
lu, lei led iu,ald a.uia will i-ieare Bake la
oie.iuie payment while thoae harlea- claims
asalnat saldatiato will present ILaia for eellla
aieot to
ADAM fldNtl,
h.t. 14. 1-iso. AdialnUiralor.
j ar-sebnilBeta pew before ike pab
fof VV lie. ioa eaa aiaaemuaay
. I faster al w-ra lur aa ttaa
aaafsaa J ,0,lbln alls. CaMtal
km ie-iulrc.. Ike Sit a day
and uparai.ia made at boa, l-y Ihe laduairioa,.
Man, aoniea, buya sad tlrls, aaaied ererf
a here to wra lur us. Now la the nana. ta
eaa davuta yur a hole lime to tha wnrl. ar
ilyynur spare mia.eais. No olkar luataeas
nipayyua i-eariy as well. Noi-ta WIIHaa la
s.'i k eaa tall la make enorsxeue pay by ,.
Irs al, ee. (.only tiutai aad Krnilm. At
areat urirtualtt lur ualinc money eaally
aud Li-buraMy. Adilrete I K I I 4 4i . Aa.
a. A. sine. JacaU, '
Agents Uaemploycd
or sew werkler. H. -nld wme at oar. ITa
I ate It ta.u.l mUIi 4 artl.-la la Ik I ailed
Mam. bp.eial tarilt, ry yt.ea. U.ds eaa
le ea-r,e.t ia ructal. I a prvdlt. Tkae
straa.ty al a-.w ale eeta-na uiaaey aad ay -14
l-tai, tl.a a.-rW lloous as rtatle ae Buar,
Ke family ruald wa'l edel allheal I a am.
louraa work at home ae abr.vad. Ta la
irudiiraitlsvsUakla laaeailra ae will eaed
MXKAVPI.I.S apoa raeal, v el threa-aaa
rasip va pay perraa. Ut Mm tvlevek
a ui povTuaHi baiore. aad will eater ke.ea
,lae..ra aalu. Addraaa.aev ktravita vk
aleBTiuB vkls paper.
dV letter, of sdialal.trata.a an lea aetata
Kataeea I alamaa.Ua.ttlaia uf Waeklaala lea-tiaid.-r
reaaiy, fa., were era a lad la Ike aatf
daraisaed. Alt aareoaa kaualag Ikemaalea.
Ii da! ted loealdeaia'a will plaaaa n.a laaaa-l
dtMe pay meat, waiia ikaaa kaitas ekataM wll
ptaaaal Ikes t'-e xiileairat la
I'KMifchlt'k BsHlA!w.
UtIAt AKKlMt ktir. Admlalalralara.
JYoxtlvttt, JtsMtfihr county, a,
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l'Jar4ak!BS In all lu aranabee !' al.
SHadedie. Mti t.'U
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