f ) IS Ul.imn nna Var. flVO.OU Jtalf, column, one year, 80.00 fourth column, one year, MU linc-U iiwartion 15.00 75 60 f.etf additional Insertion, f.lrtnftl and Buinos cards o! f,f.ional an J Buinos ear-Is ot lit nnro man i'iir-, (."; liter, Kx iciitor, AaiiiiuiuiKJi . i 4e. -iico Nulicm, 2."0 ,ori.il notices per lino, Ifi j tr,ineinnt advertising loss than Ill divert WOnifillW lor ft muirier in- 1 than one yeur v c they are ordered, ami il not paid nuMoii orderina; thorn will o held; Uoaihle for the ninnov. l'oet ! .V If Wishes ware Hirscs. Tjf lob wer buneV lw!o. Hu f-t 1 ho 'r J Mill ,i our beautiful snow waitt oliargiri, Bonn !' Ul ' PriJ, ntight ait lb f!iHbt or o arrow, 8wii'l a lb fl nb of a pei", We'd ;'rvelfoTter and ever, If w.ehti wtrs borate," dear. Ti Ibt l"P of ,n snnsrt mountain E ar I buy Matter and fdiwty, To th dusky built of lb t wi li li t To Iht ttuati of lh na hici I iy. To ibr eilanl flan of tho mi I ii'it, t ilit thin In t'i dtrknen ottir. jVt'tJ rile li1 H flight 'a fanny, (If wiehti wort boreee," dtaf. broiig'i bi'lowt of wsafsra p-vlt, Aal dile tht Vrjilo nUtnm, h'hruunh tht perfu no of amuthern ruea. And tbtmiel of tht ea.l pi i o r.iin Abraat of Hit tob'ilut than lur. Wild tht quiver of lightning niar, Wa'd rid In ibt tin of tht Ictnpett, 'If wiabea wort hOMtt," 'loir. Aftd onto iht lives w ebtrlati, Ti hri'ilcn their eta Led nki. Ilrlii n.nilM lo tht tweet, pilo f io-t, And Unlit It their ltd lened ev, To brlim them inf" of einfjrl. And m lirrr word of elicor. OU. hnif t wouM ( illop hi t g illnp, ' Jf rih were hnrH,' djr. The Rovers. "ill rt ir i.' I In i l i r ii t, Ti in old n.m oia inir j hcm heuettli ibe pr lln4 eivi If yon grny e niaj. frnmel iu leivti, AwniM ma at oT jore.'' In f il oroi Ibt ecenled linJ, One blue and breexjr d iy ; i ul wliern Iht hoMt was wont lo tttod, A hvap of rulnt Uy. I will rtlurn.' ibe roror mIJ, 'To my old lotf o.iflij nn- i Jpo true lilMb t wall t k'li r plie heiirt thit held me Inn,; hi Awiiita nit i of y iro." 11a O'tin wban a i iHi wl.tdi o'ghlu j pin O r (j li of oi-filip g .1, Hill indtrntili the Ira nljli i jnn " II t betrl Uy r tt I an 1 col l. K o loo t T all). "('jiui-;7 tij vieit ita !"' criail "Sirs. BrirA'stei', iu auuoit4 of tra Aa lo-s l)itr, fti s'.ia olovttoJ br tvvj bin It in tba nir auJ fully. I bor evon li'Mvenwar.I. 'Cojjiii; t) vitit na l"echoel .Mi- nfl.Jt, bor diiuifbter. "Alnin;ni, lluul the lottor fjr yjdrulf, iiij Mi'd. JjiHWHtur. Ana .uirau It, talciajr tbo entitle pioitarly biitwooa bur lijjr aj tlinrtili, tonJ t ' DsAii CVomx . RusiniB br;nar ii'-J "un to Ntw York tt'. jut tin mu. dio ol J;inu, I sball viait yaa i B'tueuble, at that time. t 'I ruly our, II. Htakiutou," "TUa horrid olj uuiatajo 1" s'.io orie l, us sb tlvoppeil tbe nota, 'jlituiua, wliut am wo to Ao f Aunt Li0'ia sayA he'd iutolerati'e. 114 uari a ginjer-coloruJ auit, with Jialelica oq tbeelbov i talks throiij! ma Q retail iihtir a Bormjiiu ulo'iJ iu the evuoing, auJ iusiuts ou oommg iu to too every ouo that culls, aud telliug 'em what miser able Hionera they aro." ilea only a eooond cousin, after All, atid Mrs. Urewator inudiogly w inl. imo. "And has nothing to luave as," added Miss Miranda. "1 don't sou why we are to victimize oursulvos ou hiaacoouot. Mamma, it does booiu to me as if we were tormented to death, with poor rolationa. There' Tatty no papa'a aUter'aatepdaugb