The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, January 20, 1881, Image 3
) urg, JAR 23, 1C31, i f -. j i i aseatawvtei rni I'ons-rr rnrt -fh Coatt nt Unv'M Cnaoly ar M '"aria " M f-.hriMr. MT. Sj'ls:BOr, ad nd Una-lay of Iwwinbdr. AH oninnitinlcnUn'i. btisiti'vMi let ter Ac, for Uii olln'e, to ornre riromnt nttoiit'nn nlinilld br) .l.lrosted a follow: Tim roar,- Middlcl'tir. rJnydor Gninty, Pn.- Advertim-mcnta, e.mriuniii'a'.icHiH Ac. mutt be hnudod n by Momliiy Hikiii, to secure iuacr ion irt next iastin ' Ijocnl jNowh, aNcc. SALE RcGISTER. . Thursday, Jun. 20, Y. TI. Varnor F unit'or of Cii. John lln'm. will sell valuable Ileal iiMate in .Mon roe l p. fatnrdav, Jan. 22. the huir of K!Uii belli Monti dee'd will eell Person, at Prupc.-ty in the Hormli of Middlelmr. fcatnrdnv, Feb, 12, Pam-iel Royrr will dell I'tramml Property in Free hiont. Saturday. Feb. 12, Adii'n Smith Ah . nilnistriitorof Angrltn? 'Uithroek will anil valuable UjaI .'slate in dainslmr. Friday. Feb. '- , AUm Wnjnor Id- ininiatrntor f Tillman lshr will ull valuable Real Estate in Bun- ncrville. -Friiltv. M troll 19. Miehaol E-x'' wil' fcell lliiiifhobl Oond, Farm m ilini(iit-t, Live i'lock, Ac, in A.I- hum twp. Two Life iimiM'tcn poinpnuif hnvo bpcn orgituixed nl MiJdlbur and oiip nt .Idiinixhur,;. Hon. Samuel II illpr, Slulo Tro:wn!-ir, luts our thiinkn f ir ropy of Sl.ito I're h urer' Annual Hpoii: O'lr young frimid tJalvin Stpiiiiii;trr hns roluriiod from tbu we.xt looking Imleaud Uu.u-Ly '! I t tee you back nzain. C. 0. Prrbold ho juxt rrreivnl n lare l-)t of White firninix inncbiiiPii. Charley xnlU umro iiiacliiiiet tban iuy otbor man living. lyor'a A' Cxrc u rfifiilliiro euro for.rovor nnd .loii in all it The propriwloM it, and ihrii word U ii4 good aj a U. b. k. Try iu W. E. Mill.-r, of IMIvup, (Vil ). : I h.iva b.ino lr i iblp I wiUi .1 : 'i u i nn i roRoivod n re'i.if n itil T pMo ir ed your "Only Ii:i j P.i I " f fun ri.--onuiieii'l it to any o.u hiviu 1 1 -nstliin.i. !ye tS'miue! II. Irwin, of L'te Ciwlc, ('.,1 f ix tj N'rf t ii i, -iy : T M "; . ly i. m: '.id-' !i u I i uj m ro fir my wife than all tbo cil'mit of 0 I I.Jvit Hil, French or A me iran. fhn li -n i uUo ? or nil the 1 1, trior Jmlii'inol nllO luir Uod. ore A l, O.i IiikI Tii'imhiy, Jcne IT.ndut and Jaeiili Urnon wore ivitli.iv w i 1 1, iu tun w.iiU. Tlio will wn fr ."! and ilil' ixe l.i:ii:e 1 ii i 1 i it, M.1. I'n (V (n'iii tbu Kidn, below the ri'i an I but V, VTr;clion of an iurb tbo npinn! col iiui. Tim giuti w.n tbn l.'iijsl'.i u'. tlii.'y. nnd nlimit two inclio deep. lire M ;rttii in and J. 1'. Spnusler fero S"ing limne from Ibia placo Ibc other oveuing and on tlin il nv i Htrntpli nt Yoni.g'a bill the 1ei ;!i Mtrut'k n rtone al the ido of the road, tbo hor.-ip. ran through tlin bnrnrm and 9i)uire nnd John wont head foiniudt over tbo diuli-board. Alice i)ockcr, n nchool girl of I t, and ft number of aehool male got upon Jore Jowou' Hied as he pained the vhool house, above Paxtonvillo, nnd rmle n abort dUtance when M'maierker jumped oir, fell nnd the sled, upon which there was moro than a ton of produce, passed over her left arm be tween the shoulder nnd elbow produc ing a painful, comminuted fracture Which wa adjusted by Dt. Shindol. Binionton, Barber k Co' produce car wu on their twitch loaded with corn, j Three cars loaded with conl wore .tin in on tlin awitch with such force, the brake fulling to chock them, that the car wn thrown a half aoiuor ault over the end of tho twitch, da ra nging the car very conuiderably caus ing unloading to ba altogether poesl tile, practicable, iaterestiiiK and quite necessary. Teachir'i Inttilue. The Normal Institute held ita fourth tneetinK at the regular place oa Satur day Jan. Sib, The following aubjocU were diicusaod during the tiny. 8obool-goverumetit,sirilhmetio, lli tory and penmanship. While the eub jeot of Qhool-tnaiianniiunt wu be ing dUoutaed, one of the teacher ex plained a onae of misbehavior, upon which the Pre, pronotinoed the aovor 4Mt punlahment, an it was a dpemtn owe, (!it'.'