0, itor A Proprilor. run rucsiittiNr GKN. JAMC3 A UAR11ELD, of Ohio. t'UR VtUB FUtSIUENT. GIN. CHESTER A. ARTHUR, of Now York. piMMir.rrTi4ij elector,. ILOt Toaj. AT Ltnor, 411 M. lteaeoa Henry W. Olror. BtarairT Bi.t-Toe. l-aeeinelC. Pvrklne. ill-M- t). fcllklr. t-Hln H, fiUrr, 1 I W. C.H-hraae, 9m. noil mentoa, if t-wi, m. k, 4 Jihh Koiii, la-o. M. w. T eiatim e it. linn. n-tra, if .n iuiai nrni.ii. ! r. Haaatoo. ,10 W. W. Ahih, t-Mree R. Wall., II J. I. Traeart.n, SJra H. fttoone. ti K.l-on I'. Krai Nut Appolitd. H-Ikh a. Moy-r, II Sd-ar I'lnchAi, ilA. K. W. Pelntrr. i-T.T.M. MrKrlfnan ; William L.. IS John allichrll. l. w, iMarnatrr, It nrad V. nhlndre Calrln W. Uiiailau to Ubarlea 11. torn, I JIMKIB Of 8UPREWK IlfltTKT HENRY KEKXK,orNorthaml.ton C POR AUDITOR OEXKHAL, JOHN A. LEMU.V, or lair County. COJNTY TICKET. Bos. HOKATIO 0. FldllKR, f Hunting. Ion. POH HTATt HKNATUK ALFRED HAVES', of Union, Tor asiembly L. X. M VERS, of Middleburg. TOR OOl'STlT t t'R VKYOR 0S-K(iK t.;i)ENFEB, of J.ek.on. i ewnwAWAwawawawawjewai Mate Senator. la this Senatori! DUtrist botb parties bave Domionted men remark able lor tbeir iotullij;eoce ; irre proachable cbaractora ; uaijiiastion-a bio integrity ;devotion to tUo boat interests of the wkolo country ; and pooatiar fitness for tbo important offlco of St. i to Senator. Hon, Alfred Have, of Ucion. lead tbo Republican party in this Senatorial contest, St Jon. Simon Wolrerton, of Northumberland, tbo Democratic column--that it the dif ference. Mr. Hayes ia entitled to oar nnJi vided support and our best eiertious to increase bia vote by appeals to conservative moo wbo are iocliued to look at tbo principles and policies. aJopatod by tbo two groat parties, in tbe proper light. There can be do doubt in tbe minds of tbo iutolli gent, thinking man wbicb party should auoceed in this present catn paigu- Tbe platform of principles and policies adopted by tbe Republi can National Convention at Cbicago is manifestly in tbe interest of all classes of people and consequently iu tbe interest of national peace, prosperity and happiness. The "Free Trade" policy of tbe Democratic) paity is ao clearly and well understood as against all our interests that from tbis alone tbe Democracy should meet disastrous tlefoat. Let us, individually, use our best endeavors to aeoure tbe election of Hod. Alfred Hayes. Sbrom, editor of tbe Newport Ledger, although be publishes an independent paper, is taking a band in tbe precent campaign oguiust Mr. Hpeer for t'ongroHR, It will Iniug bim oo glory. Huntingdon Mont' tor, (Speer'a paper.) We are not workiog for ylori,, but deem it a duty to inform the people of tbe corrupt practicea of Mr. Speer. A nil vko has been proven corrupt in bia en court, is nut a fit person, to entrust with public uffairs. iu which we, iu common with all others. bive an interest. 