IltJMOltOUH, Probably (lit man who oewr mal mistake iu liis life nrver tnsile anj tiling slss, Cincinnati Saturday Kight. DeoTcr has s pnlicman who wiIth poftry, nd tl'O eiH'r v h rolu'ci to publish it tf liu'ilo lo tt I" tliu lockup. 2feie Orlcaix Vi&vjnM. Proleaor Swift sat iloo suddcoa I; 00 lbs ravemefit week and discovered fiva how aim of tho Cil rnsruitudo a'ul Ihrea comets. O.V City Derrick. A traveling prin'c, wlm, for w"l of employ merit tl his truJf, wmlic work on a farm, came In one diiv to vk LI eo lytr il a Leo shou'd bi set solid. Ea. 'Darling, Kiss Mo Sweot Good Night," is ibo luti"t snir. One . JiuDg man gang it iu the pisseote il bit girl the other t woing. and just as alio win about to act in ftccordanc ttb the words o( tlio rig brr deni pap pat iu appioriuice end filloJ tbe youth's coat tula lull of bouts, A lover, who was alighted lj tbe females, Tory medially akeda young I dy, "if alto would let him B eud tbe tvoning with bcr f" "No," alio on grily repl d, "tint's what I won't.' "Why," ro liiil ho, "you needn't be bo fuay ; I diod't moan ihia eeiiof but sonio ct rmy ou', uriou I vuu't y sywbrre else." A Michigan boy ato a Lnr of eosj on a wager and Ibm drank u lot o! soda to tako lb taete out of hi tnouib, nod tin way bo cpuutod au''n and soap bubblo for tlio ocxt h.ilf Lour baffled Ibo skill of fourteen doctors, who madly performed nb 'M bim, not linvini frn jiifniiu -d of the cause ( f tho l !'n Mit'o: 'ii'. 1 1 tu are at lofrgmluudB uv a um aLut t call ibo cave. A New England editor, deppuirinj; of becoibinj; s millionaire ou a sub ei-ripiion basis of turiiioi. and vtove wood, lli rows up tbe tpooo wiih the lon.nik tint 'Ii don't pity lo run j)npf r in a town where tho busioos- nicn road aliiumsc and pick thrir teeth with tho tail of a herring.'' The oewppapers are wondeiinp who will lake UeDorul Sliei'tiiao'i pluco if he I.' lives the army. We don't know w bo will, bat wo kuow l,o nnul.l like to. Address, with irium biuuip, or call in person at thla ofiifc. fume bid number. Cliiiib up till you faint, aul tlieu walk along a dmk hall ti 1 you smell thunder. Kuier boldly, and ul without fear for the uiilitaiy editu . Don't you d ro lo I r n a poem wit', y u. Burlington Hawkeye. A few rmotlie ao ao oil gentle mau wataorn nailing up a uti'o un a fence on bo souib iJu of Gulves too avenue. A frifud, piiu), eiti.J : "Why don't you havo Ibo notice put in the piper, where people can rntl It!" Waal, if 1 tuck it to tin newspaper ulCao tliciu nevvupupor IV 1 -lers would gt it sptllud wroui, and then soinoloJy niigbt think cliJu't know bw to Bpol'' suid ibo old gentlt'ioan. The olice r"ad : "IIowfur rout iucboir ou prwymey la. A Big Month I5ot',wiiin af im ocoao hti'kmor to acaium, who eerm to be bunting for aomcibin : "Wt-ll. wbat are you looking t t f Tor a puil.'1 "What do yon waot for a pail t-' "J wai.t to wuab my fico v0b, opou juur Dioutb and you woo'l Lavo any luce to waub I' "A kins," aaid yoonjf Churlcs, "is a noun, we allow : bat toll tun, uiy dour is il proper or comtuoD V' Lovely Mary blushed deep aud ex claimed : "Why, I uvw, 1 think a kias ta both proper