The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, December 23, 1880, Image 1

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- t -
nbM column, one year,
Wonrth column, one yea.
,f gqnare (10 liftfta) I Insertion
g'tTf tVU'ltuonai insertion,
......alrmM and Bmino. rard of
. t i . :
I Vmt morslUan 5 line, nor ye r,
ltnlitor, Hxocutof, Adirtuiialralor
land Aino) NoticM,
MitoriAl notice pnr tine,
hi tfanaeisnt advertising
I .ninths U cents Hoe.
! AH advertisements for a shorter pe
Dmn one year are payable at Ur
fros they are ordered, and it not paid
U e"n ordering thorn will o hold;
toon"')! for the money.
X o e t r y
trr ioUitn . kf wha tk y
gAwoW. .
Aad Ik winds th Hr )
bM lghl " ! r nr u oni,
a1 the ttif ehln aa th w
r wild U t klMt aad bllWr lb slt
That MU th frty kill! -t tht fail
jljflkUhrtitaat tin al I
Ohlalag le whJ th at? ii-wiaa
Blest It Ik oaJj of th Christ al
u Ik soaadt ( tk Chrtslni chimes
( tk Ua of tb M 1 1 w.ra
ndthy Wl'" Ik dMei "f tnlrl tlm.
kalhU tr wjMiI of oar I
fluhioi Uhllr n4 altltt'M bjvili
Tk nllfk arllkt rU,
M krlgkt ar tk wrtal innmni an
Tkatlllaar a koia wall I
Aa4krK I tkaartt lnt J ml mil
Tk W1JJ of tb OarlH ul J jIU I
1 1 1.
V . . . ... till i. . . V . I .
ilMnliliiw n im m "
lumM tct a ik f ulB jJ tvr
Itlliurt lria kit Jror tok a rlli
Wkoa In (look h1ltrlk tk bour
Li rt tk KIJi la ttMir frjr rl a j
fkkrF u'ialt ikall ,
Makla Ulloior bow taiji,
kri tk laooullt no I
Hoirt tat lluit.liu 4IIi,
Tu iaaUl iuo0aruui iliil I
I T.
II ot tkai la th Iit fr
Ekn tb blMla lb mor, I
wIm ua Mlitil tuir aJMiui ra.
im law of mi UU !; i
I tM if in! tin aT.-ataif bir-d g.-ojn,
tail tlw pnu m of UoUJru roa
Ua .4 I. !.
Nrtrl'r 9ilrl4'4 Bllll il
HJ tiMixt lb oaui of 0rtaUu
Mlirf of Labtnoa shook In Iti bUit
Lr tbolruna ooM ui iuutaio ir.
alUt a'or tut a.u.urr iUln paat
o Mil IUt Ibo Lord w tlioru I
uk A tlx al lm u J un itill'
L Ibo olut uo woro ouJ iblu i
tad of lb WiUter.tlui roarai Ka luUlil
!owaka tb. guaata at tin luu.
2(0 Jnaia to tUa 0 tb ji iIJ tall
Tbal I to ouki frout Uarlatoi( tlalla .
fair llatbTfl.l llkath lo.Tea oo lb.
looatb iara of Ihil 3tr'U-B rib, lb Itaa of Ilia tlitalima '
vUt'jaHJlng UjTaCllaJ t:i af Ul
to. la tbo oiimK uftlu icf XortU,
il4 lb latiaa Ul ino caua iuv itia yai u
tba A!plultr'a LUila1 UoJfib,
ud la Thiplo balta of oalu,
N.B Hat to-uUM Iba w.l.o:u aarjla,
waat aa I cUar. of UbrlatuiM liolla I
t I.
ttn rlnjltit .llibtibri1 lit Not w if Bra, fnlla
4 IliaOJbiu palm'trco (Iraauitljr at! r
olka auuu4 uf Utoao CUrUtua 1I..1U I
ring wbaro lha Imllan unga roll
ii tood tUrv) 'h tko roo dol l M I
I await tba far bjrmua of tb auJ Pole
I'o lb rata of Iho Oraolilad.
H OMlar tliaa touaa of th Ocetu'a aballa
Uliia'ti tbacbluioiof iba Ubnaiuiu OjII ,
lafoanadmteot ba:k Ibat hi'aelrclaj
hVUUIUapaatof that cularu laaJ, .
baa Ha plnoka.1 lh eora ou tbodbbttb inf.
tod bl-d lb wl:h 'f id tiau t ;
t tba balla aha 11 jilu In a Jtait obl.u
trot th Uu who aiaUad th a.
nd riaa kgala for lb tettor tliu
Tbta rlo( I for Cartb'a baat promlaa
la J.Oi jroa Propbat Dell !
1 1.
Uo oat at lb maatlui of ulht aad mora ,
roc lb diwo of a happlst day I
b, tb Oj (rout our falib' graat sapulohr
JTb agal hat r allad away I
4 tha oocua to a bar In our low abodo,
fW th worda Ilka tba aanrt.r g .u
Iowa and aaeaad br that baaraol rj 1
That Jaoob aaw lu hi draam I
Spirit of laotr I that la taaalo dwalla
Upaa oar brl with tb OUrlatia
alp a to Ibat th ls d heart pray
uts wall as lbs banded biieae
hat th. ar la our owa a In anolent dayst
JTk Sorlbe aad th Pbarie
Utlb Moanlof Tranaognratloa at III
Xooks dowa oa tk ohrlataln land
M Ik glorUM ooal frou that holy bill
:Ai rwablnc their helping hands I
Tom b th words you r mast tails
tX solamn Jar, O ObrUliaas BalU I
Merry Chrlitmai,
Bow joyfully tbe sound floats out
xa tbe frosty ale s almost at every
m tble merry greeting falls npon
ir ears, from tbe man upon whose
4 tbe Borrows of many Christmas
one parkle, to tbe toddling infant
lOngae can scarcely lisp tbe
ppy worda. Ia thousands of
xaes tbe Christmas mora l usher
l la with all tbe paraphernalia of
xory and display that they pos
Friods gather rom far and
Jt aroand (he well-spread board,
- erery tear! la swelling with
Tito, not every hear a, for i)
C:f:ul:5iCrlct-Ji: morn
VOL. 18..
ba but to the majority of peopto,
Cbria'mnAU tba lnppiat," gla loat
Jny of all tbe yetr i iht cliy upon
wbiobtbe good oi l year recoivend
entorUiDi hia friends, aod bfttowB
npoa them bin parting boue liotioo,
ere he rei'i)j hli stealer toils
Year, and ftitea dp bit life that bas
boea wovoj of 3 mint taiiel
h-elj. But uu tnttter though bis
doe U tufty bT3 b 101 more tl.trk
than Ii'Lt, tlio grand feativitles and
boarty pood -will of bis cloHiog tiny
wipes out tlio dark record and bo goua
to his tfravo in wliita. Why sbonld
wo Dot bo glad sod rcjoico 1 Why
ahonld not tho oartb treinblo with
the bo and of joy aud gla Jucfs T for
dowu tlirjtiU tho vaultod niscf:
the paitt there OJinos to us na echo
of angle voicos, and golden harp,
as tho cl't'l anthem of 'Tkacs on
.UBTIl OOOT) WILL T O MAN," rillJ(S J,OlltUr lhJ "" rril,
....oa tho-m .ruin,; air. Then
us wo liittin, wo cutch the welcome
tilings: "l!j )ico, ob earth, for to
dny a ohihl inborn, and to us ft Soo
iugivou.yea, a.Sou, a Kinjj, who
shall brio rodoniption to His pco-
plo." Ai I fit moHungors weio
thvy whoso Kpnttit) I'.uiity hud ne r
bbcusttiliod by contact with the
rarth to nrouluiia tho coming of our
lorious lung aud S vi ar. .N i
wonder tlitt awo stole over tho
hearts of those (rood wine uion. uh
they sat watching thnir flocks, and
tboio cu'tio to thorn the bvti liistlo
if an'ol winjs, an 1 lool.infr np,
they buhcll tho clou 1 of Jnazlu0'
biightue.-is rind tho lovoly f rm of
seraphs, nn 1 tboir lis Ufirg cars
caught i bo strnius of iniisio, ovou
ll.o gttd uiithomt of pniitf') nij vio-
tory. Mathinks n) gin 1 lor, bap
pior chorus ovor roverb(irilJ
thf yngh tho courts of boitvon, or the
kingdoms of earth, thau that winch
rang oat that Qrst glorious Chiiul
tens mora. No doubt eoemod to
obhcure the Diinds of ILoho good
BhunlinrdH. na thev listona I to the
. .' .i
I rofluuiatioDS from those vwiUnta
cf light but rising, they UXoJ thoir
giizoupoa th3 star that was to
Ka de thorn, tnd following the track
of light that marked Us course, they
cauao to tho pi ice whore tlu Cln it-
child lay. 11 it w'.i tt wai it that j
gfcoto l thoir mto lUhei gazo t
SVhorO WdS ibl Ivuig whono 0 liUlO'f
had liOOU boral lj I in BUch a glorious
onnor ? Where tho pomp uu 1 grind-
our that should grnce tho oci tisiuu t
Whore tho silkon o mob upon which
tho soft fair !iml)i should rop mo t tho gilded canopy to proteot
from the light nud boat t hero
tho livoricl servants glidiug in and
out upon thoir royal mission T Ah.
uo glittoriog pngoant uuirkod ibo
adveut of Him, beiiouth whoso tioad
tho oat th should tremble, nud whoso
brow should bo euciclod witb a halo
of purer light than ever gleamod
from inontruVs dialoiu bufore.
ltut in an bnmblo stall, surrouuded
by beasts of bnrden, wits Ilia resting-place,
no couoh bet the fragrant
bay and such accessories of contort
as poverty ooald provide t and no
attendant save the parouts who folt
that no ooiatn u honor was bostow
ed upon thorn in litis being allowed
to cherish and protoct tbe Ono Who
should become tho world's Redeem
er. Tbe wise onos bowed low thoir
beads before that lowly manger, and
opening their treasures, prosontod
beautifull find costly gifts of gold,
frankincoose, and myrrh. Ah, ye
wise men, well may you deposit
those tre-suros there, for tbe bosom
of tbe earth would bo but poor trib
utes to lay at the foot of lliia who
speaks them iuto existence. And
thus through all cycle e of years that
have passed in their solemn march
to eternity, nations have commemo
rated the advent of Christ, by joyful
gatherings aud gifts of love. And
as w bestow npon our loved ones
gifts aooording to onr means, lot as
remember the glorious Oift that
came to na over eighteen hundred
yoare ago, and by our deeds of love
and kindness to those into whose
homes tbe Christmas mora brings
little w or oath or gladness, show that
uot ia vain did earth'e greatest bow
Ilis head aad die upon tbe Cross,
not in vain was that precious blood
spilled, for even aa we receive it into
our hearts, eo will it oloause na from
all selfishness, and open onr hearts
lo follow in the footsepe of our Lord
Bjud l!aster, "who went about doing
-"-V tad frcn reborn no -poor,
The Dying Year's Cojntel.
Now tb yr ll arlaf tk
Man boar b eannot lat,
Uaaibly obltli arc o'f blot out.
All bit eMMran Itao.l arouaJ, .
Uilrln( ant a wonl or tiuu I
A whS ijitiu 4' tuajle ti'.ij.
Twelr tber r j t limtjr mark
All Ihtlr Rgnrat in lbs (Urt,
HoTtrlng aar tb patriaroh
Lib lb ton of Jacob of l J ;
Wailing taoli one In b 11 1
Wu il ib fulUi aball uofuM.
TbouRb tb Mber'a lif, is dono,
All bia obiUren, on bf nn,
Hat frrab ract to bo run.
: Leaning down, I bnnl mj rr
Utr lb falol, xpWnf r,
And tLcaa worJa 1 im to bear t
Jiinuarjr, lot the weight
,or ,M Paor MJ Ue"oUl-
Lot Ibjr brulbr( c1u hrbln l,
Fbrnib bit iijr I of culling win I,
Wbca b Jolli Ilia bomglras (luJ.
Mtrob, wbtn 'Uyt art (tiling loog,
Lrt Ibr growing bottr be ('rung
To act right aouio wintr wroo.
April, witb ft.iwo.l.up earl Ii,
j Ki'l tacb rcrulol shower gi b.titi
To auiusi of tleitUKf wt.
tiri , tnnxicHli tng My,
Let t li T life be oil to i gf
for uusclAnb work etoli ..jr.
June, tli jr I cmily is a anare
To waii time in fi.-lnna r.air
Of tuin tliosniing, ob, bsr it I
July, as thj lliunilvri ro'l.
I'ierec eeb donbiiug ni,ina,'a suit,
Wiib tb liutb of 'JoJ's guniroi
August, In Hit i it! try bat.
Tetoh sortie Ioson, f i ts suJ awerl,
To tba reapers 1.1 leal,
Tlioo, Prplember, solder wi.lo,
Willi lb; shrtets wll smi.lio.l,
SesJ corn for hsaren'a h irjst lUs,
Sweat Ootober, fi'.I vlh jrii,
Rich an. I glowim a by Iy.,
i E''y poet' boA.l.feli
And NoTeraber t -a panU,
Tender, liumfjl, fuil of balm,
Tbou.mUit brotiiio in spirin Cil.n.
Tbou, Iba yottngott of Ibo.u all.
Wnoiu w 'Jink t. i.Lhi' cull,
Uriglitest lilit uu iUc jiiall fail.
j 01j-il iuaa ugi lime on the l,ro
jC'uiilni i sjrida iu tlie cbo.n i
'CMiiiai' ohu lore eaobbcirl Impires,
Tbisis all I hoard, for now,
I'M kMtig Ilia prut's ilrttlb cold brow,
1 roe up Willi hi ia; a rj.r.
C.ttjliiie ,lfiy.
Tho New Year,
ftilotit and wliilo,
Thro' tlijjitu uiUt,
Fell the soft ono,
Now fuel, now slow,
Making tho ponts
Li!:o shcotod ghosts t
llobing tho wools
In finer goods
Than ever was spun by mortal skill
And blcuchod ou tho sunny sido of
Tho hill, where ftingos are woven by
Weavors, where tho warp is mist
And the woof is air, tho world is
Dressed like a brido in whito, alth
The poor old year diod lant night,
Drop not a toar
On the cold bier,
Of the brave year,
Whose corpse is here.
His work is done,
And battlos won,
And h e will b e
Named with the free
Through future tlmo
for deeds sublime.
Wo welcome here
The new born year,
The snow that falls
From the gray walls
Of tbo thick clouds,
Is not for shrouds
For tbo days Add,
Or the daye dead.
'Tie tbe white Uaooo,
Emblem of peace,
Bent down to cheer
The soft young your.
May not red veia
Make a red stain
On the white robe.
Woven last night,'
So, ' ring the' soft
Sweet bells aloft,
Ring the true chimo
Of tbo good time,
lliog loud and clear
For tble Now Year.
"Uy eon," said a tiers father, "do
you know tie m;on riy i Jam go
Baby S-toskl-
Hang up lbs bar."' tii
Be im yt'
Th ) liitU dlmpUI n,. ;
8b B'cr Cbrlsttta yt ;
Out t tot I kr all about It,
Anit lb opsoaj bar big bin t,
Vtf ', ur b nn.Ursteo i it,
8b lookeJ to fanAy iu 1 wis.
Dear what a liny Hooking
It dsnen't lak muori Is Ml 1
Sueb lint pink toe a as bahy'a
Away from lb frost tn1 eol J.
llul Ibtin, for tb baby'l Cbristtna
It will neter do at all i
Whya 8ni wouldn't b looking
For anytbing half smalt.
I know what I will do for btbr.
I' Ihougbt vf th eery bet rlirt
I'M burrow allocking af gr.viinia,
Tb longent that ever t tin t
Aud you'll hang ll by mine, djar motber,
Right here la lb cam, so I
Aud writ a letter to AiH., ;
And fasten it on lb lo.
Writ "This Is th baby's slocking
Tbal bang In ths enrnst bcr.
Vou nirer liav seen her, t);ioU.
For tbt ouly camt Ibis ytr ;
Dut ebe't Just tb bleu Jest b tby
And now, btfor you g.,
Just cram bor itookings witb gonlio,
From tb top cloaa dowd to lb tec."
Christmas in Gormanv.
UY OI.A F. M'ullniSTl.NE.
lu Germany, the eclubratioo of
Christmas is the most Jclishtlul an 1
ntoriM'.in; uf all lijrm.i't foUivul.
inr weeks previouii, a fair is com-
u.enecJ in the rriucipal sunare of the
ity, t hove booths, orttumcuted with
cwrrceus, aro filled with a vurioty of
toys aud s petlucfwildQiDrss of play
lni! e. Ou tho 0:b of Dictrn'mr, or
St Nicholas evuoiug, tbo IjuhiIh are
oi tho htattuuo illoiuinntoJ, snl
lbs placd oro Ld with a joyou-,l,0
lioi-y t olIeutii'U uf ClilUlrtla, nucompii
nled by their paresis ,. t um'sj,
whoa biro U'imbors of present aro
bought for tho approaching festival,
,iud ulal braochoi ill ev'tlroon to to
uhui for Clnlsttuit treo. Night at-
iu orpbt aldi'uio'i an? on In f tli"
Kiotlik lo tho E'piaro uutil it resy.n
les au ill'l ni i itJ I gtr Inn of ever
greens, bud tlitt Baiuo see nee- aro caoh
rvuiijug acteJ over.
I'lraHy, the piecrJing day arrive;
ml, wliei I Ho sai siu!s Itl thd vet
tin oug-ar.'o .1 y bjptii lor O.t.uuua-
eve has cou p.
Iu tlio princip al room ofiho house
is a taMe, ou wh'eh, p. in Id HovvotJ onJ
wriT-tlis, tho prudent aro mot ut
tr.actively cpiead ont. In tho coulro
i'ki C'lristni is treo lifU its beautiful
boiibs, c overed with illuminate I wax
t ipera of every huo, while itwcot-
meats au.l gildud nuts of veyivari-
oly hung from its brano'ies. Arouud
tlio tabid caper the liMlo one in wild-
out glco, hunting the prose tit Wliieh
the ChrUt-klnddL'hru hug givoa thoio.
As out'h ono discovers his prosont,
tho BUHpotted glvor is omhracsd iu
turn, that calling forth the fioost euio-
This old custom Is boantiful, ro-
nowlng aud slreugthoniug tho at.
tachaieat and sympathy betwoeo
families aod f.-ienj.i, and, best of all
leaving buoutiful iaprossions oo the
mind of the child which thud can
ncvor destroy. Many men and wd-
mon, now advuncod tn years, lovt to
look back and th'mk over ud I talk o(
tho merry times of thoir childhood
ut Christmastide. It is ever to bo
regretted that we are allowiog many
of thoso old, beautiful customs to be
come so changed aod tuoJerbiiol by
our now advancod ideas that they can
scarcely be recagolzod as ths same
holidays which our anoeitors oslc-
A Western landlord Writos bis
own bills of fare, in order to save a
printer's bill. The last ono announ
ces : "C)ffoy, supe, roste befo, frido
hamm, boylod and bakt pertalers,
frido could pudden.mins pyea, mut-
ting chops, voels culverts hasoh and
crucified chickeua.''.
A fashionable dalveston young
lady at A social gathering remarked
jcBtingly, to Qilhooly ( "I wonder
bow much I would bring if I was
put np at auction aft buid to the
highest bidder T" "Just oimut $3,.
000." "Why, my jewelry alone is
worth that'' "Yes, that's! whS
put it aown at in my esuintta.
U. 1 . Li-JPt)
A Western woman who1 married
the nest day after ber L"Bt4id's
death exrjsed hsn 'f oa ths groui I
that t1; -9 rti ham in thi
l'A. DECEMBER 23, .1SS0. NO. 25
N ;jo Spy't Story.
"Well, naw, ic!' ". 1J hlpu'
when scouting insido ih enemy's
lines, did anybody evpr doteCt you
as a tJodfedViMte spy T
"Never, lint I was ?H7
loiog oanght np onco, and Jho ouly
wny I escaped was by lumig . iintook
for my brother Jim." Utro the
smile on UU faco sprct 1 int ) A broad
ijiio, nud ho chuoklol ns Lis inind
wont back to tho Actio comical a 1
vuuturo. Tom Wo id, or "L'ucle
Toni'tiy," as ho was known in Gun
oral Loo's camp, had uovt r bocn
with tho army i:i I'l itidurs, but lir
had learned thoir habits all tho iim,
and was pcihips at wico I a huuto:
as ever shouldorod it t iilo.
" 1 11 toll you ubi it hut I
liked to have boon ctu,;ht. It wa-t
l.tto in l)ncem')i-r, int 1 it oecurrud to
mo that I would tako my Chr'iHtiuaH
frolicliy in ikiug it littlo suout out to
my home in Randolph county. We
wore vmnpod at tho Warm Springs,
and Int 1 uothing to d in camp nud
I folt lotit'somo liko. i t'hriHtnm
drew ou, I got to IhiuLing about my
(il I woman and tho (Miildiou ut huiiu.
They woro away iu-tido tho litum
of tho uuoiuy, and I thought that
Chli'.liua.s would bo moru liko ('hi int
mas to thorn if 1 could unoxpocti'dly
drop down among. Ho I shoulder
ed my old gun and away I wont, out
through l'uoabontiM aud down into
llaiidolph. I gut utong tii'Ht lato on
my way uitt ; saw no FoderaU ( sli)-
'pod urounl thoir pickets, naw my
family, and nftor enjoying myself for,1"'1 ou.i tli tt, oi-ouptti.m f,r Unity
Ja soasou, slartod buck
"Of course I kept out of tho way
of all tho suttlonioiits nud uttli'l; to
tho mountains. 1 utoiipod ut no
body's hmiso uulo.M I know thoiii to
truu-blao Soiipierners. Oiio'lk"y' b.v ftliy '"cu;;'1' historian nud
! ni 'lil I ounn t, I'm t !rn,iiilii i,ir. an
i' later dies n felou'i death !
ist as d.nk cauio on ti heavy tiloet
;B0t iu. I was col I. tired and !tun-
1 wry. and tho only house whore 1
! ooul l ibid aholttir was thj homo of
old Liilly Johnson, whom I kuow to
bo tho mo.t ultra Uuiou uiiui in all tho
regiou. I bad no personal iiC'piuin
lanco with hiiu, an 1 didn't think that
ho had over a teu mo, so I CJiicludtd
to risk my.Hi.'if uudor Li4 I oof tint
night nuy way. It was my purposo
to givo lii in a (Vtiti'iiM uaaio, for 1
felt pr.stty surj lh.;t if iio .lis.iiver
e l that I wai l oiu Wood, tho rebel ud lortnio tiro t'uo highest of sym
soout. I would tnt livo t j si'o day-bols, tM'.U'vo tho corrosion which
light. MiHteriugnp coumgo, uu 1 ornmblos rll elso iuto oblivion, nnd
holpe 1 aloug by tlio wot aud col 1, 1 1 become tho fuvorito ornaiuont of nil
sought refugo tin lor Johnson's roof i phases of fashion, Tho dospisod
and was hoiiitaljly rjceivod. Whilo Nazareiw is Kink of tho Worl I, an I
sitting by tho lira w inuiug mysolf,
Johnson kept looking iu to my f ico
eiruodtly, whon all ut onrvj ho rom
from his ho it, appaoacho 1, and
Htaudiug tlirec'dy iu front of mo,
says : "Ain't your namo Wood f"
"ero was a posor, aud I thought
1 was caught. I kuow that if ho re
cognized mo it would do uo good to
lio about it, so I owno l up nud said
that was ray naiuo, "Well," said
ho, "this is Urothor Jimmy Wood,
ain't it f"
"This rolievo 1 mo. You seo Lo
mistook mo for brother Jim, and
seeing bow it was, 1 humored tho
miatuko, though Jim is a blastod
sight nglor mau than mo. You seo,
Jim is a Methodist and a loader in
tho church, aud so id Johnson, and
that's bow bo called mo 'Brother
Wood.' And thou bo sat down and
talked ovor old timosaud tho catup
ineotlnt; in the hills, aud I was
willing ho should most do of tho
"I got along very well notil we
sat np to snppor, when Johnson call
od on roe to say graco. I bad done
many a hard days worki had been ou
many a long scout, buve been in
some mighty hard fights i bat I toll
you honestly, boys, tbo bnrdost and
hottest work ever doue was to get
out that blessing iu a genteel way.
At bed time Brothor Johnson put
the Bible on tbo stand, snuffed tbe
candle and asked mo to load in fami
ly worship. I road a chapter in tbe
book, and kneeling down offered np
the first prafer of my life, not for
geltiug to pray for tbe restoration
of the Uni on aud tho distruction of
its enemies. Maybe it was auswer-
ed. I bad a good' night's rest, and
wbeu I left ia the morning felt bet
ter than I ever folt in my life. In
fact, boys, I bolieve it does a man
good to pray a little once in a while,
even if he forced to it. J moan to
Jo more of it hereafter.''
tlarrip in Chicago. ii ffuftiog
Cht isttivaft Carol.
Tit oa th Chrt-tmaa 1.g
Higher an l klghef ;
Cheerily, obrerily
Crsc's'.i-s tli Hie,
Now 11 lb bel'e ring o0t,
M.:rri'.. tnorrlty '.
Now lut llif. obiMrn',lvlUi
.i:"..y, cue n'y.
L"l n'i liirb eoloes sound
llti'irily, dr tri'y ;
L-i nt iln Imi j.iy ul, it) rt 1
Mf'. i.;y, uk rrily.
Not Irl hme voifrs s,iurtd
Itriniful of tin', tuin
Now i-t brlj-lil eyea almni I.
I. li:iiilly lirnitiit.
Let tint a nolo bo lie .r 1
hie iiliiii) of h,iitow ;
l.-l on' (V 9, ill rr'n ; ho
t-'rc fjr th morrow.
I'ile nn lbs Christmas lugs
IlitftuT mid higlijr .
t'iii'en'y, cborilr
Cruckles tbo lire.
11 oral I of future tilij
Jnyoiiily d'i'nlii j
l!:iil I,) lii,f , (mil i ii ,P,
Mrihl I'liri'tinns ni.iru!nf.
'Tis Christum thu h -cio IHo I
birthday of "tho Man of sorrows and
iif'ptaintod with grief" tho Suv
iniir of tho world.
In uu uliMciiro j.!;tcii of unfit nt
t ity llo was born. His pnrcntago
wan bumblo, nud !h w.n aci'o.iohio I
in a ut abl . Hit f.ithor w.n a earp
i ntor, an 1 Uo is beliovo l to b.ivo
years, occamonally utattl.iig His
hearers with tho novelty of His
doctrines; At tho ago uf t'l'rty llo
enters upon bin appointod mission
an ovcut itioo I, etoopt iuoi f.-ut-
Now mark tho Hoipiol : His life and
tuHsiou hj.v J.vatfil nuy com
p.irisou T i.i tho inspiring thought
aud hopo of tht? day. Evory civilis
ed goveruraont of tho world o.ves
devotion lo Him, ait 1 gratitulo
tho Man onco mookod by a crown
of thorns, spit upon and rovilod.
llvory legal d ieutnont bears tho
legend "In tho year of our Lird, "
and ulmoHt every witiio-ts in court
pledges bis fo illy to truth in His
ij.inio, Tho ciuhloni of l'id death
Christianity I'm Is its homo wherever
iutelligfiuco gets sway. Ilis natal
day ia tho day of days of all tho
years tbo day through nil Christ
endom wlun men, if ever, are
l.nppy, nnd givo np f tlli.ihness and
all flao that umrs bnppiness, to good
cheer, good worde, mi,i jgoml workn.
1 oing ino this Mnn Blttnd iig ut the
iiuonrlain d win.'o v of u CLiintiau
1 homo oo ! Chrittuiis ovo.
'Cor other fonuduliou can no man
lay than that is laid iu Jlol'S
A Curious Faut.
I'anda of music uro borbid leu to
'play on most of tho large bridges of
tho world, A Coasta lit sueceaaiou
of sound waves, rspociully such aa
como from tho playing of a baud, will
excite tho wires to vibration. At
first the vibr itious tire very slight,
but soon they will iucroaho as the
sound wavos continue to como. The
principle ronju w'jy bauU are not
allowed to play w'tou crossing
bridgos tho suspension bridiro ut
Niagara for iustanoa is that if fol
lowed by procossious of any kiud
they will kocp stop with tho music,
aud this regular-stop would cause
tbo wires to vibrato. At suspension
btidgos military cotupauies uro not
allowod to march aorotis in regular
steps, but broak ranks. Tho regu
lar trotting gait of a largo dog
across a suspension bridge is moro
lungorous to tho bi t Ige than a
heavily -loaded wagon drawn by a
team of largo horses.
TLo first iugroiiieiit iu eon versa-
tiou is truth i the next, good sense;
the third, good humor i tho fourth,
" i' ' i
Christiauity moans to the mer
chant that bo (hall be honest t to
the jndge that he shall bo just t to
the servant, that he fcball be dili
"luches take wiogs.'' 8o do
rtibliehod evnrr Tlnirt(lav Evcnind)
JfiauaiAll UMOUHB, rrop'f '
Terms of SubViUriplton,
nlilo .vithin six months, or t rA)!ir
paid within the jrenr. No piiM- dis
continued until all nrrcrtrntr" nr-j
' p i'il unlutta at tbe option of
Bulmrriptions rilldB of tli" coti-w
, . i
11111111.1 l.t Al'Y A.Hl
l-rjyrrrnoiis liftlti( and nsir pJer
SiUlroMfld 'o others lipcnn"'til!'riif
and are liable forthe tn-iv e tf the imper
V fullliuo of 1)11103 ami
tlx a
Mi n's an
Yi. nib's Suits,
it.oO to
Uuderclolliil".. ntlilf'
to if !."".
I'npor Collars I." r.nd 1! els
a Box.
A lurrro oln-k of (il'N'TS
1 l IlSl-IIINlt tiOOP.S
at l.i.t CASH
Cull and eaiuiiio our nlocl'
and prices before purchasing
else whet o.
IieMpcel fully,
Nov, '., '"'I -till.
l At
New York Observe?
THIS Ylvll.
The Laracsl and Cosl Family Paper irl
tho World.
Sew I For Sample Coy-Fred
37 Turk How, N. Y.
llTln ,!,ipt I the miito r,f t!. "iiii !
SiirKM k," mil,., Tli, or iv, ml. I rail tl.a ut. l th i,m to tu lai'l tbat L baa
a,lu,til ILe
and fcrroiiltor, will anil .i1 entirety (r( A sit
ur I'll i On i K l flim r'lti I tliatltittLatru
s -teiu il l lux b:iluea. .
llo, .intir.uea to kco,ua bkcd a erj full ati '
weii-feiei'ie,l aiuca ki
(MS r.. it'., if.. SiCt
. b I e ,,i','r tn tba publlt at icrf greallr ta
d i l t..tMl I'KICM,
Wuh th ink" tn my old eit'trmera for tbelf
1 1 i...r I ,,ir,iu It many yi'Sra ,,i ll, I
nuiibl a iti lt tbnlr cut,'"i li rtn (inure, let',
ln. lliey will bo bonsbtie l ty Ik chnge, at
Your liumMe serrant,
W. V. Kt'Klltlt r.
Salln'rore, trrt.V1.'Tf.
Kti'ry mnn or woiu tn wi!l buy fJioU
where they can du'ibe lienl, ll It ualnril ,
it is nuii'itn niiutc, tua vtn gain ,ibr
lb lril munry
ft 'l
Tbnt ta jiitt our Motto'aud ifyouaantle'
secur Uurgain in
HtRtiH VHrt. .
ftROOKltlfS, MlL'tlS,
I.RTllKtt, PIIOB FlMHNrtrl,
TtHlAI't'O ASI iltoV.
Rill'.. SfKKL, UDt'K HilWflER.- .
NKIUCll. I'SE. AT ONLY $ t 30
t'EU HAL LUN or f l. o 1'Ett
yl' ART, TUB llESf
til HHANK, So;
I rrepeulfully aak of Ihsoltltehs otHntl
Snyder toun'y abara of tbtlr patronage
llailug purubaaa my rur CASH ,
am abl to tell at very LO If I'RICtS.
Chantry J'roJuc lukci in Etehan;e of1
Taurs Baapeotlally,
. S M. SHLfLER. "
rb.V. Llecrpiiot, feiry t'o.; Pd),
-tTm TT y"
Aucloneer Oeorge II.' HatLi.'
burg, rf Mtddlofreek, I', "., (ti!d i '
fiotiiits fo the r'ip.'6 of SntMcf f,i 'i f
ly, that l w ill ciy 1 1. U "( i uil,u
peraoiiiil property, r.t al.fitt n.tiifc t '
on tlu,' Host rem' rirthla l iia, '