.). rhenKt ul.' n-Mlv-ia f ' " - I ' :u";r if f j -ti r - , f - , r f , New Dineovery I tTow tt a kicking and runauxiy horn. Narrow etoaptof a Judge-. Some lima since a prominent citizen ofSunbury who haa the honorable tillo of Jn.l-e nut i Inrgoly lutoroatod In the In rubor business, hail occasion to visit tho enterprising village of Controvitlo in this county, fur the purpose of inspecting loma timber Iriot, lucidi'tilly engaged "Mticlcnl" Vtiydor well known, citir.otl of Hint place to take hint to the locnlitv. They procured a horse from a neigh bor and hitched Iiiin in Mneide's sleigh (n old fashioned "Yankee jumper" which his already nt'ninvd the nge of tho famous "uno hone hny") mid proceeded on their wny. r or n tiine nil wont niorry n "innr- ringa bt'll," tintil tbey cump to on mi onwrn pliioo in the rond niul both wore liunpoil out in lit tnow nnd the borne mil nwny, lio w4 ruptured bofiro bo gut vory fur nod h.;ld until ".Mnckle" xiiil the Jn.tgo oivnio up, tli-iy then ;! intn tho sloigh nnd prm-reded until llioy cunia to 1hn brow of n piiiiill hill. where "MitcKlti" rnnnrkod, ibis h.rp "kick nnd I don't li'so to diivo hiui 'down thU hill 1 d i ni. wiit!i to "hnve my ulrigli brokon," wbon Jiule Winner inquired. "IIovdoyou know J bo will ki. k."T to which Miicklu repli- ed I rvin r it h Ihf van It KLU Aw.O. oT' after soma coiiultati.iii us to whut beit t) hi doue, it w.h no!- null uii.l jiidiciully doi'i K'd the itniuiiil'd bo tl liiili'liod, wbioh ms dono -' M f:kle' taking cb ugp of ! the Iiomo and tho h.nnisotn j Judi laying nxide hi dignity diunnrely pro. j oeeded to taku the plaoe of the horse j and pulled tbo nleigli (hit bill wben nbout half way, nvin to doin. Tln-nn seliools lire well ntteo tiieelippery ronilitiou ortbo r.Mid nud.,, W(. ili ipii;,! ,.v,.r -.l tbo iiil'-elus of I'm x!.,i-li niL.tber s i I , Tin-cili.ens ,i llie em w ell be O.lasliopby tiMopmied Ci.i ,11,. li :.; , , f th.Mn-belng aiiipaa.M-d by Jodge ; he bi'io,-oil aeVci il o-.-iLiiooi'i,,,!,,.. i tiie in toe art in to till' p witi.iil of a ei'li-hlMte I pro;iiii't I nf old who, a.:i i,i!ure s.iy.s, was in thej biibil of lidin his "circnii" u.i an uii. i ccalor of llio mule. Niitiiiug niwro Heiions ho.vever neSo tho lioys rcn aine I at bo ne. ! i- vurted than woo'd happen ,i:i- nan wlewi) habits of life aro ai'd.Mitary ntnl who o,-iMii,.,uily ci.w.-s tin i i,ir l.j lorn Hi. binder part of bis coat is ul. together through . In this foil lition t hey lem bed ilia foot of the bill wli'-reia g ood'y mVnber of tonps which ui" anollnr ivnineil was called. Tun Judge ' pretty well nxneut I. .S;i.:',; to it, buys: viis forprncce ling on tho way but "Muekln'' obj.-eted saying t tint .''the I Ur.s wouia run awijr sn.l ho wus ..r 1 Home of the eiii.i. of thbi place or ! It mUlit lulu o th i il,".,en Ills JuJjs 1 i , , mi lr.d.'l.0.l .ht in. bor'.'""''1 11 li,rt coinp any miiilit run l" u whloa .Mho'iIk ro llml -'l . fr.'.a wy In o irrt.n bin .." I u nm nam ioi-i lo I tui l is ' lu lo' iiiuM laUo th- h irs O.cs to (.'omravll s au l proi-u s anntlier h TJesu I return I t tl.s si.lsli su I nuukis." in pursaiti 's or tutu i-.u.ild.-iou : '.bs".l j'Ue' slsrtsl wit!i l is liorM lo.nlnn i il'S Wls 4.1 I I.ikioI ,u AlU 'HU litis I n'a!i III. tito rjl'SI ii.i.l u home '.linl..,t ii,l I'01 o:i I a horns t'l-Ankdt arij u I ! , w tlnir IIUs '-pu tlouis on a unm-i vrounil hits iiusiii" lor ins return ol his emu In All Uriig-.'.isin. ri,e-".a p-r lm.Ii,-l n si'iruna. WUHs on l,i, 4i our J,i i4 t-ilh .' why .!.! I t'ie .p'rll nf mnriall As'tni's do nt sou.i armi.'l i.y nt.,, bo .li.twwcil of u.!i P, . , 1 V it- if e;i ': at m',.i.ok I i.i roui.lii uuj i:i,.nltl.u tin k..r.'.i 1 m e see a man dri i:v "I'r 'o I Vplrli. i tO.'.T. jtIi.-h t:i In,- ton.rk.l tit -!;s kuow (bit ! ivim e i.utn-il i!n ;- r-ina'-s -Th i' m i ' T-1 P a uorwAnd !.s -laui'l ,,- Wk nlt uioi ad!iiH.-s VI. I It tLitiir's' !!.tis. l',. k.i , J." f!.si emt o II'. t.S el. I i.l nut .llu.'Kle l CU Ikiv I frun .! oil II. i, r Si .... ill l.i'.l lorwi :o u i. . li. ins iioou.J.d stwiui. - :,' ,u. ' l- t'l'-"i;ii.T? is utiv.18 it. -it w ;i iiw .it- a in us .i i in jr., I 0i- M.j w .'a ii IlliS. OlfVU. I.l s.,U.r.. si.... ,. ....".. , ,, ...b.JM.U.MiilsjJWU..sulalaiin, ab. , , . . ' ii i'iis hi r.iina .I'lTi.u -k i l in e uul nv. ....a...u t..a .,l, fol.. T . narrow iMci Ml,,. u wnr,u ,,. (i.,, ,, i: lk,J"W "' '"' ""'.ii! V"l. i'V sse.s-lt.s V "ir usoi. I ,.. aruty.uaiisdb itui.i aliir .;,,,.;,, l!l(,'1UJ. ;;,:. ',. psr.enoaot lu-Jii(i " usij'iji.a i.u li.u, ,1,1 . ,-.t r, , ,. .'HA. r. Nn. 