.Li ead a. rbt rrlagi IT B1 r iti iilmlr. rrta l lb may nodi I tff, ar, BlftV i and hank laud P. it t HI O. i fSfig tt. A. land hillp it all t and ktfp id tt .4o. DtU meet nnJi e' i a' II tt iring OUlk R. a an i dla :i on Mill). I'lua, It i.c: ,tl. l'o it -t I MlvertiseincnUt for a shorter po limn one year are payiibls at the 'her are ordered, And it not paid Mon ordering theru will os held; (iuil)le lor Hie mnuov. fni ,jL".. 1 1 o ot r..v Not Knowing. dot what trill befall ml I JJ king ltl o'tr my tyeo; l.ui at taoh atep of my oaward path mekta otw loenn art. Luff Joy kt teadt ail comer i ttt and flail lurprlali - alan kafn-a M. (firiii en, another year t he pH ! tilll la 0 !' keeping, e future bU mirey hall tie, hl took! dtrk In tbe dielauiit 1 brlgbtts at I draw star. ons. m0r tl.an .". 1. fye-r, (Kxecu: , Uf ( Aseitfries Lotlc, jrinl notions TT,li n , tuiKCictil n Worti-iinf lois- 'i" if - wi ro m b tL.. r I u.. Vtrbipt tht d-anded fulnrt belter mae y mini Lord may sweeten ibt walert loop le drink Jfarah muit bt Mareh, will itta-l bailJe Hi brink. Jr.- btbt kiept, wettleg i tht earning of my frit, V gift tf iuh rart bleiudotia, htjiy to Hrengely ewiel, my II ui ia only iriisbll lik tbt tbauki 1 oannot iprak. Ifut, bllaiful Ignoraosi I blMid not to know (Hi mi la Ihoit mighty armi ioh will not lot m go, awnily buabu my soul lo rit tbt boiocn wbloli 1? mi io ! go in, not knowing ; 'woiilJ not if 1 might ; il lraihir walk la Ibt Jark wllh dot, in go alont In Ibt light, - ulj ratbir wiU with Kim by faith aa walk aloai by tight. art ibrinki b ek fro -a IrUU, kit tbi fat an may diicloir. atrir h l a torro it what tbi dar LorJ oh oil ; Mn I tht coming lean biok, . ua tbi whiapirt l word, "III know.1 Our Loiitiings. liar li Something beyond Something heyonil whin li It hi ling that vague, fair dream t i a'tori ui , alwiya hiyond n biaoon ai bright aatbi'iua't gHJ bona. U .' bow oft wt try lo grp It, II onr tgur h4U U ra oalalraiciied lu rain ! it our yiarulng tNI wwl, L V-Uiug eur wral eyia gato al yi up kly purpoii ti) gilii. k '.k., 1 a.mi to our ripanltlijii (-f 0 -vji Ofjatiam, iivoiioi rrom "Jw Kilter out er:, w , .. , i. J-'IlUm oi'Jaiui all But bar-1,t, ,h, NBf l mMtW X; 'or It eom at lt after wear, 9tn. l"tf-rr Souiotbiut: ii U oui Wi au I pner 'ml lt our tn. .etr. Wfl-eo's,, BuJ our Mol eliallrrid. Or our ohertM.4 M a 0, f . ,u" '"rv Pt longing For 8oiatblDg up worlby ofo,r 0at. "Jim I Ibi bnu wbia tbi oiftet ( rira fhiii h tht, jynV wbia itn bUnliaj tun : . Ttkaowiibal what wt bare land li wot "'' Oh, I li thi oratlnt pin of all J ft e 1 act 'Via. I Conquest of Cyprus. On the 19th of Febnury, 1509 an exciting auene took pluoe a Abenari, a sraall fortified towq on the west ern coast of the island of Gyprui, over wbioh at that time the gloomy banner of the Rupablio of Venioa WM floating. Abeueri lay in a imall bay, whlo b, owning to ila deep aoohorago.-read'a red the little town a plaoe of deoid. fid tmporlanca. t oonseaenoe, the Venetian , 8eoat hnd cutset to ba oonstrnct ed there". rathor atrong ciUdel, Wltiji Wt t-r-irli with one hundred I'ewy gWiaL-aud garrisoned with one thoaaary veteran idldiors. Tje oomuiander-in-mhief of this t?ongho!d wis orapjra'lvely yonogman. 