The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, October 28, 1880, Image 1

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.helf, ooliimn, one yew,
fourth co'nmn, one year,
no linen 1 insertion
v-ert additional inierUon,
&iona1 nd Business curds of
r?" ;"i n..tioa nor lino.
ji tM,, advertising Use than
ill advertisement for a shorter pe
tl than one year are parable at the
r' .r ordered, and " not paid
W oerton ordering thorn will ue hold; for the monev. I
Valthew XIV. 22-33.
Ln, le lb moonlest night,
In ibt rough wlnd't daspltt.
They pi the nar.
Krtt guelt emltt In lhlr teeth
Tbt hoarse mm ohaft beneath
With fflulDiil ror.
I Numb 6ng'r, falling fooe,
Searet eerrt to but 1 tbt tourit
Hard-won half war,
''hn o'er the (oioa ti lt,
PilllJ and heavy eyt t,
8ool ibt Jim dy,
And now la lb wan light,
Walking tbt waters wbittf
A ebept draw near.
Each tout, la trouble I wlte,
Bearing "lib tuning eye.,
Crlet out lor fear.
K ic'i grip. IiU nUhhir tight,
la bct-ile-n. hud I fright,
Shaken and ewayed.
And to ! tbt Mister ni(h
Speake toflly, "It U I i
Bt not afraid."
F.'n to to ut I bat train
Ortr lift't mtaniog mala
Thou drewttil nrart
And, knowing nil Thy gilse,
Vt gate with irnuMe I yt
Aud cry fur fear,
A etrange votot whl'pr low,
Tblejoy mu.t Iboti tittfi,
Tuy firm and but."
A nurouKd phantom elan It
Croisliii" the hant-luvt'l hta.ll
For ohurcliyard rejt.
Then, tofl U the f tit
Of that whitt gleouiii pill
11 ecowtl ikon iiiii lii.
Fulling taob KlnnloiJ cry,
Tli on ipkert, '-It ii 1 j
lit not ufr .l I."
There is a Natural 3oJy.
Immortal It my fikoJ, I kntw s
Not muoiotr' t'irf nor wiulr- ni f
Hot (pili of tirili Oi'il I Mr 1 to 11 1 uli',
Eo Diugb of life 10 I loa au 1 iboujtit.
Sn jft form 1 - I Inlr ml
To kit Ircd carili, iliu diiit 1 1 I ,
Aai t till b or mill my ihui;liln will lou l,
At if to fiu I inr t miih jj (tun I.
8 iord lbs rohf th f , Ifd Iit,
On worn hjr out w. me I i i I i i j
Daa l warrior in their ar.n ir livi.
And ia i L air relic nx'nti g i. nti ;
Arilihert I tenderly lai 1 lo-.n
T'it h in l that fon My oUp I mv nun
Tie eyet knew an I a'i.jru I uiina
Huh ni.tny a nleiuiag, luvlnj ija
The lip f i ailUr wiih my n i nn,
Thit fi-eriy oalle I mt ai I I o i n i
The breait th it b vhore 1 all glirilt,
Tat loTinj heirt no old an 1 (till.
Ob. thallering e trlb, h-ni -f irlli I i'o 1 1
All ibou bui gtraertl of my fi iim i
Ait'iinil lilt i .i ti,
AgtiOftl lb tumioer't toarohln j heal ,
Vlihlntblu alt-tmbr.oing brexn
I. hid one more fornkon oeil.
While in tbt iky, with folded winir,
Tht bird that left it tilt and aing.
Scribiier'i Slivjntine.
Her Punishment.
hr bben i. inroiD,
'Oood-byat" lit eaid, "for a year and a
And bt kissed ber Obeek, and bt roJt
lit canit at tbt end of a ytir and a day,
But tort bad took wlogt and flown away.
8o tbt told him to, and tht tmiltd in bit
tut bt taw tht truth tht would fain dli-
Bht loTtd bint yel, but ber tort wat lent
Tban her longlui for glilltr of semi and
Aadthtput it atidt, at a woman oan,
Who rtskont wtalth at mora than Iht man
Bt grew palt at tight of a man't rtgrtl,
But bt only taid, "you will aertr forget I'
Anothtr ytar and a. day went by,
And tht tanit 10 ttt him die.
''I hart not fo'gotttn 1" tbt cried, and
Tojilde tht tlgect lier punishment.
"I hart beep ftUt. while ynu wtre truo,
And I mutl remember, a long lift through
"For that it tbt n.iolibmoat fait btt ttt,
Tbt btart that it fallbleet eannol forget '
lit died, and retti peacefully there on tbr
Bit U old, to eld but rememhirt ttlll I
It If olalmarl hr actna madienl man
tbat itnokiog weakeui the eyesight
May be it doe, but jnat lee bow it
uengmeni tbe DreatD.
Tbt) email boy who readf kbont
"miMioir whaler, in the naner oon-
olndea that they will bp found wben
I i.nriti one year,
VOL. 18.
H e 1 o c t I1 a 1 n
From the lllomVI I Tl-oei.
The ebi los of uiht wore
euio an 1 urtl iiliy nil' uiin thn
ehidawe loft tiy tliu doptitovl mud iiu
the 3ii uili i'in . It w.n i po ui
ful oveuiii) iu Ojtii'tiir, mi I nil n
tine aoronuly lay tihfil lo Iiu tha hazy
itiuoHplmro o' tUu itili in su iihi m
The evctiiM wait buntiliful, nmi
watt the aootiery iu linn pnrticulur
locality, I'o tbo rait tow.jrd tlio
.ilf l-'ulla imd Hurry's motttituiux,
now of nil z ire liuii, wlulu to t Iiu
Houtli, the Ujve tiiootitiiii) l ioniod
up to thn huiht of a tiioiiHanJ fiiut,
anj stojj xi r 1 lor unity it
ovor tlio u i nil II rni Sutti
hauni, until tUu bl.iu Junitt i, a 1 bu
her aipieou voluiuu to t il at of bur11!1" n10""' nn ii,mr ul I i;;i
sister thny toutlier Wulldnd their wav ; r'"-'- thuy weai in lnt
sinter they totfnthur wutided their way ;
toward llio m i iMj trlion,'U tuu cluu -
nel, whii'.h. in a,'L'd pail they had '
liown for tuu-ulroH lliroiili tlio 1
pro'll iu in iiiiu. To tUu noilii
and wcht t-lr.lcla'd Ibo fount,
now drossj l oy thu until ikuI Irusls
till they rivaled thu rainbow.
It was t this punt, noar wliera.
thn Juniata o unties into thu Sue-
pivhauiia, that thni'u et o l a l.irh'u
ntoao house, in thu uj no It
was stroll 'Iy an I I'lsUutully b uli.
and eat I v as it w is, it In. I been ul-
rua Iv st an. Im ; fir houi yt.ui.
This evaniu it w.ih l.t up eatly.
I ir-ll ui I tun lirst Klir up,
u e I ,
b"f i'o t ill w dips u M I an I so r
lerod in every ro iu, ail. bv limii'
iliek -rill ; rays, serenely tried t
I i I l II I ' 10 tllU S'!'Jll"S nf ll'l-ll.) I. I, i
infu- i in l i i 'i i n -rj w'oitui.i u.i.l
vitllO'lt lllU ll I M')
Kveiy iiiiu vas in a hni'iv. t vmi
I lo.;, wlio. b.'eiiisi; of his provokm
'lo vness ha I been e ille l liio laeel, ,
f ir onee, ri it jii mi i I hi I iit An I
n il mi.'li ll ', n i I nil of I i.: ii, be ,
eniti'i I. for this w n il tfcH net-
si in. r or luo tint titne in me u:-
t uy of th a. sjcM in of iiu ciiiiitiy,
tnerew'M to bt atl nop! i Ii iu -r
'loilin, of apple i r iiMu i ati I ei I r
:tl l ie in tlm county. Tlii i w is lo
i) i a bi u'Viir. It had ! mi til iie I
if for in i iI'h. liivit ih ins li 1 1 H 'nt f ir atl 1 lie H Tun elite ot :
,'no c iirt'.iy h 1 1 nil been itii;i'l.i
in. 1. ns there was but ouu I'l istas1
-of, U'i'l l 'ri it i I bi'rnu t) iy did j
no! b 'lo;. x to 'be ' tiiit set."
rincuidles hil Hot h-pll'ti-ol
i'tei.'ii nii.i.itei Inf U'.i tlm u ji ,''ibro
i ";;iu to u'.'iivn, a l 1 w :i d s urn nil i
.in i-", for ! h f i! U.-" I I vu of ) i-
u, no 'i in llieii iu its iufati-y. Tie
siuo iiu,; e iiinneys an 1 yro uiiu" e i- ,
jiu s w uu vet, li inn I i.i t 1 1 t u tli
in I' liil f a d iu i lo luii ( n
s'l i'Vul the site of the future I
4oun tlio j y "in l i'iu u ml I In
heard in Cm yoii'ij; f(;l;s jit.heiel.
i nne walked, but the nnjoiity lode
bl ..'".ics weru il lho;e
pirts, p inseij lentlv hoise i Ii 1 1 t '
nko their jil ic, an I few were tliu
hoi'ses tlmt at lived tliut i veiling
vhieh li id not u i! inblo bin dun,
it ,1 Ml lltl 111 I .1 f" 11 ll". I
Str.ih.'oUHHUeh ti mode of ovivov-
inee mi 'lit iiD.iear w;is u
vi ry f iv u itu ouu am i.i tlm yo in
folks in th.) in days. Nothing wis
siuiiih'i Hiie'i oii'l iiisstie 1 a ''ti I-
inn cushion." whieii was niiii
Hitiiwt iiiv i tui.t ir 1 ia 1 riini iirt'.ntr. i i,
a a .
bestrappnlou tliu h uso bulnu I thu,of r;k 0 " re nnd sent bis li'l.t
saddle. Wui'iievii-a jjiuuey of any ,
distunco was iotouded, tin. lailhful i
swuin would bridle and nuJdlu his
horse nnd gallop to thu Louso of his;11"'1 desperately mrii",'l.-d for
pussuiitror, whuro he was ulways cor- sh 'ro, Hu was nuiuiiitf N.
turn to Ho I linr ft v iitinir Ins ni'i'i 11,1
with oiisiiioo in bund. To Btrap it
beuiui! ms sa I lie took uul a iu-
ment, to ride to the horseblock and
get hex on, but a moiuout more, but
to prevent hie heart's bursting us
sho clasped biui around the waist to
koep herself on, was often tuo lutrd-
est task of all. Thus iu muted, tuey
rodu iu the good old time uud were
The Knouts arrived rapidly, aud by
ei'bt o'clock, all that iui";ht bo ox-
pocted wore there. In the meau
tiuio, the cidur had boon pl ioed in
the hago kettlos, and a roaring fire
uiado under thora. The time bud
now arrived fordissolviu'' the apples,
and basketful after basketful was em
ptied into the boiling cidur.
f our wnimi lianas grasped eacu
stirrer and with many jokes and hap
py laughter, spun the tuickuueil ci
der around, i'uaso stirrers were
relieved at the end of every few min
utes, Qutil the butter was doue,
whiou was not till far in the night.
The boiling of the butter was on
ly a sooonJary objuot of the gather
ing. The primary object was fuu
nod lunooent enjoyment. And they
ilutorniioed uo to be disappointed.
For aJretdy the uotos of a violin
and the sound of quick moving feet
could bo heard in the bouse, while
the apples aud cider even went round.
Wo will now leave thora till I in
troduce yon to two of their number
Joha Tuoiopsou and Juliet Westou
John was ayouug farmer, with good
prospects. He bad broad eliolders,
dark hair, blue eyes, fair complex
ion, and a plea-ant voice. Just
tueli a man as half the girls these
days, piotnre to themselves aud Call
their "ideal. ' lie was worth look
ing at the second time, ao the girls
thought, for nature rarely endows
one mortal with a wore pleasing ap-
jpearance. Juliet Weston wat
l)pii'ifnl gill Thoeimpliiiity of bpr'1.Mi for John ton?iili.-!j ila f.ill f no,,
dress but ml Ih I rlmnue to hor no. ! nt ono , s ) ho a it tti-iro it i i ton lor-
.i : : ""
i" "":in oiih wm
. ... ,,,.,, uiinnT runi,Pj ontrivci-
.l the rusut. llirlmir f.'ll in Kra.v.
t : ir . "'
ir yue neio
nun hit Hiiina nndiic. IO HcO
iin m miiuiio uer, iu KUOW llcr Wl
to Iovh IliT.
John Tlionipnon nn.l Juliet Vpnt
on h id mot iu tlio p ixt Hiiminor, uu 1
n i ik l iv.-is. .lolm lini bro ilit
Juliet bnhin.l hiiii on Iliu urn ho, IIhh
evening, mi I im t lny comu iiloi p.
had tol I lnr of hi lovi-, ukin In r
t i lm liii wifn. mi. I w'lilo hlii! tnmilil-
"l f"t joy, bLo bit vwot-tly
John was hippy to niht, nn 1 so
wat Juliet, nmi limit linjl.ti-r
ir," f "t "t" k' -.t of llio jr iv. It
I wan irieir i ,rms wnicll Welo m i l) the
'ofluuest in tlm di icn uu l leceiv-. l
in tlm
r"'-' lut limy we ai ni l nt last of
vio.eni (.'.linen, nn reitiii-r
Jhemselvv tuny be,' an tlm vuu of
'"'ton. T in forfeits niuiu in rapid-;
O' '"ll t! auc! miner was Hum riyjbln ll wis i- ifin j;. John eo il I
in for their owimrs. Juliet'n wis se ire-ly iu it; i Ins w iy 1 1 tnu s'i ue.
'b limt expose I. an 1 n!m t ouk two li it lie m in i I t i lioi)'i!u tlmro it
jOooiuiands an 1 ouu que it ion. '. ., ,f. (,,,! ,,,,. K, ,s,,,,t xv ;.,
J luln''. 'o."o mi i wnn a
c oilmen iimn an. I i iluiuu voiee
hi, i jrii ont
an. I walk thieu lm is uro in l toe
p i."t nt tin ol. feiiy and tlnm l (,k
. over Iliu rivur, wh:eli eoine
l i 'k ( i ctlily uu l t.Oi im wnt vo l
.'hives'ieu. II ':u:iub I'jj Speftie
, ,.l l l... I" .. "
' V '
J i i 't w is no ! i v i, I. h' ill I l
not 111;. i tlm coin:!, in I. .iv 'bi'i
taiilya -i . i - t v i it I i ri i -r Ii .r
W I' ll ; " , .,'..!;, til fspi'l'M-".
Ii it uliu t 1 1 1 I . 1 1 ' wit'ia i.r.iv
lleir'( So ( lm, ue. I nii.v,;i ,l and,,! the p ,t p ii,,,-I ur.Miinl it
the ttilie ti u H 1 li ni she pi m.. I.
Iiltkupt. li r eviM o,i t ,e ,.., ii 1
i i il I b!m I i ! over tlm nier ''.
Sim wis In'f ufi-.ii I lo -1 i Wiiii
if bill! hlmni.l Sell li." Hp 't-'le ' T'.l '
ih e il I ii !' w.t i I error. S
,l I so ll 1 1 ( , 11 IV, tllll, the bile
tilO'ljj'it of I . iu, wis lei'! lb', i. illl I
if i-ll i s iv t!.(! sp i u ill us. n't her !i io
py divs w.iu. i n.i eu I I, fir il vvai
l it the f'l iininier i, I' the K..'i Ir
'I ' ll i of to i -u illl HIV it, S'i I s ! I '
stoilt'i'ie wit. In r i'Vcs nn t;.
I ' 0 1 1, 1 I ;,it, :it I '.i ' l,i t. hhe iii is' -cr-
I le i f" iis. nn I lui- iiij lii i- ;. i s.
i j. n,' 1 o ..,' tiio w.i. i. r.
loo in ion wu.s eiiiuin' on il
1 n i it i , u ico tin I all Mas e i !ni u 1 1. 1 M u ijiiz .I nt Cm
I n" a iuouii nt, uu I win tuiii'Mt a.v iv
illi a s'ui e nt ber tuui ir. v. v. In u
her ll t ll i itl was ii iet-1 by ;i
c!)in,'", l'oo 'Vi'1 r wis eil n in I
p iivf il no longer, but ii:u I Ilv
I lie .v iv,H re .v I 'i'p e' a i i li'p'i-cvo-y
:a -t. Tuey p 'inc. I al i.'i
V Illl toil, h'.ll.'il I. .Ill' Wlll.'ll III',' .ill-.
pinili s 1 lie ll l i.l. J, ir,'. trees Well'
c ii riu I ,u its s ir i e, 1 i:'i nf ev o y
lilll KWept with inci I . litllu
H'Vifiiie n, un.J nn ! iii tin liver
Coin !H il inline ! Ti t ie WiiH il 1,1 ,u
ii) It, and il w.iiii in nl:o wiih t liniii
iu ii li ii e to Inr br-iist. To y
wui-u in jjmat ii til. it ws no 1 .;.
'"' ll " " . J'ilin'e tin ni pi.
s ,1V ,0"k nf ', iu-t h.
W I'll I I s
tae.', k iw til b i l ls nf Mae it. I , ill nil
tlm in in s brow us he strain "1 neiy
Dei vu to I'eaull t!IO sliniu, lilt hi.-
(':Toit.s rj nielese
A lirrfo treii
niiiiu'll on l.lttt ll'il 1 I'm on
-'" """m r.
' l,, "u 10 l"" oouoiu. 1 m y w. r..
"liU b it ,lu'.v H,H'" 'M'lu':"'''d umiu
iU t,l'"lt'd his wife m Ins ono .11,11
" " ei nn- ininu. 1 hut
J"1"- u,w,u "''. "l"'i .
mill they wool I bj
riilVed. . Uul an ,
ugly pi c i of drift struck thorn mi l
with a shriek they sink beneath the
water. Thu shriek ilixpelled it uli
Tho truth burst up in her. lJefore,"
sho thought tho seuiio w is real, now,
she knew tiiat ehu had eeeu the
-pectro of fie Susipinliauui, and
with rnpid steps aud blanched face
ehu Hud from thu f ife 1 rtpyt.
Johu spin I bur tiist, mi l, nutio
ing the pulor of her coutiteiiuuce,
ijuickly asked her for the cause
Stio slowly sank to the floor nud iu
a husky voice answered, "I have
seen tho spectre."
A deep sileucu fell upon them nil,
for a iu mioiit, tin 1 iu that moment
John Tliompson folt that- tlm h ip
py d tys of his life weru over. An
unknown terror seized upon him,
but hu tried to cist oil' all these dis
mal feelings, an I with thu o: hurt, en
deavored lo bauisli the sceim from
Juliet's mind But her B.uile was
gone and in a sh-rt tune she per
siiadud J ihu to start for home.
They had gone n couple miles
Their horse a-!- no I uu nail rest
lets but Johu he'd hi ui llnuly. Nei
ther of them feared uny dinger.
I'ney were coining pleasantly ulon
and Jnliot semui i,' m ire cheerful,
when a limb uinvsd ut thu roadside,
'-juick as thought his burse leaped
forward. Juliet tried to keep bet
seat,, clung to John desperately, but
nt last she could hold no longer uud
fe I to the earth, where she lay quite
still John dismounted us q'lieUy
as possible and hurried to tier side,
tie raised her tuudeily. Oh. bow
palo she was I or eyes were closed,
so ross ber temple was a alight cut,
but she brsitne I. ll ep k to
her in t noa of anguish, he pressed
ber to his heart, she breathed a few
moments aud then all was still.
The fate wat too terrible, too su I-
n m- v.'jTHT.wt iai tm n mm m mim
, j pv v1? " ,ir " 1 1 ,,tu.
IH17IV watunoi iij o ii I. imii'.iiiii
jiii'i'. vvoul J novL-r nniil.t on inn
'ii(,' iiii. tin tiu lon h nn
! I ii? saw tlm
ravo ol -nn her, limn ,
o ki'.I lm f inn an I 1 1 1 f t lliej
ny iniill tiiiuseit a ealiiu on t i m j
tij"C!, iiu I'stie u it, Ii it t i m) i I.e.
peeiie. r.r mis nu i!,'iu' i iii-inv
jeai's. Mow iv lm f.iw tlm
town lut'ruaiK irom t U v ii i;h ii'i-
lil it o vi-re I in my u tih a.i I Im 1
iMinotiie h'irtjof a n iia. i' i ii p'tupl ; I
lli'na.v Hie i ai'li i of a ui lt'i : v in-'
. 1 i -1 1 v l i-iu ll I Ii' ll' 1 l!.i M -le III nl'
tllll 1 11'. illl itlV'.l IM It, viflU i' II 1 1 1
ilon it iron trai''i. :l tiiM. an I
nrie'i in nr. lie haw. ill: I Hit'V it Willi,
in bll'..'M"i"o. IIulii.ll lull, intei -'
co iri j wil n tim t i;jIo nod loi I
ii ni" i.f li . vi i' 1! ii Iiu wait-
ml anil wad-lie 1 I uliit ill.'.
! I a.i im ud up n Inn tin 1 lie
f. lt wit i j iy t nt Ii i li 1 1 imt nunv
in no ye its to liv, I in iieVi.r e.'ii
el bin vi'.l. Tiii'V in I. A ten i I
iniie! h.t I nt m I, hi h' a it, ail
,,;.., v,i the l. ulin wateis. lb
looked ij Illl. Wu it dli III i" 1'
At l ist ! ill lust I ll I -in t in up .,'.!":
lie (' ml 1 II it. believe it. H i ru'is
his eve ". it ll i its no uvt -yes - u
yes it ii ! it. ii ! it e o,.m s:,li n, ii"r.
no. it is u i! it It, i-i only t'ir .
ii . i ii en, I a 'V 'ir,' nil ' il on Ho n
li ;l'i. they c ill. 1 1 .y h U I o it tln u
ii in is ,i'iu ;l v tow ir I him. lie
" I'liiot
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owriiis in h'
si uli1 iv be 11 , 1 o
tele I the All 11 11 ni.
1 l'i I v. wile a r . -.'
were t nl !;iii ' p ,1.1 ; -,.
o you fell' is kin - :
thin; without, uiu v! ,' ..o wuh u
1 l AVer.
The spea'; r wn a w,)!l k i i.vti
f.rui r 01' tin e int he 11 part of th
eouutv. iiu and bis sou.luu are 110-
ted for th-ir h'i irpneis at 1 b.itgi 11
were'UUl 11 lei'iiueis to iruj 11 use-.
divs, w i 'ms, farms, or unyt.iuu'
that belongs to t'i nn, at iinv
and all
tunes it customer uny presi it him
self, Jim lives uu u farm il mile
iron) thu ol I man's,
"Yo see, Inys,'' continue l the
speaker, "my boy Juu ha l a biy
mare tint hu Ira led a .ve iil.u' bull
aud n cross tooth hurroiv f ir. Sin
was a good critter au' no misi ike. I
wuute i that unre thu wust kin I. uu'
made Jim a heap o' good nll'.-i s f it
her, but be would. i't bite. List
.Vu liiesday he comu t my house
kind o' careUss like, uu I set
on thu front stoop 1 wis a chop-
...-.. I. ' . 1 1 1 m r
iiu hid juu w ) 1 i ir tu iriiiii . ji Ui
sot there a lo ikiu' up au' d ivn the
roil whin t li 11" thu 'Sweet liy-an 1
tly' kiu 1 o' to his sol f. vVuon 1 ha I
cat i iu, 1 i i my knul.iu' I sot Jowu on
thu stoop by him.
i im, i sez, you Deiicr ici your
old father have that bay mere o
yunru,'' be. I.
"Jim had just st irted on tlo sec
ond ver.soo' thu 'Sweet lly -uud-liy,'
but hu whistled her nil I'jj way thio'
afore ho uus-vcred me,"
'I beii a thiukiu' o' lettin' you
have the mare, pip," sez be. "pei'vij
iu' wo kin ;it up a ilioket-.'' his, hu,
"Ji n had been giu' to camp
lueoliii' pmty steady for.a week
back, and I liner 1 he was gettiti' se
rious. Ue ha I beou whisthu' inUuin'
but hyinu tunes f r twO-,otA;ireo
lays, uu' when hu came mun i o
nice on the mure question, I made
up my mind that ininin' th old wo
ipnu would seo him jiuin'the iiuiii u
ers 'fore long."
"Jim." I sua ' Ikiuhtftiid eighty
dollars fur thu mare," su
Jim looked up thu lold and hum.
muil a versa of 'Ooiue ys liuuuis poor
an' ueedv,' Tl.en be u$
'I'sp,'' sea be, " know I oiler lot, boy." say, air. is dad done yet f
you have that mare for tuosu figures,' jj i,9 ,ei0 pU uj4 ttbos iu this'
ecus be, "but you know f've refused uro iiu koltU.'
dm'ilo lint f ir h.r." acz
i no lm lia I, Iwv. euro.
ho. An'
i r.m , n:
o iiii.i i tun lii'i t'Uiu v ni int. i vctn y . i
in ue, m.iU ut n lmnln'1, H". I ; :
1 Iml Hint h nil I Lin l ,'ii,li,n . I
mi. h.-z .u.v.'r,, n
I l 1 .... I .... l .. .. i'- . .. ;
i ill 1 1 1 hi ue i, lire i iiiji uu in nib
ta il miio, 7. 1.
'l'ilMil in il 3 ilf o' J irk I'
t nr liu uulj I .Inn, 1 .n;m jilu.-nt.
.in to ton fliy. I ueas ll" : it 'V'V
wit. i iwo vorwa nine lie n i un -1
linn.; t i am. an I oi In i nil n i i'l in-.
I 11 d ..
1 lien lin si i
" hi- he. '-I 11 tell V i'l w'i it
( ilVn Ill l It ll'IU ll1 d il 'i i iff .
'.in' t i r nv in I iie. ii t wo li i li
slum p;
in t h i in ir ) is your -,''
s. lie. "j.-sl 111 N'ie is,
" V b ir.; i'. i." , I. " T i pi ;s i
youi , an il lie il i.f ci tiie
in ue t mi oio'.v, " k, v. I.
"i c ui ii I nt In Ii ri 1 ' 1 a i I
4'iv.i it to luei Jl l.nv In pi
III) 11 1 ivi'll 1 1 1 ll I hey W is U'oll,,
I'll!, 'en d ill i's npi '. r isy. I e ml I
Ii nir dmi ibiM'l n' 'Ho! I tim tjrt"
llil le) :,' t Ii lif a mile aw iy."
".I". in ii i." isztollm nl 1 worn
nn, ''.lenii ii l." M . I, 'T le v r tn i t
Ji t pi mi b I v ei '. lit: I v.'
oil t no Imv m it", ' n"7. 1 'an' ' li it
Cm ol I b iy Jin wis liiinki i' of 1
i'iii'i iii', Sii'.'s wul li l.vo liunlie l
au' ti Iy any dav in Cm wee!;.' m . I.
' iVeil. iiet, iu uiiiu' early I went
I i ,vn 1 1 u i .ii s i ) '.,r, in ' m ii ". o i u
II id o lie to to ill. I his Wife.
i v i ii iii ;nt til o Ii iy in ir ', m-
ev, ' 1 st
"'Ye, I !;r',i).v vol hive," i.e.: m
ev, ijiiuuiu' nil o.'e,' her fi' ).
" V hem is s i" " I si',
"Son's J iw II in tile -t ni i 1 it, ' H-'
Nilii'y, :;i oi .in' in n e n ever.
I l i el ; it. it w is f i inv
t th"
m ire w is . 1 i t ) l'l ten
I. b It
I . u t. .
i i In I h I
hi ; it ei
Mil to ll
She is
Ii 'tp. I'll.
. :; I i t i" h
.Vi',,'.'," s
I h I! i . s,
1 iy in' be'iin I il
r'n a ,1 i u'-ii ;il
,",t h
e s ,!
). V
"t:.e b,n
il ! '
.' .-ie. Vltl'-V,
"'.lie ,ll
til the , ei ','
I r a im': i
n I i I i
Il l .
' i
l il
,1 ll
I I lot
t ) th
s l'i I -I'H"
; I
I 1:
I 1 W IV l I
.1 ! .t " 11
I it Ti
1 . I 1. : '
I'O Illi'l ' i
. 1 1 1 1 . . ' t
,iv he
1.11 t'
11 iv fir
'l 1
II ii
lilt ! 1
I il
I ll .it 1' tie
; "It f II' i:l .1
M" ,:!' in v
!; ;! 1 i 1
'I.'I v i-i 1 ,
,;,' 1. 11,'li l'
I !! ir pi,;
,r t ' i'-p i-s,
t 11,1
I 1,
'ii..' li.te.
It "
H. 'U'
or r-
1 0
f ..u
nr I '
I lie i.
i s .'"
. 1 . e .
in t I
iv wi 1
1 i r ii ,
MJ -tat
JjjIi 3 .
niini'i j, i.
iijs r
ll.l J 0:) iv.
l v. ry
e ie ip
;'s .1 il
UVl'll s
i- in a
,t ,1".
f have
1 1
e 11
1 I
1 !' s rt h I he I It.
A vu IJ il' Veil ell 1
bi In
in.: a n
thy "I i iii iu.
II i"Vei mir!y a w mian uny h ;
.i 1 1 sel 1 i ii silo vs it iii lii'i' 1) inn '.
It nl .vu- h u liel's the ileVil to I. no
oil vt'lre'u -i le In iillack a h ..'., ill n.'. I
We ie in otli U's tie viri I '.s nn I I
vices W'hne gel ii'ltsclltt, hut 0;
-re the Vic s III" ila:ne-t. j
I'lietn ii'C li lt le.V thiil.'S ' I Ign 1
ni in' r is, t-u!, ntlier hi ih" ay ih'y
a:V et mi'- np.'ii 'im "i' inter '-t'. 1
I ho in 'li will le V the sll'"ll.e-it
inC'l oi-1 liev I i wi'akiit in"iiory:
limy ti nil iiiotu lo liiveiitmu thii'
in-in ry. j
Whe'etlnr. i-i nne man w'i i k inn
ii i-v 1 1 I i a i hi:i., mi I l 'S it. ih in-,
ire three ivh i m e s ili-liel In te'.lm
no v ii n i.'lil oi In i urn. i
l'l: o top ev the I i.l I, 'i is a tie!; ,
bsh-p it, ver ui u ia'il"to 1 1 1 cii'iyi
due, ii'nl kaa't p k fuit Ihu spot yi'r i nisse i issue 1 t on non liv M 1 1 mie
'iiv a s nog ui s l ike. I ,i u uo-t is l!m 1,'ira a long
M"iiii a iii'in win has in a le a : 1 mhle bre-Mle-1 c it n;t'i cutu.iay
'iitrate k i'istal'l - Ins spilt hi- uiiii,! front mi I bos.p'.i a'e,l back, eotiit'iu
IH h.-ino. uin-i.) u Oep'i'y slieilll' j I wil h a pleate I sl.irt. The cent
The in in wini li u no l iv of an- is to bn in i In ol li 1 1 - I goo Is uud
ilaue is i'ilh'1 n oiuIj nr uu ilit.lthu skirts of plan iu I'mi il.
pr Cut I i't r.
The gri'iiM nf ill inkiii I li v just 11.
Hie bir is ill. torn li:i-i,l In mnnCi. I'
A uiiiu bi tter Ii iv im k'Vi il at nil
thn. t tnv one he i.'. uKt iys nnxi um
to li 'lit lor.
luii'.u-y 'I i'p- with on
su I the ei in r n j U".
Ili ea is tin luilf way
eye epi'u
h'lusu be-
t ween leiir nil I fi u ti.iii.
It ii ibille ilt 'o , I 'line our hap
piiC'S v i tii i'il in iking it hok suspi.
Tho ini'i who it ung ual iu man
ner t general y in to er le-i ie in
Hi IU 'lit.
...... ,
Which makes thu worst faces, n
girl trying to thread a nct-dlii or a
l.oy fii'tiiig out the paper for his
kite ? Wo Nimnly throw this out for
the debating societies.
A. 1. !'.)(). Scene before n
eroiniition uud rta'toi 's sh op i Sin ill
:8, 1880. NO. IT
Dy Invcnlorj.
Somo of tlm iiiivit iiniirt int
vinii,,,!. i. .v,. i. . n n o work .r n...i..
lOVt. 1 Mil HIVi'll'IOII ( I tllll ViliVl-
lll'lti HI ti till) (I'-I'll IMI'.IIO WltH
ni:i l liv n ! iv. Wiit.fH li ft Cm en
. in), jn v,.rv im.0, .,.,,, Cl)ll i,filll
I roill til
f i t til it. lm li i I no w iv to
null ill' cii, So I lm VllV'S, I'Xee
lie ins ! 1 . v I s no I i
1 by tiie
n,;iiin hi
; (,.,.! He H"l
,,,,. ,f 1 1,,, mj.
a I n
nt, I a liov was
in V 1 1 V I 1 ' .'"I'S i
i , .....,.
t .if
:h t:.;
It'll llll'l WOlli,
vet it re'i'1,1 1
I his coii-tanr ntletilioti.
Villi if
nv (h it i
wu. I.ino thei-e 1 1 -V . IH, In
ii Is of I'm e"niuo move I
!n t iie i h;
- let li n
i Ih" v ilv.-
hi ilneeti ni, an. I nt (he
th it he ll i 1 t ) ooe.)
II' pi em e I a Stroll;;
e u- I nn I mil
o n1 en 1 f i ,t t i the
ti I t
1 the
t l" I
I V.)
i l'l
an I
ti, o
li .V I
of Heelli;
le'il II I
i "'I' w.ih I
l' l et, A " ell t
::,a:i e Hue ,'U'o'li
pi i ;ti ni i; !,i h
' ll l'l'.' eu ;i ie 1
Cm- nfor,
d llt.,1 H tw
it til '1 Mil
i: H ".ll t-a'.V
I. II! llli'i -ll'ill V nl Illl) li'V, Ulel llllill
t iiii a Ivniit iu'i m nf o .eit nn in
v -uiioii. ,'ir. t i'm l ien e.u I ie I
nit the b ivs i'ii",t ve o, nius it) a
pr e" ie il f n ni and in i In tliu steam
uu i'l a p"i fe !. ti'ir.i n iic wn k-
iu mi 'iiine i no p i wu l i mi is
t lie il,'. i l.t i ll of ll ' il in-r boy w
ll el IicViT Hi
11,111'?. He
his j i.'!.-:,i.i!
it Illl .1 l'l". il
I- e. '.liov I
II r be it I of Shell a
!iit: 1. I nne out wit h
'. ati 1 aft. i- be I, a I tfot
'. w,lh 'i- ' it eotli i-ii-i
l to hii f -, In r, w in at
in' i I;'.. 'li" I it I ll
. H IV III '
nit Iiiiu
m S'I 'il
llli-'le I
II n v IV.
ue wniii I have no h iy e
! ;,at w ml 1 -pi n I his lini i
I'o li.sil t'itf ; i. I' IV
p 1 ie p.. e . an 1 Inl t ii
o 'll .ll I M t ll it In- I It 'l' l I
'it i' nn ii 1 i : en ' e' t i a hi
i inn I liru
1 lei. sill it h.
ll.ll ,i!
ei ' em I
i.ii. I a id
I. l.ll. He
nt Cm
' i i
: 1 1 1 1 ," I
t 1,1 . li
i !
in i 1
e Illl.
ie: ii
i i.-
ei i
; in:
i Ir '.ii ii
e I lit, tl.
Ill il ' 'I
' , r w is
re I in
"! .vhit
a I
iii '
.- ' I O .'
''""t "'I '" U "P m . -. " "
Cut t
I V.
o ' V
i l ili!" nil".
lion l' Me
, i-i ill nf III
i. I.' 't -V i l
n f li ei-iin I
liil a
til" s ;i !
t I I -Illl'
, ' . :..
ii i
" i .
I I ll
o e !i
t ." I
i t I )
urn '.
I i t
,.. li.'
i .I '
;.t t
t s
, .HI Il 'l
lis 1 1 1.1
It " l I'ce
V oi I
1 1 I .1 . I'
ll il tht
si 11 ii
t 1 ail
Ir--- -iiil'i
in I
i, ! I tl.eir
I :.s I'.isljl 1:
1 it
I !
t '
1 o: p ie 1
f ith-
e t n
! l
1 1',
II 1 I
l';it :.-i,'. ..:
a: e , 1:1. i.i.i, 1. - 1
tl IV
ilv s'i I VI 111
it '.I
ill! 1 l "
t t li 1 W.
M I 1
T.I ' Illl' ,'t oi ',! ll ...lie, til" I lil'e 'l
lire ni m' I t ie I h : "' eo it. in I
Ci" ! I.i -.'.' nr.' . !. ,r .ire nil am Jtig
In e prevailing i'lilii rn'.
II u-s ir j i !;. Is of iv 1 nr I'll 1 el .th.
li.'lit -!i : tin.; nn 1 H'i ii.n 1 with gol 1
or s !v.-r brai I in ui in irv f isni-.u.
am a
-tlii.lii ' II ivei
for "du-iiiug
II m 1-t mi 'til';
is CleV are II i .V C
i or chair bi. ';.,
illn I. .ill o v i nt III
of linn ii o i' :l eil).
ii-fi in go I nn 1 nl
il rich 'los.gha iu
linn 1 Depot, III"
V MS 1,1,0 Il'l s '1
ill i-l c ivere I 'iiii
:u iu ve i! jiv 1 slik
I he lilg butt "I, t'.i'i o.vl I' l't in
il b
tlm si-ill ip sir 1! or pi! i -r's ini t ui.
Cm (l.ittiiil button, l.iifel -pniu'1'il
orp.iul. nil Cm ui itiv-iiiitej em
-te I li alt HiJ tl-J sj.uj of the latest
. ui )-i; cm sivii-u co-i'i'ii 's i n
P irii c. in-, -p )" I nt of llli-'
.r.i says that for white!
iiiiuv li'esi's wul lm mil) with
1 mixed In ea Itl.s. timt in i f t o (Jif.
feu-cut fabrics, appe i: in to lm but
It itu'.l together le'ig'li use. For in.
stance, u fi.irt witli tlm frm.t
b ea It is nf wlv 't will hive two si le
bna lihs nf wool, festeiied by veiy
largo buttons on tlm front bioaih ;
then ill eoine half breadl lis of vel
vet, wliie'i will nppircntly be iit
l lehv l to tl.n ve'vet w list will bo in
the f n ill of ti very long jacket, e
t. nding Ii ilf w iv l the tkirti.
Ibis will be fuiuishel with tv,i
I enpes, the lower nnd larger nf vil-
vul 11U j ,UJ np;.r f wool.
, ,, ,., ..
Spurgeoii oivs, --no who o!iiubs
ui,avo n 0 ,-,., f Cm world and
! turns In face to hi Uod. has found
the sunny side of lifu. Tho woil l,n
," of the lull is chill and freeing
to u t.pinluil mind, but the Lords
j pri'seuce gives a warmth of joy
(sbioU toiua wiuter iuto euminur."
m i IS IH)STi
Published every Tli'iindav Evpnlnd
JEREMIAH CltOUdtf, rrop'r
Terme of Snbscnphon,
two i kill a km n:it Axxrw. rr
able vithtn six months, or t-'J.oOifun,
paid within the yen r. No paper (lis
ttoiitinued until all nrrr-maur ere
paid unk'.-s at the option of the pub
Hiilnii rititioiis nnbide of the county
fjy per-oiis liflhjK nnd Awi psner
i'!ilresed ,o otli"it beeonip siibseriberi
snd urn liable fnrthr prirp ofthnptiper
f u r t' ttn.t i i Pnup with da out
n I I i it t !lrt i of iliv .aoln Ih
Euclicyo Force Pump,
T'i" K'irketyrt U ltit rr y liftfwt mfoT io 1 1
Ci -i .. It I- fi'inioi' 1 with I r- l it I - r
win i-ii itin'n' 1 1 rt i"-y i-i'i'iii'f , 1 1 nn. rn
I iMS.'( ri f Ut Ki. t " I'll Mi p Bti't Wt'iT r0
li ' in-, ii tit nn inv Ixiltllnj ni rio of Hf'i
Vt f-tn n4i r V'Hir O fiS. ii i,l Vurd, Wuh
W lint U n-eii Km
-in t i ti
' vn lv mi rm.r iwn r".nliij)i At uu mote cotl
thflii nn nr I tmrt i tiui . It
Cannot Frscze
it, i M ..niij. r.
- . eul. l -r l
ue I el, r nc'l.
'4-n I. In, I , In. uli
1 le'
1 1 i r ,1-1 - O.v-.ii 1 a ,1n il I. Tlit
.I-,'". I -i" - "kin .ie
ll- .' I Six . Wllliltl N l-T' t
r. N a il nt lo hrar aliioit II
l-on Turbine Wind Enc'ine
1. it-- Hr! h,o f.e. .,i
''.III .', I t i'H.
larll, HiAr- a I in km
il in Win.) ritlti-e.
i In ".T.iiiii. nr fur
. t", HU M TON,
I., ele-n,
' ;1M:'I i imiiiM, I'..
II ..:ui
i Mors Pefir 'flian Erer !
The Gcniiiuo
tcwiiip; Xilacliine.
i 1 nt:s
M'ular ileiii'itid
fof the
I V 1
l'l':'i in Ii'
I'V-o- il.irln lie. ii, i ,rnr
I'ti f,l 'i i .1 hiiiia'.fi-" vw
-i o. it. ; e ii " ;n i-, e
li ri ," : Iii I-" i ,..11 III,.
I HIT ,r",'Vl
"I i I'leil'try Iii
lil'l- I.I" l..'i-ri
- .1 i l ei. I ! J ni l
I'. I T. (.liio : i- 'ai-.!
J I Jli
1 1. ir - 1 1" f ir v
I leu Srt, iirf .1 i -, t ii -
li,.-- I iv I i II," .'ir
r ntiy .roi lo'ie )itr.
' st i he r ile , f i r-r
1 iy lor oi hi y imil-
Mil. nl. n 1(1 l.t 111. r '" k ,ih
tr - .''"I. -eie. ,'.i. .,,1 in ,,t il,ir,,''l.i ;ieMlbi
U.i.'l.liin .Oct ; 'V Iro.'ti- 1
S. DZiriZRT,
.I n '.'.tl Am"it t. r si.y.v.f r I'lnif ,
Yiiri'll nn.l MICI'l.l
V,,,I v
ii i.t, rr t,,r I in mil' II
.l'l' I'll IH' I. '
J H, '...' ..iy.
I " eii-' -ni 1 y -o w'.l .-el
" l , .. il.. t - i . ..'.,,, A I.
!'. I IM. iu i,.n', irr, N.V.
1.2. r'Unnn 'I',"'"?
JJJ ...,,,0,1.1 im.
.it ei w i-e
I iu' :
I -1 " -
on In. ."n .n "t
'. K-..I t-e-. .T.
V. .iiii-:'. 1 .iy
1 . 1 : i i
I'll.l is in ; . ,r'. I.I I I
1'. -!. an I !.
il I- IV I'll - '. I '. I ' . 1 1 ' t'l.l
x " ' . l i l irl
i.ri n I 11 iiei'ii-oiror., II
.t.ilj ;i.' Ii.
r. les S rln Mlri
j. 0, ke:u?fi:r,
Tffift iilii RCill?. kit
for riHll t ltl't!.5 s, Illil.U.
I lt)i i l.l -4 ; li il
: llUDIll,
1 1 I'll
nr-. .S'nvili.r, lYnn'ai
f rti w llKK In imir i.wn ' iwn
Vv,"'i''- "" -v r "'' w
. H - a " I iv no 11 1. in-. nt ' .-a
W Ui" "I' I .ii.i-r - I', lu.lin
u r ' 1 4 y .1 1 -.1 1 i.. ' i"v
li il l" Oi II. Illl .l.l.i 1
1 ",
I o.iv.
& 1
o,s 1 If
i,i.i.. oi
.1 . irtloi
- Uin.
11 1 1 r I
1 I '
I I-
11 ".I t. ! :
liil ---
M 0 H A R C H
The Cho.'miHQii,
:n 1 no P. rviT-nTtTT'fSflri'rl
icr of all Grain
& Crass Cutting
This Mscliiiip l as . en fully t ndors
i,l by the most F.vpert An'.liori.
ity. after Most Tlmrongh
tis's. nn to i:s t'iipaeity
mi l lixeentinii, us l!iiiti), ht
i Wotidcl fill
Mu: liit)P v. r iuver.teiTi
' le"i:'iil ir, iin'ter
Invim! in?. h'a14
, l.n.i
r 1 "i n i. Ml! vu
14 111 I I- t 1 I
I l 't I' i I , . V. I.rii. rr ,ia
I O.r.- M m tniieii In your Tii'lnilv,
it Ml! li i-t, niiiiin il ih ruiirfl.iy, :t.
Inr - f i ill. It. .ll.irvi.1. i .ivi-iiil,
, ni - -11 ! y . sr.l It Am -i'1-it.i A I: .,tiiDt
' l .- ry .'..ti.l II in l e' n.U 1 ,-in tn.l :sll le
(.'ii.tli.-i. I II "-rr .l!..!t.rr r.rin rimllli
iM,,r'-'. tfvur M'I'ie-l, ti-n l,o. Inr. -tl
1 mo it in ei i,ii I ,0 n in ,e i,i ri 'tuy. nn,l
' tt-.t It 11,1 - ,;l- ,1.1. itlt-lL'- I St I I'HI'li H
j I'l'.N ' i. ion , ue'.ll.t t- le ire-
III, .tl i a' t ' V '!' '' "' -"' i o'f rt i'j
Oist ,,i i.r ,,i,o b I' lllirtll,)- an I llriin I .
I" t'f 1'it 1 -til . t,.tr ti.tcil o Ii "ll A .VI
, m u" vi:is i, i: h i,t. lua.-eel.
tiMtl-'t It. '.In" iri- ,j. ! ty
i. u I I li iiu:, P. .1' nr. re.
Idiiii e; I s'i i ;i. mi : ui, ir.
J. 1. IHNM A M A M, I r otlvil.S,
n.t.U'iy tLe Trave'.'.i i (, it,
J.OiH I KI'l.tV. Lealrl'urg.
r .V, l"-J.
Valuable Farm at
rPilE A im tif .ii-ffrt Monty, iie
1 rfa)-tol. iltcr n v.uAbl l-'ftrm, ( rli4
mi. mtu4vo n iiula iS.'UtL in oi MUtllt
burn, oiilfttiiliin ab-mt
100 Acres,
itiii'liti ar.i'l.J a t.AUtlK T wn sfoaV
Stouo l'Welling Hoiir-c, New
lhmk l.Miu
r. t olhnr oiittutl.1ln. Thll l.rfa it ts a btk
-i.i- nl fuliivt'lcia. ua.ler aoisl tar. eat
,i"ni,rl.,i'l,.lHHiii4 i wul I t.fiila aolMdka
M'.l.llrf rxl (UrT.
t er lufit.f arllslaf. rati r aSiraat
junc . .'nai j.
Air. :,'.
umsitijetgi ra.
s -
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