ml -ir , la ..I k la re ". I t H ft .oil ? .pen oipl. dvertwin( 11 aten. n . column one year, - fw.OO One-half, column, ona year, One-fourth column, one year, One square (10 linns)! Insertion 80.00 15.00 75 , SO 5.00 2.,n 15 than MJvery aauinoimi iiiBcrMuu, ProfMiionkl and Business cards of not fnnrw iiimt", -r ju.i., Auditor, Executor, Administrator and Assignee Notice, Jlitoriul notice per lina, All tranieionl advartiinjr lent nnnthi 1 cent lin. All advertisement for a shorter pe rirxl thin on ytr are payable ftt th inio thev are ordered, mitl it not paid J'"V . -1- .1 III . - I ' I.I. It peMon oruering uieiu nui ug note; twpoiiiioie lor mo iiimiev. 1 o o t r .v . THE HERO PL0U3H BOY. T . L. H'clItlT. flilf burlel la tbe aiming ailils Tbe mtJo eilenl 11. Tht eue ! elewlj elimoiiil ay Tb ruldy saitera , At, liftbi of hurt, tbo farmer bn H,sn hit (Uilr '. Xj jaWe Ihe team o I bil l lb, plough, Ai tare lb mrllu toil, Keep every furrow trl n in I mriig'jl, Wub praotieeJ eye u I ban! Aod wbea lb wbule it overturn 1 1 "Strike oiii' ontther 'lea4.' Prarcb wbere Ju mi;, lb world eonteint No nobler flM of labor j More proud tbio lhat of bha who wiollt. The lleebiiif spear or oiiber. flTbel Ibongb tbo hand be rough tb,l bold. Tbe ben.He of the plnSg-b t Whet ibsugh tbo earn rr ens helb poured In 1arc'U on -iiir bro ? H'bt Ibough your p.ntatonni m j bout A ptteha either knee Thee erejbut balje that proclaim Nature's Dob'liljr. H'liil though Iht hrilnlt fep mtr eneer In mporoilioiM pri le ? Wtiat Ibough lh ehil I of luxury Fe by other ii U 1 1 1' b4 though oi gill-eJfe I mte lovilj To strut where fs.hioti riguii jO'tr tbrnriglng erow U of lli i i'itlfi fjili With lofter bin N nud brunt ? ITho mhufilhijr rrali tha anoiout lite, ho faroigu f munf irUl Tliir Yhg hrfor the itllt nf Ro n; rroud njinrei. of Iha world ; ITlieo ml I ltd tbr whn.o '.ie hit Khar olnlil ig tu di-)iiit w!ilel. I.A11I choio fur Kii. v li;U0 V tbo un-tfiitfl Auld. lT!ion P (Mm iiro nf free lint fo'i'tt Agiimt lb Ijrint fjjm t. fctir (uunlry fuun I hrr belt .lffonu Iter in I .iur 1 yrno 1 1 j Ivii.n Irtitori frju wiiliiu ilel Our it .g bjr III 1 in I Y:iiirt wr iha at kl in htidi Ihtt krri Uurt'iuiitry ouo nJ frej. J! H on a 1.1 10 Heat h iiilo A'l 1 rr in t lii yo ir o il I u n v mr foot r t illiiu. r tnk by in'i'j, IM.iro i lie o m hiring pi mh ; flif ph.-i ili, in r (i-itoni l!i in tue ..for I, Thehiyoii'it, urlho bill Jr'liote i'Miin, fricnllct. nil u.r. t. Are buriet w mrj tli.'y t ill. , ynir lb wl to t ' of The .tirfiug di p mi t Ic.r, lie djiiig gruu nf ig iny H'lth nniie to pity nen ; Jut by Hie lihor uf yt ir bund Tli. buv'jr 'ill ill bo fJ, '.I life tn I ploity or)uilie eirth, Now Jr. ir, It'k, u I da I d. flirn oil ! work on.' firtui'tni ot A world in waiting (Mais lit field of bu n tu prng 'ei 0 ill for fefirleti beitrtenud h in N, Mtb ptlinl fitb( with cirnoil ttf lue laborer there mutt ml I, lad nDjt furrow, broad aod deep. Mu.t orerturn the mil. lita rball we ee (ha gUat wood Of Error orerllirowo, Ind la Ibeir naiiee lull, (be aeeda Of Truth and Uetuty aowa, I w, on our titioo fiom afar Tbe (oldea barren gleama ore bounteoua tbaa eur rUlont are, . More glorioua tbaa nur XatioHid CitizfixSoUier M e 1 o o t T a 1 o An Indian Story. Dosutiful tbo creon meadow, tha f rrouudiug hill and tbe distant naotaiaa formiog tbe landscape in lalpole, N. H.. wblcb Colonel Deo-' uin Bellows and John Kilborn paz. i apou tuo bank! of tbe Connects t river in 174.9. Tbey bid built iir log houaea with loop-boloa in a walla tbrongb wbiob tbey would o opoo tbe Indiana in case tbey sreattaoked. Though poaoa bad on agreed upon between France d Cupland, tbe people who lived 'fig the foutier felt no security, fthe french ia Canada were con mully urging tbe Indians to com t depredatiou oo tbe Euglisb. It s short and easy journey from own Point, on Lake ohamplain. to a valley of tbe Oonneotiout, aud J Iudiaua wbo sold tbeir furs to mttlemunta along.the Coonocti- Jna of tbe Indians wbo isited juo Kilborn was called Captain 'hp. Ue had bean baptised aod rlntened b tha Ju.nil. nri Iodiaa village of 8. Francis, on banks of the St. Lawranoa. half. p from Montreal to Quebec be i rranois tribe were c.llod C. U Plodiaos. Thera aara rut. ira f ar would break oat again I i- m tngland sod Fraooe. Be o re I M declared hostilities bi- u ia tbs spring of 17S5 that Wo Philip md a, visit to John 'iru's hoiwa with some beaver for sals. Tie wanted powder. W and diets for pay. Wbil UaiCa f, C;lJa Fbiiip VOL. 18. running hi nyei orer tho hottsa, looking t tha thick timber, an I tha l )u.h i1oi in t'.ia U. W.iet ha lit 1 6niibe I hiit tri la lie visile 1 the othor homn di the aoUlonnnt. lit wn kiu lly trMatnl. Tuo nut' Her never mUtrtut 1 that ho w n taking obecrrntiom for fut'ire nio. Anniit cinie. Tha anttW lioir I tint wur hi 1 hi in. n I k ier tint tha r-tno'i an I la lini inibt bi npun thorn at 'iy mompnt. Tl-y Irenptlieni) I their hluck-h ihhim No ona want into tha fltd to work utono l'liiy h! .vavs c u rin I th'tif it!ii with thotu. Tltcy h id noma fiitliful wntcli-doi wlitcli croivlo l whnn cidiniii w-tro nho'it. There nere nirly forty til -a in the mit tlemnnt They worn afoul he li t fil, and were Jetermine-l Dot to be driron o il liy the Froiic'i tin 1 In dmn. Thny npp linfod Hollow to bo their Ion tor. llO h I I i a miinicion t int m liana wolo ; about. "We mtiHt hare ft rmpply of meal. ... it,..i ;.. ..J. it... 1 ti,.l 1 . 1. 11 1 . ..1.:.. . a . . . 1. we "11:111 uavo Hoiiiuiiniiir i j wn, u :,i M.V I I10 "oUIi"- liile.l w:i a wmi , ru' r " corn. "honl.I,o-d thotn. and then, in '"w ""'l ' dinner, ninlo file. m tn cii ryiti' hii Ouo by on., they f.-ll, whteh en- Kiin. thoy innrchod to tho print .mill I r,,-H ' llu'" 1,11 m 're. and th'y which thov ha I ervcted. pro iu I th,. '"'''I't nearer, lirm' rapidly, riddling rorn into 'meal, ehonldoio I the ric"',,",HUI hopi-i. .into likely, oneo more, and "tin ted ho ne ir I. "ut lk '"''I"1 "',''' l tneo do rti their faithful watch-d j trotting in . ''''' " ti,c r'"f 1 hit th to nm.le. alv.ineo. piviu,' no attetui in t., ; a inirreli or pui tii leH, or puuoof that Molt Sn I li.nlv llin d ci-nn luck prowling, thujiir on t i-nr lim i i a ruff. "There are In li itu about. Throw d own your Hack," said 0 j1ojl1 BoU Iowh. The men threw their sick on the proiiti 1, dropped into the ferni, and 1 1 in1;.. 1 10 the pruning of tti.i.r pun. ! The f.irna wero tall, a:i I Coulplntely them, f!oloiud lJell'i.v I i . t. ... i... I.l . l. . I I .: I M l"j)el'Il''l lll'tb lliu I il letot o i i i ti an anibiin-1 In at a non o v l i.'o in tint path which they m it pan. Me crept "lowly forward to fee what he e inl I diicov ir, ctruf'il n it to bt'c i'; a ti. or tn iko .my n lim. Ho rivpt to the t ,i of a liitl'i lull, po ipil lliroti 'li tiio fern, an 1 ln'ivefil a r..,,. of In l.niw iim iiIv liv,.1"" '" WlT'! Wlll..ttlg t.ll'O'l huii lte I. eroue'iing bchin 1 trees, or lying ou tho gro in i, waiting for the white moil t eu'. if i l l trip II. nl ale hi a ay back t i Iii nini, i sun 1 hi or I -r in a whwpur, and ill ciawUl through the fern t i,vi; l the Indian tiil tliuy wore ouly a l. rod from them. All were re tly. H'CV mr. sprang to hi feet, iie.l yell- I a Ion I as he could, "ili y l-hi-ya '." it wn u ten itle howl The next moment not a settlor wiih to be Hetl ! nil ha I dl'oppn I up mi the ground, tin I wero c ii",o ilo I by ths fell!. In un instant every Indian wis on his feet, filing hi. gnu, but Lilting net i .(ly. There wu nn ani'verbi' fl ih from tho ferm. each Hot Her taking aim, and the Indians "prang into the nir. or fell headlong boforj Ihu bill, 'it. Tbo red men outnumbered the HcltleiH firo to ono, but were ho as toun lod by tho surprise that, pick ing up the wounded, they made ii Inihty retreat iuto a Hwaiup, an I the huttlera iiindo all Innto to their block hou, aufinipiting an aUict. Not ouo of thorn bad boon injur ed. Tbi body of Io liana was a par t of a ban 1 of more tha i thruo bun I red, led by Captain Philip, wbo hud come from Cauada with the expecta tion of wipping out the Buttlomenta along Connecticut, aud of returning to Canada with many prisoner and no end of ncnlps. It was at the plenaantosl soasou of the year. The woods wore full of game, nnd w ith tbe provisions they would pet in tho settlements which they intended to destroy they would buvo an abund ance of food, Captain Philip, with tbe root of tbe Indium, was creeping stealthily through tbe wood toward John Kilburn s houso. Mr. Ktlburn aud bis sod John, Mr. Pike aud hia sou were out in tbs field reaping wh eat. tbeir puns close at haud Mr, Kil burn bad trained his dog to scour tbe woods, aud tbe faithful animal aver bad hia eyes and ears open, and was anifung tbe wind if a wolf or bear was about. Oo this ufternooo in August tbe dog cams ruuuing iu with hia hair ia a ruff, aod growl, iug. Indians.'' said Mr. Kilburn. Tbe men and boya aoized tbeir guns, ran for tbe bouse, nud bad just litre to pot iosido and bar the door when Captain Philip aud nearly to hund red Indians niaJo tbeir appear ance. The Indians staid at a safe dia tauoe, and ao did Captain Philip, though be came nour en nigh to talk. 'Come out, old John ! coma out, young John 1 I pave you good qu tr ier." be shouted. Tbers were ouly tbe two men, tbe two boya, Mrs. Kilburn aud her daughter and four children, in the bouse, with three hundred Indians attaokiog them, but John Kilburn was not to tbe (oast frightened not be. Neither was Mrs. .Kilburn, nor her son or dauglUer. Tbey bud several extra gun t A'rs. Kilhnrn and bar daughter knew bow to load tbeia. Tbey would rather die ihsu '. :', - .' - iUIDDLEBURG; SNYDHR COUNTY, be tV.ion prinnore. T n Inlnni hud no ennr.on, an tU;ir bnllot would not tliro'iIi the itont ti n bats. Ojly by burning tho houna wonl 1 tlioy be nblo to Kut in "Gat yon gone, y in nnit. or I'll quarter yotl 1" was the dull tut Ml sivor lhtt .lohfi Ivilburn h1ioiIo 1 liro'is'i ono of tho I op-bolm to Cu)t;iiti PiiUp, ni t!io lutter wnt bitcU til tha dtik cravd of anvaoi, who roI up thti w irwhoop "I'lioy yell ltkj in toy djvilS,'' mid John Killjini bi! In wn u it in liio le nt diiiturbe l by tlu It iwl. Then the b'llloli bean t com" ihr iiiifh the ahiti,'l . oii tho roof, mi l itiike uiiiiiKt tiiu'ieri. Tho Id II t ii Niirromi 1)1 the h)tiin, but tliern wi-ia lonp-jolta ou ivich eid . Mr. Kilb'iin nn I Mr. 1'ike (;n,,to ik two of the Hidoa. nn I I ho two nuii.r. niiit ijiii :.......i 1 1. ........ . vi t.-.11....... ' mmxhh .Mr. I'tku. Ittn 1 hinr ! went Ihu '"J '''. 'I'huy could fire at a i'it, and tiiko didiboritto ni tl. I'lio n.ll'tnil riiill.l 11 1 it. mtii ill it in 11 .I... - --- . of tho truns, and the mo-nent one of 11 1 if. i...t. .. 1 .. "'i "i 1 10 u 10 ik i a hiovd hii i .I JIIII IMIIIlll'll, H III! IOOKC.I tip Htl I t IW tho llolei 4ll.Jll III! I ll.'l 1ll.,-l.M . . ,. . ...11 ,, . . W I'TO It w u ho c ml 1 ll"t were lialin I'll cclrt pm tin whihi, an 1 h in It i ; 1. 1 . n 1 1 t io in . i I ' jnl bov i who k".t up "Ut!i a ripi l! "hv,' ml in. wlinlm tito thit tin In Inn enui ti tn.. "'"y 'i'l r.nrl, l kn -w the ni.'l isi hi til it. t'.nr.i werii ii luri''t'el mi I I ' ml II in I n Mil- ,n. ...I I,... .1... .t.i... n I nb. r of imti ia the house, , i e hlrill h i hi bo out of b ill t-," sail Mr Kilbtirn. i A Hi i' it c i ne : W.iv nit ci'c'i the b lilo tlrit ere e i'iiin thr I I 'h ! the r 101 f Ilm lull hi I nearly sp-nt their f km wli'vi t!i y ci ii i I'll i l,'h, uiij lliey h i'i,' nn ii bli'iki't with thick fo I., wui -ii itoppe I th ) n en tirely ; and lit., girl, gitliuriu tii" ti I they toll II 11 'illl"hMly llpOtl t'l" I i if pal the ii into a la lie mol I liielll and l ul tn-.V b llie! i, whlM I I ho air. md d oing d in ige t i tin. ein.-nv. I All t'.itoilg'i t.nt afteiu ion th.i tight g H ou, the I n il m aiming at j I lop-h-ilo I'm ir ballot p 'po.'i- th-' I igs iiroiin I thi'in. One coui.. in in. I indict, a ghastly wound m Mr. i'i i;e h ( .iigh. Ii it the i-li mi I ti it know It, tin I lint brave d fctisii i- kep. up till t in Indians, f-hie I i ino their ed'i t4, ,Ii f :,i:i-.l, with H iv.-r il lllrir ini'iilior deal nn 1 many wo, in I-..1 fio.j the v ill jy li:n I by i'o'i- tii-ll ) .v an I hi men, mil by Uioso in ilm iioiiso, H'-t.Mr Kilbarn's vheiit ou lire, k.ll hi cattle, bury lio'r .tea I aud clink aA'ty, not have-, lug taken a scalp u- a priiotur ; I'iiey h i I only wound'1 1 onu in in. W hi-ti evi.-iytiiing g e well will1 the lu, ban ho cm bo very bnv,., lint Alien lini ti 1) is against him he piickly I'lH -s c .iiraee an 1 boeuue' iltshi 'it totio I, an I s i (lipt.iiu Pinlip inn In Io; , iv i,i. -1; t i On ti a 1 1, very much ci'esi I ilioii at thn l epiiNo lm hn I lecuive.l il tho Irm I of two iiil-u. a woiij iii, tw j b ly.uud it bravo liL-ul tud gii I. iHHIIWIM Yoj Can ikip. I your namo Iivid S'mlcr shIji-I tho court of it in tn nearly sov--n feet, high, who walked out ou Ui jah's arm "Hey t" replied tho prisoner, as ho loanod forw ard. "Is vonr name David Shator t" "Hey V Is your name David Shai ter " repeated the court with all bis voice Yes, I suppose it is.' "You uto charged with boing drunk." "Hey r "You are charged with being drunk." "Hey f" . "Drunk 1' yelled Bij t'i, with bis mouth closo to the m in' ear. ' A'ho'a drunk f What hava I pot to do witb anybody being drunk f ' "You wore drunk 1" shouted tho court. -Hey V "You were drunk !" yelled Bij tli. "Hot von ijV' replied the prison er as be went dowu for the money. The o Ulcer in tho emu sai I hn found him lying under ashed, drunk aud nHleep, and tho o mrt replidd : Well, I can t vol! my bea t oil 1 1 make him understand. f"ve busted my collar button and broken a sus pender already, and I shall lot him go. Pris mer, you can go." "Hey r "Yon can skip." "Hey f" Bijth turned him around and run him out and shut the door ou him, but he put bis time agii-nt tho glis anl shook the door and called out : "(lev f I'll saa if 1 haven't ntiy rights!" Who bath woe tho teintat. The people still contioua to eat m I driult not ituUu liug Tauner's tianple. Si'ai wall btlnnl itiraii siy that pood nature U tha fjuntnia of. all good brooding. Tbo apiw inty, siys th Philadol-, phu Ballot in, merely ditTors fi o t other uold ia Us boueuau A Nartii Carolina Mirrbi;. So'in !l-r th i cle of tho 1t war Ciiui'i X. wa anintol jmtioo of tha ptv'o n a cum try ilito not fr IV j ji llkloit Njrt!) Oiro'itH. Hi Ct'lior htl h.ioi a pliitor in a r.ithor am ill way, an I hi am tho 'Ctp' iin ha I ai? j lire I o Mid Tahla x purn'iico in th" I) Hi iO of in nirt.'itix r -al rlnfe, ilrawinit up tl ;eil, etc, d irin,' Ih't iili 't lifo.ill i ill I in Hottliii. tit i fittt'i) a'tcr hi If '. rfc'H 1'iir'hiir th in thii ho hi I in h'i(il kno.Tlu lo, a'id. i-id e I hli en 'iie H'ock ot "liook.b'iiniiiu" was null I iid p r!y !otil, hit i y l.ti'k ill icni-ltil Itilnr triti in Win tiMy mill up, lr hi mo, liy anil iicr . t ou. L i'h til)'' aflrrti mil, us he w.t riding ho'iie fiiiiii Iliil.'ili. hi i 4 yu iiw w nil ill 11 '1 1 tw 1 111 vi, woo httiled hi n uud in innul il' ho w.i 1 , Uii :n'i .. I'll t 'ri wiiun nui Uii.i'uhi X. I'M r ill ' winin mi' 01 UK- uii-n wii'iii-i 1 1 ui 111 11 1 to 1 atom!. Pile ntiiiic lul ci'in a u i'ii )M. Tn-y In I pri-ui'iH th i 11 ..r .1. . 1.. 1 -i ' limn. Ii it 1 irdit i it th jr i i,,.ir mti '"' ' , r V'1 ' ihuv hnll ni'vor ail rr th at 1 b. ni .riiu I. It, , w n ini.i 1 ti 1 1 ni a "tit it ie.t I'i II i th1' Ci'i'U'U ay p rfor 11 e, Willi- I 'eat lj!,iy, a.i I try pttitiittioa u'tuc- , iWI-'ll. I 1 X iw th Cipt ii 1 h 1 1 iiaver wit I a hi iiti ', h i I tt i-:k'tv h id j I very c,i ir i I,, i el wl il w i IH'i ll III 1'lch OH"". III! Ill U ' III) !'! 1 ll'tV-'y iii;m.'.'i a li nk ii' tha ln i' Vo ir l.el'ire iviili tl liirm I ir in irn aj" in it, hat w!i it t:io ho i' wn mil; ioai)ii-. toll th-. T.ii I",'; lk II I :l' ti.'st 1 thoulit I'd use 'e n to hi'in ou, but lii'ju 1 r -t i l l ' I, on tn hole, t i"V wi til .linul nil- emu " J Hike I tho C itl'il i t 1 i' i il l t l hi se-relly h I hit h" i' nil. I I'm I that, book ; but they dm din. I. f ir t ii . r, i ni t .1 it. tho hi li ter u.bnitt'i I of i.. i del iv. .V Ion uss iro l iii-iii would have bi. 'ti h irol , i i. pl I. b ) n r, Ii l-nt n i ti ii in t i-.i i ; o:l" ii h it, a i l t-,-11 ii !; I, ',' it o;l' i.i in.i p. j otic nf tii . Court." A I l.i-ing un.- iveru 1. lie "iii. "I II HW-ar yon m t'.itt o:l ll!dup yer right h in I Mo t . i .i i';,. I th . f, te-) 1 of too .is';.. I th . f.i groom. if o .nr".'' Hii I fit l" i;i' ii i, a ii :n H n in i -t bo h ,v ir. i. V i i n:i I e I f V I l SI ! . ii il v - v ir l 1 1", ( i . en l.-in1 ht'l l, n 'tli'ti yon s'. i.l 'tv.i ii tiii iu.. ilm tt u'h. t i' 'ol i t . n i a i' I in) t ru: h, s't-lp y i I i . I V 1 1. I i .;i I irvt'i. 1 1 sol, tlci'. I i ti ti if y i ir an' b 'lii.-f you t iko t ;ii tor have in' t !i' h .1 I f it- v ui v v ir I I .I'I'I I ) f wo n ri r"lf. tor ll'-ii s, oi k vel t'-rs, and a. sterns, f n- i n- nd'iiinl ili tt uH an' tnoir tnu a a boh i d f ii'evor t" "I .1 )," an vei H tuo gr ) i a. "Voi. Vhco K.vor. I iko tin man f ; yer Im.sbin I, tor In-v an' tor h d I forever ; an I y i d i f t. tuor swear that you are lawfully Hoi. ! in Toe si ujilii, aro li'oo fr i n allpne l n bnt nice, mid hev good right to koII, birgaiu, mil convoy to tho xai I grantee yersolf, yer heii., u liiiiiu u n. and iisigiis f ' "I d ." said tho brido ralher doubtfully. "Well. John," sai l tho t'ipt ain, ''that 11 bo iibout a dollar u fty contri." Are we mirriod V asked tho other. Not by a dnrnuil sight yo niii't," qtloth the C iplaitl, will) utuphtiHia ; 'but tlif '. co it'ji in h'Ti'.." After some fumbling it was pro 1 iced an I halideil to tho "tJotirt," who ex a ii inod it to make sure that it was all right, nu 1 thou po tketed it, tin I continued: "Know all men by these preNotit", that I' Captain , of Kiloigh, North Carolina, lining iu goo 1 health and of Hoiiii I au I (lis- p. Miu' iiiin I, iu comid iratiou of a ... ..... . . : . I. . . I dollar ii u.iy uout io un iu u iuo paid, tho reeoipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, d) mi l by tUon presents have declared y ni man and wife ilniiug pood bu ivior. and until otherwise or I, irol by tho cjuit " luo men put ou their hat agaiu, the young oouple, nflor, shaking their beiiofactot'a band, wont on to moot their destiny and tho irate fatli er while tho Captain ro l.i homo richer iu uxperiouod- ILtrnur, Mtjiidue. He Found It. Quite a crowd was attracted at tho corner of Galveston avenuo yes ter lay by tho ocaentrio actions of an iiidivido il, who walked up and down the pavement very slowly, as if look ing for something. When he was iiskod what ho wa. looking fir. lie renin) I that be was looking for five dollars. Iu a "hoi t time aomo sev fiitv people wore walking about with their eyes oa Ihu gro.iii.l. trying lo help that poor follow liud that lout live dollars, Finally bo lookud up mid said .' "It's no use for you all to look any longer f ir I vo fouud it. bet avo dollar I coul I g:t 50 of the most protuiubut citizens of Galveston to hulp nu look for t iatiujuoy, ao 1 vo won." If he hain't said "most promiaent ciliaon" they would havelynuuol him, but u it wa i it was all taken lu goul part. It ia estimated (bit $11, i 000,01)0 ' woie repi eHented 1ii the vrowd Gtiftt0 AW. PA., NOVILMri:it IS. 1880. Tin Mjrluary P03I. llowna e. niiilry-Io iki i r elinp. with an ol 1 tutxture of " i rv mid reiitiiti on on hi loin tvmitMiia'i'ie, an 1 h i dr ip pn I upon Ihu afartled a drertiiin t clerk of 'he H iti-ir '.V(') with tho uiyHli'i 1.1111 wliHp- i:r of S').)' ln",'' "Wid1 t )iu " tnk it lln r! uk. "Iim.M "A'iioiu l!ni!i 1m''h Mi'i t "Iv Wlf.l ; Mill'' pOilO." ".t mn vvh'.ro 1" 'Hp ib M 1 m 1 1 it niM--vitii yon to tut i' in v lur next iinii ." "Wint, ui( I hi-r "lil'lijlW. Sin liv f 'V 1 T 1 week til e 1 il I i t "ponk ; tu'Vi t h i 1 Htii'h a ' 1 1 1 -t ti ne i'i inn Iio-i".' bi fote. .) 11-t do tho n itii'ii lip line, will y i 1. an' I il him every ihui in l'ui I up all l iht." Aiii'or Ilia .I y. tho clerk ""ribblel . . 1 1 aw ly lira tnoinetii, iiiimii'i wh it he h 1 1 wi'itt ni f ir inn;.,.i' c irtlv it ke 1 : n il ion. !) iii ir thii tv-llvo." Ti 1 b-r-tvel h mhi'il over earef ill v. an I linallv ril it p tvu a ; 1 h of mtisf 1,-ti i i " rii'it'a all litjiit." h i n:ii 1. li-m 1 in over the reinired npei'ie, but 1 i'p no y.ri co il I p'lt, a veno on tho en I i'.iiI I n't vim ? ' "WMI. ye '' ll'1 K I l rniti'ite l ' ik. What kin I of a vi iwu .1 witlt ." -S .. t ti i t. teli.l.i -like nn hoi to vf ill." ill woo! I thi do !" n-ke 1 the the I'leik, s 'rite tin; hull nl e'lt!l ! en 1 if hi p m i .1 I ii' p I'l l . pirf..'!i fo naln. f ". I ilaniil.r In' S'ii' a no inl .f w..".ii' wil vei-r. i i utii nnii"" r. tl M-'e da slran ,it a l ete ! but I reekon l.nt'le ' p 'I' 1 s i'i il, .1 us! vol try 1 I m't in i ii ,1 put f in up HH'ti,'i tin' th it'll rako .struig4 " ll, n g ii -i h-i'is'itii folks' h I r.r ui- f it- j The .-1 1 I a :n i ti oil i ri'.l l' tha e -ili'i . mi I th l s i ; ,'est.. 1 Tin- Ini-bui I'i hit v i fo. T i.' i 'i'I Ir l ill l, ti' I ei I' i I iv n'.-'i K. ' n i Ii" I.i ' . i." 1 rolie out tin. "Y wiei I niouMier, ink- bord- bis iii'hc w it ii a black ere I h I I I'i t I m l o vti a 'i io'. "l ilt yon iv niu'ig'un.' HCI.' I "'V'lit, di vol thii'; I '.i n ?" of till I. .-'ti" ui v i v -fa c i-i i'" I. At lit",' II-' I I..VT .'I'M - ii in . I . ti . vi ia , An I 'l i v "a - i I i i ti-:. "Il . i t beli o-o th icll H I it. You see tri ir rontdu't i ven p! iv ou a pi inn an ' I know a haip uoul I .I i no 'it, sii.. Poor wo n in : s in hat a ten ler hear!, though, and in i ! the m is', i.lega at you ev.u- HIT." "Ilmgal if I Won't I. live to elnrpe Villi lA'li." I'l'o vlel tho clerk l ain't a Ii mgf.ill . v or Tonnvs iu.'' 'I know,'- ni"el;!y ropli-'l th" ",v .pin w u 1 1 v ir." I. hi try unco more, won t you S t I ho ol"rl; di I trv, an I at lat groim I out the billowing : tin e irth on 1 1 1 not m iy N iri ir. He -he di I -in I en up hi j'i"i'- "S irt.-r irreverent, artrt it ?" anx iously askol Maria's relict, -'I took on I w nil In't grudge a rou)lu of dollars for a bang up verm." Tim hti'tiulate I tiio m lo'iine p i"t bei'auio hii l lonly inspired, uud exult ingly produce I ; Cry Miria I Ai n ! .In' i n i ni ire -Jniii.' l 'lie n..iitnr ni'rtp'ie Up-hi Ih't utlu-r tilnirs, Tho ntllietol one unntsily took a Chew of t oh ico ., an 1 whispnro I j "ilcauttful t but there's one i that "pile" it. Mat iar hadn't any tnore melody in her than nu old plow, an' it tleliberit lyiu' to speak , i. ........ VT . . i oi unr as a vocalist. ...iiiti n itiem other syrup (seraphs) yon ullu lo to joonl I keep ti uu with her." "Well." thoughtfully remarked , the disc nnlito I clerk, ,f this ain't all O. K, you'll hive to hire a special I pool ; I'm pliyo I out : AlUioiInn tore Lon time .be, I'livHi'ii in wre ia vti a j L'ntfcj i k.iohe 1 her, Ursib it fi-iuln'l hur Uuno ; t j rise nil tin Tell you what," enthusiastically exclaimed tho widower, ''that'll tip top, ore's your twj djllat i you've nit tit thorn. V young ni m tint cm tnako ni sieh iiir.icliu' lino i tlieiii lias got a glorious future before him !' And siHzing tho i-hl'isb'd poet' liiird, Ilm ehi I id "peuker left in si'iiich if a pair of black kid gloves. What pooplo want is confidence It does not look well for a doaeou to takoiiu umbrella to church and car ry it into his pew, and hang to It What ho should do is to leave the umbrella out In tho vestibule, with tho supremo coutidenee that a man has when he bet on (our nee. To see the prominent men Tit -x church oarrv their umbrellas into t makes the ordinary siuni though be was suspects, can w rlc tip a sentiment 1; keeping umbrella outside before winter, to be a do bislla, 1 fi A. t0 Live Up to Your MoWucs. There ii no uio to put up the mnt to ''( lU'!4 our home." if (ho falh er ii a ronh old bear, nnd the apiril of diHCouvtciy and i u,l nesi ii lauu'lif by parcnli to cliildrc'i, nnd by the il li'l' to the joutii r. Theio ii Do n-ie in pnlttnir up the motto. "The (i ll I will provi le," wbiln the father ti hhii'tli ii, ilm inotbrr in nli ifi the boys ri'f'.Hu to work, tl.e pitN 'i-v tin iiiNi'lvc" over (.M'wpnwi nnd lini'l'V. There 11 no use in puttiii Up tlf' tn otto " The (rrealest of Itn-n-ii c!i n it v." wh;.i Ihe l.)i:;ne of the Ii iclibili r w 11 in tin. l uiiilv, :m. 1 I'V ',S"i) it illl'rliM'd lit III" - , " 1 , Ill), I. lllltl-11 III! lll 111 I'laiMllt,' l;i 1 iu:,i. lv Hi" III. .tl. "The liivr.,1 ,, .1 .v,',ih l,b..,l thii.pi.- v ! 1 1 1 - the liiolnv chillki in the p ie. , , ,, , ' 1 , ., 1 iii. I . n I 1.1 ",iea I l tin. Iw'l"l,. I. ''IM inin j to pel out, mil see the 1 ht of d iv, nnd there tire dollars I and diuieH for wine, tub iec ) in 1 lh Ollll I er lux-iriei. but p.xittvelv n il eit fr the I'hutvh. In h iw ui inv lioill" are tiie-ei mo't lei "tall liu let ui hiv lian'.n Hare iHtiiM, whieii nerve only to point ti jest an I a I irn a "itire ! I'h.. beinty of liet live. oftl'iHtfil bop f.l ail I tree hinli.'l. fli'l'-heat te l, I'll II li llllil 1 1 Vrl, it OtlO of sm p min lo.'elin.'MM. aultli.wn live "lit I th"ir n:i iue .upar nilii fr ipratii'e, nn I llin well know "hero to I'm I the n n I they wtill rem nn fresh an I f i leles when the color of t In. pi .ni'iit. n i I the il h h iv,' fa I 1, an I I'i" fr lot s h iv. rot '.el aw iv in th'-ir j unti. i ' ri .it rit ft .,' It'-,-.-. Wiiy Wo Eal Oysters K tw, lr. Willi i n It ih irt s. in his inter est I tig 1 ft 'lie 4 ou th e digest ivo fi'f m.-nl, writ" : Oar practice in re g if ! to tho tivM r i i'lito except i i i il. i i I f iim i i t Htril.i'ig i-x- tl'llplo of til l g.'tleril (Ml lO 'ttle'M of I in' pojiul'll' ju I ; II lit oil di-'tetic i u.-sti nn T i" ov-i'er is ul n Mt (Ii i only silhst tuo i win m wo eathibit u. ally, and bv piefet etico. in the ri.v or u ic . ik" I -t it" -, a i 1 it i int "f i H'ri,' to kn iw th it thorn in a ho. in I phv-ol igicil reason at tho bitto n nf t ni pr I' -i'.-u .. l'ii" f i .vn-color-e I in us whe-h c institute the . I ii lit v if tl.e oyster i- its liver, mil this is lit 1 1" loss th in a h Mp of glv -i: .gen, Assoi'ii'el villi the ply. ! iiji'ii, but wi'huell fr i ii a 't I il c inl.i"', witii it, l'li I'I t lift, i il oippi ipri it " illestivo fel'IIIOIlt tho h p itic di se is i I' lie m ,re crushing l"f tin i diltity bejweetl til teeth Ini ijs tins, twi bodies together, ll'l I the "lvi' a ;" is lit once digest . I ! v, it Ii nit help by i' o.vti dllsta.. I'ln- o st u- i a v, or in its ino !;.. 1 t.t io, or oi't'oly wutie , is, iu fft, Mel;'- ii .re .1 ivo Hut the u lvunlagn of tiii pi ovisiou i wholly loit by e i I'ii-i f if I 1 1 i ' it o u, il iv ' I i il me liately .1 "itroy tun a4i,:iitol f u n t. an l a c i ilm I oy'"r 11 H t I Ii i di,'o4'o I, liiio iiuy'i- food, by thoett.-i" ivu li;.tivn pivor. L it ii M ';. A do wnl iwu iu in hi a iiinlo that, nevei kick e inteit bo induce I by all tho int of hia l-f.'et tickling t . kn-k. A small b v cm sit with hi" b ae; up a,' iiu:.t this tii'll" s le.;s an I never "el tho lift, uf it I.i I; ; a doo e in b it k at hi ti for h -voii limit " art I ho won't kick ; in "hurt, thei'o is no kick iu him- P. S, This piragi iph is a fiint iiltompt to ititio.lili'o a new U i ti I of null... N. 1 5 . - I'll j iii'ilo wo Hpuak of is doa 1. A ui'in overb irn I Tho o litor. An ol I wnoacro a ilocivut wis loc ivu I d nu t nolii, F ict are stubhorn tiling Mali aro facts. Are yon tired uf yourong igotuetit ? Ciio.v onions. Womeii resemblo lloworH. Thcv lHhut un when tlrv "luep. I I ' J I An o!f -ban 1 in liter Trying to linger it hte am saw in motion. The pnmp-lim II. t sees a p io 1 deal of tho up uu l downs in life. Anybolv cm give alvieo. Taking it is tho 1 1 111 ii 1 1 int of the job. ti unhap;y in in iau'" is like an electric machine it makes ouo dance but yon can't let g i. Some nin coul 1 nut get along witnout tueir navy ion n u, una i-,'i;;- ... I. ; .l. II'... Ian I fools Hi it sho mi i tiot i without her navy to back hur, too. If n man eniptios bis purse into his head, no man can lako it away from him. An investment iu knowl edge always pays tbo bust iutorest. It' jnst about double tho w irk t ) spado up a piece of ground fir gar den purpose th it it is to dig over the same space of ground for worms to go fishing, A kir.8 without a mustache is like an egg without salt. Sjimthi I'rorerh. Always remember thai, trills, and never kiss without the mustache i sluvs kiss within it. An old ladv "orkville witb Bsv eral nuinurrie ' tught" ' them on fish iu phoiph' exsent' NO. PublNbrd every ThtiraiUv Errniiig CHOUSE, Prop'r Tenn of Subscnption, TWO WU.WJi 1 Ell ANNUA:. r.iy Mo Vilhin nix inotitli". or fC'li; i "t paid w'lhin tha year. S'o pii,i : ,:i cot'titutrd until all nrrearai'm urn md unti i ni the option of the rub iiKber. riiilmi ription niltxidA of tbeco'in'.r I'A 1'AbI.K IJt AbVANCK. fiMVrioiin 'i'i.iik and mine ,v'ii 4 ddrcKied olln r l'ecolnetili-.''vi' ei. md me iml lo fort'te price ofthf p.ipcr "we OMwaewMaferva.m YOU WILL BE SOli J U V r fr r,yf Cut ni l pn.nn llh nr n I 1 1 ii it irt e.iruitiltr (titiBiot lh 3uckeye Force Puraj., r'l. Hneli. m l Id t.rr l"l."l lmptn-t . hi I'litnp., Ii 1. riiitruei.1 with tir-cliai..1' wliii"! tn.lifl 11 i.rr nj o fiftrret. . l 1 ". Ii. I 1.. Ill, llu. ." fmiip. n1 W.I. lilliinni, u(.mii .i.y l.iil I.I iiiw I" Of Vinii-inii..fwi. tliiitfi .1,4 Vera, W : W lllili.,, t .all l Kill, a, .n l h.Tr FIRE ENGINE erfni'lf n niir rn r mi$ mi mo nor m UiAu au ii't niir i'Utui, Il Cannot Frcczo I "1 ' '"i"'. tl'lr.hti. I, villi, I .loukl. T l.'rli.i...l.r .1 ..III. Tn. work-Ill ,.r. . I'll r I ,v,( , -or ,)"ly"'ielcli.,i.i...f. N .tl,l I. Urc !, "it It " Wind Engine I , .... . . I ' "' I'l'i'rnv.nieni In WuA Kl t. 1 r.11 .11 1 .. . 1 1. . ii,. lu of-i.lluii, ur jf w, C, BttATTOtf, lj.wi.tuwn, Mifflin r.iunlr, F.. o-i.nn, B.Yol-l ll and MII!)I.K-d(iKl): Wnut: von I r.Oiir.l innt'Kn MiV'tlllO "i I " "i' T"1 wiiti:.! nirt.t 1 1 III ; w i.i. . i'i .-.i.t ...., a i. .I,.--.. I'H'ir t. v. b l AN, u i.n.i.r, w.v. July VJ.' RUPTURE The Imperial Trass in'iil I u nnl ''no Intention of' Sr. i.i.r i-.ti'iihl.t. H.nt Iree. .1. V. 1.1 v.V. iK U ..'ium. M. V. Jal ti, HO. if j.drEiiPFEiir ;Tra?lrii rM Hems kU, for i' tn i i.t fiiiti.ri. m:i.i. mi imi . n: i ii'ic noons, .Idani-btiiir, iS'nj dor county, PcmiV .1 nly in. 71. 1873. CENTENNIAL ! tl irlne t t.ipli ' Id. mntl.i of the "!iun:. ii M'K, i-," 111. niti.iTi'.ir w in, I rttl the el. ti-'i'l 'ii "I 'he pie oo:li. lbt Le ker l iii' I the C13.T SYSTEM, Mi l, will .'.' iin.t entlrelrtnrr' AMU or l'i:t mil I-:, ii..!i. . iit".luitltiliitboirue iiy-ti'iii il .l.ilior lei; tn... .1 o ...nt i.i 'I.. tn kui on henil a veryfultand'1't.'l '. ck oi 1)11 V (MOUH, CHOCK.:!. V, GKOCE'HES, IK.0T8 s SIlnEfl, 11 A R 1)W A UK, CAiirtiTa, IL I't.oril.a, WALL TAVER, lltli: lNliiSi,1, I.riATIIER, t lll tlll.S, I AIN'T .1. m r., r wi, rti ti. .i"r tn .i jl lle at very (reetlf re .1 rj c tsil riill'tJi, WO!, tl. mU tn mv ni t (in.tonier. for tli.if Iti t-st r.'ii lur lue.iy It-err of ttio pent 1 w.iul.t N.ittr-n t'.elr ru inm tor the future. tir Inu tl"y will '.o t o. wti 1 1 3.1 Ly the cLen.e, i. well nn er?ent, W. F. IH.'K IIEtlT, Hellnsir ie, Hrpt.:,';!. LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST -o. llvorv Fmin nr wntnin will hur fl.ioJe wlnre I liny cn 'In th h..:, Il is ni.irl. i It is tin nun natare. The l.etit gojji .fof i.ic i-,i nnitiev HULE TII 3 DAY, riiil I j ut our Mottu o 1 ifyuuwaotte eoure llsigiitis in ii uiHVvn1'. (i hoc Kin;, ium:.,. khm. 1-5 i.t. plvsi'hb. m: tiii:;i. hiiok finuimih. THII Ai'l'O AMI Cli'AK'. IKM, IHlltSB AND V.h II'IKM. N M U Hi. US, Hrtil'l., Ktl.'rl I'llwPKIt, S A y IV Kl'SK M. T. SflTH I'I'KK RVH WMI.'KEV MtUi: Eifltl'USI.V KOH MKItli'M. f .-K. A I iHIA ftD 1 KM tlAl.l.tlN .r l."o ft. II yL'VIll, Till". HK8T wiiisii:v v,iu kv- Ei; IHtNK, ij. t it v ir. t re.ppnifnlly .k nf tho ul' of Sny SnyJi'r oouniy n-lisrn nf . ir imlrnnese , II in. iaron is I mr il l.. Is fur I'AStl t . urn shir to.cll ui ivry i. I il' PUlCliS. Country J'iO ac .iv. ii l', .... hdnjo fot fie)), Toun lli;'j:ij , S .M. SHULER, Feb.J.'ei. Mrerpn)!, ferry Co., r. Valuable Farm at ?at7ATESALE ! fpilF, . Ir i f George Moatz, da- 1 r.npeil. i ll.r vel ielit. I' Hn, at I'rlT il rele, vliuiti. niie unle SJUtb-eeM ol MlUdle. LurK, Cciiil.lnl.ig bImuI 100 Acres, i r e a are elected a LA1UIE TWO-StOlY ." tone Dwelling IIobKe, New Bank Bnra - ,il Mt'-aUUIas. Tblt fe-m le te a Myk it,,0, ueilor U lilo, and -n4 imiwI unite nil if Ue -i' os or ewtee- ii 1 ! t 'Hi i '! i 1 ' ! i "ill -' 1 rc