7is name was Diego Ruionon, a nativaor the Bjloario IaUoJ. bat sluot his foartoonth yaat in t'ie military sarrioe of the P-epstlio of Veioe, ia wbioh he bad u:ttc;itLhod himself aa signally t-'-t now, ia J.U thir'yfjortli year, t j c:i a r jbntl and obane of an I ;';3a5h a jrery intrepid : Cl tie Tiust of the " ' rZT-;. A r P i VOL 18. op'ons the garrison of Abonari was drawn ftp in in& Q front of the citadel at an early honr In the morn ing. Whan Djn Dieg appeared in front of bis soldiers the drummers beat a !jng roll. Tbe oommnndant did not nttor a word t bnt the sombre fire burning in his black eyes, bis firmly com presaed lips, and the nerront twitching of bis fingers, plaiuly in dioated that somothiog extraordin ary was about to happen. In f.tot, a few miantts liter, nine teen beanly-ironed TurkUb sol.liers ore led out from tbe oitadol by a squad of soldiers, beaded by a broadshoa'dered, mtkad mm, be-- Dw tbe modium he'ght, who was drnased in a clone-filling suit of crimson cloth This maokod man, who was do other than a Venetian executioner. carried on bis alionldar a very short but ory broad noked sword Wbon the prinonera, all of whom looked stolid and almost unconcern ed, arrivod near Don Diego Itaziou on, hti tbimdored at them. "Down on your knees, Ottoman dogs!" Tbe prisoners obeyed mecbanU rally. Don Diego procoedud as fol lows : 'You tried to land here in one o f the venscls of your misurable Hal tan. r'or tiih ynnr hun 1, foot and heads will be chopped of, and your caroass es will bn thrown into the sea. To your work executioner." Tbe tnaskud bo.vhraan under stood his horrible business. While the soLliois wero looking onmoTod npon tho dreadful scene that was now onnoto 1 before their eyes, tbe executioner mutilated and dootpitated his nineteen victims with startling rspidily. Wlin tbe last Turk had been Ijepitcbcd, the Boldiers rotitrnnd to tboir qiartei's, wliilo Don Diogo nlowly aud tliong'.itftilly rep.tiro 1 to t!ia vill , cIoho to tho citadel where ho lived with bis mitros3, lvi'onio De La Vrtuo, a young Fronchwo- loau of very rare beauty, whom hi bad bunght for a luro su a from the Greek pirate tint had Ft ilon tlio irl two yens boforo from the liouso of bor p.teuta io tb j uviron3 of Toulon. . Tho baploss pimta however, bad not got hi money froua Doa Diego, wbo caused him to be handed as aoon as he doliverud tlio Krenoh girl li him. . . We said that Midlls, De I.a Vortue was a great beauty ; but her charms were naatemlly enhanced by her "wity an J sprigh' linens. . gbe was kind bi ud aod s nul.lt every respect, an-Von Diego Uta.r4on was pasHtoualely eovnored of her. i On this ouoasion sho uwnilcd him on the verandah to front of the villa. He embraced her fervently, lint disengaged borself somewhat im- petuouely from bis arms. "The Turk'tab prisooors 1" she ex claimed, beuding a piercing glance on him. ' "They are deadhe replied 'bare lessly. "Moo Dieu," the oried abudder ingly. , ' Don Diogo looked at her almost compassionately. "Engeme," he said gravely, .'srjp posing tbe Turks bad caught yort or me, what do you think they would have done with ns They would have pnt ns cruelly to doath.'' "Really, Diogo f" 'Aa snre aa there la a God in heaven." 