vt .iwmui Y.(;!cburg1S6pt.3CI,JSE0. J. CSOUSE, Ed tof & Proprclor. rUK I'l'KHiir Mr a james a garfield, of Ohio. pus VlUB prksidi.fi r. Gi: I CHESTER A. AlirilUR, of New Yotk. t.WTOSAf I. Hilt. KJ l i it'iitoa I llMrf W 01vf. IMSTBHT BieCTOH. t II I. . - I. I 4 1 . - I I' - . c pmiui, i. rm-r, I to, '. II !, ft . I'l ft i iifil. d ..r, -unl, .(... i r -umd-l, - tl. r'r-, IH-M- C. MMi.re. , in .1 4, W. iNk-hiatif, 1 IT' .i. n. H-i'ii-. m il. I).. wtKuiuf . n .u. :.uW. W A !. !ai .1. I. Tr'iin, ,J.'N..i l H .i-,l, ui A. K. W. P-iim-r. ;4-T I..H. Mi-Ki'liiieu lg'iW.lie i I., l-'i'i. i) W. Il itinVfr, Uel'I'i W. tliitiileu III Jw.l Oi'JOK St'PHKMB COIJHr, t liliSCNK.ofXortli uooton Co ,-'! .M)IT(irrEVEH.l., I V I.IMO., offlair Ciutity. c:u.m ticket. K'lrl CO.MIHE.1S H.n. r t UTIO O. I MHER, ui 'I'lDling-loo. IK ASSEMBLY L. Nnl.ltH. of Mildlehurg. K M NTt HL'KVEYOH : '. HEN PC H, ufjickeon. tip lif in ni'uirli of iin office for vot iiigl'io Df-tnoctalia ticket or wishing it niss r To dsy everything in tho e lunlry that ran bo controMtd by psity fic tion is io as good condition ss it party management can make it. To the niwfM or the Kepneiican party we owe (lie stability of bosiness in stilus! -iik brought hunt by Uesnmp lion, th tiillii'iri'Cv to a wise rni1 ivimcnl'l'i t irif!, mul l'.i licit iip pn t of iIiuch iiimI t tin t. polii-y wl ili liim it.fi lidercd in moii,n min'l" a n rue of pi-m-e nnil (((iin ty, Tl ii in no iillw c)it m liecftimc t ri r.' ii'!iiil:M'ii'( in yt "Imp ir eti'l v oiif n mill I of lhi I rit t -r Kfn'p ;lc In I Willi lip Id lililiciil H mul l'fini ril for tho miiti'mii of l.li iiKaHitrcii Mlitch hnvn Imm of nidi woiiiKrfiil lii-iicfitH t'jtlie cnnutry. 1 1 cm ii I io tMiiully nK'crli'il, mul ttii liut'i of Hie iiHwrlinn in olivintii. Hint t-Tory fi'ntnriiof pnlir.t whicli linn provu.l mi In lm ficinl Lux licim oppoKUil ly tlie lU'im crnts witli e v cry iiinnn nl tboir cruniiintiil. nml Hint if they nre not comiuittuil to a rovcrta! of Unit policy which tliis streuuous opposition vonll imply, they lire, nt lwiHt, no tiontile to llmt pol'ry ) to ronder it imjiutoiy ami lu-lpli'MN, if they hhnnhl nucci'i-d' Still ful liir. The cviIn of wliirh lliu iMiiiuiry lin the moat reiixoii to ooiui'tpi me thoHu tho u:i i.to nuii'c anl cxtuimion of wiiioli r fur I n il fi'iiBtmefi of the Penioi'iiilie policy. no thill n vi:ilU whirli will oiiht I ho ftepithliciiti un I iimtul tint IViU'i- ( r lU will no-, only nn ml nlitt'n) no'l tliinr" Hint e Do enjoy, but iullk't upi n n llio eviln Li'b c have (lifHilinl nut wiinttl nikitmt for u li tlf retitnnry. Thin I ein the rnno, tilnit renon ran there bo f r a t'hunu 1 Kven 'f tbiit aa approximately, or tveu kiutln of FLANNEL SHIRTS ipii'o its goon nn tue preseni ie pnblit'it ii iiiluiinintrtition, wo woiihl bo exceedingly foolirh to rhniiKO for the Miku of t'hunce. Whuttht n rnn ho Miid of the folly which Hiih'CsU n clottine which cam not Imlp hi-iiiR iinioli lor tu i woi'4'i, mi I it-iiy be inliuitoly no T w M M 1 mMK li til t l III i.J h-. IIU b .11. rviii . t. Im-HI. .il t f w -. ! f.,.. i ri...li hi Sli.it wo hour uliout tbu liii n'towjr io Mnini i' bocoinm. The l!e ' if ."jtiUHjlviinii na tlioy 1 1 v l)nM,'i ilnckn l their : i-i.iy ire Htill pasnenjera '. !, r ciml b mt. ( i'oruc7Put Borry li- s'mrg Siitui-.liy niht III nokuoAle I ' that i-iiiioly wroDjf when tbey i i.