ter ahe'a been here a uioutb, aud she dou't eveu try to get a place as govorneaa." ; . , "She has advertised." ''Yea, Matuota, v knovr, but no body ausweit her advertisements Why dou't the ao to aa Kdaottioul Uoreau. Or apply to some lioard of tustees, or aomething ! It 'a roy opioiou aha would rather liva here and do nothing, than to earn bor .bread." "Miranda, look here!" oried Mrs. Brewster, her fuoe lighted up with a sadden iuHpiration. ''Wa never ro eived this latter." "Eh, mamma f whoever got it I tell yon," aid lira. Brewster impationlly, a ""are it to pieoM and threw thn Wipaintofrj t:-? basket, "We'll l-artf r V 1 f,.-.?Wf yoo VOL. 18. "Sbiill you tell bor that couiu Tlubiik k nk "And bolray toy wliolo anlipmo t That's so likly; isn't it f No, no we are not reiponsdile for the coin p'tny tb'tt arrives during o ir a'), aenno. I'utty will mukn as good nn ait.liuuco as anybnly for Ornin llidiukkitk'n surmous nil I lc!uie;, mid ahe can dj lite ho'tnvor! too. 'II lako Jane with mo for a mail, iiud so the iiiatlur will bo nicely nr- ritngfld." aliniud i junpo.l up anil ciappo 1 her tundrf. .M uuin t,'' sin cri )l, ".vital a mngnr you are 1 Vo l o't.rltt ti have burn a man. an I MiiiiMti r I'lenipot.inli iry to so'uo c )'trt or tliur. You won! 1 bive mule a xplcudtd diplotuatist " "N'oYt-r mind that jast now.' sai l Mrs. Hrewfl.ir hIi irpiy. ' hut un hto about p.i'kiu oji truiika." Wh it fuu !" criol little Tatty Ktenvstuf, lipt'iuiiitf about tbo 1 I f empty drawing-room, iiud peeping hI1v into llio ill tlm of tbo jrcal nit'iors nuovo llie munilo, wlin inn plmr.p fitce tv.is tclldjlri I. wit j ill i!x linl'ldta au 1 d'n:'1'"', ail vai'tiut' rhadoa of roae and pnul. "And I tliluk 've trot it uil to niVHoif! I'm 11 aloiio iu ibia lit.tit lioudv. w.tli Lr t'lickuts, and tbo bbiulouH, nml ' ti o aludows. and u inking was HIjIm. it the hlrcota I'm glud tbtionro iiojn,' c''j,'iaiid.ittiiiiH. ( osts iu Ncv York. I ikul.uv, i; lui ll f' poi't tbo u. t dt.- f if i akea ooe fool iil.o a gro.vu-up wuiug lady iu good e it neat !" And to carry o il tbo delusion, 'alty H3i iip-tro I up ot, ti an 1 Ire-i.e) I brai;lf iu on j of her oii.-iiu'm b'uo f ilk drewMriH, with ti 1 at:ug scarf, a gr"iiii linn over hkiit, o.d a k i it of ai'tij.'i tl b.u i vi i!ctn in her Imir. 'Vo.v I n Mir.ni 1 1,'' d! 1 a'et nn euicii.iih!y imitating b. fore II. s'hH, i!iii lliuailtr'a dr.i v. in; iooiu uir urn! Ki'acf, "Oil, b.nv niie t iau.;t bd to bj a fai'ii iiia'.i!.) yuu.' lady !" Aud Tiitt? wont. lo'Vo (it or5 ti ni' in thu balcony 'tnd watch tlio pm-era-bv, half friL'IitelUid at her uwn lemcrily in 'plating .Mitiiii la," Imli dulighled at thu noveliy id her iiita- lliou. '.Mt.-is T.rj.vhtor ?" It tvaa a t ill, hI.u del' yonnqf man, very li tu. Inn ne, wiili iluk ejea and li.'.ir, tin. I ilt'cnsud with ex'cHcul tist, who C'tmo up tho Ntrps, cat ly ing a portiiiaiiteau, and paiiM- i bull .viiyat the blue silk appiritiou whioli gjim uurud on thd bal iouy in the twilight. Yus," Mtored Pally, ailing to liorsulf, "it's thu gtu-iiim, I sup. pjhd, or tho tuxes, or Hoiuiilbiug.'' "I a u a i gl a 1." ii I ito f;- mkly, reaaliing bU bt'il over to. v ir is lier'H, "I an your CJJdiu Stoking tou." "Are yo i t" said Putty, wonder ing w'jj ua earth ho might bu 'Will you please walk iu t" "I aitppose . yoitr m tiior is at homo T" he kindly asked. "Xo, air, a'uo isn't,'' sai 