'ofV7 dee il.s djll at 8. WeU's .'jvllusgrase oa Jau. In, Mis. IV. L. ltiuiicr rekbl 1114 Di i.' . I'oliuoii's Mills wui luj ailjjr uf mi. uuinour V !" I'lka our oti'.yyon will Kmo 11.1 liino i.i p.niltuj; on your tlru'iet for "Sijllei' Citigh Syiup" ttiiiiottt nu e'luul. Trice ' ccnta. A th(irint;i and anfn ri'tnc'ilv ia DIt MiinMUlirt liKAA'VLillv' AM), UVSl'lil'.SlA 1'llsL.S. Void by nil Urujjgist. sTiico io couta. Ladies Coats and Dolmens sslling now alaud bslow costal 3. Wsis's ysliungrov. Call and tee, gw. George Eliot' Romoia. A timely iulersst Is givsn, hy Ilia death of lb author, to lbs nsw adition of. ber niajteiplooe, "itomol,' just Issued by lb Amerioan Dook Giobange, New York It shows her work nt ita bstt aui strong est, and at th sain ti ns glvsa th rea der lbs opportunity lo noipiir n lasting fainilarity with lbt sosass and sooisty of mediaeval Inly, ft ( ons 0f n,, f,w really grsst bistorioal novels of th world. It la issued in bandy nnd btauliful form, eatrn sloth binding, simplt but rar els gane and last in dssiga, and ilk tho oibsr Issuss of lb "Literary Rssoluilon1' Its cost is almost nominal, vl. 8 osots. It I on of a ssriss iulsaded to form a library ofalnasio notion, which will Ins olnd an rprsentatlv and obarsotsris. lis work of noh of lb great auilnrs wb bav won lasting funis In tbs realm of notion. Lift 1 too short nnd la full o' work to permit tbs rsadiag of all that Is' beautiful and enluabl in tbes orsalioos of lb imagination, but svsn vsry busy psopls sun Aud litn to rsad ou book by saoh of th soors of naibor whs bav rsnimaiortal fautaa l plaoo In th affeo. I f lb ptepl. Not to b aoijualn. ' ' S I' s I lo b ignsrsal of ntuob ..-,tj aaoat lhtrst t r-lfps. Tbcr are lew cities in the UnilcJ Btatts, or th t"iid, wlilnh hv not srersl e u known rrst ltnls, who btsa materially bfnsdtleJ by the vie of AVsn's llsm Viooa, The original youth ful solar b relurnid to failed and blessliril looks-1 bald spsls bass been re covered , or brushy, dry and wire hair has been brought to n smooth (Insul ts Read lbs following plain stalsment, every word of whlrh Is trus, I Mrs. Oi.ivsa Davass'iar, of Williams. town, Vl and ) jtttt oil, lol her bslr 8!) ysars sro, by n dlfse of Ibe olp, presu.nsbly, as ike btl no slok sees, for 3- years she tried many "restorers," &o with no (ITeol. A year ago lart May, Coming by cbsnce, In pn.elon of a pirl of a bonis of "Aysr's lUir Vigor," sbs applisd It anil a downy t rowth of hair bfjsn to Oliver h"r bfsl. 8bs has since ued three botilr su I about a half, and at this lima her hair Is twelvs Inches lu lenih trown in 0brt not at all xrsy, an I ooterlng her hea.l with 'be eScrptina of a tfnl on tup, an i lias a downy growth starling upon it which slis Hi I n lis a psrslntiMii use of tin' Vigor will bring uul la tlms Ilk the ret. Oct. 22. 18"o. Tls piri'oul irs tf this cn' csn be seiiAeil by His Toiiinisler and ntl.ri pro'iiine 'it oitisns also, by the editor of iUs SriliSM I. Vt., Ms The liis Via.als prenirrd by Dr. .1 Ayrr .4 r.n , M i.e., and sold by JrnggiaU iu this loir.i. Adamsbuig Itoni3. There are ahipped frun this atitiun about " I to 'Z't lo i di of ore, m.ik "'S "n ngirre.itu, recknoim; 11 tona to tho ( su, "J" ton per week, Our achooU aro bein tnuj'it by ."piire S iiilh nnd .Mi-a Id.i lltvken- Icili'bilig. The yooi. z f.ilk were o; i to tiki n sleiii ride l.iil 1'imr- 1 y ni'il. but he I idie did ii'it ai'ivinijil'iv th"iii ; ider you cm ioi'.-r fioui V.'.it thai tin .tdainsliur; es arc soiunivlia!, tony, j Tlin Ad i:nlmr;: O-mel Hand, whieb i U being int nete I by Prof. .1 d n K. ;S;ei!er, is doing real well. Tbcv p'av jyou will nuke :. I u ineians if yo I will not be;'ouie ticnlL-enf . !,oUt a week i-ini'e. o trust t.i. y wii do nil boiie-l bu.-ines. - 'I'm iIih aI. n r uKi'ii-lot.' remsr I t I V'liii.iliti a li.i pal'n I t n e it's I nl II I ; 1 .Mm'is : su l "i 'm Ih",'iii.' i i lti,-i,ir' rem irki-l Ami's wife, as she t-mk a ! " OI Slll ."Vlirr or I Ail.- II ll.u l il l Uiiv tst II I'.nitoi nii f-.r her 't'i. il.u. ' "tit I! ntli iI im iIio Iiuiuhm, -Fjr .il i i i ,:,.,. i . - , .. . I l. s-,.,.11...,.,, .1.- nrilM" 1'.-s.-f ? IS tl'll'l'llj ll. lt W II S'l 1,M'..I,- h- ''"'".".. '.' :. '' H ...iiil u. ....... .11 i- . i : 0 .Lull nt '. 11 liotisafs Ml llil I i s , , ,.vt., ..,. ,:. ... Vlil, r-'n.ii'jilfi- tor -.l.j ij A.i Ui i;ij(i. LI SO t 7 I Cents, Tltuie is no uie Lill.tnts n i us? laliiii. 