-ulj the priuciploH of i i -y ntiil tboir prosout A now and elegant assortment of the Latest Styles CHEVIOT, CAS3IMER and all other hinds of 5uit3 A. D,LU ; ATTORNEY-AT-LA VT, Ukit tr lilt All tioMnt Mlrlil b prooif 11 (tJtJ Io, Pept, 80, 188. I Inltn plennure in nnnonncinr to ray patron and to tbe public goncrally Unit I hitve inut returned from the Enstorn Citiea with a very large and well aelecled stock of L T H 0 G for .1tD and Hoys, which io styles, quality ami price cannot bo excelled. Overcoats. Overcoats. For Men, Youths and Boys. Overconts as low ai $2.75. IWI) BZRCLO Til ING in immense variety, lower than anybody else can afford to sell tboav All HATS! hats. HATS I l mnke a peoinlfy, and am safe in enyinff Hint I bare tbe largest assort ment in tbu county. A full line of ObOVES of all grades. ii i for his oJii'ratultit- o .' .....I i iho tiuu (iruunbick w." o -t i 'ii ir-ito shows, nud rovivrm t...i ! Imi Hio Domucrats hud tri i ml l force him off tho tick cl o.ii ii-i v i'il l not comply with on 'i.. "Ii -i conditions Si .11 ii f : III I '! i i . J i . . c 1 r-i . -i i it...' : f . Wl , C.i : K- I t) of : . i'i ; v i. ;i ol o - miiie tbnn a mcro law of . i i.i bvtwuea over two t ; '. ! claims and tho nut i.ry. Klcct a I'ciuocrutic i.i vpo out this la v nud a I'miidont to si(u this 1 1 t.ton look out for tbe iiinnan m n pirsover c is ranking another tf it the si Ivor ilollars I 1 i n troasnry vinltn are ehanne' They Want A "Chanao." Taiirnany wonts a chntio. The lvulilux wnut a chauo. The fx-iebcln wnut a chungo. Tbe Kepudiators want a change. The V hile-Liiiers wnut a change. lonnis Kciiriiny wants uchnnge, lMiate Oarcelnii wiintt n change. The bouutyjiiiupers want a' change. The b illot box etulTers want a cbange. The (ibstrnciiouiHts in Congrees wu'it n chaniji. The men who fired on Fort Sum ter want it change. The incii who declined tho war a failure want a change, Tiay who woro tiuitors iu 1 fGl nil want a cbiingo. The frauds North, Kust, South and Wet-t wniit a change. The men who buve Southern claims waut a chnngo. The mi.-n who sot fire to tbe City Hull wai.td t change. Tho men who wunt to rob tho gov ernment want a change. The men who tried to stoal tbe State of J lino waut ft change. The lueu who committed tbe a trooities at Andersouville want a chnngo. The mon who want to pauperize iiui'iie m lueuiiauicd waut u TRUNKS AND VAL1CES of all liinds. UMBRELLAS, NECKTIES, and a full stock of furnisbing goods gi.nernlly. (culiemen, come along, give ns a call and you will be astonished at the low prices. Thnnking you for past favors ft continuation of tbe samo in resnectfuU ly solicited. S. OPPENHEIISIER, Sept. 2.1, 1SS0. Seliuogrove, Ta. io.v annouiiuoil tint 'jjtved by the sub- r II'- , ti I .4 i ii . II . i.. . r.iii i t ... in.. t ! II l O i Vtli Il I' i'l .' li - i . i r I i s i. '. . .. 