aud comuioo "liuli, did you ever think f said a grocer recently, a ho iiicasured oui a half-peck of pualuj, ' iliat Vv jHilutots conln'n augur, water aun atarch ' "Noa, I didn'i," replied the bo) , hot heard m lher Bay you pa' pras and beam iu your coffee, and abonut a pint of water io every quur ol milk aol I. Tbe anbjoct of Dinra' phil oph) was dropped right tb' ro. "I would rather vote for a long cared donkey than fur yon" said ao independent voter to a Galveatot candidate ' O, CJOJt dow I you ought not al ow yourself to be influ enced by family tits," repmidod the candidal e. The voter Las bot-o pux- -r. l. :.. I 1 4.. ft-. I ...i IIBI uw uchu vvrv viuvv v UU4 vui W by tbe crowd laogbed. Joata tbwika a anso U foriooaie vjrbo ba Lit will coi. tested after deatl ( Ha says Li will la teen eon I - J evti f'-jco bt marrlfd I!ra Be Naloro s is tbe exdmrlo to be and woman recognize this as a ft vine niib noble thoughts and clolbes of tho who olTcr oiror tho best asoitment, Mriois, lor lUcy ndJ to Ibo charm of S. WEIS' DRY NOTION STORE, !:3,I..N(;s: Vi;, Sa.ydcr County, Ia., - is tbe fountain Fpiiufj of great bargnius io BLACK AND COLORED CASHMERS. WATERPHOOr Flannels'' Prints, Ladies Ginam3f Dod a general Ladies Coals iu lorpe varieties and at BOTTOM riUClft. HtanUt'ts, Qui&ts im CounlciTtiCK. LADIES AND CIIILDP.EKS UNDERWEAR. Tbo largrp.t nnsottment of CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, Complete Lino cf Gcrrnantown Wool & Zcphyr3 COIiSHTS V1N1 ipprcinlly. IIOSlKY. CJI)Vi:S mxl n tron-oi-nl lino ol NOTIONS and I'ANCY (iOODS. ricaso call aud boo fcr voi rtolfwbat we sell and at wbat rrices Hl'll 11. 1 A CURE GUARANTEED25 CENTS EY USING g LllDai&TW DR. rilETTAUH a HEADACHE PILLS M1T nMWt woodorfiulv hllD i c lrfiit.urltmib.ih fcilCK acid NEtavOUS MEADACMEi uid. wlillol t larliiiif ua tlm iMtrvoua v.i.-m. nMievv r Uio eyitom ol ttaam ul 6U, producing tuuuj iioaJUij actlua of lb bowel. III."! ms ,. ..,.M,., m-iloua Iih- oomplete vurn. nine) 3-cent Poataua Stamps. Fori: ay ail uruumta. f? -ri euua I'nuriurioiiH, l.ri s 'a.1 inssa'HOjalWIIMM Tii lM'l lv!l II I'. J In... the t s9 our tiiii'itlut. Hn.t frAft .1. I . r. f ii it-.S'i'ir,, . i, ,iui- 9".Tf SEL1MSGR0VE Tha unUrlirn1 htrlriir riiro)in l th K lnror Mjrile W,.rk, li liaow fully ! YiWMls A n 4 Hcaislaass. tl.l. tummar at rloc oiueh lowar linrrtn for, kiiil lunar tuu tt avar beo iluua Iu tha cit'inty. lUvlnlut raralrail a Urn lot or 1)o!kti. of u1 lli Ule-l lyl. of M..numenti l,M. I I alv n itlnruotlon In cvlvr tml rli., to til tl,,,t wlrn to loi.ritt tba KrKvtn ot ileii4riMl h leD.I with a neat, clit-aj .iniiuiiiciM, ..iiii.f.i,- . iritii. nut'. 1 li iTe in niiiila arrKlmrioTttx. po a 14 1 alilo to (urnlrh on ibort w"ci, Nrl.l. nih. .t in, or anv -r klml ol aluor nj Wluilo 4i::. at iiri.-o. tu ult tl. rturclinrnr. i'"ir'iu. in uaxil ol any of lo i,ov a-tlole. 111 v iminsy ly calllnii ut tba Selln.uroTi 11 riM wntm raiure nuroua.inK al'aohcra. I alio k u Itank'n rMitntil'iivunlil ciraw' (laanli loratU. Klva UlUuraoi Hi lot, Uumt aud it. tlVMr. J. II, Lon. of Adamaburjt. ta geul for th uadoraignej where all or rn, will rala prompt aileution. a;, ia-u. v. Li. KAnTNEB Cathartic Pills Combine the rbnleeat catliartlc prinrlptoa Iu UKHllriiie, Iu roiurtiuiia lucurstuly aitlunteJ to rnr uctlvitv. crtaintr. and tivny, tenmni 7, sua uniloruilty of elTvrt. Tlioy ore the result of year of carnfiil atiitly anil prai-tKal ox. jx-rinienl, and are tlie liKwt oftoctuul rent eily jrvtdlcorrel forlia:iui4al cauad liy id mnxi uir nt of the atoinai'h, liver, and IxivveU, wlilcli rooulre rnuit aud elfrrtn. I 3r 'i 7 v" J al triulniBiit. Avfcu'a Vii.i.a aru wlally appllcaliletotbiai liwaof diavaaea. Tlicjr at t Uirertly ou the dilative aud aMNlm llaiiva ruruma, ami rrature reifiilar liHliliy action. Thulr exteuaive nae hy pliTitlrlaua in tlielr practice, anil by all civilized nationa, i uue of tba many pnMifa of tlii lr value aa a aafe, sure, aud iwrfnctly rulutbla purgative uiudii.ine. lieiuK vompoiindcd of tbe concmitratwl virtues of purely vegntahla sulmlancea, tby are poailivtdy froo from calomel, or any injiirlou pmnertiM, and rao be ad luiuialcred to cUllilrou with porloct safety. Avkr's Pills are an effectual cure for Cooatlpatlon or t'ontlvemne, lndlaea Lion, lyaMpUH loaa of Appetite, Foul StouiueU aud Ureal h,Ilz.lneaa, lleadarha, tosa of Heinory. Numlx naSjItlliouaiMnta, Jaundice, lthauniat tlam, Krupttona and bkia Uiaeaaea, I)roiay, Tuimtra, Worms, Noural. la, Co I If, Urlpva, Itlarrhiaa, Iraa ery, liout, I'llva, Ulaurdara of tba Ldvvr, and all other di:u-a menttiug diaorderud stata of the digestive apparatus. As a Planar FU1 they have no squab M'Llle svnlle Iu tbelr action, these 11144 are the 111 oat thorough aud search ing catlmrtio that an be nlioyed, aud feves flva r-" mlna tis bow a sra w I, s . .. AUTDFUL, Boantifol. and ever- enlicbtf-ned man command, end adorns his nr herself Inlpst styles t and tlinno Mordants at tbe LO'iVE-ST.l'KICli.'J, are, bene life GOODS AND Hi ALLSCOLOIIS, Canton Flannels. Cloth Shirtings, Hue of Dry Goods. and Dolmans HID (JLOVIS H. AVIOIM. g, if'irY?ii'i"'.ii:l DYPliP5IIAiuli worst fiirmii. cluui. L. ,, ...,, .,..,.... Iffl mimU tuiu.y icIlIiimod ro elntof -.A" I Tho raiTE'1 stands acknoT7ledffcd Kin of all Seeing If a chinps. -mrsriaai aUS CaatiDnary Ko!ice lo all inlsailir.1 prrcliascrs ol . times WHITK HKWIXO MACIIIXB Oo. Clsvsiabii, O, May it, tm. Wa partieuUrly rail yoar aiiantlon to tba loot th( we (lamp a number In plalo, dlitlnet Haunt on tha baok auuttle-raee .Il ia of eaoa maoulna1 and koep a record of (ueh aumbtra. Whan aohl, a WAaiUNTr roa Kirn V bass It lvan to the, Thlt warrant baari tbe name of tba agent wfco purotia.aa the m ohlnefroio nt, at alto tba data el pu'Chaie ami a number eorreipoe llnc to the tilde ouiubar The warrant It tlgnad by ut, ana bat tbe orrt lALtuALof our (ou.pauy alaaied apoa It. tllot.erwarrnlt Inuur aa'ne aru tpurioui. it.4lartlci nii'lion the suns noiiaaas uutIl usdoh ourAt ai., ai.J an warranty to sorre pond with the abore datcrlptlon, may know ione that acooor or later the ownar will be .ovuleJlo trouble, with nj one to fail baek ujou. ' The 'is vise 'While" la today tbe nott Kpalarui.eblue upon tbe market, tbe cheap 1. n I t'te 'et ti on or a II. a Urr as-a. oar of tha White" ba ba ni4le end toll Ince tuy ware pUtfrd upoa the market, thau any oih ir make iu the aatae iau(lb of tine iooHeluK JHsebluM were lcn.,11. Their ilKbtneat, epeed, apae, beauty, qultee-at, du- 'ai.iiny, aud frlce, eoiu'dne la ioae tkaia tu. naehlnt tbit erery rauilly detlree to own. and tbareuKhlf eailtiied whea euoe ttey pueteaa the "White." Tua aauitLAa actuosiZsd dsalbb roa Snyder and adjolnlus eouatlea, la O. O. UK HOLD Allddlediirs raaad we aJvlae luieud ln purehatera to plroalie nose other, and thereby get tbe genuine uy kite" S WHITE aKWINUaiaoUIHE CO. V;Alon!ib.Wt.s",,,u' AUr.NTa la all parte nr tbe IJ.N. ssd Daaa deesaeied, II. II. bllUl.aT k DO., Import ere and Meaulaeturara, lierriea Hprluita, Uluh Ju.y li.'av ly. ' f"1 f t WKKK ta yonr tews. v x ' x,""nl "e. ne rug. kwlti, It 1,1 eo r S' a r Spin ii 1 Mifjiis ! iW-? aVV Jiaw TT A new and eletrant assortment ol tho Lates Styles CnEVIOT'CASSniER and an other kinds of Suits. I tnko pleiisnro in annmincinT to my patrons nn l to tbe pnblie frenerally that 1 have put returned from tUo lantern CitioawitU a very lorpa and LOTH I for ion arid Hoys, wlicb in atylis Overcoats. Tor Men, l outbs and Hoys. Overcoals as low as $2.75. trj)TD Eie cl a t n jv g in immense vnripf y. lowor tlmn anybody elso can afford to stll them- All kiiidsofl'LANNBLMUiniS. f nmle a sprcinlly, nnd am snfn in ertvin? tlmt I Imvo tbe Ur BBr.ri. muLt iu tao couuly. A full line of TUUNKS AND VAL1CES -f nil lind UMBKEIJj VF, , EJKTIES, and a full stock of fuinisbinc ooda gent. rally. Cli iitlfiiu'ii come alonir. nivo us a cill and you will lm nui.L.iVrn i tbe low pi ice, Tlim.kiiig you for r unt fuvora a ly solicited. Fopt. 23. 1830. Great f.emuwat jeut WMlld Irt'iC tlits pportunily of au a touuniifr to tbo ,';'vr'i) ;mblio, tbat I tdill I V".; J?) If - '..;:it - M9 to tbo i'niiiiluio IiiiriineM mdjbat wy utot'l.- a full nnd coin pleto.'oud tbat I I lurenii HultM ' Onml Upward. DrowsinrrCiiKoHnUiM 0:tOaud lJIrl. Call and pnmpurc inyfnrdM with llioe of oflicr dtiuli r b.rff io pnr obaiiinp;. Look fji tbo I5ib bign, on l ino Siuet, Lust of E kbf it's blore . KobicUii!!v. July 10,'" Kliiifyrovt, Tu. i r-r--Trnarir'iBBTriTimii iiiwiw imn laiBtBrerrweBtienrtea-BiTBTtnBWweBatwnii iwtt aiwinwuta VUIiU;dllaVU XaVUU Andall dlveaiet of the Kldueyi, lll.dder and iriaary urgaul by wearing the Improved Excelsior Kidney PaJ It It a MAUVELof UEALlNOanJ ItKLlET Sluaplo, Scnalblo, Direct, I'alo- Ibs. PoYvprftil. It t t flKS whtre allel.e fnllt, A ItWVSr, a TIOM and Ill'iVUI.l TIII H la M.illoln. Ah ori'tlim or direct apUetlin, at oppoted to untetlKUotory lnt..rnal nteilloinet. s.nd f. our treAtite on Kldnny trunblet, aeul free. n ii ur ifruggitia, ur taut mail, on rvoeikl ol tirl e, ft, ' llite U the OrUlnnl nt n.nnln. K'Mn. I'ad. Aak for It and take ae ether. aoarete Ths "Ouly" Lung Pad. Co. Willlama lllo-k, Oet. SS 'IMra. retrolt, Mleh HELP Youraelrea by making moury whea a guide a f h..c. U .,..,.d.- theret, aeeiung porrrty , Iron, your .lour, Tle..e who eiwaM tale ad. rAOieKeofihe aooil eiteneet rur "iVi'T """H1' S'airelly bioouie ee.lihy, ' . ... .... vw i'i'iiui ruou eeautiee r1 " w wmu M,u, uiae, woiu eo, b-.jr. ..i I Klrla te work I ir ut riant la their own loealitlet. Tbe bu-lne.a aili ia uiora than ten llwee nrdluarr waeae. W. run.i.k aa eipentlreuuilit aud all that yoa aaed, Ire. No uue who en.aaet lallt to uieke uouey feir ! raplilly, Vuu rao dooie whole lle to tua aoik, or eul your .pare momenta. Kull i Inliiruieiloa and all that la needed aaiit free. AiMreaa bris.oe ti On- furlland, Maine. V.J b, IHW.I rOnifit sent free to tbosa bo -.l.kt. e.-..e la U. w.o.t ft 4 i M 1 quality and price cacnot be cxcollod Overcoals. GLOVES of all trados conlinuation of tbo snmo iH rm.nif.,i S . CPPEITIIEIMER, Stliirovy'ra. Reduction in NIT U M 53! - i.jn.. ttlliiifr alt my good atll.oVEKY LOW. :? - l j". fact rbnaprr llmi. - V - '. fsirid KST WICK. V.tW' Si.vdorCo r?co tin toii.a iiiiviriBiWe US following pi-iacs : All I I itl. . r"l. . 'i iii:4'r iii: tfcrr. Ktl l lll'ii IIOI'BI.h sanaraerjjiatTaeaafiniiB ira'i . atn It IJltlVKS 1XTO the ayttau enrailre agenta and healing tuadlclnej, it on tWSPro'l the dlteaiad parti thr poltuna that eauie death, Tbeuiaailt TeelHy ta IU VIHnee. Yea Caa Bd R61IG7G3 & Gurea Unn't detpelr until yon hare tried IhltSentl hie. Kimlly Anpllel aud HAUlcvLi.k' l.'iOt TL'.IL, Jleuiedy, Sold by liruggiite, or lent by nail on reeolnt uf frlee i ' rleiel for Tettlmonlalt and our book, "Three Milliuua a Year." Honttiee. Aildreta, Tta "Onlv" Lnnir, Pad Co. Vt iillamt Block, Detroit, Mleh. u.u a ...a.L xjb "Vrnil TTTTTT TiTI rirtnnn I U 11,1. K V K H Y w w lull JU VJ Villi I ti ev f IM rapltne that nl.l Ptinn wllh a new est o ur.i eari4iir eaa alaa the Buckeye Force Pump, The lluflkeve ! the .... U.I..I , , souelrueliid wllh alr-vbauihera !" ""'T " Preie . Mom osa , ., "" "aoiiere fonti, aud w.l.r ut 'V-Oiroou uou ani IiiiII.Iiuk iu ceae or Bra. WiJiawwa, WnU Otefcl-Mg, tad hftv t Fine rer reedy on your owe premuvw al ae " tbaaeaerdiherypn. p. t " f t, " l)inct tt OS A Iter liei)iet HOP BITTERS Vnn alt "llr of Oi rtntntrh, Pnwl, N"-'onn-.. airiti.ns' "1 polHy Ktml 11, m.l ilnti.. Alt T"r rlcnl.l tor MM. Hlttm n(l IrT.tM-ri Imlnf,. rn iImd. T n o(hr. Ni'Mr cima .r. H'i HIT. 1 Klti K'f'il oo KjOUMl.r, M. Y. and Tor onto. Uat, Improved Farms T la lows, lUntae, Nahratka and Mlanemta FOR SALE I "i atw frurvneisjri mnnfT, inirsii H nr f ft, 'rtlf Intsjfi'linaf tn n Wt, rd tvr Mitt. Htntm lona, U t; tMah hp itfilfa. . . iv. u,jnr,vTuui, tit trjmiwmjt fit if York. Cheapest Book-StororrTB WlMlI.n. 7,1aT Milnl.. li,. n... Onra.oej Juenll II flat 4e..ere IOhie en ! ."V?r '.T" rn HjI- M-GfiaT nnoi,- I Ileekmaa St., opp. Pnet-Offlee, New Yerk. will bar a rottel r, on which lo tend yonr td.ire an.l reeel-e tree by mull aa rlehty..Me b;mk nn "fiie l.lrnr, tt M.aitten an I th I. Trtetinent" lolullng .Un,,.!,,,, Illlloutuet. . Maiarlik. tlortlrenrta, Me.Uehe. e. ' Addieu Iih. BAHrono, ua llroadwav. N. V. c. and G. COOPER & CO., NT. VXIt.VOV, OHIO. Porlalile and Traction IGIfiES ffil iSAWIILLS In tMs CtumliM. Send for Large lllnlrnt-. ( Ircular. Adilrata Bt BUUf tf. ORGANS K. AU-lroi DAMLlet F. Ill N. J. I.OHi : ai t I AA M.n.1 I'Jft II D. Paanat Ira mateu WANVr-'.n. Tnrurs I'ATAHHII In each noluhiiirhnoil. with lir Kutm.r'a ULIrlliVbuVr,..1' l OLE WAHTEB rtrsT rrH Til E Ur. I i.l,"l lVr.H ur Eurono and Amarir.a. U irrt riiKrloni-e In the senret ervln e rl.raie.1 J ei t e-t 1 v r, lo all p'.rta of the world. a.''D oi laro pKire , lull ,i,m. '"" I're'e iw.i'i.ew lirnttrate.l li ..vt ratre Intn, eiitoiita oder.-.l. Kur lorwa .iilro I lilt "U k ,;o" Hirtlord, Ut, or L)ulnuKo, THERE IS A Balm in Gilcad ! n.a aucrrat whl.-h hoe malleoli il.a 'l,.t.n.ln.. tlnn uliirrain Halm, a Cutarrn re-icly. rrrnnr dby H.Y lil.ll... .iwciio, N v.. It In.lffd niHricl'iut. Many irana in riliamn end vl. lnti ar- iilnH It wllh mnat tnilar.iet.iry ro. jump, n ia iy i'on t"iwn la ree.ia-rtn- the f O' tlurll. wl.lch ahn b.. nut m lal I... H'le-n iM'i tlirniigh tun u-e of tlie ii.,jt. Nbe !ind elr.n uf l.rr rn-e aa li rur.Me. Mr. Hut. 'r. thr drnv'itln- hue natd It In hit f unl'y "i.ininemU It very hluhiy. In anmli.r eolu n n f.Minif , uniiuannnra inwvt-r. anown to rnnny I our re.ilerr. I. -iin- th it he wa ru-f I .. I Vrtll ilraiiiera, It la rrriaiply a trry rilln. al.-ae, (l') (iAaaiT., Aug. la, in j. Siw and very Aitra-tlve Myire new li.t.ty. iffST CAflNKT on eAnr,riR tllKIANN IN TIIK WllRI l, win. nt-r- r.l hie heat illatlrc'lun at rv kiiy l.linaT WOlll.D't you 1i!ii.TB" irAll. I'rlere. Shi. t-7, A44 etn. t)l A.vai .nil ni.r.t,! AM) til .Vi-r tery p.yin 'lila. ff .".a a niiKrier rnnii in w.r.i. t'iiitil!(u. t rr.. flTin I VO IM AMlV fc HAMI.IN (HIUA . 1 . 1 1 , I t) til, til Trrniunl SI.. H.i.lnn I te r't 'ii m . (i'ni Si'i tre,) .Now Vork Hi' n a'4HI A vt'liUa, I I.IOitaO . rl. r.,.. , a end ' i.t in. ra ...rte. t in. re a-ine. .. k U CAUU p.r nini.lh, .iialiu KII aul U'ltfr. In raary in'iiiy. I ,..,. i-t ia .e'ne'i'e lnrnroiatnr,. .Ih' MlHr ila, e frn. Ad 'rr., al ouci J. I', xncianr t o., l'lil aiirlp'ila. I t. It. X il IUII. k a Y., lubliali.r nr .'irt il-aa Hnh-.'rii.ti.n, II ia. i.i... a'...! jam. I..lil. lit I,. Auriita ali'l . aaklt,u e rhii'tfa In I' rirf-illara ,.f flrw ll.ita ai.d it 't:.v $!W y no i.uU It uiadu, ut i.n Pl'liCAllUl:. fAJrI I ASCTTS" WAHTT.0 US ill I I for ..ii new Imuk i-Dtii. Vl V 4 11 a t.l.VU emnnv ti.e K.'chy Mnut.ta'tia le-rlhe. biw aui.l la r.iui'd tiid l t Imw iiilnlne e.i'nntniea era firin.l iil a,, et r.irtuen- me :e. i iei graph ir lilt. t.-r ..r rilepeverlaa of vol I eo'lallver, .-a4-laMy lii'.ae Utvly tna.le Iq t,rivtlle, Hljck Hllla end r1iiflnU.B J uniry. Thrlilliie net ot eautii-lue among miuMrt t trirka nl eiii.e.i, em. for Uiiui .l.lreaa. lifUitAKI) i'.U)3.,1w fmnnin ft., Ihtla. Boadipgi! RficiieUnns! Effjcet?9nl f,rvrsrT.'v?-: Lf a vi i 1 1 n 1 1 5 a S.'ltiilf i HOW READY. )P.CJ52ffiTIiCO. Via jia.taA,eTLt.attwkeeI "1'Iaiui : "Merit Most Baw lis Jest Bcwaid." Of the eiaay O ttarrh and Hay I'ever rami. dire we kep In ttrnk there It noae nl whiah our rii-lfnirra ti.eak mora hlaMv lhanof Ely'e Ortam A eomi.eriitlvely new dlaonrery rmt one whinn, fniio tbe many re.orta anil er. liirnetol curi-t pr ditoe I, ta daatlned tiAhea I. aiilne arilrle, Wm bate never bii.lled a lenn'dy which hea Inereaaed aa rapidly In aulea r tliat bta glvao tuuh tatitr.afltlnn. I'rk-a, Won. C. N. ClUlitN 1U.N, lib ru.toti liii r ol, New Yi rk. Ilave You Ever Known Any rwraon to beeerioualv III without a week atoioauh or Inacllve liter orklilneytt Aud are In ko.iii d eot nnd their untaeaaor enjoyieg good health l'arlari lli.rr TO,. I., alwayt reiuiete theae hnrnrtatit oraana. and nevar lalla to make The blood rloh an I pare, an I T o arranaTUen every iarT id The tyt ram, it hat cured liunilrrila of deaiiairtng invalid. Aek your ueiMhbor ebouT It. KVI KEl'LER, Notary PoMc-Snroyor, Conreyanccr Rpal Estate and Insnraaco Accnt. Deedt Bnnda aad Mortgagee prepared ends hinda or eonveyanelag atundeo to proaii'Uiy with nealneae and aeeurraey Sueelal attention a Ivan to baetne end telTIn Real Katate. Offloe In I'reemonl, nyller (lo ra., r. ij. auureaa, at. rteeeant siiiii, fnyj Uo., fean'a. Sua. .' yNION PaiA.MNG MILit ELlNSaBOVE.SIVYDER 00.,P .rta-s r -a 4 t t-Attir Vila eamUr It eniri.nn lia tia S.rlaa.a.i.1 arr,(rt 0U. n.;aiiu.n .1.1 l:..auir.llr.a.a a . Maetll..!', nij.i0lasnl!a,,..l. Wr.toar. I'tflha, Iln.aat. r.r. l.lOe. Pli'a.3 J v' u a fr-'f. iiiilj I., Untulltn. t.arr b..jr wh., ,i nl- r-.. arory mainiier ij l,r,., ?'; ',.H.?-."',", ""l Ji:rllt. X.alt Crl te u-.k C . . rai.a. u. gall IMrftaruru triZ choice mna at Low FiTnrcc. Eh. BUFFINOTON, of Frank, e lie, hating seenn-d the ageney for the '-'--"i- i,.fuee win tnnatntt at onee te eaaree aayder aoaaty. The Oeaiplete "monetae prominent feature of ahlek are nixinry 01 en Haiminui ler.mlnatlnt HI (Mr. r..thl-t or the lnilred Wrllnrt i Uelleiy el llluMr.lcd Herlplure InrloVnta i lie are.i eamber of llluxr llnnl , lie Mu,erlor Tipoe. rerhr tte Ciableiaatie binding and Keaavaa. n other Alrlaa Fplorrt by 1, T- ltadley, the iao-t brllll .nt dtjerlptlrs Author la Astr' lea. BIMILKVa AHDIAL KINGDOM, a pienilldrolameef tin page las) llluttra. Il'irp. Tbeeekretbe mntt highly Intereatlng pahtl. retlt nt now ollerel the Amerieia public ned the prlre bare neea ritu ed eo ae ta bring th'tn wlihln the meant of the mee, and ae. tlileeair. Hufftnvtoa It reeldent in eur eoaete eu wholly reilekle. tfet. (, 'S. How Lostllow Restored i7aj tfuri ruiiiitiivu. a new trfitlna ef 5hlii '1 frwa-ira ( t iiirrn- U-urlOil llnauar on ihe ra,l,.l ..... (without medicine) of FreitNATuaaiioat or Pemlnal HVakneee, InToluulnry ftemla nnl l.naace, liuroTsncr. Mrnlle end Pbye 'lcl 'ueapaoil.v.Iuipeiliihrnla In Marriage, lo. ataii, Cosat'Mi'rKis, Krusrar aad Kits, Induced hy self indulgence or sei ii al citravngance, ae. The eelebraleJ aulhnr. In Ihle rtl. abls Kaaay, clearly demonstrates, frssi a loiny yenre euceeaatui prarlloe, Ihel lbs alarming eooeequesees ef self abuse stay he radically cured - noinllnw nut a ra,u of a ire at ones al-nple, oerlaln, and aires tual, hy means of whlrh svery aufTerer, as inattrr what hie eomlii.n may he, ma? ours bltneelf SyeHly. uritalalr. and BAIHCAlt.Y. &T Thin Lfturi thrulil ht in thr otvny yottA uiitl itttj) lie land Pent undir seal, la a plnln envelope. Is any ad.lrees, pott-paitl, on receiplof siS oeuis or Iwn pnatsge eianipa. Addreae Ihe riililiahere. Tils! CULVRRWKLI, MCDTCAl.CO. 4 Alb t New Vork s Coal olTioe Bog 4684 Hepl. 7. 1M-0. ly. JOHN LAUDKNSI.AWKlt, BUGGY MAKER, n.tNsnnovK, sntdkr ;o., pa. Hating purcliaeod th well knows in folinHi'rnrc, formerly owned bv Thlllp B ecker. I ant prepared la acoommodai all who may tiruiro anything In ny I' be, and warrant saiisraolion In silo I kep conrtuntly on hand, and am (rrpaitd Is menu.'aoiuie at tho a'nrtrat noiloe, tfa. . BIKjJfJlKS. Qtzntfsayjr SULK IBS. Ileini! experirnoed In ths buaiueet, I Hit ler inyai If that am fully prrpered lo meat Ihe wants of my oueioinera. Ths bauds employed srs among ihe hesl nieohanieain the oounty, aud llieir work will net fail la give unireresl aatl.Hfacilou. gvjyripeolal niteiitiuii palj to repairing in ail in hiannhe. thcp on V.arkl street, a few doors seutk of the Uertuno Itrformed Pbureh. JOIIM'DKNaLAQER. " Belitiarrnre. April 7. '7l-lf $m$M Bnw FiiP ill rf --...-MJ l w ., A V Mill ntKIH, O.'llKUU.'tTiiKMSRR .l.alrf t lo an if lii.nn-Ttoai! Inti-reat, .1. Thai alm-r the d lie amiitli.Ti uf the fr lrfiliif iU't't ! aarr a IMrtchoa he ll nt April, Of IliK nrei.r.l in Ma new llillld Inn in Mrlina t! ...i o.oii Wali'r )lr..rl,alioee i'lue, .I.H. H-nnlna'e atorr, e Lcatacr Stcro and Fin isfring Chop, nrre em ne ronuo el -II tlmaaeii aorlment i all alli'ti nl r'nilahed r-IOt li, t i.K.iatli.o nr Her-. r... .vii., i nT, niu ti,i nir wan.e, Murros , Mr glln H. I'lpiHUI.! mil Iirlfi-a, The n'letit'.m nl Xlua iuakara Vm.rC an, oi umeii iiraiia ! era, and allothrra le invited, helurt unrrhaav-a -taaiahM. Thirty nveyearaaa e nreellrel Tanrer gnellnes Uliu lo i.llliao..iulllli..0f stock, Ulileelikea .li aarlotke for l.taihnr. i II, il. HRRO-TI!SfR, I sue T-'TOl HKlluagrove, Snyder Co.jPe MABlLBWOitK LKWlMiURQ, TA. ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE MOKUEIENTS. Tombhtonre, Kii tuns, Urns, Vases LAMBS, for Cliildrnn's Ornves, Putlt, Unit!, T'tbMvpi, MarbU I . i'nfr SlantrU, Ao. All thote wbodealretonnrnbate t tmbetoaee try tliin-f el-e niAnule.'tnmd et tbe a'-ove mes t'one l Ciarlile worka. thou Id aimaull tha andae alfc-ned agent, belore purrhnalna a I 'r where. . . BAIII'M, ftlW I.N, duty li'li-tr.l Mi.i.iiel.uia. Hnydsr Cs.P J B. SULUEl.MElt DEALRO lit HARD WARES Iron, Nails, Steel, Leather, Paints, Oils, Coach & Saddler Ware AND MANUFACTUBltt Of Stoves & Tinware MARKET BTBEBT, V . w. x . i a -an a , iwiu vv II, Nsvsmbsr it, 1871-1 Ponn'at ! PftllflK II HRNgKR Oountv Surveyor Kratzerville, Snyder County Penn't- Buireylng and Caoeeyaaolat preapilf sod skillfully aiieuded io. A saars si lbs publifl'e patronage sullolled. July Stdttt. '78, pd GOLD.! Oreat seaaes Is aiske atuaey. ve need a para aoa la every tows lo fake aaUorlutiobt for tha Uf gat, ehaauaaiaud beat lllaatraiad raaallvaea. Iloatlon tu the wurld. Aeruae sea b-eeate a toroaa.lel attest. Hi I s. at tat el art a vwae ei era - e pr t Iih h r i -e as eat S .. A Teiy fivea iree to aunaeriuera. -1 hat a-'" rauirU taaiA,, i.n to.. t'.l'U . B.IO- . 4 Alia il ...It.. bat i e e a .teas at a , 4 II a a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers