The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, November 04, 1880, Image 1

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    t i '"V J- --'.
.1, One y ,
an, one v frVt
a fqnwr t .J linen) 1 Insertion
Every additional insertion,
HiftMiont.1 and Business carat At
I not more than t linen, nor ywr,
'editor, Executor, Administrator
( n J AMinnes Nuticoe,
Jitorial notiocs per linn,
i &II tranaoient adveriiainC
months 1) cents liit.
I ill .Mrtiemmil fur shorter PS
l than one ysar are paysble at the
tkiw m nril.irn.l nd it tint paid
onon ordering them will oe held;
a'tteti a4"ke aantkar. "'
tea'ibt Weseti walk I 1
Hltoh aad te easiktt.
jid tit lerfael rant I tatsdad j ,
UrU)k spaa eaetker,
Und tkt hlktt wH It rade j,
f like spaa eaelbar, i ',
Kti lit deepe see It laid.
Iht lttll eo'ral wtrkere, "
iv their tit ael aeistant tlea,
vtballt lheea prttly ItlaaJt ,
Ui dltnt drk-bl M aeata
4 tbt aoblttt saderiatlage
laa'l wladiai batb toaeeliftJ,
aft-repeated tffort
!l?t baes patiently Bablsved.
a d sot look disheartened
us tat wora yon
4 aav kal toek a ailibty tath
U..,,r fattbrein l
Jil ai'9T - hf day
aether pilol l I!,
too the eeiia'aln whleb yea feared
ill prevt U bt a plaia
la wat set bulltled la a say.
bt aselest p reverb leaebee,
il tiara, by bar iraat an I 1 iwert,
ml kyt of fr-off dull.M
UeeWt la pereever.
tahb tha jallnw gill
afJL.IU an il Ilka Arlla anl.l
larat to lo tba warmtil baart,
wlibart all lit btttar part ;
waat na waahb i
V aaaugk la toaih Jltr,
oat lh bra of rlobl.i.
Lrlaf UJ a-ailfa taefM thi ap,
all ff toral aaa atflj ketp
lit wettib I waat, aai anhiuf nora.
at pair -to jr my kial,
blind! ItaJ a a-orll ofblia l.
Ihlfl tbe leim oi lifa't fratl t(a,
aka my iniprau aa tha f a
want aa power
ralbar itrangtta to lift tbaaiul
li Java la ptulona htta eonirol
ij it la In upjtrl flight
oa high raalia of Uva anJJIjht
lia poaar I want, auJ noialnj mora,.
bt aa fioia te bafa mf aa ae,
IraU'l hf Kraltb (l.n
lika tba Brr'a Jotlif il ray.
IooikdI ilaaioi, ttitj Jiei a t j
want oi ri ne i
11 aai it mba aal.l.
a lam (atbarad to ib daaj
unkoi)B. aui Jiei tioiml
Ufa aboulj ba bia laoaaineat."
luab faoa I waat, anJ noibin tnj.-e.
tbla I f nt a frira l ihai'a trua,
will in airtuaa kioJI tw,
all m fault at kiu li aan,
w ajuat na mipa nr imm 1 1 1 ii .vim .
aaa mora ;
aut a luoj m ou la bold
laa daa ara dark, aJ draar, ant eol !
aria my faltering feat u aia
kit hart I I road lifa'a wear way,
pueb frltad I waat, and era mora.
Val trua Iota trua wo nan'a lova,
pura aa Ibal wkisb rula abora.
detp aa tba J aai,
W broad aa ita iibiaaoaiiy
a4 aaa mora
kaol a amila ta light my boat,
kits to grtal ma when 1 eoma,
tart wbtia awaat aad h jly otiioa
kit wilb my oa kaap area tits i
JJuoh lora I want and ttaa mora.
aaat a otl.n ttolu ltd plaat
ika kind tbeugbia of all my raea
Waat that maa ahould tpaak of ma
geatle tenat of charily
lAad trto mora
Vaat to fail, datp Id ny kaart,
ft aottd wall my buub a part i
ti.'wbta my aarlbly eourta It run,
raal tha mailer' kin! "well dune I"
A1I tkia I want, and aotblng mora.
H e 1 o
o t T a. 1 o
The Haunted 07en.
It wai In tb data of oar errand-
otbera, wbea tber wera brick ov-
ba in tba land, that Mr. Uubbard
pagbt bia house, and boiicht it va-
ptuoob aainat bia wifa'a will. It
Kt a louely bouse, and reported to
ja baanted. It wna next to a grure
uu, wuiou aitnouga unused, was
jot obeerful, and wbioh, likewise,
M tbe reputation of a gbost. How
aer. Mr. ilnbbar1 Hi, I n. h.1i.a
gbotts. and waa too cheerful to
depressed by warnings, and
'er iutended to be lonely.
I, ra. uabbanl," be said, when
lit wife shook ber bead over tba
jurobaae, MI not it Cbap, aud it a
04 one.
You will like it when
PO set there t if v. in'L
BOtba boats waa hnnirliL an.l in.
P.U tba Zubbard family Beat,
foera waa scarcely a chance fur, a
.noat to show bis faoa amid a tcb.
"ally of boy s aud girls. Mr. and
us. uabbard counted tea of them,
noisy ones.