1'he men wbo engaged iu ficht- ini tho rosiliUDtioii of soticie nav . Vm'uington in amounts iuouts want a change. multiples thereof j Tho men who nut tho ri 'btsnf thn r mlver coin or silvor . State ubove the lVlural govcrnuient wjih mi npean at , wunt a chanL'o. The phiudorers. blathotRkites and agitators who revol un. I thrive iu the prevalence of bad times, waut a change. l-Mit of tho Richmond i; reported Attoruey I. of Virginia, as saying i st H-iekiiigltam Court : 1 1 ttlli iimt.int that ''not . i'i'.i lm had been killed in in ; I vinh we bad killed : i," Mr. FifH has come -i . -fer iu which he admits 1 1 1 tu j rem irk, but juHti i'i ground that it was nt- You da not bear Rob Toombs say that bis letter was a fabrication the letter in which be said that the south would ruu tho machine if llan cock was elected, J oomha is Dot that sort of a man. lie always means what ho says, aud nays what he uieaus, us be did when be promis ed aoino tim to call tho roll of bis 'k i n ioii witii a coinotrii .. .1. . j. . . t I n mo auiiiuie oi icnornr !.... i-.,..i.. i.n li ... .. i c l : ijwimvii uuuaiii imi, ! b i' co l tH ' I I p Vitf l ! '' r ii if., 'i n I .. ; c I. I- I I' - iC till I. I since li'ustrative of the bitter's f i 1 1 the south, Mr. Field I iu Oitli.il l's Toludj ! last year tbo following .' 'I would clnxp bands mi wh i fou;bt against ns, ti my brethren and forgive only on one supreme ii ; That it be admitted iu , acknowledged in theory, ho fur which we fought Sam. what is the difference be tweon a culled mun and a niggor t Uib it up."' says 8aiu "Wei', 711 tell you. The culled man, you sue, votes for tbo party dat made him free uuj guv hiiu a vote, while the nigger links he'd better be slave ug mi ami into no vote, i nut ntn tli j diiroreuoe, Sam," The ubove ocourie i up town a tew days ago. Li'irintoirn Gtuttte. u red was, is, and for e. . H .i .iil bo right eternally I i it the cause fur which N.mbv, wh ) now signs himself II. .., 1 t !ll I ..I. . . .. ... t '"V i" i ;ui, mm, nuu iuibut mil uo, " i acillCUlor, SAVS Ol HullOOCtt was a '' " ' ' of treason an I wrong, trille more nv a m an than he is. V n l t n h acknowledged, ray baud! ' got opiuynns ouult', but be'i r grasp nuy rebel's baud i trot more ooinvuns tliau h hez nut WEIS, Selinsgrove, Pa., Is nt Now York and Philadelphia this week pin chasing bis Fall Stock. LOOK OUT FOR HAKQA1NS ! Goods will be CHE At' whou be comes Luck j.J O. DEITRICU, ATTORKCT-Ar.L4W. tfarkM SI., Minnffrwe. Pa. Atl fiMftwulodiit .niin rrrtiBtiM, utttflildt t. lMtMllt.lloBl la fcaoUtk ! 'Irmn lvb.H.10. I. B WUNDERLT, ATTONEY-AT'LAW. HiiMUbnrg, SnyiUr C ,P, rn w foiiaU-.l In Knullih iili, -ProMcatt Uln( tvr I'tnul'm-, Jn. U,'w. A Home ifM- Lte, ilj.lirbni (, Ptnn'm. Alt -rofwnln-il hii-m' Hrntt.l to bli Oir will roi'vlvn prnin- ntunlion. Ui'BiulUllsat la tDnllih ril Oirmin. Ik . Il,1. JACOB aiLBEUT, Attornov-At-Law, MIUKLtlirUO, l'.. A It In nirmM'l la bit cr will rot.! pramt ttmilloo Jul, W.'.n. P E. IJOWEK, AITORNEY-AT-LAW, Uiththhurff, Pa. P.Craaiaiilrr, n (0So la orRoa of 1. J : 3. SMITH, Physician a surjian, Frfmont, Snyikt Oonnly, Pa- f"r k't fmf-lnaal MirTlct In Ik ntll CfAi ea Mala (traat. JaaaU 'ta. JJR. J. O. WAGNER, fbf slcttto And larrtt, Offam M prAfMlimt Mrvleat to ill siiu-flu nf Admnkarf and vlrlnH,. A. iVXHf. pH. J. P. KANAWEL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. tnt ri-IMe. Jit,ler Co., Ir Dltara tit profasklonal ttrvieiri la llir pahlie. a-xmf Corner CO 36, 4 Broa: NEW YCKX. On both American A -firopeiin plan r rutin n vi"TH rw ' r mr wj nrw s,pfl Tor mm mi miff mprtwm ', , OH m-.r "f thn nt Iht tsixH Avttni t."M- H. R (MM nil U Mil. Ih Hri(1wtT ctinaOfiy-ptfti. 4 rl ffmi all purtM of thi fliijj; Rmmtt wl'ri prrdaj. spshfl.l ri lor ruiih-M Aaa. M.--.ly. Pao II. J. ECKKKltr, SURGEON DENTIST, KCKIIKHT'S HI.OOK, AViiMiroir, i'riin'a. aiKndfl to, BOARDING KOI) Prnfciilonat bailBMt pro-aptl. pR, I. (IUIER BAHDER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, having lncattd al MltlDI.EIUinO. PA., nlflca a (" itrn Wi nf lb t-tiurtboiise. In llraviir'a Itriek bullilinc., oltrn his pro ff"ionil frtlcf is th a publis. Ha M.tiki Eugllub anil Uarmsa ' Oel.17,'78. pEHCIVAL HERMANN, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Knittrrvillr, Sniilrr Co., Pa- OSm M, m ifMinil iwlmi la tbalttnS ol Kramrtllla al tlnlnltf. hit- '.'' rpilfi rmtrrnlfwait would fpeifnll Xformtha lrflllnf fnblla. biuia. mn. llniM and Jnfora In altli.rn ,1 nnt IMnru IhKl hm hs, m-li ami.ti. iirHPirsll.m lirlr ." d invWtl.ii! nail will fnf,ir.ir Iruln hit p.lrrnn In oh1 ,i,U ,t ih nial iW r!4M, IH.rllnt It A faw door ml ul Ih Ocurl 1Ijii.ii uABRicinetrrK. ff. tl TS. I y. PMfrlolol. WASHINGTON HOUSE ! Mldillt'burisr, l'n JOHN L I M R E It T, Proprietor. Cnirlioni mail. aa.l Oanniin. UoBiallallnii In FnrtUh Jan IS, 'Tn.if. M. L. SCHOCH, ATTORSEY-AT-LAW, Sew Hrriin, I'ninn Co. Pa. Prn'roinnal bniilnr, inlra,ll In bin ' will wilt! prompi altinlliHi. Jan x,1. QtIAiPLRICIL Attorney it Counsellor-At-Law, Qfflo fa Akv' Hullilln on loni Nortb of KaTarttN lluTau. nrllnniirovr. I'onn'n. OnllMllnni anil all other pro'Mlont bnnf- nM I, hoIIkIi-.I ana will ioalrrr.rnt and vrumpt aiuntloa. Apt.llTMr, Jr. CRO N MILLEfT ATTORNEY AT LAW. Miftlinbnrg, Ta., Offer til rroffislona srrvlc lolharuh lie. Collotlnn, and all olhrr prnfpimiomil buplnr ntrut.l to bli cara will rrnrWr prompt aiUdllon. fjno 3, 07lf PHYSICIAN AND, SURGEON Offrr Ma prnfrnalonal ar-rvmr lo lb cili- inof Ailsniaburf and vlomliy. Srpl, 73 T J. SMITH. ATTomrrr at law. MIDDLKIItrKi), UN YKHK HO., PA irrr bin PrnfMlonal Hrlc to th pabll uoaiuiiatmni la r.oanra ann uruian. F. J. 11 ZELLER, ATTORXEY-AT'LAW Jfifjtinbiirif, L'nion Count;, Pa All bu-lni-M untraKtad lo bin mr will well and fulilifully attendrd In. Will fir.-lie at th vrl emirU a Nnylur and .lilnln roiiutive. llan Im Oonrulta.l In lb ErniHrh nt Uermau lanKnaa Oct. 3i . 'TSUI TbtabnT rnnnlar llml ban bnrSMJ and rtrnrnlabsd In th bat nyl. IM n, litlo nttm II oanlnl for ka.lnoi men I won, in sit in.Un-i nl Ootirl and all otbrt wh ar o tll.l In MI4dllMr. Tn t til it alwaf, tiinnlil wltb inM,t In tb mar kft the liar with cnod llinnr aad tha liable aitemle.1 h etrafari koeUer. ferial aider ta April 4, ISTS, . , - DR A. M. SMITH, K. VAN BUJKIRK, -UROICAL MFrmNICAt DENTIST Helinsgrovr, Penn'a. CKNTREVILLE HOTEL, (Late Mr. WMrer',.) CcoterTll Snder Co., Pa. PETER HASTMAW, Proprlet , Tbla lonaeitalillMied eadwett knewa k.i. karlna bea pnrenaed ftba ondrilaad tn Holt a ibara ol tha pelill pal ronaa. riuh tiAiiiMAir April, I, ISTl. .hist ic s of the J'cace. A DAM SMITH, Justice of tUe Paace & C373yanccr RcaterSprt tirn, Snyder Co., Pa. All nmirlel bnXnep -taklni dpnillon h promptly attended tn. Uolleolloon and rnml ten. pronptlj mad. iSey 16 '.J. CIIARLKS HOWKH. ATTOllNEY AT LAW. Selinsgrove, Pn IfTera Ma prnfeMlnnnleerviee lo llio pub lia. 'oilcMnn ami all olhur profr iion hiiainei eulrunied lo hi oar wilt re cite prnmpl ailrnilnn. Oflme Iwo dnnr nulli of llie Normal Oobool. Jan 5, 'r J M.LINN, 'aTTOIINKT AT LAW. T.awlatmrg, Ta Oifnia bl prrfe,ional arrriora lo til iililio. Cullrotioua and all dhrr pro' franlnnal bnahirH' enirurlrd to hit oar will rccfivrpronipt attention. luge. He am t hoavy iu prouortiou to the party which norainutid biui. 1 find it thnuderin' bard work to sing a longmetre byuia to a short' metre toon. But I npose of he is ducted bo will Unrn sutbin about government tl ruitturs. Anyhow, me Kcutry may keyenes up.,n it mat tie win niiuz liov me to lean on to." s s oiiubiu, however a a 1" h ' t.t which no really loyal mil 'ill rofu-io to 8iilsrribe to wr.i iii iMnfiiMsiug that he si ill chor is i 1 1.' i, .ii in Lit beirt, but wiiic'i filial Fields to address his r 1 1 . '.co as follows: ''Uciiurul Oar M I i f in should be elected tho I'ro- I i . in - vou could never make the r ' ' I admission, beciuse wo of ii .;.ii i flight the war upon a cr ..... : ... . .. ri nv, 1....1 . oo. inence pa.,p)e wh., ftre pBZ8e j 0, to ho w io i i i ii . niei o ,ia oi ilb Biate, ami .. ... , . , I. i i .i,,,, i mb- in.,. Indiana will go, lose eijfht of tbe i i... ;..e.ewitli. That wo killed a 'act uo BUtt naturally a Republi g.. i .'i i y Yonkeos d iring the war, can state It elected Hendricks by i. i -h ;1 wo had killed tio as above two thousand majority, but -enough to bvo given ja istj ik gave a majority for Grant ti i.i v ii iory and our cause sueoess." , , A ".'. .iftmoaa BVi.the Read. of over twoutv Since 18- j. r a .ontio organ, remarks j ' on' voted onoo for a A.i.i. 'JenoroJ Fields is nnfortnn- Domooratia Presidential ticket, and nv H. hi pnblie speeches. He never that was in 1870, when times were u .. !.s m .uth without putting bis at their bnr.lost and there was a f. . .i h. to say." Ami yet the filing that aoy oh ioge would be an imii r. p pur.y uonaia Ol lua joy. iionrovnment. I' tha It..n,.Kl,n, n. carry Indiana nevt month tbey will only be recovering their own. aii oft hi toutu,aoa (roes into con ful- i''.k In never it id doubted. The Cambria county treasurer's office at Ebensbnrg, was broken in to on Monday night and $220 was puiloiced. Jncnb