'Vis so U.1.V evi ry Aiieiv : To nilra fun ! nr 1 1 AY i 1 1, ti ii I niui'li l,-.,.il,l.i .n jii i liiisri. e(. ciine( i Vau musi us Hinh Svkiip o Tar W 11.11 ClIKHUr ASII II - V It LI, Biiuii' nt ay bt bioliue I U crlijisa one in el io, bill lit" il" we want u l.npress tipop your nun Ms, ta il issi'l'ai will out tiny Tnroal and burnt ntfemion quicker, l'i is any otlior fou i rs tte ly, old iu the United Slates or Canada, The otnr day, as two f.teuli wor talking lofeilier in lbs sireol, a dinkey begat! to buy an I wbsrs-i an t oouh in a distreesiiijf manner. "IVIial a void tbat donkey bus J ' said one of llm men. "An I by lb way, th u puis ins in tuilo b iw is your eouirh t" I may not be q ilio as niuoli of n dookey as yotiitibilc I am toy ooiiiih is all riitbl and my knowledge I list Hisas' SvMi'p nr Tab. VVil.ii ftisaav and HuAUiioiiNli, is tbs best Ooagli or Cold Ki'Uimly kuown is lb causa. If you bad bsen as wist, you would not now b n widower uioral us tuns' Tar io. Mrs. Drown What nro your Eggs n Dusen t Mrs. Pobetnmerhorn 45 Cents, madam. Mrs. linwu it Cuuts 1 .' Why bow is that t Mrs. 8rhfttnmorborn Soaroily--Sorols ty Scarcity. Mrs' Brown How I it'tbat you bring in such a nlo lot of frssb ones vry day. jrs. 8ohotmerhorn I glv my fowls M. Ii. Konaat's 1'ouitht I'owDans Hires liioM a week. Give your Cltiliran a start in Life. The U. n. foiioliniiil Hooii'ty pnys Children n niujnrity uiielit of one two nnd three hundred dollars when they arrive nt the ago of 21 youra ; also n funoral beutdit if tUey die before reach in? anid ana. This Institution offer all parents an opportunity of pivins their Children a start in life, i'uruiita do tint I'uil to avail yourselves of it protection and aid. For further rmrtionlara nnd circu lar address UIHDC IL. lilfckiLfV, At I Middleburg, i'n. . , m PRIVATE SALE. A vnluuhln Urick Hotel, located in Franklin, opi:tile the tSuniuiry and I.cwiaiowu iUlrund depot, is ollirfd fcr snle. 'I i ' ' --'.'nl l uib'lntr built Mrs. tb.tnr llowoll foil and injured ber back seriously. riTSassM'l iVaoasisi has sums no feature every mouth Is alwa pro dlnth adsaoc. Th. f ,b. ber Is now bsfors us, . and (ta gressivs as ntary number ew feature Is a enlornl pattern for em- brobleey nn as), ths last "neis thing' In art neeillrwora Etery lady ought lo have lis number, If only to get tui new pattern. The stories Srs unusnlly Ane. The prinolptl emlirll ishment lea steal plats, "The Lost 'U iSs In THt VTood.'" one of lbs most charming that ws bate seen. Tht pn'teras for fntkinns, for lbs work-table, elo. ato,, art almost Cnuiu. less. It Is bnpoesilils to eonosivs bow a lailjv'a bank ooulil be batter. Peterson'' is undoiillsdly, as It olnlnis lo be, lbs obsapest and best nf its kind. TUs lerirs are but two d.ilkrs a year, with gresi reduotious lo oluht, an 1 beamifiil prem iums lo the persiiu getting up a obit). Now is tho lims lo get up obilx. Spsoi- mens art sent-grslls for this purpose. A l lrtsChu J P.tis.-im, 3U.J Uhast- nut Hirs"t, I'biladi Iphla, I'a. iiniiiiniwwm iiimswi me HIDDLED'JRa JIlODDCil KARXCF. lii.RsreTaii wisxi.r ar .7. W. Di'euHo, Dillons per hn?hel 7", rolaioes ue it Duller per ).m.nd 13 Ic 21 Kggs pi-r doien a Tallow per round a La' I h l!lierrles 3 hooded t'herrles li H I ink b w r i i 09 i, Ui'tiri ios ; Dried Apples 3: Dtied I'saclic parol foip 4 to ill llnm . I .... Milder Sides e cnarerKii ukkriv nr Simotitoii, ll-ifbof Sc. C f.'.V l. .SSi,'.'.7'V. Wltsi pf liu.-iliel en t'l "r,i 3 oj to 4 on ; i y do 'urn do (l.ts .lo I'loverseaJ rr luishol I'bn t hycc'l Is Itu U ivir-al 'li I'lativod do r no Dixie. !'"t.ilio i),lo pri'ne ('li.-rrii-i, piit I I'lii-i-r'?. nni'iilsd ):i:n-ke. rii-s :tu -pin n i.-s lit -tpj-b'S 1 scio-e, flit rd, imp iir. d, elor, ri i ll'ito r, vcuuJ-c'.S'S iiO to i .1 i I'.' ! 'J.Ti 1 ' 2 t'.l i. " :, -.:- i: ', 1 "J oi 1 1 i n - (.-. l' l l ' " 1 J". .'.' :!.'.) ' :' - ,7. ''. i T , , I Uii 1 1: -ft i'ii-iiis I'lilill.llS p,,, y ,., t p., L ,. .ef t , 4u t , ,.-v ,, ,,v . u j ,v s. ' I'. ... w. . .. .., ... ...... j , I ' t I... .1 .. .1... I I.' M , . 'Mil'll iir I 'l is : . I l J.l,:;J .1.1 I i r, O il a 111 I 1. il. tl I II p. J.n lo ne.r Alviislmrg by l!i Uvv. b. f. Kl nun il-.. li'.n Auuiv) tJiKr, lo ibu' ri u il- unoii Jan. 2. by l .o !! . J K. Sa lor, Mm ti .ii ui i ls.rnoliei-, of I hi. ie I tp J i ii sis ouiiaty, la t .iitcl ibali ier uf L'aion top. In ii oiimi . Deo. 'Ji, by Hi llov. J. Y. Itucllley, Mils A la h Mio.ierl.1, lo lYilui u O iViu UK, boib ol liunjrovo. U-.'O UI I. dy ibe Uev. H. E. ().'!isns forda .liss li :u hi it C, Ilviiuin, of Krl'lT. till-t tu u. i'. Iluueubaca, ol Miuiuukia Liam. V)..i Jlt'i, by Ujv. .V. It. Ul.i.o, Wil lard F. II iliiicr, of ii- i ti ir, 1 1 .Mia riar. i it C ydinier, Now li'.-riin. I .- J .tl) nt tlin rusi K'.icn of tbu briilo's ii.ii'en'a, by Uav. I. Irvimi, Dr. J, C. .Siiiiinan to Nlis.