1 Patty. ''No Theu perhaps you did uot receive my letter f" "1 h ive Boon no lottor." ai l Pat. ty. "Bat thoro's soma mistako, I daresay. Piuase to walk in. 1 uu aot Miraada, T o only Patty, an 1 they're all away from home. 15, it I tare say I oau ojjk yon soiqo auo- pur." Mr. Stokiagloa, not cousiu Hal akkuk at all, but Mr. Ilartloy 3tokiugtuu, q lite a diffjrout poison age, stood a minute poudoriug. Evidontly there was sown uiisuudur- stau ling. "I'm a capital cook myself,'' said be, sudleuly arousing humulf,'1 froua the rovorio. "I have broilel trout ou the bauks of the TuaiUiis and piouioked on the shorei of the Nile, on dishes that would make your hair stand ou end. I'll help you Jiss Putty. "13ut,"bHituted Patty, rtTaarubot iug sundry lootures delivered to bar at various times by Mrs. Brewster, "would it bu would it be quite proper t1' "Why not t" "I m sure I dou't know," said Patty, drooping her long lashes, and ooloriug a rmle piuk, like a sweet poa flower, "Neithdr do I," said Mr. Stoking ton. "So come on." ". - y , t ' -- ) s tiaroa on MIDDLEBUltG, SNYDER COUNTY, of cironuiBlancra, Why, lie'e tuillimiaire, au I j.nt rolnrnnd from tbo E:ist. Let in auud tip our cinU at once. We Aro the uoa, uat rul t- tivea ho baa and" "Yes, Yim," s lid A nut Klin, nonding bor bend nhn w.ta n littl i dried op old l t ly, who h i I rat bur tt Roniua fr m:i!iin hfMnlf di-it jruot hie ."its all very dililiiful, but ycifd hot lr .boar ut'i t tli eud t mv i bo cutty mys.jf ; ll.trtluy tk illt.in ri,,.( in'',', "An I ifu I 'eclioo l Mrs. Hrews trr. "And ir''j- nl noxlahiti'knd M'n-i Mil un l i, ovnrvl)..iii.d, li rnrxt i vt v ppi.iikiti, tvii.lt tlio fititi.tof lit-r Al mi'ioli'ir k'iimlu of fiiucy. At tlio h.'i no nioiumit tbo door awnn,; npmi nn. I n j,-riuuiu uinlutlo n uitcr tiui.iMiiici il : .Vr, atid Mr. Strikini'lon,-1 Lit tin l:t f y IIrv4iit', in d ivo colonic! i It, iiti.1 oi m'o hi.U in bor bat inn into Mn. Ur.nster h anna. Ob. Aunt t!,tr ilino, I n n obliged to you 1 It luv.'r vro tll liavo li ' im 1 if you In ln t tie .iaiiv and li ft mo to kpj) houu. And I know I'm not b-ilf ;.iol . imttuli for lltntl-v : tut bo I..... n i j""' ' mul uti.l, t b ! I am bo b ip -V? At) I Mrn. H. ,v.vlnr, awtllnvintr down it li'i;;o lump in b. r tlin.i.l. j ai'lijvil o r.p out lioi" unv.ni- noon1, tiii.l jcint I'nvrt Oaya ulU'f tviit'da I'misin llnli:ik!iik c mm, gill" gcf-c iloin 1 lit, tio b tilling lull, lliwt.i, di an I uil, to ntt.d u mi-Mil." "Piai-, di nt- !' -ij;!u'.l Mih I'rcwn li r : ' b.v fi.iil in t I Imvy ht.iyu l .il Ii'iiuo bi i'.iK', mi l 1,-ft I'rovi.loiict to iu.iii.i'o tiJiiltLi.1 for inn T" ii.v.KM'N.T 4' r. . ..t liKtm It liaril y Fayj A nicrciiiint n i l an iic'ptnii j iiiee oil the aliect, and afli r MUne jud i cumi !:.( the kilter ai 1 : 'Isnw a ul'v.i aeer nolico thai you bad failed,' "Yes, I went by tho bourJ.' "Veiy l.ud V "Yib, ptetly bad.' ' Oulrfidu tj eeulalioti, I utirpoao t" "T.iilly.' j "Credit. )h vtillii g to givo you it j chance, to ttci.Ni l,' Yis.' "(i!nd cf it J I rtlppUt-X' Jolt'il MJ'itl be nil libt f "Yes. 1 till you what, it'ti a Vt iy dimifrccublu luisiutiiiM, I Ini 1 to plead family t-vtiavigaiico, atid my wife, who tut lu't bad a now ilicm fur . ., . , , diS inotitliH, whs nti un ih li .p. J IllMVeil llllll. 1 111!'! iril'l.ll toil lilll.