c Yli 0 Post L-l'burg, JAH. 27, 8B1. I. CROHSE, Editor & Propretor. KM,- 1JJ i ' ... . ; mi.. McMillan oraea from Miuocaol M aenator and Rnraio will retire to prlvata life. Blaine aava ba kooiva nothing .book that $1)0)3 reniJanoo lb a oma of tba oewxpipen have been reotiogfor bi n in Washington. ooereUry Bbennii bai Txtli Bailing la Ohio, Ha goo back to tha amata at ant as clipping a coa poo from t ffovoromeat boo 1. Twenty American oitioa to-daj contain OTer.flOD.003 .'people eanh twenty American stale contaio ovar J ,000,000 people each. Tbere aeema to be no doubt ex preesed aa to tba rumor that Dlaioe will go ioto Qarfleld'a cabinet aa eeo reUry of atato and the Republican party aeema to ba well eatisHod with tha aelection. Thomaa C Plait, who will take tba place of Francia Kernan aa aenator from New York, U a atalwnrt Repnb lioan, a mm of experience and abili ty, and will make .bia mark in the aenate If it ia true, aa aaierted by those who pretend to know, tbnt Koklejr B. Ooxe apent betwoen (30,000 and f 75,000 to be elected state aenator from Luzerne county, it ia no won der that be couldn't oonncientiouely take the oath of office at Ilarrieburg if) mm ever apent th it a nount of money legitimately ami h mostly to be elected io a sensorial or loista tire district. A man died in New Hampshire a few uaya ago from the effects of wallowing a lire frop. On one oo caaion tha man swallowed a snake over a foot long, and afterwards caught a block snake five feet in length, out it opon and a wallowed it heart He aeomed to havo a mania for swallowing lire tbinge, and gon erally succeeded on til he tackled his frogahip, who refused to be impris oned io such a novel place, and started on an exploring expedition which cansed the man's doath. Now that Grant baa bueu made . president of the world'a fair cotnmis ion in New York perhaps it will not be deemed necessary to press bis name before congress for souiotbiug or other with a big salary aitauboJ to it. Grant ia not a pauper, and he ia greatly annoyed by the actions of hia overzealona friends in oon tantly pressiog his name for this, that or the other thing. Let him alone and be will ruo the world's f un successfully if it takoa all next sum mer. Oongresamin Cirpenter, of Iowa, has introdnaad in the homo d sensi ble bill providing for the election of postmasters aod other national of0 oera exiroUing power withia state limits, by tba peoplo, sash o.lcors to Birvefour yoara aol not to bare moved for political or loligiojs causes. There ia no oSker wbo is so olosely connect 1 with tin psjple aa tha postmaster, aud if a law can be framed which will guarantee ju tica to tha interests of the govern ment, and which at the same time permits the people to choose tboir own postmaster, it ought to be adopted. The largest order iu the world ia that just givon the Djldwin works, Philadelphia, by a southwestern railroad corporation, to build one Loudred and forty -four locomotive"., at a ot of about one million of djlltrs. Ihia is another evidence of the rapid iucrease in railroad buuiuess, and shows that every branch of indjstry is about to re. ce.yre a new impetus. H'e already eoe tbfa i ilia number of new rail rood euterprizes 'pewooted oo evi ry han l, ao J if tboy are carried oai, aa they on Joub tally will bt, a bVy J ear is ahead. The cauotry never ' was la a mora prosperous conditioo, notwithstanding tba asaertioua of croakers, and no better or more convincing evidence of thia fact can b: found than ia the miu-nota or tif far one million doll.ira worth of locotuotivea from one firm. Tbw King of riweeden has publish ' ad a vulu ma of poetry. Florida oranges arc going to Eng land in considerable quantities. l'ogus $f) gold pieces arc now riM to ba ia circulation io Booth Carolina. a f i . . . . . ii f'i t-siiel rra are employed. . . . .Potior county