Balm or, who was committ ed to tbe Schuylkill connty jail on complaint of his wife, was found dead in bis evil from the ert'octs of a dose of ai'Bcnic. A Treutou paper makes the slateM ment that seventeen hundred sod eleven tramps crossed the river from that city to Alorrisville during the past year, the bridge fare being paid oy tue couniy, Democratic) orators continue to assert to Pennsylvania audiences that tbe Ueraooratio party is io favor of rrolection to cor industries, hut tbey do not refer to tho Ciuoinnati unuicy p. nyder. a young man of Allentswn, bad both legs cut off i Jfom ., ; by a train on the Lehigh Valley rail- Pl8Uono 1 ' P" l' road on Stturdiy utteruoon, and died shortly afterward. The anthracite collieries of Penn sylvania are to-duy tbe largest pro ducers of any coal mines in tbe worl. I, and they ottor tbo finest ex General JIaDowoII, in command on the Pacific coast, announces bis purpose to come all tha way to New xorlc. where bis civil reeidence is, to vote for Uartiold. This is tbo met al of a true soldier and Republican. ne win travel across the oootioent ample of eu.rgetio work that can bo ""Ti.T -..T' i, ,'i to vote and his ballot will be found. A cue year old boy of Mrs, Cng rill, of Patterson, Jnniata connty, was severely scald id by a can of but jelly bursting and its cou tents thrown over the child's Lead and face. "No shoulder strapped military educated men for high civil offices," was the cry of tha Democrats iu 18' G8, wbeu General Hsuoock's name was mentioned in eonnectioa with tbo rresidiiutiul oouiiuatwu. right for a man stinctsand duty. oast true to loyal in A grand parade was bad at Pbila delpbia on Saturday evening lost by tbe (isrlield aud Arthur Clobe of that city 3i 204 men were in line Uroad street brilliant from end to end and filled witb entbusisstio peo pie. James u. lilaine, made speeob. We never knew a man iodreVX fnlly worried about havintr told tha tiutb aa Bullzboover ) yTLTfAM II. SNYDER. J) tr of llie Prnr. Salem, Snyder County Penff All Collections and romitanccs promptly made. Hot.JI.'T tf. ISAAC BEAVER, J UST1GE OF THE PEACE and Qonevnl Collector . Miilillohiirc, HnyJrr Couniy, Pa. Pproial atlrnunn paid lo oollrcliona of II kin. N. Ueinillanoes will b load promptly for all oui'.aulioa lueJo. Mar. -1st iiji? ir. T H. WAOSER, Esq., -a JUSTICE OF THE IP.ACfi. Jarksoe Township, SoyderCo. Pa iVill atteoJ lo all buainasa entrusted lo hie eara and on tb ntnat reaennnble term. March I'i, 'IjSif A. W. POTTER, JJAVIDS. SHOLLY, Justice of the 1'once, L nivii'l uu nthiji, UnytUr Co., 'it, Will attend lo all buainena entrusted to hia oara on moat reasonable lerui. P. 0. address. Uundora, Pnyder (V, Pa, Mar. 4, '80. A IF. V AT I flolinsirroro. Fa . OTor llielr prolessional sertier lo Ih pnblie. All leant huslneaseiilr.islad to llieir tare will reoeiv rrompl allention. OlUce at hia home on Main Street. July. ih 'VI. lailOBL ALllMAS. HOB AC B AI.LfS S. ALLEMAN & SON. ATTORNEYS AT LA V. HelliiMjjrrovo, 1'n. All profeisinnal biieinesa and eotleolin, enlrusied lo their jar will ba promptly