8h was reassured, and clasned blm in bar arms i for ahe loved bim as intensely as be did her. A month elapsed. Duriogamoon-. light night, towards the oloso of tlarch, a boat landed near Abenari. from it jumped six well armed men in the semi barbarous costume of Turkish soldiers. . Bnt their whispered conversation was carried on ia Greek, and their faoea Indionted that, thev belonrad to the Hellenic raoo. They noiselessly harried toward the villa of Don Diego Ratdoon. Tbe inmates of tbe villa consisted of the Don, bis mistress, Eugene, and three servants. The latter slept ia the frcit r?:ra cf Ilia villa. TLa -i Crrc.s wha rera jri.k-'Vv' ' ' T f " r ' 1 r MIDDLEBUHG, SNYDER COUNTY, Don Diego was aroused from his slumbers. lie rushed out, sword in band, from the room which he and his mis tress oooupied. Rut the intruders insidiously trip ped him, and then beat him sense less. A new figure appeared now t ' Eu gene, the mistress. No sooner bal the assailants caught sight of ber In the nnoortaiu light of tbe moon, than . thoy rudely soizGd her, and carried bor off to their boat. Upon reawaking to consciousness, Don Diogo Razionon was nearly gonded to tnadnoMs by tbe disappear ance of bis charming inamorata. He gave tbe alarm, and bis sol diors soon rod the neighborhood for sovorsl days in order to discover some traces of the missing woman, but not tbe slightest clow as to ber whereabouts was fouud. Don Diego full, io oonscqnonce of this bereavomont, into a stato of profound molunoboly. lie soot a messenger to Venice, who returnod tbe following month to Abenari with the following startling intelligence. ''La Signora Eugenia," he said. "has been abduotod to Constantino ple, where she is now au inmate of tbe Sultan's Ilarom." Don Diogo stampod bis foot in speechless rngo. "But,' proceeded tho raoRaongcr, "your excellency is in grave dangor. Tbe Senate of Venice has sont orders to tbo Governor of this islaud to have yon conveyed to Venice for xlueping outside of the eilaJul." Don Diego rotired to his room, which ho paced a long time in silent modilation. At lougth bis cloudod face bright enod. ' will do it I" be cried. "What lhauks do I owe to the nngratoful Republic of Venice, wbioh is uow ev ideotly decaying t I will do it I I will do it 1" That very night be, his above- mentioned messengor, aud two Cy priote sailors, loft Cyprus secretly in a t-kiiT. Although the night was stormy, they reunited next tnoruiog the coast of Asia Minor, where Don Dirgo had a long confidential iuturvievv with tho Turkish Governor, wbo sent bin companion under a strong escort lo Coiititunlinople. At the Turkish Capital Don Dio;:o Razionou doimtuJod lo see tbe Oraud Visior. ChiiiO:r I'liohu but instead of attaining bis objeot, he was on fitted for six month iu a dark, damp, loathsome dungoun. One day a eunuch from the Sul tan's harem entered bis dungoon.and held a long, confidential iuurview with, him. In ooieqaence of this interview Don Diego lta,.non was set st lib ily,furnished with gorgeous clothes, fine horses, and a large iui in gold. Ou the day after bis re'.case be visited tbe seraglio, where bis arrival was already expected. Some eunuchs respeotfully con ducted bim to tbe golden room, where the Grand Seignior was re posing on a sumptuous divan. nti a si a. i ue ouiian, wuo was an intent-' gent, ambitious man, questioned Don Diego, who spoke tbe Tnrkieb language fluently, for soma time. Suddenly he said to Don Diego ; "Yon think we could conquer Cy prus 1" Nothing easier than that" 1 know all tbe weak points of tbe Ve netians on tbe island. Give me ten thousand good soldiers, and block ade suob porta aa I shall designate, and the island will fall inevitably in to yoor hands, "You shall have all that," replied tbe Sultan "but you must first be come a Mohammedan."' "With the greatest of pleasure," rejoined Don Diego, smilingly, ' But svii Anow my oondition, most gra oi us ruler of tbe faithful I' "Ion want that Freoob girl back t She ia even now at your house." Don Diego Itacionon became a Turk under the name of Haaseu Erib Pasha. ' . fie invaded Cyprus, and wrested it, ater a terrific struggle, from the Venetians. . ' Tli L".:.n than made blm mili- "TTr-v :rztr of rpheeni, where be r -yr::: with Eagouie . .'. r-'-'-hiJ a en- arrival created a groat sensation. In 1000 King 7enry the Fourth received her at bis court ' Sbe took np her abode at Fonta ta bleau, where ahe died in ber eighty first year. The Domeslio Opera. ' Since the night when Ike went to tbe opera bo baa been, as Jrs. Part ington says, crazy, and the kind old datno has boen fearful lest be should become "uou compous meutus, thro' his attempt at imitating tbo operat ics." The morning aftor the opera. at the breakfast table, Ike handed over bis cup, and in a soft tongue sang t "Will yon, will yon. Sirs. P., Help mo to a cup of tea f" The old lady looked at bim with surprise, his conduct was so unusual. and for a momeot she bositatoJ. He coutinnod iu a far more impassioned strain : "Do not, do not, keep me waiting, Do not, pray, bo hnaitating, I am anxious to bo driuking, So pour out as quick as winking." She gave blm the toa with a sigh, sho i tin exoite-nant in his face. He stirrod it io silence, and io bis ab straction took threo spoonsful of su gar. At last ho sang ngaiu : Table cloths, and cups and saucers, Good white bread and active ja-v.sirs, Toa gunpowder and souchong d neet enough, but not too strottg." "What do you mean, my boy V said Mrs. Partington, ton Jot ly. "All right, steady, nover clearer, N'over loved a breakfast dearer, I'm not bound by witch or wizard, So don't fret your precious gizzard." "But, Isaac " persisted tho datno. Iko struck his left hand on the table, nnd swung his knifo aloft in his right, looking at a plate npon tho table, singing "What form is that tome appearing t is it tnackorel or i it herring r Let ma dash npon it q licltly, NVer auiu that (i-ili shall kick- Ne'er again, though thrice aa largo Chnrge n pou them, Ihiiuc, charge 1 Buforo bo bud a cluno to mako a dash upon tho fidi. Mrs. Parting ton In I dtixhod a tumbler of water into his ficn to roatore hi:u to 'eon- McieiitioiHiirH,'' It mitilo bim citcli his breath for a moment, li'it ho di I not sing any more at tlio t iMu, the opera fovur still follows him cUs where. Mcoical AJWoo. A night or two pinco a citizen of Chsilotte asenne, Dtrolt, wliolnt'l a wood pile in tho ully, a included t" sot up fur a few lioms and seo if lie eoulu detect tle pergMO or perHons who bud stolen n dozen sticks tho nulil previoait. About eleven o'clork a bow-backed colored turn canto np the ally, and then took a lurce xlick of wood on eaob should aol slni tod off. 'I've got yon, yon thief I" cried the eit'zeo, as be dasbod out. "So you hex o you boz," replied the mas, as ho lot tbe sticks drop, "bnt just wait a littls before you fire Njff any pinteli ; Does yon know what I was gwioe ter do wid (lis wood ' TesT do ! yon wero Mooliug ill'' "Just liki I fought jou'd say, sab but dar'a whpf ye turts my fteliogt. 1 was talkiu' to the doctah 'bout di" benJin' ober ia my back, an he told me to walk up and down 'do alley wia s load on bor shoulders, wn borrowio 'die wood to carry oat dat medical advioe, sahf as' if you oharne aoytbieg 1 kin pay do ' cash right down," The oitizrn said he thought be coulJ ours the "bendiug ovor," bnt he esn't bs positive whether he made any Improvement or not, at tho man bruka away niter tlis fourth kick sod galloped away like ax barrel of sand rolling down bill. iW--w--aBaaaj In the Cathedral at Lubeok hangs an ancient tablet with the inscrip tion t Chrlit, our Lord, speaks thai to at Vs cHl Uaitir and loqulri not of int. Light and look Dot on mi. tbt Way and follow ma not. tht Lift and dealrt rot not. win and obey me not. beautiful and lovt ma aot. rleb and atk naught of mi. tit-sal and seek as aot. merelful and trait i not, soble aad sarvt stt aot. Almighty and honor me stt. If I soadtma yon blamt mt aot, wTarWEraja--a- Vanity may be llkeaed to . the smootb-aklnnsd pd vtlvet-footsd noutt, t!bblic? at out forever In ex- '.SV--a ' - -- -; ----l ...... .i ii . w -I - LWf Wal.UH. 'fl J 'frf PA, JANUARY 27, 1881. NO. 29 A Man of Abllty John Forrester was very correctly named for, until reoeolly, ' ha bad spont bis life in tbe woods. Several days ago ho throw asido bii maul, came to tbe city, and uow handles the somewhat lghtrrook-hamrner. The story of John's downfall shall bo briefly relate. S'uortly nfttr arriving in the city, he was attract ed by a sigu bearing the inscription: 'Meals at all hours.'1 Enterinif the place, and meeting the proprietor, he said t 'Von koop a tavorn bore, don't you f" "No I keep a restaurant, "I don't kuow much about your now namos t but you feed folks here, Jon't you P ' "Oh, yes, sir." "Well, I want to board hore throo days, or I reckon until I get a job of sorao kiud. I soo your sign says "meals at all bouts." You don't mean that, do you 1" "Certainly I meau it I'll board you threo days for $il." "And give me my meals at nil hours T" "Yes, sir," "Here, take tho $3 novor sat myself up an a regular cater, but I'll buck agin yon for the noxt threo days. 1 think I can stand her about that long. It's 11 o'clock. Uivo mo something to cat' A meal wai brought out nnd quickly dispatched aud remarking that he would be back on time, Mr. Forrester left. At 12 o'clock ho cauio back and ato again. "You ncodn't t-tare at mo 1" bo said to ono of tho waiters. 'iYon aro a regular boardor, are yon T "Tho regnlarost one you vo got. I don't intend to miss a meal. I'vo got a chauco to get oven for being hungry many a timo," At 1 o'clock John camo back and remarked, aa he huug up Lis hat : "I'm on timo j now fetch mo sntbir.' to cat.' Tbo wuitcr weut away muttering, and brought in rather a slim meal. 'Ljok a here,' sii l Jo'jii, "Jou't try to go back on your contract. I rocknti yo4 did rather underrate my ability, but 1 in a man.' At 'i o'clock John enmo back nnd took a seat. The proprietor camo iu and askod bi n what he wnnlo l. "I want my dinner, supper or broikfast, just what yoa are a mind lo cull it.' "Von havo already oaten hero thretj times to-day.' "1 kuow that.' "Why do you no-no again ?' "Riicaiinu it's t voo'clook-' It is not supper timo.' "No, but it s two o'clock timo,' "I don't understand you, sir ; what do you mean f' "Your ondorstanding may havo boon injured by my surprising abili ty. I camo hero with tho under standing that was to bavo my moals at all hours.' "Tho contract has boon adhered to i you bavo coma irregularly.' "No, sir t Iva como here rogular. It was tbe agreement that I was to have a meal at every