-ll to, ., i i I .i a ii i the c.iurch, nnd the niiu.nter called I. ... I III and luked mo over the c. mis i I bad, a clt i k iibi-coiid willi u lot of eash. and tho civd.tors ma lo mo own up that he was my br-ithur. I Hiipposod Ibut bad lodt fc'.MIO by flic, but they Ogurod that I ivus u hundred ahead 1 tigiiri'd on haviui- enou;;li to pay (Lil ly c tuts ou the dollar, but hiime hoar they got bold of enough to pay uiuoty-eight, aud put ull tho o isis on mo. I lost four weeks of trudu ou th-) top of this, uhd Tin feeling aw ful blue. It hardiy pays to fail unless you've g it a purtiier to help to blull' creditors. ' 'muz Axlor was a Gorman butch er boy Of New York who wus fou l of eating raw- hum. Two weeks ao Franz was taken sick, aud, not im proving under simple ti'eiittuuiittwits taken to the hospital. Ho bud pains in f very part of r.is Doily, an. I be lieved be was hud'ering from rheu matism. The physiut ins ooul I de tect uo symptoms of that disease, aud extracting a little tuusclu fr mi his arm discovered lifteeu trieliuiie in it. Krauz died three days later Iu terrible agony, a prey, as the physi cians say, to at IS tit, 5 ),Dl,)t.)J() p a rasites which had b:trrood iu his Hush. The moral of this story is uo to eat fresh pork or h on which has uot been thoroughly cooked, fiu- ceut experiments at Chicago show that trichina) will uot - survive after the maat they iuftst bus boot im mersed iu boiling water. Ao Irishman knows how to witti ly -overoomo all dillimilties. "What hall I do with this unsightly heap of rubbish Put t" "Tig a bole and bnrry it" answered the man of ini veutiou, "Ah, yes, Put, but what sto I to do with the dirt out of the iV ''Y.YU -, I r-'l r Niso A MjJcI Marridgn Lollcr. Tbo following lultor was written twenty years nro by a lady of great literary iliMinetion, to bur cousin on tbo evn of bis marring1, and accom panied by a pair of (due mixi'd ntock in;,'a knit by b'UKidf as a pri'H.'Dt : I hit? ('it;.si,i : lltiH'wilb you will ttci'ivo a pitK i.t of n pair ol ivooli n aloiikiiiH, knit by my own l-nnda, an 1 bo n"Ui' 1. that inv li ii'iidnliip fir you ii tn warri na Ibe inati't i.il. ni'tivti aa tlio lit.ir iik, un I goiiol'oiui us tliu ibui itiun. Hut I ootitiidur iUit ptvHunl in pt-culiarly nppi cpi ia to tin Ibo i 'ccnaion of yoiti Miaiiian. Von will it'iniiik in tliu fn'Ht pi ice tli.tt tlx to uro two iudivid iiala in. tied iu n pair, who ill o to walk hiilu by aido, giinrdiug n.iiiint ClllillilSH, llllll (ivillg I'lllllflllt IIH lollj! aa tiny l.ii-t. Tbo tl;rni l i.f lluii li xtiiin iH mixed, and no hUo in tln thread of lif. n tlieno, Innvever. the white, pt'fili'luitiittra, i-Xpieasitig dotli luvo nnd ect.l'i.l. tii'e t tlnittl.UM it will Le aitb (be cr lot of jour ein li t.en. No blink ia lined, for I In lieie jour livt-a will lm wholly free fii'in black i it .-i n m ( f writ tlj ntiil H ll.nr.HV. I ml till liiht ei.lur lillrtl- ' I.lee. which i3.xe,ll,o,t, w.. w ,i i i , ii i . i not ini'ke it t hi liliiu i t on will oei i ..'..' I .' "i" l'o HtofMiia (l.y '"' J"'I I"'N; co.ttlsl,p to l. i I i ii-t, ( un- 1.1 ituii'ii iiiiii uy iiieaii ' I I 1 i ...ii of M'.u,u,;Miro dra in into a mi ill ; 'L-'' " w but iif. hi da romeHii time whet,.1"!'' I"'"'"' "1U ueigbbi.ih....l." tl.e whole in e.ii.l,. plain a-id font, 1"l!' T"i:" ""ai.e.l 1 ... i i .. .. i ..... .i i l III HI . tv. o lo lb ll.d mil lie il toeili-i"" ",M-L !y tin t wi,h lo lako occasion!1"'1 l,u '""n''' U" , ll"' I ' . . 