The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, January 06, 1881, Image 1

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    L-itO 13.
f. 10.00
tin,' year,
llLv .1 insertion
4 .y ai.iOrtM insertion,
rvstrmul and BnslnoM cards of
I tiH roofs than 5 line, per year, .
;nU.Ur, Eaeeutor, Administrator
I and Assignee Notices,
Jitorinl nutice per lin,
f-AII transcient advortisiaf; lots
I month in uflni4 una.
I All advertisements for a shorter pe
riod than one year are payable at the
ime they are ordered, and it not puld
mkm rWi them will u held'
eaoonaible for me monev.
wit a tail aakaowa U wsxlSf slt-
I ltomi la brant j rare
Vti brteiis Mow taroathoat it Soldi
littr III bloMimi fair.
taollfbt batbei III purptt-tretttil
fittf ( lbal tresis
iri plath aaj irlekls Btvtr falling
ilttplnf ip trlt row.
i fait a traei of failure, tis, or lor
taaat tnobaaleJ waja f . .
tlfatibt tftsUrday ar Mrs tomor
row, put ar future dayi.
jtriatl Its fatlurat provi but bravo iuo
J til tl loitei gain j
It loft with lit wtrm brooding pro
toaeo, fcltstti
i pirfeet poaoa alula, .
lovtd oaoi laid to rott "lib bltltr
had forth wlib tMnlng eyts ;
It dttr rtatabtrtil look to iwttllr
tt grif, forgstlto, flltt.
boptt of youth, all aoblo ttplrttloat
fn.l fruillot Mat I
tirnftUtig tout It frttil from lit Itaip.
I Intloii
it kdDclest Halt a homo.
.'ever la tba hour o' daily walking
dcur and dimaut tia.
real aal near, an almotl heartn
nl unttta world of drtaml.
The Vut j Minstrel.
liktl fall wliln aod fait aud toft
Uit wbirl from ttit vault aloft
1 iliair aiaailr wide and fair
t' lrou brMtlhrougU tba dark-
j.i r.tvbiih lookt and wan,
i br ting ii all unduno,
1.-4 -- rt'". bod tad aod lo
- ? , I'aaibid' orova f mow.
f h T it. Ll fitful i4u itind
-o.i u.ront t a tlltot roof
,tmtt tbtll hit dtau heart Vtat
tout of tli oori.m.l irut auj
.:.!s rjtlbrcatt did at booir
Irtadtd bujht yja at
i u'j trt
tf '-w la a ttderUtt
'e'(f.t dead birJ. It iht tt W'trtt,
' y btarl la ill braoohei it dttd
Tiri MdM thy brtait la lit I art
r, yv intiv - -;'r v
i lit irutt aid
traih .
t,(a Ibt tlurtri
bli thtrat on happy
Utf art'KKJ 9ap of tprljg.
Ittli aurrrjr tr7?'avJ avooa tbi luti,
at thlataad altit taH ba abUlod aad
n e 1 e o t T a 1 d
' -- not
" wf W t-FWW
1 The - tf lareotiTe geuioe
m 4tc!c; C-J.r the epar of per
) i :;--; 'jr -- of the aiarreloai,
U U U nothing better illaslrat
i tbsxt b tie ohronialea of eioapoa,
7e all liow t!i etory of the hauler
ho tuz.'.Ie4 into the hollow of the
ree ia L:.!i she bear bad made
:er klr, and ooulda't climb oat ZZa
Tailed, U wi'J be remembered, till
-1-aanant whose lodgings be had
graded eatoe home from a dinner
he had baen enjoying at the ex
?neo of torae tender yoaog Africaos
n the neighboring plantation, and
commenced to book down into the
"res aftor the fashion adopted by ber
oe in making a deaoent. As soon
a bar tail wae within reaob the pris
oner grabbed it, while with hia other
aod he commenced digging Mrs.
-ruin in tba romp wit1, hia knife.
-..edl'a't c:re down to inquire in-
io lit r
bat aorembled, howl'
'j, drawing the captive
) tagol a chance to ase
" r ore vital portion of
4 similar yarn ii jtkat
;Ias of Aristotnenes,
i General, whom the
ts eaptnred in battle
hundred years B. 0.,
.' 3the Oulf of Ooedo,
" ' - -? tK City
' sad
the nnatlainat le opening overhead.
He spent two days among the bonus
and rowing bodies, On the third
day he eAw a tot1 creeping along in
Ibe gloom toward a heap of corpiee.
The fact that the animal got into the
care was proof positive that there
was some way onL-
Lying motionless ttil the fox came
sniffling around bim, Arietomenes
then grabbed him by the leg, and,
as he tarned to snap bim, throat the
hem of bis mantel in his month.
Royoard held on viciously, aud the
ingenious captive was led, its he d e
sired to be, through a labyriuthiuo
passage to an opemog jnst largo
enough for the fox to crawl through,
aad which ho managed to onlartro
sufficiently to escape by himself,
Those old-timors were a tough lot
if biHtorians don t lie. Herodotus
tells of anothor, Hogiatratus, who
was an an-ftir or fortune-teller to
one HorJunias. Tbo partaos got
hold of him, too, and pat him ia jail
aitti a log fettered to his log.
Failing to rcloaao himsolf iu auy
other way, ho contrive 1 to scrape a
p.itjsago out of his dungeon with an
old knifo-bloJu bo found in a cornor,
and then cut enough of bis foot o.T
to clip tho stump out of tbo fetter,
and so crawlud away to freodom.
IbCiedilablj u tho story
cusi.'s of sulf-tnulilation aro not nil-
oomuiou oai jii our Ju lians, on l
u:iiniulu Ciil'lit by tl fojt iua trap
ulinoHt iiivjritihle guav the captive
tutiuibut'ti oiT aud survive the Ions.
(ualiui Secandus Carion was a
zouloiis Lutheran of tho eixlouulu
contnry iu Turin. Taking exception
to a pitenoe ia the sermou a Jesuit
was preaching iu tho Ctthodral, he
called bim a liar. Ho was soizsj
and thrown into tho prison of tho
nqijieitioti, uhora bis feet wero
ehivukled to ponderous blocks of
wood to prevent his moving, Ac
cording to his own account, after
Imv'mg spent n weok in theso orua
moulfl, he induced bis jii!or, on the
plea Hut he was pcriuhtug of pain in
Lis uooatraiued position, to ao-hackle
one lo,; for hi d. Thn he tore bis
Hhirt iat ) shreds, aod taking oH Lit
stocking au.l slippur, stu:fol them
with thtiie ras autil bs hil mile a
very lui model of a lug an t foot.
A brokou broomstick snppliod hiui
with a bono, and, as hu telle it, "hid
ing my raid li;ul uuder my clonk, J
sat calmly awuitiug the success of
my ruse. Aftor a time tho young
man came ia to pay me his u.ual
visit aud ask me how did. "I
should fool bettor," I said, pointing
to my dummy," "if you w nld kinl -ly
fitttteu this leg to tbo fetter aud
let me giro tUe other a rest." Ue
oooseuted, and cuuiucd up my false
limb with all imaginable care," At
night, when Cut ion hoard bis attend
ants sooting be parted company
with his fettered leg, andressod it,
olotbed himself agaiu aal stolo out
of bis cell, wbiah no ono bad taken
the trouble to fasten on the outside.
lie foand means to scale the outer
walls of hia prison aad regain bis
liberty. His escape, whioh he de
scribes ia this matter of fact way,
figures ia the pioas history as the
work of witchcraft, on tbo ground
that the Devil is ever ready to assist
his own.
The escape of Grotias, the histori
an, from the Castle of Louvenstoia
was an original ono. Involved in
the rain of bis friend, John of Haro
evelt, Qrotius, ia 1619, wbeo only
thirty-six years old, was condemned
to perpetual imprisonment He was
allowed to borrow books from bis
friends, and when they were return
ed they wore sent away in a chest
along with his linen for the wash.
Toward the end of the seoond year
wben the guard bad ceased to bother
examining the box as it oame and
went, Madame Qrotius coutrived to
have ber husband oonoeal himself iu
this convenient casket, and be was
carried to freedom by borne of the
very aolaiors set to guard him so
Suoh methods of concealment were
by no means uncommon in those old
days when men were imprisoned for
years at a time, living under guard
ia some castle with pretty uaob the
same freedom as they would have
enjoyod, barring the liborty of going
oat wbea they wanted to. The lit-
S P ui cf Normandy, who, after
f ' Will.
-" 1 ' .-.i-'iaJi."!-. V1 -L'J-w-.! -. -"'J. -1- V-lVLLLJiJi.llM 1 1 1 1 1 I f JWggMjB-.O.JJlLJL.a. J-4lB3BaM
s-ewora, usmarni. The feat recent
1 n j..
ly performed by a conple of prison
AM MM T)l t 111 .
c..uu UIH-1W6IH island troon-
caiing themselves ib
dnegbcaps is
no new one,
More than one caotive
tnjioudal times was jolted to liberty
boried under a load ",ofl'Jmanare.
mere wss an old German warrior in
the time of Maximilliao who is said
to have made bis escape from the
castle in which ho was confined hid
. i -
uen ia tue caress of a horse which
i ...
uaj flicj iu the stables, and froavj
which be bad removed tho bowels to
mako room for bimsolf.
An Italian captive is told of who
in tho fourtecuthceDtury was tnkoo
from his prison-bonse and buriod in
a cuurca vault tho eeffler of the
costlo priest ,whoeo corpse bo had
found an oportunity to remove and
conceal nnder bis bed, where it was
not dincovorod until it began to de
velop a decidedly gamy .flavor. The
Marquis de Montefoiio, Stato
prisoner ef Cadia ia the sixteenth
Century, beenme a State fugitive by
stowing bimsolf away ia an egipty
wiue cbkI.
Disg'i'sos have, from tinn Im
memorial, been favorite aid i la es
cape James V. freod himsulf from
the power of the Douglases ia tho
fuakoupo!a Ubloboy, and Mary
Stum t w first attempt to get away
from Locbioveu Castlo was iu tho
dress of a laundry girl. Whou
Flora Macdonald aiHibtud Charles
Udar 1, tho Pretender, to escape
after tho battlo of C'dllodoti, she
disuiHod him an a sorvautgirl and
cunsteud-i ni.n lie It v D.irkn.
fount Lavtilctto escaped from tho
Conciurgeiie iu yu tbo Sharkey
plan, ia s droB of his wifo'rt. Oue
of the most remii knlilo rescuos ou
record was that of tho Curl of Niths
dalo, who on tbo night btfore the
day set for bis oxecution was got out
of the Tower of London by his wife.
Xillisdiila vii uudor sonlenco for
complicity in tbo Hobolliou" of 17.
Lady Kilh da1o bad thrown her
Mf ut tite feet of (lojrgo 11., implor
ing mercy, but the King bad refused
to listen to bur. Hhoobt iinod por
roitaion tj bid hor buibau I a lij.t
ou the ni'lit beftira hii eseculiou,
and went tj t io to.V'ir with t v j w -men,
v. bo wero ia bur coulldenco.
One bad on two suits of outer gar
ments, and after leaving it suit iu
tho Hurl's chamber she immediately
quitted tho prison' Tho seoond
gavo tbo Katl ber clothes ao 1 put
on those which the first bad just
taken off. Wrapped io a loug cloak,
and witb a handkerchief to bis eyes,
tho prisoner tbea passed through
the sentinels, and to Ic ship for
Vntice. Lady Nilhsdalo romtiuod
buhiud iu hor hueb.iid's steal, bat
she soon regained ber liberty.
Tho escape of the Duke of Albany,
imprisoned ia IMiuburg Castle by
his brother, Jamos 111., is ono of
the most dramatio episodes of
Scottish history. Albany, and bis
brother, the Karl of Mr, wore as
great favorites with tho people as
James was cot. The King caused
Mar to be bled to death. Albany
was menaced by the same fate, wbon
bis friends resolved to resoae bim.
A little sloop sailed into Reith
Roads with a cargo of Gasoooy
wines, of wbiah two small casks
wore sent as a present to tbe cap
tive Prince. When the Duke etiuo
to dip iuto them, be found ia one a
ball of wax containing a lottor urg
ing bim to escape and make bis way
to the water side, where ho would
fiud tbe little vessel waiting for
bim. Ia tbe other cask there was
a ooil of rope, which would enable
bim to drop from the walls of bis
prison to the rock on whioh tbe cas
tle stands. His faithful Chamber
lain, who shared bis captivity prom
ised to aid bim io bis enterprise.
The main point was to make sure of
this Captain of tbe guard. Ibaoy
invited the officer to sup witb him
under the pretext of wishing to have
bis judgment on tbe wine i and tbe
Captain, baviog posted bis men
witb duo oiroumpectioo, led three
of them into the Duke's room with
him. and tbea took bis plaoe at the
tablo. Tbe meal ovor, the Duke
proposed a game of triolao, and
took care,, while it was going on, to
ply his guest freoly witb tbe wine,
wbilw the Chamberlain was no less
.""-I t-j jbe three soldiers. The
rit-tofe r t fra.
yt t-" " !
Tbea the Dokewbo was a Strong
man, ampei ap, and iaiJ;tue Cap
tain dead at bis feet. In another
moment be bad dispatchod two f
the soldiers, wbile-the.Cbamberlain;
with his own; dagger, finished the
third. Their work was the wief to
do as the drink and the fire together
bad almost stupefied tbe poor
wretohes before a blow was Struck.
Tbey threw the bodies on tbe . fire,
and, making their way to an out-of-
the-way corner of the walls, began
their pnrilons.dogcebt
The Chamberlain went dowa first
toy Ibe cord, butit'wss too short
and be fell and brpkoj bis leg. He
uttered no erof pain, .' biU pimply
told tiVuiast&lhij eatwe cTCh dis
aster, The Duke wont back to fetch
bis bedclothes, and finally nisdo the
descent in safety, 1
His. first tbonght was to provide
for the injured man, and he'd id not
bestow a tb (tight ou himself till he
bad carried bis faithful dependont
toahatwborobomlght remtia ia !M if inched' by bo
porfocl socorityjuutil bis recovery I Yoa are covered witl
Ti.:- i.- a . i. 'ii.. i- .t-"l
. ma uijliu uv iiunr j mu aansuoro,
and, a boat answering to the signal
agreed on, ho boardud tho sloop, 1
which instantly set sail for France'
In tho morning tho grand" round"
found nothing of their prisoner but
a room full of suff icating smoke and
fonr bodios roaslodto c jals Ju tho
ashes of the fire.
Tom Paine tclld his owiipe- from
tbe guillotine, d uring his confine
ment iu tbo Luxembourg, ia this
way : ,
The room in which was lo lgod was
ou tho ground floor, with the door
opening outward flat against tho
wall, so that when it was opon tho
intude of tho door appourod outward,
and the contrary when it was shut.
When persons wero to bo takda o it
of tho prisou for tho giiillotino it
was always douo ia tho night and
those who performed that ollico had
a piivalo by whiuh thoy knew
whut rooms to vieit Tho d'Hir of
in v room was marked ono m-iruio".
when it was opoo, nn 1 uM ngftiu'ot
I ho wall t being closed in the even
ing, the fatal line of chnlk oanao in
side, and thus tho destroying angel
paRHtd by, A few days after this
KoboHpierro fell, and Mr. .Monroe
urrived to reclaim mo'"
rUruuger, still, however, is tho
story Vuublono tells of M. do Cha-
teanbrnn, who was not only con
demned to death, but uvtuidly taken
to tho scalford. He was the last of
twenty victims. Aftor twelve or fif
teen executions, one part of tbe hor
rible instrument broke, and a work
man was sont for to tueud it- M .
de Chatouubrua wo, with tho-other
victims, near tbe soaifold, with Li.
bands tied behind bis .back. , Tbe
repairing took a long tirno. Tbo
day began to darken i tho great
crowd of spectators were fur more
intent on watching tho repairing of
the guillotine than on looking at the
victims who wore to die, and all, ev
en Ibe gendarmes tbemselvos, bad
their eyes fixed oa the scaffold.
Resigned, but very weak, the oou-
demned man leaued, without mean
ing it, on those behind him, and
tbey, pressed by the weight of the
body, mechanically made wy for
bim, till gradually, and by no effort
of bis own, be caino to tbe last ranks
of tbe crowd. The instrument onco
repaired, the executions began, and
tbey hurried to the end.
A dark night concealed. both exe-
cutiouers aud spesUtors. 1
Led oo by tbo orowd. De Cbateau
braa was at firsbamozed at bis situa
tion, but sooa conoeived the hope
of escaping. Uo weut to the
Chumps Elyseos, and tbore, address
ing a man who looked like a work
man, be told him, laughingly, that
some comrades with whom be had
been joking, bad tied his bis hands
behind bis baok and taking bis hat,
telling bim to go and look for it
He begged tbe man to out the cords
and tbe workman pulling oat a
knife aud did so, laughiog all - the
wb'le at tbe joke. M. de ' Chateau-
bruu tbea proposed going into any
of tho small wioe-ebops in tbe
Champs Elysees, Daring ' slight
repast be seemed to be expecting
Lis comrades to bring back jus bat,
and, seeing nothiug of them, be beg.
ged bis guest to carry a Bote to
some friend, whom be 'knew would
lend bim oue, for be oould loot go
bur'-i!M thro' tbe strops. Oe
i k'-il would bring
c' -rades,
M. de Cbatoaubran told him, look
tbe note, and returned in half an
boar, accompanied by the friond,
who embraced Cbateaubraa and
gave him all tho help be rejnired.
How a Fellow Feels With tho Yant-
Delirium tremens!! Snakes I Jim"
jams I Yes I'vehad touches of
them. Yoa want to know bow it
feels f i ll telljyou. Yoa have drank
maybe a woik,'maybo more. At
last liqaor censes, lo excitebrace np
or tranqajlize. Yoa drink a half
pint of brandyjaad it has no more
effect than so much water. Then
you are close on the borrorC'-'Food
won't help yon. Yoa r stomach rei
jects it Now your punishmout com- j
menoes. You can't sloop. Youtaro
weary. Oh I so weary but there is
uo rest, loa aro.tirod of thinking,
yet tbe tired braia will think. You
lie down, drop int o a dose for a
moment and wake np with a shock
clcctrio wire.
th perspiration ,
Voti get ap and walk tho room,
walk the strode walk, walk, walk,
and then flyiug yoursulf down, pray-
,ng for ovor so few minutes sleep .
All this for days with people nbout
yoa, and through nights, But' no
Chinoso torturor omployed in keep
ing some misorublo crimi nal awnko
until ho dies, was ovor'more full, of
relentless vigilAuce than yonr abus
ed nerves. Dreads iudencribable
boizo upon you. Your, bands bavo a
sensation of being of enormous
si 7.0. They do nut look it, they feel
it. Your bead in like man nor feels
as if enor motBly polled .out. Then
your breath cotnos spasmodically,
hot flaxhee etriko at tho rogioa of
your heart, all tho blood Booms at
times to rush in that diroctiou, and
you fight aimlessly for life aud ex
pect to fall dead. This is tho com
ineucement of the horrors. Now
you are Iked for seeing rats and
euaUuu nu I vermi'i,
Words oiaWisJom.
Beauty is as summer fruits, which
are ousy to corrupt and cannot last.
No pleasure is comparable to tho
stun ling npjii tho vautao ground
of truth.
Time woll employod is Satan's
deadliest foe t it leaves no oponing
for lurking fiend.
. They that writo books on tho
wot lhlessness of glory tako care to
put their names on the title page.
Tho slaudur of soroo pooplo is as
groat a rocommondationas tho praise
of others.
Contempt is like the hot iron that
I roti ils criminals j it imprint is al
most always u.l'j!lln.
Thought means lifo, since those
who do not thiuk do not live in any
high or real senso. Thinking makes
the man.
Tbe groatost ovonts of an ogo aro
its host thoughts. It is the nature
of thought to find its way into aa
Ia mutters of conscience first
thoughts are best i ia mutters of
prudeuce lust thoughts are best.
There are no fragmonts so pre
cious as tboso of time, and none are
so heedlessly lost by poople whooan
not make a momeut, and yet can
waste years.
They who disbelieve in virtuo bo
cause man bus never been found per
fect, might as reasonably douy tho
sun because it is not always noon.
A Western Obituary.
Jem Bangs we are sorry to stall
has decoasod. Ho doparted this life
lustMunduy. He wont 4th without
any struggle, and such ia Life Tu
Day we are as poppor grass migh
ty smart, to morrer we are out down
like a oowonmber of tbe ground.
Many things we bought at bis grow-
eery, and we are happy to stait to
tbe adtnirin world -that be nevor
cheated, spesbully ia tbe wate of
makrel, wbiob wos nise and smelt
sweet and bis survivin wife is tbe
same wa. We never knew bim to
put sand ia bis sugar, though he
bad a iaod bar ia front of bis bous;
aor wai ter ia bis Lickers tbo the
Ohio river past bis dore. Pioce to
bis remains- Z7e leaves 1 wife 0
childro, 1 cow, 4 bore, a growcer's
etoar, aod other quadrupedal to
mourn his lossbat ia tbe language
-f tbe poit his loss is their eternal
Uncle Esek't Wisdom.
There is no victory so cheap and
so com plots as fO'iveeesi.
If you subset a man wrongfully
yea license bim to dafriud you.
Luck is thi dream of a simpleton)
a wist msn makes his own good fur
tune. Wealth in this world is ju st so
mo oh bagiinge lo bs takes rate of;
but s cultivated brain In eny to car
ry, and is s oevor-failing source of
profit nnd pleaturr.
Gratitude is a debt whioh all men
owe aod whioh few pay cheerfully.
Impossibilities are scarce. Jun
kiod lias not seoo mors than half a
dos-.o of them sioos the creation t
Utppioeis connists in being happy
there ii no particular rulo for It.
About all that cunning tan do for
s man is to make him InoieJulous.
Too great economy iu youth leads
lo avarice ia old ago.
All prudes were onoe ooq'iettos,
aod ohaoged bocauso the wero
oblige d to.
Kxperienoe has a very poor mem
ory, nnd true charity nouo at all.
A lair comptmtition for hoocit
sorrice is tho bent present you can
mako a man, and the boat gift he
cao receive.
Doing nothing is tbe most slivieh
toil ever imposed oo any ono.
Truo cloipieoco is the power of
completely impressing others with
our ideas.
The cbirilios which a man dis
penses alter bis death look suspi
Adversity links men togetbor,
while prosperity is apt to scatter
Some mon sooin to havo a salve
for tho woos of others, hut none for
their own.
Extrcnio gravity is oftoner tho
result of stupidity than of wisdom.
Scribner'a Monthly.
Out of tho Carder).
Tbore is a bountiful garden iu
which Ood plocos every child that
crosses the boundaries of' lifo aud
enters this world. It is the Uurden
of uuocenco. It is liko tho Kden
of Adam and I've. A tree of tbe
knowlodgo of good and evil is in it.
Tbo fruit of the troo of lifo grows
thcro, Satan has found bis way in
to it, too. No angel is thoro to
drive the child out God doos not
forbid it there. But thoro is otlo
door out of this gardon. It is tbe
door of sin. And out from this
gardeu of Innoconoe, thro' this door
of sin, into tbe realm f guilt, the
children are passing, one by one.
iboy find this door without guid
ance t for it is wide, and always
opon. They cross its threshold
without compulsion. What a mor
cy it is that tbo canopy of Christ's
atonomuut hangs ovor all this outer
realm of guilt into rh?h our dour
children aro straying with hooJ!.'s
foot 1 What a joy it is that on tho
thorniest road and in the durkost
ravino the Good Shepherd is going
to and fro, "to sook aud to save that
which was lost 1''
A Knotty Problem.
Wo received from a correspondent
tho following somewhat incoherent
account of a duol which was fought
in bis neighborhood. Home way or
other, we are half in tho dark about
tbe result of tbe duel in question.
but we shali leave the dooisioa to our
readers :
A duel was lately fought ia Texas
by Alexander Shott and John S.
Nott. Nott was shot and Shott was
not Ia this case it is bettor to be
Shott than Nott. Tboro was a ru
mor that JMott was not shot, and
Shott awows that be shot Nott which
proves either that the shot Shott
shot at Nott was not shot or that
Nott was shot notwithstanding. It
may bo made to appear oa trial that
tbe shot Shott shot Nott, or as ao-
cidonts witb fire-arms are frequent
it may be possible that tbe shot
Shott shot shot Shott himBolf, when
tbe whole affair would resolve itself
into its origiual elements, and Shott
would be shot, and Nott would be
not We thiuk, however, that the
shot Shott shot shot not Shott, bat
Nott anyway, it is bard to tell who
was shot llarper'i Wetkly.
Ar3tla Jiegion. Whsn t man de"
slrn a divorce he leavis tbe home io
anitr, sol does not return for sev-
dsyi. The wifs uoderitamls
blot, psoki bsr clothes and
I the
'If B Vol,
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Having ailonttS tht motto of tho "NmaLS
Siirin," ibt ularrlbtr would tail tht at
tontlunul iht pub tttht(aet that at bal
adviittil tht
and htrtarttr, will Mil food! tnttrtlylorC AMlt
or HKOIH'OK.balniciallilltd that It It tht trot
T.teia of ilulnir hualDtet
iiti-oniinuti io iiimi mot Ttrjiunaaa
wtll-ttltoltd ttuok of
pity qoods,
Hfll. OILB,
rAl.NTfl. UC. AC, A P4
wb'eh ho otiari to tht pabllt at virv irtatlt rt
d ctaCASUfMlOES.
Withtbtnki.t kt oil toitoatrt fat thtlr
llbortl pttroatira for ti'ij tftht patt, I
would lollelt thtlr ondr.m for tht futurt, hip
In, thtf will ut btDtatltd Ij tho vhaaft, al
StllnigroTt, Stpt.iB.';.
look to mi 'mm .
Evsfy man or womaa wilt bay Sot di
wbert thty oao Jo'tht bttt. It It natural.
It ii bumaa naiuri, Tbs but (todl jfor
tbi leaat money
That It juat our Mottoaad If yea wast (S
teoun bargaini ia
8AKTV r U8B. 8. T. SUITS Pl'RB RYfl
I rttpeol fully ask of tht olllitni of Say
Hnyiltr county aibart of ttiilr pal rout jt
tlarinv purobasit n; Goodn for CASH f
am able to sell at vary LO IV PRICES.
Country 1'roduM taken in Rtchang$ ut
loan Btiptotrallr,
rtb.S,'M, tlvtrpool, Ptrrr Co., Pa.
Audoneer. Qeorge II. Uacken
bvrg, nt Middlecrcek, P. O., would am
nounce to the people of Snyder ccttn
ty, that he Will cry inlfs wr iral an
personal property, at ihmt notice sod
on the most roitsonubls I r:n. I
jauaratitrwi satutfuct oni jM-r.ii