hi not had I'njrtor licence issued ai not) 1?52. .... Turlnjn an J chickena ara d injj oflf.a Bucks aoantv from chol- ....The free nlglit school of Wilkesbirre baa proved a great Bun cos. ,. ..Two live saakoi wero ca-iirlit in a prio;r iu Darks county a few Jays ego. ....Alleghany oiunty lt I I wen ty-six murders in 183), aud not uuo execution. ....Thirteen daily papers are pnblishod in I'ittsburg, nine English and four German. . . . .The body of Joseph . Snydor, tha lynched murderer, has been stolen from the grave. ....The silk mills now being erected at awloy, Pa., will employ one thousand hands . . . .The first paper pnblisbo 1 in Pennsylvania, was comnouoeJ by Andrew Bradford, in 1719. ....There are grave fears that the smallpox will beoomo epidemic in Dolaware county. ....Rev. Jedediuh Aodrows was the first Presbyterian, minister in Pennsylvania, 180 years ago. .... A firm iu Chester oouoty have roceived an ordor from England for 500 sots of carriago wheels. ....A colored woman named Coyuo, was burnod to death iu bed at Doylestown a few days ngo. ....A man and woman have been arrostod at Altoonaoharged with bo ing engaged in a pension fraud. ..A large quaulity of oak lim ber has been exported from this state into Europe during the past year. ...The crop ol hoop polos for which Pony county has boou fam ous, is said to be about oxbaaited. ....A wild turkey was recontly shot iu the marshes of Lake Krie. which weighed thirty-throe pounds. .The Girard (state of Puilit. deipiiia, recently paia into the city treasury $71,151,(38 for taxes of 18- 80. . . ..The bootblacks and nowsbovs of Bradford were recently given a supper by the Wo.miu'e te nparance nniou. The Western nasociation for asHistiug the poor, of PbildJuliihit, expended 5,570,? 1, lout year in benovolent purposes. . ... Twenty-five persons lost their lives in ti e t-'ciauton cor.l re gions during 1S3 J, and many mora sustain )d seiious iDjuiiia .Tho Pennsylvania stoel wot Lb at Harrisburg, which liavn been i.llu since June, 1879, Mete stalled up OuTuusday last. ....Two well known coil dosrs of I'ittfcburg have beu sent to t'ju workhouse for five tuouths for soil ing short weight coal. .The seven year old son of Peter Jobes, living near Vv net.- burg, was ciut-l.ed to death on Fri day by a leg rolliug over him. .... A girl employed ia a f ictory at Lancaster had Lor hair caught iu the machinery on Monday, and a bunch as thick as an arm was torn out ....John Bubo, an industrious mecbauio of Erie, and bis wife have lost their reason tbro-ig'i the loia of their home in a reuloalute transac tion. .... A three year oi l son of Den' jamin Sweasuy, of Roiling, in his play got boll of a bottle of raediciue, drank the conttnts and died from the effects. . . . .The reeideaoe of Wellington Moser, of Readiug, was set on fire by the explosion of a lam on Tuos day, and two of hia chiiJren were burned to death and a third fatally. .... A gang of tramps held a soci al reunion in a school house iu Leb anon county a few nights aiuce, din ing on poultry, vegetables and whisky which they bad stolon from farmers. . . .John Gilstod ran away from his borne ia Delawaro county hoo a young man. Last week he re tarti'jJnfter so abseuco of forty yoarsTtoadoIall his relatives ou ly' out brotbijf tTivo, .... Ei-gberlff Funk, of Altoona, is bnilding tbe largest lime kiln io the state, if not in tbe world It will be fort) "six feet in diameter. It will take $1,000 worth of fire brick to lios the insido of' the kiln. ....A farmer residing netr Cburcbtowo. Chester county, opon bearing that tbere would be a ten feet anow falL was afraid ha could not nod bis pig pen, bo La got a pole thirteen feet hih and stuck it io tha aide of tbe pee, ao that ba would have a landmark. ....Tea pounds of buttor per wek from a baifer 2 yaara and 0 nooths old Ueomtwtut