1 I - t.l il. lo eel; latilhiiuVoil.lb.it Volt llt'i now li.i'ou-h ttitb Heiniiig nnd l.av.i come to plain reality. Again, at the whole of tin hu comely ntnck- !0;a wi le not tuado at once, but by i i l.o add. I ion of one Lull! hi itch a Hi t , t t i ll i i. 1. 1 in with tl.ill nnd iii.4 ctetiou until the whole picfentH the iaii nptal pi, ce i f itoll; who'll you fee j mi bin del a i.ot reti-i..l if one : .'teat nctim, li.it milieu ofhllV ..i.i m eriel on d ; nil 1 ho tn iy it lit ititl, you to b'ilc.i ilii'p.,' 'l ttlieii ilinird til'U 1 l be pel fol'lili-.l - HO tti.l i.:tg in u.e when bad pt il c:p'es Hie 0 l e repio.ii I, or economy i a to be i-et ted in ill a r i-1 iiiiiui. l:oi nai uor.e-i'y low in.', tvl;, re li ii t :i and ill ( le-'t i in ; (hut eveiy hi iieb un. do n;;l.l, and et. iu thn I i,;iii klt'O --llulitl cither loo 1 .!'.'.! or to i : en;!'; or t m ti,;tjt or l ,o l-.-on ; t iha j 'liny yell idwuyM l.i i p nti ; ' and i Veil coin mi, tinik it i one fuir mi l coii.mi- tent at h;n ii.t ii cm. let. ci piece, Uiitii t gel her having pni-sed tho heel you come lo tho too of life, and bi te in j i ii r.....i iv t .i . . Illl' 11.1 II 11,11 I ir - li: VII 1,'MI ll,'..l rt , 1 . tliu muvu ui tu.n numuiu i iu u ji n Ul U'Jlil!' liuoim, Hiei t.uiji nil I inu lit j . ' . . hUClllllH, IIUIUIIIL; IIIUIPIIIS Olll. ttlilll', . . mo lol.ou ol intioeeiiee, purity, peace and lilit. M.iy you take Ihitio stiK'l;iiigsvlho thud stitch biiug drop ped, il'id tlio Vtolk being t'ompleted), go tugcthiV fioni the plaeo where yoil ivt ie fiiiined to a bui piei sl.tte of ixisteiieu. A presebt fioineatlli to heaven ; hoping that tkooo htoek itigs u.ny iiiei t a eoidiul tec- ptioii. I remain in I iii) triiii blue fi iotidship, seemly, yot without seeming, Yoiiih, fl Hill Til' ro Ton. Qj'dUD;ij for La.v Students. What is tne ililb-i enou b twi-eti a lin and a recoverv A h 1 1 is h r auning drunk. A recovery is g"i tmu o'ior. When is it iiece-isary to caiiiii.en.'e a Irish hint 1 Win u the other bus lii'uinuu t 'O veuiilati'ig or euedy. but is a release f Tu cxohuiige the society of yon r uly nuut tor thai ol your bi'iiuiilul uousin. What in a cliiricnl error t Trench ing a three leiiir mraioii. Wliut tt'e br eeiies of tru-i Tl'ovvHor- ptouurod on licit. What me iuou iterances f Your pour rulaii nis. What a in irtrngo in passossiou f u undo. . ,1i iition somt of the prin"ipal law tiuoks which yu't have Bta lio lf tloylia law ol Wbi-t, CribbigR, tlu. Wh-t a' orlgiaal mils t P. t h oks slid lianjtcrs. What st.'pa should you take to dis solve a i iojauoliuu t I tdioilld put it into hot water, and lot it ratuaiu there uulil it is wauled. When a boy walks wiib a girl as though be were afraid some oue might see him, the girl is his sis'er, if be walks so -clone to ber aa to nearly crowd ber against the fence, l'A, JANUARY 13, 1881. NO. '27 Calling .the Doctor. A est tain Wheeling doctor, living on ntieet, basa ppenking-tiibc leading from tbo frotil door of bin ; residutico to lurt uleeping apartment. I Lant week, when adaik irgbt Ini-I got half Ihraugli it wotk, a yotinu i in in hIoId cfl' to the mouth-piece of tlii'4 intiiietiit tiuinp t and blew a libifet in it Unit u;;cki the whi-.tle at 11. e oilier en. I lotud like a dn pound caliopo ruu by a loJ-f.