aliened lo. Can b onnsulied la Knsllsh or Oeruian. OlOoe, Mark'. Buuare. IL II. Orimm. Win. H. Dill O-11 1 MM & T3ITjT1. Attorneys & Councellors A I 'UA W, Oflice Near the Post Office. Frecbura;, I'enu'a. Contultation in both EnglUh and Osrmao Languafe. Ueo.t '72lf. ji Tif:r. or THE PEACE. Sr. "! n 'H-riii -. CHS I KBVILLK, Hnjiier County, Ta fiiillertlnn and all tiiulnuM nartalnlna to Iba olD 'a or.lnntlre ol tfca Paaoa will tie alt-n.ld le l.ln.rl noi!e Ap r Jn'T iK I'll MITCHELL, Justice of tho Peace h Conveynticer, J4(iiati Towu-hlp, Nuyilar Cowolj, r, ()illt'tloiisi. t!iuttyuoini(. w all other hn lt)ra itrt-luiiiR to th ot.rrttl ftr(w (irompt Atlutitiun. HMtoffloddreMi: Nw Hwrlln. UiiIod cuutiij, P. Aug. I. IA77 JOHN II. ARNOLD, A-ttonioy fit Inw, MLDDLEHUUO, PA Profeailonal buelnee tntrnated ts bis csre !:.' b promptly Handed lo. f Feb J THOMPSON BAKER, Attorniiy-at-Tjaw, LswlBburg, Union Co., Pa fjSTOan b consulted Ib lbs Em Uib an German lanrus)re. OFFICE Market 8ireet. oppotlt Wall, smiin uo s Btora s I'Jy WM.VAN GRZKIt,. ATTOBNBY AT LAW, Lewishurg Pa Offers bl pmfesslonal aorvioa to i pub llo. Collection end all other PiofiMaion al hiislnea entrusted to his ears will re eiv prompt atleoliot). g T. PARKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 8BLIN90R0VB, NY DEIl COUNTY, Pa dept. 15, 'o7tt A C. SIMPSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Selinsgrove. Pa. Jdeis bit profeaalonal aarvleat lo th pub .i. aii Duaiues auirusted la an ears ill bs promptly aUudd lo. fJan. 17, 67tl tAUDEL U. OttWIO, ATTORNEY-AT LAW, ItliailiiburaT. tVialoi Co.. I'll Otfio neii rt-Kir lo Tlarapb Prlntina; oisoe mjwv. v, iefi.,1. PUisicians, Sfo. DR J. Y. SHIN DEL 8URUEOM ANU I I. II. 11ARTMAN, FAIUMOUNT HOUSE, NEAR the nrpnT M1DDLEIWRO, PA., EMIAE I41Z, lrorletor. This bonsai lo olos nroilmllvlo the Jepoi. and bat lately been rehuilt and re. nit em. Konm commodious Iht labia well eupplieit with Iht bett lbs market aSordt and Itrmt modtrats. aprlif 'fo. rjnE NATIONAL HOTEL. JOHN D. FOCKLER, Prop'r. ttellnwgro-ve, Pa. Thl lintel I rl-eeantly loeele d le lb ",nnere,' end lee vrrydealreble plare for trUm lonlop the aasTof aeininimoileiloni al low retie. I'rr ..in. lopptn once will e eare to call egein. The het ofliunr In tbe lei mr k nralola KeaUaraarinconaerllonw'ib tbe lintel. Aur.U.'ia. lTSccllllllts, House, 41:1 aV urt NOUTfl THIRD 8TREET. PHIt'A PA, Terras'I SO per dny. HENRY SPAIIN. I'ropV. r.W.ttPAII!V. (Jerk Apr.l.'Tt. Philadelphia Cards. J. S. FARNSWORTH. WITH JONES, HOAR & Co. Importers ot Holier?, Jfatiiras, Vaitc Gocis, Bmlirol dcrics Gents Fomisbins Goods &c, No. GU Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. W. H. sillolhlerv T. U. Belebtel. T. U. fnnee, A. IV. Iir. IMar.lt '74. lOUN K. HUGHES. Esq.. .JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Penn Twp., Snyder Co. Pt JAMES MIDDLES WARTH, Justice of the Peaco & Conveyancer, Troxleville, Snyder Co., Pa. trtalnlna to tbaoffl Will attaad promptly to all manner ol bad Bees parte. n. na u taeoni''. ueedt. Arlkileili., written Oolleetlon male, (jaty ,T-li yM. II. UARDINO, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE JSC Conveyancer, FKKEMOMT. Snyder eouoty, ra Collwilloa end el bnalnee nertelnlna lo tha oSloeof Juntlne of the Peaea will be attended to at eburl notice. Apr. IJ'T Ci A. WETZEL, Justice of the -Peace. Rtavertown, Suyihr Co., Pa. All kind of oolleoiion made on liberal Itrmt. Promptly atttndt lo all business Intrusted to bis ears. (Just 20. '7811 M. 1. WAGlKEl.FJt;. wrni GRAYDILL a, Co., Wholsai.i DlAtltt 11 WOOD AND WILLOW WARS Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Ilroowvs, Mslf Hrushea Cotton Lapa, Urslu Bags, f'.f Nets, Buckets, Twines, Wieks, fto. No. 4'JO Varktt tftrtet, Phllailelphlt Feb. 7, 'B7 TAL'ODR. RIEOKLA CO., ' WHOLESALE UEAL.EBB 1ST FORRIQN & DOMESTIC DRY GOODS- IVo. 333 Market Ht. Lh II title! plilu, Vn, TER B. MIDDLESWARTH, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE ABO CONYEYANCER, McCIure City, Snyder Co., Fa. Collections and all bailne aartalnlna I tha otflee of J uitld f k Peace will be attended to al ehort aotle. July .'76tl. Cr UOKNBERQER, 'JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Prry Towa,htp,8nydr Uonnty, Pa. Oollaollons. Ooaeeyanclna. and all other baa ass perUlalnf le iba omea will k proatptly aJd to. Uiaae eeer rroutaaivllla WM. M A NIT. Blank Eook Maker Sta tioner, and Steam Power - PRIH TEE. esale Sc Ileta.il No 529 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. lromytnea. One Price Bell in Price Marked On All Good In fi puree. Apr. IS-S. QAV1D WILLIAMS, Manufacture of k WkeletaleDtaterlav Ollt, Habocany, Walaal and Roiewoo LOOKING GLAS9 F future ft Photographic) JTramet Koi. 830 and m Arcl Street Philad.lphla Pa. Frarott Repaired In lbs bttt aisnntP Alao, Kt(llding la all Its branobtt. 71 ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Iillar of admlalttratlaa tb aetata ef AUAMOAKUAN, daaaaiad, lata al Waehloaloa Twu.. Hnvder u.nlf. Penai. . karlnii beea treated lo tue aader.itaed, all paraons knowln; lhoitlet le.tebted la talil aeiaia ara requeued ta make laaaiediat pay meat, while thuM haelnc alalia wilt preeeaS lhaia daly taUntlcatd tor aettlement ta niu.ua nuinu, Sep. t, Uto, AdiauUeuawr. IS A A C EAYi:U, burgeon Dentist ! Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa. OvvHia ia VsABBua aaas aa Darov TIII3 PflFEtl twHS BwePArsa AovsavtMaa viraet;, ahr mte- Ba-aaso (t Strooa ne a eeutraeta ay a aiav as le ia kei7yc:.:l 111 A "AlaTl Slool, Cor aad Buek only i 11-PCTaiM 14, UU. OKOANStS lope, t t Beads, t Kaea S.ellf, Btnol, B l . oolydaat aVHoliley IV wipe per FT. Ay rwe. UAblUP.VKSATTy.WashlaBtaa.ef Offer s hU profattionaj ttrvloat itut of Middleur aad vioi !. a r 1 v I f lmliialA 111? PHYSICIAN, h'voryining Deionging wioe pro-i i.ui u tfji IILI.ll.k.... U. I i.oa ana in in a, aiaBaar, All wora ' l 3 , UlUUIeDUrSr. fs. wirraaled. Term, aiuderete. I Ur J ' . tTIV tatb alt sla ettend to bmlnasa atry two SSjiorils, ' -VlsT nlw I iii..nie .rueei.iiie, PW.TW. mm r ii i "Jr. . .. ' towa. AdaaMMtra aad PaAwalll . ' t SivZZS - II Naira I . !., I MA, 1 pp.aw; - I