remarkable- ST Le7isto7n, Kiflin county, Peun'a, lurlturo ol 12ver.y Ivlntl, lnrlor, Chnmber, JDiiiiiiiif Itoom, ITnlly iiikI Ji.it;lien, to unit tho iiiemiH ol'ovcry pcrMOii. Painted Chamber Suits, from J25 to $53. I'urlor Suits, from Jil'wp, all walnut, covered in Hair doth, Reps, Haw Silk, and Plushes, of any color. Walnnl Chamber Suits, with Mai ble Tops, from $45 to $125 Dedal ends from $1 to $5. Rnreans, Stands, Lonnpcs, Chairs, Mattress of all kin da. The won" deiful Women Wire Mnltresa or Sj rtn Pottorn the beet madn. All Roods kept ia atock and oo hand, ready for sniu, and at, CASH PRICES, that will convince all, that you can save money by buying where you gat the best, aud always got what you buy. Goods picked and deliv ered, with the best of care, to R. R, depot, Call and see the the immen so Stock. No trouble to show oods, OURMOI TOt Good Goods, Low Prices, and to please all. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention at all tinios. Yours Rerpeclfully, Jan. 27,181. "V. II. FULIX. A dwelling housa mado exclusive" ly of papor was one of the objects of interest nt the intornatioual exhibi tion at Siduoy and was furnished throughout with articles maonfao tnred from tbo same material. Ivon the stovos nsel in boating .. I t'lA I rooma in wniou large liros were kept buruing daily throughout the exhibition ware rail of paper. Several ban inots were givon ia tho house by its owners to the eoiumi's ioncrs, mombors of tho proas, and foreigners of diitinction. All tho plates and dishes, knivos and forks, bottles and driukitig vessels used a1. those entertainment were f ihric-to ed entirely and solely of papor. t will null (Fri-) ti rnirM' lor' lmn' Votm. Hai.m Hint Kill trmnrt T N , rKwiLw, i'Impi.ks nit'i iu. iriui--. 1- KTlmr ih kln foil, rlr ftni iiitilul : iTtni-tl Tl fur iiroilnclnu luinrUnt icrowti, f tiitlr on ft lil I hel or 'tn-itli ft. Ail. .Ir, Inr mhii 3e. Umn, "EX, VAML'hLF a CO., i !rltmn M.. N. V. TO COMMVES The .lTrtlr. bln l t -mniintljr i-nrpil r.f Unt ilrflt I i1l-iv, INini'n tl-tn. by I mi l" fi n 'lT. I nx iu to mK lm""n l lii i1lir iiiT,rm 1 1 nini of M-ir. Ti H wtlnlfr If, b wl I ', I 0 T.y of tUA P4. nrfitl,,n iiKO-l. 'frt of fli if-f I wlt'i h .lf.-fl. il'inii I- r prirlni( 40 I ti-lnu lh n: wli-ni lhy II' Si I unn rr M iML'xrrn!r, A-TflMA llliriPIIITI, .l-, lriir" k tti l'rliitl"i. will fltm Mr . ItPv. I:. A . Wll.MON, IX fran Ml., WlllllltDtl.Ur, N. Y. r.t-: T WtVTKH -'tlif Pay, l.li.ht orb. lai-!? I ,.i.'r mrftl. ft m. la iri, Ailica, U. I.. ItYK.i, K :ua-An Sired, Nw Vrk, Trrcrs of Yoith. AO NT I KM IS wh itftarJt1 f f t-r- fr .rrw.u l-Mdl.li V, n Ail'HK 1M-. i ml U tti c(!-'t( i.f ynntM il In It rro-tl-n, will f. r tha nko of n'i rtrti mu'an m, pcn l lr ft nil wri 1. a. I ti ti rlM mii 1 h rcfifrtn f r n nklitti tha titiijila i- fntt'.j l y l.h h a rur t1, Ntt rm' iln t I "j;t t y tl.a ff rtlror'f tp-'rlro-f n ii m t y it'vonx 11 lf 't pniiii ioiir J,ittX II. . LrKN, ..tciitrM., Suit Vuik. . jo. 2T. ol3m. TIK ncfi'itnt ' f Vliilio ITilbbih. Trnatr nl I).-. II. P. II lt("ni,ilil l. ia I'm nl. il In tin. i llV r i,f Hi i',-iilrj'i i!tr l-i n tr-r ttiu r-'Urly ,r Siiv.lMr ar-.l itia a-n. III . ta flllird by ttl).urr at K"lrmry li-in i,idi. canao be abuwu In ibo couuirAr. J. fiaif-iK, Jau.k;, UHI, I'f :iunj!ry. CAUTION. 'VTOTICKIn herl given llml Mi follow. or Jai-ub rillcntnbr ItcAfirr Hf.. Hnvil, r 'o. Til., larin liia iV,,iri: .ill pqr I nona Art cwijoiio.l lint Io nieJ II or li.lir- j fart Willi thvtatuo : Oat I'orialilo SKum i ! Mill, Are HenJ of llorir", two nuili-f, on Wagon, tbrta' l.o Wnnun, Log Cbaioa, kc,. out llujgy, aCTin ivit Oeura, ono l Huroeaa. j wm. wiunnu. flunhiirf, Jn, 17, '81. A.