-ot liollt r. i'lie doctor r-priing front 1 t i - (vineli and vlililed with one foot mi lop ol of a tin M.icLin-'.iox 11 1 lb:il wa can !t n-ilv lying mi tln eirpi t. Ho ih In t in.ikn in iini'Mi le i-ic ! tliu wni-lli, tii'iiib. tiaining tlio end of the tube at lail bo bent back tint w liinllo un I culled out in u loliu of v dco lli.l' would not have led one I Mi im-iiim-iou that ho bad lin n luting Lulu. y emainel.", "Wtio'ii tbeio f 'dAictor, do yoil kuoV Mrs. Tod rot c.inie up through tlui pipu. "Ye-, whai'a tlio waller with In r f" Oil, tiolbin', 'it hII rijlil. Toil tiuic ilooii. tilion- l,er livra (lo , , I,. ''.' )' "t iik, t know n-r to Aro any ...... ..f in.. .....I i. l "Not at all. Ih-y am tound a- Iloi li llllll '-, l villi milium i" i .i i . . . . t . .. i i . ........ i I T0 ttmihin.l! -.UiK o..io i.,o,e. un, I hco if 1 cairi, ii'Cogtii.'.e yuin Voice. What that talk was which imiuc "T l"" V I'" 1'i'obaoly uevor be i:o.mi, lor tho d n'tur n.ippo I aw at :.'. l in ulin- Mt iihivihI'h lone ha 1 a huge giadnating j. and e.illi.l.o u'.'l I. hiss tilled nllh ll'k ll,i iipptoaclic.l 'gnl Kwinging the axu like u man, l'uiii. i 1 in i Id of a!'""' '" t o iniiiuli h he bad decided Iho pipe iv it h bj-1 li v.t.iing p i or, aud mi souiOj i ! r eoii t.i i!. i d tt oi ii -1 uiiie up bn etiip II. d tlio c e.leiitl of the ghe-s iu I he, tube, a.,,1 lli. u blew in it ttitli all tiie""vu "'""-'iiii... own a goo I . inn. an 1 tol of his t tt'o-hol"0 lung laiwel He lie nil -il to H.e Witido.V II tl 1 iiy Ihtt '.v ttp tho hiihh, Oini) olie it the ( nib I -low Was talking wot he tlian .l.ni S t o,.iy does w nun lie In ".tis Taker. . 1.. d his ol-ii. Mil of J 1 Im il n loi' iniovol t. ils Mr il mo I. il. i ul. an, 1 eitiiio onl. "Tail n.-iii i ii ! yijii -uiiny dog, you," iigtiu luluo.i , tl( iiia tiu nlji is. .4. A najKT3i-wa mi. i -1 trr rt (ja III HTK A n Ji I Ml hi t' ho in. r uflcr tho ile.u II his vvilo than heuio ol thn his'ein thought p. pt r no I b' l'o'inu.', ox cilrti d b in elf as l.'llnts; "Jy iluir lu'otl'.ers and sisters, my giiifwus natcr dull colli I l)ul'i 1 lu""'a e"'l7 w,l peiiceuini . , . . I- . . i iOH.f it, t.lll IIOIU) Cl ilia, I Si ll (!.!. I St'l'ip'ui'es li'.'iu (i ni-ii'S lo lleb.i'a linn nn I liein I pleniy ill p'Omi-. s l ull) w ul-li-r I'll' liacy unu t I il. ,i i.h l ei'. So 1 tn-'k II d.ll tin gnu I L.u d didn't Wil-io Ml in pit' liy on a n. un when, it was in Ins potter lo l- i n, I ol t liihM'll ; i.nd liabiii uIiim-ii'c iiluiiiee to limny in tie Lord, I ill I H . linil tt . III. I no h i aaiil. le'Miis, liie.b ictl, I I'oa.si h'l' d.tt p air I'.ls-y was j iss as duel its hlc Wl'Ulil I'lii'V In' " Ti" Till I pin i Ciu U c e II nil i desiies to eill -Ur. liurg's tiltcntt n O I lie f 101 Unit liliel-il'itl ul llllll- mioiv Ini. Is urn Hcpeai'-iig with oil o- ei ale r Ini WillLi-r. An ancient tii'overti , hlnu.-r ha sui t that "it is bard lor ua tnij.ly b.g t Hlund iipi'igni.'' lis nih) u'ioiuI) hotvot'ur l"i' u f ill iiiiii t tuin le dawn. Ni. O 'iciyii ie. Wll 'll iJo.i Tv o a I -ii j, a ri-es up in i gin ini'l uiid siys tho wliold umwij piesont are liars ih.ty oail lii u an I u ui ililiiiil ill in, 114 'cu-ir iiiy tu t it liuiy up lU'll'lill, tan, I'luty tell of a Lju'-viIIo woman who talked her jutv oat of joint ; lull ' hoy u 1 1 tli o tier s of ir.u ; li i- ma I went I ijn t olf t ir u iloolor. ll iw is Hi is uoumt- in. t.'liiiii'i Frto i'eeM. "There, Joliu," suid uu irate moth er, "that's twic,o you've uouue home nud foigotleu the lard I" "La, mo thei.'' suid the young dutiful, "it was so greasy it slipped my mind." tin i irn -in i i in a Thirty thousand dollars' worth of tobacco, was smoked ia ous night at lUchuioud, Va. It was at the burn iog of a tobucoo factory. A Courting tilths Oidort Ois. Thirty juitH ngo, MiebiV'au petipli were a frank and Irntbful net Stranger could ronio hero mi l trado borncs w ilb tl i ir vun tbtit, 'and breach of pr nnimi cmo were uuktiowii. Folk meant what they 1 aid, and wliili they gave their weld Mtuek to it. Tse'ly t'liity yrir n-;o Ibi; ir.oti tii, n ts.iiti uppeaied in I.atniij' in liitviii.,-,1. '('lie hiiiik biiHiui'HM ciiilieil liim or to l'i Wilt, eight miles nway. Wlulo on thrt wy b stopped at a log fui in ! n u -o lo Win in bis c il l lingers II.) wit w irmly wi'lciine 1 by t!i" ii uieer nnd hi wife, Imlii of whom tteru well tilotm in year-, (m l afiet hi.iiio general talk. tho tvoui in piet i.'.l : ".Ini I rigiil ia thinking you ato a widower f" "Vo "l'i I you conn.' out here to 11 ml n wife r Tattly." "I 'id mi) body tell you of our Susie ?' No.,' " II ue.ve i;o ni botiticing a it 1 of t'loii'y-ltva -it et-er you net oyea ! oil, Miu'k ;oinl loi'MU!, iniuwiy in. I giiml ti in"ied and Hunk nhi:'ll like olil li ol s." " l bi le is .! e ?" "Ovrf in the Woods, tie re, chop- pinu ib.w ti a eel ti tn e. ill loll hilt i." hall I blow "No. f ion II keip tin eye ou my horse Ml I'n. I In r." "Weil, tl.ite'h tiotbing (-luck up or! ill'eeled ul.oiil ."'itsie. She'd eny Vccj ot I II till hoi II Hh she loi kx y li liter. if jinl want her, doti t lie afraid t ay fit " 1 be hi I iilitref beat d I be sound of! i In nxe mid folli.wid it. lie found, her just as the trees were ready to ' fall. Hie ttas a stout, pmtHookii'. la say : "Suxiii, I. in a wi 1 1 vnr fro n V-i v Yotk alatej Tin lliirl vtiine tears ol I. a ill. 1.1 l waul a wile, ill yoil go uick it mud ttitli mo She 1- a:te, mi !io ,tn an 1 lo ked at I nn bo half it initiuto uiid then it plii d : Curt hay for certain, .lust wait iil I ei t lit e roi'l.h i ti' li, y tuind. .s be n 1. 1 li e tn e eiiihbiiig to tho ilirth, nnd with his help killed li vo eo'iiis which tvoi'o ato.ve 1 u,v ay in u llnli'l.V. "IVell, w!i it d .) y 1 my 111) astic I, as the last coon was htoppod fnim kiekttig. "in yom'u !' w.h t!u ro.o'y s "and by the tiuio you got back from DnU'itt 1 11 hitrt th "si p. ilt i oil' mi l lacked up and bo lea ly for thu preacher T' lie returned to Ilia lemsa, t dl 1 1 1 folks that bo should bring a on a.'h.-r back with him, and at dusk t hat evening, the I wain ttern married ila'.dlv ail hour ba 1 been tva-itn 1 in c ultimo, and yet ho look ho. no nun it thn li 'st iils ill Iho t'luto of .1il'hL'lltl. FllatOS. l'"l"""" ",l""'!' v ""j eniliily, school liavi) been fxereisiug ti :i . :.. ti... t n;n i,.,, Iheir in " ii t it I faculties in Mining wor 1 1 from the letters found iu thu word " '. r'oes.' Tim following list, was pii-piui d by W. G. Christie, i an 1 ooinpi ios 1) 1 wot dd P. T. A. pa tap apes pit tato n pato laps ni-sop pates tspn 11, past tapes out p.lH'O tHhtO fill pi a tt tt en et pi n B tens 6UR0 pest toit ttla pet teats Cstop pets teht K. at teapot Bat po teapots sate poo ' toot Blip pot to neat pots too set pout toots hello poet tont-t ecu poets top BO pose tops Bonp potato topo Boot O. lute sop o