1 f Mt fpoer was a Republican, or of any other politi cal faith than a Democrat, be would receive just such treatment at our hands as he is now receiving. Again we say it ia unsafe to entrust Lim with public oILiirs. Xeieport Ledg er. Uenoral llanoock saya the rebel claims are a bugbear, Governor Z'jbulon Vance of. North Carolina, who advocates Hauoock'a election, bolda a contrary opiuiou. In are cent apeecb he declared "tbe South Mka no bold and unfair tbing when be demands her rightful compenaa (ion for homes destroyed, farma laid waste and pillaged, projxirty stolen nd elavea' released by the Yankee plunderers who lived npoo us and then refuted ns bounty. And it is time that the whole North should nndei stand tbia." Tbe North does j BodeMtand it, as Qeneral JIaueock ud (Joveruor Vance will realize be they are many weeks older. Tbe Danker'e and Bokers flar field and Arthur Club of Km York bow numbers 400 ineibbtia. iut!!B00Ll!!B001I!!! Oi anil Indiana BBpnMcan. THE BUSINESS MEN'S BATTLE WON. GEN. GARFIELD S STATE GIVES A MAJORITY OF 20,000. aa-- Indiana Wrested tromthe Democracy. htx co.iinxm:v tiAi.Li i.v oino. The ttrpulillriiii rtiinrCjrn ritii iifibi( auar iirvio a.lllfj ftiiri incliKllitR Ohio. In. dlmm. Weal tin Mill Hnd .rtvm It, .c Jornej . Our Booster Feels 0. K. It looks like a ti 1 it w tvo. Tba October Statea come with a glori ous Uepubilcan triu upti an 1 cleir thewoyfora onulniva Rapubiloan victory in Novoinber. Tbo roporti are of tbe luont inspii ing character. bio goes Republican by up.v trj of 2, OJOInJiaoa, for tUo first time in tbe October elections of ten years, throws its grott weight into tbe Republican scale. Roth of theiu outstrip tbe beHt Republican expect ations, auJ mark an irresistable Re publican sweep. Tbe Bigns are uu- mistakable. At lust tbe patriotic North is thoroughly aroused, an 1 proclaims that the (ioveruieut shall not pass into the liao ls of tho solid South, and of those wbo would strike a dua lly blow at tho business and industrial iuteresta of the land. The Sectional Party. Tbe Republican party did uot pun ish a rebel or con linen te ao ehtute. Dy enfranchising the blacks it lurco- ly increased the political power of j u uu, i rohiorea every rui-1 or to tbe jirivilegu of the fraueb.He It pi tinted amuesty to eveiv man who HHkod for it. It permitted those wbo bad lifted their bands against tbe Government to resume control of their States. It has made liberal grauts to the South, It has done everything except to surrender the most vital principles, And yet it is deuounced as "agiug a crusade againnt that section. Wade Hampton asked the people of the South to "consider what Lee and Jackson would do were tbey alive,' and he tolls thorn that tbo principles for which they fought for four years." Qeneral Fitzhugb Lee, standing in the presenco of a Con federate uionuraeut exclaims: "If you deuire that those horoes buried yonder shall uot have died in vain vote the Democratic ticket." At toruey lieueial Field of Virginia stirs the passion of bis peoplo by declaring : We killed a great many Yankees during the wir, and I wish we bad killbd twice as inony more enough to have given us tbo victory and our cauxo success." Mr. Joe Hlackburn coes into Ohio and pro claims ! "Let the Radicals howl about a solid South. She is solid, thank God. She was solid for Jeff! Davis in I K00. and she will be solid for Hancock in 1U80." Those are all representative men not ii responsible ranters, but lead ers of tbe onthern sentiment. And yel me i.ep uliichu pally is assailed as sectional because it urges that it is uot safe to baud over the fiovern- niont to those wbo boldly proclaim these utterances. According to this theory it is not sectional for the South to make itself solid by force fraud and menace all the safeguards or inn co nn 1 1 y, but it in sectional for the Ropnblicau party to state the truth aud oppose the danger. Away wiiii eucu mockery oi reason Mr. John l.ansban, a well-known dealer in scrap iron, of I'itUburg has left tbe I'emocratio party i Ju letter explaining his course he aaya : "I have been thirty yea: a ii this country, and have alwa.va voted with tbe Lietuocrats. now admit that I never gave the subject of politics tue consideration its importance re quired, but I have recently roan in el witb myself, and tbe result is, I have concluded to cast my vote for Oar field I am convinced that a change iu tbe National .dmiiiistratinu would throw us back to the financial and commercial depression from which we are now gradually and surely recovering. A TARIFF FOR It EVEN UK ON LY. Democratic Flat form 1880. A TARIFF THAT WLLSO DIS- CRMINATK AS TO FAVOR A.VERICMN LKDOK.llepublicait I riaJrMlW). Itfibe - S. WED Sclinsgrove, Pa., Has returned from tbo Kastern Cities with tbe largcut slook of goods ever brought to this county. I'licc" aro ns usually lower than tbe loaeet. Cull and see. A CURE GUARANTEED25 CENTS CY US1N DR. NIETTAUT8 HEADACHE PILLS rw mwt wmwlcrfullT In a rr ii.,.irU.urlH.liifcilCK ami NEHVOUS HEADACHBi airl.vli'lr ai-.lusunlV i.tnro:ia j t in, r llor O VSPiiP(3IA ' i wu.-.i .,rf srVuua log tliJ atcn vt ixcvaa uf bho, ptuourb. a r. fiiiar li.alU.jr ariiuu u( Ibo liotvela. RlnWv A full ?3r n,no 3"( Iz box of these valuable PILLS, ri'h full H- A COIYI D lot O Cliff). Urn tu uv ...'..ri ... tin r.M nor nf cent Poataao BOLR rKOPRIKTOIIB, The Cinciniiati Vomiitrrriil tikts a cburituble view of utcock's posi tion nn tbe currency questions by re jcrting tbe arneitinUH of botb wn gs of the I'l'lout-i'tiCY, I lio l.iiHtclu nue, wbicb Foys be in in fnvur vf lmrd roonev. unt luu ihlt-rii one, v lnrli claims bim as a giecnl ul1;it, 1'ho fuel it: arcoi'diug to ttie ('oninicr- vial, that "tbe (iuiiernl line gained all tbe knowledge of flounce iu bis j an.i ahud.iera at tbo tlioncbt uf w,mt l( lni ,lt ,uv or if ,10 ,U,vot. , j,iva ,(l ; slll,lv of .... Bub. r - j ject. And now they aie charging Will iam II. Knlirth, ou tbe strength of tbo official records of tbo War De pal tmeut, with having cheated bis grandmother's heirs iu 18-10 out of their share of a Revolutionary pen sion she bad not claimed during her lifetime. No wouder that tho West ern uewspapors have dubbed Koglisb "tho champiou mean mau of Amer ica." Speer tells the people that be isns good a tariff man as Fisher, Io you believe him f N'uh bo not n del egate to tbo Cincinnati Convention, aud did bo not vote for tbe "tariti far revenue only'' plauk in tbe De mocrat io platform 1 Is be ns good a tariff mao as I'islier t Would Fisher vote for such a resolution 1 Not by a jug full. Huntingdon O lube. Cleveland bus a club of f00 first votes wbo are solid for Garfield aud Arthur. The national debt wns decreased !S,874,8'J1 during the mouth of Sep- (ember Does lum argue lor a change ? Do you want a change f Boston Traveler : "Hancock's ileoputcbea fiom New Orleans to Washington cost tbe Government more than 321) i thev will cost bim nevei ft! times M'J votes. Colonel, L, H. Bond of Cincin nati, who was tbo woikingroau's candidate for Governor of Ohio io 1877, and wbo received 0.000 votes in Hsiuiltou County, is now making Republican speeches. Just think of it I If tho Demo cratic party is successful this full on ly tbe slight tenure of Hancock's life will stand between tbe robber of his grandmotoer'a estate and the Presidency, Speaker Randall deniea that be summonod 'Squire McMullio to In diaoa. Perhaps he means to cut loose from "Dear Dill" after twenty vi ars of close political aud personul friendship. Tbo business men of Philadelphia held a monster meeting on Monday evening. They want no cbauge of Administration of the existing tariff and financial systems, and urge the election of General Garfield. Pao Dougherty was nominated for Congress iu the Secoud District, Philadelphia, but as it has a Repub lican inniniitv of four thousaud, "tbo silver tougned oiatoi" couldn't aee it, and be declined w ith thanks. The Industrial League, wbioh speaks with the voice of authority, proclaima that "tbia ia business man's and workiogmau ngbt. And so it ia in pre-omuitmt.de- s If Stamps. r iai ly all Uru-giru. ft & ur kzi 0 ft ft KM v ft t3 ft rasa ft H ft m ft 9 m ft ft 3 ft ft tea o BR - NOTICE. "M"OTI(?E la bo'roby given that I S-l 'Pll,T'kaotel aara or John H. Focklar of Hallaaajiora. wkoro It latoro. niala at my ulwauro , aad oil uaraont araliara. Uf aaaiioaa.1 agaioat liitorlorloa or maddlii lUtkoaans, lasor est avoUnao. "i Attornetjs-At-Law. II- DILU ATTORNEYAT-LAW, Lncitburg, Vtnn'a. Alt bualneas tnlroalsd Ukis ears will bs promptly alitaJaJ to, Srpt, 80, 1o. J G. DK1TRICII, 'iTTOMEY AMIW. Market St. , Selinigrove. lt. All rrofMitonal tutiawt prnaptly attandxl U. OQOtallalloai la baglKa mlOaraan rk.ia.'M. I. B. WUNDERLY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, HMkburg, SnytlrrC ,'. caa ba contalud la Knlla or (far a on. - roaoauua olaloit lur i'aailuna, a a Jan. 14,'nu, N. MYERS, A ttorney A t- Lt, Ml.ldivbnrii, P.na'a. All protatilKial bin atilri.tal to kit ra will raoalra pmtn.t attantion. CuRimlallona la KiiKllh acd Uarnan. tx t. I0.7S. JACOB GILBERT, Attorney-At-Law, MlUl'Lr.llUUO, l'A. Alltuiiltia.i aniraitad to kla aara Kill rorolra prompt attamivo. Jttlf U.'I". E. DOWER, AIIORNEY-AT-LAW, Mi.Ulehurtf. '. ((Jffloa la offleo of S. P. Uronniilar, Laq.) folltiom mado. Uonmllatlnna In Rna-llah aoilUanuau. Juuo II, 'Jt.if. L. SCHOCaT ATTORHEY-AT-LA.W, Acir IU riin, t 'niuit Co. Pa. Pro'ratinnal t.uilna rnlrualod to hl ara alll reraive prompt atlitntloo. Juua QHAS P CLRIcilT Attoroer & Ooansellor-At-Law, In App't ll'i l.ln nno iloul N'jrib) at KavaToxa IIotbl. MclliiNitrwtr, I'eiin'n. Coltaotlnna an. I all olhar ppiflonal bnnl n.ii U olli-lt. aoU a-lll rac-lT rarnliil asl lnmpt itaoilua. Apr.kl.'ls.tl. T T. CRONM ILLElt, t'a AriUKNEf AT LAW, Mifllinhurg, Pu., Oltcra bia proleaaions arrtrieea lo the pub lic. Collollont and alt oilirr prnfraalnnal huine oniruaiotl to bit care will rreriv prompt aitentioo. (Jan 3, MlTtf 'H J." SMITH. L UTTnuvr. V AT LAW. MlIIDLKIIUKit, HNYrJIK JU., PA i)fr la tat rrife.ilonnl Mcrrlrrt to trio pabll Obaiullatl.ina la r:nllb and tlaruaa. ? J. R. ZELLER, A TTORSKY.A TLA W Mifjlitifmrg, I'h ion Vomit ij, Pit. All liit.lnnM rhtruntail ti bia rara will all ao.t lalMilullr aUntil l". Will .r. Mo At Ilia aovaral ourta u Sny.lar tnd a.lnliiln o.i.t.ni. Can In, cuaullt l lii IU' Kna-IUh nr nroiau lanvuaa oei. at. ;ati ptlARLRS 1IOWER, V AriOUNEV AT LAW, Scdingrnve, Pa irr Ilia prnfpantnnaNanriept lo Ilia puh iio. I'ollcolioiia all.) all olrr prfraloim 'iiiiiinr.ii aiili'iiKiril lo bia rtaro will rr -,Mr .rnmpl ultriii ion. (lHir 10 ilooi iiuih of llic Nnrrual rlrlmol. .tan 6, 'A M.LINN, "aTTOBNUV AT LAW, f.rwlaburx, Tt ITria bia prnfraaionnl a.rticrt lo III uhlio. Cullrrl ii.iir ai.J all ollrr pro' fraainnal liiiait'tta rnlruriril lo bir car reocif rprooir.1 aiieniion. Hit. i). I88. w.' pTf run, L a rion v;: ) w at i. i ip. Roliusirrove. Pa., OflVr their pmlraaiuiiai rrioa lo I It r palilie. Alllriritl hiiaiiiaaafiiiriiaiO'' io lliair iiur will raceitr frnmpl aticuiion. OtBoc 4i hia bomaoa M io 8nel. July, lib '72. Moaavs AikaNAt. 3. ALLEMAN & SON. A T TOU.WE VS AT LA IV. KoliiiHyrrovc, VII profeaitlaanl liiiaine all I onllaoiinj rutruaieil to llirir jaro will bo prampily inciie l lo. Can bi eanaiiliail in Kngliab ir flerinan. Oilioa, M.n ka' 8iur. II. II. Grimm. Win. II. Dill Attorneys & Councillors A T-LA IV, Office Near tho Post Office, rreebura. I'oaa'a. Coniililioo la bulb Eogliab uj Oermao Uangungea. Ueo.l 'Uf, JOHN II. ARNOLD, Attorney rvt Lnw, JI1UULEUUBG, PA Prnfeaalonal bualneaaanlriialed to hiiesrr !:.' bt prompily aiianilcd lo. Fob J TIIOMPSON-BAKER, A. 1 1 o v 1 1 o.v-n. t - Tn. w, Lawlahura;, Union Co., Pa K-Oao bs eonaalioil in Ibo tngllaban Qerinan languaget.,naJ OFFICB Markot 8lrtt, oppoailo Wall. Imitb Ou'i Slor M 40; TCni. VAN GRZKIt, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lowisburg Pa. )(Tera hla prnfoaaionalaorvios lo to pub tlo. Colluoiiona snj all otbrr rio'caion si bualnria ontrualrd to bis cars willro oeiro prompt aUeolioa, g T. PARKS, ATTORNRY AT Mtf SBLIN50ROYE, a.VYUER COUNTY, Pa Srpt. 16, 'U7lt A 0. SIMPSON, ATTORN KY AT LAW, Sclinsgrove, Pa. Jffois bli profoaaionsliervioftto tbo pub ic All buaiuoas enlriiatrd to bis ear ill bo proiuplljr attsudd lo. f Jan. 17, '0711 MUKL II. OUWIG, A TTQRNEY A T LA W, III I fnilft Iftli flT. 1 1 I all tk M 'aia. aaa. Physicians, $tf. DR. J. Y.8HINDEL, SURQKON AND PHYSICIAN, Wlddlobur, V Oder s bit profeeeloaal lervioos lo lbs oil aouo oi atuuisvurg sail vlolally. - Alaub 2107 PhysicU JJ J. SUITE, PhytloUrt k Surgeon, Fremont, Snyder County, Ta. Oltaro kla firoraaalrasl aorvloos totkopskll QrSoa aa Mala atroaa. Jaaa IS f.. JR, J. O. WAGNER, Pltjslrlnn and Rnrgeon,' (IrTara kl profna-loi .1 arvleaa to ha O'tia-S of Adamaknrg and tlrlnltr. Ana. a.'wf. D R. J. P. KANAWKL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Onlrolilfl, Nnyiter :a., Pa Oifer bia pruftailonal oorvlors lo lb. public. u-JRlf II. J. ECKHKRT, SURGEON DENTIST. fcM.'KnKRT'a BLOCK, Mintgrvw, I'nm'n. ProfoMlonal bailaaia prosptlr a'taa.U.t to, Ma?.-t.7. D R. I. GRIER BAURER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, having tnrattil al MIDDLEDCRf), T. ortirio a few (loora Waal of tho Cnurthouar la Uaoftr's Driek building, oflrra bit pro fraaionat icrviooi 10 Iks public II r apotks Engliab and Otrmaa HCt.l.lO. pERcTv.VL HERMANN PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, KmtsrrrUle, Snyder Co., Pu Oftara M nrnratMnnal aarvlooa to tbooltlioa oIKrataarvlltaaal rlalalt. a4.t',7 D R. A. M. SMITH, PHYSICIAN AND SirnOROS Oflrra bia prolrinioti.il -ric lo lb ell tent of AJamaburg a.ud tiolniiy. 8rpl, 7 K. VAN BU3KIRK, ilROICALA MECHANICAL DENTW Selinsgrove, Penti'a. .lustic s of lh e I 'cave. DAM SMITH, Justice or tlis Prj3C3 SConvcyaucii Heaver Spri tip. Snyder Co., Pu. All nmiclal Malnaaa -taalnat 1 1 1 i i n promptlr attantla! to. Culla il.ii it. taD. oa prumplly wada. f i ; I. yyiLLIAM H. SNYDER. Juf Ice of I lie roar Salcm, Snyder County Penn'a All Collfctious uol reinituucoi prtiuiptlv made. Kor.SI.'T If. jy.AC MEWER, , UST1CE OF THE PE. Wl nml enei'nl Collector . MiMlrburg, Hoy .'rr tyiinly, I'a. Pprrinl silriJinn lini.1 In eiilleril.nn nit kin. la. Itriiiillnnraa will t in a I pinmiiily fnr all onlleuiiuoa mit.lr. .Mar. Jl-I IMTr? tr. T H. WAGNKR, R-f.. JUrtTIOK OK THE PP.AC, .larkmi.i Town-hi(.SoyderCo. Pa., willaitrii'l in all hiuiuraa cnlritalrd In Ma care and on tbo moat rraaunaliU trruia, .Maron 1., 'Wll jykVIL S. SUOLLY, Jiirtioeol tho Ponce, ('iiiiJ7'uH'(i.sAiy, Uni'trr lh., I'a. Will aliriid in all hnainraa rnlrnalril In hia rara n tniat raannaliln Irrina. I'. O. adJrraa, Unud.trr, fnvti-rl'n , Pa M..r. I, XI. J H. UAUTMAN, ji' ri:R or tiik re ice. Ac Ji .ri.'n iH.'er, CBS l Ui: VILI.K, Hinder County, Pa. Ilnllartlnna and all hnainea partalnlna to Ika iirnraol.tuallra ul tho Haaeo will no .It. n.lad tr atahurt stlo A rJVJn gETU MITCHELL, Justice of tbe Ponce St Conveyancer, .Itrkaoit T'tWlialilp, -inril.r Conntr, fa. U'lllavtlmi. I!.mr,iraiiitiir. an.l all ullirrkn- aliina. tiartalulliit ti IN. nrhi-awill ri-rlvr -rrn,.- ait.otioii, Puatutfioaaddraaat Naw Hurllit, UiiImii eouiULfa. Aug. Ill, JoilN K."lIUaiIKS, EMI,.," JJUSTICE OF THK TKACE, Peon Tvrp., Snyder Co. P JAMES MIDDLESWARTH, Justice of the Peace & Conveyancer, Troxleville, Snyilor Co., Pa. Will attend promptly tn oil manner nl bntl oata partalnlne: lo taeotflre. Ilvllantlona ni ia, beetle, Arlloletko., wrlttao, tJol gl,1e-ll. yM. II. HARDING, JIHTICE OF THE lfc4CK tc Ctmveyancer, KHttUUNT. Hojrderoounly, Pa. Collorllona andal kualnaaa partalnlne la the un.'eof Ju-tlnaof ikeFeaee will baatuudedto alakurtoolloa. Apr. trie. (J A. WKTZIiL, Justice of the Peace, Ueavertoien, Suyder Co., Pa. All kinds ofoolUolloui made on liberal larmi. Promptly attend to all buaineae ialruatod to bio aaro. (Juno Z, '78tl ER B. MIDDLESWARTH, JUdTICU OF TUB PKACI ASO CONVEYANCER, Jtociure cuy.nnyaor co., Fa. nollaotlnai and all koalaeee oartalalaa la tko offlreol Juttlee ofiko Peaeo will lioatiandad to at (hurt notice. Jalf M.'Ull. O HORNBERQKR, '.lUSTlOE OF THE PEACE Perrv Towaaklp.HavdorUooatf, Pa. Uoltaetlona, Uuaroraaelas, and all ntkar baa aere per '.-lain to tko oAeo will be prompt! enJod to, O.Bee aaar Troulajeollle ISAAC 1SEAY lill, recoil Doutiat I Midjleburg. Snyder County, Pa. Orrms is FaASSkis sa vas Vsrov EvwrvtbliiK Iii lontrliifl; to Iba pro-fe-elndoao la tka Seal waaaar. A II work arraotad. Terme aaa-iarata. Ho will al atiowa) to knalaoe orerv two weoka at tiaatrarlllo. Trokeltllr. liaaaaw. 1 tvoa. Aaaejiaars aatf f Oltaarlll ' - iii i ice, 6c. .. On both Amur. Fmnlln on Danlri Pa. ., ... . ri.;.tiiii , nrcai.loa th aullra aqiiaio, ati.l "nrM'f lh rana alraat wall a 0 'I lovata.1 la lha alia i kaa pa. .r-ra-mr nl allmixlHra iaamaamukM vtiklo ona ai-tarr u( Ik, idawla uf Mm uh aud tl.Mb Avra.Mr.rarMp4kV.lt aara aad XIII or.rarta il.a Hroadvoy rara naarontanl . 4 arvaaalkl fnira all paru M lk rlij. Bourn is haarl. m r JaT. Mpvtlal retaa fur Caatllin ant a-taia-aaut (oaata. E. HASKELL, Aa. M.'M lt. I'aur-ainae, BOARDING HOUSE. rilllE Urvlrrrignrd wotttJ ravpcntfullj I. Lformlht Irarrlling publio. hnalora mrn, llaaaaa ond Jnrnra lo altrudanra al uar ikmria llial Ii kaa mada ampl" prnrai.Hia hr iiiramii l,ii.)ii aa-l will an loarr l, trrtaln hla palmna la nod atria at Ika nuut aaa.,Bakla r-iaa, ll.i.rdluf ll iuao s row duara MloflhaOcart ll-ua. ........ OAMRir.LBEVr.M. pr.ll '.S. I f. rroprlowr. WASHINGTON HOUSE! IMldllelui'ir, Xo f 0 H N LIMBER T, Proprietor. Tkoaknra popatar ll.x. I kaa koaa raSHad tod ral.irataba-l in tho kaat atria. Ita eattlr.i looatloa makaa It annTaolant for kdalnan nao i uaranna is atlodanaa al Ounrt and ail tbarawk.i.raoallal t i Ml.tdla'.ar Tkoia la alwaya aniullal with InatMat la tka raar at tha liar with (oo I llqj I ir and Ika lkla attamla.1 hf aararun kuttlara. TaruM ia xlarata April a, 1HTM, fKNTREVILI.K nOTEL, (Lata Mra. Waavar't.) Canlarrlla Hnydar Co., lo. PETKII HAKTMAN, fr.prloto , Till !nnatatillahait and wall knowa kalo larlnit '.aan purrakard I.) ;ha un.laraiud I. 'lolttotkarooltkopniillrpal rooairo. Vprll.M.n. " MAttTalAlf GUIHMOUNT HOl'SE. : - NK Ah THE DEPOT. MlDDLEliUIUI, PA., y.nWX VA. KIMIZ, Proprietor. . Tbli boiiaoit In uloaa prnximll lo lb tpo ond haa lnirly l.rrn rebuilt ond r. nod. Hnoma enmmoilioua . iLr ihlow upplial with lb hrii lbs inarkol kffordi -and lercui moderate. sprlif'Po. IHE NATIONAL HOTEL. JOHN B. FOCKI.KR. Prop'r. HHnr.jrrove, Pa. bia n.ifal la ntraant Watt d lo llir ",no,r, t Od I. a -ry.U.r.l.l-Bl.-.t,t,.,tr, ,.,' na aaarnf ai-romiomtailnna al low rala. I . r .a.i.pi.il(nir wIIIIm an- tocallaualD. Tka ratnflii)iiiir hi tlialiat " A tlralolaaa Kt-atauraiil lnnniirllnn w'lk Uallot.l. Aw.lo.'lo. - n in a a mm naa.i a waa a., .Icrchneits9 Hon sc. -11:1 aV -tin 'IITII Till Ktl STItEKT. I'll 11 A VA. HENRY SPAIIN, Pioi.'r. . 'V. ai'.ttiv, firrk .pr.l.'tV Pliilaticlf kin Cards. J. S. FARNSWOETH. wirtf I0NES,H0AR&Co. Iniporlei H ol Hoiscry, Note, VflitcGwis, EraHrcl flerics peots Fnrnlstlni Goois it No. All Mitrkct Str-nt. l'lilLADELPHH. r. It Innra, w. . sk.(l.r. t. H. Hoar. T. II. HalakttK I Mar. IJ'JI. W. L. VKilMl H:, WITH GRAY DILL Co.. WLiuMaato raiaea it VOOD AKD WILLOW WAB1 til Clotlie, Window Almdea. Ilrotmi. Mats ttruahoa Cotton Lv. "raiii Baga, t'.J Srle, Rmikele, Twinea, Wioka, ke. No. 4'JO V.rkel tftrcel, Pbiladi-lpkia Feb. 7, '07 T A CO I! 11. Rl l'(KL St CO., ' WHI.EHAI.K IIEAI.ERa IkT FOR (SIGN Si DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. rvo. o:i:i iivikot Ht. Ililliv(lolliln ln. WM. MANN. Ilauk Icck Maker Sta tioner, and Steain Power PRINTER, v nouinaio x. j retail ho 529 Market Street. PHILADELPHIA. Prouulneta. Ona I'riet 8elli9 Price Marked On Alt Goods In IS guret. . Apr. I8-"2. QW1D WILLIAMS, Mnaufaolarosof ft Wbolrikle Dealer U Cllt, Mahoeanr, Walnut aad Reieweed LOOKING GLASS Ploture ft Photographlo Framea Sea. 130 and 832 Arrk Street Pblladetpbla Pa. Frames Repaired la lbs boot raaaaor Aleo, Residing ia all its braaekss. 171 ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. IjOtUra of admlnlatratlaa aa Ika oetala of A I AM OAR MAN. deooarod, lata of Waakloaiua Two., Nordar euantf, l ens's., karlna baaa arantadlo tka andar.lyaad, all araoae kaoolna tkewaelaaa laabiad I. aald eataie era raquaatad to nakalwniadlata paj. meat, wklle tkoao karlnar alalaia will nraeaat tkeet dole aatbeailraied lor eettlemeat to . K1LUAN HAKOIMtt, ap,t,uoo, Adailatauator. tiiiq da em iap be fawn a n.a a, uva. r. hawararaa Auvamaian Baruw HO Sprnas .m. aira-. rIHYCr.! IHUia eouinMie i ka A ,oi ' Ooraraad aook oalr , i.9ii to tbt. UH(IAIef, tope, a aet Koaoe, I Knee Bwaiia, 8 loo I, . oalaaMes woHoli laf Nowepopor rroo. ri tone. liASil. f. itiil.ATlVrWe4AtM-aW Naaa. m-f VMmlm-J --iM ! t i l