The Post. , . I On New Tork woman be Middleburg, Wo v. 24, 18.,VrDr0'w,r.ri,ei.4to tie J. CHOUSE, Editor A Propretor. tumji it.. . i Hoi. John B. PasVer and tna U. S Senatorship. Hon. John H. I'ackor woo it no. tional reputation at a cltnt-lieailnJ talesman by his vigilant, encrgetit1. Capable, conscientious coarse dining nine year ia Congross. Asa public errant be knew his Jcity an I did it welt. Verse i in the arts of govon mont, he possesNea the power and will t J put tj pr mia tl uno bis abilitios. lie is a cj l, de!i'ortte, deep thinker an t gives expression to Lis thoughts in the ssmo manner and with powerful execution. He is an eminent citizen. It is onr hnmblo juilgmont that no man in the State would represent tbia great Coraraonwonltb with all her vast an J varieJ intorests with greater ability and zonl titan Hon. John B Packer The next Senate will be closely divided in nnmbiTs, but the pre ponderance of intellect wilt be over wbolminlv on tho Kcpubliran side. The Domocrats lose Tlittrinno. Wallace, Kat-jn and McDonald, who are four of thoir strongest mn. On the other hand, the Iti-publicans bold their own and gain at every poiut. From Ne they will have Ultimo, IMmunds, Morrill, bawos, If oar, Antbjiiy an I Itiwlny, all of whom rank high. Tlioo there are Coupling, Carpi-utcr, Logan and probably Slii-misti to inrtke n potver fill force. Tho !iuocrst have only B.iynnl left as a luador, with two or three secouJrutj Southern men. AH the Nihilists trifcd for tir-iDg implicated io plots ngttiust the life of the Czir have beeu found guilty. 1'ivo of them have been sentenced to death, and eleven to bird labor in tho mines, thoir terms of puniNhuient ranging from life to tifty years. Three wouien were sentenced to fif teon years' ponal aervitude. The Court announced that it would inter cede for the mitigation of the senten cos in the cases of the women, and in the case of one of the weu con doomed to tho mines. In France horse flesh, brought in to fashion at tho Hei.s of 1'nris, is gaining rather than toeing favor. Since 1876 the amouut consumed baa risen from 171,'SOO pounds to nearly 2.00J.0JJ pounds In tho year 1370 there wero consumed at Marseilles ")9'J horstts i in 1875, 1 .03 1 ; in 1878, 1.533 at Nancy iu 1873. l(Jj ; in 170, 35-) t and iu 1878, 75D. Similarly iu Rliuiins nn 1 Lyons the fii;uie bavo advuocod front year to year. President Hayes is quoted as say ing that when he returns to his otll rial buttons in Jfiruh be will carry away very pleasant recollections f bis life in tho White House. "Tim first two years wore bard.'' be adda 'as hard, perhaps, as any year ol Lincoln's adiuiuietratiou The two last year have beeu as easy and pleasant as perhaps any President bus enjoyed. In my case the sun shine baa followed storm and clouds." Notieo is giveu by Um Secretary of the Treasury to "tho buldi rs of United States ti per cent, bonN is ued undor the act of February 8, 1881, and commonly known as the sixes of 18807' that said bonds, with the accrued interent thereon, will be paid at the Treasury De partment, December 31, 188'.). aud that the interest oo said bouJs will coaso on that day. Holders of Ituadiug railroad se curities will be gratified to team that arrangements have just been oonsninraatad in Knglund by which a loan of ;)l,20'),0 tJ is to be mnde to thu company, which will tuko it out of tho bands of the receivers and place it on a solid baNis ii;5'ain. Tho good news bus already caused quite an advance in tho etock, which now oils at about ij-'ii per ehare- The Piexidintiul Klectors will meet at thoir suveral State capitals and ciiHt their votes for Pivuidont and Vice I'r.ini 1 jri t on the fiist Wudiiedday iu December. Congress in direutod by law to opon and count those votes on the second Wednes day in February, aud to declare the ienult. A lady while shopping at Arnold, Constable Si Co.'s dry goods store in New York, tast week, lost a pack age of money she bad with her con taining $JO,000. It is thought she left it I) iog on a counter and some cd appropiiated it Aftor the lute big storm, a citizen of Cuerokeo, owa, emptied a barrel that had been tilled with suow. and found in the bottom of it an old hen with a brood of chickens that Lnd been batched oot a few days before. They wore all alive and well, Tba present Congress emble for ita last sew day, December 6. Tt will not meet until r time, anlesa called session. " Vea W IAammoth CitjCal., vim destroyed ky fire on Sunday, I OeorRin Irgie'itlnre. Chinamen raise peanuts carlond in California. by the steadily Alabama baa 000 looms oprralfd bv 2.500 weavers. Kris city no boaNis f having the fastf-st borers in the State. Oen. Sheri tin, i'i hi ain-vil re port, nays the army ii too small. Prussia and the North German states have 1 1,807 breweries. Many of the eir wir'ss in the tato piy their men in gnll. nfCira on thoir travels carry military maps. Adioster mniilv sp-irtsmM shot nineteen rabbits in one day. Scarlet fever is sai 1 to be epidem ic at Maizuvillo; Schuylkill county. French tonrists who nsod to ro to Oermitny now go to Switzerland. In the apentiine. (lining the chectnut sonaou, the schools have a vacation. Oondersp'irt is risen from its nti e.i into t'.ij shape of a bountiful borough Congress will meet on the first Monday of December, which is the Cth. At Rod tlnk. N. J.. ATilli n V. Srover. ae 1 lifty, shot his tbirtojn years ol 1 wife. Thoreare fifty millinery stores all inarjw iu pirt of Divisiou street. Ne t York Illinoia will havo a h'ia lrel h i t sand dollars in her treasury after all state bond are pnid. A Grecian aged 112 diod recently i at Athene 1 1 -r yo in jut sou is 22 ami lest. lie if t i it I. Fully a thonsan 1 hoga have diel in Huntirig'lou an. I Blair couuties from cholers. It Shank and Oeorgo Ropp, two notorious churai'ters, escaped from the Franklin county jail last week. O viu-ti thu Wotnrn railroad war, travelers can go from Chicago to St lionis for one dollar. A St. Louis journal speaks of a man who got into a poliiiiMl row aud was freckled with buckshot J. Uviek. of Hit din, oin,'ht , . - t . .... nYmiiywixiit ooznn . suiiiisii in one lay in ono of tho neighbiring streams. Many Oorran ofllcors believe that there will ho a war between tier ojuny and Frauce within a very few years. A Paris magistrate asked a va grant how he passed his nights. Your honor, except for a nightmare no and then, thank you, I tdutm well." 1 Hereftor Forney's Prtyrem h t bo a full tlil'jl D.i n uri'ii orn. Now wo will hob if the Democrat's snpport it. Tho State Insane Asylum at St Peter, Minn., was hurimd on Mon day night. About forty of the - - ' - fortunate inmates wero limn p.i. About two-thirds of tho town of Newport, Ark, was destroyed by fire on Monday night. About two hundred families are roudered home less. Loss, !200.(l0(). Mr. lieoolinr h is bin proaohing a fiory sounon on tho reior I of the Pemoeratic party. Ho say it lin-i got a bat nam) nut hjw to got rid of it is tho question. William II. KogliVlihn rrtii'not to his old avoeition rohbiog the poor Denis Kearnev, liko waior, bus found his true level again diiv ing a diay 0mnral Oarfi-jld has ronel his moiui)rs!jij of Ciugress from thu l'Jth. Ohio District. Governor Fos . tor has ordered a enecial lMtiin for the 30th to fill the vacancy. Over throo thousand imrcirranti arrive.l at CaHtle Pardon, from Eu rope, on Monday. Tho total dum ber of immigrants who have arrived thus fur this year is above 2'.)0,000. U m. Lumis, aged fifteen .years, of Mr. Union, was killed in the Altoona jurds on Monday evening, by beiii- stitiek by a passing eugino. He was teiribly luauglod about tho Loud. Pine trees have recently boon cut on land of Judge Wilmore. near his mill iu M'Koun county, one hundred and Heveuty-tivo feet high in0 logs, sixleen feet long, havo been out from a singlo tree frequently. The etatemout that a boy of HI mil a has log", nu eye through epizo tic poisouing, will bo the meuns of greater caution being exercisod by those who have anytuing to do with horses uffocted with that disease. Coon bnntora were cutting down a tree at Adams, ud. The dogs got into a fight close to the tree just ns it was ready to full. Two men suc ceeded in saving the brutes, but were crushed to death themselves. My a wreck on the Lebigh Valley railroad, on Monday, one man whs killed and another wounded The locomotive and two pusxenger cars were destroyed by tire. None of the pasneogers were hurt. A terriMe mnrder was committed in npper Dauphin county, near Ly 'v other night. An old man 'man as shot dead by 'iimherger. The uiur t Hurriehurg. 'satoh at Pittsburg Nbon, of linkers ' of A Laaot Fam Oo the York coou I ty side of the Susquehanna river.' opposite Diillibridtf, is a tract of laud containing M0 acres, which was deviled lv William Prim to Mr. Vog-tr, grsndfather of 8. H. Yog... ' eq, the present owner, over one hiindii'd years ago. The tract era braces the wlmlo of tho Innestoue, formation of that nart of the cotiutv. the soil being fimt quality, nod thu arable portion in tho best state of cultivation. There is still an abund ance of vilunblo limbtr on this Irnct, amohir which nre locilut trees which would cut upwards of one hundred posts a piece. Tint bnoKD l,r.TTEa Those per sons who got np the "Morey" letter shoitly before the Presidential eltc tion nre at last coming to grief They have been followed so hard that thry aeknowledgHd the crime of false swesring in regard to the mat ter, and are now in jail awaiting trial. The forged letter was gotton up just at a time w hen it could not be refuted in season to prevent its eflVrt in California and Nevada. It turns out to have been a deep plot to carry the election by this kitid of chicaneiy, A Reading gunsmith, narad Low is Koyct, is making an immense ducking gun for V, R I.e. is, of that city, which is to cost if 700. The weapon is to bo sit feet three inches ilotig. will weigh from twenty to twenty-two pounds, will kill one hundred aud fifty yards and takes a charge of ten giains of powder and two ounces of shot. The Employees Wrecking Com pany, who have been at work several weili at Round Island, above Peeks kill, iu the Hudson river, vearching for tho Venture Oalley, the vessel which Captain Kidd commanded during ono of his piratical cruises, discovered a wreck of a vessel a hun dred feet long, con tuining a large gun buried fotty feet deep in tho mud. Kd. Hall, Mike Wulth and Robert White, all of New Vol k. were con tided at Reading, on Friday last, of eonsfiraey to forge tho Rending Railroad wages certificates, mid ,. . , , . , .. were eaeh sentenced to three yoars imprisonment and !?lli fine The tri ll of Harry Knglisb, the desperado, in K!k county, for various iifionces, will cost f.'),()00, and the county must borrow the money to meet it. The Pottsvilln Iron mid Stool Company is the name of a uiann fuctory to tin located at Poltville, with a capital of !?4.Vi,ii()i Ineliiding the pay of tl'e poll nf fieeis, cost of books and printing, the recent elections c ist the city of I'hiladelpliia 13.00.). si a O, . A full line of IRI'GS am! CLOTHINQ hi IB. S. HARVEY'S ll DBUO STOilE, 0- Mcn's nnd VuiiIIi'h $1 .10 to il8 Ji Underclotliiittr, suits, to 1.70. Suits 81.00 Pii per Collars 1. nnd 10 cts n Box. A iHrpe stoek of GENTS FURNISH I NO OOODS at lowest PASII 1TJCE3. a M Call nnd exniuino our i-tock snd prices lit f ore pmcLnsin ulHuwbeie, Resjiectfully, B. S. HARVEY. Nor, 'ii'to (in. THY tub New York Observer THIS YEAR. The Largest anl Best Family Paper in the World. Send For Sample Copy-Free NEW YORK OBSERVER. 37 Park How, N. V. PUBLIC SALE. Tt h iintlaralirDtil tiaaiilor of lb ra tal of am Holm, dao'.l will nffrr at iutiio l, lo IL Uoro. of Ml.liilehiirg on Tnnsduv Iopeubbr 7tb 18S0, Ih fnllnwinf ilraeiilttd raal saiali lo wli ,- two fiory Dsellio House, allual nn Mil atrral MiJ IIrhur. ad Joiainf lot of W Ham . (laatar an iha waal, II V. Uiilliua oo Ilia aaat. fronlln aa mvi atri, aud long alia wa Iha arum Hala l orr.mtnaa at III a m at mmlA ty whaq uraaa ar l will ba mads iuwo by JACOB BENFBR, II KN IV A. UOI.IO, JOHN 8 BKAV.H, Cfioutsrs. - T H V-,r, CAUTION. I -arroT.CE hri. ,, .... iht f. JLl lowln article" hay hea rinrrbatrd' bT imitriirf, i ebrriir Hale, aad ; r'""'"" "f Mr llertold ft J" Mme Hon. 1 fl,ti Ham, 1 ftn: Lo V,a.nri, hii lUj l.eddrre. 2 Loj "It-Is, Grain lirill. Ha Ke. (r,l Bnai, MuI" nd !' I'ouhl sJ Sioai Trera. Huffy. Plrlfb. OtlnJ.fione. Culiitmor, I'orn rinBitr, 2 Log Chain. tii, Culler, Peril! Hon, Mnolnf Jatlilnr, KsnMiif Will, fi Sbo'. tl.illfr, 2 Coal aifltr and I'lpt. Hftirt inJ Cuabion risnnforla, H', 'MsrbU Tnf. ltiirrtii, 2 Smi Chlm. 0(Bre Tsblr, Lot rrpl, Iturrow, 3 DoJisad btdtliSf. Ilrii'rouni Bull, t'o. EDWARD W. TOOL Npv 1", 1881. All hoil Ik rllmito. r-ifi. In-lf, ro. pit. rrop io., . nu . fnnn.l In Hi WKKKI.V I'APirAL, an ( pi, 4" ftnlnma pir, unit "l. ta 1.1 o any In tba I ntf.l Mai. , e m-'iitlit lor M rrnla. 1 jar lor On i-.MiBr. i:i'rrpnfi(ieniH, in arf i:oanty in lb Mat. l'o.tif Mnmpa Ukan ma f . I. K. lll'l)Bt, Kililur, TuMia, Kan. The Convnnn'r'vllh of Vniiy V'ia , to Thomas J.' Ililbinh. lnrTi!n : Wht-rm Mrf Ann Hill .n, hf h-r frlni1 c on tl.a trli. .I nf riwf.ia uiur, i-ih). ir.(rrrr-d hr ii'-tmnn '.i lh JmiI- ..fn'ir ilonn of V.,n. man HIpm r.ip Hie c-iiutifr af'irnll. irylia fi.r lh Oi-r.'ln a.-i r.irlh llial iha iiiImIH ht ihaiilnlrl) 1iTori-it from lh bn'la o m,t. riiiion; ..iirr.l lulu ollli fnn Tlimiiaa J. II .1-M-li, V'i II yoll, an iH.fnrf. nii mrrr rinininlrrl the Tl oii.w .1. Mil- Mali, tliat af-imm aalila all mai.oar nf I u-luaaa aiMl .Ivti.a. wh .la.rfp, ou bo ami apiar In inur vn..,.r ap-..n lrf..r i.ur Jmlaa, at Mi l. Ilalmu. al a l i.iul r c.n.iiic.ii ,.a, t ba lii-M nu Hi I I, .lr of II ni.rr n-it, to aiiaorr Iha pallM.i'i op III. la of Ilia ..l Mrr Al llll ami aln.w ranaa, if any y.n liava hy Ilia hi,I M ir Ann llilhl.h lfn ahnnl.l nol Im ill r.r l Iromtl. k-.... of aurm-alilT Io til. A"t nf Iha ll.i .ral Aa-anillv, III anch i-aaa III I- vl pp..l,al, .n I hra.lf (all not Viin. , ii,. 0, tt d b i. har, t'ra-t'laol .li.lia of nliraalil ronri, M lil'llaliurtf. lllli 11, tin of Nuv. iuWr A. I. IH0 .1. :KOi;sE, PrJlb'y. I'll ivati: hil: i vialitublo RealEstate. rPHl'2 undersigned offora at private a ial fiO Acres '?.,J"'''Ll'v?' ,,n 'n,,'t '"Mp, Snyder c. 1 1 n-ifl;'ij inarch, wbr.o f a.acial a Sooil CHAM E lwellinr, Ituiik llurn and oth-r otitioill.llnaa A gnol lirahar.l of -all ,elcetl n n.di.i ynrlaili'i ol dull, V'r I oalar al Iha cl"ii-. Vh.V KA.1K Tfchns am ba alyau Iha urnliHtP. 'uf luitLar parllrul.rarali on n. a.lilr aa lHAhl.sinM,,,,v, N. T. IS. !.). .Vlil.liaburs. J'a. AtMOL'RNKI) irniJO CAI.B Real Eslale ! MMIK nn'nriiiiie 1, Admin:Htrtoi s 1 nl i a-laia of Tour 4h.loi, lata of CliaimiHti t -in." ii. Sny iar eounty P.i. ilaaM. t y virtu o an or.lar l,na I out ol itid (I. nun' noinlv. .a axpoia I t i ul lie ISula, i d Hi prrml.-a. on 'I tun a-ilay, December 2nd, HSI), : th f..i..wln .1o.arl. Ui M-al llni' I II. lo lu it t" af'i il, aOoot on nn.a iiom aT orvtll, o ut il ui., .teres ami Il0nrahl, tra luaaair. ii n la I f irlU "l""'1'. '.uth t.y . f auu.l Hr.rroi.1, Km I) ottiar l.i n I u ilrna.lani, an.l Wi.-t liy Inn.', f i, , Honor anl ulni.n Kjimui, liruou a iMior)' 'I(.IK, ko.ii or n. i,ry ll. ir sn l A'liintH I elliiitf llo, hd. Bin!; Birn and oil r ni'xtry niittmll ilna-a. T'.a Ian I la Ii a l.lab tun i i' il.n tiiua.uudar a'uod laoca, woil air., an I a'tout 12 Apips of Timber Land. Pnlc to a minanra at in i'lotii A, il.of aall .!' ahou In in. ol a lie will ia in la aouao Of 'riinMAM iioHi it. MMAMNAII ai'lll.Kiir.K. Noy. l-.ll.vj. Ad.iiltiUiratoro. THE BEST PAPER. TRY IT ! BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. :JOth Ywti' THE Scientific American riaaa Waakly Naw,pttr of KI(on eaa:.,, rirlniad In llio m-wt iiaiuillul atyl rof ily I liialralad with ai.ian lll anirravlnu. raiiraaant m th nawaat lovonllona ao 1 tia noat r.-nt A ivana- a In in in, an I sol nc; IO"lullni nw an. i iniarun r"l, lo Aariouiiura, Horil.-iillnra, that II .ma, Ho.lth, M fro. araaa, Mooial io4in Matural IIatory. iolo af p A-tron.'iuy. Th moat y tlu ihl itrantloal iira, liy iulnnt wrilnra In all tliartinatita cf srl-noa, will be found la th Solaaliria Amri(an. '! rota, SJ.tO par ynar. (1.00 half yaar, wklnh, lilanoiint to A;nt Nlnula ii'la ln aanta Hill by all Nawalnalar. Ilmlt by poainl ordr to All'.V.f CO., I'ub- I. aiiara .'IT I'trlt Uo,Na Vorh T) ATPU PC! In aonntollon with th X ilAXjVl lOi Hrla.ilin.' Aiiirrliail, .Vlaa.. J1I. N.1 h i.ll.ara Mnlloltnra of Aniarl ran and roralun I'alanla, hv had J4 yaar, xnrlana, an. I now bo th Utuxl itn- II. lnuaol In tb w trlil. eatuota ara obtlnal un Ih til lruia. a;.nial notlca la la tbasrlrnlino Amrrliau ol all Invntlauf l'nitil.l ibruiiKb tbla tnni'y, with lb naiui and raalliio ol lb fal-nt- Hy tba Itninana olroulatlon Ibua alrau. uublle altantloo la ill-ri-rid to tb nirlta of lb ot r iiai it. aad aalea or Inti-o-liioM'tn ofm . aullv alfota I. Any ttaraou wuo haa m tda a nw UUatyary or IiivsiiIIuOi i-aa aanarltla, Ira of obar-. akatuar a l aton- oaa iirubahly ba obialuad. by writma-to MUNN k Uii. w alao aod Ira our 11 till llioa tit a l tna eatant I.awa, Pat anl. Caratia, I'r t la.l ,ra, tblr eo-ta, aod iio iirik ur'!, wltb biota for proourlo advan- eaa oa Invan'lona, Addra for tb fapar, or vuubvrinun rainitia, itll .VS . ., 37 Park How, I. V. iiraneh limoa, Vor. V. ft, Tib MM., WalblDKlon, - a., V. SEL1N33B0VB MARBLE WORKS. i n nnnaraiKnan narlnir purthaaad tha 8a. .u.n..,.. "..,,, u( i qo7 luily pia parad to manulaotura. ' Moaanisuts A d d Hcadslontis. tlila auiutnar at prleaa uivoh lowar than haratn for, aud lowar than baa arar baao iluoa la tba llavltiic luat racalrad alarva lot of llatlnaa ofalltlialataatatylaa of Monuuiama i.i..l atonaa, I aw abla lo viva aila'iitloa la axlaa aud prleaa, la all thiti wlab to iloorat lb Mjianaiiiii.'l'aiaa r llaa.l.toiia. I haya alao inada arralOKamairn, ,,i aa i ha abla to furnlib on abort not'on, ,-farola, Nand- St"', at prmaa to Bull tha uuroLaaar in. ui p-r.,r inn n fluua .Mil IV l..l.. raraona in aaau oiaay of tba a bora artlaUa will aara inoiiay b lllu at tha Hallnaarora Marbla Worha bafor nurohaalnar lawbr. ' i" i" H"' l''nt lialvaalaad llrar lard. for aal. 'lr dlurol ail. Oom kn4 ttir lr. J. II, Long, of Adamaburf, l sg em for tb aaJrl(ad where all or I ere, win reeeivopronpt atleailoa. Attorneifs-At'lsi w. II. IILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Lruitburg, Pfirt'o. All tinatnaa alruli to al ear will b M oui't I; ailtsiitit lo, Sl, 80, t8. Jj" g. DiiiTiTiciTi AT TO n K V A r. L I If. Mtrkrt -Sr., Srlinnffrvte. Pa. Alt pnrltal l oiioa-a promptly attanilad t. Uoaaultatloaa In tnglua anil ilano nn rt. ia.'w. I. U..WUNDERLY, ATTOSNEY-AT-LAV, MUUlrbltrg, Siiytlrr C . Pa. Can kaaananltad la Knsllns or (Uf in. aTfroaaaat alaloi lor Palno, a . Jaa. ..,tv, jJ"n. MliBl.rf. Attorney-At' Laif. II.MI.aiir, Ptna'a. All prnfaatlnnal bj.,oa aitrnnal Io hi r will ralr prompt altcmion. (JuoauitMivna la toIU ai d ilarman. (a. I. I,'T. JACOB OILBEUT, Attorney- A t-Inw, MlDDI KIIt'lUJ. A. Alliml"t antra tl to hlaaara U rl rotapt attantloa. July M.';. ' E. DOWER, AflORNEY-AT-LAVV, Miihtlrhnrft. I'll. (UrBca la o f J. P. Urunaiitar, K"1 ) rnPartiona raatl. and (Ivrtnan. Conialtatlnna In Knallab Juna 19. 'TH. if. M. L SCHOCH, ATTORNET-AT-LAW, A'ut lirtiin, Union Cn. Pit. ProrafaUnal hnalnaa ntrnlad lo Wa oara will reraiT prompt altaotlon. Jura M.'TS. nii.vs P ULRICH, Attorney & Ojanel1or-At-Law, OH la Apu' llnil-llns nna dooi Morib of KaraTuaa norm. Nelliiaaro ve. I'esn'R. tlnllaallona anl all ntir firoirnnl boa. ni l aoi,'ltat aad will rtal raralnl hd J lruiopt attauiloa Apr.ll,' T P. CROSMIU-I'.n, ' AfTOIlSElf AT LAW. Milllinburg, Ph., Oifara hla prolr-alon rric lolharub lie. Collttnn tnl all olhrr prnfaaainnat hnainnaa rnlriisi ! to bi oaro will rroait proinpl ailrnlioo. Jnn 3, 'H7tf fv jThmTtiT 1 ATTOHVry AT LAW. MtllDLKIIIIHH. INYaliH tin., FA )tra bla la..iaalnnl Strrr io ma aiabll :tinultttnna la tnsll'b aad Iltriaaa. J. it. ZELLEIt. 1 TTortXKV.A T'LA W aWt ifjimonrtji i imm louity, l a All boatnaaa antruatad to hi rar will woll aii'l raliliCnlly attan.lril to. Will pra. llo at tna aavaral ooutta o rnylr and a lioli.inii ;n iotaa. linn ita eonatilta.1 In Ih fcaallah or tlarvau lanaiiita Oct... 'nil fill A II 1. KS IIOWKrI V A1TUKNET AT LAW, Siilinsruvs, P. tlfrra hla prpfraslonni srio in iha puh !m (.'altrrliitit and all plhi-r proftaaiuaa tiislnra onlru-lej I hi cat will r ;ai attfiiiitio. (iltic lag ilucr aouih of lb .Noroial !eliool. f Ja S, ' r M.UN.V, ATTORN r.V AT I.4.W. Uwiaburg, ?, )'1ra bla prnfeaaional r,i la Ibr pat'lin. Cullrrlion anil all alter ro 'aasluunl buaiema atuitl lo bia oar ill raotivonrompl ailrat'ou. Pf t. sn, insu. A "V. l )lTEt, trOa.VVI'V A V LA F. soliastrov). va, ll(f..a lhaia iianfoaainnl 4rai(!a In iha pnhlio. .Mll'itnt huainrfatiilrii'ie'1 In iliair iar will recrivr jroinpl aattenliua. tt hi boinvon liu direai. July, till '11. avuak ALLaxaa. Hoaaca ALLUKia 3. ALLDi'lAIT & SON. .1 ' TO Ii S K YS A T I. A If. HoliiaMyrro , In. iro'iaaonal liuainaa ntnl cnllaolini iitriinil lo llirir inn will h prompll) all iii l to. ('an bi onnaulio l la Carlib or OurmHti. tun oo, Mirlm'. 8nar. II. II. (Irimui. Win, H. Dill OIllMM.Vc DITjIL.. Attorneys Councellors AT-LAW, Ofiltie Neur tho Pont Office. FreebtirK. I'eiiu'n. Oonaiitlatioo in holb Uoyjliah aud Oarroan Lanifungea. Dae. I 'Hit. JOHN II. ABN'OLD, Attorney nt Kaw, MIDULEIIUIIO, PA Profoaainnal buxlnaa enlrualeJ to hi ear m'.'.i ba promptly ajianded to, f Knb J TUOMBSOX BAKKB, Vtt'no.v-at-Tn.'v, tHtlahnr(, Union Co., Pa Bar 0 an bs oonaulted Id Iba Engllihtio Oartnan UnicunfL'a.'Mlj) OPKICK Vlnrkel dtreat, oppoalt Walt Hmit h 4 Oo'a titor 8 41jr lyM.vAN 7ezku, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lewinliiirjf Ph. Iffer hi prnfaionl ario to la pub Jo. Colloflliona and all other l'totlon al buainea entrualr-1 to bia ear will r a oaire proinpt alltntioo. g T. P BKS, ATTORNF.V AT LAW, (HLINSUKOVE, SNVUKIl CO0STV, Pa dept. 1ft, Wit A C. SIMKSON, ATTOaNEV AT LAW, Sol:nurove, P, Jtfeta bia profeloualaoryic to tb pub 10. All buainaaa animated to kit oar eill ba pruiuptly altauded lo. fJan. 17. 7it .MUKL JI. ouwia, 4 TTORNEYA TLA "W, lliniiihiuir. I'iiIimi m.. pa, Olfl. e nan .1 ,.ir to rlaa-raih Prlatlua o lo. XI, 177. tf. P!i I a in i ana, fo. DR. J. V. SHIN DHL, H UUQ EDM AND PIIVHICIAN. Mid(Jli.bur)f,,Pa Otter bla profeaaional tervioee lo tba -all lea of Middlauarg and vloiuily. . fMattf, Jt,-T Phtisic'am.fic. II. 3. ssnrn, P."iy3l3ian & Surgeon, ( Frrnvtrtt, Silver Ouuntf, Pet. tiftart V re-fa-a'anil nitlnl taltapabll Offica a Main trat. J an in 'I,. jyx. .1. O. WAONEIt, llt) tlclitn and "iiriteon, (irr hla proraa-ional aarrlcaa la iha a tn-a of Adaiaabnr; ami Tlrlolly. Auii. a.'Mr.f, D R. J. P. RAXAWKT. MYSICIAN AXD SURGEON. Cpiilrt Mle. wu dr r., fn ijltara his frfiuia1 aartiof Is ih iiubli. '- . 0lrlf II. J. rlOKilURT, SUftCEON DENTIST. L.CKUKIIT'S HI IICK, Srtiiugrovt, I'rnn'a. Profa-nal hualnaa promptly to, May vs.1!. QR. 1. aillER BARBER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, haying toraitrl al MlDTX.KnUlta. PA., alhc a fw iloora Wl of lb (Ji hribona. in llaatar' Ilrlck Iu i I.I in a;, ofiar bi l'o faaaional rior to Ilia publi. H aprak English anJ tiornian Ocl.tT.'Tfl. pEUClVAL HERMANN, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Krutzrrrillt, Snyder CV., Pa. Oftar hla nanfatalonal tra ta Ih alt of Kr ttsarrlll an l TltlnUy. Ul. U,'l D U. A. M. SMITH, PHYSICIAN AMD Sl'nGKOS Otter hi profalonl aria la ih aill- tana of Auaaabiirg ani aioiaiiy. tp. 7S K. VAN BUJK1KK, -IJROIOAL A MECHANICAL PENTtdF eliiisifrnvf, Penn'a. Justices of the Peace. DAM 8.UITH, Jastics oftSsPjawKj-Finaetf DeitoerSpri ngt, SnyJtr Co., It. All 01111 h.itna-a lKln- riapoaitlna d' promptly tteadJ to, Collaotloba and roiult taaraa proniptlji taada. May la!. yiLLlAM H. SN'l'Ur.B. Jusllrf ffhe tcc. Salom, SnyJor Couiity Psnn'a All Culluetiuus aud rsiuitaacefc prittnntlj' uittdu. V, m, t tr. p'AAC HE.VEH, ,; usriCE oFtueipeack snd Oonernl Oolloctor . MiJ llfbnra, Hny.lar Cannly, Pa. Ppacial miaiiiion paid lo ollaiin n' a'.l k inl. Kftnittanca will h iau.i proraptly fir all eol!utiuo mad. Mar. 2ft m:t If. " H WAONKB. Ks., - ju-nrim r Tiie run. .UoVau.i Tdwnsi?. Javier l'o. P., 'Vill uad la ail huaiaao tn.aiil to hi eara aaj oa the oiaal reaaoaab'. taraa. Mai oh i. 'flHtf D TIO S. SUOLLT, Juistioe of tho lienor", t'tu'oti, ijwimhip, $y ter .'., ft. Will aurnJlo all buainaaa' alruald I hi car atoat yaouhla mai. I. I), adirtae, Uuudre, ay lerf . Pa. War. 4, '90. J. " ji"rtr:r. or thu rr.nt m. .V- (OTivHvaiiiwr, (JK Nf (IK VIM. P., MfXrr Couaty. Ps Uoltaatlnna and all bnalnaat parlalalaa te the n.Hre nf.riitlne ef the Pihi will oa ,ti. o la.1 n. at, hurl notice nytri'll 2Efll MirCIIELU Justice rtf Uia Poiino V Ounvevsnper, .la.-kaon Towuahlp, Hnyda- County, I'a. Uollai-ttoua, tiouvayaiii'iuir. ami all oiharhn aluaa- parlallillltf I t ttia otH.-awlll raelv prorct't ati.-niion. foaluttloeaddritaa: Kew Harlln, t ' n rounlj, Pa. An, lo. 111. JOHN K. HUOHKS, Es,,., JJUSTlCf. 0P THE PEACH. Pcno Tvrp., fliivder Co. Pa JAMES MIDDLES WAHTH, Justice of the Peaoe & Conveyancer, Troxlevillo, Snyder Co. Pa. Will attend promptly tn all manner nt boa! saaa pertaining to tbonV'. Ilollaatlon ma la Artloleako., wrlllao. (July aJ.'Ta-tf. w M. II. HARDINQ, Jl'HTICK OFTIIK PftiAf'E )fc Conveyancer, PHEliMONT, doydar eouoty, Pa. Colleotlona and el hnaineaa prtalnlnf lo the omoaor jiiatm or lb faaoa will he atlanrtad to al abort nolloo. Apr. V1Q. A. WETZEL, Justice of tho Teace, lleaoertoien, Suydrr Co., I'a. All kinda of oollrolloo made oti liberal leruia. Promptly atleude lo all buainea inlruated to hla saro. (Juna ill!, '"UH EIl D. MIDDIESWARTII, JL'STlCKOr TUB TEACB ABO CONVEYANCER, uocure City, any aer Co., Fa. Oellenllon and all hnalaea Bartalnlnv ta tha eSloe of Juailce of the Paaoe will hattndd to at anort notioa. July J.'itf. O HOUNBERana, 'justice of the peace Perry Townihle. Harder Doont. Pa. Collaotior.e. l'ona?aooloa. and all other haa aa lad to, omoe aear Truutuioayllle aaa uori'iinin 10 toe ornoe will lie nrouitiLl ISAAC OKAV VAX, burgeon Dentist ! MlddloL'tfrp. Sny.Jer County. Pa- (trnra is rata (Li a aa vaa In rrr Jvflrvtliini? bfl-.,tifinif In f hi- nrt - raloM Snae In I 'lieat niaaaer. All a at warranta.1, u.Hiia,.l. j He will alao attend In hoelaaaa ery I week al llaala.!' t, irnial.ICa, ate rs rr- Hotels. Corner 69 St. $ Broadway, NEW YORK. 1 . .. On both Amarican A European plapr. Paonlln on Oanrra' Part, Ifr Oran-1 kul ari. liroaXayan4 ryVhith .SI-,1'1. tf gt a..,ipta tli antlra ojoara, and a lullt a4 riiruiah.'4 at au aapaiia of or Sii'.arir. Ii t aaol III mM laa,nlaa wall aa tnl-jtlv, ( aal f'Tlail In lM- ally haa a paaaanaar It rata lor anJwtt m.-iara linprova'inai.ta, and la w Ithla q'ir nf Ih dap.4 of ih ll'li ai d Kla-hta) Aranoa Klxatad H. K e-ira and atill na.rar t Mi Hronlwat ira ornt!tt S accaalbl fnnn alr-ynrlaoftbaaliy. H wllh touarl, W par day. Hiac1al rat for faalllaa aad paaaaaa aaat (!. E. HASKELL. ' Aa. SV.t4.ty. raoraiaros. BOARDINGHOUSE. TUB Vntlraltnil woutJ raaptcfftrlly . form Ik Iraaflllng faMi. bsain an, wltnaaaaa ami Jntora In allandanpa at oar lionria that Ha haa mad ampta pr.'parailona ror oair anooininon iii va an'l win noaor la a Ivrtaln hla patrona III aoo.1 alyla t th tnol raa..nvi rai,, niir-iiug ttjuaa a raw Saar "uAURICLBrTrn. Apr. U ? If. rruvrlatar. Mtitillolnirtr, ln. JOHN LI M B E B T, Propria tor. The above popalar ltotl h heaa reStt.! and rafornlah.! in the beat atyl. It antral location reakaa It nynlnl for ha-ln, oieo i peranna in alt in laoo, l Ooarl and all vmwra an, ar oiie.i 1 1 nitnt-ir ra ta Die i a aiwaya aoi uia l wtlti ma bail in too ta ir an in liar win oi uq.i ra an I Iha Hable aitemled hy ntrefun b xllari. a-lrle April , 1ST. CBNTBKVILT.E IIOTKL, (Lata Mr. Weayer1 ) t antarrll Hay.Ur C'., Pa. PETKH HARTM AN, Preprlata . Thl Ionic aatalll'bail aad well kaaaa late .in, wan ,.' pwu a; ,aa wsawraia , 0 fhltS HAItlhlArt April, S. latl. 1?A lit MOUNT IIOITSR, - NIIAJTUI DEPOT, MWULKIWKO, FA., OliMVaaL rVZ, PrvyrUtvr. ,ihl hauaala in elcaa proiiaalti la ik i aapot aail una lately ha rehuilt nnd re. Illletl. Knuaia aoannioilioiia Ih lahl ,' auppliaj with Ih heel tba aarkal tleisi - and Kroii moderate. sprli' 's 'jlHE NATIONAL HOTEL. JOHN B. FOOHI.r'.K. Prcnr. tfolinwyroTe, "Pa. This Mitraal 1st walsteawaWll'tf . .i Ike II... . I j - a ma w FS ' nl it r.lipbl p :c for iPo'- I ...a- aa an l Ul a Vv n 1 1 B aV g.VW flm. ftt I Vaa A A rat ,talat Haatt t U fa I I aa mHaaall, . a.1 1 I iB-j iitfin. .ftr...':i. " . , ii:t,vnr NOHTII THIRD STIIKKT. PHIt.'A PI TorniH ffl &O per day. HKNKY Sl'AHN, IW, f. W. SaMlIX, ( lark pr.l,". in Pi il add f hio. Ca r ta. J. 2. PAENSV70ETIL WITll JONES, HOAR & Co. Importers ol UoIsery.Katioss, Vsits Cools, M acnes Ges;! nn& mm i aNo. 514 M trknt Strfft. l'HILADELPUT. T. H. fea,a. W. II. Naa alat . r,, Hoar. T. aikt! I Mar. i I'M. M. I.. T itllF. i n, "in BATBtLL aa .. G T Want.aaaia Dattta, VTOOD ATTD WILLOW WAM )il riatk. WioHow .Shade. Hroiaaa, Mi I'm, haa Caiioa Lap, (iraia Bngi, f lata, Huohaia, Twin, Wick, it. Nn. 4.'n ITarkei 8irl, I'blliJalph reo. I, 01 f ACOB B. BIPtJKL A CO.. ?' VfHol.tHAMt i FOB RIO N A HOMRSTK DRY GOOm INo. larUot Ht I'.ithiilulpliin In, WM.- MANN. IJark Tcck Maker Sta tioner, and Steam Power PRINTER Y IioluHalo He Ilctuill No 529 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. Vromitnes. Oiw lric Selti'f Price Harked On AU Goodt In l gnrea. Ar. tS-S. QAVID WILLIAMS, Munufacluresof A Wboleeals Dealer!' Ullt. llalioennr. Walnut nnd Boarwsf LOOKING QI-ASS Pioture St Photographic Frso Noi. 230 and S3) Arch Btreet Phlltdolphia Pa. Frames tUpeired in lbs bt Also, KegilJin ta all Ha braaebei. A DMINISTHATORS" NOTIf XV Latter of a.lmlnlalratlaa an th "H of lliul illkuiv du..u.i. Ita 1 Wahlnioa Twn., rinydor eoaoly, I'" "."a piaaivq in ana anuao-a-'-j peraona Knowing tiieinielav InJeman i.---ita are requested to ajiakeliooiedlaiat oiatii, wnii tl.oa iiavln tilaliae win r" .liaim llultt .lilhanO.... .Aiilamaal ait i i a aa a Sap. t, 1IM, AdBilBUUt THIS PflPFR Kfi: 5?J s. -aw w m aVA i. IWWftl " I siEvyor tiaiiitf rootrnefo Ba wan tei i'lANO Stnoa. a aat Ksa i-nlndaoa waiinii lia, k ?fVihinilJ laa. IiAMIli f. IKC AVi'Y tara,ra. x1 VJ UrU--a J - aual aia. a , J sIikiI, roraraod pwl j .it a 1, ... aiu llHO . a. m aaaa i atoaam'aif aaa raaiaavin 1 1 V lah. I.. l'Aa ifBf