-ii.'rieo Accounts. NOllfE it lirl;y clvtn Hint th fol. lowing Aaalgnpc Aotouun hurt hcit filtJ io ilit oliio of llit proilioiiolurr of ibt Couil of C. P. of tnvdrr oouuir auj will tit preir-nteil la Ibt vext court for confirmation, ni nulana tulUnicnl rtuat bt ibnwn to Ibt contrary (lit mtoc will bt eonftunetl. ArruiiDlol H. E. Millar Analni Sujlrr Co. BaLk. 1. PROUSE, rrotk'v. Prothi'i llinoa, Ju. 21, iVOTlCJ' of Wi!tws Appraloomont 'under llit f.'iOO Law Noiico it brrtby gives lbt Ibt following widow tpprAiarmenit h.tvt betn bind wiib Ibt Clerk of lb Oi ph'iua' t'ourl of Snyder Co. fr coofirmaiion uu ifoudy, thtHib da of Fvb. next. Apiiralaa'nuqt of AonA Snriar wl lo of Boo. Jaiuiu Unyor, dec'J, Aiiii-Aiaim it of L-u;a Jo, n ti, Waiiika, dro'J. YooiIek widow j, cajusB,Dirk.r I'eli. tl. l .ZSQ -TCH! ROOK OF TUB AfiK." Tlio l'rHrin of ilmuuu 1-1 fe llore iiud tlerouMer. iir wiLrasn," Thle bookhi" nnqnlljiiMr rtonlf'vi, from nf nih-r wvn trtr 1, ;o,l l nnl'ir- rnilly ilmltieO In h th unly work In .tlateni' I Wljlt-li ftti-nliilriy nmun4iriui pritoiilkl (ol i nl lb Imoiorttlliy of th unil b nlne I lni. wllbnui th slil of tit nihl, al'rrlr n. nl!iiiitlnK th lhorlf of Darirln, lluilay, 1 TyntUII, rtal.nhilta ail otlir4 of ih r,lit 1 tl Hi ( mto Irom lb luwnr alnmli ml hit titiciion m niin. S"Bsrr r ,o at lb X4 Irurilnmry tb ,rikt-r 01 til wort 311 bt ante. nl tliAO tb folion-lntf x-.r'!ti frj-q tti"rIU lout .rj mr looliuta of bumlrmll l mlly jtha-tKiiiia : Thin It th b.mk of lh K.ml th unknown allur m l t,lr in n K'itjr llir try I n. n.orulll linn lh pr ila-il in of this work will irlr hha. n I th u4,n(t, of til's . luit4'l mln.lit tb4t br t,n illfl-l by tria n'1UiH',iil3l ti-btnicot inoiloru aiilvntntf will rlt- nl rll him li!f-J.i' .Mm uounr Photkhtaiit. iUIIIinor, Mil. I W run triilr y that w tr 'nrc l t th I ortulimlltv, th'irouhni, nl mrvotl.iu Klilllcy ol lti nutlior ol tula wurJ." . . Uuv. IKIIA!T, UlltOAKO. It la u'lrnlT nut of th onllnarr lln nl aoln(lnj n I i'ill.iih il h.i .k., i I .Hhmii I, In nmutnoitta -if a, inu-t Htrtlin chr,. lor.' I Hkhaliiaxd l'Ki:tiiVTiiAii, i.looluii.il., I ' A'thmuh atrl.-tly iloiltl:ii. It. on- n ti th lom 10 'trAilj.1 ol a 410 a in, I a 4 -a I Anl l.rrnrier for h.inmUf, li la r, lltTAry ( I liur li'AI'Vult ill Hi All mlfil.ltira a:i.I j I vy ineioi) r aa-ml-l r t'l It. It I, 1,11 rniry ifutlfti w,mq ttl Tbn lnii'i:y firtu l-ullln lcwn f atrnxh l la. It la wo-tii 11a itaiK'a la illam 111 l,'Hrtnr uiwi tr Wom. I ''Tli.- A itnor ( n ta of i itinUI , I nanlua. 1 Anil cinrno,-y t'l brU it-tl tta.i Mi ,tr nf I HiiHlcrn ilioeat Iiai atArtln'l th fulfill ,ui w irlil 1 Into trAna;nris nl j.iy aii I pril-9. ,H raill -Kisniino work hii re.iolve I i.nh Ir. ui t -- r I elr mmI roliKluiia iir au:b wthiiiK intl mi. I nn.illlli-il prm-u 1)1 (Hroi'lvm 01 lluunt'i I.llu. 1 It la lh .loarh hi iw ol Att'-Uilo Pii--tiou." Axkk. o iuiaiiah NAViktir, t'lm'lim, I, u. We nio-l 0 irdldU ft'Mi la 1 1 t'l 1 f r 1 1I1 1 I ol lluuit.n 1 ii tita koll -our-d tita-ih bo k I of ti. Aao. r,tiMi.a iha tloil nr fr ivbiam- 1 lit raued Ui 1I10 author in ioi,vt tu want, nl 1 th o: tu. in in Mil, lima of uejd. Iaim.xion i:ni'i;rituAN, loronlii. " Wl'i.uut il -ubl II ll',9 inn t attrtllna; b vti. of Ilia ahl'UT. I .?-il.l r,lMarb..-B in- h-.n-or 01 writing ti.iii a f-Mt, th t-i t- ti I'-aaidast ol Hi L: utL"(l -t;v ' Y.vi'o.i r-i-v. :U II I-1 IrtiKi' roytl ootn'o 'IL'tpijii, riolily bi.UI:d tn o:-iti. aq-l oi'Ofj r,a AVi'-ln!,,! IU,. I.- aca nT rta nl ItiO uraata. a,jia-.t:ata nftlii- nt', I-. ,11 U nent 1 ntt..i. i,,r Aii i, i.i.iotl'i . vnr; roiii'a. li if !i-i 'i -tj.-ilta.it Uriu-will l-uiiiu'r'.. A.I I' ja.i ll I r 1, SCiltLL & CO., Gvi. tta':.:'.s Nu. IS t r.l.tr..;j- i u N. V, COVH Y i'lJOCl-.V.M VriOY. I'?'"'?