hour, and I am going to stand np to it if it packs my stomach as tight as a green wat ermelon. You are trying to im pose on me because I'm from the bvuntry. I havo ma Jo arrangements with a boy to wake me ni every hour to-n-gbt, and I'm coming here to nL' That's my buainosa now, and timi ooff T thr leav was beo men dam the poai T 6ta sup I pro sioi ? sh kJ1 A Tehrivm Kttia. Ten persons two womeu aud eight children were burned lo death or suffocated on Tuesday of luct week by a fire in the rear tenement bouse at No 35 Madison Street, Now York, and six poisons were injured. Thu lire was caused by tho explosion of some gasoline which two plumbers, who were repairing the water pipet in the house, wero using. The pecuniary loss was small bnt the flame spread so rapidly that the rs capo of the women nnd children, who were shout er.ting their break fasts, was cut off iilnioil instantly. Many sad ppenes took place. Tbo NowYotk (Yntinl Railroad has subscribed $2't),l00 to the World's Fair, providing Sl.tHIO.OOO is raised. There aro many tu ne mouliotied for President of tho Commission, among whom are Gen eral Grant, Samuel J. Ti!dn, Hugh J. Jewott, 1enry G. Sti bbins, John Shrrmnn, Pieipotit Movgan and Win. II. Vundtrl ilt. it is thotighi that Gctieral.Granwould accept the position nnd Lis name is being urg ed by, many petsous interested iu tho work. ....l'ilteen respectable citizens of Ilarrisbnrg wero hi t ested and fined for fust dtiving on tho streets, ... .1 lie t como of .Money sre talking of starting a watch tnaimfuct n ry in tho Lycoming Fire lusurunco building. Tho empty gun never kicks, A nnuxht that counts one an aeronaut. An uppor 1! flut An aristocratic noodle . Only a'qnestionof timo -Askiug tho hour. A two foot rulo Don't wear tight shoes. Tho driest boots bavo tho biggost "creak." Talk is cheap. Is it 1 Juet ,Liro n In wyey ouco. Tbe coroner as well ns tho farmer makes bay when tho sun shicos. Knnckiug a friend down is a sure way of dropping an acquaintance. A man with a scolding wife, bo ing asked what his occupation was, replied that ho kept a hot house. Man is naturally a teacher. He always has a pupil in bis eye. Coachman aro .frequently nfilicted with a bucking cough. Wheu a man is a rotbiu' bo is likely to become n j-a.il bird. Nothing is wholly lad. Even a dark lantern has its bright side. A noble naturo ia comprehended only by its peer. Mr. Seldom Ever was married last week to Jiss Joy. Tho ft ionds of tho victims wore shocked when tho daily press callod ber "a thing of beauty," becauso sho wa "a Joy for Ever," A young man iu New York is bo coming independently rich by broaking off marriage engagement s objcctiouubloMo bis father ut $100 a timo, A gentleman biiing'a servant, nf-) ter patiently enduring the usual catechism, wheu nt-ke l, "Aud "bavo you any children f '' replied t "Yes (I have five; but ran drown two or throe if you insist upon it " A young lady recently presented bor lover with au elaborately con structed pen-wiper but was aston ished the following Sunday ito see bim oouie into church wearing it us fcvat. be proper form of a will nowa i will read t "To tho respective ruoye of my children I give my re cbtato aud worldly goods of esoriptious, Porsoually to the Iren and to my beloved wife I all that re uaius." Transcendental preacher took ais text, "Feod my lambs." As ame out of tbe church a plain farmer said to bim. "That was ry good toxt i but you placed bay so high io tho rack that tho bs could not reach np to it, nor old sheep either." ; patent rnediftne advertisement Is thus t "When a lethargic feel prevadoa your system when nave a disinclination to move tit i'wben you have an abl.or e to exoroise, your liver ia in rre." 