Having onoa xpostolated and
oken oat ber mind as to tha honaa.
ft. Hubbard mi tin (kat nninL
ajgruDoaa ana sooarea, tacke l
carpets, ti put 09 oarUUa,
! 'J f WW3m X; P 4
VOL. 18.
and woeI that iba plaoe Was pret
Aa not a trlioat appeared for a
week, aha made np her tnind that
there were no anoh inh ilntaotn. She
even begao not to tnind tbe totnb
atone. tbe bonne not rigoie at
laaL and bakioff l t came aboat.
Id the nrent of baaioess tbey bal
a irrent deal of baknr'a brend. ai l
n . . a, a w a a
were row tiretl riit. flirs.. yuo.
bard never eojoyed sotting a batcb
of bread to tin as alia did that
wbioh was to be eaten for tba first
time in the ne boune.
"For I caooot et op an appetite
for Muff tbat noboily snows who
had tbo roikiiij of,'' snid Mf Hub'
bar I, "and all pully and alumy 00" So into the ovon went the bread,
and ont it came at the proper lime,
even and brown, and beautiful a
loaves could be. Mrs. ulibard
turned tlimn op on tbeir si Ih an
aha drew tbotn forth, and tho stood
in the lonjr bread-tray, glorious
proofs of bt.r skill and the ex-'elU
etiee of tbe ie, ben Tommy ub
bard bouti'lc I iu
Tom 111 v wna four, an I when at
that aire, we are prone t believe
thataoytbii.4 will bear our wniht,
foiniov. therefore, auxionn to io-
npect the newlyiuaJe bread. nnnj
himaelf off hi fmt by clutoliiii tbe
ede of the broad-tray, an 1 over it
came, loavoa aud I'ojiinv an I all
J Mia. y.ib.barJ tie' to the renoae.
dusted aud put iu the trn -,:r; 1
but one. That lay, bottom upward,
nndvr the table,
A bothering child to give me so
much trouble" ehe eai I a eh crawl
ed nuder the table to net it. "Ah--O
ah dHer, emter O roy ''
And tliure 00 lh lloor sat lira.
ohbarJ, a'lret niii, tvriOjfiti bur
baud, aud shaking tier head. Tu
children screamed 111 0 incerr. Mf.
Kubbard rimued in from where bo
wan at work. ;.
What's tlis matter, mother?'' he
gaaped. ' .
Mrs. Hubbard pointol ii the bit-
torn uf the loaf l.fiutf iu bur lap.''
"Look there and sue I she Sti 1.
It is a wniiiioif, Willi.ii) ; 1 sin uo-
tuff to be taki.ui from tbiun all."
And ho looked ) aud be hav n
dmitln-lioa 1 a'l I nr ian-t) uoa. aa
plainly , euravod nt tbey posaibly
uouid Le.
h la an anoidftit, mtld Mr. ILib-
bard. "Somo nuuor cranks do
cuuih. i.u know.
Hut Mis. Hubbard wan iifa Ifonbl-
ed stale of mind, a bat
"The atorios alo;;t t!i liauntud
liomr, wrr'i trui',' nlie sti I ; "anil
the apiritH have marked the loaf. I
nil iifraitl it in 1 warning."
Aud the loaf wan put aai k, for
hvoii .Ifr. Hubbard did nut to
ualuny of it
Mr. Hubbard cot ovr her flight
A laat, but tho uuiva uf thu n- fully
nnikiidlouf eprual tbroii'rh H ,
and tbe people cuum to Mubburd'si
all the week to lo k at it. It wan
a douth'a-boad and cros-boncs,
cei'taioly everyone nw that at a
glaucu t bat as to ita meaning, peo
ple JitfWe I. Some believed that it
muh a warning ofupproachini; dvuth;
otliers thought that tbe ppintn want
ed to fribtcu ttie Hubbard a away,
and gut p.iMHonniou of the bouse
nguiu all tu tlii'inatilvos.
Thia liitt'.-r Huppomtion inspired
M.a. H.ibb'ii-d with ojurao. l-'in
ally, buin a bravo woman, alio
adopted tbo belief ; and, wbeu anoth
er baking? day arrived, pot ber
loaves into tbe oven ouce more, pre
pared for cross-boues and not to be
frightened by them.
The loaves baked as before. They
came out brown and cruaty and at
.Vr. Hubbard turned each in ber
bands there were no cross-bones via
ble, b.t 00 tho lant were sundry
cbarscters of letters. What, no
one could tell, until there (lopped in
for a chat a certain painter of the
ueigboborhood, accustomed to read
tog IhuiKS backward.
By George 1" eaid lio, '-that is
curious. Unit is curious r-o-s-u-r-
ga-iu reaurgaiu that is what is
on the loaf resitrgain.
"It is what they put on tombs,
isn't it t " naked poor Mrs. Hubbard,
"Well, yes," said Mr Hubbard,
beiag oblige I to a lutit it. ' Hat it
is not so bad as oiosn- buuos aud
Mrs. Hubbard shook ber bead.
"It is even aolemuer," suid the lit
tle woman, who was n t as g o I a
liuguiat sa broadmaker. I feel 0011
tident, William, tbat I shall soon bo
reauriaiued, and wK'a will these
dear ohildreu do them 1"'
Aud now that the second loaf w is
before ber even, marked even more
awfully than the liret, Mrs. Hubbard
grew really pale uud tluo, and lost
her oheerfuluea a.
"I have a presentment," she said,
over and over aain, "that tbe third
bikiug will doided who tbe wurni g
belouged to, I believe it is meant
for tue and time will show, Dou'l
you see bow thin I aru urowing 1"
Aud tbouh Mr. nnobard laughed,
be also beau to ba troubled.
Tbe third baking day waa one of
gloom. Solemnly, as a funerl. the
family asuembled to assist io tbe
... . !
live loaves came oat nisi it less 1
bat one remained.
Mt a. Hubbard's hand trembled,
but aba drew it forth. She laid it
ou the trsy. She turned aoitly
lower surface - On it were letters
printed backward, .plaio enough to
read this tituo, and arranged thus 1
Died April 2d.
lamented by
hnr largo fuviiily.
"It in me I1' cried Mrs. Hubbard
"l am ifoing to no to morrow this
is tho Int. I do foal faint vet, I
do. It is awful, and so sodden.
And Mrs. Hubbard fainted away
in the arms of tha moat terridod of
men and bunbands
The children screamed , the cat
mewed ; tbe dog barkod. The old
est boy ran for tho doctor. People
Jlocked to th Hjlibird's. lue
loaf was examined, len, call to
nuittbie world.
She lay io bod, bi l ling piol-by
to hir fimilv and friends, b
ntreoiitb Koniir fmi. Hlte real her
liible, and tried not to grieve to 1
much. Tho doctor shook bis head.
The clorttymw prayed wi'.h hor
Nobody doubted th'it her en 1 wan
at hand, for people were very sup
erstitious in tlioHe days.
They had beeu up all night with
gool Mr. lliMurd, not diwo was
bretking, and with it hIis wan sure
that she munt eo, when clalterini
over the roit I ami np ti the door
1 came a borne, au.I ou tne iiornec tme
a man, who slilitul. ll ratthi I
tbe knocker and runhed in. There
waa no atoppinr him. Up the
Hln'.n he wool to Ira. Ilubo.ird'a
roo 11. arii! bolted into it.
i.ioV'd'.l VVJ a.Urul at bi n as he
"I'ariling." said lie lirenthlotely 1
'I heard Mm. llohbird wan dyin.
an l she'd warninn on bur li.ikiti
I c.tuie over to explain l'u, I
was a HBito.i uf tue chnri'li here a
foyenra . and I kilo all ah tot
it Voit nee lut In of leur jimt yet.
Mr. Hubbard for it ia neither
npirita nor de uorn about, nor yet
warnin. What niaikn the I lave
in ui I Mm. Giuklu's ti n'tHt uie. 1
took it for au oven bottom, nouing
theie wore no nurvivorn. and bricltn
nere dear. The last folk bif ir 1
you didnit it thetu printed oTon
lln ir loaves becannH they usud tins ;
and we got us -d to tho innrk o tr-
elve I'rosibonen nu 1 skull wo
put up with, an I never thought of
caring for the ronirunm. S you :
see id it, in. au 1 I in rry you vu
been t-enrcd."
Noho ly said a word. Tho minis
ter shut III bonk. Tho ll lCl.ll
walked to thu win Jo. v. TIimio w is
(i l!y ailn ice. - Mtt- IMitjbanl
nut up iu bud.
iVjlliam 1" stii she to her bos.
band, tiie tirst thing you do, get a
new bottom to tuat oven "
A:id the tone ussurud the nsno'nb
lie uf anil m fiii:t In tnal .W .'.
ulibard wan not going to did just
imlnoil alio ca'no dowu tbe nexti
day. Ami wiimi tlio oVi.-u had boon
reconutrncleil, tho tu'nt tliio; h!ih
did was to Rive iuvitnti job for a
latvo tea-drinkiui; ou whinh occa-
siou the losvi-s c.t'uo out all right.
Reaching An Understanding.
When the gates of tho Slato Fair
were thrown open n mm wbo wan
built ou tho pliimbliuu principle and
wiiona bat would bavo attracted tbe
curiosity of the crowd a tnilo aui n
half away was stopped becauao he
had no ticket. Hu indulged iu somo
rather loud talk nnd wun takeu in
hand by a policeman aod led to one
Lot un now come to an tinier-
standing,' be said, an ho cooled off
' Is this a Stato Fuir."
"Yes, sir."
"Is there a circus attached T"
No. sir "
'I there a froo lunch establish
ment iu blast V
"No, sir,"
'Will the I'resideut be here to
day !'
"Not tbat I know or.''
"Is the man with the prize packa
gos n band in there T"
"lie is not.
"Is there any chance for me to sen
cure a positiou aa special mhIc-
tivo r
"No, sir."
"I I is, then, is an ordinary State
Fair, composed of machinery, live
stock, buil (pulls, roosters, windmills,
yeust o ikes, now cheeses and the
man wbo has bad bis pocket pick
ed H"
"Yes, about tbat."
"Tboo, sir, I bug your pardon for
my rash aud ungeutleiuanly a induct
aud I bid yorf good diy. If ha I
understood matters iu the first placo
I should have spared the publio tins
scene. Ta, ta, sir, and if we should
ever meet iiiiiii you'll know me by
my hut." Oetroit AVss I'ren.
Mistress (horritind t ''O od gra
cious, Bridget, have you beeu using
one of my stockings to . straiu o iff e
through f " Bridget (apologetically)
"V i mum. but share, 1 dldu't take a
claoe oue,', v
The Pall Mall Osteite says soicde
is rapidly increasing in Kngland. It
is uut surprising. Mrs. Wood hull is
lecturing there, aud five, alleged
oomio weekliea ara published in
London, (
Tbart wa s ynuag Ul sf. Q nbea
Wbo etllad iu a b ui oo iba )iiaas,
Aad aba abouted "Come tuUb
I am awfully tick, ' .