-" l" iii o. J. ('. Rimlirr Prl II lr m Jinli:o of tho Jj.l-oiul I '.rti" rnr.it .11 t ofli.u ,-iiiii.ti,a nl rin- .n- f'..i... 1 ni I Mililiti it n.i li.r.iui li'Xutl mi l S..ln'l. II Vodrr t'.3 jt. Amui-iim- Jii, ;e. in All') for Kiiviicr count U,r IsMir I HiVir )Toi''l ti'niing. Jai ih '.'I'll ,Uy of i I'fj. A. U. I.Srt, lo in .li,i.,-i, r.ir I 1 ho 1 'plilitig of an OrliHn' ro.iti. t n.ini-i I of t'nninioo I'Icai-., ouiih of I ly or Ami Trr- D. 1111 rani iirnotnr courl of C,'iiui,t Ce? nuna nf lite I'rmio nl M . I Hot. org, f.ir ihr county of .iiy:l-r, on I he Hi Mi.i.l.iy, (h,- tiii.) an I 1 O'liMimv oti! tvfek. j Noli' if tliers'ire lifr.-'-y (tiyrn in (lie t oront-r, Ju-Hcc.i of tho li-fcc tiiil 1 otial t tlr in ii'i fjr tlr couiily of etnyl-y, lo peir In ihrir propfr r'ron ;ih il, irrulit rri-otilii, ii.'jiiiKili.ii.B. rii.i!.i.i'iiioti Ami o'I'pr rvmonilirancrii lo do Ibjne lliint whicli of tlieir ollioea snii in Ihoir bcli v!t ' n.,i,.tn i ....1 1 .... j v,.... ... -.uuv . ni.ri.ua aim ifr- , nous projuciillng in tirhit'f of ibt I'ommon I woftlib Agnin.. tny perann or parson nr I t',uircd 10 bt lUtn Anil Micro Alietiditig ' snd not dinri ing wlihuut liave nt llmir I'oril. Jimlioci Hr rcquoalcd In b pmicl ul in lueir hllartd iuct At tLt r oiuleJ lime ARttf ably to 1101 ice. Oiven unTli r .1 y bund Ami tral at t'.i Sl.t-rlir olhio iu Mi.idlelmrg, lb 'JOib Jyy 1 1 Jim. A 1., ont IbtuiiAiitl clgbt buudiad . I id eiubly-on. . ' UAMEL POLKNliER. f t.'rf. Eisley'a Witch sel. t.'urm HetilACli. Ilnroa, !jiraloa Ula, Woon.lH, Krau-uMlaio, Toit'iAuu, naraolio, to., to. Warranted 4'iaJ iu qaality to Any md, Atball lit o,lc. , o. D ittlea UU, J-hit Buttlet W. UH.9I. Utveyourdrjiftari,, iro bti not la took ol O'.t AKI.KS V. KIil.Ci' it tJO., rbnl'!,SltiaUla,Mi;urtuult strt Ma " tuy. Ju, Vi,ia. ' Admioiutrator'a Sato of Real Estate. rpniS nrjilornicii'il, .ltmiaintrittor -L ol ihtatttol Antulla Itotliroak, lata of hnavar tnwnanlu, rinydrennnty. I'.. daoM, by vlrlu of as ordur Uau I out of tb Orphan' t.'ourlof tsld ouunty, will txpoa tt fubllo bale, da tb iruiial, on KutnrJay, Ptbrunry 12tb, 1881, tb follow Inx i!Kirlb l Hatl K-tal altual In tb to d ol Adaui-bura:, toieaablp, touuly AAd lata Alurvaald, eanuloio- Una d J oue half Acre, nior or !, with th ppurtoane, boundad north br land ol Allan Kutliruak uu faul H.ntr, l- aal by Hu'illi Itoad 8 i'im b Uu l of l. O. Hinltk, and Waatby luda of A M, Hal Irltrk An I l'a nt ttaulvr, wuirtoa r rJii t icud, KiiMIS i iwnllin UuoHe, KTAIU.K. Adthr neaaary utholldlnm Larar-'klilna- wall of ttlar at lb 1our- I itUNtiuUOtlAOti tbttbuletal vriatla of frail. Mai to enmnstnn at 10 ViMk: K. M, olaall I day aua Uruia ol Ml will b ui d knoara by I - AUAM KUll'll, i aHa. t,lMI. AdiniuHlrur. Auditor's N"otioo- in the tuialt of Ja- I In Ai Orphuru Court 1 cA Pile, dte'd. nf Sj'Ur couiUy. fllHK Mndraii(ud Auditor tppoluitd by J Ibt aaU Court tn tlitiribut Ibt fund la lb btiid of (itorgt uikubrougb tt- Maior Jnoob 'ilt,, du'd, will tit for lb tiurnott of hi tppYimnent At bit olhn In borough of Widdloliurg oa KKI1MV, JAN. Jttib. 1MH1. atVu'oluuk a at wUUb i! And ptACt alt per.oMi bAving tltimt grt re'ut-aid la preaeut tbent qui ibtaiMtrti or at tarrt4 from aooiitc il. DILL, . ATIOflfaElT-AT LA'.V, Lrwh'iurt), JVtin'ff. All tinalnoa nlrnll to bit ear will bt promptly Attended to. f epl, 80, I8P0. II "a'DiiiTniciir ATTOUXEf -Ar.Ia.4Tv". Market SI-, Sclinsffrovf.. ta. Alt proflonal Imainaa promptly Atrtnitad to. UonaulMUunt la tluallaa .id ilir.Biu Fab. I J. 'a. I. B WUNDEHLY, ATTOflNEY-AT-LAW, JHiLHiburff, fin-jtU'T C ,ra. fan fc onnl-i1 In ta-llli nr Oaf a an. SaT-i'ruaaoutat olalwa for i'cGalona, .Mf Jan. IC.'ti , L. N. MlfEUS, Attornei'At-Law, - Mliiillrltua-g, Prnn'a. All prnfMalAV buainaa 1trnt to hli tar will ronalv i.roiart attoniion. Uunauiutlout U Kagllik cd liarman. Ikl. It.TS. JACOB GILUKKT, Attornoy-At-Taw, MIUULKDUKU, VA. Allhaad aaa nirtl to bit r will rorfty roiApt ttotliin. July 'it,-?. 