-t So v ii I.i C Uiuj aui.tii, bulli uf I'roxluviilo hnyika' Co. fa. noo. 2tli, nt lh Luth. fiiriii'itin, in Mi.l.llolinij.', by llin sniin. ti.n)i'n S, l.i'pli'y of Ad i mluit',' to .lisa .S. Kllfii Kuiiz of .'diddiuci'tick, botli uf rinydtr Co., I'n. Deo. 11, Mm. Catlviritin O. ker, of Miil'ilL'cieok, Wnst llcavcr twp. .Sny der ooiinty, to Sam loi lirnailoy of Itu beburtf, Citntio county. Dec. 21, by tbo Kov. D. M. Slctlor. Miss i'.'li.u belli Sbniiibiicli of Ad. una burii Jo .tllicrl Ktitflo, of Ueavtrlowu. Jail. 2, at Iioavprlmvii, by tbu Rev. P. M. Stetlnr, Miss Maiio Mct'liMiiian of 'IdiuiiHhtiri: to Isaac Snook, of Kisb ncoipiilbia, .lilllin county. Jan. II, at tbn rpsiiliice of tbo brido. bv tlin Kov. J. F. Wiiiupolo, Mis 7dn M. tibollinburtir lo U. F. Arbogiu-n, both of UichticlJ, Al tho residence of tho bride's moth nr, in Millliubiirj!, on the titii Jan., by Itev. . (irier, 1). U Mr. Franklin Harris Foatnr, nf Mid lleburif, I'n., nod M in Surah V. Harbor, dtiticbter of 8. A U arbor, due'd, of . M lliiilmrtr. ii i:i. Near lisiletus, U Jan. tJ Auuio Hwaiis. wile of Nswlon Xlailry, so i st' Audrew Mouiy, agsd ysaty II oioatlis aud. 5 day. Tbs decssssd disd of eomumptlon, 8b Istv a kusband and bslplsss iufsut I moura ber rly Jopsrturs, f In Solinsjjrove, Jan. Hlh Mis Jen nie Cui us, in the Slat yeur of her age. Deo. i!3, near Pawlinjr, station, Susan wile uf Abraham Frood, aged $7 years, H id ou tits and '1 days, iutvruiotit lit rnxlouville. ' ,' -, B, ",r rr' 'o",rt, of dropsv, ', ' : ) ) i nvl 0 Joe (the ubiquitous Kc-Hper agent) II a horse frightened, rrcM tho rr,il ---" ' "wj.i milei, neois over Ilea I, Into n miow- . end run the maebine to autt ' l,,,clatM ofl" owo cienco." tbe A New Health Almanac We bsvs just rsoievsd from th well known Publishing Idiuso of ronlr Wells, their Illustrated Anausl nf Phsinnl "ty and ltsbli Alniunso for 1KHI, 7J ool. pages, prloss 10 cents. This puhlloatlmi, wliloh has teen b-surd rrgulsrly for number of yesrs, bus broomo a teenli 10 many welUrsf ulate I fsihillen, sn.l well 11 eboul I, for It suggestions relating lo llvahli, lltiilenio Dii-I, riirenulogy. Pkyslogn enjr. etc., render It very vt uabl. The Su.ulier before u-, in a bb- lioti lit il-.e li - li sslronoinirst notes. mouilily eilnn Isrs, piie lias s .lonlh. ly Sanliariuin, wild spsoitl binis in re II it. I to Hie osre or I I'm lu-.ilili tl nt in ,, changes lueidi-iit fi i tu n.enlb lo in n:li. bo I'.ille ui f uie f r rub moiilli, whicli w (,i,,i (e yt) i.!ti; iu Cllr lioune- witi-s wli do nui know wlist lo vl lm -Jim. rr Tliore is lo a tine life-like pur. tan uf Prof, U.S. I'owlir. il.s vctvrsi. rinei.ol gis , kef &a. fcHt 'Uy mail 1. 1 "illy leu cuius. Il will oertnuily h ivr n U e oiroalatioti. nai l ne wjuld sijrtn nor r"n bti s, seu l leu oeuis in i.ii.ign stamps at ones lo Fowkaa A 'Asia-, I'ul, I'lieis. "') Ilioi l rir, Sew V ir'i. ci r? I-1 "', Marie Down iii" j'ii.i.ojwi mm, mm k co. Tiiia uuiviri'l. lo 1 mi 1,, 0 the fullowin 'nods fur ;to ,s ; Ovii'Usj;i5M, 1 o 0) Uvi-ie t ils ul l:l o i I lo.u.l S'J.'i l'l.d:) 8 ."nl b i l 5 (III C Ul'tt lit a no 7 .")' i; ti'i r 7o ' , o i ti :. i 'VSi .Jiis'l-i. 1 ,;, ' 1 'J ldi; ,Sll '1i iVi'J-S, h!..itls at 7 00 (1 '), tl d' I r, "t 'l - r. ,l..i . 2 il() J.i i. C, 1 . I . . ,1, . V."f I' -r t: - f .,i,T,teti nn.l , .,. , t . ;.. ...r. 04 j,, 'l:l. . o :iels ol I . : r r t i SV xi. i i l ri v , vn. biu 07 ia unci h l-.'-l-lli! l i'V t in! -y q t'.n II irl ( 1M n l.riul I :i,i, i , a ,v : t a.,,. ,, i , nals .."' tia'ir tloos '' SY i'.'m. .,a V ..'man?, MM SU.1 popular m .k l t.,r. Wol. 1-1.1 M', l l.lilolpl,U. - - iB5iVsVr:: k,.ii2 Ptealjslaie. rpriK uniU'Tbi'LoJ oQora ut titivutc L ia: ii) Acre of Imul situate In f en'i-s lownstilp, Sny4 -r I'a., I n. near Zwn'i t'Lurcli, a lioro- o ars o.ouu I a K'ioJ Hi A mi; ivcl!inor H ump, Hank I'mrn n l oth r iii.ti'iilMln-M A uoo l I ir. l nl tll selee'el n,it-ii i- viirlelirs ol Irull. Nover lull ik inter al me il-mr. KHY LaSY i tll 1.1 wl.l be Kiveu tbs rur.iliassr. l or lurther nirtl. ul ealt nn or s-lilr fi l-sttl.i lAM-i iY. Nov. IS, lsso. tiliH.eburit I'a. Dnulo C iNuvamvak Dnttlo Crook, IV'Ichienn. ItANUvamviLkas us Tua oxli utatriira l nK;snr.i:s, Traction and Plain Engine and rloreo-Powere. Jtmt OmmmvleU T'.eska 1 a sUry 1 Cstpbllshad UU.eltorlJ. 1 1848 rt A Vr s e. ( eta'fewoeiisiesils. aC f 1 artlttf srss, wnlnuil cJiai-i-o nl l:su e, M JL ijji.o(. i...-iit, or l.sali. ii. W'i.l as,oaa Cruiil( i r-tomM 'tuidt v .'-.