'Ibis will be glad tidings L 1 1 isny peopio woo cava always Published every Thunder Even..". 2 -TEQEMIAII CXtOTJSa, rrl;f Terms of Snlwienptioo, TWO DOLLARS PF-lt ANNUM. ry. able vitliin six month-, or t.!Oifint psirl within lbs year. No pnjer dh continued until all srrenrnre are fin id uiilrna at the option- of (lit pub lisher. fSuWriptionn outside of tho county f.tVAItl.K IN ADVANCE. Wylrsots liftitif and ttning pnnera adilresKed 'jo cthr iieeoniesiil-acrtbers and aro liable for the iiriee ol tbe paper Battla Crock. Mlchlttan. MdtvrunDa-jia or tnm am ummirm Traction and plain KnijlnM ond Hor-PowH ileCk-wip-liHg T1i,fr-sy ) tttflMtf hW ret i to n tsriti I IH4tB sf J I nVMfV- Wtitwtntl uiii ;.f li rWiSi. f niwvi rnm, vr H-rtTtM m. n " I aanJ wrvmi morrmUg fflrtn am all wr food. 1,1 llAIiil. TV.Vl .VffMTU (kvpAHATORi-l Cotit.;- tO tt'.'on (ftttlllsinr ''-'tsr;i-Flie, !-: Trnt ilnit Fnn n t'vl FltUn l).iilair Vnr m-i tn Ur" Ai'.-'i : iM-irf-jt. A Ptvttitmt nf 9$ fVal wra'tn-w asttf Istsiraoi m0nt$ f'-r 1-tMl.tiMV !'iT Wt:t a-i-'t- rwn'.'fs n trtti -n nn tfirtft-rv'tf tr t i,n-nnitl i-f try nt h r ffltfirta. f t m r itt rf H! ir-.i if), ln.ii 0 W 14 ltor-r CktaT-ttritVt ' ffi-n ftt ri-'tv, 'I'Wii t It-H irf M'ttlfltail " ir-rTNrWtirii. 7fttfaM tiC? '' f lh-',l,rti l-flmht-f 1-VUVtUV -J ('' 'Ar In ri fre mr-.rtvJ T-nntrttiTitly rn hit. fntu wlilch in tullt Ui lo SUiU'a.lUt w.Hi-wurlt uf OUI' UttV'UilMlr. TRAGTIOJi EKGSKES mi ..IlVa.tM.''.' TJtf.e j Fnrmrrw ntid Thrr-hrrrtrn urn InrltM tt) nvi-atiintit ti l . tfihifM 'i hn-Miuiuc llachiu-erT. tUVUiU-p i- liny. A.' (r-wtl NICHOLS, 8HEPARO A CO. Battle Crate, Mlohiaart-t A full lino of DlU'aS and CL0TI1ING at B.S. HARVEY S BRUG STORE, FA. o- Mcn'a and Yonth's Suits $1.50 to 18.00. Undorclothing, suits, to $1.75. Cl.Ot Pnper Collars 1.1 and 10 cts ... Box. A lnrjro stock of CENTS FURNISHING GOODS at lowest PAi-11 PRICES. Cull and oxamino our sloe I B aud prices boforo purchnsin): 11 clscwbcto. Respectfully, B. S. HARVEY. Kcv, "6,'fO.tni. 1353. t71. 1873. lUvlmrailnriUi the motto of the "Nivaia Siii'Wk. K," tin aubariller woul.l rail the at-t-ntlni, ! lie pub ujtbelaet that he kai l.-ntiot, i'ui pui Kiuj.iau iui CASH SYSTEM, i.ir i-koih i-K.i.in uou thai it inua irui He i-untluoaa to ksaii oa hand a van full and well-aeleoteU atoek ot DRV aooufi, CROCKERY, GROCERIES, B0OT8a8U(JE9, HARDWARE, CAlirETS, OILCLOTHS, wall men, r I!1R FIND1S08, I IS II. LEATHER, OILS, AC. c r. IA1NT. -l.'eh he oMnn in Ve publlo at arj aieatl- re 4 tiilOASti I' U lets. Withlhaakata aiv o14 inatoraira for Ihetr ttieral ptr n lur many veare ot the paal, 1 wouM anllolt Ihetr eurtoui tor the future, k-r-ln. the; will he beuaMieJ hf the ehaaKO, ai aellae YearkamMearrvant, W.t . LOKBE1T. Sallntf rare, Sepl.tS.'Ta. T&e Snnbnry Daily, PUBLISHED AT SUNBURY. A Small Sheet at a Fmall Price. Only tJ RO per Annum. MO lor all. .Months. I.IM for tbreo luunltaa. All the Connty newa iu full And tbo goncral nowa in a con densed form. a mtj. Mai uurw A'OWVre I "Jt 3 tgbt they vera lazy when they Bnbecribe fcr iV -- t ' It rsaJIid yov p--- r" r"? 0 L o ' iffaereb, rV!j s'Tys-l 1