11 110 WE K, AITORNEY-AT-LAW, MiHMnrrr, Pa. (0!Sot Io oSlo f J. P.OrouinliUr, Kioj.) I'nl'ootione mad. Ami ttorman. UntultAtlona In Knitlah Junt IS, 7a.if, M. L. SCH'JCll, ATTORlf E7- AT-LATT, iNVu? H,r,in, i n inn CV. Pa. PfnfaituiBit titi9tnf) etilrmtcd o b! isn will rncttlvft pistfflpt itntton. June Wr.i. HAS P ULUIClf, Attomfif 4 Oonnic11or-At-Lw, nflle In Au' ll'tiMIn on dooi North ol Kk-.t! llorm., Srllili!(l'tt', 1'CIIU'A. Collectlnn And all cthr prUaaalnnat hnl naaa I, ollr-lt"1 And wlil roclra rarafiil and proiaft Ailcuiloo. Apr. II, 'IH. If. J. ciiDWiiLr.r.it, AvroaNHir at lvw. Mifflinbilri, Pit., I Offer Mtproftaylona tervbea lolhepuV.- le. tTollf.ii.in Ami All oilier pr.ifoaalDiml : biiKineaa enirn.He I to bl car will receive . . 1 1. 1 ;n : 1 prompt Aiieniion. Jnn 3. 07 1 f SMITH. rroRXKT AT LAW. MlDIU.Klii) KO, MX V tllR Oil., PA orra hia Prnfeaatiinal Saral to tit fa til '.'oni'iltttliiua n Knullrb nd OarutHn. P. J. U. KELLER, .4 T TO li A'J? 1. A 7. LA IP Mlf'Jiliihurff, L'nion Cunhi, Pa. All li-i-ltiraa rntruatid to lilt car will audi and faliiilully atlendail l. Wl;l tritle at ti aocr.i! 13-urla o S117 lr aol a.linli.lti.- .n.iutia. tlati On diinailltad In Ilia Knirllrlt or imiuAu liti,niiu Oct.ar. (7tl f1 : 1 A l L KS IIOWKR, W ' Arrj.iNCY Af LAW, Silintjrtivp, Pa. liferH liia jtroff falonnl 'xti-vlcra lo llic pub 0. (J'llii-.-i'.iina mti't nil ular prufwaaiona i'iai:iBt, entrti!al lo ln care wilt rt j'tlv nrouii I aiiemlnn. ()Rie iwo dour iii h i f I he Nntniul oSoot. f J n n 6, 'li l.INN, A TTfM.Ni'v AT I. .V, I.ewiilmrj, r DlVen bia f)r"foMi'in.il aiTylca lo fit tuiliiio. I'i;l; CI ioiia niiti nit oil'i-r pro (eHaion-tl liii-iinr-a nrinriadiu b if car will roceiacproi.ij-l Aiutr inn. fJi-pt .-r. isn. A. on' IP. 3 jli-mror j, Va , Dler I heir ir.ite..aio 11I afrnoi' la Ihr p.ililiO. Alll vitl I1.11i.1eja ,.iitr.inc ' lo llielr ,irt ivill rjji f nirnd iticaiiin. UiiUt :tt lii-i h.nii.vi dniireoi. July, lib lllt'll AM.AWAN. 3. ALLEKO & HlK. A T T O ',1 X t) Y3 AT I, A W. HelliiHi'dvo, l"it. AH prufe-iai-Miitl lnii:iy- nt,, eitlro: I ! eninicit i to i:u-ir lire trill re pi-,vr"J Aliened to. Unit b onnntlud In or Oermna. Oiline, tturke' Siiore. II. H.Uriiuiii. WiH.lI.Wll AttoriioyaSs OTanceilois AV-hAW, oar the Post DfSeo. lit elaur?, Ioiiii';i. Conaiilintii In bolb CnglUh mi I Oipmwti LnBiir. fed '''. JOHN 11. ARNOLD, Vtttriioy nt T.n.w, MIUDLKUUUO, PA CrnfeaiJnnAl biiatneatenlriiHled to til enre w.':f bt promptly AllaA led to. f r'nb J. THOMPSON 11 A ICC It, Attoi'iioy-ataLaw, l.owlalmrg, Union Co.. t'n W"0n bt oonaulud la (tie KnglUb nn 0arnif.ll lAiigungi-k.t OPKlCli Murket Hirctl, tppotllt WnU Suutli & Uoi Hlort 8 iuy WM. VAN EZUK, ArroiiNev at t,aw, Li winbit ri P DITtri bit prnfalonl torviot lo it pub' lie. Collodion nd nil other Pioffaxioo 1 bitaineaa entruale-l to bit ear willrt oeiv prompt atleation. T. PARKS, ATTORNEY AT T.AW. SKLINPOUOVE, rt.NVUtll CyUSTY. Pa Stpl.lo, '07U AO. SIMPSON, ATiUUNeir AT LAW, .SoliuHjfrove, Pa. ' Jifara kit profalonltirrloet is tha pub .la. Alt ouaiuea eutruated ta alt atrt ill bt prompt I v alUndod la. f Jab. 17, 'C7H tAUUELH. OHWia, A TTQRXJiY A T LA W, MIOIIiiburK, I'lilwn Co.. I'm; OMa al dnnr u Tlgrh PrlutUa Odtat UIT.tf. FhyiiicitMB, if 6 J. V. 8U1NLU'I' I., f,,.,;jii'1.;:..T. tffrrf fc IP pmfartotil i Vli-a to ll i-jll OhV- on Mio atraat. .Innol'i jyi. J. orWiirJNKi:',4 T r!i)slrlnci nnrt SurcrrJi, (Iflam hia paofawon. a'arylcc to 'ha eitirn f AdalDaburaj And vli-lnltt. A'liT. t,'').'. )R. J. P. KAVAWEIa PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ftilrlilf). ftnyiler :., p Odor bit profeatioBAl tnrvlors It Ihr nuhlia. U-.if J J. EOKUURT, suaaco?! dmrt, . HCKUr.llT'A Ml.OOir, Htlinitjruri', Prnn'a. ProfrialonAt hniln lriHf t'laiilel to, Maf.H.'7. D" I. QRIER BARBER, . PHYSICIAN AND SUSatOK. having Wnfetl At Ml tiDLECUIiG, PA.. oftin n fw door Waal of Hi Uniirlhonat. in llenver't Prick builditi, efler b'a .r.v feaalomtl forvice lo Hit public. lie apttki Knglisb sntl Utrmta ' Ocl.17,'78. pEKClVAL HERMANN, PHYSICIAN & SUtlGEO?!, KrnltcMtb, Siyir Co., Pa. Of'M Ma panfaaalnoAl aaralnea to th Kit lint nl KrAtaarrlll nd xlilnllf . till, DR. A. M. 8MI11I, PIITHICIAN AND XUndtiOK Oftrrt hit profoaalnt.Al eer'ioe It Inc clll ena of A laitishurg and vicinity. Sef4, 7" H r. van uurcinit, -lURQICAL k MKCIIAN3CAL PENTldT nlinstjroVf, Iifi'ft. - JustiC's of tit c J'cuce. DAMjSMiril, HeacerSpri hji, SniJer Co., Pa, All oia.IpIaI b lalnnia -taklnir tUimaitlnna at-d proti l'tly aitnn 11 to, Oollaiitlnua nod roi ilt- lanr. irotntitly ui.i.lo'. .v.ity 14 ' 11, v. y--.rirTt . .. UVvni.-i yy .uum.'i , JutllrP of Hie l'i-n-e. 5ala;it, Snyiljr County Fcnn'a. All Collorlioutt promptly tuado. iiu.l remltuucos Nov. 31, '7 ' tf. JSAAO J:.VKR, JUSTICE oFxiiEirEACi: rlI Oon oral tJollootor . Mi'Mlehurc. flntii-r Couiily, T. fproinl .tiiokiion pall 10 coiU-cllona of ill kin-la. Itamill'tunea will It luude prninpllv fo" til C il'.Mtii int 1114 le, Mnr. - MVS If. V II. WAUNKU, f! A Jtl3T!l'K )K TI Km.,.. ' I'M PRAMr!, .In-'k-in 1 Tnwii-hiji. jMv'f!orl Pn., V;i o'li-iid 10 nil Hi'ii.u-m rnlrimitrd 10 Hi core unl on tht unit rons'iniililr lrnj, MAroli 'iiHtl jy.viD s. saoLLi J list ii-o of. tho I'fiico, L'-ii'M, I'jDiiii'ui), iSiyd :c t'u., J'-i. H'ill nli-nI 10 all tiu.,iiii-a rrn"i-,li'. i. M- ft-it on tttnai rrinjtiiSU inriii-. I'. U. AJirri. Dun Jul e, 5inv ier To , Pi. t'lltl-. -I, 'nl). J. II. II V!1T.UN C 3 'f.,-Tt 11 tr, CKN'I Iti.VII-I.K, SnyUr Cjiiiiiy. Ta o..lli.-l"n- mid all b.i.n'. pn't;ilnlnw tn the . n!.f ol tb r'aica will b .n.t-nMil it tt ht-rt niitl.10 '!' ' J ,is! ifo tf tlm Pffte:: ,t OmvftTniwt'r. .Ui kn.ii l-'m!ili, "tn.iji.r r,yir. ' . ) it'.a -ti l'-ivi-in-iii-, an I oilier n- a,., .-ft UI.I-1K 1 lilK ,1 (I' ll 'l V-i-elV f.ill!l-l jri-l. fiitliai:ddj'l f Ili-Mlti, I'liim ..uiuii), i-. Ana-i'i. -" JOHN 'f'11 UtJ u Hs- v'iai- ' ' JJU3T10E OF TUB PEACB, Pcno Twj., Sjivdnr Co. Pt lAMb MIDDLES WAR'tH, Jusiica of ttio Pcacs & Convcvanccr, Troxlevillo, Sny.ler Co. To. will altand nrnniKllr in all manner ol buat oa I ltrt ,1 1 lliliaT IO IbOOlll.-n. t;oiiarinna mi ii, liida, Arllolaaate., wrltlau. IJUl? wia-ti yM. H. 1IARDINO, jiisncn or run I'un i: .Vt. Oon vj vriiicer, fllKUMONT, Snydor eoumy, Pa Oollartlipa and a I bnalnoa parlalulnii to lh nttl.',if .fn-tli-aof tlial'aat w.111 b atlmai-d to at ahorl notlu. aur. 'i A. V ll'l'ZIiL, Justico of tho Peace, Ite'inertimn. Smidcr Co., Pa. All kindk of tolieoliotit tnAile on tihtrtl term. I'roinplly Alttnd lo til Dunne Intruiied lo Mi onrt. (Juut 2U, '73i T12K H. MIDULESWARTH, JUSTICKOr-TllB PKACB - AND , CONVEt"ANCER MoO'ura City, Snydor Co., Fu. 1llealloDa and all l.italneaa partalnln to tba oot' ol liiotl'-auflu fA0A will raattundad to t ibort null. July U.'lall. O UORNHBRQKR, r 'justice op the peace Perry T'iwhhlp,Hydr tlounty, Pa. OolUulloi', OoiiyayANdlna, and all other ua aMaparl-ilvluv to lb odioa will ba promptly adadto. liiuo nr Truutiauevlll ISAAC I:AV52K, M.aulcburg, Snydor County, Pa. , ; Orriea ia riAii aa vai Btrov vm viltinir lit-l.tiiirlna iri tia pro- J s fa .in ,! 1 1 th tl iKiitaal, All wo . t.:... r- 'ii'i rnr. , !: fir,'i,;.le, n.-tif.i P in. tha flran I !, itirirnl y-ipv Ninth St.. tltt t f'li.l-, aq.rr. ani to M-tn iihw ,,f iivar aV l.ftio. I, u on" f i: ift -iri-,ni wail a- tha t, eat 1 J-at,Ml In t'ia nil, hta a ptu,ii.f f.l-t Ut : t all iii-i.l-Mi I'nprorawaota, and la witiiti one anttaia or tba di-pot-e of lti si it, and K'-,ii Atc'I Klavatrdlt, K i-ira and w' III nin-n, tli Itt'iarinAv ran -.inraiilent A-d aucaa;v, fro:u all parfN of tba city, K'Kiitt wttk h.nrJ a ,Mrdi.y. Hpaclal rule a fr funlllaa aod DariaZ tif 1.1 tilftla. E, HASKELL. An. M.'aJ ly. fRorairro. I rilUE Pndarelgn! would rptnl fully J at