- 4 1'rmf liuu l.itAtufwtn.. Vlnlu kmtimtm A 9Uhl. f rv, tW staffs nf hmvrmml tr lnftl. Itwlilf r Wtlti .,4hr4Wr .j(i im MistrMi Iwk "l fiiiU im4 ilrvamtM ; lvtUs'r rifcm l-yiir li of Hitirt-ib'i-tt, (na 0 lu 14 kwrM tjc'ltjr',tr iim, or ksr poHt-r, Ty" rIU J 4MtnutitM" IL rtIVm3lu 7Kf AAA I'frt flvrlr! .wHrf WVUVV ( y m tkr to itv year isnr.i as-atl 4Maiti ou hfnJ, fruta hUh tm lULi4 Ui to ciuutiJ4 WvivO-tfltrk vt our mm Mnwry. tcasti:m eks:::esS SSSlSj.asSiUl.ll.'S.SMia SSSISSlSS- V it tmmU, tO, liaasM ftsw. I aVT J ( 5 s- ,f- v-- t PWIaJolpMa Stlld ReCldlli 4" atuau. IISII vnirf Arrangement of Passengjr Traini OCT, unth, lH.O. 7Vm'ns lrie ltttrrMnrri nt fnffows i For New York, via AUueiuwn, S H i a m., and 1 . 1 p. m. For New Voik, tit Philadelphia and 'lioiinit llronk Itoule, O.oo. a.oa a. m. and l.lj p, in. ror I'lnla loli'lits. fl oo. n.0 iihrniiirli enr), 0 6U a. u , 1 .45 and 4.UU, and 8.oo p. m . For Ites.llng, S C ficS, 9 5o a. m.,, i.r, 4.oo sn-l H oo p. m. For I'oltstille, tl.o, S nH. 0 "io a. n.t sn I 4.oo i m., and vis Schuylkill K Hun" pivhanna Drnncli nl l p. in Fur Ait Inns, ft. 'to a. in, Fit Allenio jro, 6.oo an I H ) ', 9 5 i tt.m. I -t'l and p. oi Tl.n 8 n.i a, in , and 1.4"' p m trlRt lists ibruiigli cars for ttwYoik ii' wn. Ftr Allcilown nn I IV.iy 81 at lo i. 6. s. IO, Foi- Kead ng. Pliila b lp li I, an t Wst Sue bom, I . I i p. m. 7 Vni Is for ll'tri !J'iri iff it ftnlum ; l.eire S?i York, via Aliotitu, 8.4a a, in,. 'ill 1 ."..ii p. la. I. eire Ni w Y.'l!(, til ''l 'itld rri'.ll It'i'in- nnd I'Siln l--i iii , 7. 1 i a. in.. I. on nt ' 'to p in., t.rii.iof nl Han Oitxii I ivi. HJ i p. in., nu t 1 Z ;lj a. tu, I'lii i li lpoiii, tl. l-i a in. 4 I1 i. l J i t p. m I. we 1'i'tif tiile. 7.o , '.Ml a. m., nn i I I i f. in l.i nv li'adi-tf. I..' H iw, 1 1,.", a. in., l. '.i, H,l". on. I lo :i i p in, l.i-HVe l'"ittil!i!, mi .'..itjIUi'l Si F.I-- pi' trinn i Ur'inli, M :lo i. in. bi'sve A'K'o' .is n, tt.Jj '.i.oo a iu li.Jo I. -to, and '.t.uj p tu. .V.. ti.i bents Nt'W York i.iij p ui. phi . 7 I 'i p. in. l'Liiis le- I.I'llV" M'fllii.V'l it '.I. Ml p. III. e? i:.:iv: v t::t ,. :i. I.etv,' ;i ri I ,!r.iv r 1'itjimi I.i 'ib-l. and m.' -.i .ti .liiiv, i ,'i'!t .ilia J,y i, '. I a, .' I i a . io., L'.ii i p; io. : 'I itii I'S . pt S inn' I iv mi l Sua I iv 1 l"i p. in J .ai S e ot I iv in I v. 1. 1 i, 'i. I i. '. I.i p n U nn ii. ii, I n,- s,tr.- i t I u!y, oi 1 1 iiiii'l ij. ti. o 7. on. lo .' i a. tu., ' i i p. tu. ; 'ln'y, i-X ;.-pi Stinrliy iiuj :'ti,. ' day, I'., lo p. in., nn on .ii ur I ly I lo, ii ...I, li. i i p in. J. K. WOOTTKN', Ucii'l Mat, a f. (i. ll.Wi'ticiC, ti 'ti'l I'a i r.'c lii-Uet A .t. 'o ':i vii u . (.ii. ... STi'I .YEi) s;iD.r Sbn it. u'.l wliiln, 7 or S tun'i'bw i. I -me t.i'.i .. ,i, i..r. Ii...-I In Most ll,.,r t..a.i.i.u. it,. 'I'll III I tio .1 .11-1" I. r-i in n-. I i'.i n, 1 1 -1 ." . I , pr..To pr , "-tv , I it en irj.i. ill ,k ! , ,,. jr i, .,i Uj o ,,. i.irj.i. tilt iKi I i iv. of IL .ml i,., ,1 1.. i .1 i i s I of iit.' ir tut io is : . I- .V AM M.I, i:i I. ft, I Jan. il. Int. Ui,.. , , i)f,.o. pi. ! Il'IIN'i -VI'll TiHt-') LICK.- l."t ' IT n f I I nt ti 1 t rat to i oil t lis o." 1 1 1 ft o I t . .,'.i.. ,le- l. Ii iveiteetiarsiite.l to tlin -in lr.. I. A s:i:ilf 1. 110 ol I III. ,, lr,i. Miv ler ; lljne'l. Ml por-iiis huusltiK tlie'il-rlves l:,.iri t- i OO 'ii s iiil o.i l ,.o i.o 111, iso tonne lists p tyim nl . I.llo tli Ii ln :i teal n 't e.siii obtain lll prvieiil ttio'ii t"f settiii'ii nt to john w. k.i i ir, S ",1 . r l)MIMH: Kii!;s N(rLICK. - I. ei ( rs nf s 1 111 li I r r ol ui m llio e-it i-i inn', mi i urj i il i a i iie.TO'ik ti . Snwer l ,l'.,.ti" i e 1 i ,e Lie i rsute t to tl, no ' I All ,r. i is I;. i t ;r. i o. In lee I p i i r.'. .1. , 1,1 p,u , e il su "" ' " I "VO"!!' '"O i t'i'iio I. 1.1 u e'.inis i-ii .1 iini pr-s..oi iuu.u ,ir lli o. vol lo M t"N m.'t ti:, J.iii A,ir. I' ll .! ll II I IS.' lit i:'i . I 1 ()ilt'!. ir. It ti bv ;riv(Mi 1 1 1 - t nn ' 1-i.f.f ! r,-.- I'ir.. I in I ,,.!,. . i:,y,. li - v I i., I'a , ,ll I" I. :. el1 ',. l'i'-, ' it It i .r' in. t , .. ., I '!' ' ' ' I l'i 1 'I' ' li t - I i - I I I .1 t s- A 111, VA I v r A ii v Is l, li.-tu, tie; li lis i I'. -I u . t i . . s. a. vi.i: i,, iv :;a--ii', s -. i - , ... ' , , ',. , .... 1 '. ' 'J.'. 1 " W"4' . n ler ,w I ." ' ' '"r " !', "on I to j,,,, j, , ',, !! li I l'i-c. -!, IS O. ' A.liu.iii!.trat'.r. .1, V l'('f' l-( )- V(t Til'''' T ..II.., u ; " " '''''' Wil" !'' ' "in! Si-ianlon. , I iw.k-i .Mint ,, li'lt. IH i i;,,e iia, vVr.i. N,,:r. Kapr.-.. h'l sn.l J test l rentary ,.n i,s e'l its of A I sin W.-.t i 1 1 .s i-unu.-.tloli SI W l a ', Mm "I et Heater ia irt it,. N' i ' It iv i n, njlir Iniiiiiv .le,-', I bivnni lies a srim - o.i ti its uinliir.Ut-.eil, all pe-F-inp tns !i ll,fitisies n,!eme, to sulil fl-tite ate ro U'i-t- eil to in lUe Inline. Ihite p v-incot , wlille llnne tin v I' ir eiai-iis will present loom Uuly auttiiiiitl- eateil lor.elllanieiit ti, AUA U iVA JXKK, Ksq. Iko. .', Isv). t.l.utors. - - - rn n J Ou'nt Itt-til.liel tr.e. with full In. VIsTS isiriinil .n t ir e in loslloi tha in..-t , it 1 3 B i-r nialil i u.l-ie.s t',.n anyone e.n, I Vtniuol'i I 'i, a tii.,iiej I . ,, else i-ii -siii. nn, i nor in-ir i i- i, s are in alinplo una ),i-iti. in ii any one vsn luaKe are "tir.ii,'.; ill 'il' in tLoiery n i-tia vsn I willing t" rk. if -n a e as in -iss-fut as lien, liiyssi.a li. esu n-n l.rae -uii pi"' y n 'V-tllt'le at IPe I i-luvs , ver ne lio-i- Ira.l .l.llsss Ins .In, I.. V il.,- . mi. f,l ni tlia ai.i in! rat.iiii , h .i . . !i,.-y o,".1 .!::. ,,.,' ,,,:!, .TiZ h i4s in r n oiiiitfiai tiurln4 ,',, if n n t j r"i riin. ) tu tin nut imvf t i tnt si -4i- ttrtt . Wlkiltl ftltt rl-M I Utf lit W',1 n r l r'ly tii'initv, iu mi l wr t lt ut nt ot luring -.1 Irea. X 'it IV, Au It M , Mtttl,, R?M 533 II333 Ajat, foi r t tiu.T i:i:if.t:s, it::i.iu lors 4 st u.xi ii ii; UUOUt, .Idaninbtii-'j, Snyder county, IYpu'a Jul) ji,'ii.8in. Jdiuibialrntor's Sale cf R8alEstale. fn'IR undereiitoel. AJ-nlnUtrst r f X lbs sstats of Tilltnaa l.elir, Into of nest Urater lawn-hipa 8njjir county. I'a , di-eeate-l, by virtue of au aider IssuiU out of ibe Orpbaiia C iarl of llujder lln., will expos io Public S.i la. at the I -its r- idenes uf said deosassd, in liauuertille, oeunty aloraaaid, on Friday, Kobmnry 2wth, 1SSI, 'be fobowlsi deaorihed Iteil E ala slta tie in I aanerville. oouaiy and stale sai l, bono 1st Cast hy lot sf .-to! neon tiiviainase, tioutb by I'otillo Ra l. North tiy aa l e, osatiiaiax r V I rM'N bOTd wberwon ar erett-J a IsSiory Franiw Uooao, Stablo, fLrKSHTII BH01, otti tUv cataul i srliaieo fi H tres aster fatllug itniho.'iil. PM,3YLVAMA 11 IU traloi leave Lsirtslowa Jaaetloa askiltosl MAIN I.l M E MT tS T W A Ml Plltliari Kiprsis - l.MSa nn I'srKK-Kiroi Sit a.m. Wsv I'aitsogsr loses, in. ostl So p. an. I an! Lin is p as. r.AsrwAhO. Pseine Ksprsis . 10 31a.m. m til s IT n m. Piil stett'tila Ksnrsss limp n. JnunMown l.tprrs 11 It a. at. TliS Knt bine. Wsv I'snsner sa-1 th" fsrlf le I iire wskI, ami lbs fstlile and Al:aall4 i.t're,ii esi run oaoy. a traini isavs sts'.ions la auinno Sosctr sslulloasi wrsvwAao. lilu. War r'r M4tt. Esi'Vi-t. Msll. a. m. p. m. a. m. i s. Andertnn'l II oo 4 01 1" M US M'Vliis 11 II 4 1'l m II ' . M innyimk in 4 -T U''- 1-4 VI'etaM II :i 111 lei- IW N. Ilimlllon It'll III loll I -I Mi. I i i n M 4 lore 4 41 "on i Ing'lon IV I t "I Sl 4'r I y mns 111 e si III ST I "oil a I i.l T .- IIS .14 I'liifi.urii s .'0 I'M T a The I'li-lSi l't're wet csn fcs f!"Mic4 si H ij'uwu si i a.m. LLWI3T0WN DIVISION. ei mi' i'V A i.KwtnTown sa'I. aoin. I . v n Kr w ahii. HriTwon, IIAIHIN5 -UK. A'-rmi M.ll i ui1' it 1 ? .iii. p.m. lo .';,, t,.s I n . j i-t, i, 1 s i 2 11 IMS t i't 1.,'H .i. i k ; ti a vi i.i su ' r ? r,l t'l SIS 4 ' l'iii,..-l ?' -ii 8 :. V : 4 V .. ; ,.v V. 'I S .1 II VI 4 SO ,lv ',, ... IT il '.1 SOI 4 l M' K.i i a at vj 4 is -1 ,it .1 or-.- k :n ) mi r II nu rl 'tl t 4.1 4 tl I I a 10 ll-i.r. r V. (.: 4 il !W I T si in, v.,; o s 4 ;i i ? : I as M p.- V. IJ 4 III 7 Vt t .' Kr.ii -r I . 0 111 4 'S 7 11 I I' ilin,i K. tl i7 A "7 7 ':i 3 0 J S.-llli. ,:..'. I' . s ai-. t 4t t t I s il. .lo. . v li n 16 B . t 60 , .iiiui) io oo e 4 si 5 ;; j. a. iiuroittN.4.jr,su.t. nd;;t iica:. cctal kail'-'AY. tin sn.l ill' r .iv. mill, trains on I Lt i i will i '"i i.. i LLAVK Null rilVTAKI'. I,mo: Notliriu M'kis Thai I fx: . t-' a . l.irr. wYoik l .ism s t a m I" ii.;. Ii.'.ipiu 7.' s ui Itltau v ,.i,ii.i't( n ;.i: , to i u s ia ' Il iinin. ix V l'i i to 7l".in 11 Ms in , II i : i,i ,r I ';' i ir o. io s in ) ;tl i' m il.' .r.'. ' I, :. .1111 6. o.i t1 nt s i .i. r us e I - in A Ml : iu - i ,' a. v n i ii oi tv : .'i p tu A 'ii p iu N ii H'ro'ii't?!,.! 8. am lv.An p ui t. 0ini 1 A ti .' ol : .;n ..i,. p. at ttn joipm T.lSpiu .l'lH.l VJ p tn A. 1 pin lo.' s pin lit'- ,lo p in s. to s tu iinin I. no 7.1.i p in l.'W l: so; rnV lT(l f i. ItlO I)-Y Ma.ll fi-M"hT Kir. I xii. I' Ni'i.Mr Kal.i 4.'M) m l.i i m i ; I -: 4 .;'.' iu vt tu ut U" ihiUH NUfttu 11 HI IMil I rit 1 . V 4. nt ; ! 'Uvfti f) in t.i.'tjMu j v ,ti:t . 7. ''(tin i' tu n ,i in l.'.;ia(iu I N ll.'.l tt. si '.ft Ml .'.t', M. U.I'J t HI I S,i-i, rv v :u m 7Jt ui I.' 4M m ".00 ni 1 n.rn-i -ti Iji'm iii r' I'.'ii iu l.''tm j I I "if tfi'M'll io .u a IU si l( si l ut 1 ." ft m se A rrlve nt? " "'i-'niii: ll At no i.l'ipm silim 8SAsm !.:,''V. ... : j. . " .1 2 ..T ... ? v . ,,, . . i , , ,,, , .... ii, , , . in U'.isiiiiijt.iti o o; p , o.i); p m o.oj s tit 'i.irj i m 1 is. lUJ.r!i"! "f st. in ciiitr wli -n fl.'i.eit. A. J. cans rr. Hoii. Msusser. P3MLYAM 1 1 I , 1 . m. . p. . . I' lilU J 2 D ill & LfiC If. If. UlV'ISI0!t, VIM Ell TIME TABL. I'n snl sfter 't's'll A Y, St ', 7th, ti tin.. oi lo Plill, nl .Ms , trie ilsll UisU ji'oi.i..utiiruti.sf.ii AV K- t W'AKtl. KlilK MAIL lesve. I'mla l-iplils ' llsr, lstirit " ' Vil U n-. irt ' " .1- r-i v stiur ' I. . I. lls"U " It , mi " arr. si Iv II At p. m 4 '.'A a. ni K 4o s. iu. !. m. Win s. io II ois. ui. 7 4-'i ti. in, N I A1 A It A KXP. lesvo. I' .llad.'t's t'J .,. tu. " II ir. l.lnl-,1 l li a. in, srr. at Willi .,!, .'i 3 l.'. p. m. 1. k II lieu 4 '.'0 i. ni. FAT t.t K !i-m P nl . I. ii iua U jo a. m. II .t ri-linr 4 si p. m. srr at W.lliti ,i-p r. 7 tip. ill. ' 1. Kll lls,CU 10 p 111 . K ST W A 7? I. I'AIM I'll r V e l. . . . . I ... 1, II . ...... Int. M ,1' " I M."re 7 : 7 a. Ill ,. 1 1 , 1 1 l . j . r i s a. ia rrr. at I' .ri .si u r . I'e.'M. pi I ' ' 1 1 s . : i .ia .- ii p. ui I: l. p. iu. CI iti p. ni a Ji .in tun p. I-I, l' io p. ni. into p.m. hi a.m. 7 vi s. ni. li It a. in. ( It a. ni. 7 US a. in. l " ar,..t ii .mst-urn Kit 1 K Nt A I Is t -s vi-ii i;n n yisr UN K Lives U I.i vo-.i-.rt " arr. al li rrt-bnrl v.,l...,i yV ''. Vi'.'l'J1 .!'' . tirle Mi!l Wi'SI sli I luv Kti rill I's.t mil S I nv.i.c ti. ns st N -uii l. nli. riio I Wllh I,, a i Utpr-ss tt,-,i sn4 Ksr t. . !;! m.n. , s o loiio.iuu si Loci Itsio nnl,,U V. It. It. Iii n- iljll Kssl sinl V.-,t .-..niii-.l i 'r--:t iruis un I., s.a . s; it. It, j at I! i . -hi- k. , ', ja A, V. It. It : il Him nrl , nil i ' ., . V Jt I V. H. II., an I at ll-lfi . .. I . I'll A. t K. I'.r'ir i.l ,-in I,. ir.,, p, . .i I. , I ami W il I i.i.i-p ol on N i. s sea l.lprs '"' ' ' i' """I"'"' "'" v i. I'.y, Usl. IU Usia OU .11 L.1.L 'AM. A. UAl.ntvl,. U.-neral ul , . ir-tiNist ii cK.i;s'.N()Tr( ilVl ette-s ,,f a.l i l"l-jrt!, nm Ibe lnr .t 1 III. iii. II I cor Lite ol W. rt I'.eulfartsl r.univ. I'a. il-e'.t lisva i.e-.o . 1 1 Uls-Zci , liKtl. Alt ('urisi iti Luuwtlill tit Iu it.t vi m.-IUia i i;;nt l;i U It'tiH fc u v Inu .'fVi - - r"w"iM ww-- AHAM w toxER, AitiLlui.irst r. lot. 14, lsa. T. WS( 171 ' iiin'-s now li furs ihe t I - 5-i vs. I "' "u fan n akeis' i hi J1 I tsiii rat wire (it i- it lJ IwdmJt A at antlla elre. tail nn. te i ..ire I. Me will Ittrt lou. SU a i1 a now b' fnre the putt lhaa Ital irat. Me will mil ma. Iltna, an,l up-, .r te rua-lo al b 'ne 1-1 leiliistrioa.. tteo. e ..ii:i-a. hoys an-l sir-is, uauta-l eva.'v- fa. re to w ii t tor u. No is tbe time. Jov e.,n ilevnli- V'-or a hnle t :oie lo tin work, or n. iyyeur spire miuiirr,i. No otti.r Vurlsiss a III pay you ie 1 1 ly aa well. Km-e. wli lias to-w.ii-a can lalt to iii..Ss eroru:nti pay ty ebsas It s atone-. l'osti ( lutrti ami leru.i lr.. A uieat y l .ruin'lntr a i ney eaal st an-l hoiiurably. Ailoic-1 1 1. 1 I'4I"..Ads. a. Maii.s. JuueAI. ' Agents Unsmployed or new wnrVlns', ih-mM rno :t ae. tVa date lue tasioat satin. u artl ie la t'l I alted Mates. SmbUI tariiimy siren, iloosie eaa I e earric.1 is o.-ket. lsiisstis iirs-Ats. Ttia alteaily st wura al eilatn aiuaey .il f it --is 1-aei Ihe worU." Unoue ae alalil as fl-isr,. Notaiully enulil wa't exist vitlhuttl tin. Y.israa wswa at Soiee or abr.ail. To in-tr.Nliii-e ihie valuatte laientloa mm will eaa-l t-l X N V i I' I. l.s pon lesli r st ikmfm rsnip-i i pay pi.tmia. v, aaiar kail aaea aa oppef i unit y betore, and aa lit vater kave a oa- .-aa as'lo. AUUrasa, sev tvrvSTrtaa Th mati. I.IH'K HOXsJ MARIsBUKU, MISS. MsbtIvb tuis par. OMINISriUTORS NOTICK..r V Letters alailralatstratto o 11 litmt. Ks l ares LUoiao,0 O.lsi ul .air-sb a lap Knia. p e.iuaty, I'a., war niaataU l- la ai a -ilersisaeU. All vtao. auoaluif tWaiseise t: l.ll l-i lat.l '! alll (Jane . tu.B-l iliisi pit io ol, w'ula lima kanay aaaiiM Dtt -ins Saul Us- lor tiie:n nl t rKilainrlt JHIl'tlAST, tlt&l'AYl AKHielaM', t',-t il.lva. AJtattttstrawrr). ' ' ft-"-- H i I I v "u"" " . ... . j i i5saiyiaairr.