1 Ldv-ortlxtnff 11 site. Oj column one yew, '- fflO.OO Onthalf, column, one year, . 80.00 One-fourth column, one year, 10.00 One square (10 lfnn)l Insertion 75 grerr additional insertion, 00 ProfeMional nl Rutines ear 1 nl not more thvi 5 linns, ner jror, tfl.00 Auditor, Executor, A 1 uiuiatrator and AMinnce Notioet,, 8. 59 1 Mortal notice par lino, IS All tranaoionl Ivoriiauif lent than months l ) uontt i li M. All aUvertisemonts for a shorter pe ritxl th in one year are payable at the Jme they are ordered, an 1 il not paid lie perfon ordering thorn will oe held; etTtonsubl for tho money. Pootry The Dignity of Labor. Tk toil 18 ttra laalr braal Nttl not bliith la ibtlr lm Tlxy atbts foaitiapi trttl, AaJ a alalia to lift hat t. Tail If eot lbs of ilia, far la EJta work wat giTa j Hta ,4 "or ! "it Spoilt f earth aaJ bliti of atarta, lit bo a lbs anvil elaa l, Strlklag wbllt tat irja jlowt, Tkttlfh ba workt ilh born baa It, Nobly ttriktl lb rlngiaf bio, At tbtloora as J la lb firlJ, la lb shop anil ea lb toil, IVbirt mtn Italy powtr Jo lalj , Tbtra It dignity In toil. lit wb workt with throbbing brain, Think 1 tt Utah into bo to lift Vriitt Ibat olbtrtgnod may (tin, Spaaka (hat truth fraab rati may girt ; lit raa claim lot niatiljr right f lih lUt uo of lull to tdto I ; lit aaaarit kit aitnlal might, llclpt to blttt bit uatira Uol, lit bt llraia Ufa o' tttf Uly watting all bit dart Aiming ouly it If to plaai, KilltJ with prlln an I courting j rain Call him not a oublt mtn, fln'h ctlalraot it a abima And when todt bin lift t bUnk po, 6ooa will Jit bittmply u.mi. labor bring rtwaril and rttt, EJuciii hit latm pi jr. j AnJ bt trrrtt bit ags ihr lt Who MO(ilujrs hit Uu limrt, Working aol bfj.'O I bit minlii, Toiling not agtinit bit will, AnJbriatth hit ta.ttat-' tiii'it, 0:J bit mitKloa to fulfill. All tSlngt labor for our goo I I lit wno tnt Jt u uortr t!pi lit hi tills 1'it gnxia I for foo I, " For Jilt paint a tnril reap. Knot who work ti j 1 ftl atlmiaa lf At tbty Jo what gl Hie 0i j 'lit an hrfjiir to bt ntiutJ, At wt Ml, w irkin Ok ! tht w a mil I of IvijVn ? ern, Ao l til lui- l In Rrrti 0)1 1 i I liigh, Ani tit M IbrtllMra, whitkortl baici, AdJ ht liJ iu a cellar Jt np uol lw. Bill ikt roiybir of Ihio'jun'i win lUth m!f a nhft in bit xli'ri.i.ir tiriff, AnJ tht yo nh b ku I ibr ui tiJ b v Wtrt tooobtj with Iht ilnlii.i J.tm of lort. And tht woiilj wakt fYo'O br troubltd tlrrp O'tr bit ttoUr billet-leu lo wood Or tian I likul mt it e l I h i I ir. AnJ gitio on a lock of hit bright ioJ hair AnJ bt who wat Ut ia tall anj pruiJ, With bit tttp to Aria auj bit laugh to lou I, Hit htarj grtw long anj bit fo grtw tbin, AnJ bt piatl la toliiii le orrr hla g!n. Cut cut toft night la tht mntb of Juo. Aitbtlay iu tbt llg'il of a olouJltt moon. Atnlctoiruo fljtin toflanj altir. Tj tkt turtlt J taai ita't titttoing tar. ,0b; then btr artaklog eouoh th t tprung, AnJ btr tnnglr 1 trtawt baok tbt It ing, bt looktJ fro in kar win lo far brlow, nJ ka tlooJ btntatb btr wbltktrtJ btaa ht did not atari wttb a fooliab frown, vt paoktd btr trunk and hurritJ down, Uad tbtra wat btr lortr tall an I tr ut, it kit IkrtaJ-bart eoat of brigbtont J hue. ht tlar that rota la tht tulng thadt, 'toktj tail down ou ilia wttoln maid i fnt tun that aama la bit moruiog pr!Jt, htd golJtu light o'tr a laughing hrlJa. P" i Noleot Tn 1 An Adventure at Sea We were about eiVht hnmlrel Pile eonth of the Gaoe of Good lope, tod ourabip'i head pointed (eany aue eaet. "t welve knots an our," aaye I to the ekipper, in re. P'J 10 "Uow much ie abe uiakini T ' unppiag jog line was ronou op Qd the tiuie-cluaa nlaoed atiav iu ppiuuacle, Ao extra pnll wae ta- eo oo the braoee, the yard preaaad rd aitaioat the stave, and riif lit Fell did the old Marathon lie over foio the heavy breeze that swelled or caovae to its ere&teat teution. bove the loir again. 'Uow tuuob now " says the skip- I "Twelve and a half, sir." I "I guana that in about all we oto H out of her with this wind ; tliat Ura pall gaTe her the other half DOt-' o tea rlays after pruning Kergnl X Laod the bijrb and InefiUr of Australia was rained Iim.o masthead by our first mate, Mr. "wr. who shouted the glad tidiuga those ou deck. No sooner bad I '0n4 of bis oioe died away r baker's doseo was raooinjr op 'ratlioea, efer to obUia evens it view of the (real island. "amber cf oil riU. who bad -Ifo Ar - - c -at ffl , I Ml f W II Ip o VOL. 18. e 1 onmolve by annlTinj tbf air like so many porpainen. ... - , , . , Altar Uft lia.l lifaaan.l I,.Iah. T ..-!. ai - manm ,,, aoa continent, n.ii ... ii ii o . i qturtor an ! 1 for Sydney. N, -oonor lm wo droppol o,,r riilit biwer in the river inet oT tho town w cuilL'tlt It Ilirill or.iB-.rt nn iir than onr vosnel w Imarded bv t!m w - - - anreon of tho port, who esanVined our ptpnra, an 1. boinsr sutialln I Mat we ware in iroo I IkmIHi, our ship m allowed to hunt up uoaror thucily. The old tnn wont nnliore to 111, ikn hia report to tho Ojnmil, but whn he rotnrne I hia f.inn wore a trmt'iln 1 look, lie callnd Mr. HoltHi- an I iuv solf into tlin cabin, wh.To, to our but priae and chagrin, ho at ttod t'lat tlie C'ouh iI infor I lieu tint wli m Vt cargo waa dim'bnred he fliotild Imvo 1 1 prtiaa tho ship into nerviiM f ir t io Oovnrnmout to carry a lot of con victs lo Van Dieman's Inin I. Tim Ha.d IK .1 I.- -I. a. . 1 ... I hein tho only one in p irt tbv. would auwr the iiiirpose, and tUo couvicta inut lm got olf witii i it d.i- lay lhiM tiewa found ita way uiu.ui the crow, nud s 'Vtirul of tii.i 11 n i away and took to tho UhhIi. not oir- ng to ri-k I ln-iii el vt a at hi a it Ii a lot of ditiprate miiu froHli fro 11 Hi j prixons of England flui akii'ip.ir q lietod 1 be ft-ura by telling tin-in that 110 danger Cool. I poMdilily ariHti, hh the couvicta Mould bu In avily innut I nod pliwod bolA'tiuu docks itU a gourd ovr tliviu. ( In lliMf.illoin.. .!... ti - , , "l iIhcVh wi.ru iir.-ii ii,..l f i ... - - ...w .v..v"... i.r. ..i.iif.i..:. .it,".! turn of our bin Inilit A Htr.oig doublu bulklii.-al w,n put ii j.mt forward of thj cabin, uud cum iust uft of tho ch tin loekcrx, ntide.tti'i bara au 1 pad padlocka were proi'tiu-d for tliu liutc.itH. When I eurveye I tho work of the Government oirpeutcra my luiu I full tioiun.vh.it canlcr. KvuriihiiikT beinjr in rea linos, our UUhhU wer inarch.) I down Imt.vi ud t i . i i- i. . U..-B ui .ii ii.urt, i-j.mii convint waul I. ... I .1 . . . . . ! ii'iuin-uil.Hl, lillii oil 1110 11,-,'Ul llllkie of every iu in an iron I'in m f it .ned, to wliien wore attache I li -tvv cl.uiiia. .Sig of (hoiu bciotf fJaU'llt'd tiieihur, liieir ,,,,..,,,,,. .., r.rT, Aa th..v 1 nio al.i v 110 I 1 to into I ci,.'utyMeiiu, ! i.ii.i wer.i 'jrO . powerl'el lunn j tit hers wine wo-.li ami w im .1 Mieic'y .- im .- i but they ail had a look of doed do li.-riiiiiiuli on j their cloeely eio;iol heir nn I Mttipo I troiwrra -.in 1 jj.re' ii.ikin ilu'i.u 1 jok nil tim .n no k-iv-lito. it hen t.Uiiibel' eiohty-m veil reiehed the do 'k, they wer,. d,ii.v.i up in line nnd imp -el.. I '. m m i pi'iiiitHiideut au I ha .i-'ioiit., li.tcli convict win tlioroU:',ly a iii-ri i- cd in 1 nil, ii- to hod if ho lei I WL-up in t. Mothin w n f 111 id. h i v-ive. , but j what w.n proper fo tli.i.n to iny-, I So tho itisp-'euif informed 111 that I tliere w.iuid lm no d in0'ei'. and ttnti wo would ho 01 bo rid of them. I'ii- ' 1,'Uird that w.h to itco imp my in in I beeu 8jlejL.i l with t'O.tt C ire, 01! I one h'tvin a m iiiUvt, two revolveri' 1 itnj a cullaha- .Sever, .1 uxtiii c i!;k ' I , . I 1 iTi Vn T, Tr . ''-!-"WI,.tt nro won doiii down th..re f bled ami could procoe l 1,0 fnrtlior. S,.,kni! Wl,,t .o you Nhirking t. J ,itpp?T Tn Mr'll,l ",,M1t lu-low for wh.ni nil htoda w,ro cllo l the amznre, but it w,i of n 1 av.t.l if,,. ,jtv f iT",nM,,.,,"",, h'T '"'!! "' "WurowU.1 t'., an. in it conld not b t hvoi 1 I nn- vntB I1...1 1 11... 1 . a,.,. c. KUfc uu .,,,., orii.ir,,,,,,,,, 1 WlJl ,-t ,., vou.fnl Ulivo I'UOl.U lO I I . a I . I d irm ' ibu ran. ,n iu ni 'in 111 uiir 1 ... . . , ... .- ruiittvs were 1 1 on nu I, me H.iiieioi , , , , , , ' n!i uuii.-a 10 riiij nj.t'rjii uieu in order to fid hia coii.pliuient. Ouy ol thoao fallows w.m u vill.tin juud iolc. iiijf cuatoinur, and 1 in (o 1 tho C to tal n why hn ahippod auch a 1111111. lie replied tli it it waa tho bu.it he could do. S tiloi'8 wore muroe, aa ueurly every one waa oil in the tuitica or Btocl.-rai.ioo;, I told Cup tui u Billows that 1 . tlnl not ruliuh hnviuo such a tuan on board tho ALtrutu.iii, but he lunched at uiy fours, a id mid the tuitu had been dncharod from a Liverpool ship aoiuu two nioulhs bj fore, and, as he wiaiie I to roturu homo, he thought bo woulJ suip ou the Mitritthou. Tho Oonaul vetiQod the rami 'a sUteiuout, which Mitiallud the ukip" per, so be ha 1 ahippod Uim ou to etreoth of this. 1 s ml nothing more to the old man, but determine I to keop a weather eye on that mau's tnov linen ta. We were to put out to sea that uiht, if tho wind waa lav tr eble. The eiijbly-tfttvuu men wore placed between decks, to remain there until motuiu.whon they would be taken out for so Miring. The Kuard consisted of twenty-four uijii, half the number standing watoli wbilo the nrhor turio 1 in below, It was 1 1 o clock before tho wind was iu our favor, and noirly oiut bulla when we weighed anol or, I tell you I did not sleep muou in my watoli below 1 thesliouta an I ouraea of the nouviola iuitdd a perfect Hud' lauiaud would have aroused the ev en sleepers Iu vain tho tfimrd tbreatutmd them, but thuy ana. ere, i dot isivoly nud dared the soldiers to shoot. Mr. lioltoroi ne to my berth when hia wutob waa out, and aai t be . peotel to fiud uie awake, for sleep was impossible with thjse wretobu howling. Ha 1 lighted my pipe and want on deck, preferring ii roiu.iitt above than on level with the banished Englishmen, llefore dtybreak they wore quiet oaonU, an 1 00 p iriiou lar one oould be xifted oat for creat ing the disturbnnoe, so ths whole elgu'jyeveu weotsootf.ee. About 7 o'cl 't''; thjy were led np oa dealt or ao airiui ani to pass iu- riutjotioa After three hour tbsy : . .. t . ' ' ' . " lUU!..Ll!!l illlDDLEBURG, SNYDEU COUNTY, ' wnro kent I olo trf-tin. In the aN tern ion about i ..v..., ttiiim ii i'.iiii-n. n train ... ... " " " aprun np, win.-u required all btnJrt m r.H.f topamU. I hn v )ard . .1 ... i t ... . . woro ! Winn i.'iiiiiiui, mil went aioll iny ,0lf, , ia.,m rally the cuatj.u whun I all Imn U nru cillo I. wk.i.. .i ...... i iiiiu j nn ii itniiiir i in wnnr iQr Piirriiiizan.l talcing tho latt tarn, liiur 1 .Sidling ( nio .if Hid fnnii Mi li.in U, w!io knoltina louf-point ncit to mi).) link i Vhoro i Uirkr I J m't sco hi n ou the yard." I lo ike I ovor tlin lino of nwn, nn 1 iiro 'ii-Mtrt'li ho w t-to't tliorw. I tol ou I vhii'I I0114 in R.ittii)i on di-ck an 1 nt.itii);' my mtMpinioiw to tho Oipt.tin. Wo at oiico niMlio I fonv.tr, I, f.illowe 1 by novuril of t id tl'wrd. an I j inl an o renche.l th f 'ldiMMllo wM hIioiiI J lu tltehiaap loiirmoo Imt 11 11 km. I ho old mtn volln I (it 1 1 1 1 11 : ' V 111 are yij. yo i vill ii u ni I yo i know it. a u I Him Hkioii .r. I 'll bo b mud v in nro nn ton mi dnviltrv. j Mr. St.iMiMwty. j Ht k -.iii y j tr ova 1.1 II lllill 11 I I C 1 11 I I) i-x. "Ay ', it.Vrt, Hir !" I rt'ipnudcd. I!y thii tiuio all huu.U li t 1 coma doivu from nlofl, Tim I'.mUi j noun ret ir in 1 nn I abitcd Unit ho could (in I not Inn tf out tf tlio way, but I w t couviucud in my o i n iuiii I tint n iui-t nug j was out of the way So tho ol I mtn! i.. ..... i... i i 7"" H '-" r.. ........ r w ... 11 I . lllVl'll. 1 r.Mllil lull 111. lllill', . . ilnit. ut tho h iiini time w t f u i . I. oi lit in.; h iiihuu i i it .p i w.iv w.i li iikiT. if til otli.'i .lo.vii In ! f V.i tol 1 ilin crew of o tr hUHi'ic ou. i.i I hi I 'lt l tlieiri to k !.p ;l iojk i.ll ml IS-irker'ri in venient-i. A tlin tiii'it oa uo ou fio gitarl A t lelinvo I and c tntioon I by I'm .rgeiint 1 1 be on tim ulert ; .'n ii e. kill I of .('t ier to mo to it tun i' i l victa ifiiiiini! I ho ij i!t, for beynu I a luw corivei Htli.ni tutor voie.m w. ro . M' ' l (il l .r mi i. t 'V 11 1 IH'l O II t lll l l r,, i ui. lefiv.trd that proh-ilily th y iiitoti .Jn I to "t 11 (f,i,n ui;'iirt (x.., uu.1 pro-, r ...1 1.1,.. o 11 J ... ... V . . .r. , . 1... -on.., 1. u-iiii.-i . .. .. will'IO Wit W..II), lllll I Jii I ,'K.',. ''1 5 U'Xt , ,U t'V 'n"1!.y 'l,!l.o ... nnd f ... I w were,,, M v - -.' ooo0.i.iiu .-in. no .11 iiieu 1 eor- mother ciiuiti up to iuv room tl W'ia!,.(.ciy nifomicd tho cjnviat Hlnp. K'i!l in my dr.-imti 1 1 k iu tho 1 j,.,, a iied eliilhet. I fill hr .,'eutlo touch, -.Viu'i 'ho l-'.jii i!ir.lt le fo a ne on tho bliukela j but why .111 flv wbeio 1' " ;,i, mm I pl'ieo Her Inn I over my meit'i.'l oiiie I my m.'J to mho tiio 1 I'lie h'btteriu ' hi ide of it ". .llmit'i-) ku.fe w is held before liiom Unew t ie ra.non tlion pielty ij-iic!:, I us s.iii) yon, f :r i) ivker hi l I it ".Vj.v, St-.'er.lWaV. " h tv.i h , "you just keep ijuiet. ail lull wont In h ut. ,! vonr uioula nu 1 yuii on't know w Inl lent yon." kui'.v tlnl iiny 111 iv. .in nit on iuv put would ho iuv di-.tili .vu; ;iut. 'A'lli yo I keeji ,j Hot if i t.liiu 111V ii in i fro n your m eitti f" I 1,0 1 I I tuv he.i 1 iu t'.m H''l"iili- live uud im ii in I in rem ove I, 'Now, H'.ertuw.iy," biita he, 1 'I It! 11 your U110 .v vuy K'l-f 1 ... .; .. . . . ..... .. 1 . , 1 . 1 ... ..... ... K""!ISi I ,l( I'l'l -"I" 'f'Ji .' jijiV t UuM tlli 11 . 1 .. , ... ,. ,-. . r II.. ..... .1. I I ..J ' . . .. .1 .if , .HOO'.I llOUU I Hit I I .10 I lO it, I.sj Ull.lll'H.I ll It IUI . 1.11 plscod iu my iiionlh and your lm n tde Hei'vniit was ion lore 1 as in.'le-n m a den 1 111 in. I'ne convict then left mo uud disappeared. 1 had not been ul 1110 more than leu 1011111144 when I iti'iird a voice near the berth say, -All ri'ht." Iu a moment mora a li'ht ill aft of itir .tutored my atiiterooui, and it smelt strongly of pout-up air a sort of convict odor, ao to speak. The bnlkno.id b 1 1 been run ove I and the cioi.i wis so iu crovlid with prisoners. Not a sound ill I they mnko, for their irons wore oil', and tho thought ll.tshe I quickly up. 011 ttiu, our tthip is iu I heir bauds, inuy tho Lord have uiutcy oa our oruw. Silently they wont up tho c.ihin stairs ; then I hoard a quick rnshin Bound, ehouta, yells, curses, then a few shots in quick snoeossiou 1 aiivaral splnhos uoitr myotoin djal lioht 1 more shouts and yells. 'Down with the n 1 Now or uev erl" "No Van Diemau's for us i Oowu with them 1" In vaiu hoard sever il voiots plealiiiif for mercy. Finally tliu shouts and yells ceased, thuu tue q.iiuk. hurriel tramp of feet over head, l'roiioiitly a atep desueu N the etiiirs, the ropo bin liu uni v is out, the 'i! totii fto u my iu uli, aud u (lull' voice mild .' Uoium, Stool a way, on are want ed on do ik iiivji . n 1 v." y cam) to the onml isiou t'litit waa nselous to deliberate. And 1 obeyed the order ut once. It was not ueoossnry for tue to ask what the matter was, Ikuew that wulleuough, at a K'l 'nco , iittker that saoandrel Barker was an escaped convict, aud hi I ahtonud on Gourd the Marathon for the purpose of nidiu hia friends, and, from the appiarani)e of thiols, 'he hud suoueeded beyond hia utmost expectations. As emero l fro u the cabin, 1 was greeted with 1 Here be is," by several of the strip ed jaaket gentry. "Now, Steeraway, we wuut you to mind and do just- as we tall you or w Imt Joe Uosahuwk, the O.iptaiu tells yon and you woa,t 1 110 lui t ; lint if yon don't why ovor- iioir.t you ff a know you can o tvig.ito 1 now whilst in it, ab.tr ka' diumir vr obey ordora V Of roiirHe I didn't wnnf. lo etan tliMannntitiinftlinintKnn.nl ..K.nJ that wcro awi inning urnnl tho thip. H I t il 1 thmti 1 wo il l do .id tlii'V wi.li.id t lint t want.. I to L.. . . wlni hi I iiiiu nj of i!u CioUiu an I crw. "You'd b. ttor mvim nftor thtvn and "em wlmt n 1 nio with jiu t nil tixtvpt Hint conned lii-Ht male, U ,. tcr.nnd wo cin't get no truott of iiini. liliist bun.' r tid (i jh!i i.vi;. tho lecoglliz id IctdiT. I lltlnrod n Kilriit tir.ivir lli.it Holler might bn H:ifi.!v utoivo I nMiy BoniewliHio out of tiu'ir clot. 'Ihm "'Vt'll.St.mnwiiy.-e.iyiiUosMiiiiwk, vvlioro uro wo f .About eighty li . ni.) t In, I.'1 luik'8 fi'JIll V.lll NoV, tlitin," aiyn hn, "yon jiHt ti X til i tf hIiIji .40 alio will lio in iro n ir tinil in t'Ktlvo boiira bom now M.iko hur rn.i uoi tli umil I m!c y m ug.iin worn wo arc." "And iuiii I y iu don't p!iy any point or yo t il tin I tin. bottom of Oivy Joo.ia ixvt.ty l, !." I mUu.l bun tliuu who wo.ild work till! VI'iHul "A. iv, you i ut iiivji t'i,i or Ion mi l tiiuHo hi !i ill work h r mind you givw tliom riglit." llll I ' I linn lirac.) iiroiin I tlin ynr 1 rcpliu I I, "ao I cau gut her j ou tliu ,,i u,,r Ir.i.'lt j "All light," said (io.ihlit.vk ; tell tho rope." t.XpUiuo I to tliuui nnd . . ' p.iintud out III.. Iir.ieea. I., .. .. , .,,)., j . iniiriii'S Wo Wero lirtin a 1 and I' tiiiu aluio-.t du'j north. ii iu dty lr.K) u,- iiou t tl H int Hiuk wiiuiii inn. Tim deck piotini e I n Miv."kniiin lig'it I'ooU of clot te 1 b!oo I lieiu uud tliLire, torn c'.olliiu. tim re n i tut of hi ji n pcr.it u Hirog'.i-, mi l tim utiipe I c.iii Viet j teket and re I cut of til') Mulixii hul.li.'fji wuro HL'.itti'ru.l over tilo ileck. I rw I'l.mte 1 l!i it tun do :'i-i b ) elt'.iiud up mid w.tili" I d ix i, h i t!i il v.-.t.'ll II.: ;!it gi'e.tt my ni'.o of iMic i inter til l', b i 1 ; t ii tt li-t iil!o i.4K,.,, .,1, (.0 iu. i.uf.j, 1 . . 1 " . . ' .At "'"" " ",1,."l't . ' m" "Ik l::v nm i'l il.U- li'it.id.i !UU.I IS I d.'f I m 'ilu 1 1 '' . . il, tuli , m tii.;ie. Mtuei-i v iv tod you mo fi"o t 'o 111 too 111,' 1I101I junt IH -i il'l III llll hl-ilt U'll lltll CIIU uf lilO .Mir till Ml li , i. IU !' S 'if." ; A t w.-i lil'.hil a'nnt 7o ) mi'.-i I , loo ii-'l'lu v.ii 1 t 1 uiil.e, no I .. i i. ! 1: ) .nii..-.t ..f lo ii'u I,-, c 1,11,1 in I too si;lit.' d ii Hi re, and I i 10 I to re w.u-e ii'io. it 1.1 I'l mil :-i t H ivu;', wui- ll. d . i'l"tiu 1 10 l.:l'o -.'ii.'j iV i 11 ou i-jin il eo in. 1, v 1 1. 1 lutru i.li ou ill) liiilji beforn ne iralieiiiio I'.jn I reputed lit 1 si-110 to IsoiMnwit, ivlii yr.lnto i uev t :ii'i b it s iti-f u'Uo.i. j "Ao iieinir linn tint f Well vu i for toe 1'ijn ain ho v.'' 1 s o I b"pt hi f f ir t.10 1'ij .s. an 1 ou : the f 1 1 i'l. 1 il ly "i.tul, ui.'' 'Vi-t 'siioutel hy imo of tho convicts ali i jVt'.l.S lit, ll loll.',. I uloft (1 i-t 1 1 vie'-, .eyes In l'otuiio J Ui, 1111 1 ho tl.111 I to me, saying, "UjII diiio .3to.ua way ' I only had my own way, I would have put the u on a 1 nl reef, but life is precious, you lino v, even to a sailor As tho .) trillion ue .r e'-l tlio land, wlneii nove l to be one of toe ,'i oop t Hi 1 sou u'.tr 1 Jos t hawk riivo Homu orders in 11 loiv toiio to several of tho meu. 1 knew what they were im no liatoly, fur the couviuts bet..a to e tstotf tho I ish in'a from tlmlou boat, "So (i ms. hawk intends to no .p nis proinisn,'' I thought to myself, and I was ti bo cast a in ft 111 tun lou 0 1 it. When within tit'tooii miles of laud the breezu died a.v iy mil tin old M irntlion lay almost tuoti mless. lloHslia-i k swore aud stamped the deck, but to no purpose. Kind I'rovi 1 moo p. id uo iiltdiiiiou to hi 11 About dusk the wiud iu tie it J ap penr.tuce, uud 1 got ready to sta 1 1 iu. "Stoeraway," said O tsshawk, "I ifiless you will h ive to m mo u voy age iu the dark, but it cau't bo help 01.'' The boat waa lowered 1 two kt'ft .if water, a ba of hard -tack, nud thiol) or four juuliS of stilt horse were tossed in, uu I J waa told to follow suit Aa I was 01st adrift, tho villains shouted after me t ' O-io l-bye, Stoeraway 1 you have done us a good turn, aud we wou t forget it ' I made no reply, but sat in the stern of the boat K iziutf after the receding vessel. After lookititr at hur f ir a few uiiuutos 1 waa over come aud bowe I my head iu toy hauds and wept. Just iheu a upl tub in tho water ueur the bbtt aroused me. -'A bulk!" thonghtl. Again I heard it, and then a low voice as if fro'ii t ledeep, "dieor away I" ( sprung from my thwart as if struuk by a galvanic shock. I strain .nl my eves aud - peered mto tliu darltnnss. Presently I saw a dirk form swimming toward the boat. Agaia the voice cams over tha wa- Ur ; - ,.,vv 1.'. dP aft Jg f r n in 7 w n l'A., NOVEMHHlt '.'), LSS). NO. ',11 '.''in rnway T' I licit bore kno.va I am not anptr alitioiiM but I confowa I did loel 11 little awe-Mli'ii'knii. I'cf.iro I hid tilllll to t'ollut't IUV FOlltllll'll thou 1N, ft llilti I wu l.lt.I Oil, too "-aal uu 1 tun for.n of 11 mm !'"" u"m 11,0 ,,". "lie l 'lli'f. Joi- ; .1 ill t bo fll 'III .'nn 1 I'm no ii ut :" I I'ti-it i ni a mi'.u 1 1 1 oris.' 1 11 "I"11 cl",,!-' 1 ' "oll "olloi 1 ' cried I in a Irtm. ' I1"1 "f j".V. ' I "l;or il.' iviui' nik". b.-!p mo in ' 1 1 1 .i 1 1. . l .1 hi I I in no li I V w il 1 1. No.V, Ullfto'rf lllll Wllti'f f I'll it. out- HI. I, I tin. bout will do lo 8vW.ll III, b.tl j ' t''1" ' ,,H"!i il .Sum I Inl tho w ilcr-keg to hi l,l,H: '" ,'" ' ,l 1 ,n" ,t- I 'ler.i I never W iiiIl',1 rt iter I I b id but oiii'o Iml' ire ill ui )' lib ; an I Cut i wli it I ciU lilt- I luck, .Ion," I I il,'iee I Willi bin on Hi it Kt'ore, nn 1 H'-k i I hiul lo ti'il ui ) hi.v lie ee.tie.l from t io couviet. "vVuv, y ut "0, .Inn 1 got an ink- ling of wlitlw t eo ninj, but bo i lore e o ll I got out of tiio et'om the! llll!lU wi-ru do vu up ni in. Sol "liji'ie I into the Noeinl locker Under, tiiii t r tn i n an I limy I )! I into ivi-rv pi i.'e but tli tl Ii leuliy, tim loeker e mtaiue I ho. no ctune I iii mI-i ll'lll, nil i.ii:id n.n .1 . '.'...'n of my at jrving. I overlie ir I tint I fell nv a eon v.'i 1 i!i ill tho oui) tliey i e.llle 1 limilli.vk til l I klli'.V, I l ! ii vu v. tint you ere safe. I nl- ' 1 lie ird your boat loweio I I pei'p e l f.o u my In b ig pliu'e nil 1 1 8.1 I too i' tiiiu w a el.i.ir, it they were nil ! on d.'i'k t ) nee you oil'. S ion in h-ar I th.i b it o.i .t a lull I crawled . tiir.nl ; l tun -ttoru ,vi i 1 i.v, Ii l I Ii.' too lia no f n a ininuto or tv , Hi n Iripoil mi l til l n . t, ir t ii .i.'loi' ; 'your li.i.tt and hero I am." ; I li ilt'T N.i I iuiily t ii In l up au I ci ie lout i ! Iiiik. Joe, if tliey h tvo Dot Hut ' lli.i xlup on In o . Au I si they llll. IJ.-firn ttl"V l in le I tiiev h 1 I no d iitlit left two ,n' tin-'.) of t ii'ii' 11, no. T t i Its 1 tue w.i. el ami apply 1 he lurch. Tli" ;1 1 ni s I'n'.'.v a Ion I li ;ht over too .ie -in, .111 I Noun the wii mo outline iiu lire in' tue doo'iio 1 M nullum '.''il 1 be h'iiu Il-.vivy ton,' ms of , il imo r 11 1111 I'm tune I 1 i;,','in,'. 111 I I'oil-i ol tit o. like a oio . I, wool. I u i i 1111.I Mid i tun foi ill :n tli" x.iil i, eio ilLiU' an it ii 11'. w ii'e e 1 n 111 I. It wis a 111 i;'oi:l 'ont si,'.:!, but a lit iti'oivf il urn for us.--Wo w ttelie I l,er 1 111 1 1 hivtii'i l v a up 11 if cool I be ' o , w .i.'ii, su I l.'iii y, lili" a tl tsh, tl.e iutit li it .Ii-i;i;.e tie I, an I .ill ti tr 0, lee re 01 tine I of liiu ..'.iiathou went to tiie I) .tto n ! Hi the fiili.viu.r niif'iiu we ' 1 !: I " I ii'i Ane'rn sn w'o il.-r, !ii,'li f ittiiii it.'lv ra no near e:ion;u to h.i. u ir Si rn il of dntress. llu I we were 'ivli - d fro'ii uiir niiiM iif.ii lal'le ; i-... ; t i. hi. Holier an I uiV'.elf t .1 I the v nio , sntpp.-r our s: .i v, when hunt on".) ill t .i siil lor Sv Inev, 'hero tho ft 'Is Well) lill I lie fofe the ) 1 ; is'i y' niiul, uni toil; sle.is to eaplilie tl.u hlinl'l' Ii tile I VI 1 tins Tutu was sit, ifi'.i.il. lily a.vo uolnii ol. Cii.t.i 1 Irjiiu. I W i'l ll'.lo il li 'il ! U'h 'i i 1 V:i. lull it is .-i' ih. I. j I I ' I I H II S' O I c ill f ( ire i fi.l I IV 'it'll 11 a li- a' 1 l) lill W'll.'O I ko 1 hi'itp il' 1 1 v : U It' ll 11 is a il. ill. Yn icli el the reptiles is a ma'lio-lu-i'ici in f I'lie iid L'r. Wueii ii" 11 d t ir ui it itiiuoyt) 1 Wh.ei he is .ni, of pitu-un. VVIiefo is 11 li'.'iai'y work li'to -ino;ie 1 Wueii it iMiucs iu vnl U'lies. Wny is !, lettnr ' lill) tll' SHI Uei'a n It is tin) fir ifoi of lilt'. Why is tue lett.ei' I liko a ft;tli los lov'or I IJecausu il is in cm it '. It w il 10s a row heo uilil a hl'i Ie I 1'its'e t lly tui'uiiiit her into u li il I. W'l'i.t is uu ol 1 Is ly in fn, ni i 1 lie of a iivi)r like ' Likiil i ho drovu fd. Wli'tf word 111 iy hit pi'.i'iiiiii) I U el;. o' hy u lliiij a cyilihio lo it ? cjiick. Why is n ni'ser li.f 11 111 in wiih a .lent iiii iiiiry f iiciusu lio it ul ways fur neinn. U'hy ii a f II 'W in hi 'h mm inn likf a man in a h i loo 11 ? Kocausv every hotly upptnra litt:e I'hiiil and ho ap- peaia ll' lie t iit'erv 0 ly. "Ay, Tell Mo That I" Wlmt did the billet don f What clock did counter bign ? Who ever saw a limi I wink Who eior saw a pig iiou T What do 'S o,'g plant 1 Vy ttid the thuiider bolt T Wh 1 ever beard a foot ball f Why did I he dew drop Where do s a o oek work T What tlid lough tdiuru t Who ever raw a alieol wriht t F..r whom tlid penny weight Ft . Whom tlid tin I- ii f V What did grass plot f What was it grape shot t What did the pick pocket T What tlid the got berry I Is it a joke thnt Mm cracks T Answers must be poet paij. A Citicionaii wife utt mpled mii cide a fiw duys afu-r her wodii. I'bis Hhonld arn all nen w ho f M to frankly ooufess their failing tho uiarriugs ceromouoy is p, ei. ' U.ioansidcreJ" Tii'los. Yeiira nu niiij mau owned every do r in tho wot Id hit tiumo va N nib l no in-eo;. tut ii Rinpe-liol c 'Iii.'k rr. iu tin- b die. "'iVlui'," mil in in ) linil'vii ye'i"-' I a Iv. ' i fie iu 'h' pip-il.ir i ol .r iu it In i.le ?'' We m i y n- a 1 1 1 1 1 r -tii nl ir in n.'i in t'ti i-,'ni; r li iu 1 1 ir- l r it whim of e. I'ne.i co-mil li am--U'liy i f that wi rcf.i' I i- 'i i In I ini tit the .1 i; hli.l lii'i'iiu I Inuii'le K liliC a kIid.'I "1 l lt.liiiiL' I iip o .' I!. Ciin-e a huio loy i- ii td.'W .ii., mi 1 ii r-i i ti . ie M..-I i in I I'lii', nil ui i-k linel pl.vie ii n'ie t it til it tin n.:i'i An I'ti'h nl iv lh.it iv ill i.-ii i a II l.i'isl w ') I I'-lill oe I in p '1.1 ei. " Th mini niiif il i iiii.e ot my lilllllb ;" Mlid Mr.. 1! I. ; ... it i-.ohiiiij i iiji.ilijf travel j po hlli'il. i..o, lie-l el l.ll i'n .(.il', Tin' If'll" M iso -iiiii I . t:m l-'.tt ;i ut Wii'it-i, tlio M'-n n ri mini ho the iii'i'l I. r I'lie ii. 'r(in wii ) iiigliilv p' li irnn on ilm v n iioy x'a.., w 'ii ie r hut' lr.'.e I in th ' nl i 1 -ni -t v'o it i I h -r Ir." e ivi'i'.' I wi h h I'liiut .iron uii'iit-i, nut, ir i ly n'mbid m of the S;,ir Si in ;le I bm.-ei . Toj Pji'ti jjl.tr. :;irl ui iv 11 it is'- a ni in 1 1 li.. com 1 ivr liii'.i 1:1 I ; bit tiiere 1.1 e , ui tuy w n s 11 .v 11 1 sue in ty ml 1 pi opt i. it V 11.11 ll Hit-) it it to ill Host 111 v on,' it v iiiu utu Ivr i I 1 is e in. I o, '1 11,11 hi 11. I'iiey are 1, it 't 1 nvn ' 111 t u gui 1. 1. 1) 1 liis. I'l,..y ur,. not i p u t of our wi itie 1 lit"i' it ur... l unv e o no 11 it by rile mil reuiiliou. I hoy me bry Ol I nil those, nnd m ispnniolo to ni Iuv. I np issibln . ; I'iou h 11 b 1 l o . I -lino the 11 in w ,r , i j t III) I HIO'l"il uf lllVO Ppei'iSJ til. 'Ill; . III. 110 pi llll.V to. Ill 1' i'U''t Voice, j .it 1st '1 s, v l out 111 lilo with the 1 ! intention uf iuiii'. ,u- so. tie!) 1 Iv, I tho' many nf tlinm :.;,i whit is cili i i',l too p nticnlir. I'lie oit I who j : Hants to ui 11 ry, but is not easily suite I, loo .t around to see wh it i!!', th, mi l tin It tint this tu iu'h lie u 1 1 is too re I, lllll one's eves too blue, nn I the other iitie's ells t.u , I ni j. Shu will look a litilu further. Si ie e 1 11 1 11 ail to it iu'e iu tin 1 111 ti Let, an, I c oicl. 1 I s ti I.i 'k for I nu' et. An I wueii, uiler having almost ilui'o im" uivilv (.! imio ,1 ibi l, nu. I h iving' Ur i.i.-n ii,.) neu ts uf till liie yo.iii' ui.'.i 111 to . uei.'iio iriio 1 I, she keeps oil, I ... 1 li.n.,' "a little lur liii'l','' itii-i I'm Is Inn Kf.f goin;( down the hill on tho Mllllv Kile of the j way, ht.ill u itii 1111 in l. in:il)!o loiio iu;; to marry H.nneh i.ly, mi l won-. ' del 111,' wiio will cu ue along to pro- !po)lo her. It wo il l be rnoto a I. I.I. 1 ill" y ntu lily to iteopt tun lit -.I ui'irryiiig 111 111 wii 1 nil u s, Ii IS e 1 I l.l y ' 1 , o il I VI 10 In r t o Will, .111 I w tit, an I I; mi w.,1,!,,', ani at llil 111 111 uu,' nnilv- Hit if ishi) I sue , to 1 1 "1 -til j I 111 I.i,'.'' il is Weil 11 .I It lie toi p 11 1 ie.l ir, ur loo shy ti eive im.,.. 1111 1 , '1 u. 1 lit lo ' tue li'il 01 in v:i..ii li t 0 1 nes al in '. ru urir. TliliJ'itii in li .p'n ililo IP ui.-ili. t ) il ' 'I'd i 'l ll' ll'ler. I' utlv III' tn i'l ;!,t, uf hi '.cii, of e uid H i. I j Mi. nil I lm s -t iij, iio. iiiy u ,.i i 1 10 i by every ill 111 mho d.'.oies a fill Ie-! I pill I'l HI A:i ,' ll iw ul my there lire' I it hoc ill the us .'1 ves "u:l."iie,, I, ni ' oralilij men. men uf cu 11 a.'tr mil j si in. lm a h 1 ill e guil'y uf uiruices lao.iiiiit purity, ahi"U ouut t 1 ei- I clii le 1 h 011 from t lie (oiei.-ty of t lio roipof. table and viiflous How luauy young men, who tluiili tluou-, sclvi'tt lit -t;tn J ut:y fur the ii'iiltble. a lid pllie, 1111. 1 lovely uf till) other seX, wii. 1 ought nut to I) I llll l. Vol to bieatho the sitinti tti r Willi our dilUghtels nnd hi.sl.'is who Mould lint lie, if tiny were tholoilglily known by the c immunity generally us they uro by a fo.v. ll i.v 111 my who, ,n til 1 presence of w i 11 im ,11 uiir soeial circles, will littler mil e nu pi 1 111 en t , wi'.u tho 111 jst o'.'se q ilolis lii.liilfi'Ht ttioiis uf respect and 111 thu 111 t:tl iinin i iting iu inner, who, among their tu tlu inho n ties, will speak uf worn tu ill thu in nt dlsiuspenlfill ti insulting lilliiuer, with gt'uss f.tnnlitirity uud uulilush illg Coitrseliess When 1 ll"Uf 11 young man in c i-use uud depreciat ing cxpiosnious tovnrd thu female s.-i, or m tiling tntnu the suiij ici of some vulgur allusion, or indecent double entendre, put a iu irk upon him us not to bo trusted. The highest luNptct 11,1. 1 consideration fir womau is a mark of uoblu char actor. "Well, rtttricli," Hhked thu doctor, 'iow tlo you fel l to .lay f" '()cb, duetor, tleitr, I enjoy Veiy pour health 1 niiitlv. Thu rheumatics u'e veiy iltressiti' iu I l ie 1 wheti I go to -lap.) 1 lay uwakn and my toes is swelled its big us goose ben's egg', so whin 1 Mlaud up I in' I dowu nu mu liuUly." Another poet come says, ".' ud 1 beif -o n'chimr kiss " ti. fat icr will coma .' Loir the click of w,n fuj ,,, rubliahod every Timraday Cvenlna; JKItEMIA.II CH0U8H, Prop' , Terms of Rubgcniition, TWO DOIXAIW I'F.R ANNUNf. Pay nl.le vithin tix liionlh, or J.oOifnot pni. I wit din thuytar. No paper ditvi lout inued until nil nrrcaragaa are iiid inlrs at tin) option of the pub Nilwrrtpttona milfiiln of Mia eoantr riVAHI.K IN ADVANCE. I"flrl'emiii li'tinc it inl lining papers i'lreiaeil i nlti 'rt Imcotnc libarrilers and re linblc furl be jriee nftlic niior YOU WILL BE .() I r.i't ril'"i t'nt "M e.i np will. saw one n I I 'i .1 I. it '.r.'f.il; iiuha Ilia Duckcyo Force Pump, Ttif H n'fva u ,ft fort ltl ln,j'rntniil )n INi.iii ! ! iviirf'.t wilit iip.f,Ti.bar Tl. ( . tiHt r. I v. T -mJ n f tlMf , (.. Cnf i i- n1")t! il. I t.i ti,t II l .'t tt - !';mm' Ahrl Kir fftat -Iiic-yi ii tti. nn an iuiltitiir In of flr v-. i , ,n r tnnr (lint n i.l Vatil, Watk . Ih.l Mt.lt 1l-tf;f', e,oJ liavt FIRS ENGINE fvfff. ' iv "'ii v-Hir n i-rt-nimi nl uu bora cotfl i ii4lt ttti tf. .1 itiart mii. ti, It Cannot Freezo ! It. .M wtfli. f. Mr'.lf Ij-v.i.i.! i .to i.f. Tb , i-t t .i mi r r A.f - -ti'im, Tii yv.twin :j( frt I t ! Ii f 'H 'lm s p.. .1 vaIv. i lll'lii iiiirri 1-tHi lint I ti4 irtr. N Ui.l iK t l oay ntvu ll I do Iron Tur!;i,ic Wintl Ci iC I ita.it .-. l iM.i.r.vi. t. Wlf.l 1'i.nlrrt, ''i'l"" l1' I ' i "in III ..".r ill...., or (o I .irl.o.i.ilt- H.I InM IV. I', fl HA ttllW, I.. .VU',.!., (i-i.nn l:.ir, tn a i r,.u'i', pa. l.';,.Viir i ll iiii. I M Il'iil.C-.l'ilOU: 1 w.i.ii.l v.ni i.i) r, e .ra i t. sM i JAVinn? "'' "' it.ta 1,1 !1 .1 1 1 1 ' I , t II I a I . 1 il.. I ai.ii' l. IH..VHOK I V. r, I VM, tl4.M-u1.1tr.-, .. 1 .lull ".!). RUPTURE Tin) i'' it 1 .1 m'. ria-l't I 1 nni t in nf iiur .ii-..iipi. .-ui it,. .1, V. 1. 1 1 v ii ii,.i.,ir, v. . .1 11 1 v .:, m.f J. 0, KEilPFEIt, Me 833 Hems Agsot. for 1'tMH.V H1HI.IN IH'.I.Kj IOI H t t t 11: i 1 I lit; IIIIOItN. .11 1 in l ut vu-, .Vuy.U'r toiii.ly, rerri'a July J;.'i,'.Un. 1G53. 71. 1373. CENTENNIAL ! 11 irlnir 1 I pli 1 tha iniUn uf tha ""SmiiLt Si 1 in, I-," 1 1,0 i..,'i: nr u-.iiil i r ill ilia al, l-iiil-ui 'il tha ,in .13 tl Uol Unit li kat 11 I i li. I 1,1a in-l iior.' ili.T, w III -nit ir-viil. antlral v tnrfM WII nr I in 1 1 if. : 1;. hn 1 11 ir 11. 1, u. dint 1 1 tn ttia trilt . tl "I , .In.- I,.hlna... Ui. Miiiii 1 , . 1, a, , .) 0 lian.t a vary full an.1 well ., u lo t ... m.ick ., I iuv litmus, Cit'H'KliltV, lillOCKllIEH, POOfrJ 4 Slloli.-I, IIAI1D.V nu:. lU PETS, Oil. C l,i)l IIS, WALb r.M'Elt, Hill' KIS'IMM!, I.F.ATIII'in, I -ill C. I.S, AP.'T.v. AC, sr.. KCt r'i li ,." -ir. Iii ii, , ..I, lie ti .orr ratlj rt I ,-ail c IM1 I'lilt'l ... e'oi. 11 .tr.ii. tn it: y oi l c'J-i.ii" 1 r for tt.elr le . '-.I 1. 11 r ... .k i.,r nut 1, r f 1 ' I ti e 1 nit, I h.i:.:,1 -..iileit ii.c.r I'upt'oii I'.r tl-i lutur'i !,ai il., , ili bn liei.ciuid.l ly the olianut, at wtl, n Y our ,111 ml I" v-iM, W. I . I'.' UliKRT. Snlln-urni-B, at. .'ii.'7. NTSSES I'tory r'lntn nr w man will liny fl.imlt wlifii- ile.y .-tti ,, Hid lieel. It U 11.1l.1rtl. It is lm iuiii n nine, ilm best lo li.tuf liie li',i-i .i,nipy RVLZ TII 2 DAY, II11I i 1 1 1 1 1 ni.r M.11 to jui l if yutl wanltS -t'Clllt) li i: g nu-. In lit UOW Mill, 11 r Kin ,'.'. inif.iH, I'Hii. s u,f, pi. I.i: i''iK t. rt 'i'ii: nsiiiN-ifl. TullM'iM Nu I IU t;i. IlltiS, IMltSi; AMI Ml t,V !-!li!i:s, N lib e'lMM. I Kl'.h, ll1) 'K l',,A',ir:it, su'iv I'l'.s.' .1, r. ni'irs i'1 ur .tvi llS!;i.v ,tti;.; i:iltr. tt.v Koft Mi-IHHMI. list:, tl' 0 S l.V VI "ej l'i;il U ll.l.uN ..r M. .1 ' KU lO.'AUl'. T.'K liliT IVtll-i.llY 1.V tl. llt INK. o. 1 u v ir. I rrtjipol fully H of lln i-'e litna of Snj; Sny,ler oiiuti')' s-ti'iri. nT I u i r psiruiiiigt II 1VI114 piiri'lt 11 I my tl u. N fur t' ASII f .,11 utile 1 1 mil 41 '. ry U' II" I'l'lt.'KS. ' Country Ve.u.v ' ('.' 1 1.1 i.V rtmwe fitt lio; h, Vouri !t'if,.i:nl'.. S M. 5 lI'JLEu, Kali.S.'Ht. T.tvir,"i'il, l.r; Co., Pa. Valuable Farm at ?.1I7ATESALE! rV.rt Ih n (.f (n .,rtf0 MoilZ, (U I o'tai1, f;tr t T.tluatilo Ktnn, at private ttilii,,lj nu ni'ln SuUtU flam Of MlJdl 100 Acres, nr 0 B art ataolaj a LAttU TWO BTOIY .v louo Dwelling lloiiBc, Now Iiauk llutn -'i'tlni(i. Thlt farm It la a tilira Una, UBilar bio'I Ivii.., mdS anil uiutl Urtilt tull.lUB lulara rail oa or ai,.,rta JOHN km MllAlS, I tll.liilabDr. Pa, 1 1 1 kind oj !1 'A , 'II f i , WW"