iuiin.ni; .riaTFiiui; pnntto, nnaiafaj ipi-n. wltnemw And Jnror In alt- n lan -a tt.y Toiirta Ibal h haa in ta amidn iirnptr.tloot a. hi.tr ae-1 n ,1 itt.in and wH n Ictanr ta . terrain hi pttrona Iu Ami alyl at lh hj i..n ihla r I--, ll xnllnj lliu.t a far watortnOcurt U.ua. """'1 II All R IKL BE t VKR I Apr. at i y. i-n.p,i,B. lMilllfliti'r' lir, 1 0 II N LIMB E It T, Propriel. Thttbn I'lnnlar llntal hi haa raettj and returniahed in tli bad attl. Ilaeai.i j Innatlon mt-a It ennvenliit for ba-lntJ m I paranna la i.j t mi tl vli-trt and otliara wltn nr o,ll.i I tn Ml l lUnrr Tha ble la altraya l;iill I with t ,9tt In th iJ a in it.r wun -ol ill t a an I tha 'It',, iinii,i hr "tratufl huallara. I'ar na tatJarii, Airn a, iDiK, CFaNTREVILT.K HOTEL, (bat mra, Wanrar'.) Cnlrvlle Hnydnr Co., Pa, PETtH HAKTMAN, I'roprlett , Thla Innaraatalillahnd And well knew k.J havlnar hnei :urcuaad ly tb uailarelaDed, ,,, (..waMFivv. ,ii. 'u"iir I'n. ruu.i,v, . ., . .... ratlK ii A Ml MAN April, liTI, iWUlMOUNT Hf)l!f E. NK.lh T1IK DEPOT. niii.Nn:i. nn;, iiiniiiit Tbla kutiatj 1 In elee proifmli y io ibj Irpot And hat lately been rc'iiiill and rt liilod. Knui'ia rotnniu'lioiia lh table kt! -uiipliti'l nrlib Ilia heel Ibt ni.irkol aHoi urid lot uia infilsi nlo. ' April 'fn. ' fplE NATIONAL HOTEL. JOHN B. POUKLSX,' Prop'r. Sollnxrovo. I'a, Vtlla ffotel la nleaaatitly liaiat"d III III "inII- Hid laa ver.rdealralilc ilae fur t.-a.lera luat.a li" HMtTof aii'iuimi"1 a I luti a at low rait a. r.f r.aa'j'iihi i- ami b au-a to oail aualn, 'im hi at ii' I,, iii r In thai bat niatclaaa Hu-Uiiraul laconneillnr m'n tl.ailiiil. Air.i'i,;, A2cic!iiiits9 iijlniyc, 4i:i Ac ir lOUTII THIRD PTIIKIJT. riML'A FA. Torms'a-l-oO por tlay. 1 t t. akar.. a. . iif.i.Y nrAii.N, ivt.p'r. , W. l"tA ft ft,.,-u arwaiarrii ,ai aaaiiajajaA Aif .l.'Ta. warwiraia art PI, ilaiii-lphiit Cui'ih. jr. a. v&zm V70HTH. IVITH 10NE8,HOAR&Co. Inlortt ot . HfryJolioi'S, .7ii;i3Goo, Eatrd caries Gents Furnisiiisg G3t3s w: Ao. oil rif-tr::.it Sfre. t, . I.ttrr 4 1. a" b1b ?' T. tl. fi)i-, . H. i... e. l.Miti. IJTt 1 T.'lt. " j:. i.. vat: -IV 11 II f!AV:ilit. i-to.. v.nr., T Vf IIOIAHAIA llA.tt" I" WOOD AND WILLOW WASH ill I'lolliM, Window bid, Urgnint, Mia, 'riulnii tl.illon I..!', ilr-aln Hagt, FV ;. , liui'kifa.!-T,,"1, 'Vi.-.kf. A.C yw '" cireti, i,itiiAa'-i'", 17 Al'OUil. P.IKUKJOO.. tV(OLK-t'eI"iK"a rOttl!ULV;& DOMKSTIiJ DRY Latla lljHln IV, WM. MA UK. tioiier, aud Stsaniw " Power PBIH TBB-.; 1k1hii1o a& ll-otnll , No 629 rilarkst Street, PHILADELPHIA. Protiolnets. One Prlct Selling Prie Marked On All Uoodt In Fi guree. Ar. IK-a. )AVID WILLIAMS, Manufneeuretof A WboletAltDtaltrltl Gilt, Maliosanr. Waliiat and Rotawaotl LOOKING GL.A55S Fioturo ts Pbotograplta Fran Ko. 830 nr.rt 5TJ arr tt btrect f" , . 1'biUdotpbU 1'a. ,, , Framei ilxj!lrd ia ibt brtt. nana Alio, ll.glKrriij Id all lit brAnv rJ . ADMIN ISTHATOHS llTICE. l.attara of Adtnlritatrttlaa oa db aetata AU4HOAHUAN, ilwauii.. lata al Waablfnioa Two., rtuyrtar ounly, Pen a., baaingbn (traotad In ti amlaralu.!, til peraou knowing- tlioiilvi In.labtad I Jld aatata nr rquaid to Hiak luinfldlAt f.Ag ment, whll Ikna baring alAloi will raeaat tnm nuiy auiAantitAio tor atiiinai to . aibbllitt naninaii, H. p. 1, 190, Adailalatrator. TSH3PAFL.nL7, raay V fenM ) HI UBHJ. T VrKf.Lf.00 J fiaw.rama Anvr.irriaiaa Bvmuo It 1nawa ruiaot), wnar atlrar. , wnar adrar. Bt aaan-a ' a eonliaat raaf I i V i lot It w L.ah,V H V. .. ra eon Watt Hoy. aat Hed. i Kuu Mwalli.t nDikdeaa .i(oli lay Nwpiir l, Alia . VAAA1 1 , . a - r-- t - r On t-t.'t A . Tiiutii ii .urovictiit - i nm-1 ' All i tera prompt i M folio rinydar tMim-nitt In.by M' Ion lit i BolnnlA aU h-o lattirJA mil nneri gWyll.l Up' " Of co tiied tl il I 1 0 i i i nil irui'ra' .. i l.u ' i -a f ' yit J'3aa Ii-.'.'poety, of C::::?9, U ta ina-j. r T. f, i 0 o