Vat I raistr tuiml It's k HJtlOi '"
His Terrib Mitlakt).
Pome men seem born to bard lnok.
Figure a thing as tine as they may.
they somehow contrive to apaet
their kettle every time. This ap
peared to be the falo of young Law
rence St. cjlatr woojsuea, a yonng
man who has a foothold ia good so
ciety and is anxious to make,-his
way in tbe world, iiia outer a-ty
ha whs panning by the reni denoa) of
the Hon. Bloodthirsty Sheep Wiipn
he saw a dirty little cuild'ailting pu
the front doorntop. II 1 knw that
the Slumps had a vury interesting
family of children, aud be was nlno
aware tiiat tlei ipiickeat wty to gt
people's good will is 1 1 in ike mucu
of tbeir tilTapring. and a bo par
tioul tily desired to ingratiate - "
ii4tl( wilH tb Hhnop llO Went 110 to
the cliuruh anil tieia i to exhibit
Kre it fondues for it. l'retty joou
tlio Hon aul Mrs. IStieep came
out nnd Mm. 8, u f tor saluting
Woudalied. "aid I
"How can you touch that dirty
child t It h is no bnaiuimn to bo oalllwo d.iyn wiieu , iney i.....
I..., o Ir.i II n ai.rviiiit to remove I
"Oh. don't." said Woodshed. "It
isn't dirty, nnd its a very lovable
little thing."
Do you think a i? asked M. S.
"Ou, in Inn 1 I d tuiuk it's a
very beautiful c'lill,'' siil Wool
she l, and hu c igrttulf-o 1 hi oa ilf
on his opportunity to get on so W ill
"It's eves ure very imicii hie
yours, tie c jutiu to I, u iroasiiig i..',
.ueriy i ,ij t vi
bo I
ciiild looks liko iiinf siid hUu,
"No, except in the mattur of eju.n
Othnrw so, it's too eirt piotoro uf
its fuller.
' Of itH father 1" cried both M.s
and the Hon.
"Yes.'' cried the enthusiastic
Woodshn 1 i "if 1 wt-ru to site that
lour little thing among a Hi msi i I
chit Iron, I n i ml 1 ku j vl.a. S
wan ita father !"
Mrs.'S. g-ivu a wild scretm anl
thu llou. Mrs. Siioi-p grabbo I bia
c ine liruilv an l roili 1 1 tat Woul-
she I, eclainjiu :
"D.imn you, eir ; what do y n
mem by iuti-l itiuy to it I n il ih i
father of that child. It's our cook
baby, an 1 s io h ion it's fiibr saa
drowuo I ut sua biif ire hIio ci un to
work for un. nnd I believe h"r !"
Wo idsii" I tna I to ;i il gi.n aid
"tpl lio, b it it w is ii i usi', il l I'tf'i
in diH'iai'e, nn 1 tlnoi .Mr. an I Mrs
-H-htt no aaful nenno, an I nn isii I
only pacify her by diaoh aiging tlin
o: an t oveu u i v 'io i;n ton a l oy'
on him
rw . wi.iwi . i.jw ai n. r,
Wo'si Oi'ITiu i Tlia ProJigi!
In an iilli-v f II istitivfn slrui-t. ju-l
o!T a tumble low u rockery, a 111. i li
ber uf t!m s initiiy p iliiju s pud
foiio I a man lying un lr a in
aud iii'piired if bo was ill. Tho man
points I to the h ise, an I c intio'ie I
the oll.Mr ti apjtit lV. au 1 repli
ed i
"I am tho li unban 1 of thu worn in
vou soe hangiug out clothes ovm
"And why srn yon hiding here t"
"l vo been off on a npieo for a
whole week."
"Ah, I sna. It is tha rottrn of tb '
priulioal ''
'N u-s thnn tbat, sir. The pro li
iral bad no wife mid he diln't steil
tlio rent iiionev to i'ut drunk on.
I J.I, tl oti'.nli t ir, if yo: d )U I
tercede for tne.
"But what can 1 do T"
"You slip nronn 1 to tho front of
tho bouse and sav vou bavn
for her Wiitch her face sod
bow she takes it. Ti ll ber it is
about mo. Watch and see if she
gets while around tho mouth, lull
ber you bavo news that wan
drowned at tbo ferry dock. Watch
her tears ut this point. Toll her
that I called ber dear nainn un I
went down for the last time.
Watch and sou if that melts hor. li
I can get hnr al1 brokou do-v i and
overcome I'll buret in on her und
(jet her forgiveness before she pets
over wiping lier eyie nno iiiujiui
her uomo. (to, now, ami ll owe
vou a debt of gratitude all my life.
tluuk Mary will mult tiul.r
your aoft words.''
Tho ollicer alippml fironnd nn t
tol l the wife that her husband waa
biding in the alley, aud theu took n
position where he e ml I witness
what followed. He had b udly se
cured it when the man cium down
tho alley on a gallop, , f ill owed ut a
short distance by the wife, armed
itli a h i'1-U in Ua. fliers wore uo
woids spoken, but tho man simply
threw np clouds of dust w ith his
heels as ho put ou steum, and us
ho passed the oilloor he somiwhut
curtly observed .
"Ah 1 but ye am t woitu auuclt
at tbo molting business.
Bsllonists say that when st the
bight of two miles they have heard
women oalliug over the back fence t
borrow flat irons sod starch-
A Turkish dollar is worth 9 cants
and the Turks look with contimpt
ou the Peruvians, whoso dollars ure
only worth 'J cants,
Tbe price of a wife in filbnria is
eiiht dons, and an exosptioually
good wire ia worth 10 dogs. But
doj are plentiful in that oouutry,
and a wife doesn't eost as much as
tbe uuuiber of d j seem to iudi-
PA., NOVEMBER 4, 188ft. NO. 18
A Farmar's Off set
A ' hired man" who wns employed
n a farm In this country for several
months entered suit RRinnt hi em
ployer tho other day for balance of
wages, amounting, as be claimed, to
f l'J. The suit was on triul Id . Ins
life Alley, yesterday, and it looked
at first as if tbe planum nan a ciem
i . . it. i..
case, ne gave omen nun
a straightforward way, and seemed
a very honest yonng mm. y Hen
tha farinor look tho stand he said :
I claim an oflt for that 32.
.Vo man need tue me f r what I boii
optlv owe,"
What is your offset ?" asked the
lawyer." t
"He is an unbeliever.
In what t"
"Wliv, in the bible,
"What ban that got t) do with
vonr owing bim S-l- V
"It line n In'ep to do with it. 1
had six hands in my employ, and
wore ruMhinc thinun b"il hived
thin man. e ha In I buen within
reipcr iu inn mi. !
In iliriimtd nboiit Dsnifl in the lion's
den, snd in thioo day we ha I a rcg- knock down over tho whale
swallowing Jouah. Tlie man who
run tho moivor trot to arguin,'
ub. ml Mimnoii. ami drovo over n
stiiniiian l dirii i'd the tu ichino to
tho tunt) oi SI, nn I the very tiexl hity i but pi-ace h thu iiitt it p s
d iv mv bov broke his log bv climb-'nesHion lit all timt'S. liver ia the
in f a fence to In' ir an I see Ihe row .rivei in it ! n () And ever thus
wliich w in si u tii I ovr the rhlMriMl ' runm ni 'lit, c i im day, Como sii'l;-! ir.iiiur tin
I,.au ir.iiiur thidiull the K"d Sea.
1 wumii t a weik l)"toro n y ti' -...',,.. ,.,... ..f cj,. i vv!,i,.:. t,mi; all
aim di ln't Imlitive I' ij all wan fu I by
ilie r-ivonsj an I hau r me if didn t
:'iii I mvnir i;roviui weilt mi Xoah
I tllk.l ttlU il l I l'll-kt'u Ik.V fl' u!.
an 1 if he w in worth iiiiYlhiut; l huh
lii-n for a thousand d illara besi h n "
Thu court roanrvod ber ducinion
for te!itv-fonr hours.
What Woald You Kn jw About Wood
'There are vari mn kin In of wo 1 1
hard wood, soft wood, drv wood,
wvt wo id. I wool I, vol wool I. audi
lota of otiicrn who would, too, if I hey I
gut l c!l uic i H nus of I in eye urn I
m.i In of I wool 1. I
Ships me b lilt of bard w in 1 j
vhinh nee intits in a nieanuru 'or the'
i;i''iit h ir l-thijis (sailors are fre pieut-;
ly call.). I up iu 1 1 eiii i l iter, I've an !
oo liiu, A Hiii eouil roct" I uf m i(t
.vo I mil irelv nil I li.i n m ifi tiling,
fu' sonn-li i I ,', but it. w mid n t Un the
ni mum a wiio at tcu ;.!. 1 t ) tiavig-ite
it. iVoo I ii not an oi", tlionli an
i r is generally w i I, and cm be
us" 1 o'er an 1 o'-u I un.'o saw a
iiil ir inn one o'er, his ship u itu's
'i.'il, anl it to ik t.vj poliuj uo:i Ij
Ul lit ) lli.ll K'iv.l o'er.
M tol.i wo I is thu f iv H it t v it ii'ty
.vith j'lvunilen mi ncco'int of llm s i
garityii'lls It is a miHt.ike, lii.v.
ever, to MoppoKo that thu iruph
siiar grown on thu Iron iu oils n. al
rea ly irini)i)l ar. inn I too n
The cakes have to bo carefully with
ered fust bv uiiiatin of a pitmit pick
er (never nil i'io the tree) an I cri up -ed
afterw ir is, I f any k u l of wood
would pie iso tho vlnl Iron, maple
woo 1-"
Tha Larja Whita
'erhipn tho bijfmt horse in tlio
world is too ' White II irso," of Berk
shire, Knliu I. It ia one hundred
aud seventy yards Ion-; to thu tiji uf
tho tail. It is a llg'ti'u cut in Ihe m l"
of a lull. A Ion g way oil' it looks as
though ilrat) iu chalk lines, but the
outlines are re illy deep ditches cut
liens!'" tbo soil, an 1 k'.-pt cloni mil fren
from Lt'''! bv the people who take
pi'id" in it, Tho ditches urn
ii mx jnids
Tlie eve of1
wide un 1 t'o foot dititp
the hoisu is four fuel across nnd tlio
ear is till ni n yar Is I ing. ft cm be
seen for sixtoen miles. When tint
tiuii) co nes t cleir out t'to ditnlins,
the pn nolo lilies a s irt of pieilio
of it -pi iy til n n't of r I i'io g iiil"S,
and have linn ti mn. W i ) ma Iu
thu White Morse, or wilt f ir, is u it
kuowu, It is very ol I,
i ho can OHtimate tho cost of a
peerless reputation 1 Young num.
young wool, in. starting out iu the
Kid ly whirlpool of life, panne ami
consider bi tolu tlie tempter ban ymi
ill bis power, lie only is fortified
alio has determined not to yield to
the tirst temptation. I'll, divine,
oh, glorious log icy of a t unions re
piilution ! Who cm redeem it if lost '!
Truly dous tho great plulos ipher o f
poetry say the world's wealth is us
"trash" iu the coinpii isoii. I hope
in all that concerns a just sppincia
tiou of tho iufcigtiitie.aiii'O of hiitunii
life, whatever may uttempt to
threaten or al u rn you hood it not.
Keep a stout heart und a stt adv eye;
and. above all. keep your lepntutioii
Il is bettor than gold i better than
fane. Vithoutit stutiou bus no
A book on ! imectia 13 p momy''
has beeu published which costs tfJ.
Well drilled tho oil regions
A man cann it sui ke a cigar too
short uuless be sinokoa it too long
Man proposes, and woman often
wishes that he would not be so louj
uiakiug up Lis mind to do it.
A vary gnod boy Is Po.lunk
(If cake tlnle an awfat big k ink
j Oava taste la bia tinier ;
Tba pareaia aoos miaeed ber ;
I k la Bow ia bar Unit tank buah,
Tl. tnttar'a llnanA la like a !-
ror r.nn u . lj 'nk, riaitu an
aa a little brook nroong the nin-en uf
a lone greeo hill t by ao l by It lea"
a a rugiei catnract ; ann It flows
along thf lair valley where the red
deer wnnilcra und I l.t? child loves t
play Willi li'iin ol ileiiint tiiiisir
i,, l.rniik- turn tlio villiiiis miil.
H.-arkco to lis pi I I. y bfd, or l-np-i.l'iwn
llie wheel or "pirl in eddii'S
where i'io te" l.endn don iheil
l.ranchot lu ki"' tho cutrciil. Anon
lbs trinin'i t In-e'imes ril"or, and
In ara ii fio'nl fu'l many t'n't.
I ben its lineoin swi ll, Iiridkien with
rmliin li rclica aimn it. nnd. trown van-
' r eiiM, it tcciHiii's n ftri iiin It".tI
ii'iuuh to he n aim if dJ latlier
n-iMiii, i nuring it-n na'cr-floiils iul
tho mighty tn lie, Tho river nlii !"
I In. l.ip-e uf R.;i'n ; it 11 HO ov.iii-(M-i
nl. moving c'.ou l, or tranniio't
rain !lood, lint in nil its stagea it is
'.lin innv cnnii-, niul urn miy go,
lliil 1 Unit on foiocr.'' j
I'vermortt, tiiroiu'ho it nil g'
don. (ions the river Micol uli to ita
tinn I pl.ico. Such in tlio p. i-e of
ihe Chiinti in. i Inn il v lye re tson
for romf i t. Ho ban al.v.iy.i reason
for coiof irt. o h n n it . c tun il i
tj.m hku a swollen torrent, wlii
I 11
,li i(.,l nj im l,o- the hot a m of a Iver
. tii.nn. Co no hu ait tl. c i nu wll ll Will
nu, I, retail Vii, ' will keep tho t'hrin-
turn a heart aud niiiid, through Ji'iius
A Cute Dog.
A I'uris p"olle iiel tn hull in l.i
tti ! t It tint 1 1 1 -i I in wli e'i t'l.i In 1-
! ish'y cli trii iibto put in in iy fr Ins
i inii-t'T, ii bim I htrivt-c n ii"r iih
Nieiiill. Wlie i th ii J or died llm
!do.' Hil ClUie ti t'li aaiiir coriier u
et y iliy tor nliii, and ill ho w lei Iml
III-, n ti mijo mom j di dim, kti'Sin
the Iii!).'om li .(I I e n Ink' n i-ick. ('live
nil I In' iieirii willingly Io t lie biitliful
1 1 1 1 1- il".' who lightly t toll ihe in in
i'V 1 1 un . lino ilny Ihe (ti'i; wua
fi'nl lyiii,; ili'ii t in a tvllir, au l uti
ilrr l lot Inter en wh eh he lay
stirii e'e f 1:111(1 win th ul b in.U
lit t!" ieii'i Uiliwiv.tti nhieli til'
! 1 1 t-t-ii if .i r Im' i n n; nl hm nu unr
olls alms, an l the cutti the ilnn; hail
h jin l siii'ii his'a il'ith.
A Bali.i (uiioio
Morton Put -In tr.
1 11,
i S ii nil 1'ui-'it, a.-e I I
el op v
IV i r ii
M in in. I n J . ul
iihi'lt two wi-i ks uir.i.'.taa -,,.,,,,,,, , s, .
Wb te l'bfe Mien.,' qjUU.-- m
W IT.' lll li l in I. It t Sf J I'D mi I'm " n" -'in 'I K. i
nn I went to
alnno t In V Wit.' iili'iinl
I eti 1 1 en mi) sui ilMur Hi ir n;
i lien 1 so flill l:ke t ll 0 'lli'V loin iiii I li"
. I i T t-r . ii t liiiliin ta Inr ln't line. Dir.
i iu' tnnr wml lnu journey of two
Iin.ili4 ll"-" w in'liiCa utlliiU'lle'l
to but .fid. 7). Tim L'ul's piri'titi
I ha t tin' ta' tier n t let i nn uirestnl
lor kiln ilinln,'. hut .it lie; trill lie
was il sell ire I The yeilhlul pnr
loitiid it tn Wi'nnli, tiVi iity in i
whine they look tlio Ir.iin. Neitinu'
to 'k a change ol raiment, Dot nil)
luglt'o wliutnver.
Happy is hu wliis has le'irnt not to
net k fur is pleas iiit, not to
hIii ink ftmu wll it i-i p li'.iful, but t )
g ) nu d uug every tint)' lint he
knows to be ' on I un I l.m I mil
n'lit, in utter disrogirl of s.-lf.
How a man ii':i:lit. eii.nible ntid in-
t-i i.i ii-.i 1 1. liia til., if It. i ii,it I ,&-.u-r
( iii'inoiplo into cvmy urniu nf hn
...... ; .... i ' ., ...r.
iiiiiiii nu'i nil. ii'i iiii.i in i. iijiuii ll.
liiviiri'tbly hti iving not lifter what
would be pleas ititest, but what
Would be bent ! Ill f.ct it the
very essence of all tint is o i l un I
trreut in hiim iu life ; un I not uiilv
t but it is tbo ti .io iva I to huppi
ueKS. There wna a nign iu our,
Ha iv ui on lurona ivi-r,
llalhoiuhl Iiia InifiiiiMa wait Iran imrlf
Aiel be ill ln't nJvuiliao.
U'l-IMnifiiH'-a iliill nl f! rl ,
lint liettvr linii-a cmna, n;i l it's ijaeer,
Due J.iy wilb a ru.h he . I nil Iiia uiulf.
lillt lilt- f liei'llT : tlia tiK'li'itlaar.
A colore I inn) c i uo into a(lil
vtnti)li newnpnpi'i' o.lico uud wauled
to t;iko the piiier.
"I low lon iloyo'i want it T" asks
ed the del k.
' Jena as long an it in, bons. If it
don't lit do shelves I kiu tear it off
You must not s. uoko in this car.
said a lliilvcktiui cm-diivcr to
Oilhooly. who bad a cigar in his
"All right. Fetch on nnothor car,
Wisdom uud truth are immortal ;
but cunning and dnceptiou, the tue
leors of earth, after glittering for a
moment, mtint pan.
A country doctor, being asked
what wits the boat way to euro n
bain remarked thst before answering
that question he should waut tu
know wl ut ailed the ham.
A lecturer will soon recover from
the surpriae of au but bit bim
with a turnip aud be slays there-
Publlnhr-d etery Thursday Svenuia ?
Tenna of Subncnptiorn, -
sWe vithinaix montlis. or z.W'ti"t.
paid within thsvear. No paper die
continued until sll srrcsrsBes ara)
paid unless st tho option of the ptflt-
lifher. .,''" ia
CuUcriptions nttteide of tne count
j'J-l'cnons linintf and using psport
sdilrofii'd othT liDcomesiilaicribera
and arc linhlo fortho priie of the paper
.. ' . ,'11
' fan ranlvat'iat nil Puns wllh S new aa
i.l 1 ii 'I llrot fintalU aiaialnt lta
Buckeye Force Pump.
pi ll'ii veva it ilia rj lit lmroiiirt
In Piinil . ti i -..iiairul,..l wllh tir-rl.tmlH.ra.
Wlifl'i Itia II H'-rr r j-y :t i -r." . ... . - -
I o ! llir Itiii I'a'tip. an tint ran
l.rl'n .wn n un ini litiihtins In rma of S't
Viii i'n wtt r onr tl4r.l.n tuitfVarS, Weak
Wiinloa. Vali Miii-Kii '. t1"' a
vf)rfflr "ir An f rmui" ft no abort oil
tiiKU m or-iinut ptintr 1
Cannot Frcoso
Inrii.l ili-r. li ir i' I In' m 1 1 itonU. Th
,.i n f.- I T-.a w.r na; firtt
r ... Iir t icil in- an I ial. anion a i"l t
lain l.nal t'ba'Otior.' In ! almul II
I he
Iron Turliino Wind F.ncine
la tt t '! I i'i r Hi i O il In Wlt.t rtln.
rr n l I i. i.i. ." In oi'-ratluii, nr laf
V'UC ' .r. ItfinTTntf.,
l-t.sai? If, yiffl n rouulj. Pa.
ii.mii -n.
1 Ui
The ticnuind
wing Llacliines
) -
ifniir, p
polar ib
mi til for tho
si Nil f
t In l?laiit.1al
Ill It nr tn i ii
nl a i-wninry 1i w
i Mna tiai I-"!!! I r
ii v- i .I'lrl.ia
:na i-iartar
Ini" "i I Kali Hi
tt ll. i ni'tli In I "Tn. w
1,1 llll. Ill in' li n,. ; in "iM " miH I II."
inf qiai-hlnea I now) mt iny iravlnu (ear,
i nir nli- W-t tair w-r-at tha rata i fnTrr
t (.in 'nw .1 iilni a ilaj Inr ar f rl
tira lii I i-1'.
lilt. nil. i. Hr.1.1 .nt.r.'' SIN'IKIt It lha
rlr'iiM-r.f. -i "e i-.i. I in ul it iralita dowlas
.Ha'bli.t ut .vM-trucl I.
s. Dr.:c:nT,
Junr Aa-i fi-.r ''-Trr oonnty.
tr-A.Yori ll Mini Miniii.:: .KilM):
W.i O I vnii rc' r I in am wo
KlKUinn 9 S uli'an-i ill ,iu 1.l il
i fl O 1 I J.I , II I " I i I a. I.
rr.; pu ir I , Y . fc' I l X , I la leaini'irs . N.V.
Jniv a.-n.i.ijr.
I ttiitt y ui w .ini
Ihr nan ! nnr
l . t. I V, iIk Ioii-
-.Mta t Inrrnll in of
1.. hrnl l.aa. .1.
i. v. .lutf 14,
'I'.i'kn, N'ovcU
i 't u-t.
I'lr.iiin ill i in
il- -f t'lta I. i . i V .1'
or an I U iniltaTtur .n
.1 uly il.'-j i.
1 1. r . n. tn t liana-'
1 1 . ' f ft ttii., imtKirt.
Iti-rrtaa Sprhm, St lot
J. 0, KES?s?SR,
for I' t lf l.t' tt It T.. a. rtri.ici
11)11 AtC s l i. 1 1 I'M;
.Idamahut'i.', ."Joydcf
Jnlj J.'.veat.
coi i l, IVnn'a,
i w :;! ir
'id l inn.
-k Ko.iirr. If
tl -ai' tnalla
rua Inr .ir
(I lll'tl in
.it tli.a.
II. Ili. I.
k ni.. I'nr'i.ns
lure :4. '
Uk i'P!1 irtl l"-!l,a(ls:.v
I. ll 01 1 i ili'K i-u-a. In la -S
lllliu rtllj al ll ij onlttiau hf
...-.i'.airai '
In.. ..r In i.i if ii
unv !' rl ot I'.ii I' S.
Ul ir. Iri.i I I 'ra ,
I l .lai'l I I" I.)
J.iiv J-.'-n ly.
, ka I rt.l ti Ii. e,1 lo
r j - V ill ialll4
... ' :ii'::s tiv,
" i u . j finai, Mies.
0? THE
is the Acknowledged
Superior of all Grain
& Cutting
Tins Machine has l-.'-rn 't.i!y tniloiia
e l by thrioiif-t L.1' i t A t'.thuti-
ity, lifter S'.ift Thinnli
tents, us to it- .'n ncity
Slid Hid mi at
Wonderful Mediine evir invcotod.
Ilnmamliar. on lar nn rlre'im'tanrf Unml l
nu Lnr a He ii it nr Mm m uuiO "tt have tr.
tini ..i l m: . U 'i I'l I '. Wlitn-v-r ; .a
In ir nl una nl Hu M ai-lilnrl In onr li.lDll,,
do l.iti "i etiiniua I' Hi .r.iiiaiitr. lia
I.UI.lnaM ..( Prall. Ita U.nalai.l Inva iaol,
li. Mliniilli'lljr, ami IU .m ' na' " d Klinanl
In ai-rv rnn JiIIju i I lit" Sit 1 ran unl lall lo I ll tver all cnitara. f'armi rt will I e
uiiir- Oian erer rati-nr l, a ii-u !)' Invaail
ale Ik miniiil l -ui ut oi 1 1 . rt irliji. tie!
il ll - i. tl ftr in- a Iv.i-.t-1 tu- at Ilia a -1 1 A 4
I'lUS H uruloly ll.o M V : .1 1 Ml. In I'O "'
1 1 li .if tt'i-a't 1 lir Ilia in it admielnr.l in-l?
tlial ninr nn '. II n t n ll ir anl ilrain I mp
In ll.e I'n'l I -t il" liar.ant. a Hh ill A.n
nv Mir.VK'ts KK'i Tlitta eole-
I'lttril Mai'litii-' ar- an, 4 by
.'I. II. li A It un K K. S1liirfrive.
Hi ill I.l, r -i M 1 1 :t. Mi.l"i.ur,
J. 1. II I. Nil il.VN, Ir .ali'll.e,
an.l lm lit lit Tiarellee Aiirul.
.lAMKs I l.I'LLV, I.eaUl.ars,
A -ir J. l-ii.
Valuablo Farm at
rpiIE Amm of Or iftfti Unit, a.
1 t'ftiiif l. orlr hi.M I rnt tti tr I .
Mir. liU4'e iu m o i Va t.l ol &!UliJ
tur, ujiitliiU2 abtMitl
100 Acrec,
abereoaare ancou LAVIV. fij STORY
Stone I willing II. nae, KvW
llauk I'laiu
..a H,i..' tin jt. Tula farm I la a bint
.lata nl ruinraiiiiii, umia- snon lata. aa
i-oninrl-aam lutt aa I tin-l larnie auli tl l
SI1tl'raali Vallf) .
I'ur inrititr l ariunltr- jb r aillrtee
JOrfN A- aiUT,
Apr. I,H tun lnl4Uwaii, ,
Tfa?i!!2 i'J Mi Use!,
cut. At last aba expossd ,u
.m a, . - tW
r"- V . '