totes Spat oat toe hpa oats ' tots spot otto A. flute cpe a itost opes ut atoop oshI ato atop opiate a . sot opiates apt fcttp spa i stot 1 . iji v'm muz ioxT Publibeiil every Thuradav Evcniite; JKHKMIAII CROUSE, Prop'r Terms of Subscription, TWO IKM.LAIW PEIt A NX I'M. T.iy al In villiin nix inontli, or t-Wlirnot paid within the year. No paper di eonliiiiieil until all inre:iraf.res nre paid unlenn at tlio option of the pub linlicr. hiilwi rii'lioiiK nut.iide of the count l'A YAM. K IN AHVANCU. ("TetHoiiH lifting nnd using pnpers .iilre!'K,d otli M bccoiiieniilci iln rs ami ore lialilo foi tlie price ol'tlie mper p. A full lino of M'.TOS ami CLOTH INO i,t B. S. HARVEY Si t mcca ctoee, BI5AVERT0WN, 'Ji.Ii'h nr 1 YoiiIIi'h l .Ml to l.M.tJC. t'i'delclolliito, mill1, to il.T'i. Pi T 0 Suili. 61.IU Tt.por I'ollai n I." and 111 clr. it Ti x. A lni'i.'e ftmk f (;T;,"r.w 1 I i;.MIilN! CdOD.i ut ln.oi.1 t'AU I i;n i:s. Cull and eNiniiii.e our htoel I "I and prices In foi e puieluihiti ,.. ,. ,,,,p HeFp( et fully, D. S. HARVEY. NOV, V'l 'li . a TKV 1 in-: New York Observer THIS YE Alt. The Lnrrjcsl and Gcsl family Taper In ,1 tllCV.OIIJ. " ' Sl'llff 1)V aitlftlc CojITJ-FlU'C NEW Y0H! 03SLRVER. t 117 l ink Uow, N, Y. 1S53. i71. 1S73. Ilavlmr n..iitn llm nmitn of Ilia "Nimnt.s Si M'i.m i-." ti, iittli..-illier u-,.ul.l rttll tlio Ml Oiiii.in.il Oie .i.i, lo 'li. Ud turn Ii ba. ii.1.i.i.,1 ttia C1SIT SYSTSM, or t'lo Un i il-', i.oinic sitili-ncd (tml It l"tl, l. ua ....I I. Kll dnll ,,i..a llral,lnl' k w II iy-lpin "I il'iihtc lee 1 1. hi ilu .-..iiiiini..- in kuo. un bit n.l a vary lull and wetl-nolei'te.1 stuck vl IHtV OOOIJ?, CUOCtillllV, GIlDCEIUEa, BOOTS & SHOP?, IIARUWAIIK, CAltftiTS, OIL CLOTHS, WALL rAI'Efl, MIOK KINDlNOd, LTATIIFR, I 1II. OILS, I AIM.", 41'., liC, &C, wi, nli ha -.tiers In I lie pnkllo at verf Kreatlf la it .K.lSIl I'ltlljes. Willi thanka tn my olil rnrtomera tt tl.eir lti.r.,l i-iii.iiink'. lur many ynnra nt tta iait, I wiiiil-i fitlli'it il,-lr ni-omi (ur Ilia uitiira. tiwi . Inn. lln-y will lit lioiiDinoi.l l.y Ilia i-Iiuiiko, i well ua YourliumMe.er-.nt. salln-nrnve, tert.'J3.'. ' ' i Tfi-rv mm or woman will hujr floods w ii ei-,- Hi, v ami da Ibo tii'nt. It ia liiiliir.lt. Il is hamuli ten in o, Tbo Lett guudt lur i ii o Ifi-'l unu. y RUL3TIIEMY, I'lutl ia )ut uiir M.itiu'nuJ Ifyuawsolto ecur l ti g nu" la t nnv irn vnim reTD: uuua iu luun a lmiLiu. IIAHDW rtR, 0ItOl'i;itl,'.S, IHSU03, FISH. SALT. I'LA-si'KR, I.KATIIKlt, KltOH l-IMUNGS, -TdllArt'll ANIi CIOAIIH. IIKIV, IKIIiSt: AMI ML'LA' filHUlS. NUU RDI'W. 8 1'Kt-'L, IKii'K I'OWOr.H, SAKIV KI HK 8. T. BUITS PUUi HVB UlllnKKV MADE EXI'RKSLV Full MI D10 VL l!ri5, AT ONLV 1.&l . I I. H O Al.l.uN nr f l.eo I'tiil ytJAltr. TUB PEST WHISKEY VOD EV til DKANK. Ho, THY IT, t reaped fully a of Ibeolllieoa of Buy Pnjrdrr ouumy arbart of their palrnnif HaviiiK puiijli ii l niy Unndf fur CASH ru aide to irll at very LO II' rtUC'Kfl. tbunlry I'roiluce fnirn iit I'lchnnya ut OimhU. Toora Kaaiiaotlully, S M. SMULER, . Fab J.'tt, I.lrarpool, farry Co , Fa. Auctoncur. (Jo-orge. II. llnckiu bnrif, of Miiblleirfek, P.O., would sn- noiiiice lo lite ncuple of Knydei conn. ' f : . iii i -. ., i t ': m t Tba wo"ao who tfyea bar hair ty, thst lie mill uy tsiih in If fl A watei-apout A t--f fio1"!' , -aonsl prniwi' r'-rt r""'" i a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers